#And also maybe we could start showing Ricky this much love? Maybe without him needing to bleed so much first?
whysamwhy123 · 10 months
I'm British so no Thanksgiving, but I will say, as someone who's lamented for ages that Swerve doesn't usually get any love/acknowledgement from the fandom, I'm grateful that there's actual fanart of him now. And it's all so GOOD.
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cherryy-slushy · 1 year
Okay so… I’ve got a new found love for moulin rouge and especially aaron tveit and an almost bigger love for Enemy’s to lovers and angst and smut...
So here we go: (Theyre just short little scenarios I made up so don’t expect much)
This is based on a request I got (their name was Sophie so that’s why it’s written as Sophie 😘 we’re name twins 🤭) also credits to Chat gbt for giving me a wee bit of help with this 💋
Line without a Hook
Aaron Tveit x OC! character (Sophie)
Warnings: SMUT, MAJOR MAJOR SMUT. Fighting, replacing people?
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Sophie and Aaron had been cast as the lead roles in Moulin Rouge on Broadway, but from the start, they couldn't stand each other. They argued over everything, from their lines to their dance moves. Their bickering was notorious among the cast and crew, and it was a miracle they managed to get through rehearsals without killing each other.
Sophie and Aaron were practicing a particularly passionate tango, and as they moved across the stage, their bodies pressed close together. Sophie could feel Aaron's breath on her neck, and she could sense the heat radiating off his body. Suddenly, she realized that the line between love and hate was very thin indeed.
From that moment on, their rehearsals took on a new energy. Their arguments turned into playful banter, and they began to find common ground in their performances. As they danced and sang together, their chemistry grew stronger, and the tension between them turned into something much more intense.
From that moment on, Sophie and Aaron were inseparable. They found themselves stealing kisses backstage, and their rehearsals became more heated than ever. And on opening night, as they performed their passionate tango, the audience could feel the intense chemistry between them.
Sophie and Aaron had gone from enemies to being in a situation-ship, and they couldn't be happier. They had found something special in each other, something that went beyond their roles on stage. And as they took their final bow, they knew that they had created something truly magical.
They were happy together. They loved each-other.
The shows started stirring up emotions in them. Sophie hoped Aaron felt the same. She felt as though she needed him. She had to have him. He was the same. He needed to feel himself inside of her.(sexxxxx 😵)
Thats when this happened:
The show started off at a good rate. Things were running smoothly, dancers were feeling fine, actors/ actresses were feeling fine. So why did Sophie have this feeling today wasnt going to be good?
She shrugged it off and got ready to go on for “The Sparkling diamond”.
The director wanted a small costume switch up so Sophie was given this new dress for tonight. It looked gorgeous on her. It was definitely going to draw attention. As she finished up her first song of the day she could feel a particular pair of eyes scouring her figure.
He was in awe of the dress. He loved it. Maybe a bit too much. It’s hugged her perfectly. It was more a corseted dress but still.
Ricky noticed Aaron face. He looked at him with his eyebrow slightly cocked trying not to break character, he was still on stage where the crowd could see him so.
Sophie looked over at where Aaron was sat. Confused about why he was staring at her so intensely. Fuck… did she have something on her face? Someone would have told her right? He was smiling a bit maybe he put something onto her chair or something before she came out. Oh fuck fuck fuck.
When the song ended she went over to Danny and asked if there was any marks on her face or her dress.
“Danny, there’s nothing on my face or my dress is there?”
Danny looked her up and down.
“Spin around real quick”
She spun around.
“Nope your good. Why?”, Danny said.
“Aaron was looking at me intensely it seemed like he did something to sabotage my performance”, she said with a sigh.
Danny laughed as he got ready for his line.
“My dear satine! The duke! He’s here and he wants a private meeting with you!” Danny said switching from himself to Zidler in a heartbeat.
We finished our scene and I went backstage for a quick change. As I got ready for my next scene I locked eyes with Aaron. We were just after doing a kissing scene, usually this is brushed off but today it was different. It had more feeling. I slightly smiled at him and he started walking over to me. Neither of us had to be on for nearly 10 minutes so we had time to relax. He walked over and stood in front of me.
Next thing I knew we were kissing. It happened out of nowhere but I’m not complaining…
He smiled at me and walked away.
What on Earth just happened.
The show continued on as normal and after I was stopped by Aaron as I walked out.
“Sophie, we need to talk”, I looked up at him.
“Wow you sound serious”, I half joked.
“I don’t hate you, Sophie”, he smiled.
“Oh, oh, oh, Ehm, oh wow”, I said staring at him shocked.
His face dropped.
“I don’t hate you entirely either”, I smiled slightly.
“Entirely?” He asked.
I laughed and after that things changed.
Aaron and I planned a date. And after that we started dating.
When I saw twitter went wild I mean it went WILD.
Life’s just full of surprises.
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Pirate Month: Ducktales 2017: Sky Pirates In The Sky! Review (Comission for WeirdKev27)
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Avast all ye happy people and welcome back to Pirate Month. And while we're winding up the sails with just one more pirate review to go, it's time to take from the seas to the skys as we soar into familiar territory.
Ducktales is a show near and dear to my heart and what got this blog jumpstarted. While I made an attempt at comic reviews and eventually got back into those, it was talking about Ducktales season 3 as it came out that truly cemented this blog and brought Kev to said blog, which allowed me to make it a career. I've reviewed a LOT of duck and disney afternoon content: At this time i've done a retrospective on The Three Cablleros, on the arcs for seasons 1 and 2, reviewed all of season 3 as it came out, revieweid all the episodes introducing the justice ducks and fearsome four for darkwing duck along with a few others, every disney afternoon pilot , and the epic legend of the chaos god. I even reviewed the excellent A Goofy Movie and got a retweet from Kevin Lima himself. I also have covered a good chunk of life and times with scrooge mcduck and PLAN to finish it. For real I swear.
So you may be asking why with all of that and much more than I could fit in there, why haven't I done a ton of duck stuff lately? A couple of reasons. The first is that a LOT of these big projects are done on Kev's dime, and we both haven't thought of any new retrospectives (Though if you have ideas please feel free to pitch or comission them), and he's had other stuff he wanted to do this year from this very pirate month to next month's look at some other disney stuff as we go to infinity and beyond. That's the same for me: I love this show and various other disney stuff, but i've had other stuff i've wanted to do or needed to do and with me slimming down my schedule and how forgetful I can be I simply hadn't made time for any. I will be finishing LIfe and Time's main story this year (And will get to the rest eventually), and may try to do more duck stuff next year, I simply had a lot going on this year both in and out of the blog and thus things were a bit messier. Add in having to scale back for my own sanity and having times where i've slipped and you can see why it's been a while.
That being said going back to it was like I never left and this is a decent ep to come back to as this month woudln't be complete without the fearsome, the famous, and the handsome Don Karnage! I may do a tailspin one if I do this again next year, which all signs point to Yarr. So let's talk about this handsome devil.. and this episode I guess.
This episode.. is alright, and since the good part of the episode is the whole reason it's part of this theme month, let's start there: Don Karnage steals the whole damn show here and rightfully so: Jamie Camill is a delight, and Disney has made good use of him in Star Vs and Legend of the Three Cabs, so he was a shoe in for this revamp of the classic Tailspin villian. Instead of being Ricky Recardo but a wolf pirate, a sentence that makes me happy I get paid to say things like that, he's a younger, suaver, sining version, putting on a show.. while also using it to confuse his enemy. He's egotsitical, belivies it should all be on him, but geninely wants to push his crew to be the best and has reasons for not letting them have solos or throwing them overboard. He's ruthless.. but he's got style and standards. He's also according to the creators the son of the original Karnage, a nice way to explain the diffrences while still letting him be his own man. What happened to the original
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We didn't get Season 4 so unless details like that are in the behind the scenes book or in a future movie or followup series, we'll never know.
Naturally given how some fanboys default reaction to anything is
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Naturally some complained but like many changes it calmed down. I'm not saying some changes to a work can be bad but maybe wait a second or find out if it was studio mandate before you shake your fist and strike up the mob ya know?:
One complaint I get SLIGHTLY more is that Karnage is a TailSpin villian, and this isn't that, and they might of saved him for a reboot. Given that still hasn't happened, that part's passed but as a fan of comics like the creators themselves I got and welcomed the logic. Often in comics you see villians transfer from one rogues gallery to another and given Youngberg and Angones were fans of Chris Claremont's iconic run on x-men, it's no suprised they'd take a page from chris' book as SEVERAL now iconic x-foes were characters Chris had created elswhere but fit better into his magnum opus: Arcade started as a Spider-Man Villian, Mystique fighting Carol Danvers, and Sabertooth as a foe of the immortal iron fist. They simply took that sort of malablity here.
And honestly it works. It was too early in the show to throw in the rest of the cast but Karnage works just as well as a McDuck family villian given Tailspin has the same pulp adventure styling, just slightly diffrent. It's a blast seening the Iron Vulture gobble up the Sunchaser and pirates work very well. So he fits in perfectly.
On top of that he gives Dewey a nemisis as in theory each of the main kids were clearly supposed to have one: Huey with Mark Beaks, Louie with Doofus, Webby with Magica and Ma Beagle (She got two) and thus Dewey with Don Karnage. Out of them though only Karnage and Doofus really stuck as truly nemeses, with Karnage even outright only joining the legion of glom in season 2 because he could kill Dewey. Magica is more one to both webby AND lena, by season 2 it's clear beaks is more fenton's nemisis, and Ma Beagle faded from relevance. Karnage on the other hand stuck all three seasons, with the two even getting a dramatic showdown in the final episode. While it's more on Karnage's side as Dewey upstaged him, took his crew (if temporarily and bested him, Dewey forgets him, Deweys till clearly loves having an arch enemy and Karnage is a perfect Foil: he's all of dewey's ego and selfishness, but with more focus and just as much flair. Dewey needed an arch as operatic and attention whoring as he is and he certainly got it.
That does bring us to the episode's weakpoint though; While Camill is a delight as is the rest of the crew, the scientest bit STILL gets me even after all this time, the duck side of things falls flat.. into the jungle. See the show is trying to teach the moral that Dewey feels neglected, that no one is listneing to his cool hat story. And while I get it, kids often have times where their parents and siblings are just busy here.. their all busy doing important stuff and for the mission while Dewey wants to ramble about a hat: Louie and Webby are taking inventory, Huey is trying to keep Launchpad from killing them all, and Scrooge is busy with..
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Not only that Dewey ALWAYS wants attention. Always. It's one of his main personality traits. He enjoyed being in a sitcom reality later simply because he got applause, his dreams are a himcentric version of high school musical, he says his name as a verb at least once an episode if he's in focus. It's what makes us love him, no doubt, all of that's amazing, but it makes this aseop not work with him. It would've worked better with say Huey or Louie, who as we find out next season really does feel out of place. But you can't make an aseop about someone being starved for attention when that person is begging for attention every hour of every day wether it's healthy or not. I do know that Dewey's need for attention comes from a deeper place, that it's to fill the void Della left when she was shot up into space, I get that... but the episode dosen't USE that. It's just "Well they were all busy that moment". Dewey's part of things does work a little as he realizes from letting all the pirates have too MUCH spotlight that too mucha ttention can be bad.. but Scrooge apologizing feels weird and them not noticing dewey was missing... is stupid. Scrooge mistaking Huey for Dewey, yeah that's funnya nd works. But no one ELSE noticing a sudden calm makes no sense. The family has to be stupid for Scrooge's words to have weight.
So this episode is decent: The fight scenes are thrilling and the clever trick of having EVERYONE pretend to be d3ewey was both hilarious and badass, the music is goregous and really gets into your head, the don karnage song is every bit as catchy as Launchpad finds it.. it's just held back by a weak main emotoinal throughline. Not a terrible episode of ducktales but one that's more forgetable than an episode with singing air pirates has any right ot be.
Also there's a subplot with Louie and a diamond. It sure is there. Thanks for reading , consider joining my patreon and please follow for more!
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ererokii · 4 years
Line without a Hook || E. Jaeger & J. Kirstein
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➳ Jean Kirsten x Fem Reader x Eren Jaeger
Word count: 4,517 Warnings: angst, fluff, unrequited love, cursing ➳ note: this is based off the song Line Without a Hook by Ricky Montgomery! I’ve been thinking this for a long time and I’m super excited by how it came out! Also big thanks to @reddriot​ for betaing!
➳ Synopsis: is love really worth it? Let me say, it’s not always worth it.
You can hold my hand if no one’s home.
Do you like it when I’m away?
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
It starts out simple really. A boy and a girl. Childhood friends, to be precise. Those two are inseparable. Nothing can tear the friends apart, besides their parents, of course. Like two peas in a pod. 
Jean says he knows you like the back of his hand. He truly means that. He knows your favorite boy bands from when you were younger, how many terrible phases you’ve gone through, favorite foods, and places. If he wrote a novel about the things you told him, he would be a renowned author. 
Since kindergarten to now, in the middle of your junior year, you and Jean have been side by side. You told him everything. From random vents and gossiping about the rude girls in your class to how horrible your period cramps were— even though Jean hated hearing about the last, he stuck through it for you.
Only you. 
The pavement that followed the street your house was on is memorable. Jean can recall the amount of times you’ve had races, chalk scribbles covering the grey that would be washed away by the angry neighbors. 
He listens to you as you talk about a kid getting in trouble in your Calculus class, watches how lively your motions are as you speak. Jean can’t help but smile when a laugh slips past your lips and you glance at him. There’s an unknown sparkle in his eyes, one filled with love. 
You haven’t changed one bit, he thinks as he faces back forward, shoving his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. His mind begins to wander as you both continue down the pavement, part of your routine when school ends. 
Your houses are right next to each other. You’ve been with him since you were in diapers. He was there when your first tooth came out, congratulating you, and you were there for him when he finally learned to ride his bike with two wheels instead of three. 
The bubbly lovable five-year-old back then is the same as you are now. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Oh all my emotions
Feel like explosions when you are around
A sigh of disappointment leaves Jean’s lips when he listens to Connie talk about something he has learned over the weekend (something completely stupid— he just doesn’t care). Currently, the students are at lunch, the cafeteria full with loud shouts and random noises. 
“Connie, shut up,” Sasha groans, placing her water bottle on the table, wiping her crumbs off. “No one cares that you finally figured out how to stick a spoon to your nose.”
“What do you mean?! You were the one who showed me!”
The brunette gasps and looks over his way, cream cheeks tinted with an adorable shade of pink, pointing a finger at him. The bickering between the two commence as Jean listens, slightly amused. 
As much as he indulges in their argument, he can't help but wonder where you are. 
It’s not like you to skip lunch, especially without at least letting him know. Did you stay behind to talk to a friend? A teacher? Maybe you went to the bathroom.
But it’s at least 15 minutes in. 
“Sasha,” he speaks up, slicking back his hair. The sound of her name catches her attention, making her look at him. “Have you seen Y/N?”
“Y/N?” she asks in a whisper before her lips curl in a grin, already knowing why he asked. “Do you miss her?”
“Just answer my goddamn question!”
“Wait, what’s going on?” Connie asks, looking between his friends before stopping his gaze on Jean. “Why do you need Y/N?”
“Oh, you know! He lik-”
“Shut up!” Jean shouts, catching the attention of nearby students, his face heating up as his cheeks turn a darker pigment. “Just answer me!”
“If you must know,” she taunts him, twirling a strand of hair from her loose ponytail. “I saw her talking to someone in the hallway. Must be important, she’s been there for quite some time. Might want to be her knight in shining armor and saving her, huh?” she cocks her head to the side, staring at one of the windows in the room, watching as the branches of trees sway from the harsh winds. 
The atmosphere outside was cold, breezes rushing down on anyone who was not inside. The sun was hidden by the thick grey blankets filled with rainwater, waiting to shower the world. The temperature recently has been dropping, mid 50’s at least. The weather was a shock, to say the least. 
“I didn’t know Jean likes her!”
“What do you mean?!” Sasha gasps, turning her body to face her small-minded friend. “It’s only obvious! You must be really stupid then!”
“Well, how could you tell?!”
Before Jean has a chance to interrupt Sasha, she begins to rant. He prefers to stay silent, clasping his hands together in his lap as he lowers his head, finding interest in the marbled tiles of the floor his feet rest on. 
The words that slip past Sasha’s lips reach his ear and out the other. 
It’s easy to tell, Connie. Have you noticed the way he looks at her? Can’t you see the love in his eyes? The way he will actually go out of his way to help her with anything? Here you guys are, two close friends, I thought you would have known about his crush. I’m surprised you didn’t catch on every time he ditched plans with us to go hang out with her. He’s whipped, and you’re too stupid to know it. 
His cheeks turn a shade of pink as his eyes squeeze shut, her words replaying in his head like a broken record player. Each sentence is like a knife stabbing away at his brain, causing the slightest ache to form in his frontal region. 
She’s right. Anything she just said five minutes ago, is completely and utterly correct. 
He can still hear her talking about it to Connie, but he can only focus on three sentences that stick to him like glue. 
Have you noticed the way he looks at her? Can’t you see the love in his eyes? The way he will actually go out of his way to help her with anything?
Memories of him helping you in any possible way come to mind. He can’t recall how many times he has entered class two minutes late because you had so much to carry. 
He stares at you like you’re the only thing worth looking at. It reminds him of those cliche animated movies with hearts in the character's eyes. He’s blinded by his love for you, that he never noticed any signs that you don’t feel the same way about him. His heart races miles per hour when you’re around. Sometimes he worries for himself that maybe, his heart might explode within him. 
“Anyway, lunch has about 20 minutes left...where is she?” Connie mutters, scratching the top of his head.
“I don’t know, but,” Sasha grows quiet, listening to the ongoing thunder from the outside. The lights flicker for a second, a couple of yelps emitting from other students, slightly afraid that the power might go off while school is in session. “The storm is almost here.”
“Y/N!” Connie suddenly yells, pointing in the direction of the door, your body jogging closer to the table. “Where have you been?!”
“Sorry!” you laugh, out of breath as you drop your things on the bench, taking a seat beside Jean. “I got caught up in a conversation with someone! I guess I lost track of time for a bit.”
“I messaged you like four times,” Jean mutters, glancing over at you before looking at the table, playing with the plastic straw that he used to drink out of.
“You did?” you ask, pulling your phone out from your pocket, lips puckering when indeed he did so. “I’m sorry, Jean. I didn’t even feel my phone vibrate.”
“Oh, whatever, who cares! Eat! Or I’ll eat your food!” Sasha yells, pointing a finger at you, a smile gracing her features. 
You laugh along with her as you converse with your peers, the conversation you had replaying in the back of your mind. Jean chooses not to intervene, instead would rather listen. 
The roaring thunder plays in the background, everyone paying no mind to it. What he doesn’t know is that the storm is much closer than Jean could have thought. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Listen close, it’s a no
The wind is a pounding on my back
And I found hope in a heart attack
Oh at last, it is past
Now I’ve got it, and you can’t have it
Another evening, another study session, another day of bottling up his feelings until he can no longer hold them inside.
The storm made its way to shore, raining pouring down and even some hail; not what anyone was expecting. 
Jean mindlessly flips through the pages of his English book, not even paying attention to the words as he checks how many pages are in chapter five. 
“This seems pointless,” he adds with a sigh, tossing the book on your bed along with his highlighter he uses to annotate with. “I should just find a summary online or something, I don’t want to read this.”
“And why is that?” you ask, looking up from your book, placing the hardcover against your thighs. “Is it boring to you?”
“No,” he mutters, rolling onto his back. “It’s stupid. This love crap.”
“Well...it is a romance story, the teacher told us when we got the book. But why do you think it’s dumb?”
“He writes letters for her, and in the end, she ends up rejecting him. I don’t think that’s romantic.”
“And? It’s beautiful on his part,” you close your eyes as you stretch your arms over your head, letting out a grunt. “It’s the fact that he wrote to her every day. It’s like he poured his soul into every word. The words he uses are..literally everything. It makes me swoon over him, and he’s not real. Makes me wonder if someone would do that for me.”
Jean’s head perks up at your words, one of his eyebrows raised in curiosity when he notices the bashful look on your face, eyes averted to the comforter on your bed. “Why do you have that dopey look on your face?”
“Huh?!” your eyes are blown open as you look over at him. “What are you talking about?!”
“I’m talking about that, idiot,” he points at your face, watching your eyes cross faintly to stare at his finger. “You’re acting about that guy in the book.”
The patter of the rain is the only noise that fills the void called silence in your room. His warm eyes don’t leave your face at all, waiting for your answer. You’ve been acting weird ever since you were late to lunch this past week. 
He watches your mouth open as if you’ll say something but close it right away, like you were concealing anything you had to hide.
“...well? Y/N? Are you there?”
“Yeah!” you cough into your elbow, running a hand down your face. “I-- you can’t tell anyone.”
“You know I never tell anyone what we talk about.”
You’re silent, a bit too quiet than usual. You fiddle with your fingers before blurting the words that have been eating away at you. 
Jean’s heart stops for a moment, eyes wide in shock when he processes it. His blood runs cold as he’s unable to move, frozen like a statue. The signals in his brain begged him to respond, but he couldn’t. He could hear the faintest sound of bells ringing in his ears; all noise surrounding him was now drowned out by his thoughts. 
One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds. 
“You like someone?” he asks in a whisper, barely audible to your ears, but you heard as you nod shyly, biting down on your lip. “Well... who is it?”
“That’s...I can’t say it.”
“Why can’t you?”
“I’m afraid to say it out loud because I don’t want to ruin my friendship with him.”
Friendship? That could be anyone at this point.
I have to figure out who, he thinks as he draws random patterns into the sheets. “Well, tell me about him then. Is he in our grade?” he asks.
“Yeah, he is. He’s in four of my classes.”
Jean was in four of your classes. Math, English, Foreign Language, and Science. 
“That’s it?”
You huff, rolling your eyes. “Can I finish before you interrupt? Thank you.”
You pause momentarily before speaking again.
“He’s stubborn. I’ve noticed that his demeanor changes when it depends on who he is with. He seems like a hardass and looks like he doesn’t want to be bothered, but he seems like a total softie when he’s with people he loves. Not to mention he’s hot...and tall. He’s blunt and straight to the point. He doesn’t bullshit at all. He’s really sweet as well, to me. He always goes out of his way to make sure I’m okay and how my day was. He just..he seems to care for me, and I feel the same way about him.”
Jean takes every word you say into consideration. He’s stubborn, it seems that he doesn’t like to be around people he doesn’t know but loves those he does know. He knows he’s hot. Practically every day he looks at himself in the mirror and thinks about how good he looks.
He’s blunt and straight to the point. He doesn’t bullshit at all. He’s really sweet as well, to me. He always goes out of his way to make sure I’m okay and how my day was. He just..he really seems to care for me, and I feel the same way about him.
Jean can feel his doubt and worry turn into happiness and confidence as you keep on ranting, to which he’s not fully paying attention anymore. He knows it's him. It has always been him.
No one else.
Jean likes you.
And you like Jean, that’s all there is to it. 
“Do you want to tell him?”
“Yeah...” you trail off, scratching the nape of your neck. “I want to tell him on Friday after school. Do you think he’ll like me back?”
“I think he would. How could he not? He would be a total idiot to reject you.”
