#And Alphys is the protagonist HELL YEAH!
kokoverse-au · 1 year
(Or Love is not forbidden)
Characters' Masterlist
Let's talk!
*Howdy! Attention please, if you click on the links before reading the story, there may be spoilers! Good reading!*
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Ynaa (coming soon...)
Sans (coming soon...)
Papyrus (coming soon...)
Asgore (coming soon...)
Undyne (coming soon...)
Alphys (coming soon...)
Monster Kid (coming soon...)
Toriel (coming soon...)
There are other secondary characters.
All Undertale characters are present in this Alternative Universe.
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The story's synopsys
♡ This summary comes from Wattpad, where I published this AU's story in my first language: French. Soon, I'll post all the chapters on Archive of our own, in English. ♡
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"Fuck, Sans... If you had killed this human the day you found her, we wouldn't be here..." Undyne whispered to him, filled with remorse and guilt.
She passed his hands behind his back, anti-magic handcuffs surrounding them. Checking their placing, she locked them. Sans could not tell if she was hating him. Perhaps she was blaming herself, too. Perhaps everyone was feeling a little responsible. At least, he hoped so.
"Why did you do that?" she sighed, rhetorically.
"I did it out of love." Sans simply replied.
"That's the stupidest excuse you could have chosen..."
•| ⊱❦⊰ |•
Fast summary of the Story
Corrupted by the Lust, monsters live a hell everyday, sex and immorality being a daily routine. Sans is one of the most luxurious of them and then, the one who had always been the most disgusted by all of that. He lost hope. He lost will.
One day, while going to this giant purple door, he found a package. A human baby. And strangely, Sans felt... at peace.
Now, Sans has something to protect from this world. And he is not going to give up, even when everyone seems to be against him. But it might be easier than he thought: it seems that this little girl can change hearts...
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Universe's specifications
Creator: @kokoverse-au/@kokonattsu-tokui (myself)
Protagonists: Ynaa - Sans
At first, it was only a story "for fun" during a RP with a friend of mine. No true plot. A bit sad but fluff mostly. Cross was in a part of the RP too.
And then the RP stopped. I wanted to write this story on Wattpad and it became : "L'amour est permis malgré tout" in French. (I translated here in "Love is not forbidden" because the true translation "Love is allowed, despite all" sounded... weird for me).
Then, I realized that I could not just leave those plot holes and all, so I just "overwrote" anything.
Cross disappeared because... well... he was useless to the story? My friend loved him so he was in the RP but in my Alternative Universe, he has no reason to be here!
So yeah. It is based on Underlust. I kept the fluff and sad parts. I made things darker (like always). And here we go: Anti-LustTale.
AND NO! THERE IS NO PEDOPHILIA OR UNDERAGE! It's a dad-daughter relationship!
There is a reason behind this name and I think it is pretty obvious. The chapters are quite long, with some Sans' POV.
Now, now...
What should I choose? Happy or bad ending? It's been a while since I invented it but it doesn't really have an end now.
This Universe is located in the Original Multiverse and the Kokoverse. There might be a slight chance that the characters will appear in the Kokoverse events.
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Anti-LustTale/Love is not forbidden (Unique Volume)
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I drew the cover.
Underlust belongs to nsfwshamecave-pb.
Anti-LustTale belongs to me.
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cata-daily · 4 months
[WoT] (kinda)
mor undertale (neutral & true pacifist ending spoilers probably)
I stayed up last night and finished true pacifist :)
Ummm so ah. TRUE LAB. HELL NAH. OH my god that was awful- I usually play fullscreen but I just couldn't, and made it tiny windowed. Also played without audio for a while.. Maybe it was a mistake doing true lab for the first time at 12am...
But anyways, I did it- I'm not sure if that's Flowey talking in the elevator once you're done with true lab? It makes sense, but I don't know. Eh probably. I also thought it was kinda ooooo that after the Alphys "date", when Papyrus calls, he starts with "Howdy! If it isn't my good friend, who trusts me!" Like. Man. I know Papyrus thinks they're friends, but still this feels.. I dunno? Wrong? I guess? It sounds a bit more like Flowey talking to the protagonist, but liike... the protag's feelings towards Papyrus?
Anyway- so true pacifist was pretty cool! I wonder, does Flowey just hang out with the rest of the characters on the surface? I saw some of the qna's, and if they're set after true pacifist, that's interesting.
I thought I had more to say but eh not really. It was cool.
Here is me getting hit by almost every lightning strike the first time I saw this attack. I'm sooo good at this game.
You're supposed to go AWAY from the indicators!! Not into them!!!!
