#And Nanao's been THROUGH IT man
ozym4ndi4s · 1 year
Lemon is somehow even more autistic in the book than he was in the movie
I don't know how else to explain it but HE IS
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kyokutsu-sama · 7 months
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"How would they react if you sat on their lap and hugged them while they were busy?" A/n: I had this one lost in my drafts for a while and I didn't even remember it😅(It was a bit of a random idea, but somehow it was cute❤️)
Jushiro : Jushiro seemed focused on the papers that were on the table and had forgotten the world around him, but you decided to test him a little. You opened the door and saw the man with long white hair lost in his thoughts who didn't even realize you were there until you started approaching the table. He looked at you and smiled, you approached him and sat on his lap hugging him, which left him a little confused at first and asked you about it. "Are you okay, love?" He asked when he felt your fingers caressing the back of his neck "Yes, I just came to give you a hug and see how you were" He smiled and kissed your cheek as thanks for worrying about him. He's such a cutie and he wouldn't mind if you stayed there with him.
Shunsui : Shunsui, for the first time in his life, seemed to be doing his job properly. If it hadn't been for Nanao threatening him, saying that she would drag him to the office by his hair if she found him drunk in one of the bars in Seireitei, he wouldn't have been there. You met him in the office and smiled after seeing him working, you got close to him and he switched his attention to you. "Y/n! Good to see you here dear" He greeted, leaning back in the chair. You didn't say anything and sat on his lap and hugged him, he hugged you and placed a few kisses on your neck, still wondering why such a kind act and why you haven't said a word since you entered. "You missed me, didn't you?" He asked, moving your face away from his shoulder and looking at you "Actually, I just came by to hug you, but I can't say I didn't miss you a little" You said running your hands over his face "My lieutenant threatened me and that's the reason I'm here" You smiled and placed your head in the crook of his neck, keeping him close to you.
Byakuya : Busy as always, Byakuya had a somewhat tired look as he read and reread the endless reports on his desk. You opened the door a little and peeked inside only to find him focused on his work, you entered and went to him. He only realized that you were there when you got close to him and put him back in the chair and sat on his lap, then he raised an eyebrow, confused by the fact that you just sit on his lap and hugged him for no apparent reason. "Is everything okay Y/n?" He asked after a while "Yes, I'm just stopping by to see you" You said as you ran your fingers through his hair "I was working on---" "Just stop for a moment, okay ?"You smiled at him, caressing his cheek He took a long sigh but didn't want to persist, surrendering to your affection.
Kenpachi : Of all the places you thought he could be, the office was the one where you least expected him to be. He hated that part of the job, you were the one who took on that role and you even used to scold him for spending his days away or leaving all that work to you. You watched him for a while, still trying to believe what your eyes were seeing, who would have thought he would be there? You closed the door and walked over to him, you sat on his lap and hugged him. He dropped the papers on the table and didn't hesitate to question you about that action. "Are you trying something, woman?" He asked, frowning "No, I just came to check on you. Is it wrong to worry about you?" You asked, looking at his confused expression "No, it's not. Unless you have a good reason for sneaking in here and sitting on my lap" "Beyond concern and kindness, no, I don't think so" You smiled and tried to move away from him "You're playing with fire, woman. Come here"He said before pinning your body against his with one arm And that's it, now you were trapped in his arms and he wouldn't let you go anytime soon.
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gallusrostromegalus · 5 months
So I may have been browsing through your AEIWAM tag and came across your writing of Komamura saying it's too hot in summer when you have a fur coat you can't take off. By that logic he's gonna always be sitting beside Hitsugaya in Captain meetings if he can swing it, especially in the early days, cause that boy is like a mini air conditioner next to him. XD
Wolves are winter creatures. The double coat, the snowshoe paws, the proclivity for cuddlepiles- if Sajin could move somewhere that never got above 40F he'd be in heaven. Alas, he lives in a major city that hits triple digits in the summer, so he keeps close track of the little pieces of winter he can find.
The first person to realize his little game was Unohana. She knew about the wolfman thing- Yamamoto trusts her as much as Sasakibe, and persuaded Sajin that, should a medical emergency arise, it should not also be a medical surprise.
She is of course, the pinnacle of Medical Confidentiality.
...but his name came up during one of the Shinigami Women's Association meetings/boozing sessions, and a distinct schism appeared.
On one side was Soi Fon, Nanao, and Herself, who all found Komamura to be very polite, professional and reliable if somewhat reticent and at times, aloof.
"I swear I can't get more than three words out of him!" Nanao despairs.
"I like him. He knows how to Shut Up." Soi Fon agrees.
"He's a very private man." Unohana nods.
Across the table, Isane and Rukia are baffled.
"Captain Komamura? Ten feet tall, bucket head? That Komamura?" Rukia the so-called Ice Princess asks, gesturing to indicate their height disparity. "What the fuck are you talking about? He's SUPER friendly and will hang around to talk FOREVER."
"Yeah, every time I go to the 7th he always asks me to stay for lunch and wants to know how everyone in my family is doing and swap horror stories from the ER for tales of crazy people in the intake queue." Agrees Isane, wielder of the ice cloud Itegumo. "It's embarrassing, but one time I was more than two hours late getting back because we get to talking!"
Everyone stares at everyone else, baffled.
"Did- did I do something to piss him off?" Wonders Nanao.
"Huh. Maybe he just picked up on how much I hate small talk on the job?" Soi Fon shrugs.
Unohana is silent, thinking.
"GUESS WHO BROUGHT TEQUILA!!" Matsumoto Rangiku announces as she kicks in the door, holding four bottles of liquor, only three of which were still full.
"We need you to settle a debate!" Rukia demands at once.
"Ooh! I love passing judgement on things that don't effect me!" Rangiku coos, sitting down, her chest making an odd 'clunk' sound on the table "- there's also salt and limes!"
"It kinda effects you." Soi Fon waved her hand noncommittally. "How would you describe Captain Komamura?"
"Tall, Heavily Armored and Mysterious?" Rangiku shrugs, pulling the box of kosher salt out of her cleavage.
"...more like his personality." Isane clarified.
"Oh! Uhh... You know what? He's one of the few people that's ever complimented me on streamlining like 80% of the paperwork we have to do." Rangiku nodded, fishing the limes out as well. "Always has stuff done waaaay before I expected and I feel like a bit of a jerk for not replying immediately, but never complains if my stuff comes in late."
"Does he hang around and talk, or is he just really businesslike?" Nanao asks, eyes narrowed behind her glasses.
"Hmm..." Fowns Rangiku. "Kinda varies by the day- Sometimes he's all business, other times he'll stay and chat. I always assumed he wants to talk but sometimes he's got work, you know?"
There is much confused muttering as the limes are cut, when Unohana raises a finger.
"...How is he with Lieutenant Hitsugaya?" She asks.
"Oh, he ADORES Toshiro!" Rangiku nods enthusiastically, salting her shot glass. "He actually does the majority of Toshiro's Bankai training now because The Old Man handed it off to him so he could focus on teaching Zaraki Everything But Kendo- which, bless him for doing that, Shiro-kin could literally freeze my tits off!- and he really does a good job listening to Toshiro's concerns and confusions- he's a sensitive boy, you know? And Koma-kun is so gentle with him and to be honest I always eavesdrop on his advice because I could use it too. Delightful man all around." She nodded, and moved to down her drink.
"...Why?" She asked, pausing her drink and glaring suspiciously at Unohana.
Unohana nods with the clarity of enlightenment. "Nothing serious, but everything makes sense now." She smiles, then cracks into a small giggle. "It's rather charming, actually."
"Care to elaborate?" Soi Fon grumbles.
"Yeah that answered NOTHING." Rangiku glares.
"We noticed an interesting disparity in his behavior." Unohana explains, pushing her own glass towards Rangiku to fill. "For me, Captain Fon, and Lieutenant Ise, Komamura-Taicho is very polite, but sticks to the matter at hand and will not volunteer any further conversation. For Lieutenant Koetetsu, Miss Kuchiki and apparently Lieutenant Hitsugaya, he has all the time in the world and is quite the chatterbox."
"...Weird." Rangiku frowns, intrigued by the puzzle. "For me it's like, half and half?"
"Not quite, I think." Unohana smirks. "What do Isane, Rukia and young Toshiro all have in common?"
The Resounding Silence of Thinking Very Hard around the table was a bit of a disappointment, but they were about three bottles into the evening already.
"Can't be Height." Nanao hummed. "Rukia and Shiro-Kun are shorter than a stack of pancakes but Isane's got legs that are too long for the cover of Vouge."
"Isane and Toshiro are both silver-haired, but not me, and he doesn't seem to be particularly close to Ukitake-Taicho and I think I've actually seen him run out of a room to avoid Gin." Rukia puzzled.
"What? RUDE." Rangiku protested.
"They're all under a century old, right?" Rangiku pondered.
"No, I'm almost two hundred!" Isane sighed. "Oh wait- we all graduated early from the Academy!"
"Ehhhh, I graduated because I got adopted, I'm not a genius like you and Shiro-kun." Rukia waved. "Also, how would HE know that?"
"You're all Lieutenants!" Rangiku perked up.
"Not yet I'm not!" Rukia protested.
"Pfsh- you run half the division anyway. Jushiro should promote you to Co-lieutenant with Kaien already!" Rangiku waved.
"Its- it's complicated." Rukia mumbled. "Also, Nanao-chan is a Lieutenant and he doesn't like her!"
"Does it have to do with how freakishly huge he is?" Soi Fon asked.
"...Yes, actually." Unohana decided. Sajin might not have so much trouble thermoregulating if he was the size of a regular wolf. She reasoned privately.
"Also, He likes Nanao-chan just fine as far as I know. I think it's less about how much he enjoys your company- which I think he does, he's not one for putting on facades- and more about how much he enjoys your Proximity." She clarified, taking her shot. "Oh, this is good, what is it?"
"Cabrito Blanco." Rangiku read off. "Huh. The Cabrito on the label sure ain't Blanco." She frowned at the brown goat.
"None of us have transferred out of the Division we started in, but again, how would he know? and that hasn't got anything to do with Proximity..." Isane frowned.
Rukia slammed her glass down. "WOW that's got a kick. Maybe uhhhh... None of us wear perfume, but Gin doesn't either. I hope. I don't want to get close enough to find out."
"He's really not that bad-" Rangiku sulked. "OH, 'Blanco' refers to the tequila and this is that goat's white tequila!" She realized.
"Sometimes I wish I could take a weekend vacation in your brain. Its machinations fascinate me." Soi Fon teased. "Hmmm... Lotta close but no Cigar, you're all young-ish, Isane and Toshiro have living relatives and Rukia has a large adopted family, but again, not exclusive or Proximal. You're also all S-rank duelists with- OH!"
"Shh, I'm enjoying the flailing." Retsu grinned.
"Pfff- okay, that is kinda cute and I don't blame him." Soi Fon giggled. "Sometimes I'm real glad my seat is right next to The Old Man for the same reason. Or opposite reason, I guess."
"Bwah?" Rangiku frowned.
"I do the same thing with You, Momo and The Old Man that He's doing with them." Soi Fon grinned. Rangiku frowned, peculiar machinations grinding slowly through the tequila, before she suddenly cackled, head thrown back so hard Unohana had to reach out and grab her by the scarf to keep her from tipping her chair over.
"OH NOOOOOOOO!!" She wailed, shoulders shaking. "Oh- that's cute but Toshiro can NEVER find out he'll be such a brat about it!"
"Sorry I'm late, I had to finish the latest report on the Rice Farm Subsidy Fraud Investigation!" Momo panted, jogging in late. "-What can't Toshiro find out about?"
"There is SOMETHING that You, ran-chan and Yamamoto-sama share, and it's the same thing but backwards as what Me, Hitsugaya, and Isane have in common that Komamura-taicho really likes it or something, and THEY know but won't TELL US and its MAKING ME CRAZY!" Rukia wailed.
Momo stood, expression blank for a few moments. "Wait. You didn't know?"
"KNOW WHAT?" Rukia wailed.
"That Komamura hangs around with people with Ic-Mmpf!" Momo started to reveal but was abruptly tackled and the rest of the sentence smothered in Rangiku's Cleavage.
"With WHAT?" Nanao demanded. "What do they have that I don't?"
"-Hang on." Isane frowned, the slowly turned to her captain, squinting. "Is. Is this a... Physics Issue?"
"That's one way to phrase it." Unohana smiled as Momo flailed for air.
"Oh my Gooooood..." Isane groaned. "Why doesn't he just ASK? I'd happily go over and give Itegumo some practice, I hate summertime too!"
"Huh?" Rukia glared, as Momo finally fought her way free and gasped for air.
"Itegumo? That's your- ohhhhhhh." Nanao realized. "That's. Okay yeah that's actually really cute." She giggled. "Poor guy. The armor can't help with that, can it?"
"That's what I keep telling him but it's-" Unohana waved her hands and grimaced with frustration. "-He wears the armor because he's facing the *stupidest* form of Political Persecution I've ever heard of." she sighed.
"Really?" Asked Momo. "Captain Tousen said Komamura told him it's because he's got a major disfigurement or something?"
Unohana sighed and rolled her eyes. "Komamura is FINE, he's just- It's complicated and medically private but trust me, the helmet is a reasonable precaution against an absurd problem."
"Oh." Momo winced. "Well, I'm glad he's medically alright at least!" "I'm so fucking confused." Rukia whimpered, deflating over the table in despair. "Is. Is hanging out with me making him less sick or something??"
"...Yes!" Unohana smiled. "Or at least, makes his condition more physically comfortable."
Rukia turned that over a few times. "...Talking with him is helping?"
"Yes, but only if you're in the same room with him. Doesn't work over the phone." Unohana nodded.
