#Amadeus at his PEAK
drinkthemlock · 1 year
barry lyndon is the best film ever made in my opinion and the scene where barry talks to his future wife’s current husband and the guy gets so angry he dies is the funniest scene in history. the scene where he steals a gay officer’s coat and proceeds to desert the british army (and get caught) is a close second.
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Falco - Rock Me Amadeus 1985
"Rock Me Amadeus" is a song made by Austrian musician Falco, for his third studio album, Falco 3. It was written by Falco along with Dutch music producers Bolland & Bolland.
It topped the singles charts on both sides of the Atlantic. It was Falco's only number one hit in both the US and the UK, despite the artist's popularity in his native Austria and much of Europe. Falco became the first German-speaking artist to be credited with a number-one single on both mainstream US pop singles chart, the Billboard Hot 100 and Cash Box Top 100 Singles. Prior to Falco, "99 Luftballons" by Nena got to number one on Cash Box, but peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100.
The song is about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, his popularity and his debts. A longer version (eight minutes), named the "Salieri Mix", appeared on the initial US release of the album Falco 3. The song was inspired by the movie Amadeus.
In the seventh season episode of the Simpsons, entitled "A Fish Called Selma", Troy McClure and other cast members stars in a Planet of the Apes musical theatre adaptation "Stop the Planet of the Apes, I Want to Get Off!", featuring a musical-style parody of "Rock Me Amadeus", "Dr. Zaius".
"Rock Me Amadeus" received a total of 79,4% yes votes!
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krispycreamcake · 16 days
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Interview with a vampire:
A Sakamaki exposé
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The Sakamaki name has long since been involved in political disputes in the human world, and with the current upcoming election, one has to wonder, what is his Highness, Karlheinz Sakamaki, doing to prepare for this election? Being the almighty ruler of vampires and overseer of the Bat Clan, one must wonder, why is our Highness, the King, participating in mortal public affairs. With no sight of his six potential heirs, many questions arise from our very own citizens who claims that the King himself, hasn't been to loyal to his own species.
Joining us here today, is critically acclaimed videographer and journalist, Decima Amadeus. She has been working on tracking down these lost heirs of the demon realm and have come to us with her research. Let's see what she has to say about this whole debacle.
"Throughout recent years, many have wondered exactly where have our precious princes went. Did they leave behind their duties, or were they pursuing something much greater than we can conjure? I'm Decima Amadeus and here with me today, is one of our guests, Reiji Sakamaki!"
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"Good evening Decima, I do hope all is well...."
"I wish I could honestly lie to you and say it was, but with your father neglecting our race, it's hard to say anything is ever really 'well' as you say. Ah- speaking of neglecting, shall we move on with the questions?"
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".......Very well then, let's begin."
"Fantastic, well as you know, everyone's been wondering, where have you and your brothers all been? You're certainly not in the demon realm anymore."
"Ah- of course. Well, currently we've been staying in Shimane, Japan."
"And why is that? I'd say it's a bit over a couple hundred years too long to be vacationing."
"Well, as you may know, none of us has been yet designated to take our father's place as King yet, so-"
"So you decide to run off and leave behind your kingdom? Without a word or a trace as to where you've all been these past years?"
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"I'd hardly call that 'running off' as you put it. Our father simply decided that we perhaps needed a more quiet life and gave us many opportunities to prove to him which of his children would inherit the title of Vampire King."
"Wait- so then- ha! So let me get this straight, it was Karlheinz himself that shipped you off to the human realm and left you there for hundreds of years without saying anything? He was the one that decided this and still he chose to not notify the public even once."
"Well Decima, one would think that something like that was a much more personal family matter and that it didn't need to be disclosed to the public. Just because he is King, doesn't give others the authority to police his every move and decision."
"Except in this case it does. Mr. Sakamaki, in case you haven't picked up the newspaper yet, there's a mass famine going around. Our blood supply is low and yet no one has yet to make any official announcement, almost as if they weren't affected by it! My sources have led me to believe that the distribution of humans in the demon realm has been at its peak for the last 3 years, and still there's nothing to account for it, considering the multitude of hungry mouths, which subsequently happen to also be those of middle to lower classes!"
"..... While you may think so, I've no comment on the matter as I refuse to contribute to conspiracy theories. The fact of the matter is, my brothers and I have no impact on this, whether here in the human world, or there in the demon realm."
"It's quite funny you say that Mr. Sakamaki. You see, we have an external source that claims that for over 100 years, you've all been personally receiving a blood supply from the King himself, while the rest of us suffer from inflation and the inability to feed ourselves, to the brink of relying on animal blood, which has caused a minor epidemic of Septicima O8, which is a highly mutated form of Sepsis that can affect us immortals."
"I- I'm truly sorry to hear that you've all been going through this, but I still can't see how we can help. None of us can overrule the King and besides-"
"Overrule the King? Have you forgotten that it is your duty as a prince to inherit that golden title? For years we have suffered and yet, you six sit back and get pampered while the King continues to fail his kingdom! And now you claim there is nothing you can do? Have you forgotten the reason you were brought into this world in the first place? Or is it that you've been getting too overtly comfortable with the humans that your roles no longer hold meaning to you?"
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"That is nothing but a fib! I already declared that I will not be participating in conspiracy theories against my own father! Being royalty does come with its benefits, that I agree, and I'm once again apologizing to those that cannot afford that luxury, but if I had known what was going on, I surely would have stepped up!"
"So you admit to not having any knowledge of the current ongoings of our society when it is on the verge of collapsing? And not only that, you're apologizing because you refuse to do anything while the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? And I've been wanting to ask this for a while, but when we originally called for the oldest of the Sakamaki household, we were turnt away and had to make do with the second eldest. Thus, further showcasing how lackadaisical you Sakamakis have been regarding our current world affairs."
"T-that's not!-"
"Cut to commercial......I need a break."
From author: I didn't want to make this too long in case it doesn't get any attention, so let me know your thoughts as I honestly want to make this a brief series where we interview all the brothers and certain truths get revealed. (Guys lie to my face and tell me you loved it)
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Part 1
Eddie’s coming home from the hospital today, and Steve is quietly singing along to love songs like they’re on the radio, but they’re not; they must be just in his head.
