rainofaugustsith · 3 months
Thank you for the tag @chokit-pyrus! Answering for SWTOR as requested:
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
They really let me know. There have been times I've begun OCs knowing they reflect my own identity, but most often they let me know as time goes on. I'm sure that reflects a lot of my own identity too, since there's nobody in either SWTOR or FFXIV who is straight, but there have been some that have widely veered from mine. 
14. Do you have ocs on the aro or ace spectrum? 
Viri, my main OC and Sith Warrior, is demisexual and sapphic. 
Amedria, one of my smugglers (in Viri's world she's one of the many contacts in Hylo's network), is ace/aro. 
Auyrini, one of my bounty hunters (in Viri's world she runs a smuggling operation in Deep Space) is also ace and possibly aro.
Keilla, my canon trooper, is aro.
15. Do any of your ocs use neopronouns? Which ones?
None of them do. They're all she/her. But if one of them turned out to use neopronouns, of course they'd get what they felt was right for them.
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
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Amedria, pirate queen. I don’t spend a lot of time on her, but she’s still fun. 
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
Updated OC sheet
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Viridana Revarre Dragoi (Viri) Darth Viridana Sith Juggernaut; Empire's Wrath, Sith Empire; Commander and Galactic Peacekeeper, Eternal Alliance; Ceremonial Empress, Zakuul Weapon: Single lightsaber; Force adept Age: 39 as of 3630 BBY Height: 6'2" Sexuality: Bisexual (very heavily sapphic); demisexual Partner: Lana Beniko (Force bonded; wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries  Colors: Blue, purple, red
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Suvia Kallig  Darth Nox Sith Assassin; Dark Council member; Force Lore Advisor, Eternal Alliance Weapon: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 32 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'1" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Ashara (former); currently single Western Zodiac would be: Leo Colors: Red, black
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Brynn Sullyh (alias) Cipher Nine Operative, Sith Empire; informant network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Sniper rifle; poison Age: 36 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'4" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Vector Hyllus (husband) Western Zodiac would be: Libra Colors: Blue, silver
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Taran Walrez
Bounty Hunter (unaffiliated; refused to join Mandalorians) Weapons: Blasters; grenades; poison Age: 43 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'11" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Lucinda Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries Colors: Black, white, red
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Amedria Bjornus Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Blaster; shotgun; grenades Age: 41 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'9" Sexuality: Asexual; Aromantic Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Sagittarius Colors: Green, silver
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Jiani Jiaasjen (Jia)
Darth Imperius Sith Assassin; Security team, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 37 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Darth Hexid Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio Colors: Blue, black, red
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Liara Rux (Lira) Jedi Knight Jedi Sentinel; Sith apprentice, Timmns' enclave Weapons: Single lightsaber; Force adept Age: 34 as of 3630 BBY Height: 6'0" Sexuality: Pansexual Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Cancer Colors: Red, yellow
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Jenari Ashaa Former Barsen’thor of the Jedi Order; member of Somminick Timmns’ Force enclave Weapon: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 36 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5′10″ Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Eventually Nadia Grell Western Zodiac would be: Libra Colors: Light blue; light purple 
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
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My current resolution with SWTOR is to not play content I don't enjoy very much. I really, really did not like doing the four Shadow of Revan prelude flashpoints from the Republic side. That isn't a commentary on anything other than my own personal enjoyment of the expansion, not what anyone else plays. Lana was sweet and the romance on that side was adorable, but everything else was really not fun to play through for me.
My head canon is that my smuggler Amedria has no desire to get caught up in any faction's wars. She just wants to make money as ethically as she can (within her own set of ethics, LOL) and be left alone, and she's told the Republic AND the Empire straight out that she will not fight their battles for them. So when she's invited by Theron/Darok, she simply ignores the invitation. She would have no desire to attack the Sith Academy because the Sith she worked with were fine and she liked them, and she wouldn't want to attack the Jedi Academy simply out of respect to Master Sumalee and Risha.
So I just sent her straight to Rishi and this conversation with Lana ensued.
Lana: That's why I'm here. Lana Beniko.
Amedria: A Sith?
Lana: Not in good standing, if that's at all reassuring. This cult is a threat to the Empire as well as the Republic. They've infiltrated the highest levels of both our governments.