"Okay." Rukia said, reaching for the nearest bottle. "Lets talk about something else."
Years Later, after the Bedlam of her attempted execution and Subsequent Rescue, Rukia finally saw Komamura's face.
It was a bit awkward, walking into the hospital room in search of her brother to find a nine-and-a-half foot tall wolfman wearing the Seventh Division Captain's Haori visiting Momo. It took her a moment to realize who he was, and another as some neurons connected and she squawked indignantly, pointing at him.
"My apologies, Lieutenant Kuchiki, but-" He sighed, ears flattening back against his head with Chargin.
"AIR CONDITIONING?!?!" She bellowed.
Komamura scrunched back, chagrined. For a massive apex predator, he did an excellent Kicked Puppy face.
"Rukia!" Momo protested faintly from her hospital bed. "Keep your voice down, I don't want Toshiro to find out!"
"Find out what?" Hitsugaya grunted, stepping out from behind Rukia.
"Ah, Well-" Komamura started to explain.
"...Summer is very uncomfortable when you have a fur coat you can't take off." Komamura winced.
"Uh, duh?" Hitsugaya rolled his eyes, strolling into the room. "I didn't know you were chilling Koetetsu and Kuchiki here as well, but I kinda figured you enjoyed the cold when you stayed at my Bankai training like, five times longer than Gramps ever did."
"My apologies for the deception." Komamura bowed his head.
"It's no big deal." Hitsugaya shrugged, putting a hand up to indicate he wanted help up onto the hospital bed, and Komamura obliged.
"See? I use you being tall too." he smirked.
Komamura sighed fondly as the boy sat down between him and Momo. "Momo makes me chill all her juice too, but she never seems to warm up my tea." he handed her a juice box from the vending machine down the hall, covered in condensation.
"It would explode." Momo grumbled.
"Skill Issue." He shrugged and she affectionately swatted him on the leg. "Anyway, don't dogs cool off through their paws?"
"I'm from a wolf clan, but yes." Komamura cocked his head with curiosity, then alarm when Toshiro casually grabbed his forearm and started tugging his Gauntlets off.
"I don't mind being a human ice pack, especially not when it's nintey-eight freakin' degrees out, but be efficient about it, yeah?" Toshiro grumbled, tossing the gauntlet aside and plopping Komamura's pawlike hand on top of his head.
"...Thank you." Komamura smiled gently, and ruffled his hair a bit.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Hitsugaya shrugged, playing the tough guy even as his ears turned red. "At least you're polite about it! Freakin' Zaraki literally just grabbed me- like, put his whole arm through the office window! and threw me over his shoulders once. Jerk."
"TOSHIRO!" Momo yelped, hand on her face. "You almost made juice come out of my nose!" She half-giggled while Rukia snort-laughed at the mental image.
"Hey Kuchiki!" Hitsugaya growled. "He's got two paws!"
"You can't boss me around! You don't outrank me anymore!" She grinned.
"I have seniority." he teased, and the bed started to shake as Komamura tried not to laugh.
"You really don't need to-" Komamura tried to diffuse the argument. His voice was rock-steady but the wide grin betrayed him.
"You gotta follow my orders though!" Ukitake said cheerfully, appearing in the door. "Hi Lieutenant Hinamori!"
"C-captain!" Rukia yelped, spinning around to Salute. "What are your orders, Sir?
"Shh, nothing's happening. But I did hear you squawking from two floors down, so what's happening?" Ukitake smiled down at her.
"Captain Komamura has APPARENTLY been hanging around me and the other Shinigami with Ice Zanpakuto and using us as Air Conditioners!" Rukia glared up at her commanding officer.
"...Rukia," Ukitake patted her head and smiled gently. "Do you remember where Lieutenant Kaien's desk was?"
"Second door on the left, right next to your office, Sir!" She nodded.
"Right! And where's your desk?" Ukitake asked, leaning in closer to her.
Rukia blinked, confused. "...It's immediately adjacent to your desk in your offi- GOD DAMMIT! NOT YOU TOO?"
"Yep!" Ukitake cheerfully patted her head and then palmed it to turn her around to face Komamura. "Hop to it!"
"Technically, I got the Idea from him, when I saw how he'd rearranged the furniture..." Komamura whispered as he helped her up onto the bed as well and Rukia groaned in defeat, settling next to Komamura where she could sulk at her captain from over the wolfman's broad shoulders.
"Oh, stop pouting!" Ukitake teased, sitting down on the chair beside Momo's bed and leaning back. "It'll be winter soon enough. Actually, Your friend Mr. Yasutora told me about a fascinating wintertime holiday in the Living World-"
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I forget we were doing Bleach asks
Retsu and Rukia with a reader who is always perpetually tired no matter how much sleep they get or caffeine they take.
That's fine Anon, though I do hope to get some more soon. Also, I apologize for the shortness of Unohana's part, I tried to make it longer, but it kept feeling forced.
Now! Your Wish Is My Command!
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Rukia was deeply concerned by your sleep schedule.
Once, she found you face down on the floor in the captain's office, out like a light while Captain Kyouraku was kneeling over you, Nanao was looking at you with concern, and Captain Ukitake asked Shunsui.
“Is he dead?”
In response, Captain Ukitake got a “I don’t think so, not yet at least. I think.”
“Oh! Rukia! Perfect timing, we require your assistance on- OH BY THE SOUL KING!!!” Captain Ukitake shouted as you grabbed him by the leg, nearly giving the sickly man a heart attack.
After that, Rukia was told to keep an eye on you, and to make sure you didn’t scare anyone to death with your… predisposition to stop what you are doing, and lay down on the ground to take a nap.
To begin with, Rukia thought it was because of your work.
That proved to be false when she made you sleep for twenty four straight hours, you woke up, had more energy than usual for one whole minute.
During this minute you picked her up, laid down with her, and slept for another 24 hours.
This was extremely frustrating to Rukia, as that meant it was not your work as a soul reaper.
And so, for the next several months, Rukia set about trying to figure out what in the world was wrong with you.
She brought you to Captain Unohana, who could not heal your perpetual sleepiness away.
She brought you to Mayuri Kurotsuchi, who nearly dissected you in a rage after every single test he ran and drug he tried produced absolutely no results.
She even got so desperate as to go to Kisuke who only gave her a free coupon for 100% of her next purchase at his store after every conceivable test he could think of was run and came up with nothing out of the ordinary.
During this time, she also got a horrible grilling from Yoruichi on just why she was so desperate to see you up and wide awake.
Rukia said it was because she had been told to look after you by Captain Ukitake.
Yoruichi seemed to have gotten a laugh out of this for some reason before saying that someone doesn’t go to Mayuri Kurotsuchi AND Kisuke Urahara unless the world was coming to an end, the head captain himself had sent direct orders, or someone was desperate to help someone important to them.
Yoruichi’s words continued to torture Rukia for months after the fact.
And now, through a comedy of errors, she stood before Shinigami’s Women's Association.
Briefly, she considered using her Zanpakuto to escape this predicament.
Then she remembered that not only was Sui-Feng in the room, one of the four people in the Seireitei or associated with it capable of rivaling Yoruichi Shihoin in speed, but so was the woman voted both the most attractive and scariest captain for as long as she had held office, Retsu Unohana.
Rukia was then forced to accept that she had to spill her guts.
Four hours later, she had been “Persuaded” to act on what she was feeling.
And by “Persuaded” Rukia means that she had been nearly throttled to death by her fellow club members until she conceded to act on what she was feeling.
Now, Rukia stood outside her room which after a while had become the room she shared with you.
She didn’t know when that happened, only that it did not bother her nearly as it probably should have.
But, there was only one thing for her to do.
Step through the door, and ask you a question.
It was a very slow few days for the Shinigami Women’s Association.
Not a single peep from Rukia during the entire time.
No contact, no nothing.
Then, Nemu of all people made a report.
You and Rukia Kuchiki, kissing under a tree.
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Isane expected many things when she walked through her Captain’s door in the morning.
Her captain doing paperwork.
Her captain waiting for the reports to be delivered.
Her captain staring off into the middle distance as she “Reminisced” over her younger days.
What she didn’t expect was her captain sitting on the floor and running her hand through the hair of the sleeping soul reaper whose head was in her lap.
“Ah! Isane, perfect timing. Would you be so kind as to fetch me a clipboard from the cupboard over there?” Captain Unohana asked with a kind smile that did little to hide her amusement at the situation she was in.
Over the next few days, Isane noticed that Captain Unohana had taken a keen interest in you and your condition.
Or more accurately, you had been chosen as the captain’s new chew toy.
As it turns out, you were quite the listener, even while asleep and the fact you let her play around with your hair was a nice bonus for the Captain Of Squad 4 as she destressed from her day.
Not to mention, you always seemed to make others sleepy when you were around them which probably helped Unohana find her few relaxing moments all the more easier.
Though, that didn’t quite explain why she had such a… connection to you.
At least, until Isane was in the records hall one day, and she pulled out your record.
Now, imagine her surprise when she saw your last name.
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syrma-sensei · 2 years
→ Inevitable Love.
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pairing: kyōraku shunsui x wife!reader.
rating: slight angst (they're at war), fluff.
setting: canonverse.
word count: 1.1k.
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Restlessness took over you the day you moved in with Shunsui to the first squad quarters. The fact it was Yama-Jii's previous residence, and where Lieutenant Sasakibe Chōjirō died, did not help one bit, neither did the fact that the Mūken prison is right beneath you, the place Yhwach visited to see Aizen Sōsuke.
You used to like it, but when the old man and his vice-captain were still alive. However, you had no choice in the matter as your husband's new post requires it.
In the past week many things changed; your home was nearly destroyed, your leader is dead, thousands of soldiers shedded their blood in vain, and thousands more are wounded, and perhaps worst of all, at least to you, your husband isn't himself anymore.
The goofy, laid-back Kyōraku Shunsui, the man you fell in love with and married, turned into a hollow shell of what he used to be. It breaks your heart and soul to see him lifting the weight alone.
You barely saw him after the Central 46 appointed him the new Captain Commander of the Gōtei 13, he's been working relentlessly since day one, an attempt to not lose his mind. Although he hides well, too well that everyone thinks he's an insensitive bastard, but you know... you know the grief and sorrow he's dealing with through this ordeal, and what makes it worse, he doesn't allow you to help him through. However, you're as stubborn as he is, and perhaps more. You won't let your husband, the love of your life, struggle like this, alone.
You don't stir in bed like the couple nights before, however, as Shunsui lays next to you after you practically dragged him to take some rest. But you know neither him nor you could actually sleep.
Unlike your usual nights, and while your head rests on his naked chest, you two are awfully silent tonight. Nights with your husband used to include sessions of drinking sake and heated love-making, or just talking till dawn. These habits of yours drove Nanao insane, because her Captain would just sleep around, leaving most of the work upon her. Tonight though, you feel something akin to coldness between you two. Yet, hesitantly, you run your fingers on his hairy chest; your husband always welcomes your touch. Shunsui groans slowly before catching your hand in his, it's so tiny in his large one, and bringing it to his mouth to kiss.
Lifting your head up, you bring your other hand up to his stubbled cheek, brushing your thumb fondly to his skin. Within the darkness, you stare at his eyes. You cannot see his damaged one even though he's taken the eye patch off. You cup his cheeks in both hands, the fingers of your left hand tug a strand of his loose hair behind whatever left of his right ear before you kiss his lips.
It seems that your husband is desperate; his warm arms encircle your body, pushing you deeper into his hold, his hands cupping your buttocks before they ram up to your lower back then caressing your sides. You moan against his mouth, your hands stroking his face and hair fondly.
Suddenly, Shunsui breaks the kiss. He rests his forehead against yours momentarily before he sits up adroitly, his back facing you. He heaves a sigh then stands up.
“Shun?” You lift yourself up on the bed.
“Be right back, love.” He says without gazing back at you, and heads outside the bed chamber.
You fight the urge to follow and comfort him, choosing to wait for him to return on his own, giving him some privacy. You know how hard it is for him; his teacher and father figure died, your home is damaged beyond count, and he's been handled cumbersome responsibility as the new Captain Commander of the Gōtei 13.
You wait for two, three, four, five minutes, but you cannot any longer. In the past few days, you felt like some kind of a wall being built up between the two of you, and you cannot allow it to separate you.
You slide off of the bed, slipping in your husband's flowery kimono, sweeping out of the room. Tracing Shunsui's reiatsu, you find him in Yama-Jii's office terrace. You see his naked body bathing in the moon's light. Its silver hue highlights Shunsui's body, and glistens off his brown hair.
“Shunsui, darling, are you alright?” You say, getting closer to him.
You know it's a stupid question, but you had to ask him anyway.
“I will eventually be, my love, worry not about me.” He answers, his back is still to you.
You sigh. You had your suspensions, but now you're certain, for Shunsui never talks to you in such a manner; he doesn't want you to see his face without the eye patch.
You reach next to him, taking his hand in yours, caressing his arm with the other. Turning him to finally face you, you chuckle silently when he closes his eyes. At least he didn't lose his usual childishness. You cup his face again, standing on your toes to reach his face, kissing his forehead, nose, then each eye.
“You can't hide it forever, husband.”
He sighs, “No, I don't think I can, especially from you, wife.”
You give him a small smile when he slowly opens them, his intact eye is looking at you with anticipation. He's... afraid. You flinch for a mere moment when your eyes land on his other eye, or where it used to be. It pains you, your heart stings. You trace your thumb ghostly on it.
“You let such an opponent poke your eye out, you idiot boy.” Shunsui chuckles bitterly, “Think that how Yama-Jii would've scolded me.”
You snore a bit, patting his cheek playfully. “I think he'd be more disappointed if he knew you thought this would scare your wife off, knowing fully well that she's seen much worse things.”
