#Also now that Im thinking of it the creation of that build was a little different
imflyingfish · 5 months
Its so odd seeing that cow build going around lmao
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inkdemonapologist · 4 months
My BatDR Take That Used To Be Hot But I Left It Out On The Windowsill To Cool So You Should Be Able to Eat It Now Without Burning Your Tongue
its not actually that hot, is what im saying
Anyway my BatDR hot take is that BatDR's story is not fundamentally worse than BatIM with one exception; an exception that, for BatIM, covers a multitude of sins:
BatIM has a theme.
I can't presume the intentions of the creators, but if I had to write an essay on the themes in BatIM, it wouldn't be hard to pick one out: the cost of obsession, or even just, the ruin Joey brought on the studio. In the very first chapter, Henry asks "Joey, what were you doing?" and every single thing in the rest of the game revolves around that central question: what WAS Joey doing? Each audiolog is a snippet of the studio's path to this messed up state; each character you meet is someone ruined by Joey. The major antagonists echo Joey's flaws -- obsession with Bendy as more than a cartoon, obsession with perfection, obsession with fame and greatness and legacy -- but even without that, they're also each a picture of how the lives of people caught in the path of Joey's dream were ruined by it. Bertrum, for example, doesn't match the concept of rubberhose cartoons, but as yet another person screwed over by Joey, he fits the central question of the story, so he feels like he belongs here. Ultimately, in a narrative sense, the Ink Demon isn't the story's monster -- Joey is; the Ink Demon is just the consequence of his reckless ambition.
But what's the theme or central question of BatDR?
You can... try to pick out a theme. There's some promising options, because it feels like the story WANTED a theme, stating its emotional intentions more overtly -- "there's always a choice" to leave the darkness and chose hope; family and the struggle of living in a heavy legacy's shadow; or even just good old mewtwo-brand The Circumstance's Of One's Birth Are Irrelevant, It Is What You Do With The Gift Of Life That Determines Who You Are.
I think, even WITH the clumsy execution of Joey's "arc" and Audrey's lack of real choices, any of those could work about as well as BatIM. But unlike BatIM, the majority of the game doesn't tie in. Joey's tour can be considered relevant -- a picture of the family legacy and the "darkness" that Audrey doesn't yet know she's inheriting -- but like, the audiologs and hints and environment of BatDR are mostly teasing the question of What Is Gent Up To, and the takeover of Gent is detached from Audrey's choices, her family, her legacy, and Gent never really becomes a relevant threat to those things in this game. The Cult of Amok and the Ghost Train have nothing to do with any of these ideas. It might've been neat if Audrey had ever considered, "Did my father really drive all these people insane?", a hint of actually having to wonder about the darkness in her past. Even Wilson only barely brushes against these concepts; he doesn't like Joey and he also is trying to escape his family's heavy legacy, but it doesn't really reflect on his actions and we don't find that last part out until he's about to be dead.
There's also the question Wilson poses of "real" people versus ink creations, and what counts as valid "life." It would be an interesting theme with a lot to build off of in this setting, it ties into Wilson more as Wilson seems to represent the opinion that Inky Things Aren't Really Alive, which could've tied to Audrey (as an ink-person who has yet to accept that part of herself) and maybe given Wilson a reason to think it's fine to sacrifice her, it could've even tied to Gent (who don't even seem to value human life) -- but after Wilson asks the question, it doesn't tie into the direction things go. He smooshes a little Bendy, we see hints of his disregard for Betty, and then everyone continues with their plan to destroy the Ink Demon without any further moral quandaries about inky life.
The thing is, when you compare an element like, say, audiologs, there's a lot of differences you can point to -- but I don't actually think Lacie Benton's audiolog is notably better, taken on its own, than Grace Conway's or Kitty Thompson's, and yet tons of people were intrigued enough to flesh out Lacie. None of them are big plot points or compelling characters on their own; Lacie and Grace both give us a little note on what it's like working in the Studio, and Kitty shares a little bit on how Gent's expansion is affecting people. But when Lacie talks about Bertrum trying to make a creepy animatronic, that ties back into Joey's ill-fated schemes that are the point of the whole story. The question we're asking through the whole game is "what happened here?" so the fandom is interested in who Lacie is and what her life was like and extrapolates a whole person out of a couple sentences. But that's not the question in BatDR -- what has Wilson done to the Cycle and the Demon? Why? Who is Audrey really, and why is she here? Telling us new things about the Studio's fate seems strangely irrelevant to those questions, just an attempt to create a Mystery To Speculate On like the previous game did... but what question you're asking and how it fits into your story's main theme, like, matters. I absolutely believe that one clock animator guy would've been in EVERYONE'S crew if he'd been introduced in BatIM, but the context makes a difference; fleshing him out feels less relevant here.
The explanations of how and why Wilson did everything he did are baffling and handwavey, but in and of itself that's not a worse problem than anything else in the franchise -- I STILL don't understand why the Ink Machine needs pipes in the walls or even how it works, there's no good reason for Sammy to believe the Ink Demon will "set him free," most of Alice's motives don't make sense, etc etc etc. But the thing is that in BatDR, the wibbly bit is the closest thing to a central question we have! Wilson, what were you doing? The theme doesn't really explore or connect to that question, so the explanations that are finally tossed our way feel lacking in a way that BatIM's handwaved elements don't. There's a lot about Joey's motivation in BatIM that we can't know, but the heart of it resonates -- Joey wanted something, he was willing to exploit people to get it, and he became obsessed and prioritised that dream at any cost. We'll weather a thousand logistical inconsistencies if it's got heart.