You hum at his reassurance, placing your hand on his, squeezing gently.
“Thanks, Jean.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Darling when I’m fast asleep
I've seen this person watching me
Saying, “Is it worth it? Is it worth it?”
Tell me, is it worth it?
Friday comes, and Jean can hardly wait for school to end. He’s not paying attention, his eyes constantly staring from the whiteboard in the front to the clock that tauntingly ticks slower than usual. 
He bites down on the pink end of his pencil in anticipation, tapping his foot repeatedly on the floor, the noise resonating through the classroom. 
Maybe I should just keep my eyes off the clock, he thinks, lowering his head back to the worksheet their teacher gave the class.
Econ class was a drag. He could care less about the differences in macro and microeconomics, the same with Communism and Capitalism. It’s just a bunch of words that don’t make sense to his brain. 
This was one of the classes he didn’t have with you, the last class. 
Instead of doing his worksheet (luckily, the teacher said it would be for homework if it wasn’t finished), Jean proceeded to think about ways he could tell you his feelings.
He could be old fashioned, tell you how much he adores you and how happy you make him feel when you’re around. How his heart can be heard from the outside of his body, how his hands got warm and clammy, maybe sweaty when he became too nervous.
He could ask you out on a date. Take you somewhere, one of the places you’ve told him in the past that would make a great date for you. He smiles when he thinks about taking you downtown at night, looking at the soft lights that would brighten the streets; loving the sparkle in your orbs as you look around in awe. 
He hums, pleased with himself when he figures out what he’ll do, scratching the back of his ear. 
He wonders if you’re thinking the same thing.
You glance at your table partner, looking at his piece of paper before looking down at yours, displeased how his is able to look better than yours. You pick up your eraser, gently wiping the shadings away from your drawing, careful not to crease your paper.
“It’s not that hard you know, you just don’t know how to shade.”
“I know how to shade, Eren,” you reply with a huff, placing your eraser back down. “It’s just...this is a bit harder than usual.”
“All you have to do is follow the markings,” he presses the edge of his drawing pencil against the reference photo both of you are using, tracing the shape of it. “You could honestly just copy the photo, I doubt this woman would even notice.”
You chuckle at his choice of words, shifting in your seat to get comfortable. “I don’t think she would anyway. She just stares at it and calls it an A. I bet for our expressive project, she wouldn’t notice if we copied each other.”
He shakes his head with a smile, the loose strands of his hair swaying with his head movement. “No, she wouldn’t,” he rolls the sleeves of his hoodie to his elbows, grabbing his pencil again. “Then again, we are working on it with each other.”
“Speaking of that, what should we do?”
“Up to you, Y/N. I don’t mind. I’m just trying to pass this stupid class anyway.”
You relish in the silence between you as you gaze at him from your peripheral. You take notice how his hair frames his face effortlessly to the dip in his nose. It’s perfect how it forms to his cupid’s bow to his lips; not too big nor too small either. Just right. 
You clear your throat, scratching at the nape of your neck. “Why not do...stages of love?”
That catches his interest.
“Stages of love?” he asks, moving in his chair to face you, a hand propping his head up. “Elaborate?”
“Like you know...how we gain a crush on someone. We like how they make us feel, and soon we think about them some more. Maybe make little scenarios in our head. Then we gain the crush and want to be around them. You know what I mean, right?”
He’s silent, hues that represent the blue of rivers, boring into your own. At first, you think he hates your idea, but then the corner of his lips curls into his infamous grin. “Yeah, I like that. Did you have anything else in mind?”
“Rejection?” he repeats, a bit shocked at how romantic your words were, to something filled with sadness. “And why would you want to do rejection?”
“W-Well,” you stutter, unsure how you should put it. “Everyone always talks about the good in love but never the bad. And I think it could be done good, you know?”
He hums, scratching away at his chin before nodding. “Yeah, alright. That sounds oddly specific, but I like it. We can honestly get started soon, that way, we can finish faster and not worry about it.”
His smile throws you for a loop, your face heating up as you pick up your pencil, trying to distract yourself. 
“Say, Y/N?”
“Yes, Eren?” you reply a bit too quickly, cursing yourself out internally for sounding too desperate. 
“Can we talk?” his cheeks are a shade of pink, his eyes averted as he plays with one of the strings of his hood, reminding you how a child would distract themselves. The tips of his shoe nudge against yours, barely kicking gently.
“Aren’t we talking right now?”
“No, I mean after school.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
And in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer
Watching over me, he’s singing, 
Jean storms out of his Econ class with a grin, hands gripping onto the straps of his backpack as he looks down one end of the hallway before going down the other direction. The art room was three classes down his. Usually, Jean will wait right there by the door for you since you take ages to finally leave the classroom. 
When Jean finally reaches the room, he sees that the doors are locked, and the lights inside are off.
Huh, that’s weird, you’re always one of the last to leave, nor are you ever this early. 
He stands there for a few more seconds, peering in through the small glass, and sees nothing before taking a step back and quickly continues to walk down the hall. His legs are quicker, going down the two flights of stairs. 
His eyes frantically search for the yellow shirt you wore, unable to find you anywhere. 
“Sasha!” he calls out once he reaches the end of the stairs, running towards the girl and their friend, who was at the lockers, pulling things she needed to take home for the weekend. 
The brunette looks over her shoulder, stopping her conversation with Connie as she shuts her locker. “Yeah, Jean?”
He pants, leaning on his knees before letting out a deep breath and standing straight up. “Have you seen Y/N?”
She ponders for a while before shaking her head, looking over at Connie, who shakes his head, shrugging. “We haven’t seen her since Art class.”
“You didn’t see where she went at all?”
The events before class ending play in her mind before she gasps, snapping her fingers, pointing up at Jean. “Yeah, I know where she went!”
“...are you going to tell me, or am I going to have to guess?!”
She mocks him for a second before pulling her phone out. “I could have seen her leave with Eren. I think they went to the bench in the back. You know the one I’m talking about?”
He’s taken aback for a moment before shaking his head, retaining the information. “Alright, thanks.”
Why would you even be with Eren right now? You never meet with him after-
“Are we still on for this weekend?!” Connie yells when Jean is making his way down the corridor.
“Yeah, we are!” Jean's voice travels through the air, reaching both of his friends, hands clammy as they’re shoved in the front pocket of his pants. 
The walk to the back courtyard was tiresome. His feet seemed to drag behind him, an aching feeling forming in his gut. Thoughts pounded against his skull repeatedly, trying to force him to stop. He wants to stop, but he has to go.
He has to tell you he loves you. 
He can’t help but smile when you describe the boy you like this week. In his mind and most certainly his heart, he was the king of the world sitting on his high horse as he screamed in victory, letting the whole world know that the person he likes, feels the same way about him. 
The fresh air from the outside meets his nostrils as he deeply inhales, allowing it to enter his body before exiting. The sun is the first thing he meets with as he exits the building, bringing a hand up to shield his eyes away from the harsh light. He mutters something under his breath as he looks around for a second. 
“She’s a,
She’s a lady and I’m just a boy”
His honey orbs finally stop on a bench where you and Eren are seated, that’s not too far away, but his body is hidden from your view. He lets out a sigh of relief, leaves crunching underneath his feet as he walks, not taking long strides, rather walking slow to rethink what he’ll say.
“Y/N, I’ve liked you for a long...no,” he mutters, stopping in his tracks as he looks down at the green grass and leaves, kicking away at them. “I’ve loved- no, that sounds a bit aggressive, goddammit,” he groans, tugging at the roots of his hairs. “Why is this so fucking hard?!” he growls underneath his breath, leaning against the brick wall. 
He never was anything else but honest with you. How could he say it?
What if this ruins your relationship?
...what if you liked Eren?
His breath hitches in his throat when realization dawns on him. His lips part, a soft exhale releasing from within him. His fingers curl around nothing, as if he was holding the air’s hand. The tips of his fingers shake, his whole body stiffening as he stares hard at nothing. 
How could he be so stupid?
It all made sense now. How you stayed behind during lunch that one time without saying anything; in the back of his mind that day, he knew that someone had to be a boy, maybe a girl. Even then, you would always let him know. 
Jean should have known from the beginning that you only saw him as a brother. 
His chest aches as his vision goes blurry, biting down on the inside of his lip to the point where he can taste the bitter metallic on his tongue. He squeezes his eyes shut before opening, wishing he hadn’t at that moment. 
He’s singing
“She’s a, she’s a lady and I am just a line without a hook.”
His heart breaks, stomach-dropping when he sees Eren’s hand brings you closer to his body, lips pressed up against yours; your hand placed on his cheek, cradling his face. Even from where he stands, he can sense the urgency in the kiss, how your bodies move together as one, how your fingers grip onto him like he’ll leave any moment. 
His lower lip quivers for a second, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, clearing his throat. Jean cranes his neck upward, looking at the sky, muttering the words, “Why him?” over and over like a mantra, no other words coming to mind. 
When he closes his eyes, all he can see is you. Not Eren, just you. Those moments where you laugh, cry, or stay silent, those are the moments that flash in his head.
Did he do something to you? Was it something he said?
Did you ever like him at all?
“It’s pointless,” he whispers, pushing himself off the brick wall, immediately making a beeline for the doors. He swallows harshly, legs moving faster than ever, wanting to get out of this hell hole called reality. 
Like every day, you’ll walk down the same pavement you’ve been walking on for years.
Only this time, he’s walking alone. 
Oh, and if I could take it all back
I swear that I would pull you from the tide. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
taglist: @sleepysnk @jaegerbomb20​ @reddriot​ @kkiimmberly​ @kingtamakimurder​ @tamasoft​ @byougen​ @spike-this-ass​ @crimsonbows-and-arrows​ @squidonmywall​ @thicmitten​ (message me to be apart of it!)
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tvandenneagram · 3 years
HSMTMTS: E.J Caswell - Type 3w2
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EJ is ambitious, charming, popular and caring. EJ has always tried to be the best at everything he does and has many talents. 
At his best, EJ learns to not care as much about being the best and instead tries to develop deeper relationships with the fellow theatre kids. EJ can also be incredibly thoughtful, as we see when he buys Gina the plane ticket so she can make it back for opening night.
At his worst, EJ can be deceitful, jealous and paranoid. For example, EJ is constantly worried about Ricky and Nini’s relationship and does questionable things to make sure they don’t rekindle it. 
EJ cares a lot about what other people think of him. as many 3s do. After he is exposed for taking Nini’s phone, he starts to lose Instagram followers (which he monitors obsessively). EJ also loves being seen as popular and does so many extracurriculars to maintain his popularity and increase his chances of being accepted to his dream college. 
EJ also cares deeply about making his parents proud of him, which is another reason he tries so hard at everything he does. EJ desperately wants to go to Duke because his parents met there and he feels like he needs to be a part of that legacy to not disappoint his parents. That’s why it is such a crushing blow to him when he is rejected by Duke. However, EJ has learnt not to be too attached to outcomes and to take each day as it comes. At the same time, EJ wants to succeed on his own merit and doesn’t feel right about attending Duke after his father has to call in favours.
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EJ never does anything to half-effort. For example, when Ashlyn suggests to him to write a song to connect with and apologize to Nini, he makes it extremely extra. He also becomes fixated on changing anything that could be considered a flaw, as we see when he sees that Miss Jenn wrote on the audition papers that he couldn’t emote well. After reading that, EJ becomes obsessed with showing Miss Jenn she is wrong, but instead it comes across awkward and weird. 
EJ has a wing 2 as he is more extroverted, outgoing, charming and people-oriented than a 3w4 is. 
Tri-type: 3w2 - 1w2 - 6w7
Some quotes to describe EJ’s motivations
“He’s already ruined this for me.”
“You stepped up. You always do. And, if I’m being honest, it’s uh, you know...admirable”
“It’s my first Valentine’s Day without a girlfriend, and it stings a little, but I’m taking it in stride.”
Ashlyn: “Maybe it would be good for you to not get what you want for once. EJ: “Why would that be good?”  Ashlyn: “Then again, you are who you are.”
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royalequeenofships · 3 years
HSMTMTS Season 3 Predictions and Character Analysis
Ricky & Nini:
Ricky and Nini have a complicated relationship. I feel like they have the whole dynamic of “right person, wrong timing” vibe. They have chemistry and a bond with each other. However, for them to grow as a couple, they really need to have character development first. Nini really needs to figure herself out and who she truly wants to be and figure out her dreams and how she wants to pursue them. We had the whole YAC arc in season 2, where she goes there because she thought it was something that she wanted, but she realized that YAC was not truly what she wanted and isn’t what makes her happy. So, she’s slowly trying to figure herself out with independence and not relying on anyone except herself. In Season 1, most of her moments were with Ricky, with only the YAC arc really showcasing her independence, but her reliance on others in season 1 and parts of season 2. For example, Kourtney was the one who submitted her application to YAC, and partially her reasons for coming back to East High were also her relationship with her friends and Miss Jenn. Also, the fact that Carlos posted her song online, and she asked Ashlyn for help to write “Ain’t see nothing.” However, in episode 11 and 12, really starts showcasing her independence and stop relying on others for her journey. She BECOMES the one other people rely on, she hypes everyone up for their performances and is really figuring herself out and blossoming like the Rose. It is a great metaphor for Nini’s journey, and the fact that she herself calls Jamie’s brother instead of other people doing it for her, really makes it more special. Gina could’ve easily called her brother and be like “Oh yeah I have this friend who’s a great songwriter, yadda yadda.” But she does it herself, which is really great. Now with Ricky. Many people would agree with the fact that he truly does need therapy. He needs to learn how to handle change, and dare I say, realizing that other people are more important in his life. Personally, I felt like Ricky was very selfish this season. Last season, he was being selfish as he broke up with Nini because he couldn’t say I love you, and once school started again, he wanted Nini back so badly, but he proved himself worthy at the final episode when he stops being Troy to give Nini a chance to perform for YAC. However, this season once he and Nini are back together again, he was being selfish and thinking of himself again. When Nini goes to YAC, all he could really think about was how HER leaving was affecting him and his relationship with her.
For example, he would ask Gina for help on HIS own relationship, and sending Nini the message of how much he missed her and wishes she would be there because HE misses her so much. And thinking that Nini came home for him and him only. Plus, he thinks that the rose song that she wrote was SPECIFICALLY related to him, and then the whole situation with Miss Jenn and his dad, in which he was only thinking about himself and his feelings, with no regards to theirs. However, in episode 10, he finally stops being selfish and really opened his eyes to his surroundings, as he helped Carlos with his song for Seb. I hope this development continues, and once he realizes that he needs to stop being selfish, and is able to handle change and mature as a person, then maybe the Rini ship can happen once again. Another thing I’ve noticed about their “angst” in season 2 was the long-distance relationship, especially in episode 3. Although, Ricky and Nini were in the same city, throughout the episode, it still felt like they were going long-distance, which was probably foreshadowing their breakup. They only communicated through their phones that episode, and even at the end, their songs for each other wasn’t sang in person, but through the phone. As for predictions on the Rini relationship, I think that if Tim only plans on 3 seasons, then Rini will probably get back together at the end of Season 3, but if he has 4 seasons planned (which I am hoping for), then Rini will probably get back together then. Now we also have to take into consideration the career of Olivia Rodrigo. We do not know if she wants to continue with HSM, and even she herself is not sure. What I think will happen is, if Olivia decides she wants to take her music career to the next level, I think a really easy way to write her out without breaking the contract, would be to have her travel to L.A. to work on her music for the summer, so that there will be reason as to why she is absent for most of the season. This will probably take 1 episode to do and Olivia can spend the rest of her time focusing on her music. However, if Olivia decides she still wants to work full time in this season, then she might stay in Salt Lake and do the musical and write some songs for Jamie, etc but personally I think Olivia would want to focus on her music more than the show, as she posts about it more on social media than the show, and even with interviews. Nini might return for the final episode when summer ends and the new school year starts, so Olivia might just be in like 2 episodes. That’s my take on Rini for now, we get back to Ricky later.
E.J. & Gina:
Portwell is literally my favourite ship of the series, and it is just amazing. I personally would not like to see any angst in their relationship next season, but honestly it is probably going to happen and here’s why. Their relationship was built really steadily and took a long time to flourish. With other couples, like Seblos, Redlyn and Kowie, they got together awfully fast, taking 2-3 episodes to truly get together. So, the angst that those couples go through gets resolved rather quickly. Seblos with their relationship gets solved within 1-2 episodes, for the whole “does he like me because im the only gay one” storyline. Redlyn has the whole “Antoine” situation (which I will get back to later) and the “Red’s future” which again, took 1 episode to resolve. And Kourtney and Howie took 1-2 episodes to resolve the whole “Howie is from North high” and “Why Howie seems weird”. The reason is because those couples got together really quickly, and therefore their angst can be easily resolved through that, and wouldn’t really take time to fix. As you can see, Rini took a while to really get together. They were childhood friends off screen and we get to see their past relationship through flashbacks in season 1, but technically they took around 10 episodes to fully get back together. They have their cute., fluffy episodes for the first 4-5 episodes of season 2, but then their angst slowly starts to build at episode 5-6. It drags on until episode 8 where they fully break up, and counting episode 9 with their take on how they’re handling the breakup, so that’s around 5 episodes worth of angst for the couple that took 10 episodes to get together. So, with Portwell, they’ve technically been building them up at the end of season 1, but we’ll truly count the buildup starting from the Quincenero episode, which is episode 5, and they had 7 episodes worth of relationship buildup. So, I think, for the first 4 episodes, we’ll see some fluff and cute moments between the two when summer starts (and hopefully some kisses cuz like please I need to see at least one), but the angst will probably start in the middle of the season. It might take like around 4-5 episodes to fix, but I truly believe that they will not break up, and it will get resolved either near the final episode or the final episode of the season. Now for the REASON of their angst. I truly think the only “angst” worthy storyline is about EJ going off the college. As I can’t think of anything else that can topple their relationship. Firstly, EJ knows about the chocolates, which makes me think that he probably knows about Gina’s past crush on Ricky. Secondly, they resolved the whole “Big Brother” situation, and EJ knows that Gina doesn’t see her in that way. And the character development of E.J. and Gina. Back in season 1, they were arrogant and straight up ambitious people, who really don’t care about how others feel, but they truly changed as people in season 1 and 2, and had their character development moments. The contrast with them and Rini is that Season 1 focused on rini’s relationship development and season 2 and maybe 3 will really focused on their CHARACTER development. For Portwell, I think that would be flipped as they already had their Character development in season 1 and 2, so we probably will see their RELATIONSHIP development in season 3. So, since they already had their character development, I think it would be pointless to have unnecessary drama about their personalities or jealousy or whatnot, since they truly developed as people. So, the only thing I can possibly think of for their angst is EJ college arc. I know that they will probably fix it, but still I’m dreading to see it as I don’t want Portwell angst anymore. ☹ (ALSO PLEASE GIVE ME A PORTWELL DUET!! I NEED IT! Also, an EJ solo)
Ricky & Gina:
Personally, I do not ship Rina. I don’t think they would make a good couple; however, I think they would be really good friends. Someone they could confide in about their issues like Gina said “Sometimes I tell you things I don’t tell anyone else” and Ricky being like “I think we do that for each other.” We didn’t really get to see Ricky and Gina resolve their issues in season 2, partly because of Ricky’s character development. I am hoping to see in season 3, Ricky working on himself and fixing up his friendship with Gina. I think something that might happen is when Gina is going through her angst with EJ, and Ricky going through his own angst with Lily, they might be able to give each other advice and on how to handle it. However, PLEASE for the love of God, do not drag the whole love triangle back, because we do not need it. Gina has truly gotten over Ricky, and Ricky never seeing Gina as someone for his romantic relationship anyways, and he really needs to work on himself more, they should not be together as a couple. However, I do hope that they amend their friendship and is able to confide in each other once more, which I think will be cool and really help with Ricky’s character development.
Ricky & Lily:
Now this one. We know they will not be endgame, and I am 90% sure of the fact that Lily does not have romantic feelings for Ricky. Sure, she might find him attractive (and I mean who can blame her, Joshua Bassett is gorgeous), but she definitely does not like him in that way. We can see it when she “confesses” to him, she said to him “I like your brown hair and brown eyes” which are all physical descriptions of him, nothing about his personality which makes sense because she barely knows him, so how could she develop feelings for someone she doesn’t know. She has also stolen the harness, so we know that there would be no way that she likes him, and at the end of season 2, we don’t even get to see her feeling guilty about doing it, because she likes him. So that definitely setting in stone on how she’s only using him and manipulating him. Now for Ricky, yes you might be thinking “oh he’s calling her, why?” But Ricky does not know what we know. He was not there when Lily was talking to Gina about their roles as Belle, he was not there when Lily was laughing at Big Red, he was not there when she had a conversation with Miss Jenn, and he was not there when she planned with Antoine and when she stole the harness. In Ricky’s eyes, the reason that she was so mean to them is because of the Menkies, and their schools were enemies and rivals for it. He doesn’t know about Lily’s evil and ambitious side, and he believes that the Menkies might have made her that way. For example, he knows that the Menkies has turned Miss Jenn into someone different and a little bit mean, so he assumed the same for Lily, and when she asked for a second chance, Ricky gave it to her as he didn’t know. I feel like for the first couple of episodes, it will show Lily and Ricky “bonding” or getting to know each other, but Lily lying about the whole situation and really planning something behind his back, but we don’t know what yet. Maybe Ricky will be like “Huh, she’s a cool person, I’m starting to like her.” But then figuring out her plan, and finding out that she stole the harness. He then will be very upset and kind of heartbroken as he gave her a chance and she was only manipulating him the whole time. Maybe then, his character development will continue to grow and he will realize that he does not need to be in a relationship right now, and that he needs to work on himself and mature as a person. And I think him and Lily’s “relationship” will be a strong pushing point that he needs.
Seb & Carlos:
Now Seblos is one of my favourite ships in the show, and I love them to bits and pieces. However, as regarding their relationship, I feel like they have already resolved all their angst in season 2, it will be hard to make up angst for them in season 3, if they ever have one. I would like to say this though, I knew there was going to be angst for them in season 2, but the way they built it up, I thought the angst would be about how Carlos’ family is really rich, and Seb can’t compare because he lives on a farm, and it might make him self-conscious. Cause that’s where it seemed to be leading in the first few episodes of Season 2 (the sled, cashmere etc.). However, they brought a completely different angst to them which I thought was pretty surprising. Personally, I think they should’ve done the “class/money” difference in season 2, and then maybe the whole “why are you with me” angst for season 3, but maybe they MIGHT switch it around for season 3, and have the whole “class/money” difference then. Although, that’s probably the only “issue” I see for them ever, cause they’re a power couple and like what other angst could there be? Maybe they’ll introduce a new love interest but I highly doubt it because they already resolved the “I choose you always” in season 2. So, hoping there’s no Seblos angst, but if they do decide to throw in one, that might be the one they’ll do.