Dustin wants to enjoy it, wants to simply look forward to calling the others; they have an ongoing list of songs Steve has sung unconsciously, ranked according to various degrees of embarrassment, the current winner being his butchering of German in Rock Me Amadeus.
But he can’t. He can’t enjoy any of it.
There’s a window open in the car.
Steve keeps it down unless it’s crazy bad rain, ever since he found out that Erica can get motion sick sometimes.
Dustin grips onto his knees.
He’d tried to convince himself it was all centred around the hospital. That he could contain it.
But now he’s in Steve’s car (Steve’s car! Familiar and safe, where there’s still that streak of mud along the inside of the door from Dustin’s sneakers); he’s in Steve’s car trying not to breathe, because every time he does, he sees those damn particles floating in front of him.
“Okay, what?” Steve says, sounding both amused and resigned.
Dustin sucks in the slightest amount of air that he can manage. “Hmm?”
“Dude, I know you. Whenever you’re this quiet, you want something from me.”
“That’s an erroneous conclusion,” Dustin says.
Steve is meant to say something like oh yeah, erroneous, blah, blah, blah.
But Dustin knows his delivery is off when Steve just gives him a sideways glance while they’re stuck in traffic—knows that Steve misinterprets whatever look is on his face, because the driver window is being quickly wound down, too.
“Hey, do you feel sick? I can pull over.”
“I’m good,” Dustin says, only just managing to suppress a shiver as more cold wind seeps inside.
Steve doesn’t seem particularly happy with that answer, but the traffic starts moving again, leaving him with no choice but to drive on.
“Okay, just—we’ll be five minutes tops, all right? Just look at the, uh, horizon.”
Dustin looks ahead.
Doesn’t mention that all he can see is what the sky looked like from the trailer roof.
There’s a stack of books at the end of Eddie’s hospital bed—Steve’s gone back to the car to get a cardboard box for them. Dustin spots Nancy’s copy of Little Women on the top of the pile.
(During a visit where Nancy had driven him over, Eddie had made them wait in the corridor for a full five minutes before telling them they could come in, and when they did he was clutching the book with red-rimmed eyes, staring at Nancy so accusingly that Dustin couldn’t help but laugh.
“Beth?” Nancy had said, fighting a smile at Eddie’s melodramatic sigh.
Eddie mimed throwing the book at her, careful not to actually damage it. “Fucking Beth.”)
Another book’s in danger of slipping off the edge of the bed; Dustin catches it before it can fall. Peter Pan. He flicks it open, sees a childishly crooked Property of Steve written in pencil on the title page.
Eddie’s pressing some folded clothes into a bag on the other side of the bed. He looks up.
And Dustin suspects that when he went to the bathroom, Steve and Eddie must’ve had some sort of conversation about him, because Eddie says, “Go sit down, I’ve got this,” like Dustin’s the one who’s been recovering in hospital.
“What, scared I’ll rip your books?” Dustin asks, and this time he knows he’s hit just the right tone of normality, just the right mixture of teasing and petulant, because Eddie snorts.
“Shuddup,” he says, and then he lunges for Dustin, ruffling his hair. His hand lingers for a second, tilting so the back of it touches Dustin’s forehead.
“What the hell?” Dustin says, shoving him off playfully.
Eddie’s still grinning from their tussle, but it fades a bit as he gives Dustin a once-over.
“Thought you looked a little peaked,” he says with a shrug.
Dustin forces an eye roll. “I’m fine.”
Eddie seems to accept that, but he pours an extra glass of water and leaves it on the table; and when Dustin takes it, his mouth opens, and Dustin silently pleads inside his head don’t ask me, don’t ask me, and—
Steve’s voice echoes down the corridor, soft and lilting: Islands in the Stream.
Eddie chuckles. “That’s another one for the list,” he tells Dustin, but his eyes glitter like he doesn’t find it embarrassing at all, and when he’s bundling up the books, his fingers trace the front cover of Peter Pan like it’s a rare gem.
Oh, Dustin thinks. Then: You’re so happy.
Steve enters the room with the cardboard box held aloft like it’s a trophy, and Eddie laughs, makes a quip: “Jesus Christ, we’re not at one of your basketball games, Steve.”
Steve grins, briefly bends his knees as if on the basketball court. “You wish.”
Eddie rolls his eyes, shoots Dustin a look as if to say who does this guy think he is?
But his eyes are saying something else.
He passes the books over to Steve, chatting easily about whatever chapter he’d got up to, and their hands touch with such casual intimacy. There should be no space for them to worry here, Dustin decides—and so, for the rest of the day, commits to being the most carefree, boisterous version of himself he can manage.
It gets to the point where the window in his room is permanently shut.
Where he suddenly has this awful feeling of doubt—that this is something he should’ve called a code red over long ago.
He calls Will, twisting the phone cord around his fingers over and over, so tightly that it hurts.
“Will, you know when. Your—your episodes. The Mindflayer. What. What did it feel like?”
The ensuing silence makes shame run down his spine, cold as ice.
But when Will speaks, he doesn’t sound hurt, or even the slightest bit frightened.
“Why?” he asks.
“It.” Dustin grits his teeth. “I’m worried it might. Might be happening again.”
Another silence, and then Will says, very gently, “Dustin, it’s all closed off. I can’t feel anything anymore.”
“Okay.” Dustin blinks back the sudden burning in his eyes. “Okay.”
“You… you know you can talk to me, right?” Will says, tentative and kind, too kind, because Will is the kid who disappeared, who’s had to deal with all this shit for years, stuff that Dustin could never—
“Yeah,” Dustin says.
“My mom, she’ll be home soon,” Will says, rushed suddenly, like he can sense Dustin’s about to hang up, “if you wanna—”
“Yeah, thanks, I’ve gotta go,” Dustin says all in one breath, and ends the call.
And he realises something—kind of hates himself for it. That if The Upside Down was really back, he would’ve felt terrified, sure, but also…
Because the alternative is that the problem is him.
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jaeausten · 6 months
Hi Everyone!
This post is for anyone wanting to request a gifset. Below the cut is a list of all films and tv shows that I am able to produce an gifset for. If it's not on the list, then I can't gif it... Sorry!
Pre Medieval:
Vikings 1-4a.
