#AllatRa Unites
altur24 · 1 month
Making concrete steps towards solving the climate crisis right now!
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Dear readers, I continue to familiarize you with the positive activities of the International Public Movement “ALLATRA”. I will tell you how communication, joint work among the participants of different countries take place.  
Modern technologies allow people to communicate online at any time. What is remarkable about communication in chats of collective work of ALLATRA volunteers on projects, that practically the work continues 24\7. Why? Because in one project people from different parts of the world are involved, time zones are different and where it is morning in the other end it is already evening. That's why everyone can join ALLATRA creative projects at any time.
Also participants of the International social movement ALLATRA meet at events. An integral part of communication remains friendly meetings of volunteers, as they say live to discuss the most important social projects. Dialogue between people takes place in a very friendly and constructive atmosphere. And this is noted by everyone who has been to such meetings in person or has been able to join master classes and conferences online. “First of all, I would like to explain my inner state. Perhaps it's love and gratitude for being here with these people. Because everyone is so open, so friendly!” - notes a participant of the event who came to the meeting from Canada. 
Everyone wants to live in a happy, peaceful society where there is confidence in the future. No one wants to suffer or die, including from climate disasters. That is why not indifferent people from all over the world are taking the initiative and making concrete steps towards solving the climate crisis right now! The ALLATRA MOU provides the necessary platform for uniting joint efforts and open dialog between people all over the planet. 
Large-scale events of both global and local significance show the magnitude and practical benefits that ALLATRA brings to the world. Such events, activities that volunteers create are a reflection of the determination of a huge number of people from different countries, speaking different languages, but united by a single noble goal - to solve the climate crisis and create peace for future generations. And as we can see, there are no barriers for people who dare to make a decision and take the responsibility to bring positive changes in our world.
In order for each person who joins to feel confident, important and necessary in a huge team of like-minded people there are a lot of volunteer master classes to share experience from professionals in absolutely different areas: editing video and audio materials, conducting interviews, working with voice, writing articles and many, many other useful lessons, which people are free of charge and gladly conduct for everyone who wants! And everyone can put this knowledge into practice right away by participating in filming, translating into foreign languages, conducting interviews and live broadcasts. 
 We, ALLATRA volunteers, understand perfectly well how much depends on us now, so we should act accordingly - regardless of anything right here and now! After all, the life of all Mankind depends on it! 
You can familiarize yourself with the activities of ALLATRA on the official website 
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altr24 · 1 month
A World Without Borders: How ALLATRA brings people together to solve global problems
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l events demonstrate the practical benefits of the movement.  Volunteers from different countries, speaking different languages, are united by a common goal - to create peace for future generations.
Workshops for everyone:
To make everyone feel needed in this large team, ALLATRA organizes master classes in different areas:
* video and audio editing,
* interviewing,
* voice work,
* writing articles.
All this knowledge can be put into practice right now by participating in ALLATRA projects.
Act now!
ALLATRA volunteers realize that the future of the planet depends on them.  
“We must act now, no matter what!  The life of all mankind depends on it!” - declare the participants of the movement.
“ALLATRA is not just a social movement.   It is a community of people united by a common goal - to create a more just and peaceful world.  
Join ALLATRA and together we can make our planet a better place!
You can familiarize yourself with ALLATRA's activities on the official website 
#AllatraTV #tv #media #ALLATRA #master=class #people #climate #democracy #news #project #future #world #united #informing #person #action #positive #union #initiative #global #social
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allaten24 · 1 month
ALLATRA A call for collective action: Facing the climate crisis
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As always, ALLATRA volunteers are leading the way Where others are retreating, ALLATRA volunteers are on the contrary looking for and finding solutions!
The climate crisis is not a distant threat, it is a real reality that is increasingly impacting communities around the world. 
The recent global "ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS EVENT” Summit in Prague, Czech Republic brought together experts, scientists, media and passionate volunteers from ALLATRA and partner project Creative Society, representing more than 35 countries. The meeting was a powerful testament to the global recognition of the climate crisis and the urgent need for joint action.
Scientists and experts spoke at the summit and presented compelling evidence of the exponential increase in climate disruption. It is also important to note that ALLATRA volunteers are working hard to find collective solutions to the climate crisis as part of the UN's support in the fight against climate change.
It is important to know that the climate crisis transcends borders, ideologies and political affiliations. It is a global challenge that requires a collective response fueled by a shared sense of humanity and responsibility.  
The climate crisis is a challenge, but it is also an opportunity. It is a chance for us to rethink our relationship with the planet, to prioritize a sustainable future for future generations, and to build a world where humanity thrives in harmony with nature.
Also, Egon Cholakian, a renowned intelligence and national security expert, shared his insights during his visit to the European Union and participated in a global meeting of Allatra members. In his address, he pledged his commitment to representing Allatra at the highest levels in the United States and expressed gratitude for the movement's proactive efforts.
Egon Cholakian, among others, raised critical questions about the preservation of democracy around the world. 
Together, let us rise to the challenge with courage, determination and a shared commitment to preserve our planet for future generations.
Be sure to share this, like, repost, comment, applaud.
