#And he's so tall and ugggh
tainted-by-skeletons · 5 months
Reader X Sans X Grillby (Part 3)
NSFW Warning
“Why are you two talking about me like I'm not here?” Grillby interrupted.
“Eheh. Sorry.” I apologized.
“You're being weird today Grillbz.” Sans butt in. “What are you trying to do?”
“What do you mean? I'm just having fun tonight.”
“Nah. I don't believe you. Are you trying to get in bed with us?”
Grillby's expression gave everything away. Still, he tried his best to keep his secrets.
“Now why would I do that? I wouldn't risk ruining your friendship. That would be terribly awkward. Wouldn't it?”
I shrugged as Grillby slid us two tall red drinks. I personally didn't think it was weird to have a drunk fling with a friend. If feelings got involved then it would be weird.
“I can't believe you. We're not your toys ya know.”
“Not yet.” I said before I took a sip of the drink.
“Ugggh. You're way too horny.”
“Heheh. I can't help it. I'm a man. Hey, that reminds me. Do you gotta dick?”
Sans spit out his drink and Grillby started literally roaring with laughter. I laughed along with him but I didn't stop the pressure on Sans. I stared at him until he answered me.
“You don't need to know. So I don't need to tell you.”
“So like… it doesn't matter if I grope you because I don't know if you have genitals.”
“That is not how it works!”
“So if I take your clothes off, it's okay if I see you naked. Because I'm under the reasonable assumption you have nothing you need to hide.” Grillby joined in.
“No! You're not stripping me!”
I didn't know how far I could push the subject. Sans wasn't threatening to leave but I didn't think he would threaten to. I was pretty sure he'd just go.
“Yeah. I don't wanna see that anyway. It probably looks weird as hell.” So I tried a different strategy.
“Dude. That wasn't cool.” Sans said.
Just as I planned, my comment infuriated Grillby. He slammed a hand on the table and leaned in towards me.
“What gives you the right to comment on someone else? Are you directing attention away from yourself?”
Sans snickered. That didn't go as planned at all. I was hoping Grillby would start defending Sans’ honor by complimenting him and gushing over him. But instead my four inch was at risk of exposure.
“If you want a dick to be seen I have an idea to accomplish that. Why don't we take a look at your body then? Since you seem so excited to use it tonight.”
“Woah! Hey! T-th-there’s no need for that!”
“Heh. Know what? I think I'll let this slide. Since you seem like you deserve it.” Sans said as he sat back in his chair and took a sip of his drink.
“What?! Hey! What happened to you u not wanting to do that! I-I’m not gonna strip for you guys!”
“You're gonna have to, little boy. Or I might hurt you when I burn off your clothes.” Grillby threatened.
“Aah! Nooo! You monsters are crazy!”
“Heh. Humans. You guys are such pussies. It's just a little fire magic.”
One thing I've learned about monsters is that they get seriously hurt a lot and they don't seem to mind it. Assault and serious injuries aren't really a big deal to them. It's just part of their culture. It keeps them strong.
Grillby put out his hands and made a groping motion as he came around the bar and started moving towards me. Sans was laughing his ass off as I backed away from Grillby. My body started shaking very obviously. It seemed to entertain the two.
“Poor little boy. You really don't want us to see your dick. Do you? Hmhm~ Is it that small?”
Sans attempted to say something but he couldn't get anything out through his laughter.
“Grillby please! You don't have to do this!”
“Ohhhh don't you want me to? I thought you were trying to get in our pants. It's only fair you sacrifice yourself to us first.”
“Noo! Why do you have to say it like that?!”
“Aw come on bud." Sans said. "You're not scared of us. Are you? Come on. What am I gonna do? Throw a bone at you?”
“You're not the one I'm scared of! I'm still one man against two and one of them is made of fi-*gasp!* H-how!?”
Something on my lower back tingled and before I could figure out what it was, my pants were pulled down to my ankles. But nobody was behind me.
“Awww. I was right. Poor thing~” Grillby cooed in a demeaning tone. “You know what? I should stop bullying you. Hmhm~ You're unfortunate enough. You already got what you deserve.”
By that I'm sure he meant I was so obviously small just looking at my underwear there was no need to remove them.
“Heheh. Your face is so red." Sans laughed. "I didn't know humans did that too. Cute.”
“Hey! Don't call me cute!”
“Oh it's much too late for that.” Grillby said as he slid next to me and grabbed my crotch.
Grillby, a tall man especially compared to me, leaned down next to my face. Still groping me, he whispered in my ear.
“Y/N. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so mean about your size. I'm sure once you're erect you’ll be quite delicious- ah. I mean, impressive.”
“A-aahh~ wha… mmnnn~”
My flacid friend was quickly gearing up to show Grillby it's full size. But that also meant that Sans would see too. I didn't mind that idea before I was put on display in such a humiliating way. I tried hard to mask my expression and noises but I hadn't been touched like that in so long. I didn't want to see how Sans was looking at me, but eventually I couldn't take not knowing. I didn't hear him laughing so maybe he wasn't. But seeing him look disgusted would be even worse. I opened one eye and looked up at Sans sitting on the barstool. When he caught me looking at him… Sans smirked and looked me up and down in a way that made me get even harder. I didn't think he was capable of making such a sexy expression.
What's getting him horny now?! Is he a sadist?! Oh God. This was a huge mistake. A sadist and a monster is a very terrifying mix!
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coralsgrimes · 2 years
Alright, I'll try to remember everything and answer in order 😁:
1. The background for the promo vids is just all black, which fits with the theme, I guess, but is honestly a cheap cop out. They could have set it all up in a luxurious hotel or smth, deep jewelry tones, really opulent styles...because this is basically just a black curtain. Boring, cheap, done before etc.
2. No further comments on this 😁
3. He might not have had any further training, but at some point you'd think experience would start to make up for some of that. The kids are somewhat excused - little experience, and not deemed important enough for anyone to dedicate money and time on training. This is S&B, not Wednesday.
4. That's kinda her thing. I don't personally agree with her style choices, though she has the youth, personality, and body to pull most of them off. The black dress and the super short, skin tight with peekaboo lacing both come from brand called De LA Vali, which I've never heard of before. It fits right in with her previous fashion hoices, so at least she's true to her taste? I guess?
5. Honestly, I think he looks bored. I think he's mentally clocked out, because he's obviously seen the writing on the wall and knows this is the last hurrah. He's there because it's work, he literally signed up for it. I can't blame him for all the boredom - it must be horrible sitting through one inane session after the other, with mostly the same question over and over again. I'd be screaming halfway through, no matter if it's my job.
As for his/stylists choices...ugh. I could *kind of* be on board with the brown cardi, if the shade had been different (or just a different colour), because it looks cozy, but not for a daytime promo thing. Wrong colour, wrong place.
I think he's worn a shirt similar to that second cardi, but in a much better colour. This one is offensively bland. Lewis looks smug all the time, Ben looks bored - honestly, I'll take the bored, at least it doesn't make me borderline violent.
I'll say this: Ben's outfits aren't good, but at least they're not what Calahan and Lewis wore. I get that they're tall and very fit guys, and that LA is hot, but those sleeveless tops should be burned. They look like they either got the sleeves ripped off by accident, or the wearer forgot to put a shirt on over his vest. An honest to god white wife beater might have looked better 🤦‍♀️ I blame this on their stylist, because neither man would have gas much to choose from, they're pretty much unknown entities, though Lewis has some credits to his name, I guess.
Ugggh, sorry about the wall of text, this got way longer than I thought it would be!
I get where ye coming from with the interview thing but like??? It's a common practice?? Black backdrop or the promo poster?? They literally sit on their asses in one room all day and the interviewers change. Like yeee sure some would do fancier interviews spots but for fancier publications. Netflix not gonna bother for yahoo Finland and vanity fairy won't even touch shadow daddy show like... Also if Benny bored I can't blame him. It's not like he needs to work his ass off cuz the show is getting the axe either way and no one gonna submit his one puppy eyes crying performance for emmys lol he there cuz he has to and also ye know he a STAR... OH and he not an actor anymore, he a full-time aspiring self-failed homeless musician now so he is bored with the trivial monkey show that being an actor is ;ccc
What experience Benny had tho? He was wild card back in punisher days and now he walking the most bland don't get on anyone bad side by having no personality patch. Ye remember his EP promos?? Yep. Also like it's not only netflix business to train them but their managements too right? They just keepin it real with where they going then lol
Like Jessie is experimenting which is cool and stuff that's what we here for. But this one?? No matter the brand it just screams fashion nova from miles away and that's a fashion nono :c sorry Jessie babey that they put ye in this. Wasn't she doing MSGM at brit fashion awards??? Where's that energy now hm?
And here is the 20 quid design in question
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And Benny and his similar fits... Ye this is the point I've been making for days now. He wears same boring rags scraps but now with more expensive price tag x.x
I probably skipped through Mr Lewis and gym bro Cal, like I don't particularly care but yeee I was not expecting miracles from anyone in that cast so why waste me time? Oscars in three days that's what imma waiting for lol and boring makes me violent sooooo
Also no matter what, Benny always looks the worst next to his kids. Cuz he personally against me with that shite he wears like always x.x
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lavender-kills · 7 years
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cannibalcreeps · 4 years
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He is so taaaall 😩💦💕
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jaylaxies · 2 years
Nana's CAN'T YOU SEE ME review starts here (excuse the profanity):
He softly pressed his lips on your cheek in a feather-light kiss. -- bestie I don't like kids but this was CUTE
Your name was his favourite word to say out loud -- SHUT UP I hate it when ppl call me by my first name but if it's little Heeseung MAYBE IT'S NOT THAT BAD
Although, what he didn’t expect to see was you opening the door with your lipstick smudged and breathing rigged, -- GASP! NO!
