poisonlove · 1 year
Miss Ortega | j.o
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part 2
The new Calculus teacher descended with a small leap from the wooden surface. She walked around the lectern and sat in her chair, getting a better view of the class. She took out a notebook and a pen from her backpack, and with a small smile, she looked at the class.
"Well, now that I've introduced myself, I'd like to know your names and the grade you received in this subject last year."
Starting from the front row, each student stated their name, last name, and grade. Jenna opened her eyes and tried not to show her surprise at the low grades. She smiled nervously many times and looked curiously at those who spoke.
Looking into her eyes, one could almost see the frustration in her iris. With a sigh of exhaustion, the teacher tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
In the blink of an eye, it was my turn. I was the last one. All eyes were looking in my direction, some with curiosity, others with annoyance. I felt uncomfortable; I wasn't used to receiving so much attention. I cleared my throat to steady my voice, taking a deep breath to avoid stuttering in front of the class. I timidly glanced at Jenna, who observed me with curiosity.
She had her elbow resting on the desk, holding her head in the palm of her hand. She gave me a slight smile. Brown eyes piercing my soul.
"I..." I sighed, closing my eyes for a fraction of a second. I could feel all the blood rushing to my cheeks. "T/N T/A, 100," I managed to say who I was and my grade. I gave a nervous smile and hid my flushed cheeks with my hair.
Jenna composed herself and looked at me with surprise. An inevitable smile spread across her lips, almost relieved to have someone who understood even a little bit of her subject. I glanced at Enid, who was smiling at me with mischief. The blonde had something in mind, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to find out what it was. The teacher stood up from her chair, taking a stack of papers from her backpack.
"Well, now that you've told me who you are and your grades... we can have a little test to assess your level," she smiled at us.
Murmurs of disapproval quickly arose, and Johnny, our class president, raised his hand. Jenna nodded, granting him permission to speak.
"Professor, can we do it on Wednesday? Today is the first day of school... and it wouldn't be fair to give us a test right away," he adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, avoiding Jenna's penetrating gaze that had wiped the smile off her face. "Would that be possible?" he added, timidly.
"Come on, doll, don't ruin the good impression you gave us," Edward said.
Edward Smith, the most popular guy in school, the future star of the football team. He had a reputation as a womanizer, unafraid to flirt, and it was clear that he had no respect even for those in authority at this school. Professor Ortega blinked her eyes, somewhat incredulous, and then smirked. Her eyes looked at the blonde boy with disgust.
"Smith, right?" Jenna asked absentmindedly, gripping the papers tightly. Her knuckles turned white from the tight grip.
Edward nodded, pleased that she remembered his last name. He looked at his classmates with superiority, almost as if to say that he had the attention of all the girls he desired. Jenna walked towards him, leaning in with a threatening air to his desk.
Her eyes were piercing.
Smith blushed under the deadly gaze of Miss Ortega.
"Do not dare to call me 'doll,' do we understand each other?" Jenna tilted her head to the side, looking at the poor boy with disdain. "Now get out of my class immediately," she pointed towards the door with her index finger. Jenna composed herself and moved away from the desk.
Edward opened and closed his mouth several times, taken aback by the teacher's reaction. He stood up and stormed angrily out of the classroom.
I smiled satisfactorily, that boy was an idiot.
Professor Ortega rolled her eyes, slightly annoyed. She sighed and smiled again. I felt powerless, truly sorry that she had to endure such a comment. From the corner of my eye, I saw Enid fidgeting in her seat.
"After this unfortunate incident... we can continue with the test," she handed out two stacks of papers to those in the front. Once they took their papers, they passed the rest to the people behind them, and so on, until everyone had their test on their desks. "You have exactly..." the professor glanced at her watch, squinting her eyes and furrowing her brow. "1 hour and 30 minutes," she concluded.
I looked at the questions, surprised.
They were too easy, ridiculously so.
There were 5 equations to solve and 1 problem. I looked at the sheet with confusion and raised my head to the dark-haired Jenna. Almost immediately, our eyes met.
My breath stopped, and I tried not to hear the increasing beats of my heart. I raised an eyebrow, unsure if I should take this test as an insult. The teacher looked at me with a smile, enjoying my reaction. She tilted her head to the side, observing me with clear curiosity, while also keeping an eye on her students for any signs of cheating.
I shook my head and looked at my paper, feeling the frustration of Enid, who was seated next to me. I put the bottom of the pen between my teeth and focused on answering the questions, occasionally feeling the piercing gaze of those two coffee-colored eyes.
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