OH I mentioned before that Papyrus is my favourite character, maybe? Uh I don't remember. Anyways, HE IS. Love that guy. But. Issue. What the hell is going on with him in Deltarune- now I need to know dude and auuuuugh
My brain seems to love to do this thing where it finds two characters or fandoms or content creators to become obsessed with the WEEK BEFORE MIDTERMS OR FINALS. It ALWAYS happens and it's so annoying lol- So yeah... I've been thinking about undertale instead of studying for the past week.. my brain doesn't really like me I don't think
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everysongineverykey · 3 years
so many of the trans characters in utdr are part of endlessly rehashed character tropes- kris is the weird kid silent protagonist, mettaton's the self-obsessed flamboyant glamrocker, napstablook's the depressed lonely type, seam's the mysterious but wise elder nihilist mentor type, etc. but in so many of these cases, their transness automatically adds a whole new angle to these tropes and makes it original and fresh.
kris. the weird kid silent protagonist who you are possessing. they have identity issues. they are a teenager with a big secret and they look in the mirror and see... not them. they see what everyone else calls "them". all they want is to break free from the outside force forcing/pressuring them to subdue their own personality and true self. oh yeah, and they just happen to be trans. their character is made especially poetic with the added trait of being trans because so many trans people know this exact feeling.
mettaton. passionate, outgoing, flamboyant rockstar. obsessed with himself and his appearance, knows how beautiful he is and owns it. oh yeah, did we mention he wasn't always this way? he originally had a totally different body, and probably different pronouns, and he was super insecure then. it wasn't until he met alphys, and she built him a body he wanted, that he could feel himself in, that he embraced himself and went all out. trans euphoria, anyone? him being trans adds a whole layer of complexity and beauty to his story than if he were always male.
seam isn't so poetic in that their being nonbinary doesn't directly relate to their character archetype, but the very fact that they exist as this trope while being nby is amazing. as soon as you put a nonbinary character in a specific character trope, there's a good chance that's never been done before. if anyone knows of another piece of media that includes an old, wise, cheerful nihilist with a lot of sorrow in their past stemming from the world around them going mad and not seeming important anymore, and who also happens to be nby, please let me know, because that sounds sick as hell and i'd like to write crossover fanfic where they meet seam. seam's very existence as a canonically nonbinary character in a character trope that never has nonbinary people in it is inherently fucking awesome
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minecrapper · 3 years
hi here’s a huge infodump of questions i still have after playing deltarune chapter 2 a couple times
1. why is there an internet outage??? did kris cause it
2. ok actually what is the group project supposed to be about. it can’t just be a plot device can it
3. if only the person with the most determination can save,, what does this mean about kris??? when you play the game for the very first time, the player’s name overwrites kris’s save file. i thought it wouldn’t matter in chapter 2 but it does happen again the first time you save, meaning kris had to have saved overnight while the player’s soul is in the birdcage.
4. kris appears to be very weak without the player’s soul, and has to put it back in after doing whatever the hell they were doing. plus, ralsei keeps saying stuff to kris (not the player) every time there’s a cutscene with susie away from kris, and the only thing we catch him saying is “so that’s why, okay?”
5. if ralsei is a lightner, is there a way he could actually be asriel?? i liked the theory before that kris made up ralsei because they missed asriel so much, but the way that ralsei is a lightner and even knows enough to know which classroom in the light world they’d closed the fountain in,,,, isn’t that a little fishy???
6. this is something a friend mentioned to me — isn’t it also fishy that ralsei only wants one dark world functioning, and it’s his own??? i say own as if he is a darkner but. hrmm
7. back to kris. i was on board with a whole theory that deltarune, in and of itself, is gaster’s infamous experiment. both the light world and the dark world, as a simulation to research human souls and determination. gaster is probably pretty hugely involved here even though we haven’t seen him in-game (aside from mystery man easter egg tree room in chapter 1) because he’s the one tweeting before each chapter has dropped. even connects with his lines from undertale “darker yet darker,” like come ON the whole thing with deltarune is preventing the world from being overcome with darkness and destroyed. plus the whole opening sequence creating a vessel for your soul gaster is clearly talking, plus the exe file on pc is called “survey program” (and i vaguely remember in the installation i think the agreement box just said “YOU AGREE TO EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS FROM NOW ON.”) yeah GASTER 👏 IS 👏 INVOLVED👏 anyways my question is . is kris the test subject here? clearly something happened to kris to make it so they need someone else’s soul inside of them in order to be able to much. if so what the hell happened??
8. i keep thinking about the relationship between kris and the player and the rest of the game. who’s the protagonist, you or kris? does it make you the villain if you’re the one controlling kris’s body? is kris the villain if they’re the one opening new dark worlds? are you going to end up fighting kris if they decide they don’t need you anymore?
