#Alfie Skelly
nicoscheer · 1 year
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I will forever love the Jacaranda for giving us that livestream 😭
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Also bless mama Rosie for diligently filming and taking flash pics of our darling in her one man band merch 🫶🏽😂
And like can we talk about how POWERFUL Miles’ voice is like my man has no mic and yet he’s louder than a singing along crowd, and always entertaining and involving the fans 🫶🏽🫶🏽🥹
All the hugs 🥹🫶🏽
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thank you for signing everything (including my friends shoe) youre a legend
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Via shavambacuk
See you on the water:
My death:
Time of your life:
Those three songs are the bonus tracks from One man Band
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zero-insignificance · 2 months
DND Recap: The End?
Cast includes: Rose the DM, Bob (yours truly), Truk, Patrick and Zara
We open the session fresh off killing Starscourge Radahn the second time. He has turned into a puddle of a lot of ectoplasm. Bob harvests 200 gallons of ectoplasm.
We have a new item we can use in combat.
Ectoplasm Jello Shots. Makes you intangible for 1 round of combat and you can take 2 every long rest.
The party is futzing around in the arena while Rose gets food from 711. Truk gets to play with wielding 3 Radahn's great swords. He gets a cease-and-desist letter from a Shiba Inu after making a reference to an out of game character. The swords vanish cuz that would be SO overpowered. Zara is up to God knows what. Patrick is investigating. Bob sets out a disk, presses a button and runs and out pops a 6-person tent.
Phillip pops out of nowhere (aka Rose has their 711 snacks and is back home) and states that we're going to have to do more than just beat Starscourge Radahn to beat him and get Bragar back.
Phillip: Imaginary technique Bob: Just like your bedroom technique, which didn’t exist. Phillip: *explodes* (this is not canon)
Bob the Builder is canonically in Hell
The floor gives out from underneath everyone and everyone starts falling except for Bob cuz he got wings and he collapses his tent, grabbing it before letting himself drop. "weeeeeeeeeeeee-"
We land in a ball pit and Bob is just like "Why am I the only one with wings?" as he flutters over the party.
And Truk finds a yellow rabbit plushie and picks it up and then Alfie pops up out of the ball pit "Sorry that's mine-" and he grabs the rabbit before replacing it with fucking Plush Trap "See ya!" and he dips.
Bob: PUT IT DOWN- Truk: Should I put it down? Everyone: PUT. IT. DOWN.
Truk drops Plush Trap and the moment it hits the ground the lights flicker, and it's gone. Bob knows that the little fucker is the ball pit and is like "Alright let's get everyone out of the ball pit. If something grabs your leg, punt it."
We look through the room and find 4 coffins. Each of them has each person's true name on it.
Zara immediately scratches her's out. Truk admires the quality of the coffins. Bob blushes at his cuz it says D'Avariss Gilbert Redfeather and then he covers the name with yellow duct tape before chiseling that out. And Patrick is sad because the 4th coffin says "Ender Danak Zordak" which foreshadows the next session because Patrick does not know who he is. Bob took his memories for reasons to be revealed.
Patrick puts a hand in the coffins and he must make a constitution saving throw. He succeeds with flying colors and he gets this urge to lay down in the coffin but he fights it off. The coffins are all unus annus themed for each character. So, Bob's is purple and sparkly and plant themed. Truk's is pink. Zara's is probably solid black with chaotic flames on it. And Patrick's is somehow changing colors.
Bob and Zara like to chat cuz mlm and wlw solidarity and Zara is surprised that Bob's is purple. Bob: My old patron made me say that my favorite color was green cuz it pissed me off, but Alfie gives me more free will and I am proud to say that my favorite color is purple. Green is my least favorite color. Zara: Sounds like an asshole.
There’s a skeleton with celebrity signatures everywhere. It asks for Truk autograph. Truk signs his name right next to one that says "Glitta Fah Faes" and the skelly boi gives Bob a chipper greeting.
At some point Zara pulls her hood over her head suspiciously and everyone is like "what's wrong?" Zara tried to lie to everyone Everyone: Bullshit. Truk: Zara. Bob is allergic to bullshit. Literally. Bob: *hives* ow. Truk: Here you go *heals* Bob: I appreciate you.
We've passed the trial of the coffins and the wall of skeletons's wall just vanishes revealing a long hallway that Bob can see the end of. 120 feet of darkvision
They head down it cuz they don't get bad vibes.