Tristan and Isolde.
Rome (HBO) 1-2
Cleopatra (1963).
The Hollow Crown 1-2.
A Knight's Tale.
Robin Hood (BBC) 1-3.
Ophelia (2018).
Ever After- A Cinderella Story.
The White Queen.
Tudor: (If requested on here, I will actually post the request on tudorerasource, but will answer the ask on this blog with a link.)
The White Princess.
The Spanish Princess 1-2.
The Other Boleyn Girl.
Anne of the Thousand Days.
The Tudors 1-4.
Wolf Hall.
Lady Jane.
Elizabeth R.
Shakespeare in Love.
Mary Queen of Scots (2013).
Mary Queen of Scots (2017).
Elizabeth I (2005).
The Virgin Queen.
Elizabeth: The Golden Age.
The Favourite.
Tulip Fever.
The Three Musketeers (2012).
The Musketeers (BBC) 1-3.
Stage Beauty.
Charles II: The Power and the Passion.
Harlots 1-3.
Pirates of the Caribbean 1-4.
Poldark 1-5.
The Scandalous Lady W.
The Affair of the Necklace.
The Duchess.
The Abduction Club.
The Aristocrats (BBC).
Marie Antoinette.
The History of Tom Jones.
Dangerous Liaisons.
The Madness of King George.
Outlander 1-5.
Becoming Jane.
Miss Austen Regret's.
War and Peace (2015).
Mr Malcom's List.
Vanity Fair (2005).
Vanity Fair (BBC) (2005).
Jane Austen:
Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Pride and Prejudice (2005).
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
Mansfield Park (1999).
Mansfield Park (2007).
Emma (1996).
Emma (BBC) (1996).
Emma (2009).
Emma (2020).
Persuasion (1995).
Persuasion (2007).
Sense and Sensibility (1995).
Sense and Sensibility (2008).
Northanger Abbey (2007).
Sanditon 1.
Love and Friendship.
Death comes to Pemberley.
Lost in Austen.
The Young Victoria.
Victoria 1-3.
The Count of Monte Cristo.
Little Dorrit.
Wives and Daughters.
To Walk Invisible.
Gentleman Jack 1-2.
Return to Cranford.
Jane Eyre (2007).
Jane Eyre (2001).
Little Women (1994).
Little Women (20019).
North and South.
Crimson Peak.
Bleak House (2006).
The Age of Innocence.
Far from the Madding Crowd.
The Phantom of the Opera.
Anna Karenina.
The Gilded Age 1.
Dr Thorne.
Somewhere in Time.
The Secret Garden (1993).
A Room with a View.
Miss Potter.
Anne of Green Gables Trilogy (1985-2000).
My Fair Lady.
20th Century/Modern/Everything Else:
A discovery of Witches 1-3.
Merlin 1-4.
Me before You.
Letters to Juliet.
The Da Vinci Code.
Angels and Demons.
Cinderella (2015).
Beauty and the Beast (2017).
Dracula (NBC) (2013).
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
prompt "It’s like they said in Star War The Last Jedi: the past fucking sucks, dude…ignore that shit and get a lightsaber." :)
Oh, I can so hear Ophelia saying this...
____ Call it Even
Word Count: 1.6k Content Warnings: depictions of chronic pain/injury ____
It was a rough few days.
Her bad knee had flared up again, thanks to a risky maneuver out on the battlefield. As far as Ophelia could tell, there wouldn't be any lasting damage - not anything past what she was already used to dealing with, at least - but it left her in a lot of pain.
That meant a few things.
One, she couldn't move much. Her ventures peaked at hobbling from her lab to the bathroom and back a few times a day, and nothing more. Hell, Peter had even brought dinner into her lab so she wouldn't have to limp the thirty feet down the hall.
Two, she couldn't sleep. Ophelia had enough insomnia as it was, but the constant pain shredded what little desire to sleep still survived through that. She'd tried, once or twice, alongside a healthy dose of Nyquil, and even that only granted her a few restless hours and a pounding headache once she awoke.
And three, she was more than barred from hero work until the pain subsided. Motion wasn't as much an issue - her actuators would carry her wherever she needed or wanted to go - but the pain made it hard to focus. That would only end in her getting injured. Well, injured more.
So she sat at her desk and tinkered. It was infuriating. She had her machines, she had her music, her actuators brought her whatever parts she needed, but sometimes she did her best thinking by wandering the city.
Here, she couldn't so much as pace her lab for ideas. Ophelia was confined to her lab chair, her bad leg braced and propped on a stack of old machinery in front of her. Amadeus had come and gone throughout the day, and was currently curled up on a lab table while one of her actuators delicately stroked his back. Sometimes their gentleness surprised even her.
"Are you sure it's okay that I head out?" Peter asked, drawing her eyes up to the doorway. He was clad in his Spidey-suit, red Spandex hugging every slope of his body. His mask dangled loosely from one hand, giving her a full view of his mussed hair and concerned brown eyes.
"I'll be fine. Not like I'm doing anything different from what I've done all day," Ophelia responded with a shrug, "Besides, at least one of us should be out there. It's not like the villains are out taking a sick day."
"Yeah, but we could let the cops have this one."
She scoffed.
"Please. They're cops." she huffed, "At best the bad guys'll slip away. At worst, they'll do more harm than good. They always seem to. Never seem to realize there's a whole lot of problems that can't be resolved by the barrel of a gun."
"Yeah, but Ol's-"
"I'm fine, Pete. I promise. Go... do your thing. Protect the city and all that." Ophelia insisted, "And anyway, I'm safer in here than out there. I expect a very dull night."
"Hm. Alright, I guess." he agreed, albeit begrudgingly, and crossed the room to meet her at her desk. He reached to cup the back of her head, guiding her into a brief kiss. He pulled back a moment later, and nearly made it to the door before he turned again. "Hey, ah- set yourself a timer? So you don't stay up too late?"
"When did you become the responsible one?"
"Right about when I learned you'd blown yourself up by being sleep-deprived."
His delivery, delightfully dry, was enough to startle a sharp laugh out of her. Ophelia gave him a crooked grin.
"Fair enough," she said, already reaching for her phone, "There. Every half-hour until midnight."
"Thanks," Peter agreed, "Oh, and I already took care of Amadeus, so he should be fine for the night."