But all of that said.... to be honest, I don't think Lacie overtly fits that theme anyway. Even, like, Sammy is iffy -- we don't really know what happened to him, only that he didn't used to be made of ink and worship Bendy, and now he does. We assume Joey's nonsense had something to do with what happened to him (though the books later assert his influence was indirect at best), because when there's a pattern, we can fill in the blank. So many fan creators found a place for Lacie, Grant, and Shawn in the cycle as butcher clones or lost ones, so many people imagined that Wally must be the Boris we meet, because that would've fit the pattern, the idea that the point of what we're seeing is the downfall of the studio. It's not actually that BatIM did a great job tying everything together -- it's that BatIM gave us a compelling idea and that was all it took to make everything else SEEM like it could find a place to fit. This is what I mean when I say BatIM's theme covers a multitude of sins. There's a LOT of characters in BatIM that don't make sense. There's a lot of inconsistencies and things that just sort of happen without any real reason. Characters don't really have "arcs" so much as different states they happen to be in at different times. But because there's a central question and the story doesn't wander away from it, our pattern-loving human brains will slot in all the pieces and do all the work to make the story feel at least somewhat coherent.
The things that happened in BatDR aren't a whole lot less coherent than BatIM imo, they just don't tie into a bigger theme or any of the questions the story's asking, making "how do they fit into all this" feel irrelevant, making it easier to forget entire sections and harder to get invested in audiolog characters. I think a lot of the other criticisms people have for BatDR's story are very valid, but I also suspect that if BatDR had a more successful theme/central question, then a lot of its flaws would be easier to overlook -- just like BatIM.
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sandyca5tle · 2 months
i stumbled into the slime hrt series by accident (... the accident: i searched for shapeshifter hrt lol) and i have to say
BRBABBRBRBABABEBRBARBABRBRBRB This is like The Best thing i've read in a long while and im very normal thinking about it, it's really well thought out, the worldbuilding is brilliant, The Everything is amazing, the descriptions of all the sensations and physical/mental/social changes are making me Feel Things and. Aaa. also FIDGETING WITH THE CORE SOUNDS cool as heck. random pseudopod stuff. just. details and descriptions. aeauagaeauaue
so thanks a lot for the great writing i now want this and am very sad it's not a thing irl
first of all: agshjdkagsdhjaksafghsdj
second of all: thanks, seriously, i really appreciate hearing all that, i really try to make everything come across as I imagine it and translate my thoughts into coherent words, so I'm super glad to hear that comes across. I will say, to be completely, the world building is not really my own creation, I've only added a little to @darkmagenugget/@nuggetofthesea 's setting of hyper city (mostly by bugging them incessantly about it heh) and ofc a lot of the other lore is from the other AHRT peeps (too many to tag 'em all, but definitely worth checking out all the others) in specific might be up you), since I've tried to keep at least some coherance with that (partially to allow for any collabs) but I'm still super happy to hear you liked it aaa, i'm still reeling a little, wasn't expecting this, but it's really nice to hear. Also mood on the wishing it was a real thing, I can't even remotely pretend this series isn't massive wish fulfillment for myself. Guess we'll have to wait for science to catch up with our dreams hehe Also, if shapeshifting hrt is what you're looking for, stay tuned, I promise it's coming up!
If ya like slime/shapeshifter hrt @scrubbinn's and @calliecwrites's stories are also definitely worth reading as well as @mint-and-authoress's too!
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Fionna and Cake Eps 9 & 10 spoilers
Ive heard people are upset with how it ended
So heres my thoughts
I enjoyed the ending, I loved it, in fact! But I cant deny there was a little twinge of disappointment left over. I think thats my fault though
You see we were all building ourselves up for these two episodes to be an emotional gut punch. And could you blame us? We were literally told.
So when the episodes came out, we were met with, while still a hit to the feels, not as much as we were expecting. There were other factors at play of course, but I think that was one of the big ones
There are still loose ends around but I think that ok, more for a potential season 2 to deal with, if we ever get one. And if we dont, well, all the better for fan creation.
I see people upset with how Betty and Simon turned out. Personally Im super happy with that arc, if it turned out to be a fairy tale ending with Betty becoming normal again I would have been slightly upset because it was so clear that the narrative was hinting to their relationship not exactly being the healthiest
I also saw how people were upset with how the lich was died which made me confused like. He wasnt the main antagonist and was never gonna be it. He had his story told in Adventure Time Proper, now was just to show what mightve happened if he won, and thats it.
And remember, nothing is perfect. The ending may not be for everyone, but it was for me, and many other people, and that should be enough.
Im glad Simon learns to move on. Im glad Fionnas world stays the same. Im glad we got a happy ending.
They deserved it.
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jaehyunsprincesspeach · 11 months
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bf!taeyong x fem!reader
wc: 645
warnings: mentions of stress, fluffy fluff, not proof read
very short, but im bored at work lol
hope yall enjoy!
all the love ~ lunar
You and your boyfriend Taeyong have been in a secret relationship for about three months now. It's not easy hiding something like this, especially with someone as well known as Taeyong, but he makes every second of it worthwhile, plus what's life without a little thrill? The past three months have been the happiest of your life, despite having to sneak around, and having less time together than your typical couple, every second with him is cherished. Lately, you have noticed that Taeyong has been more tired than usual, and has been spending longer hours in the studio, so you wanted to do something special for him. The two of you have a very playful relationship when the two of you are together, so naturally, you thought about doing a movie night with him, but also building a very elaborate fort to share together. 
