#Alpha Connor Rhodes
kitweewoos · 1 year
Heyyy, you still doing omegverse?
If soooooooo. I'd like to put in my order for and insured Omega Will halstead and an Alpha Connor Rhodes, who's on shift in the ED when Jay and Adam come in dragging Will behind them. (Rhodestead and Halzek)
Thank yooou!!! Have an amazing day :)
(i'm always doing omegaverse I promise that)
on the other side
Connor wasn’t even supposed to be working that day. He’d had plans of cleaning up the apartment and going over his rut cycle checklist for his upcoming rut leave. Finally, he was going to set up a proper den for Will to nest in. The last few cycles he’d helped Will through had been surprises, since Will’s heat cycle ran like an old jalopy, sputtering and coughing the entire time but still moving somehow. Will had shown up on his doorstep soaked in sweat and pheromones and they’d both narrowly avoided indecency charges. This time, though, Connor was going to do it right. They were properly courting now, and he wanted to get this right, to show Will that he was a good, helpful Alpha, someone he could trust to take care of him and any children they’d someday create together. He wanted to show Will that he could live up to his title and their growing bond. Instead, he got called in while Will was out. He’d texted Will as much as he caught the next train.    Connor : I’ll be at the hospital until five unfortunately but I’ll see you tonight    Will: Don’t work too hard   Connor: Be safe    Will: you too    He got to work, ignoring the slight burn in his belly as his rut drew nearer. He just had to get through this shift and he’d be back with Will. Each case, he took in a deep breath, and he kept moving.    That is, until Connor had turned his back to get a drink of water when there was a commotion at the ambulance bay. He sighed without taking a sip, and turned around to greet whatever chaos was coming in. And froze.   Jay Halstead and Adam Ruzek were shouting, their voices a cacophony, but it didn’t matter what they were saying. In between them, held up by their arms around his waist, was Will, fading fast and bloodied to the point that Connor almost didn’t recognize him. Except that Connor would know him anywhere. The red hair, the pale skin, the freckles, the broad shoulders and slender waist, he’d know Will Halstead in a sea of tall, lanky gingers. He knew his tall, lanky ginger.   
[read the rest on ao3]
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eddieeeeeeee · 2 years
Part 3 of Omega Will (Halstead) and Alpha Connor (Rhodes).
It had been the seventh time Will had puked this morning, not counting when he woke up out of the blue and puked over the bed sheets AND had to wake Connor up because he didn't want either of them lying/sleeping in a puke covered bed.
Connor just kept rubbing Will's back and comforted him. Will was on the verge of crying, not just because the puking was beginning to become painful; but something felt wrong.
'Will?', It was Connor. Will realized he had probably spaced out between puking episodes.
'Are you okay?'
'Yeah.. No, No I'm not. Something feels wrong I- I don't know where but something is wrong.'
Will shuddered as a cold shiver ran down his spine, 'Can we get up now? Cuddle on the couch maybe?'
Will looked at Connor with his big brown puppy eyes; not that he needed to do that, Connor would have agreed either way.
After they had both left the bathroom, Connor Bridle-Style carried Will to the couch and sat him on the furniture.
'Con.. If I'm thinking right and this sickness could be something else...'
'Do you want to take the test Will?' Connor asked, knowing exactly what Will was thinking.
'Yes, that's precisely what I want to do. What if it's negative and I'm just sick?'
Connor sighed , 'We'll find out when that "What if" happens, Okay?'
'Yeah, I hope you're right Connor.'
'You say that too much.'
They both laughed. Realizing how much Will had said that in the past few months.
Will almost screamed.. If that was good or bad he didn't really care, he'd taken the test and it came back - POSITIVE - He was ready to start crying right now.
He didn't know how he was going to tell Connor, considering Connor was at work because Will had told him he was being a "Hover". Connor was reluctant to return to work at this point in time, but he agreed - because y'know it's Will you can't say no- he left at 5am and would be coming back at 8pm.
Will was contemplating telling Jay (and Adam because they were a couple, about time really). So Will picked up his phone and dialed Jay's number.
!~~! Phone Call
'What did you do?'
'Hello to you to Jay, I was wondering-'
'Are you dying?'
'Wha- No! I'm not dying!'
'Oh okay, what's up?'
'So, before you rudely interrupted me. I was wondering if you and Adam have any time to hang out.. like today?'
'No we don't... But we can go into another room so you can tell us what you want to say in private.'
'That would be good, where are you by the way?'
'Uhhhhhh.. Crime scene?'
'Oh my god- Jay! Call me back when you get home or the District, but it has to be before 7 tonight, okay?'
'Ha. Alright little brother, I'll call soon.'
'2 years Jay Michael Halstead. 2-Y-E-A-R-S. But fine, We will talk soon.'
!~~! Phone Call Ended
Will got the call back around half past 6 that night. Having already curled into bed feeling sick the second time that day. He rolled over onto his stomach and picked up his phone and answered the face time from Adam.
!~~! Facetime
'Hey Will! Oh you look pale like more pale than usual, are you okay?'
'Yeah, I'm good at least I'm not dying.'
'Okay good!'
'Hey where's Jay?'
'Oh! He's in the shower' - Adam looked behind himself - 'He should be out soon.'
'Alright. Hey Adam, Omega to Omega - Man to Man, I wanna tell you first and see how you think of it.'
Will got up and took his phone with him, went into the bathroom and sat on the vanity making sure not to knock anything off.
'I'm-' Will picked up his positive pregnancy test - 'Pregnant!' - He showed the camera the test and Adam's face lit up with joy.
'Omg! Wait, you're not pranking me are you?'
'Of Course not Ads! Why would I?'
In the background of Adam's call Will heard the shower turn off, the next thing he heard made both he and Adam laugh out loud;
'What's all the yelling for, what are you two conspiring?!'
'Better come quick Jay! Before we finish our plans to ruin your reputation!'
Will was sent into another bout of laughter at what Adam had said.
Jay came out in a black shirt and black track pants, climbing onto the bed and laying on top of Adam.
'Hey! Get off!'
'Yeah Jay got off him, I want another brother by the end of the year!'
'Oh, you want another one?! I might just get rid of him just to rub it in your face!'
Adam and Will both yelled in unison 'NO!'
When they had all stopped laughing and wheezing Jay finally asked -
'So? what's up?' - He'd gotten off of Adam and the couple were both sitting up against the headboard of the bed and cuddling.
Will let out a breath and looked down to study the hidden test in his hand. He didn't know how Jay would react, with genetics and all...
'Jay... I- I'm pregnant.'
He once again held up the test.
'*gasp* That's amazing Will! Congrats. Have you told Connor?'