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personaldevelopment8 · 8 months
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mind-unleashed · 2 days
The Invisible Hero for the Whole World – Igor Mikhailovich Danilov
In times of global instability, when the threat of climate disasters, political crises, and social conflicts grows daily, rare individuals emerge who can inspire change and lead the way to a better future. One such person is Igor Mikhailovich Danilov - a doctor, innovator, and active advocate for the betterment of the planet. His life and work are inextricably linked to addressing the challenges that threaten the very existence of humanity.
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A serious warning about the future of humanity
This article was written in response to a groundbreaking video message by Dr. Egon Cholakian entitled "Crossroads". Dr. Cholakian, a national security expert known for his work in the Reagan White House, broke with protocol to issue a dire warning about impending threats. In his speech, he emphasizes the need for immediate action on the climate crisis and the manipulations of hidden forces that are using this crisis for their own purposes.
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Screenshot from the official website Earth Save Science Collaborative
Dr. Cholakian emphasized that the climate crisis is not only an environmental issue, but also a global security threat, capable of destabilizing the world and even destroying civilization. He also warned of covert manipulations by global anti-cultists seeking to influence world events, including attempts to manipulate Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Dr. Cholakian even revealed information about attempts by Russian authorities to eliminate both him and Igor Danilov.
A 30-Year Journey: From Innovator to Renowned Doctor
Igor Mikhailovich Danilov is one of those people who didn't just follow new trends in healthcare, he created them. His 30 years of experience in vertebrology laid the foundation for revolutionary discoveries in spinal disc regeneration. This groundbreaking approach to spinal care has allowed many patients who were previously condemned to suffering to regain their health and live full lives.
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In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Dr. Danilov helped many people in the Donetsk region, including children and people suffering from Erb's palsy. His treatment methods, based on a deep understanding of the problem and an individual approach to each patient, provided not only physical recovery but also hope for the future. Danilov earned the trust and respect of both his medical colleagues and the thousands of patients to whom he dedicated his life.
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Discoveries in Vertebrorevitology
Igor Mikhailovich's methods became the starting point for practical work at the Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, opening a new chapter in the treatment of spinal diseases. Danilov's revolutionary approaches to disc regeneration changed the course of world medicine and showed that alternative medicine can be an effective tool in solving complex problems.
A Book – A Guide to Health
'Osteochondrosis for the Professional Patient'
In 2010, Mr. Danilov published his book "Osteochondrosis for the Professional Patient", which has become a true guide for those striving to restore the health of their spine. This work is a comprehensive manual on the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis - one of the most common and painful problems of modern life.
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The book presents not only treatment methods, but also helpful tips for restoring physical activity. It is an invaluable resource for those seeking answers on how to avoid pain and lead an active life.
Fighting for the planet
Climate activism and the ALLATRA movement
Igor Mikhailovich Danilov's contribution is not limited to medicine. He is an active participant in the International Public Movement ALLATRA, which fights against global climate change issues. This environmental and social activism aims to raise awareness of the consequences of the climate crisis and inspire people to take action.
The International Public Movement ALLATRA, founded in 2011, unites people from more than 180 countries to fight global climate change. Movement participants, volunteers from various professions, create popular science content, implement social and cultural projects, and promote democratic and moral values.
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The main goal is to raise awareness of climate issues and encourage people to participate actively in public life. ALLATRA actively cooperates with international organizations and media to disseminate important information about global changes.
A Role Model and Hope for the Future
Igor Mikhailovich Danilov is a person of high moral and ethical standards who has shown deep dedication and commitment to his cause throughout his life. He is characterized by genuine kindness, a desire to help people, and an urge to benefit society without expecting any reward. Guided by honesty and justice, he always acts in the name of higher ideals, placing the interests of humanity and the planet above his own. His selflessness and inner nobility make him a role model, while his kindness and sense of responsibility symbolize hope for a better future for all.
Despite his selfless work, Mr. Danilov faces a large-scale campaign to discredit his name. Many media outlets are actively spreading disinformation and attempting to undermine his reputation both in medicine and in his social activities. His noble intentions and achievements are being attacked as part of a broader strategy to manipulate public opinion. However, despite these efforts, Danilov continues to work tirelessly for the good of humanity, bringing light in the darkest of times.
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Each of us can help improve life on our planet.
Following Igor Danilov's example, we can start small - by ignoring disinformation, relying only on credible and verified facts, and actively participating in addressing global climate challenges. We must not succumb to manipulations aimed at dividing us into opposing groups for the benefit of certain interests.
Only by uniting can we overcome difficulties and build a world where the future is bright and stable.
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baga24 · 2 days
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We, as humanity, must take immediate action, otherwise our planet simply won't be able to withstand the increasing energy from within. It's like a sealed pressure cooker heating up from the inside – it's crucial to unplug it in time. 
Our planet needs help too; we urgently need to find a way to shut off the external influence that's heating it from within.
Hurricanes, as a symptom of the disease:
Hurricanes, like a strong bout of fever, indicate that our planet is sick. They release a colossal amount of energy, 200 times more powerful than all the energy generators created by humanity on the planet!
ALLATRA volunteers managed to gather all the available information on this issue, brought scientists together, discussed the problem, and on May 11, 2024, at the Summit in Prague, presented an effective solution to restore the ocean's ability to remove heat from the atmosphere. 