“Let the kid go, you can meet him later,” -- who tf you calling kid you stupid muscly man
he couldn’t fathom you had a boyfriend and you didn’t even bother telling him, did he mean so little to you? -- NO BECAUSE I GET THE HURT!!!! LIKE WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL HEESEUNG? THAT'S JUST MEAN LIKE AREN'T YOU CLOSE!!!! BITCH!
Not HEeseung crying while eating WHAT A MOOD
I'm team Heeseung here, yn can go cry in a ditch
“Was she tall with long hair?” you asked. -- IS IT FUCKING SOOHA?!?! THAT BITCHHHHHHHHH NOT HERE TOO HAHAHAHAHA
can Mingyu stop calling Heeseung "the kid" it makes my blood boil
seeing Hee in the driver’s seat was mesmerizing, his eyes fixated on the road, lip slightly bitten with concentration and fingers gripping the steering wheel in an attractive manner. -- I FELT THAT because I never get driven around much except by my parents so when a guy friend does it I'm like WOW you are instantly attractive in my eyes
You weren’t sad you got caught, in fact, you’ll always wish for Heeseung to be the one who catches you. -- bye sappy af I hate it here
Okay Mingyu has got a point the way yn spends a lot of time with Hee and if Mingyu was a nicer guy I would have been on his side BUT HE'S BEEN WHORING AROUND TOO SO FUCK HIM!
You weren’t sure if the reason for your crying was because you wasted your time on an asshole or the fact that you could have potentially spent that time with Heeseung instead. -- UGH I FELT THAT I hate when I break up and instantly feel I wasted MY TIME
bestie I remember you asking me a valid reason to break up HAHAHAHAH THIS IS GOOD
ugh I love it when men stand up for me UGGGH Hee saying he'll unalive Mingyu is A MOOD like my best friend one time found out about my crush who hurt me and went like "that fucking asshole" AND HE NEVER CUSSED BEFORE HADHASHA
Bigger than you think -- EXCUSE ME I CHOKED ON MY DRINK
ngl I didn't think much about noona until Mingyu said it too BHAHAHAHA YEAH WHY DON'T YOU CALL HER NOONA, HEE?
“Let me make love to you, noona.” -- that's it I'm out.
And you knew you would love him for the entirety of your life.
AS YOU SHOULD!!!! LOVE THIS OMG I'm so sorry it took sooooooo long for me to read I didn't want to read anything except Jay for the longest time HAHSAHDASHDASH but I came, I saw, I conquered this mf fic. So proud of you for writing it! I know how many thoughts went into this work and I'm glad you shared it with me.
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w0wiie · 3 years
I was compelled to express my love for the game after seeing someone recently mention that it was their favorite Sonic game. I’m real happy where SatBK is loved and adored. Back then, I truly felt alone in the "Dark age" era where many people didn't like the game solely bc it had motion controls! This game made Sonic real magical to me, and I’m going to love all of it to bits and pieces.
Anyway, everyone’s already expressed their love for the story and music. Now, I wanted to showcase more of what I love about SatBK, specifically the gameplay!! I want people to know all about it! More with  g i f s  below the bar (also beware of flashing images)
Feel free to rave with me about gameplay too!! Or anything else about SatBK
The transition as you go to the mission. THAT SWORD ON THE RIGHT SIDE. It is lifted first and starts slashing the screeen. OoOoooOh, that little touch  of creativity SOBBING
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Tangent: Speaking of sword sizes, I forget how tall Caliburn is compared to Sonic. I LOVE IT. LOOK AT THEM SIDE-BY-SIDE. I usually always forget about canon heights bc I like to make things “Sonic-sized” so that everything looks “normal” to the viewer xDD. Caliburn, you’re huge to Sonic. But normal to humans.
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Back to main subject at hand: also, it’s fun changing the direction Sonic’s facing. The little twist hop, and I honestly don’t know if he speeds up whenever I do this. My eyes aren’t keen to something like that, lol HMMMM. WEEEEEEEEEE
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LOOK LOOK, (it’s not gameplay related, but it’s shown during it. this is just a neat lil thing I loved that Sonic Team did <3) YALL KNOW THE RING AND SPEED BOOSTS ARE CHAO??? CHAO FAIRY, CHAO FAIRY EEEEE. BABIESSSS. YOU CAN SEE THEIR HEAD SHAPE!! EEEK! It’s also how I got my idea that chao are/related to fae in my au
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Of all the let’s plays I’ve seen. I’ve seen people attempting to pull off the homing attack. I can see difficult it can be. You have to press “A” (jump/homing attack) and swing at within a small window of each other in order to pull it off. It’s SUPER satisfying whenever you can pull it off. I’ve gotten the timing down p well if I do say so myself. I love this attack so much. It’s so nice to see the enemies go down C:<  SONIC SLAYIN’
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LOOK AT HIM GO, GO, GO!! That wind swirling and spiraling behind him to keep up with his momentum. UGH. I can hear the sound through this gif. Sonic Team truly captured the beauty that is...the KNIGHT OF THE WIND, LET’S GOOOOOOOOO!!
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Oh snap, oh snap! Oh snap, oh snap!! Don’t get me started. I haven’t even gotten to Soul Surge. Oh my gosh!! I’m feeling so pumped, so ecstatic, so JIFSDFJDFSDLF
S O U L  S U R G E  is an aesthetic!! Love how time slows in the gameplay and the surrounding area is a blur as Sonic zips around. Sonic practically becomes a blur as he ZOOMS from one enemy to the next too. The gif doesn’t perfectly depict everything, BUT MAAAAN. Seeing him zip at the same time you swing your Wiimote, UGGGH, brings satisfaction that you’ve killed an enemy! And the SFX just made it feel like I was whirring with him. The CLANG/DING when you perform a perfect surge too AGH. ugghdhdjsjsj THAT RED SLASH ACROSS THE SCREEN WHEN YOU PERFORM A PERFECT SURGE TOO.
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Also Merlina getting wrecked by perfect Soul Surges. MMMMMM
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Swinging a wii-mote is fun yall. My wrist and my arms may be jelly, but this game is hella worth it. Fell in love with this game day 1.
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riridontneedya · 3 years
Authors note <3, Hiya guys , gals and non binary pals welcome to my first ever piece of writing for Tumblr I do hope you enjoy! I was hoping to make this a series so be sure to let me know what you think ,what you would like to see etc .I look forward to hearing from you guys!! I'd also love to add a shout out to the absolutley stunning @littlemissnoname13 she has been an absolute angel helping me navigate all of this .. our little co parenting project haha Im beyond grateful and her writing is just perfection so be sure to have a read .. Thanks again lots of love Ria xx
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Gryffindor!Reader, Harry Potter x Gryffindor!Reader
Wordcount: 1,700
Warnings: none as of yet.
Summary: For most of her life, Y/N has had trouble fitting in between the lines of Gryffindor and Slytherin. It also didn’t help that she was inseparable with Draco Malfoy…So what happens when she starts to get closer to Harry …
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“Wake up!” Exclaimed Draco. He abruptly yanked open the curtains allowing the sunlight to tumble in and illuminate every inch of his grand dorm. Y/N let out a wail as she dove under the duvet in a bid to protect her eyes from the harsh rays …but it was too late.
“Ugggh Draco you moron ! What was that for?” He let out a mischievous chuckle.
At this point y/n had poked her head from beneath the covers, eyes still adjusting, she watched as his tall shadowy figure sauntered towards her.
Once he was close enough she could see the wicked grin plastered across his face, he was clearly very proud of himself.
“Honestly you’re so annoying.” she remarked, rolling her eyes .
“What “! Scoffed Draco. “Now Y/N let's not lie to ourselves you sleep like the dead so don’t blame me for using more extreme measures” he chuckled.
“Ugggh whatever.” She motioned her hand for him to leave. “Go chastise the rest of the school but leave me be you git.”
He simply pulled a face and walked towards his desk.
Disoriented and groggy eyed Y/N tried to gather her thoughts. She knew it was an important day as she had a test in professor Snape's class so she had to have her wits about her, after all that’s why she was in Dracos room they were studying the night before.
“Right I’ve got loads to do before this test let me get ready.” Y/N began to mutter to herself. It was at this point Draco had swivelled around and was making his way towards her devious smile still intact . Y/n narrowed her eyes and wondered why he was so gleeful, he had to do the test himself.
He bent down, aligned himself by Y/N's ear and whispered “good luck.”.
As he drew away she looked at him bewildered.
“What did that mean ? Good luck.” She echoed his words back slowly.
“Yes , good luck Y/N good luck getting all that done with 5 minutes to spare.”
5 minutes what was he talking about . It was then it dawned on her before she had any time to react he withdrew his wand and with a flash the blonde had disappeared.
Y/N sat at the edge of the bed in utter shock for a moment , she then drew her attention to the massive grandfather clock adjacent to her. Draco was right she only had 5 minutes .. 4 now with the time spent gawping.
“Crap” she shrieked, leaped out of bed and frantically attempted to gather her belongings. She hastily grabbed a jumper and wrestled with it to get it on. Luckily she still had her uniform on from the night before so she needed her shoes , jumper and tie …..oh and books.