Big Red & Ashlyn:
Again, Redlyn is one of my favourite ships and they’re just so amazing. However, their storyline is hopefully again, all fluff for season 3, but one thing I realised that they didn’t really resolve in season 2 was the whole “Antoine” storyline. After episode 7, they never really talked about it again and introduced the new angst next episode with the whole “Career” thing. I feel like Antoine will be a more recurring character in season 3, as he only got like what? 10 minutes worth of screentime this season? (Maybe even less) and especially at the end as he joined Natalie in the final scene. So maybe there will be more of him in the next season, and slowly moving in on Ashlyn and making Big Red feeling like he’s not good enough, and then maybe Redlyn will FINALLY get their “I love you” confession then, because WE NEED IT! I’m manifesting for Redlyn “I love you” next season, and I think the whole situation with Antoine would be a nice way for Ashlyn to TRULY confirm to Big Red how much she loves him and how grateful she is for him, and vice versa. (Also manifesting for more EJ and Big Red friendship moments, like maybe Big Red goes for EJ for advice for his relationship with Ashlyn, and maybe EJ confiding in Big Red for Gina as well)
Kourtney & Howie:
As for Kourtney and Howie, they’re probably still going to work at the pizza shop together and continue to bond. A plot point that I think will be very interesting is maybe Kourtney trying to convince Howie to move to East High, but Howie kind of not wanting to, because he spent like 3 years there and it’s kind of his home. That might be a nice storyline to do, or it can be the opposite, where Howie is trying to transfer to North High, but Kourtney being worried like “Is he going to North High for me? I don’t want that, what if he hates it here”, but Howie confirming that he’s going to North High because the environment for him is better there and less competitive and toxic than North High. That might be a storyline that can happen for these two. I would also like for them to have a duet as well; I think Dara’s strong voice goes well with Roman’s soft voice and it would mesh well together.
Miss Jenn & Mr. Mazarra:
Now this one is a toughie, but I have some theories. Now we know that Ricky has given Miss Jenn permission to date his dad, which is another great character development for him, as he’s handling change and seeing other people’s happiness. However, as soon as he gave her permission, Mr. Mazarra confesses his feelings for Miss Jenn, which seemingly makes her happy, as we did get to see a little smile on her face when he did. Throughout Season 2, Benjamin was really the one comforting her, and giving her courage for the Menkies. We see it through episode 8, when he helped Miss Jenn film the commercial and how he put so much effort into making her coffee and setting up a table, just so she could relax. Same goes for episode 10, when she confides in him, and he acting like a therapist to her and accepting her anxious feelings, and helping her feel calmer and better. They are both opening up to each other. And I believe Miss Jenn truly appreciates him as a colleague and a friend. Now another moment is when Ricky’s dad comes to the show with flowers, and she was talking with Mr. Mazarra at the moment. When he called out her name, she smiles awkwardly and immediate turns to Mr. Mazarra saying something along the lines up “Why we always running into him?” and very awkwardly makes his way to him and you could tell she was slightly uncomfortable, with her awkward smiles and everything. This really contrasts from episode 3, where she herself walks up to Ricky’s dad and starts up a conversation, and how now, it is the other way around. Now, the whole problem of Mr. Mazarra leaving for Caltech. He confesses his romantic feelings to Miss Jenn, and really emphasizes on how she’s the only one who is stopping him from running off the California, which I believe that she is a big part of why, but also not fully. We really get to see Mr. Mazarra bonding with a lot of the students this season as well, E.J., Ricky, etc. I feel like he truly cares for his students, and in season 3, maybe he is thinking about if he really wants to stay in Utah for his students and of course, his budding relationship with Miss Jenn. Now, there was a scene in episode 4, where he was confiding to EJ about his rejection from Caltech. And he admits to EJ how he doesn’t think about Caltech very much anymore. He’s made his peace with it. This kind of mirrors EJ’s situation about Duke. EJ didn’t get into Duke from his own accord, but rather his dad got him in. Same can be said for Mr. Mazarra, EJ’s dad made the call for him for Caltech, and he didn’t really get in from his own as well, as he said previously, He was rejected many, many times. So maybe next season will really show him and his decision of staying at East High back in the fall, or leaving for Caltech. Now moving back to Miss Jenn. Next season, I feel like will focus on her and the students more, as this season, she was a really crappy teacher, and kept pushing them due to stress and wanting them to beat her ex at the Menkies. This season, I believe that she will return to the teacher that she was in season 1, and really focusing and hyping up the kids’ talents. I would love to see that Miss Jenn come back, and really help her students. Of course, the whole love triangle debacle will probably be fixed, I can maybe see Miss Jenn going out on a date with Ricky’s dad but thinking of Mr. Mazarra the whole time, and Ricky’s dad is a good man, so he might notice something is different about her, and tells her to go for it, her relationship with Mr. Mazarra before he moves or something. Also, since in season 2, we got to see Mr. Mazarra comfort Miss Jenn a lot, maybe this season will have Miss Jenn comforting Mr. Mazarra about Caltech, and if he truly wants to leave his students. Another thing I’d like to maybe see is Mr. Mazarra singing a song for Miss Jenn. We know that Mark St. Cyr has a good voice, as we saw from the Christmas special. So, him singing to Miss Jenn even though he doesn’t like musicals that much and all that, would show a lot of character development from Season 1.
Overall Plot:
Now, I have a few theories about summer. I’ve seen a lot of people saying they will go to a camp like “Camp Rock” which I think will be very likely to happen, and they put up a musical. What I can also see happening, is like High School Musical 2, where they go to a resort for work, and then putting up a musical there for the audience as well. Or they could just stay in Utah, and just relax for the summer, and not have any musical but just a lot of original songs about their summer in general and the stuff they’re going through. If they do a musical, I don’t think that they’ll do a musical from a movie or theatre, but rather write their own musical. I think it would be a really interesting concept, it can show us more imaginative and creative concept for a musical and have more original songs for the season. I would truly love to see that.
So that’s all for the character analysis and predictions I have for Season 3, sorry if it’s long lol
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leverage-commentary · 3 years
Leverage Season 3, Episode 2, The Reunion Job, Audio Commentary Transcript
Jonathan Frakes: Hello everyone I'm Johnathan Frakes.
Michael Colton: Michael Colton.
John Aboud: John Aboud.
Aldis Hodge: This is Al Hodge.
Chris Downey: Chris Downey.
John Rogers: Am I sexual chocolate if you’re Al Hodge?
John Rogers: It's John Rogers.
Aldis Hodge: Sexual chocolate is coming up.
John Rogers: Executive Producer of this particular episode, along with Chris Downey. And those other gentlemen are the writers and director down at the end. Welcome to The Reunion Job. Boys, which we always ask in the opening sequence, where'd this episode come about?
Michael Colton: The- initially you guys told us you wanted to do a high school reunion episode. And I think all you had was ‘they go undercover at a high school reunion’ and I think you had the end beat of the dancing.
John Rogers: Yes.
Michael Colton: At the dance. 
John Rogers: Right, yeah.
Michael Colton: And so from that we started thinking, you know, who would be a good villain for this episode? Someone who high school meant a lot to.
Jonathan Frakes: You talked over my Bourne Identity opening!
John Rogers: Sorry. Frakes why don't you tell us about the-
Jonathan Frakes: No, I got my-
John Rogers: Where'd that particular opening come from?
John Aboud: Bourne Supremacy.
Jonathan Frakes: I'm kidding. Bourne Supremacy.
John Rogers: Bourne Supremacy.
Jonathan Frakes: Carry on.
John Rogers: That was a very aggressive style.
Jonathan Frakes: Where’d you get the rest of this story?
John Aboud: Well as nerds, we were able to channel the rage of a software magnate. Why would a software magnate be bad in the Leverage universe? Well maybe he's supplying his software to some very bad people overseas.
Michael Colton: Well right at the time we were writing this, there was the Irianian- the aftermath of the Iranian elections, so it was actually in the news that this kind of thing could be happening.
John Aboud: And this episode aired on the one year anniversary of that election. And around- and the protests.
Michael Colton: There was enough propaganda.
John Rogers: It was actually funny, we did get one phone call that's like ‘are we gonna get in trouble for like- can we be open to litigation?’ I went ‘if one of the most evil regimes on earth wants to sue us, I don't really see that as a problem.’
Michael Colton: That would be good press for the show. Iran sues-
Jonathan Frakes: Any publicity is good publicity.
John Rogers: Exactly. Now who's playing our victim here? Did a great job.
Jonathan Frakes: That's Ricki Bhullar.
John Rogers: Yep, fantastic job. And now Frakes, why don't you tell us about that opening? What- cause it was a very different opening than what we usually do.
Jonathan Frakes: Well I think what we try to do with each of our cold opens is to either pay an homage or, in other words, steal stylistically from a show. 
Chris Downey: Yes.
Jonathan Frakes: From a Hitchcock show, or from you know-
John Rogers: It lets you know what the rest of the shows gonna be like.
Jonathan Frakes: Well- hopefully. Or that you just feel like the story of this show is in this particular style. That was a Bourne Supremacy rip off. 
John Rogers: Yes.
Jonathan Frakes: How many shots can we get? How fast can we cut it? How fast can this action happen? And it has that vibe of international espionage.
John Rogers: Yep. Also that room was great, it was built totally on set. That was actually just a two wall set, wasn’t it?
Jonathan Frakes: That was a three-wall set, but we shot the shit out of it.
John Rogers: Yeah.
Chris Downey: And then so you put your energy into that and the rest of the episode you sort of coasted? Is that- you sorta let it…?
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah it's an approach I've found very useful.
Jonathan Frakes: Now.
John Rogers: Now.
Jonathan Frakes: Who do you think that- oh!
Everyone: Woahhh!!! 
Michael Colton: There we go.
Chris Downey: And reveal.
John Aboud: Didn't see that coming.
Michael Colton: That worked really well.
John Rogers: It did; it did. Johnathan Frakes knows what he’s doing. Yeah and this was also part of the mandate for the opening of the third season, where we wanted to start opening it up into international stories. Kind of open up the Leverage universe in a way that, you know, this is a fictional universe wherein certain rules apply. And it’s close to ours but you know we wanted to start seeing the ramifications of crime world and politics.
Jonathan Frakes: It also suggests the backstory of a lot of these characters has been, in fact, international.
John Rogers: Yeah.
Jonathan Frakes: So that they have experience with all these things. It makes them look, or appear to have more experience than-
Michael Colton: Right.
John Rogers: And sometimes people ask where we get the cases, and we’re kinda establishing here there's a lot of-
Jonathan Frakes: ‘I'm inside your head!’
John Rogers: ‘I'm living rent free.’
Aldis Hodge: Yeah, haha.
John Rogers: You know, kind of establish there's a community of people out there who take freedom of software, the internet's role in being free of government regulations and rules and internationalism very seriously, and Hardison is part of that group. That's part of the hacker group he fell in with.
Aldis Hodge: Yes indeed.
John Rogers: And that's how he knows this guy. That's his background.
Jonathan Frakes: ‘Yeah that's right, we are here to inspect your restaurant.’
John Rogers: Also based on a real spy safehouse that came up in research. But with better locks I think that one had. Ah this is crazy. How'd we get the roach?
Chris Downey: That’s a digital roach.
John Aboud: Digitally inserted.
Michael Colton: It's a real roach, but that plate was not there, it's like the whole thing.
Jonathan Frakes: More discussion about this cockroach than there was about the script!
John Rogers: We tried to be a little robotic cockroach that went poorly. It went actually too well because it killed.
Jonathan Frakes: What about the real cockroach that we had that nobody liked? Cause it didn’t-
Chris Downey: Oh look at that! Boy that's great.
John Rogers: I think the close up was the real one, that one digital. 
Chris Downey: Is that one digital?
John Rogers: I love this, and the little.
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah, this tees up later. 
John Rogers: Yep.
Jonathan Frakes: They don't get much to do together, it's nice to see those two have a little beat.
Michael Colton: I feel like there's a lot of improv in this scene with you guys.
John Aboud: Absolutely.
Aldis Hodge: Yeah this- you know, anytime you get me and Christian in a room together it's over.
Aldis Hodge: It's like ‘script, what?’ We just talk. 
John Rogers: Yeah, we’re just pretty much superfluous. Maybe next year without writers.
Jonathan Frakes: That was how-
John Rogers: And that was a great way of using Jessie by the way.
Jonathan Frakes: How to make an entrance.
Chris Downey: We’re running out of ways for her to get out of a duct. I mean I feel like is there-
John Rogers: You know what? I just I may be speaking for-
Jonathan Frakes: Cirque du Soleil in town next year.
Chris Downey: We need to watch and take notes, cause there needs to be something new.
John Rogers: I may be speaking for a certain percentage of the audience, but anytime we have her in black jeans and that leather jacket coming out of a duct it's a good day. Really, the dismounts- really now you're really.
Aldis Hodge: I'm glad you said it, cause I was about to.
Jonathan Frakes: How about this shawarma?
John Rogers: I love the shawarma, by the way.
Jonathan Frakes: Who doesn’t?
Aldis Hodge: That shawarma was disgusting though, it was cold and greasy.
John Rogers: You can't shoot around hot shawarma.
Chris Downey: Prop shawarma was not?
John Aboud: Prop shawarma.
Aldis Hodge: Prop shawarma.
John Rogers: Don't eat the prop shawarma.
John Aboud: Don't recommend.
Jonathan Frakes: Not much room to move in this location as I recall, remember this place?
John Aboud: It was very narrow.
Jonathan Frakes: It feels as narrow as it was.
John Aboud: Hard to maneuver.
John Rogers: What was it? Was it a real restaurant we redressed?
John Aboud: It was a Hawaiian barbeque restaurant.
Jonathan Frakes: Real restaurant, Hawaiian barbeque.
Michael Colton: That's right.
John Aboud: And the production had to buy them out for the day, so there was a lot of the-
Jonathan Frakes: Are we happy with the yellow choice on the inside of the van?
Michael Colton: It's a little late to be asking that.
John Rogers: Yeah, I think we might want to change that. Could you fix that in post? Could you just go and… And yes it's the first time- when do we air this? Episode two or three?
Chris Downey: This is second- this is first night.
Michael Colton: First night.
John Rogers: That's right even though we shot it- did not shoot it second, it aired second. And that was re-establishing- that was establishing the new Lucille.
John Aboud: That's right. Near and dear to Hardison's heart.
John Rogers: This is also fun is that- it always amazes me the amount of international espionage that is actually kept in notebooks. 
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah.
John Rogers: No, the people-
Jonathan Frakes: Old school.
John Rogers: Old school. Yeah, but people- 
Aldis Hodge: It keeps them off the radar.
John Rogers: Yeah. You can, you can burn it. You know it can't be hacked, it can't be stolen.
John Aboud: Now that dishwasher, I believe he was also in the prison- in the Jail Break Job?
John Rogers: Oh so this is the jail- it's the job.
John Aboud: In my mind the backstory is: he's on a work release.
John Rogers: Oh that's right.
Chris Downey: Already fell into the wrong element.
John Aboud: Yeah, right away.
John Rogers: Well he doesn't know, they don't tell him.
Chris Downey: His parole officer is not doing a very good job.
John Aboud: Right away, right away.
Jonathan Frakes: The victim. Now we get the villain Arye Gross. Very reliable character actor, been doing it for years. 
Michael Colton: You worked with him…?
Jonathan Frakes: I worked with him on Castle. Recommend him to the gang and he nailed it.
Aldis Hodge: Nice.
John Rogers: Your career is banterific. Eliot, of course, learned to make amazing tea, and that is English Breakfast from his samurai master when he studied for 18 months. [pause] Wait no that was Wolverine.
Jonathan Frakes: Now whose idea was this to add this whole sequence?
Michael Colton: Well this is all based on NLP which means neuro linguistic programming. And all this is actually based on a guy named Derren Brown, who is British. And what would you- what would you call him? A magician slash-
John Rogers: He calls himself a mentalist, but he uses like a quotation marks around it because he duplicates the effects of charlatans by using psychological techniques.
Michael Colton: You can look him up on YouTube. Look up Derren Brown and NLP and there's stuff he does that is, we sort of basically ripped off for this episode.
John Rogers: Yeah ‘D-e-r-r-e-n’. Yeah, the primary one being he hires two advertising guys to come to his office and give him a campaign- a possible campaign for a children's zoo. They do the sketches and then he reveals his own sketches he did hours earlier and they're almost exactly the same. And then he reveals the visual cues he planted along the way into their head. And that really was the crux of this whole thing.
Michael Colton: And the one where Simon Pegg from Shaun of the Dead has- sits him down and asks him what he wants for his birthday, and he says he wants a bike.
John Aboud: BMX bike.
Michael Colton: But earlier he had written down he had wanted something completely different.
Chris Downey: A leather jacket, I think.
Michael Colton: A leather jacket! And throughout this whole discussion he was just doing cues to get him to say bike. It's kind of amazing.
Aldis Hodge: Wow.
John Rogers: It was also fun to kind of get into the mechanics of- it's easy with a grifter character to say they're just natural at it. To get into the intellectual work that Sophie does in her job.
Chris Downey: And also the idea of hacking into someone's head. I think that's what made this-
John Aboud: Wanted to establish that up front.
Jonathan Frakes: How infuriating it was that it was this character who [unintelligible].
John Rogers: Yeah, and also the fact that once you guys came up with the whole hacker/villain- the whole hacker theme, that really led us to the other material. 
Jonathan Frakes: And here we are, Dubertech.
Chris Downey: And this a great location too, this is very-
Jonathan Frakes: On the campus of-
John Aboud: The community college.
Jonathan Frakes: The community college in Portland.
John Aboud: It’s a great building.
John Rogers: The digital overlay on the sign.
John Aboud: It's a theater, actually.
John Rogers: A lot of digital signage.
Jonathan Frakes: It's the theater department, ironically.
John Rogers: It looks evil. 
John Rogers: Got an evil vibe to it. This was a lot of fun and this was one of the- one of the times that we took something we could do in a beat, and turned it into almost the entire act. We have broken into someone's office in like half a scene.
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah.
John Rogers: But sometimes you just.
Jonathan Frakes: What we go through to get the fingerprint.
John Rogers: And it's great. And sometimes you find ways to do- you find stuff you want to do, you want to explore and kind of revel in, and that's the fun of this show. You know there's no real template to this show. So if you have an act where you have a bunch of cool stuff you wanna showcase, you can. Yes, tons of fun.
Jonathan Frakes: Boom.
John Aboud: We wanted this to be a real showcase for Hardison. 
John Rogers: Yes.
John Aboud: Because obviously we're dealing with his world. We are in the world that he knows well, and we really liked the idea of him confronting this 1980s technology. I think that was one of our initial pitches to you guys-
John Rogers: Yes.
John Aboud: For an episode.
John Rogers: I think that- you pitched that as a freelancer.
Michael Colton: Our pitch was Hardison hacks an ENIAC.
John Rogers: Yes.
John Aboud: In a museum.
Michael Colton: And that became a TRS-80.
Chris Downey: An abacus really.
John Rogers: Yeah a giant, giant vacuum tube. Yeah and that blended right into this. No, that was- and by the way, if you're gonna pitch a Leverage, pitch a high concept, don't come in with a procedural. You know, ‘he has to hack a 60 year old computer’, I love it, you know. That was an easy one.
Chris Downey: And this is great, I mean how great did they dress this set?
Jonathan Frakes: I love that we [unintelligible].
John Aboud: The music was-
John Rogers: It's the music.
Michael Colton: The set’s great but it’s the music that put us over the edge and sold it.
John Rogers: Yeah Joe LoDuca again giving us that 80s synth pop vibe. It was fantastic. And Aldis you’re great here just the total shock and horror.
John Aboud: This take is wonderful.
Aldis Hodge: This took me back a couple years. I mean, this stuff was older than me but still.
John Rogers: Thank you, thanks for reminding us of that.
Chris Downey: We love to confront Hardison with old technology. Audio tapes things like that.
Jonathan Frakes: He’s appalled here.
John Aboud: His horror.
Aldis Hodge: He's offended, he's insulted.
Jonathan Frakes: And there it is!
Aldis Hodge: This takes me back to when-
Chris Downey: Look at that.
John Rogers: Five and a quarter right there, baby.
Aldis Hodge: I used to run off of floppys though, I still remember those.
John Rogers: You were a baby though.
Aldis Hodge: It took like 10 hours to upload a page.
John Rogers: Yep.
Michael Colton: We used to use the war games. The phone doesn’t-
John Aboud: War dialer.
Chris Downey: They used to be on cassettes too.
John Rogers: Yeah they used to be on cassettes.
Jonathan Frakes: What was this computer called?
Michael Colton: TRS-80. Although I don't think we could say that.
John Aboud: We weren't allowed to.
Michael Colton: Yeah, it's just generic 1980s computer.
John Aboud: For clearance reasons.
Jonathan Frakes: I remember part of our prep was the ebay version of the TRS-80 that we shopped for, for two weeks trying to find the one that was actually going to be programmable.
John Rogers: Yeah. Yeah apparently Tandy Corporation has a problem with us saying that freedom is oppressed in Iran through the use of their product. Oh we’re the bad guy? That’s some sort of brand infringement I guess.
John Rogers: I love the caricature- oh the caricature kills me!
Chris Downey: I didn't even notice that! The caricature of him winning the chess trophy.
John Rogers: He was twelve!
Michael Colton: Well they had photos all around of Arye Gross from that era.
John Aboud: From his personal archive.
Jonathan Frakes: With the hair. When he had that big John Hughes hair.
Michael Colton: The pre-Soul Man. Old stuff.
Chris Downey: That is pre-Soul Man]. He's great in Soul Man, by the way. Soul Man is-
John Rogers: That's a great little shot, by the way. That's kind of an iconic shot of Hardison being distracted and annoyed while Parker quietly freaks out next to him. It's just a nice vibe.
Jonathan Frakes: ‘How much time are you really gonna spend in here after I told you that the bad guys are on the way?’
John Rogers: Yeah.
John Rogers: But they saw the bad guy in the sweater vest on the way in. I mean, they're not that intimidating.
John Aboud: They knew they could take him. They knew they could take him.
John Rogers: What do you think the origin for the- oh that's great.
Chris Downey: Oh that’s great!
John Rogers: A locked off comedy frame people!
Chris Downey: It's a locked off comedy frame.
John Aboud: Yep.
Jonathan Frakes: The third in three shows!
John Rogers: Can't go wrong. This was fun, by the way, the- this one when he says ‘it's adorable you still think there's privacy’.
Jonathan Frakes: Isn't this where some of our regulars drink when we do the 360?
John Rogers: Yes, yeah, we drink and we shoot it, too. But you guys had found out- who- was it Albert cause he was a journalist he knew that you could buy people's yearbooks?
John Aboud: Well he did that all the time at People.
Michael Colton: That’s what it was, yeah.
John Aboud: As a celebrity journalist he would go buy people's yearbooks. And it was the easiest thing in the world.
John Rogers: And there's actual services out there that will help you buy the yearbooks of different high schools. There's an enormous amount of creepy shit in this episode.
Aldis Hodge: Your embarrassment is on sale.
Michael Colton: Here's where we bring up the Roman Room, which a lot of people thought we made up but is just another-
John Aboud: By a lot of people you mean Tim Hutton.
Michael Colton: Yes.
John Aboud: Thought we made it up.
Michael Colton: Just another curious thing from the mind of John Rogers.
Chris Downey: It's just one of your many hobbies.
John Rogers: One of my many hobbies.
Michael Colton: Memorizing everything.
John Aboud: Memorizing disconnected pieces of information.
Chris Downey: What was last season, whaling?
