#Ali octopath
moqi2004 · 1 year
Octopath Traveler Shipping in a nutshell
Add your own in the replies/tags cause I might have missed a few.
Ophilia/Cyrus - Ophilia could hold up a sign and Cyrus still wouldn't get the memo that she loves him
Ophilia/Primrose - What if you were holy and a master of light and I was out for revenge and a master of darkness... And we were both girls...
Ophilia/Therion - I don't believe I deserve you but you're the light of my life and yet we're so different and yet you see me for the good I can't take all these positive emotions
Cyrus/Olberic - D I L F S
Cyrus/Therion - These shippers are strong members of the "fuck Darius club", and also really like twinks
Cyrus/Odette - School shenanigan friends reuniting with each other years after their time at school together ended and then realising they were in love all along
Tressa/Therion - I could fix him! Oh wait shit I made him worse
Tressa/Ali - Rivals to lovers is the best trope
Tressa/Noa - omg her tales opened her eyes omg it's like a Disney movie-
Tressa/Ali/Noa - Sheltered princess gets to see the world thanks to her two chaotic merchants. Now they're getting married
Olberic/Erhardt - Obsessed with their story and omg the tragedy... But the truth is simply D I L F S
Primrose/Alfyn - Lost noble with tragic past meets kind as fuck cinnamon roll and now her heart has been thawed
Primrose/H'aanit - Fem and butch lesbian power couple who can and will kill you
Primrose/Yusufa - Yusufa's death was tragic and there are many who wondered what might have been if she lived
Alfyn/Therion - I know I cannot fix him but I can see he is great and I can help him to love who he is and become the best him he can be... Also with fans very proudly in the "Fuck Darius club"
Alfyn/Zeph - Childhood friends to lovers is the best trope.
Cyrus/Alfyn - book smart/street smart brainy dumbasses that come from different monetary backgrounds and kiss
Cecily/Olberic - You want big strong man to lift Cecily up
Cecily/Odette - You want big strong woman to lift Cecily up
Darius/Therion - A member of the Darius Support club. Believes he is misunderstood and simply needs several years of therapy.
Darius/Miguel - Whether you ship them ironically or unironically, you have no idea whether they'd fix eachother or make eachother worse.
H'aanit/Olberic - These two stoic people with scars over their hearts coming together to hold hands. The power couple who can and will kill you if you mess with anything they care about.
Simeon/Mattias - Gaslighting Gatekeeping Girlbosses stay winning :)
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ajdrawshq · 2 years
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love how unintentionally funny this is. no we dont know why he talks like this and no we dont know why hes the only guy on the entire continent to do this
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lunarluna0 · 4 months
Octopath Traveler: Another
Hello hello Octopath Traveler community! I am here with a prospective AU of the first game!
Basically, everything’s the same, except the travelers are switched with side characters.
So instead of Ophilia, it’s Lianna. Instead of Cyrus, it’s Therese. Instead of Alfyn, it’s Zeph. So on and so forth. I’ve already got all the ones planned out, and basically I’ve just limited it to characters that show up in the travelers’ first chapters. Here’s the actual list, plus my (honestly kinda lackluster) reasonings for the choices!
Ophilia is switched with Lianna
I feel like this is the most obvious of the bunch? I chose this one mainly because Lianna was originally supposed to be the Flamebearer and go through the Kindling.
In this AU, basically she goes to the cave, passes the trial and gets the flame + the lanthorn, and sets out on the Kindling despite how worried she is for Joseph (while Ophilia stays behind). Pretty simple, not a lot of big changes like with some of the others.
I imagine that during her journey she regains much of her former personality (as it’s stated by Joseph that she put aside a lot of her true self to serve the church), and learns how to properly balance that VS what the church needs of her.
Cyrus is switched with Therese
This one is more of just me wanting to give Therese more of a personality and role than just “Cyrus’ student/admirer”.
Basically she overhears Cyrus talking about one of the books being stolen from the archives and, while he’s off having his talk with Yvon, she decides that she’ll try to find it for him in order to impress him! She does so, finds Russel and beats him up, but when she goes to return the book to the archives she’s told by Yvon that she’s being suspended from the academy for “breaking rules, reckless endangerment, and violence against others” (she was originally going to be expelled, but Lucia and Cyrus talk Yvon down so that it’s just a suspension). While she’s leaving the Academy, and dreading having to go home and explain to her parents about her suspension, she gets to chat with Cyrus and he offhandedly mentions that one of the books Russel stole- From the Far Reaches of Hell- had yet to be recovered. Therese, because it’s Therese, says that she’ll go and find it for him. She’s already on suspension, why not do something productive with it? Cyrus tries to dissuade her before relenting and telling her to go see his friend in Quarrycrest.
