#Alpha ARC Spar
yukipri · 11 months
The Prime Override - Chapter 60 is up!
Jango - Spar
Happy Halloween! Alright so last minute editing did take a while, BUT it's finally up, and it's a chonker of a chapter!
This Chapter: It's identity crisis time!
Warnings: Some clones are referred to by their numerical designations, because in some flashbacks they haven't found their names yet.
A-99 slowly reaches out, as though not to spook him, and takes A-Ø2’s hands. A-99 has a child’s small, soft hands, A-Ø2 thinks, before he blinks, and realizes that his own hands are identical. That’s…not right. He hasn’t had hands so small since… He… “Who are you?” A-99 asks, and despite how soft his voice is, it seems to resonate in the unnatural silence. A-Ø2 realizes none of his brothers are breathing, all of them holding it in to hear him speak. “I’m…” A-Ø2 knows what he’s supposed to say. But it’s wrong. “I’m Jango Fett,” he says instead.
> > Read Ch 60 on AO3
Bonus: Here's the baby who fell asleep on my lap, who delayed me posting this by an entire day bc I didn't want to wake him up with my clickety clacketies:
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(but can ye blame either of us)
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mamuzzy · 2 months
Hey dear :D can you tell us about your headcanons on Jango training the Alphas ? :D
I finally got here to answer this ask. <3
And ooooh boy do I have??? Only angsty ones, love.
I use RepComm lore as a base of my headcanons, just to make clear in what continuity I'm creating in. And that means: NO INHIBITOR CHIPS.
The whole idea of the Clone Army revolves around one thing ultimately: to completely exterminate the jedi. To create an army that is ready for the decisive moment of taking down the enemies of the Sith without the jedi even noticing what is coming at them.
The trainers of course didn't know that this is the ultimate goal of the army, but they knew they had to train a whole army for a future war that who knows when will come. They had be loyal. And they had to be effective.
Every trainer had different approach:
Kal Skirata used love and insisted on the importance of comradeship which ultimately didn't necesserily made his commandos loyal to the Republic, but to each other.
Walon Vau used harsh discipline and insisted on the importance to make his commandos remember: they are superior than others and they have the most important mission in their life. Nothing awaits them outside because they have everything they need: their duty. Vau's trainees remained loyal even after the regime change.
And then we have the Alpha ARC Troopers trained by Jango Fett.
The Alpha ARCs in their mind are the unaltered version of Jango Fett. 100 copy of Jango Fett with their brain remained untouched (compared to the Nulls who's brain was tampered with). Meaning, the Alpha's undying loyalty to the Republic is not pre-programmed, it is not in their genes. It is conditioned with traditional methods: And that is FEAR.
More under the cut
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Jango Fett didn't care about the clones and I will sparta-kick everyone from this hill who tries to fight me. I don't have a single worldbuilding where Jango was a "good daddy" for the Clones. He was a great, loving and caring father to Boba and Boba alone.
For him, the clones are products, but also they are part of his agenda: Even he dies, there will be millions of Jango Fetts who will fulfill his revenge of killing off all the Jedi.
The books often mention that Jango was a sociopath (meaning he is on the spectrum of ASPD), and this template was able to make the clones to be so effective. His brain is just built different and wasn't cluttered with moral based inhibitions. That's why I think that Jango wasn't actually a sadist who enjoyed tormenting his trainees - The Alphas - out of joy and personal amusement. It served the purpose, it was all pragmatic.
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There wasn't any more description what was Alpha's training like on Kamino but these little snippets of lores made my brain go brrrrrrr about the theories. If the Alphas - THE ALPHAS!!!! - were scared of Jango it could mean that their training included something that gave a reason to fear him.
We know that he installed his own commands into the Alphas such us destroying the Clone Facility in case of Separatist attack on Kamino which Alpha-17 almost fulfilled. But also, being unquestionably loyal to the Jedi. For me, these commands weren't installed. I truly love the unaltered brain-Alphas.
-- Physical pain --
When you are in the military and under training, the line between educational violence and actual physical abuse is very thin. Insubordination had to be punished. Jango had to make sure that the Alphas remain loyal despite not having the same inhibitions like the rest of the clones, so there must have been exercises where he tested how far the Alphas would go to fullfill their duties, achieve victory, enforce an order, AT ALL COST.
They had to put through physical hell, pushed over their limits, pushed over their thresholds and beyond. If caught crying, if caught showing pain, if caught showing the single muscle of questioning Jango's orders, they had to be punished. They weren't made to compete with each other, but they also couldn't protect each other publicly when Jango punished the Alphas for insubordination. They had to watch. They had to learn from it.
The Alphas found secret ways to communicate with each other. To find comfort in each other in one way or another. Oh they knew the concept of love and caring. They watched Jango and Boba from the distance. The reassuring words. The caring touches of a father. They watched how the Nulls were running to their precious sergeant for comfort when hurt. They were very much aware that this is not something they would get.
The Alphas needed only one case of serious insubordination to learn their places and that was Alpha-Ø2. He was truly an independent mind and free-thinker, a true inspiration to thrive for individualism in the sea of Jango Fetts. Spar refused to comply and refused to sworn loyalty to "a republic" which he didn't knew.
And one day Alpha-Ø2 disappeared. Only to return without his memories. Returning without his fiery temper, without his free-spirit... and without any knowledge of how he used to love his Alpha-brothers dearly.
The brainwashing of the Alphas were so much successful later in time, when Alpha-Ø2 - called now Spar - actually deserted at age 8, two years before Geonosis, most of the Alphas felt disgust just by thinking about him - they had to.
Alphas had to believe that Spar was the utter disgrace to the Republic, otherwise it would mean, that they were actually treated wrong.
They had no idea that Spar's desertion was orchestrated by Mij Gilamar and Jango Fett himself after Spar regained his memories - probably the only mercy Jango showed for a clone.
-- Jango had to find the perfect balance --
The Kaminoans wanted soldiers who are independent thinkers but still loyal. Completely supressing their individualism wasn't an option, learned from Spar's case.
What the Alphas did in their non-existent freetime wasn't his business. But the Alphas had to drop everything that is them, when Jango ordered them to do so.
Jango hated every form of authority and realized that the Alphas inherited this trait for his disdain. So he used this train in them to be more effective as advisors for the Jedi. The Alphas had to make sure the Jedi survive until the critical point after all.
Alpha-17 is the smartest of them and the closest thing they had for Spar, which made him always walking on thin ice.
Tavo and Sull, lovebirds.
Maze had knowledge of wide variety of things due to reading forbidden literature that wasn't their in their curriculum.
Fordo communicated only through sign language due to trauma, and his closest friends learned too so they can speak to each other. He only spoke when Jango ordered him to do so.
They were smart enough to know what is was truly considered disobedience. And that was going against the Republic and Jango. If they comply to these rules, they will be safe.
-- ALPHA vs NULL conflict --
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Jango always had to remind the Alphas that they were expected to be better than their precedessors, the Nulls. If they fail to meet with the standards, they won't have "a kal skirata" to save them from recondition.
Alpha-Ø2 sure didn't have.
The Alphas after a while didn't need outside motivation to be obedient and loyal. Because they were meant to be everything the Nulls couldn't be. Seeing the examples with their own eyes, how chaotic the Nulls were, how the Nulls as children were actually unruly and sadistic toward the kaminoan technicians, how they disobeyed everyone who was not Kal Skirata, they finally saw what is expected from them: BE BETTER THAN THEM.
And they finally found their positive reassurance on their own. How to take pride in being the true servants of the Republic. Only the Nulls didn't give a shit about this rivalry. They didn't care about Jango or the Alphas or being better than the Alphas.
Being obedient without question was totally against he Alphas nature but they tried. They tried fucking hard.
Alphas: We are the perfect soldiers of the Republic because we are obedient, well-behaved, and we don't cause trouble to our trainers unlike you.
Nulls: We are perfect soldiers because Kal'buir said so, nyenyenyeeeee!!!
Indeed. That Alpha's didn't have "a kal skirata" in their life to tell them they are enough. That they are perfect. That they do the best. Because their best was never enough.
And they weren't enough.
The Alpha ARCs deemed to be failure in the end and their template genes weren't put in to mass-production. When the deployment to Geonosis began, they realized that they weren't meant to be used in the battle and it almost broke them.
Despite their effort and hard work, the Alphas still deemed a failure. Unpredictable, unruly, and because they didn't have any inhibition in them, the Kaminoan didn't trust that they would fulfill their roles. Alphas had to watch the Nulls leave to Geonosis while they were put into stasis.