Somehow you managed to convince him to get off of work at a reasonable time, and he agreed to meet you at your apartment when he was done. Compiling all of the blankets and pillows you own, plus adding in some extra essentials, and surfaces to hang the blankets on, you start constructing the most amazing fort. You even managed to run to the store and grab all of his favorite snacks and drinks, and by the time you were almost fully done building the fort, Taeyong had messaged saying that he was on the way. Anticipation building in your chest, you were both excited and nervous, hoping that he would appreciate the gesture you have done for him. You know he will appreciate it, but you are also hoping that it helps him relax after the weeks of stress he has been putting on himself. 
After about 20 minutes, you hear someone knocking on the door. Rushing over, you open it and jump excitedly into his arms, your favorite place to be. Before you let him inside, you move behind him, and cover his eyes.
“I have a surprise for you, but you can't see it just yet.” you say excitedly, and he chuckles at your childlike nature, one of the things that drew him closer to you. The two of you enter the apartment, still covering his eyes so he doesn't see your creation.
“I'm ready, i think…” he says, failing to hide the anticipation and nerves that he is feeling. When you finally let him open his eyes, he stands there in shock. His boba eyes wide, taking in the massive fort that is in front of him.
“What's this pretty girl?” he asks quietly, trying not to let his heart jump out of his chest.
“I know you've been really stressed lately, I thought maybe we could have a movie night, and you can't have a movie night without a fort. I was hoping it would at least give you a stress free night.” As soon as you finish your explanation, he turns around and wraps his arms around you in the tightest, most loving embrace.
“You didn't have to do all of this for me, but thank you. I love it.”
“i'm glad you love it, and I wanted to do this for you.” you reply. Gently, he places his lips on yours, smiling into the kiss. His kisses are so gentle, yet there is no question about the passion he shares through them, always leaving you speechless.
“Shall we go in?” he asks, gently grabbing your hand and leading you into the fort. He's even more shocked when he sees the inside, and how cozy the atmosphere is, along with all of his favorite snacks. 
The two of you spend the night watching movies, munching on snacks, and simply enjoying each other’s presence. To him, there is nothing more perfect than being with you, and enjoying simple things like this with you, his soulmate. 
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densewentz · 1 year
I am. Quaking over Crowley and Hanna cause AUGH they're so adorable. Getting up into antics! What do you think some of their adventures would be? Chaos at the nursery garden stores? Lurking in woods to find creatures? Sorry I just really wanna know.
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"Can we get a 'wahoo'?"
First off thank you for the perfect reason to post this sketch!
I cannot even begin to imagine the terrors they rain on the general public tbh. Between Crowley still feeling jilted and Hanna feeling free for the first time, the limit is really their imaginations (of which they both posses quite a fair bit).
In fairness since this little au I'm simmering takes place pretty soon after the end of s2, they probably don't do a lot of REALLY outlandish stuff for a while. They'll stay local, probably spend time with Nina and Maggie and probably end up meeting the Them at some point. Crowley would also probably want to try and keep inconspicuous (hah) with heaven and hell looming over their heads and now with a squishy thing to protect. I LOVE the garden center chaos idea btw, shoutout anon, and Crowley's little pseudo Eden is definitely going to rapidly expand into a vibrant and terrified indoor oasis (skylights included). Shops in general are going to have to watch their backs (Crowley has a reason to go into many of them quite frequently now, and without his celestial counterpart to keep him from goofing off too much). Hanna is a big fan of the classic "run down the aisles of a toy store and rapidly push every single button you find" method of spreading foment.
Since Hanna hasn't had an opportunity to see/experience most of the world, I imagine they spend a LOT of time popping through museums/zoos/aquariums/etc. Crowley pointing out things he caused, things an... old friend caused, things that actually happened way differently but got recorded wrong. Hanna dragging her dad around and both of them getting WAY too into reading the information plaques for all the animals. Then seeing which animals freak tf out if her dad flashes his eyes. (The giftshops get terrorized if there arent enough fungus-themed objects, although there is always miraculously at least one). They probably break into a lot/if not most of the exhibits after hours to take selfies for Crowley's rapidly growing photo album. Hanna sits at the shark touch tank and loudly proclaims how smooth they are. And since im a sucker for I-Want-To-Share-The-Stars Crowley, they probably pop over to an observatory or break into idk, where they keep the telescope on the Canary Islands or something. And he'll tell her what he remembers about the Creation and what it feels like to hold a new star in your hand. Hanna will curl up against Crowley's chest and get lost in his voice and the distant glitter of a world her dad designed. They probably also commit crimes. Not major crimes, mind you, although that's due more to Crowley's occasional sense of "as a parent i probably shouldn't let you" than any unwillingness on Hanna's part. But she'll definitely help him move signs or infiltrate office buildings and other assorted sabotages. She 100% gets her own little version of the Fuck Shit Up Jacket, and whether he likes it or not the Bentley has decided Hanna gets to pick the getaway music.
It doesn't really count as demonic but Crowley DOES keep a bag of spare change and googly eyes for Hanna to glue to things at will while they're out.
But tbh i imagine the most trouble she gets into is if she's left alone with Muriel. Evidently Hanna has her father's talent for tempting angels into misbehaving or at least into not noticing that they are, in fact, misbehaving in the human sense. Crowley usually feels almost bad for the baby angel but, needs must. and sometimes he needs a babysitter. The rule is SUPPOSED to be that if Hanna is with Muriel, they DO. NOT. LEAVE. the bookshop (they always leave the bookshop).
At one point she meets a boy named Kian at a pub called the New Inn. Crowley very desperately wants her to not want to spend time with Kian for reasons he refuses to explain 💕
At any rate if anyone ever wants to write or draw anything with Hanna they're more than welcome to and also I'll probably cry a lot so Cheers! Thank you for the ask (apologies for my signature long-winded answer)!
