#Also I'm still so in love with Zee's design so thanks for having me on the channel too /pos
penncilkid · 4 months
Alright since I'm 95% @mr-laveau hasn't realized what today is, I'm taking the liberty of posting about it before xe can (Veau, if you're reading this: 🖕💕 /lh). So!
Today's technically the 1 year anniversary of the first ever NeXus video!
"PK, what's NeXus?" The very lovely audio roleplay channel made by the aforementioned/tagged Veau! It's got a wide collection of characters and funky storylines paired with sick ass art.
"Whoa, that's super cool! Where should I start?" If you want the very first video, you'd start here with Uriah. But I don't think you can go wrong with any of the character and/or storyline playlists!
One of my personal favorite videos is this one right here (biased as Freelancer Storyline fan /lh /pos):
As for some of my personal favorite speakers, I'd go with:
Again, really can't go wrong, you'll find plenty to sink your teeth into regardless. If you're a Redacted or Castle fan (or somehow an NR), I can't recommend NeXus enough. /pos
@mr-laveau Congrats on one year of NeXus! You deserve all the praise it gets 🫶
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newvillainontheblock · 4 months
[Honchlrow mail?]
[A Honchkrow pecks at Zee's door a few times, once opened the bird pushes a medium sized box into Zee's hands, then flies off down the hall.
In the box looks to be a pitch black uniform, much like that of the old men's team rocket, but instead of the large red R insignia, there's a Z nicely stitched in instead. The hat similarly modified.
It all came with a small note and a shiny metallic bracelet designed to look like a Ekans eating it's own tail, the eyes red rubys
"Dear Zee:
Sorry I couldn't get this to you on your birthday, it took a lot longer then I thought to get rid of the R and replace it with a Z, hahah.
This is one of the old outfits that has been floating around my closet for the longest time, I've been trying to figure out who to give it to or if I need to scrap it for the same amount of time.
If you don't want the outfit, that's perfectly fine, it's kinda why I also put the bracelet in there as well, so you have a different gift to take if needed.
But, I'm rambling. I'll get to the point.
I want to thank you for the kindness and trust you've put into, not only the Taskforce, but in people like me, thank you for being such a sweetheart everyday even if you don't see it yourself, thank you for bringing a lot of light into our lives.
Thank you for being you Zee.
I hope your birthday is was great, you deserve it.
-Love, Arianna"
The writing was neat and professional. If not for the contents it would seem like a business letter.
Arianna must just write like that.]
"Huh??" They sleepily answer the door with a yawn before being shoved a box in their hands. "Hi what is this...not answering me thank you bird.."
As they open the package, it laughs at the stitched on "Z". Is this from Jessie or James? Or both.
Seeing the beautiful Ekans bracelet though...she recognized who it was. "Miss Arianna..?"
Zee fidgets with the bracelet, feeling the stones with her fingers and wondering if it's too pretty to put on. Eventually, they decide to put it on, at least for Arianna.
Reading the letter though....is that tearstains on the letter? They're fresh.
Over and over it reads the words, absorbing all of them into her psyche. Still trying to figure out what Arianna sees in her, but immensely grateful for it.
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