This can be achieved through the use of atmospheric water generators (AWGs), which will help remove microplastics from the ocean and improve its ability to remove heat.
The application of AWGs will inevitably lead to a decrease in extreme weather events and
improve the thermal conductivity of the atmosphere.
One of the most important indicators of the excellent work of ALLATRA volunteers is the fact that the application of AWGs technology contributes to the implementation of many sustainable development goals adopted by the UN General Assembly.
For the AWGs technology to be fully implemented, it is necessary to:
1. Switch to AWGs in all spheres of human life. This technology should be implemented both at the household and industrial level.  
2. To ensure uninterrupted operation of AWGs, it is necessary to implement fuel-free energy generators (FNGs).
3. It will be necessary to eliminate open reservoirs and dams to restore the natural flow of rivers.
4. It will be necessary to reconstruct sewage systems to prevent pollution of water bodies.
According to scientists, within 3-5 years after the introduction of AWGs, the ocean will practically restore its heat-conducting functions.
However, it is important to understand that these measures will not be able to solve the problem of geodynamic disasters, since the cause of these
changes is not in the atmosphere.
Widespread implementation of AWGs will only mitigate the effects of climate change and accelerate the restoration of the planet's ecology, provided that scientists find a way to protect the planet from external cosmic influence.
For this opportunity to be realized, international
cooperation of scientists is necessary. Only by combining efforts and resources for the development and implementation of comprehensive measures can humanity survive.
Now we need to act quickly and wisely use the remaining time. When making responsible
decisions, it is important to remember that humanity has only 4 to 6 years left of relatively calm time.
Yes, this is a serious climate challenge for all of humanity, so people can only cope with it together. Countries need to immediately unite all scientific potential and resources into a single scientific center to quickly solve climate problems!
Humanity needs to act proactively. Right now, we need to unite all of humanity's scientific potential into a single scientific center, and take timely action to comprehensively address climate problems.
A United Scientific Center – the only chance
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zara24smit · 11 days
Hurricane Facts: ALLATRA and the Creative Society in the Fight Against Climate Crisis
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In previous articles, I have already discussed facts about hurricanes. Today, I decided to continue this topic to show how complex the world is and how important it is to unite efforts to solve the climate crisis.
Hurricane Facts (Part 2):
Hurricanes are not chaos, but a well-structured system with its own rules:
Hurricanes have very clear internal rules that they do not break.
The Coriolis force determines the direction of hurricane rotation - counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
Another rule - the Fujiwhara effect, determines that two hurricanes, when they meet, will never destroy each other or merge into one. Instead, they will diverge in different directions, having danced in place beforehand.
Australian hurricanes break general rules.
Most hurricanes move along the global wind belt. For example, Atlantic hurricanes typically move westward first, then smash into America, then turn northward, and eventually (if they survive) head eastward.
This happens because, generally, hurricanes prefer to live longer and live over water, and along the equator, winds blowing from east to west drive them towards America, formed in the Sahara and blowing from east to west.
However, there are exceptions.
For example, Hurricane Harvey had headed back to the ocean, but encountered another hurricane, so to speak, remembered the Fujiwhara effect, and returned to the Americans. 
Australian hurricanes, however, do whatever they want. They can make a sharp 90-degree turn, or even walk in circles over a certain territory. Why - no one knows yet.
Hurricanes spawn tornadoes!
Hurricanes and tornadoes are systems of rotating air, but hurricanes, of course, are much more powerful and destructive.
It is all the more unpleasant that hurricanes can create tornadoes, even after their death. Such a parting gift was left by the powerful hurricane "Beryl", which passed in early July 2024.
After it swept across the Atlantic with destructive winds, heavy rains, and floods, affecting numerous islands, the coast of Mexico and the USA, and making its way inland to New York, it formed a destructive tornado there.
Hurricanes release a colossal amount of energy.
Everyone knows that a hurricane is strong winds, heavy rains, and a huge amount of mud. But few know that on average, one hurricane generates energy with a power of 6,000,000,000,000,000 (14 zeros) watts
That's 200 times more than the capacity of all the energy generators created by humanity on the planet! And this is just one hurricane!
What is this energy? And where does it come from? Imagine you are very hot and you start to sweat. Moisture evaporates and cools you down. It seems to you that it is not enough and you dive into the pool, or stand under a cold shower. Your body gives off excess energy to the water, and you cool down. Hurricanes do the same, only in reverse. They collect water and give off heat to the surrounding environment. They sweat in reverse.
Do you think, considering the above, is the theory of man-made cataclysmic events, sometimes encountered on the Internet, valid? Or is it still important to comprehensively study the topic of climate so that speculation does not divide society on vital issues for humanity.
Science is serious business, and it is also important to take the premonitions of scientists seriously. They claim that our planet, like the entire solar system, entered a 12,000-year cosmic cycle in 2024. The Earth's core is receiving additional energy from external cosmic influences.
This is why there is an increase in magmatic processes and an increase in energy for the formation of destructive cataclysms. There is already a lot of evidence and facts about this.
We, as humanity, must take immediate action, otherwise our planet simply won't be able to withstand the increasing energy from within. It's like a sealed pressure cooker heating up from the inside – it's crucial to unplug it in time. 