Basically during her journey, Therese both grows a proper spine, and also grows out of her schoolgirl crush on Cyrus.
Tressa is switched with Leon
Now, I know what you’re thinking; why not Ali? The answer is simply because I like Leon more. Also his lends the story more ✨pizzazz✨
So basically he sets anchor in Rippletide, and he overhears that the towns been having pirate troubles from Tressa. After seeing the pirates causing the townsfolk grief, he decides to help them out. Tressa helps with the plan of getting all the pirates to sleep, and he goes in to clean up the mess. While going through the treasure horde to help make sure they go back to the right people, he stumbles across a worn, old journal. He picks it up and reads through it, very surprised to see that it’s the personal journal of his dead friend Baltazar (how it got there, he doesn’t know for certain, but he supposed that with the pirates randomly found it, or stole it from a townsfolk for randomly found it). He decides to retrace the journal’s steps in a vain, last ditch effort to find the “greatest treasure” of his late friend.
I’d imagine that he’d start out at a higher level compared to some of the others, especially since he was an established pirate before becoming a merchant.
Olberic is switched with Philip
Warning: I only chose this option because I thought it was funny. This poor nine year old is about to become Orsterra’s #1 most traumatized child.
Basically he didn’t get kidnapped by the brigands, but chased after them instead because Olberic did and he wanted to help his mentor. Once he gets there he sees Olberic fighting off the brigands and demanding answers from Gaston about Erhardt- but Olberic is also wounded because it’s been a long time since he fought so many people all at once. Philip decides to play hero and help, picking up one of the swords on the ground (which is almost like the same size as him) and rushing in to provide support. Somehow he wins, because he now has plot armor, but still wants to help after seeing how torn up Olberic is about what Gaston has told him. He had overheard quite a bit of the conversation himself, and decides that he’ll help Olberic find Gustav and Erhardt. Both Olberic and Philip’s mother go “absolutely not”, Philip goes “well tough luck I’m a Big Boy™️ and I’m going anyway”, and runs away to go to Victor’s Hollow.
I find the mental image of Philip being an absolute prodigy/beast with a sword almost as big as he is to be incredibly funny. Just the team goes up against a dude and they say “time to get our master sword fighter in here to help us” and it’s just some kid.
Primrose is switched with Yusufa
I want justice for my girl, and I will give her the spotlight she deserves if it’s the last thing I do. Also fuck Helgenish, all my homies hate Helgenish.
In this AU, Primrose had told Yusufa her backstory because they’re each other’s only friends, and Yusufa swears to help Primrose find and get revenge on the guys that killed her father. Flash forward to the first chapter of the game, Primrose sees the guy with the crow mark and starts chasing after him, but is stopped by Yusufa asking where she’s going because she’s supposed to perform on stage. Primrose tells Yusufa that she saw one of the men and Yusufa, remembering her promise but also not wanting Primrose to get in trouble, tells Primrose that she’ll chase after him as nobody will notice her absence and so that Primrose doesn’t get in trouble with Helgenish. Primrose is, understandably, hella reluctant but obliges after some convincing. Yusufa gets out of the tavern and starts chasing after the man. She gets pretty close to catching him before Helgenish shows his ugly face and reveals that he had taken Primrose hostage. He gives Primrose a very nasty wound (she doesn’t die) and Yusufa, in her anger at seeing her only friend get hurt, attacks Helgenish and kills him. Because of Primrose’s wound, she can’t chase after the perpetrators even though she wants to, and Yusufa swears that she’ll find them and kill them for her, just like she had promised to help her so long ago.
Is it obvious that Yusufa is one of my favorites? We love a girlboss. She also becomes besties with Lianna because I make the rules now.
Alfyn is replaced with Zeph
I feel like, like with Ophilia and Lianna, this is also one of the really obvious swaps.
