#Albertini Anderson
The Albert City Historical Museum
The Albert City Historical Museum
The town of Albert City is famous for many things. It is famous for its beautiful Freedom Rock. For antique tractor collectors it is home of the Thieman tractor. For me though, besides the Albert City Thresherman show, it will always be famous for its amazing Albert City Historical Museum! Albert City’s Freedom Rock. Thieman tractor in the Albert City Historical Museum, Heritage…
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brasilsa · 5 years
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claudioparentela · 7 years
POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGEHosted by Visual AIDS at Gallery 524January 19-21, 2018Over 1,400 original postcard-sized artworks!
Postcards From the Edge offers a rare opportunity to acquire original, postcard-sized artwork from internationally renowned and emerging artists for only $85 each. Offered on a first-come, first-served basis, over 1400 works are exhibited anonymously, and the identity of the artist is revealed only after the work is purchased. With the playing field leveled, all participants can take home a piece by a famous artist, or one who's just making their debut in the art world. Nonetheless, collectors walk away with something beautiful, a piece of art they love! Postcards from the Edge 2017 raised over $94,000 to-date for the programs of VISUAL AIDS. There were 1,432 postcard-sized works on display by artists from around the world, and over a thousand people attended the event. Our gratitude goes out to all the participating artists and everyone who comes out to support Visual AIDS, enabling us to produce AIDS-focused contemporary art programs and provide supplies and assistance to artists living with HIV/AIDS, many who are unable to continue producing work without such support. January 19, 6-8PM - Preview PartyJanuary 20, 10AM-6PM - Benefit SaleJanuary 21, 12-4PM - Benefit Sale - Buy 2 get 1 FREE! PREVIEW PARTY Want to see all of the wonderful postcard artworks installed together before they start selling? Want to bid on great raffle prizes like the first pick of an artwork or one of the first few places in line on Saturday morning? There's only one way - attend the Postcards from the Edge 2018 Preview Party. VIP Tickets, $100 - purchase here! A VIP Ticket secures you access to the party beginning at 5pm, one hour before crowds arrive. There is free admission for those who submitted a postcard artwork, but all others must purchase a VIP Ticket in advance or at the door. BENEFIT SALE Saturday, January 20 from 10AM to 6PM Sunday, January 21 from 12PM to 4PM Sunday Special - Buy 2 artworks, Get 1 Free Postcard-sized artworks will sell for $85 each. Admission to the sale is free, with a suggested donation of $5 at the door. We are looking for some fabulous people - be a part of the Postcards from the Edge Team as a volunteer! We need your help to make this event a success! You can help out with installation on Thursday, January 18, at the Preview Party on January 19, at the Sale on January 20 and 21, or lend a hand all 4 days! To learn more and join us as a volunteer, email [email protected]. PARTICIPATING ARTISTS:Luciana Abait, David Abecassis, Keoni Abraham, Timothy Abraham, Alexander Ad, Sue Adams, Denise Adler, Miri Admoni, Joseluis Aguinaga, Farah Ajoodanifar, Michael Alago, Julie Albert, Bill Albertini, Norman Alcantara, Alan Alejo, Dominic Alleluia, Julie Allen, Mickey Aloisio, Cynthia Alvarez, Luis Alves, Bino Alves, Ron Amato, Kiley Ames, Blanka Amezkua, Aizat Amir, Paul Anagnostopoulos, Stan Anderson, Dianna Anderson, Dylan Anderson, Patrick Anderson-McQuoid, Giovanni Andrade, David Andree, Eric Andrew, Stephen Andrews, Adina Andrus, Tania Ansio, David Anthony, Polly Apfelbaum, Sally Apfelbaum, M. Apparition, Rosaire Appel, Ida Applebroog, Lisa Archigian, Karen Arm, John Arsenault, AIDS Art Alive North County, Sasha Arte, Jamie Ashman, Jenn Ashton, Liz Atlas, Fred Attenborough, Dotty Attie, Ermis Atzemoglov, Dominick Avellino, Javier Avila, Yinon Avior, John Azelvandre, azt, Aziz + Cucher, Francesca Azzara, Antoinette Babek, LaThoriel Badenhausen, Donald Baechler, Adam Baer, Felipe Baeza, Phil & Shaunna Bailey, Steven Baines, Duncan Baird, John Baldessari, Angela Barbalace, Gerard Barbot, Ken Barnett, Sadie Barnette, Brandin Baron, Michael Baroto, Emily Bartolone, Morgan Bassichis, Peggy Bates, Jordan Battey, Anthony Battiato, Nicholas Battis, James Battistelli, Jennifer Baumann, Alicia Bavnera, Allan Bealy, Jarrod Beck, Carrie Beckmann, Alan Belcher, John Belknap, Mina Bellavia, Susanna Beltrandi, Jean Benelli, Wayne Bennett, Elizabeth Bennett, Bridget Benson, Kathleen Benton, Noah Benus, Ezra Benus, Hannah Berger, Mari Berkley, Katherine Bernhardt, Michael Berube, Jeanne Betancourt, Tom Bianchi, G. Roland Biermann, Thomas Birer, Annaliese Bischoff, Briana Bishop, Rhona Bitner, Ana Black, Christa Ann Blackwood, Ross Bleckner, Tara Blosser, Kelly Boehmer, Chris Bogia, Jon Boles, Paul Bolter, William Bondar, Joan Bonetti, Megan Bongiovanni, Chakaia Booker, George Boorujy, Gregg Bordowitz, Ghislaine Boreel, Nina Bovasso, Bruce Boyce, Chevalier Daniel Boyer, Silvia Soares Boyer, Cara A. Boyle, Marcy Brafman, Roger Braimon, Theresa Brandolini Galvin, Nancy Brandon, Michelle Bratsafolis, Janet Braun-Reinitz, Natali S. Bravo-Barbee, Rachel Brent, Patricia Brent, Erie Brewster, Sadie Bridger, John Brill, Erika Brinzac, Shelley Brittingham, Angela Britzman, Alexandra Rutsch Brock, Anne Brody, Nancy Brooks Brody, Alex Brooke, Rodney Brown, Brice Brown, Jess Broze, Daniel Bruce, Richard Bruce, Mathias O. Bruce, Aaron Brumbelow, Cecile Brunswick, Gloria Brush, Robert Buckley, Tom Buhrman, Trine Bumiller, Milanka Bunard, Clay Burch, Emily Burns, Nancy Burson, Steve Butcher, Amber Butler, Alyson Butterfield, Ira Byelick, Noel Caban, Valentina Caicedo, Sabrina Caldona, Kate Caldwell, Jim Callahan, Kit Callahan, Benjamin Calvert III, Michael J. Cambre, Sherry Camhy, Sally Camp, Suzanne Caporael, Cathy Carey, Joel Carlson, Curtis Carman, Claude-Marie Caron, Lana Carter, Joseph Andrew "Jandy" A. Carvajal, Jan Castro, Kathleen Catanese, Fabrice Cazenave, Dawn Cerny, Geoff Chadsey, Carolyn Chaffee, Amy Chaiklin, Corinne Chaix, Rachel Chaldu, Efi Chalikopoulou, Lisa Chamberlin, Catherine Chambers, Michael Chandler, Victoria Chang, Andrew Chapin, Natasha Chapman, Anya Charikov-Mickleburgh, Michelle Charles, Marc Cheetham, Miriam Cheikin, Chin Tyng Chen, Ed Cheng, Regina Cherry, Marcy Chevali, Jen Choi, Dotti Cichon, Rob Clarke, Dawn Clements, Marion Cloaninger, Dermott