#Allie Shepherd
oc-sickfic-central · 4 months
Bad Timing Pt 2
2:36 am
Allie felt herself sleeping soundly but in the distant it sounded like someone was calling her name, then it got louder until she woke up and realized it was Koh. He wasn’t in bed but on the floor in the bathroom in agonizing pain. Kicking the blankets off and heading to him, Koh was on the floor, hysterically crying, choking on sobs. 
“Talk to me.” Not knowing if that would be possible given how upset he was.
“It hurts- so- bad.” 
“Where?” Allie moved some of Koh’s hair out of his face. 
“My stomach and chest. Feel sick but can’t bring anything up. Please, just make it stop.” 
“I need to take you to the hospital.” Allie told him. 
“They’re not gonna do anything! I’ve been countless times. I know what I need Allie.” 
“No! Koh, I’m not getting you or letting you use heroin. It’s not happening.” Allie’s voice rose.
“It’s the only thing that fucking works! I’m in pain and I only need a little bit.” Allie couldn’t believe this. She knew he was hurting and desperate, but it broke her none the less. 
“Give the hospital a chance. I will have them run every and any test they need. I will not let you relapse.” She assured him, a sob breaking out from Koh. 
“Fine.” Allie got up, getting on socks and her shoes and putting her wallet and keys in her bag. She slipped on socks and slippers for Koh. Getting him to his feet was not an easy task. He wanted to keep an arm, cradling his stomach and the other used to push up, feeling dizzy and the cramping was overwhelming. Like sharp stabbing pains over and over. Finally, Allie managed to get Koh up and out the door, down the hallway and to the elevator. 
The walk to the car was utter hell. They had to stop so Koh could catch his breath or double over when a particularly sharp cramp would leave him motionless. They made it to the car eventually and as Allie drove out of the garage and onto the road, there wasn’t a single car around. Making the drive to the hospital quick. 
Pulling into the ER bay, she got out and opened the door to the passenger side as a nurse came to help. She grabbed a wheelchair and could place Koh in it. Allie got back in the car to park it as they took Koh inside to check him in. 
When she walked back into the hospital they had him already back and getting changed into a gown. His movement was slow and face gritting in pain. Between Allie and a nurse they were able to get him dressed and in bed. They started an IV but opted for no pain meds, Koh knew it was for the best.
The doctor came in and asked general questions and then began examining Koh. The doctor felt around his belly pressing around the organ causing Koh to squirm and shift. He could feel stomach contents rising up. Swallowing it back down, and squeezing his eyes shut. Just above his naval was the center of all the pain and when the doctor pressed his hands in that spot, Koh heaved and a bit of stomach bile spilled out onto the bed. 
“Fuck.” Koh’s voice was shaky. “I-it hurts.” Koh closed his eyes as the sharp pains were back and fierce. 
“I’m sorry. We’ll let you get a new blanket.” The doctor patted his leg and turned to the nurse to order a series of tests and scans. The nurse got him a new blanket and took the old one way.
"Are you okay?" Allie asked immediately knowing the answer.
"Far from okay. This all gonna be a waste, they ran the same tests that they’re about to run now, and I can promise you everything is gonna come back normal or unknown. This will be a waste. I’m gonna leave here not knowing anything and still be dealing with whatever this is.” Koh rubbed the side of his head, feeling a headache begin to form. "I'm also embarrassed." Koh mumbled out.
“Why? Because I’m here?” He nodded. 
“Yes, you have to deal with me, with this! That hospital dinner was so fuckin important and I ruined it.” Allie took Koh’s hand. 
“You did not ruin anything. This is not something you can control. I’m not going to be upset or mad if you’re sick, baby. I want to help you. I know you can’t help it.” He didn't know what to say, instead he just settled into the bed wanting to rest. The dull ache that still remained making it hard for Koh to fully sleep.
A little while later a tech came in to conduct an ultrasound the gel was cold on his stomach.
"Cool tattoos." The tech complemented his koi fish that he had gotten after college.
The room was quiet as Koh watched the monitor, unsure of what he was really even looking at.
"Do you see anything?" Allie asked.
“I’m not sure. Usually, when see this type of wall thickening, it can be a type of inflammation. I want to get you up for a CT scan. Might give us a clearer imagine. I’ll grab a nurse and be back in a moment to take you up.”
Handing Koh some tissues to wipe the gel off. Koh just nodded as The tech left the room. A nurse came in a moment later when a wheelchair. Koh swung his legs over the bed and settled into the chair. The movement made him feel unsteady and dizzy. 
“How long will the scan take?” Allie asked.
“Should be about 45 minutes feel free to get something to eat or walk around.” The nurse told her and with that they were off down the hallway of the ER to the elevator up to imagining. 
The CT room had low lighting, which Koh was grateful for. The bright lights of the hallway were making his head hurt more. The nurse helped him out of the chair and onto the bed of the machine. 
“Have you had a CT done before?” Koh nodded. 
“A few times.” 
“Okay, so you know the drill. Lie still and when we’re down, we’ll bring you out.”
Koh tried to sleep but the room was freezing, the blanket they had given him was small and thin barely covered him. He tried thinking of something to keep him distracted 45 minutes felt so long when he didn't have anything to keep himself busy.
After the scan they brought Koh back to the room, Allie was on her phone and set it down as they came back in.