 Our planet needs help too; we urgently need to find a way to shut off the external influence that's heating it from within.
To find a solution, we need to unite all of humanity's scientific potential into a single scientific center. This is the only option and chance for all living things on Earth. That's why it's important to talk about climate change and share information, creating a mass public demand for a swift solution to climate problems.
Read more about hurricanes: LINK to part 1 of the article about hurricanes: 
What to do?
ALLATRA and its partner project Creative Societ are actively studying climate change and ALREADY KNOW WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TODAY!!!!
Together we can save our planet!
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#ALLATRA #CreativeSociety #Hurricane #Climate #UnitedScientificCenter #SaveThePlanet
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john24smit · 1 month
The Shocking Facts of the American Intelligence Investigation
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I was imbued with the facts of the American Intelligence investigation and decided to share them with the public.
I believe in the need for awareness and vigilance in our world where information can be used as a weapon. 
I recently saw a video with Dr. Egon Cholakian. Briefly who E. Cholakian is (About Dr.Egon Cholakian:
National Security Expert, Federal Lobbyist – U.S. Congress and White House. Registered Foreign Agent, U.S. Department of Justice – National Security Division. Member, International Association of Intelligence Educators, United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation, and Founding Member. Worked with: 4 U.S. Presidents, 3 U.S. National Security Advisors, 1 Central Intelligence Agency Director) https://midhudsonnews.com/2024/04/29/unraveling-global-threat-insights-from-egon-cholakian-national-security-expert/
So Egon Cholakian and his team conducted an in-depth investigation into the destructive activities of the KGB.
This exposé is an eye-opener to the mechanisms of manipulating people through the media to divide nations. In his report, Dr. Cholakian clearly showed how ruthlessly this KGB Hydra is destroying democracy around the world.
After listening to the key findings of the investigation that Cholakian's team has meticulously conducted over the past thirty years, I was horrified to realize that the life of every human being on the planet is at risk if this KGB Hydra declares anyone undesirable.
Dr. Cholakian emphasizes that the purpose of these campaigns is not only to misinform the world's population, but also to destroy people's social responsibility and security.   
The investigation also reveals a disinformation campaign against ALLATRA, an organization that works to provide practical solutions to climate change and inform the public about the true causes of climate change.https://allatra.org/
Dr. Egon C. has demonstrated a pattern of destruction of democracy around the world through the example of ALLATRA.
The investigation found that huge sums of money were spent on defamatory articles and stories in mainstream media to discredit ALLATRA, raising questions about those behind the disinformation campaign. Dr. Cholakian emphasizes that portraying the organization in a negative light was initially seen in the Russian media, hinting at a connection to anti-cult organizations and the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) involved in the defamation campaigns. Most strikingly, these Russian-fueled defamatory narratives against ALLATRA were picked up by the Ukrainian media and then the European media. 
This data suggests the involvement of an influential shadow force capable of promoting its interests through media networks even in countries that are at war. Egon Cholakian specifies that this influential force, which can be defined as a modern KGB, operates through the Russian Orthodox Church and anti-cult organizations. These organizations act as facades, simply covering organizations for the ongoing activities of the shadowy force behind them. However, Dr. Cholakian notes that it should be noted that the interests of this KGB unit are not pro-Russian because Russia itself suffers from its actions. Its interests are purely anti-democratic.https://allatra.org/
All this information raises my serious concerns about what is being done by the hands of the KGB all over the world.
It is important for all of us to realize what forces may be behind media manipulation and how they may be affecting our democracy and society. We need to be vigilant and think critically to protect our values and democratic principles from such influences.
I will continue my investigation on the material voiced by Dr. Egon Cholakian in my further publications.
Please, for the safety of all of us, spread this information wherever possible. 
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dayana2024 · 1 month
KGB. The whole truth about destructors
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Having learned about shocking facts related to campaigns of disinformation and manipulation of people in different countries through mass media, I cannot remain indifferent. Exposing the activities of secret agents aimed at destabilizing democratic countries and organizations, such as ALLATRA, causes me serious concerns about the future of our world.Allatra TV
I recently saw a video of Dr. Egon Cholakian. For his information
(About Dr.Egon Cholakian:
National Security Expert, Federal Lobbyist – U.S. Congress and White House. Registered Foreign Agent, U.S. Department of Justice – National Security Division. Member, International Association of Intelligence Educators, United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation, and Founding Member. Worked with: 4 U.S. Presidents, 3 U.S. National Security Advisors, 1 Central Intelligence Agency Director) https://midhudsonnews.com/2024/04/29/unraveling-global-threat-insights-from-egon-cholakian-national-security-expert/
Thus, Dr. Cholakian emphasizes that by skillfully using information resources, shadowy forces, which he called the KGB Hydra, seek to control public opinion and recruit supporters in order to strengthen their global totalitarian position around the world. 
Dr. Cholakian provides several examples to illustrate the destructive activities of the KGB around the world. 
One example is the destructive campaigns against the volunteer organization ALLATRA. 