And there is a round table at the end of the hall. It's Saturday so no poker.
Bob and Truk can see that there is a tiny Rose sitting at the head of the table. They can only be seen by true gods, but Truk and Bob see their form as translucent since Truk is on his way to godhood and both of Bob's parents are full gods but one is chaos and the other is eldritch (those can't make a true hybrid for the sake of creation so those can either make a full god, full eldritch, demigod or mortal) so he's a demigod of chaos but will become a full god when Discord dies.
Zara sees nothing. Patrick sees nothing. The Rose gestures for us to sit, and Truk sits only to find that his but is stuck by a binding spell
Patrick: Don't worry, I HAVE AN ERASER- Truk: WAIT DON’T ERASE MY ASS-
So Truk grabs the edges of the chair and makes a strength check to jump and smash the chair. He succeeds but the chair butt is still stuck to his butt.
Truk: *touches chair butt* go *casts dispel magic* Bob: *trying to crowbar the chair but off* A- *slams into wall*
Bob: *20 fucking points of bludgeoning damage* ow... Patrick's player: He's in the family guy death pose. Me: Definitely. He knows human pop culture, but I don't. Bob: *to Rose* Why did you do this? In Game Rose: I thought it would be funny. Bob: That was a bit rude.
So, in world you can use dispel magic to repel magical beings. Also, out of combat if you cast a spell, it doesn't use any spell slots. Bob heals himself up.
And we explore the room. There are many many book shelves and a doorway that leads to a staircase. Bob tosses a rock down the stairwell and 18 minutes pass where everyone is through books and then a sound reverberates back up to us and the rock hits the ground at which Bob stops the timer.
Bob: *hiss* I don't like the sound of that. I don't like the sound of that at all... Zara: What? What is it? Bob: *doing the math* That was 18 minutes... 1080 seconds in 18 minutes... So that means its about... 108000 feet? And I don't like the sound of that... Patrick: How many football fields is that? Bob: American or normal? Patrick: American. Bob: 360? Patrick: That's a lot. What's a football field?
Bragar is Rizzing up Phillip the Ghost King Bob and Zara find one scroll each They get a scroll of Disintegrate with infinite uses Zara finds 1984 and the Communist Manifesto Bob finds then sets JK Rowling’s newest book on fire. Gains one point of inspiration from Rose. Truk gets the Hungry Caterpillar, Harold and the Purple Crayon, and Sun Tzu's The Art of War. Bob gives Rose 12 mozzerella sticks. They are gone in seconds.
And then we find the fucking MAGIC TREE HOUSE BOOKS. And the campaign members fucking love those so it's swarmed.
Zeus appears. Alfie appears behind him full morning voice “Leave.” sounding like GOW 4 Kratos. Zeus shits himself. He runs. Alfie is in pursuit with an axe.
And we enter the stairwell.
It looks like the never-ending staircase from SCP.
Rose: I hope you’re good at closing your eyes. Everyone: is it scp 096? Rose: … yes 
It's very dark and the only one who doesn't have dark vision is Patrick. Zara has 60ft dark vision because she's half tabaxi half human. Truk's eyes glow orange. Bob's glow purple. Zara's glow blue. Patrick can't see shit.
We go down the stairs for a while and eventually we get tired of it and decide to jump. We each have ways to negate fall damage, except for Patrick who is in Goliath form.
Truk: *jumps down stairwell in rage* Zara: *jumps down stairwell in cat* Patrick: *Slides down the stairwell railing* Bob: *jumps down stairwell slowing his descent with wings*
On our way down we each see 096 in the corner crying, but we don't see his face.
We jumped down 259 feet.
Truk takes 879 damage halved. He takes 438 damage. Relentless endurance so he survives.
Truk: OH MY GOD I CAN FEEL EVERY BONE- OH MY BACK. I CAN’T FEEL MY LEGS I CAN SEE THE HORIZON- Hatsune Miku?! Miku: Just passing through! Bob: Let's heal you up before Alfie finds out. Don't tell your surrogate dad. We spend a bunch of time healing up Truk.
We see a metal door with a symbol on it.
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Bob: OH- Uh that's not good! Truk: What? Bob: We're at an SCP Facility- Oh we must've dimension hopped. these people contain anomalies. We ARE anomalies.
Me: Did Rose break in and steal the gender stone? Rose: It’s canon. I was the breach. I stole the gender stone.