"I'm going to have the doctor review everything and we'll be in shortly to discuss with you our findings." The nurse informed them. Once Koh was back in the bed Allie moved closer to hold his hand. They were both exhausted and ready to go home.
About an hour later the doctor came in to review the tests and scans they took.
“Let me guess, everything is normal and you have no idea what’s wrong.” Koh’s voice was raspy, and it hurt to talk. 
“You have inflammation throughout your digestive tract, your stomach and small intestine. Your case is the worst I’ve seen in a long time. Has no doctor told you that?” 
“They said I had some inflammation, gave me antibiotics and told me it would clear up, but it never did.” Koh shrugged
The doctor took a breath. “It never will. Koh, you have a chronic condition known as Crohn’s disease. It’s a condition when your body’s immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. Sometimes hereditary, genetic or environmental factors contribute to it.” Koh was speechless. After years of pain and suffering and no answers or explanations, he finally knew what was wrong with him. 
It was like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
"What's next?" Allie asked.
"I'd like for him to meet with a a gastro specialist. They'll want to run a few more tests to confirm and while there isn't a cure there are treatments to make the symptoms more manageable. I'll send home some doctors in the area that I recommend. Until you get in with the specialist I'll prescribed some anti-nausea. I’ll write up those and get you started on discharge, unless you have any questions.”
Allie looked to Koh.
“I’m ready to just go home.” The doctor left and Allie gave Koh a small smile.
“Told you.” Allie said. Koh turning his head.
“Told me what?”
“Give the hospital a chance that I would see to you were taken care of.” Koh smiled.
“Yeah, thank you.” She leaned over, kissing his forehead.
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s0fter-sin · 5 months
thinking about the way ghost doesn't hesitate to start killing shadows when graves betrays them but soap only takes one hostage
you can almost hear the voice in his head telling him it doesn't have to be this way; they can still talk it out
"i'm calling shepherd"
his first instinct when confronted with betrayal is to play it by the books; to go up the chain and sort it out democratically. that goes against everything we've seen him do; he’s quick to drop his enemies and bucks authority at every chance except for the one time he's confronted with the barrels of his allies' guns
he wants a peaceful resolution; for the first time we've ever seen, he doesn't want violence to be the answer
there has to be another fix, a solution that doesn't end with him killing the same men he's been working with; his friends
nothing's happened yet
it doesn't have to go this way
but ghost has been betrayed before. he knows the way this ends; either with him six feet under or his enemy
he doesn't hesitate
it's only when they knock alejandro out that soap shoots; when they spill the first blood and cross a line they can never come back from
only when ghost orders him to run and he has to cover his retreat
and somewhere along the line, between civilians’ screams and taunting voices, between his shaking breath and ghost steady in his ear, that naivety is stripped away; his trust turned to teeth that he uses to sink into throats of men he'd have given his life for
"be careful who you trust, sergeant; people you know can hurt you the most"
he's learned the price of trust
just like ghost did
but unlike ghost, he has someone to guide him through the aftermath
"good advice, It"
#i might crown myself the ceo of soap meta at this point i love digging into this boy#but it seriously fucks me up how much he tries to de escalate the situation#invoking shepherd like hes trying to remind graves of who funds him and the power he holds#the consequences he’ll face if he goes through with this. just stop and think it through first#only to be stricken silent when graves drops ‘general shepherd sends his regards’#he doesnt say a single word after that#ghosts the one who picks up the lead for him ‘he knows about this?’#he can still function through his shock and the gut wrenching betrayal bc he’s been through this before#and he knows freezing will get him killed#but soap doesnt#he freezes#getting shot is something he wouldve been through before but being shot by an ally?#at that moment he isnt sergeant mactavish#hes johnny and hes in shock#and thats why ghost yelling for johnny doesnt reach him#he only breaks through when he calls him soap. when hes forced back into a soldiers mindset#thats all thats keeping him going. he isnt johnny a man whos been betrayed by a friend#hes a soldier following direct orders to keep himself alive#i can only imagine the after#when he lets his rage run out and is faced with the vulnerable and painful betrayal#but ghosts there to help him through that too. there for johnny the way he wished someone had been there for him#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#cod mw2#john soap mactavish#soap cod#simon ghost riley#ghost cod#soapghost
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
literally figured sorcerer!kristen's freshman year design out the moment I sat down and attempted to brainstorm (rubs hands together fly style) we eatin good today boys
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ms-rampage · 1 year
Also, "The North" is Kenneth's Task Force/crew of soldiers representing Canada, commanded by him. (still workshopping it).
An OC Task Force, to summarize it.
This is basically Kenneth and Graves (or General Shepherd) yelling at each other 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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jewfrogs · 1 year
i do think the dick bell challenge in total forgiveness is a little underhanded because every other challenge is ‘are you willing to do this insane thing’ not ‘are you physically capable of doing this insane thing’. however i do deeply believe that i couldve gotten turned on in those circumstances
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hollyoaksmusings · 6 months
maxine when carter was high key homophobic while coming out to her: 👁️👄👁️
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nezoid · 5 months
March 2024 Recap
(Yes this is very late, but I have a good excuse, I was literally in the hospital at the end of March and so I’m still catching up.)