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ts4wishbuildercc · 1 month
Ts4 Darkspear troll's village 🦜🌴
from World of Warcraft
(functional fan build)
by Ts4Wishbuildercc
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First click on the individual images, it is better because of the amount of detail. The large house is of my own creation made in the style of wow, because I think trolls have just a few places to live with their families.
Fisherman's house - Inn: ❤
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Floor plan is made to resemble an old troll god head. There is a flaming bar, ideal for your horde party.
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Sry I realy love pictures of Malacras, troll warlock.
Little relaxation on top of building for your tired bones. (nice at night)
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Do you like skydiving? Tuwaka does... O.o
Unfurtunately I still can't get the fishing piers to work. If you figure it out before me, let me know pls!
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Voodoo shop house: ❤
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Place with hookah, a little magic stuff store and a drum platform with a cradle for baby.
Grounds: ❤
Troll's market: (selling table)
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Playful war vagon: Wanna play cards (sabbac) with your buddy?
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Raptor day...sry for this XD
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Brown: " Hey Charlie, can we eat this little one?"
Blue: " Ehh, Frankie, I think, that is your son..."
Brown: " Shi... But I'm hungry!....are you sure?"
Blue: " No Frankie!"
Large troll's house: ❤
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House has a small kitchen and bathroom. Sorry, it could be better, but for a house of this size i needed more space.
Troll's shaman platform: (a beauty at night, you can see stairs below the beatiful sea )
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And some daily activities" you can do
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This post is also for my dear fiance, who loves trolls and plays them. "Thank you, that you stay with me even in my physical pain and let me slowly heal."
Im not a creator of cc. I just build with them. Many thanks to all amazing creators!❤️
I still fight with tray files and other personal stuff, but when everything gets better, they could be all by the end of summer. :)
If you like it, please still looking for changes on my blog. I plan building sure just one more troll build
- Troll capital city
( 'm not sure which now, but it will be in temple style) XD
See you with my next build with... Draenei ❤
And remember...
" Stay away from da voodoo"
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Crowley refusing to build meaningful bonds with humans in the show while Aziraphale seems to have a lot of them just reminds me of how there's only one human I can remember Crowley explicitly having been close to? In both the book and the show he owns the original sketch of the Mona Lisa and it's signed with a handwritten note from Leonardo da Vinci referring to Crowley as his "dear friend Antonio". And Crowley helped with his design for the flying machine and told him about helicopters. Meanwhile fandom jokingly has a list going around of all the historical figures Aziraphale has been "close" with. Makes me think that S3 might explore Crowley's connection to humans in more depth, since we haven't really seen it like we have with Aziraphale, and he now insists on NOT getting to know them.
hi anon, sorry im only getting your ask now!!!✨ this has definitely made me ponder this element of crowley a little bit closer, because yeah - to my mind, you're absolutely right.
aziraphale is shown as having issues with sudden, unplanned, out-of-field change that throws him for a loop. crowley is more fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, able to deal with making quick decisions and makes even quicker actions. and this is largely true, if you go by certain events given to us in the narrative (eg. aziraphale's reaction to the kiss, vs crowley coming up with the plan to go up to heaven).
however, i think it goes a little deeper, and is actually sometimes the other way around when it comes to things ending. aziraphale understands that some things are finite, that they have their time, and has made his peace with it. crowley however needs stability and consistency because seismic shift is scary, and disruption to the status quo means that what he has might be taken from him.
crowley didn't appear to give any thought what happened to dalrymple, but makes the offhand comment he does about not getting close to humans, when learning that dalrymple committed suicide. crowley reacted arguably way more emotionally to armageddon than aziraphale did, and was visibly panicking when confessing his feelings to aziraphale. the angel-who-crowley-was similarly was dismayed at - what felt to him ("that's nothing!") - the brief time in which his creations would be destroyed. and we can surmise pretty reliably his initial reaction to his sentence, and the immediate emotional aftermath, of when he fell. crowley cannot handle change, because each time a fundamental change has been threatened, he has lost something he holds close to his heart.
the double-edged sword in that is that crowley is - as you remarked - drawn to a handful (if even that many) of people that provide that stability and consistency. but he is lonely. going by the da vinci example, he forms relationships with humans because it feeds what i imagine is the hole left in him from the fall. da vinci was alive a fair while before - as i perceive it - he formed any truly deep connection with aziraphale (for me, 1601). is da vinci therefore an instance where crowley, in his loneliness, sought out a friendship (?) with someone who pondered the universe, who was fascinated and captivated by the stars, as much as crowley did and was?
but everything has its end; da vinci certainly did. so is it around this time that crowley realises that whilst he keeps going, is condemned to eternity, everything else withers and dies, and leaves him as lonely as he was before? is this when he looks to the only being that he knows also has that longevity, a being he has history with and actually may provide true constancy? a being that, for all intents and purposes, never seems to change?
that may well be the case, and to give his reach to aziraphale legitimacy, he comes up with the arrangement. continues through the next few centuries, but didn't bargain for actually falling in a completely different way? and all of it to be swept away as soon as he tries to reach out for the true consistency, an equilibrium, that would possibly allow him to heal that ache in his chest, the loneliness that he's jealously guarded because there was never anything or anyone else who could ever fill it? all swept away with a comment that meant something completely different, but to crowley only put him back exactly where he started?
"nothing lasts forever."
thank you for the unexpected meta prompt, anon!!!✨💕
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i got sent this ask on my main blog but because im SUPER annoying im gonna answer it properly here with my other cc finds and stuff asdfghjhgfd sorry for being, well, me asdfghjkjhgfd. Anyway I did a lil run down of some of my top build/buy creators here, so I thought I'd focus on CAS creators now!