Most importantly her wand if she had any chance of making it she needed that.
“Wand wand where are you , if that idiot hid it I swear to merlin I will hex him.” she shrieked to herself as she scoured through all the contents on the floor.
Whilst she forcefully shook out the contents of a bag she heard the gentle clink of the wood hit the smooth marble. “Ah! There it is.” She grabbed it and with a quick swish she attempted to transport herself.
Y/N had done it she was right outside the classroom. Great.
Next step, slide in undetected to avoid the wrath of Snape. Y/N shuddered internally as she recalled the very displeased look of her professor the last time she was late.
As she rounded the corner in her hast she hadn’t seen Harry appear around the other corner also incoming at full speed. Oh dear...
It was inevitable what was going to happen Harry and Y/N collided and ricocheted themselves off one another sending books and wands flying and worst of all making a god awful thud causing everyone to direct their attention to them. So much for sliding in undetected.
Y/N managed to scrape herself up , she could already feel the bruises forming .
“Hhh-Harry she muttered.. Harry I am so so sorry.” She coyly extended her arm in hopes he’d accept it. He did pretty much instantly and once he was up she dusted off the shoulders of his robe then knelt down cautiously picking up his glasses and propping them on his face.
His emerald eyes widened just a little and His cheeks began to turn a gentle hue of pink as she continued to fuss over him.
“You’re ok, thank you for your help.” He finally said.
“Oh sorry.” Y/n stuttered, her hands flew up to her mouth afraid she had offended him.
“Oh no no it's fine don’t you worry. Honestly.” His arm reached up and caressed Y/Ns forearm.
She breathed a sigh of relief but still feeling that her apology was insufficient she blurted out “Let me make it up to you somehow over the weekend. Please Harry.”
Harry took a moment to ponder over this offer and then chimed up “Butter beers on you?”
Y/n couldn’t help but giggle as she felt the heat flood to her cheeks.
“Don’t have to ask me twice.” She couldn’t help but beam at the Gryffindor.
The giggles didn’t last long as the familiar drawl of Snape's voice echoed across the class.
“POTTER! INVICTA!.. It appears you must’ve bumped the sense out of you during the fall. It's the only explanation for you to be treating my class as if it were some sort of common room!”
All the blood formally in their cheeks fled , rendering them both pale.
“Get to your seats at once before I see to it you never have a weekend free in your life.” Snape hissed with venom.
They knew better than to dawdle and quickly clambered onto a desk.
Y/n began to organise her belongings; it wasn’t until she looked up that she was met with Draco's icy glare and naturally, she shot back a look of disgust.
What was his problem?
If anything she should’ve been glaring at him, but her look didn't waver him at all, he only further fixated his glare. Y/n could no longer entertain his erratic behaviour and she quickly decided to turn her attention to Harry. Deep down she knew it would probably irk him but as did many things out of her control and she couldn’t keep up besides their relationship was much deeper and complex than others would know.
Draco and Y/N were introduced at a mere few months old and were pretty much inseparable however the reason behind their meeting was a rather unique one. Had things been different they would have been enemy’s or just strangers who merely acknowledged one another in Hogwarts corridors or Y/N would’ve simply ceased to exist in Dracos realm.
This is because unbeknownst to Y/N she had been adopted by her Aunt Iris as an infant and Iris and her husband are notoriously great friends with the Malfoys. So great in fact that their manors were within stone throwing distance of one another.
Now the story of how Y/N was adopted begins with the sisters Violet and Iris.
They too were inseparable and would do anything for one another and that meant anything.
Iris the younger of the sisters had found love with a notorious Slytherin, the relationship didn’t blossom in school in fact you would’ve thought they despised one another, so it was much to everyone's surprise when she announced that he had left his previous Slytherin princess and two kids to be wed to Iris, a studious Gryffindor.
The family was not pleased but Violet's unconditional love for her sister knew no bounds.
She could not just cut ties with who she loved most.
This is why when Iris had found out she was unable to have kids of her own she sought the help of her beloved older sister. Of course it was a ludicrous idea but Iris’s marriage and life depended on her producing a child for her husband.
She loved him but she knew she was in too deep to tell him the truth. Thankfully, Violet and Iris favoured one another so that was ok. It was now the task of finding someone who favoured Iris's husband.
It was a cold blustery winter night and Violet had just about almost given up her quest that was until she spotted a match.
Several fire whiskeys later the deed had been done and all Violet now had to do was to ensure the healthy delivery of this child whilst Iris pretended she had finally fallen pregnant.
Now, Narcissia had Draco a few months prior so being the friends her and Iris were Y/N and Draco grew up together.
Thick as thieves, they used to wreak havoc together. There was never ending laughter, childish pranks and they had even fashioned a spell which allowed the mirrors in each of the rooms to connect to one another acting as a portal as such so they were never far apart.
They would have their own spot in Narcissa’s rose garden where they would meet up, share secrets and confide in one another.
Draco had also mastered a spell, a kind of spell that binded their wands so all the other person had to do was hold onto it and think of the other person and then their wand would gently illuminate letting the person know they were thinking of them. Now as endearing as this was, it all took a turn when it came to Hogwarts and the sorting hat.
Y/N already knew she was nothing like her family, but she wasn’t afraid to stand up for what she believed in. Her step brothers teased her relentlessly. Even her father acted as if she did even exist at times.
Matters were only made worse when she was sorted into Gryffindor. It was then Y/N's identity issue started.
She was crushed. She couldn’t bear the thought of the person she cared about despising her.
Draco didn’t want to hate her but his loyalties lay with Lucius. He just had a type of emotional hold on him which Y/n knew about all too well. When Y/n thought back of the times she’s tried to fit in she cringed. She’d worked tirelessly to repair relationships with those she offended.
She was somewhat of a social floater if you may.
She had similarities to the Slytherins as that's the kind of lifestyle she was immersed in but didn’t share their core values. On the other hand, her Gryffindor peers were dubious of her relationships and loyalties with them.
It was because of this she decided to just unapologetically be herself whether Draco or anyone liked it or not.
Even when they weren’t talking they always had a fierce loyalty for one another. Plus the binded wand as a reminder.
They found comfort in one another.
It was that which always helped them gravitate back.
They always found their way back to each other..
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 6x21 The Final Battle Part I
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I love the ‘it was all a dream’ or ‘none of it was real trope’! You could actually look at the show as if the cursed Storybrooke events in this episode were real all along. The only thing that messes it up is the Black Fairy being the mayor and not Regina. But really, it all could have been in Henry and Emma’s minds all along. 
S1 recap!! God I miss it!
S7 preview! Forgot about this!
Papa Henry! 
Where was he planning for Lucy to go? The whole realm was gonna be cursed.
Did the curse not work on Henry? Because he’s the Author? But Emma’s curse worked on him in S5.
Wait, only 2 years have gone since the breaking of the curse? Must be nearly 3 years, though. Wow. A lot happened in that time. 
I understand that they wanted to show the Enchanted Forest at the end of the main cast’s story but I wish they had instead been cursed back into their s1 personas. The Black Fairy could have been pulling the strings but what I wouldn’t do for cursed MM, David and Mayor Regina again! Regina would have to be cursed in this scenario though. Gosh, the temptation to just write an alternative s6 finale. This one is quite cool though.
But they weren’t cursed at their wedding. What?
Oh, so Henry’s 14. Yeah, that’s definitely over 3 years then. He was 10 for most, if not all of s1 and 11 in s2. Come on writers, do the math! 
Don’t burn the freaking storybook!
So now Jefferson had multiple hats? Ugggh, sure he did. Why would he leave it in Oz? Did he and Grace go travelling the realms after 2x03? I mean, I guess he could have made another few hats or got a magic user to make some.
Will they be safe inside the hat?
Okay, I get that within her curse Fiona couldn't have claimed to be Rumple’s mother. But she could have said she was his sister, or something if she wanted a close familial relationship with him, which was surely a reason for her casting the curse. It’s kinda weird that she’d curse herself to be his overly involved mayor friend. She wanted her and her son to be together and there’s only so close you can get to your creepy Mayor.
Oatmeal raisin cookies?! Gideon, no! Your taste buds, dude!
“... For my boys.” See, that’s creepy coming from a mayor.
No way are all the people of all those years  realms fitting in the small space within that hat. So, are they suggesting that each realm had a magic hat for entire realms to escape to and that each hat is connected and takes everyone to the exact same hat check-in hall? There’s not enough people in there.
The beanstalk is over 1000 feet high! I knew it was ridiculously tall but bloody hell! That’s just humanly impossible, especially in the little time they have before the realm is destroyed.
What’s Henry up to? 
I’m glad we’re getting lots of Swan Believer in this ep! Where it all began!
When did Belle supposedly leave in this scenario? Also, no way was she old enough to have a 28 year old son, unless Fiona changed Gideon’s age.
Oh, he was a baby.
Henry kinda looks like Fiona. Strong genes!
She still has magic!
Jesus Christ! She freaking threw her great-grandson down the stairs! This woman istg.
What are they looking for up the beanstalk? The compass was already taken by Emma in s2.
How did they not collapse after climbing that?!
David: “I thought the giants were gone.” Hook: “it appears some have stayed.” That’s bullcrap! All the giants (except Tiny) were killed ages ago! This is like, how many retcons can we fit into one episode. I mean they had the ridiculous hat scenario and now this and it’s so disappointing as it’s the second to last before we say goodbye to most of the main cast. 