'No. I haven't, I took the test after he went to work. I wanted to tell him after.'
'He left you at home!'
'Adam.. I MADE him go to work, he didn't leave me here.'
'okay good.'
Will heard a door open, then checked the time.
'oh shi- I gotta go, keep this a secret please.'
'Of course little bro.'
'Of course Will.'
'Bye guys, I'll see you around!'
Jay and Adam spoke in unison;
!~~! Facetime ended
Will hid the test in his back pocket, and trudged downstairs to see Connor putting his favorite takeaways and the kitchen counter.
'I love you Connor Rhodes.'
Will walked over to Connor and stood beside him with his arms outstretched for a hug. Connor turned to Will, he didn't embrace Will instead he wrapped his arms around Will's waist and pulled him in for a kiss. Will reacted by wrapping his arms around Connor's neck and deepening the kiss.
'What was that for?'
'I wasn't ready to leave you alone. I couldn't think when I didn't know if you were safe or not.'
'That reminds me, why are you home early?'
'Maggie sent me home, apparently she could "sense my distress".
'Hmm okay.'
 During dinner Will was reminded about the test in his back pocket he had to show Connor. So, Will plucked up the courage and stood up in front of Connor.
'Everything okay, Sunshine?'
Will opened his hands and pushed them towards Connor. Connor looked between Will and Will's hands.
'You're pregnant?'
'Yeah.. I found out this morning. I told Adam and Jay..'
'That's okay, I'm glad you told me tonight instead of tomorrow.'
Will chuckled and hugged Connor, clinging to him.
'Connor Rhodes, carry me to bed.'
'Yes of course, your majesty.'
Part 4 and angst coming soon :)
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phoenixkaizen · 4 years
Could you also please do a pregnant omega Connor with alpha will for the 5+ headcannons thing? They’re one of my favorite pairings and you write them so well!
Thank you! I absolutely can!
1. Connor actually finds out he's pregnant cause he faints during a surgery. Latham had to take over for him. His blood sugar dropped low enough that it forced him to pass out. Natalie was the one who figured out it was most likely pregnancy.
2. Because of how long surgeries could take without breaks, Latham makes Connor transfer back to trauma until his pup is born. Goodwin agreed with this. Connor wasn't happy but he agreed after talking to Will.
3. Maggie keeps a stash of snacks for Connor. He constantly forgets to eat when he should.
4. Will forces Connor to stop drinking coffee. This is their number one argument.
5. Connor works with Natalie a lot since she works more with children. Natalie told him its because his instincts have kicked in.
6. Connor has a nest of scrubs with a piece of clothing or a belonging from everyone in the ED. They aren't officially a pack but they act like one.
7. Cornelius actually took the news really well. Claire vowed to spoil the pup. Connor doesn't want to do this. He wants his child to be more like Will and Jay. Appreciate the good things in life and to not make the same mistakes he did. He used to think Omegas needed to stay home and not work but Will changed Corenlius' mind.
8. Jay became super excited. He wants to teach the pup how to defend themselves when they get older and know how to handle a gun properly just in case.
9. Will constantly frets over Connor. Connor knows Will means well but he doesn't like the overbearingness.
10. Connor pushes himself until the last second. Everyone tried to talk him into going on leave but he wanted to continue saving lives until he was forced to.
11. Connor goes into labor in the middle of the ED during a huge pile up. He hides that he's in labor because they are short staffed. Ethan found out and told Will. Will carried Connor to OB.
12. Connor gives birth to an Omega baby girl. They named her Elizabeth Noelle Halstead after both of their mothers. Natalie is named the godmother and Latham is named the godfather.
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inagetawaycarxo · 4 years
It’s spooky season.
Got a Halloween request? Send it In
Headcanons, preferences, imagines, oneshots, fics, drabbles, blurbs, smut, angst & fluff.
You can request as many as your heart desires. FEM!READER ONLY!
Create A Candy Wreath
Bob For Apples
Scavenger Hunts
Local Psychic
Palm Reader
Werewolf Tag
Flashlight Tag
Lantern Making
Playdough monsters
Pumpkin Patch
Haunted House
Halloween Costume Party
Corn Maze
Pumpkin Carving
Matching Costumes
Trick Or Treating
Decorating The House
Roleplay According To Costumes
Tricksters Watching
Halloween Candlelit Dinner
Bake Halloween -Inspired Treats
Visit A Haunted Attraction
Go See A Horror Movie
Jump Scare
Scary Stories
Play Sexy/Scary Dress Up
Watch Scary Movies
Late Night Corn Maze
Ghost Tour
Picnic At A Graveyard
Tell Scary Stories By The Campfire
Scary Movie Marathon
Late Night Walk In The Cemetery
Jump In A Pile Of Leaves
Make Candy Apples
Pick Pumpkin From Pumpkin Patch
Bobbing For Alcohol
Camp In The Backyard
Surprise s/o With Sexy Costume
Haunted Hayride
Ghost Hunt
Costume Shopping
Smores By The Fire
Paint Pumpkins
Make Jack O’Lanterns
Road Trip To Spooky Destinations
Alien AU
Angel AU
Affair AU
Amnesia AU
Angel/Demon AU
Apocalypse AU
Assassin AU
Asylum AU
Alien Invasion AU
Alpha/Beta/Omega AU
Betrayal AU
Banshee AU
Blackmail AU
Bonnie & Clyde AU
Cabin In The Woods AU
Castaway AU
Criminal AU
Crossroad Demon AU
Cowgirl AU
Cowboy AU
Criminal And Accomplice AU
Dragon AU
Dark Fantasy AU
Demigod AU
Double Agent AU
Demon AU
Dead/Death AU
Demon Hunter AU
Damsel In Distress AU
Demon Slayer AU
Dimension Hoping AU
Dark Angel AU
Enemies To Lovers AU
Enemies AU
Fantasy AU
Fae AU
Fake Relationship AU
Fake Dating, AU
Fake Marriage AU
Forbidden Love AU
Fairies AU
Fairy AU
Fugitive AU
Fallen Angel AU
Guardian Angel AU
Ghost AU
Greek Gods AU
Genie AU
Goddess AU
God AU
Hero/Villain AU
Hanahaki Disease AU
Hitman AU
Hunter AU
Heat {also known as Mating Cycle} AU
Hunters Dating
Hybrid AU
Horror Film AU
Imaginary Friend AU
Immortal/Human AU
Immortal AU
Incubus AU
Jealousy AU
Kidnapped AU
Lost In Space, AU
Love Affair AU
Love/Hate Relationship AU
Love Triangle AU
Love Spell AU
Love Turns Them Evil AU
Lured Into A Trap AU
Lost In The Woods AU
Mob!Boss AU
Mafia AU
Medium AU
Mutant AU
Mistaken Identity AU
Magic AU
Maid AU
Merman AU
Mermaid AU
Murder Mystery AU
Merpeople AU
Mythological Creatures AU
Mobster AU
Mad Scientist AU
Mythology AU
Medieval AU
Nephlim AU
One Sided Love AU
Outlaw Couple AU
Pirate AU
Protector AU
Prisoner AU
Post Apocalypse AU
Possessed AU
Possessive AU
Roaring 20s AU