Shunsui grins a tad, cupping your cheek. “How come you know such detailed things?” He whines, “I guess an apology is in order.”
You gasp dramatically, “You really thought I'd run away because my husband is now with one eye and one and a half ear?” you chuckle, “Hate to disappoint you, Shun, but you gotta work a lot harder if you wanna get rid of me.”
“Is it possible to do it though?” He teases you back.
“No, because I'm inevitable.” You peck his lips, “So is my love to you. You're trapped with me here.”
He grins, “Won't have it any other way with you.” Then he kisses your forehead.
“For the record, I'm not the one trapped with you, you're the one trapped with me.”
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→ Bleach Masterlist
→ ao3
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minimomoe · 11 months
Hello - I absolutely love how you write Shunsui! Could I request a scenario that’s him and a female reader? Like him flustering her and not realizing it’s because she’s never seen him with his hair down before?
oooo this is real cute let’s break it down. slightly suggestive at the end, just a smidge. i also wrote this on my phone so i apologize in advance if there’s any mistakes i didn’t proofread lol
Shunsui pressed himself behind you, half teasing, half guiding you through the onsen. He hasn’t stopped grinning since you both arrived, and his infectious smile was spreading to you. You both giggled when he finally dropped your belongings on the floor next to the bed and kissed your temple.
You had offered the idea of coming to the onsen in the first place. Tasks in the soul society was piling up fast, persistent and complex problems that were chipping away from Shunsui’s usual playful behaviour. You felt like you hardly see your lover at all even though you both now lived together. It would be short meet up in the night, with you either half asleep or already snoring by the time he got back, and you leaving before the dawn after you found him snaked around your body just to kiss him goodbye.
You didn’t like it. Shunsui complained about it as well. The other captains were starting to get worried when he was no longer cracking jokes around them, or not teasing Nanao, or even worse, saying “no” to a nap so that he can finish his work earlier to spend more time with you. The statement had everybody clutching their chests and Mayuri wanted to run an experiment on the man when he heard that.
Jushiro, bless his soul, stopped by your barracks to see you in the same despondent manner and sighed. He was aware that physical touch and quality time were important for both you and his best friend, which is why he suggested for you to take a vacation and it was like the storm clouds cleared from your head. Why have you never thought of that? Were soul reapers even allowed to take breaks?
Apparently they were, and you and Shunsui made sure to take advantage of it. You reserved a couple of days and a room at the onsen and sighed wistfully. The view getting there was gorgeous, with green rolling mountains and puffy clouds of whipped cream. You made sure to get a private one, as you weren’t to keen on sharing Shunsui with everyone. Now in your room with the hot spring just outside you stared at the steaming water, already feeling more relaxed that you have in weeks.
“Don’t just stand there. I’m going to get cold all by myself,” Shunsui said behind you. Your turned around to roll your eyes but stopped short when you looked at him. Shunsui always had gorgeous hair. The soft, wavy locks beckoned you to comb your fingers through the strands and you did, all the time. His signature hairstyle was a low ponytail decorated with his hair pins. At most you’ve seen his hair without the pins, but never out of the ponytail completely.
It draped itself over his shoulder, molding around his face to enhance his features. It must’ve been the healing air of the onsen as his hair was shining like silk and the slight breeze from the open back door danced through his hair. It was like you were seeing Shunsui for the first time and found your tongue stuck in your throat. When you caught his eyes you felt your face heat up and then you quickly looked away from him.
“What? What is it?” It didn’t help that his top half was completely bare. His robes hung dangerously low off his hips and he held onto your waist, not letting your hide your face from him for too long. Now in addition to your face you felt heat pooling at your core, getting embarrassingly wet just from looking at him.
“It’s nothing! Just go— get in the water,” you gasped. He started to undress you the same, pushing your robes off your shoulders and kissing the bare skin. He looked up at you with those seductive grey eyes and smiled into your skin. “Without you? Why would I do that?”
You prayed that he couldn’t hear your heartbeat banging against your ribs. “Because I said so.”
“You don’t really mean it,” he pouted. His hand rubbed down your body, not stopping until he undressed you and his eyes lit up from your body unobscured.
“Let’s get in the water first.” He scooped you up with ease bridal style and walked into the water. It enveloped you both and you immediately sighed. You could feel the tension leaving your body and Shunsui positioned your legs around his body so you sat on top of him with nowhere to hide. You thought closing your eyes would calm you heart rate but the way his hands massaged your body only sped it up.
“Is there something bothering you?” It was an earnest question. You could hear the concern in his voice and you slowly peeled your eyes open. Once again you were taken by his beauty. You couldn’t believe that this was the first time you’ve seen him with his hair down.
“You’re gorgeous,” you mumbled, and a smile grew on his face.
“Is that a problem?”
“Yes. A big one.” You cupped his face in your hands and shook his face. When you couldn’t handle the eye contact anymore you dropped your head in his shoulder.
“You really like me.” You heard the shit eating grin that accompanied that statement and bit his shoulder. “I like you too,” he laughed. A real hearty laugh that you haven’t heard in a while and it filled your ears pleasantly. “More than like. Maybe I’ll go a little crazy and say that I love you.”
“What’s not to love?” You asked without missing a beat. You lifted your head off his shoulder and combed his hair back with your hands. Water dripped down his face that made him sparkle in the sunlight. You placed a tender kiss on his lips that had him following your mouth when you tried to pull away and smiled. “I love you too.”
thanks for the prompt! please keep asking i love to write them out <33
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gloryhrs · 1 year
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━━ ⟡ 𝓒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐆, shunsui k.
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✿.*・。 ꒰ 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 — r. & shu are happily married! ◝(^◜◡◝^ )◜, pet name usage — hubby, kitty, my dear, shu being an extreme romantic, r. is part kitty! /ᐠ . ˕ .マ, smth short n' sweet until i finish my kenpachi & ichigo os! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ ꒱
“Kitty, where are you?" The captain of the 8th division Shunsui Kyoraku walked the corridors of the Seireitei, waving the bell. The man had been looking for a you for nearly ten minutes and didn't want to sleep without his darling husband by his side, so he kept ringing the bell. He thought it was strange because you could hear and smell him from a mile away.
“Aw, man, did he fall asleep without me?” The captain's shoulders slumped with sadness until he heard the sound of footsteps. “There he is!” When he sensed a familiar presence approaching, he instantly turned around and opened his arms for the man, who turned out to be you, his husband. You smiled and quickened your pace as you saw your husband's arms wide and ready to catch you. “Shu!” You laughed as you wrapped your arms and legs around his neck and nuzzled your face against his cheek, causing him to laugh and return the hug.
The captain kissed your forehead with a tiny eye squint, as the amount of sunshine radiating from you was astounding. “Kitty! I thought you went to sleep without me.” You shook your head, your ears swaying with you, while the captain faked a pout. “You know that I can't sleep without you. You’re my giant teddy bear!” You nuzzled your head into his cheek once more, making a small purring sound. When he noticed your charming demeanor, Shunsui swore he felt something pierce through his chest.
“Did you bring any cake?! I can smell cake!” Your eyes twinkled as you smelled the air for the scent of strawberry deliciousness. “Hm? Oh, yeah. Jushiro made some, so I bought one for you and me.” He laughed again when you leaped out of his arms and started bouncing on your toes. Shunsui knew you liked strawberries, so whenever he saw something strawberry-related, he would always get it for you. That explains why your ring is red!
When the captain took out the plastic container containing the pink frosted strawberry cake, your eyes sparkled even more. “Ah! Shu, I love you!” You jumped back into his arms, almost knocking him down in the process. As he stood and accepted it, you held and kissed his face ceaselessly; the feeling of your soft lips against his skin made him feel like he was in heaven.
“I love you even more, my dear hubby. But we should leave because I'm still meant to be working on the paperwork Nanao gave me earlier.” The man scratched the back of his neck, the thought of Nanao discovering him and chewing him out sent shivers down his spine. You watched as the man turned around and knelt down slightly, beckoning for you to climb on his back. He didn't have to tell you twice! You jumped on his back with ease and kissed his cheek one last time.
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The tree shade remained over the couple as they slept comfortably, without a care in the world. Shunsui buried his face in your hair as the wind blew through his gorgeous brown hair. The pink flowered kimono was draped over you and his shoulders, with him frequently fanning away the butterflies that flew around your ears with his straw hat. The man slept into your soft h/c hair until a familiar sensation pricked his nose, causing him to awaken and sneeze.
“Eh?” He observed your h/c ears twitching when he looked down. Shunsui's heart burst out of his chest when he watched you nuzzle your nose into his chest before flicking your ears once more. He moved one of his hands up to your scalp, giving it a light scratch. Your purring could have put anyone into cardiac arrest. “How adorable.” The man commented as your luscious lips snorted peacefully. Because you and he were both busy people, you would constantly slip away to your favorite hiding locations to nap and eat your favorite snacks.
You were the most handsome thing in his eyes. From your soft brown skin that was little to no scars, your soft hair that blended in well with with your adorable cat ears, and your soft but fierce ( e / c ) eyes that he loved staring into. Ah, he still can’t believe you chose to marry someone like him. The man was too busy admiring your beauty that he didn’t notice you had already woken up. “Hm? Is there something on my face?” You rubbed your eyes while he watched you touched your cheeks and nose. He chucked, “No, I’m just admiring how beautiful my husband is.” He gave you a lazy smirk, his thumb stroking the crumbs off the corner of your lips.
You smiled before crawling onto him, now straddling his hips. Shunsui raised his eyebrow before a pervert like smile appeared on his face. “Oh? Are we gonna get busy? Don’t worry, I’ll let you be in charge this time.” He smirked as your cheeks warmed up, causing you to pinch his cheek making him hiss in pain.
“Will you stop that Shu!” You continued to pinch his cheek as you waved his hands around in a surrendering motion. Once you let his cheek go the man rubbed his face with crocodile tears leaving his eyes. “My dear kitty doesn’t love me anymore! What shall I do?!” The man whines dramatically as you snickered and rolled your eyes. “Don’t be such a baby, Shu. You were the one who was having a negative mindset! Who the hell wants to get busy out in the open like this?” You sighed and pinched your nose as Shunsui muttered something under his breath. You tilted your head, “Hm? Did you say something?” You narrowed your eyes at your husband who had a pervy smile on his face. "Me, besides—we’re pretty far away from everyone—" "Don’t even think about it!"
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© gloryhrs, 063023. — notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦)
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 17 Group 81
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Torchwood Team: Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Owen, Toshiko
MANKAI Company: Izumi Tachibana, Sakuya Sakuma, Sakuya Sakuma, Masumi Usui, Tsuzuru Minagi, Itaru Chigasaki, Citron, Chikage Utsuki, Tenma Sumeragi, Yuki Rurikawa, Muku Sakisaka, Misumi Ikaruga, Kazunari Miyoshi, Kumon Hyodo, Banri Settsu, Juza Hyodo, Taichi Nanao, Omi Fushimi, Sakyo Furuichi, Azami Izumida, Tsumugi Tsukioka, Tasuku Takato, Hisoka Mikage, Homare Arisugawa, Azuma Yukishiro & Guy
Submissions are still open!
Torchwood Team:
they're all absolutely horrible <3
MANKAI Company:
I'm so sorry for submitting 26 characters but it's important and they canonically consider each other family. I'm so sorry. But they're so important to me.
24 gay theater kids came together and found a home
They are a big group of people that range from teenagers to adults and it’s very nice to see their dynamics as they all go through theater with different eyes, between those who have a long life in front of them and are excited to do something new, and those others who feel like they are too old for this but still do it regardless, and like the way friendships are born between those people who seem so different yet have some similarities some past memories they relate to, or also see the adults trying to be there for the younger members it’s very cute I swear. You see even if I ramble here it’s hard to explain because I would explain 6 whole years of lore but yeah overall is just a situation of, people who seem different but find similarities between one another and do their best to help who struggles and are all bond by one single aim which is bloom on stage!
These are 25 individuals that all come from completely different backgrounds, situations, and experiences that all happened to come together by chance, and formed a tight bond and family that cannot be replicated. Sakuya Sakuma, a young orphan boy who found refuge from his troubling homelife through theatre, found himself a home within this small run down theatre company, and found a family through the people in it. This isn’t a Headcanon, A3! Is a found family story. Sakuya views everyone there as a member of his family, and it’s not just him. Misumi Ikaruga, a man kicked out of his home for being “different” (cough Autistic cough), finally found a family that accepts and loves him unconditionally. Taichi Nanao had been taught that you need to always be fighting your way to the top, and whoever gets hurt along the way is nothing but a necessary casualty. So being able to find a place that is willing to work and rise with him, and care for him along the way… and the theres Azuma, a man so heavily affected by the trauma he experienced as a child, and yet has pushed it so far down to the point you wouldn’t even know it by looking at him. But here, this god who knows how old man finally found it, that home he has been searching for, and a place where he can finally break down his walls. Sure, one could argue a3! Is 4 different found families, but you would be wrong. Yes, each troupe is important, however would you then deny the importance of cross troupe relationships? The four leaders, who all encourage one another to do better, Tsuzuru and Kazunari, who allow one another to finally be honest about their feelings, Azami and Kumon who are the definition of “boys being boys”, Sakyo and Azuma, two adults who seem well past the years of found family, who found solace in one another. A3! Is about people of all ages coming together to be a family. It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from. You could be just a random college kid off the road, or a former international spy, that doesn’t matter. Mankai has a spot for you, where you will be loved, accepted, and cherished.
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thefarminggoblin · 1 year
Bleach Lieutenants and how they would kiss you
I know this isn’t the cuddling gif headcanons people were requesting (it’s on my to do!) but here, have a crumb.