-Allie X Album signing and performance at Amoeba Hollywood
-The Last Improv Show with monologist Randall Park and Dan Black, Nicole Byer, Bobby Moynihan, Sasheer Zamata and Brandon Scott Jones
- Search History UCB with Marcy Jarreau, Betsy Sodaro, Madeline W alter
-Spanish Aqui Presents with Oscar Montoya, Tony Rodriguez, Carlos Santos
-Comedy Pole Show Cameron Esposito
-Captain Kidd and Round 1 with the fam
-Lunch/coffee wirh Meli
-Meeting Kyle Koyote at Allie X Amoeba event and then going to Search History together
-Funko Hollywood
-surprise @ruhataslimi with SAP
-new Felix Dyotte songs (including “C’est pire et c’est mieux” with Évelyne Brochu)
-voting/neighborhood walks
-hospitalization because of flare up of acute pancreatitis
-French Girl with Évelyne Brochu
-DOGS! (My girls, Tallula and Wednesday + Emma, Winston, and Hanzo)
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yourbelgianthings · 11 months
the gender of ally beardsley’s pcs has never missed! we have a high schooler who only wears tie dye and birks embracing her lesbianism, a trans man who’s the voice of dreams and got his top surgery from a mob doctor, a peppermint boy, a literal german shepherd in a pink suit who uses they/them, their first character after going on t being a cis lesbian who is just a mess in every way, and an old gay man who goes by mother. fucking with gender in every direction and it’s so fun and great every time 🏳️‍⚧️
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gotstabbedbyapen · 2 months
I understand that many people prefer the Odysseus raising Astyanax AU because killing an infant is cruel. But you guys need to remember that cities have been doomed because people didn't dispose of their prophesied-to-do-evil babies correctly.
Oedipus was prophesied to kill his father and marry his mother, so he need to be rid of. The servant who was supposed to kill Oedipus spared and sent him away. Years later, Thebes lost its rulers and was wrecked with plagues.
Paris was dream-prophesied to cause the fall of Troy, so he need to be rid of. The shepherd who was supposed to kill Paris spared and secretly raised him as his son. You see what turned out for the whole city later on.
You see the resemblances with Odysseus' pleas?
"I could raise him as my own
Or send him far away from home
Make sure his past is never known."
Zeus weren't just being an unreasonable jerk for making Odysseus kill Astyanax. That child was prophesied to be the destruction of all surviving Greeks who sacked his city, whether out of his own rage or accidentally through some chains of events.
Odysseus knew the preceeding stories and how it had turned out. So he could only do what needs to be done if he wanted to save his family, his allies, and himself.
It's only one life to take to save thousands of other lives. For once, Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves was the right choice.
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oc-sickfic-central · 3 months
New York Trip
So, as I began writing this the thought occurred this is also the first time Koh’s been on a plane and always had an idea on how that would affect him, enjoy part 1 and part 2 will have the seasickness
Takes place the summer before Allie and Koh go off to college, Allie and her family are visiting cousins in New York!
Koh was stepping out of his comfort zone, he was joining Allie and her family on his first flight ever to New York to visit her aunt, uncle, and cousins. This would be Allie’s last big trip before going to study abroad in London for the next year the realization that Allie was set to leave in a few weeks weighted heavy on Koh. He would be going to Seattle, and she would join him the following year. It just seemed so far away; they had been by each other’s side for the last four years and to be apart for a year had Koh’s chest aching.
He was so deep in thought sitting on the edge of Allie’s bed he didn’t hear her come in her voice broke him free of deep thought. Looking over to her she was grabbing her backpack.
“Did you say something?” Koh asked yawing at the end. It was early, feeling sleep weigh on him.
“I asked if you were ready, dad said the car will be here soon.” Koh nodded getting up and grabbing his carry on. All the suitcases were already at the door ready to go.
“You’ve got everything right?” Allie asked as they head downstairs.
“Think so, crossed everything off the checklist you gave me.” Koh set his back down and began putting on his shoes. Chloe, Allie’s sister laid on the couch scrolling through her phone. Mom and Dad followed down the stairs as Ben emerged from the kitchen.
The car arrived not long after and loaded it up then drove off to the airport. The car ride was quiet. Everyone was tired, their flight was set to depart at 6:30, meaning George wanted everyone out the door by 4 to get to the airport at 4:30.
Pulling into the drop off area the family grabbed their luggage and headed inside to check the bags on. This was all new to Koh as he followed Allie’s lead on what to do, the realization of going on a plane was beginning to set in. Focusing on his breathing the last thing Koh needed was an anxious stomach.
Airport security didn’t help, waiting in line wasn’t the problem it was getting up to the agent that had Koh all over the place. People talking fast and giving him quick instructions was hard to follow when he was heart was pounding so loud it muffled everything. Allie who was in front of him turned when she could see the panic on his face.
“Put your shoes in the bin and empty your pockets, but your bag on the belt.” Allie told him in a much calmer way than the agent. She always did have a way of making things seem less scary.
After making it through security everyone was able to sit at the gate and wait for the plane to arrive. A few shops began to open for breakfast and despite feeling hungry Koh’s stomach said otherwise. The anxiety was growing, trying something new always made him anxious. Koh began fidgeting twirling his ring on his index finger and biting his lip. Allie placed her hand on his knee as comfort, but it made him jump.
“I’m sorry, you look nervous.” She stated.
