#Alice Neville
tudorqueen6 · 2 years
The Name Game: the title of “Lady”
The mother of Anne Boleyn is often referred to as “Lady Elizabeth Howard”. That’s NOT correct! Why? In those times, if your name was “Lady Elizabeth Howard”, you would have been the wife of a knight with the surname Howard. Elizabeth Boleyn’s mother, born Elizabeth Tilney, was married to Thomas Howard in 1472. At that time, she simply took on the surname Howard. In 1478, Thomas was knighted and…
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maluceh · 9 months
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ode to mothers, Pandora and Alice
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cheekyboybeth · 2 months
They were KIDS
they had to join the order as KIDS
not as adults, not when their brains were fully developed, but as KIDS
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Lily and James were pregnant with Harry when they were 19/20 so if your muggle/college AU doesn't have Lily freaking the fuck out between lectures, James asking his dad for a bigger allowance because now he has to buy more than redbulls, microwavable meals and alcohol, OR Sirius and Remus watching harry run around the quad while Lily takes a final and James is at wrestling/rugby/any sport practice, I don't want it. Bonus points if Alice "out of college and married, thus making her a 'responsible adult' in Lily's eyes despite being 23 and tired" Longbottom babysits Harry and forces him and Neville to be friends. Bonus Bonus points if Harry is born during Marlene and Dorcas's semester abroad, and when they come back and watch harry, everyone thinks they had a baby.
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amethyistheart · 3 months
What if the sorting hat suggested Slytherin for Harry just because he had a part of Riddle's soul(who was a Slytherin) coz I know for a fact that the boy does not have a sliver of self preservation in him
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bookwormangie · 2 months
I recently saw a post on tiktok about Neville as a potentially great chosen one if he had been picked, and I wanted to share my thoughts and rant a little because I don’t have much else to talk about, lol.
I believe ppl are missing a crucial point here. If Voldemort had targeted Neville instead of Harry, things would have played out very differently. Neville most likely wouldn’t have survived at all and wouldn’t have become "the Boy Who Lived."
Firstly, let’s discuss Snape. His role in Harry’s survival is massive. Snape’s love for Lily led him to ask Voldemort to spare her, and he then went to Dumbledore to beg for her protection. The Potters went into hiding, and Dumbledore cast the fidelius charm. Unfortunately, they were eventually betrayed by Peter. Since Snape wouldn’t have done this for the Longbottoms, they wouldn’t have gone into hiding (unless Dumbledore had been tipped off by someone else). This would have made it easier for Voldemort to find them.
Secondly, the protection Harry received from his mother’s sacrifice was unique. Lily’s choice to sacrifice herself for Harry created a magical protection that caused Voldemort’s curse to rebound, leading to his temporary downfall. This was possible because Voldemort gave her the choice to step aside. Alice and Frank, though loving and brave, wouldn’t have had the same opportunity to step aside for Neville. Snape wouldn’t have asked Voldemort to spare them, so Voldemort wouldn’t have given them a chance to step aside. As a result, Neville wouldn’t have received the same sacrificial protection, and Voldemort would have succeeded in killing him.
In short, if Voldemort had targeted Neville, the lack of Snape’s intervention and the absence of the Fidelius Charm and sacrificial protection would likely have led to the Longbottoms' deaths. Neville wouldn’t have become the boy who lived, and the wizarding world’s history would have been completely different.
I personally speculate that if Voldemort had succeeded in killing Neville, he might have then turned his attention to Harry to prevent the prophecy from coming true. Given Voldemort’s nature, he would likely have sought to eliminate any remaining threat. Snape would've intervened (assuming he was aware), potentially resulting in a scenario similar to the one we know. This would mean Harry could still become the chosen one and “the Boy Who Lived,” despite the different circumstances. It’s an intriguing thought—how fate might realign even when the paths change.
This has probably been discussed before, but I just needed to yap a little. It’s been a while since I posted!
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lilyslark · 2 months
so if harry was destined to be born, were james and lily destined to be together?
like we know that the prophecy foretold harry’s birth based on 1) his parents defying voldemort three times and 2) being born at the end of july.
so if harry’s existence was written in the stars, were james and lily destined to be together in every universe? was their love also predestined? and could the same be said for frank and alice?
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Do you think Neville was planned?
Was Harry a surprise?
Yeah and yes!
From the timeline/what we are told about these characters parents, James and Lily were incredibly young, while Alice and Frank were older and at least established in the Aurors.