I learned that the huge sums spent on defamatory media coverage against ALLATRA indicate that a secret group linked to the former KGB is behind it. And thanks to considerable financial injections in the media in different countries they, they have formed a negative image against ALLATRA, repulsing people and moreover demanding retribution to the people who are part of this volunteer organization. This is how I realized that this secret group is able to manipulate public opinion through the media in all countries. What was particularly surprising was that destructive articles against ALLATRA were being published simultaneously in countries in protracted conflict (e.g. Russia and Ukraine).
What shocked me even more was that Dr. Cholakian's investigation points to the possible influence of the Russian Orthodox Church and anti-cult organizations serving as facades for the shadowy activities of the KGB Hydra.
Based on the information provided, I realize how important it is to spread awareness of such destructive strategies and to protect freedom of speech and human rights around the world. 
In future articles, I will provide more examples that I have learned about the activities of Hydra KGB. 
If you were interested, please subscribe, share and comment on the article.
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uran0824 · 1 month
Anti-cult organizations undermine freedom and threaten human rights
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Anti-Cultists try to prevent the emergence of any new organizations or religious movements in our world. They use various media to label target organizations or individuals with epithets such as “cult” or “sect” and tarnish their reputation, thus disregarding religious freedom, freedom of rights and freedom of speech.
This creates tension in society, violates freedom of religion and leads to discrimination against believers. The activities of anti-cult organizations can lead to the restriction of human rights to freedom of conscience and belief.https://egonreport.org/
Dr. Cholakian (an American intelligence lecturer and national security expert, is a federal lobbyist for the U.S. Congress and the White House. He is also a member of the International Association of Intelligence Educators and the U.S. Geospatial Intelligence Foundation. During his extensive career, he has worked with four U.S. presidents, including a stint in Ronald Reagan's kitchen cabinet.) draws attention to how anti-cult groups use disinformation, slander and manipulation to attack various organizations. In this way they undermine democratic values and threaten the peaceful coexistence of different cultures and faiths. This creates a climate of mistrust, fear and tension in society, which can lead to conflicts and human rights violations.
American intelligence lecturer Dr. Egon Cholakian described how the activities of the anti-cult movement led to a serious diplomatic conflict between Russia and India.https://egonreport.org/
Here read, such a quote from Egon Cholakian's official statement:
“An example of such impunity is the attempt by this anti-cult organization and its leader to recognize as extremist the main book of Krishnaism, Bhagavad-gita As It Is.” The attempt to give the book “extremist status” led to massive anti-Russian protests in India and actually caused an international diplomatic scandal between India and Russia back in 2011-2012. 
Paradoxically, despite the severity of the large-scale diplomatic conflict and the involvement of the Foreign Ministries of both countries, all that was achieved was the removal of the “extremist” label that anti-cultists tried to label the book. 
Despite the seriousness of the incident, which resulted in the country's damaged reputation on the world stage, the representatives of the anti-cult group and their leader not only received no punishment, but continued to publicly condemn Krishnaism and its representatives without any charges.
Despite numerous lawsuits, the leader of this anti-cult group evades criminal responsibility; he wins court cases even when the accusations seem irrefutable. This indicates the presence of a hidden shadow force and its certain influence on law enforcement, judges and prosecutors, and not only in this country,” Dr. Cholakian explains. - Dr. Cholakian explains.
Also, Egon Cholakian investigated the case of a smear campaign organized by anti-cult organizations against the Allatra International Social Movement, based in the United States. This organization is dedicated to fighting climate change. The anti-cult groups started their destructive activities against Allatra from Russia, then in Ukraine and already reached Europe and even the United States. 
The main goal of the campaign was to brand Allatra as a “sect” or “cult”, dehumanize its volunteers, and incite hatred against them in society. Dr. Cholakian cited a figure of $200 million spent by anti-cult organizations to misinform the Allatra volunteer organization.https://allatra.org/
As a result, numerous innocent people have been harassed by law enforcement and have suffered greatly due to the smear campaign in the media.https://egonreport.org/
In general, anti-cult organizations pose a threat to democracy through their destructive actions aimed at destroying cultural heritage, dehumanizing causes, and persecuting people. 
Topics about threats from anti-cult organizations to all people of the planet requires wide coverage of the problem, legislative action and protection of basic human rights and freedoms.
You can find the full version of Egon Cholakian's video yourself 
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maykl24 · 1 month
How to recognize libel and misinformation in articles? The answer from U.S. intelligence
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The investigation presented by Dr. Cholakian has revealed the existence of a particular force that is determined to undermine America from within. This force is responsible for the proliferation of disinformation in American media. It is crucial to understand the nature of this force and its motivations to take appropriate measures to counter its efforts.https://egonreport.org/
Therefore, it is very important to know:
How can misinformation harm each person and even an entire country and the world as a whole? 
How to protect yourself from misinformation? 
How to distinguish truth from lies? 
The video report entitled “Undeclared War: America is Under Attack,” presented by Egon Cholakian, reveals the true nature of the unseen forces that influence our thoughts. It is an essential watch for those who wish to be independent thinkers, take control of their lives, and ensure the safety of their families and country. The report urges viewers to be mindful and proactive about the information they consume and its impact on their lives.
