#An visor since he shoot laser out of his eye and is a cyclops
chewysgummies · 7 months
Dreaming that they'll bless me with the official human version of killbot 86. That's my wish.
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maximummusesarch · 4 years
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Water, fire, air, dirt, Cyclops’s fuckin’ powers, how do they work?
(Disclaimer: maximummuses dot tumblr dot com is bad at science, which makes them perfect for analyzing how someone shoots big blasts out of his eyes)
Let’s state the obvious first: Cyclops would obviously have to be immune to his own powers.  If he wasn’t, then the sheer force of his optic blasts would rip Scott’s head off his neck.  In addition, this is also supported by the fact that Havoc’s powers don’t work on Scott, and vice versa, so it’s logical to assume he would be immune to his own powers.
With that out of the way, let’s talk about Scott’s eyes:
His optic blasts, when fired without being filtered through anything, are always at full strength.  However, his combat visor lets him filter the intensity of the blast, creating something more precise.  That means whatever the blast is, it can be regulated to some degree.
The blasts themselves are also important to note, since they aren’t heat rays or laser vision.  They look that way, but Cyclops’s blasts do not generate heat.  They push things away or with enough power, push through something and leave a hole.  The blasts are kinetic energy, not heat.  It’s more akin to punching something really hard, but with his eyes.
We know that Scott is immune to his powers, we know that they are some kind of energy that can be filtered, and we know that they’re kinetic energy.  So what are they?
The answer is simple: Cyclops’s optic blasts are just kinetic energy from a Non-Einsteinian universe.  Cyclops’s are portals to this dimension, so whenever he uses his powers, his eyes open, acting as portals, and the optic blasts come out.  The blasts come out of the proverbial portal, and hit their target very fucking hard.  And since this energy isn’t coming from his own body, it explains why Cyclops is immune to his own powers.  There is no “equal and opposite reaction” coming from his body, it’s coming from the Non-Einsteinian universe, which infinitely expands in order to compensate for the energy being flung from the portals (Cyclops’s eyes) therefore creating an infinite stream or energy for Cyclops to draw his powers upon.  And because this is just kinetic energy, it’s akin to being hit by a really strong punch.
In other words?  When Cyclops uses his optic blasts?  It’s basically him punching something really hard but with his eyes.
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nattobees · 7 years
The Fun Zone
Commander Meouch never lost a firefight before. He been in the military on his home planet before it went to shit, and every mission he went on, he and his fellow troops made it out alive and victorious. Even during his life of piracy, he and his crew had made it out of many close calls, but they never came close to losing. He had nine lives worth of combat experience, but none of it seemed to have prepared him for a situation like this.
“Deactivated!” Shouted a chipper robot voice.
“Haha! Got you! Got you!” A small girl cackled boisterously as she ran off past Meouch. The girl’s green blinking vest  and plastic gun disappeared around the corner. A few seconds later, Meouch could hear an attendant gently scolding her not to run.
The Commander growled as surveyed the chaos of green, blue and red flashing lights and laser lights the girl paraded into and decided not to head into the fray again just yet. He started in the direction of his Blue base to get a more strategic position. As soon as his vest “reactivated,” it started shouting at him in the oddly chipper voice. “Put both hands on the gun, please! Put both hands on the gun, please!”
“Ugh, okay, okay, I got it.” He placed his hand on the touch sensor, shutting the vest up and reactivating his ability to shoot.
Before he could take another step “Deactivated!” his vest shouted, and he whirled around to see Phobos and a teenage boy, both clad in red flashing vests. The boy looked to Phobos, who gave him a thumbs up. The teen smiled widely and the two of them speed walked past Meouch to go rack up points on the Blue base no doubt.
“Put both hands on the gun, please!” “Put both–”
Meouch gripped his plastic gun resolutely and power walked to the Blue base to get revenge. As he approached, Meouch slowed his approach to a prowl and hid behind one of the walls that made up the base. He peeked around the corner to see Phobos and the teen still inside, fighting the Blue base defenders. Meouch leaned around the wall and expertly sniped Phobos and the teen’s shoulder lights. He walked by the base door, making sure Phobos saw it was him. Then he sped up to a power walk to Green base, where Sung would no doubt be.
Green base was eerily empty. Meouch didn’t like it one bit. Some other players with blue vests were hiding in the tunnels around the green base. They didn’t like the situation either.
“Quiet is always a bad sign on the battlefield” Said a young lady, jokingly grim.
After a quick conversation between the teammates, Meouch and the lady volunteered to go out and try raid the base.