Basically Nina still gets bit by the Blotted Viper, and because he’s her older brother he goes off to get the viper’s venom and leaves Alfyn in charge of Nina’s care. He does so, he gets back and makes the cure, bing bang boom everything’s peachy keen. Nina tells Zeph that, while she was sick, she had a dream (kind of in the same vein of the one Joseph had) about Zeph traveling around Orsterra and helping a lot of people, and how she thought it was so cool that her brother was a hero. Zeph, wanting to honor that dream and make Nina proud, decides to leave Clearbrook and travel Orsterra to heal people. He and Alfyn trade satchels, and off he goes!
We get development for Zeph’s relationship with Mercedes! Not a lot changing in the character development department, though he does go through sort of the same problem with Miguel that Alfyn went through.
Therion is switched with Cordelia
Sort of in the same vein as Olberic and Philip being swapped as I did this originally because I thought it’d be funny, and then I realized that it lended Cordelia a lot of character development and that’s always a plus.
So basically in this, Therion defeats Heathcote like planned but doesn’t fall for being hit with the Fool’s Bangle so he just takes the Sapphire Dragonstone and skeddales. Cordelia is hella pissed off and also distraught that the last of her family’s heirlooms had been stolen again, and promptly starts chasing Therion down. She confronts him, defeats him and gets the Dragonstone back. While the both of them are being patched up by Heathcote (Therion is only there because he has a begrudging respect for Cordelia and the fact she has a nasty right hook), Cordelia decides “fuck it I’m getting all the Dragonstones back myself”. Heathcote tries to dissuade her, Therion just goes “hell yeah stick it to the rich people” and teaches her the basics of thievery (she learns it terrifyingly quick), and off Cordelia goes.
I imagine that when Cordelia was little, and before her parents died/the Dragonstones were stolen, she was a very mischievous kid and always stole stuff from like the servants and whatnot. I also find it funny that you have this prim and proper rich girl, who will not hesitate to steal all of your money the second you look away from her (and sometimes when you’re looking straight at her).
Last but not least, we have H’aanit switched with Z’aanta
Our favorite old man with a gambling addiction, as well as his big cuddly direwolf buddy, fill out our last swap!
Honestly, this one is just pretty much the same as H’aanit’s. The only real change is that H’aanit was the one to go after the Redeye, because Z’aanta was too busy protecting S’warkii. He got really worried due to how long it was taking H’aanit to get back home and, when Linde shows up in S’warkii without H’aanit, he decides to set out and find her. His direwolf, Hägen, is just along for the ride.
Z’aanta does as Z’aanta does, and now the story is exactly the same except with more alcohol and more loosing all the leaves they have to a crippling gambling addiction.
Anyways, that’s the basics of it that I’ve got down so far! If anyone else has any ideas or suggestions or just wants to talk about the AU with me, feel free to do so! I don’t know if I’m going to write any sort of story or whatnot about it, but who knows what the future holds!
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We're less than a week out from the official tournament start (hopefully, but don't quote me on that just yet), so now is the time to remind everyone that you can still submit additional propaganda for characters in the tournament here:
A list of characters who still have fewer than three pieces of propaganda, including characters still in the preliminaries (although I have to add that just because a character isn't on this list doesn't mean they aren't in need of more thorough propaganda!):
Ada Vessalius (Pandora Hearts) Alys Brangwin (Phantasy Star IV) Amy Amanda Allen (The A-Team (TV)) Asuna (Sword Art Online) Britta Perry (Community) Brunhilda aka Mym (Dragalia Lost) Carmelita Montoya Fox (Sly Cooper) Celica (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia) Chloe von Einzbern (Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA) Clarke Griffin (The 100) Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones) Dragona Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Eileen Leahy (Supernatural) Elektra Natchios (Marvel Comics) Elektra Natchios (NMCU) Elya Musayeva (Топи/The Swamps (2021)) Eve (Paradise Lost) Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler) Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto) Holy Kujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Illyria (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel) Iris Sagan (AI: the Somnium Files) Is (Kamen Rider 01) Jade (Dragon Quest 11) Jennifer Lopez (John Dies At The End) Julia (Hellraiser) Julia Wicker (The Magicians) Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail) Kamala Khan (Marvel Comics) Kanon Fukami (Kamen Rider Ghost) Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries) Konan (Naruto) Kotori Mizuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL) Laurel Lance (Arrow (CW)) Madison Paige (Heavy Rain) Malty S Melromarc (Rising of the Shield Hero) Margaret Houlihan (MASH (Movie 1970)) Megaera (Hades) Mikaela Banes (Transformers) Mikoko Sakazaki (Kaiji) Mikuru Asahina (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Milla Maxwell (Tales of Xillia) Misaki Unasaka (Buddy Daddies) Nami (One Piece) Nemu Kurotsuchi (Bleach) Nemuri Kayama / Midnight (My Hero Academia) Niki Nihachu (Dream SMP) Nya Smith (Ninjago) Ochette (Octopath Traveler 2) Ophelia (Hamlet) Ophiuchus Shaina (Saint Seiya) Pantha (DC Comics) Poppy Pipopapo (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid) Pussy Galore (Goldeneye) Quiet (Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain) Ran Mouri (Detective Conan) River Tam (Firefly) Saki Momose (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid) Skye (Lost in Blue) Sonia Hedgehog (Sonic Underground) South Dakota (Red vs Blue) Susan Pevensie (Chronicles of Narnia) Sweet-P (The Caligula Effect) Sylvanas Windrunner (Warcraft) Sylvia (Two Gentlemen of Verona) Teresa (Maze Runner) Tetra (The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker) Throné Anguis (Octopath Traveler 2) Toru Hagakure (My Hero Academia) Yan Hui (Back From the Brink) Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
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sapphirepastries · 2 years
Octopath Dorm Leader Themes + Yuu
i am not a composer and i dont play any instruments so this is all just headcanons. and also i'm not an expert on music x'D you know how each traveler has their own theme? well, the dorm leaders would also have their own themes
yuu's theme would be the ramshackle theme but more like the guest room version. like, it's lighter. it'll probably have melodies from various disney princess songs. main instrument is the flute and sounds like ophilia's theme
riddle's theme would be the heartsabyul theme with melodies from "painting the roses red". main instrument would maybe be the flute too? not sure. but his theme sounds like a fantasy alice in wonderland song
leona's would be the savanaclaw theme with melodies from "be prepared". main instrument would be cello? i was listening to osvald's them and thought that the cello would be good to fit leona's story here. would sound vengeful like osvald's theme but also hopeful like hikari's theme
azul's theme would be the octavinelle theme with melodies from "poor unfortunate souls". main instrument would be piano and sound jazzy
kalim's theme would be the scarabia dorm theme with melodies from either "a whole new world" or "prince ali". maybe both. main instrument would be violin probably? and it'll sound desert-y like primrose's theme
vil's theme would be the pomefiore theme, but i dont think any song from snow white would fit as cameo melodies...i took a look at the scene where the evil queen turns into the old hag, but i dont think the music that plays during it is a good fit. maybe melodies from "i'm wishing" or "someday my prince will come" but like...darker??? unsure. main instrument would be harpsichord and sound like a waltz
idia's theme would be the ignihyde theme with melodies from "the gospel truth ii", since hades himself doesn't have a villain song. main instrument would be electric guitar and sound like a tech song turned fantasy
malleus' theme would be the diasomnia theme with melodies from "once upon a dream" because of course uwu. you'd think it'd sound dark, but it actually sounds pretty hopeful since his story is about seeing the world. think agnea and tressa's themes
and of course all these themes would be remixed for the themes that play before the boss battles xD
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beantothemax · 1 year
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YEEAHHHHHHHHHHH GET HIS ASS TRESS!!!!!!! Ali’s just taking a nap dw he’s fine
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coeursetcolores · 1 year
Tressa, the Merchant: Chapter 2
WARNING! Spoilers ahead for Chapter 2 of Tressa’s story in Octopath Traveler! 
Okay, time to get down to business! Literally!
We’re lookin’ for gold! ...Or anything else that could sell! Not picky! Our girl Tressa can sell anything!
Following the diary, we ended up in Quarrycrest, a mining town going through a gold rush. Instead of gold, however, we found ourselves a rival. Who needs to think of a different nickname. Don’t get upset Tress, your hat is way better than his.
Aaaaaaand there’s a rich person, so we know who the bad guy is.
It’s really cool to watch Tressa work outside of path actions. Watching her set up shop and sell her stock really shows off how good she is at her job. Knowing she’s only going to get better really gives me something to look forward to.
For my thoughts on Quarrycrest, refer to the previous review.