"Great. Oh- hey, I think we're almost out of litter, do you think you could swing by and pick some up if there's a place still open tonight?"
"What, and let the world know Spider-Man has a cat?" he fired back, grinning at her, "Sure. Are we still on Tidy Cats for him?"
"I dunno, I think he's been getting a reaction to it." Ophelia said with a frown, "I think the dust has been irritating his skin. Maybe try to find something all-natural?"
"On it." he said, giving her a brief nod as he pulled his mask on over his head, "Love you, Ol's. Don't stay up too late."
"Love you too. I'll do my best."
She stayed up too late.
It wasn't really her fault. Her alarm had gone off at midnight, and as promised she'd worked her way up to her feet and made her way back to the more domestic side of her apartment. She made a very pointed effort not to get lost in her projects as she so often did. She'd go to bed (and probably still be awake, but at least she'd be in bed and awake instead of surrounded by dangerous machinery), and eventually Peter would come back from his swing through the city and lay down beside her, and maybe she'd manage a few hours of sleep.
And then she tripped over Amadeus on the way to the bathroom.
It wasn't awful. The cat was startled but not hurt, and Ophelia managed to twist in a way that took the brunt of the fall on her hip rather than her knees or wrists or any other riskier areas. There were definitely worse ways to fall.
But it sent the pain sparking back to life, lightning bolts all up and down her leg. There was no way she'd find sleep with that agony in the way.
So, three ibuprofen and an ice pack later, she found herself back in her lab.
Just an hour, she told herself. One more hour for the ibuprofen to kick in and the pain to die down, and then she'd get back to bed. And she'd be more careful this time.
But she'd forgotten to set a timer, and then she'd just... gotten lost.
She didn't realize Peter had come home until there was a gentle hand sliding over her shoulders. Ophelia jolted once, started from her focused near-trance, but relaxed as she realized who it was.
"I thought you set a timer."
"I did. Then I fell in the hallway, and..." she trailed off with a shrug, "Anyway, I wasn't getting back to sleep. Sorry."
As she tuned back into the world around her, she realized a few things. One, that the pain in her knee had indeed lessened, down to the same low ache she'd grown used to over the past few days. Two, she had to pee so badly it almost hurt, and she wished she'd remembered to set a timer to take care of that sooner. And three, it was rapidly nearing four in the morning. Much, much later than she meant to be up.
"You fell?"
"Tripped over the cat. I'm alright. So's Amadeus. It's fine."
"Hm." Peter replied, clearly not quite satisfied by her answer, but apparently decided to move on, "What's that you're working on?"
"Oh, uh-" she started, holding up the slim object in her hand, "It's a little like a lightsaber. Still in its early stages, though."
She pressed a button on the side of it, and colorless light arced down the metal rod. Ophelia stretched to grab a piece of scrap metal from the far corner of her desk, and pressed the rod against it. In moments, it had bored a hole straight through.
"Not bad, right?" she said with a grin, shutting the device off and setting it on her desk, "Figured it was about time I started playing with fire again. It's like they said in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: the past fucking sucks, dude… ignore that shit and get a lightsaber."
"And that's Ophelia's four-AM voice, which means it's time to go to bed," Peter decided, though she could hear him stifling laughter as he offered her a hand, "C'mon, Ol's, you can finish in the morning. I'll help you up."
She obliged and took his hand, and he very carefully helped her up to her feet. Once she was up, he shifted his grip to weave his arm around her waist, taking some of her weight off her bad leg.
"Are you hurt at all?" Ophelia found herself asking, even as they hobbled their way out of her lab. Amadeus followed, attempting to weave between their legs like he usually did, but Peter gently rerouted him with one foot. He seemed to process her question a moment later, and shook his head.
"I was careful."
"You say that like I'm not careful."
"No, no- I just- I was more careful tonight since you weren't there, alright?" he stammered, "That's what I mean."
"Good save, Parker."
"I'm serious!"
He started guiding her towards the bedroom, but Ophelia shook her head.
"Bathroom first. I have to pee."
"Alright. I need the first-aid kit anyway."
"I thought you said you weren't injured!" she blurted, suddenly twisting to look him over. Peter lifted his free hand, trying to wave her away.
"No, I- I'm fine, it's just a scratch, I'm just gonna wrap it up so I don't get blood on the sheets before it heals over."
"A scratch is an injury. Did you sleep through health class in elementary school or something?"
"C'mon, Ol's, with my healing-"
"I asked if you were hurt and you said no!"
"Yeah, well, you told me you set a timer for when you'd go to bed!" he shot back, though there was no venom in his voice. He nudged her shoulder, only hard enough to make his point without knocking her off-balance. He was awfully good at that. "Call it even?"
"Fine." she agreed, "Call it even."
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eulcgizeme · 1 year
retired as of 8/4/24
wanted plots
heyo weyo, everyone! this is a little bookmark for myself and maybe a plotting call for anyone whose interest this peaks. if you give it a like, i'll certainly come to you for us to dive a little deeper and get it on dash!
my ben barnes muse (sugar baby, male escort but primarily sits around as a rags to riches man) who is a bouncer/bartender at a strip club where another muse works (margot robbie because she is blonde bombshell and the barbie aesthetic ill die for it, or even a male fc) and they're besties, or his sugar momma that's currently got him under her thumb and maybe she even runs the club
cade rothschild (tom holland fc) getting called out by a friend for how he's disappeared from the face of the planet after his sister went missing and he's a terrible influence (maybe even his roommate who only ever sees him when he comes home from the bars/clubs at 6 am) and even someone finding out he's the secret radio show host
barry keoghan and sabrina carpenter, thanks. that's it. that's the plot. or madelyn cline.
jk i actually do have a plot for ^^ that, im a sucker for rags to riches and he's brought home to scare her family and friends or she's stuck with him because of something where he's the outsider in her hometown enemies to lovers kinda shit
a 10 things i hate about you enemies to lovers but one is a simp dick and is trying to get with her to prove a point to her that theyre so utterly miserable they're meant for each other as per a pack made x amount of years ago
the mafia princess baby momma to my taron egerton bad-boy-but-not-bad-neouhg-to-actually-be-in-a-gang boy, or his lawyer girlie pop that he's a pain in the ass to and they're suss the baby does belong to miss mafia princess. but also he's bisexual so stir it up for me.
aylin (aslihan malbora fc) and her brothers who were good for nothing addicts growing up who used to get locked out of the house and cause a scene, suddenly turned into valuable citizens and she's the black sheep because she's not some doctor but a tattoo artist. she's not the golden kid for just being good anymore and there's strife between them because they know what they did was wrong, but they've never apologized directly for it and aylin was basically abandoned by their parents to try and get the boys clean and back to turkey while she stayed in the states.