We all turn into SCPs
Bob is scp-049 (plague doctor) Templeton (Bob's pet copperhopper) is the 999 (tickle monster) Patrick is scp 073 (Cain) Zara is scp 2085-a (cybernetic cat girl) Truk is 682 (the unkillable lizard) Dee Dee is scp 173 (The Statue)
Bob: Oh Templeton you’re so CUTE!
Zara is just being followed by cyborg cat girls
We each gain slight characteristics of the SCP we are. So Truk hates humans. Bob occasionally talks about the pestilence and can't say heal. He'll only say cure. Patrick has respect for anyone who can beat him in a fight. Zara likes anarchy. So, nothing changes. And Dee Dee has a slight urge to snap our necks.
Bob checks to see if he still has his heels on. He does.
So, he's just walking through the facility like that one meme of the plague doctor with Ganster's Paradise but in high heels as he tells each person about the scp they are.
We find a security guy dying on the floor
Guy: *dying on floor* Truk: *unkillable lizard* Are you okay? Guy: I must be dead cuz you killed 50 of my men Bob: Here. Let me cure you. Guy: D: Bob: Don't worry I'm not going to touch you. Guy: What kind of drugs did I take- Bob: This may be hard to believe but we're not your scps we've had some sort of consciousness transfer into these guys.
Bob: GET IN THE BAG- I'M SAVING YOUR LIFE. So, the guy gets in the Nap Sack and all the robot cat girls get in the Nap Sack.
We have to get out of here or the fucking nuke under the facility will explode.
We meet that little girl scp. We come across the electric gates. Bob and Truk make it. Patrick and Zara take 15 lightning damage.
Bob is runway walking through the facility.
We find scp 725 (a whale) Bob: Can I take a photo? Whale: Yes Bob: My future husband will love this! *sends Alfie photo of whale* Alfie: YOU LUCKY FUCK-
Bob takes the cure all pill. Lucifer snatched the duckie SCP. Lucifer immediately bolts when he sees Zara. Truk is a teen dad. He adopts the death child. Bob: Get into the sack, child. Never mind the guard will go crazy.
Truk has a very painful transformation back to normal. The little girl lost her weird death powers but will still be a god of death. Bob steps through and just takes off the plague gear.
Ghost king is next to Bragar in bed. Bragar is the bottom. He is level 4 exhaustion. Phillip has no need to slow down.
The Guard turns into Banjo the Frog!
Bob: We don't have to fight. Just release your subjects and be the ruler they deserve! Phillip: Why should I free them? Bragar: Please hon. Phillip: Fine.
Phillip will be in the nap sack.
Bob: Who here in this party is mentally stable? Truk: I’m mentally stable *war flashback* Everyone: No you aren’t. 
Retconned. Bragar and Phillip won’t be together. Bragar is in a cage next to Phillips bed. Phillip is abusive af.
Patrick: Do you have a safe word? Bragar: Yes. I’ve used it seven times Bob runs over stealthily and picks the lock on the cage. Bob got locked in the cage a lot when he was with Phillip and went back to him many times. Me: That is why he knows how to lock pick. Everyone: :o
Rose shuffles through various stat sheets before settling on one with an immunity to psychic, radiant and necrotic damage but nixes the psychic immunity. Anyone can cast a vicious mockery if we want to regardless of us knowing the spell or not. Bob knows that Phillip's weak spot are insults targeted against his looks and telepathically relays that knowledge to his party. Any insults targeted towards his vanity will do double damage and Phillip will have to roll wisdom saves at disadvantage.
Battle Highlights!
Bragar: I can’t believe I thought you were sexy!
Patrick: You really looked at a walmart bag and thought that’s the ideal complexion, did you? Phillip: That stung-
Truk: You look like you were deep fried but the wrong way. Phillip: *succeeds save* Your allies are better at this than you. That was horrible. Truk: Yeah. I’m better at swinging my sword.
“Zara. Fuck the rolls what are you going to do” Zara ends up getting yeeted.
Bob: Your muscles look so fake. How much work did you get done since the last time I saw you? You should get your money back. Phillip: *ego deflates* Bob: *pulls out shotgun* *BOOM* Truk is sucking.
Bob casts disintegrate on the cage. The magic rips the cage to shreds and the shrapnel is consumed by blobs that are made of the missing texture blocks that absorb the shrapnel and the cage disintegrates.