They didn't have "a kal skirata" to save them from this fate. They didn't have Jango Fett, he wasn't there at all.
They were all alone.
-- Did Jango's approach work? --
My answer is: no.
Despite the conditioning, the Alphas had wide-variety of reactions to the Republic, to the Jedi, and Order 66.
Some were able to shake down the effects of the conditioning, and realized that this dead man won't come after them from the grave to punish them for disobedience.
Some Alpha deserted and died by the hands of Clone Assassins sent after them during the Clone Wars.
Some Alpha remained loyal to Jango's orders, the Republic and then the Empire, training the new generation of soldiers.
Some Alpha went into hiding and became bounty hunters.
Ultimately, how they interacted with the world around them as individual and how the environment treated them decided their own fate.
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clonememesfrikyeah · 8 months
During drill exercises
Spar: “Damn I’m thirsty, can I get a drink from your canteen 17?”
Alpha-17: “Go for it.”
Fordo: “Trust me Spar, you don’t want to do that.”
Spar: “I’m not scared of a little back wash vod, we’re literally all the same person.”
Spar: *spits it out as soon as he takes a fat swig.*
Spar: “God damn it, it’s vodka!”
Alpha-17: “131 proof strait up. I’ve been waisted since the day we graduated.”
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roseaesynstylae · 6 months
In keeping with my firm belief that 99 is one of the Alphas, here’s some headcanons about his relationships with various Legends characters.
Alpha-17: Alpha loves his little brother and will happily pound your face in if you insult him. Fordo: He always brings 99 gifts and communicates with him while he’s on a mission. He’s not really a talkative person and 99 is well aware of it.
Spar: 99 picked up on what was going on with Spar before anyone else and got concerned. While no one’s ever come out and said it, the rest of the Alphas have their suspicions about how easily Spar snuck off of Kamino.
Mij Gilamar: 99 and Gilamar have a fairly good relationship, mainly because Gilamar is one of the few medics 99 trusts to work on him without doing any weird experiments. Walon Vau: 99 has very mixed feelings about Vau. On one hand, he hates how Vau treats his trainees and knows that they’re all going to end up traumatized and unstable. On the other, he does understand where Vau is coming from, at least on paper. He wants his brothers to survive and he gets that commandos need more intense training than average clone troopers. He just knows that Vau’s cadets are going to end up with PTSD long before they ever see a battlefield. Things are complicated by the fact that Mird, for reasons best known only to itself, has taken a liking to him, meaning that it has to come over for playdates. Between Mird and the fact that Vau is legitimately trying to toughen his cadets up so they’ll survive, 99 likes him more than certain other trainers.
Dred Priest: If 99 had the chance, he’d kill Priest without any remorse. (And Isabet Reau as well, but she and Priest are basically the same asshole.) As he can’t do that, he’ll settle for using his access to the utility control rooms to make their lives as difficult as possible.
Kal Skirata: 99 is aware that Skirata genuinely wants the Nulls to be happy and that he’s the main reason the Nulls weren’t decommissioned. 99 respects him for that (possibly connected to a certain fanfic idea that has consumed my mind), but something about the man just rubs him the wrong way. Skirata has never done anything to him, it’s just one of cases where you just dislike someone and can’t quite explain why.
The Nulls: Despite the Nulls and the Alphas having a tense relationship, 99’s never had any problems with them, outside of them knocking out the power to the science building and making his job harder. He knows that they could be a lot worse and they don’t intentionally cause him trouble. (See the parentheses for Kal Skirata.)
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nereiix · 9 months
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Spar, from chapter 30 of Restless. In this scene, he is what I'd call “un gros lourd” in French, but I've read someone who gave an English equivalent as “an annoying pest”, and I think it fits ah ah. I love this chapter.
I know it will sound like a poor excuse, but I bought myself a very good book on anatomy a few months ago, and I though this scene in the fic would be perfect to practice. I was a little worried about the angle at which I could draw this without giving the impression that it's meant to be explicit. Eventually I found a reference photo which I think looked good and started from here.
I probably made several anatomical mistakes, but I did my best. 🥲
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canuckianhawkbi · 2 years
I am having way too much fun with these SW polls, here’s one more for the road:
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magnetarbeam · 2 years
I get that Spar is one of those characters that mostly exists because the writers took a bunch of retcons and scotch-taped them together, but I still think about him way too much.
Like, okay, so he inherited Jango's memories, and having those experiences to refer to gave him context about the way the clones were treated that none of the others would have until they were deployed and got to interact with the wider galaxy. He realized that they were slaves, and from his memories of Galidraan he was very convinced that the Jedi wouldn't care any more than the longnecks did. He got out while he could, because there was nothing else he could do.
And then he went around taking random mercenary work for a few years, and I'm imagining in that time he put a lot of effort into figuring out how to define himself as an independent person. Yeah, he's influenced by both the training he recieved on Kamino and the memories he inherited from Jango, but he's not Jango, and he's definitely not going to be a slave to the Republic and the Jedi like the others.
(Did he feel any level of connection to the other clones? Did he want to get any of the others out? Did he decide they wouldn't understand because they don't know the same things he knows?)
(I'm sure some of that is answered in the books I haven't read.)
Obviously by the time the war starts, he considers himself qualified enough to be the Mand'alor after Jango's death. He knows what the Mandalorian culture is all about, for equally obvious reasons, and it's easy to claim he's Jango's son because of the obvious resemblance, unless the average galactic citizen knows enough about the GAR to know that every clone trooper has that face. (Obviously the Republic propaganda wouldn't show their faces, but anyone who has been told who the template was would at least have reason to be suspicious in a case like this.)
Which leads me to the subject of his time as Mand'alor and his performance in the role. I know he decided to take up the role because of Jango's death, but I don't know if he decided that immediately after the First Battle of Geonosis. If he did, though...
I believe it's established that Spar's Mandalorian Protectors were formed in the image of Jaster and then Jango's True Mandalorians, who followed the traditional nomadic merc warrior lifestyle for themselves, but seem to have generally been content to coexist with the New Mandalorian civilian government and let them be recognized as the legitimate Mandalorian government by the rest of the galaxy. If Spar is trying to do something reasonably close to that, he would likely provide a banner that could be flocked to by the more reasonable traditionalists. You know, the kind of people who would have been True Mandalorians before Galidraan, but because of what happened there they decided to either stay out of things and just defend their families or tolerate Death Watch because they were the only traditionalist faction with any influence left, radical though they were.
As an Alpha ARC, Spar would be an extremely competent fighter in his own right, and I have no reason to believe he wouldn't pass that on in any training he did of the forces he had under his command as Mandalore the Resurrector.
Probably the most interesting part of this character to me, though, is how he relates to the Jedi. Again, he expects them to be no better than the Kaminoans because he remembers what happened on Galidraan, which I guess is why he eventually pledges his forces to the CIS. But we, as people familiar with the themes of TCW and whatnot, understand that he's wrong about that. The Jedi are pretty much the only people who care to understand the clones and recognize them as individuals who are worthy of care and rights and putting in effort to keep them alive. But Spar doesn't know that, because he left long before he could experience it, and all he has to base his judgements off of is what he already knows and Palpatine's propaganda.
I imagine stories about Spar would be pretty heavily circulated among the rest of the clones, although by the time the war starts those stories probably been twisted beyond recognition by all the links they've passed through since the events happened. I don't think it's much of a stretch that the vode at large would not have favorable opinions of him, except maybe ones in, like, the Coruscant Guard and Krell's unit. For most of the time, Spar is mostly just kind of a subject of idle conversation with little relevance to the daily lives of the clones. But after he places his forces under the Separatists, it suddenly becomes very personal.
The set of ideas I have about Spar that I think about the most, though - and some of this is where we get into canon divergence - revolve around how Maul's takeover of Mandalore and murder of Satine and Pre Vizsla leaves Spar as the immediate choice of leader for Mandalorians seeking to oppose Maul. This is a big part of how I imagine the Siege of Mandalore would have taken place in Legends, where it's Mandos of various motives under Spar's command who are taking the planet - and thus control of the system and sector - back from Maul, instead of a force from the Republic. If it is to fit within the context of him giving his forces over to the CIS and stuff, it would have to be a lot earlier than in Disney Canon, but as far as I know it might be possible to line it up in such a way that it still happens after Ahsoka leaves the Jedi.