Honestly I’ve been so inactive because my phone got hella smashed back in January and I lost all my notes, so I got burnt out and had to start everything from scratch. Also, mental health has been unkind…
Anyway, without further ado, here’s some kisses with our beloved lieutenants! Yachiru’s is purely platonic affection because that little girl is a child.
🫖 Sasakibe’s kisses are romantic. They’re the type you see in movies, the long, slow yet impassioned kisses. He’d start with kissing your hand like the gentleman he is, and end with kissing your cheeks, your forehead, your eyes. His kisses always taste of tea, and you’re reminded of his lips with every cup you consume. Always tells you how much he loves you, waxes poetic, and his hands stay in respectful places like your face, hips and waist. Well, unless you ask otherwise…
🍻 Izuru’s kisses are lingering. Izuru is a private man, and he honestly doesn’t show affection very often, especially not in public, preferring to show you he cares in other ways: a subtle brush of hands, a loving look, a gentle and reassuring smile. But when he does kiss you, he makes sure the moment is private and you can’t be interrupted. They start slow, but quickly escalate until he’s got you pressed against him fully, his hands splayed across your lower back, his tongue delving into your mouth. He’s the type to switch angles regularly. When he eventually pulls away, he’ll rest his forehead on yours. They often almost always lead to something else.
🦋 Isane’s kisses are timid. Our tall, shy girl is already quite insecure, so leaning down a little to kiss you can make her a little unsteady. Mostly because she trembles every single time. You’ll almost always have to initiate. Please please please be patient with her! When she eventually gets more confident with you, and her kisses become deeper and more passionate, she’s almost always the first to pull away, putting her hands over her blushing face and apologising profusely. If you pull her hands away and pepper kisses over her face, it’ll calm her enough to try again.
🍑 Momo’s kisses are sweet. She will spontaneously plant a peck on your cheek when she sees you, and will always blush, but give you a smile. Sometimes her kisses are frenzied but still manage to maintain the innocent feelings of joy at being close to you rather than a lust driven haze (although that happens occasionally too). She’ll mutter things like “I love you so much!” between kisses. Her kisses are normally quick and frequent, and she’ll nuzzle her nose against yours upon parting. Kiss the tip of her nose of forehead and she will just melt.
📖 Nanao’s kisses are delicate. They’re soft, like a butterfly’s wings, a gentle brushing of her lips on yours before she presses a long kiss on your lips. She then slants her lips over yours, deepening it, taking her time. Nanao is another person who’s definitely not fond of PDA, but will accept a small peck on the cheek or kiss on the back of her hand. She’s an absolute sucker for romance, so if you kiss her hand or wrist be prepared for her to kiss yours back. She’ll rarely initiate, so you’ll have to take the lead a lot of the time, but she’ll wrap her arms around your neck and possibly do the leg lift thing, just like in the romance novels.
🐉 Renji’s kisses are messy. Teeth and tongue work in tandem with his lips and each time he kisses you, it’s like he thinks it’s the last time. He is also a very affectionate drunk, and can be a little clumsy when he first leans in. But even when he’s sober, he’s clumsy. This man talks a big game a lot of the time, but when push comes to shove he’s a little shy, and sometimes his affection for you hits him so hard that he’s chomping at the bit to shower you with love. But pushes through the nerves, determined to connect with you. He’ll crash his lips to yours, uncaring of how the saliva is getting everywhere. He buries his hands in your hair, grips your waist, occasionally whispering about how perfect he thinks you are. He’s just passionate and so so in love.
🍜 Iba’s kisses are enthusiastic. This man sees affection as serious business, and always puts his best efforts into kissing you. He just wants to impress you, while showing you just how much he loves you. He’s like a man with a mission, and the intense look he gives you right before diving in and capturing your lips with his will never fail to give you butterflies. He’ll often grin brightly at you afterwards, and will ruffle your hair if you blush, maybe tease you a little. As if he didn’t nearly keel over the first time you kissed him!
⛓️ Shuhei’s kisses are unpredictable. Sometimes he gives a quick peck, other times in the mood to draw it out, or kiss you so deeply it leaves you completely breathless and wanting more, but even with the context of the situation you can never tell which he will pick. For example, if you’re running late, he may draw you in as you fix your hair and straight up make out with you. The next day, if you’re running late again, he may just give you a peck on the cheek or lips. Either way, Shuhei is the type of lover who will always kiss you as a goodbye in the mornings, and as a hello in the evenings as an important ritual between the two of you, but the variety will always leave your head spinning.
🧣Rangiku’s kisses are flirtatious. If it’s one thing she likes, it’s the thrill of the chase, playing cat and mouse. She has a habit of initiating all the time, catching you off guard and kissing you either passionately or very lightly. She will pull away, giving you a wink and a flirty smile and occasionally a teasing remark, before walking away or using shunpo, expecting you to chase after her. If you do, she’ll either reward you, or laugh her silvery laugh and disappear again. If you initiate the same behaviour it puts her on the back foot, but just be prepared: she’ll get you back!
🍡 Yachiru will give the occasional cheek kiss to you if you’re a big brother/sister figure. This kid will climb up you, nuzzle your cheek and plant a cute little kiss there. But beware, she’s likely after the sweets in your pockets!
🧬 Nemu’s kisses are restrained. All her life she’s been under strict control and orders, leaving little autonomy in decision making and her own body... Nevertheless, she’s a girl who does like to show affection to her lover, but lacks the experience. Please sit and show her some romantic movies, and be patient with her. Once she learns to let her inhibitions go? You bet you’re but they’re the best kisses you’ve ever had! Under all that stoicism is a person, and her fierce loyalty to you translates to physical, fiery affection. She’s touch starved, so expect her to be very receptive once she’s comfortable.
Next in the kisses series: seated officers!
Hanataro, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Sentaro and Kiyone
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asordinaryppl · 24 days
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 17: Surprise Scout
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proofread by myuntachis!
Azami: We’re back.
Taichi: We’re baaaack.
Izumi: Good work, you two…!
Yuki: Congrats on third place.
Azami: Thanks.
Kumon: There’s no WAY you got third~!
Tenma: It’s too bad.
Banri: The winning challenger’s model was her twin. Can’t beat that, man.
Muku: Azami-kun, your makeup was so pretty and cool!
Juza: And you guys’ actin’ was good.
Omi: You two put on a great performance. 
Azami: Thanks. Well, the top two had good sense, so I’ve grown to respect them. I’m satisfied with my result.
Kazunari: I get it~ Look at the trends. You got third place, but you’re blowing up as the high school finalist!
Itaru: Taichi’s acting as the model was amazing too, its got everyone asking who you are.
Taichi: Whaaaa!?
[Door slamming open]
Manager: Ahhh, Nanao-kun, Nanao-kun, this is bad!
Taichi: !?
Manager: We’ve been getting a lot of inquiries about working with you ever since the broadcast ended!
Taichi: Eh? Huh? For real!?
Azami: Good for ya, Taichi-san.
Taichi: But I totally flunked the auditions–
Izumi: That’s just how much of an impact your appearance on the runway left.
Manager: But now that it’s come to this, acting as liaison’s going to be tough. … It’ll be hectic for a while.
Tenma: In that case, you can rely on my place.
Taichi: B-By your place, you mean…?
Tenma: Sumeragi Agency, of course.
Tenma: Why not join Sumeragi Agency, now that you’ve become more well-known? 
Taichi: Whaaaa!?
Tenma: There’s been talk of recruiting new people for quite some time now, and they’re about to start scouting, so this is perfect timing.
Tenma: After you told me you want to seriously challenge working in the film industry, I told my father about it too.
Tenma: You’ll have to confirm contract details, of course–
[Taichi hugs Tenma]
Taichi: I’ll do it!! I’ll join Sumeragi Agency!!
Tenma: Wh– I get it, so stop hugging me!
[Taichi steps back]
Taichi: I’m so happy! I get to be in the same agency as Ten-chan!!
Kazunari: Taicchan’s gonna be a celebrity for reals~!
Taichi: Ehehe!
[Phone going off with notifications]
Azami: ?
Kumon: That’s a LOT of notifs!
Azami: I didn’t have it on me at all while the show was going on…
Azami: … I’ve got lots of DMs about work offers.
Kazunari: Azamin’s hitting it big too~!
Yuki: Looks like you’ll be busy for a while.
Izumi: (Azami-kun took on a big challenge and grew from it, and Taichi-kun is also moving forward.)
Taichi: Omi-kun, this sweet potato quiche is SO good!
Azami: The salmon and mushroom pasta is good too.
Omi: You can help yourselves to seconds.
Azami: … It’s kinda setting in that I’m finally back in the dorm.
Izumi: You stayed at a hotel the show had arranged for you, didn’t you?
Omi: That reminds me, Taichi, did you finish signing the paperwork for the agency?
Taichi: I signed the contract, and now all inquiries will be headed to Sumeragi Agency!
Taichi: I asked Ten-chan and Igawa-san about what kinda offers I should prioritize!
Taichi: So, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about, Director…
Izumi: Hm?
Taichi: Amongst all the offers, I got an invitation to audition for not just any role, but the lead role for a TV drama.
Taichi: It’s about a young man who can’t speak, so it’s a difficult role–
Taichi: I was asked to come audition after they saw my nonverbal expressions on the runway…
Taichi: I’ve failed a bunch of lead role auditions so far, so I was scared of trying again, but after seeing the overview for this one, I really wanna give it a try.
Izumi: I see. I’m sure it’ll turn out okay, Taichi-kun. This is you we’re talking about, after all.
Azami: Plus, this means they already approve of you after seeing you act in real life.
Taichi: I’ll take advantage of this chance A-chan gave me and make sure I get the job this time!
Izumi: Break a leg!
Omi: …
Omi: (Everyone’s definitely moving forward through the challenges they’re taking. And yet, I…)
Smartphone: “Honestly, I still can’t believe I was actually accepted.”
Smartphone: “But now that I’m here, I will absolutely show that I can change from who I used to be.”
Smartphone: “Because this stage is the last hope for someone alone like me–”
Kabuto: … I see.
Kabuto: All the pieces have fallen in place.
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bleachbleachbleach · 8 months
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[Bleach 079]
Renji????? Excuse me, but respectfully, what. Aizen-san? Aizen-SAN? What is this?
I cannot conjure a single reason or reasonable circumstance where anyone in the Gotei--vice-captain and below--would not refer to a captain with the honorific -taichou. Maybe this read-through will prove me wrong, but I don't... I don't think so? Especially Renji, because I have always felt that if any VC were going to win a speedrun of "list all the captains," it would be Renji. (Nanao also knows this info well; Renji can just shout faster.) I should probably revise this headcanon based on the fact that he doesn't remember that Hitsugaya exists and he's out here Aizen-san'ing his former captain, but I shall not be.
Renji just seems like the kind of person who would study all the captains, and kinda have them all clocked. I feel like if Renji and Rukia had spent more time in school together, they would have ended up making Captain trading cards. Renji would supply all the info, and Rukia the illustrations. They'd be study guides, technically, but Rukia figures, I am not drawing all these dumb captains unless we can monetize this, and they start a whole trading card micro-empire. (Renji does propose this to Kira and Hinamori, but Kira thinks its gauche and Hinamori doesn't think anyone would need captain trading cards because there's only 13 of them to memorize. Just keep writing your share of the kidou flashcards, Renji, there are over 9000. Well, maybe one captain flashcard.)
Punk vibes he may have, but Renji's also well aware of how rank works and he will walk the walk; he's a company man. (Yes, he challenges his own captain in open combat in the middle of an active invasion. He does do that. But he knew that's what he was doing, and the contrast is the point--)
Renji does later call him Aizen-taichou, so there's that:
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What momentary madness took him over. Was it the squiggly dialogue that threw him off? Was it the stress of dropping Rukia off at her execution tower? Who has he been hanging out with who'd call Aizen 'Aizen-san' and poison his BRAIN like that. Though lol, Ichimaru does refer to Byakuya as "Kuchiki-taichou-san" when he and Zaraki go pop in at the 6th, so maybe it was thinking about Ichimaru that addled him.
Because we also have Renji and Ichimaru, who at least in his internal narrative Renji doesn't seem to respect all that much. He says "Ichimaru no yarou," which is a masculine, crude way of referring to someone. To a superior officer (or honestly any co-worker), it's rude as hell. Though, granted, Renji is only being as rude about Ichimaru internally as Hitsugaya is rude about Renji out loud, so. XD Take that as you will.
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But it does make me wonder about what their VC-subordinate relationship was like, what the circumstances of Renji's leaving the 5th were, and whether Kira's devotion to Ichimaru came out of his time in the 5th or whether it was cultivated only afterward, in the 3rd. And if it was in the 5th, how did this impact Renji and Kira's relationship? I'm in love with all of these potentials. Honestly I'm kind of into the idea that the Nerd Squad were all kind of mid about Ichimaru as a VC, and that when Kira eventually ends up becoming VC of 3rd he's resigned about it--only for the relationship to change. And at some point Renji realizes he can't joke about Ichimaru with Kira any more, like they used to.
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accidentally deleted so gunna re post 😅 here’s what I’ve come up with for a request I had for shunsui Kyoraku and Nanaos mother. Hope y’all enjoy 😊
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Shunsui Kyoraku hated his brother
The usual serine gardens of the kyoraku manor were filled with people adorning dark colours. Mourning colours. The hushed buzz of chatter caught in the gentle breeze as it weaved between the crowd. Shunsui leaned heavily against one of the trees bordering the garden, sighing deeply.