"we loved each other" "i guess not enough." that's it, everyone. exes.
august cohen (logan lerman fc) who is a getaway driver being a runaway groom but his bride catches him and tells him he can't runaway from everything
anything for cade rothschild (tom holland fc)
anything for amadeus "santi" de los santos (danny ramirez fc)
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randomvarious · 1 year
Falco - "Vienna Calling" 1985 Neue Deutsche Welle / Synthpop
Sweet and catchy mid-80s synthpop tune from Austrian star Falco here. "Vienna Calling" served as his immediate follow-up to the fantastic global smash, "Rock Me Amadeus," but it would also represent just the second and final time that he'd land a hit on the Billboard Hot 100, with this one managing to peak at #18. Falco was a pretty early proponent of incorporating rap into his palette too, but it seems to be virtually nonexistent in this song. 
More fun videos here!
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prouvaireafterdark · 2 years
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Ethics Professor Louis AU sneak peak #4, where we get our first glimpse of Marius ft. some angst, but in Latin bc I can
Up to 13.6k now, but hoping to add more words today :)
Other snippets here, here, and here!
“Ah, salve, Amadee!” Marius greets him. “Gratias maximas pro festinatione.”
Hello, Amadeus. Greatest thanks for your haste.
“Libenter,” Armand replies quietly.
You’re welcome.
Except, that isn’t quite the literal translation, is it?
Willingly. Cheerfully. With pleasure.
Armand smiles against the bile rising in his throat as he watches Marius’ eyes rake hungrily over his body.
“What can I do for you?” he asks, in English this time.
“I have a list,” Marius replies, beckoning him closer with an imperious hand.
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senatushq · 10 months
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"Clip Clop Clip Clop Clip Clop The hooves never stop." - Sleipnir
December 15th-21st
The White Flame welcomed offerings as those loyal to Auril’s frigid blaze threw tokens into the brazier. Atop the tower constructed at the Lunar Mountains’ highest peak, the cold was nearly unbearable even for those who’d been born in the heart of winter’s embrace. Auril demanded pieces that held a personal connection for those who served her, some tossed in memories of loved ones, others laid favourite foods, but as her priesthood sang in unison their song was lifted by the formless archfey into the clouds above. 
Cold washed from the Moon Gate as it blanketed the Fey Forest in frost, chill, and snow. Over Lupercal a storm began as the budding city state was blanketed in the first hefty dumping of snow. Rome had been unseasonably cold, now with temperatures in record shattering negatives the city was hit with freezing rain. Auril’s laughter fell over the city as the first night brought with it a storm that forced the entirety of the city indoors. It was there as their homes were pelted through the night that the people of Rome huddled close to their fires; witches enchanted their hearths to keep them alive and protected, while others kept them stoked through the long nights that would follow. 
By the dawn of the 16th the rain had turned to snow, but for five more nights it would continue to fall. The storm had relented, but the snow was endless, it fell continuously as the city without the infrastructure to deal with it was slowly buried. The forest, Lupercal, and the countryside felt the brush of a full winter at last. 
December 17th-23rd
No amount of snow could keep the city from putting on their annual traditions, Saturnalia would begin on the 17th and would run until the 23rd. First the Holiday Market was erected within the ruins of the Temple to Saturn, a deity that was associated with Cronos was especially revered this year. It was the God of Time that had bartered with the lives of The Six in exchange for returning the world to this earlier time, to giving the mortal realm and Rome as a whole a second chance. 
All had a reason to be grateful and few to none were not in attendance at some point. 
The festivities began with offerings left at the altar erected to Saturn and Cronos, food was prepared personally by the senators as each placed a meal that was personal to them upon the table. From there, the festival was for all intents and purposes, a party. Stalls provided by every business in Rome, along with substances that were less-than legal permeated the catacombs below. An aura of peace and nonviolence was cast over the festivities and it was remarked that no declarations of war could be made during the festivities. 
On the 23rd day, to close the festival, the Romans would make an offering in blood. In an arena built for this exact purpose, the gladiators who would step inside would be temporarily stripped of any supernatural abilities. Representatives signed their name down for the privilege of spilling blood for the God, and the hope that they’d not only earn his favour, but that they would be crowned the Lord or Lady of Saturnalia for the year to come. 
Valamir Hyacinth Udaeus Anders Serkan Pelorus Blair Aurea Safiye Flora Amadeus Caius Aegnor Tripp Soren Lain Uriel Lucas Abel Marius Andruil Fen'Harel Otsana Tobias Romeo Atarniel Xerxes Hyperenor
December 21st
On the solstice the Lunar Court marked the anniversary of Aurora’s birth, 502 years old now, the chancellor made little fuss over the date. To her, what was far more important was the celebration and the significance that the winter solstice held; this was the coldest night of the year and the time when the cold was at its peak. Additionally, on this solstice they would host the wedding between Dareth-Shiral and Meryasek, a former elf of her court, and the king who’d stepped aside to join the chancellorship. 
Plans had been in the works for months, so on the 5th day of Saturnalia while the entire city was made to look on, the two were finally wed before the altar of the God of Time
December 25th
The first of an annual tradition, an all-out rager was held at Hakan's castle, the largest in Rome, it could fit the entire population and then some. The rave was held in honour of his departed progeny and not only was everyone invited, they were all but compelled to attend.
Upon entering every person received a pair of diamond fangs, which they would have to wear for the evening. DJ Xerxes was playing all the classics like: Jingle Deez Nutz, Knot the Herald an Angel Cumz, On Gawd These Merry Gentlemen (lip bite emoji), Ass Christmas, Why Does it have to be 'White' Christmas?, and the instant classic: Sally the Salamander.