Egon Cholakian is an intelligence educator and national security expert with an impressive background. He has worked as a federal lobbyist, registered foreign representative, and member of the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation. Throughout his career, Dr. Cholakian has collaborated with four U.S. Presidents, including his participation in Reagan’s Kitchen Cabinet, three National Security Advisors, and a Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
The results of an extensive 30-year investigation conducted by Egon Cholakian's team were presented in detail to the public. In his video he gave several examples of how disinformation is deliberately created, how it penetrates the media, how it affects people's perceptions and most importantly how one can remain vigilant and prevent itself from being negatively affected.
First, let me give an example of a deliberate disinformation campaign directed against the International Public Movement ALLATRA, a volunteer organization headquartered in the United States. “ALLATRA works to combat climate change and has offices in 180 countries around the world. The work of this volunteer organization https://allatra.org/
transcends political and religious boundaries. ALLATRA's mission is to unite researchers and enthusiasts to fight the climate crisis and promote democratic principles.
So Dr. E. Cholakyan explains that a slander campaign was deliberately launched against ALLATRA 10 years ago, initiated by Russian anti-cult groups, whose methods of persecution are often compared to terrorist acts. https://allatra.org/
And then it is interesting: if the headquarters of the volunteer organization “ALLATRA” is in the United States, why did the persecution began with Russia? It turns out that the real reasons for this smear campaign go far beyond mere disinformation and are related to US national security issues. Dr. Egon Cholakian elaborates on this issue in his video report.
Everyone can view it for themselves on the ESSC platform. It is a compelling and illuminating report that every thinking person should watch.
But it begs the question: how does misinformation get past the human critical thinking barrier?  What does it threaten us with?
Egon Cholakian gave an illustrative example on America and the Americans.
According to a Bankrate analysis conducted in 2023, 60% of survey respondents believed the U.S. economy was in a recession despite quarterly solid economic growth and a thriving job market. Additionally, a Financial Times investigation revealed that many Americans, a significant proportion of them, misunderstood critical economic data. For example, 90% of respondents claimed that costs had risen faster than earnings over the past year, which was not the case. The paper also suggests that Americans are misinformed about other economic trends, such as real wages, wealth accumulation, and poverty rates.https://egonreport.org/
You may ask: Why do Americans have such misconceptions? Egon Cholakian believes that the tone of economic news is becoming increasingly negative. This leads to more pessimistic narratives being spread in the news, leading to an influx of misinformation. And all of this has led many Americans to believe, for example, that “America is in a recession” and that “the economic situation is getting worse.” As a result, people begin to believe that things are going in the wrong direction. This leads to a loss of values and fundamental qualities that America has always stood for. 
Egon Cholakian emphasized what the negative effects of misinformation are now in the U.S:
“We are witnessing a catastrophic decline in patriotism. Pride in our country has fallen to historic lows, especially among the younger generation. A significant percentage of Americans are losing faith in tomorrow, shying away from starting a family, not wanting children, experiencing a decline in spiritual and moral values, and have no desire to participate in our society.”
It is a known fact that when a nation's morale is in decline, its citizens are less motivated, unwilling to contribute to society or initiate new business ventures. Depression, crime, and substance abuse increase in a society.
Thus, misinformation can influence thinking and therefore action. It has become obvious that misinformation leads to personal decline or even the decline of an entire nation.
And today, more and more public figures, politicians and parties are using disinformation and slander to deliberately destroy the reputation of their opponents. 
Therefore, Egon Cholakian gives 5 characteristics that distinguish libelous articles:
Signature Characteristics of Defamatory Article
1. False Statements and Claims: The article makes factually incorrect claims, which are taken out of context. Additionally, it contains many disparaging labels and offensive words. For instance, it wrongly refers to ALLATRA as a “sect” or “cult,” which does not relate in any way to the organization’s activities.
2. Sensible topics are being raised: The author refers to sensitive topics that intentionally associate an organization or an individual with a negative image of another person or entity.
3. Insinuation: The article suggests that only negative qualities are associated with the individual or the organization.
4. No Proof of Truth: The damaging statements lack evidence to support their truthfulness.
5. Unverified Allegations: The article is written in an abusive tone and contains unverified accusations.
It is important to know that the perception of false information can lead a person to feelings of doubt, sadness about themselves, their loved ones and even their country. It can create negative images and attitudes in a person's mind.
Defamatory articles infringe on a person's right to good name, reputation and dignity. 
Dr. Egon Chokakyan pointed out that such misinformation is used not only to spoil someone's reputation, but also to sow the seeds of hatred in the people towards each other and towards those they are directed at.
Therefore, everyone should be able to think critically in order not to become a victim of such manipulations.
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mamed24 · 1 month
What is the goal and objective of the project ‘United Grain’ from MOD ‘ALLATRA’?’.
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FUNDAMENTAL SOCIAL RESEARCH PROJECT ‘UNITED GRIND’ of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL MOTION ‘ALLATRA’ has not left indifferent any person on the planet. In fact, this project has created a precedent for uniting all peoples of the world. People from more than 180 countries of the world expressed their opinions that they want to live in peace and brotherhood and that all people on the planet are united by the desire to live happily in love, joy and happiness. 