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
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...Amedria is the last one to go through my most favorite planet for a while. *twitch*
I've been saving a tauntaun from a pack for her. It's...got a coat. And a face mask. And even part of its tail is considerately wrapped to protect it from the cold.
Amedria is totally the type of person who would dress her tauntaun and worry about it getting cold, too. Perfect match.
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
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Smuggler Story Thoughts Usual disclaimer: Not a hatefest of any faction or character; merely a review of what one player (me) and character (Amedria) chose to do in the story that does not invalidate or judge anyone else's decisions.
Amedria Bjornus Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Blaster; shotgun; grenades Age: 41(as of Nathema); 28 at the start of her class story Sexuality: Asexual; Aromantic Western Zodiac would be: Sagittarius
Advanced class: Scoundrel/Scrapper
Amedria chose to take over the pirate empire without the Voidwolf. They blasted both the Republic and Empire over Corellia and the story ended with Amedria and her crew going off to find new adventures, with Ivory, Rogun and the three pirates from the end of the Voidwolf story as allies.
Amedria has a blaster, and as I mentioned before, I don't like shooting and have a hard time with characters with guns. I found Amedria's skills to be downright fun, though. She had a wide variety of really creative abilities. Bushwack is the best thing ever (you create a cyclone around yourself, more or less) and I wish my Force-sensitive characters could do the same thing with lightning. Amedria could also punch and kick people, send a little droid to annoy them with lasers, do somersaults, throw grenades, and more.
I liked the storyline, and found that it kept me guessing. Amedria just wanted to make money; she didn't give a damn about either faction, and she didn't want to privateer for the Republic. She helped the Sith lord on Tatooine and made friends with her, kept Ivory on her crew, took over some of Rogun's ventures, protected Trick from everyone, and essentially did whatever she felt was best in each situation.
I can't decide which class story has more sexist comments toward female characters, the bounty hunter or the smuggler. I do know I got very weary hearing the remarks in both stories. Both Skavak and Pollaran used the 'woman scorned' line and there were so many other gross things.
This crew left me feeling very warm and fuzzy overall.
Corso - Romance-wise, he wasn't my cup of tea. I found his attitudes toward women to be really paternalistic and exasperating. 
I wish they'd given Corso better story. By the third chapter, when Corso had a quest for me, all I could think was, "sweet Jesus, what am I in for now?" To recap:
Chapter 1: Work as a drug runner and listen to Corso criticize his female cousin's life choices.
Chapter 2: Spend a half hour wandering around the desert in Tatooine looking for a way to the quest that doesn't go through an Imperial base or the PvP zone. I gave up and Googled it, and found that a lot of other players had trouble with this. Someone had been helpful enough to make a map, so I followed it, and found...cannibals. 
Chapter 3: Accidentally kill someone and then take his widow's life savings. AND THAT IS THE LIGHT SIDE CHOICE.
Risha - The Sith Warrior is my favorite class and my warriors (all clones of Viri) adore Vette. Vette talks about Risha, so I was looking forward to meeting her. Then I did, and I was wondering what Vette saw in her. As the story went on, she and Amedria became BFFs. Risha had a good head on her shoulders and had the same pirate mindset as Amedria so they got along. I enjoyed her story arc and felt sorry for her when Nok made his final criticisms.
Akaavi - I loved this companion from the moment I met her, and if Amedria had any interest in romance or sexuality, she'd have gone for Akaavi.
Bowdaar - Up until the smuggler story, my only contact with Bowdaar had been struggling through the Eternal Championships with Viri to get him as a companion. He seemed so noble. The smuggler story didn't change my opinion. 
Guss - Like Bowdaar, I met Guss for the first time in KOTFE. I'd thought he was a sweet, bumbling, very wide-eyed innocent sort of guy. My opinion of him did change when I played through the Smuggler story and found he was a con artist. But he was still sweet and bumbling and Amedria grew to like him.
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
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I kind of love my smuggler’s new Sith BFF. I think I’m going to head canon that they keep in touch.
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
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Amedria made a friend on Tatoooine in her smuggler story.
Captions: Amedria: The Sith is with me. It's nice having friends on the Dark Side. Vaverone Zare: A shame you aren't Force sensitive. You'd make a lovely Sith.