At a throne at the head of the celebration sits Hakan in front of an immaculately decorated, and excessively massive Christmas Tree. Do not interact: ho ho ho :(
"Clip Clop Clip Clop Clip Clop These is bloody hooves." - Sleipnir, again
ooc info:
Our holiday event has begun!
Something very menacing approaches on the 25th (it's really not that bad, I promise >:) hehehe)
These markets are very popular worldwide and all very German-based, mulled wine, sit on a man's lap, booths with trinkets, food, etc.
Senators all made a lovely home cooked meal and put it on a rock.
Aurora has turned 502 :uwu:
Meryasek is now Mrs. Shiral
It's so snowy, like wow there's snow everywhere. Can't use public transportation and can't drive welcome to hell. On the plus side the sledding is gonna be gr8.
Everyone has to go to Hakan's party. It's the largest party of the year and will continue to be every year. Think Christmas EDM raving in a spooky castle, make an appearance, drink a holiday shot out of a test tube etc. It's a vamp party so the blood pool is back and there's probably an orgy or four somewhere.
Gladiator event will be held in VC at 10pm EST on December 22nd, outcome will be randomly generated by Seneca Crane (Dany)
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ask-idv-shepherd · 1 year
A small envelope peaked under the Shepherd's door, it was neatly folded and was signed under the name
'Matilda Horatius'
"Hello Pearce, I wanted to check up on you about a certain situation with your ex, right? The rumours spread in these halls like plague and I wanted to check what was going on as soon as possible but the duties haven't really let me do it any earlier. Please meet me at the bell tower after 5 o'clock, we can talk about this privately. I'm your friend and I wanna help you out if needed."
Hearing the letter slip under his door, Pearce couldn't help but grow curious. With his lover still embracing him, Pearce carefully wriggled out from the other's grasp. Amadeus was sleeping, momentarily, now was the time to make haste.
Opening the letter, Pearce read the letter before a small frown plastered on his face. Oh no, no, no, no, were they gossiping about him again!? He may as well try to find some salvation. Stuffing the letter in one of his drawers, Pearce crawled back into bed and waited.
"I shall be back soon, dearest." The Inquisitor said before cupping one side of Pearce's cheek. "Behave yourself while I match, do you understand?" With a reluctant nod, the fox was rewarded with a hungry kiss. A whimper escaped his lips before the ginger left. Looking at the time, Pearce opted to the bell tower a few minutes early. Seeing the other before him, Pearce panted quietly.
"S-Sorry... I ran as fast as I could! Y-You wanted to talk...? A-About him...?"
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xkuja · 2 years
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Valentine's Day - Romance Media Edition
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I am not a sucker for romance, but @her-enlightened-ladyship​ has tagged me in this meme so I must abide. So here are some romance adjacent medias that I can remember enjoying to some degree.
Amadeus - Not a romance movie but its a good movie you should all watch.
The Princess Bride - I have only ever watched it at work with no sound or subtitles on, but I do like Andre the Giant, amazing, just an absolute unit
The Room - Peak romance.
TV Shows:
The Bachelor, 90 Day Fiance, Married at First Sight, Love Island - Just absolute trash tv.
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Gendo Ikari going cuckoo bananas over his dead wife is peak romance.
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Pegasus, also cuckoo bananas over his dead wife.
Video Games:
Soul Sacrifice - Magusar x Librom. The greatest love story, there is nothing more romantic than risking your life to save your surly best friend, then being forced to fight him to the death, reviving him and killing him forever until your very genetic makeup just deteriorates. Its canon shut up.
Final Fantasy XIV - Hildibrand is the most romantic gentleman.
Castlevania - Dracula is hot in this one. And cuckoo bananas over his dead wife.
Dynasty Warriors - There’s a lot of good ships here and some of them are canon, like Lu Bu x Diao Chan. Romance is in the title of the source material so it counts.
The Vampire Chronicles - Marius x Armand is my problematic otp.
Dracula - Dracula is hot in this one. But I think Mina and Lucy should have had a thing, that would have improved it.
Vampire Hunter D - D is the only gary stu who wears it good. It was just such a smile.
Carmilla - I just think I like vampires.
Victorian Romance Emma - The first legitimate romance on the list. It’s a story of a maid and her love for a very boring man in the victorian era. Beautifully drawn.
Innocent/Innocent Rouge - A very historically accurate retelling of the french revolution. Has Marie Antoinette which is an automatic draw for me. Some of the greatest art in the world. Excellent romance within.
The Rose of Versailles - Innocent but a shoujo drawn in the 70s. Also excellent romances within.
Berserk - A romantic tale of a guy who has a very big sword and bad things happen to him.
#DRCL Midnight Children - Dracula but by the guy who drew Innocent. Dracula is Michael Jackson for some reason but it’s a really good telling.
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tailsfan · 2 years
Here is the prologue of my AU...
I'm still thinking of a name for the AU, but I will put a poll to figure out what I should name it, sincei have a bunch of ideas!
Anyways, let the story start!
"Come here you little two tailed brat!" a female adult fox mobian yelled l at the top of her voice.
The said 'two-tailed brat' peaked out behind the door of a closet...
The 'two tailed brat' was no other than a young fox, who was 2years old. He walked out of a tiny closet and looked at the older fox. The tiny fox approached the woman slowly and stared at her with wide cyan eyes, shaking like a leaf.
When the child came into full sight, so did his horrible appearance. The fox was definitely being starved as his ribs would have been in sight if not for his fur... Speaking of his fur, it was covered in a coat of dirt, making his originally golden yellow fur appear a dirty yellow colour... The young foxes ears was bent down and all across his arms and legs were sports tape that helped cover up the scars his no longer thick fur could.
"Y-yes, mother?" The fox said in a voice ever so quite and weak.
"For the umpteenth time, I am NOT your mom! Don't call me that!" The women yelled furiously.
"S-sorry M-mrs. P-prower..." the young fox meekly replied visibly flinching.
"Good, well, Amadeus will be coming here soon, and we want to talk to you about something..." The older fox, now known as Rosemary Prower said, hate seeping through her voice.
"O-okay..." the young kit said looking down. Even at such a young age, he knew whatever was going to happen wasn't going to be good.