Her point of relevance to this is that Spar is more than competent enough to understand that barring things like just bombing out Sundari - and causing collateral damage that he would want to avoid even if just for the sake of PR - he needs a Force-user on his side to stand half a chance against Maul. He hates the Jedi, but he can at least put up with Ahsoka because she left the Order. A couple of the former Death Watch people that now answer to Spar, including Bo-Katan, have personally seen Ahsoka in action, and they can vouch that she's probably the best chance they have.
And here's the part where I can't really imagine the progression of events sticking to canon, at least without yet another convoluted retcon: The dynamics between Ahsoka and Spar. The thing is, she experienced the war from the perspective of the Jedi, who also weren't given much of a choice when the Republic told them to lead the army. She got to know the clones under her command on a personal level, and she realizes how fucked up the treatment of them by everyone else is. If anything can make Spar not hate the Jedi, it's her. It also helps that she would know that the Jedi were acting on misinformation at Galidraan, although that doesn't completely absolve them of blame.
I have more to add to this barely coherent series of thoughts, but my attention span has dried up for the moment.
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As many TBB fans, we really missed out on Echo becoming a true member of Clone Force 99. Like yeah, the unresolved trauma, not to mention Fives, but we all known Echo is a little shit, and has been a little shit since his cadets days.
Let's explore this a little more.
Show me Echo finally getting to spar with someone, anyone, and just pulls a nasty move to win. You know, the kind of move that is downright dirty? We all know what i'm talking about. But show me TBB standing there in shock that this twig of a reg just took down someone twice his weight. He does not yet have all his muscle mass back yet! This was supposed to be a warm up for Echo. A way to build up his strength. Instead they get reminded that Echo is an ARC trooper and he has been through a lot.
Show me Echo trying to stop a cafeteria fight by reciting the reg manuals, saying "per regulation, fighting is not allowed in the cafeteria, and if you would have taken the time to read the reg manuals, you would have known that. Can you even read?" and Hunter furiously trying to deescalate the situation and failing. Echo gets sucker punched but the other clone does not get off as easily. Apparently he had to spend the night in the med bay. Echo only feels a little bit guilty.
Show me Echo matching Crosshair's snarkiness with his own. Remember "Bravo for Bravo Squad"? But instead of being angry with each other, it starts a beautiful friendship between the ARC and Snark troopers. The rest of TBB don't get how there friendship works and just have to roll with it.
But overall, let's not forget that ARC training happens on Kamino. Show me Echo being called up by the ARC trainer for demonstration purposes. Afterall, it's not everyday a war hero gets to help train new ARCs (except for Alpha-17, perhaps). Show me a bunch of new ARC recruits looking in astonishment because "holy Prime, that's ARC Echo of the 501st! He withstood the worst torture imaginable! He basically made half the 501st tactics with The Captain Rex of the 501st!" only for Echo to just crush there poor little preconceptions. Because this little shit keeps it real with these recruits, explaining the reality of going on a mission with a zero success rate, of going through torture, of having to build up physical strength to the point that no cyber implants hurt anymore. Echo does not hold back and has no filter, his words are practically as blunt as the dullest blade and it can hurt just as much. But even through that, no recruit can beat him in a spar. Yet. It's become a new challenge within ARC training.
Of course, I am a sucker for Mom Echo during season 1 and 2, but let me see Echo being a little shit before that! Let me see Hunter calling Cody one night after a successful mission asking "what is up with this reg? Are all ARC troopers like this?" And since Cody has known the little shits that make up the Domino Twins he just solemnly nods his head while sniggering on the inside. He calls Rex afterwards. Rex just laughs.
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wangxianficfinder · 8 months
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I'm in the mood for...
Feb 3rd
1. Hello! For the next itmf if like to request fics where karma comes back to bite people who've been mean to WWX. Particularly anything where Madam Yu gets what she deserves for being so horrible!
Thank you for all you do!! @greywake
Waiting for Spring by thievinghippo (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, MLB AU, Baseball AU, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, slight angst, Happy Ending)
🧡🔒Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism! by KizuKatana (E, 151k, wangxian, WN & WWX & WQ, graphic depictions of violence, modern cultivation, canon divergence, YZY abuses WWX , caught on camera, partial core removal, WWX kicked out of Jiang sect, livestreamer WWX, meet ugly, dual cultivation, smut, no war, WIP)
🧡 All will be well when the day is done by abCEE (T, 76k, wangxian, time travel, canon divergence, fix it, not YZY friendly, not Jiang friendly, butterfly effect, no sunshot, madam lan lives, lan WWX)
Trials and Tribulations by TriviasFolly (M, 39k, wangxian, Modern, A/B/O, Emotional Hurt, Hurt, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Mental Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, hurt/tiny comfort, abusive YZY, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, experimental drug trial, Drug Trial, Bonding, Heats, flirting with the ooc line, Wangxian Get a Happy Ending, Miscarriage, Mpreg)
Starlight by KouriArashi (T, 38k, wangxian, Stardust Fusion, Action/Adventure, Developing Relationship, Mutual Pining, Murder, Ghosts, Magic, Child Abuse)
🔒If Wishes Were Donkeys by NightOwl1 (M, 101k, WIP, WangXian, SVSSS, Time Travel Fix-It, Case Fic, Mpreg, Fluff and Humor, Dysfunctional Jiāng Family, Bad Parent YZY, WangXian Get a Happy Ending,   Period-Typical Homophobia, Crossdressing, LWJ and WWX Have a Breeding Kink, It’s All The System’s Fault, Post-Canon, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Warning: JGS, Good Uncle LQR, LWJ and WWX Are LSZ’s Parents, Inappropriate Humor, Family Feels) for that epic YZY comeuppance 🤣
2. heyyy thanks for all your hard work! do you guys have any favourites or recommendations on wangxian from the cloud recesses arch?
you think you know something you don’t by nu_breed (E, 12k, wangxian, Masturbation, Semi-Public Sex, LWJ Loves Rabbits, First Time, Pining, First Time Blow Jobs, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Missing Scenes, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Canon Divergence)
Secrets by handwritten (onefromanotherworld) (G, 1k, WangXian, Fluff, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Getting Together, Smitten LWJ, Smitten WWX, courting gifts)
🔒 The Taste Of Cherry by chiyukimei (E, 6k, wangxian, WWX feels angry because he’s not being ravished, Cloud Recesses, Cherry Magic AU, Not JC Friendly, Lots of kissing, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Soft LQR)
when you love somebody, bite your tongue by sophiahelix (E, 17k, wangxian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, First Time, Just the Tip, Only One Bed, Horny Teenagers, Slight Canon Divergence, Sharing a Bed, horny teen LWJ and his confused and furious yearnings, LXC matchmakes but he probably didn’t intend all this, Fantasizing, Size Kink)
Certain foolish perfect hours by danegen (E, 39k, wangxian, underage, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Canon Divergence, POV LWJ, Fluff, the yin iron plot stuff is actually still happening, but LXC is hiding the plot in his qiankun sleeves, Switching, LWJ is a good boy who deserves to have silly dates with his manic pixie boyfriend)
Losing My Mind by pupeez4eva (T, 6k, wangxian, JC & WWX, Humor, Protective JC, JC drinks a potion that lets him hear people's lustful thoughts, Teenage LWJ has a lot of feelings, Canon Divergence, Takes place when they are studying in Gusu)
Three changes. by orange_crushed (M, 18k, wangxian, fluff, hijinks & shenanigans, cloud recesses shenanigans, no war au, everyone lives au, romantic comedy, fade to black, friends to lovers, falling in love, harm to animals, non-graphic violence, sparring, developing friendships, hurt/comfort, first time)
🔒 The Hermit Agenda by wereworm (G, 11k, wangxian, LY & BSSR... lesbians, WWX aspires to be like them, also WWX calls BSSR his grandma bc it's not quite as funny otherwise, Humor, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Getting Together, WWX is dtpjz (down to punch jin zixuan))
The Golden Cutsleeve by syrus_jones (E, 77k, WangXian, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Crack, Humor, Aged-Up Character(s), WWX POV, WWX is a gremlin, Internally Screaming LWJ, No Sunshot Campaign, First Times, Accidental Sex, Masturbation, PWP, Porn with Feelings, WWX experimenting with things he shouldn't like always, Happy Ending, Porn With Plot)
3. Hi, I and a friend are In The Mood For fics where a.) Nie Huaisang uses war fans. I'll also take b.) competent Nie Huaisang where he gets to show that while he's not a terror on the battlefield like his dage he's not someone you want to mess with when he decides to get serious.