“Little bit, it’s new and I dunno, new stuff scares me.” Koh shrugged, sitting at the airport gate with not much but his phone to distract him wasn't doing much.
“Let’s take a walk, maybe it’ll help. Koh nodded getting up, Allie took his hand. “We’ll be back just taking a quick walk.” George acknowledged her and they were off.
The Chicago O’Hare Airport was huge, not like Koh really had anything to compare it too. Even though it was still early lots of people were waiting for the flights and more were coming. Looking around and taking everything in did a little to calm Koh’s nerves, the airport wasn’t scary it was getting on the plane that was the scary part.
“When was the last time you were on a plane?” Koh asked as they walked.
“It’s been a while, probably before you and I met, we had plans to see family the summer of Ben’s accident think a week or two after it happened. Had to cancel so this has been an overdue trip.
“How safe are airplanes?” Koh wasn’t sure if he wanted to know, or if Allie knew the answer.
“Pretty safe, I read somewhere you’re more likely to get attacked by shark than be in a plane crash.”
Koh gave out a nervous laugh, not sure if that made him feel better. Allie squeezed his hand gently.
“Everything is going to be okay; I’ve been riding planes almost every summer since I was six months old.” Koh felt a little reassured, if Allie had been on planes that many times and nothing had happened maybe he would be okay. They began their walk back to the gate area.
But what if he wasn’t? What if this was the time the plane went down because he was one it?
The one thought alone set Koh over the edge. His anxiety reached its max and his stomach cramped up. Nearly doubling over, he was able to mask it. His breath hitched as Allie, who was still holding his hand give him a reassuring squeeze.
“Do I have time to use the bathroom?” Koh could see just up a head near their gate a restroom which was perfect he wouldn’t have to go wondering around.
Allie pulled out her phone to check the time, “Yeah, you’ve got plenty of time.” Good. Before she could saying anything more, Koh let go of Allie's hand and walked with a quicker pace to the bathroom.
Koh went into the bathroom he wasn’t sure if he even had to go but knowing him and how his body worked it was only a matter of time. Even though the thought came and went the anxiety and fear still gripped him. Sitting on the toilet, Koh’s belly bubbled ominously as a few more cramps gripped him. He didn’t want this to be happening, but he didn't have much of a choice. It wouldn’t be a one and done thing either and the thought of having to use the bathroom on the plane- was there even a bathroom on the plane? Oh god there had to be right? RIGHT?! The thoughts were overwhelming Koh.
His stomach churn and the pressure begin to form lower sharp white-hot pained gripped Koh as the final cramp final cramp and a wet fart as the first wave of diarrhea hit the bowl. His poor tummy hurt so much at this point, the only thing that made this situation not as terrible was surprisingly he was alone.
Biting the back of his head as another wave of sick empty out of him. Letting out a small whimper Koh’s belly hurt, lifting his shirt to rub soothing circles which were supposed to help but instead caused everything to move once more and the last wave splashed below. The movement left Koh dizzy and lightheaded not wanting to get to his feet he waited a few minutes letting out nothing but gas.
The bathroom door opened as footsteps approached the stall. It had to be George or Ben, who else would go up to an occupied stall?
"Koh?" It was Ben. "Just checking on you."
"Yeah, uh I'm good." Koh didn't sound very convincing, his voice was a little shaky.
Ben's footsteps moved away from the stall but not out of the bathroom. Figuring he needed to clean up Koh shook as he grabbed the toilet paper. His tummy still didn’t feel too great, but he was empty, at least he hoped he was. Feeling lightheaded he flushed the toilet and left the stall to wash his hands.
"You okay?" Ben looked at Koh's face, his complexion was grey and a thin line of sweat had broken on his forehead.
“Yeah, just uh little anxious.” Hopefully that would be enough to tell Ben. Koh finished up the two walked out making their way back to everyone.
Koh sat next to Allie and laid his head on her shoulder.
“You okay lovebug?” She ran her fingers through his head. Knowing the answer was no.
“Anxious stomach.” He mumbled. Allie kissed the top of his head.
“You need or want anything.” Koh was afraid to put anything into his stomach, as if the organ agreed it emitted a gurgle and Koh wrapped his arms around his midsection.
“Probably be best not to take anything.” Allie grabbed her water bottle from her bag.
“Small sips. Just a few and I’ll leave you be until it’s time to board.” Koh sat up taking a few sips.
“Question, are there bathrooms on the plane? Ya know just in case?”
“Yeah, there’s usually two, one in the front and one in the back.”
“Oh, thank God.” Allie couldn’t help but laugh. Koh settled down and was able to rest for a bit.
Not sure how much time had passed but Koh felt Allie nudged him to wake up so they could board the plane. He was groggy but awake and relieved that his stomach wasn't hurting or feeling unsettled. His heart was still beating but he would take that over shitting his brains out.
Grabbing their backpacks, Allie and Koh made their way over to her parents and siblings as they waited to board. Once getting on there were three seats to a row Koh.
“Mind if I take the aisle seat?” He asked Allie and Ben.
“Fine with me.”
Ben took the window, while Allie grabbed the middle to be next to Koh. While Chloe sat with the parents.
Once they were all seated Allie took Koh’s hand.
“You ready?” She asked.
“Don’t really have a choice do I?”