Rivals To Lovers AU
Resurrection AU
Rival AU
Reincarnation AU
Runaway AU
Reapers AU
Supernatural AU
Superpowers AU
Secret Identity AU
Secret Admire AU
Spell AU
Soulmates AU
Secret Relationship AU
Spy AU
Space AU
Stalker AU
Stripper AU
Siren AU
Succubus AU
Secret Agent AU
Secret Spy AU
Superhero AU
Telepathy AU
Time Traveller AU
Thief AU
The Little Mermaid AU
Time Travel AU
Time Travelers AU
Unrequited Love AU
Vigilante AU
Vampire/Werewolf AU
Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU
Vampire AU
Vampire Hunter AU
Villain AU
Weakness Turns On Lover AU
Witch AU
Wizard AU
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Taking The Kids Trick Or Treating
Fandoms I write for
Adam Cole
Aj Styles
Andrade Cien Almas
Buddy Murphy
Bobby Fish
Drew McIntyre
Elias Samson
Finn Balor
Kyle O’Reilly
Roderick Strong
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
The Miz
Jimmy Uso
Jey Uso
Triple H, 
Alexa Bliss
Becky Lynch
Billie Kay
Candice LeRae
Charlotte Flair
Dakota Kai
Mickie James
Peyton Royce
Sasha Banks
Stephanie McMahon
Tegan Nox
Zelina Vega
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Sylvie Brett
Gabby Dawson
 Will Halstead
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Greg Gerwitz
Kevin Atwater
Kim Burgess
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
 Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Luke Alvez
Bruce Wayne
Diana Prince
Clark Kent
Lena Luthor
Kara Danvers
Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker
Ella Lopez
Dan Espinoza
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Bruce Banner
Sam Wilson
Carol Danvers
 Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
 Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Malia Tate
Jordan Parrish
Chris Argent
Isaac Lahey
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
 Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
 Freya Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Kai Parker
Damon Salvatore
 Katherine Pierce
Tyler Lockwood
Bonnie Bennet
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Harry Styles
Jake Gyllenhaal
Jensen Ackles
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saibh29 · 5 years
Stand and Deliver (Part 2)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Will Halstead x Jay Halstead x Reader (Sibling) Kelly Severide x Reader
Warning: Blood, Accident, Car Crash, Language
AN: As always please don’t take my medical advice as real, i’m not a doctor and doing what I say will probably make it worse…
Will and Jay’s sister is pinned between two cars, what a way to introduce Kelly as her boyfriend.
Part One 
When the call came through on the trauma phone it actually stopped Maggie in her tracks, she thought she was immune to the calls she got down that red phone, that though was a call she did not want to have to notify people about.
She hesitated, for a second, it was a second longer though than she usually waited. Then she was moving, shouting for trauma team and getting her people where they needed to be. The trauma team had Connor Rhodes as the surgeon today and he was gone along with the team when Maggie spotted Will’s red head coming towards the desk.
“Will… over here”
“What’s up Maggie?”
He was still mainly focused on his tablet and patients charts rather than on Maggie but he did let himself be directed away from the nurses’ desk to a quieter corner of the ED.
“Will, listen to me… The trauma team, they just took a call, young woman trapped between two cars, her femoral artery is ruptured by the wreckage”
“They bringing her in?” Will wasn’t looking at his tablet anymore at least. “They’ll need a Femostop for the artery if they can get to it”
“Will, honey… stop, just listen to me”
“Maggie? What is it?”
“The girl, Will… the girl who’s trapped…”
“Maggie what?”
“Will, it’s Y/N”
“No” he took a step back and when Maggie didn’t contradict herself, he jerked into action “I have to go, I have to be there, where’s the crash?”
“Sweetheart you can’t go out there, Connor’s going to look after her and get her back here”
“Maggie, Y/N. It’s really my sister?”
“I'm sorry Will”
“I have to call Jay, I have to…shit Maggie, Y/N”
Maggie wrapped her arms around the doctor who was seconds away from a breakdown. The youngest Halstead meant more to Will and Jay then they would ever admit to. It was easy to see though in the way they interacted with Y/N. The idea of her being hurt, it was something that neither of them would be able to deal with.
“Come on, lets go in the lounge I’ll help you ring Jay”  
With Maggie leading him, Will was pushed into the lounge, there was nothing any of them could do but wait until the trauma team came back.  
You’d completely lost any hold on consciousness at this point, Kelly who’d gotten himself perched on the hood of the SUV was managing to hold you still by cocooning your upper body between his thighs, trying to stop any movement that would dislodge the bike frame from your thigh.
“Where’s Trauma?”
“On there way” Herrmann was staring at your chest, counting breaths as he’d been instructed to do by Sylvie. If they got below 12 per minute then they were in trouble. Well, more trouble than they already were in. “Should be here in under 10. Nice way to meet the family huh?”
“I know her family Herrmann”
“Sure, sure… her family know you’re sleeping with their sister though?”
“Keep counting”
He snorted “I'm taking that as a no then”
Kelly would happily have carried on arguing, it took his mind off of how badly this situation could become, however the Trauma team finally arrived and Connor Rhodes was running over to them.
“We can’t get her out” Herrmann pointed down between the cars “try to move anything and that bike frame slowly comes out of her artery”
“Alright” Connor silently went to work doing something between the cars before he looked back at them. “There’s enough space above the wound for me tourniquet it off, that it will give you enough time to move the cars enough to cut the bike frame and we can get her back to the ED with the frame still in her leg”
“That’ll work Doc? Taking the bike frame back?”
“It’s the best option we’ve got, Kelly”
“She can’t move, understand, if that frame moves and completely ruptures the artery” he didn’t finish the sentence but everyone knew what Connor wasn’t saying.
“She won’t move” Kelly clamped his legs even tighter around your chest and held you tightly in his arms.
Rhodes injected some more painkillers into the IV drip that Sylvie had set up along with a sedative to keep you out. Unconscious your heart beat a lot slower and more regular it was safer for you to keep you out.