Lucky that table is suddenly so low on the floor.
It’s so weird David calling Hook his son and knowing how old Hook is compared to him.
Oh look, another retcon! Of course he found a freaking magic bean up there! They were all destroyed but heck, so were the giants! The writers just gave up with their own lore this season and especially in this episode.
What’s a dragon doing up there? Is it Zorro? I think it’s Zorro. And to think how tiny dragons are compared to giants. They must be like pests to them. 
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Omg! The Belle obviously photoshopped into tourist photos is hilarious!! I can’t! Did Fiona do that herself after she discovered what a computer was yesterday xD!! Stop! I can’t breathe hahaha!
Poor Henry! How dare she hurt my boy!
Oh my God, can you imagine if Ouat released the storybook as merch. Maybe not with all the stories but at least with the s1 ones! It would be amazing! 
Dammit. Now they gotta climb down and the beanstalk is shaking!
Don’t burn the book istg!!
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dearcupidcandy · 4 years
♡Yandere Ushijima x Mute Reader ♡
─⊹⊱☆⊰⊹─**Enjoy a mute reader who has caught the eyes of Ushijima and he thinks your adorable. But doesn’t realize how intimidating he can be** ─⊹⊱☆⊰⊹─
Also Stalker’s Tango is great for this ❤️
Warning: NSFW, yandere tendencies,etc
✧ He never thought you would ever even come close enough to him without shaking.
✧ Well you did. But you weren’t shaking. Since you weren’t aware of him besides the thousand of Fangirl’s wanting to date him.
✧As you tapped his shoulder. He turned around to you holding his water bottle. Tendou was goofing off and knocked it over. He had forgotten about it. But you didn’t know that. As he got up from the bench in the gym. You tapped him and handed him the water bottle.
✧Did you know what you where doing to his heart? He heard a faint d o k i ~ come from his heart as he made eye contact with you. You where forced in the volley club ball by Kiyoko. Giving Ushijima his water bottle was the most entertainment you where going to get
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✧He stalked you for a while after that. Not even realizing he was. As his fangirls screamed “k y aaaaa~.” Every time he walked through the halls. All you did was put on earbuds and walk awkwardly. Not realizing he was following you until his fan club stopped him. Though he didn’t care about them. He wanted you to be his fan girl too. What expression would you make if he made a move on you? He didn’t really care. As long as you became his.
✧Kiyoko let you listen to music while Karasuno went against Shiratorizawa. After the game. Which he obviously won because he wanted to impress you. He surprised you as he loomed over. Mouthing your name. “Y/n.” He spoke. You looked at him wide eyed. He just sat with you on the bench. Wiping the sweat from forehead. **que confused y/n** “What are you listening to?” He said as he went a little closer. You didn’t see the point in refusing. You showed him your favorite song before offering him an earbud. His eyes went into shock before his face turned red. Which it never did. He loved how kind you are to him. He’s never once seen your (e/c) turn sorrow as others talked to you. He would make sure you never showed it to anyone else again.
✧ Ushijima used how scared you where of him to show you his ‘love’. Ushijima wasn’t only extremely tall. He was also packing. This didn’t change the fact that you never spoke. He loved hearing you silently moan.
✧ When he was in the mood. He made it clear. “Y/n....come here.” He says in a voice lower than his usual. You reluctantly come forward before he glares at you. He placed you in his lap. Gently stroking your body, and making you shiver in pleasure. As soon as he saw you shake in pleasure when his fingertips where on your back. He loomed over you in his lap. Making it clear what was rubbing up against you.
✧You where lucky if you even walked tomorrow
✧Pants and moans where heard from both your mouths. His a little more aggressive as he rubbed his tip in front of you. Looking at your exposed body on his legs . “Mine....mine forever...” He gasped between moans. He was scary. As soon as tears started to come out of your eyes. That’s when he went feral.
✧After one round. He would randomly push you against a wall and whisper sweet nothings in your ear as he rubbed against you. Trying not to be too harsh of course. But as soon as your moans turned into squeaks. That pace didn’t last long. And soon your body was filled with so much pleasure than you fell to the floor as he panted above you. His thing even harder than before.
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✧One day. You woke up with bite marks all over your neck. The pain was too much. You woke up in the middle of the night. Ushijima still fast asleep. You went downstairs for some ointment from the closet. When you turned back around. You saw Ushijima. With a more pissed off expression than usual. “What do you think your doing princess?” He knew you couldn’t talk. All you did was shake with the ointment in your hands.
✧He loomed over you. Gripping your hands tighter. Realizing why you came downstairs. “Oh.. you should have told me...” He sighed. Picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. “Your fine for tonight.” So don’t go downstairs again.” He firmly noted. He could feel you nodding and pushed you back onto the bed. You where fully exposed after a few minutes. Panting in fear as he sat above you. He zipped down his pants and began to jerk off to you. If only you could talk. You would warn him that it wasn’t going to fit. But as you struggled to speak. It only turned him on more. A loud grunt was heard as he placed it on your entrance. His eyes of his once neutral expression left and was replaced by lust.
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✧”Your so.... cute... Y/n.” He said stroking his fingers through your (h/c) hair. He went faster and soon you where just as wet as he was. Something in you broke. You where scared of it entering you once more. You needed this man to know. Whether or not you got punished for it or not. “I-I-I-I’m sc-scare-scared Toshi.” You said through quivered lips. He froze. He stopped and looked down at you. Instead of anger. He slammed against you. Making you shake. He looked at you happily. “You spoke Y/n!” He said. Almost proud. “Don’t be worried. I love you.” You blushed at his words. His speed went faster until you where covered. “Don’t ever show this side to anyone else... understand?” You flinched. Unable to open your eyes. But you could tell he was serious. His eyes never leaving yours. He used your fear to his advantage. You thought this was love. But your fear for this man was unrelenting. “Ugggh- Y/n.... your all mine~ f o r e v e r.” He said. Eyes rolling back. His moans roared through the whole house as you tried to squirm away. His grip pulling you back in even tighter. On one of the few days you did escape mid way. He always grabbed you back and went even harder than before. Trying to get you to scream his name. “Now... now.. Y/n....” He said through soft moans. “Where not done yet... stay a little longer...” You felt dizzy as he went for your neck. Falling asleep as he collapsed next to you. “Good...” He kissed your cheek. Wanting to see your (e/c) orbs. “Goodnight...” The man wasn’t good at expressing feelings. But he was damn sure to be when you weren’t trying to escape him.
✧ The next morning. You woke up in a room. It was new. But only had a bed and a desk. Along with some video games and other stuff you liked. You tried to open the door but it was locked. “Don’t bother y/n.” I made that room for you.” You frantically tried to open the door. Unable to speak you slammed on it. “This way....you can stay with me...I’ll take good care of you.” He said on the other side. “Entertain yourself until then... and also...” He opened the door and slowly made his way towards you. Cornering you to the wall. “I broke your phone.” He said in his original neutral manner. “You only need me...” He said strictly.
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He smiled and embraced you in a hug. Which you could only quietly endure. “I’ll be back later, and you’ll be here......just for me.” He leaned back up to his original height and everything rebellious in you faded in an instant. He smiled and pat you on the head. “So don’t try to run away... okay?”
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thebimarauder · 4 years
Leo Knut Loves Snow
All characters belong to the lovely lumosinlove.
This is complete fluff if anyone was wondering :)
For the purpose of my fic, the cubs moved into a house with a yard.
I had a lot of fun writing the Finn has a bad morning fic and my classes aren’t too hard just yet so I figured I would write some more. It snowed today at my college and I am like Leo and from the south so I decided I needed to write about that! Enjoy!
“Oh my god oh my god sweethearts, Logan, Finn, wake up it’s snowing!” Leo called out happily from his place by the window. Logan was starting to wake up but Finn didn’t even move. When he was out he was out. “Ugh Leo we live in the north, it’s not like you haven’t seen snow before” Logan muttered and then turned his face into the pillow to try to block out the light from the window and the adorable smile Leo was wearing. Logan knew that smile and would do anything, even get out of bed early to keep that smile on Leo’s face.
Leo sat down next to Logan and kissed him before cuddling up next to him “I know I’ve seen snow but I didn’t have it growing up and I love it” Finn started to wake up at the loss of Logan’s warm body against him and groaned “Ugggh what’s going on why are we up so early?”
Logan smiled and turned away from Leo to kiss Finn “Because Fishy, Leo realized that it’s snowing and is acting like a child” Logan gave Leo a rather goofy grin and Leo shot it back at him “You know what yes I am acting like a child. Because I am only 19. Do you guys not want me to be a happy excited 19-year-old from New Orleans who wants to go play in the snow?” He asked and then stood up and pretended to look sad.
Finn was still not fully awake and just made grabby arms for a hug from Leo. Logan could not let a sad look take away Leo’s goofy smile so he quickly jumped up to get dressed and yelled: “I’m coming I’m coming. Come on Finn we have to get up and go play in the snow with Nutter Butter.” Leo smiled brightly as he kissed Finn and pulled him out of bed for a hug before pulling him into the bathroom to get ready to go play in the snow.
The boys had a very quick breakfast of cereal and some eggs that Leo whipped up. They were going to have toast instead of cereal but somehow Finn managed to burn it all and that was the last bread in the house. (“I’m sorry Knutty I swear I put it on 2. I have no idea why the toaster decided to burn it” Finn said with a sad look when Leo walked into the kitchen “Its okay Fishy at least Lo hasn’t eaten all of the cereal” Logan walked in the room just as Leo said that and he looked offended “Why would I have eaten all of the cereal? And oh my god Harzy how many times do we have to tell you to stay out of the kitchen?” Logan laughed as he leaned against Finn while they watched Leo make the scrambled eggs.)