Clowe, Tom Cocotos, Max Colby, Todd Colby, Lucille Colin, Liz Collins, Cindy Colon, Greg Colson, Peter Combe, J Compton, Mary Grace Concannon, Christine Connor, Brendon Connors, Molly Cook, Marcia Cooper, Pam Cooper, Jon Copley, Yee Corallo, Donna Corbani, Carlos Cordero, Marti Cormand, Bernat Cormand, Jim Cornwell, Alison Corrie, Anne Corrsin, Karl Cossio, Janine Costa, Joanna Cotler, Marianne Coughlin, Lucy Mink Covello, Stephen Cox, Emma Coyle, Peter Cramer, Fred Cray, Brian Crede, Erica Criss, Pal Csaba, Janos Cseh, Sammy Cucher, Janet Culbertson, Robert Culicover, Bill Cunningham, Vincent D'Arata, Nicholas D'Avella, Nicholas D'Vachio, Dennis Dahill, Steve Dalachinsky, Brana Dane, Moyra Davey, Robert Davis, Kate Coughlin Davis, Dennis Davis, Kara Davis, Damien Davis, Marietta Davis, Lorenzo De Los Angeles, Marianne Deangelis, Blase DeCelestino, Karen Decher, Elisa Decker, Abbey Dehnert, Fran Del Re, Beth DellaRocco, Daniel DeLoma, Claudia DeMonte, JJ Dentel, D Derek, Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani, Robert DeRosa, Richard Des Jardins, Jane Waggoner Deschner, Joan Desmond, Elizabeth Deszcz, Alexandria Christine Deters, Brian Dettmer, Eric Dever, Uday Dhar, Shari Diamond, Cathy Diamond, Jackie Diaz, Jocelyne Diaz, Gustavo Diaz, Joan Dickson, Petey Dietz, James Diffin, Purnell Diggs, Linda DiGusta, Lesley Dill, George Dinhaupt, Elle DioGuardi, Philippe Divine, Dennis Dizon, Jelena Djokic, Laura Dodson, Cirilo Domine, Danika Donatti, Jeannette Done-Lagemann, Nancy Doniger, Julia Donnaruma, Christopher Donnelly, Natalia Donofrio, Elissa Dorfman, Tim Doud, John Douglas, Kendall Downend, Kirsten Doyle, Michael Doyle, JD Dragan, Mary Lou Driscoll, Joshua Dru, Abby DuBow, Katharine Dufault, Angela Dufresne, Carolyn Dunn, Jess Durfee, Chad Durgan, Anne Dushanko Dober, Joan Dwyer, Jordan Eagles, Anne Edelstein, Melissa Eder, Ricky Edin, Tiffany Edwards, Wendy Edwards, Frank Egloff, Nicole Eisenman, Roberto Elcholm, Robyn Ellenbogen, Chris Ellis, Christopher Elmore, Michael Endy, Kiersten Engel, Alysa-Beth Engel, Dorothy Englander, Joy Episalla, Mitch Epstein, Patricia Erbelding, Azmi Mert Erdem, Robert Escalera, Ruben Esparza, Jessica Sommer Essex, Mark Evans, Emily Eveleth, Janice Everett, Alesia Exum, Anujan Ezhikode, Andy Fabo, Patricia Fabricant, James K. Fackrell, Caroline Falby, James Falciano, Ed Fanning, Emma Fanning, Alyssa Fanning, Nadine Faraj, Neil Farber, Amy Faris, Adriana Farmiga, Felicity Faulkner, Victoria Febrer, Nicholas Fedak II, Joao Felino, Dolores Feliz, Sejma Fere, Elise Ferguson, Mark Ferkul, Maria X. Fernandez, Alex Fialho, Celeste Fichter, Gabriela Figueroa, Hannah Fink, Courtney Fino, Jake Fischer, Travis Fischer, Rob Fish, Matthew Fisher, Louise Fishman, Christopher Flach, Lola Flash, Flechemuller, Michael Flomen, Lizzie Flood, Sonia Florentino, Marciano Florentino, Pamela Flynn, Robert Flynt, Howard Fonda, Laura Fong, Jean Foos, Williams Forrest, Eve Fowler, Ginny Fox, Francine Fox, Patti Fox, Maria Fragoudaki, David Fratkin, Benjamin Fredrickson, RA Friedman, Jerry Lee Frost, Melissa Frost, Mitsushige Fukushima, Pep Sales Gabarda, Nicholas Gaeke, Jeffrey Gagnon, Marie Gagnon, John Galang, Helen Galioto, Devon Gallegos, Diana Gandolfi, Rashid Gapur, Marcus Garcia, Julie Garfield, Joy Garnett, Kari Garon, Anna Gaurrat, Stan Gaz, Paul Leroy Gehres, Andrea Geller, Scott Gengelbach, Grace Gentile, Ellen George, Carl George, Mildred Grace German, Pamela Getso-Thormin, Cris Gianakos, B.A. Gibson, Balmet Gilles, Tracy Gilman + David Schleifer, Eric Ginsburg, Daniel Marcellus Givens, Judy Glantzman, Isabella Glaz, Rachel Glicksberg,, Luminita Gliga, Bonnie Gloris, Camilo Godoy, Monika Gohlke, Jo Going, Jerome Goldberg, Larry Goldblatt, Yaela Goldblatt, Margaret Golden, Kenneth Sean Golden, Sheila Golden, Michael Golden, Rory Golden, Ellen Goldin, Cyndy Goldman, Maria Elena Gonzalez, Rafael Gonzalez-Pedrero, JP Gonzalez-Torres, Theresa Gooby, Kathy Goodell, Tara Goodrich, Andil Gosine, Felix Gosse, Richard Grayson, Robert Greco, Joanne Greenbaum, Rodney Alan Greenblat, Joan Greenfield, Norma Greenwood, Lydia Grey, Peter Griffin, Linda Grom, Capucine Gros, Elizabeth Gross, David Gross, Caroline Grossman, Edgard Guanipa, Amir Guberstein, Magalie Guerin,, Adrian Guerra, Catherine Gund, Robin Guterson, Carlos Gutierrez-Solana, Jean-Marie Guyaux, Hans Haacke, Steven Haas, Ira Joel Haber, Theresa Hackett, Viktoria Hage, Matthew Hailey, Samara Halperin, Peter Halpert, Peter Hay Halpert,, Chris Hamilton, Morgan Hamilton, Paul Hammacott, Barbara Hammer, Jane Hammond, John Hampshire, Victoria Hanks, James Hanlon, John Hanning, Garry Hannon, Terence Hannum, Erik Hanson, Katherine Hanson, Kellie Hanson, Chadwick Hardaway, Leah Harper, IMH, Howard Harris, Michele Harris, Harris David Harris, Emily Harrison-Ach, Jesse Harrod, David A. Hart, David Hart, David Greg Harth, William Hartill, Edgar Hartley, Jennifer Hartz, Michael Harwood, Sumio Hashimoto, Jacob Hashimoto, Heide Hatry, Laura Hatry, Richard Hatter, Carmen Hay Kolodzey, Toru Hayashi, Karen Heagle, Brian Healey, Manfred Heinze, Michele Hemsoth, David Hendershot, Peter Hendrick, Geoffrey Hendricks, Maxine Henryson, Kyle Herbert, Ed Herman, Ironeli Hernandez, Luis Herrera, Barbara Hertel, Hannah Hiaasen, Tom Hill, Daniel Hill, Dawn Hill, Amy Hill, Donald Hillel, Bryan Hillstrom, Kevin Hinkle, Pamela Hird Klein, Dion Hitchings, Lydia Hixson, Jill Hochberg, Emily Hoerdemann, Laurence Hoffmann, Gillie Holme, Diane Holmes, Margaret Honda, Stephen Honicki, Greg Honser, Neil Ryder Hoos, Kate Hopper, William J. Hopper, James Horner, George Horner, Joel Hoyer, Alexa Hoyer, Pearl Hsiung, Keryn Huang, Sara Andrea Huckins, Eugene Huffman, Scott Hug, Kate Huh, David Humphrey, Scott Hunt, Richard Husson, Magnus Husum, Anna Hutchings, Daria Iaconi, Anthony Iacono, Perry Iannaconi Jr., Suzlee Ibrahim, Kiyoshi Ike, Mark Innerst, Liz Insogna, Susan Intner, Damian Iordanov, Stephani Isles, Minako Iwamura, Alfredo Jaar, Sandra Jackman, Jackson, Lory Jackson-Alcaro, Elisabeth Jacobsen, Andrea Jacobsen, Bill Jacobson, Jee Eun Jang, Matthew L. Jankowski, Debra Jenks, Bill Jensen, Eric Jeton, Tom Jezek, Gladys Jimenez, Geho Jo, Richard Jochum, Sharmar Johnson, Will Johnson, Don Joint, Sal Jones, Sophie Jones, Jeremy Jones, Heather Jones, Mary Jones,Jeffrey Jones, George Jones, Darrell Jones, Jonesy, Nathan Joseph, Svetlana Jovanovic, Heidi Jukes, Sarah Kane, Ellen Kantro, Heather Kapplow, Alexander Kargaltsev, Daniel Karlsson, Coco Karol, Catherine Karp, Elaine Karton, Elyse Kassa, Nina Katchadourian, Dorian Katz, Betsy Kaufman, Victoria Kaufmann, Eleni