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okay so you know how I like doing loads of swatches? And fun patterns and graphics? Well, I consider standardheld to be the master of this! So many different cas items with so many different recolours - you want plain solids? check! fun patterns from a range of sims items (and games, too - the ts3 pattern nostalgia hits hard!)? check! cool graphics? check! seriously, if you love having as many colour and pattern options as possible, you have got to check out @standardheld's wonderful creations!
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okay you will start sensing a theme here because iltds is ALSO a freaking GIFT when it comes to recolours! They use amazing palettes to create such lovely, fun and bright recolours, and everything is super mix-and-matchy for endless outfit combinations. Be gone, sad beige cas items, and make way for @iliketodissectsims's gloriously colourful and joyful creations!
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well, of COURSE i have to mention the legend that is jellymoo. i! am! obsessed! with! everything! the sheer VIBES. the AESTHETIC. the SWATCHES!!!! everything is such high quality and looks amaaaaazing in cas and in game. in a world of like 50000000000 different crop top cc items, jellymoo is really coming THROUGH with the VARIETY and baggy clothes my heart (and my sims ig) desire >:)
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ooooh look at me, mixing it up with some non clothing items! I LOVE giving my sims moles/beauty marks, and my go to ones are always, without a doubt, solacedo's beauty marks cc. im not joking when i say i think that every sim i make nowadays has them asdfghjhgfd. AND!! AND!!!!! her tattoos and makeup creations are SO good too!!! i love super maxis-matchy CC, and solacedo's tattoos are essential for me!
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and of course i have to mention powluna! listen, there's so many amazing cas creators out there, but i gotta say, items for child sims are soooooooooo hard to come by. Which is why powluna's creations are an ESSENTIAL part of my mods folder. Such super cute meshes and creations, with adorable swatches - for both kids and toddlers! and like, for EVERY situation too - be it pyjamas, halloween costumes, formal wear, cozy autumnal clothes, summer dresses, cute shoes, fun every daywear....powluna has truly made it all!
ANYWAY this was my little splurge for some of my fave cas creators adfghjhgfd. this is by no means an exhaustive list, i could list like six gazillion different creators, but i really wanted to highlight some that i think deserve more love for their wonderful work!
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skitter-queen · 1 year
You're one of the Lambs now. What's your project name and what's your specialty?
ohohohohoo.... claps my little hands together!!! let's see.
i think the lambs have the social-manipulation and information-gathering angles pretty well covered, especially if we're including ashton. so i think i'd probably fill more of the evette niche: the weird, flexible problem-solver who lurks in the background.
as for my specialty. allow me to be somewhat self-indulgent and give myself the ability to Summon Creatures. my body would resemble a mostly-normal-ish-girl but would actually be a fairly thin layer of flesh over a hollow exoskeleton. and inside would be a small biological factory that takes flesh and bone and turns it into short-lived nasty little monsters, each custom-made for the problem at hand. maybe they'd each take a bit of my own nervous tissue to be able to function? like wrapping small chunks of my Weird Experiment Brain up in a gross meat shell and sending it to scuttle forth and bite my enemies. this would rule i think... but it would also need to be strictly monitored and limited by the academy doctors -- probably why i'm using my own brain to make them. prevents me from building a whole army or anything, since i need my brain to recover in between each creation.
(obviously im vatgrown. and i think i would have to eat a lot of raw meat & bone to get fuel for my little beasties. presumably some of the meat would be human, cause, like. twigverse.)
the other lambs would gather information and set up the dominoes, and then i'd take what they told me and get to work synthesizing a monster with the appropriate abilities and directions to solve the problem at hand. direct, customized attacks at specific targets and weak points. it would take me a little while to do it, so the lambs would have to stall things just long enough for my fucked up spider monster to kill the right person and sow chaos or whatever. and i do think the monsters would all be fairly bug-like. just makes sense to me.
i would probably be Project Echidna, because, like, come on. sorry noelle, i know you had it first, but what else would you call me
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organic-origins · 4 months
welcome - intro post
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im nat. this is where i'll post about my art and ocs. i've been on tumblr for years now, but the new side blog is a result of the great meta ai dumpster fire.
i focus mainly on black and white art, however i will also post colored things. i have a wide variety of interests, but i'm bad at color theory, so i just embrace the black and white :p
my art, ocs, and stories will usually revolve around sci-fi and low horror. there will be some classic fantasy and dnd-esk stuff thrown in there, too. i'm a huge fan of the uncanny valley, specifically with embracing and loving and enjoying it. uncanny but kind :]
i'm currently studying english and biological anthropology in university right now. i enjoy learning about analytical thinking and how our minds evolved! i am also trying to dabble more in philosophy, although i am a little intimidated to get into the more modern things.
i love dnd and dnd things! i also enjoy hiking, caving, camping, bone hunting, antiquing, and talking to my buddies. i collect typewriters, labradorite, and old books.
i play bg3 and skyrim a ton ;]
my dms and asks are ALWAYS open. PLEASE tell me about your ocs :] i love hearing about them. just open a dm with me and start info dumping i will eat it up.
content warnings
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i utilize small, repetitive shapes often and enjoy messy, cluttered layouts/compositions that are meant to confuse or disorient someone. Many of my illustrations will include bones and organs in a medical or educational context, and themes of depersonalization, disassociation, and unreality may pop up. These will all be tagged to my best ability. A list of the tags I use are below. I will use general tw/cw tags, as well as ones specific to my blog, just so that those who want to cover all their bases may do so.
not all of my work will include these things, i also will post a ton of stupid little oc doodles.
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#nat rambles - general writing posts about oc, lore, and world building
#nat art - general art posts. may not be oc related
#nat chat - posts that i rb and add onto
#nat answers - asks that i answer
#nat rb - posts that i reblog with no added content
#nat ocs - general oc posts. art and writing.