The flight crew went over their emergency instructions and Koh would hate to admit but he probably paid the most attention. Once that was done the plane began moving on the tarmac for take-off. Koh held Allie’s hand until they were safely in the sky.
“That wasn’t so bad.” Koh said. Allie smiled feeling relieved. She couldn't wait to show Koh New York.
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s0fter-sin · 1 month
thinking about the way ghost doesn't hesitate to start killing shadows when graves betrays them but soap only takes one hostage
you can almost hear the voice in his head telling him it doesn't have to be this way; they can still talk it out
"i'm calling shepherd"
his first instinct when confronted with betrayal is to play it by the books: to go up the chain. that goes against everything we've seen him do. he bucks authority at every chance except for the one time he's confronted with the barrels of his allies' guns
he wants a peaceful resolution; for the first time we've ever seen, he doesn't want violence to be the answer. there has to be another fix, a solution that doesn't end with him killing the same men he's been working with; his friends
nothing's happened yet
it doesn't have to go this way
but ghost has been betrayed before. he knows the way this ends; either with him six feet under or his enemy
he doesn't hesitate
it's only when they knock alejandro out that soap shoots; when they spill the first blood and cross a line they can never come back from
only when ghost orders him to run and he has to cover his retreat
and somewhere along the line, between civilians’ screams and taunting voices, between his shaking breath and ghost steady in his ear, that naivety is stripped away; his trust turned to teeth that he uses to sink into throats of men he'd have given his life for
"be careful who you trust, sergeant; people you know can hurt you the most"
he's learned the price of trust
just like ghost did
but unlike ghost, he has someone to guide him through the aftermath
"good advice, It"
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greek god epithets (pt.2)
this post includes hades, persephone, aphrodite, hermes, apollo, artemis, dionysus, and hekate. for part one including zeus, hera, demeter, ares, athena, poseidon and hephaestus click here
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-PLOUTON= of wealth
-THEON CHTHONIUS= god of the underworld
-POLYSEMANTOR= ruler of many
-NECRODEGMON= receiver of the dead
-NECRON SOTER= savior of the dead
-ADESIUS= of grace
-STYGIUS= from the Styx
-URAGUS= of fire
-NIGER DEUS= the black god
-CHTHONIA= of the earth
-CARPOPHORUS= bringer of fruit
-SOTEIRA= the savior
-MEGALA THEA= the great Goddess
-HAGNE= the pure/holy one
-DAEIRA= the knowing one
-PRAXIDICE= the exacter of justice
-PROTOGONE= the first born
-BRIMO= the dreaded/vengeful
-URANIA= of heavenly/divine love
-PANDEMOS= common to all people
-MACHANITIS= the diviser/contriver
-EPISTROPHIA= she who turns to love
-CALASCOPIA= the spying/all seeing
-PSITHYRISTES= the whispering
-PRAXIS= of sexual action
-MELAENIS= the black
-SYMMACHIA= the ally in love
-APATURUS= the deceptive one
-NYMPHIA= the bridal
-MIGONTIS= of unions
-DORITIS= the bountiful
-MORPHO= of shapely form
-AMBOLOGERA= the postponer of old age
-NICEPHORUS= the bringer of victory
-HOPLISMENA= the armed
-AREIA= the warlike
-EUPLOEA= of fair voyages
-PONTIA= of the sea
-LIMENIA= of the harbor
-XENIA= of hospitality to foreigners
-PHILOMIDES= the laughter loving
-PHILOMMEDES= the genital loving
-CHRYSEA= the golden
-DIA= the golden/shining
-POTHON MATER= the mother of desire
-EUSTEPHANUS= the richly crowned/the well girdled
-EN KIPIS= of vegetation/agricultural fertility
-EPIMELIUS= keeper of the flocks
-OEOPOLUS= the shepherd
-AGORAEUS= of the market place
-DOIUS= of crafts/wiles
-ENAGONIUS= of the games
-PROMACHUS= the champion
-HERMENEUTES= the interpreter/translator (of the gods)
-TRICEPHALUS= the three headed
-DIACTORUS= the guide/messenger
-ATHANATUS DIACTORUS= the immortal guide
-CHRYSORRHAPIS= of the golden wand
-CLEPSIPHRON= the deceiver
-MECHANIOTES= the trickster/contriver
-PHELETES= the thief/robber/rustler
-ARCHUS PHELETEON= leader of robbers/thieves
-DAIS HETAERUS= comrade of the feast
-CHARIDOTES= giver of joy
-CHARMOPHRON= the glad-hearted
-DOTOR EAON= giver of good things
-ACACETA= the guileless/gracious
-EUSCOPUS= the keen sighted/watchful
-CYDIMUS/ERICYDES/AGLAUS= the glorious/famous/splendid
-CRATUS/CRATERUS= the strong/mighty
-POMPAEUS= the guide
-THEARIUS= of the oracle
-PROUPSIUS= the foreseeing
-CLERIUS= of distribution by lot
-CLEDONES= of omens
-HECATUS= the shooter from afar/the archer