Kavadias, Dionisios Kavvadias, A.S. Kavvadias, Janusz Kawa, John Keasler, John Keasler, Noah Keegan, Holger Keifel, Margie Kelk, Allie Kelley, Shan Kelley, Philip Kelly, John Kelly, Peg Kelly, Donna Kelsh, Richard Kennedy, Claude Kent, Julie Kent, Brian Keogh, Leslie Kerby, Karen Kertesz-Sklar, Linda Kessler, Peter Ketchum, Neeta Khurana, Wilson Kidde, Yong Hee Kim, Katherine Kim, Loksan Kim, Rachelle King, Karima Klasen, Lucy Klebanow, Roberta Kleiman, Peggy Klineman, Ria Kmetova, Lucretia Knapp, Barbara Knight, Sally Ko, Sue Koch, Kacie Lyn Kocher, Wayne Koestenbaum, Tom Koken, Maria Kollaros, Iris Kollida, Jared Konopitski, Joel Koos, Ann Kopka, S.L. Korn, Kristan Kosmos, Lauren Kotkin, Nicole Kotsis, Gregory Kowalsky, Tzvetanka Koykova, James Kozlik, Joyce Kozloff, Aaron Krach, Line Kramer, Patricia Kranenberg, Jan Krasnan, Claudia Kreiss, Lisa Kreuziger, Aleksandrovska Kristina, Dg Krueger, Tosh Kujime, Carole Kunstadt, De Kwok, Carol-Marie Labozzetta, Stephen Lack, Georgia Lale, Louisa Lama-Aknin, Anna Lambert, Panos Lambrou, James Langford, Joseph LaPiana, Laura Lappi, James Lartin, Amy Laskin, Paul Laster, Louie Latorre, Evan Laurence, Joseph Laurro, Stefano Lavori, Louise Lawler, Richard Lawson-Body, Claudia Lazar, Cristina Lazar, Kang Seung Lee, Dennis Lee, Calvin Lee, Michael Lee, Scears Lee, Paul Lee, Alicia Leeke, Cary Leibowitz, Torie Leigh, Babirye Leilah, Jonathan Leiter, Ruth Leiva, Devlin Lemay, Sandra LeMonds, Mary Lempres, William Lenio, Eric K. Lerner, Nicolas Lesbros, Barbara Leven, Rebecca Levi, Ellen Levy, Siobhan Liddell, Blair Lieberman, Edward Lightner, Jane Lincol, , Brett Lindell, Karen Lindsay, Christopher Lineberry, John Linthurst, Stephen Lipman, Sandra Lippmann, Jackie Lipton, Dan Litzinger, Elizabeth Livingston, Vicente Llalia, Azusa Lloyd, Alexandra Loewe, Robert Longo, Cyriaco Lopes, Roxanne Lorch, Edward Love, Leslie Lowe, Victoria Lozano, Andre Lukin, Charles Lum, Noah Lyon, Giles Lyon, Crisinda Lyons, Ian Mack, David Macke, Keith Madd, , Kunihiko Maehara, Four Suits Magic, Brendan Mahoney, Joseph Maida, Katrin Makarets, Daivd Malamut, Francisco Malonzo, Joe Mama-Nitzberg, Pamela Manche Pearce, Katerina Mandari, Carol Mansfield, Saira Mansoor, Geary Marcello, Leilainia Marcus, Elise Margolis, Lisa Marie Ball, Norma Markley, Liz Marraffino, John Marron, Agostino Marte-Bautista, Virgil Marti, Paul Martin, Marie-Paule Marti, Chris Martin, David Martin, Greg Martinis, Benjamin Martins, John Masterson, Joan Mastropaolo, Frank Mastropaolo, Joan Mathison, Andrew Maydoney, Mayo, Lynne Mazza, Erin McAtee, CL McBeth-Collins, Alexandra McCagg, Maureen McCarran, Marlene McCarty, Mery Lynn McCorkle, Cathy McCullough, Leon McCutcheon, Joyce McDonald, Frank McDonough, Sarah McEneaney, J.J. Kegan McFadden, Tom McGill, Barbara McGivern, Tom McGlynn, Maya McGlynnm, Esther McGowan, Duncan McLaren, Doug McNamara, John McNamara, Andrew McPhail, Madelin McPhee, Shawn McQuate, Maureen McQuillan, Joelle McTigue, Gerald Mead,, Cameron Meade, David Meanix, Ken Mechler, Celene Mednick, Sara Meghdari, Julie Mehretu, Bobbi Meier, Nina Meledandri, Rafael Melendez, Margery Mellman, Judy Mensch, Chelsea Mentzinger, Ann Messner, Lucas Michael, Mark Michalik, Mikesbliss Mikesbliss, Anthony Mikkelson, Marina Miletic, Eileen Millan, Nestor Millan, Tracy Miller, Shanna Mille, Chris Minard, Lucia Maria Minervini, Mac Donnelly Minshall, Karney Minsky, Marilyn Minter, Mandic Miroslav, Luca Miscioscia, Gloria Mizutani, Chrisanna Moats, David Robert Modler, Dario Mohr, Jorge Luis Moncayo, Mark Montano, Philip Montello, Margaret Montgomery, Louise Montgomery, Chris Moody, Richard Morales, Rodrigo Moreira, Robert Morgan, Jeff Morin, Alexandra Morrill, Ana Maria Morris, Leo Morrissey, Arezoo Moseni, Rick Moss, Catherine Moss, Cynthia Mosser, Carlos Motta, Shana Moulton, Adrienne Moumin, Antonio Mousinho, Nicolette Moyer, Frank Mullaney, Regi Muller, Mark Mulroney, Portia, Munson, H., Marie Murphy, Ryan Sarah Murphy, Joanna Murphy, John Murray, Thea Murray, Karen Musgrave, Scotto Mycklebust, Nick Naber, Edie Nadelhaft, Cecilia Najera, Djavan Nascimento, Jordan Nassar, Irwin Nayman, Doris Neidl, James Nelson, Sara Nesbitt, John Newman, Leonie Newman, Martha Nilsson Edelheit, Adriana Nimani-Kutllovci, Milton Ninja, Chuck Nitzberg, Emily Nomer, Bryan Northup, Brian Numme, Dominic Nurre, Justin O'Brien, Michael X. O'Connor, Hunter O'Hanian, Morgan O'Hara, Robyn O'Neil, Christopher Oates, Karen Ocular, Ryotaro Ogawa, Hidir Ok, Katsura Okada, Yukako Okudaira, Midori Okuyama, David Olenick, Antonio Olivo, Masahito Ono, Catherine Opie, Sarah Oppenheimer, Peter Oquendo, Roberto Ordonez, Roberta Orlando, Roberta Orlando, Yemelin Ortega, Habby,, Osk, Yuko,, Otomo, Tyler Matthew Oyer, Paul P, Dr. P, Andre Pace, PD Packard, Arturo Padilla, Dovanna Pagowski, Marcy Paini, Oleg Pak, Brittany Palladino-Deslauriers, Deb Palmer, Kirk Daniel Palmer, Nancy Palubniak, Sachin Pannuri, Matthew Papa, Maddie Pappas, Timothy Paquette, John Thomas Paradiso, Claudio Parentela, Mary Pargas, Ian Jai Park, Christopher Parker, Uzi Parnes, Hubert Parrow Jr, , Ivor Parry, J Pasila, Joey Patrick t, Andrew Pawlan, Matthew Pawlowski, Marc Pelletier, Jennifer Penick, Sally Penn, Romaine Perin, Gilda Pervin, Timothy Peterson, Stacy Petty, Howard Pfeffer, Jamie Phan, Marc Phares, Diane Phares, Renee Phillips, Giorgia Piazza, Tony Piccione, Claudia Piehler, Liana Piehler, Pietrapiana, Cristian Pineda, Marilyn Place, Susan Plover, Sandria,, Hu Pogue, Linnette Vazquez Polanco, Jennifer Ponds, Paula Poole, Dawn Post, Cynthia Powell, Paula Praeger, James Preimesberger, Florina Prelvukaj, Mel Prest, Barbara Preston, Jennifer Prevatt, Diane Pribojan, Christopher Priore, Fitzgerald Providence, Ernesto Pujol, Stephen Pusey, Andrea Quaro, Ronnie Queenan, Jacqueline Sferra Rada, Mark Radionov, Bill Ragals, Paul Henry Ramirez, Karla Ramirez, Debra Ramsay, Carole Randall, Jessica Rankin, Robin Rankow, Michael Rasmussen, Jan Rattia, Johannes Rave, Valerie Razavi, Mike "Prospect" Reda, Rosemary Rednour, David Reed, Ubaid Rehman, Masami Reilly, David Reilly, Marlene Relles, Richard Renaldi, Jon Rendell, Erica Resnick, Kathy Rey, Basil Reyes, Greg Reynolds, Tenazas Reynolds, Pat Reynolds, Mirena Rhee, Renee Richett, John Richey, Ellen Ridenour, Karen Rieloff-Oteiza, Julia Edith Rigby, Helen Rivera, Bob Rivera, Alexander Robateau, Gina Lee Robbins, Jerry Robbins, L.J. Roberts, Dale Roberts, Marie Roberts, Elizabeth Roberts, Daniel Roberts, Sandy Lee Robertson, Julia Robertson, Dana Robinson, Jordan Robinson, Peter Robinson, Jr., Tim Roda, Carlos Rodal, Sur Rodney (Sur), Stephanie, Rodriguez, Kevin Rodriguez-Flores, Trevon Rogers, Cynthia Rojas, Mayya Rojkova, Alexis Romagnolo, Angel Roman, James Romberger, Dan Romer, Vanessa Rosado, Natalie Rosbottom, Randi Rose, Kay Rosen, Rob Hugh Rose, Jack Rosenberg, Barbara Rosenberg, Bonnie Rosenstock, Jeff Rosnel, Steve Ross, Melissa Roth, Sheilagh Roth, Alicia Rothman, Mary Rouncefield, Amy Routman, Patricia Ro, Dirk Rowntree, Keith Sabadowbottom, Willyum Rowe, Edward Rubin, Arline Rubin, Mike Rubio, Ralph Rucci, Allison Rufrano, Arlene Rush, Renee Russell, C.R. Russell, Anne Russinof, Barbara Ruys, Timothy Ryan, Veronica Ryan-Silverberg, Patrik Rytikangas, Fabrizio Sacchetti, Gabrielle Sacha, Dana Sachs, Eduardo Rice Sacress, Danne Sadler, Gisselle Sagastume, Cassandra Sahramm, Astha Saini, Kaeltin Saint-Victor, Franco Salas Jr., Nousha Salimi, Mark Saltz, Miguel Saludes, Shirley Salzman, Ginny Sampson, Jorge Sanchez, Ibrahim Sani, Mahlot Sansosa, Carmine Santaniello, Aaliyah Santiago, Jonathan Santlofer, Nelson Santos, Janet Sasaki, Danielle Savarese, Karen Savary, Katherine Savoia, Carol Savopoulos, Eleni Savopoulos, Sahar Al Sawaf, Roberto Scala, Roberto Scala, Carol Scavotto, Peter Schepper, James Schlechte, Annie Schlechter, Gary Schneider, Frederun Scholz, Mira Schor, James Schuiteman, Arlene Schulman, Larry Schulte, David Charles Schulze, Susan Schwalb, Jessica Schwartz, Laurie Schwartzer, Steve Schwarz, Aaron Sciandra, Greg Seagrave, Anson Seeno, Calvin Seibert, Colin Self, David Selters, Mary Shah, Ted Shan, Peri Sharpe, Donna Sharrett, Rebecca Shavulsky, Tim Shaw, Denise Shaw, Carolyn Sheehan, Jasmine Shell, Kate Shepherd, Rochelle Shicoff, Sebastian Shin, Shinjo, Silky Shoemaker, Ethan Shoshan, Gabriel Shuldiner, Elizabeth Shumate, Shungaboy, Rick Shupper, Joseph Sicari, Nathaniel A. Siegel, Robert Siegelman, Rebecca Siemering, Elena Mary Siff, Pacifico Silano, Toni Silber-Delerive, Patricia Silva, Aureo Silva, Adam Silverman, Regina Silvers, Toni Simarro, Ben Simon, Bob Simpson, Traci Sinclair, Vartika Singh, Siochi Siochi, Krystine Sipple, Kasia Skorynkiewicz, Clinton Sleeper, Mary Sleeper, Barbara Slitkin, Sebastian Slovin, Ben Smales, Alexis Smith, Ellen Smith, Amanda Smith, Kiki Smith, Chris Smith, Andrew John Smither, Jonathan David Smyth, Snappy, Pamela Sneed, Alec Snow, Mi Young Sohn, Antonio Solis, Reva-Jane Solomon, Thomas R., Somerville, Nikki Soppelsa, Javier Soriano, Mario Sostre, Tatiana Sougakova, Christopher Sousa, Maria Spector, Matti Kniva Spencer, George Spencer, Gary Speziale, Rachelle Spiegel, David Spiher, Michael St. John, Greg Stadler, Sophie Staerk, Janet Stafford, Andrea Stajan-Ferkul, Nectarios Stamatopoulos, Jonathan Stangroom, Christopher Stanton, Kelly Starbuck, Michael Stark, Karen Starrett, Chrysanne Stathacos, Alyssa Stearns, Barry Steely, Jim Steere, Afro Stefanakou, William Steiger, Geoffrey Stein, Dafna Steinberg, Matt Steirnagle, Stanley Stellar, Ann Steuernagel, Randall Stoltzfus, Bonnie Stone, Edward Stonehill, Christopher Stribley, Amelia Strickland, Anthony Stropoli, Lisa Studier, Lieh Sugai, Sunny Suits, Lisa Sullo, George Summers Jr., Evie Sutkowski, Mia Suyeoka, Taro Suzuki, Marc Swanson, Darren Swazo, Bob Szantyr, Ramona Szczerba, Stephan Szkotnicki, Twisted T, Luis Mario Tavales, Steed Taylor, T.E. Taylor, Mary Temple, Brad Terhune, Robin Tewes, Poramit Thantapalit, David Thomas, Karen Thomas, Devin Thomas, Evan Thomas, Christina Thomas, Dex Thompson, Terry Thompson, Jonathan Tichler, Susanne Tierney, Lynne Tillman, Poppy Tingyu Li, Orlando Tirado, Zdravko Toic, Ana Tomas Miralle, Julien Tomasello, Nancy Tompkins, Betty Tompkins, Therese Ton, Boris Torres, Hector Toscano, Hung Tran, Suzanne Treister, Scott Treleaven, Nia Trenosky, Lee Ann Tristiano, Kate True, Ed Tryon, Mari Tsang, Sophia Tsanos, Kuo Tsu, J. Tsui, Beverly Tu, Christine Tucci, Leslie Tucker, Lida Turner, Coleen Tyler, Demitria Ulino, Penelope Umbrico, Jennifer Utter, Nina Uy, Brian Uy, Rene, Valdez, Dr. Jaime Valencia, Renee Valenti, Jennifer Valentin, Chloe Valentine, Theresa Valla, Juliana Vallejo, Cedric Van Eenoo, Russell Van Peterson, Ria Vanden Eynde, Jeffrey VanDyke, Eduardo Vanzini, Maximo Vasquez, Zoe Vassiliov,Terry Vaughan, Nina Velazquez, Daniela Veneri, Michael Ventolo, Ariadni Vezyroglou, Stefano Villabona, John Paul Vincent, Marlene Vine, Kazaan Viveiros, Lisa Vogel, Adam Void, Sarah Vollmann, Adam Wade, John Waiblinger, William Waitzman, Michael Walden, Mary Walker, Sarah Walker, Dareece Walker, Alyssa Walker, Joy Walker, Kay WalkingStick, Gerry Wall , Sig Waller, Jina Wallwork, Jon Walter, Kim Wan, Chia-Ying Wang, Michael Wang, Michelle Warchol, Tom Warren, Bradley Warsh, Chris Waterman, Jack Waters, Adam Watkins, Michael Waugh, Patrick Web, Tenesh Webber, Ephraim Wechsler, William Wegman, Louise Weinberg, Lawrence Weiner, Dan Weiner, Yuko Weiner, Harvey Weiss, Barbara Weissberger, Charlie Welch, Adam Welker, William Welsh, Michelle Wen, Donna Westerma, Barbara Westermann, Frederick Weston, Ted Whisenhunt, Brendan White, Tony Whitfield, Lisa Wicka, Rebecca Wicker, Mandy Williams, Mark Williams, Pat Williams, Rita Wilmers, Martha Wilson, Wendy Wilson, Susan Wilson, Rick Wilson, Nicole Win, Trevor Winkfield, Edie Winograde, Justin Winslow, Connie Winssen, Pamela Winters, Paul Wirhun, Vicki Wojcik, Siu Wong-Camac, Kristine Woods, Kobina Wright, Jeffrey Cyphers Wright, Tamara Wyndham, Rob Wynne, Lynne Yamamoto, Carrie Yamaoka, Jiaxi Yang, Todd Yeager, Plamen Yordanov, Snejana Yordanova, Laurence Young, Sally Young, Penn Young, Pedro Zagitt, Nicholas Zann, Niccolomaria Zanzi, Gloria Zapata, Deborah Zavon, Tony Zaza, Jody Zellen, Erica Zern, Thomas Zhuang, Michael Zieff, Boris Ziu, Charlyn Zlotnik, Blake Zoephel, Melinda Zoephe, Maura Zukina Don't see your name on this list? Let us know! Call 212-627-9855. PFTE is one of our most important fundraisers of the year, and helps us to support all of our programs. THANK YOU - Your support as a contributing artist, a purchaser, or an attendee makes this event a success each year. We couldn't do it without you! We look forward to seeing you there!
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samanthamalay · 3 years
A.I.R. Gallery Annual Postcard Show
“Keep On Keepin’ On”  May 29 - June 27, 2021 A.I.R. Gallery 155 Plymouth Street   Brooklyn NY 11201 
A.I.R. Gallery is pleased to present “Keep On Keepin’ On,” the 2021 edition of its annual Postcard Show. Each year, hundreds of artists come together in support of A.I.R. by donating a postcard-sized work in any medium. Each original work is sold for $45 and all proceeds go to benefit A.I.R. Gallery programs.