John Rogers: It was whaling. I remember I made you that scrimshaw-
Michael Colton: What, you memorized famous whalers?
John Aboud: Wow.
John Rogers: No. I am- a hobby of mine is memory techniques, and I use the Roman Room, and we wound up using it here. And it was just a great way- if we're gonna hack- the big problem was why do we need to go to this high school? We can go to this high school without this guy. Well no, we need context. Well what's the context? Well… It was interesting how this episode kind of organically came up. It was the flashback, it was the 80s thing. And that was that he was using, like I do, he was using his Roman Room for his passwords. And the- actually yes they did not believe this. I was up visiting them and I wound up doing the complete works of Shakespeare based on my high school gym in order to convince Tim that I was- that this was a real thing. 
Aldis Hodge: Right.
John Rogers: Aldis you were in the limo that night, that's right. The- we didn’t take Colton or Aboud with us.
John Aboud: Well it coincided with Comic Con.
John Rogers: There you go that's right. Yeah this is, by the way, a really easy memory technique, you can learn it really quickly and with a little bit of practice and imagination. The key is making everything as filthy as possible.
Jonathan Frakes: Seriously?
John Rogers: Has to be obscene.
John Aboud: Ahh, there you go.
John Rogers: Actually Chris Downey made me not use him in my Roman Room techniques because he was distrubed by the fact that I was having him have sex with people and things.
Chris Downey: Yeah.
John Aboud: Well he knows what goes on in that room.
John Rogers: He knows that the Roman Room is a horrible place.
Chris Downey: And John you'll be at the Allentown Marriott this week doing the Roman Room technique, won’t you? Doing it on your tour.
John Rogers: If you'd like to advance yourself in business or socially. If you’d like to amaze salesmen and other people in your company.
John Aboud: Whenever you see those signs on a light posts that say ‘make money from home’ the number rings at John Rogers home.
John Rogers: I'm not just running a TV show. I'm running a lot of small businesses out of my garage. Oh was- was that the Psych yellout?
Michael Colton: Oh that was- it in this scene where we talked about what's on his Netflix queue. 
John Aboud: That show Psych.
Michael Colton: I wanted Turk 182 to be on his Netflix queue but that was rejected.
Chris Downey: It’s a little too meta.
Jonathan Frakes: I thought it was Rockford?
Chris Downey: It is Rockford.
John Rogers: Well it is Rockford, we went with Rockford and Psych- we added Psych in the end cause Psych had given us a nice little shoutout in their show.
Michael Colton: I think Sex and the City was thrown out there.
John Rogers: Why Sex and the City?
Michael Colton: I think it was an improv, wasn't it?
John Aboud: Humor?
Aldis Hodge: It was an improv.
John Aboud: Humor. Cause it was funny.
John Rogers: Nothing funny about Sex and the City.
Aldis Hodge: Very serious show.
Jonathan Frakes: Not that Gina likes to do accents.
John Rogers: This was a lot of fun.
Chris Downey: This was the tour de force.
John Rogers: And the difference- and what's great is watching this with the sound off is watching her physicality change and the smile, yeah, that character smiles and the other one is angry, yeah. It's lovely. And this is also one of those ones where it originally started much more complicated and turned into ‘let’s just have Gina talk, she can do the accents’.
Jonathan Frakes: We cut it all together, let her do the two characters.
Chris Downey: In, sort of, the Facebook era, one of the things I think helped this episode was that you are kind of confronted by people from your high school all the time that you have no recollection of.
John Aboud: Right, right.
Chris Downey: So it really sort of helped the idea that they could actually bomb into somebody's high school reunion as other people and they would just be accepted.
Michael Colton: Yeah this is kind of The Social Network of Leverage episodes, I think it's fair to say.
John Rogers: But before The Social Network- they stole this from you right? The Social Network is stolen from you.
John Aboud: And Facebook, the idea for Facebook.
Michael Colton: We came up with Facematch.
John Rogers: This is the skype of evil.
Chris Downey: We got the finger pyramid of evil going too.
John Rogers: He's got the finger pyramid of evil.
Aldis Hodge: That was scripted right? Finger pyramid.
John Rogers: The finger pyramid of malfeasance I believe, this is the Skype of evil. 
Jonathan Frakes: Wait heavies right, there's heavies in dark clothes behind him.
John Rogers: Yes exactly I like to think he prepped it ‘alright let's Skype this- wait turn off the lights!’ I can't.
Chris Downey: Oh I love this.
Michael Colton: This turn here is fantastic. After he hangs up with them.
Jonathan Frakes: Unafraid to milk.
John Rogers: And also one of the things I like about- that you guys did in the script just wanted the general attitude you want to give the villains - ahh there you go - is nobody’s a villain in their own head.
Michael Colton: ‘Larry Duberman?’
John Aboud: ‘Larry Duberman?’
Michael Colton: It took so long, but it worked.
Jonathan Frakes: And we stayed on it! We kept it all in. 
John Aboud: You did.
Jonathan Frakes: Confidant actor.
John Rogers: Yeah somebody said if schadenfreude is the pleasure of other people doing worse than you, what is the German word for delight in doing better than everyone else but not being able to come out and say it? The Germans should have a word for it. Yeah it's pretty impressive- that's a great match for Tim by the way, was that an actor or did we pick an-?
John Aboud: Stock. It was stock.
John Rogers: It was stock, wow.
Aldis Hodge: Now whose stock photos because there were some fugly people in there.
John Rogers: We went to fugly.com.
Aldis Hodge: All right. 
John Rogers: That’s where we got that stock.
Aldis Hodge: I'm just saying there’s a select few you didn't know exactly.
John Rogers: Well it's also 80s hair.
Aldis Hodge: There’s that.
John Rogers: 80’s hair was just a nation making a bad choice.
Michael Colton: Evil speech of evil.
Chris Downey: Oh here it is. It's the slow push in on the evil speech of evil.
Aldis Hodge: You gotta get in his nostrils, nice and tight right up there.
John Rogers: Well it's a 40 ft screen; it's a different look when they're on TV.
Chris Downey: And now here we go!
John Rogers: Now where was this?
Chris Downey: And now we're off!
John Aboud: Actual high school.
Michael Colton: This was an actual high school.
John Rogers: They let us redress, and yeah fantastic.
Jonathan Frakes: This is the gym of- what's the high school called? Hall? James T Hall High School?
Chris Downey: Now how many days were you here at the school?
Michael Colton: We were there-
John Aboud: Three days.
Michael Colton: Three, I think.
John Rogers: You managed to get all this done in three days?
Jonathan Frakes: Well the exterior was stock, and not our greatest effort.
John Rogers: Still pretty good.
Jonathan Frakes: This is- here we go!
John Aboud: Here we go.
Michael Colton: Now this was unused-
John Rogers: This was unused footage.
Aldis Hodge: Unused footage from the first season.
John Aboud: Season one.
Chris Downey: Using every part of the animal.
Aldis Hodge: Yes indeed. It’s probably one of my favorite scenes I've shot.
John Rogers: By the way, that is fearless of you. Not a lot of actors would go in the braces and throw on the-
Jonathan Frakes: Aldis is fearless.
Aldis Hodge: Very much so.
John Rogers: Throw on the hat. You really did manage to spot-weld Will Smith and the other guys from Fresh Prince into one character there.
Chris Downey: Alfonso Ribeiro, you mean?
John Rogers: Alfonso Ribeiro. That's the Fresh Prince of Alfonso Ribeiro right there. And this is great that we-
Jonathan Frakes: Eliot pre-hair.
John Rogers: Eliot pre-hair.
Jonathan Frakes: Like wait a minute.
John Aboud: Still the same guy, he looks to camera.
John Rogers: Well it's a flashback.
John Aboud: He looks to flashback camera.
John Rogers: As one does.
Chris Downey: That's good man, that's a good match.
John Rogers: I also like the dialogue fix. Cause it was originally the dialogue-
John Aboud: Brutal punch.
John Rogers: Where we actually lay in that he learned about the knives in context not from a murderous Guatemalan, but from a sexy Home Ec teacher.
Chris Downey: Sexy home ec teacher.
Jonathan Frakes: He's the one who doesn't get to go to the high school.
John Rogers: Ooh yeah that was fun.
Jonathan Frakes: It was easy to take that guy out with one shot.
John Aboud: Little minion did not deserve the brutality of that one punch.
Chris Downey: But it's also nice like-
John Rogers: You know what he knows he's screwing the Iranian kids. He's an accessory after the fact.
John Aboud: It's true, he's complicit.
John Rogers: Absolutely more than complicit, he's an accessory. And therefore worthy of scorn. Ah this was again the Joe LoDuca score. Amazing.
Aldis Hodge: This the song that's playing in this scene right now is the band that Dean Devlin was in.
Chris Downey: Oh that's right. What’s the name of Dean’s band?
John Aboud: What was the name of that band?
John Rogers: Nervous Service.
John Rogers: This was Dean’s band from the 80s. 
Aldis Hodge: Sure it wasn't Dean and the Devlins? 
John Rogers: No, no, that was his 50s band. And that's Beth in the badger suit right?
Aldis Hodge: Yeah.
John Aboud: Yes.
John Rogers: Yeah that is Beth.
John Aboud: Yes, spoiler warning.
Chris Downey: Well they've seen it already.
John Aboud: No, they haven’t.
Michael Colton: This is like their sixth viewing.
John Aboud: I only watch Leverage with the commentaries on.
John Rogers: Really? Interesting.
John Aboud: Yes.
Michael Colton: You don't know what happens in this one?
John Aboud: Nope. No clue.
John Rogers: That would explain why your pitches were so weird first year.
John Aboud: Well then Rogers drinks, right? And we do a zoom to see he pours the alcohol into the glass. 
John Rogers: Oh yeah this was a lovely bit of scripting, by the way, on the NLP on this, guys. Very subtle.
Michael Colton: Yeah it's subtle it’s incredibly tight knit it’s-
John Rogers: And great dress. Is this Aboud or Colton on this scene?
Michael Colton: It's mostly Colton.
Jonathan Frakes: It's Grace Peltz! Look at Peltz in the middle of that shot.
John Rogers: That was a nice frame up on that shot.
Chris Downey: Look at that right there.
John Aboud: That's an actual Arye Gross high school photo in the row below.
John Rogers: Are you really?
John Aboud: Yup Lawrence Duberman, first one on the second row.
Aldis Hodge: Yup.
Jonathan Frakes: And here’s how it happened.
John Rogers: All you have to do is insert one page. Who doubts the evidence before their eyes? Where’s Arye Gross?
John Aboud: He's cross eyed. First one on the second row.
Aldis Hodge: That's really him?
John Aboud: That's really him.
Michael Colton: Now what kind of alphabetical order is this? Grace Peltz above Larry Duberman.
John Rogers: Oh, the honor society had their own photos.
Michael Colton: Oh there you go. That’s computer club.
John Rogers: One of these days you gotta learn to just lie quick.
Chris Downey: You know how to retcon.
Michael Colton: Most of those names are from my high school. Jack Lebowski. I used my-
John Rogers: Don't say that, people have to sign forms for that.
Michael Colton: My high school girlfriend is in there.
Jonathan Frakes: Boom.
Chris Downey: Here we go.
Jonathan Frakes: Don't always get a ninja zoom into the socks and sandals.
John Rogers: He's enjoying that way too much.
Chris Downey: He is. Cleaning pools. I love that- I love that about him. Former quarterback now cleaning pools.
Jonathan Frakes: Tim owned Drake.
John Rogers: Yes.
Jonathan Frakes: He totally owned Drake Macintyre.
John Rogers: He really was enjoying that. There really was a moment you saw Tim kind of like ‘I wouldn’t mind cleaning pools. It’s nice and quiet’.
Michael Colton: Mandy Babson. 
John Rogers: Yep.
Michael Colton: What do his pins say?
John Rogers: I don't remember.
John Aboud: One of them said ‘I'll wash first’.
John Rogers: Wha- why? Why would you have a pin that said that?
Chris Downey: Not blondie or something?
John Aboud: That's the kind of guy you are. They were all slogans. Oh my voice is really giving out.
Michael Colton: Maybe you should stop talking.
John Aboud: Apologies to the home viewer.
John Rogers: Just let Colton- he’ll be honest about who did what.
Michael Colton: Yeah.
John Rogers: There's no way he’ll-
John Aboud: How can that go wrong?
John Rogers: Yeah. And it was also fun coming up with the idea that: of course there's a villain. Everyone has a narrative in their head, everyone had the villain in high school. You know the person who made their life hell. Unless you were the villain.
Jonathan Frakes: There he is! ‘Oh Doucherman!’
John Rogers: I'm glad we got that past Standards and Practices, cause Doucherman really was-
Michael Colton: The whole episode was built around Doucherman.
Jonathan Frakes: Whole episode.
John Aboud: It really would’ve fallen apart.
Michael Colton: It's the first thing we started with.
Aldis Hodge: All you thought about at first, and then you built the story around it.
John Aboud: It came later.
Aldis Hodge: ‘Doucherman, hmm we need to write a show’.
John Rogers: And she anchors it with a touch every time, nice acting, nice use of space.
Chris Downey: Who's that guy?
John Aboud: That guy was wearing a kilt! That guy was wearing a kilt.
John Rogers: I know, I saw him in the opening shot.
John Aboud: In the opening shot you can see he was wearing a kilt.
Chris Downey: Good variety of alumni characters.
Michael Colton: You know when I was on Twitter when this was airing to watch it, and Tim was- I thought it was very flattered he was just repeated ‘Douchermans got lady parts’.
John Rogers: Yes over and over again. He loved that. This was also fun showing Hardison scrambling. There's just some stuff you can’t prep for.
Aldis Hodge: Well Frakes, that was the first scene we shot for this episode, but it was also in the middle of shooting another episode the same day.
Jonathan Frakes: Same day in the van, here’s what’s gonna happen.
Aldis Hodge: I remember all that banter.
Chris Downey: That was the violin stuff.
Jonathan Frakes: Well this was the double up day.
Aldis Hodge: Double up day. All that banter was- I'm not even gonna lie I learned that right then and there in like ten minutes. Because I was on the other episode-
John Aboud: It worked.
John Rogers: You were on the other episode.
Michael Colton: Well you were on the violin.
John Rogers: Other episode was a giant part.
Aldis Hodge: Really shoot five pages just straight out? ‘Ok guys!’
John Aboud: Who’s this guy?
John Rogers: And there's our line producer!
Jonathan Frakes: There's our producer Paul Bernard as Schmitty!
Michael Colton: Star of the show.
Jonathan Frakes: I will tell you, he did have the 80s hair, that's not a haircut.
John Rogers: That's just what Paul Bernard looks like.
Jonathan Frakes: He works in that hair.
John Rogers: He works, he plays in that hair. That’s not stunt hair people.
Michael Colton: Is it true TBS is interested in a Schmitty spin off? Is that happening?
John Rogers: Yeah I think we might do ‘Here’s Schmitty.’
John Rogers: ‘We’re up to our necks in Schmitty.’ We haven’t decided yet.
Chris Downey: I think there was a reality show in which somebody- they had hidden cameras and people led-
Michael Colton: Someone made like a 2020 special about someone who- some woman who didn't want to go to her thing so she hired a- I think it was a stripper.
Chris Downey: I think it was a stripper.
Michael Colton: To play herself.
Jonathan Frakes: At her high school reunion?
Michael Colton: At her high school reunion.
John Aboud: She coached the stripper through an earpiece-
Chris Downey: Yes.
John Aboud: As she was watching on a video feed.
Michael Colton: While she was watching Hardison-style in a hotel room.
Aldis Hodge: Doesn't it seem like it takes a lot more effort than just showing up?
John Aboud: Just go to your reunion.
Jonathan Frakes: Here's the Roman Room!
John Rogers: Turns out not. See you're young, you still remember what these people look like. You have to remember after 20 years everyone's kind of- what's the great line from Grosse Pointe Blank? Swollen? Everyone just doesn't quite look like what they used to.
Aldis Hodge: I'm young, but I'm an actor, but I don't remember a damn thing past 5 minutes ago.
John Rogers: ‘I don't remember other people, I'm an actor’.
Aldis Hodge: Hey.
Chris Downey: It's fun, too, seeing Eliot typing stuff.
Michael Colton: Ten go to twenty stuff.
John Rogers: It was- and this was actually fun too, we were originally developing this trying to figure out what the hell Eliot was doing and then we realized just put him over there. For once he's gotta- yeah. Also allowed us to do the fight in an interesting way. This- god all high schools do look alike.
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah this high school is perfect. The shiny floors, the lockers. We said, ‘We’re looking for a broom closet.’ They said, ‘Well what about the broom closet?’ We said ‘Good, that'll be fine.’
John Rogers: ‘That'll absolutely work!; And by the way Gina seems to really enjoy when her character doesn't like Tims character. She seems to be digging in a little bit more, I'm just saying. Yeah the utter scorn of the good looking asshole is fantastic. Oh we're past that. That was the-
Michael Colton: This is fun also ‘cause so much- I mean just ‘cause the nature of the show often Tim’s or Nate’s character is playing the shady businessman and this is totally opposite.
John Rogers: Yeah this is a low status character.
Chris Downey: He doesn't do a lot of low status.
John Aboud: He's not worn a hat like this on previous jobs.
Aldis Hodge: I just saw one of the other buttons said ‘I’m a handyman’.
Chris Downey: Is that what it said?
Aldis Hodge: One of them yeah. The yellow one.
Chris Downey: ‘I’m a handyman’.
John Rogers: The bright green one says ‘if you can't be handsome be handy’.
Michael Colton: There's very few of his characters where he can wear that necklace.
Jonathan Frakes: ‘I should give you my card’.
Aldis Hodge: The necklace is questionable.
John Rogers: Questionably- is it a surfer? Or what is that?
Aldis Hodge: It's a surfer, man.
Chris Downey: Oh is that what that is?
John Rogers: He's still a Boston guy, so I don't know what he's wearing that for.
John Aboud: Well he's around water all the time.
John Rogers: That’s true.
John Aboud: Pools.
Chris Downey: That's right.
Aldis Hodge: He's a great surfer in his mind.
John Rogers: The great surf pools of Route 9.
Aldis Hodge: Surfer in his mind.
John Aboud: Uh-oh what is this?
Chris Downey: Someone is coming down the stairs.
John Aboud: What’s this what’s this?
John Rogers: Oh yeah, the lovely Kari Wuhrer.
Chris Downey: Now uh MTV? I mean best known-
John Aboud: Oh absolutely.
John Rogers: The sliders, the-
Michael Colton: What’s it called?
John Aboud: Class of ‘96.
Michael Colton: Remote Control. 
Chris Downey: Remote Control, that’s right.
Michael Colton: That was a formative influence on me. So I was very happy when I got to work with her.
John Rogers: Yeah, she's fantastic, by the way. She’s really sweet, worked her butt off and just-
Jonathan Frakes: Also happens to be married to our UPM [Editor’s Note: Unit Production Manager]. 
Chris Downey: But certainly we’re not giving away parts to people connected to the show!
John Aboud: No no.
Jonathan Frakes: Otherwise Jeanie Francis would be on the show by now.
Michael Colton: I did not know-
John Rogers: She didn't want to work with you, that's the problem. We called here and-
Michael Colton: I did not know she was married to the Leverage team until after she was cast. Her audition was great.
Chris Downey: She was.
John Rogers: Well that's the- Jim Scoura, her husband, the UPM, plays of course the assassin in the finale, in the summer finale.
Michael Colton: It's a double assassin household.
John Rogers: In our heads actually they are married in the Leverage verse; they’re like the bad Mr and Ms Smith.
John Aboud: Neither one of them can actually complete a kill.
John Rogers: They just- but they work hard, they get a lot of-
Jonathan Frakes: Watch them roll down these lockers.
Chris Downey: Was Jim here for this sequence?
Jonathan Frakes: He avoided this scene.
John Rogers: Interesting.
John Aboud: Stayed in the office.
Michael Colton: Stayed with the kids this day.
John Rogers: Having your improbably hot wife all over a good looking actor is just-
John Aboud: Why improbable? Why improbably hot?
Jonathan Frakes: Watch this, watch Tim with these- is this where he does the-
Michael Colton: That’s coming up.
Chris Downey: Oh man.
Jonathan Frakes: The stuff with the-
Aldis Hodge: Did this in one take right? Just one take.
Chris Downey: Jeez she's devouring him. This is like an episode of V!
John Rogers: She’s gonna unhinge her jaw any second now.
John Aboud: And here we go.
Jonathan Frakes: Oof what a surprise that she'd have it there.
John Rogers: It's a warm key.
Jonathan Frakes: Look at Tim! Look at Tim working those props!
John Aboud: Battling the brooms.
Chris Downey: Nothing like-
John Aboud: And then he stands back up.
John Rogers: Come on the doors right there. 
Jonathan Frakes: Come on, come on. Tried and true.
John Rogers: ‘And now I'm gonna go kill a dude.’
Jonathan Frakes: Lucky for us, Beth is in the building.
John Rogers: Yep. This is a real broom closet, that's great. How did you have room to shoot in there?
Jonathan Frakes: Went for the big broom closet.
John Rogers: Ah there you go, as opposed to the little one. Also this is a recurring bit: how Parker will just dump food everywhere. It actually turns out to a plot point in the Rashomon episode.
Chris Downey: Apparently we can have food.
Michael Colton: We can if it's chicken wings. They had like three giant trays of chicken wings.
John Rogers: Ahh good spark welding effect. Thank you, thank you props and special effects, appreciate it.
Jonathan Frakes: This works great, actually.
John Rogers: Yes that was better than the lightsaber through the door in the Star Wars prequel.
John Aboud: That’s a low bar sir.
John Rogers: Well it's still- it's a feature bar I'll take it.
John Aboud: Feature bar.
Michael Colton: ‘I’m for clean fun’. That's another button,
Chris Downey: Is that what it says?
John Aboud: That’s another one, another button.
John Rogers: The one on the left is haunting me, I can't quite make out the one on the left.
Aldis Hodge: It says- wait.
Michael Colton: Can we enhance?
John Rogers: Stop and enhance, enhance, push in. 
Michael Colton: Push in.
John Rogers: And yeah,this was a lot of fun just zooming in on- cause lets face it, not a lot of women can edge Gina Bellman out of that situation.
Jonathan Frakes: I know, and throw wine on her!
John Rogers: Yep.
Chris Downey: And the fun of this was having them revert to their high school personas and being offended by the cheerleader muscling in on her. I mean right? I mean this is- that's what-
Michael Colton: It's called subtext.
John Aboud: Seeing Sophie confront a mean girl.
Chris Downey: Yes.
John Rogers: Yes. It's great everyone had- everyone had their thematic little hook in this. One of the reasons we originally were attracted to the idea, even a year earlier, was because high school is that period where just the shell isn't on yet.
Chris Downey: And a high school reunion-
Jonathan Frakes: Had you done this before where the con men get conned in the middle of their con?
John Rogers: We play around with it, but rarely in this particular thing. Rarely this particular style.
Chris Downey: You mean an assassin showing up late in the episode?
Jonathan Frakes: No, no, no, I mean two con- our con and another con trying to duke it.
Chris Downey: Oh right.
John Rogers: Intersecting? Two Live Crew kinda.
Chris Downey: Well Order 23 we had a guy pretending to be a Marshall and he was an assassin.