The next thing Leo knew he was outside in the yard with his boys and they were running around trying not to get hit by the snowballs they were trying to throw at each other. Leo looked around from his place on the porch to see Lo hiding behind the snowman that they made earlier and watched as Finn snuck up behind him and pushed him into the snowman knocking him over and covering him head to toe in snow. Finn stood over Logan laughing and didn’t even notice Logan reaching up to grab his hand until he was being pulled down onto the snow. Finn screamed as he was covered in the snow from the snowman and landed next to a very cold Logan.
Leo watched the two loves of his life laugh in the snow and try to bury each other and decided to go out in the snow and lay on the ground with them getting as close as possible and pulling them in for a hug because he was in such a good mood and wanted to show his love for his boys. As he hugged them he exclaimed that “This is one of the best days ever”
Logan looked at him and laughed “Days Knutty? It's been like 2 hours since we woke up.” Finn nudged Logan and kissed Leo’s cheek before waving for him to continue talking about the day.
Leo’s eyes sparkled with happiness and he looked at Logan “Yeah days, and if it’s already one of the best days ever it can only get better right? We have made snow angels, had a snowball fight, made a very cute snowman, which y’all apparently had to destroy and now we are laying in the snow cuddling and watching it snow more why wouldn’t it be a great day?” Logan looked offended “umm just so you know Leo we did not destroy the snowman that was all Finn” “Hey!” Finn yelled, “it was a necessary sacrifice. It’s death let me be here laying in the snow with both of you cuties. What could be better?” “Uhh I don't know being inside” Logan joked at the same time that Leo answered Finn by saying “Maybe kissing in the snow?” That response made all of the boys laugh and Finn kissed them both before proposing that they go inside and get warm.
They had just walked inside and the first thing that Logan said was “Can we have some hot chocolate? I'm cold.” Leo pulled both Lo and Finn each by one hand to the bedroom and said “Sure, let’s change out of these wet clothes first though Lo” as he walked into the bathroom and left them for a minute Logan pouted and Finn started helping him to get changed by taking his shirt off and running his hands over Logan’s bare torso. Leo walked out of the bathroom and smiled at them “as much as I love to walk in on this don’t you want some hot chocolate, Lo?” “Oh god yes I would love some of your hot chocolate. We have a lot of free time in the next few days for those other activities” Logan said as he kissed Finn and pulled him to the dresser so that they could actually get changed.
By the time Finn and Logan made it out to the TV room Leo was already sitting on the couch and there were three mugs of hot chocolate and some snacks sitting on the coffee table. “Awe thanks Knutty” Finn said as he grabbed a blanket out of the hall closet. Logan sat down right next to Leo but not close enough for Leo’s taste because he held out his arms and said “Come here Tremzy I wanna cuddle” Logan scooted closer to Leo’s side just as Finn walked back “I love you Nutter Butter and I love you too Fishy don't worry” Logan said with a smile “wow babes because I was so worried” Finn answered sarcastically. Leo just hugged Logan closer. “I love you too Loganberry and you too Harzy” Leo said, reaching out to pull Finn down to the couch with him. Finn smiled with a suspicious grin in his eyes “Awe so sappy I love you both too. So so much. Now hold me” he said as he jumped into their laps. “Oww Fish. Why do you act like you aren't a 6 ft tall hockey player?” Logan groaned but then all of them were laughing as Finn laid the blanket out over them and he got comfortable. Finn had his head in Leo’s lap and his torso sprawled across Logan’s and finally stopped squirming when he felt Leo’s hands combing through his hair and Logan’s hands rubbing circles on his back.
Finn smiled up at his boys. He had an amazing day and he knew that that would be his life with his boyfriends and there was nothing that he wanted more in the world than more amazing days like the one they were having. He wanted this day to last forever, “I know that I will probably fall asleep but anyone up for a movie? Maybe something with snow in it like Frozen?”
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hanawrites404 · 3 years
Wynne's Diary - Journey With Asra
"Gosh.......how long is it?" I groaned and threw my hands hysterically.
"Just a few miles more, Honey. We are almost there" The whitehead held the map of the city in front of him and steered the paper around to find the right direction of the path. We were touring, since today was the day Asra wasn't being too cautious about my health and neither did I need to dispute against him for not ever bringing me to one of his journeys. But who told me that it was going to be this boring and exhausting?!!
We were walking during midnight on the lonely streets of a hamlet far away from Vesuvia for leisure. We were supposed to reach before evening, but due to some extreme weather, we had to stay back. It was only after five hours the sandstorm had settled down, but when we did reach our destination without any further problems, here we were irrationally strolling just anywhere, Asra being the slowest and worst navigator ever.
"Ugh, are you sure your broken compass is working?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"Hey, it's not broken. It's just taking its time. Be patient, will you?" He blew onto the compass to remove the dust and shook it for the needle to gain some movement. He then kept it flat on his palm, but just as I already expected, it didn't work. The pointer fell back dead as before.
"bE pAtIeNt WiLl YoU?" I repeated after him. Asra sighed and kept the compass back into his pocket. He focused on the map instead, trying to find out which road we were on and where would the next milestone be. It had only been twenty-five minutes of us walking from the inn, but because of his sluggish navigation skills, we were sure lagging.
"Ugggh why don't you give me the map instead?" I suggested him.
"Wynne, you have never been in this town before. And the map has branched roads and connected at different spots, which makes it difficult to search for the right route. Give me some time to figure out" he dismissed me. But I didn't take it well as I scoffed and snatched the map from his hands.
"Was twenty-five minutes not enough for you???" I angrily stated with a pout on my lips.
"U-Uhhh....." Asra stammered. He didn't have anything to assert against me, so he just looked down and rubbed his neck. I didn't want to shame him, but damn I loathed his obstinacy and wanted him to just shut up and listen to me for once.
I sighed again and took a look at the map myself. I glanced at the entrance and remembered every turn we took to conform with the illustrations on the map. I noticed the pattern, thanks to the landmarks and me paying attention to the pathways unlike one stupid guy and dragged Asra by his sleeve to show him what I found.
"You see this here?" I pointed at the entry gates. "This is how we came in, after some kilometres, we reached the inn and from here, we went straight down and turned to our left, then we continued on that line at that's when we took a right, walked over that, and again right, and through the roundabout, we made our way to the left, then straight, again straight, and finally, to the right.
So according to me, we should be at least five miles away from the rocky beaches. Also, there must be a brothel somewhere like......" I looked up from the map and scanned around.
"no....no...no........no.....Ah! There" I pointed to our northwest where a grey and tall construction made its place at the corner.
"Oh! I....I never noticed that before" Asra rubbed the back of his head.
"Of course you didn't. If only you had brains like me, we wouldn't have been wandering around in the middle of the night looking like passive thieves!" I pouted again and flicked his forehead, earning a short yelp from him.
I adjusted the scarf around my head and closed the map. I We had figured out the whole passage so I we didn't need it anymore. I handed the map back to Asra and stretched my body for a bit. Seriously, walking continuously for twenty-five minutes may sound like a short interval, but you try it once, you will start feeling like weeping in the middle, especially when you realise that you don't know where you are going and how you are going to make your way back.
And people say that the journey is more beautiful than the destination. Heh, fucking bullshit. Let me hear someone say this when they almost died in the way and I'll fucking slap the morals out of them. I dare you.
"Now then, let's continue on our journey, shall we, My Beloved?" I swear I wasn't being sarcastic. Trust me.
"O-Of course. Sorry for earlier" he apologized timidly. I scowled at him for a moment but let it slip away. It was useless getting furious over him anyway.
"It's alright, at least we know our way now and we aren't lost. That would have been a waste" I snorted and carried forward on our steps, Asra following me shortly.
"Heh...I can't believe our time was saved by an unknown brothel" I kidded.
"Yeah... funny indeed" Asra snickered. I nudged him with my elbow playfully as we walked beside each other, my resentment finally melting away and being replaced with solace and comfort, with him and the starry night.
"So this is how you travel all the time? With no sense of direction and a broken compass??" I mockingly asked him.
"Well, not always. Sometimes I do get lost, not going to lie. But Faust helps me find my track back. Too bad she is not here with me since she wanted to stay back with Ichigo at the inn" I stuffed his hands into his pockets, his bright coat and the black hat he always wears during treks lightly fluttering in the subtle wind.
"And I know this local city well, yet I have no idea why my mind went blank so badly today. I'm sorry for the inconveniences I caused you, Wynne. I wanted you to show you the wonderful places this town has, but I only ended up making it worse for both of us" He held his forehead in his hand, his fingers mushing against his hair.
"Hey" I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "This is not your fault, you have been travelling for hours barely with any rest. I can understand why you suddenly couldn't think of the path. Your mind must have gotten tired too, and there is no one to blame for that. And so, you shouldn't blame yourself too" I comforted him.
"But, I did waste your time. I know how particular you are about time, yet I consumed everything of yours so mindlessly" he shook his head again.
"Oh well, you are right on that" I truthfully agreed. Asra shot his eyes onto me. His expression of disbelief and bafflement.