Arms crossed over his wide chest, hidden by the black kimono he had been forced to wear. Shunsuis grey eyes scanned lazily over the mourners, dutiful Nobelmen coming to pay their respects to the deceased first son of the Nobel clan Kyoraku
Shunsui scoffed at the thought. Half of these stuffy old suits didn't even know my brother. The other half certainly didn't like him 
Shunsui was firmly in the second half of that statement
His brother had been unbearable growing up. His big brother loathed Shunsuis laid back attitude and playful nature. A fact he didn't fail to mention every time they crossed paths. As Shunsui grew older, mean words turned into rough shoving and painful hits. When shunsui grew bigger, stronger and no longer willing to accept the rough handling, a fight was often the result of their paths crossing.
Things got better when Shunsui was forced to attend the academy, the separation had allowed Shunsui to flourish into the young man he had become. His brother had mellowed somewhat only due to the fact of Hakaris presence.
The woman had captivated young Shunsui from the moment he laid eyes on her. A petite woman, with the kindest heart he had ever encountered. As shunsui got older he began to notice her appearance more. The Creamy white complexion of her skin, how it would turn the most beautiful dusky pink when Shunsui complimented her with his trademark grin on his face.
Her bright eyes, the colour of melted chocolate magnified behind her elegant glasses. Her dark hair was a stark contrast to her complexion. Usually done up in an elegant updo, silky looking bangs framing her face. On the rare times Shunsui had seen it left down, he had fantasised about running his fingers through it. He wondered if it was as soft as it looked
Her full kissable lips, stretched out over her white teeth in the most beautiful smile. A smile Shunsui tried to pull from her every time he saw her. Shunsui loved her laughs, the polite, quiet laugh she gave when around company. The musical giggle that Shunsui could hear from behind the closed door of his brothers bedroom.
The laugh he loved the most though, was the one he brought out of her. With a dirty joke or an unexpected flirty comment Hakari would laugh loud and unashamed. Her hand, which was so much smaller than Shunsuis, would come up to brush her lips as if to trap the sudden bubble of laugher. Her eyes would close, eyelashes brushed against her blushing cheeks as her shoulders shook with laughter.
"oh shunsui, what are you like" she would giggle breathlessly, tapping him on the chest playfully
Shunsui lived for that laugh
He hadn't realised when he had fallen in love with his brothers wife. Maybe it was from the first moment he had laid eyes on her, too young to give a name to the feelings he had. In the academy, Shunsui had gained a reputation of being a Notorious flirt and skirt chaser. His lecherous flirting and cheeky remarks had gotten him more than a few smacks across the face. Most of which he deserved. Aside from a few fumbled kisses, however, Shunsui wasn't as experienced as the rumours told.
Sure, some of the girls in the academy were pretty. They were fun to tease and chase about. None however, came close to the woman he had fallen completely and undeniably in love with. The girls were like candles, pretty but fleeting. Lit up the space for a short while, offering a warm glow before extinguishing, never to be reborn.
Hakari was the sun. Beautiful and radiant. Dazzling and healing. The sun that offered warmth and light for a millennium, illuminating Shunsuis world, chasing out each and every dark space. She is the sun in the centre of Shunsuis universe.
Shunsuis heart beat rapidly in his chest when he caught sight her among the mourners, as it usually did when he saw her. She was talking to someone Shunsui didn't recognise, no doubt receiving more condolences. Even from his hiding spot way across the garden, he could tell her smile wasn't real.
His keen eyes caught the slight tremor in the corner of her lips. The moisture forming on her eyelashes. How her slender fingers gently gripped the sides of her own kimono. Hakari was hurting, all the emotions she has had to keep pushed down to fulfil her duty today threatened to finally burst and consume her
Shunsui wouldn't let her do that alone. Hakari bowed politely to the man she had been conversing before turning to enter the Kyoraku manor. Shunsui wasted no time pushing off from the tree to quickly follow her, easily sidestepping anyone who had looked to stop him for conversation
Entering the home he grew up in, Shunsui looked around the empty foyer for any sign of where Hakari disappeared to. The soft closing of a door up the grand staircase told him where to go. Taking the steps two at a time, Shunsui practically flew up the staircase to the second floor, coming to a stop outside his brothers wooden bedroom door.
Hand held up in the air, Shunsui was about to knock when he heard a muffled sob from the other side. Foregoing a knock, he opened the door quietly, slipping in unnoticed before closing it softly.
Hakari had her back to him, facing the window as she cried softly into her hands. Shunsui took a tentative step towards her. He wanted nothing more than to lift her into his arms as she buried her face into his neck taking any comfort she needed from him.
"Hakari?" He called out to her softly, grey eyes softening as she spun around startled. He hated the tears on her face, hated his brother for being the cause of her pain
"shunsui! You started me" she said with a breathy voice that sent a shiver down Shunsuis spine. Quickly wiping her tears away, Hakari put on a small smile "I should put a bell on you" 
"Hakari..are you ok?" Shunsui asked her, refraining from rolling his eyes at himself as he moved closer
of course she's not ok, idiot. She's crying 
Hakari looked up at Shunsui towering over her, about to ease his concern when her eyes betrayed her, fresh tears started streamed down her face. Shunsui took the last step between them and wrapped his arms around her tightly. Hakari cried into his chest, her hands fisting Shunsuis kimono between them. Desperate to hold onto something. A source of strength, of salvation in the sorrow she was drowning in
Shunsui sighed deeply, closing his eyes to savour the feeling of the woman he loved in his arms. The smell of her shampoo lingered on her hair, filling his nose.
Shunsui kissed her hair, leaving his stubbled chin on top her head. He began to gently rock them side to side, muttering sweet words of comfort
"it's ok, Hakari. I'm here. I've got you"
Shunsui started to rub her back soothingly with his thumb, as her cries quietened down. He could feel the moisture of her tears as it seeped through his kimono onto his chest. Her warm breath tickling at his exposed skin.
All too soon Hakari lifted herself from his chest, sighing deeply before looking up to meet his eyes. Keeping one arm wrapped around her, shunsui brought the other up to cup her face. Using his thumb to chase away the tears staining her cheek.
The pair kept eye contact for a moment, the pain shimmering in her eyes felt like a kick to the chest for him. Leaning in, shunsui kissed her forehead gently
"im here" he huskily whispered, praying his voice held the strength he needed to share with her. Shunsui dipped his head lower to kiss her damp cheek. He could taste the salty tears.
"I won't leave you" he promised, their noses brushed. Their breath mingled between them, ghosting over their lips as the air around them thickened with electricity.
"I'll take care of you" Shunsui whispered, ignoring the slight tremble as he slanted his lips over hers in a lingering kiss. Light exploded behind his closed eye lids as their lips touched. His heart threatened to beat right out of his chest as he felt her lips tentatively begin to kiss him back. Feeling Hakaris hands grab hold of the front of his kimono, Shunsui tightened the hold he had on her, pushing her flush against his body.
Hakari gasped softly, her hands flattened against his chest as she gently pushed them apart, creating distance. Shunsui was breathing heavily, the sound was deafening to his ears. His cheeks pinked subtly, embarrassed about his inexperienced reactions.
"shunsui" Hakari panted, shaking her head and closed her eyes tightly. "Shunsui, we can't.."
"why can't we?" He asked lowly, using the hand cupping her face to tilt her head up. Hakari still had her eyes closed, seemingly battling with herself internally. Shunsui wished she would open them, her eyes were so expressive, showing each and every emotion she was feeling. He needed to know what she was thinking
"I ... you're" she stammered, her eyebrows furrowed slightly
"look at me" shunsui begged her quietly, unwilling to break the spell around them with loudness. Hakari eyes flickered open, meeting his gaze once more. Shunsui watched the emotions swim in her eyes, pulling out the ones he recognised
lust. Shunsui inhaled sharply as he recognised the emotion. Lust. Hakari lusted for him, the realisation made his knees weak. The woman he loved, wanted him too. Now he just had to ease the other emotions stopping her from letting him love her freely.
"I love you" he told her honestly and unashamed. Hearing her small gasp shunsui ran his thumb over her plump bottom lip. "Let me take care of you" 
"shunsui" Hakari almost whined "your brother.."
"is dead."  Shunsui said, instantly regretting his bluntness at the sad look on her face. "I'm here, I won't leave you"
"you can't promise that". Hakari turned her head to look into the room "you're so young, not even out of the academy yet. You can't know what you'll want.."
"you. All I've ever wanted is you" shunsui guided her face back to his, standing to his full height "Im not a child anymore Hakari." His lips curled up into a small smile as he lifted one of her hands to brush her knuckles against his stubbled cheek "I can grow a beard and everything" 
Hakari huffed amused, her lips twinged at the side, threatening to smile. Laying her hand flat on Shunsuis cheek, Hakari thumbed his slightly patchy beard gently.
"you're starting to look like him"
shunsui laid his hand over hers on his cheek "im not my brother Hakari" he said softly "I will treat you with all the love and respect you deserve. Our days would be filled with laugher and joy. Your heart will be cherished. There is nothing I would not provide for you. If you ask for the moon, I will spend the rest of my existence working to get you what you desire. I'll train until I can no longer stand just so I can pluck the moon from the sky and see the smile on your face as I lay it at your feet" 
Shunsui pulled her hand from his face, bringing it to his lips to kiss. "Let me take care of you Hakari, let me love you" 
Shunsui could see in her eyes the moment Hakari let go of all her worries right before she leaned in and kissed him . Shunsui felt the power she had over him wrap itself tightly around him, pulling him in with the strength of the suns gravity. One hand gripped her hip, pulling her into him as he eagerly returned her kiss. His other hand flew to Hakaris hair, gently pulling the clip free and throwing it carelessly behind him. His fingers teased through her hair now freely tumbling down her back, marvelling at the silky softness. It was better than he had imagined.
Twisting his fingers in the hair at the back of her head, Shunsui pulled gently, manipulating her head to tilt back as he plundered her mouth with his tongue. Slowly caressing her tongue with his own, shunsui groaned into her mouth at her taste. She tasted like summer, fresh and sweet. It was intoxicating.
Hakari moaned softly into his kiss, the sound made him shiver as a jolt of arousal shocked through him. His member was hardening beneath his clothes. Shunsui didn't know who pulled away from the kiss first. He panted heartily as his body vibrated with nerves and excitement.
Untangling his hand from her hair. Shunsui wrapped his hands around Hakaris Shapley thighs and lifted her effortlessly. With practiced ease, Hakari wrapped her legs around his waist, hands settled on his wide shoulders. Shunsui turned to walk to the bed, when Hakari kissed his neck, stopping him short. A gravely groan left him involuntarily, his eyes widened at the sensation
fuck shunsui thought as Hakari teasingly licked up the side of his neck, kissing him just below his ear. Hakaris face came back level with his, small smile on her face. Shunsui surged forward eagerly, crashing his lips back to hers in a desperate, hungry kiss. Senses coming back to himself, shunsui walked quickly to the bed, eagerness evident in his haste.
Carefully he laid down the love of his existence, her midnight hair fanned over the pillow under her. Shunsui supported himself above her, hands pressed into the bed either side of her shoulders, caging her in. Hakari smiled up at him softly, his eyes were almost comically wide, light blush sat atop of his dark facial hair.
The hell am I supposed to do now?  He frantically wondered. He knew what to do, he was a young male with a healthy imagination. He had fantasised countless times about this very moment, what he would do, where he would touch, what he would say. Now that his wildest fantasies have suddenly become his reality, Shunsui cursed his embarrassing lack of experience as his mind abandoned him completely.
Hakaris smile widened as she reached up to caress his face "you ok?" She mimicked his earlier words. Shunsuis eyes snapped to hers, a relieved smile on his face for the distraction
"yeah. I'm just... I've not.." 
"shh" Hakari soothed his stuttering, gliding her fingers up and down the sides of his body " we can go slow,  there's no rush"
"I just want to be good for you" he admitted sheepishly "I don't want to do it wrong" 
Hakari giggled at his flushed appearance. Never before had she seen Shunsui look so uncertain. Shunsui was always so confident, border lining cocky. Always so brazen in his flirting and teasing, it was sweet seeing him look so innocent
"you won't get it wrong" she smiled at his grumpy huff from being laughed at "you promised you would take care of me, I believe you" 
Shunsuis eyes softened at her words. Nerves simmering down, he raised himself up to sit back on his legs and pulled his kimono over his head. His chest left bare, only wearing his underwear low on his hips. Dropping it to the floor, Shunsui reached back over to kiss Hakari sweetly. Peppering small kisses across her cheek, Hakari tilted her head to the side exposing her neck subtly to Shunsui.
Easily picking up the hint, Shunsui mouthed at her elegant neck, nipping at it gently with his teeth. The soft moan leaving her lips encouraged him to continue, shunsui ravished attention to her sensitive neck as one of his hands snaked down her body, tugging at the bow securing her own kimono. Feeling the bow come loose, shunsui kissed once more before sitting back up
ignoring the slight tremble in his hands, Shunsui unraveled her kimono, pushing it easily away to reveal her naked body. Shunsui stared mesmerised at the glorious womanly figure. Her breasts were perfect. Not to small or too big. Shunsui trailed a finger down the side of one, watching as the nipple hardened under his lustful gaze.
Her flat stomach clenched at the feeling of him at her breast, drawing his eyes lower. Waist dipped in only to curve back out at her shapely hips. Nestled at the top of her thighs was a smattering of dark hair. Shunsui had seen pornographic photos before, all the woman he had seen had been shaved completely. He much preferred this, it seemed more feminine for some reason.
"you're so beautiful " shunsui whispered, pulling his eyes away from between her legs to meet her eyes
Hakari squirmed under his gaze, blush rushing to her cheeks. Shunsui smiled at the sight, leaning up to kiss her, tongue caressing itself around her own lovingly. Pulling away, shunsui dipped his head lower, swiping his tongue over her pebbled nipple, his hand squeezed the other as Hakari arched her back with a small moan. Lavishing attention to her lovely breasts, shunsui listened to all the noises he pulled from Hakari. Each and every one making his head swim with arousal.