shades of grey spill from my veins (bleeding ink all over the page) by Reverie (cl410) (M, 58k, NMJ/LXC, wangxian, NHS/WN, POV NMJ, Canon Divergence, Joining the "Wei Wuxian raised by the Nie Sect" Club, Mentions of WWX's life on the streets, Hurt/Comfort, Accidental Sibling Acquisition, Single Dad NMJ, NHS & WWX Friendship, Fluff, Humor, Happy Ending, Everyone Lives AU, Protective NMJ, Sunshot Campaign, Some angst, Blood and Injury, Kidnapping, Protective Siblings, Found Family) also might fit 3B
The Trials and Tribulations of Growing Up Series by ArgentInferno (T, 175k, WangXian, NHS & WWX, Canon Divergence, Falling In Love, Fluff, Growing Up, Teenagers being awkward teenagers, gender feels, Trans LWJ, Trans Male Character, Nonbinary NHS, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Experimental talismans cause trouble, Accidental Teleportation, Coming Out, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Magical Bond) It’s pretty slow burn but NHS is coprotagonist and it’s basically him coming to terms with his own strength and identity
the problem with authority by isabilightwood (M, 139k, WangXian, JYL/WQ, QS & JYL, Canon Divergence, Sacrifice Summon, only the summoner sticks around, slightly dark JYL, WQ lives, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending, Chronic Pain, Mild Sexual Content, Switch Wangxian, WWX has to be resurrected & LWJ find out before they can interact, but there's plenty of wangxian once they do, manipulative relationship) NHS is a secondary character but he works closely with the protags and is a formidable conspirator
4. Hello! For the next itmf can you rec some childhood friends/growing up together fics? I’m okay with any AU except a/b/o Thxxxx
down by the water by astrolesbian (E, 60k, WangXian, Slow Burn, Modern AU, Friends to Lovers, Surfer LWJ, Surfer WWX, Loneliness, complicated family relationships, mention of drowning, but no actual drowning is described, fluff and smut and angst, Reconciliation)
When we were small by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 7k, LXC & LQR & LWJ, Implied WangXian, Modern AU, Kid Fic, Good Uncle LQR, Neurodivergent LWJ, Baby LWJ, Baby WWX, Parenthood, Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, POV LQR, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
5. Hii Are there any fics where lwj actually finds wwx 's body after he dies? @karinasnowwwx
kintsugi | 金継ぎ| a transmutation by DrPanda99 (E, 1k, wangxian, graphic depictions of violence, major character death, Canon Divergence, dead bodies, evil spirits, Insanity, Unhappy Ending, Cannibalism, Explicit Gore, Dark LWJ, Post-First Siege of the Burial Mounds, LWJ Whump, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Grief/Mourning, Body Horror) Mind the tags
6. Do you know of any fics that feature LWJ dealing with disability or chronic pain after the discipline? Tysm for your time.
🔒 the map of days by everythingispoetry (M, 20k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Permanent Injury, Recovery, Disability, Parenthood, Character Study, Thirteen Years of WWX’s Death)
Everything That Could Have Been by QueenXIV (T, 18k, wangxian, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Disabled Character, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt, Canon Divergence, Guilt, Hurt WWX, Hurt LWJ, Angst with a Happy Ending, Chronic Pain)
恩仇仙人- Enchou xianren (Immortal Avenger) by AshayaTReldai (E, 163k, WIP, WangXian, Angst, Mental Anguish, Pining, Revenge, Execution, internalinter-clan politics, Reincarnation, TGCF notions of ascension and deity, WWX/LWJ marriage, First Time, Post-LWJ whipping, Injury Recovery, Issues of justice, Torture, Not friendly to the Clans - they all get their comeuppance, Hurt/Comfort, Dark LWJ, novel compliant characterisation)
7. Are there any time loop fics where Lan Wangji *specifically* seeks to have sex with Wei Wuxian? Before and/or after they are in a relationship. @any-mouse
8. Hello!!!
For the next ITMF,
Any fic where JYL claims WWX as her kid? If possible adoption.
Thanks a lot for your work!
The Teapot Plot by ToxicAngel13 (M, 52k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, Misunderstandings, Plots, protective Jiang siblings, Golden Core Reveal, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Idiots in Love, Damn Jins, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Pre-Burial Mounds, Potential for M-Preg, Fix-It, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Idiots Everywhere, LWJ 's Biting Kink, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Protective LWJ, Protective WQ, JGS is his own warning, Protective JYL) JYL see WWX as her son but it’s not official
9. This is a INTMF ask. I'm looking for fics that have both WWX and LWJ able to be a happy family and raise Lan Shizui together. I don't want any dark stories and I would really prefer light angst/cannon angst if there has to be angst. Just to be clear though I'm looking for fics that focus on domestic wangxian with baby Shizui. IDK if a fic like this exists and idk how to search for it. But I viscerally want to read it and I don't have the chops to write it. &lt;3 @omgnectarina
The Simplest Way Forward by harriet_vane (E, 70k, WangXian, Modern AU, Accidental baby acquisition, Kid fic, Green card marriage (but not really), Slow Burn, Endless Pining, Happy ending, [Podfic of] The Simplest Way Forward by knight_tracer)
🔒 Meet-Tired by SimpleSoupsandAppleTarts (T, 1.5M, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Single parent WWX, Meet-Tired, Fluff, Getting together, Slice of Life)
10. hii, this is for itmf I have 2 requests
A) marriage of convenience/ fake marriage in the modern era
B) I think I sent this before but accidentally categorized it as fic finder I'm sorry. mpreg fics in which they don't know the other is the father! / fics where one of them gets pregnant, and other doesn't know that they're the father. both pregxian and pregji r good
With No Particular Affection by Chrononautical (E, 92k, wangxian, Arranged Marriage, Modern, Kid Fic, Miscommunication, Family Drama, JFM & YZY's A+ Parenting, Canon typical consent during sex, canon typical violence revamped for a modern setting, canon typical behavior from villains and honestly I toned it down a lot, Good Uncle JC, Wedding Fluff, Wedding Night, Genius WWX, Street Kid WWX, Homelessness, Rich LWJ, Oblivious WWX, LWJ's canon typical communication skills, Cinnamon Roll WN, Implied/Referenced Suicide, WWX Has a Pregnancy Kink, WWX Has a Fear of Dogs, Curtain Fic, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Angst)
A Marriage Story by DeviyudeThoolika (E, 38k, wangxian, NMJ/LXC, married wangxian, but there are some complications, because it’s marriage, Sex is complicated, Angst and Pining, Pining while fucking, Mature elements, Mutual Pining, HEA, Arranged Marriage, Sort Of, Misunderstandings, of epic proportions, One True Pairing, Good Sibling JC, Good Parent YZY, Fluff and Angst, in that order, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending, Everyone Loves WWX, Angst and Hurt/Comfort)
I have loved you for so long (even when I could only do you wrong) by h0peless_oblivion (E, 22k, wangxian, Modern, A/B/O, Mpreg, Friends With Benefits, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Unplanned Pregnancy, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Fluff and Angst, Mutual Pining, Miscommunication, but its cleared up fairly quickly, Reconciliation, Good Uncle LQR, YZY is good, Unspecified Setting, Misunderstandings, Mating Bites, Pregnant WWX, A-Yuan is Wangxian's son, Eventual Smut, Knotting, Mating, Wangxian's canon breeding kink) looks like a WIP, but the end chapters are bonus scenes and the main story is complete
Impermanence, Transience, Permanence by Best Bepsy (BepsyGray) (E, 39k, wangxian, canon divergence, unplanned pregnancy, mpreg, gore, sunshot campaign, assumed miscarriage, medical procedures, childbirth, golden core reveal)
On The Way Home by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 59k, wangxian, Modern, Mpreg, Non-a/b/o mpreg, Unprotected Sex, Unexpected Pregnancy, Friends With Benefits, Getting Together, Pining while fucking)
🔒 Per aspera ad astra by Sanguis (E, 17k, wangxian, Fantasy, Implied Mpreg, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Space Opera, Secret Marriage, Kidnapping, Explicit Sex, Sexual Frustration, Dubious Anatomy, Male Lactation)
A Joy That’s Hard to Find by airinshaw (E, 26k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Getting Together, Mpreg, Misunderstandings, Minor Angst, Anal Sex, Fluff and Smut, Kissing)
Family Pictures (Or: “Mark Rothko is very, very dead, Wei Ying.”) by belleweather (M, 37k, WangXian, Kid Fic, Post Mpreg, Modern AU, Cindarella Story, Mistaken Identity, Mistaken for Being in a Relationship, art conservator lwj, idiot WWX, (he gets better slowly), shockingly little actual sex omg what happened to me, fake/mistaken cheating, no actual infidelity)
Blooming in white by luckymoonly (T, 38k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, MM/WQ, NMJ/LXC, NHS/JC, Canon Divergence, Mpreg, Getting Together, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, hidden pregnancy, Mutual Pining, Drama, Misunderstandings, Everyone Lives AU, Miscommunication, WWX and NHS are BFF, matchmaker NHS, Fix-It)
Little fall of rain by luckymoonly (M, 10k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, WWX didn't know he was pregnant, Mpreg, Mention of Birth, Family Feels, Nielan himbo rights, soft LQR, Misunderstandings, jealous LWJ, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Smut, Breastfeeding, Thirsty Granny Wen, JGS being his usual self)
Lan Sizhui's forehead ribbon by I_have_a_fleet_of_ships (T, 1k, wangxian, WWX & LSZ, Married Wangxian, Established wangxian, LWJ & WWX Are LSZ's Parents, WWX is LSZ's Parent, Oblivious LWJ, Gūsū Lán Forehead Ribbon, Good Uncle LQR, Fluff, Light Angst, Post Mpreg, Post-Canon)
11. Hey for the next imtf I'd like to request the following
A) BDSM AUs were WY safewords in the middle of wangxian's play. LZ realises how far he has gone and is (preferably) shocked. Other reactions from LZ are also fine.