The young kit stayed out of Rosemary's way only standing in the corner thinking about what his 'parents' wanted to talk to him about.
"I'm home honey!" a voice called as a man opened the door of the house.
The young fox kit stared at his biological father as though he was some kind of impossible-to-solve algebraic equation. His father was never that happy... What caused him to be so happy all of a sudden?
"Honey! Did you get the papers?" Rosemary asked her husband in an equally cheerful voice.
That's weird. They were never too happy. At least not in front of him.
"Yes I did," Amandeus said, pride clear in his voice.
Both Amandeus and Rosmary called the young kit over to the living room, the two of them sitting on the coach, and the kit remained standing.
"You see you little freak, today is our lucky day! We will finally get rid of the cause of our bad luck... You!" Amandeus said with a bright smile.
The 2 year old kit stared at them with confusion tilting his head to the side. Something was off.. really off...
"Here read this," Rosemary said handing the kit a piece of paper...
Upon seeing the paper the young kit's eyes widened...
His eyes layed on a certificate that said:
This certificate honors the Prower family full disownership of
Miles Prower
Miles' eyes widened... NO! This can't happen... Mr. And Mrs. Prower love him! They- they are his parents... they only sat they hate him, to raise him to not be a brat.... right?
Miles felt himself harshly pushed and within the matter of seconds he found himself face first on the floor.
"You better not come back again you little freak!" was the last thing he heard before the door of the house was closed.
Miles stared back at that was in his hand...
He was all alone...
No one wanted him...
It will always be that way...
He will always remain the two-tailed freak of Westside Island.
It hurts!
Miles limped back to the cave where he stayed for the last 2 and a half years.
Miles regretted ever leaving his cave today. He regrets looking for food...
But he was just so hungry!
If only he was a little faster...
If only he took a right turn instead of a left...
If only...
It is too late for that! They found him, and there is nothing he can do to change that...
When Miles reached his cave he fell onto, the thin blanket he used.
Warm tears fled his eyes as he remembered what happened today...
He was looking something to eat in the city...
They found him...
The bullies...
And he was too slow...
They hurt him...
Punched him in the eye, and broke his arm...
They told him, they should have broke his tails too, but he escaped...
In the end, Miles was still almost as hungry as he was when he first headed to town, as he only found the remaining of an apple...
But it was fine...
Miles will live...
He always did...
Miles rolled himself in his thin blanket, that barely served as a protector against the fall wind...
'Everything will be alright,' Miles thought, ' I will make it...'
The next day, Miles was back walking in the forest. His attention was at the fullest. He knew the rule for him around here...
It was get caught or escape...
Miles was in the middle of a deep thought of a book that he read the night before about planes, until he tripped on a bright green object.
Curious, Miles pulled out the object and found it to be the most beautiful emerald he has ever seen...
When he touched it he felt a rush of warmth run through him...
Miles dug the emerald out, thinking it was his lucky day...
Maybe he could sell the emerald to get food, or give it to his parents, so they can keep him again...
What Miles didn't know, was that that emerald was going to change his life forever...
So... that's the chapter! I hope you guys liked it! Like I said, I am still really new to this whole fanfiction thing, and I was writing this on my phone at night...
I hoped you guys enjoyed this, please let me know what your opinions of the chapter is, and whether I should continue the story or not...
Anyways, I think that is all...
Thanks for reading!
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avengerphobic · 1 year
I know it's probably wrong to ask but can we please have a sneak peak of the fanfic of amadeus and robbie au where they meet in different circunstances? 🙇
the first part is posted but I'll give tall a little sneak peek about whats coming next because i need to make myself actually write the second part
“You needed this, didn’t you?” Amadeus asked, rubbing his back gently. Robbie shook his head but continued to hold onto Amadeus. “I’ve got to go,” Amadeus said, softly against Robbie’s ear. His lips barely brushed it as he spoke. Robbie wished he had the courage to kiss him, but he just pulled away from the hug with an aching in his chest. Amadeus slapped his shoulder gently and smiled at him, mumbling another goodbye, and Robbie watched him leave his life again, hoping that this time he would be back sooner.
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muneer-karif01 · 1 month
Top 6 Austria Travel Destinations You Can’t Miss
Austria, a nation well-known for its beautiful landscapes, rich history of culture, and quaint communities, provides a wide range of travel options that enthral every tourist. Austria is traveller's dream, with beautiful alpine villages, amazing snow-capped peaks, and dynamic cityscapes brimming with art and historical treasures. Austria's greatest attractions provide amazing experiences, you're attracted to outdoor adventures in Tyrol area, beautiful beauty of Salzburg, or the city of Vienna's tradition of classical music. We examine the six must-see locations in this guide that perfectly capture Austria's beauty and attractiveness. 
Examining several austria tour packages and Austria holiday packages while making travel plans might greatly improve your trip. These packages frequently include guided tours of well-known locations like Salzburg and Vienna, making it easy for you to fully immerse yourself in Austria's rich history of culture. The packages offer carefully planned schedule that guarantees you see best sights in the nation, from opulent royal palaces to little mountain villages. The fact that they frequently include cosy lodging, practical transportation, and perhaps even unusual activities like authentic Austrian meals or beautiful mountain excursions makes them a hassle-free way to take in Austria's rich past and varied natural beauty. 
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Here are the top 6 Austria travel destinations you can’t miss: 
1. Vienna:  
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Vienna, the graceful capital of Austria, is a city where modern culture coexists peacefully with the remains of empire. Discover amazing Schönbrunn Palace, which was once Habsburgs' summer home and features luxurious chambers and gardens.  Royal Apartments and the Sisi Museum are two of the museums housed in the former royal palace, Hofburg Palace. Vienna's numerous classical music venues and top-notch opera theatres, such Vienna State Opera, are testaments to city's artistic heritage.  Busy Museum Quartier offers modern art in a historic setting, while city's coffee shops, where you may savour slice of Sachertorte or Apfelstrudel, contribute to attractiveness. 
2. Salzburg:  
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Salzburg, known for being setting for "The Sound of Music" and the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, is a city steeped in musical and cultural heritage. With beautiful fortress dominating the skyline, Hohensalzburg Fortress provides amazing views of the surrounding Alps and the city. Explore UNESCO-listed Old Town, which boasts beautiful baroque buildings and winding streets. Visit the museums honouring Mozart's life and work, which are located at his birthplace and residence. The Mirabell Palace and Gardens, famous for its beautifully landscaped gardens and historical importance, should not be missed. 