He then clamped a tourniquet on your upper thigh. “Alright let’s move the sedan, that’s what’s holding her in”
Herrmann and Otis got the guys moved into lines and with Kelly and Rhodes holding you still the car was slowly moved away. Herrmann at the front of the line steadied the freed bike frame as Otis quickly cut free the part of the frame that was going to come with you in the Ambo.
“Kelly can you move her over to me so we can get her into the Ambo?”
“I'm coming with you” Kelly made no move whatsoever to let go of you. “Don’t even try to stop me Rhodes”
“I wouldn’t argue with him if I were you” Herrmann whispered into Connor’s ear.
Connor hadn’t been going to argue though. He’d worked with loved ones of patients, husbands and boyfriends more specifically, for too long not to recognise the look on Kelly’s face. There wouldn’t be a force on earth that could make Kelly let go of you right then, and wasn’t that going to be fun when they did reach the ED.
“Fine, we need to wrap that frame, it can’t wriggle while we move her”
Once the bar was stabilised as well, Kelly lifted you easily enough into his arms and onto the stretcher.
Sylvie had taken the driver of the Sedan to MED already in Ambo 61 and you were loaded onto the next one with Kelly climbing in beside you clinging to your hand. Rhodes got in as well shutting the doors behind him as the Ambo took off towards MED.
“Will and Jay know about that?”
“Is that really the question you want to be asking right now?”
Rhodes held his hands up, that was a no then. As if this wasn’t going to be difficult enough, they were going to have to deal with 3 Alpha males protectiveness over a woman they all thought of as theirs to look after. Poor Y/N.
You were more than a little groggy when your eyes finally fluttered open hours later. You weren’t pinned between 2 cars anymore though and were laying in a bed so you guessed they’d successfully gotten you free and into MED.
The man currently sat by your bed you recognised immediately. “Jay?”
His head jerked up to your face. “Thank god” his hand cupped your cheek. “Don’t you ever do anything like that again Y/N Halstead, you understand me?”
“Jay, are you… crying?”
“No” quickly wiping at his cheeks he glared at you “Don’t be stupid”
He had been, you could see the redness still rimming his eyes, being the bigger person though you let it go. “What happened?”
“You got pinned” Jay flicked his eyes down to your leg “You’ve broken your pelvis and your leg. It’s pretty bad”
“And my bike?”
“Your bike! That’s what your worried about?”
“It was expensive”
Jay sighed and went back to holding your hand. A strange look then came onto your face as he glanced over his shoulder. “If I were you little sister I’d be a lot more worried about what’s going on out there”
“What?” you followed where Jay was looking “shit”
“Yeah, you can say that again”
Outside your room Will and Kelly were standing close together clearly talking about nothing enjoyable.
“You didn’t want in on the ‘Yell at Kelly’ session?”
“I’ll get my turn later” Jay grinned “It was decided that 1 of us at least should stay with you”
“So thoughtful” you winced as something pulled and pain radiated up your side. Jay instantly changed from teasing brother to concern.
“You alright? What hurts?” he didn’t wait for you to answer just got up and shouted for Will.
Meaning, that in the space of 10 seconds you were now surrounded by 2 brothers and your boyfriend. What fun.
@lclb13 @moli1497​   @clementines-x​ @the-chosen-one-time-lord​ @no-other-names-availible-blog​ @angelaiswriting​ @selldraug​ @angryares​ @thenovarose​ @georgiagrl1990​ @punk-rock-5-sos @mindofthescattered​  @dontstopxx​ @iamabeautifulperson18​ @madelinecraig03​ @ka-x-in​ @im-hurric4ne @mesmericbell​ @something–awesome @weirdpotato-14​ @putinontheritzz​ @soulslaststand​ @fuckthatfeeling​  @ember1201​ @morganlb23​ @kitkatbadass @tomhopperarms​  @fakingintrest​ @artprincessbree​  @dreamer-lover-laughter​ @artprincessbree​ @rime-warrior​ @captainvaneswife​ @jaib2-blog @kapolisradomthoughts​ @thingsandstuffienjoy​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @aya-fay​  @itsbubbaog​ @hp-hogwartsexpress​ @emmykinzs​ @thatbadassunicorn​ @sassywingednightmare​ @weirdnewbie​ @goyawriter​ @shipperfangirling​ @nathaliabakes​ @stillreadingfantasy @waywardblueshun 
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stony-ao3-feed · 5 years
High Probability is not a Guarantee
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Z7pa3R
by Daughter_of_a_fangirl
Tony Stark is a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist. He's Iron Man. He's an Avenger. He's a total disaster. He knows damn well not to let himself get attached to someone who'll leave. But Steve Rogers sole purpose of existence seems to be becoming one of the few exceptions to that rule. Steve Rogers is a soldier out of his time. He's Captain America. He's the leader of the Avengers. He's head over heels for a certain brown-eyed Omega. He knows without a shadow of a doubt that Tony Stark is out of his league, but he can't help but try to get his attention.
Words: 2005, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Male Laura Barton, Lila Barton, Nathaniel Barton, Connor Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Tiberius Stone, Peter Parker, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s)
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark - Relationship, Clint Barton/OMC, implied/referenced Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark & James 'Rhodey' Rhodes, Tony Stark & Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanoff
Additional Tags: a/b/o dynamics, Omega Tony Stark, Alpha Steve Rogers, Omega Clint Barton, Alpha Lila Barton, Alpha Natasha Romanov, Neutral Thor Odinson, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, all of the angst, suppression, Panic Attacks, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Protective Steve Rogers, Possessive Steve Rogers, Jealous Steve Rogers, Jealous Tony Stark, Protective James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Everyone Needs A Hug, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Bottom Tony Stark, Top Steve Rogers, Kinks, all of the kinks, Safewords, Friends to Friends With Benefits to Lovers, Trust Issues, Past Relationships, Past Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Hatred, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Past Drug Use, talks about Consent, Heats, Mpreg, Miscarriage, Adoption, Depression
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Z7pa3R
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I would like to hear about your omegaverse au please
+ Chicago med omegaverse 👀 🍑  //
Alphas: Ethan Choi, Noah Sexton, Ava Bekker, Will Halstead, Natalie Manning, Dan Charles
Betas: April Sexton, Sharon Goodwin
Omegas: Connor Rhodes, Crockett Marcel, Sarah Reese, Maggie Lockwood
I have some ideas for the plot points on this, the pairings, etc but I’m having a bit of a hard time figuring out how to get things going in the AU post right here so I guess the best thing to do is just start sending some prompts *eyes emoji* for me to use to fill out the AU. I can say, definitively, that this AU was largely inspired by the three following plot points:
Crockett dealing with the events of “Infection” during and after the height of the outbreak
Ava Bekker struggling with anxiety and depression
This is going to be fairly typical of my omegaverse AUs in the societal roles/expectations, social structure, and differences in biology. If you’re unfamiliar, check out Natural, which is a rhodestead fic I wrote a while back.