John Rogers: Yeah but not a- those are the crucial- the crucials of surveillance photos.
Jonathan Frakes: Oh, she's on Interpol!
John Rogers: You need a half turn, you need a glasses-
Chris Downey: By the way you never see somebody eating spaghetti in surveillance photos.
John Rogers: Well what are the odds that when you see that person they'll be eating spaghetti? You really don't want that on the wanted photo. That you can't recognize a killer without the spaghetti. You want a spaghetti free context.
John Aboud: ‘Here, eat this.’
John Rogers: ‘Oh, you're that person!’
John Aboud: ‘We've got our man!’
Jonathan Frakes: Mission Impossible.
John Rogers: Yeah great little three way walk, nice.
Jonathan Frakes: Boom. ‘You go this way I'll take this way’. Taking a long time to get through that door.
Chris Downey: Really is. It's a really thick door.
John Aboud: Very secure door.
Michael Colton: They stopped for a break.
Jonathan Frakes: Thick door they established that early.
John Rogers: This, by the way- this is great. Not a lot of guys could land this joke. ‘The health inspector?’
Michael Colton: Was that in the script or was that?
Jonathan Frakes: That was on the day.
John Rogers: That was on the day, that was an improv, right?
Michael Colton: Yeah, Chris did a lot of improv in this scene. Entire fight was improvised.
John Rogers: And that was fun, too, is coming up with the- I remember ‘ok what’s- what’s from the 80s you can hit people with?’
Chris Downey: Oh that's great.
John Rogers: This is a great fight.
John Aboud: First take on that smash.
Chris Downey: Oh that's great.
Michael Colton: Oh I know, ‘they give trophies for chess’ was Christian’s.
John Rogers: That's right.
Chris Downey: Yeah.
John Rogers: Sorry mouthful of Irish whiskey.
Chris Downey: Yeah this is a great fight oh and the bowling trophy.
John Rogers: The bowling for chess. 
Jonathan Frakes: There’s no prop he doesn't flip!
Aldis Hodge: He flips everything.
Jonathan Frakes: Am I right?
Chris Downey: Or twirl.
Aldis Hodge: He’ll flip a table.
Jonathan Frakes: Never found a prop he couldn't twirl.
John Rogers: And that's interesting, because on the big screen, you cut from the dude sort of cracking his neck behind Christian, and it's a slam cut into two people kissing. For a second I'm like ‘what the hell? Wait what the hell is going on here? Oh alright.’
Jonathan Frakes: Here's something we've all looked forward to. The fox fight in the girls dressing room.
Michael Colton: Well that- when we were writing the high school show and we came up with this character we knew we had to have a girl fight in the locker room.
John Aboud: And where was that silencer?
Jonathan Frakes: Gina resisted, and then ended up saying, ‘When can I do this again?’
John Rogers: She loves fighting, you see.
Chris Downey: She does.
John Rogers: You're always worried you're going to get hurt fighting, but the stunt people know what the hell they're doing, everyone’s super safe and you wind up just having fun. And also that was a big thing, you know Sophie’s character is not a killer, she has to cheat.
Chris Downey: Oh and the shoes!
John Rogers: The shoes come off.
Jonathan Frakes: Now it's real. Boom.
Chris Downey: And there's another locked off comedy frame!
John Rogers: And then the cross.
Jonathan Frakes: Locked off comedy!
John Rogers: The cross cutting between the two fights was a lot of fun. And yeah, she could probably take her if she didn't have the fire extinguisher. It- Kari’s frustration in ‘what the hell are you talking about’ here is hilarious, actually.
Jonathan Frakes: These stunt doubles are quite good, this is intercut nicely.
John Rogers: Yup it is. And- 
Chris Downey: Oh and she uses a gun, look at that.
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah, look at that.
Michael Colton: Yeah, but she missed.
John Rogers: Yeah that's the problem, silencers are really useless anywhere over 10 feet. She should've unscrewed it but by then she'd be gone. 
Jonathan Frakes: Woah, woah, woah. 
John Rogers: And this is a great- actually of the early episodes this season this was one of my sort of favorite sort of character twists is that Drake actually has an arc. 
John Aboud: Right.
John Rogers: You know no person is without redemption, including Drake. Oh yeah.
Aldis Hodge: And the taser!
John Rogers: And the taser. Again, crucial for the finale for us to plant it that soon.
John Aboud: Her weapon of choice for the season.
John Rogers: Yeah catering. We originally had her lowering from the ceiling, and then that was just crazy. Used the taser. Oh the hug, that's nice.
Jonathan Frakes: Oof.
John Rogers: Oh the- and then the double turn this, is this is dense. This one’s actually got a lot going on in this act.
Michael Colton: I have no idea what's happening now.
John Aboud: Truly lost.
John Rogers: Is this the fourth act? This is the fourth act
John Aboud: I think we're in act nine.
John Rogers: Yeah this is the fourth action act, and there's an awful lot of story going on here.
Chris Downey: Oh here we go. 
John Rogers: And what I kinda like here is where Arye Gross is playing not just angry, but hurt.
Michael Colton: Yeah.
John Rogers: It's like ‘I thought all my high school dreams had come true and now you're lying to me.’
Michael Colton: He's great in this. 
John Rogers: Genuinely never- can't go wrong with a shot down the gun.
Jonathan Frakes: Nope. Reliable.
John Rogers: Gonna react to it? Nope, just go to the reverse.
Jonathan Frakes: Go out number one.
Michael Colton: Bang.
Aldis Hodge: Commercial, people.
John Rogers: Remember, a guy pulling a gun for the act break is always better than a guy leaving with a gun. And now we do- what's sad is this was the plan. That's- when you think about it this is the most convoluted possible way to get this information in this guy’s head. I don't mean sad in a bad way, I mean this guy really just has no chance whatsoever. And yeah the mixture of like ‘I’m a villain’ and- this may be the saddest villain we’ve ever had.
Michael Colton: Well I was watching this with my sister, who said- this scene happened, she's like ‘oh I feel bad for him’ then he has a line about ‘cause you brutally beat the Iranian’ then she's like ‘oh now I don’t feel bad for him.’ It was the perfect-
Chris Downey: You're like, ‘Ooh I'm glad I put that in there.’
John Rogers: It's a little- it is sometimes a little funny that you know you realize television very much leads you through the emotions of the show. So it’s- you sorta feel like an idiot resetting the emotions as a writer but it’s important. You know you're in a contract with the viewer.
Jonathan Frakes: Well we’ve been in the school for two acts. 
John Rogers: Yeah.
Jonathan Frakes: Absolutely true. And the hacker getting hacked we've forgotten about that.
John Rogers: Yeah 42 minutes is- what is it, average American attention span is like 10 minutes? Which is why act length is probably just about right.
John Aboud: ‘Nice try fake Drake’.
Chris Downey: Fake Drake.
John Aboud: And he pointed out that that sounded a little like a Batman villain.
John Rogers: Fake Drake.
John Aboud: ‘Very well Fake Drake.’
John Rogers: The- and again, these are people- these are professional spies. These are people who are hired to take care of people like Eliot.
Aldis Hodge: So it's okay for them to get hurt.
John Rogers: So it's okay for them to get beat up.
John Aboud: For his arm to bend that way.
Aldis Hodge: Yeah we don't feel bad for him, no.
John Rogers: I love the ASCII art there. 
John Aboud: Yep, yep.
John Rogers: I love that he would go to the effort of making an ASCII manticore. Cause that's not easy. And you can't have an intern do that cause it's your secret logo.
Chris Downey: Yeah.
John Aboud: I think that probably took Derek all of five seconds. And then it even animates! It even animates when it dies.
John Rogers: x o x o x o yeah. Again, he would've had to do that. So at some point Arye Gross' character had to have gone, ‘What if somebody hacks this? I should put a death animation in just in case.’
Chris Downey: Yeah well you want to know that it's gone.
John Rogers: Yeah exactly. Made unaware.
Jonathan Frakes: This is the fifth Beatle, played strong in this show.
John Rogers: Yeah Derek Frederickson. And of course manticore based on various intercept methods that you can use. And that's kinda tricky is social media is both a tool of insurrection and makes you vulnerable. As soon as you network with other people it's a weakness.
John Aboud: We talked about Carnivore I think wasn’t that the-
John Rogers: Yes, that was the FBI one.
John Aboud: Was the decryption.
Chris Downey: Now how long did it take to ‘Badger 85’? ‘Cause you had to find ways to implant it.
Michael Colton: That- actually that was kind of fun because we had to figure out ways to use the word ‘badger’ or ‘85’.
John Aboud: For this.
Michael Colton: Yeah.
John Aboud: For this sequence.
Chris Downey: For the flashes.
Jonathan Frakes: There was a wonderful alliteration in this.
Chris Downey: ‘Five years’.
John Aboud: ‘Wasn't all bad-ger brain hold onto every detail’.
John Rogers: And there's the badger. You gotta remember that badger.
Aldis Hodge: AKA Beth.
Michael Colton: ‘I already ate, five months’.
John Rogers: I've had this dream so many times.
Michael Colton: ‘You hacked me?’
John Rogers: And now the meltdown. We don't really give them a gloat here, we don't really give them a gloat.
John Aboud: He pre-gloats.
Aldis Hodge: With the Fred Flinstone run out.
John Rogers: That’s a chess club run.
Chris Downey: He was in the chess club.
John Aboud: Schmitty.
Jonathan Frakes: Can’t believe we’re out of beer.
Chris Downey: ‘Out of beer!’
Jonathan Frakes: Never happened to Paul.
John Rogers: I don’t think that was a line, I think we just ran out of beer on set.
John Rogers: Oh Larry Duberman, millionaire, the stress has gotten to him, he's melting down. I'll take him away.
Jonathan Frakes: Here's where we toyed with having our favorite FBI guys in this.
Chris Downey: We almost did but the scheduling didn't work. But we tried to have-
Michael Colton: Yep.
John Rogers: Again always the pain but real humans are attached to these roles. They don't wait around for us.
Chris Downey: Taggert and McSweeten.
John Aboud: Doucherman!
Aldis Hodge: Doucherman.
John Aboud: So disappointed.
Chris Downey: Gave him a nice shot there.
John Aboud: So disappointed.
Jonathan Frakes: He's a friend, he gets a good close up.
John Rogers: That's good.
Jonathan Frakes: And this- I love this end. I love this.
Michael Colton: This is what the show started with.
John Rogers: We held onto this end for two years.
Michael Colton: This was all we had.
John Aboud: This is the image from which the episode sprung.
Michael Colton: From whence it sprang.
John Aboud: Yep.
John Rogers: Like the head of Zeus.
Aldis Hodge: It's a red party cup.
John Aboud: I love that shirt. I love that shirt. I do love that shirt.
Chris Downey: Is that what that is?
Aldis Hodge: Yup yup.
John Aboud: Red party cup.
Michael Colton: Which is a line-
Chris Downey: Oh I want that.
Jonathan Frakes: And he gives it up to. This actor gives it up again.
John Rogers: Yeah, well didn't we put cayenne pepper in his eyes?
Jonathan Frakes: No we did not.
John Rogers: Oh we don't do that anymore? Alright. No he was-
Aldis Hodge: It's how we motivate our actors. They go hard.
John Rogers: Absolutely fantastic work. 
John Aboud: I made him cry.
Aldis Hodge: It’s cause you called him fat right before you shot it.
John Rogers: That's a big part of the show by the way, the victim isn't just pathetic.
John Aboud: It was the insults that did it.
John Rogers: That was a spinoff, too, we talked about - Mandy and Schmitty.
John Aboud: Mandy/Schmitty.
John Rogers: Unwittingly getting involved in cons.
Michael Colton: Schmitheads.
Jonathan Frakes: Mandy was thrilled to get to play a girl with big boobs cause she had just had a baby, so she never had boobs like this before. So she was thrilled to be asked-
Chris Downey: I'm sure she can enjoy hearing that on this.
Jonathan Frakes: Lana[?] told me this for sure.
Michael Colton: They look wonderful.
John Rogers: The- and this was fun. The whole idea that they were so convincing at the con and so charming-
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah that they become-
John Rogers: You could've done an entire subplot like that. 
Chris Downey: Oh look at that.
John Rogers: I think that's you  know that's a good day for Schmitty, he really lost track of his friends, and he's just happy to know Drake’s doing okay.
Jonathan Frakes: And you can't miss the beer bowl, John Hughes. Thank you very much.
John Rogers: No he- and this is Joe LoDuca giving us- and we originally wanted words and then he gave us the melody as a sample before he put the words on and realized we don't want words.
Chris Downey: No, yeah, that's perfect.
John Rogers: This is perfect. This sounds exactly like an 80s tune.
Aldis Hodge: Now which one of your guys' high school dreams is this, here?
John Rogers: Dancing with Gina Bellman?
Michael Colton: Dancing with Tim Hutton?
Aldis Hodge: Becoming prom king after like 85 years.
Jonathan Frakes: I love the callback to these two characters, in these costumes, in this place. I think this is lovely, actually.
Michael Colton: Magical.
John Rogers: This is fantastic. This is one of my favorite endings. It really is.
Aldis Hodge: Bit of redemption for what they’ve gone through.
Jonathan Frakes: No, but it’s in front of all these people. Their pasts-
John Rogers: Yeah, and she's not gonna tell him the name, but she's-
Chris Downey: And high school reunions like we said are full of, like, emotion. I mean it's just that’s what's- it kinda takes you back so it’s-
John Aboud: Well and of course what we liked was that Parker never experienced this stuff. So to her it's an alien world and by the end-
Chris Downey: And here's the shot.
John Aboud: This is it.
Jonathan Frakes: Well the metaphor of her feet being off the ground. Here we go bring it on.
Aldis Hodge: Yup.
Michael Colton: Oh yeah.
John Rogers: Yeah, just never actually touching the ground.
Aldis Hodge: I'm just that strong, I'm holding her up.
Chris Downey: That is great.
Aldis Hodge: Oh yeah.
Chris Downey: And of course look! The one who- the one guy who didn't get to have any fun.
Jonathan Frakes: ‘I don't get to go.’
John Rogers: ‘Did anybody ask if Eliot's okay? Is Eliot alive?’
Jonathan Frakes: Sorry buddy.
John Rogers: Pissed off Christian is a funny Christian. And then pan up and then find both of them. Oh I love this shot.
Jonathan Frakes: Excellent use of the crane.
John Rogers: This is kind of the whole reason to do- yeah. And-
John Aboud: Fan favorite, gonna call it.
John Rogers: Fan favorite, yep.
Chris Downey: Yeah.
John Aboud: Calling it yeah.
Chris Downey: Both of your episodes guys have endings of real-
Michael Colton: The rest of them are shit, but the endings really land.
Chris Downey: But I'm saying-
Michael Colton: Stick the landing.
John Rogers: Gotta hold on for the ending of Colton and Aboud episode.
Chris Downey: I’m trying to pay you a compliment!
Jonathan Frakes: Makes you wanna put in another DVD doesn't it?
John Rogers: Yes, yes, you should go-
Jonathan Frakes: Let’s watch another episode!
John Rogers: You should go watch another episode right now.
Jonathan Frakes: Go run to the fridge, get some stuff, put another one in.
John Rogers: Get some stuff. If you're pantless that's cool we’re pantless.
Michael Colton: You’re saying for douchbags to go hard.
Aldis Hodge: If Hardison-
Michael Colton: We wrote two endings-
John Aboud: Fake it- we fake it well.
Michael Colton: That are actually heartwarming.
Chris Downey: Very heartwarming.
John Rogers: Well you were given one of them.
Jonathan Frakes: Thanks for watching.
Aldis Hodge: Peace people.
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multimetaverse · 3 years
HSMTMTS 2x06 Review
Yes, And was a messy ep that brings us to the halfway point of the season. Let’s dig in!
Tonight took some big steps towards the Rini breakup. The conflict isn’t quite earned as they did too much too quickly in making Ricky overbearing; to go from Ricky supporting Nini going to YAC and them singing love songs to each other just 3 eps ago to Ricky now accusing Nini of changing because she didn’t get pineapple on her pizza just doesn’t work. Largely that’s because it’s clear that the writers are working backwards from an outline that requires Rini to be broken up before the finale.
The Rose song is great and Olivia’s vocals are wonderful as always but again it’s not quite earned. The lyrics make it seem like Nini thinks Ricky is holding her on a pedestal and holding her back when that’s not what we’ve seen on screen. Ricky and Nini went through a lot as they were finding their way back to each other and they learned not to see each other through rose coloured glasses and while Ricky was sad that Nini went to YAC he was supportive and respected her wishes, notably the only time he admitted how much he wanted Nini to come back to Salt Lake was after Nini had already made up her mind to return.
Rini was always going to break up both because writers struggle with writing happy or stable couples and because Tim became enamoured of Rina after writing 1x05 and will want to explore them at some point. Tim’s claimed that he has future seasons all planned out but I’m skeptical that he’s really thought out how to keep Ricky and Nini and Gina on goodish terms with each other for the remaining 2 seasons of the show while also not completely closing the door on the Rini endgame the show’s been aiming towards since the pilot.
It’s clear that Ricky has unresolved issues from his mom effectively abandoning him which are impairing all his relationships. And while it’s true he could try calling Lynne it’s the parents job to reach out and she is obviously fine living her life without Ricky. Not sure how much closure we can get with Lynne when she comes back in 2x09 but I hope we at least get an apology on her part.
Yet another ep of Gina going through it. That flashback to Gina tearfully telling Ricky that she wouldn’t have ‘’given up on us’’ if she hadn’t moved certainly paints Ricky’s behaviour this season in a worse light. I do hope the show doesn’t take the cowards way out and have Ricky being too stupid to realize that Gina had romantic feelings for him. Though again we run into the problem that these emotions aren’t fitting the story. There really wasn’t an ‘us’ for Gina to fight for, she and Ricky had only been hanging from 1x05-1x08 and never actually dated or went on dates. Also by this point Gina should be questioning her feelings for Ricky and whether he’s worth it; it’s not like he’s done anything nice for her this season like getting her chocolates for Valentine’s Day. 
Still Gina did make some strides tonight. She finally opened up to Ashlyn which seems to have lifted a weight off of her shoulders and makes the decision to stay in Salt Lake. She also brushes off Ricky wanting to be improv partners which leads to her accepting EJ’s offer which led to a sweet callback to them being wonderstudies. I’m glad she’s not going to Louisiana but it does mean we were robbed of a HSMTMTS/Secrets of Sulphur Springs crossover. 
Kourtney and Howie are finally together. I’m glad they didn’t waste time dragging this out. Kourtney’s confession was very in character and I liked the earlier hufflepuff dragging. As an aside I wonder if say 10 years in the future, shows will still be making light hearted unqualified references to Harry Potter or will J.K. Terfling have completely destroyed the goodwill the series has by then.
Lily continues to act as if she’s in Glee working for Sue Sylvester to take down the One Directions and honestly I’m here for it. I especially liked that she stole some of the condiments on her way out of Salt Lake Slices. Antoine seems alright, the espionage bit was funny. Seems like Salt Lake City would be a pretty shitty place for a French student to study.
EJ remains underused especially since this is his last semester as a student. His Gaston answer was surprisingly thoughtful and hinted at him getting over Nini with Gina as he sat down next to her. His may I have this exercise was just the right amount of smooth and goofy. 
Ashlyn had a good ep, she killed Home, Julia has a great voice. And she stood her ground with Gina but was also there for her and managed to help her decide to stay. Loved her line that she was still part Caswell.
Mike Bowen is sweet, thoughtful, and rocking that beard? Must have been hard for Miss. Jenn to let him go but ultimately she made the right decision as it would just be too messy to date the parent of one of your students.
Lots of funny little moments this ep; the camera panning to the exit sign during Gina’s confessional, the group chat with Miss. Jenn and the real group chat without her, Seb hula-hooping with wild abandon. 
Looking Ahead:
Well we’re now at the official halfway mark of the season. It’s been an uneven first half, lots of pacing issues, and clear signs of the covid pandemic impacting production. Disney + has announced that future seasons of Disney + originals will be released on Wednesdays from now on so we have that to look forward to for S3 and S4.
Carlos uploading the Rose song will inevitably lead to disaster. Nini is very right to tell Kourtney not to let Ricky know, the lyrics paint him in a very bad light. The song gives us more context for why Lily said to Ricky that his gf needed some space in the trailer. I suspect Lily will end up being the party crasher that Ricky re-evaluates in 2x12, I don’t think Tim is going to keep Lily as a one dimensional antagonist this entire season. 
Ricky said in 2x01 that he’s never breaking up with Nini again and I think that’s true because Nini will break up with him. I think it comes before 2x12, maybe them exploring an old haunt in 2x08 is where it happens though the description for 2x11 also sounds like it could be hinting at a Rini breakup.
Well we now know what one of the secrets rising between Gina and Nini will be in 2x10, Nini was already jealous of Gina and Ricky in S1 and I doubt she’ll enjoy hearing that Gina confessed to Ricky in 1x10. Since Gina has already confessed to Ricky it makes it less likely that her speaking her truth in 2x12 is related to her and Ricky. 
EJ and Gina doing the morning announcements starts next ep, that should be fun. Especially since Mazzara is aware of EJ’s feelings for Gina. There’s a pretty clear path to end the season with Portwell or at least set it up for S3. EJ already likes Gina, the announcements help bring them closer, Gina starts getting over Ricky and realizes that EJ puts her first,  maybe Mazzara helps one or both of them at the cast party, and Gina shares her truth and confesses to EJ. So far the show hasn’t done anything it can’t pull back from but sooner or later the writing will have to commit one way or the other. One thing I’ll say is that it’s already clear that making EJ a senior was a big mistake and I expect it to cause a lot more problems for the show in the remaining two seasons.
There’s also a path for Ricky and Gina to get together but that seems less likely given the clear mess Ricky is right now. Seeing his mom in 2x09 probably helps a bit but it’s hard to see how any relationship Ricky gets into won’t swiftly crash and burn. There’s also the matter of when exactly Rini break up, if it’s too late in the season then there wouldn’t be time to jump right into Rina. There’s also the matter of the unexpected facetime call he gets in 2x10 and the party crasher he re-evaluates in 2x12. Even if they’re not linked it does suggest there will be some curveballs in Ricky’s story and at least the party crasher info suggests there’s some non Rini or Rina related twist being planned for Ricky in 2x12. 
Until next week Wildcats
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 209 spoilers below
I'm so late today but here it is
I love EJ, he's finally learning to be happy. I'm so proud.
Ms Jenn = every boomer during zoom calls, like jeez yes we can hear you stop shouting at me.