I also appreciate the rivalry between Tressa and Ali: it’s good-natured and neither one of them do anything really bad to the other to get ahead. Ali doesn’t really do anything uncommon in the marketing world and just understands how to get people to buy things better than Tressa does right now. He’s manipulative, but in a way that’s just basic sales tactic. Sorry honey, this is the world of business. You gotta be ready to go up against sweet talkers who work against your prices.
Ali’s a pretty good rival character: teasing, but not too arrogant. Him and Tressa have a common ground and can hold a civil conversation outside of work. And they share an appreciation for their customers and want to help save them from getting swindled. Unfortunately, if you’re all talk, you’re not gonna last long.
Ali can sell, but Tressa can fight and sell. Point to her. Thankfully she’s nice enough to rescue him (You’d think an experienced traveler in a world populated by monsters and evil scumbags would bring some kind of a weapon). 
And time for the true enemy of this game...big business. 
I know I’ll probably fight some sort of interdimensional, larval, sexual, tentacled, appeared-out-of-nowhere deity thing at the end, but this seems like the bigger threat to the people here.
What kind of mercenary looks over their employer’s leaf supply? Is Omar getting paid to do that too?
And why did they take Ali with them? They weren’t thinking about selling him before they grabbed him, so why did they need to kidnap him to give him a job offer? They could have just left him or run him out of town, what was the point of taking him hostage? I don’t think kidnapping is a good way to convince people to work for you.
Morlock is everything you expect in a rich villain: greedy, underpays people and loves kicking the dog. He does have a point though: he does own the land. Of course, if he ran the original owner out instead of buying it fairly...
Man, monopolies are evil.
And he didn’t even have the decency to fight me himself. At least he paid to give Omar backup (stupid summon bosses).
Then the coward just folds. Pathetic. Kinda satisfying to see a rich old man and his beefy bodyguard whimpering at the feet of a college-age girl (probably fulfilled a lot of frustrated millennials’ fantasies).
Wait, is the town really just going to let Tressa pick the mayor? I get that she threw Morlock and Omar out, but she’s basically been there for a few hours, I don’t know if she’s qualified to make that kind of decision.
This chapter really sets up what the rest of Tressa’s story’s going to be like. She’s going to learn that while she has her code, others have different ones and she’s going to have to do her best to compete. Honesty is a great policy, but you have to find a way to stand out and make people want to buy from you.
Now let’s see how our other adventurers viewed the cutthroat world of the marketplace.
H’aanit: Local entrepreneur explains capitalism to environmental preservationist, more at 11:00. I’m glad Tressa was able to explain her view of mercantilism to H’aanit so well, I don’t think our fair lady cares that much for people only in it for money.
Cyrus: He is just so good at praising people, I see why he was such a popular teacher! And he’s interested in watching her work, which is perfectly in character for someone who just loves to learn. Even if it’s not his field of interest, he wants to see her process and recognizes she’s a prodigy that deserves his attention.
Primrose: Aww, Big Sister Prim! These two are on complete opposites of the spectrum when it comes to story tone, but they still get along just fine. And I guess if anyone can talk about determination, it’s the woman who’s devoted what’s probably over ten years of her life to avenging her father. Get back on your feet, Tress!
Ophilia: Come on Phili, help her out! It’s just a little pretend! And don’t let him get to you so much, Tressa! Ophilia’s still supporting you! You’ve got the power of the Flame and anime on your side!
Olberic: Did you really think he was gonna stop you? No! Team Dad’s got your back! He just doesn’t want you to go without backup! Let’s go take down a rich guy!
Therion: Dang boy, cold-blooded! And Tressa, don’t insult the entire profession! Thieves are just as capable of being good people as merchants are capable of being bad. Not all of them have your ethics, remember the boss for this chapter? Glad Theri didn’t take it personally, he even gave her a compliment...not that he’ll tell her. Tsunderes.
Alfyn: Oh Alfyn, you simple country boy and your homegrown wisdom...I don’t think you’ll be convincing her anytime soon. Just let her stew a bit, she’ll come around. Maybe if Ali tones down the teasing there might be a chance.
And we’ve got a concluding point for our journey, The Merchant’s Fair! But to get there, we have to find something to sell! Probably wouldn’t look good to try and find something when we get there.
Wonder what we’ll find in Victor’s Hollow? Old championship belt? Antique weapons? More skystones?
Guess we better get to work!