#nat ocs: org - art and writing posts specific to my cast for Organics
#nat ocs: hyk - art and writing posts specific to my cast for Hykanall and Her Company of Hands
#nat ocs: nspah - art and writing posts specific to my cast for No Such Place as Hell
#nat ocs: other - art and writing posts for casts not mentioned above
#nat tw: trypophobia - work that may upset those with trypophobia
#nat tw: body horror- work that may be considered body horror
#nat tw: eye strain - work that may cause eye strain
#nat tw: emotional strain - work that is centered around derealization, depersonalization, unreality, or has similar themes
#nat tw: general - encompasses all work that may need a tw
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by default, i have no real DNI or BYF. however, i will block those whose content makes me uncomfortable (and not in the neat "reflect on society" way). i enjoy dark themes and don't always endorse the things i portray. i also think people should think critically about what they consume, why they consume it, and who is being impacted and how by the creation and consumption of media. i tend to ignore or block those who i don't feel abide by the previously stated standards.
discourse won't be tolerated here! i don't take blocking personally.
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that is all for now! thank you for reading. i hope you'll stick around :]
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blood-injections · 1 year
i really want to know what Dr benzedrine's reaction is to seeing funsandkid love fighting (assuming that they do that because I haven't read all of ur funsandkid posts yet)
Yeah funsandkid totally fights but its more for fun and just adrenaline versus the usual funkobra fighting for pent up whatever for sanity etc. The three of them are their own little fight club idk if I'll ever get to writing anything about it but they'd try keeping it secret from Benz because. Doctor and sorta leader of the suitehearts they all think he'd be pissed bc they're unnecessarily hurting eacother or whatever even though they never go too far its just scrapes and bruises at the end of the day and an occasional black eye or split lip or something. Very rarely do they get seriously hurt aside from ghoul accidentally breaking kobras nose once. I also think benz wouldn't like kobra that much like hed be thick as theives with jet star i bet bc they have a medic/tired mom kind of bond. Anyway i think kobra gets sandman into racing and benz doesnt like kobra for that bc it means. I mean hes like its a hobby cool sandman needs more hobbies. He just doesn't like it bc its kobra and bc sandmans away from base more often its just best freind jealousy yknow hed used to fighting alongside sandman and them being super close but now kobra and ghoul are getting all the attention. But eventually like kobra and ghoul are around all the time and eventually hes just indifferent hes used to their bullshit he dosnt hate kobra hes just annoyed by him at worst. When he learns they like to fight eachother he isnt pissed like they think like he gives them a lecture but ultimately his reaction is just like. A heavy sigh and a "fine" yknow. Like i said hes used to their shit and hes not happy that theyre beating eachother up but he can see they clearly have like a system about it and make sure bot to go too far and take care of eachothers wounds if theres any so hes like as long as you dont waste our medical supplies i dont give a shit just dont concuss eachother.
BUT. If its the Dr Frankenstein Dr Benzedrine and frankenghoul thing im building, he would have a muchh different reaction because if ghouls his creation hed have a love hate relationship with it like any like parent and their kid hed hate that ghoul maybe didn't turn out exactly how he wanted like not being like him or hed hate that ghoul hates him because ghoul Would hate him, he'd have a sense of loyalty to benz and feel like he owes him it but also hed hate benz for like. Dude you literally made me alive but you wont let me like go be a person or do half these things fuck you. Because yeah benz is super protective of him. In this case ghoul would have a ton of pent up anger and sandman would be sympathetic with his needs to like fucking live and would sneak him out to have fun behind benz back and then theyd meet kobra and in this case if benz found them sneaking off to party or whatever, let alone fighting eachother for fun, hed freak the fuck out cause hes so protective of ghoul and hed yell abt them putting it in danger and risking ghouls health and shit becaue like. He made ghoul and hes scared ghoul could be unmade basically. Hes scared bc hes a crazy mad scienist and grafted different peoples body parts together or whatever and hes scared of ghoul literally falling apart at the seams but like ghouls tougher than benz thinks he is and maybe he'll see that eventually, but at the moment hed be pissed at them all and hed like try to keep ghoul and sandman separated and hed ban them from seeing kobra, which yknow it just makes them all hate him more rip and totally leads to ghoul fucking running away and joining the fab four and sandman probably fucking off to stick with his boyfriends and it totally makes the crews have a rivalry and shit until they all talk it out and forgive eachother, to their extents
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the-64th-gamer · 11 months
Spoilers below!!!!!
I'm THEORIZING im BETTING, that because Scott is probably planning to just have a single trilogy of movies, that he's gonna combine multiple game plots into them like he did with this movie. HEAR ME OUT I think the second movie is gonna be all about Sister Location/FNaF4, not FNaF 2, and the third movie will ofc be FNaF 3 springtrap time, BUT probably incorperate more of FFPS too as the proper burning of all the souls and William. Ok so a lot of the plot points introduced in 2 were put into this film, and all 2 really has to offer is just having the toy animatronics. Plus it takes place before Mike even cares about Freddy's, doubt its worth even thinking about. We can also rule out probably anything with Fredbear's except with like them visiting a destroyed building or flashbacks, but I don't think anything about FNaF 4 or the Bite of 83 would be worth it either given this movie is already in the 2000's.
One thing to consider though is that Mathew Lillard signed a 3 movie deal, and likely Josh has too for his role as Mike. Sister Location gives a perfect reason to have William atleast appear in the movie: to set up him having built the animatronics just like the original opening to SL.
One issue with this though is that Mike doesn't have the motivation he originally did in SL to go there. He hasn't yet been set on a mission to free the souls.
BUT, either Vanessa or Abby can make great connections to move that plot along. I think the FNaF 4 nightmare animatronics can play a key role in this.