LOVE THE SUBTLE JOKE ABOUT QUARANTINE "these dark times" "you mean spring break?"
ah yes, remember when we thought covid was just gonna give us a longer spring break? good times
damn the passive aggressiveness from Carlos and the absolutely over it tone from seb✋
we needed more if this kind of goofiness for the first part of season 2 that only such an iconic duo can provide.
old old movies-
is it even that old, or is Nini being a gen alpha rn-
i choose to imagine EJ being scared of the movie and hiding in Ashlyn's shoulder while she keeps a straight face and then EJ pretending to be tough afterwards
aww redlyn are soulmates.... yknow, if gingers had souls
(please ignore me)
y'all saw how EJ's face *lit up* when Gina logged on? how dare you tell me he doesn't like her
ofc she's no damsel in distress, she's Gina porter, she's amazing.
so do we think she'd be the type to just glare at suspicious people? or bark at them
do they not know that Rini broke up? or is Ms Jenn just wanting Nini to suffer through her heartbreak to make her a better actress....
speaking of, why is Nini in the call? she's not in the show anymore. Unless she is, even after the rose and the song got cut, which would be so unfair to all those that auditioned properly before she even came back but whatever, she's the main character I get it 🙄
big red is a hero honestly, Nini better thank him for changing the subject like that
I can't-
i won't work you over the break-
this woman would 100% work her kids 24/7 if it was legal and idk how to feel about it.
smh the airport lady, eavesdropping on Gina's call.
The way she was so happy to answer EJ's call, "eej"
I love them your honour.
great now we need to see Gina, Ashlyn and EJ having a complete spa day and EJ getting really into it and Gina and Ashlyn take pictures of him when he's laying down in a robe with a mask and cucumbers on his eyes.
finally we get to see Gina's side of portwell
the way she considered it as flirting, this is the sign she asked for in episode 6 come onnnnn
no is Asher/jack really doing tiktok dances in an airport-
Ricky is me. I am burrito.
oh Lynne, sweetie, I'm sorry but the blonde hair is not it
is that even the same lady or-
jetlag is my go to excuse for anything... I haven't travelled in 2 years.
"welcome to the Lynne and Mike gossip show. where we talk about our depressed son that we both neglect in certain ways! And now a word from our sponsor, Nord VPN..."
is Nina becoming social media obsessed EJ from season 1? AND SHE LIED ABOUT HAVING SONGS TOO PLEASE WHY ARW THEY RECYCLING THE SAME PLOT-
Gina smiling at the picture of her family on Instagram makes me so happy, idek why.
EJ's nails are so pretty, we needed to see it more (unless he had it on for the rest of the episode and I just.... didn't notice🧍🏽‍♀️)
oh not the tiktok kid✋
yes ma'am end this strange mans whole tiktok career
sir take a hint and leave
Ricky, walking in style✨
weird kid, ok then Lynne, can't you see he's this close to the edge?
not all your fault baby Ricky, Nini sucks a bit more
ok but the deleting comment thing was very bad
still don't know if I like Jack honestly
hmmm so Nini's calling herself Nini instead of Nina in her little egg seat, while trying to write a song without inspiration.... Nini, honey, Ricky was your muse, he inspired you to write all those songs, even if it wasn't good for the relationship.
that doesn't mean you gotta get back with him, or that you can't write a song that not about him butttt it'll take some time
the rainbow sticker in her box and her rainbow shirt-
anyways wbk she's not totally straight
Jack are you a criminal?
quick, Gina, check his ankle for a tracker
the way Gina wasn't into it in episode 6 but she's used the technique twice now
stole her grandma's Pomeranian-
Jack where the hell did you pull that out from-
the fake crying killed me, that looks like so much fun though
anyone wanna raid a first class lounge with me?
wait so is jack not gonna go in with her?
wouldn't he go in too? help look for the credit card? SO CONFUSED
the first class lounge guy was so into the drama though, watch his face when they start arguing 😭
sorry to break this to you Kourtney, but you haven't even blocked the second act yet soooo...
take that as you will
I love how all of them are totally dissing the dance off
that's the most realistic part of this show tbh
shouldn't Nini have asked how she knew....since the start? why is the fact that her best friend has knowledge of a North high secret now dawning on her...
Howie is sweet honestly, at least he's trying to help. but I stand with Kourtney, don't take him back just because he sang an amazing song, and is giving you a heads up on what's gonna happen...
I hate school
ooo Nini's writing a song about bad internet connection 🤩🤩🤩
I never lie, except when I do-
son that is the creepiest thing you could say to a stranger that you've been "helping"
2 truths and a lie👀
he's an Ariana fan 100%
called it.
free spirit? damn so brother porter was in that horse movie
so has she been kissed or not?????????
I feel like she's moved more than 15 times though so possibly
but then if she's moved so much, and before east high she never opened up to anyone, she's never been kissed then?? damn
same though Gina so let's be besties please
heartbreak president is a great song title idea, give Nini a call rn
but wait
is the no strings attached feeling thing about her telling Ricky she liked him? she thought she was moving away so she thought it'd be no strings attached???
guys I think I figured it out insert the "I've connected two dots" meme
ma'am did you just kill me
yes you did
Lynne and Ricky have such a weird relationship
yeah I get that you wanted Ricky to like Todd BUT THAT WASN'T THE TIME
right so we already know that Ricky was so desperate to keep Nini cuz he didn't want to be like his parents, and now Lynne's talking about this-
Richard needs a long hug
yes Lynne, it is your fault. thank you for finally admitting it.
"sometimes the best, last thing you can do for someone you love, is let them go."
gotta admit I teared up at that point
not me thinking big red was calling ms Jenn cupcake for a hot second-
Carlos please omg, you're at the "beach" and they're leaving for the pool?
also, why not just do the call from the hotel room please omg
"don't ask me"
big red wants the tea
I'm surprised ms Jenn knew how to give Nini permission to screenshare tbh
So lily's been stalking the East high kids and spending time editing this video while she's supposedly in an immersion trip.... right
EJ and Ashlyn's picture is so chaotic, what even is happening there
"slacking off" bestie its spring break, obviously they're confident enough that they'll get it done in time so why not focus on your own musical.
jealous seb = sassy seb
please what if those guys Carlos is posing with are his cousins or something and that's why he's so confused about Seb
Nini saying she's obsessed with her ex, that's not weird at all 👍
I can just tell Matt had a blast harassing Julia with those puppets.
Jack please dont be like that, "yet"
chances are you'll never see eachother again 🥰
(honestly sometimes I really miss those friends I made on trips and stuff when we'd spend the day or week together, only to never see them again....those were the good days though)
Ashlyn and Nini should write more songs..... something better than this one at least
Nini: "im good"
cue the Tia Mowry (please I can't spell) crying gif
oh I forgot Ricky was in the show for a hot second
1. where did Gina get to film this without people being around
2. did she just... randomly change her clothes???
ok but the transition between Carlos and EJ
*chefs kiss*
now everyone shut up, EJ's singing
oh i think I'm pregnant
I love how big red and Kourtney went from being "the best friends™" to the couple in season 1, to kinda close themselves and having their own plots
sebby makes me so happy
props to biggies editing skills honestly
big red lives for the drama
"wow" so true Ricky
no he is not cute, stop it
"holding" ok that's kinda cute
yeah EJ's a lucky guy😌
jokes aside, it's not that hard to exchange numbers-
keep in touch if you want
ok I really like Jack now
if he comes back in season 3, maybe have him be LGBTQ+ ?
like the only out characters they have rn are Seb and Carlos and they're like the sterotypes, yk?
I'd love to see jack kinda break the mold
Ricky's breaking my heart
that song just hurts
the only thing
now I don't hate Lynne????????
I mean I don't live her now but she's good
but honestly
"mom can I show you something"
I'm sobbing please help
Gina saying she's just waiting for the right guy and then EJ coming to the airport to pick her up late at night without her asking, offering to bring her back in the morning so she won't have to Uber, bringing her a granola bar (WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT SHE FORGOT TO PACK) and without expecting anything in return???
ms ma'am you've got a keeper right there
her smile at the end was so heartwarming I really can't.
this episode was great.
it felt really short but I liked it, great character development for Ricky, Lynne and Gina.
Cant wait for next episode to see more of EJ being the ideal boyfriend /hj
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rkrispyt · 3 years
A couple random thoughts on 2.11 no one asked for before I get on the road (and because work today has me ready to tear my hair out…)
*so are we agreed that it looks like seeds were planted for Nini’s ‘new dream’ to potentially be drama teacher or director, something along those lines? Or am I reading too much into that? Not thoroughly convinced she’s not going to focus on music still though. Maybe a musical is in her future? I’d love a summer season of “hey Ash, Nini, Ricky - you should write a musical together and we can perform it this summer for fun, no pressure!” Just sayin.
*Oh Howie. Upon a rewatch of the “getting air” scene, he 1000% took the harness and almost got busted. The “I’m just…*long pause* getting some air”. Backstage? Bro. No. You shouldn’t be backstage, period, but if you snuck back to wish your girl luck or something I’d buy. Not “I wandered away from the exits in the lobby with the rest of the audience to slip backstage, ignore the people I know in the cast and get air” - ? I’m so disappointed! But I suppose it’s the party crasher Ricky re-evaluates (maybe he figures it out?) in the ep 12 description and a means to finish up Roman’s arc if they don’t plan to have him return (which would be unfortunate, I feel like there’s more for them to tell of the Kowie story)…
*how did I not realize the implication of what Miss Jenn said to Ricky? I just thought she meant for that moment in the show instead of flying to get airborne. Yowzah. That’s… 😬
*EJ said “finally” after Jamie asked if that made sense and I missed it the first time and my heart turned to DUST.
*here’s the thing: these writers aren’t dumb. They clearly fleshed Portwell out fully so they knew when it started where it was going. They planted little breadcrumbs along the way that would come into play later, like Risotto, “not that I know of” and the like. I’m trying to be attune to them and wondering if the GiGi nickname may come into play? If EJ were to refer to her as that in a self deprecating “cause it’s what her brother calls her and that’s how she sees me” context, it could easily and quickly lead to Gina putting two and two together and realizing since Jamie didn’t call her that in front of EJ while she was there, he must have talked to EJ at some other point and used the nickname.
It’s only one option but it’s definitely there for her to realize her brother must have talked to him, he’s been weird since mid-act two, they could even pull a “ugh, he’s always butting in trying to protect me but making things worse - what did he say to you?” IF they wanted.
The other quick way to address it is to simply have Gina refer to it as a date, in whatever context - if she’s upset, angry, hopeful - just bringing it up. The moment she uses that word he knows it’s in a romantic context to her, AND he knows that she accepted in the context of it being romantic.
I’m not convinced they’ll go either route, but the ground has been laid for those and more options to fix this without needing a ton of time, or either getting hurt terribly beyond this initial miscommunication/disappointment, or ruining what they have by reacting like a hurt jerk, further proving they can trust one another with their feelings.
One thing I realized is that I do trust these writers. I do. They’ve done so much more than I could have ever dreamed. And I actually would hate it cause I’m impatient lol but I actually do trust that IF they delay this angst into next season, it’s postponing the inevitable and giving it even more buildup for a bigger payoff of Portwell finding their way to one another.
I recently read an interview of Tim’s for last season’s finale and he talked a bit about how at the end of the day it’s the finale and we need a happy ending, so that also gives me hope. He’s made the audience root for both EJ and Gina, I’d be really shocked if he left us so unsatisfied at season’s end with both of them still longing (AND seemingly Rini).
We’ll see!
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ginasrickyfav · 3 years
Let’s start from the beginning, Rina has always been set up... it’s always been there in the script, the show, etc. Tim might have not thought it would be big but he definitely planned it. Gina being intrigued by Ricky, Ricky not being scared of Gina. They naturally get each other. Their connection is deep and organic doesn’t feel forced unlike some of the other pairings.
Now onto the beauty and the beast theory... I believe the story of Belle and the Beast are being played by Gina and Ricky.
It’s quite obvious why Ricky got the Beast, bc tbh his audition was rocky— he had to get the beast because theorically he is the Beast. He doesn’t like change and has attachment/abondment issue but we will get into that later.
Now Belle is Gina even though she doesn’t play Belle in the play she is still the Belle- the girl everyone wants to be, be with, the one who has one of the biggest storyline this season except for Nini/Nina. Gina is very important this season, she wants to leave Salt Lake City because she feels there is nothing there for her... she misses her mom, she doesn’t have Ricky in her corner, none of her friends are seeing that she is sad— no one is asking her how she feels and is doing. Belle misses her dad and wants to leave the castle. It hurts Gina to see Ricky and Nini happy together because she could have had that if she knew she wasn’t leaving. That’s the main reason she wants to leave. Gina’s input on a lot of things matters... mostly to Ricky that’s why he went to her multiple times this season about Nini. Belle is the one who helps the Beast through change, which Ricky needs to do. Gina does help him through that as we seen in Season 1.
Now Ej is playing Gaston, I personally don’t know much about Gaston except he is in love with Belle and wants her to love him back. The thing is Ej and Gina are getting closer in 2B... In multiple scenes it is shown that Ej is showing feelings for Gina (weird but anyways). It’s becoming very one-sided as of right now, we haven’t seen future episodes so I can’t really speak on Gina’s feelings because we haven’t seen her side. She only has stated they were friends and co-anchors which is normal- she wanted to get back to normal after the fake dating act... she wants the best for him, she wants someone to talk to and not feel lonely. Same as Ej, they are both lonely and seek the attention and “friendship” they both want. I feel like portwell is a stepping stone for Rina, they will realize they aren’t it for each other they don’t “get each other” the way Ricky and Gina do. Plus Ej is confusing this friendship for feelings because they are getting closer but he doesn’t realize that he needs to focus on himself and preparing for college instead of looking for a girlfriend in the last 2 months of high school. Like what does he even want to do? Does he want to go to college? He didn’t get into Duke but what does he now want? he said his life had been planned out for him— now it went left so now he should be figuring out what to do now.
As of now we have just seen Gina tell Ashlyn about her telling Ricky “I wouldn’t quit on us if I wasn’t leaving” and how they never talked about it since then. Which makes everything make sense (kinda) Gina ignoring Ricky, Ricky being like why isn’t she speaking to me, the awkwardness, the romantic subtext, the freaking flashback- which was filmed in 2019??! and was kept a secret helloooo?!! She asked Ricky to find someone else to confide in about Nini, now they are speaking. But the thing is they have to speak, especially about “opening night”. If they don’t that will be left unresolved and that whole thing is from 1B and 2A combined.
Now Nini/Nina who is now free from a relationship and has rebranded herself as Nina. She is thee Rose, the Rose that has been confined in a glass- the Beast’s Rose. Who literally plays the Beast’s Rose in the play. Nini’s whole arc is about finding herself outside of boys— finding who she is as a person without being defined by someone else. This has been happening since season 1 but her character along with Ricky had regressed backwards when they got back together at the end of season 1. She was done with boys then see Ricky move on with Gina and now she wants him back. But now she is realizing she won’t be confined to the Beast’s POV (Ricky’s POV).
The symbolism is crazy on this show I swear. The dog tag and guitar pick also show symbolism of the Rose being confined in glass. The dog tag coming off two seconds into the breakup is showing how Ricky is realizing he has to let her go and start accepting his change and his relationships changing. Nina still has hers on maybe because she has fully grasped that they are over and that she had to let go— even if she has already mentally did it. She emotionally hasn’t. Her head mind she wants to be her own person but she still loves Ricky deeply. Yes, she is doing great and moving on to bigger and better things... but we have to see her physically take off the guitar pick like we seen from Ricky.
Also the lighting this season has been very dark, compared to last season. The theme is darkness because the Beast was keeping himself in his castle in darkness— Ricky nothing wanting anything to change. The Rose still being confined. Gaston still wanting Belle. Belle being sad and wanting to go back to her dad. As soon as the character arcs start developing more - Ricky accepting change and his parents divorce (every relationship isn’t meant to last forever), Nina accepting that she can break out of her shell and do something that truly makes her happy (her songwriting and music), Ej accepting that his love(feelings) for Belle(Gina) are taken for kindness same with Gina most likely and that he will be fine without a girlfriend and should focus on the future that he has and that he should do something for him and not his dad (maybe NYU or community college), Gina accepting and understanding that she wants to stay at East High and that she has friends that truly care about her and want her there, and speaks her truth with Ricky (they finally have that conversation about opening night). The lightning will lightning back up around episode 11 or 12 when most of these story arc wrap up.
The main storyline is Rina when that second chance happens and they have the big conversation about opening night and last semester, the story will lighten back up, Ricky is now accepting change and Gina is now accepting that she is wanted and that staying will be the best choice because this will be a stable “home” for her. - how ashlyn sung home to gina hehe.
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dumdumsun · 4 years
Forever and Never
A/N: I promise this isn’t a Ricky x Reader. I promise I promise. Also holy fucking shit I am not a cheerleader at all and I know how horrible the cheer is in this, plz don’t bully me
Warnings: sexual assault and a horribly written cheer
Word Count: 3267
Three: You Could Be
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“So, you and Richard were a couple again after you returned to Brownsville?”
“No… no, we were not.”
“But you let him believe you were.”
“Have a good day at school, sweetheart!”
I don’t think there was an ounce of me that actually liked Ricky.
“You, too, Aunt Pam!”
And I definitely didn’t mean to string him along like I did.
“Love you!”
It’s just…
“Love you too!”
Sometimes I had to prove to myself that I was worthy when it was clear that Stan had no feelings for me. When I stepped out the next morning and saw that he’d already left his home, I knew he was planning to catch up with Sydney and give her a ride to school. It shouldn’t have been such a big deal to me, but it still tugged at my heart just a bit. A part of me was angered at the thought of Stan trying anything with Sydney, while the rest was rational. He wasn’t mine, I wasn’t his. I had someone who clearly wanted me, but I always pushed him away. Why didn’t I like Ricky when I should have? We were everyone’s favorite couple, we hardly ever fought, he’d take me out to dates regularly. Sure, he had his faults, but so did I. So, why did I not like Richard Berry?
The day I felt my anger towards Stan embed itself into my veins was the same day the idea of Ricky and I being a couple once more was sparked. It started in science class. It seemed Ricky had been waiting for me to get there, for he was early to class for once. So early that he and I were the only ones in the room. I casually strolled to my desk, setting my backpack on the ground beside my seat. Ricky watched me with a patient smile, drumming rhythmically on his desk he was leaning on. When I sat in my seat, he then rested his elbows against his desk, a glint in his eye as he watched me. “Good morning, (Y/N).”
“Morning, Ricky. You’re in class early.”
“Ah, because I know you’re always here early. And I wanted to talk to you.”
“You always want to talk to me.” I hummed, taking out my materials for class. When my fingernail scratched against the fabric of my backpack, I hissed in dissatisfaction and gently bit my nail, trying to keep my mind at ease. This was another one of my compulsions. Ricky’s eyes flicked from my finger then back to my face, as if he’d just remembered what was wrong with me.
“Because I love talking with you, babe.” He grinned, taking a seat at his desk. I rolled my eyes and began to scold him, but he cut me off. “I know, I know. You don’t like it when I call you that. It’s just… I’m still getting used to it.”
“You’re still getting used to not calling me babe even after half a year since our break-up.” I deadpanned. Ricky moved his eyes all around, as if he was about to answer an obvious question.
“Yes? What did you expect, (Y/N)? For me to get over you so quick? Do you want me to say it? Do you honestly want me to say it?”
“Say what, Ricky?”
“I’m in love with you!”
“Still?” My eyes widened as I stared back at him in shock. He frantically nodded his head and I tried to formulate a sentence in my mind, but our classmates had begun filing in. As if I hadn’t just been confessed to, I turned forward in my seat, training my eyes on my notebook. I heard Dina greet me on the way to her seat, but I only gave a small smile. Ricky seemed to have understood my unresponsive behavior, for he turned forward as well.
Ten minutes. That’s how long Ricky waited to start talking to me again. Mr File was so invested in his lecture that he didn’t notice him turn in his seat towards me. “Are you planning on going to the pep rally?”
“Not really,” I sighed, scribbling notes into my book. “They’re not really my thing.”
“I’d really appreciate it if you were there.”
“I bet you would.”
He let out a sigh, almost of defeat, before his eyes moved towards the front of the class. “Dina will be there. I’m sure she’d like it if you were with her.”
Dina was going to the pep rally? Since when has she ever gone to pep rallies? My head lifted, a questioning look on my face. “Wait, what? Dina’s actually going?”
“Yeah, with Brad. And she’s… going to the game, too.”
Dropping my pen, I clenched my jaw. “You aren’t seriously asking-”
“I swear, you won’t regret it. It’ll be fun. And I need my number one cheerleader with me at my big game.”
Yeah, right. Ricky wouldn’t have noticed if I’d been in the stands, cheering him on like his lovesick puppy, or if I walked away the moment he turned around and showed back up at the end of the game. Or would he? Did he look for me in the stands? When they scored a touchdown, did he snap his head in my direction, eyes lighting up and hoping to see mine shine with pride? Like something out of the movies…
“Okay, fine.” I answered without even thinking. Shit. I could practically see the hearts in his eyes.
“You’re the best.” He grinned. Once we both turned our attention back to our teacher, everything settled in for me. Here I am, yet again, allowing myself into dangerous territory. Ricky was not good for me, he wasn’t good for me, he wasn’t good for me. But it was that stupid awestruck look on his face that pulled me in. It wasn’t his carefree attitude, his iconic fashion sense, or the way he danced barefoot in the middle of the street for anyone to see. Because that wasn’t him, and I liked all those things about Stan. But Stan didn’t look at me the way Ricky did, and I guess that was enough for me to seek attention from him.
I felt tapping on my shoulder and looked over to see Sydney, her arm stretched out towards me. She was holding a sloppily folded piece of paper. Smiling at her, I gently took the note and turned forward.
You look like you absolutely want to die
Grinning, I looked Stan’s way, only to find his eyes already trained downward, focused on his notes. Although, I also noticed that he kept glancing over at me from the corner of his eye. Rolling my head onto my shoulder, I scribbled my response, I do, before handing the note back to Sydney. I think the stars above loved me that day, because I had no more classes with Ricky for the remainder of the school day. It was much easier to slip through the crowd of students when he wasn’t on my back all the time.
When it came to lunch, I had two options: Dina and Sydney or Brad and Ricky. I only chose the latter when I couldn’t find Dina. Luckily, that day, she’d been sitting at a table with Sydney, the two immersed in a conversation. Dina was wildly gesturing with her hands as Sydney seemed to provide words every now and then with a small shrug. Striding over to their table, I set my tray of food down beside Sydney. “Mind if I crash your date?”
“We don’t mind.” Dina giggled as I took my seat. As I dug into my sandwich, I could feel eyes on me. My head lifted to meet Dina’s amused expression. “So, (Y/N), are you going to the game?”
Scoffing, I set my food down. “Yeah, but not because I want to…”
“Then why are you going?”
“For… Ricky, I guess.”
“For Ricky.” Her brows rose in shock, but it was obvious she knew what my answer would be. I was only half lying. Ricky was only a fraction of the reason I was going, Dina was the rest. Though, something was telling me that there was more to me attending this game than I thought. Maybe it was the mischievous look in Dina’s eyes, or maybe it was the jocks from Brad’s table glancing over at me and chuckling in amusement. As if the whole school knew of some big secret that involved me.
Dina offered to drive me to the game. It was honestly still very new, hanging out with her. She didn’t smoke and talk about the future as our doom, or sit in the dark and watch every Tim Burton film to ever touch humanity. We just… talked. Like, girl-talked. We sat in her room two hours before the game started, talking about clothes and shoes and Brad and Ricky. You know, girl shit.
“I think it’s cute that you’re going to the game for him.” She remarked as she touched up her face with some blush. Rolling my eyes, I flopped onto her bed.
“I wasn’t gonna go until he mentioned you…”
“Yeah, right. You can just admit that you still like him, (Y/N).”