James and Lily died at 21 with a 15/16 month old baby. They basically got married right out of Hogwarts at 18/19 and then bam! Lily is pregnant with Harry??? That is not on purpose, no way is that not an accident. The films did us so dirty by aging up all of the Marauders just to have Alan Rickman (RIP) be Snape🤮 It would’ve been so much more impactful to have James and Lily be fresh faced 20yo children, like they are barely older than Harry when he walks into the forest in DH and it would’ve been so shocking. The biggest tragedy about James and Lily is not their death, it’s their youth in death. 21 is so young, and no 21yo fighting in a war is thinking about having children, even if they are married. Having Harry was such a choice for James and Lily, and it was because they had hope that the war would end soon and they could have more than what the last few years their lives ended up being. They died in hiding, trusting a friend they shouldn’t have, and getting news through coded letters. James and Lily did not plan Harry, he was their best mistake.
Alice and Frank planned Neville! This is something I’ve always stood by because we know they were older. It takes 3 years of training to become an Auror, and when we hear about the Longbottoms they are known and established in the community, that means they either made some big arrests when they first came into the department OR they had been there for a while. The idea that the Order was literally the Marauders and some of their friends is fucking stupid. The Order was made up of many different people of VARIOUS AGES (I’m so sick and tired of this idea that everyone was close in age in the Order). Just because we know a little more about the younger members of both Orders doesn’t mean all of the Orders were young. That being said, Frank and Alice, at their youngest would’ve been 27/28 when they got pregnant with Neville. They were established and in a loving relationship, they were older and married, and while it may have seemed stupid to try and have a baby, they were friends with people who were actively having children. They would’ve know Arthur, they knew Edgar Bones and his young family, they would see James and Lily struggle to decide to have Harry. Neville was planned, or at least a more happy accident than Harry ever was.
But both of these boys, no matter how you want to argue it, were so loved and welcomed by their parents. Accident or not, planned or not, Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom were born a day apart and grew up to be friends despite the consequences of putting them together, McGonagall couldn’t have been more proud of them.
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lavaasworld786 · 6 months
Alice tells Narcissa she loves her for the first time in a bathtub, water runs through her hair, Narcissa's head rests on Alice's chest, her humming lowers as she realizes the words, gray eyes looking up at Alice as if it were a miracle, as it is the first time she hears those words. Alice telling Narcissa that she loves her for the last time, in the middle of a cafe in Paris, gray eyes looking at her with pain, tears running wildly down that beautiful face, both with their hair wet from the rain they just left behind when they entered.
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stargazingtranquility · 9 months
Barty recognized Luna because he saw Pandora in every step she took, that’s a fact. But what about everyone else?
Do you think he saw Regulus when he looked at Draco? Do you think he hated it so much that his punishments for Draco were really just him punishing Regulus and himself?
Do you think he looked at Harry and saw James and Lily? Do you think he looked at Fred and George and recognized Gideon and Fabian? Do you think he looked at Neville and regretted hurting Alice and Frank?
How many times did Barty have to stop himself from calling out their names when their children wore their smiles?
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I love Neville. Dorky plant boy🌱🥹🌟
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tudorqueen6 · 2 years
The Queen’s Uncle: Sir William Parr, 1st Baron Parr of Horton
Sir William Parr, 1st Baron Parr of Horton (c. 1483 – 10 September 1546) was the son of Sir William Parr of Kendal and his wife Elizabeth Fitzhugh. His mother was a niece to Warwick, the Kingmaker and thus a cousin of Anne Neville, Duchess of Gloucester and Queen of England as the wife of Richard III. Lady Elizabeth and her mother, Lady Alice FitzHugh, rode in the coronation train for Anne when…
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winnienora14 · 4 months
Alice Fortescue
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Alice is for the older siblings. It feels like she’s everyone’s big sis. For the ones who do well in school but not that well which makes them feel dumb. For the ones who refuse to judge people based on their grades. She’s a fan of Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Stevie Wonder. She’s a 100% a girl’s girl. She makes everyone in the room feel comfortable. She stands up to bullies and doesn’t let no one step on her feet. She’s confident but not too much. She’s an ambivert and a huge feminist. Her biggest idol is probably the lady who said ‘’and who set that system up’’. Please tell me you get the reference.