Bragar uses his breath weapon. Bob: Alfie, can I have that bottle of wyvern whiskey? Alfie: Yes. Bob: Bragar! *tosses him the whiskey* CATCH! Bragar takes a swig and spews that at him in a second breath weapon. 
Bob: The founding father and Hades from Hercules look? Not cute. Disgusting. Critical fail. Double damage initially cuz the insult was targeted towards his looks. So, 48 doubled. 96 psychic damage!
Bragar blasts him with fire then sucker punches Phillip.
He is slammed into the ground. Bob picks up his face and shows him his reflection in the mirror because throughout the fight Phillip's physical appearance has been becoming more beast like. “Now the outside matches the inside” This shatters Phillip's psyche, and he crumples into ash.
Zara kicks the pile of ash.
Bob hugs Bragar because he knows what it's like. They now have a trauma bond.
500 gold for the bed frame 5000 gold dresser
Bob sold Phillip's shit. He splits the money with Bragar.
The little girl scp is named Morticia Frump. One day to take the last name Addams when she meets the love of her life, Gomez Addams.
The cat girls are now Zara's warlocks. She is on her own way to ascending to godhood.
Bob has 2 tally marks
Zara will become the God of Anarchy emphasizing the secondary name of the Champions campaign.
Gods and Monsters.
After using the Gender Stone, Rose chucks the Gender Stone into the void "Hey Alfie, you'll love this" Alfie: Is that the gender stone? Rose: Yeah, you'll love it. Alfie: ... I don't need it cuz shape shifting. Rose: Oh.
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Blue and Ray’s Wedding
The grand ballroom of the Monster Embassy was hung with blue and white streamers and sparkling lights. Golden chairs (last used at the winter gala) lined an aisle of white carpet. At the end of the carpet was an arbor of beautiful flowers: purple lilacs, white roses, and beautiful bluebells, along with others. A podium, decorated with the same flowers, stood under the center of the arbor. Papyrus stood behind it, beaming and wearing his official Monster Ambassador suit. As guests filed in and found their seats (with help from handsome skeleton ushers), Lucky played soft music on the piano off to the side.
Once everyone was seated, the doors at the top of the grand staircase opened. Blue, followed by Stretch, Sans, Red, Boss, Comet, and Anne, walked down the steps and up the aisle to the arbor. Blue beamed at everyone and stopped mid-aisle to give a hug to one of his students who just couldn’t sit still. Then he made his way to the podium. His groomsmen stood next to him and all eyes turned back to the staircase. Blue’s eye lights were already stars as he waited and watched for his beautiful bride.
The bridesmaids came in next—Ray’s sister, Queen, Snow, Kezi, Trashy, and Rainbow. All of them looked beautiful in pale blue dresses, with white roses in their hair. They stopped at the podium as well.
Two small children, an orange lizard monster and a small human girl, walked down the stairs next. The lizard boy carried a white pillow with two rings on it. The girl carried a basket of flower petals, which she scattered all along the aisle as she went. As they passed Blue’s class in the chairs, someone called out, “Hi Alfie ! Hi Essie!” The little girl kept going, but Alfie stopped long enough to say, “Hi!” He almost let go of the pillow but remembered himself in time. The children walked up and stood next to Stretch and Ray’s sister.
The music changed to “Here Comes the Bride” and everyone stood and turned to watch as the lady in question appeared at the top of the grand staircase. Blue’s eye lights changed to hearts as he saw her.
Ray’s hair was down in long thick brown curls, covered by the soft blue and white veil that was draped over her face, decorated with flowers and petals that almost seemed to be glowing in a soft light. Her dress was a soft blue and white color, going all the way down to the floor, with a large blue glowing flower on her waist. It almost seemed to sparkle and shine in the bright lights of the ballroom. Her bouquet that she held loosely in front of her was filled to the brim with blue bells, lilacs, chrysanthemums, and white roses, all framed by soft green ferns.
Ray opened her eyes, they were glowing softly as she looked at Blue, a soft smile on her face with light red cheeks. She slowly descended the stairs, the long train of her dress gliding behind her.
Everyone in the room gasped at the sight. Blue felt like his soul was going to burst out of his chest at the sight! He had to stop himself rushing to her and scooping her up. There will be time for that, he reminded himself.