Painfully aware of his own throbbing erection protesting being confined, shunsui trailed his hand from Hakaris heaving breast, down the smooth skin of her stomach and through the dark patch of hair sat atop of her pussy.
Shunsui ran his finger up the folds of her sex, smirking around the nipple in his mouth at Hakaris gasp. Shunsui grazed his teeth along her hardened nipple as he pulled off, choosing to watch her face as he slipped a finger into her core.
Hakaris eyes slammed shut, mouth parted prettily as she panted in pleasure. Her back arched as she fisted the sheets under her, a breathy moan escaped her. Slowly teasing his finger in and out of her, shunsui watched fascinated at the Ecstasy on her face.
"shunsui" Hakari moaned "please, more"
shunsui obliged, easing a second finger into the impossibly tight, wet heat. Her inner walls felt differently than he had imagined, silkier, hotter. A Lewd wet noises pulled his attention further south. He watched as his fingers disappeared within her, only to emerge wetter before disappearing once more. Shunsui increased his speed, eyes glued to the space between her thighs. His fingers twitched inside her, brushing against a more spongy feeling part of her womanhood. Hakari moaned loudly, her hand shot down to grip hold of Shunsuis wrist.
Taking it as a good sign, shunsui did it again and was rewarded with a pleasure filled shout. Remembering a useful hint from an older student bragging about their latest sexual conquest, shunsui used his other hand to slightly part her dampened folds, seeing what he assumed to be the clit, he pressed his thumb to it and rubbed it in small circles
Hakari shouted out at the stimulus, her thighs clamped tightly around Shunsuis side as she tumbled into her orgasm. Shunsui felt her walls tighten around his fingers, a gush of liquid coated his fingers, wetting his hand.
As Hakari panted on the bed, coming down from her incredible high, shunsui withdrew his hand, bringing it up to his mouth to curiously taste. It was musky and almost sweet. Nothing like he had ever tasted before. Sucking on his fingers as his chest swelled with pride at making his love cum, shunsui caught eyes with Hakari, grinning at being caught sampling her nectar
"shunsui, I want to feel you" she grinned back at him, gaze darting down to his still underwear clad erection.
"yeah, ok" shunsui nodded, ridding himself of his underwear before leaning over Hakari once more. Kissing her happily, the taste of her essence still on his tongue. Shunsui closed his eyes briefly, taking a moment to calm himself
im about to loose my virginity he thought excited  I'm about to loose my virginity with Hakari
shunsui used his hand to guide himself into Hakaris waiting core, slowly easing himself in inch by inch, a look of wonder graced his features as he bottomed out
"oh, wow" he breathed, staring wide eyed at Hakari as she rubbed her hands over his chest soothingly. It was indescribable. It was too hot. Too wet. Too tight. And so so good. Shunsui slowly pulled back until just the head was nestled inside before he snapped his hips forward, groaning loudly at the overwhelming pleasure.
Hakari wrapped her legs around his own, Encouraging him deeper. Shunsui chased the feeling again, increasing his speed as he thrusted into her desperately. Hakaris nailed dug into the flesh on his shoulders, wantonly moaning at each snap of his hips.
"oh fuck" shunsui barked out, as his eyes tightly closed. Panting hard shunsui tried to think of anything other than the painfully pleasurable feeling encasing his cock. Shunsui didn't want to cum too quickly. He wanted to make Hakari cum again before he did. First time or not, shunsui wanted to pleasure the woman writing under him.
Shunsui braced his weight on his forearm so not to crush Hakari as he lowered himself. One hand went between them to circle her clit again. His rythem faltered for a moment before he timed his thrusts with the movement of his thumb. Shunsui buried his head into Hakaris neck, panting heavily against her skin as she moaned loudly into the room
shunsui sloppily kissed at her neck, grazing the skin with his teeth as Hakari wrapped her arms around him tightly.
"ah, shunsui ... I" Hakari moaned loudly as her bodily bucked under him, second orgasm ripping through her
"FUCK" shunsui roared into her neck as her pussy clamped down on him, the tightening too much for him to handle as he exploded his seed in her. Thrusting erratically through his orgasm, a wave of euphoria washed over him as his body released endorphins.
Feeling overly sensitive, shunsui carefully pulled himself out, flopping heavily to the bed to lay next to Hakari. Breathing hard, shunsui stared at ceiling in amazement. Sex was so much better than he had imagined. There were no words powerful enough to describe the toe curling pleasure he had just felt. Shunsui closed his eyes contently, relishing in the post orgasmic glow
a small sniff snapped his eyes open. Turning to see Hakari, Shunsui immediately noted the silent tear tricking down the side of her face.
"Hakari!" Shunsui gasped turning bodily to face her "what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He asked panicked, hand hovering over her waist, too worried to actually touch her
Hakari turned to look at him sadly, her eyes screaming with raw emotions
shunsui sighed deeply, laying back down he gathered Hakari into his arms, letting her cry on his chest as he soothingly rubbed her back. He kissed the top of her head. Muttered sweet comforting words.
Shunsui hated his brother for hurting her. Shunsui hated his brother for dying and taking a piece of her heart with him.
Shunsui hated knowing that she would never fully love him, not having her whole heart.
Knowing that he would never love anyone with his whole heart as he did her, since she had taken a piece of his
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kyokutsu-sama · 10 months
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My wife, My everything
"The storm inside him was over, now all that was left was the comfort of being in the arms of his beloved" Tw: Nsfw content, angst/confort Author's note: Soo, I'ts been raining where I live again and it gave me some quitet and a bit of angst vibes. Long live rainy days💙. I written some scenarios like this one and I will post them later (I'm already writing one for Jushiro too).
It was past midnight and you were still in the bedroom waiting for shunsui but he still hadn't arrived and you were starting to get worried about his delay. He didn't usually take that long to come home unless he had gone somewhere but he used to let you know before he left so you wouldn't be worried, but he hadn't that night. You tried to go to the places where he used to go but no one had seen him. Your heart was only relieved when you went to the first division office and found him with his arms crossed on top of the table and his head in the middle of them hiding his face. You looked at him for a moment and you could see that he wasn't well, the empty drink bottles beside the table also cleared your doubts about what had happened.
"Shunsui? Is everything alright with you?"You crouched down next to him passing your hand over his back trying to get some response out of him
"Did you come to see me Y/n-chan ? I'm sorry for making you worry" His voice sounded like a distant and deep whisper
"It's okay, you were taking so long and since you hadn't said anything I came looking for you. What happened here?"
"Don't worry flower, I was just finishing some things but I already was on my way"He lift his head and looked at you with a sleepy face and a melancholy look
"...finishing some things, he say..." you thought after seeing the empty bottles next to him
"Have you been crying?"You put your hands up to his cheeks as you noticed his slightly dry and red eyes
"No, I'm fine. I probably ended up being careless with the drink again. Nanao will kill me if she finds out that I'm drinking at work" He laughed trying to hide it but you weren't convinced
"Come with me, I'll take you home. You don't look well at all "You tried to help him get up from the chair
He had some difficulty standing up straight so he leaned on you so he could walk straight. You opened the door and walked out with him leaning on you until you got home.
Already after you got home, you took him to the bedroom and sat him on the edge of the bed, you sat down next to him looking at his face that looked so haggard and melancholic. His eyes were blank and his face expressionless, you had never seen him like this before.
"Do you want to tell me what happened to you?"
"I don't want you to be sad Y/n-chan"He looked at you and gave you a slight smile
"I won't, I promise. Please tell me what you're feeling?"
"I'm not feeling good, not good at all. I just wish I had some company to drink with again, like old times"You realized at that moment that he was referring to the loss of his loved ones. "You know, I don't like to cry especially when you're around, a woman as beautiful as you shouldn't carry the pains of a man like me"
"Don’t say that, I promised to stay by your side and help you with these heavy burdens. You don't deserve this, you've been very strong all this time and you need someone by your side to support you and I'm that person, I'm your wife, don't forget about me"You said holding his hands
"I know my flower, but I just don't want you to suffer too, this pain is not something easy to bear"
"I know, but you don't have to keep everything to yourself. It destroys you and leaves you like this, and I don't like seeing you with a sad face. Come here"You pulled him into a hug putting his head next to your chest while you ran your fingers through his brown and wavy strands
You felt his body get lighter after a while, he seemed calmer now and the sparkle in his eyes was slowly returning. You couldn't help but give a little smile after seeing that he were feeling better, even though he was still feeling that pain in his chest. You just wanted to see him smile again
"Are you feeling better now ?"
"Yes, much better. Your chest really works miracles”He said in his usual perverted way
"You really don't change, even though you're suffering you don't miss an opportunity to make one of your jokes" You pushed him away from your chest
"But I'm praising you"
"Praising me? Oh shut up"You slap him on the shoulder and he laughed
You calmed the chaos in his heart and it was you he needed at that moment. Even though he lost a lot of people, life put you in his path with a purpose and that purpose was to help him be strong and smile again.
"Oh my, look at your clothes, take them off"
"Are you trying to start something Y/n?"He gave you a mischievous smile
"No, you just smell like booze and your clothes too"You sighed as you waited for him to take them off
"Fine, I'll do it now"He said starting to undress
You saw him taking off piece after piece and you reached out to take them. When you were turning to go put them in the laundry basket, you felt his hand grab you and turn you towards him to bring his lips together with yours. You were taken by surprise because of the sudden movement, your body fell apart in his arms and you ended up dropping his clothes on the floor. You placed your hands on his face and kissed him back slowly and passionately.
You couldn't tell if he was being overcome by drink or something else but when you looked into his eyes you saw more than just simple desire, you saw need and passion.
"I need you so much my flower"He whispered against your lips
"Shunsui I.."
You wanted to speak but he kissed you again making you forget anything else you were going to say at that moment. You ran your hands along his arms and then over his shoulders to steady yourself as you jumped into his lap. His hands held you and led you to the bed.
"I love you so much...you make me feel like this"He said as he brushed his lips over your neck
Your breathing started getting uneven and your body was starting to heat up. He took off the fabric that was covering your naked body and couldn't help but curl his lips in a smile after seeing the way you looked so perfect and the way you look at him as if you were telling him to continue what he was doing. He felt so good to have you and when he was drinking he didn't hold back especially when you were around him and even when you scolding him for drinking so much, he he thought you were perfect. It wasn't the first time the two of you had been in such a scenario, but it was the first time he'd admitted he wasn't well. He always remained calm and rarely spoke of his sorrows, as he did not want others to suffer too. As his wife, you learn how to read in his eyes what he was feeling, it was difficult at first but over the years you managed to better understand what his good days and his bad days were.
He started to trailed his lips down your neck to your collarbone as he lifted his gaze to meet any expression on your face. He continued to taste your skin until his lips reach between your thighs. The little stubble hairs scratched the skin on the inside of your thigh as he kissed your skin and down to your folds, you felt a shivers as he placed a kiss on your little bud. 
He wrapped his arms around your thighs keeping you closer to his face, you moaned when you felt his lips leaving wet kisses on you. You held onto his brown strands as you rubbed your hips lightly against him, your back arched and you rolled your eyes in pleasure. His tongue in you was more than enough for you to feel your body give in to the desire and make you come, your vision was blurry and you could feel small drops of sweat falling down your forehead. Your legs tremble as his touch rushes in and you come moments later.
He leaned over you and kissed you, his lips felt so soft and full of love. You could taste the yourself and the sake he had drunk, you placed your hands on his cheeks as you followed his lips over and over again.
"You make me feel so good"You whispered between the kiss
"No... it's you, it's you that makes me feel good, my dear"He tasted your lips again and again while his hands roamed your body
He moved away from you for a moment so that he could remove the last piece of clothing he had left and he approached you again. He hugged your body close to his to keep you as close as possible so he could feel every corner of you as he filled you slowly. You ran your hands over his back digging your nails in here and there as you moaned his name in his ear and told him not to stop. He kissed your temple and held one of your thighs as he moved in and out of you. He wasn't being too fast or too slow, a balanced and intense pace was what made you arch your back and hold onto his shoulders.
"You are so perfect my dear y/n..."He whispered close to your ear
You felt a little tear poking out of the corner of your eye that was the response to all that emotion and his care for you. He looked at you and wiped it with his thumb and then kissed your forehead.
"I love you so much"You whispered as you felt another tear fall down your eye
He smiled and kissed you, you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him closer. You needed him like he needed you, it was mutual and unbreakable.
You felt your insides tighten and your legs tremble and that's when you felt it coming.
"Come to me love"He said kissing your neck feeling your fluids drain out
You tipped your head back and moaned his name as you felt him come inside you shortly after. Both eyes met and you could see he looked much better now than before, your love colored his gaze.
"Are you feeling better my love?"You asked
"Yes. Thank you for everything Y/n-chan"He said showing his bright smile
"I love seeing that smile of yours, it makes me so happy too. Don't stop smiling my love"You ran your hand over his face
He held your hand and kissed it and then kissed your lips gently.
"Can I lie down on your chest, again?"He asked smiling at you
"You can, but don't you dare make any jokes of yours"You warned and he laughed
"Don't worry, I'm just going to get some sleep. I think I've had enough for today"
"Yeah, you're right"
He laid his head on your chest and you hugged him as you ran your fingers through his hair. You watched him as he fell asleep and soon after you fell asleep too.