Aaaaaaaah love her soooo much
She’s so underrated😩
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t1oui · 5 months
plenty of people talk about harry and luna being siblings because of pandalily raising luna (and, usually, jegulus raising harry) but not once have i heard someone talk about nobleflower raising neville and draco (+ frank co-parenting).
can you imagine draco and neville as brothers? a true snake and a pure gryffindor shoved under the same roof (this also applies to their mothers)? it would be chaos
not to mention that draco and narcissa are such drama quees. it takes a month of neville consistently using narcissa and alice's bathroom because "draco takes too long to do his hair" before the two of them are given their own bathrooms. they find something else to argue about within a week.
this family is always late to things. neville is literally the only one who is ready on time. he'll be waiting at the door thirty minutes after they were supposed to leave while alice is rushing around cleaning (she lost track of time) and draco and narcissa are getting ready. (narcissa can - and will - be ready in five minutes if she needs to be, but she believes in being fashionably late. draco truly cannot spend less than an hour on his appearance every day.)
neville and draco's last names are "longbottom-fortescue" and "black-fortescue" respectively. secretly they love sharing one of their names.
they have been brothers since they were two, which is when alice and narcissa moved in together. though they have full custody of both boys, frank is always hanging around, and in lucius's absence he's become a father figure to both neville and draco.
neville is too nice to gossip on his own, but draco is a terrible influence, and the second they're in the same room you know some tea is gonna be spilled.
alice is "mum" and narcissa is "mother". alice is the fun parent and narcissa is the slightly crazy one who buys her children $20,000 watches for their half-birthdays
alice is jewish and they celebrate both hanukkah and christmas every year.
neville and draco can practically read each other's minds. they have twin telepathy except they're not twins or biologically related. nobody really knows how, but if one of them is sad on the other side of the castle, the other one knows immediately
they actually really care about each other. they fight a lot but it never means much.
just. so much potential here, guys.
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razzledazzle247 · 5 months
Alright Harry Potter people, you know what I want?
I want a Wrong Boy-who-lived au that goes a little something like this:
Neville and Harry are being watched by Peter, giving their parents a little break to get out of the house for a few hours. Voldemort attacks and Harry survives, not because of his mother’s sacrifice, but because his mother went looking for something to protect her baby by any means possible and ended up doing a blood ritual to protect him.
The house blows up and some of the debris gives Neville a V shaped scar and everyone assumes that’s what the prophecy meant by “mark him as an equal” so he’s hailed as the boy-who-lived.
Now unlike many other boy-who-lived fics, this is not a bashing fic. Neville does not grow up to be a little monster, he’s just rightfully confident in his abilities. James and Lily don’t hate Harry for not being the child of prophecy, as a matter of fact, they’re glad…. At least, James is glad.
Lily is terrified, because she knows.
She felt it the moment the ritual was activated and rushed them all back playing it off as mother’s intuition because the ritual may not have been all that legal.
She knows who Voldemort actually targeted and she knows what the lightning bolt on her son’s forehead means, but she tells no one. Not even James. If she says it out loud then it becomes real, and Voldemort’s gone, right? It shouldn’t matter? She’s just giving her son a normal childhood, what’s wrong with that?
And then it continues in someway like that with both Harry and Neville being raised by loving parents as godbrothers until Hogwarts where things start happening
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ricardian-werewolf · 1 month
Take Me to War Master-list
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Crossposted TO: Ao3 Link - listed as I'll Break the Sky on Ao3 ||Fanfic Masterlist
UPDATES ONCE A WEEK: Being written alongside Nikolina Rewrite of The Grisha Trilogy.
Relationships: Gwyane Hightower X Original Female Character, Jacaerys Velaryon X Original Female Character, Perkin Warbeck X Catherine Gordon.
Characters: Cecily-Anne (OC), Jacaerys Velaryon, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, Gwayne Hightower, Richard III, Anne Neville, Henry Tudor, Richard of Shrewsbury.
Taglist: @lordbettany, @rmelster, @fauxraven, @dreadbirate @hysterionic
Reeling from the battle of Redmore Plain (later known as Bosworth Field), fifteen year old Cecily-Anne is a princess without her throne, family, or hope. Forced to play her cards with both hands tied, a seemingly mystical intercession forces her into a world that is shockingly similar to the England she knows. Yet it is also drastically different. It is there as a mere lady in waiting, that she is forced to pick a side in a war that has been played over in her England for decades. It remains to see as to whom will come out from this “Dance of Dragons,” unscathed and whole.
General Tws: Brutal violence, implied sexual violence, sexism of the medieval period, religious mention, brutality. This is the first time the author has written for Gwayne Hightower, so please be kind! The author also only has a surface level knowledge of House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones, so please be courteous when making comments or suggestions. The Author is a history student with a special interest in the Wars of the Roses and Ricardian sources, so knowledge of that period will be largely correct.
Specific tags on Ao3:
Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-it, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe -Historical.
Published Chapter List on Tumblr:
If not to heaven, then hand in hand to hell
2. Humbly beg the death upon my knee
3. Strangeness and Charm
Wip chapters
4. The Lady of the North - 0k words.
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