Despite current lore clearly explaining them away as fake mannequins, its clear Scott is taking a lot of the original intentions of lore in the movie. I think the Nightmare animatronics invading either Abby or Vanessa's mind could set up motivation for Mike to try to do something to help them by investigating other places, as well as a good B plot of them trying to survive the nightmares.
Abby could be the victim of this due to her long-distance connection with the ghosts, which could still be not put to rest, or maybe it be the ghosts from Sister Location itself haunting her.
It could also be Vanessa experiencing this. She's clearly very traumatized by William in the film, and her last memory is being stabbed by him directly. She's now in a **hospital** and **hasn't woken up**. This feels like its setting up an alternate scenario to the BV being in the hospital in 4.
Its also been pointed out many times that Abby is an anagram of Baby, and she's Mike's sister in the film, just like she is in the games. Maybe Mike won't get scooped in the movie, but Abby goes to the location and gets killed inside Baby. This can further set up Mike's hatred for William even more to burn him in the third movie.
A Sister Location movie can spend all the time it wants delving into William's twisted creations. William was very little explored in this movie, so this is a good time to correct that. It might also be a great way to retell that story without too much of the sci-fi elements, it seems Scott made the right choice not bringing up remnant or anything else crazy in this movie.
And of course if William is in a 3 movie deal, the third movie is gonna be the obvious Springtrap confrontation, Mike's motivation is set to free the souls ect. I don't think you can mess up a Springtrap movie at all that shit's in the bag.
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cloudcryptid · 4 months
HI HELLOso this is a very out of the blue question but if u feel ok sharing how did u go about making ur whf ocs into their own original universe?? a close pal of mine and i have been into whf for years and we still love it but want to separate the ocs we made for it into our own universe w some of the same general themes, so i guess what im asking is, do u have any advice from ur own experience of doing that? u dont have to answer this if u dont want to btw no pressure :3
so i've been thinking on how to answer this one, since i struggle to put concepts into understandable words and honestly i would consider asking @theshiaxartist about it as well as he's the one i did this with, he's usually better at explaining things in my opinion, plus multiple perspectives always helps :>
but also i didn't really?
so me n shiax looked at our ocs and the relations we'd built between them and decided we didn't want to change that, so we just kinda, transplanted it over
are we using whf itself? no, but we are using a lot of the concepts that play major parts in it: -completely isolated island -major mood changing and manipulating drugs -it was supposed to be a better place and ended in dystopia and destruction -etc etc
we took this concept and moved it over to a technically premade world (in actuality it was just bits n pieces of worlds that we'd both made but no longer has use for and so just slapped them all together, we're still constantly adding and developing to it, friend's connected universes are real)
i suppose why it seems like they're no longer fan ocs now is that we're not currently in that portion of the timeline, we've moved on
for us, the events of the isle (our stand in for whf) happened, it is a very important part of the oc's backstory and character development, without it they'd be completely different people but canonly, where we are in the timeline of things is roughly 2-5 years after they escaped and the isle essentially had a nuclear meltdown
we made them our own sorta, think kinda like how aus take the base content and shift it slightly to the left (yes they can shift further out but for the sake of things here, just a little for now)
its a simple and easy option and i think people are a little afraid of ideas being too similar but being heavily inspired is better than being stuck
worlds are large and ocs are fictional have fun
i suppose for tips tho:
-figure out what really makes the ocs, well them, what major events and relations are required for them to stay as they are, keep those or find something similar enough to get the right outcome
-building a whole new world for them can be fun, but it can also get you stuck up in minute details or floundering to have everything explained, it's ok for characters to exist in a void until you can fill it with something (you should also ask shiax about this, his world building is always really fun and he's great for like, looking at how things actually work together, ie. if there's 2 moons, how does that impact things)
-frankly, don't be scared to just rehaul as well, some ideas simply won't work in certain contexts and you'll have to figure something else out
-you are free to play around, nothing is set in stone, make as many different possible worlds and lands and settings until you find the one that sticks people get stuck on making it right the first time and this applies to oc creation too
i know this doesn't really like, set you in a definite direction, but creation is fickle and whimsical like that
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onionnstinks · 1 year
art dump of troll ocs i have so far
So i want to start posting on here, but that starts w my troll ocs cuz im mainly drawing them rn ahhaheueueue… once i Design them all I’ll put that in a master post but for now… ART DUMP >:]]
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My first troll oc!!! Name’s Aldex Datour and he’s a big loser hehe… he’s a big freak about anatomy and diseases stuff like that and is the type to get shoved in a locker. (*toyhouse if ur interested on more shit…)
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My second oc!!! His Name is Quinzen Noidkn he wants to be a ruffiannihlator but even though he’s pr strong hes also secretly sensitive hahaue… Excuse me for perpetuating the goldblood and indigoblood archetypes, didn’t know i could be creative until like my third oc 😞 BUT THEY STILL DIFFER…trust me… I don’t have a toyhouse for him cuz not enough art of him yet… *also he is trans but i decided that later on!
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Heres this guy called Avern Wernus, he is a big asshole. And is also very violent. He's a rust blood who has a LOT of rage. Wants to be above everyone else and have power. He's a clown because he likes to be a clown (not related to the clown cult!!!). loves his jack in the box lusus *art on toyhouse if you'd like to see.
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TYDURN NONDEN. Offical cool Rollerskater guy! He owns a rollerrink and has an awesome mustache... at least that's what other trolls think of him. He's truly a very paranoid and anxious guy. He doesn't agree w a lot of the stuff that the public thinks of him. Though he just likes to skate on and play it cool ofc... also REALLY into beetles.