"The storm inside him was over, now all that was left was the comfort of being in the arms of his beloved"
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imaginesfora3 · 1 year
Fushimi Omi
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: Omi
Omi always noticed you, a photographer could not simply ignore a work of art like that, but it does take time for his feelings to grow. He wants a genuine friendship with no pretenses, no expectations, just two adults who enjoyed each other’s company. And yet when he does fall it’s like jumping off a cliff and belly-flopping into the water below. It was an inelegant descent with a lot of emotional fumbling, some denial of the situation at hand, but some things were just inevitable. Once he took that leap and realized there was nothing to fear, the sting would wear off and make way for an Omi who was much willing to take chances.  
Izumida Azami
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: Azami
Azami does not think of romance much. You can tell when he shies away from a simple, friendly hug it’ll be an uphill battle to win him over (but it would be well worth the fight). Respecting his boundaries but making your interest in him known would catch his attention, but don’t push too hard as even his heart has its limits. A certified tough guy and your self-assigned protector, he lets you get closer to him than most. He might make you go through a slow-moving courting process but it doesn’t mean his heart doesn’t beat for you, or that he wasn’t haunted by dreams of how perfectly your hand would fit in his.
Nanao Taichi
Falls First: Taichi
Falls Harder: Taichi
Taichi has always been very unapologetic about being your number one fan, and it’s been clear that he had a major crush on you from the start. It takes time for you to judge the sincerity of his actions but you also enjoy the ride, as Taichi was an incredibly fun and easy person to get along with. Whether you’re just a fleeting fancy or his one true love like his diary states, you never regretted a moment that you spent with him. He’s ready to worship the ground you walked on for the rest of his life if it would prove to you that he’ll never stray; a loyal puppy who only has eyes for you.
Tsukioka Tsumugi
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: You
Tsumugi is not a very romantically aware man, at least not in reality; you’ve never seen someone so capable of emulating a person in love without realizing there’s someone enamored with him right before his eyes. It would take him some time to notice you, and even more before he considered you as romantic partner potential. Even after recognizing your feelings and acknowledging his own Tsumugi walks a tightrope of indecision. Your relationship is invaluable to him so it’s not as if he’ll set you aside, it’s simply that you’ll have to learn to live with a theatre addict. Still, to even tear his eyes from the stage for a moment is a feat to be proud of.
Yukishiro Azuma
Falls First: Azuma
Falls Harder: You
Azuma felt your connection from the very moment you meant, like two lovers who had been fated to meet by the stars. He was entirely unashamed to say that he had fallen for you first. Luckily he had waited for you to stumble into his life long enough that he had practiced patience, waiting for you to come to him before he dazzled you with his charm. He has you on a course to an abrupt crash landing directly into his arms, blinded by his charms, unable to pinpoint when you had fallen just knowing there was no place more comfortable than by his side.
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BLEACH: The Thousand Year Blood War Ep 15 Reactions and Thoughts
Overall reaction:
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I'm late with my thoughts for this one, but I thought better to write them down now before the new episode comes out.
There's a lot to love in this one. We've got battles, we've got drama, and we've got a lot of heartbreak [if you're a Hitsugaya fan].
The Quincy meeting: of course, I thought of Aizen's meeting with the Espada, but this was still a good scene. I loved seeing the small glimpses of dynamics here, and Jugram's seiyu did a fantastic job in giving him presence charisma throughout the episode. Jushiro's scene: oh man, this is a sad one (when you have hindsight). I love the framing and colouring in this scene: Jugram confronts Shunsui and Nanao: damn, this scene was surprisingly atmospheric and tense! Loved this exchange, it really built up the tension for all the battles that were about to go down. Mayuri the Christmas tree: I had to squint whenever he came on. Good lord the animation team did a fantastic job with this one.
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Omaeda and his sister, and Sui Feng vs BG9: yeah, I knew this one was going to hit me in the feels. I remember being shocked the first time I read this scene because I've never been a big Omaeda fan, and then these scenes happens and I feel for him and his sister. The sight with Sui Feng was great too, I loved the animation of her flash step and her actions all looked epic!
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The additional Ichigo content: I'm loving this added content for Ichigo. It's also a chance to develope Ichbe too, because for all the hype Kubo made around Zero Division, it's leader didn't get much in before his confrontation with Yhwach. I'm looking forward to seeing where this all leads, but I have a theory which I'll bring up down below. Hitsugaya and Rangiku vs Bazz B: the highlight of all highlights this week! One of the fights I've been looking forward to seeing animated. So, so , so many great moments throughout, and just look at this amazing animation,it brought everything from the panels to life as I imagined it:
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Of course, seeing Toshiro and Rangiku work together is the best part of this whole fight, and I am so happy with how it was adapted here. This is why I love this brotp: they have each other's backs, work together to strengthen each other, and can have a good balance of funny and serious moments. And oh my gosh, that little smile! For all of the sadness that's about to come for them, just seeing these two have a moment of victory together was heart warming.
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And then...and then...When Bazz B cut through Toshiro the first time, oh man did my heart drop. I knew it was coming, of course, but it's still sad to see. I loved seeing that Toshiro sealed his wound with ice, it confirms a headcanon I've used in my fic for years! I mean, it was more or less shown in his fight against Grimmjow's fraccion, but it was so cool to see it being used here. Overall, this was a great adaption of this fight. Animation is amazing as always, the voice acting was top notch as always, and it's just great to see Toshiro and Rangiku work together.
On to the things I wanted to elaborate on. My main theory for Ichibe's 'training' is Ichigo will find out the history of the Soul King (ie how the being came to be what they are, the first war Shinigami vs Quincy war, etc) which would explain the blury flashback images we got in the trailer. Also, I can't help but wonder if Ichibe is preparing Ichigo to become the next Soul King, keeping in line with Shunsui's original plan B for Ichigo.
My only pit pick for this episode, and it's a personal preference, but I wasn't a fan of how they adapted Toshiro getting cut by Bazz B. In the manga, you see the shock Toshiro goes into and the way it's framed is super dramatic. Here, it's still sad for Hitsugaya fans, but it didn't have the same a gut punch as the manga version does. Maybe it's because I knew it was coming, but I don't know, I wish they'd stuck more to the manga for this moment in terms of framing and capturing the drama.
Also, I am NOT ready for next week. There's a good chance we're going to get to see Shinji (and Momo, COME ON!!) but also...Toshiro seeing Rangiku dying. It's gonna be a heartbreaker ;_;
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
the Rad Red — Play Translation
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Shout it out! Let's rock on forever!
Taichi Nanao as Daichi
Banri Settsu as Senri
Sakyo Furuichi as Ichihashi
Juza Hyodo as Hyota
Azami Izumida as Isa
Omi Fushimi as Yoshimi
Translation under the cut
Daichi loves music and has dedicated his life to his band, but is timid and has trouble taking center stage, and Senri is a troublemaking problem child with an outstanding presence at concerts. When the two childhood friends were in high school, Senri gave in to Daichi's enthusiasm and they formed a band.
Daichi plays guitar and Senri is on vocals, and after they join university, they're joined by Hyota on the drums and Isa on bass, and they gained fans by steadily performing at concerts.
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Daichi: Senri, it's done!
Senri: I told you to stop comin' in through the window, didn't I?
Daichi: I told you, I won't fall!
Senri: Your feet are dirty from walkin' on the roof. Take off your socks.
Daichi: You're surprisingly particular about this~
Daichi: That personality's definitely the reason you keep getting dumped so fast.
Senri: Shut up. Anyway, what's done?
Daichi: A new song!
Daichi: ♪~♪~
Senri: ... Huh~
Senri: That's pretty good.
Daichi: ♪~I wanna eat ramen~ Ramen~♪
Daichi: ♪~Tonkotsu, soy, miso ramen~♪
Senri: That was awful.
Daichi: I couldn't think of lyrics, so~
Daichi: But still, I wanna perform a new song at our next concert.
Senri: You're going too fast.
Daichi: I've kinda been on a roll lately. Y'know what they say, strike while the iron is hot 'n all.
Senri: Maybe you should sing every once in a while.
Daichi: Nowaynowaynowaynoway! I'll get laughed at if I try to sing!
Senri: Who the hell would laugh?
Daichi: It's gotta be someone like you on vocals. My voice's nothing special.
Senri: Just say you're scared.
Daichi: Yeah... I just think I'm better suited to standing at the very end of the stage, y'know.
After finishing a new song, Daichi barges into Senri's house. Saying he couldn't come up with any lyrics, he sang it with whatever words came to mind.
Senri said Daichi should try singing at concerts from time to time, but he refused, saying there was no way he could sing in front of people.
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Hyota: Now that's good.
Isa: I like it, too.
Daichi: So, like, I wanted to perform this at our concert next month.
Isa: Next month's pretty tight for me.
Hyota: I think I'm gonna be busy with job hunting starting next month.
Isa: Job hunting? You startin' already?
Hyota: Well, most guys have already started movin' their asses.
Daichi: Job hunting... So you're really gonna get a job?
Hyota: Well, I mean, yeah.
Senri: Oh, are you gonna start workin' at your old man's company?
Daichi: NO WAY! You're not, right? We'll earn money as a band, and...
Senri: That's not happenin'.
Isa: Well, realistically, we're not really earnin' anything yet. There's no way we can before we make our major debut, right?
Hyota: Yeah... Ideals are just ideals, after all. When it comes down to it, we can only really do this as a hobby.
Daichi: ... Still, I really just want to keep making music. I don't wanna do anything else.
Daichi suggests performing a new song at their concert next month. However, Hyota says he'll be busy with job hunting starting next month. When the conversation turns to what they'll do after graduation, Daichi says he wants to make a living off music, but the others say that's unrealistic.
Daichi dreams of continuing the band with the same members forever, but Senri only sings because Daichi wanted him to, and has no intention of making music his life's work. Unable to tell him this, Senri gets annoyed at Daichi, thinking he really does want to sing.
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Ichihashi: You should take this exam next month. Are you preparing to study abroad?
Daichi: I told you I'm not studying abroad. I'm busy with concerts next month, I can't.
Ichihashi: Don't give me that, and get it into your head that you're taking over the company.
Daichi: I'm not taking over the company.
Ichihashi: You don't study and you don't have any merits, so there's no way you're getting into a good company. If you even wanna make it to a half-decent place, you'd better study your ass off under me.
Daichi: SHUT UP! I'll make a living off my music, so it doesn't matter!
Ichihashi: Don't be stupid. The ones who can say that have already made their start by now. Right now, the world doesn't recognize you, so there's no point. Keep it a hobby. I can tell that you're struggling.
Daichi: --gh.
Ichihashi: DAICHI! Listen when people are talking to you!
While Daichi is thinking of lyrics for the new song in the living room of his house, his father comes home and tells him to study abroad so he can take over his company, causing an argument between them. Daichi declares that he plans to make a living off his music, but his father denies it, saying anyone who can has already made their start, so he should keep this as a hobby and stop saying foolish things.
Ignoring his father, Daichi shuts himself up in his room and tries to continue writing lyrics, but doesn't make much progress.
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Daichi: Sorry. I couldn't come up with lyrics.
Senri: We're gonna have to postpone performing the new song, then.
Isa: You were tryin' to go too fast. It's okay.
Hyota: It'd be better if ya made something you're satisfied with.
Daichi: Sorry. Thanks.
Senri: Let's stop here for today, then.
Daichi: Huh? Wait, but we're all here. What about practice-
Hyota: Sorry, I have some stuff I need to do, too.
Isa: Yeah, let's split up here, then.
Daichi: ... Okay.
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Senri: Oh? Hey, Uncle.
Ichihashi: Oh, Senri. Daichi isn't with you?
Senri: We just said goodbye to each other.
Ichihashi: ... Good grief. I wish he'd put this much effort into his studies.
Senri: Like that's ever happenin'.
Ichihashi: Sigh...
Senri: You goin' home from work?
Ichihashi: I had to check on a building that's just been completed, and now I'm heading straight home.
Senri: What did you construct this time?
Ichihashi: An Italian restaurant in front of the station.
Senri: Huh... I'll go check it out sometime soon. ... Actually, I've been interested in architectural design lately. I've been thinking about getting into the field.
Ichihashi: Is that so?
Senri: I haven't really told anyone about it yet, though.
Ichihashi: If you want to get into design, you should pick a company carefully. Some of them just outsource everything.
Senri: I see.
Ichihashi: You're welcome to join my company anytime, Senri. Well, it'd be bad for me if you get into too much trouble, though.
Senri: Haha. I've chilled out lately, so it'll be fine. For real, though, I might join your company in the future.
Ichihashi: Goodness. If only you and Daichi switched places.
Senri: Well, if it was my parents, they wouldn't have anything bad to say about me being in a band.
Ichihashi: Your parents have artistic spirits, too, after all. You could probably pull it off. Daichi is awkward like me, though. I don't think he can get by on just music.
Senri: Well, he still has until graduation, so he should be okay, right?
Ichihashi: Maybe, but... Ah, right. If you want to learn architectural design, you should consider studying abroad.
Senri: Abroad? I only just started getting interested in this, so I'll have to think hard about it...
Ichihashi: I've told Daichi about all the universities and courses I'd recommend, so try asking him about it.
Senri: Got it.
The day of the concert draws nearer, but Daichi can't come up with any lyrics, so the performance of the new song is postponed.
One day, on his way home from practice, Senri happens to meet Daichi's father, Ichihashi. Senri is interested in Ichihashi's workplace, and while listening to him talk about his job, he starts to realize it's what he really wants to do. Ichihashi sees this and says he wishes Daichi and Senri switched places. He says he doesn't think Daichi, who's awkward like him, can make it on music alone.
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Daichi: I really wanted to perform a new song, too... Oh well, we can have another concert next month, right?
Isa: We're doin' too much.
Hyota: Yeah... Sorry, but this concert might be my last.
Senri: Huh?