B) fics where FTM WY or LZ deals with having menstrual periods, how he navigates his emotions, how he copes with it etc. I'd be really thankful if you can find fics like this. I prefer wangxian fics but if there are fics like this for other pairings those are also welcome. @imstillthinkingaboutithmm
🔒 oh, these are real things by typefortydeductions (E, 15k, wangxian, Modern, The Porn Is the Plot, Kink Negotiation, Under-negotiated Kink, Safewording, Light BDSM, Dom/sub, Fisting, Sex Crying, lil bit of gender stuff, Panic Attacks, Top Drop) lwj isn't shocked, it's a bit of a softer scene
The Housewife's Guide to Causing Chaos by dvasva (M, 127k, wangxian, QS & WWX, NHS & WWX, LSZ & WWX, LSZ & LWJ, WIP, Canon-Typical Violence, Functionally Trans Character, Mild Sexual Content, Domestic Fluff, Love Confessions, Transphobia, Good Parents LWJ & WWX, Pining, WWX is a Tease, Grief/Mourning, Body Dysphoria, Fake Marriage, Canonical Character Death, Misunderstandings, Doting LWJ, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, lying to your family about your demonic boyfriend taking over your wifes body for fun and pleasure, WWX is not in MXY's body, Misgendering, Mild Angst, Assumptions, Comedic Elements, non-sexual nudity, Blood, Discussion of Various Bodily Functions, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, 4 years of mourning instead of 13, The Juniors start a conspiracy board, Méishān Yú Sect, POV Multiple, Corporal Punishment, Trans WWX, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, pregnancy mention, Warning: Jīn Guāngshàn, Sexual Harassment, Threats) This might work? Instead of Mo Xuanyu, a woman sacrifices her body for wwx, and he has to adapt to having a female body, including menstruation
12. Hi mods! I was wondering if there is a post canon fic about Lan Sizhui unpacking the trauma of being the last living member of his family. Maybe with him talking to Wen Ning about what happened during the blood pool scene? Thank you in advance @rubberduckieassassin
this blood in my mouth by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 3k, WangXian, LSZ & WWX & LWJ, Post-Canon, POV LXC)
The Past Is An Avalanche Beneath Your Feet by John_lzhc (T, 6k, LSZ & WWX, Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, Families of Choice, PTSD, Flashbacks, Grief/Mourning, best boy LSZ, Hopeful Ending, canon typical references to genocide)
13. Hi! Tus is for ITMF. I want canon diverge where wwx didnt die. I dont know how to explain it. Like instead going to burial mound he and wen remnants goes somewhere. Or he and wen remnants secluded themself in burial mound. Or wwx rescued wen remnants in quiet manner. Or he goes to gusu with lwj. And all those choice didnt result him died for 13/16 years. I accept anything including he run away with a-yuan after wen remnants dies. Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
❤️ kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 75k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Inspired by The Parent Trap (1998), Kid Fic, teen shenanigans, two a-yuans, Fluff and Angst, [Podfic] kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight by contributor-sky (deepestbluesky), esbielle was also here (esbielle), glittercracker, GodOfLaundryBaskets, jellyfishfire, kisahawklin, Koontyme, Rionaa, semperfiona))
wide enough and wild by impossibletruths (E, 64k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Getting Together, Canonical Accidental Baby Acquisition, Families of Choice, References to Depression, Happy Ending, I Swear To God I’m Giving Them A Happy Ending, Overzealous Use Of Imagery, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Well Except WN But He Was Already Dead So, Fix-It of Sorts, podfic by semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona))
Just as the Snow Melts by draechaeli (T, 66k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, SL/XXC, Everybody Lives AU, Canon Divergence)
To Mourn the Young Man by Iamnotawriter (T, 57k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, BAMF WWX, Most people live, but not the bad guys, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal)
we’re starting at the end by Miss_Enthusiasimal (M, 92k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Golden Core Reveal, Burial Mounds, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Starvation, emaciation, Cannibalism, Self-Harm, Amputation, Suicidal Thoughts, Sunshot Campaign, let JZX and WWX be friends club) if time-travel is okay
Unbreakable Heaven, Luminous Earth by carolyncaves (M, 96k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Secret Identity, almost to the point of uncomfortable identity theft, Sharing a Bed, Literal Sleeping Together, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, Suicidal Thoughts, Blood and Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Caretaking, Sexual Content, Domestic Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Power Imbalancemainly between WWX and JGY in an entirely nonsexual manner, this isn't really a kid fic but the kids are there, as are some yunmeng sibling feelings, JYL lives, Not Everyone Dies AU, some COVID parallels, this is not a quarantine fic, but thematically WWX deals w things like face-covering for safety and loss of control, also assume all canon warnings, this AU is gentler than canon but isn't a complete fix-it)
Can almost hold the shape by Rookseeksraven (E, 81k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Post-Bloodbath of Nightless City, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Golden Core Reveal, Grief/Mourning, Blood and Injury, Major Character Injury, Kidnapping, Rescue, Canonical grief stricken JC, No JC & WWX Reconciliation, Dubious Consent, Dual Cultivation, LWJ Has a Biting Kink, Rimming, Anal Sex, Hand Jobs, Getting Together, Alcohol, YLLZ WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, Talismans and Arrays, Fuck Or Die, kind of, Rape/Non-con Elements, The resentful energy cannot technically consent for WWX)
14. Hello! I'm in the mood for explorations of bad Lan Xichen, or Lan Xichen bashing. It's common to see JC bashing, but really, poor old JC was screwed by his family and lied to, I'd be enraged too. But how could LXC be THAT stupid? What happened to trust but verify? He's either truly truly stupid, or completely complicit. Maybe he loved being JGY's special one so much? I dunno. But no-one is that stupid. And the Lan sect has so much to answer for, with its cruelty and hypocrisy (they were at Qiongqi path as guards) (what, they didn't report to their sect leader? Really?). I understand angry old fart LQR a lot better, he doesn't care about anything but the sect and has no connections outside the sect, I can forgive him. But LXC just ignores his other sworn brother and his own little brother far too much. He is equal to if not more of a villain than JGY, who's just fighting for a place in an unjust world. LXC had that place and does not uphold the responsibility it gives him. Eat the rich, man, they suck. Why, yes I DO feel passionately about this, why do you ask? @lurkdot
break by justdoityoufucker (T, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LXC Critical, JC Critical, Canonical Character Death, Guānyīn Temple Scene, BAMF WN, Protective WN)
🔒 Bitter Recompense by mondengel (M, 1k, LXC & LWJ, Angst)
aftereffect by justdoityoufucker (orphan_account) (T, 3k, wangxian, LXC & LQR & LWJ, LXC & LWJ, Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Cultivation Sect Politics, LXC Critical, Gūsū Lán Sect, JGY Survives, (and then dies))
🔒 Wasting Time, Asking Why by mondengel (Not rated, 1k, LXC & LWJ, LXC & JGY, wangxian, Angst, Character Study)
🔒 Ready for Blood on the Ground by mondengel (T, 1k, gen)
🔒💖 When has silence saved anyone? by Vrishchika (T, 6k, wangxian, LSZ & WWX & LWJ, post-canon, LXC critical, family feels, angry LWJ & LSZ, LXC gets scolded)
🔒 I Will Find You Again by Hidenka_chan101 (M, 19k, wangxian, LSZ & LWJ, LSZ & WWX, LSZ & LJY, Mentions of Death, Angst, Crying, LWJ is a Petty Bitch, Typical LQR, Unsupportive LXC, Gūsū Lán Juniors Dynamics, Canon Divergence, WangXian get their happy ending, Fever, Tender loving care, some smut, WN gets to flex his healer knowledge, Hurt/Comfort)
🔒 To Reveal The Truth by HeloSoph (M, 11k, LWJ & NHS, LWJ & WWX, LSZ & LWJ & WWX, SL/XXC, wangxian, Sad LWJ, Hurt LWj, Rogue Cultivator LWJ, Hurt LXC, Cultivation world Bashing, LQR Bashing, Scheming NHS, Pining LWJ, SL/XXC Get a Happy Ending, SL/XXC Adopt Ā-Qìng, Truth is revealed, Suicide, LWJ Has Feelings, LWJ wants to die until he doesn't want to anymore, Chief Cultivator LWJ, Sassy LWJ, Petty LWJ, Angst and Feels, Hopeful Ending, LWJ is a Little Shit, POV LWJ, JC Bashing, NMJ Bashing, Not Everyone Dies AU, Suicide Attempt, Implied/Referenced Suicide)