-AGRAEUS= of the hunt/the hunter
-MUSAGETES= the leader of the Muses
-ULIUS= of good health
-PAEON= the healer
-ACESIUS= of healing
-ALEXICACUS= averter of evil/harm
-EPICURIUS= the succoring/helping
-BOEDROMIUS= the rescuer
-LYCIUS= of the wolves
-SMINTHEUS= of the mice
-DELPHINIUS= of the dolphin
-ACTIUS= of the foreshore
-THEOXENIUS= the god of foreigners
-ARGYEUS= of streets/public places/entrances to homes
-VIROTUTIS= the benefactor of humanity
-AGROTERA= of the hunt
-PHERAEA= of the beasts
-ELAPHAEA= of the deer
-DAPHNAEA= of the laurel tree
-CEDREATIS= of the cedar tree
-CARYAE/CARYATIS= of the walnut tree
-LIMNAEA/LIMNATUS= of the lake
-HELEIA= of the marshes
-EURYNOME= of broad pastures
-LYCAEA= of the wolves
-LEUCOPHRYNE= of the white (bird)
-PAEDOTROPHUS= the nurse of children
-PHILOEIRAX= the friend of young girls
-ORSILOCHIA= the helper of childbirth
-SELASPHORUS/PHOSPHORUS= the light bringer
-SOLEIRA= the saviour
-HEMERASIA= she who soothes
-HYMNIA= of the hymns
-HEGEMORE= the leader of dances/choir
-ARISTE= the best/the excellent
-EUCLEIA= of good repute
-CALLISTE= the very beautiful
-BASILEIS= the princess
-HIEREIA= the priestess
-HEURIPPA= the horse finder
-PEITHO= the persuasive
-PYRONIA= of the fire
-BROMIUS= the noisy/boisterous
-MAENOLES= the mad/raging
-NYCTELIUS= of the night
-LAMPTERUS= of the torches
-HESTIUS= of the feast
-PHALLEN= the phallic
-ANDROGYNUS= the androgynous (of sexuality, he bed all genders)
-PHLEON= the luxuriant
-STAPHYLITES= of the grape
-OMPHACITES= of the unripe grape
-LENAEUS= of the wine press
-THEOENUS= the god of wine
-AGATHUS DAEMON= the good spirit (as in a ghost, not a drink)
-OENOPS= the wine-dark
-ACRATOPHORUS= the bringer of mixed wine
-CISSEUS= of the ivy
-CITIOPHORUS= the ivy bearer
-ANTHION= of the flowers
-CISTOPHORUS= the basket bearer
-DIMETOR= twice born
-IRAPHIOTES= the goat child
-AEGOBOLUS= the goat slayer
-MELANAEGIS= of the black goat-skin
-ANTHROPORRAESTUS= the man slayer
-LYSIUS= of release
-ELEUTHEREUS= of liberation/freedom
-PSILAX= uplifted on wings
-SAOTES/SOTERIUS= the savior
-AESYMNETES= the dictator
-POLITES= the citizen
-MYSTES= of mysteries
-CHTHONIUS= of the earth
-MELPOMENUS= the singer/of the tragic plays
-BRIMO= the dreaded/the vengeful
-CHTHONIA= of the earth
-DESPOINA= the goddess/our lady
-ENODIA= of the crossroads
-AENAOS= the eternal/the ever loving
-AGLAOS= the beautiful/the bright
-APOTROPAIA= the one that protects
-EROTOTOKOS= the bringer of love
-INDALIMOS= the beautiful
-KLEIDOUCHOS= the keeper of the keys of Hades
-KOUROTRPHOS= the nurse of children
-PHOSPHOROUS/LAMPADEPHOROUS= the bringer/bearer of light
-SOTERIA= the savior
-TRIMORPHE- the three formed
-TRIODIA/TRIODITIS= she who frequents crossroads
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 6 months
1.7k / 21 / soap soulmate au, part 2
Unfortunately, Ghost finds you before Soap does.
Ghost yanks you by the elbow, cuffs around your wrists, dragging you to an unmarked military vehicle, pistol in hand.
"Where are you taking me?" you ask him.
He shoves you into the back seat and slams the door, gets in on the other side and starts the car up. You right yourself, having been shoved hard enough for your ribs to bounce off the leather seats.
He answers without looking at you. "The base." Curt, cold, and pissed. He drops the gun barrel-down into the cup holder.
"We just left the base."
"Huh. So we did." He keeps his eyes on the road. "Ain't that funny."
There’s a chance he’s not 141. As if there’s some other brick shithouse of a man who wears a skull balaclava around.
You shift in your seat. "What do you want from me?"
“Nothin' that'll feel good, I can tell ya that." He rests his elbow on the center console. “We’re gonna have a long talk."
"And then what?"
“Dunno. Maybe a bullet. Depends on how much you piss me off. Got a lot of questions to ask you first.”
You look around. This isn’t a police vehicle. Barely a military vehicle. There’s no barrier between you and that gun in the front seat cupholder. But you’re not an idiot. He knows you won't go for it, too, but he wants you to try.
You lean back, looking out the window at your side. "You can still turn yourself in. You don’t need to resort to hostages.”
“I made my choice. Not a difficult choice, considering how corrupt Shadow Company is."
“Orders are orders.”
“You always follow orders to arrest your friends, no questions asked?”
“When there’s good reason to.”
"Good reason, my ass. You're just a mindless dog, doing whatever Graves says. You think he'll protect you from the consequences of his actions? He'll toss you to the wolves in a heartbeat if it means saving his own sorry ass."