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
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Thank you so much for the tag @mando-ad ! I am smitten with my smuggler Amedria, so here are her five gifs. Miss Viri’s gif set is here: https://rainofaugustsith.tumblr.com/post/175351687867/thank-you-cinlat-for-the-tag-here-are-five
Tagging....ye gods I don't know since I think all my mutuals have been tagged at least once. Anyone who wants to do another please consider this a tag from me. ^_^
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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Viridana Revarre Dragoi
Darth Viridana; Viri. Canon Sith Warrior; Commander of the Eternal Alliance; Empire's Wrath (former)
Age: 40 as of 3629 BBY Height: 6'2" Sexuality: Heavily favors women; demisexual Partner: Lana Beniko (Force bonded; wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries
Viri has her own page because it’s all about her here. Major supporting team: 
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Suvia Kallig
Canon Sith Inquisitor. Darth Nox. Sith Assassin; Dark Council member; Force Lore and Archives Director, Eternal Alliance
Age: 34 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'1" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Jaesa Willsaam Western Zodiac would be: Leo
During the Eternal Empire’s assault on Darth Marr’s coalition, Darth Nox was captured and thrown into carbonite. She was found and thawed seven years later by Viri and her Alliance. She now works for the Eternal Alliance as the Director of Force Lore and Artifacts.
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Taran Walrez
Canon bounty hunter. Great Hunter (unaffiliated; refused to join Mandalorians)
Age: 44 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'11" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Lucinda Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries
After her work with Darth Tormen, Taran continued working as a bounty hunter, renowned for her talent and skill. While mentoring a contestant in the Great Hunt, she and her wife, Lucinda, rescued Lana Beniko and HK-55 from an untimely demise on Altair 3. After repairing Lana’s hand, they directed her to the shadow port of Asylum. Taran has continued to be a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance. She recently retired from hunting and now lives on Odessen with her wife, who is a surgeon in the Alliance hospital. Supporting: 
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Jenari Ashaa
Canon Jedi Consular. Former Barsen'thor; ex-Jedi; member of the Eternal Alliance; First Assistant, Department of Force Lore and Artifacts
Age: 37 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Nadia Grell (after Ossus) Western Zodiac would be: Aquarius
Jenari’s parents gave her a name that meant “Sith Victory” in Sith because they were very upset about having to turn her over to the Jedi. Jenari left the Jedi Order after the class story. She eventually ended up in Somminick Timmns’ sanctuary for Force users on  Nar Shaddaa and then in the Eternal Alliance, where she works with Force artifacts and lore, expanding her knowledge and working tirelessly for peace and common ground.
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Ikina Marks-Zavros
Expert slicer Height: 5'9" Age: 35 as of 3629 BBY Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Ashara Zavros Daughter: Tomi Western Zodiac would be: Virgo
Ikina is not in the class stories. She left her home planet when the Eternal Empire attacked, eventually finding sanctuary on Nar Shaddaa. Her talents as a slicer and information broker brought her to the attention of Ashara Zavros, who hired her to help search for the missing Darth Nox. Though their search was unsuccessful, Ikina and Ashara fell in love and married. They settled on Voss, where they run a tea house in the alien enclave of Voss-Ka.
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Keilla Gray
Canon Trooper. Former CO of Havoc Squad; Director, Tion Security Force
Height: 6'0" Age: 45 as of 3629 BBY Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Aries
After coordinating the evacuation of Makeb and encountering Eclipse Squad, Keilla left Havoc Squad and defected to the Tion Hegemony. She never returns to fight for the Republic, Empire or Alliance. Keilla is dedicated to keeping people safe in her new role in the Tion Security Force, but she is determined never to return to combat. Her main focus on Tion is coordinating T.H.O.R.N. and Alliance volunteers to counter the outbreaks of rakghoul plague still occurring throughout the Hegemony. 