Participating Artists: Margery Albertini, Carmen Alvarez-Tostado, Joann Amitrano, Anna Elise Anderson, Rebecca Arp, Leslie Atkins, Kirsten Ator, Silvia Aviles, Ayako Bando, Miguel Barros, Jay Bell, Stephanie Bernheim, Taylor Bluestine, Alison Borrero, Chandler Borrero, Daniel C. Boyer, Sílvia Soares Boyer, Diane Brawarsky, Susan Brearey, Milanka Bunard, Jess Burnette, Ingrid Butterer, Jenny LaMacchia Campbell, Sofia Carm, Sunny Chapman, Catherine Chen, Irene Christensen, Sarah Clough, Greg Colburn, Frances Colors, Lisa Cooperman, Loren Dann, Jolanda de Ridder, Joelle Dietrick, Kathleen Dobrowsky, Daria Dorosh, Yvette Drury Dubinsky, Kathleen Dunn, Patricia Erbelding, Fadl Fakhouri, Milicent Fambrough, Faranú, Sepideh Farzam, Seth Feriano, Fern & Reed, Iuliana Foghis, Cindy Franz, Karl Frey, Luiza Furtado de Mendonça, Colleen Sweeney Gahrmann, Leah Gallant, Flora Georgiou, Fiorentina Giannotta, Maïlys Girodon, Makoto Goda, Page Hall, Valerie Hallier, Martha Harrell, Amara Hartman, Maxine Henryson, Miranda Hernandez, Jacqueline Herranz Brooks, Sue Hettmansperger, Sabetty Heyaime, Leslie Hickey, Miho Hiranouchi, Etian Huang, Shanye Huang, Maya Inamura, Damian Iordanov, Carmen Isasi, Cathe Janke, Cindy Jian, Toni Jo Coppa, Eliza Jouin, Julia Justo, Shirley Arnold Kern, Susanne Kessler, Bonam Kim, Justin N. Kim, Valerie Kirk, Karen L. Kirshner, Suzy Kopf, Catherine Kunkemueller, Carole Kunstadt, Cali Kurlan, Orlando Lacro, Angela M. LaMonte, Katerina Lanfranco, Zini Lardieri, Gudrun Latten, Cathy Leavitt, Brianna Lee Wilson, Lilia Levin, Debbie YJ Lin, Scarlett Lingwood, Kanta Lippart, Gabriela López Dena, Gina Marie Lucia, Samantha Malay, Roxi Marsen, Anne Meerpohl, Kelly So Jung Min, Elliott Morelli, Indira Martina Morre, Nadine, Marcia Neblett, Randi Nussbaum, Andre Pace, Amber Paris, Barbara A. Penn, Rocky Pincus, Judith Pratt, Jeannie Rhyu, Maryann J. Riker, Nancy Robinson, Maya Rodriguez, Tyler Ruan, Burley Rudacille, Lyza Sahertian, Maria San Filippo, Ann Schaumburger, Sue Schoot, Parisa Shabani, SMdLC, Karen A. Smith, Kelly Snyder, Jung Eun Song, Anne Spurgeon, Kathleen Stank, Nancy Storrow, Crit Streed, Katharina Stumm, Amy Swartele, Gayle Tanaka, Sarah May Taylor, Rafaelina Tineo, John Tomlinson, Antoine Touze, Suki Valentine, Winnie van der Rijn, Rob van Erve, Monica Velez, Margaret Rose Vendryes, Elizabeth Verhagen, Angelina Voskopoulou, Adela Wagner, Mel Watkin, Heather Weathers, Ruth Wolf, Andersen Woof, Debra Wright, Suyi Xu, Plamen Yordanov, Snejana Yordanova.
For more information, click here.
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piranot · 4 years
14 pessoas falecem em Piracicaba e região; confira a necrologia desta sexta (24/07/20)
Antonia Apparecida Fornazzari Albertini Faleceu anteontem, nesta cidade, contava 82 anos, filha dos finados Sr. Antonio Fornazzari Sobrinho e da Sra. Adélia Savogin Fornazzari, era viúva do Sr. Luiz de Jesus Albertini, deixa os filhos: Luiz Carlos Albertini, casado com a Sra. Jamile e Silvana Albertini. Deixa netos, bisnetos, demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento foi realizado ontem, tendo saído o féretro às 10h00 do Velório da Saudade, sala 07, para o Cemitério da Saudade em jazigo da família.
Sebastião Sanches Faleceu ontem, nesta cidade, contava 73 anos, filho dos finados Sr. Pedro Sanches e da Sra. Maria Jordão Sanches, era viúvo da Sra. Maria Elena Bortoloti Sanches, deixa os filhos: José Ariovaldo Sanches, casado com a Sra. Adriana Aparecida do Prado; Rodrigo Fernando Sanches, casado com a Sra. Kellen Cristiane Moraes e Lilian Roberta Sanches. Deixa netos, demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento foi realizado ontem às 09h30 no Cemitério da Vila Rezende em jazigo da família.
Leny Claudino Gomes Faleceu ontem, nesta cidade, contava 80 anos, filha dos finados Sr. Antonio Claudino e da Sra. Izabel Woltezenhogel Claudino, era viúva do Sr. Carlos Gomes, deixa os filhos: Elcinidei de Jesus Gomes, casada com o Sr. Edir Medeiros Silva; Maria José Gomes, viúva do Sr. Epaminondas César Gomes; Daniel Claudino Gomes, casado com a Sra Cristiane Gomes e Aparecido de Jesus Gomes, já falecido, deixando viúva a Sra. Maildes Aparecida Gomes. Deixa netos, bisnetos, demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento foi realizado ontem às 13h00 no Cemitério Municipal da Saudade, em jazigo da família.
Francisco Redoval Gobo Faleceu ontem, nesta cidade, contava 85 anos, filho dos finados Sr. Atilio Gobo e da Sra. Maria Zanata, era casado com a Sra. Myrtis Fernandes Gobo, deixa as filhas: Rosemeire Maria Gobo Bergamasco, casada com o Sr. Severino Jose Bergamasco; Eliete Ap. Gobo Botigelli, casada com o Sr. Edson Botigelli e Ana Claudia Gobo Sibim, casada com o Sr. Ederado Cibim. Deixa netos, bisnetos, demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento foi realizado ontem, tendo saído o féretro às 15h00 do Velório da Saudade, sala “03” para o Cemitério Municipal da Saudade, em jazigo da família.
Manoel Correr Faleceu ontem, nesta cidade, contava 81 anos, filho dos finados Sr. Francisco Correr e da Sra. Maria Christofoletti Correr, era casado com a Sra. Eva Izabel da Cunha Correr, deixa os filhos: Antonio Robison Correr; Lazaro Francisco Correr, casado com a Sra. Silvia Regina Teles de Freitas Correr; Liliane Patrícia Correr, já falecida; Andreia Cristina Correr, já falecida; Flavio Edilson Correr, já falecido deixando viúva a Sra. Eliana Pereira Correr e Jose Claudemir Correr, já falecido. Deixa netos, demais parentes e amigos. Sua Cerimônia de Cremação será realizada hoje, saindo o féretro às 10h00 do Velório da Saudade, sala “04” para o Crematório Unidas de Piracicaba – SP.
Armando Carlos Machado dos Santos Faleceu ontem, nesta cidade, contava 86 anos, filho dos finados Sr. Armando Marks dos Santos e da Sra. Dalmacia Machado dos Santos, era casado com a Sra. Margarida Maria Molina dos Santos, deixa os filhos: Maria Alice Molina Santos; Claudia Molina Santos e Gustavo Molina Santos, casado com a Sra. Luciana Caixeta Bertelli Santos. Deixa netos, demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento será realizado hoje, saindo o féretro às 13h00 do Velório Municipal de Limeira – SP, para o Cemitério Saudade de Limeira – SP, em jazigo da família.
Jose Mauricio de Andrade Faleceu ontem, nesta cidade, contava 71 anos, filho dos finados Sr. Alfredo Mauricio de Andrade e da Sra. Emilia Antonia Reichert de Andrade, deixa irmãos, cunhados, sobrinhos, demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento será realizado hoje, saindo o féretro às 10h30 do Velório do Cemitério de Charqueada – SP, para a referida necrópole em jazigo da família.
SANDRO COSTA Faleceu anteontem na cidade de Piracicaba, aos 50 anos de idade e era casado com a Sra. Mirian Cristina de Camargo Costa. Era filho do Sr. Domingos das Neves Costa,  falecido e da Sra. Maria Aparecida Togni Costa. Deixou os filhos: Gustavo de Camargo Costa e Fernanda de Camargo Costa. O seu sepultamento deu-se ontem às 10:30 hs, saindo a urna mortuária do Velório Municipal da Vila Rezende – Sala 02, para a referida necrópole, onde foi inumado em jazigo da família.
SALVADOR ALVES MOREIRA Faleceu ontem na cidade de Rio das Pedras, aos 70 anos de idade e era casado com a Sra. Maria Helena Stabili Moreira. Era filho do Sr. Gerson Moreira da Silva e da Sra. Gerolina Moreira da Silva, ambos falecidos. Deixou os filhos: Edvaldo Alves Moreira casado com Adriana Ap. Ipolito Moreira, Luzinete Alves Moreira casada com Vergílio Ap. Alves, Edneia Alves Moreira casada com Paulo Rogerio de Lara, Antônio Sergio Alves Moreira e Juliana Stabili Moreira Pequeno casada com Aldemir Pequeno Silva. Deixa também netos e bisnetos. O seu sepultamento deu-se ontem às 16:00 hs, saindo a urna mortuária do Velório Municipal de Rio das Pedras, seguindo para o Cemitério Parque da Paz naquela localidade, onde foi inumado em jazigo da família.
ERMELINDA DE CAMARGO FRANCO Faleceu ontem na cidade de Piracicaba, aos 83 anos de idade e era viúva do Sr. João Franco. Era filha do Sr. Octavio Innocencio de Camargo e da Sra. Isabel Pessato, ambos falecidos. Deixa os filhos: Maria Aparecida de Camargo Franco viúva de Jose Antônio Barbosa, Cristovão Antônio de Camargo Franco casado com Maria de Fatima F. de Jesus, Isabel Cristina Franco de Medeiros casada com Paulo Cesar de Medeiros, Eder João de Camargo Franco, falecido. Magali de Camargo Franco viúva de Rogério Emilio da Silva, José Douglas de Camargo Franco casado com Eliana Santana dos Santos e Daniela de Camargo Franco. Deixa também netos e bisnetos. O seu sepultamento deu-se ontem ás 17:00 hs, saindo a urna mortuária do Velório da Saudade – Sala 08, para o Cemitério da Saudade, onde foi inumada em jazigo da família.
