#Amber Past
uwmspeccoll · 9 months
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It's Fine Press Friday!
On this final Friday of 2023, we end the year with a slightly different fine-press production, issues 1 and 7 of the Mexican arts journal La Jícara, published in San Crístobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México by Taller Leñateros in 1994 and 1997. These issues were silkscreen printed on craft paper sprinkled with atol agrio, a characteristic masa-drink of San Cristóbal de las Casas, under the direction of Taller Leñateros founder Amber Past and art director Estela Hernández.
Past, an American-born Mexican poet, founded Taller Leñateros in 1975 as a Mayan book arts collective in Chiapas. La Jícara, which refers to a bowl or cup made from a gourd, was developed as a literary, artistic, and historical journal to preserve and promote Mayan and mestizo culture.
View another work by Taller Leñateros.
View more Fine Press Friday posts.
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roostercrowned · 2 months
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The Fool Realm of the Elderlings? [sobbing openly] yeah they're all right GOD I wanted to do an additional one for each era but at some point one must!!!!! move on to the next project I suppose. please enjoy. (.:
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delirisse-au · 10 months
Really stupid idea:
Narinder and Mary go on dates for the sole purpose of constantly trying to kill each other
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That would go about as well as you think it would
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mewtwoandme · 1 day
Oh! So... what kind of builds does your dad make to blow up? Do any of them happen to have a red R on them by any chance?
Huh...ya know, now that you mention it...
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blackandwhiteedit · 8 months
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What if this is a past life as well, and we are already something else to each other in our next life? Who do you think we are then?
PAST LIVES (2023) dir. Celine Song
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stickeykeys · 7 months
maybe this is a lil controversial, but i feel like as a community we just need to... just stop thinking that stuff we read about shifting is bible, if that makes sense.
you can read advice and follow it, of course!! following advice is great, but shifting is built on the principle of intention and you're own mind. nothing governs that but yourself.
there are no rules, you can do whatever you want, just set your intention.
you don't need a safe word, because if you set the intention you will come back to your cr.
you don't need to script beause if you set an intention of what you want to happen, it will.
as long as you have the intention to shift somewhere, you will. that's as simple as it is, that's the basic principle.
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twilitponpon · 6 months
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Character sketches from Twitter
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ariaovon · 11 days
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AVL oc time! — Silas and Dagmara? Oh, they go way back.
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They love to argue, and when their arguments get too intense, they love to kiss eachother. ON THE MOUTH. Between meetings, perhaps. - Or even on secret dinner dates, that are definitely not dates, or anything unprofessional like that.
This is what decades of suppressed feelings and attempts at keeping things 'strictly professional' does to people, I believe.
They love to hate each other, but they hate how much they actually love each other.
Like healthy adults ought to! /jk
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orykorioart · 7 months
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Rule of Ethersea: Everyone’s got a…n Italian Cold Steel Cinquedea…?
Wanted to play around with brushes and sketching style, and I was missing Ms. Amber Gris, so… two birds one stone ;-)
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ghoostrash · 1 year
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The MCL Barbie & Ken (but fraternal love)
btw i still didn't watch the movie but i thought this poster reminded me of them so yeah-
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v1codn · 2 months
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i thought i posted both parts to this doodle but i guess not,,,, anywho
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polina-tvorozhok · 3 months
Omg guess who's finally out of hospital, ready to deliver new content. And what is it? Hidden Archives? Au re-do? PoliAmRoy? Redesign?
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zambehnation · 5 months
How I imagine House convinces Wilson to do the chemo:
"I need you."
"I don't owe you anything. I don't owe you my life. But i can't go through this without you. So just tell me my life was worth it. Tell me you love me."
"No. Not unless you fight."
"Why? Because you need me? I cant suffer through this just because-"
House leans over to kiss him. 
"Because you want to hear me say it. Come on Wilson don't you want to get to the good part?"
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mushroomsie224 · 5 months
I don't know, man...the Mystic Isles seem interesting but...I don't like them that much so far...I liked that Amber was in this episode though :)
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razcina · 5 months
i’ll be there // Ch.2
sam carpenter x fem!reader - masterlist
i’ll be there Ch.1 !!