I raised my eyebrow. "What? You thought I was going to say, no you didn't consume any of my time and then hug you tight and strangle you with kisses? Really, Alnazar??" I cocked. Asra's cheeks flared with ruddy as he looked down at his feet again. My smirk got wider, and I heckled him again.
"Ahhh so you were looking forward to it huh, Asra?? You naughty, wicked boy" I pinched his bronze cheek and laughed. He didn't reply to me and continued shying away and trying to escape from my tease. Looks like I embarrassed him this time. And I don't admit guilt of it as always. It was fun bantering him. But I think I have had too much fun because he was feeling awful, and I cannot just ridicule him anymore. That might just be plain rude, and I didn't want to be an asshole to my only husband.
"Fine, listen to me" I began. "Yes, I agree you did 'consume' my time" I specifically added quotations marks.
"But, you didn't waste it. That's absurd! You would do anything with my time than fritter it. Because.....every minute I spend with you is like magic. I get to learn more, experience more with you. And I discover my interests with you, Dear. You have never wasted my time. And neither did I ever said that to you, but you always assume wrong things and make me worry along with you" I raised my shoulders.
Asra stopped in his tracks, making me imitate him and stop walking too. He turned to face me again, his tanzanite orbs connecting with my golden ones. I peered closely into them, only to find myself in there. There was nothing else in him and that was very odd. Because usually his eyes were the real door to his true emotions and feelings, deeply hidden in like a prize of a maze, so I always stare into them when I want to know what he truly conceals into his deep irises, and I never cared how much time would it need to find them all because it was always worth it.
But.....I saw nothing in them. Just me. Me and my stupid face. Now, why would his eyes show me myself? What did he want to convey?? Was he feeling.....me?? Was he hiding.....me??? Was he............
Looking inside me????
I really had no clue. Asra though being more hospitable and extroverted than I was, always was the one to be more mysterious and secretive than the two of us. Maybe because he had more enigmas than I had?? I guess so. Or maybe he wants to wait for revealing them the right time comes for both of us. But because of never finding such a chance, he ends up being solitary though he never intended to be one.
But who knows. If Asra doesn't open up to me, I would be both courteous and disappointed with his boundaries. Complicated right? But that's how I am. A nasty unsatisfied bitch.
"Look" I held his cheek and stroked him. "If you don't believe me, that's fine. But remember one thing, Alnazar. You are my husband. We are bound together, and I'll never break apart from you, you hear that? And you have never, ever, let my time to waste. Because you are too sweet and cherishing for that, Asra. I adore you, and I'm willing to spend my whole life with you. And I had decided to since the day I yelled at you in the Lazaret for sacrificing your heart"
I sighed bitterly. That Lazaret occurrence had to be one of our bitterest times because we both impaired each other without acknowledging how we both felt at that time. But to be very honest, I never want to forget this. Because I want to remember how we were before and how far we have reached now. And I think that's plausible, and I guess Asra would approve with me on this.
"But back to the topic, you will never be a waste of time, My Love, Never. Mark my words, all this time I have spent roaming around with you and following that cursed compass which never helped had to be one of the stories I would remember and laugh about it every time. And you know why I would laugh at it? Because you were being nuts of course. But also because you were in it" I gently jabbed his nose.
"Every moment with you is like my treasure, Asra. And I don't want to lose it. I want to be greedy about it, and never let you get out of my sight. And I'll stick with you no matter what happens, and whether you like it or not" I tittered.
"I......" He opened his mouth.
"Yes, sweetie?" I tilted my head and innocently yet lovingly peeped at him.
But he ignored me again. He just pulled me closer, grabbed my waist to lift me to his height, and smashed his lips onto mine.
"Mmm!!" My voice became faint and my cloak dropped from my head, but I didn't protest against him and kissed back. My arms snaking around his shoulders and embracing his warm body closer. I was looming over him, and my hands slithered from his shoulders to his cheek, my lips working and pulling onto him.
Asra was a tremendous kisser, by the way. And how do I know? And is that even a question?
Both of our faces were red hot as we pulled back, my lips quivered from incitation and we both were panting away.
"I believe you...." He answered me and roughly kissed me for one last time. I moaned against his lips, wallowing in the pleasure I received from him, my hands curling around his hair and tugging it gently. He then pulled away and hugged me back as he breathed against my neck.
I exhaled with him, enjoying his sweet lips on me. But then I gently patted his shoulder to get his attention.
"hmm?" He replied.
"Hey....take me to the beaches....we came this far now" I told him.
"Ah....sure, Milady. Let's not keep you waiting" he sneered at me, but I was worried, to be honest.
Because I knew very well that it was a sneer of mischief he had on him.
I expected him to keep me down on my feet, but he abruptly let go of my waist and swung me up into his arms to hold me and carry me to the beach like a bride.
"You scared the fucking shit out of me there!" I caught my gust on time. The way I cried out as he took hold of me was the moment I want to shirk so badly. Meanwhile this white fucker was laughing away to glory at me! How fucking dare he?! Ugh I hate him when he does that!
"Tit for tit, sweetheart. I didn't forget the way you pinched my cheek" he winked. Blush swelled around my cheeks and I hid my face in his chest, Asra lightly giggling and resting a small peck on my head.
"Whatever" I muffled.
"Sure, suit yourself" he shrugged.
"Now let's show you the rock beaches" and there he was, holding his beloved wife close to him, never letting her go, never letting her feel alone. Because he was always there for her, and he valued every second with her like golden coins.
And they say, journey is more beautiful than the destination.
Heh, I guess they were right. But to me, both the journey and destination were marvellous when he was around.
And damn, I deserve a fucking slap for disagreeing with such a truth. Honestly.
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farnsworthguitars · 4 years
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I want to conceal my mistakes and avoid reality. BUT reality is I make mistakes. Now I realize that’s how you learn. So, I made a boo boo. When I delivered this guitar I could just see the beginning of a faint, white halo forming around the tuners. The lacquer wasn’t all the way dry/cured and I squished it. Months later the customer emailed me with photos and asked for a repair. A repair is what he deserves but I was scared to attempt it and ashamed. Ugggh. So after mulling through the options I opted to strip the lacquer instead of sand it off. I filled a tall container with lacquer thinner and dipped that thing like a Caramel apple. I used a soft brush and in minutes it was completely gone. I’m going to apply a thin coat of lacquer, reapply the decal, spray more. Then WAIT a bit longer 🤣 Then he’ll get his guitar back. Thanks for listening and learn from my mistake. 😀 #wood #woodworking #fixit #imakemistakes #dammit #workslow #getzen https://www.instagram.com/p/CLkUA2pg3cR/?igshid=g7p71nsi7nr
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madllamamomma · 5 years
Part 4 for my first Muriel smut. Beware! NSFW, 18+ crap below here. But it’s mostly fluff.
Pumpkin bread part 4~
You notice the warmth of Muriel’s arms as you slowly flutter your sleepy eyes open. He lays on his side, looking like he had nodded off to sleep as well. You're flat on your back blankets cover you both naked bodies. Muriel’s left arm resting on your waist, his right arm being used as your pillow. You roll over to meet his chest trying to make sure you don’t wake him, his eyes blink slowly open with a long sigh with the movement, licking his chapped lips. Your hand cups his cheek, and utter softly and sleepily, “Hi.”
He softly smiles back, “Hi……..You’re finally awake.” He says with a yawn. You move your head off his arm so he can stretch it out, and you lay on his chest. He pushes a stray hair out of your face.
You yawn, rub your sleepy eyes, and stretch your toes a bit. “How long was I out for?”
He glances to the small window, it’s nearly twilight. You shoot up in shock. “What?! I’m almost at night? It was just morning!”
He sits up next to you, you lean on his arm snuggling his bicep with a deep sign and whisper to yourself. “Stupid pumpkin bread… stupid elixir….. Stupid Asra….”
A little shiver cues you to pull up the covers over your bare chest, you notice that you feel a lot colder now. His hand brushes against your forehead to check your temperature. “....not hot anymore.” You touch your face with one hand to confirm it. “Huh, I guess so... I guess the um.. ” You clear your throat. “.. the effect were... ahhh...  fulfilled?” You awkwardly chuckle. 
“Are you ok?” He asks softly and he starts to look off at the wall sheepishly. You look up towards his face. 
“Yes…. Actually…..what about you?”
“What?” He meets your eyes with a snort.
“I mean…. Are you alright?…. That was… uh… a bit much…you know... to just be thrown at you all of a sudden. It wasn’t very fair of me to do.”  You cheeks blush a bit, still feeling a bit ashamed.
Your hand starts to run through his black hair. “I mean… It was very… sudden.” He pauses thoughtfully. “But… I mean..” You almost can’t hear him speaking under his breath. “Itwasnotallthatbad….Iamaguyafterall…..”
“Really?!” You shoot him a surprised look as he scratches the back of his head, eyes still looking the wall. His cheeks are getting redder as he continues.
“I mean… yeah. I was afraid of hurting you-- I will always be afraid of that-- because you're just so…. tiny... But it was --- it.. It felt--” He tries so hide his pleased grin.
“....Good? You felt good?” You look at him intently. He nods sharply his ears start to heat up. “...So you--You liked it??” He nods sharply again. 
You wrap your arms around him making him fall back to the bed feeling such relief. You return to being on top of his chest, foreheads touching. He’s grin overwhelms him as you both fall back to the bed. He then looks a bit more seriously at you. “..Are you sure I didn’t hurt you at all?”