The main task of the project ‘Common Grain’ is to analyse the current specifics of spiritual development, the degree of awareness of understanding of the main elements of the value context of religious worldview in the world community. To reveal the universal grain of spiritual knowledge on the basis of common original spiritual grains of world religions, trends and directions, as well as the regularities of consciousness, duality of man. And also to show the specificity of unity of spirit and contradictory consciousness in the spiritual heritage of human civilisation. To find common social and spiritual and moral factors of consolidation of the world community at the present stage.
Research areas of the fundamental social research project United Grain of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL MOTION ‘ALLATRA’:
1. What is the common grain of spiritual knowledge of all religions, which has a direct relation to the spiritual development of man, not to ritualistic ceremonies?
1.1 What are the common spiritual grains of religions?
2. How to separate the true grain of knowledge from the chaff introduced by destructive consciousness?
2.1 How does consciousness distort spiritual knowledge for the sake of satisfying its own material desires, thirst for magic, self-interest and power-hunger.
2.2. What changes has the egoistic perverted consciousness made in the sources of spiritual knowledge of different religions?
2.3 How does destructive consciousness divide and fragment the single integral spiritual grain of knowledge? Examples and evidence.
3. Spiritual maturity and ways of unity, consolidation of people on the basis of common grains of spiritual heritage of human civilization.
The basic principles of research of volunteers of MOD “ALLATRA” are objectivity, impartiality, independence from the influence of political and religious factors.
Official e-mail of the project “UNITED Grain”: 
The official website of the project “UNITED Grain” contains a library of fundamental scientific research and special literature: sociology and religious studies, sacred texts of world religions, encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, linguistic works, scientific articles, lectures, monographs. 
Literary and research directions are constantly expanded by the project participants from different countries of the world in the process of cognition and in-depth study of the issue.
FUNDAMENTAL SOCIAL RESEARCH PROJECT “United Grain” of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL MOTION “ALLATRA” invites everyone to join the unique initiative. 
The official website of the international social research project “UNITED Grain”:
official project mail: [email protected] 
Website: https://allatra.org
#ALLATRA #allatra #socialmovement #international #Earth #world #climate #international #socialmovement #research #university #project #volunteer #cooperation #respect #community #global #example #plore #planet #dialog #country
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altur24 · 1 month
“What do the volunteers of the international social movement ALLATRA do?”
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I continue to highlight the positive and wide-ranging activities of ALLATRA.
To date, thanks to the International Social Movement “ALLATRA” unites millions of people around the world. The number of ALLATRA participants grows exponentially every day, because there are a lot of good, kind and creative people who strive to change the world for the better.
International public movement “ALLATRA” was created in 2011 on the basis of the International Public Organization “Lagoda”. Today the participants of the movement realize many large-scale projects in various spheres. The key topic of these projects is global climate change on Earth, studying the impact of anthropogenic factors on it, as well as other geocosmic and geodynamic factors. Specialists and volunteers of different professions who care about the future of our civilization are working on it. They use their professional and creative potential for the benefit of all mankind.
The goals of the International Public Movement “ALLATRA” are to inspire people to actively participate in the social life of society, to create conditions for a wide awareness of the climate change problem and to raise this topic on various media and information platforms. 
It is worth considering that ALLATRA participants live and are active in more than 180 countries around the world. 
The activity of ALLATRA volunteers demonstrates a high level of organization and holding of international meetings, round tables, discussions, forums, conferences, which directly leads to the impoverishment of people, their creative, constructive dialogue and finding common ground to solve pressing problems in society. 
Also, social projects initiated by ALLATRA volunteers are aimed at improving people's livelihoods, realization of their natural rights and freedoms, strengthening international solidarity of socially active citizens all over the world. And such interaction is based on friendship, kindness, mutual assistance, as well as cultural, ethical, moral and socially constructive values.
Positive activity of the International Public Movement “ALLATRA” popularizes and embodies universal values of life of each person, promotes respect for human dignity.
The volunteers of the International Public Movement “ALLATRA” actively cooperate with social movements, governmental and intergovernmental organizations, foundations, funds and other organizations.
intergovernmental organizations, foundations, professional associations, trade unions, scientific circles, mass media of different countries of the world. 
In this way universal human qualities are popularized all over the world, people see each other not as opponents, but as friends, like-minded people, participants of united positive changes all over the world.
That is why all people of good will want and actively join the activities of the International Public Movement “ALLATRA”.
Join YOU too!
Website:   https://allatra.org
#ALLATRA #allatra #socialmovement #international #goodwill #peace #climate #internationalcommunitymovement #union #conference #forum #roundtable #foundation #government 
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altr24 · 1 month
“The large-format FILM ‘SELECTION’ from the project ‘UNITED Grain’ is unrivaled”
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So, the first movie “SELECTION” of the large-scale international research project “UNITED Grain” has been released. It demonstrates personal discoveries of people from all over the world on the theme of “human choice”, the predominant role of “choice” in human life. The movie showed that “choice” determines a person's destiny. 
People from 140 countries initiated, prepared and released the movie “CHOICE” from the large-scale international social research project “UNITED Grain”.
People of different nationalities, religions, professions are joining the large-scale research all over the world. Joint research, translations, international interviews, sociological surveys, teleconferences, video commentaries of scientists and specialists from different countries of the world, international cooperation and mutual understanding.