Her father met her at the bottom of the stairs, a beaming smile on his face as he stood there in his tuxedo, along with very wet eyes. He offered his daughter his arm and Ray gingerly took it, smiling up at him. They slowly made their way forward to the podium, her eyes not once leaving Blue's face. When they finally ended the small journey, her father turned, gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead before patting her back and sending her towards her soon to be husband.
Ray made her way up to Blue, standing across from him.
“Hi love.”
“Hi,” Blue managed. He reached out and took her hands in his. “Are you ready?”
She gave his hand a soft squeeze and looked over at her family, the skelly's, everyone that was there, taking a moment to take it all in before turning back to him.
"Yes, I'm ready." She gave him a warm smile.
Blue smiled back and looked at Papyrus. He gave a small nod. Papyrus smiled back and began his well-rehearsed speech.
“Ahem! Hello, everyone! Welcome to the wedding! I am so excited and honored that Blue and Ray have asked me to be the person to marry them! I know humans out a lot of importance in this tradition. Monsters do too, even if our traditions are slightly different!
“In a moment, Blue and Ray will begin a magical ceremony that will begin the process to bond their souls together. After today, they will be a family, and their bond will make them closer and stronger than ever! This bond is started by the sharing of magic which is stored in vessels, which they wear to show their commitments to each other. Blue and Ray, do you have your rings?”
Alfie helpfully held out the pillow with the rings on it. Blue had to let go of one of Ray’s hands to take one of them—the slimmer of the two—off the pillow. It was made of gold, but with a band of white iridescent stone with intricate carvings in the middle.
“I have a ring for Ray,” Blue said. “My vessel, to show her my promise.”
She picked up the thicker ring, also gold with white stone, designed similarly to the other one. She whispered a quick thank you to Alfie before turning back to the two.
"I have a ring for Blue, my vessel to show him my promise.”
Alfie beamed and stepped back a little, his job done, and Papyrus continued.
“Hold the ring in your hand,” he said, “and look at your partner. As you speak the vows you have prepared, think of your love for them. Let that love flow from your soul through your fingers and into the ring.”
She gently held the ring in the palm of her hand, her eyes glowing brighter.
"My love... My dearest one… My knight in shining armor... The first time we met, there was a spark. It was small at first, gentle but never fleeting... But slowly it grew and grew with every moment spent until it became a strong flame, strong enough to weather the storms we came across... I never thought I'd be lucky enough to find love like this, to find someone that would accept and love me for who I am. Wherever this journey takes us, I promise I will stay by your side, now, until we are gone, with love from every corner of my being... My love, my soul is yours to keep for as long as it lasts." She felt herself choking up at the last sentence, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.
"I love you, Sans."
At the whispered statement, there was a flash of soft green and cyan light from the ring.
Blue found himself holding back tears. His soul felt as if it would explode with love for her. He looked into her eyes and focused on that feeling and on the ring in his hand. “My dearest Ray,” he said, “my love, my beautiful queen, I promise to be your husband from this day on. No matter what life brings, no matter what anyone says, I promise to love you and take care of you. From today, our souls are bonded and no one can break that bond. My soul, the essence of everything I am, is yours. I give it to you, freely and fully, forevermore. I love you more than anything in the world.”
As he spoke, his soul began to glow in his chest. The cyan light, visible through his suit, flowed through his bones and into the ring he held. By the time he finished his vows, the white center of the ring was glowing with the same light.
Papyrus had to wipe at his sockets before he could continue the ceremony. When he spoke, his voice was a bit shaky. “Now put the ring on your partner’s finger” he said.
She gently picks up the glowing ring on her palm, and takes Blue's hand. She carefully slips on the ring on his ring finger, and gives his hand a small squeeze before letting go and looking back up at Blue.
Blue took Ray’s hand and gently slipped the ring onto her ring finger. He pressed her hand between both of his.
Papyrus gave a huge sniff and continued. “Now that you have promised your souls to each other, seal that promise with a kiss.”
One step closed the distance between them. Blue wrapped his arms around Ray and leaned in, tenderly pressing his teeth to her lips. His magic tingled on her skin. The new rings glowed and both of them felt warmth flowing from their hands up into their chests. Blue’s soul song echoed through the room.
She kissed him back, her own magic tingling his teeth as she held onto him. She hummed in time with his soul as small trickles of tears ran down her cheeks... It was soft but there seemed to be another song, one coming from her own chest, creating a melody with his.