Lucinda Walrez
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Chief Surgeon, Alliance Medcenter
Age: 46 as of 3629 BBY
Height: 5'6" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Taran Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Taurus
Lucinda is a gifted microsurgeon trained on Corellia. Her sister, Judah, works as an accountant in the Hutt Nem’ro’s palace on Hutta. Lucinda, however, avoided any contact with the underworld until Judah introduced her to a champion bounty hunter, Taran. Lucinda and Taran hit it off, and Lucinda eventually began traveling with Taran as part of her bounty  hunting crew, tending to her team’s injuries. Taran and Lucinda later married. During the Eternal Empire’s reign over the galaxy, Lucinda was responsible for treating a badly injured Lana Beniko and saving her hand in microsurgery. She and Taran continued to work with the Alliance from a distance for years, until Taran was hired for a bounty hunting contract by the Alliance Commander. Lucinda and Taran decided to join the Alliance full-time when Taran retired from bounty hunting. They now live on Odessen, where Lucinda is the chief surgeon in the Alliance’s Medcenter. 
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Rorjhana (Ror)
Canon Jedi Knight. Hero of Tython; ex-Jedi Knight; member of the Eternal Alliance Age: 38 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'8" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: @vespertine-legacy​ ’s Zuvi Western Zodiac would be: Leo
Disillusioned, angry and disgusted with the Republic and Jedi Order, Ror unsteadily tried to fulfill her role as the "Hero of Tython" while steadily slipping away from the Order. It was only through the efforts of Satele Shan and the Barsen'thor that Ror was kept out of a prison cell on Belsavis for her proclivity for the Dark Side. Ror disappeared into Wild Space after her victory against Vitiate, and only surfaced years later, when Somminick Timmns recruited her into his Force enclave. She joined the Eternal Alliance along with Timmns and his other students, and finally feels at home. She has no plans to leave.
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Jiani Jiaasjen (Jia)
Darth Imperius. Sith Assassin; Security team, Eternal Alliance
Age: 38 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Darth Hexid Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio
Jia was working as a lightsaber trainer on Korriban when the Eternal Empire attacked. She and Darth Hexid helped each other survive the assault. She went on to join the Eternal Alliance, where she and Hexid work as saber and combat instructors. Jia’s entire large family was wiped out by the Eternal Empire, which has led to her having a deep hatred for Zakuul. She is an excellent teacher and also is very persuasive when negotiating.
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Shatsokun Ashaa (Shasi)
Sith Inquisitor, Darth Occlus, member, Eternal Alliance Age: 33 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10″ Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Virgo
Shasi is the younger sister of Jenari Ashaa. After Jenari’s parents were forced to give her to the Jedi, they were upset enough to leave Republic space. They settled on Nar Shaddaa, and when Shasi was born, they gave her a Sith name that meant “Passion Victory” (they didn’t speak Sith!). When she was found to be Force sensitive they ensured she went to Sith training and not the Jedi. Shasi did not meet her sister until she joined the Eternal Alliance after Nathema. Other Fun Characters Out in the Galaxy
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Amedria Bjornus
Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance
Age: 42 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'9" Sexuality: Asexual; Aromantic Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Sagittarius
Amedria is a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance’s underworld network.
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Canon smuggler. Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Age: 41 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'6" Sexuality: Pansexual Partner: Risha Drayen Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio
Marlena is a valued ally in the Eternal Alliance’s underworld network.
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Auyrini  Mercenary and smuggler Age: 42 as of 3629 BBY Height: 6′1″  Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Aquarius Auyrini is a smuggler and mercenary working in Wild Space. She is a valued ally in the Eternal Alliance’s network. 
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Brynn (alias)
Canon Imperial Agent; Cipher Nine
Little is known about the agent known as Cipher Nine. Her existence is an urban legend; there are no records about her in either Sith Intelligence or the SIS’s files. If her name is typed into any computer database, it instantly disappears. Those who worked at Imperial Intelligence insist that Cipher Nine was a real person who vanished without a trace after defeating the Star Cabal, but there is no way to know for certain.
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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Amedria got stuck with her arms crossed like this while doing heroics. She ran like this and if she wasn’t actively using her blasters, her arms just reverted to this position.  Added bonus, she’s not even holding her weapons. My smuggler is so smart. 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
I saw a post where a mutual was mentioning which of their characters was married (not tagging bc I can’t find the post now so I don’t know if they deleted it). But it inspired me to list my own OCs’ relationships. Everyone is childfree except Ikina.  Viri - Um, this one is obvious. 