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My lovely Ovaire Delouse! He's just a little gal hehe... Sneaky and flirty but also sensitive /lh... (I dont have that much on him yettt xC) His horns allow him to connect to radio towers and broadcast them through radios! That and allowing him to broadcast his thoughts on a radio too >:] !!!
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The Mystique Zarah Oppteer! She's very into spells and casting them... she does not have that high of a regard for lowerbloods in fact she uses them as test subjects for her spells! Very educated and very evil girl...
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My last current OC, Cormallo Texx. She's a silly gal who LOVES games and puzzles and building stuff!!! She's a cavedweller and goes into the mines and finds beetles to sell for money. (Luckily she lives in isolation so she doesn't have to hide her blood color!)
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lemonnngrass · 1 year
OwO? What do you take me for classpect wise? <>
alright :3 if anyone reading this is not familiar with homestuck/classpecting, i included a small glossary of important words.
i immediately ruled out the (both passive and active) destruction and stealing classes. this is prince (active destruction), bard (passive destruction, thief (active stealing) and rogue (passive stealing)
ive also ruled out aspects i view as logical, not emotional, which are light, time and mind. of course, time is also the destruction aspect, which simply does not feel right for you. i considered ruling out void, too, but did not.
at the moment we have exploitation, manipulation, creation, understanding, and embodiment classes.
im leaning towards a passive class, if only because to me you have never seemed like much of a fighter when not necessary.
now im ruling out rage and doom aspects, two aspects generally accompanied with well, anger and suffering. next goes breath, because you have always seemed like a leader (successful session leaders tend to be passive classes, looking at you karkat) that was one with their companions- not an independent figure that they simply look to for guidance.
we're left with space, blood, void, hope, heart, and life for aspects.
im going to knock off void, because while you are good at knowing and keeping secrets, it only shows itself in people you already know- not strangers. a void player would know anyone is keeping a secret no matter how little they knew them and how well they hid it.
next i remove blood from the cards. blood is the complete opposite of breath, meaning while you would have total freedom as a breath player, you would have absolutely none as a blood player. while you care deeply for your friends, blood showcases a complete dependency on them- at least in my, rather fanon, interpretation.
below, a list your possible classes (all are passive) and aspects:
class: page (explotation), heir (manipulation), sylph (creation), seer (understanding), and muse (embodiment)
aspect: space, hope, heart, and life
pages inspire others to use the pages aspect. it is, possibly, the most passive aspect that is not an embodiment class. this in between of regularly passive and the helpful passiveness of a muse doesn't seem like you- nor does the extreme slow build. im ruling it out, and seer for a similar reason-
seers are less of a slow build than pages, but knowing you, i think your knowledge of your aspect would be instinctual, even if much much more limited- even more so than a mage.
a sylph fixes their aspect. in kanayas case (sylph of space), she theoretically wouldve known how to teleport through space without harming it, or harming it the least. she could have mended rips in it, and could have made small pocket dimensions useful in frog breeding. you wouldnt have to worry about your aspect being harmed in the first place, maybe that reassurance is your inspiration reaching far into paradox space to insure it is safe, maybe its something else.
now, heir or muse?
heirs change their aspect, manipulating it and making it something easily manageable. of course, less so than a witch. lets use john (heir of breath) as an example. he can inspire change in the wind and in freedom, guiding breath while it guides him as well. hes constantly doing whatever the hell he wants, always being changed by his complete freedom.
muses are their aspect, in the most core manner. calliope, our only example of a muse, is creative in every way she can be. she becomes creativity to inspire through it. for not being an understanding class, muses understand their aspect in their core- even if it isnt conscious and more innate.
what was it again i said about you not being a seer because your knowledge was instinctual, not learned?
so, youre a muse. but what is your aspect....
space? ah, calliope. that wouldnt fit. you love drawing and writing, but you are not creativity itself. many think they are a space player because they enjoy the arts, but it is so much more than enjoying it, especially in the case of a muse.
a muse of life would be explained as brimming with life, never having a dull moment and always enjoying their life no matter what happens. i dont think that fits you very well, does it? everyone has their moments.
now...hope and heart. this is what ive been dreading the entire time. really, this couldve been a few sentences about you being a muse and the rest about hope or heart.
hope...you would inspire inspiration, basically. everyone looks to you knowing you can make what you want happen. because of your inspiration reaching everywhere, you could stare down the barrel of a shotgun and know you were to be saved soon. i always see an air of haughtiness behind the pure joy, the everlasting positivity. yes, you inspire people, but now you expect them to almost serve you. you believe you wouldnt even need to godtier, you wouldnt die because everyone loves you. i dont think you think like that, but maybe its the pale speaking.
muse of heart. you inspire people to express their emotions, becoming one with their inner selves. you help people bring themselves inner peace by helping them understand their turmoil.
youre the ultimate emotional support, the sessions crutch. and if you allow them to rely on you too much, they may become dependant on you- so be careful.
for fun, heres a muse of heart land i came up with: land of mazes and belonging. i can explain it more if u want me to :3
glossary under the cut
passive classes: classes that tend to strategize more than fight and normally do not engage in physical combat. generally better leaders than active classes. best example in canon is john egbert, imo
active classes: typically physical fighters, tend to wield their aspect as a weapon while passive classes use it as a shield. sometimes the de facto leader of a group, but in sburb they tend to fall out of this role with a passive class replacing them. best example is dave strider, with karkat vantas being a close second.
classes: one part of the classpect puzzle. sorted into groups of two, such as the destruction, stealing, and understanding classes. your class is how you wield your aspect.
aspects: the second part of the classpect puzzle. not sorted into groups, unless you count inverts- an aspects invert is its total opposite. they determine what your powers will manifest as.
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