Also- Connor, Ava, and Sarah are all still here and it’s fine
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shoelace-noose · 5 years
Index #101-120
101. Morning Reflection [Eve/Grace Hargreeves] Eve reflects the morning after. (Implied NSFW) 0.4k
102. The Bar [Ella Lopez/Alex Cabot] Ella wants to lose herself. 0.9k
103. Meeting [Sonny Carisi/Klaus Hargreeves] Sonny asks for help. 0.6k
104. Snow [Olivia Benson/Emily Thomas] Emily watches the snow. 0.4k
105. Miller [Nick Amaro/Klaus Hargreeves] Omega!Klaus is questioned about a blackmailer. 1k
106. Back Home [Ben Hargreeves & Skye Taylor] Ben gets home. 0.8k
107. Neighbors [Grace Hargreeves/Olivia Benson] Olivia meets the neighbor. 0.7k
108. Nest [Nick Amaro/Klaus Hargreeves] Alpha!Klaus didn’t know the damage he was causing. 1.4k
109. Searching [Skye Taylor & Five Hargreeves] Five is digging in the middle of the night. 0.8k
110. Duty [Sonny Carisi/Connor Rhodes] Connor is pulled from work again. 1.3k
111. Bar [Ava Bekker/Ilana Wexler] Ava goes to a gay bar. 0.8k
112. Duet [Vanya Hargreeves/Elizabeth Wells] After their duet, Vanya and Lizzie share a hotel room. (NSFW) 1k
113. Incident One [Sonny Carisi/Connor Rhodes] Omega!Connor had a bad day at work. 0.5k
114. Water [Uma/Mal] Uma feels something she’s never felt before. 0.8k
115. Jane [Ava Bekker/Jane Rizzoli] Ava loves. (NSFW) 0.4k
116. Bloody [Ava Bekker/Villanelle] Ava has her first. 0.3k
117. Hospital [Connor Rhodes & Din Djarin] The child gets sick. 1.1k
118. Protect Him [Connor Rhodes/Din Djarin] The baby is sicker than he thought. 0.9k
119. Bounty [Crockett Marcel/Din Djarin] Din has a troublesome bounty. 1.2k
120. Single [Emily Thomas/Cara Dune] Emily meets someone. 0.4k
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kitweewoos · 9 months
Tumblr media
kisses & cures
After Will Halstead gets dismissed by yet another patient for being an omega, he's frustrated, but when Connor Rhodes is brought back in by ambulance asking for Will only, it leads to a place he doesn't expect.
Ship: Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 11,621
Chapter: 1/1
Additional Tags:
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Mating Cycles/In Heat
Alpha Connor Rhodes (Chicago Med)
Omega Will Halstead
Porn with Feelings
Porn With Plot
pack bonds
[read it now on ao3]
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ao3feed-barisi · 5 years
Just Hold On
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36INaNV
by PhoenixScamander
Revamp of Past Lives. Jay Halstead has always been a private person. Always keeping his professional and personal lives separate. When a case with Intelligence starts to shed light on his past and his deepest secrets, he doesn't know what to do. Lingering feelings for the one man that he shouldn't and a child to protect, Jay finds himself in a life changing situation. Omegaverse.
Words: 4496, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, Law & Order: SVU
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Jay Halstead, Hank Voight, Hailey Upton, Natalie Manning, Will Halstead, Connor Rhodes (Chicago Med), Kim Burgess, Adam Ruzek, Alvin Olinsky, Kevin Atwater, Antonio Dawson, Erin Lindsay, Amanda Rollins, Rafael Barba, Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr., Olivia Benson, William Dodds, Matthew Casey, Kelly Severide, Trudy Platt, Firehouse 51 (Chicago Fire), Sylvie Brett, Gabriela Dawson, Original Characters, Chief Wallace Boden, Sharon Goodwin, Evan Halstead (OC)
Relationships: Hank Voight/Jay Halstead, Jay Halstead/Original Male Character(s), Hailey Upton/Natalie Manning, Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes (Chicago Med), Kim Burgess/Adam Ruzek, Erin Lindsay/Amanda Rollins, Rafael Barba/Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr., Olivia Benson/William Dodds, Matthew Casey/Kelly Severide
Additional Tags: ABO Universe, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg, Past Mpreg, Past Rape/Non-con, Omega Jay Halstead, alpha Hank Voight, Alpha Hailey Upton, Alpha Will Halstead, Omega Connor Rhodes, Omega Kelly Severide, Alpha Matthew Casey, Alpha Erin Lindsay, Omega Amanda Rollins, Beta Natalie Manning, Alpha Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr., Omega Rafael Barba, Beta Olivia Benson, Beta Sharon Goodwin, Alpha Wallace Boden, others will be revealed in the fic, Rewrite, Jay is Chicago PD's Damsel in Distress, can't change my mind, Evan Halstead (OC) - Freeform, Erin is already in New York, Hailey Upton is in Intelligence, Omega Discrimination, This should be better than Past Lives, Oh god what have I done xD, Omegaverse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36INaNV
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eddieeeeeeee · 2 years
Part 2 of the Omega Will and Alpha Connor Fic.
(Note: In this one Connor and Will are engaged.) @kitthekazoo you helped you should see it :)
'Connor~~' Will pleaded,
That was the only answer Will was getting at this point, only because his fiance wasn't going to come with him into a nursery store.
Will let out a small whimper which gained Connor's attention,
'Alright.. fine.' Connor sighed, 'But if anyone see's us-'
'- I will let them know that if I was pregnant I would only be in the hospital because I was in labor, considering I've been there all week.' Will cut in, smiling like a kid with an ice-cream cone ready to go wherever possible.
Connor let out a held breath as Will led him though the multiple isles of the store, stopping abruptly Connor looked up from he feet to see Will looking though racks of newborn clothes.
'Awww, these are so cute Con! I can't believe we haven't had kids yet!'
In all reality Will knew exactly why they hadn't had children yet, not just because of work at the hospital; Will had inherited the unlucky the trait of infertility (Jay was a lucky try and Will came after numerous failed attempts and three miscarriages).
Connor sighed, coming up behind Will and wrapping his arms around his fiance's waist, rocking him slightly when he heard his significant other sniffle,
'we'll keep trying Will, it will work.'
Will's breath hitched, clutching tighter onto the small piece of clothing in his trembling hands that read "My Daddy's Amazing!"