SUELI PETROSCKI ASCENCIO Faleceu ontem na cidade de Piracicaba aos 67 anos de idade e era viúva do Sr. Edeno Jose Ascencio. Era filha do Sr. Orivalino Petroscki e da Sra. Naida Tellini Petroscki, falecidos. Deixou os filhos: Orion Alexandre Ascencio casado com Erica Belucci e Edrei Augusto Ascencio casado com Lucimara Zanatto. Deixa também netos. O seu sepultamento deu-se ontem às 15:00 hs, saindo a urna mortuária do Velório “C” do Cemitério Parque da Ressurreição, para a referida necrópole, onde foi inumada em jazigo da família.
REGINA SCHMITT DOS SANTOS Faleceu anteontem na cidade de Piracicaba, aos 54 anos de idade e era filha do Sr. Erasmo Vendelino Schmitt e da Sra. Maria Iracema Schmitt, falecidos. Deixa as filhas: Michelly Sabrina dos Santos Souza, Amanda Cristina dos Santos e Mayara Regina dos Santos. Deixa também netos. O seu sepultamento deu-se ontem às 10:00 hs no Cemitério Municipal da Vila Rezende, onde foi inumada em jazigo da família.
OTTILIA MARIA DE ARAUJO Faleceu anteontem na cidade de Piracicaba, aos 86 anos de idade e era casada com o Sr. João de Araújo. Era filha do Sr. Alfredo Ferreira Paes e da Sra. Brasiliana Maria, falecidos. Deixa os filhos: Alda da Penha Araújo de Camargo, Alfredo de Araújo, falecido, Clarice de Araújo Miranda, Fernandes de Araújo, Ivone de Araújo e Matilde de Araújo Lara. Deixa demais parentes e amigos. O seu sepultamento deu-se anteontem às 17:00 hs no Cemitério Parque da Ressurreição onde foi inumada em jazigo da família.
JESUINO BARBOSA DE MORAIS Faleceu ontem na cidade de São Pedro, aos 79 anos de idade e era filho do Sr. Júlio Barbosa de Morais e da Sra. Otília Maria da Conceição, falecidos. Deixa os filhos: Ademir, Edson, Anderson, Fatima e Andreson. O seu sepultamento deu-se ontem às 14:00 hs saindo a urna mortuária do Velório Municipal de São Pedro seguindo para o Cemitério Municipal naquela localidade, onde foi inumado em jazigo da família.
O post 14 pessoas falecem em Piracicaba e região; confira a necrologia desta sexta (24/07/20) apareceu primeiro em PIRANOT.
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jbergren · 5 years
The Furrow - Reel (2018) from The Furrow on Vimeo.
Here's some of our favorite work over the past couple of years.
Shout out to all the amazing people we have had the pleasure of working for and with over these past years.
Here's a list of some of the collaborators we've had the pleasure of working with over the years. If we missed anyone let us know!
Adam Plouff Adelina Lirius Ahmet İLTAS Alexander Mostov Allen Laseter Ambrose Yu Andrew Vucko Bee Grandinetti Chris Anderson Chris Guyot Ciara Ní Dhuinn Colin Hesterly CypherAudio David Pocull DJ Ferro Dominic Flask Erica Gorochow Fernanda Ribeiro Genis Rigol Alzola Handel Eugene Henrique Barone Ian Pinder Jeff Sheldon Jeremy Vessey Jerry Liu Jessica Strelioff Jimmy Simpson Jonas Foss Elsgaard Jordan Lyle Jorge R. Canedo E. Josh Watkins Justin Lawes Justyna Stasik Lars Lundberg Leonardo Zem Gadotti Listen Design Studio Liz Nugent Marco de Vecchi Mark Conlan Meg Robichaud Nick Slater Norm Oliver Sin Pedro Piccinini Rafael Varona REMADE Riccardo Albertini Rocky Roark Romain Loubersanes Seth Eckert Sono Sanctus Stephanie Stromenger Tim Pachuau Timo Kuilder Timothy J. Reynolds Tracy Tran Vic Bell Whitney Lam Yuki Yamada
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laplaylistes · 5 years
Tráiler de 'Limetown': Jessica Biel investiga una desaparición en la nueva serie de Facebook
Tráiler de 'Limetown': Jessica Biel investiga una desaparición en la nueva serie de Facebook
Haz click aquí para consultar este artículo en Espinof.
Con su estreno programado para el 16 de octubre en Facebook Watch, la red social metida a productora ha lanzado el tráiler de ‘Limetown’. Adaptación que está escrita por  Zack Akers y Skip Bronkie, los responsables del podcast original.
Jessica Biel (‘The Sinner‘), encarna a Lia Haddock, locutora y reportera de la American Public Radio que empieza una investigación sobre la misteriosa desaparición 300 habitantes de una comunidad científica en Tennessee.
En Espinof
Quentin Tarantino y Paul Thomas Anderson nos sumergen en ‘Érase una vez en… Hollywood’ con un podcast imprescindible para cinéfilos
Stanley Tucci, Marlee Matlin, Kelly Jenrette, John Beasley, Sherri Saum, Omar Elba, Louis Ferriera y Janet Kidder acompañan a Biel en el reparto de una serie que, así a ojo, parece mezclar el podcasting de género true crime (la protagonista bien podría ser la Sarah Koenig de ‘Serial’) con el misterio paranormal o, al menos, conspiranoico.
Con el nuevo auge del podcasting, no son pocas las adaptaciones que estamos viendo de estos programas nativos de Internet. Así sin mucho pensarlo se me ocurren ejemplos como ‘Homecoming‘ (cuya segunda temporada está en preparación) o ‘Lore’, la antología de terror recientemente cancelada por Amazon.
También te recomendamos
Tráiler de ‘Frontera verde’: la nueva serie colombiana de Netflix nos sumerge en los inquietantes misterios del Amazonas
‘Kidding’ lanza el tráiler de su temporada 2: Carrey, Gondry y un montón de marionetas en la serie más excéntrica del momento
El tráiler final de la temporada 2 de ‘MINDHUNTER’ promete un intenso regreso de la serie de David Fincher para Netflix
– La noticia Tráiler de ‘Limetown’: Jessica Biel investiga una desaparición en la nueva serie de Facebook fue publicada originalmente en Espinof por Albertini .
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krdesign · 6 years
The Furrow - Reel (2018) from The Furrow on Vimeo.
Here's some of our favorite work over the past couple of years.
Shout out to all the amazing people we have had the pleasure of working for and with over these past years.
Here's a list of some of the collaborators we've had the pleasure of working with over the years. If we missed anyone let us know!
Adam Plouff Adelina Lirius Ahmet İLTAS Alexander Mostov Allen Laseter Ambrose Yu Andrew Vucko Bee Grandinetti Chris Anderson Chris Guyot Ciara Ní Dhuinn Colin Hesterly CypherAudio David Pocull DJ Ferro Dominic Flask Erica Gorochow Fernanda Ribeiro Genis Rigol Alzola Handel Eugene Henrique Barone Ian Pinder Jeff Sheldon Jeremy Vessey Jerry Liu Jessica Strelioff Jimmy Simpson Jonas Foss Elsgaard Jordan Lyle Jorge R. Canedo E. Josh Watkins Justin Lawes Justyna Stasik Lars Lundberg Leonardo Zem Gadotti Listen Design Studio Liz Nugent Marco de Vecchi Mark Conlan Meg Robichaud Nick Slater Norm Oliver Sin Pedro Piccinini Rafael Varona REMADE Riccardo Albertini Rocky Roark Romain Loubersanes Seth Eckert Sono Sanctus Stephanie Stromenger Tim Pachuau Timo Kuilder Timothy J. Reynolds Tracy Tran Vic Bell Whitney Lam Yuki Yamada
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lembastour · 6 years
Grüsse aus Wien
Když máte volný den a nevíte coby, vyrazte třeba do Vídně! Hana se tam vypravila a vrátila se moc spoko.
(English Friendly)
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Naskočte na ranní vlak, prospěte se, posnídejte v jídelním voze a až vás vlak vyplivne ve Vídni, zamiřte procházkou do centra. Třeba k oblíbenému tržišti Naschmarkt do Café Drechsler a dejte si svou první vídeňskou kávu melange. Pokud jste snídani ve vlaku přeskočili, protože Vás vzhled jídelního vozu úplně neinspiroval, tak se ani nemusíte pokoušet odolat snídaním, které na velkých tácech číšníci roznášejí ostatním hostům kavárny -  vejce benedikt, vejce do skla nebo čerstvé houstičky s šunkou a máslem? Stojí to za to. Malá rada – nenechte se rozhodit, pokud je číšník trochu grumpy nebo má své tempo. Je to tak trochu součást koloritu vídeňských kaváren. Prostě jako doma!