9. “your choices don’t matter in this world,” except starting chapter 2 they really do. recruiting darkner monsters? the whole snowgrave route that’s drastically different from the main route??? who is the “your choices don’t matter” directed toward?? at first it seems like the player since they make you choose a vessel and you wake up in kris’s body, but in theory it could be directed at kris since someone else is controlling their body?? and they’re trying to revolt against that??
10. what’s the deal with susie’s family, what’s her living situation? seeing her interact with toriel made my heart ache a little about how she was reacting to being treated so kindly. plus she shows up to school hungry enough to eat chalk (although she might also just like eating chalk) and her clothes are raggedy, and maybe this is just a trope but a lot of times people who come off so roughly were treated roughly in their childhood.
11. I WANNA KNOW ABOUT DECEMBER HOLIDAY!!!!!!!! i feel like dess is going to become important later since she was brought up once in chapter 1 and two (or three? idr) times in chapter 2
12. the way the game makes it always kinda sound like asgore wants toriel back but like… he gives flowers to alphys, toriel, and rudy. which one of them gets roses?? RUDY. RUDOLPH HOLIDAY. rudy even jokes about it too. and rudy talks about how mom (has she even been names yet?) isn’t very good to noelle and i keep thinking. wow wait this is a very real thing that can be blooming right here.
13. why doesn’t it let you keep the hot chocolate you get from the diner in ch 1 :( OH WHAT IF KRIS DRINKS IT WHILE YOU’RE IN THE BIRDCAGE
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tanus-lab · 6 years
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Pic is from Diablo. So....I didn’t think Senpai would actually ever notice me? But, like I guess it works out? I...feel like stating another of my dumb theories, and yes the picture is related. This will probably be my last Glitchtale sorta thing for awhile? I want to post about other stuff (which means anything I post will probably get less attention but...this account is just for fun anyway.) *lecough* *also spoilers* The Clear Difference between LOVE fueled Determination and regular Determination in Glitchtale. Or as it can better be summed up: Determination is stronger if the user is willing to kill.
From Betty’s very birth onwards we can see that Fear has a definitive weakness to determination, this isn’t surprising in and of itself. Determination itself is the power to fight through opposition, and through fear itself, to claim victory. Every user of Determination has shown this capability, from Frisk (who it could arguably be said that was so determined he didn’t fear the side effects of passing his hate onto Chara) to Sans (who while fueled by Frisk’s determination no longer shows any worry about fighting Chara, or even Gaster, despite being at a full disadvantage beforehand), to Undyne (who gleefully stomped Betty’s face into the ground for about 5 minutes of pure ecstasy to watch despite her literally representing fear itself.) But Determination has a clear weakness in that if it can be broken it’s user will as a direct result lose all willingness to continue (as happened with Copper, when Amber was murdered) But this weakness needs to be exploited cleverly, and Betty has shown that despite how clever she was garnering trust and attacking the city....she never seems to be able to pull off the same breaking that Agate did. The two times she attempted to make use of that (tricking Undyne into killing Alphys, and killing Asriel) it backfired spectacularly and got her nothing but a couple of fresh dents to her face and ego. I DO think that if it had been Chara from the start and not Frisk that Chara would have lost his determination (he’s much closer to Asriel afterall) but I digress.
Now let’s look at the situations where Betty has been at a disadvantage, Gaster (at first anyway, but he clearly stated that either he’d leave the room or nobody would, clearly willing to kill Betty) Undyne (who had just been tricked into killing the love of her life and almost DID kill Betty) and Frisk (who literally said ‘I will kill you.’) In each of these moments the protagonists have shown a willingness to kill that fuels them, and in Undyne and Frisk’s case it was purely fueling their determination, Undyne transforms out of grief and determination to survive, (really killing Alphys was like trying to put out a fire by pouring gasoline onto it?) and Betty said Frisk’s determination felt different the instant he became ready to kill her. Hell you could even connect this too Sans back when he was powered by Frisk’s soul, he was willing to kill Chara and reset, and he was willing to use lethal force to stop Gaster.  Compare this to Frisk getting himself stomped by Betty when he was far from willing to kill her, only able to survive much less land a hit. Or Copper being at a disadvantage against Agate, he wasn’t willing to kill his sister despite how dangerous she had become. This personally shows a clear difference between Determination that’s fueled by a willingness to kill, and Determination that isn’t. Now yes you could say that Determination otherwise is stronger in some ways, allowing Frisk to break through space itself and save Sans, and giving Asriel the power to defeat the hate-fueled and hate-possessed Chara nonviolently. 