“Nope! I trust you, Muriel. I don’t think you can hurt me even if you tried. I just wish you trusted yourself.” You kiss his nose then his forehead. He pulls you lose hair behind your ear.
“Rhemi… I--” He shuts his eyes tightly for a second, trying to force words out. “I...I love you, too.” It doesn’t say it often, words are hard for him; But when he does, it always makes your heart feel fluttery. “I want you to tell me things... I know I’m not good at--” He waves his hands around gesturing to you. “.. all of this... but I want you to tell me things. You let me tell you things.” 
You kiss his lips softly.  his arms travel up and down your bare back loving the feeling of your skins under his fingertips. After laying there for a minute or two you sit up at the edge of bed picking up your clothes and placing your shirt back on. “Come on, let's go back to your hut and check on Inanna. I’ll make dinner!” He sits up in the bed slightly groggy, stretching his muscles in his shoulders. You thread your underwear and skirt on, turn to Muriel before standing to your feet. “What would you like to eat tonight? The shops shouldn’t be closed for another hour, we can go grab a few-- OOOF!”
THUMP! You legs give out, you nearly face planted before you are saved yet again by Muriel’s arms, pulling you back to the edge of the bed. You both just froze for a second before you burst out laughing. Muriel can’t help but join your laughter. “You’re a mess.”
“Yes. But I’m your mess!” 
Your legs still feel weak for a few days, from the elixir (and from your sexy hermit, but you won’t let him know that, you didn’t mind that part). A week or so go by, and you do your best to completely ignore Asra completely, giving him a very cold shoulder. You are still a bit pissed off at him, he did apologize, multiple times in fact (even though you felt it wasn’t the most convincing). After all, it did bring Muriel and you closer. Asra was also becoming very sulky. You decide to make him a peace offering to ease the tension.
Asra was standing at the counter looking through his notebooks, searching for something in the mess of books. You bring him his favorite cup of tea and make it just how he likes it. You set in on the glass counter where he was standing at. He looks up at you with glee in his eyes. “Does this mean you forgive me, Rhemi?”
You give him an eye roll and lean on the counter and smile a little. “Ugggh. Yes…” He gives you a quick friendly hug. “You know I can’t stay angry at you forever, Asra.”
He blows on it then closes his eyes and sips on the hot tea happily before parting his lips, “Ahhh...You know how to make a good cup of tea, Rhemi.” You feel the corners of our mouth start to curl upwards in delight. “I’m really happy you like it, Asra~”
He happily keeps sipping the tea, still rummaging through his note books. You return on working on your tasks for about fifteen minutes before Asra finally calls you over to the counter again. “Rhemi, have you seen that one notebook?”
“Which one?” You ask trying to pretend to be clueless.
He scratches his head and presses the tea cup for another sip. “The purple and green one---” He starts to take a small sip of the tea as you pull the notebook from behind your back giving him an evil grin. 
“You mean…. This one?? The one where you leave just anywhere?.....Where you keep…... a certain seduction elixir recipe in?” You flutter your eyes sadistically. 
He quickly glances at you, then to the notebook, back to you, then down to his nearly empty tea cup. “PPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!” He whips his head around away from the counter, sputtering the tea from his mouth, looking mortified. “Rhemi….. You didn’t…. Please tell me you didn’t!”
You chuckle menacingly, “Well it’s not exactly the same exact brew…” His right eyebrow starts to twitch. His mouth is wide open, sweat starts to bead from his face as you continue, “....This one is much faster.” You lean closer and loudly whisper. “....And you drank a lot of it too!” 
He touches his cheeks, they are already becoming feverish. He faces screaming with panic, and looks a little impressed with your slyness, and but attempts to hide it with a smile. “....Rhemi—“
You shrug, smiling. “What? The effects should wear off in approximately three days.. maybe a week…. Unless---”
“--Ok. Rhemi, I get it! Touche! I deserved this…very funny. Ha ha!” He pauses scanning your face in hopes that you are not at all serious. But his knees start to wobble and he drops to the ground to his knees with a Thud. His mouth turns into a tight low frown, pitifully looking back up at you. “Please….. Rhemi. You are a better person than I am.” He says softly almost a horse whispering, gives you a desperate smile, folding his hands, pleading.
You fold your arms, and laugh. “Ooh….?” Then kneel down to meet his eyes. “No, Asra…. I’m really not. Besides I’m sure that Julian—“
Asra moans slightly and starts to melt on the floor and mutters, “Oh shit.”
“Oh yes!” You boop him on the nose with your pointer finger. 
Asra’s attention then goes to the shop door where Muriel’s tall figure squeezes into the small door frame. Asra swallows hard. He knows he’s in deep shit now.“Hey— hey Muriel! My oldest, closest, most trusted….. Most kind friend.” Muriel now kneels down to inspect his feverish face. “Hmm. You don’t look so well.”
Muriel quickly shoots you a look with a hidden smirk. You play along, putting your hand to cheek in pretend shock, “Oh no! Do you think he’s sick?” you snicker.
Asra’s eyes shifting back and forth between the two of you with growing concern.“What are you two— Hey!!!!” Muriel gathers up Asra under his arm, letting out a loud fake grumbly sigh. “Yep-- guess he’s gonna need a doctor!”
Asra’s brow now perfusing with sweat. “Wait! Wait! Muriel! Rhemi! Please, have mercy!---” He cries as he tries to wiggle himself free.
“---Nope!” Muriel and you answer sharply in union, quickly high fiving. Asra continues to desperately to get himself free from Muriel’s arm. But it’s no use. No once escapes the Scourge!
You barrel into the door of Julian’s clinic, Muriel ducks his head following after. Julian sat at his desk in the back, the sudden entrance startles him a bit as he slightly jumps. “Well hello, Rhemi and..uhh... M-Muriel.” Muriel glances at his irritatedly. “To what do I owe the pleasure--” He then notices Asra wiggling definitely underneath Muriel’s arm. He tilts his head down to look at Asra’s very feverish face. “What--ah-- what’s… what’s going on here-- umm....exactly?” Before Asra can speak, you cover his mouth interrupting. “Oh he’s got a bad fever! Julian! Needs to see you!~”
Muriel then chimes in, “...Some bad tea.”
Asra’s nostral’s flare as you remove your hand away from his mouth and you smile back at him mischievously. Muriel sets him down on the edge of one of the beds. Asra attempts to stand up immediately. “I am perfectly fine--” His knees buckle, Julian catches him before he completely drops to the floor.
“You are most certainly not!” Asra’s face crimson red, beaming at Julian’s arm euphorically sitting back at the edge of the bed. He shoots you and Muriel a bit of an irritated look. Julian takes his glove off feeling forehead. “God! Your burning up!” Julian then turns his attention to you and Muriel. “Wait-- Can’t you fix this… you know… with your hocus pocus?” He says while wiggling his fingers trying to look whimsical.
You tug at Muriel’s cloak, pulling him out the door quickly, walking backwards with your suspicious grin on your face and shrug before closing the door. “Nothing I can do~!”
Asra covers his mouth with his hand with his hand hiding it from Julian, mouthing, “Please don’t do this!”
You eye him through the small crack of the door waving your fingers. “Tell me how it goes! Bye, Asra!”
CLANK--- You lock the door with your magic. You hear a faint Asra’s muffled “NOOO!” behind the locked door followed by, “ Asra, did she just lock the door--?”
You both run off to out of the crowded streets to an alley way. Muriel and you try to contain your laughter. You laugh so hard that your stomach starts to hurt. Once you both recover, Muriel offers you his arm and you take it happily, leaning into him lovingly as you both walk back to the shop. 
The end ~
Finally! Am I right?! This has been helping me get through life currently. I haven’t written anything like this before so I home it isn’t too hard to read. I hope you all enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love these characters they are a lot of fun. 
Part 1-> https://madllamamomma.tumblr.com/post/190897875066/please-enjoy-my-muriel-x-mc-smut-ish-i-am-not
Part 2-> https://madllamamomma.tumblr.com/post/190914002866/heres-part-two-on-my-muriel-smut-its-just
Part 3-> https://madllamamomma.tumblr.com/post/190921120191/muriel-smut-part-3-the-most-smut-there-will-be
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xandertheundead · 5 years
In the water because of admiration with reddie???
Sure thing!
Watching Eddie dive was always a thing of absolute beauty.
Coach hadn’t been lying all those years ago when he asked Eddie if maybe trying out for the diving team wasn’t such a bad idea. Eddie a fumed when Coach has told him he had the right small compact frame for it, which later Eddie had screamed HES JUST CALLING ME SHORT when they had gotten back to Richie’s house. But Eddie had tried out, made it and now two years later they were seniors and Eddie had scouts turning their eyes toward him.
Richie hoisted himself up out of the water, turning around so he could sit on the wet tiled edge of the pool and watched Eddie climb the tall ladder to the high dive.
God, Richie had been so bummed when he learned that he had to wear a Speedo on the swim team, but now seeing Eddie move in one? He was thankful. Eddie climbed to the top and took a few deep breaths before reaching up to tug his goggles down from his red rubber swim cap and over his eyes.
Richie held his breath as Eddie went completely still for a moment before launching into motion and running towards the edge of the board. His jump off was perfect, the spring from the board launching him high and far as he moved into his positions.
Back dive, half twist, straight position and slip into the water with barely a splash.
“YEAH!” Richie yelled, his voice echoing loudly off all the tile in the large room, Eddie’s red rubber head popping out of the water a moment later. “THATS MY EDS! You made those positions your bitch!”
