#Ancient knowledge
thesirenisles · 19 days
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daughters of the sun.
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khaosritual · 4 months
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dougielombax · 1 month
One can see the dinosaur within the chicken, the cassowary, the emu, and others.
(As well as in alligators and crocodiles but that’s a bit more obvious)
You can too.
One just needs to look carefully.
Just look at any birds at all even.
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beyondwenet · 1 year
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reality-inflicted · 1 year
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I doubt that this ring is particularly old, a guess would be a hundred, perhaps 150 years old – but I am sure that the practice is much older. The water along this particular stretch of coast is shallow without any natural shelter for fishing small boats. Instead the fishermen used to build their own small jetties to offer some relief from the winds and the waves.  They do look cool though. All witchy like. 
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stone-cold-groove · 1 month
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Title page from a treatise on the preparation of Aqua Vitae or “The Water of Life” (alcohol) - 1525.
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jasonborrowed · 3 months
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starshapedjello · 1 year
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North node and South node in astrology
I used to think that south node energy was bad and that we were all suppose to move away from south node themes and energy in this life time, but that isn’t true at all.
There are certainly good aspects of the south node — our talents that we have mastered in previous life times.
Yes, our south node does hold us back, but you can use it to your advantage to reach your North node. South node energy is energy we have mastered, which means it is our greatest strengths. 💪
We aren’t fully leaving our south nodes behind. We are reaching a balance between south node and north node. ⚖️
Going full north node would be too extreme and impossible. We will always have our south node traits with in us. We must learn to embrace the good and let go of the bad.
Take care of yourself out there, bc no one will advocate for you better than yourself. 💎
Sending hugs 💕
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esoteriamaya · 2 years
777 - Magic, Mystery, & The Unknown. Ancient Magic and The Connection To Source
777 is my all time favorite number and its a number that is connected to miracles.
777 adding up to 21 then adding those two together to make 3.
7+7+7= 21 2+1= 3
With the triple beauty being all about connecting to source, we must focus how this is all about connecting with YOU.
The ancient magic that is within you is waiting to be explored.
7 is connected to Moon and Neptune. It is also connected to the zodiac sign pisces.
When 777 adds to 21, and adding 2 and 1 to make 3, We know now to look into the inside scoop with this whimsical number.
3, connected to sagitarius/jupiter, is all about faith baby!
You're beliefs is whats going to take you to the treasure you've been waiting for.
When I take of 777 I think of the book The Alchemist. If you haven't read it I honestly recommend.
777 tells you the journey awaits ! And you must go when the spirit that is deep inside your vessel calls you to explore to hidden messages that your higher self wants you to see. This is a traveling number, so if you see this number a lot then its telling you to set your self free and go where the heart takes you.
It connects us back to the soul and the inner magic that is curating inside of us. It wants you to what its here to do, what its hear to see, what your soul wants to feel.
If you are interested in knowledge this one is for you.
The number 7 connects us to the hidden realms that contains the knowledge we need to move forward in our journeys.
Connection to Source/God is a big one here. When working with this number and getting the message you must meditate and focus on your connection with who you call on when you need that extra amount of faith.
Believe in the power of the universe and you will see the miracles unfold in your life. Also changing the way you see miracles may be best for many of you when you see 777.
777 allows the individual who sees this number to call upon the mysteries of the universe and connect it back to their world so they can become the magic it is they seek.
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pitythefool888 · 6 months
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tiktok-singularity · 6 months
Full Gua Sha Routine
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kungseyesfr · 2 years
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Cernunnos, (Celtic: “Horned One”) in Celtic religion, an archaic and powerful deity, widely worshipped as the “lord of wild things.” Cernunnos may have had a variety of names in different parts of the Celtic world, but his attributes were generally consistent. He wore stag antlers and was sometimes accompanied by a stag and by a sacred ram-horned serpent that was also a deity in its own right. He wore and sometimes also held a torque, the sacred neck ornament of Celtic gods and heroes. The earliest known depictions of Cernunnos were found at Val Camonica, in northern Italy, which was under Celtic occupation from about 400 BCE. He is believed to be portrayed on the Gundestrup Caldron, a silver vessel found at Gundestrup in Jutland, Denmark, and dating to about the 1st century BCE.
Cernunnos was worshipped primarily in Britain, although there are also traces of his cult in Ireland. The Christian church strongly opposed him because of his powerful pagan influence. He was used as a symbol of the Antichrist and as such figured in Christian iconography and medieval manuscripts.
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dougielombax · 6 days
Forerunner mutation technology sounds like advanced weaponised HRT.
In my mind…
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theversevoyager · 7 months
In the realm of magic, where dragons soar high, A significant decision must be made, with serious consequences nigh. Fate's balance hangs by a thread, as celestial beings conspire, To guide the chosen one, to make their destiny secure. In the hallowed halls of wisdom, where ancient knowledge resides, The seer's cryptic words reveal the truth that lies hidden inside: "Choose well, for each path leads to a different fate, One filled with glory or doomed in perpetual hate." With heart pounding and mind ablaze, the choice is made and sealed, A future born of courage, where destiny's hand is revealed.
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frijole · 1 year
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“ a dotted spiral in chalk, made in one motion”
via how to draw dotted lines on chalkboards, mit style
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lesewut · 2 years
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Blavatsky, Helena "The Theosophical Glossary" published originally in 1892, this version is a reprint of 1918. This posthumous work, purposes to give information on the principal Sanskrit, Pahlavi, Tibetan, Pâli, Chaldean, Persian, Scandinavian, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Kabbalistic and Gnostic words. Defining occult terms generally used in Theosophical literature.
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Most information are taken from the Kabbalah, which is illustrate Hermetic or Rosicrucian doctrines. Blavatsky also took definitions from "The Sanskrit-Chinese Dictionary" by Eitel "The Hindu Classical Dictionary" by Dawson "The Vishnu Purâna" by Wilson "The Royal Masonic Cyclopoedia" of Kenneth Mackenzie
Russian mystic of German descent Madame Blavatsky is know for her esoteric works and co-founding of the Theosophical Society. Still today her meaning is moving between an enlighted Sage and charlatan, as we can not determine which biographical information is "true" (which is a northworthy fact, as the Theosophical Society claimed the Truth as the highest value... More information in the first lemma) or embellished to create an alluring myth. Despite the carefullness in which we should handle all spiritual world-views and explanatory principles, it is an undeniable polygot venture and can support to arouse a deeper understanding of the synthesis of religion, philosophy and science. Indisputable there is more between earth and space, as we can measure and see.
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Actually I had photographed more, but due to the limit of a post, I have selected some exemplary and interesting pages... It is also sad, that Altaic Shamanism (Tengrism) or other spiritual ideas e.g. from southern Africa or South-East-Asia, are unregarded. Imagine how motifs, we thought tailored in our region, appear all around the world! What a fantastic conception, but also human-strenght exceeding project this would be !!!
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