As soon as the two stepped into the control center of Green base, an adult voice yelled out “CHARGE!!!” A small horde of children and a pylon helmeted man, all clad in green vests, swarmed the two doomed blue scouts. The two were “killed” immediately, their vests happily proclaiming them “Deactivated!”. Meouch groaned as he and the lady shuffled through the cluster of children. He could feel Sung’s giant grin behind him as they regrouped with their teammates.
The small group of Blue teammates patted the two on the back and greeted them with “it was worth a shot”s and “good try”s. They all reconvened at Blue base. Since it was late in the game, they planned to leave the base covered with a skeleton crew of two to defend it, while the other thirteen went to take out the Green base, rack up points, then do the same for Red.
Blue team happened to be made up of mostly adults, and some hardcore arcade gaming adults at that, so taking out Green wasn’t much of a challenge, as the children were young enough they didn’t have as much plastic gun-eye coordination yet. And Sung being a cyclops gave him some… depth-perception problems, making him another easy target once his squadron of children were disarmed.
Things seemed to be going all according to plan as the Blue team moved on to overthrow Red base. As the approached, Meouch saw a flash of red light through one of the big, circular windows in the base. He assumed it was just a player trying to snipe who couldn’t aim that well, but he would later regret this oversight. The squadron of Blue teammates moved in on the Red base, only to be met with Havve Hogan.
Hogan knelt on the ground with two children flanking him. He held both hands on their guns’ motion sensors, his eyes flashing ominously in the dim lighting. Meouch immediately open fired trying to tag the kids out, but it was too late. He and his team were met with an absolute massacre.
Hogan expertly maneuvered the kids’ guns as they slammed on their triggers, skillfully and effectively shutting down every single Blue team vest. The team had absolutely no chance to even recover, because as soon as their vests reactivated, they were shot back down with deadly timing and accuracy.
Meouch was just about to call a retreat when Sung and the rest of Green team power walked up to the Red base. Meouch grinned. Maybe with their increased numbers they’d have a chan– Nope. Absolutely not.
Hogan and his two tiny cohorts had absolutely no problem with the increase in numbers. He kept perfect time on each and every vest’s reactivation count and shot everyone down as soon as they powered back up. The area surrounding Red base became a chaotic sea of vests shouting “Deactivated!”, players scrambling for vantage points, teammates screaming tactics at each other and red laser lights slaughtering flashes of blue and green in the mass of swarming bodies. In the confusion, Meouch was able to hide behind a teammate long enough for his vest to reactivate and aim a shot at one of the kids as the trio was preoccupied with another section of the horde.
Just as he was pulling the trigger, his vest shouted “Deactivated!” and powered down.
“WHAT?” He screamed.
Then he looked behind Hogan, two sets of vest lights were blinking in the darkness. Phobos and his teen friend stepped out of the shadows, Phobos’ visor locking onto Meouch’s eyes.
Meouch swallowed hard, staring right back at Phobos. Then, Phobos slowly raised his hand up and gave him a little wave, wiggling his fingers. Meouch started to growl but realized Phobos was just stalling for time. He fumbled with his gun to get into a shooting position and aim at Hogan. But his hand, already slippery on the gun because of his fur, was now even more slick with sweat and it slipped off the touch sensor.
His vest reactivated with a mockingly jubilant “Put both hands on the gun, please!” Hogan expertly sniped him back into shut down only after message completed. Meouch was 100% certain that was on purpose.
The lights in the building slowly went up as alarms started to blare. “GAME OVER” a deep voice proclaimed. “PLEASE, RETURN YOUR POWER PACKS AND GUNS TO THE WEAPONS BAY, AND PROCEED TO THE LOBBY TO RECEIVE YOUR SCORES.” There was a general groan of disappointment from the crowd as everyone’s vests shut down. “REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR VEST FOR YOUR PLAYER NAME TO FIND YOURSELF ON THE LEADERBOARDS”
The horde slowly dispersed, most of the people in it looking very dejected or shocked. Hogan gave his little helpers high fives before standing up and sending them off with their friends. The band members slowly gathered together and shuffled off to the “weapons bay.”
Sung seemed oddly chipper for someone who just got repeatedly slaughtered.
“This was a good team–” Meouch cut Sung off by holding up a hand.
“If you say team bonding, I’m gonna make sure I shed all over everything you love for the next month.”
Sung’s mouth moved a little bit, looking like he was going to continue but Meouch cut him off again. “Summer’s coming up, bud.” He finished his statement with a menacing sneer.
Sung stopped, his eye widening behind the visor as he rolled his lips into his mouth. Well, at least Phobos and Hogan seem to have had a good time team bonding.
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