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Ikina (slicer) - Married to Ashara; they're raising their daughter Tomi together on Voss.  Taran (canon bounty hunter) - Married to Lucinda, a surgeon in the Alliance hospital.  Marlena (canon smuggler) - Married to Risha Drayen.  Jenari (canon Jedi Consular) - I feel as though she and Nadia would eventually be married even though I have not mapped it out for them.  Not married but partnered long-term:  Jia (Darth Imperius) - In Viri's official world she's with Darth Hexid long-term; in AU she's with @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond​.’s Luhcy.    Ror (canon Jedi Knight) - She's with @vespertine-legacy​ ‘s Zuvi but I don't think a formal commitment ceremony would do anything but scare her.  Suvia (Canon Sith Inquisitor; Darth Nox) - I think she and Jaesa are going to stay together, but like Ror, I think a formal commitment ceremony would be intimidating to her.  Not partnered, or I don't know where they will land:  Shasi (Darth Occulus) - Lesbian, but I don't have anyone in Viri's canon that is jumping out at me for her.   Brynn (canon Imperial Agent) - Bisexual. I had originally had her married to Vector, but I don't think that would last when she became a 'ghost.' I don't think Brynn is in a place where she can trust anyone anymore so any encounters she has are fleeting.  Amedria (smuggler) - Ace/aro and she's completely not interested.  Keilla (canon trooper) - Lesbian. She saved Jaxo but given Jaxo's trauma afterward, the relationship did not last. She helped Jaxo move to Kaon and then parted ways with her. I think Keilla would actually like to marry and find a lifelong partner but she's off in the Tion Hegemony and I don't even know who is around her, really.  Auyrini (bounty hunter) - Lesbian. I honestly have no idea. 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
KOTFE/ET Headcanons
Thank you so much for the tag @thehighground! This was such a fun and interesting one! Tagging, um, @tishinada @soulparticle @dreamy04 @verbose-vespertine @levelofdepth and anyone else who wants to do this. NO PRESSURE! Spoilers for KOTFE and KOTET, as well as the traitor arc and Onslaught. 
1. Starting with basics. Who is your Outlander (which class, what their aligment)? How did they end up being frozen in carbonite for 5 years? Why did you make them the Outlander?:   My Sith Warrior, Viridana Dragoi (Vengeance Juggernaut) is my Outlander. That was a simple choice for me - Viri is my main, my alter ego in the game, and she seemed to fit so well. Viri's alignment is a tough one. She absolutely embraces the Dark Side and absolutely will kill her enemies. She makes LS decisions a lot too, though, and she has a moral code of her own. For example Viri killed Senya and Arcann without thinking twice, but she would not allow Kaliyo to blow up the Spire and kill civilians and she talked Broonmark into letting the senator live (he lived too, which is a special thing for SWs). Viri has a very strong aversion to killing civilians, rank and file soldiers,  and animals, and would really rather negotiate with you than kill you, unless you have crossed her in a way she can't excuse.   Viri landed in carbonite exactly as the game describes - she was part of Marr's coalition. When Marr's ship broke up, it was swallowed by an Eternal Fleet ship. Viri and Marr were gassed, and later woke up in prison wearing Force-suppressing cuffs. They were taken to Valkorion, where Marr was killed, Viri killed Valkorion, and Arcann framed her and threw her into carbonite.   One difference from the game is that Viri refused to speak the entire time. She did not say a word to Arcann or Valkorion from the time she woke up to the time she was frozen in carbonite. She just screamed once when she was being frozen.  
