roselyn-writing · 2 years
Mitsuko said goodbye to Selviya and went to play with other kids. Then suddenly, Kya appeared floating with his wings and then he landed next to Mitsuko.
Kya- hey Mitsuko, what are you doing? :3
Mitsuko looked at him with disgust but decides to answer
Mitsuko- nothing much, the game was way better before you arrived 😒
Kid- were are playing hide and seek :D
Kya- that’s cool! Can I join the game
Mitsuko- no
Kids- YESSS!!
Mitsuko- (are u serious?!)
Kya- okay, I’m counting, and the rest of you hide
Kya starts counting the numbers, while Mitsuko and the other kids started to hide themselves. Mitsuko didn’t know where to hide, so she saw Selviya and asked her for help
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Selviya smiled at her then Tells her to come with her to Her home-town moirvdonne, Mitsuko eagerly accepted and goes with her. leaving Kya all alone.
“Hehe i wanna see the look on his face when he realised we’re gone hehe” Selviya chuckled
“Nah he’s too dumb to realise!” Mitsuko added, Laughing with her
Kya Still counting,unaware that Mitsuko is gone and only kids are hiding. He wasn’t playing for the kids, only for Mitusko
*In Selviya place*
Selviya and Mitsuko Happily travelled to another City into another dimension Moirvdonne City.
“Hey! Lets go to my Favourite diner! It has the best Milkshakes!” Selviya Began, Mitsuko nodded
“That seems lovely!” Mitusko innocently added
The two get inside the diner, Unusually it is empty today, nonetheless They’re going to have milkshakes
“Selviya your back!” The Worker said
“Hey! Lance Hows things going!” Selviya asked him
“Better! So.. I suppose the usual?” Lance replied
“Nah i’m here for Milkshakes!, i’m going to have strawberry Milkshake and you Mitsuko?” Selviya muttered
“I’m going to have Chocolate Milkshakes!” Mitsuko uttered
“2 milkshakes coming right up!” Lance Declared
Mitsuko and Selviya sat on the table near the window, Selviya favourite place. Mintues later Lance came with their orders.
“Here you go snowflake!” Lance Says, while looking at Selviya
“Thank you, Sir lancelot” Selviya chuckled, Mitsuko Chuckles
“Ahh You got me! Like the fellas use to call me” Lance happily responded.
“Sure i did, Lancy” Selviya winked, then takes a sip of her Milkshake.
Mitsuko takes a sip too, she is surprised that this Beverage is amazing, beyond her imagination. She loves chocolates and she loved this even more. She loves everything about this place. Moments later people come inside the diner, the bells on the door started ringing , Meaning that people are coming. Mitsuko stopped drinking to look at the window. She saw the people walking, new strange places. She loves this place. The only place she know is the sky temple. But this place is amazing, there are alot of people, Alot of buildings. Even there are pets, Cats dogs and such. This place is Amazing and full of life and energy
“The milkshakes is delicious, and i like this place thank you Selviya!” Mitsuko Said
Selviya smiled at this, She knows that Mitsuko never been to much places like her. Knowing that Mitusko is kid and it’s dangerous to let a kid wander alone with himself/herself.
“Your welcome Mitsuko! I’m really happy that you liked The milkshake!” Selviya Responded, Smiling to her.
They stayed for a while, cleary Forgetting about Kya.
“Lets go Mitsuko! Lets take you home!” Selviya announced. Before Getting out the diner, Selviya paid then took Mitsuko
“Come again snowflake!” Lance yells
“Hehe! Will do Lancelot!” She yells back
They go back to The sky temple, Chuckling Because they remembered they Left Kya waiting, But they forgot about something, the demigods Raiden and Fujin..
“There they are!” Kya yells.
Selviya and Mitusko gave him dirty looks.
“So where were you been you two?“ Raiden asks as he Crosses his arms, Fujin along with him
“We went to have milkshakes!” Selviya Answered truthfully, Mitsuko nodded
“Hmm And when someone go for a beverage They take too long?” Raiden Argued, Cocking up an eyebrow at her
“Yup! Thats me!” She playfully answered.
“Then you must be an easy-going person, Who clearly Lacks self preservation instincts. Its too dangerous when you go out and take too much time, let alone taking a child with you! Selviya levsloky be warned if you want to do this again you may do it alone, leave Mitsuko out of this, she is a child and she is important!” Raiden declares, Clearly being patient with her.
Selviya didn’t reply, she didn’t reply because she is comprehending, what just happened. she knows its a bit risky but they’re making a fuss about it.
“O-okay?, I know you that you worry sometimes, But i’m not the saviour For nothing let alone a piece of a magical, Celestial being you don’t need to worry!” Selviya assured, Fujin Had enough of her, Enough of her arguing, enough of her arrogance, she bores him to death with her being a half Celestial.
“So you are a celestial huh? What do you want us to do? Bow to you? Worship you perhaps? What exactly is your point Selviya, you are arrogant like Frost no! Worst than Frost I don’t know how can Subzero tolerates you, Just leave Mitsuko alone! You can visit her at the sky temple but don’t take her with you. you bratty girl!” Fujin coldly scolded her, Mitusko is a bit scared
“Chill paps, Why are you Angry?” Selviya Asked
“Forget about Taking Mitusko and thats final!” Fujin warned, as he pressed his finger on her. Clearly angry
“Okay i get it get, sheesh, Overreacting much!” Selviya Added, as she slapped his finger off of her.
“Jerks!” She mentally whined, then left
Mitsuko is sad, because They Harshly Judge Selviya And making her leave, Like Arien. she just can’t understand why they are doing this they’re making her lonely by Shoving people out of her way.
Selviya of course didn’t forget Mitsuko, she does not care about the jerks, she will keep visiting her. Its just they misjudged her, they don’t know her that much and they Even lectured her about Lacking of self preservations.
The end! I like Writing about these kinds of chapters.
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