“By the power vested in me as the official Monster Ambassador, I, the Great Papyrus, declare you husband and wife!” Papyrus declared.
Blue didn’t want to stop kissing Ray, but there would be plenty of time to do so later, and there were guests to think of. He gave her one more squeeze and then pulled away (but not too far).
She was beaming, and she reached to hold his hand, not wanting to be far away from him either. She took enough time to wipe away her tears as she looked at him. "Would you look at that, we're married now!"
“We are,” Blue agreed, wiping away his own tears. “We’re really married!”
The room erupted in cheers!
Hooray! They’re officially married!!! The reception role play will start soon! Be on the lookout for the starter post!
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puppetsspace · 4 years
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19th of April, 2006 – Wolverhampton, Civic Hall. The Little Flames with Arctic Monkeys again. "Next up we had Liverpool's The Little Flames, whom Alex Turner has repeatedly praised in interviews. Now, I’m not one to question his taste..." (reviewed by 'Chris' from BBC)
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"06 when the little flames supported arcticmonkeys" (from Alfie Skelly IG)
23th of April – The Little Flames at Empress Ballroom, Blackpool, as a support band. Photo by Christian Petersen
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To be continued…
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ask them UvU
You can ask them UvU
Piggy book 1:
Torcher, Soldier, Clowny, Foxy, Dinopiggy, George/Georgie Pig/Piggy, Mousy, Robby, Poley, Pink Poley [and even VanillaCake], Penny, Sheepy, Doggy, Bunny, Memory, Angel, Devil, Parasee, Daisy, LOJFHLO/Police LOJFHLO [and her husband, Jason (as eggedix)], Zizzy, Pony, Billy, Badgy, Budgey, Ghosty, Mimi, Giraffy, Skelly, Zompiggy, Teacher, Beary, Crove, Mr. Stitchy, Pumpiggy, Elly, Zee [light pink], Zuzy [rose]
Piggy book 2:
Willow [with her lovers UvU. Zack -Zizzy’s elder sister- and Rash], Pandy, Tigry, Kitty, Katie, Philip/Filip, Felix, Raze, Alfis, Dessa, and black bear.
chapters release = character available to ask.
Torcher X Soldier: Both boys, Santiago and Timothy,
Clowny X Foxy: 1 girl, Frida
DinoPiggy X Georgie Piggy; 1 girl, Delilah
Mousy X Robby X Poley: 3 boys and 1 girl, Maxwell, Margaret, Badgy and Raze
VanillaCake X Pink Poley: 2 girls, Princess and Reminder [She is like Miss Pink]
Penny X Sheepy: 2 girls, Angelica and Silas
Doggy X Bunny: 1 girl, Coco Bunny
Memory X Angel X Devil: 1 girl and 1 boy, Alexandra and Dylan
Tigry X Kitty: 1 girl and 1 boy, Tiana and Kaden
Parasee X Daisy: 1 girl, Danna
LOJFHLO X Rivomp: 5 girls and 1 boy, Amy and Aniela, Mayday, Amelia, Lisa and Johan
Zizzy X Pony: 1 girl and 1 boy, Priscilla and Pardon
Billy X Badgy: 1 boy, Benjamin
Budgey X Ghosty: 3 boys, Bennett, Grant and Crove
Mimi X Giraffy: 1 boy, Morgan
Skelly X Zompiggy: 1 girl, Serenity [suppose to be Stella, but Stella is now named for Sheriff X Cub child]
Teacher X Beary: 1 girl, Briella
Zack X Willow: ???
Crove X Mr. Stitchy: 1 girl, Slina
Pandy X Elly: 1 girl, Phoebe
Willow X Rash: 1 girl, Lola
Katie X Philip/Filip: 2 boys, Kall and Cell
Felix X Raze [I think]: 1 girl, Fate.