This, long, circuitous journey I’ve led you on also leads to a point that is purely hypothetical, impossible to prove, and makes sense probably only to me....In theory, with the power of the multiverse at my fingertips, who would be the best person that could be brought in to deal with Betty? This is where the pic related comes in, it’d be Imperious, Archangel of Valor of the Diablo universe (the guy in the picture) Now, putting out of mind the fact that him appearing miiiiight be a death sentence for the characters as a whole (since well, he has an unrestrained ire of humanity), Imperious is the perfect opponent for Betty. First, he is a competent warrior unto himself, the most powerful of the angels of the High Heavens and the leader of the Angiris Council (after Malthael vanished and then became the Angel of Death, I’m going to bet nobody expected diablo spoilers). Secondly, he’s had thousands of years of experience fighting Diablo, the literal embodiment of fear, and only ever lost too him after Diablo gave up on trying to subvert Imperious and instead used Baal’s power of destruction to simply overpower him. And third, as discussed in the past goddamn hour it’s taken me to write this thing, Imperious is almost TOO willing to kill, and Valor is quite synonymous with Determination. 
So....Yeah. I’m not trying to prove some uber haxor thing with X character is stronger than X character, This is a purely hypothetical theory that I felt like typing because it’s almost 5 am as I’m writing this and I probably should have gone to bed like an hour ago? But...alas days off are such sweet things to enjoy.
I guess I’m done? I reaaaaaaally hope this doesn’t piss anyone off but I spent the last hour hour and a half or so typing this and I’m gonna post it. And like, if people just don’t read the last few paragraphs I’m good!
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frankpanioncube · 5 years
Prompt List #3 - Rain
Part #3 of @sheewolf85 's October Prompt List. Based almost exclusively on something that happened to one of my best mates, myself and his wife.
Contains video games, spooky graveyards, light UndynexAlphys and Papyrus
"A whole Surface worth of snacks to choose from and you still want oatmeal with little sugar eggs in it."
Undyne's complaint held no real weight and she slammed the boot of the trunk down. There was more than enough variety of snack foods for tastes (and several more people beyond two monsters’ besides), to complement her first real 'best friends' night with Papyrus since they'd settled on the surface.
"And I will RUE the day I get sick of pizza because of you, you nerd."
Papyrus put the top of the car up with a glance at the sky, perhaps because it was going to rain, perhaps because he knew as well as she did that the very second he latched onto a favourite food, he would order it ad nauseum. It was a real debate on whether to take him to a new place that didn’t have one of his favourites; as if he happened to like it one was liable to be eating nothing but for the next few months.
At least his spaghetti was more than edible now.
True to his word, Papyrus navigated through the parking lot from the grocery to the pizza joint they'd placed an order into forty minutes prior and Undyne dashed inside to get the pies. She returned  in fairly short order, holding the boxes on her lap. It appeared not too many other people wanted to go out in what was rapidly becoming a torrential downpour of an evening and the parking lot was all but deserted save for Papyrus' convertible and those parked in employee spots.
The home that she had settled in with Alphys was closer to the the University than the flat Papyrus shared with Sans on the other side of town and Papyrus was enjoying his first visit; or would be had the rain not been driving so heavily.
It finally let up about fifteen minutes in, so Papyrus dimmed his head beams and let Undyne gush about anime for awhile while he chose to take the lull in the storm to observe the local scenery.
"Hey, spooky huh?"
"What is?"
"All that mist around the graveyard at the Church."
"That's spooky?"
"Hell yeah. Well, you know, humans find it spooky. Like zombies and stuff."
"Some humans find Skeletons spooky." Papyrus retorted, rather primly.
"Yeaaaah, maybe, but it's different. Like...it's atmosphere."
Papyrus considered as they continued past. In the gloom of twilight with the imposing silhouette of the church as a backdrop, the roiling fog along the ground did not give the same ambience as the precursor to a Mettaton Show, that was for sure.
Undyne predictably broke the silence. "Oh hey! We should play spooky video games! It's the perfect weather for it!"
"Spooky video games?" Papyrus echoed her.
"Yeah. Unless you're chicken!" Undyne grinned viciously at her friend across the car seat. 
Papyrus predictably rose to the challenge spectacularly. "OF COURSE NOT!"
The rain had started up again and they booked it into the house. Pizza boxes and snacks were delivered to the kitchen; a brief tour of the house was given and soon the duo found themselves seated in Undyne’s living room, drinks, snacks and pizza to hand. 
Papyrus examined Alphys’ anime figurines with a begrudging amount of respect while Undyne pawed through her much less alphabetically organized video game collection, pulling out several titles well known for their blood, guts, gore and of course, jump scares.
The room had been outfitted with drawn blackout curtains but a low rumble of thunder suggested that the storm had now escalated.
Undyne thumbed the volume up on the television and sorted through the titles, picking out the most up-to-date; virtually guaranteed to have the most realistic graphics, then put it down.
“Oh no. This one.” 