"That's not true."
"It's the mercenary way, innit. Sell yourself to the highest bidder and tell yourself orders are orders."
You brace one boot on the other, slowly working one foot free from inside. "Military’s the same. Only difference between us is you're salaried."
“I fight for a cause. Can’t say the same for your line of work. All you know how to do is gun targets down for cash and a little approval from your boss. Pathetic.”
Your heel slides loose. “No cause is clean. You can’t tell me you’ve never seen corruption in your line of work. Or a bad call. Or an unnecessary death.”
He grips the wheel, glaring at you in the mirror. “Doesn’t make it right. Sure as hell doesn’t mean you turn a blind eye to goddamn betrayal in your own ranks.”
“Some bureaucrat in a suit fumbling the bag and trying to right wrongs doesn’t make us corrupt. Graves knows what he’s doing—"
"So you knew."
Your jaw snaps closed mid-sentence. Shit.
He's staring right at you in the rearview mirror, eyes so cold they could freeze the breath in your lungs. "You knew about Shepherd. Didn't you?"
You swallow, looking away from the mirror and out the window. Your left foot finally comes free, and you shift subtly to brace your heel on your right boot, beginning to work your right foot loose next. "Doesn't matter."
“You followed orders to turn on your own allies, knowing they came from Shepherd. Knowing all he cares about is covering his own mistakes." He grips and re-grips the wheel slowly, as if he's thinking hard about picking up that handgun and ending your life in a ditch somewhere. "Welcomed us into a slaughterhouse for a fistful of cash. Bet you sleep real easy at night."
You trust Graves. He’s never steered you wrong. You were doing the right thing by following orders. That mantra is stuck in your throat. You want it to be true, but then there’s Johnny.
Ghost hasn't mentioned him by name. The Shadows never found him—he got away—but you don't dare let yourself think about the implications of him being alive and knowing about you. You put it out of your mind as soon as the thought surfaces, even. You made a deal with yourself that you'd never dwell on it again. Much less ask his very hostile squadmate about it. You’re not about to offer your arteries up to a butcher.
"Shepherd is in your chain of command, too."
"Not anymore. You and yours made sure of that."
"You didn't have to defect. Commander Graves asked you to come quietly. You would've been fine. You didn't do anything wrong, right?” You hear an edge in your tone and blunt it back down. "You didn't have anything to hide. But you turned it into a firefight."
"You realize you’re defending the bastard that sold out me and my team. You think I'd lay down, let him put us in some jail cell to rot for the rest of our days? I've seen too many people follow orders, trusting that everyone above them has their best interests at heart. Seen more than a few of them get punished at the hands of men like Shepherd. I'm not giving him another chance to betray me.” You still feel his eyes on you in the mirror, but you don't look. "You never once stopped and questioned what you were told to do? Or did it not matter because your loyalty was to your company, not the right thing?" His voice is flat. "That's the difference between me and you. I don't look for excuses to feel better about my actions. And I damn sure don't turn my gun on my allies.”
Your stomach curls with discomfort. "You had a choice. You knew how this would end for you."
"Rather be a wanted criminal for the right reasons than a gun being pointed at whoever Shepherd wants dead. And wouldn't you know it--I'm in damn good company, too. Turns out sticking to a moral code earns you a little more loyalty than payin’ cash. But you want to know what the best part of being a criminal is?" He taps out an odd little tune on the wheel, but there’s nothing warm or cute about it. The loaded gun would be friendlier to contend with. “I don’t have to follow Shepherd’s orders. I’m free to deal with this little problem as I see fit, and no one can tell me I’m wrong. If I kill some mercenaries who would arrest me on sight, that's just the unfortunate collateral damage that comes with my newfound freedom and your buddies following orders."
You consider that for a long moment. “So when do you plan to kill me?”
"Depends on whether or not I like what I hear in the next couple of hours. Might change my mind in that time. Might not." He takes his hand off the steering wheel to lean back a little. The road is empty, stretching long into the horizon. "The more I hear you talk, the more I feel like shooting you just for the sake of it. But I've got too many questions for that, so..." He lets the implied you live for now hang in the air, then taps the wheel again. "We'll see how the rest of this convo goes."
You manage to slide your right heel free. You glance up to see him looking at you in the mirror again. Your heart skips. You think he's caught you. But he doesn't say anything, and you realize he's just examining you, mulling something over.
“I don’t know what you think I can tell you, but I don’t know anything,” you say.
“Why don’t you just stay quiet and think about all that stuff you don’t know. Maybe we’ll starve you until you talk; maybe we’ll grease your palms. That’s how you operate, hm?”
He’s trying to make you angry, make you take the bait, but you don’t. You know what you are.
You keep both feet carefully lowered into your boots so as not to rouse suspicion. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry you and your buddy got hurt.”
That seems to catch him off guard. He frowns. A beat passes where he doesn't say anything, just watches you. Not angry or suspicious, just... calculating. "Not worth much. And his name is Johnny. But you knew that, didn't you?"
You look away. Ghost's cell phone rings.
The sound pulls his attention away from you. He glances down at the display with a frown.
"On with Ghost." A short reply. "Yeah, I got her. About three hours out." He glances at you once as the person on the other line says something else, but after a few more seconds, you can tell he's more concerned with what they're saying than with you.