“Oh, my god, Dina,” I exasperatedly sighed. “I do not like Ricky. I thought I made that clear last year.”
Dina turned to me before flopping onto her bed as well. “Oh, come on… He really likes you, (Y/N)... Like, you’re almost all he talks about.”
“Definitely not creepy-”
“Just give him another chance,” She pouted. “If it doesn’t work out, then I’ll make sure he never talks to you again, okay?”
“No one in this universe can keep Richard Berry from talking to me,” I lightly laughed, but stopped when her face fell into a deadpan. “Okay, fine… I’ll give him another shot…”
So, that night, I learned that Dina was a fucking traitor. I don’t necessarily mean that, but I was still taken aback by what she was a part of. The two of us had gotten the chance to watch the game from the sidelines, next to the cheerleaders. It gave Dina the perfect view of her boyfriend, and Ricky the perfect view of me. I swore he nearly snapped his neck in two trying to look over at me any chance he got. Whenever we’d lock eyes, I would simply wave politely. Head in the game, Richard, I thought.
I knew Dina wasn’t crazy about football, so I found it odd how her leg bounced rapidly as she watched our team head straight for a touchdown. As the crowd erupted in screams and the cheerleaders stood from the bench, Dina grinned over at me as if I should care. That’s when I heard the cheer.
“Give me a Z!”
“Give me an I!”
“Give me a P!”
“What’s that spell?!”
The cheerleaders skipped over to me, Dina helping me stand to my feet. I felt a pit form in my stomach when they stood before me in formation, ten of the football players standing behind them. My eyes widened as the girls in front of me began their dance and cheer.
“Ready! Okay! Homecoming’s approaching near, and there’s something you need to hear! Ricky here is all alone, he needs someone to call his own! There is just one girl in town, who fits the bill and wears the crown!”
That had to have been the worst cheer I’d ever heard. My eyes searched the field for any clues as to what the hell was happening, my head swimming as the football players each began holding up a card with a letter on it. Spelling out “homecoming”.
“Ricky is your Mister Right, we promise you he’ll make your night! Z! I! P!”
My heart dropped as I watched Ricky walk in front of the girls, wearing a nervous smile. “Will you go to homecoming with me?”
Fuck. No.
“Uh… Yeah.” I blinked, the entirety of the field and stands bursting in cheers. Dina clapped from behind me before pushing me closer to Ricky. He had a smile so big, I thought his face would split. Without a warning, he enveloped me in a hug, nearly lifting me off the ground. Eyes wide, I could only wrap my arms around him in hopes I didn’t fall over. His teammates were patting him on the back in congratulations, including Brad.
“Yes! The power couple is back!” Brad gently shook his friend’s shoulder. Ricky chuckled at his behavior, his eyes never leaving me, even as he set me back down.
“I promise, I’ll make your night, Zip.”
“Yeah… That’s what they said…” I tried a smile, but it fell almost instantly. I laughed a bit to play it off as being nervous. Hell, I was nervous. I was embarrassed! I can’t believe I hadn’t seen that coming, even Dina was acting off! Guiding me back to the bench, Ricky placed a soft kiss on the top of my head before heading back onto the field. I plopped down beside the beaming Dina, the girl vibrating in excitement.
“Oh, my god, (Y/N)! That was so cute!”
“Did you know?” My head snapped over to her. She nodded and gently shook my arm.
“Yes, I helped come up with the idea!”
Someone kill me. Please. Zeus, strike me down with all your might, I’m ready to leave this cruel existence behind me. That’s all I could think as the game resumed as normal. I tried not to make it obvious that I was completely repulsed with the idea of spending a night by Ricky’s side. I only rested my head in my hand as if I were watching the game, consumed with boredom. In reality, my mind was racing with every possibility of homecoming night. I could always ditch him? No, that’s rude as hell. But I didn’t even want to go with him! But they worked so hard on that cheer. Well, not really, anyone could have written that piece-of-shit-cheer-
My thoughts were interrupted when Dina stood and rushed towards the sidelines. I watched as Ricky ran onto the field to assist Brad, who had just been tackled too roughly. I hadn’t seen exactly what happened, but I guess he rolled his ankle really bad or something. As the coaches helped him up, he let out a curse. Once he was on his feet, well actually his foot, everyone began calling out to him in praise. And like the mindless drone I was, I lazily cheered for him, too.
After the game, Brad and Ricky treated Dina and I to a double date at some diner. I think I remember Dina mentioning that Sydney’s mom worked there. It was cozy and quiet, not many customers due to how late it was. I should’ve been relaxed, but when Ricky had his arm around me and tucked me into his side… I couldn’t help the feeling of bile in my throat. This wasn’t good. I shouldn’t be like this with him.
“Look at that,” Brad motioned towards the two of us, mouth full of fries. “America’s Power Couple. Back together again.”
“Yeah… good to be back…” Ricky happily smiled, squeezing me closer into his side.
“Ricky, are you gonna tell me what a covalent bond is or not?” I sighed as my boyfriend planted countless kisses across my jaw. I should’ve known he wouldn’t study if I came over. “Ricky, we need to study.”
“But you’re so smart, babe,” He chuckled. “You’ll be fine.”
“I’m not worried about me.” I sighed as he moved his mouth to my neck. My body instinctively flinched away, but he didn’t seem to notice. He was too busy sliding my chemistry textbook from my hands and carefully setting it on his floor beside our backpacks. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he gently laid us down on our sides so we faced each other. His dark brown eyes locked with my (e/c) ones, but his held a sort of fire.
“You wanna have sex?”
“U-Uh, what?” I stuttered. He shook his head the best he could with it being pressed against his bed. “Ricky, what?”
His hand slowly slid up my side and made its way under my shirt. I froze, whether in shock or panic, I wasn’t sure at the time. “Come on, babe… You know you want to…”
“I really don’t.” I firmly stated, pressing my palm against his chest to push him away, but he only grabbed me by the wrist, lifting my hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to my palm.
“Oh, but I think you do.” He rolled me onto my back. My heart rate increased as my voice rose.
“Ricky, seriously, stop!”
“You’re such a tease.”
“I’m not-”
The next thing I knew, his lips were latched onto mine, his tongue forcefully pushing its way into my mouth. I yelped and tried to shove him off of me, but Ricky was stronger than I was. I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes as his hand slid near my bra. My breathing was labored from my incoming panic attack, but that seemed to only encourage him. I did what my first thought told me and lifted my foot towards his groin and kicked him as hard as I could. He ripped himself away from me and gripped his wound, not prepared for the harsh push that would send him to the ground. Adrenaline coursing through my veins, I hopped off of his bed and grabbed my textbook, shoving it into my backpack.
“What the hell, (Y/N)?” Ricky slowly got to his feet, face painted in bewilderment. I gave him no explanation as I rushed out of his room. I had no car, I was scared to call anyone, so I decided to walk the whole way home. Once I was at the end of his street, I could hear his voice call out to me. “Where are you going?! (Y/N), get back here! Babe!”
But I paid him no mind. My arms made their way around my torso as my legs led me all the way to my aunt’s home. Everyone was eating dinner when I stormed inside. “(Y/N), you’re home early- Sweetheart?” I heard Aunt Pam call, but I only responded with the slam of my bedroom door. My back pressed against the door as I slowly slid down to my rear, burying my face into my hands. Quiet sobs filled my bedroom not too long afterwards, Jacob and Pam both attempting to pry what was wrong from me, but I refused to even respond to them. I was too in my head, too trapped in that moment.
The next day at school, I kept my head down, squeezing between everyone to get to classes early, to hide out in the bathrooms, but it was no use. When Ricky wanted to see me, he was going to see me. Just when I thought I was safe, he hugged me from behind. I stiffened immediately. “You didn’t text back.” He whispered into my neck. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I croaked out,
“It’s okay… I was just worried about you,” He turned me in his arms to face him. “Don’t just leave like that again.”
“Y-Yeah, sorry…” My eyes trailed away to see Stan, watching our interaction intently from his locker. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah… It’s good to be back…” I took the kiss to my cheek without protest.
Taglist: @melinda-hargreeves @sapphicsyn @stqnley @lonely-kermit @give-the-boy-a-hug
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caswellprmanager · 3 years
read it on ao3
Ship: Ricky Bowen/EJ Caswell
Summary: Snippets of EJ Caswell's life leading up to the mystery that is Ricky Bowen.
Notes: Hello. I decided to bite the bullet and post something here! This technically is in my Trans!EJ and Genderqueer!Ricky AU but I haven't properly written anything for it yet so consider this one to be the first official fic within that universe. Feel free to send some asks or other headcanons in my inbox about the AU! I'd love to hear what people think (but don't be unnecessarily mean. I will delete that very quickly.)
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert in all things transgender or genderqueer. I am writing from my own experience within the spectrum however so it's truthful to what I have been through, but will not represent everyone else's experiences. I also have friends within the spectrum who have given me great advice on how to go about these things but once again, it won't be accurate to everyone's experiences.
Warnings: Mentions of gender dysphoria, transphobia, and neglectful parents
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People always told EJ that he had the picture perfect family.
His mom and dad were successful corporate lawyers, they lived in the wealthiest suburb in all of Salt Lake City, and he was the kind of child other parents would compare their own children to saying, "why can't you be more like EJ?"
But EJ knows that's farthest from the truth.
He doesn't have the picture perfect life or the paragon of White American families that people think they do. His parents are affectionate and supportive only when there are people around to comment on it. Most of the time, they're not even at home, leaving all of the child raising to their maids and other house servants. EJ spends more time at Ashlyn's house than he does at home because at least his aunt and uncle actually treat him like a son.
Because there are days his parents would forget they have a son. Sometimes they'd slip and call him their daughter, which makes EJ want to disappear from this world altogether. He supposes he should be grateful that they even bothered to pay for all the things he asked for — binders, testosterone shots, and regular visits to the doctor to check up on him throughout his transition. And he is grateful. He knows so many kids like him that can't even afford a decent sized binder without going bankrupt. He used to be that kid until he gathered up all his courage to come out to his parents.
But what they told him?
"Well, if you're gonna be our son, you will have to work twice as hard to make us proud now."
Yeah. It's a lot to process when you're 12 years old and scared shitless that you'd be disowned for "disrupting the natural order." But he figures things could be worse. So he sucks it up and vows to become the kind of son that his parents could truly brag about.
When EJ was a kid, he loved mysteries. His parents were the greatest mystery of them all. He's spent so much of his time trying to figure out what makes them happy, or angry, or sad. He's put the clues together and has a cork board of pictures and red string at the forefront of his mind whenever he so much as tries to interact with them. Soon, he sort of figured out what makes his parents smile at him — when EJ is excellent.
So, he became excellent at all kinds of sports, took up piano lessons, studied until his eyeballs burned with the lowlight of his desk lamp — all so that he could maybe get a pat on the back from his dad and a small smile from his mom. Their versions of "good job" or "keep it up." He drank that all in, craved it even, and worked his whole life until now to get even an iota of his parents' affection.
So, when he meets Ricky Bowen, the lanky and extremely clumsy skater who seems to live in the detention room, he was met with a brand new mystery to solve.
"Who's that?" EJ whispers into Nini's ear, who just seems to be irritated by the new person's presence.
"That's Ricky," she says with the barest hint of affection but with a whole lot of irritation. "My ex."
"Huh," He says, intrigued by the way Ricky's movements stutter like a half-finished stop motion film and how their wide doe eyes scan the room like — unironically — a deer in headlights. They looked nervous, confused, and all around terrified and EJ wants to reach out to them and tell them that this was a safe space. That they could be whoever they wanted to be in the theater.
He glances at Nini when Ricky starts singing a song that she seems to recognize. The immediate tensing of her shoulders and the way she subconsciously reaches out for EJ's hand for support tells him that this song... means something. Or meant something. EJ's not quite sure but he squeezes Nini's hand in silent reassurance, bringing himself to half-glare at the guitar playing skater just a few feet before him.
He met Nini during theater camp. A firecracker of talent with a voice that could melt the heart of even the coldest man on earth. She was beautiful in the spotlight and even more ethereal beneath the stars. She was kind, gentle, and a mystery that EJ solved quickly enough. She wore her heart on her sleeve despite it being broken because she believes that broken hearts can be mended with time and patience.
Nini was patient with him. She was patient with him when he took her up the little hill next to the campsite just to watch the stars on an old picnic blanket he stole from the camp counselors. She was patient with him when he couldn't keep up with the dance steps. Her hand was warm in his own and the flush of her palm by his neck was a grounding force that kept his head from going in the clouds.
She was especially patient with him when he took her to an empty tent and told her about his life. Nini was kind. Nini was patient. Nini was safe. And if she were to walk away and tell him that she wanted nothing to do with him after what he told her, he would have understood and learned to not associate kind brown eyes and ukulele calloused fingers to what could be barely described as home.
But she held his hand in her tinier ones, a smile on her face that radiated warmth that seeped into the depths of his soul, and told him that she was proud of him.
It was the first time that someone was proud of him... for just being him.
He cried into her arms that night, knowing he's got a lifelong friend within the kind brown eyes and ukulele calloused fingers of one Nini Salazar-Roberts.
"She thinks I'm a Chad?" He asks, less incredulously and more with a burning curiosity.
Nini rubs his arm comfortingly but he keeps staring at the cast list like it was going to burst into flames any second. "You're still a Troy understudy! You could still go on as him in one of the shows."
"Shows only run for three nights, Nini." He says with barely concealed frustration. Great. If he can't even get the role he was technically destined to play, how the hell is he going to explain himself to his parents?
You're not the lead? Oh, then we won't watch. If you're not onstage the whole time, why be there?
EJ grits his teeth and slowly brings his gaze to the person who has just taken away one more way for him to prove himself to his parents. Ricky Fucking Bowen, who stands there once again with their enormous brown eyes, gaping like a fish. EJ wants to deck them in the face. But Nini's hold on his arm grounds him back to reality and he lets out a long breath through his nose.
This is gonna be a long next few months.
"Look, I'm just trying to make the best out of a bad situation."
"Don't try," He ends up saying, still wiping at the blood caused by the basketball Ricky hit him with only moments ago. "It's painful to watch you do something you clearly don't want to do."
"What makes you think I don't want to do this?" Ricky asks with furrowed brows and EJ throws the wadded up tissue paper stained with his blood into the trash.
"You hated musicals before you auditioned. You landed the part of Troy without even fucking trying. And now you think you can get through rehearsals without fucking trying? It's tiring to work with someone who couldn't give two shits about this musical in the first place!" He says, every sentence rising in volume as he steps closer and closer to Ricky. "You also need to stay the fuck away from Nini."
Ricky scoffs then. "Why? Cause you're her boyfriend?"
"What? And you are?" He retaliates, which effectively makes Ricky click their mouth shut. EJ smirks. "Yeah. That's what I thought."
"Nini can choose whoever she wants to talk to." Ricky ends up saying with tense shoulders and a glare that could murder if EJ weren't already a person who doesn't fear death. "You can't tell me what to do."
"Well someone has to!" EJ throws his hands up in frustration, grabbing his jacket and zipping it up angrily. "Because you don't listen to Nini though, do you? Have you ever listened to her? Do you listen to anybody?"
"EJ I—"
"You better listen to me right now Ricky Bowen," he laces every syllable of Ricky's name with venom. "Stop trying to make things right. Stop trying to become a person you're not. If you actually cared about Nini or – god forbid – the musical, you'd stop trying and just get your shit together."
EJ doesn't even bother to look back at Ricky as he exits the bathroom, unaware of the look in Ricky's eyes when he walked away.
It isn't until Ricky approaches him one day after rehearsals that EJ was finally starting to unravel the mystery that was Ricky Bowen.
"Hey... EJ?" Ricky asks, looking at anywhere but at him and EJ would have been annoyed if it weren't for the way Ricky was holding themselves in front of him. They were tense, eyes glassy and unfocused whenever EJ caught a glance, and their fingers were gripping their bag straps so tightly that he was afraid Ricky was going to rip it apart if they weren't careful.
"Hey Ricky," He says with a softer voice than he's ever used with Ricky. "Is there something you need?"
Ricky's eyes dart around the still full rehearsal room, at the dangerously close proximity Miss Jenn was, at the stage managers that were just behind EJ who were reviewing the blocking notes, and finally at Nini who was engaged in a conversation with Carlos and Seb. Ricky's eyes lingered on Nini for a bit before they reluctantly settled on EJ's pristine white sneakers. "I would have normally asked Nini for this but – and you can say no by the way I'd completely understand – it's just..."
Ricky looks around again before leaning closer to EJ and shakily whispering, "Do you have any tampons?"
And just like that, the walls that were built around a certain Ricky Bowen were starting to crack. And EJ was allowed to see the smallest snippet of the kind of vulnerability that Ricky was capable of.
And it was the kind of vulnerability that he could relate to completely.
"My emergency stash is in my locker," He says, hastily packing up the rest of his things while Ricky continues to stand there dumbfounded. When EJ turns back to him with his own bag over his shoulder, he could see that there are a few unshed tears shining in Ricky's eyes. EJ softens for a second, knowing how difficult it must have been for Ricky to come to him for something so private.
"Come on. I'll even guard the bathroom for you." Ricky eventually follows him after a few seconds of just staring at his back and they fall in step around the corner. Ricky stays silent, fingers all fidgety and eyes still darting around like they'll be caught any second. EJ, instinctually, wraps a comforting arm around Ricky's shoulders. Ricky doesn't relax immediately but they do lean a little closer, somehow finding the weight of EJ's arm around them safe.
They eventually reach EJ's locker and Ricky smiles a bit because it's directly across from Sharpay's famous pink lockers. "Did you choose this spot specifically for Sharpay's lockers?"
EJ glances behind him and chuckles, rummaging through his stuff. "Oh yeah. If you say Ashley Tisdale three times in a row while touching her locker, you're guaranteed good fortune for at least a week."
Ricky looks at him with a smirk. "Have you tried that before?"
"Every year during finals week. I'm telling you, that shit works."
"Or maybe you're just really smart."
"Maybe," EJ says, finally locating his emergency stash of period essentials. "Or maybe it's just Ashley Tisdale bopping me to the top."
That's when Ricky lets out a laugh — an honest to god booming belly laugh that makes EJ pause just to stare at him. They look... nice like this. Without the worry lines and longing gazes at a girl who won't give them the time of day. They look just like a little kid, carefree and alive despite the world crumbling all around them, and EJ feels a weird surge of pride at being the person who made Ricky laugh like that.
He wants Ricky to laugh like that more. He wants to be the person who makes Ricky laugh like that more.
And so the walls around Ricky crack a little further, and the drawbridge is opened for one weary traveler to come in.
EJ doesn't notice the cracks on his own walls, nor the knowing little princess who watches from the east tower, smiling.
"Hey, what are your pronouns?"
Ricky doesn't look up from their practice skateboard, concentrating hard on their balance. "I don't have any. I'm just Ricky." They look up though, giving EJ a warm smile. "But go ahead and use any pronouns with me. I don't mind if it's you."
"So would you mind if I call you your majesty?"
EJ doesn't miss the flush on Ricky's cheeks at that and definitely doesn't miss the way they say "I'd like that very much." with the barest hint of embarrassment.
"Okay," EJ says with his chin propped up in his hands. "Your majesty."
Ricky falls off of their practice skateboard then, soon glaring up at a cackling EJ still with a blushing face.
EJ forgot his binder today.
And his body loved reminding him every time he took a step.
Thankfully, there wasn't going to be water polo practice today and he could get away with wearing multiple layers to school. But even with the sports bra, the t-shirt, the sweatshirt, and the letterman jacket doing a good job at making his chest look flat, he still felt his skin crawl looking at the mirror. His jeans hugged him a little too tightly, forcing him to notice the still feminine curve of his hips. His sports bra was a tad smaller than the last time he wore it, so the pinch at his chest doubled in size.
EJ resolved that he was not going to have a good day today.
But today was tech rehearsals and he couldn't ditch that. He was starting to really enjoy rehearsals now that he and Ricky are on good terms. Even the stage managers ask him to hang out with them time to time outside of rehearsals. EJ actually felt like... he really belonged somewhere now. And he wasn't going to let this ruin it for him. Not today.
"Hey EJ," He heard Nini say to him as he got out of his car. "What's with all the layers? It's pretty hot today."
"It's one of those days, Neens." He says with a heavy sigh and Nini just grabs his hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. Ricky rolls up to them two seconds later, their head suspiciously missing a helmet.
"How many times do I have to tell you to wear a helmet when you're skateboarding, Ricky?" EJ tries to scold the junior despite this weirdly overwhelming fondness growing inside of him every time he even looks at Ricky now.
"Haven't gotten into an accident yet," Ricky shrugs, smiling politely at Nini and changing it into a cocky little smirk the second they look at EJ.
"Yet being the operative word here," EJ rolls his eyes and opens his trunk for Ricky to stash his board in for later. "I won't drive you to the hospital if you end up getting a concussion for not wearing a helmet."
"Yes you will." Ricky says, knocking their shoulders together. "You love me!"
EJ freezes for a bit but before he could even respond, Ricky is already catching up to Big Red and Gina, waving back at EJ and Nini with a wide grin. EJ stares at him for a few seconds, not quite sure how to process the last few moments, until Nini waves a hand in front of his face.
"Hello? Earth to EJ?"
"Care to share with the class what's going on?" The little smirk on her lips says it all and EJ was not going to fall for that.
"Nope. There's nothing to share."
"Mhm," She says, looping her arm around EJ as soon as he closed his trunk. "Of course there isn't, EJ." Nini pretends not to see EJ staring at Ricky as they walk into school. EJ pretends to not notice that she's pretending to not see EJ pretending to not overtly stare at Ricky.
Besides, EJ has gotten pretty good at pretending.
Aaaannndd that's it for now. I hope you guys liked that! I really enjoyed exploring trans!ej and genderqueer!ricky through this au and it means a lot to me. Maybe next time I'll write something in ricky's pov but for now thanks for reading !!
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HSMTMTS 2x11: Let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents... the reason for my next mental breakdown
I can't believe myself, honestly. Oversleeping on the one day of the week that I've got something exciting to wake up for? Oh well, I'm up now and I'd better go ahead and do this before my dashboard has showered me with spoilers. I mean, I have never really minded spoilers, but when it comes to this, somehow I do. Though I do wish something had forewarned me about last week's snap ending (get it, 'snap'... I'll see myself out). I'd better dive in already.
Yes, Mr Mazzara, that's what I've been saying for a while! Ok, maybe I haven't been very vocal about it, but it was in the foreground of my mind that they should have asked for Mr Mazzara's help re: transformation! I'm just glad he pointed it out. Not that he could have done much while he was busy playing therapist for his beloved Miss Jenn. Oh well.
Were those Ash and Ricky doing actual paired-up warmups? That is what they should have been doing for weeks now. That and having actual off-stage interactions, too. But I still subscribe to the theory that the gang had some good rehearsals off-screen — otherwise there's no way they could have been this good on stage as we saw in the previews. I said it last time and I'll say it again — not everything is for us to see.
Wow. The one time our leads are in unison, and it is about both being injured. The East High drama club must be cursed — they can't have one production run smoothly and without what can only be described as pure unbridled chaos.