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Samantha Carpenter struggles with her new life in NYC, not having much of a purpose other than to be the protector of her friends and family, and to attend therapy for feeling like an absolute psychopath and having the whole word view her as such. With all of her vices, will Sam be able to open her heart and let someone in?
wordcount: 1500
!! not proof-read, will edit. english isnt my first language haha
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You internally jumped when you felt Sam grab your hand and tilting your chin up to meet her deep brown eyes.
you stuttered.
“Dont go.. please”
Sams mouth was moving faster than her mind could keep up.
“I-I uh- want to know you too..”
Your eyes dart around the room anxiously
“Please.. you.. Ive never..”
She glances back over at Tara and Mindy, who are cutting loose and probably drunk.
“I’ll come with you.. or walk you home? they uh.. theyll be fine f-for a moment-“
Sams expression falls as you back away, feigning a smile while you were clearly on the verge of breaking down.
“I um.. I can’t, i sh-shouldn’t, Im sorry..”
“But why? ..Dont shut me out now..”
Sam reaches for you but you pull away, stumbling back
“I-im not.. this was a mistake-“
Sam looks heartbroken as she watches you turn away
You can’t stop the tears as you bolt, quickly pushing through the door into the small yard out back. The cool air feels nice on your clammy skin, relieving the tension you felt. With your head down, you treck across the grass until you bump into a large cherry-blossom tree. Its an odd season to be blooming, but you werent complaining.
Cherry blossoms had always been.. her.. favorite.
Sighing, you carefully slide down the trunk until youre sitting in the small pile of petals at the base of the tree. Your panic begins to settle down as you catch your breath, thinking over what had just happened.
That was her.. that was Samantha Loomis..
She was very different from what you had envisioned. She seemed troubled, but kind and protective. The way she was looking out for her sister and her friends tugged at your heartstrings.
You sigh softly as you pull out the small heart locket you’ve worn religiously around your neck ever since that day.
You can’t believe you actually introduced yourself to her...
She was the one responsible for shooting her.. your late girlfriend, Amber Freeman.
You were terrified of how she had made you feel.. here you were feeling flustered? and borderline flirting? It had to be the alcohol..
Sighing you rub your temples as you as you rub the charmed necklace between your fingers.
Amber was perfect to you, affectionate, protective, one hell of a tongue, in both whispering sweet nothings into your ears in the mornings and in the evenings, well, she oh so passionately made you the sweet nothing.
Yes.. absolutely perfect.. until she was groomed into psychopathy by a 30year redditor with a knife kink to recreate some dumb movie he was obsessed with, all in exchange for the false promise of fame, security. He used your name to blackmail her, saying he would kill you if she didnt help him, threatening to harm you and make you the “opening kill”.
You felt the tears stinging, how could she have been so naive to fall for that.. and why hadnt she told you until it was too late? Not just that, everyone in Woodsburo sneers Ambers name. You couldn’t talk about her to anyone who even knew of the muders, much less explain the truth.. You clutched the locket and broke into a quiet sob, wishing you could have done something, wishing you could have saved her, or at the least gone with her.
Sam hadn’t wasted a second, quickly following you out of the building to make sure you were alright. She watched with worry as you slumped down into the grass and curled up. Seeing the way you tucked yourself and hid reminded her of Tara.. and all she wanted to do was to comfort you.. return the love you had shown her.
Walking up behind you, Sam was about to make her presence known, until you pulled out the heart locket from under your shirt.
Sam stood frozen. She recognized that necklace.. What the fuck?? That was.. Were you one of the killers? One that had gotten away? It couldn’t be..
Sam girt her teeth, scowling at her own foolishness.
“Im so sorry I couldnt save you..”
Sam heard you whispering and her face contorted with disgust and anger. This girl was seriously mourning Amber Freeman, wishing for her return when she hurt and
“I never should have let it get this far.. I should have been there.. im so sorr-“
You instantly cut off when you hear a disgruntled huff behind you. Darting around to see Sam you instantly enter panic mode, poorly attempting to scramble back, holding the necklade hidden.
“S-sam please-“
You whisper holding your hands above your face as she stepped closer.
“Who the fuck are you?”
Sam growls.