This is your chance.
With his eyes fixed on the road, you silently pull your cuffed arms under you, lifting your feet deftly through the loop of your arms.
You glance down at the gun one more time. He’s holding the phone with his left hand; driving with his right. Still, even with your hands in front of you, you’re cuffed. You won’t have a chance if you go for that gun and he gets it away from you. It won’t end well.
Plan B, then.
You push your feet back into your boots and slide yourself behind his seat.
Drill Sergent voice. Busted.
He hits the brakes, drops his phone, and reaches for the pistol.
You slam your feet into the back of his seat, sending him crashing forward and trapping him between the seat and the wheel. The horn blares. The car jerks and runs off the road.
Cuffed hands in front of you, you throw your weight against the driver's side door and grab the handle. He reacts, but not quick enough, his gloved hand snatching at the space where yours were a second after you get the door open.
You dive outside, crash to the ground, roll ungracefully away from the back wheels as they roar past, and use the momentum to get back to your feet. The car keeps rolling, driver's side door still open. It's still moving fast, and you landed hard. That's going to hurt in a minute. Not yet, though.
You run.
part 1 / [part 2] / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12
more Soap / masterlist tag
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Season 5 Trailer reveals Graves unscathed 👁️👁️
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He was never in that tank after all...
Plus he's meeting with Farah and Alex?? Maybe because Shepherd abandoned Graves as soon as 141 got Los Vaqueros out so he's searching for another ally/truce?
(I guess they're the last two in 141 who wouldn't kill him on sight 🤣)
Source : Call of Duty Twitter
>> They're revealing the CoD MWIII in Season 5 Launch (August 2nd)
I'm not ready y'all I'm so scared😭
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ginnymoonbeam · 15 days
Ep 8 of The On1y One had so much, but now that I've cried over the word "home" I wanna go back to the scenes between the teachers, because it hit some queer realities we don't often get in BL.
First, Jenny Yang noticing Lin Bei Ting's rainbow mug and asking if he supports gay rights. That's not code for asking if he's gay - in plenty of places and times, just being an ally is controversial and something you might need to be careful about revealing in a conservative workplace. I take all of Jenny's comments and warnings at face value there: she's letting him know this is not a safe place to be public as an ally. Of course he is also actually gay, so the threat to him is much higher, which is why he immediately gives her the mug.
Then the later scene, getting more into a dynamic that we've already seen where Zhao Xi is friendly to the point of gentle flirtation with Jenny, and Lin Bei Ting is clearly unhappy. When we first saw this in ep 7, I wondered if I'd been wrong to read Zhao Xi and Lin Bei Ting as already a couple, but seeing it here and with the previous conversation in mind, I think they are. There's "we're not saying anything but people can draw their own conclusions" closeted and then there's seriously for-real closeted where you might opt to do things like casually flirt with a female coworker to keep up the appearance, and the latter is what I see happening in these scenes. They would absolutely lose their jobs at the school and probably would have their business targeted if people thought they were a couple. Lin Bei Ting understands what Zhao Xi is doing and why, but it sucks and feels bad. The little apologetic "here's your tea too" moment said so much, in how they both understand what's happening here and there's not much Zhao Xi can do in the moment, in public, to make it up to him.
All this happening in an episode where it seems like the whole world is gossiping about Jiang Tian and Sheng Wang moving into the dorms just makes my heart ache for the boys, and the threats they might face. I think the juxtaposition is deliberate and I think Zhao Xi is having some of the same thoughts as the teachers discuss the kids. My read is that he knows or guesses Jiang Tian is gay and has been shepherding him a little on that basis, standing by to give him guidance or just a gleam of hope, in the way that we elder queers do when we see young ones that don't have home and family support. We'll see where it all goes, but I really love the way the elders have been woven into the story so far.
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jacaela · 2 months
How did they turn a story about misogyny into “monarchy is bad”? The book is full of green propaganda that was spread by Eustace and Shepherd, but even these two didn’t think of such nonsense as Ryan and Sara. They shove this damn prophecy into every episode because for them the motivation "the throne is my birthright" is not good enough. Rhaenyra contemplated giving her youngest sons to be raised by a drunkard and a woman who abused her for 10 years. They make her not the main character, but Alicent's litter. Whaaaaaat? Even directors are already making fun of her.
Rhaenyra never was called a kinslayer, that's what Aemond was called.
Everyone was concerned about Luke's murder: And with his death, the war of ravens and envoys and marriage pacts came to an end, and the war of fire and blood began in earnest.
Rhaenyra was broken by pregnancy, labor, and stillbirth and Luke's death. She wasn't a robot.
The Black Council was loyal to Rhaenyra and did not undermine her authority, and she listened to them.
Almost all the houses of the Riverlands immediately supported Rhaenyra because they remembered the Realm's delight.
Rhaenyra had an army.
Jace was always on her side. And Rhaenyra always listened to him.
Rhaenyra blamed everything on her enemies, not her closest allies.
The Battle of the Burning Mill was won by blacks.
Rhaenyra would be the last person to put a plebeian from King's Landing on a dragon, only her blood.
I'm pretty sure Ryan and Sara are snickering at Rhaenyra and thinking about how to humiliate her even more in the show. They are trying their best to evoke sympathy from Aegon, whom George has called a villain. Don't you find this strange??
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