The title was a compilation reprint from an old company to the point where it’s inital release had required more than nine CD’s to play through. However, in the interests of winning the unspoken challenge the game’s plot also revolved around puzzles; using items and information in the correct way in order to escape the demonic haunted house and solve the mystery.
Just as the protagonist’s posessed husband had caught hold of her and was about to lock her into a torture device, an immense clap of thunder rang out, the power went out and both Papyrus and Undyne let out a joint scream.
A split second later the lights flickered back on.
Alphys stood in the doorway, taking in the sight of her wife and her wife’s best friend, clutching eachother on the couch; Undyne in Papyrus’ lap with her arms around his neck and her knees tucked up to her chest, Papyrus with his face buried into her shoulder and clinging like his life depended on it.
Both Undyne and Papyrus were begrudgingly impressed as she very calmly held up her phone and snapped a photo.  
Papyrus broke the stunned silence with what was evidently meant to be a whisper. “Is this where I’m supposed to say ‘It’s not what it looks like’?”
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chemicalbrew · 5 years
for the games ask thing, 5, 12 and 25?
5. Least favorite character
Since Trails is so damn obviously on my mind, Olivier and Josette came to mind first. BUT I don’t really hate them??…
The former’s gotten annoying over time and I’m glad that thanks to Crossbell, I get to take a break from that fucker
and the latter is a fine enough character (esp by normal RPG standards and not heightened Trails ones), she just had no reason to be PLAYABLE for two games. AT ALL
Lloyd is absolutely the worst protagonist out of the five I’ve seen. (obvious, but has to be stated) He’s not entirely dislikeable, but just. When you think of Ries, you think of her love for food and bread and all, and yet it’s Lloyd who’s blander than white bread! What the fuck?
I like Robo the least on the CT party, I’ll make that official. Doesn’t mean he’s bad or whatever, because CT’s party is gorgeous, but yeah. He’s just there and IDK what to do about him!
Gau from FFVI is everything Ayla is, but worse
Barrett from FFVII is a walking stereotype. Disgusting!
Daruk really, really sucks! He’s so boring.
I recall disliking Alphys back when I played Undertale, but now, ehhh, I respect her
Pyrrhon was annoying in KIU. (Is that even how you spell his name? because I genuinely forgot)
12. Most embarrassing gaming moment
Well, uh… I genuinely don’t know how to answer that because these days I mostly play/watch singleplayer RPGs and embarrass myself only.
I guess…
the amount of anger and spent nerves me and my dad had over Mario Kart back in the day is embarrassing
me going for what little I knew of advanced Smash tricks and failing was embarrassing
me daring to touch any platformer is embarrassing
me saying ‘No way I’ll cry over 3rd‘ is embarrassing in hindsight because I needed to embrace the fact that I might and would. Fuck this game, I love it so much.
me getting so scared of Photoshop Flowey as to avoid the game for half a month is embarrassing
me wasting that much time on osu! and worrying about my performance is embarrassing (still enjoy the base concept of it though)
me spending so much time fretting over Fire Emblem when it’s so obviously not my thing in terms of gameplay (and nowadays everything else too. Shoutout to Trails for opening my eyes) is most embarrassing
25. A game you wish you could burn from your memory
To play for the first time again? Easy, Chrono Trigger, Radical Dreamers and Breath of the Wild (watch me say Trails 3rd in a few years!)
To never think of again? Fire Emblem Fates, probably. And kind of Final Fantasy VII. It was funny sometimes and the soundtrack is fire, but otherwise I never saw the appeal that the diehard fans see. Any other games I would have mentioned, I’ve already forgotten, hahaha. (cue I’ve Forgotten You from 3rd that I cannot embed right now, oops)
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rubberduckyrye · 6 years
minawakitten replied to your post “Sorry for Undertale-ing on main but I’e been listening to songs that...”
yall gonna have to go into more detail about that because that gremlin child did not give me many good impressions [ especially when asriel goes into detail about the time they were as one being ]
Sorry I was really focused on drawing this:
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Now that I got some of my feels out of my system I’ll tell you about Chara, or at least, the story I had for her.
Spoilers under the cut, because I still want to write this damn story one day gdi
Okay so Yeah I get why you’d think Chara is an absolute gremlin. TBH I thought the same when I started developing the original AU where this specific interpretation of Chara comes from, but the story developed beyond that and she became the protagonist.
But first: Have you ever heard of the Narrator Chara Theory?