'God Con.. I hope you're right.'
Will had indeed bought the tiny piece of clothing, wanting so badly to feel as if he had done something right in his life at this point. Connor had paid for it, keeping one hand laced with Will’s to make sure both of them stayed grounded and didn’t burst out crying. There had been no weird looks from other couples or cashiers (in which Connor was grateful for) and he and Will walked silently back to the car.
The car ride had been very quiet apart from the sound of Will rubbing the pad of his thumb across the soft fabric of the newborn onesie. Finally Connor spoke up;
‘Will, what do you think about taking a week off and dedicating that time to.. y’know trying for…’ He trailed off to wait for Will’s response to the question, keeping his eyes on the road instead of looking towards his soon to be husband. 
Will stopped his motions with the material and looked out the window, watching the highway become the road towards their shared apartment as Connor turned the car.
‘It sounds like the best idea if we want to do this, I think it’s a great idea, we can call Ms. Goodwin in the morning and ask for some time off. We both have about two months of off time built up.’  *~~~~~* Time skip 4 weeks and 3 days had passed since Will and Connor had taken 2 months' leave, they’d been trying the whole time to get pregnant but they’d stopped after the 3-week mark. Will had been too scared to use one of the tests sitting in the bathroom cabinet, afraid it would come back negative.
He promised himself he would take the test in a week, otherwise, he knew he would probably have a breakdown if he didn’t know if he was pregnant or not by the end of the month. He’d sat on the toilet seat with his head in his hands rocking himself back and forth in order to try and not cry. Connor came into the room and knelt in front of Will, placing his hands on Will's face making him look up, ‘ Will if you stay here you’re going to turn into a skeleton.’ Will chuckled wetly understanding what Connor had meant. ‘ I’ve eaten every meal you’ve given me Con, I’m not going to starve.’ ‘Still.’ ‘Okay, I’ll meet you in the kitchen. And, Connor Rhodes I’m not a super-human, it will take you a few minutes.’ ‘Of Course my love, a few minutes.’ Connor exited the room, leaving Will to his own devices.
Will got up from where he was sitting and knelt in front of the cabinet below the sink and mirror, opened a jar, and sucked in a breath before opening it fully. He saw the test, packaged in its’ box ready for him to open it up.
He quickly closed the door, flinching slightly at the slamming sound that echoed in his ears.
‘Will!? You okay?’ Connor yelled from downstairs. He sounded genuinely concerned in Will’s ears, Will only thought like that because of past relationships.
‘Yeah! I’m okay, I’m just a bit out of it.’
Will traveled downstairs quietly, confused by the sudden silence that emitted from the rooms. He walked into the kitchen without a sound, something Jay had taught him because Will had been curious about how Jay could be so quiet.
*~~~~~~* Flashback
‘It’s not that you’re not quite Will, you just have this thing… When you’re barefoot, I can hear your feet pad against the floor. Like when you were small.’
Will huffed, ‘apparently... I picked that up from mum, she thought it was cute!’ Will was always sassy after a heat, he wanted to learn to be quiet going through the apartment or hospital without a sound, with or without shoes.
‘ It was cute Will, but you’re an adult now.’ Jay wore a small smirk. He stepped towards his little brother and placed his hand on his shoulders, Will looked up into his brother's eyes which matched both his parents something Will envied very much. *~~~~~~* End flashback FIN ----------------- Part 3 coming soon. Thanks, @kitthekazoo for helping me figure out how I want Will's pregnancy to go! :)
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phoenixkaizen · 4 years
Because of You
Summary: based off of the prompt by halzekrhodestead: Rhodestead and halzek with alphas will and Adam and omegas Connor and jay with will and jay getting hurt by pat Halstead. Omegaverse. 
Warnings: Omegaverse, Discrimination, usage of slurs and choice words, basically Pat Halstead being an a-hole
Both Will and Jay should of known having a dinner at the Halstead residence had been a bad idea. Especially more with Connor and Adam in attendance with them. Pat Halstead had barely uttered a word since they had arrived, a thick tense air radiating through the air. 
Adam had snuck his hand underneath the table and placed it on Jay's knee, squeezing slightly and trying to reassure him that this was going to be okay. Connor and Will both were stubble about their own display of affection with their hands entriwined on the table. 
None of them missed the way that Pat Halstead glared holes into both of his sons. Taking looks between his Alpha son and Omega son. The distaste clear on his face. Finally with a scoff, Pat muttered, "Disappointing." 
Jay's face paled as Pat's gaze leveled on him. Adam, Will, and Connor's eyes widening almost instantly. "What?" Jay's voice was soft and timid. Very out of character for the normally very intiminating and fun-going personality of Jay Halstead. 
Pat just shook his head. "I thought by now that you had this Alpha that you would give up wanting this senseless dream of being in an Alpha's position." Pat started. Jay attempted to swallow the knot in his throat as he placed down his fork, a small growl leaving Adam at Jay's clear change in his demeanor. "You should be at home, taking care of him and raising pups but instead you choose to try and be an Alpha." Pat scoffed, stabbing his steak and bringing a piece up to his mouth. 
Jay muttered a quick, "I'm not hungry." Pushing his chair out and throwing his napkin onto the table by his plate before all but fleeing from the room. 
"Dad, we've talked about this. Jay will start having kids when he's ready for them." Will stated, his own glare leveling on his father. 
Pat's attention was now turned to his eldest son. "You're not much better than the wannabe Alpha. You are a doctor which is the job of an Omega. Omegas tend to the sick. Not Alphas. Alphas are the protectors." Pat retorted. "You are the least Alpha, Alpha that I've ever met."
The anger flared on Will's face. The redhead pushed away from the table, not caring that his chair fell to the floor before disappearing out of the room without a word. 
Pat turned to look at Adam and Connor this time. Both of the men preparing themselves to walk away from the table. "I'm sorry, Adam that you have to deal with a disobient Omega. And you Connor, I'm sorry my son isn't an Alpha that actually wants to treat you the way he should." 
Connor and Adam's jaws dropped as they looked to each other for a moment. Adam could feel his own anger bubbling from the scent of Jay's distress that had lingered in the room following the Omega out of the room. 
"You're kidding right?" Adam said, a laugh of disbelief leaving him. "You think your own son is disobient and not Omega like because he wants to be a cop. Protect others in this town? He's the furthest thing from that, Mr. Halstead. With due respect, shut the fuck up. Jay is perfect the way he is. I wouldn't change him for the world." 
It was Pat's turn for his jaw to drop. The disbelief clear on his face that his son's Alpha would speak against him. 