they might want to check out the gusu lan bashing tag on ao3
Search lan xichen critical tag on ao3
do they want LXC bashing in canon only, or in modern AUs
恩仇仙人- Enchou xianren (Immortal Avenger) by AshayaTReldai (E, 163k, WIP, WangXian, Angst, Mental Anguish, Pining, Revenge, Execution, internalinter-clan politics, Reincarnation, TGCF notions of ascension and deity, WWX/LWJ marriage, First Time, Post-LWJ whipping, Injury Recovery, Issues of justice, Torture, Not friendly to the Clans - they all get their comeuppance, Hurt/Comfort, Dark LWJ, novel compliant characterisation) link in #6
15. Hi! I’m in the mood for jealous wangxian! I love all the jealousy fics but is there one where lwj secretly seeks help in order to court/confess to wwx and ofc wwx thinks lwj is in love with someone else? Canon setting or modern, married, roommates.. anything is fine! I’ve read a bunch but I’ll read them again! @starfishderby
16. IITMF Ask, I'm in the mood for good fics focused on Wangxian or Wangxian + duckling juniors night hunting. It doesn't have to be all that they do, but I'd like for it to be a large focus of the fic. I feel like I've seen one where they had multiple night hunts as a focus in the fic, but I don't think I actually ended up reading it so idk more about it, but recs where they do multiple hunts would be fun too.
爱不释手; never let me go by yiqie (E, 68k, wangxian, Case Fic, Blood and Injury, Demons, Body Horror, Mystery, The intrinsic horniness of wound tending, Yearning 2: The Electric Boogaloo, podfic by argentumlupine)
build me no shrines by occultings (microcomets) (M, 54k, wangxian, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, First Time, Getting Together, Confessions, Sharing a Bed, Hair Washing, Sentient Burial Mounds, Case Fic, Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Light Angst, Flashbacks, mild body horror, foot washing, Happy Ending, Non-Sexual Intimacy..., then sexual intimacy, playing fast and loose with mdzs lore, WWX learning to accept intimacy without deflection, occasional LWJ humor agenda, Podfic by flamingwell Available)
17. fics where lan wangji turns into a child and wwx and everyone has to take care of him!!
Tiny Little Boy by Dyapaya (G, 2k, hints of wangxian, Age Regression/De-Aging, Kid Fic, Cute, Fluff, LWJ bites people, Everyone Lives AU)
A Child's Wish by Hauntcats (Not rated, 13k, wangxian, WWX & Wen remnants, Celestial meddling, Not JC Friendly, Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Everyone gets what they deserve, Age Regression/De-Aging, Child LWJ)
Before the Morning Sun by Vamillepudding (G, 12k, wangxian, JC & LWJ, post-canon, de-aging, protective JC, light angst, implied/referenced child abuse, kid LWJ)
🔒 A new found family by MusicMe_tc (G, 12k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Teenage Wangxian, Cursed LWJ, Soft LQR, Supportive LXC, Fluff, Feelings Realization, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Getting Together, Happy Ending)
A Little Happiness by Suspicious_Popsicle (M, 20k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Age Regression/De-Aging, if you’re looking at that last tag + the rating don’t worry, the rating is only for the very end)
i carry your heart with me by lulu_kitty (G, 12k, WangXian, Age Regression/De-Aging, Established Relationship, Post-Canon, Fluff and Angst, some knives but honestly this is mostly fluff, possessive littol a-zhan, wei ying may ONLY give attention to a-zhan, no one else it’s the rule)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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agent-troi · 7 months
scully and mulder's dynamic visibly changes after the onset of the season of secret sex
i've been thinking about how dd and ga deliberately played season 7 like mulder and scully were sleeping together, and i think there's solid evidence of that in the differences in how scully reacts to mulder appearing to show interest in another woman before and after the season of secret sex begins (i'm using millennium as the before/after divider bc i think that's what dd and ga decided, but this is based on my vague memory of a reddit comment about it which is how i first learned that the season of secret sex was a thing)
so overall there's an undercurrent of insecurity, borne of scully's uncertainty regarding precisely how mulder feels about her and what her place is in the hierarchy of things that are important to him in his life, that exists in the pre-millennium incidents and is glaringly absent post-millennium:
before millennium:
(i'm not gonna include phoebe/fire here bc i don't think scully's awareness of her feelings had yet risen to the point where she'd be truly jealous, i'd characterize her in that ep as largely protective of mulder and unwilling to let him deal with phoebe's games alone. it also helps that he's clearly not happy phoebe is back in his life again, unlike his much more positive reaction to diana)
war of the coprophages- the second scully finds out about bambi, she immediately hops in her car and drives up to miller's grove to join mulder, bc letting him investigate cockroaches alone was fine but god forbid he spend quality time investigating an x-file with an attractive female scientist who isn't herself- that's their thing!!
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syzygy- to be fair the planetary alignment situation was exacerbating her- and mulder's- behavior here, but her jealousy of and hostility to detective white were still real, even if she would've been able to rein in her emotions better under normal circumstances.
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diana fowley arc- i think this speaks for itself, lol
alpha- this is an interesting period in their relationship: after most of the diana shit is over, but before the tension between them is fully resolved (a process which to me begins with milagro/the unnatural and ends with amor fati, but that would be its own post lol).
other than introducing himself to karin as "fox" (maybe as a way to appeal to her preference for canids lol) and thus implicitly giving her permission to call him by his first name (which she proceeds to do throughout the episode), mulder doesn't seem to show much in the way of attraction to her.
even when he touches her hand to move the mouse, he's more interested in what's on the screen than in paying attention to her:
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karin, however, is visibly affected by the contact, a fact which scully immediately notices:
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later in the car, they have this convo, the last line of which is so heavily laden with diana subtext it's not even funny:
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scully's reaction to karin is similar to her reaction to phoebe in that she's motivated mainly by wanting to protect mulder from his own naive, trusting nature, and from someone she believes is seeking to take advantage of it, rather than being motivated primarily by jealousy and defensiveness. she doesn't really believe that karin is a genuine threat to her relationship with mulder, but with diana still fresh in her memory she can't afford to not be vigilant. hence why she confronts karin alone later:
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here scully demonstrates that she somewhat empathizes with karin (mulder is also someone who challenges her, makes her feel fulfilled and happy and alive). karin's response indicates that she has correctly deduced the basis of scully's dislike/distrust of her, and also acknowledges scully is the dominant one as it relates to the territory (mulder) that they are sparring over.
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scully looks away at karin's "feminine wiles" comment, revealing the nagging insecurity about her place in mulder's life that diana's arrival exacerbated and that will continue to plague her until amor fati.
after millennium:
rush- when mulder looks back at chastity in the hallway, scully's reaction is to possessively grab mulder's sleeve and pull him away into the interrogation room:
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and his response is to laugh and say "what?" like he doesn't know he belongs to her and only her.