3. Hallstatt:  
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This picture-perfect community is hidden away between towering mountains and a peaceful lake. One of the oldest salt mines in the world is located in Hallstatt, a town known for its beautiful streets surrounded with traditional alpine residences.  Salt mine tour includes a spectacular subterranean Salt Lake and provides an intriguing look into the history of mining in the area. Take a cable car up to the Dachstein Ice Caves and Skywalk for amazing vistas and a thrilling ride or enjoy a boat trip on Lake Hallstatt. 
4. Innsbruck:  
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Known as the capital of the Tyrol, Innsbruck serves as both the entry point to the Alps and a centre for outdoor enthusiasts. City's thriving cultural life and rich history compliment the beautiful mountain scenery. Innsbruck's historical Old Town and its famous Golden Roof, with its elaborate balcony, offer window into the city's past. There are year-round leisure activities available in the neighbouring mountains, including hiking and bicycling in the summer and skiing and snowboarding in the winter. Along with stunning examples of Tyrolean architecture, Innsbruck offers an exciting atmosphere from its many stores and cafes. 
5. Graz:  
Celebrated for its lively cultural life and impressively preserved mediaeval architecture, Graz is the second largest city in Austria. Sleek streets and quaint squares, such as the Hauptplatz, the city's central plaza, can be found in the Old Town, which is recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The Schlossberg, a hill with a clock tower that provides extensive views of the city, is another landmark in Graz. Known for its futuristic architecture, the Kunsthaus Graz displays modern art and stands in stark contrast to the city's historic structures. The food landscape of Graz increases the city's attraction with its lively marketplaces and modern eateries. 
6. Zell am See:  
Situated between the amazing Hohe Tauern Mountains and beautiful Lake Zell, Zell am See is an outdoor enthusiast's dream come true. The town has a variety of year-round activities, such as hiking, biking, and swimming in the summer and skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating in the winter. The beautiful waters of the lake are ideal for a relaxing boat trip or a refreshing swim on a hot day. While the quaint town centre encourages you to visit local cafes and stores, the beautiful mountain landscape offers a dramatic backdrop for outdoor experiences. 
Best places to travel in Austria combine rich cultural diversity with beautiful scenery to create a wide variety of experiences. Every region has its own unique attraction and symbols, from peaceful scenery of Austrian Alps to the beauty of Vienna's imperial architecture. Austria delivers a trip full of unforgettable experiences, you're taking in the gorgeous scenery in Hallstatt, visiting historic streets of Salzburg, or taking in lively arts scene in Graz. These six locations capture spirit of Austrian beauty and will make your trip both interesting and remarkable. 
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13-beutelteufel · 5 months
Paradise (tlod) - Fear for Jana - Part I
Paradise - The Lady of Darkness (tlod) is a connected story. The correct order is in the masterlist in my pinned post
The Foggy Moor was known for its eerie atmosphere. After all, it didn't get its name from just anywhere. It was as quiet as a mouse in the forest. The leaves of the large trees only allowed a little light to reach the ground in this part and the light mist that wandered like a phantom between the giant trees made the view hazy and blurred the details. "Fuck, Jana, that's not funny!" Amadeus hated having to shout into this complete silence. "Get your arse over here!" He and Jana had been arguing and Jana had run off into the woods. The fog had swallowed up the sounds and before Amadeus knew it, she was out of sight. He followed the path, hating every sound he made. A thousand eyes seemed to be watching him from the undergrowth around him. And still that godforsaken silence weighed over the place. "If I catch you, you'll be in for it!" he cursed quietly as he rounded a tree. He thought he heard a noise from his left and the feeling of being watched increased. "Jana?" There was a barely audible rustling. Now Amadeus was sure that whatever was there could see him now. No, it wasn't Jana. "H-hello?" Something clawed hit him on the temple and knocked him to the ground. Before Amadeus knew what hit him, someone pressed the end of a spear against the spot where his carotid artery lay. Amadeus couldn't even turn his head without impaling himself. Footsteps. Right in front of him. "Dy, stop that!" The voice was calm, but there was something unnatural about it. The spear was taken from Amadeus' neck. "Why should I stop?" asked a quiet voice, as rough as the wind that swept over the peaks of the Quaters, a mountain range in Rosstal, in winter. "He's not even armed." replied the unnatural voice. "So what? You can feel his Aura for miles." Meanwhile, Amadeus struggled to his feet. His head ached from the blow his attacker had dealt him. It was a dragon. It was slightly larger than the one that was part of the Puzzle of Light, had four legs instead of two, no wings, was snow-white and had horns that looked like ice. He wore a reddish-brown leather band with white fur around his shoulders, from which hung the spear and a necklace with pearls. The spear itself was no longer than an ordinary longsword and the red rope tied around the handle identified it as a dragon weapon. The other, who had presumably saved Amadeus, was a human. Or at least looked like one. He was wearing a thick black cloak, with the tip of a sword sticking out from underneath, and had pulled the hood low over his face. Only a few jet-black strands peeked out. "Wait," Amadeus picked up the conversation again. "You can feel my Aura. Only Ice Dragons could do that." Ice Dragons were powerful dragons that had lived deep in the Quaters and had been extinct for centuries. "Really?" growled the dragon. "No, you're not telling me you're an Ice Dragon! They're extinct! For centuries!" "Well, do you think there's a corpse in front of you?" Amadeus's jaw dropped. "Dy, that's enough." the human intervened. "How strong is his Aura?" "Very strong." Dy replied. "What exactly do you mean by very strong?" "He's part of the Puzzle of Light." The Aura was the amount of magic contained within a living being. Ice Dragons could sense this Aura and even identify you by it. "Wow, quickly realised!" snorted Amadeus. "You and a piece of the puzzle of light?" the human asked sceptically. "Why are you here alone? Alone, you are powerless." "I have no idea where she is." "Who is she?" asked the human and the dragon as if from the same mouth. "Jana." "We should get out of here. Something's getting closer." the human changed the subject and made his way into the forest.
Part II:
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