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smilepebble · 1 year
I'm not very familiar with Octopath so go with a character of your choice :)
it's a hard choice between tressa and olberic but i think ill go with tressa :)
First impression: i remember really liking her design when i first saw her sprites on the title screen, and i was interested in seeing how the merchant class worked anyway, so she was my starter :)
Impression now: she's the best i love her so dearly... she's such an important part of the team in character interactions, gameplay, and her story as well. i love how her story involves so much of her learning from older adventurers and her taking those lessons to heart. there's a sense of community with her story that i really really love, and it all makes her a really great starter character
Favorite moment: hard question.... i love her interactions with the rest of the main cast a ton, but i think my favorite moment of hers was her speech in her ch4. such a sweet scene
Idea for a story: i loved how the short story with her and cyrus had her self-consciousness over being the youngest in the group be a major plot point. how she wants to be treated with the same responsibilities as everyone else and her working herself too hard as a result was so fascinating to me. it's already a story that exists so id like to see more of it i suppose
Unpopular opinion: uhhh. i got nothing
Favorite relationship: how could i possibly choose.... i really love her and noa's relationship, it's super cute.. and her and ali's rivalry is super fun too..... and her friendship with captain leon and even mikk and makk as well... plus her friendships with olberic, cyrus, and primrose are super fun to me too... the relationships that tressa has with all the characters from her story are definitely one of the reasons why i love it so much, and i love her interactions with pretty much everyone
Favorite headcanon: i had her as the warrior subclass for the longest time before i got access to the runelord job, so she was using swords for pretty much the whole game once i had access to secondary jobs. i liked to think that olberic taught her how to fight with a sword, so i was very happy when she asked to become his apprentice in travel banter :)
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nicandragon · 4 years
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To continue drawing side characters, have Ali and Noa!
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It’s finally here!! Individual drawings will be posted soon!!
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moqi2004 · 9 months
Corn Yaoi Tumblr Requests (2/?) - Undertale Yellow - Dalv/Starlo (16/01/2024)
Frostlands Trek (1/1) - Octopath Traveller - Cyrus Albright & Ophilia Clement (25/12/2023)
The Forest's Strings (1/1) - Super Mario RPG - Geno/Mario (09/12/2023)
A Star's Impact (1/1) - Super Mario RPG - General (28/11/2023)
Rainclouds over Starry Skies (1/1) - Super Mario RPG - General (26/11/2023)
The Time to Grieve (1/1) - Octopath Traveler ii - Temenos Mistral & The Travelers (17/03/2023)
Innovation's Compassion (1/1)- Genshin Impact - Albedo/Sucrose (22/02/2023)
Sugary Sweet (1/1) - Octopath Traveler COTC - Theo/Millard (03/10/2022)
Quest for the Heart (1/1) - Bad End Theater - The Hero/The Underling + background Maiden/Overlord (20/08/2022)
Take Aim Towards the Past to Secure the Future (2/2) - Octopath Traveler & Enter the Gungeon - General (02/08/2022)
Across the Blazing Winds to the Land of Freedom (1/1) - Genshin Impact - Kaedehara Kazuha & Xinyan (18/07/2022)
The Journal of One Tressa Colzione (10/?) - Octopath Traveler - Ali/Tressa Colzione/Noa Wyndham + background ships (06/07/2022)
Promises (1/1) - Genshin Impact - Chongyun/Xingqiu (08/05/2021)
Albedo's Picture Perfect Painting Opportunity (1/1) - Genshin Impact - Albedo/Sucrose (15/03/2021)
What is Freedom? (1/1) - Genshin Impact - Xiao/Venti (13/02/2021)
Persona Christmas Chronicles (2/?) - Persona Series - Multiship (09/12/2020)
Be My Valenslime (1/1) - Persona 4 - Kanji Tatsumi/Naoto Shirogane (04/12/2020)
-Corn Yaoi (Dalv/Starlo) -OPEN-
Hiya! I'm Raya/Mochi! I'm a fandom-goer who writes in their spare time :) I tend to drift more towards video game fandoms but also enjoy cartoons and sometimes books/movies/tv! So yea really a mixed bag of stuff :)
My writing is quite sporadic and don't expect me to write a lot of multi-chapter! Keeping up with that is hard. I tend to write fluffy one-shots, both platonic and romantic, and a lot of character study.
Archive of our Own Pronouns.page
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coinsandmedicine · 5 years
I gotta give it to tressa she knows how to spread the word. I was telling my buddy from Stonegard about this cool new crystal thing I bought and he was like, Hey, did you buy that offa Spicy Chili Pepper?