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keep in mind this happens just before they interrogate tony reed, and right after they finish interrogating him this shit happens:
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i already made a post last week about how insanely flirty they are in this episode, but this scene!!
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she's pouting and giving him big doe eyes and playing with his tie!! at work!! in public!! she feels comfortable staking her territory in such an obvious way (also playful rather than hostile) bc she's not longer insecure about her place in his life!! i can never be normal about this i'm sorry ssdfgksdgsjdkfhkjsdf
first person shooter- when mulder checks out jade blue afterglow as she's leaving, he leans so far over in such an obvious, exaggerated way, almost as if he's deliberately trying to get a rise out of scully, but all she does is raise her eyebrows at him and lean over to block his view (while smirking):
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and then he says he's "feeling the great need to blast the crap out of something", an almost direct quote of scully's line from their convo in the autopsy room right before they went down to the station:
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and her response is to SMILE at him!!
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pre-millennium scully would absolutely not have reacted this way in this situation. just like in rush, the insecurity that previously haunted scully whenever mulder seemed to be close to or interested in another woman is utterly absent here. they're joking and teasing and enjoying each other's company like they've always done, but there's a different dimension to it now. pre-millennium mulder would never have made a show of checking out another woman like that right in front of scully (unless a planetary alignment is affecting his behavior ofc lol), and pre-millennium scully would never have found it amusing.
(side note: people were debating on twitter a while back about whether this scene was ooc for mulder, and tbh i'm not sure what my own opinion is bc to me the whole episode has an air of... unreality? idk but it gives me similar vibes to post-modern prometheus, like maybe it's real or maybe it's just someone telling a story or it's somewhere in between, and it's also got that same unserious feel idk how else to describe it)
anyway, back to my main point, which is: dd and ga are damn good actors in the way they were able to subtly telegraph this shift in mulder and scully's dynamic. one might be able to argue that the insane flirting throughout season 7 isn't by itself evidence of the season of secret sex bc on some level they've always been like that, but to me these specific interactions provide important clues that the nature of their relationship has changed.
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sailorkamino · 2 years
dancing and tookas (wrecker's pov)
wildflower masterlist
relationships: twi'lek!jedi!reader x wrecker [gn, can be platonic or romantic]
summary: you and wrecker bond through dancing holo games and sparring. after accidentally hurting your lekku wrecker is avoiding you but you know he won't be able to resist the tooka family you've befriended.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: jealousy (wrecker is an attention whore), every batcher just wants to be praised, accidental injury, misplaced guilt, insecurities/negative self image, wrecker thinks he's dumb and clumsy sometimes but he's best boy
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Wrecker likes you right away. You’re nice, and pretty, and funny, and you can do crazy flips.
You praise them a lot. Sometimes Wrecker feels left out when you’re talking to one of his brother’s so he’ll do something to get your attention. Crosshair says he’s jealous but he’s not. He’s just never had a friend before that’s not his brother, of course he wants to spend time with you!
It’s worse when you spend time with non clone force 99 members. You’re somehow friends with Alpha-17. Wrecker didn’t even know he was capable of having friends but jedi’s are magical. Sometimes you help him with training ARC’s. Which is fine. But Wrecker is way stronger than them and he feels like you should know that.
His first time in hyperspace you teach him how to dance. “Since the Marauder’s too small for a gym I downloaded some games to keep us busy,” you explain, clicking on your datapad. You show him all kinds of simulations: playing sports, racing, building, fighting, dancing, something with animals.
The dancing one catches his interest. Wrecker’s always had a hard time sitting still and it sounds fun. But he doesn’t want to embarrass himself in front of his new best fr- commanding officer. You’re so graceful. He’ll probably look like a drunk rancor next to you.
“Can I pick the first game?” You ask, looking at him thoughtfully.
Wrecker is surprised for a moment. Nat borns don’t usually care what he thinks. He wonders if all jedi are as nice as you. Probably not. You seem special. He nods quickly. “Of course, general! It’s your ‘pad.”
“Great! I wanna dance,” you smile. Before he can say anything you send him a reassuring look, “don’t worry, we’ll start off easy.”
He wonders if you could sense his nerves. Or maybe you can just tell he’ll be a bad dancer. You look at him consideringly. “Could you lift me?”
He puffs his chest out confidently. “With one hand.”
“Please use both,” Hunter pleads from the galley.
“Don’t worry sarge, I’ll play with you next!” You call back playfully as you select a song.
The dance is a duet to a song about forbidden love. The avatars start off in two different locations, doing slow, graceful movements. As the chorus hits the song becomes more upbeat, the scenery changing to a masquerade ball as they meet.
Wrecker’s hand completely sorrounds yours as he bites his lip in concentration. He apologizes quickly as his feet clash against yours. You grin with a graceful twirl. “Don’t stress, Wreck. The first time you do a dance it’s always a little clumsy.”
Wrecker starts to get more comfortable with the repetitive choreography. His timing is a little off but neither of you care. At the last chorus the avatars perform a lift. Wrecker grins confidently. Lifting he can do.
He grabs you by the waist, plucking you up effortlessly, and spinning. You grasp his broad shoulders with a playful laugh. Wrecker forgets why was nervous in the first place.
Another activity he loves doing with you is hand to hand combat. You’re insanely quick and flexible, jumping and twisting out of his grasp with a smirk. When he spars with his brothers it’s often over too quick but you actually challenge him. When you do make contact instead of just dodging you’re much stronger than expected.
You have some downtime on a mission so you and Wrecker decide to spar in a grassy field near the Havoc Marauder. You’re both sweating and grinning playfully until a horrible yelp fills the air. His large hands fly away from you as if he’s been burned, his heart dropping to his gut. What did he do? He can’t even catch you, how did he hurt you?
Then he notices your fingers gingerly holding one of your lek. Oh no. No no no no! Tech told all of them just how sensitive lekku are and to be careful. He’s so stupid! “General! I’m so sorry! It was an accident, I didn’t mean to,” he rambles desperately. You have to know he didn’t do it on purpose.
You breathe deeply, eyes fluttering open to look at the trooper. “It’s alright, Wreck. I know you wouldn’t hurt me on purpose. It’s not even that bad, you just caught me off guard.”
Hunter pokes out of the ship. “Everything alright?”
“No! They’re hurt,” Wrecker wails before you can answer. Hunter’s worried eyes zero in on your hand holding one lek over your shoulder.
“I’m really fine, guys,” you assure with a frown.
“B-but lekku injuries can cause brain damage! That’s what Tech said!”
You give him a soft, affectionate look he doesn’t deserve. You’re always too nice. Too forgiving. (That’s why he gets so mad at Crosshair when he’s rude to you.) “That can only happen if the top of the lekku are seriously injured. Like crushed or something. You grabbed the bottom. I assure you, my brain is fine, Wreck. You didn’t hurt me.”
You offer his large hand a gentle squeeze. “Now that’s settled, do you mind if I wash up first?”
He nods quickly. A part of him wants you to stay and comfort him but he can’t look at you without feeling horrible. He tries to keep his voice as steady as possible when he replies, “of course, sir. I’m gonna work out some more.”
You study him with eyes that seem to go right through him. They’re kind but it’s still intimidating. He forces an awkward smile. You don’t seem to buy it but leave anyways, offering him a shoulder pat on your way to the Marauder. “Make sure to shower before movie night. I’m not gonna share my snacks with you if you stink.”
His grin becomes less fake. He loves team holo nights! Last time you sat between him and Hunter and you were so cozy. You explained it’s because twi’lek’s have higher body temperatures than humans and then casually mention cuddle piles with the 104th. That led to Wrecker asking, with no jealousy in his voice at all, “you cuddled with the 104th?”
“Mhmm, it started when Wolffe found me bunking with my master. He was all panicky cause he couldn’t find me,” you smile fondly at the memory. “I explained that since Plo’s cold blooded and twi’leks run warm we sometimes cuddle. He invited us to join the vode." Your face drops a bit, “especially after tougher missions.”
Wrecker wonders if you’ll join their cuddle piles. He hopes so. How long should you know someone before inviting them to snuggle with you and your siblings? Is it weird to ask? You’re a pretty tactile person which he enjoys. His brothers aren’t as touchy as him. Both Hunter and Tech have sensory issues so they aren’t always open to physical affection. Crosshair is just difficult. He bit him once.
