#Anakin Dogma and Darman are characters with bpd for me for different reasons
mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 8 months
WARNING: graphical depiction of violence. Blood.
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FEBUWHUMP 2024, Day 6 - "YOU LIED TO ME" @febuwhump
This basicly was the prompt that inpsired me to even start this whole challenge. I just looked at the line and... yup. That's Darman.
That scene from Order 66 was really powerful to me where Darman just loses his shit over Kal's betrayal and over-protective/overly cautions secrecy. And then immediately regrets it.
But probably the most comforting thing was for me that Kal didn't cease to love him despite his violent outburst. Really. This scene meant so much for me. My ideas for these prompts are really spontainous right now but maybe I will do a sequel to this art for Day 14 - Blood stained tiles depicting the scene after this one.
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