I’m not sure how popular the theory is now, but it was kind of popular when I was in the undertale fandom. The idea is simple: Chara is the narrator. This explains some strange things, like why the narrator is addressed as “Chara” by Flowey when you open the game after a pacifist run to RESET it, and other bits and bobs. A lot of people use the flavor text like “No Chocolate” or “Where are the Knives” from the genocide route to point out that this is Chara and Chara is evil--except that flavor text is narration. You can’t just say some narration is Chara while others aren’t. It’s all or nothing, and there’s hints that depending on how the player plays the game determines what kind of personality Chara gets at the end. When you do a genocide run, Chara wants to destroy the world because Chara saw Frisk kill all of monster kind and decided that the whole world should be erased. If you think about it, they are said to hate humans--and why wouldn’t they hate humans more after seeing Frisk massacre the entire monster race? What motivation would Chara have to want this world to live if the species they grew fond of was obliterated?
It’s also implied that the player’s/Frisk’s actions makes Chara “Good” or “Evil” depending on what you do. Notice how the narration changes in the different routes? That implies that the narrator themselves is a character being affected by Frisk’s actions. Chara may or may not also feel bitterness at monster kind in the afterlife, because of the declaration of war Asgore had, which is why Chara may have been enthusiastic about the genocide run as well as the pacifist run.
Once you consider Chara to be the narrator Chara’s character expands beyond what Asriel gives you and the hints you get about them in the game. Asriel’s claim that they weren’t a good person almost becomes kind of cruel, and before you say Asriel is a sweet baby child that can do no harm, let’s not forget that Asriel is also Flowey and Flowey is just Asriel’s personality without much empathy/sympathy/unable to feel emotions. 
I’d like to point out that Chara... literally gave their life to try to save monster kind. They had no point of reference to what would happen to them after they died and Asriel took their soul, there was no real way for them to have known they weren’t going to just cease existing afterwards. Them taking their body up to the surface? That was probably Chara wanting to give closure to any family, or in a more bitter tone, bring their body up to the surface to show what the humans what they had done--killed them. 
It’s implied heavily that Chara was abused, which is where they get their hatred of humanity from. Them wanting to kill all the humans on the surface, while still morally wrong, was probably a sort of revenge for what they did to them. They were hurt and abused, and they have an intense hatred for humanity that they probably wanted to wipe most of humanity out because of their past abuse. That is especially amplified with how it was monster kind that gave them a good home, food, love and care where as humanity remained ugly and horrid. There were no positive human influences on Chara, and seeing how such a kind and loving race was trapped under ground probably fueled the fire even more.
Either way, they did sacrifice themselves to try to free human kind, regardless of interpretations and speculation. 
Now in comes my specific girl here.
My interpretation of Chara didn’t just have the above conflicts weighing on her mind, but also pressure accidentally put onto her and Asriel. Asgore, Toriel, and all of monster kind calling them their “hope” and... you know? That’s actually a lot of pressure to put on two kids, especially when one of them was abused like Chara was.
Chara sort of cracked under the pressure, feeling like she had to do something to save all of monster kind, and it lead her to mixing the poisonous buttercup flowers with milk chocolate to make poisonous chocolate bars Asriel could sneak to her without Asgore or Toriel noticing. Because she felt like she wasn’t worth anything, and hated herself for being human, she chose to sacrifice herself.
Asriel absorbed her soul, and she took her body to the surface to give closure to her brother, Marcus. Marcus is an OC who is also the soul of INTEGRITY. Yes, the ballet dancer soul is a boy in this story, and that actually kind of comes into play as to why Chara and her brother were heavily abused and eventually kicked out and living as starving children in a village. Marcus immediately recognizes his sister, and of course, thinks Asriel killed her. This causes a riot within the town and Chara wanted to fight them, kill them and collect their souls to free monster kind from the underground, but Asriel refused to fight. This ends up getting them both killed like in the canon.
In this AU/Story, Chara actually had a yellow soul of JUSTICE rather than a red soul. However she died with a red soul--how? Well in this AU, a RED soul isn’t actually a naturally occurring soul color, but rather represents the soul being overtaken by DETERMINATION. Being DETERMINED to save monster kind turned her soul red, but she couldn’t perform the RESET trick Frisk can. Why? 
Marcus, being a blue soul, was filled with DETERMINATION to the point where his soul was red. The implications here is that yellow is easier to make red than blue is, so Marcus was filled with more DETERMINATION than Chara. In a fit of rage, he tracked Asriel to the underground carrying Chara’s body back with him, to show the monsters what hey had done to his sister and why they were being massacred by him.
His DETERMINATION wore thin, however, as he couldn’t kill Asgore, so his soul returned to blue and his soul was taken as the first soul. Enter the first glitch RESET.
You see, in this story, Chara wasn’t supposed to die like she did. She was supposed to free monsters peacefully after her brother found her, but because she died like she did, the world’s code was glitched, and it tried to rectify itself by trying to recreate the peaceful scenario. This is why there was a drought of humans not even coming near the underground and then suddenly, six humans fell in succession. 
