#Also dealing with irl stuff like my graves disease
djsherriff-responses · 7 months
I'm doing this moreso out of curiosity than anything else , so no promises if I'll even do anything
TBH I've struggled with art motivation before I even got into Laserhawk and it's annoying the crap out of me I can't get myself to do long term projects despite wanting to
I'm also gonna attempt to enter a manga contest with an original story , hopefully I can do that at least, in case anyone was curious about that
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hotwaterandmilk · 2 years
Big IRL Stuff, feel free to skip
I live with an autoimmune disease and despite being on some pretty decent drugs, I still get sick a lot. I had a pretty rough discussion at work with my boss last week and while I love my job (and have been in the role for years) I do feel like I will need to find somewhere else that is better able to accommodate my disability.
Which is... really hard to deal with. I need money for my medications, rent, food, power/water, etc. so I can't drop everything and take a break like I'd love to do (I've never had a holiday as an adult). But I also can't keep going on like this, I've been given additional responsibilities that I'm just not capable of fulfilling due to my health and just generally, I need less stress in my life.
However, trying to find somewhere that is in my field and also accommodating to someone with my kind of disability needs is difficult to say the least. So many places list "remote working options" when they really mean you can WFH once a month or something and... I'm a hard worker, but that's just not enough with my illnesss.
So yeah, I just wanted to get this off my chest. I've had an intense couple of weeks and obviously if I'm between jobs at any point or having to change to a different type of role I'll likely have to cut down on any frivolous spending (aka: the type of spending I do on the crap I post here).
I just wish there was a way for me to make enough money to stay afloat without having to work myself to the point of hospitalisation every couple of months.
When you don't have a partner or family to fall back on in tough times, when it's 100% just you and then even YOU start being unreliable... what do you do? There's just no easy way to keep a roof over your head in the current world without working yourself into an early grave.
(Also I got misdiagnosed in the hospital over the weekend when someone misread my CT scan, so that's been a whole other thing.)
I just want a quiet life with my basic needs met & my health stable and even that seems like a pipe dream. I'm sure I'm not the only one in a similar situation and I've been fortunate to have been able to keep going until now, but it just SUCKS that this is where I and so many other people are at what should be the prime of our lives.
If you've read this far you're a saint, thank you.
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