2. Now, to the rest of classes. What happens to them during KotFE/ET? Did they know the Outlander? Were they allies, enemies, family? Do they join the Alliance or have something else to do? Do they play a major or a minor role in the story? Spare no detail (if you wish, of course):   Sith Inquisitor: My canon SI, Suvia (Darth Nox) was also part of Darth Marr's coalition. Her ships were destroyed by the Eternal Fleet and she was placed into carbonite. She was a trophy on the wall in the Zakuulan palace for seven years. Only the presence of her remaining ghost kept her alive. Viri and her Alliance searched desperately for Suvia, but only found her by accident, after the fall of Zakuul. Once they found her, they traveled to several planets to gather ingredients for an antidote to carbonite poisoning and gave her medical assistance and care after she was thawed.     Suvia is now the head of Force Lore and the Odessen Force libraries and archives. She is a very good friend to Viri and Lana, and she was thrilled to be reunited with other good friends: Talos Drellik and Xalek. Suvia plays a major part in Viri's story and is a close, unshakable ally. She is currently romantically involved with Jaesa Wilsaam.   Suvia did know Viri before KOTFE - they were Dark Council allies, and they also worked closely on both the Yavin 4 coalition and the fight against Vitiate on Ziost.   My Darth Imperius, Jia, did not know Viri and did not follow the SI story. She worked as a saber trainer on Korriban. When Zakuul attacked, she was there. She and Darth Hexid helped each other dig out of the rubble and became allies, fighting and surviving together. They joined the Alliance after KOTET and now work with Viri as friends.   My Darth Occlus, Shasi, is much younger. She did not follow the SI story either. She was still on Korriban while Viri was the Wrath. Viri meets her during the attack on Ossus, and Shasi asks to return to Odessen with her and join the Alliance.   Bounty Hunter: Taran Walrez continued her work as a bounty hunter up through KOTET. She was an ally of Lana's during the carbonite years. Her wife saved Lana's hand after she was injured in a very bad fight with a Zakuulan walker, and they pointed Lana toward Asylum. Taran remained in contact afterward.   When Theron Shan betrayed the Alliance, Viri took out a bounty on him, and she hired the very best- Taran - to take it. Taran and Viri tracked Theron to Copero, but Taran was badly injured in the battle. She has retired from bounty hunting and now lives on Odessen, serving in an advisor capacity. Her wife, Lucinda, is a genius microsurgeon who works in the Alliance Hospital. Her colleagues Mako and Akaavi now run the Alliance's slicing and intelligence wing. Viri did not know Taran until the Alliance years.   My second BH, Auyrini, did not follow the BH story but is part of the Underworld network at the Alliance.   Imperial Agent: My canon agent, Brynn, chose to keep the Black Codex and erase her information. She thus became a ghost after the class story, wanted nothing more to do with the Empire, Sith or Republic, and vanished into Wild Space with Vector, her husband. She is in Lana's intelligence network, and tipped Lana off to a few clues to Viri's whereabouts, but she has no desire to join the Alliance. She and Vector just want to be left alone and live in peace. Viri has never met or spoken to Brynn.   Jedi Knight: Ror was about one step away from being sent to Belsavis after the class story, so she vanished, taking only T7-O1. She later surfaced as a member of Somminick Timmns' sanctuary for ex-Jedi on Nar Shaddaa and joined the Alliance. Ror is very much a Sith now. She is slated to play a major part in the Tenebrae Plague storyline. Viri does not trust Scourge and Kira and will not merge her minds with them - but Ror will. Ror also feels that she owes it to Satele Shan to try to save her; Satele was the only person who kept her out of prison. Viri meets Ror when she joins the Alliance. They're not friends yet, but they have a mutual respect.   Jedi Consular: Jenari also left the Jedi and joined Somminick Timmns' ex-Jedi sanctuary. She has found her way to Odessen, where she works with Suvia Kallig on Force lore. She is later joined there by Nadia and Felix. Jenari's sister is Shasi, my Darth Occlus mentioned above. The siblings have never met, but on Odessen, they are slated to finally find each other. Viri meets Jenari when she joins the Alliance.
  Smuggler: My canon smuggler, Marlena, is still out there smuggling, and is one of Hylo's underworld contacts - but she isn't part of the Alliance and prefers to just keep running her empire. Viri does not know Marlena.   My second non-canon smuggler, Amedria, is also out there smuggling and is in Hylo's Rolodex, but has no other contact with the Alliance.   Trooper: After seeing all of the things Garza did, including the Eclipse Squad, my trooper Keilla was done. She testified against Garza in front of the Galactic Senate, and then she peaced out. She and her friend Paxton Rall moved to the Tion Hegemony. She also helped her ex-girlfriend, Jaxo, move to the Hegemony to try to heal from her trauma. Keilla works in security there, but she is determined never to return to Imperial, Hutt OR Republic space and never to fight in another war. When the Alliance started, Bey'wan Aygo, Aric Jorgan and Rusk all tried to get her to reconsider. She would not. Keilla occasionally provides advice from afar, but she will not even set foot outside the Hegemony.