Meanwhile, Chara was put in the LOADING SCREEN, basically a dark room with no light aside from green lines of code flickering on the wall. She eventually realizes she can manipulate the code, and spends a very long time learning how to manipulate it to build a console, a machine that allowed her to see what was going on in the outside world.
Before she was able to finally make the console, however, six humans had fallen and killed. Asgore, not wanting to kill humans anymore, sent the six souls to Gaster (yes he has a role in this) and his lab assistants, Sans and Alphys, to try to figure out a better solution.
The DETERMINATION machine was created as a result, and extracted all of the DETERMINATION from the six souls. However, at a sort of celebration party for the success of the machine, Goner Kid was left unattended and accidentally pushed some buttons on the machine’s control panel, causing a severe malfunction.
Sans was only able to teleport himself and Alphys out of the lab before the machine exploded, obliterating all of their coworkers into space and time, including Gaster. The DETERMINATION plus explosion also forced another glitch RESET, creating the timeline where Gaster and all of those who perished in the lab never existed, and creating the situation with Alphys and Flowey.
Chara develops her console quite a bit after Flowey’s conception, and by this point Flowey’s been killing and RESETTING and abusing his powers. 
After realizing who Flowey was, this naturally upset Chara. She eventually pieced together what happened by observing, and found that she remembers through the glitch RESETS. So she basically watches Flowey turn everyone’s lives into his play things until, you guessed it, the DETERMINATION from the previous timeline with Gaster manifests itself as Frisk, the first and only pure RED soul with no base attributes.
Frisk’s DETERMINATION surpasses Flowey’s, and Frisk takes over the timeline.
In this story, Frisk is initially a coward who runs away from all fights, but soon they start to realize their power and they become a bit more kinder. Chara is also guiding them as the “narrator” and helping them through the underground.
They do a pacifist run. Everyone’s got their happy ending.
But then... they RESET. 
Frisk is the only human Chara can itneract with, so she immediately questions what Frisk was thinking, and Frisk says that they want to save both Chara and Asriel from their fate. Seeing nothing wrong with this, Chara lets them try to save her and Asriel.
RESET after RESET, and nothing is working. Chara tells Frisk to give up, but Frisk gets an idea. They decide to kill--after all, they could just RESET to bring them back, and it might lead to a clue as to how to save Chara and Asriel. Chara reluctantly agrees to it.
This is the beginning of hell.
Frisk goes through RESET after RESET trying to figure out how to save Asriel and Chara, but nothing they do is working. Not even killing. So they get desperate, and start trying to kill everyone.
That’s when a “glitch” happens in Chara’s code.
As Frisk attempts a genocide run, both their and Chara’s LOVE goes up. However, Frisk aborts the first genocide run after killing Mettaton and they RESET, thinking that there had to be a better way... except the damage has been done.
Because Chara exists outside of the RESETS, Chara’s LOVE never RESET either, and this turned her cold. Hateful. She decided that Frisk’s attempts to save her and Asriel weren’t just a waste of time--it was a form of torture.
Chara decided then, “If this is a world of ‘kill or be killed’... wouldn’t it be better off dead?”
From there, Chara devised a plan to force Frisk into completing a genocide run. She started forcing Frisk into RESETS and claimed that she had no idea what had happened. After a while, she lied to Frisk and told them that the world was ending and Frisk needed to complete a genocide run in order ti fix it. Frisk refused at first, but all Chara had to do was be patient, and Frisk finally gave in and went to attempt a genocide run.
Cue glitch two.
As they were fighting Sans, it was Sans’ code that glitched, making him remember the tale of monsters being able to absorb a human soul. Thinking that there was no other way to stop Frisk from completing a Genocide run, he forces his soul and Frisk’s to fuse.
This also causes a RESET, and Chara’s LOVE is finally back down to LV 1. However, Frisk is now unavailable for her to talk to, because now Frisk and Sans are both neither human nor monster. Sans looks the same, except for his soul, which looked like this:
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The problem is, like Asriel and Chara, Sans had no way of knowing that Frisk would still have control over his body, and this causes a new kind of hell to be born as Frisk tries to complete the genocide run with Sans’s body and magic.
However, because Frisk cannot kill Sans without killing themselves and resetting, the genocide run cannot be completed at all. Sans also has a tendency to fight back for control before Frisk is able to get close to realizing this, so they are locked in an endless hell of Frisk trying to “save the world from the glitch they made” and Sans fighting to stop the from completing a genocide run.
And Chara could do nothing but watch. 
She couldn’t contact Frisk anymore and tell them it was a lie, so she’s basically forced to watch their struggles with the guilt heavy on her shoulders that she caused this. 
Cue the next Glitch.