"You remind me a lot of my father. My father wasn't happy with me being a doctor but you know, at least he's trying unlike you." Connor growled. Getting up from the table and storming out of the room. 
Adam allowed his own growl to leave. "Good day, Mr. Halstead." The Alpha sneered as he waltzed out of the room after Connor. 
The two found the Halstead brothers sitting on the porch of their father's house. Adam's heartbroke hearing the soft cries leaving Jay and Will trying to console him. He knew that the two were constantly put down by their father but he had never actually seen it happen in person. And it pissed him off. 
Adam let out a soft sigh, doing his best to push down the angered pheromones that he knew had to be radiating off of him before kneeling behind Jay and wrapping his arms around the Omega. Connor took a spot next to Will and leaned into him. 
"You know, it's not like fifty years ago when Omegas could barely leave their homes without their Beta or Alpha partner." Adam whispered, running his fingers through Jay's disarrayed hair. "Now, Omegas can do whatever they want. They can be whoever they want. You can be. Don't listen to your father. I wouldn't ever want to see you change." 
Connor made a sound of approval. "He's right you know. Even my father came from a traditionalist family... he worked hard to get out of the mindset that I refused to stay home." 
"I just wish that he wouldn't do this every single time we came out. It changed after mom passed away. She leveled him out. He used to not be this bad." Jay muttered, curling his legs to his chest. 
"You have people around you who don't think like that. Whatever your father says, it's not true." Adam stated, forcing the Omega to look up at him. "Just be you, Jay." 
"I can take my father saying I'm not a true Alpha but listening to him degrade Jay gets me every time." Will whispered. 
Connor smiled softly, reaching up and running his fingers through red locks. "Don't listen to him on any of it." He said. "Why don't we go back to my place, drink and watch old Disney movies." 
Jay finally let out a chuckle. This was their thing. Whenever one of them was down, this was something that they would do. 
"Yeah, lets go." 
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ao3feed-stony · 5 years
High Probability is not a Guarantee
by Daughter_of_a_fangirl
Tony Stark is a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist. He's Iron Man. He's an Avenger. He's a total disaster. He knows damn well not to let himself get attached to someone who'll leave. But Steve Rogers sole purpose of existence seems to be becoming one of the few exceptions to that rule. Steve Rogers is a soldier out of his time. He's Captain America. He's the leader of the Avengers. He's head over heels for a certain brown-eyed Omega. He knows without a shadow of a doubt that Tony Stark is out of his league, but he can't help but try to get his attention.
Words: 2005, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Male Laura Barton, Lila Barton, Nathaniel Barton, Connor Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Tiberius Stone, Peter Parker, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s)
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark - Relationship, Clint Barton/OMC, implied/referenced Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark & James 'Rhodey' Rhodes, Tony Stark & Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanoff
Additional Tags: a/b/o dynamics, Omega Tony Stark, Alpha Steve Rogers, Omega Clint Barton, Alpha Lila Barton, Alpha Natasha Romanov, Neutral Thor Odinson, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, all of the angst, suppression, Panic Attacks, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Protective Steve Rogers, Possessive Steve Rogers, Jealous Steve Rogers, Jealous Tony Stark, Protective James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Everyone Needs A Hug, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Bottom Tony Stark, Top Steve Rogers, Kinks, all of the kinks, Safewords, Friends to Friends With Benefits to Lovers, Trust Issues, Past Relationships, Past Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Hatred, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Past Drug Use, talks about Consent, Heats, Mpreg, Miscarriage, Adoption, Jarvis (Iron Man movies) is a Good Bro, Jarvis (Iron Man movies) Lives, Protective Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Sneaky Jarvis (Iron Man movies)
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/21855520
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I’m I the only one but I really don’t like dr. Rhodes because the Chicago med writers always make him this perfect, not suffering the consequences of his actions person and the fact that every season they always pair him up with a different woman and act like they’ve never existed before , I was hoping that his relationship with fr charles daughter would last long cause I kind of liked it but....
We folk who are not shoved so far up Connor’s backside in the fandom are but a drop in this ocean. Everyone loves him, and so do the writers. The biggest problem with Med is they don’t really know how to tell a story with continuity. They do things with him that are forced so you feel like an asshole for disliking him even though they are actively turning him into an asshole. Even worse, an entitled asshole. Also because there is a belief that he should shag everything that moves (even though Colin does not do heartthrob well) we are left with the Alpha of Alpha males. The biggest reason why Robin x Connor are > Rhekker is because Robin had a REAL reason for pointing out that he couldn’t do it all and save everyone, whereas Ava’s was manufactured to hide her inability to compete with him and her obvious sexual frustration at not being able to nail him.
I think if/when Robin returns it may throw him off his game, but it won’t matter because Ava is his girl now and she’ll be around to give him “pep talks”.
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Natural (1/12)
Summary: When Ava commands Connor during a surgery, she realizes what a good Omega he could be. Only, it's the last thing Connor actually wants. (Endgame Rhodestead)
Warnings: Manipulation, abuse, harassment, DDDNE, suggestive themes
Updates: Daily
It’s not that Connor is necessarily a bad surgeon, because he isn’t. He knows what he’s doing most of the time, and he’s good with his patients, but he shouldn’t be a surgeon, be a doctor in the first place, and that’s what irritates Ava the most. He’s an Omega, and she can smell that he’s fertile, sweet, naturally nurturing, and he should be at home. Cooking and cleaning. Keeping the house nice for his mate. And, given his age, he should already have children, maybe old enough to be in middle school, high school, or older by now. Instead, he’s standing across from Ava up to his wrists in a patient, arguing with her about every little detail like he has the authority to. She’s Dr. Latham’s first choice, she’s the Alpha, she’s the one in charge and he shouldn’t be acting like he knows better. He may be good at surgery, but at the end of the day, he’s an Omega. 
“I just think-”
“Connor,” she snaps. His eyes go wide and his whole body tenses. “You will shut your mouth and do as I say, understand?”
“Dr. Bekker!”
Ava looks to Latham and nods in acknowledgement, knows she’ll get an earful for using command later, but what matters now is that Connor isn’t arguing with her. Instead, he seems almost stricken, like a deer in the headlights. Or maybe a doe is a better comparison. There’s a softness to him, an innocence almost. It hits her then, that she might be able to change him if she’s patient. Get Connor to fall into his role as an Omega, stop being so combative and bratty. She commanded him once, and it’s like a switch has been flipped. She has reading to do now, research, and before she knows it she might be able to actually get him to resign.