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Když se budete cítit dostatečně posilněni dopoledním občerstvením a máte rádi umčo, navštivte jednu z mnoha vídeňských galerií. Vypravte se třeba do Kunsthistorisches Museum, kde právě probíhá jistě skvělá výstava Wese Andersona, nebo do Albertiny na Moneta. Pokud vás zajímá design, tak lze doporučit Muzeum užitého umění MAK, za moderním uměním vyrazte do Muzea současného umění mumok. Já jsem se vypravila do Kunsthistorisches Museum a protože moc ráda testuju muzejní jídelny, tak jsem tam v rámci přestávky rovnou poobědvala v místní très chic restauraci. V galerii lze snadno strávit i pár hodin, takže pokud poté potřebujete provětrat, vydejte se na procházku městem. Po Vídni se moc dobře chodí a taky jezdí na kole (nebojte se vyzkoušet tamní síť Citybike a prozkoumat i jiné vídeňsk�� čtvrti než je centrum, pokud třeba nejste ve Vídni poprvé nebo vás centrum neláká).
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Mě ale centrum lákalo z jednoho konkrétního důvodu. Nebyl to obligátní Sachertorte, byl to obložený chlebíček. Vždy, když jsem ve Vídni, tak nemůžu nenavštívit vyhlášené lahůdkářství Trzesniewski na adrese Dorotheergasse 1. Tenhle legendární podnik založil začátkem minulého století Franciszek Trześniewski, polský kuchař z Krakova, a jeho specialitou byly právě chlebíčky. Tyto Brötchen jsou menší a výrazně střídmější než ty naše, na hranatých plátcích chleba a nejčastěji s rybičkovými či vajíčkovými pomazánkami. Já jsem si dala jeden s matjesovou pomazánkou a nakládanou cibulí (ŇAM) a jeden s lososovou. K chlebíčku si samozřejmě můžete dát třetinku piva či deci vína a jí se tam na stojáka. Připravte se na frontu a tlačenici, tenhle podnik je prostě top.
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Pokud máte větší hlad a chuť na nějakou opravdovou klasiku, tak určitě vyzkoušejte restauraci Figlmüller, další z vídeňských stálic. Tento podnik je pro změnu nejznámější svými Schnitzel – představte si menší kola od vozu, tenoulinké a do křupava osmažené řízky. K tomu báječný bramborový salát s octovou zálivkou. A pokud nejste na řízky, tak já doporučuji Tafelspitz – dušenou hovězí špičku podávanou ve vývaru s kořenovou zeleninou. U tohoto jídla je aspoň větší šance, že porci sníte celou.
Zbytek času, který Vám ve Vídni zbývá, můžete strávit bloumáním uličkami jen tak nazdařbůh nebo si dojít na drink na rozloučenou – nabízí se Cafe Hawelka, rodinný podnik založený v r. 1938 a kdysi místo setkávání umělců a spisovatelů, či nedaleký American Bar, legendární (a nejmenší vídeňský) bar navržený architektem a umělcem Adolfem Loosem, který funguje už více jak 100 let. A pak už jen nasedněte do vlaku domů, nechte odpočívat uchozené nohy a dumejte nad tím, kdy se do Vídně vypravíte příště.
English Friendly:
If you have a free day and you don't know what to do - go to Vienna! Hana went there and came back again oh so satisfied.
Jump on the early morning train, have a nap, eat breakfast in the dining car and when the train spits you out in Vienna, head for a walk to the center. Ideally to Café Drechsler near the popular Naschmarkt market and enjoy your first Viennese melange coffee. If you missed breakfast on the train (because you didn't really trust the look of the dining car), don't even try to resist the breakfast plates distributed by the waiters here - eggs benedict, eggs in glass or fresh Semmel with ham and butter? Must have. Little advice - don't be surprised if the waiter is grumpy or he has his own pace, it seems to be part of the Viennese café culture. Just like at home!
If you feel like a champion after your heavenly breakfast and you're into art, visit one of the many Viennese galleries. Go to the Kunsthistorisches Museum to see its latest exhibition curated by Wes Anderson or to Albertina for Claude Monet. If you're into design, we recommend the MAK Applied Art Museum, or if you fancy modern art, the Mumok Museum of Contemporary Art is your place. I went to the Kunsthistorisches Museum and - because I love testing museum restaurants - I had lunch at its trés chic cafe. 
You can easily spend several hours in the gallery, so if you need fresh air, take a long stroll around the city. Vienna is great for walking and even better for cycling (don't be afraid to try the local Citybike network and explore other Vienna districts than the center if you have time). I was attracted to the city center for one particular reason. It wasn't the typical Sachertorte, it was a sandwich. Every time I'm in Vienna, I MUST visit the famous Trzesniewski delicatessen at Dorotheergasse 1. This legendary company was founded by Franciszek Trześniewski, a Polish cook from Krakow, at the beginning of the 20th century, and his specialty were the open sandwiches. These Brötchen are smaller and significantly simpler than ours, on square slices of bread and most often with fish or egg spread. I took one with matjes spread and pickled onion (YUM) and one with salmon. You can, of course, have a small beer or wine with your sandwich here and eat while standing. Get ready for a long queue, this place has reputation.
If you're a bit more hungry and want a real treat, try the Figlmüller restaurant, another Viennese classic. This place is best known for its Schnitzel - imagine a veal chop as big as a wagon wheel, thinly cut and crispy fried. And a wonderful potato salad with vinegar dressing with it. If you're not into Schnitzel, I recommend Tafelspitz - stewed beef served in a broth with root vegetables (with this meal, you have a better chance of actually finishing the whole thing).
Before you need to say farewell to the city, have a goodbye drink somewhere - try Cafe Hawelka, a family-owned company founded in 1938 and a former meeting place for artists and writers, or the nearby American Bar, a legendary (and Vienna's smallest) bar designed by the architect and artist Adolf Loos that opened its door more than 100 years ago. Or just spend your time left by randomly wandering the streets. Later, on the train home, you can let your feet finally rest - and think about when you can come here again
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kinderwunsch · 7 years
Künstliche menschliche Eizellen gezüchtet
Aufgrund von Erkrankungen oder auch angeboren, bilden manche Frauen keine Eizellen in den Eierstöcken. Die häufigste Ursachen sind Chemotherapien bei Krebserkrankungen oder vorzeitige Wechseljahre. Nun wurden erstmals menschliche Eizellen gezüchtet. Lässt sich damit eine Eizellspende vermeiden? Schon vor einiger Zeit gelang es, Spermien und Eizellen aus Gewebezellen zu "züchten". Bislang waren diese Erfolge auf Experimente mit Mäusen beschränkt. Die Übertragung der Techniken auf den Menschen ist jedoch weitaus schwieriger als im Tierexperiment, wie die Wissenschaftler damals berichteten. Nun gelang es,  menschliche Eizellen aus Eierstockgewebe herzustellen((Metaphase II oocytes from human unilaminar follicles grown in a multi-step culture system McLaughlin M., Albertini D.F., Wallace W.H.B., Anderson R. A., Telfer E. E. MHR: Basic science of reproductive medicine, https://doi.org/10.1093/molehr/gay002)). Dazu wurde Ovargewebe junger Probandinnen (im Rahmen von Kaiserschnitten) gewonnen und aus diesen Biopsien durch eine Kultur in unterschiedlichen Medien reife und befruchtungsfähige Eizellen gewonnen. Ausführlich wird das Verfahren in dem online zugänglichen Artikel beschrieben. Keine künstliche Eizellen Es handelt sich also nicht um künstliche Eizellen, wie auch in der Presse nun verschiedentlich beschrieben, sondern um Eizellen aus dem Gewebe menschlicher Eierstöcke. Der große Fortschritt besteht darin, dass extrem unreife Follikel und somit auch Eizellen von jungen Mädchen vor der Pubertät gewonnen werden können. Insbesondere für Mädchen, die sich im Kindesalter einer Chemotherapie wegen eines bösartigen Tumors unterziehen müssen, könnten dann später mit Hilfe ihrer eigenen Eizellen schwanger werden. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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wunschkinder · 7 years
Künstliche menschliche Eizellen gezüchtet
Aufgrund von Erkrankungen oder auch angeboren, bilden manche Frauen keine Eizellen in den Eierstöcken. Die häufigste Ursachen sind Chemotherapien bei Krebserkrankungen oder vorzeitige Wechseljahre. Nun wurden erstmals menschliche Eizellen gezüchtet. Lässt sich damit eine Eizellspende vermeiden? Schon vor einiger Zeit gelang es, Spermien und Eizellen aus Gewebezellen zu "züchten". Bislang waren diese Erfolge auf Experimente mit Mäusen beschränkt. Die Übertragung der Techniken auf den Menschen ist jedoch weitaus schwieriger als im Tierexperiment, wie die Wissenschaftler damals berichteten. Nun gelang es,  menschliche Eizellen aus Eierstockgewebe herzustellen((Metaphase II oocytes from human unilaminar follicles grown in a multi-step culture system McLaughlin M., Albertini D.F., Wallace W.H.B., Anderson R. A., Telfer E. E. MHR: Basic science of reproductive medicine, https://doi.org/10.1093/molehr/gay002)). Dazu wurde Ovargewebe junger Probandinnen (im Rahmen von Kaiserschnitten) gewonnen und aus diesen Biopsien durch eine Kultur in unterschiedlichen Medien reife und befruchtungsfähige Eizellen gewonnen. Ausführlich wird das Verfahren in dem online zugänglichen Artikel beschrieben. Keine künstliche Eizellen Es handelt sich also nicht um künstliche Eizellen, wie auch in der Presse nun verschiedentlich beschrieben, sondern um Eizellen aus dem Gewebe menschlicher Eierstöcke. Der große Fortschritt besteht darin, dass extrem unreife Follikel und somit auch Eizellen von jungen Mädchen vor der Pubertät gewonnen werden können. Insbesondere für Mädchen, die sich im Kindesalter einer Chemotherapie wegen eines bösartigen Tumors unterziehen müssen, könnten dann später mit Hilfe ihrer eigenen Eizellen schwanger werden. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
Venice Competition Includes Films From George Clooney, Guillermo del Toro, Darren Aronofsky
Venice Competition Includes Films From George Clooney, Guillermo del Toro, Darren Aronofsky
The Italian festival is once again debuting a number of Oscar contenders during its 74th edition.