Tressa: Pfft… it’s Salty Chili Pepper, but either way, I’m glad I got a nickname for him to spread like that.
Ali: Wh….How—
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alynnl · 3 years
I just had this thought that maybe 5-10 years after Octopath canon, Tressa's friend and rival merchant Ali opens up his own stand...
What does he call it?
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Can you give us a list of characters that need better propaganda? Crowd source the misogyny facts
That's what I was attempting to do by including the asterisks on the participants list. I might add one on in a reblog of said participants list, but, for now, here is one, anon, and remember to submit propaganda at the form at this link:
Ada Vessalius (Pandora Hearts)
Agent Texas (Red vs Blue)
Aki Izayoi/Akiza Izinski (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Alys Brangwin (Phantasy Star IV)
Amy Amanda Allen (The A-Team (TV))
Amy Pond (Doctor Who)
Aoi Zaizen/Skye Zaizen (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)
Asuna (Sword Art Online)
Britta Perry (Community)
Brunhilda aka Mym (Dragalia Lost)
Bumble (Warrior Cats)
Carmelita Montoya Fox (Sly Cooper)
Celica (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball)
Chloe von Einzbern (Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA)
Clarke Griffin (The 100)
Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Dragona Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Eileen Leahy (Supernatural)
Elektra Natchios (Marvel Comics)
Elektra Natchios (NMCU)
Elya Musayeva (Топи/The Swamps (2021))
Eve (Paradise Lost)
Gamora (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler)
Gwen Stacy (Marvel Comics)
Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto)
Holy Kujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Illyria (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel)
Iris Sagan (AI: the Somnium Files)
Is (Kamen Rider 01)
Jade (Dragon Quest 11)
Jennifer Lopez (John Dies At The End)
Julia (Hellraiser)
Julia Wicker (The Magicians)
Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail)
Kallen Kouzuki (Code Geass)
Kamala Khan (Marvel Comics)
Kanon Fukami (Kamen Rider Ghost)
Katherine Pierce (Vampire Diaires)
Katma Tui (DC Comics)
Kendra Young (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel)
Kes (Star Trek: Voyager)
Konan (Naruto)
Koriand’r (Starfire) (DC Comics)
Kotori Mizuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL)
Laurel Lance (Arrow (CW))
Leia Organa (Star Wars)
Madison Paige (Heavy Rain)
Magne (My Hero Academia)
Malty S Melromarc (Rising of the Shield Hero)
Margaret Houlihan (MASH (Movie 1970))
Marwa (What We Do In The Shadows (TV Series))
Megaera (Hades)
Mikaela Banes (Transformers)
Mikoko Sakazaki (Kaiji)
Mikuru Asahina (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
Milla Maxwell (Tales of Xillia)
Misaki Unasaka (Buddy Daddies)
Nami (One Piece)
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Nemu Kurotsuchi (Bleach)
Nemuri Kayama / Midnight (My Hero Academia)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Niki Nihachu (Dream SMP)
Nya Smith (Lego Ninjago)
Ochette (Octopath Traveler 2)
Ophelia (Hamlet)
Ophiuchus Shaina (Saint Seiya)
Pantha (DC Comics)
Poppy Pipopapo (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)
Pussy Galore (Goldeneye)
Quiet (Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain)
Ran Mouri (Detective Conan)
River Tam (Firefly)
Saki Momose (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)
Skye (Lost in Blue)
Sonia Hedgehog (Sonic Underground)
South Dakota (Red vs Blue)
Susan Pevensie (Narnia)
Sweet-P (The Caligula Effect)
Sylvanas Windrunner (Warcraft)
Sylvia (Two Gentlemen of Verona)
T'Pol (Star Trek: Enterprise)
Teresa (Maze Runner)
Tetra (The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker)
Throné Anguis (Octopath Traveler 2)
Toru Hagakure (My Hero Academia)
Yan Hui (Back From the Brink)
Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom)
27 notes · View notes
ali-yona · 3 years
modern au cyrus spends all his free time fact checking wikipedia pages try convincing me otherwise
11 notes · View notes
Tressa: (about ali) guys are hot
Tressa: (about noa) girls are hot too oh man
Tressa: why is everyone so hot
Cyrus: global warming.
204 notes · View notes