It occurs to her all of a sudden that Connor would make a good mate if she could just get him to realize the natural order of things. He’s smart, and she can practically taste that he’s fertile, and what a thing it would be to come home and see Connor finishing up a meal for her. Smiling at her. And eventually, with a kit balanced on his hip or clinging to his legs. She wants that. Every single Omega she’s met hasn’t been good enough, but Connor would be perfect if she could just get him out of work.
He’s close to demure now, refusing to meet anyone’s eyes, doing as is expected of him without arguing, and when he reaches time to stitch up, instead of asking for thread, he looks to Ava. She gets to make the call. And she does, closes up the patient, and then they’re finished, and Connor is still standing there like a lost child unsure what to do with himself. 
“Connor,” she says softly, reaching for him, checking to see if he’ll flinch away or not. “The surgery is over. The patient is okay. We did a good job.”
He nods.
The command must still be in effect if he’s not talking. Right. She told him to do as she says and be quiet, and that’s what he’s doing, like a good Omega. She has half a mind to kiss him over it, but instead she just cups his cheek gently. Although he doesn’t lean away, he doesn’t lean into it.
“It’s alright, you can speak now,” she says, effectively lifting the command.
He immediately backs away from her and leaves the OR, a faint scent of distress trailing after him that Ava only picks up on because she spends so much time around him. Usually he keeps good control of his scent. She very much would like to follow him, see where he winds up, but before she can, Latham is right beside her.
“Dr. Bekker, once you’ve cleaned up, I would like you to come to my office. We need to speak about what happened.”
“Of course.”
Time for a reprimand. He’ll remind her that it’s against policy to use command on hospital property, tell her not to do it again, and ask her to apologize, which means she gets an excuse to track Connor down, talk to him, get him alone. She shouldn’t before she does a little research, but she will.
She doesn’t rush, stripping off her gloves and gear, or letting her hair out of its bun because Connor had told her once that it looks prettier down. It isn’t like Latham would care, but she feels a little better knowing that she’s doing something that he would like. It’s one of the first steps in building at least a little more of a connection between them. 
Latham is already in his office, looking at something on his computer when Ava knocks as she opens the door. All she can think about is Connor. Where he might’ve gone, what he might be thinking, who he’s gone to for comfort. Eventually, he’ll come to her, not run from her. This is a first step. But first, Latham. An obstacle. 
“Dr. Bekker, you do understand we don’t allow command at this hospital, especially in delicate situations like surgery. Policy dictates that, depending on the situation, this be punishable by suspension or possibly dismissal.”
Right. That. Ava never liked that policy. “I didn’t mean to command him, I swear. It was… an instinct in the heat of the moment when I felt the patient was in danger.”
“I don’t believe I deserve to be punished for commanding Dr. Rhodes.”
“Ah. Maybe we can evaluate what to do next after I’ve spoken with Dr. Rhodes, and have gotten his opinion. In the meanwhile-” Latham clicks around his screen a few times, “-he is off CT for the rest of his shift, and will be working in trauma. I’m going to ask that you leave him be, barring an emergency, but that the next time you two do interact, please apologize.”
“Of course.”
He dismisses her, then, and Ava goes straight to the doctor’s lounge to pull up her phone and look for articles. Her first bet is anything for dealing with traumatized Omegas. If she had to describe Connor in one word, it might be that one. Improperly cared for by his father, feeling abandoned for years, constantly trying to prove himself while having no intimate personal connections. In all reality, he needs her, because he can’t be taking care of himself if there’s no one to hold him when he’s distressed, to stroke his scent glands when he’s having a bad day, to kiss him when he cries. 
Everything she looks at tells her to give Connor space, let him move at his own pace, but that’s not going to work. She’s let him do whatever he wants for months, and it’s done nothing. He needs her to do the work for him to make sure he’s alright. But that means more in depth research than a phone search, so she’ll have to go in depth on her computer after her shift.
For now, though, she has about ten minutes to kill before she’ll have to get started on her report in the patient’s chart. Connor is in the ED, and giving him space isn’t going to fix anything. Latham doesn’t have to know, she tells herself, and starts toward the elevator. 
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shoelace-noose · 5 years
#113 | Incident One
Sonny Carisi/Connor Rhodes. Omega!Connor had a bad day at work.
Word Count: 530
His scent enters the room before he does. A little tart, a little sweet. Thick with pre-heat hormones that tell Sonny he can’t be more than a day or so out, proof as if he didn’t get the notification from the tracker app this morning anyways. Just after it all practically hits Sonny across the face, a key turns in the lock and then Connor’s pushing his way in the front door, in the process of kicking off his shoes before he even shuts it. His face is flushed and he’s angry at something. Work, probably. He’s more irritable at this point in his cycle, and it isn’t helped by the fact that some of his coworkers and patients are a thousand times more patronizing. It’s not fair, really, but such is life.
“Do not,” Connor growls, and stalks over to the kitchen. The fridge rattles in protest as he yanks it open, scanning the shelves and finally pulling out the bright raspberries Sonny got at the farmer’s market yesterday and setting them on the counter hard enough that a couple roll out of the little green basket. However, they don’t make it far before Connor shoves them in his mouth and glares at the juice stains on his fingertips like they personally called him a bastard. “I have no more patience for Alpha bullshit today.”
Sonny just shakes his head fondly. He knows it’s not personal on days like this. Connor is tired and in pain and stressed and hormonal, and all that’s compounded by being treated like a child all day. Later, when he’s calmed down, Connor will apologize and explain what happened, and then they’ll fall asleep wrapped up in each other as they wait for the night to wash over them and Connor’s heat to arrive.
He settles further into the couch and turns the television to the cooking show they like with the contestants who have no idea what they’re doing. It’s funny, lighthearted- always good for bad days like this one. But when Connor comes over, he sits on the floor instead of beside Sonny and refuses to look at the screen. Tension lines his shoulders, thick, concerning. Something more than the usual happened.
“I said, don’t,” he snaps, and draws his knees in close to his chest.
As he balances his raspberries on his knees, Sonny recognizes four dark lines on Connor’s wrist. Bruises. Bruises like people leave when they grab too hard. Immediately he’s flooded with anger, but he doesn’t entirely know what to do with it because he hates upsetting Connor. He leans forward despite himself and studies the marks. Only a couple hours old if he had to guess. Painful. Sonny takes a deeper inhale than usual and finds himself confronted with his greatest fear. Another Alpha’s scent is faintly clinging to Connor’s. Someone hurt him because Sonny wasn’t there to keep him safe.
“You’re growling. You all fucking suck.”
Connor gets to his feet, uncaring at the way the berries spill all over the carpet and marches toward the door. He crams his feet back in his shoes. Grabs his keys. And just like that, he’s gone.
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