Hyota: I gotta work harder at job hunting than I expected. It's gonna be tough, so I'm leavin' the band. I'll support ya as much as I can once things calm down, though.
Isa: 'N you're sayin' that right before the performance?
Hyota: Sorry. It was hard to say.
Senri: Well, lookin' for jobs seems hard.
Isa: I guess there's no helpin' it...
Daichi: Huh? Wait a minute. What- Are you just acceptin' this!?
???: It's almost time.
Senri: C'mon, let's go.
Daichi: No, I'm not done talking!
The concert was quite a success.
Isa: That desperate energy was surprisingly good.
Senri: The only desperate one was Daichi.
Daichi: Anyone would be the same if they had to hear that right before a performance!
Hyota: Senri seemed just fine, though.
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Yoshimi: Can I have a moment? You're the members of Rad Red, right?
Daichi: Yes?
Yoshimi: I'm Yoshimi of AB Records.
Daichi: AB RECORDS!?
Hyota: Seriously?
Isa: That's the real deal...
Yoshimi: Your songs are amazing. You don't belong to a label yet, do you? Are you interested?
Daichi: W- we are, we are! We really are!
Yoshimi: There are a few things I'd like to consider, so if you have any audio files for what you've produced so far, could you give them to me?
Daichi: I'll send you tons!
Yoshimi: Thank you. I'll be in touch.
Daichi: D- does this mean we can debut!?
Senri: We don't know that yet. He could just be asking everyone.
Daichi: But if he asked us, it means there's a chance, right? We got noticed!
Hyota: Well, I guess that's true. 'M glad.
Daichi: Hey, this coming from the guy who said he was quitting!? This is our CD debut! You won't leave now, right!?
Hyota: Ah... Um...
Daichi: We said our ideal was to make a living off our songs, right!?
Hyota: Well, I'll put my withdrawal on hold for now.
Daichi: YAAAY!!!
Senri: ...
Right before the concert, Hyota states that because of job hunting, this may be his last gig. Daichi is shocked, but Senri is understanding of it. Isa seems to also think there's no other way. Daichi is angry at the others for this, and the concert continues with a tense atmosphere.
After the concert, Yoshimi from a record company approaches the band and says they may be able to make their CD debut, delighting Daichi. Hyota also promises to put his withdrawal on hold, even though he's unsure of his decision. Senri is the only one left, looking like he has mixed feelings on the situation.
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Daichi: I'm home.
Ichihashi: Daichi. This is on the topic of studying abroad from the other day. Senri has been putting a lot of thought into his future. And then there's you-
Daichi: I might make my CD debut. I'm continuing on the path of music.
Ichihashi: What are you talking about?
Daichi: Someone from a record company reached out to me today. He recognized our songs!
Ichihashi: Good grief... If you're lucky enough to debut and think you can make a living off it, you're sorely mistaken. How many people do you think just debut and then disappear? If you're getting so carried away by the words "CD debut", you won't last too long. You're much too naïve. Generally-
Daichi: -- I've had enough! No matter what I say, you really don't get it! You won't approve of anything I do!
Ichihashi: Stop this childish nonsense!
Daichi: I could say the same to you!
Ichihashi: DAICHI! Where do you think you're going!?
Daichi: I'M LEAVING!
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Senri: And you're comin' here? Goin' next door isn't really running away from home.
Daichi: It's fine.
Senri: ... That reminds me, has your dad told ya about potential universities you could study abroad at?
Daichi: Huh? Ah, I guess... I think he mentioned a few, but I didn't really pay attention.
Senri: You should try listenin' to him sometimes, too.
Daichi: There's no point. You should be sayin' that to him, anyway. He never listens to what I have to say. ... Hey, if you're askin' me... Senri, you said you were interested in my dad's company, right? Man, if only we could switch places...
Senri: ... You really are father and son. Daichi, I'm gonna sleep.
Daichi: Ah, sorry. Can I keep the lights on just a little longer?
Senri: Go ahead, but I have an early class tomorrow.
Daichi: Just a little longer.
Several hours passed after Senri fell asleep.
Daichi: ... I did it!! SENRI!! I DID IT!!
Senri: ... Yeah? Fucker, don't wake me up at a time like this-
Daichi: ♪ Yeah, after the worst of nights ♪
♪ Look, the dawn is waiting for this song ♪
♪ Bit by bit, the sky's dyed red, it lights up ♪
♪ The rest of our dreams, the paths we've each chosen ♪
How was that?
Senri: ... That was good.
Daichi: RIGHT!? This phrase here was totally cool, right~? Not to toot my own horn, but I'm sure you'll love singin' this. Seriously!
Senri: Yeah. I won't sing it, though.
Daichi: WHAT?
Senri: You sing it.
Daichi: HUH? Why? Did you not like it or somethin'? I'll change it, then.
Senri: Quit it. You already know why, don't ya? This is your song. No, all our songs so far have been yours, not mine. It wasn't me who wanted to be in a band. It wasn't me who wanted to sing.
Daichi: Huh-
Senri: Get outta here.
Daichi: Senri-
Senri: Come back after you've convinced your dad. Idiot.
Daichi tells his father about being approached by a record company, but it turns into an argument again, and he runs away from home, crashing at Senri's house. He turns a deaf ear to what Senri has to say. When Daichi says Senri should say all this to his father instead, Senri smiles bitterly to himself, thinking how the two really are like father and son.
Daichi finishes his song in the middle of the night and performs it for Senri. Senri heard the lyrics referencing Daichi's conflict with his father and told him to sing the song himself, kicking Daichi out of his house until he realized his own true intentions.
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Hyota: 'N you're lookin' for safety here?
Daichi: I don't get it. Does this mean Senri never wanted to be in the band? I mean, yeah, when I first invited him, he didn't seem to care either way, but... I thought we were having fun.
Hyota: Well, 'm sure he had fun. 'S different in your case, though.
Daichi: I'm having fun! Being in a band with you all is super fun.
Hyota: 'S not just fun with you though; you're tryin' to go even further, aren't you? Isn't that what it means to want to make a livin' off music? If it's just about fun, then it'd be fine to keep this a hobby. If you wanna make that your only source of income, though, you gotta really be ready for it. 'S not easy for everyone to make the decision of continuing on only music even after we're no longer students like it was for you.
Daichi: Are you sayin' Senri doesn't wanna do this with me anymore?
Hyota: He only joined you at all 'cuz you couldn't sing yourself 'n asked him to, didn't he?
Daichi: Well, yeah, but... I just thought maybe he wanted to keep makin' music forever, just like me-
Hyota: Just let him go, man.
Daichi: The hell do you mean, let him go? Besides, ever since we were kids, I'm the one who's been stuck to his side like his henchman...
Hyota: You're still the center of the band, though. Even I joined this band 'cuz I thought your songs were good, and I thought I could make a livin' off music with you forever. You have this kinda magnetic energy that drags people in. I thought a guy like that could even make a livin' off music, and if it's a band you're in, 'm startin' to think that maybe I wanna put my life on the line for it, too.
Daichi: ... What about Senri?
Hyota: You already know the answer, don't ya?
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Isa: The hell? Senri didn't show up today, either? What do we do about practicin' the new song?
Daichi: Uh...
Hyota: Daichi can sing it.
Daichi: No, but-
Isa: Sure, you'd make a good stand-in.
Hyota: You can sing if it's just for practice, right?
Daichi: ... Yeah, I'll be okay.
With nowhere else to go, Daichi heads to Hyota's place. When Daichi complains about Senri, Hyota lectures him about how everyone has different ideas about music and their futures, and tells him he should let Senri go.
As the concert where they planned to perform their new song draws closer, Senri stops showing up for practice.
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Senri: They're callin' way too much... 
Senri: Tsk, I'll teach 'em a lesson.
Punk A: What?
Punk B: What was that, fucker?
Senri: Huh? I didn't say shit to y'all.all the boring ass songs.
Senri: ...
Punk A: The fuck? You tryna start a fight?
Punk B: Oh? Isn't this Rad Red's vocalist? Saw him at a concert a while back.
Punk A: Ohhh, ya mean that band with 
Punk B: The hell's with that look? You wanna go, fucker!?
Senri: Y'all are the boring ones!
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Yoshimi: I got to listen to your songs. You can definitely look forward to debuting with our label!
Daichi: FOR REAL!? Thank you very much!
Isa: We're really gonna debut...
Hyota: Amazing...
Yoshimi: Also, for the song Senri wasn't singing in, was that you, Daichi?
Daichi: Ah, yes. That was just a demo track.
Yoshimi: It'd be nice if you sang at concerts, too, though. You're really good.
Daichi: Noo, I'm a wuss and I can't sing in front of people.
Yoshimi: Speaking of which, where's Senri today?
Daichi: Aah, he's just a little... AH!
Daichi: Senri!? Don't ignore my calls! Wait, what? Your mom? HUH? The police arrested you!?
Isa: Police?
Hyota: What'd he do this time?
Daichi: He said he got into a big fight and the police got involved.
Isa: And that kinda thing is really bad right now, isn't it?
Daichi: Ah...
Yoshimi: Does this kind of thing happen to Senri often?
Daichi: Um... sometimes... But he's not a bad guy!
Yoshimi: When you go pro, a scandal with any one of you can be fatal to the whole group. Not just the band members, but everyone in the team involved will be harmed. From now on, you won't just be making music among friends; you're going to be part of a bigger project. The number of people involved will also increase by a huge amount. That's what it means to be professionals. The same goes for your music-making process, of course. I need you guys to be aware of this.
Daichi: ... Okay.
Yoshimi: I wonder if I can ask for you to debut without Senri, with Daichi on vocals. This isn't just something I came up with on the spot. I thought the same thing while listening to your demo track. I reached out to you guys because I liked your songs, but after listening to Daichi's vocals, I feel like they could be even better.
Daichi: That's- We can't do that! All of us, including Senri, are Rad Red! If we have to leave Senri out, we won't debut!
Hyota: Hey, Daichi-
Yoshimi: Is that so... We do want to avoid risk as much as possible, though. Please give this some thought.
Daichi: -gh.
Right before the concert, Senri gets into a big fight and the police get involved. Yoshimi hears this, and asks the band to debut without Senri, with Daichi on vocals instead. He says it's not just because of the current incident, but also because he found Daichi's singing more appealing. Daichi instantly rejects the idea of debuting, saying Rad Red isn't complete without Senri. Still, Yoshimi says he wants the band to think this over and leaves.
Isa: The hell are you doin'? Is Senri not showing up after all?
Daichi: He just won't reply...
Hyota: If things 're like this, maybe it'd be better to just debut without him.
Daichi: NO WAY! Senri is our vocalist! I haven't heard anything from him yet!
Senri: That's what pisses me off about you.
Daichi: SENRI!
Senri: Let's start the show with "Seven".
Daichi: Y-yeah. I mean- you're late!
Isa: You goddamn problem child.
Hyota: You finally came.
Senri: Hey, you're all gettin' too bold!
Daichi: Your late ass is included in that!
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Senri: Uhh, so the next song's gonna be the last one. A new song. Daichi wrote this one after getting into an argument with his dad. Didn't you?
Daichi: Haha, I guess so.
Audience: Ahaha! What the hell?
Senri: Honestly, ever since we were in elementary school, Daichi's sucked at sports and studying, so he never stood out. He wasn't funny, either, so he was a pretty boring guy. But when it came to music, things were different. His songs are literally just good. That's why I joined his band as the vocalist. This song is about Daichi's determination when he decided he wants to spend his life with music. That's why... I want you to sing it. Convince your dad yourself.
Daichi: What--
Senri: This is as far as I'll go with you.
Daichi: Senri!
Senri: Hyota, count off!
Hyota: ... 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4.
Senri: Everyone... Today's my last performance, so! Let's raise the damn roof!
Audience: WOOO!
Senri: Sing.
Daichi: -
Ichihashi: ...
Yoshimi: That band is good, aren't they?
Daichi: ♪ The moon blurred in the silent darkness ♪
Yoshimi: The last vocalist was good, too, but after switching to the guitarist, the strength of their songs gets across more directly.
Daichi: ♪ I was left behind and struggling ♪
Senri: ♪ Wondering who I really am ♪
Yoshimi: There's no doubt that they'll only grow from here on.
Senri: ♪ And where I want to go ♪
Ichihashi: That guitarist is my son.
Yoshimi: You're Daichi's-?
Daichi: ♪ This story has no set scenario ♪
Yoshimi: In that case, allow me to formally introduce myself- 
Daichi: ♪ I'm the one who decides the ending ♪
Yoshimi: I'm Yoshimi of AB Records.
Senri: ♪ When I mix words with sound ♪
Yoshimi: I've just been asking them if they'd like to debut with our label.
Senri: ♪ I can let loose with all my might ♪
Ichihashi: So it's you...
Daichi: ♪ Yeah, after the worst of nights ♪
Ichihashi: Daichi's been very shy since he was a child. He even cried before preschool every morning.
Daichi: ♪ Look, the dawn is waiting for this song ♪
Senri: ♪ Bit by bit, the sky's dyed red, it lights up ♪
Ichihashi: He always stayed in the shadows throughout elementary and middle school, too. Before I knew it, he grew up.
Senri: ♪ The rest of our dreams ♪
Yoshimi: You have a fine son.
Daichi, Senri: ♪ Resounding with my identity ♪
Ichihashi: ... He's clumsy, so there's only one thing he can do.
Daichi, Senri: ♪ The autumn wind is drying up my tears ♪
Ichihashi: He really is just like me.
Daichi, Senri: ♪ Even if we can't take the shortest route, we'll run ♪
Ichihashi: Please take care of Daichi.
Senri: ♪ We'll each dye our paths ♪
Daichi: ♪ A beautiful red ♪
Daichi, Senri: ♪ Rad Red ♪
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