#And I get mad when ppl act like Lydia's feelings came out of no where
hepaidattention · 3 years
I just want to know how people think Lydia didn't have feelings for Stiles until s6
Like. How?
The thing is the creators didn't want their relationship to be this big, dramatic side story with Lydia pining over Stiles and Stiles pining over Lydia. They just wanted them to be friends, and that friendship turning into something so much more.
Once we hit s3 you can literally watch Stiles no longer crushing on her. Instead its a pure love for one another. They care for one another deeply, and it doesn't have to be romantic and that's good. It started out pure and platonic and yes Stiles always loved Lydia, but he never pushed it because he valued their friendship more.
One of the first ever Stydia scenes is when Stiles is standing there telling her they have an unspoken connection and Lydia ignores him. It was like the writers were telling us what was to come for the next 6 seasons.
They state that Lydia and Stiles have an unspoken connection numerous times. Stiles is clearly aware of it, and Lydia too, but they don't speak of it. They ignore it.
Deaton flat out says they have a connection. Scott (twice) and Malia straight out say they have a connection.
They imply they have a strong connection in scenes throughout the show. The most implied being the scenes in 3b when Stiles is going through hell and Lydia is too, emotionally and mentally. And in s6, when she can see and hear what Stiles hears and sees when he's missing.
They didn't just write that Stiles and Lydia had a connection all of the sudden in s6. It was there when Lydia screamed in her car because Stiles was struggling with the nogitsune, or when Lydia knew Stiles was in the basement of Eichen House literally because HE WAS DREAMING THAT and HE THOUGHT he was there. She wasn't connected to his physical location like most her banshee moments. She was connected to where he was mentally and emotionally.
In 3a we watch Lydia literally kiss Stiles because she was so freaked over his pain she didn't know what else to do. There's very little evidence that holding your breath would help someone with panic attack, and doing something even more surprising and making his heart rate spike probably wasn't the best method of helping. However, she wasn't thinking. She acted like she was because she's Lydia. But Lydia kissed him because it was instinct, because they have a connection, and when they pulled apart her face said so many things. All of which pointed to love, not indifference.
Lydia's love for Stiles was slow and gradual. That was the point. Their connection led to her love for him, and I think Stiles' love for her led to their connection.
Most importantly, after episodes upon episodes I could name of them worrying for each other, (for Lydia making it clear she doesn't want a serious relationship with anyone after Jackson, after clear flirting with Parrish because well Stiles had moved on in her eyes and also they could relate to each other on another level - plus he was hot I meaaaaan) after episodes of them holding hands, after episodes of them going to each other for comfort first, after episodes upon episodes of them looking at each other like they hung the moon and stars, and episodes upon episodes of a drift between them that was not just hard for us to watch, but clearly hard for the characters to endure, we finally get s5. How could anyone watch this season and say Lydia didn't have feelings for Stiles?
Before then I get it, it was all subtext. But s5 literally had Lydia and Parrish always flirting, but Lydia never taking any initiative. S5 has Stiles and Lydia teaming up again, and constant worrying for each other. S5 has Lydia being taken to Eichen House and Stiles rescuing her. (Notice how Stiles would do anything to save Lydia, a human, while Parrish, a cop and a hell hound, was iffy on trying to save her). S5 has Lydia in torture and still telling Stiles to go because he could get hurt. S5 has Lydia seeing Stiles come rescue her and her face not screaming thank God I'm saved, but how much she loves him. She looks at him like she had been dreaming of this rescue for weeks, and it felt like a dream. She looked at him like he was the stars and she was the scientist studying them. She looked at him with pure love and admiration. And she still told him it was too dangerous. She still wanted him to be safe before herself.
The rest of the episode is the same way. People act like Lydia realizes she loved Stiles out of nowhere, just all of the sudden in s6. Lydia loved Stiles for a while, stated in s6 that she started having feelings for him in 3a when she kissed him. You can see those feelings when she's jealous of Malia, or worried for Stiles. And you can see her realizing how much she loves him in s5, when he rescues her from Eichen.
The thing is Lydia's character was never the type to be outwardly emotional about that sort of thing. They made it clear the whole show she hated being vulnerable, and Stiles made her feel vulnerable, so she put up her guard when it came to her feelings for him. She also made it clear that Jackson broke her heart and love was hard for her now. He was literally abusive, she needed time. And Stiles knew that. She dated Aiden but it was hardly a relationship at times and she knew that. Yes she cared for him but it was never serious. Yeah she had a crush on Parrish but she never even acted on it because that kind of stuff wasn't her concern and honestly love had been hard for her. But those were crushes, attraction. Lydia could voice she was attracted to a guy. But voicing that she loved them? The last person she told she loved abused her emotionally and physically at times, and then moved off to London. Love wasn't an easy thing to confront.
After he saves her things change between them. Yes they're still friends but their relationship feels different now. More vulnerable. More open. More loving. Once we get to the premiere of s6 we literally find out that they spend most their nights together with Stiles dragging her out of bed for some "supernatural" thing that they both know isn't really anything to concern about. She knows they're not something real, and she goes along with it anyway because it's Stiles and they're both single. God I wish I could have seen that summer of them bickering and flirting all those nights.
They even spend walks outside together apparently, discussing supernatural things as they literally just walk outside during a night time stroll? Like they literally weren't going anywhere. They were just walking together. And their relationship had advanced so much at this point that Stiles had the guts to not only tell her he wanted to kiss her but actually kisses her on her cheek, considering she literally told him not to and he still had the guts to do it anyway. And Lydia's face when he does kiss her on the cheek? It's like a light bulb hits. It's like suddenly she realized she kinds wanted him to kiss her cheek again.
The thing is s6 was setting up for a season of Lydia realizing, fully, that she loved Stiles and that she wanted to be with him. I believe that if Stiles hadn't been taken, the season would have gone down more like a slow burn. Because yes Lydia loved Stiles, but it would take a lot for her to fully admit that. When he tells her he loves her she doesn't say it back, and part of that if because she doesn't have time but a huge part of that is because Lydia is a stubborn ass that had commitment problems and she had a hard time admitting they were true. That she loved Stiles Stilinski. Her best friend.
However, when memories of him are taken, the only thing that's holding onto him for her is their connection and their love for one another.
There's no more doubting-Lydia over Stiles because the only thing that she can remember is that she loves him. Something she always knew, but refused to admit. But now it was all that was left. How was she supposed to know she was supposed to pretend she didn't like him? She couldn't remember that. All she remembered was how he made her feel, and how she felt with him no longer here.
The story line of Lydia and Stiles is literally that Lydia was too stubborn to admit she had feelings for Stiles, feelings that we see glimpses of all the way back to s3, and the only thing that made her admit them was literally everything being stripped away but her feelings.
Lydia Martin was in love with Stiles Stilinski for much longer than just s6. She just needed a push to realize/admit it.
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