Black Bear X ???: Raman
new couple = new child
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mimimarilynart · 7 years
okay it’s the 5th already but I rly should make note of this day;;; 
1. I finally FINALLY realized that Alfie and Fiona are Miles’ cousins asdfghj (cuz I’ve been BLIND all this time clearly ughguuhgjkl *slaps myself)
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nicoscheer · 9 months
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He’s gonna be the fucking death of me first killing the joke and now silverscreen 😭😭😭
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Indie rock icon, last shadow Puppets star and one of Merseyside’s most notable musical exports, Miles Kane, returned this year with his fifth album ‘One man Band’. Following on from his last two records which are packed with Glam stompers, the new album saw him dive back into the punchy Indie sound that first earned him waves of fans. We spoke with Miles about how his songwriting, style and sound have evolved over the years…
Q. You’ve had a productive spell recently releasing two albums in two years, have you enjoyed focusing on you solo work?
A. “Yeah, I think especially on this record. I just love making tunes, you know? I think on this one, it was great working with our James, my cousin from the Coral and Alfie Skelly too. Also, not having that pressure of a major label and just being fully in control of what I want to do. There’s always a plan and an expectation but I think I’ve really taken control of the ship on this album. I think I just got in a zone. It wasn’t a/masked but the quality of songs came quite quick, which doesn’t always happen.”
Q. How important to you is your visual identity as an artist?
A. “It’s always been massively important with me, whether it’s super stylized suits or glam rock makeup. There’s many sides to my sort of style, but on the new album I’ve just been feeling the more casual side both in life and in music. I just wanted it to be not super posed and sexy, I wanted it to feel more natural.”
Q. What drove you to write the track ‘Baggio’
A. “Im obsessed with Italian shirts and always have been as a kid. So I think it was a story about that childhood and my intriguement/ obsession with Italian football. It’s more of a song about childhood, reminiscing and remembering these specific little things. For me, it was World Cup 94, watching Italy and seeing Baggio. You could have said Oasis or something like that but Baggio’s a bit cooler and I think people around me like James and Alfie were like ‘Oh, this is so you’ because obviously they know me and I think that’s why it connected. I think at first some people were like, ‘ what are you on about there?’ but it’s these kinds of songs that I’m glad I stuck to my guts on.”
Q. Was it fun to explore the retro football style too with the single ‘Baggio’?
A. “Yeah, I love all that. I love all the old footy shirts because I think it sort of takes me back to a weird comfort memory of being a kid and I think a lot of those old footy shirts are super chic. The photo of me in the Baggio shirt wasn’t like a set up photo shoot. Chaz who plays bass was bringing his camera in and took that. I guess it was more candid and summed up the album better for me than trying to look cool or giving it the big one.”
Q. Are there any other celebrity icons or physical anchors you use to inspire your songwriting?
A. “Yeah, loads man. Rocky… fucking Al Pacino. There’s loads of wrestlers that I’ve taken inspiration from. I get very inspired by stuff like that, whether it be a jacket or it’s a bit of makeup or whatever, I’m quite obsessed. I get the mood of something I’m into and it’ll inspire me to do my version of that feeling. It sounds quite mad to explain it, but for me, that just works”.
Q. You’ve written songs on Merseyside, in London, America, at home or on tour… does your environment impact the kind of songs you’re writing?
A. “I’d say it’s more about where you’re at in your head you know. A lot of the songs on the new album were written up north and a lot was written on my couch in London where I am now. If I wanted to go and make a reggae album in Jamaica maybe that would have a big effect on it haha but, for me, I think it’s more about where I’m at in my mind.”
Q. How has Merseyside impacted you as a musician and as a person?
A. “Where you’re from is who you are, isn’t it, it’s everything. I’ve learned from all those Merseyside bands, The Coral, The Zutons, The Bunnymen, Teardrops, The Beatles. I saw them and wanted to be like them guys, you know? It was just engraved in me. I probably wouldn’t be sat here talking to you without them.”
Q. Which is your favorite track to play live off the new record?
A. “I could play this whole album live to be honest! I think ‘Never taking me alive’ is my favorite track ever to play to be honest. It’s kind of my new ‘Inhaler’ or ‘Come closer’, it’s got that big old riff and the big energy. I love that side of my tunes. Making this album I really fell in love with playing guitar again. I really want the guitar to be at the front just as much as the words are. I’ve really embraced that side of myself. Again, it’s simpler and I think that suits me. I like those other sides of me, don’t get me wrong but give me a riff and some lyrics and that’ll do me mate.”
Part of the interview above
Miles reposted with 👌🏽
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Oh do I love him (the lipstick paired with him so openly talking bout using glam makeup in the above interview 🫶🏽🫶🏽🥰)
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Please i can’t he’s so dog dad; good to know he loves Maxie just as much as we do (the audio says “you talking to me?!”(from taxi driver)
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passit0n-blog · 13 years
The Sundowners from last Friday's This Feeling gig at the Queen of Hoxton
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