“Hey Wrecker. You okay?”
Hunter’s familiar voice brings him back to the present. Any happiness melts away when he remembers what happened. He fakes another smile, “of course sarge. You should check on the general.” You have a tendency to downplay injuries, not wanting to use up precious medical supplies when you could do a ‘healing trance.’ Whatever that means.
Wrecker spends the next day as far away from you as possible. Which is painfully obvious considering how close the two of you usually are. That evening you go outside to meditate with Hunter.
You insist on meditating in nature when possible. Once the batch realized mediation meant you were essentially sleeping outside with no armor, completely vulnerable, they made sure one of them was always there to watch your six.
After healing one of Hunter’s migraines by petting his head like a tooka the sergeant had become more interested in the force. Instead of guarding your mediation sessions, he joined them. Wrecker tried but he’s not good at sitting still with nothing to do. Just another thing he’s too destructive for.
He’s so busy pouting he doesn’t notice Hunter approaching his cabin. “Hey Wrecker!” He calls out, a pleased smile on his mouth. “There’s something you need to see.”
His interest is piqued. If it was Crosshair he might be suspicious but Hunter isn’t much for pranks. He sits Lula gingerly beside him as he stands. “What is it?”
“Come on and find out.”
Hunter might not be a prankster but he’s a smug bastard. Although Wrecker whines childishly he actually enjoys when his oldest brother is playful. Now that you’ve joined the squad Hunter is no longer the sole leader, leaving him somewhat less burdened.
He exits the Marauder and sees you sitting in the grass with striped furballs crawling over your lap. He gasps dramatically. “Tookas!”
“Easy, Wrecker. Don’t scare them,” Hunter gently warns.
“Don’t worry. I’m calming them with the force.” You assure them with a warm smile. Hunter raises a questioning eyebrow but Wrecker is too entranced by the adorable animals to ask any follow up questions. He plops in the grass in front of you with starry eyes.
The mama tooka who is diligently sitting beside you saunters towards him. He watches with bated breaths as she settles into his lap with a flick of her bushy tail. “This is the best day of my life.” He stiffens, remembering who he’s talking to. “General,” he tacks on.
You scrunch your nose in distaste and Wrecker knows he said something wrong. But what? “I don’t like being called my rank outside of missions.” You confess, lifting a kitten covered hand. “I know you’ve been raised as a soldier so it’s natural for you but… I wasn’t.”
Wrecker take’s in the information with wide eyes. Even though his batch is known for being unorthodox, the military chain of command has been drilled into their minds since they were tubies. Speaking freely with another clone is one thing, but you’re a jedi. As much as he wants to be your friend it’s still a culture shock.
“You can call me a nickname if you like.” You suggest. “My master has called me wildflower sinde I was a youngling. The vode call me sarad – that’s mando’a for flower.”
Well a nickname seems easier. The clones go by nicknames. He doesn’t want to use the same one the regs do though. He brainstorms flower related words for a few moments as he strokes the tooka. “What about Blossom?” He asks hopefully.
“Blossom and the bad batch,” you test out with a smile. “I like the sound of that.”
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clonememesfrikyeah · 4 months
Stec: “Hey Maze!”
Spar: “Force sakes, just say corn, Maze is corn everybody!”
Fordo: “He calls himself that because he thinks it sounds more mystical.”
Jangotat/Nate: “Well I like the way he said it; Maze!”
All the other arcs: “Maze! mAze! MaZe!”
Trantos: “It’s fantastic!”
Alpha-17: “It’s a-Maze-ing.”
Maze: ” :/“
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cupcake-hearts · 2 years
Are we sure that clone force 99 is younger than the other clones?
Hear me out.
Let's say Boba was the first clone. No alterations. Then Omega. I'm assuming they just removed the Y chromosome. (Why? Idk. See Bad Batch season 2.)
Then came the bad batchers; the first 100 clones, most with purposely altered genes. Most didn't survive the incubation process. These clones included; 99, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair. Most would be sent to maintenance, with the exception of Clone Force 99, who went into some form to cryogenic hibernation after proving too hard to handle. (They were stored in Nala Se's lab, which is where Omega would have seen them.)
Next came the Alpha/ Null Arc Troopers (depending on the media). They would be a combination of what Clone Force 99 already was. They would include; Alpha 17, Fordo (Ordo), Mereel, Spar, ect.
After them were the commandos. And then the commanders and other officers. And finally all the regs.
Towards the end of the Clone Wars, the Republic realized they were extremely low on commandos. (They lost almost half of them in the first battle.) So the asked the Kaminoans for more. Unable to supply them with more on such short notice, they decided to unfreeze Clone Force 99.
(Also, I have this headcanon that the Kaminoans didn't like the clones having Mandalorian sounding names, so they added subtle changes to the documents they gave the jedi. Ordo would be Fordo. Kote would be Cody. I feel like Alpha 17 also had a Mandalorian name but he refused to be called by a name the Kaminoans gave him so he went back to Alpha 17.)
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yukipri · 8 months
I love Spar and his batchmates relationship. I have siblings and this is how exactly we'd act (minus space shenanigans). And your design of Spar is just amazing 🤩. Honestly I just love your fics as a whole.
TYSM for liking my take on Spar and the Alphas!
I think one of the reasons why I really enjoyed spending so much time with Seventeen, Fordo, Ninety-Nine, Spar, and Jango in the Early War period is that in many ways, they're kind of like a microcosm for exploring clone brotherly dynamics? There's 100 of them (if we include Boba), and sure that sounds like a lot, but at the same time, 100 is a number that is far easier to visualize and wrap my head around than 300 million. And the Alphas, while they do still consider all of the other clones to also be their brothers, also feel some isolation and distinct identity due to the unique circumstances of their specific limited batch. These circumstances also mean that they are many degrees closer to Jango than any other clones, and by letting Jango explore opening up to them first, he sorta gets to roll with "being in a clone body" with training wheels before he's pitched head-first into the masses in the deployment arc!
wow kinda went off on a rant there, but either way, I'm really flattered that you found my depiction of the Alphas' sibling dynamics to be realistic!
Thanks also for liking my visual art of Spar <3 and for liking my fics!
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
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mandalorianbrainweasel · 10 months
I would love to subject Cody to Spar 👀
Cody is excited to finally be on Coruscant.
Sure, he’s here because General Fett has questions about how he handled the traitor incident—General Tay’haai took Slick back with him when he went for reassignment after the Christophsis campaign ended—and he’s probably going to be reassigned no matter what, it’ll just depend on if he can impress Fett to decide if he’s going somewhere good or bad, but it’s a chance to meet up with Alpha-17 again.
He has it on good authority that Seventeen is waiting for his own orders and Cody’s appointment with Fett isn’t for another three hours, so he bullshits his way to the ARC office, or whatever it’s supposed to be.
He opens the door and finds the office virtually empty, except for two clones in the back. “Captain?” he asks, amused, expecting them both to jump.
Only one of them jumps and Seventeen’s scarred face peeks out from around the side of the other clone to glare. “Oh joy, it’s you. Spar, did you meet Commander Cody?” He gestures to Cody, looking at the other clone.
The other clone turns and raises an eyebrow. “Your little protege?” His hair is in a long, thick braid that Cody is pretty sure doesn’t fly even with the expanded regulations for haircuts, and he has a thin scar on his left cheek, but the trait that pops out most to Cody is his light eyes, still brown but almost gold in how light they are. He’s also…weirdly young to be in the ARC office. Cody has shinies that look older than him.
“Something like that,” Seventeen agrees. “Cody, this is—.” Seventeen cuts himself off and frowns at the other clone. “How do I even introduce you?”
The other clone laughs. “I’m Akaanik’sha Fett,” he says. “Jango is my older brother.”
Cody blinks—he could have sworn he was another clone, especially with how familiar Seventeen is with him, and he’s so young. “Uh…”
Fett smiles. “You can call me Spar. Most people do.”
(I’m accepting clones to subject to Spar for a while more.)
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wolverina2002 · 1 year
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types
Relationship: ARC-77 | Fordo & Null-7 | Mereel Skirata & Alpha-02 | Spar
Characters: ARC-77 | Fordo, Null-7 | Mereel Skirata, Alpha-Ø2 | Spar
Additional Tags:, Fordo week 2023, Armor and Stories, Sibling Bonding, Platonic Relationships, Strained Relationships, Lack of Communication, Non-verbal Fordo
Language: English
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