In its 74th year, the Venice Film Festival is once again debuting a slate of potential Oscar contenders from top directors, including George Clooney, Darren Aronofsky and Guillermo del Toro. 
Festival director Alberto Barbera on Thursday unveiled the lineup for this year at the Cinema Moderno in Rome. 
“I’m very satisfied,” Barbera said about the lineup. “I have to say that I am 97 percent satisfied in the sense that there are only maybe two or three films that we wanted to have for the festival, and we couldn’t, because they will go to other festivals. So all the films that we saw and that we wanted to have are in the lineup of this year’s festival.” 
As previously announced, Alexander Payne’s satire Downsizing, starring Matt Damon, will open the fest in competition. The film is about a family that seeks a better life through shrinking. The film also stars Kristen Wiig, Christoph Waltz, Laura Dern and Jason Sudeikis. 
Vying for the Golden Lion this year, from a jury led by Annette Bening, are 21 world premieres.
Artist and activist Ai Weiwei will enter the competition with his documentary about the current refugee crisis, Human Flow. 
Darren Aronofsky, who presided over the Venice jury in 2011, will bring his eagerly anticipated horror film Mother! to the festival. Mother!, starring Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem and Ed Harris, centers around a relationship being tested after the arrival of unwelcome visitors.
Damon will be pulling double-duty at the fest as he will also star in George Clooney’s Suburbicon, written by Clooney and the Coen Brothers, about a family morally descending after a home invasion goes very wrong. It also stars Coen favorites Julianne Moore, Oscar Isaac and Josh Brolin.
Guillermo del Toro will debut his other-worldly Cold War era fairytale The Shape of Water, starring Michael Shannon, Sally Hawkins and Octavia Spencer.
And Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, a dark comedy from Martin McDonagh (In Bruges), starring Woody Harrelson, Peter Dinklage and Frances McDormand, will also bow on the Lido.
Paul Schrader’s religious-themed thriller First Reformed, starring Ethan Hawke and Amanda Seyfried, will also premiere in Venice. 
Abdellatif Kechiche will bring his 1980s coming-of-age story Mektoub, My Love: Canto Uno to the fest, and Paolo Virzi will premiere his first American The Leisure Seeker, starring Helen Mirren and Donald Sutherland, to the Lido. 
Out of competition, the festival continues its relationship with Netflix with the world premiere of Our Souls at Night, with honorary Golden Lions going to the film’s stars Robert Redford and Jane Fonda. 
Netflix also will premiere its first Italian production, the modern-day mafia saga Suburra. And it will screen the Errol Morris series Wormwood, starring Peter Sarsgaard and Molly Parker, the festival’s only non-world premiere. 
Also out of competition, Stephen Frears will debut Victoria & Abdul, starring Judi Dench, Ali Fazal and Eddie Izzard about the unlikely friendship between Queen Victoria and a young Indian clerk. And Fernando Leon De Aranoa’s Loving Pablo will debut, starring Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz and Peter Sarsgaard. 
James Toback’s The Private Life of a Modern Woman stars Sienna Miller, Alec Baldwin and Charles Grodin. And Abel Ferrara’s documentary Piazza Vittoria will screen, telling the story of the neighborhood in Rome where he lives. 
Rodarte sisters Kate and Laura Mulleavy will premiere their feature film Woodshock, starring Kirsten Dunst and Pilou Asbaek. 
And Kitano Takeshi’s new yakuza film Outrage Coda will close the fest. 
New this year, Venice is launching a VR competition with 22 films, with a jury headed by John Landis. The lineup includes the film La Camera Insabbiata by Laurie Anderson and Huang Hsin-Chien.
Venice’s Horizons section will open with Susanna Nicchiarelli’s Nico, 1988 about the Velvet Underground singer and Andy Warhol muse. The only American film in Horizons is the documentary The Rape of Recy Taylor by Nancy Buirski, about a white gang rape of an African-American woman in Alabama in 1944. Also in the lineup of the section is Anne Fontaine’s coming-of-age story Marvin, which stars Isabelle Huppert and Finnegan Oldfield. 
The 74th Venice International Film Festival takes place Aug. 30 to Sept. 9. Read the full lineup below.
Human Flow, Ai Weiwei
Mother!, Darren Aronofsky
Suburbicon, George Clooney
The Shape of Water, Guillermo del Toro
L’insulte, ZIad Doueiri
La Villa, Robert Guediguian
Lean on Pete, Andrew Haigh
Mektoub, My Love: Canto Uno, Abdellatif Kechiche
The Third Murder, Koreeda Hirokazu
Jusqu’a la Garde, Xavier Legrand
Ammore e Malavita, Manetti Brothers
Foxtrot, Samuel Maoz
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, Martin McDonagh
Hannah, Andrea Pallaoro
Downsizing, Alexander Payne
Angels Wear White, Vivian Qu
Una Famiglia, Sebastiano Riso
First Reformed, Paul Schrader
Sweet Country, Warwick Thornton
The Leisure Seeker, Paolo Virzi
Ex Libris – The New York Public Library, Frederick Wiseman
Our Souls at Night, Ritesh Batra
Il Signor Rotpeter, Antonietta de Lillo
Victoria & Abdul, Stephen Frears
La Melodie, Rachid Hami
Outrage Coda, Kitano Takeshi
Loving Pablo, Fernando Leon de Aranoa
Zama, Lucrecia Martel
Wormwood, Errol Morris 
Diva!, Franceso Patierno
Le FIdele, Michael R. Roskam
Diva!, Franceso Patierno
Il Colore Nascosto Delle Cose, Silvio Soldini
The Private Life of a Modern Woman, James Toback
Brawl in Cell Block 99, S. Craig Zahler
Cuba and the Cameraman, Jon Alpert
My Generation, David Batty
Piazza Vittorio, Abel Ferrara
The Devil and Father Amorth, William Friedkin
This is Congo, Daniel McCabe
Ryuichi Sakamoto: Coda, Stephen Nomura Schible
Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond. The Story of Jim Carrey, Andy Kaufman and Tony Clifton, Chris Smith
Happy Winter, Giovanni Totaro
Casa d’Altri, Gianni Amelio
Michael Jackson’s Thriller 3D, John Landis
Making of Michael Jackson’s Thriller (1983), Jerry Kramer
Disappearance, Ali Asgari
Especes Menacees, Gilles Bourdos
The Rape of Recy Taylor, Nancy Buirski
Caniba, Lucien Castaing-Taylor, Verena Paravel
Les Bienheureux, Sofia Djama
Marvin, Anne Fontaine
Invisible, Pablo Giorgelli
Brutti e Cattivi, Cosimo Gomez
The Cousin, Tzahi Grad
The Testament, Amichai Greenberg
No Date, No Signature, Vahid Jalilvand
Los Versos del Olvido, Alireza Khatami
The Night I Swam, Damien Manivel, Igarashi Kohei
Nico, 1988, Susanna Nicchiarelli
Krieg, Rick Ostermann
West of Sunshine, Jason Raftopoulos
Gatta Cenerentola, Alessandro Rak, Ivan Cappiello, Marino Guarnieri, Dario Sansone
Under the Tree, Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurdsson
La Vita in Comune, Edoardo Winspeare
Manuel, Dario Albertini
Controfigura, Ra di Martino
Woodshock, Kate Mulleavy, Laura Mulleavy
Nato a Casal di Principe, Bruno Oliviero
Suburra – The Series, Michele Placido, Andrea Molaioli, Giuseppe Capotondi
Tueurs, Francois, Troukens, Jean-Francois Hensgens
Light Years, Manuel Abramovich
Evviva Giuseppe, Stefano Consiglio
La Lucida Follia di Marco Ferreri, Selma Jean Dell’Olio
The Russian Revolution Through its Films, Emmanuel Hamon
The Prince and the Dybbuk, Elwira Niewiera
La Voce di Fantozzi, Mario Sesti
This is the War Room!,  Boris Hars-Tschachotin
La Lunga Strada del Ritorno, Alessandro Blasetti
Barbiana ’65 La Lezione di Don Milani, Alessandro G. A. D’Alessandro
Lievito Madre, Le Ragazze del Secolo Scorso, Concita de Gregorio, Esmeralda Calabria
Beautiful Things, Giorgio Ferrero
Martyr, Mazen Khaled
Strange Colours, Alena Lodkina
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