Viri does know Keilla and has spoken to her via holo many times to coordinate THORN activity, but they only met during the Alliance years. When Viri's Alliance sends help with THORN to fight the rakghoul plague on Kaon, Keilla helps orchestrate it. She also helps take in ex-Jedi who are fleeing from Task Force Nova, so she is slated to have a large part in the story eventually.   3. What about companions? Do you follow their in-game story or have headcanons for them? Did they stay with your non-Outlander characters or not? Why?:
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.   Viri: Vette, Pierce and Broonmark were recovered as per the game story. Jaesa - who is neither the LS nor the DS but something in the middle - was discovered in an ancient Sith trap on Yavin 4 after KOTET. She rejoined the Alliance at that time. Malavai Quinn was exiled and thrown in jail after the Quinncident in the class story, and he was smart enough to know that he should not go anywhere around Viri ever again. He did NOT serve as Acina's emissary on Iokath. Instead, Rezinal Orzik from the Black Talon flashpoint did.   For my non-Outlanders:   Jedi Knight: Ror ran away from all her companions, except T7-O1, after the class story. And T7 eventually needed to go fight Zakuul. So she lost contact with them, and T7-O1, Kira, Scourge and Rusk joined the Alliance as per the in-game story. Doc was never part of my Jedi Knight's crew, as Ror, Kira and T7-O1 took a united front and insisted that they would not let him on the ship. He was left on Balmorra and had nothing else to do with my Jedi Knight or her crew. So he's not there at all, and whatever happened to him, Ror neither knows nor cares.  Jedi Consular: Jenari also ended up parting ways from her crew due to the war with Zakuul. She has been reunited with three of them on Odessen. Qyzen joined the Alliance Commander as per the game. Felix and Nadia were both rescued during various missions and brought back to Odessen. Zenith declined to join Jenari’s crew on Balmorra. He worked with her but was angry she would not alter the governor’s brain to place the new government in power, and is also angry that she shows sympathy to Sith, so he didn’t feel he belonged in her crew.    Trooper: Keilla left all her companions after the class story and never came back. Viri has Aric Jorgan and Yuun in her Alliance, and they joined as the story dictated.   Smuggler: Marlena is out in space with her crew. She's married to Risha. Bowdaar also remained with her. They never left her and thus have never been part of Viri's Alliance. Guss decided to eventually try being a Jedi again, in part because he was worried that the Eternal Empire would sense his Force sensitivity and kill him, and he wanted to be able to defend himself. Corso left Marlena’s crew during the class story after they had taken down with Skavak. He wanted to return to protect Ord Mantell and Marlena let him go.  Akaavi also left the crew after she met Mako and fell ln love. She joined my bounty hunter’s crew to work with her and Mako.     Sith Inquistor: Suvia was frozen in carbonite, so all of her companions dispersed. Ashara looked for her for years, hiring a slicer named Ikina to help her. It was unsuccessful - Suvia was a trophy in the Zakuulan palace and there was no way to track or find her. Ashara and Ikina finally fell in love, married and settled down on Voss, where they run a tea house and raise their daughter.   Andronikos was picked up raiding Alliance ships, as the game story says, and was brought back to Odessen. Talos joined the Alliance as the game story dictates. So did Xalek. Khem Val is slated to be rediscovered on Ossus, as he is in the game, and return to Suvia on Odessen.   Bounty Hunter: Mako has never left her crew and remains her right-hand help. Skadge has never been a part of her crew, as Mako and Taran killed him on Belsavis. Torian left early on after the death of Mandalore to help the Mandalorians and joined the Alliance as per the game. Blizz left temporarily to fight in the Alliance, and he's gone back and forth between Odessen and Taran's ship. Gault left, as per the game story, to hook up with Hylo.   Imperial Agent: My Imperial Agent Brynn became a ghost at the end of her class story. She and Vector erased their tracks and vanished together. They also did their companions the courtesy of erasing their tracks, too. Kaliyo went off to grift from others; Scorpio became the Lady of Sorrows, Lokin went to his safehouse and Raina Temple returned to the Chiss. Kaliyo, Lokin, Raina and SCORPIO all joined the Alliance (and in SCORPIO's case, betrayed it) as described in the game.   4. If applicable: how your characters react if the Alliance joins the opposite faction on Iokath and after that? For example: how do Sith characters feel about joining the Republic? Will they stay or leave (if it’s too spoiler-ish, then feel free to skip this): Viri has chosen to keep her Alliance independent while allying with the Empire. The Republic characters who are with her (Ror and Jenari, my Jedi Knight and Consular) are both ex-Jedi so they're totally fine with that. My two smugglers, Marlena and Amedria, don't particularly care about the Republic and just want to be paid, so they will work with the Alliance regardless of who they support.