“One of the killers? Is that why you came up to me? To kill me as revenge for your Psycho ex girlfriend??”
You yell, stuttering mess as you try to explain.
“Please.. sh-she was manipulated, by Richie Kirsch- she would never have hurt anyone otherwise. H-he blackmailed her- I-I- didnt know until it was too late-“
Sam expression remains firm as she cuts you off.
“Why did you seek me out? acting like you didnt know who i was, only to get a reaction out of me? Those.. flirty looks, what were those for?”
Sam crouches down and gets close to your face
“What do you want from me that isnt some malicious intent, when youre clearly not over your.. her..??”
You can hear the anger in Sams voice, but also betrayal and disappointment. Her dark brown eyes staring intently into your honey colored ones.
Taking a shakey breath and trying to keep your composure, you attempt to explain in the simplest way you could.
“Amber was obsessed with you, yes your heritage to Billy, but she had always wondered what you were like. She wasnt always the way y-you came to know her..”
You wipe your tears, catching glimpse of Sams expression softening? If only slightly, it helped you relax a bit.
“She was passionate and thoughtful, protective just like you, I-I dont have enough words to describe even a fraction of how genuine and sweet she was..”
You trail off, realizing youre getting off track you clear your throat and look down.
“She never had the chance to meet you.. in a proper setting. And even though you..
You eyes felt watery again as you remember hearing on the news how Sam shot Amber in the head.
“I wanted to do it for her.. sven if thats weird or creepy- So atleast I would know, and.. maybe get the chance to tell her some day.. “
As your eyes wander to the night sky, Sam looks to the side, her arms crossed. Shes trying her best to process this information, but shes utterly speechless.
“Im sorry Sam..”
She hears the pain in your voice, and despite the horrors that this woman had caused, she knows what its like to lose someone like that. The way you seemed to look for Amber in the stars, mumbling to her like you know shes still there, how you carefully protected that necklace..
There was no way Sam would be able to digest all of this information about Amber Freeman so quickly. A name she hadn’t heard in well over a year now, that had been who she had blamed for all of the wreckage.. S haking her head, Sam instead shifted her focused on you, trying to bring herself back to the present moment.
Every fiber in Sams being was telling her to run, to drive away, anything to get away from this likely sociopathic girl. But the way your doe eyes shimmered as they looked back to meet her own.
She couldnt resist it..
Sam carefully reached out, gently brushing a cherry blossom petal that had fallen into your hair. She takes note of the way you flinch slightly, as if expecting her rage.. likely due to how the Woodsburo news had depicted her after the incident.
Sam takes a deep breath as she lets her hand fall and sits down a few meters from you, also in the grass under a different tree. Her hands fiddle in her lap as she tries to find the words.
“So.. was i everything you.. she.. had hoped for?”
The taller woman asks quietly now, the bite having left her tone as she watches you, focusing on only you and the present moment. (She would have a meltdown trying to cope with the new information later. but we’ll get to that.)
You look up at Sam, studying her and the way she now looked at you with.. concern, almost. Your voice is but a tiny whisper, a single tear rolling down your cheek.
“I think she would have adored you.”
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Tales of Time Long Past
Story: The Queen of Frost
Legend I. Stagnant Seasons and the Punishment that followed.
The first underling of the Sun, the Queen of Seasons, was a noble being. She brought about beauty and change, beloved by those of the heavens and the mortals below.
It is known that nature must change.
When she slowed to bask in the beauty of the moon, it was an excusable error.
When she paused to hold her hand, it began to turn heads.
When she refused to move, she forced the Heaven's hand.
All for what the mortals had called... love. She'd learned it upon interacting with them over the years.
She wanted to stay with the moon.
The Sun warned her:
Once, out of pity. Twice, out of disappointment. Thrice, out of anger.
"She put the fate of the world on the line for her selfish wants."
That's what they said to justify their actions.
With much sorrow, the Sun passed her role to the next suitable elemental. Her wings ripped and torn, just as her essence was stripped away.
Cast down with chains of gold, bearing the weight of the mortal feelings she wanted so with her lover. Wearing her crown during the agonizing decent to the mortal realm for the last time.
Her only sin was to love.
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