Upon a RESET, Chara’s yellow soul was restored and Chara becomes the “eighth” human to fall into the underground, though she has no memories of who she is or everything that had happened. She is also wearing Frisk’s clothing, and only remembers the name “Frisk” at first, so she thinks she is Frisk. She eventually meets Sans and has to rely on him to make “Save points” but notices that he seems really bitter and pissed off at her for some reason when his eyes are white, and when they are red, he’s much kinder. She goes through the underground with her yellow soul and eventually uncovers all of what I mentioned before, and realizes that Frisk and Sans are still fused, and Frisk hasn’t gone on another Genocide run because of Chara’s appearance.
Despite Frisk refusing to kill, Sans refuses to give up their soul, paranoid that once he does they’ll just ruin everything all over again, and he blames Chara for their actions. 
However the story is designed to be a series of mistakes and unfortunate events that no one person can be blamed for--Frisk’s first unprompted attempt at a genocide run corrupted Chara, Chara lied to Frisk in a plot to end the world, and Sans refuses to let Frisk’s soul go not just to keep them from hurting others, but to keep some control. None of these characters in this story are good or evil.
Anyway, Chara decides to complete a pacifist run, and it’s mostly the same from that point until just before Flowey turns into Asriel. Flowey knows Sans has Frisk’s soul, and tries to rip their souls apart--but Sans refusing to let go, makes it so Frisk’s soul and his split in half.
Frisk’s half-soul is enough to transform Flowey into Asriel, and then Chara finds her own DETERMINATION to overpower Asriel and complete the pacifist run. She gives her body to Frisk’s half-soul so they could live in their happy ending, and she and Asriel move on to the afterlife after the barrier is finally destroyed and humans and monsters can have their hopeful future once again.
Of course, Chara’s more than just this story however. She’s a break dancer, where as her brother was a ballet dancer, and their non gender-conforming interests is what gets them abused to begin with. However Chara also can play the violin and is an excellent programmer thanks to her being trapped in the LOADING SCREEN. However she’s also severely touch repulsed from living there for so long by herself. She’s also suuuper awkward and can be prickly to talk to. She’s cold, but she doesn’t really know how to be more social as her social skills are entirely wrecked at that point. 
She actually hates all chocolate except white chocolate. Milk and Dark chocolate especially make her sick upon association with the poisoned chocolate bars she originally used to try to sacrifice herself to save everyone.
Anyway that’s my info=dump on my Chara from my one story and I love my daughter.
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thegeminisage · 7 years
Undertale and Zelda?
ohhh this is a fun one because to everybody in hyrule sans & papyrus would just look like really goofy stalfos LOL
undertale vs zelda:
the characters i’d ship: i don’t really wanna ship any UT characters but i could kinda ship undyne with oot zelda, because oot zelda is absolutely the gayest one. tetra might outgay her but she’s too young to ship with undyne, so. (conversely, i’m pretty sure alphys would be crushing on all the gerudo because spear-wielding red-headed badasses? hell yeah)
the characters who would be BFFs: okay, but frisk and botw link as the two silent protagonists having entire silent conversations with facial expressions and grunting. maybe frisk teaches link sign language. beautiful. alternatively i can definitely see mtt and sidon getting along bc mtt likes to be flattered and sidon does a lot of flattering. tetra would get along with undyne really well in a little sister way i think.
the characters who would be enemies: i mean basically everyone from the UT cast would be ganondorf’s enemy i know but i think undyne would take his agenda ESPECIALLY personally.
the characters who would be allies: man, asgore would be so quick to buddy up with the royal family of hyrule. he just wants them all to be friends.
the characters who would be allies, but reluctantly: i feel like this would apply to papyrus and most hylians because under one hand, how can you not love him? under the other that is very definitely a skeleton and his appearance would scare them shitless lmao
the characters who would drive each other bananas: i think sans could pretty easily annoy anyone if he wanted to, while other people would have a harder time getting, uh, under his skin. but if anyone could come close it would be groose prior to his character development, because he could be genuinely a bit mean, which is the only trait i think sans actually looks down on. after he grew up a bit they’d probably be good friends, though. groose would pick up puns ust to impress him. alternatively, mtt and revali both trying to be the coolest one in the room would cause instant animosity
the characters i think are the most alike: ss impa and toriel! old ladies with lots of regret who are secretly made of steel and just want a kind of quiet life now. undyne and the gerudo, as mentioned above - and also alphys and botw zelda, anxious nerds. i think botw zelda would also get along really well with asriel.
my favorite character from each fandom & how i think they would get along: sans aaaand…again i have a hard time picking a favorite zelda character - groose is easily up there but i already covered that dynamic, sooo - midna. they’d probably get along well; they’re both hidden badasses and she’d probably get a kick out of his jokes, even if his laid-back attitude would really throw her (she’s laid-back too, but she puts most of it on to hide her angst; sans genuinely lost the ability to care, lol).
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