However, a few of the Republic companions, such as Rusk and Aric Jorgan, are eventually going to bow out and retire, just like Bey'wan Aygo, because they can't fight the Republic and they can't fight Viri either.   5. If applicable: if your Commander decides to be a saboteur, would they tell anyone (PC or companions)? Why/why not?: This doesn't apply to Viri. In AU, all of my Imperials are loyalists and all my Republic toons are saboteurs. They have chosen to only tell Lana with one exception - Jenari, my JC, would tell Nadia and Felix.   6. How would your characters react if one of their companions is exiled or dead because of Outlander’s choices? For example: sith warrior’s reaction if Commander doesn’t save Vette?:   The three that this applies to are Skadge, SCORPIO and Torian.   Viri killed SCORPIO because after all that betrayal and subterfuge, there was no way in the galaxy that she would have sat back and let SCORPIO merge with a super-powerful deadly droid planet. SCORPIO's assertion that she wouldn't bother them again meant nothing because she could not be trusted. Brynn, my IA, has no idea what went on, but she would have been indifferent to SCORPIO's death. She surely knew what SCORPIO was capable of, and would have killed her too under the same circumstances.   Viri tried desperately to reach Torian, and sent Pierce and a team to try to save him. They couldn't reach Torian. Taran was saddened to learn of his death, but she also knew that Viri did not just shrug and walk away from him. She also knows that Vette is Viri's adopted sister. She can't fault Viri even a little for saving her sister first.   Viri killed Skadge in the game but headcanonically, she never even met him. Taran killed him on Belsavis during the class story- she sure as hell wasn't going to let him on her crew or her ship. But if Viri had killed him, Taran's reaction would have been a big thumbs-up.
7. If you have something written about anything from the above (bc I know some people do), share the links to your works (again, if you feel like it)!: Oh, here we go! A lot of the companion returns/etc. are addressed in the post-KOTET fanfic The Eternal Wrath: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14255019 Stories set during KOTFE: https://archiveofourown.org/series/999348 Stories set during KOTET: https://archiveofourown.org/series/999342
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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Because I didn’t think I could stand a third playthrough with Corso, I grabbed Nico Okarr and sent him out with Gunslinger!Amedria. I figured that it would match. And thus far, he’s been a pretty amazing companion.  Overall, I’ve found that the ‘extra’ companions in the game that can be gained through subscriber rewards or achievements are really strong, viable substitutes if you don’t want to run with your story companions. There are a few exceptions - like Choza Rabat literally swings his lightsaber once and then just stares blankly at you in combat, it’s really frustrating. Darth Hexid, Paxton Rall, Veeroa Denz, Kkhrol, Rokuss and Zoom have gone out a lot with various characters of mine, and they’ve been really strong. And while I haven’t sent most of these companions to craft, high level Darth Hexid is all kinds of amazing at that. 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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New clothes! I got the Tranquil Mystic set (it unlocked for 30 CC only, wow) for the Ashaa sisters. I think Jia might look good in this too.  I also played through enough content to get Conquest done with Amedria, who is one of my hated healer specs. And I decided I would like a version of her I might actually enjoy playing, so she’s been recreated as a Gunslinger.  I’ve now recreated all of my healers. All of the ones remaining, that is - the IA I rage deleted because I could do nothing with her spec is long gone. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
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I had some fun with Artbreeder and here are the best: Viri, Ror, Amedria and Marlena. I noticed that they really aren’t sure what to do with gold eyes (Ror and Viri) so let’s say this would be Ror before her eyes turned.
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