They don't have any understudies? That explains some things... but also how? But also, I'm so happy Ashlyn is going on. No way she would have missed her first (first of many, right?) chance of being the lead because of some 'minor' injury.
Ricky and Nini still can't talk to each other properly. Oh well. Take your time. It's not like I care about this pairing anymore.
Did EJ just use the word 'dig'? Boy, the boy's got it baaaaaad. Also, what is it going to take for these two to realise they're in love? For all we know, they might have that big kiss we're all dreaming of and still be like 'nah, it's nothing, we're buddies'... give me a break! But I mean, at this point they might just be turning into Redlyn 2.0, where even a kiss doesn't define things. But hey, if they do follow in Redlyn's footsteps, that only means good things in their future, right?
What did that fake French git do to my boy Carlos? He's not supposed to look this inanimate until right before the climax of the play! Well, I mean, at least Seb serving as his interpreter means that Seb gets more lines for a bit. Too bad he can't go on for someone with more lines in the play.
Miss Jenn's 'words of inspiration' were less than inspired... yeah, this show's going down. Or it would, if it depended solely on her. Let's hope the kids do better. I mean, I know for a fact they will... at least for about 5 minutes of the thing. There is still room for things to go wrong and I'm scared.
Oh, my sweet boy... I wish I could jump in there and do something to help him feel less nervous. Thing is, if I were there, I'd probably be the most nervous of them all, even if I were playing Townsfolk #3 or something, and everyone's nervousness would rub off on me, and I would be making things worse instead of helping. So yeah, I'm kind of glad I'm not there.
Ahhhh who called it? @redlyncentral was it you? Ash got flowers for her Biggie! And there's a card whose contents we've yet to see. But that doesn't seem to be helping either. My sweet, sweet Reddy... I hope and pray he'll be alright.
Well this is awkward! Who told Mike to show up and shake everything up right now? Miss Jenn is literally on the brink of exploding, and now she's stuck in this completely unnecessary love triangle. She needs some space. And a quiet place to breathe, thanks Mr M for suggesting it.
'Did we forget to build a mote around the school or...' Yeah, you tell her, Rick! That girl whose name I never want to pronounce (because it makes me think of much nicer people and she's making me hate it) has no business being there. She's not... being given a redemption arc, is she now? Some people just don't deserve it. And if hating her is an unpopular opinion now, well, I never did care much about having popular opinions. I can live with that.
'Lily, scram!' Yes, thank you, Natalie! I've always wanted someone who would voice my thoughts in a way that the characters can hear them. Make this girl a main next season, won't you? (Just so we're crystal clear, I mean Natalie, not the other one.)
OMG Mr M is in the play! In a way... I love that!
I love, love, love the way they did the prologue. 'Repulsed [the prince makes an over-the-top gesture of repulsion] by her haggard appearance [the witch shows off her face to the audience]...' I love this. I would pay a lot for a chance to see their entire play, you know?
Oh dear, somebody give my boy Reddy some sort of... medical aid against all the throwing up! I've got a nice pill that helps me with my bad cases of motion sickness. Hey, so maybe I could have helped if I were there after all. Great, now I feel bad. But also, is all the throwing up an excuse on the writers' part to keep my boy off-screen for the majority of this episode? Because it's a really lame excuse.
Gina's 'Many questions' continues to be a mood. What exactly is Miss Jenn expecting from the kids? Last-minute adjustments? No way. This spells disaster.
Was Carlos on vocal rest or something? Because he shines like the star he is... despite all the very obvious nervousness backstage. I mean, I wouldn't have it any other way, but... oh well, I wouldn't say it's unrealistic. In my personal performing experience, the most nervous ones perform the best. (So... what is that saying for my boy Reddy? Good things only.)
I've already had the opportunity to geek out about Be Our Guest yesterday, but... I mean, just look at them! Carlos doesn't need actual candles to be on fire, Ashlyn is stealing the scene without any lines in it, Gina is absolutely gorgeous, and don't even get me started on EJ and Big Red looking at their girls in absolute awe! This is everything!
Aww, look at them! Gina and Ashlyn dancing together, I mean. They're sisters and it really shows. And I love them both so much.
Kourtney is an absolute show-stealer! I'm still upset about some casting choices (one of them is in this scene, doing his absolute best with the crumbs he has been given), but she is absolutely perfect. I think I'll rewind and watch this entire scene again before moving on with the rest of the episode.
I'd just like to point out that Frankie's voice in his lower register is everything!
'You absolutely dusted that stage'... Not EJ making a pun so punny even I could not have thought of it... boy is absolutely smitten!
Not me tearing up when Jordan Fisher appeared as Gina's brother... like, I knew it was happening — I knew it even before it was announced. And I still teared up because, well, it's emotional in-universe and out.
Awww, my boy Reddy is so in love with Ashlyn... I mean, who wouldn't be... but — not Ricky saying Lily might not be as mean as they thought. Especially not to Big Red of all people. To him, she was just as mean as they thought.
'Side hustle project in the south hallway'? Ooh, what is it, I want to know now!
Why do I feel like things are a bit too awkward between Kourtney and Howie? Not that I'm too invested in their relationship, but if it bothered me, imagine how it must feel for the stans.
No, Ash, you absolutely do not need to add any fancy riffs to the song! Especially not just because L... well, that girl did it. You're unique and lovely and a literal Disney princess inside and out. That girl? She's just a wolf in a sparkling golden dress.
Awww... Big Red literally lowers Ash's blood pressure! Those two are such an amazing couple! (Full disclosure, though, he kind of does the same for me too; the other night I had this horrible nightmare, and I woke up in cold sweat in the middle of the night, and then... ok, getting too personal there.) The point is, if even the fantasy of a Big Red hug makes me feel better, imagine what his actual presence would do for Ash at that moment. Where is my boy? Everyone seems to be looking for him.
Oh... guess they took my advice to give the poor boy something for his vomiting issue. Good for whoever thought of it.
And we're back to the Porter siblings... forgive me if I still can't wrap my head around calling Gina's brother Jamie. I don't know about you guys, but thanks to my lovely new friend Paz he will always be Theodore to me. I guess we can headcanon that as his middle name. Anyway, I love it that they made a joke about the hilarious height difference between him and Gina because, well, it's the only thing I can think about when I look at the two of them. It reminds me of me and my little cousin who has been taller than me since she was 10, and is still growing taller now at 13. But, I mean, it's not very hard to be taller than me, since I'm so, so short... ok, this is not about me. Moving on.
Was I the only one who actually laughed out loud at Ricky drinking from the bowl as the Beast? I mean, that part has always made me laugh in the original movie, but something about Ricky's take on it makes it even funnier.
Meanwhile, my girl Ash is absolutely killing it as Belle. Not me having the very same expression as Big Red while watching her... gosh, I love both of them so much! Also, no offence to the rest of the cast, but Julia really is the best vocalist out there. Out of all of them. I said what I said.
My apologies to Ricky, but his voice is just not it when it comes to playing the Beast. Still, with the other option being him putting on that fake deep voice from the audition, I'm glad he didn't.
Ahhhh Portwell nation you ok guys? Since we didn't get them singing Something There, this is very much the next best thing... and boy, is it good!
Those glances between Kourtney and Howie, on the other hand... what on Earth is happening there?
Ok, so you all know just how strongly I feel about Seb's casting as Chip, and yet... boy had one line and absolutely ate it up! Give him an actual singing role next time, Miss Jenn!
EJ being starstruck by Jamie not because he's a big music producer, but because he's Gina's brother... excuse me while I sob!
Excuse me, what!!!! 'A big brother figure'? Boy, this didn't turn out the way I thought it would... now I'm scared.
Way to ruin things, Jamie! And I don't even mean the fact that his name is not Theodore. It doesn't matter what his name is anymore. He might just have put a spanner in the works of Portwell, and they were just doing so well! Ugh, I'm so frustrated. I wish I'd never boarded — what did I call it — 'the majestic S.S. Portwell'. What if it doesn't set sail now?
And there goes another disappointment... Carlos' 'the orchestra hasn't vamped this much since Bop to the Top' line had nothing to do with Seblos, and everything to do with what might still be the downfall of this show. I am not ready.
No. Miss Jenn did not just say that. She did not just tell Ricky — who, may I remind you, not that anyone's forgotten, just fell off of a high place last episode — to 'jump off of something high'. I realise she's under all the pressure, but that is not an excuse. Well, at least she heard herself.
Oh my gods... Nini — well, Nina, actually — did not just call him 'Richard', did she? That's it, that's the point of no return. And well, I kind of wanted them to reach it.
Told you, didn't I? I told you that-girl-who-must-not-be-named was evil! I always follow my intuition and it has not once deceived me. Redeem that, if you can! Guess what? You can't. We've just reached another point of no return.
Wait, a bloody cliffhanger? I cannot handle this. I physically cannot handle this. If you need me, I'll be sitting on my bed in shock, trying to process everything that happened. I'll need a while to get a grip on myself.
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amateur-author597 · 3 years
Everyone who said Blinky would die because of"and blinky" in the trailer
Fuck you
It was very fair but still I was so scared
Same to if those who said Archie died because he wasn't in the trailer
Again fair but I was terrified and anxious as hell
My heart could not have handled if he died or Douxie's grief but I'm still upset about what actually happened
And I wish Zoe showed up so they could give her some characterization
We find out she's known Douxie and been friends with him for over 900 years but she doesn't help with the Arcane Order?
And none of the hedge witches show up to help fight them to defend their home?!?!?!
Jim you stupid string bean, I love you though
Claire, good job, that was some hard magic
Toby, go duke!
Douxie my husband, YAAASS QUEEN, GET IT BABY
The Police Station
It was so funny
Everything about it I loved
Douxari confusing the officers and being neutrally chaotic
Claire trying to be tough and silent
Toby spilling ALL the tea and the officers not believing him
Archie just being Archie and enjoying the confusion of the humans
Keep casually listing just about every spy agency in order
and then just
"And your mum"
What a legend
Literal King 👑
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
Very unpopular opinion
I loved it, so fucking funny
I don't even like mpreg normally
But I loved it as a random side plot cause they probably couldn't find an import part for every character and still give them their deserved screen time
Also, funny!
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
I don't necessarily love her by any means
But still!
*key spams in frustration*
This began much irritation that just increased
I was sad
"Nor more running"
Simple line
Shattered me and my very being THE SWITCHING SPELL
Douxari was so chaotic and funny and pure in a very weird way
I was sad that THAT screenshot of Douxie and Archie wasn't actually Archie because he looked so happy chddling his familiar but it was still cute
Narxie was so fucking sarcastic when the Arcane Order realized the spell didn't work and I live for it
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
I loved it, so fucking funny
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
Dndndbebhsve hehr didjbdisbeurbvtisjbsgsneosbsyneyjsosnsjdbdynsvsidbfindbzhndhdushdhushdbud
*key spams in frustration*
Titan Nari
I was so scared when Douxie nearly passes out from lack of oxygen trying to save her
Claire did a great job and I like her but I feel like they're overpowering her without developing her
Nari and Skrael's battle was a cinematic masterpiece
Coach Lawrence seriously needs a break
"No more running" destroyed me
The 9th configuration
The Final Battle
I don't even know what to say
RIP Varvatos
Rip Douxie that fall would have really fucking hurt
He definitely had broken ribs from that
I'm surprised he could walk after even while being supported against someone else to stand
Jim should have just stabbed Bellroc instead of talking
Jim should not have been able to walk and run perfectly fine after being stabbed even with all the adrenaline
"Always was, always will be" hurt my entire soul
The Time stone
This frustrated me so much it took me 3 days to write just this bit
Go back in time and save everyone?
Yes! Awesome!
Go back to the start the start
Also, I love and adore Toby
I get that he was tired of being the trollhunter
Largely because he was tired of not thinking he would do a good enough job
But odds are Toby will make some of the same mistakes and they'll be right back in that same position except maybe Claire will die that time around
And if you're sick of the trauma and responsibility of it than why would you dump it on your best friend
Once again I say, it was an illogical and dumb decision
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kkusuka · 4 years
Third year songs <3
this is most of the thrid years- not all 
from my spotify liked playlist <3
comes with a side of slight character analysis 
These are my interpretations of HQ characters and these songs!!
Time-skip spoilers!! (very slight) 
Daichi Sawamura
 Waiting for Superman- Daughtry
She's waiting for Superman
To lift her up
And take her anywhere
Show her love
And climbing through the air
Save her now
Before it's too late tonight
She's waiting for Superman
Daichi seems like he makes a  lot of promises, that he just can’t physically keep. He just has so many things going on that he just can’t pay attention to all of them at once. This leads to far too many forgotten dates and even more broken promises. You know its not his fault and he does too, he just can’t leave anyone hanging. 
Koushi Sugawara
 Island- Florida Georgia Line
We might as well be on an island
Like we're the last two on this Earth
Like we're frozen here in time
Like it's empty here tonight
I feel like suga likes to put himself back into happier times. And that he tries to hold into happy moments as they are happening. He says he is a man of the moment, but when he feels down, he tries to put himself back into the more joyous times. 
Asahi Azumane 
You say- Lauren Daigle 
You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
And you say I am held when I am falling short
And when I don't belong, oh You say I am Yours
And I believe (I)
Oh, I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
I believe
Asahi is clearly very attached to how people perceive him. So when people shower him with compliments, he attaches onto them. He likes what makes him comfortable and he wants to stay comfortable for as long as he can. Words are important to him, so when he hears something bad it can ruin him for a while. He really does believe what the people he loves say to him. 
Kiyoko Shimizu
 Mothers daughter- Miley Cyrus 
Oh my gosh, she got the power
Oh, look at her, she got the power
So, so, so
Must be something in the water
Or that I'm my mother's daughter
The power this woman carries. She’s built her confidence and she’s not letting anyone ruin it for her. I truly believe that her friends all become more confident because she wants everyone around her to feel confident too. Since she doesn't speak all that much she lets her body language do most of the expression. 
Tetsurō Kuroo
 High school sweethearts- Melanie Martinez 
Could you hold me through the night?
Put your lips all over my mine
Salty face when I start cryin'
Could you be my first time?
Eat me up like apple pie
Kuroo definitely takes trust very seriously. I feel he’s also really scared of someone breaking this trust, so he does form it with a lot of people. That saying if he does, he wants it to last forever.
 (...Step twoThis is a waste if you can't walk me down the finish line…) 
He truly believes in the people he surrounds himself with. 
Nobuyuki Kai 
Kill the Lights- Set it Off
Now I am cutting ties clean off
And I can breathe at last
So we all stand enthralled by this bland curtain call
And the truth we pursue as we all, we all beg you to
 Kai seems like he wasn't really that invested in volleyball, so having all these passionate people around him was a shock.  But he really got into third year, and he wants people to feel that passion too. In the back of his mind he feels bad for not feeling it like the rest of the team, but since looking in the past means nothing now, he tries to move on. 
Morisuke Yaku
 Mama- Mcr
And when we go don't blame us, yeah
We'll let the fires just bathe us, yeah
You made us oh so famous;
We'll never let you go
And when you go don't return to me my love
I mean, he is part of the mom squad. But it's ever so slightly more deep. I’m gonna say it's momma-bird syndrome. He doesn't want people to move on without him, seeing people achieve their dreams is great but he doesn't want you to do it if that means loving him. 
Tōru Oikawa
Prom Queen- Beach Bunny
Maybe I should try harder
You should lower your expectations
I'm no quick-curl barbie
I was never cut out for prom queen
I feel like oikawa is constantly feeling like he has to catch up to everyone around him. At some point in Argentina he came to the conclusion that he was good enough and didn't need to rise to anyone's standards of him, but when he got picked for the national team everything came back. He still has all of those feelings from high-school. Never making it to nationals, feeling like he failed his team. 
Issei Matsukawa
Bubblegum Bitch- Marina and the diamonds 
Got a figure like a pin-up, got a figure like a doll
Don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all
Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored
I'm the girl you'd die for
I feel like to earn Mattsun’s trust, he would put you through some ridiculous trial of sorts. I also feel that he is very comfortable with who he is, and he takes no shit about it. But that comes with the fact that he rarely takes fault in things, and that sparks arguments. He’ll use your love for him against you, he’ll be as cold as he can muster, until YOU take fault. 
Takahiro Hanamaki
 OUT THE ROOF- Chase Atlantic 
Yeah, we stay lit
We fuck bitches, pop on pillies, that is it, yeah
Holy moly, holy shit, yeah
Me and all my people are heaven sent, yeah, yup
9this is a strait vibe for Makki) 
I feel like Makki drowns his problems out with meaningless activities. Like smoking or one-night stands. He’d rather drown out his problems then have them in his  face. Or when he’s forced to face them, he’ll deflect until he has nothing else to deflect. Because when you’re high there nothing to worry about! Why stress about meaningless problems when he can be having fun!  
Hajime Iwaizumi
 Endlessly- The Cab
Yeah, your friends may think I'm crazy
Cause they can only see
I'm not perfect, but I swear, I'm perfect for you.
And there's no guarantee
That this will be easy.
It's not a miracle you need, believe me.
Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me
But I will love you endlessly.
Iwa knows that he can't be there for you all the time. Physically he tries his best, mentally he can help when he can. But you both know that you're perfect for one another. He just can't help but listen to the people around him sometimes. You deserve the world, but he doesn't know if he can give that to you. 
Kōtarō Bokuto 
Prima Donna- Andrew Lloyd Webber 
Can you bow out when they're shouting your name?
Think of how they all adore you
We’ve all seen how Bokuto gets what he’s praised for literally anything remotely impressive. So that makes him a cannon prima donna! but that also means the lows and really bad mood swings. This song just fits him so well it’s scary.  
Wakatoshi Ushijim
 More- Usher 
If you really want more, scream it out louder,
If you on the floor, bring out the fire,
And light it up, take it up higher,
Gotta push it to the limit, give it more.
This seems kinda obvious, but Ushijima never gives up. Ever since he was a kid, he set a goal for himself and he went beyond what he even set out for. And that comes with a lot of work and training for every new level of volleyball. He’s just going to get better and better until he retires, or is forced to retire. 
Eita Semi
 strawberries and cigarettes- troye sivan
Long nights, daydreams
Sugar and smoke rings, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
Headlights, on me
Racing to 60, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like
Blue eyes, black jeans
Lighters and candy, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
I feel like semi always thinks about how Shirabu replaced him on the starting line-up. But he’s mostly gotten over it, but certain things bring him back into that stage of his life. Then the cycle starts all over again. He constantly looks back on the game against Karasuno and thinks about wat would have happened if he was the setter instead. 
Reon Ōhira
 Remember when- Chris Wallace 
So can we push push push rewind,
Go go back in time,
When we were kids sneaking bottles of wine,
Take take take me back, I wanna go back,
Back to what we had! Do you remember when we started this mess,
My heart was beating out of my chest!,
Remember when we stole your dad's car,
Reon gives me the vibe that his days at Shiratorizawa were some of the best of his life. How can they not be? He made the greatest friends of his life there. And I also feel like he looks back on them a bit more than he wants to admit.
Satori Tendō
 This Side of Paradise- Coyote theory
Are you lonely?
Passion is crashing as we speak
You seem so lonely
You're the ground my feet won't reach
So if you're lonely
Darling you're glowing
If you're lonely come be lonely with me.
I get the vibe that Tendou attaches himself to whatever makes him feel wanted/safe. (ex. volleyball) he knows it isn't healthy, but he can't help it. This does lead to him completely distancing himself from you over and over because he thinks you’ll leave him. 
Hayato Yamagata- House of gold- Twenty one Pilots 
I will make you
Queen of everything you see
I'll put you on the map
I'll cure you of disease (Ooh)
And since we know that dreams are dead
And life turns plans up on their head
I will plan to be a bum
So I just might become someone
Even though we don't see a lot of him, I get the feeling he treats people really well. Like he cherishes people a lot more than some of them deserve. As you can see this leads to some unfair relationships and toxic people. He just wants to hold on until a good person comes along. 
Suguru Daishō
Mr Loverman - Ricky Montgomery 
I'm Mr. Loverman
And I miss my lover, man
I'm Mr. Loverman
Oh, and I miss my lover
I feel like this was way too obvious, but it really is his song. It’s literally cannon, every lyric in this song is what happened with Mika. but in the end he got her back and made his promise  to be a better loverman <3. 
Kazuma Numai
 Nonstop- Drake 
Future took the business and ran it for me
I let Ollie take the owl, told him brand it for me
I get two million a pop and that's standard for me
Like I went blind dog, you gotta hand it to me
He looks and acts like a guy who listens to drake. He just seems like a guy who won't stop or give up even when things take a turn. He’ll just keep fighting until nothing’s left. 
Kōji Hiroo
 At the Wheel- Colorblind 
I need something to wake me up
It's never strong enough
I'm just getting colder and starting over
Going numb is just the way I run from
All my problems when I can't solve them
Need to break away
Escape the way I'm feeling
Hate to be fake, but I'm just dealing
This one doesn't really have a true reason, i really just felt like this was his song.  Sorry just the vibe. 
Shinsuke Kita
 Oh Ms Believer- twenty one pilots 
Oh, Ms. Believer, my pretty sleeper
Your twisted mind is like snow on the road
Your shaking shoulders prove that it's colder
Inside your head than the winter of dead
I will tell you I love you
But the muffs on your ears will cater your fears
My nose and feet are running as we start
To travel through snow
Together we go
I feel like kita is unintentionally cold towards the world, like he wants to open up but can't figure out how. But in turn if you can get him to feel “warmer” (get closer to him) he’ll share everything with you, almost oversharing. Just because he can't help it, he’s kept it all in for so long. Sometimes he just needs someone to hold him and make HIM feel better, because he does it for everyone. If you can manage all of this i feel like he’ll keep you with him forever. 
Ren Ōmimi
 Armor- Landon Austin
I'm not bullet proof when it comes to you
Don't know what to say when you made me the enemy
After the war is won
There's always the next one
I'm not bullet proof when it comes to you
I feel like not a lot of people approach ren because of how intimidating he looks. This has made him weary when people are really enthused to first meet him, because he thinks it’s a joke. After getting over that hurdle i feel like he just isn't an open person so it’ll take a long time to even get to a point where he trusts you. Hence the other wars after the first. 
Aran Ojiro-
 Never really over- Katy perry
Two years, and just like that, my head still takes me back
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
Oh, we were such a mess, but wasn't it the best?
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
Just because it's over doesn't mean it's really over
And if I think it over, maybe you'll be coming over again
And I'll have to get over you all over again
After all of these years, I really don't think Aran has truly gotten over losing at nationals in third year. And now on the national team he sees Hinata and Kageyama all the time and it takes him back. It makes him re-feel all the emotions he felt after the game. It hurt him to know that he gave his everything and still lost.  Like when he’s in bed he puts himself back into that self loathing phase of his life. 
Michinari Akagi
Try Hard - 5sos
It's obvious she’s so out of reach
And I'm finding it hard 'cause
She makes me feel, makes me feel
Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard
'Cause I'm not being me
And it’s getting me down that
She makes me think, makes me think
That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again
Akagi gives off boy best friend vibes.  But like to EVERYONE, so the person he liked just thought he was making fun of them and he didn't like them back. And i feel like that kinda traumatized him a bit, so when he got a new s/o he tried really really hard to make them special, but the same thing happened. 
i may do some with the second and first years, idk this took so long :)
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