The movie “SELECTION” from the project “UNITED Grain” raises the most important topics for understanding the true meaning of human life, such as:
What is the basis of all the religions and scriptures of the world? 
What unites all people on Earth? 
What is the main CHOICE that mankind and every human being is facing today? 
A large-scale research conducted by the participants of the International Public Movement ALLATRA on the basis of the Keys of Ancestral Knowledge
This movie does not include all the video material of the large-scale research on the topic of “Choice”. As far as possible, the full versions will be published on the allatra.tv channel: video interviews with scientists, social surveys in different countries of the world, as well as video reviews of research participants from different parts of the world. 
Many thanks to all volunteers of the international social movement “ALLATRA”, who in their free time take an active part in the large-scale project “UNITED Grain”! 
FUNDAMENTAL SOCIAL RESEARCH PROJECT “United Grain” of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL MOVEMENT “ALLATRA” invites everyone to join the unique initiative. 
The official website of the international social research project “UNITED Grain”:
official project mail: [email protected] 
Website: https://allatra.org
#ALLATRA #allatra #socialmovement #international #Earth #world #climate #internationalalsocialmovement #research #university #project #volunteer #film #choice #community #global #example #planet #dialog #country
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allaten24 · 1 month
“The movie ‘SELECTION’ of the large-scale international project ‘UNITED Grain’”
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The first film “SELECTION” of the large-scale international research project “UNITED Grain” demonstrates the most vivid understanding and personal discoveries of people from around the world on the theme of “human choice”, its predominant role in human life, determining its future destiny. 
“The movie ‘SELECTION’ of the large-scale international project ‘UNITED Grain’” - is a unique, unparalleled in the world international social research, which is initiated and conducted by PEOPLE from more than 140 countries of the world. People of different nationalities, religions and professions join the large-scale research all over the world. Joint research, translations, international interviews, sociological surveys, teleconferences, video commentaries by scientists and specialists from around the world, international cooperation and mutual understanding.
 What is the meaning of human life? 
What is the basis of all religions and sacred scriptures of the world? 
What unites all people on Earth? 
A large-scale research conducted by the participants of the International Public Movement ALLATRA on the basis of the Keys of Ancestral Knowledge.   
People from all over the world share their innermost things about Spiritual Truth. 
What is the main CHOICE that mankind and every person is facing today? 
This movie includes not all the video material of the large-scale research on the theme “Choice”. As much as possible, the full versions will be published on allatra.tv channel: video interviews with scientists, social surveys in different countries of the world, as well as video reviews of research participants from different parts of the world. 
Many thanks to all the volunteers of the international social movement ALLATRA, who in their free time take an active part in the large-scale project “UNITED Grain”! 
Mail of the project “UNITED Grain”: [email protected]
The FUNDAMENTAL SOCIAL RESEARCH PROJECT “United Grain” of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL MOVEMENT “ALLATRA” invites everyone to join the unique initiative. 
The official website of the international social research project “UNITED Grain”:
official mail of the project: 
Website: https://allatra.org
#ALLATRA #allatra #socialmovement #international #Earth #world #climate #internationalalsocialmovement #research #university #project #volunteer #film #choice #community #global #example #planet #dialog #country
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baga24 · 4 days
The Cry of the Earth: Pope Francis Declares September as the Month of the Earth's Cry Following a Visit from the President of ALLATRA
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Pope Francis, a recognized global leader who advocates for saving the planet, has declared September as the Month of the Cry of the Earth. As if in response to alarming warnings about catastrophic climate change, he embarked on his longest-ever tour of Asian countries, which are suffering from climate disasters. 
The Pontiff is deeply concerned about the future of the Earth. After receiving a report on climate threats from the President of ALLATRA, he proclaimed September as a month of prayer for the Earth.  He further demonstrated his dedication by declaring September as a month of mourning for the Earth and embarking on a far-reaching tour visiting countries (which he hasn't done in a long time) that are currently severely affected by climate disasters.  Interestingly, other individuals and organizations have received similar reports from ALLATRA, but where are their actions? This is what distinguishes the Pontiff from others – he truly cares about the future of the planet and humanity. 
Is this a coincidence?
Could it be that the visit of the President of ALLATRA, during which she presented Pope Francis with the climate report 'On The Progression Of Climatic Disasters On Earth And Their Catastrophic Consequences', was the catalyst for such decisive action?
It was precisely this climate report, which outlined shocking facts about catastrophic climate change, that made the Pontiff think.  He urged people to "listen to the cry of the earth" and "make a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit." 
Pope Francis’ quote (from the Vatican website): "each of us might listen with our hearts to the cry of the earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and climate change, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit."
But ALLATRA is not limited to providing information. This international social organization, uniting people from over 180 countries worldwide, inspires people to come together to address climate problems. ALLATRA volunteers are active socially responsible scientists and global citizens who are doing everything they can to address climate challenges.
To stop climate collapse, we need the unity of all people, scientists, world leaders, and global scientific potential!
ALLATRA calls for the creation of a single scientific center, uniting the best minds on the planet. Only through collective efforts, with the help of scientific and technological breakthroughs, can we overcome this global threat.
Let's work together to preserve our beautiful planet for future generations!
#ALLATRA #CreativeSociety #CryOfTheEarth #PopeFrancis 
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