He heard Eddie laugh, then watched as he started to swim over towards Richie with amazing speed.
Not as fast as Richie, but hey, they couldn’t all be as good as him.
He grinned and opened his legs a little wider, happy when Eddie swam right up to him and instead of going for the ledge between Richie’s legs, rested his arms on Richie’s thighs, trusting Richie to hold him up. Richie closed his long legs around the boy and rocked Eddie side to side a little in the water.
“We done practicing now? I’m starving so bad I would actually eat Stan.”
Eddie laughed and gave Richie’s thigh a pinch. “Shut up, you would not. Stan is all skin and bones like you. That wouldn’t be a good meal.”
Eddie knew he was in trouble when Richie’s grin became devilish. “Yeah, you’re right. I should probably eat a snack like you.”
Eddie tried to wrestle away when Richie tried pulling him up so he could bite him, which resulted in Richie falling back into the water. Richie chased Eddie around, letting the smaller boy get at least a little bit of head start before taking off after him. His long arms propelling him through the water at speed Eddie could only dream of and in a matter of minutes he had caught the other.
Richie pulled them down under the water, pulling Eddie red cap off so he could see that thick dark hair wave in the water. Eddie gave his thigh a kick, but it was harmless before the diver moved forward to press their mouths together under the water.
God, he loved this boy.
Richie tried to make the kiss last as long as he could, but soon they needed air and both came up gasping. Eddie smiled shyly at him before splashing at him and swimming towards the edge. “Don’t lose my cap! That’s my favorite one!”
“Ugggh!” Richie groaned, watching as Eddie hoisted himself out of the water and showed off that amazing butt. “Can we please reconsider the no having sex in the pool rule? Cause I mean, it’s a fantastic idea. We would be like the dolphins, Eds!”
Eddie’s loud laugh echoed brightly and Richie swam to the edge as Eddie started to towel off. “What does that even mean?”
“Dolphins have sex in water, right? Nothing is more free and mystical than a dolphin.” Richie explained and pouted when Eddie shook his head and started heading towards the locker rooms. “SPOILSPORT!”
“Well!” Eddie yelled. “See if you get any shower stuff now!”
“No! I’m sorry!
Send me a kiss prompt!
@tinyarmedtrex @oldguybones @richardtoz
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supernatural-book · 5 years
A Pretty Big Win
Title: A Pretty Big Win (Prologue!!!!)
Summary: Things are getting pretty stressful in the Winchester's lives. In the middle of all the stress, Dean Winchester proposes that the two of you go on a road trip together, just to get away from it all. After all, spending time with his loving girlfriend was just what he needed- a win.
A/N: Oooooof okay. Heres the first part to a series I want to start! I already have the storyline written out, so I hope to take less than a year to finish it, lol. Anyways, I was originally just gonna do one long fic, but decided this would be better.
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It was way too early to be awake but, truth be told, he never got to sleep in the first place. Dean Winchester rubbed his hands over his scruffy face and sat up in bed before deciding to just sit and watch his girlfriend for a moment. He would inevitably have to drag his ass out of bed, but for now, he wants to take the time to appreciate your presence. God, look at you, baby. You looked so calm, so small and helpless lying next to the disgruntled hunter, the lumbering oaf that was Dean Winchester. Sometime during the night, you had curled yourself around him in an intimate embrace, one that Dean hadn’t been used to before knowing you. 
Dean Winchester was a good man, but he did have his faults.  For instance, his post-hunt ritual wasn’t always to shower and snuggle up in bed with his one true love. Rather, he’d drive himself to a bar to get tipsy and find any woman who he wanted to lose himself in that night, only to leave as soon as he could in the morning. Sure, he’d have someone to hold on those nights, but laying with a stranger after sex could never compare to the embrace of two lovers who shared each other’s hearts and souls. He knew that now, and he found himself wondering- once again- what he did to deserve someone like you. Someone who’s such a contrast to his cold, dark life. 
He knew from the moment he met you that you were going to be the death of him, and he was ready to accept that fate happily. When he was younger, he had flirted innocently with you every now and then, just watching to get a reaction out of you, wondering if you would ever be his. You made him feel things. Good things- hell, great things. Things he hadn’t felt in such a long time. 
God, that was so long ago. How did it take him so many years to get a hold of you?  ‘Not my fault’, Dean mused, ‘she makes me feel like an awkward kid again. She makes me all flustered and shy when she smiles. And her laughter, God, it’s so beautiful. And the way she says my name…’ His face was flushing just at the thought.
In your sleep, you snuggled closer into Dean’s side and used your leg- which was tossed over his own- to try and pull him closer to you. 
“Sorry, sweetheart. Gotta get up now.” He pressed a kiss against your forehead and when you still didn't stir from your slumber, he realized just how tired you must have been. Recently- he'd be completely honest- things haven’t been going so well in the Winchester’s life. Things weren't quite as bad as they'd been in the past- there was no looming apocalypse, thank God- but the stress of all the hunts was still taking its toll on all of you. Especially you, bless your precious heart. Who knows what you were trying to do, staying up late to research and wearing yourself out like that for him and Sammy. Dean would never, ever be able to find the right words to thank you for all you've sacrificed for them. The most stressful thing about all of this was that there was nothing you could do yet. Read through all of the books in the library, sure, but you had absolutely no leads and therefore no place to start. And among the stress of trying to figure out what to do, there seemed to be so many cases. Much more than usual. “God, I’m sorry (Y/N). You deserve so much more than this life.” He decided to let you sleep in a while longer and grudgingly pulled himself out of bed, groaning when his feet hit the cold floor. He turned back momentarily- he could never really get enough the girl who gave up everything for him and gave him everything, could he?- and tucked the blankets warm and snug around your form, smiling to himself.
‘Oh baby, you’ve got me wrapped around your finger, you know that? And I wouldn’t have it any other way.’
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Okay, something was off. 
It was early morning when you woke up to the sound of your lover's heavy, booted feet moving around on the hard floors of your shared bedroom. You cracked your eyes open and looked around for any indication of what time it was. There were no windows in the bunker, but your eyes fell on the digital clock on the nightstand. Three in the morning? What’s Dean doing up at 3 am? You drearily noticed that Dean had his and your duffel bags on the edge of the bed, each half-filled already.
"Dean?"  You shuffled around on the bed, indicating to him that you were awake. In your half-asleep state, you immediately jumped to the worst conclusion. Oh God, something bad happened and now we have to get out of the bunker before we die. "What's happening? Where are you going?" Dean looked up at the sound of your voice, a genuine smile taking over his face at the sight of you in his bed. It wasn’t odd for you to sleep in his bedroom- you’d been dating for two years now- but you could always see how thrilled Dean was to see you there every morning. 
And God, it had been way too long since you saw him smile at you like that, despite the eyebags.
Dean had a habit- maybe not a habit, a curse- of staying up too late for his own good and not getting any sleep some nights. Not his fault, and you couldn't blame him- hell, if you had half the emotional and psychological trauma he did you wouldn't be able to sleep either. Most of the time it was nightmares -his time in hell, in purgatory, a particularly bad hunt- and sometimes just plain old memories. He was often haunted by memories of the past, guilt over things long gone, the deaths of people who he could never save and still blamed himself for, and the worry- scratch that, the fear- of losing you. You would always be able to tell when he had a night like that. Aside from the telltale eyebags and many, many cups of coffee, he'd carry himself less proudly, be less talkative- it was always worrying when he didn't crack jokes with you- and overall be the spitting image of a broken man.
Something was different today- ahh, this morning, at 3am. He was… excited.
"Morning, sleepyhead." He leaned down to lay a kiss on your forehead, dragging his hand over your messy hair. "I was just about to wake you up." His gentle gesture and happy demeanor calmed your worried mind. Nothing bad was happening; he doesn’t seem worried or rushed. In fact, he seemed… softer, calmer than usual. You sat up in bed, watching him lay items out on the bed to pack. 
"So… what's going on?" You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.
"You and I are going on a road trip for the weekend. Or however long we can be away." 
"Without Sam?" 
“Well, it wouldn’t be much of a romantic getaway if I brought my little brother with, would it?” He caught your confused gaze and laughed. "What, I can't go on dates with my girlfriend?"
"That's not what I meant. Is there, like, a hunt or something?" Dean opened your dresser and tossed you a pair of your jeans and one of his big Led Zeppelin tees. 
"No. No hunts this week. Told Sammy we all need a break. Gotta get out of here, don't you think? I’m suffocating" He turned to you again, leaning in to give you a squeeze and help you out of bed. “Anyway, we need to go on a date again, ya know? It's been a while. Come on, get up, sweetheart. I’ll keep packing, you go get dressed. We’re wasting driving time." You happily jumped out of bed to get ready, taken aback by how sweet Dean was acting, considering how stressed he had been the day before. Not even 24 hours ago, Dean was downing a bottle of whiskey and stressing over everything that had been happening recently. “I just need one win. Just one.” he had muttered into his glass before downing it and letting the familiar drink burn down his throat. It was odd that he suddenly seemed cheerful and happy again, but you’ll be damned if you’re not gonna cherish every single moment of Dean’s sweet side. ‘God,’ you thought, thinking back to your past with him.  ‘His sweet side is what made me fall for him in the first place’. 
When you first met Dean, you knew immediately that you’d fall in love with him. 
You were born into a family of hunters, who eventually- of course- met a tragic fate like many others, while you managed to get out of the life and were in the midst of your college education. Two FBI agents- odd, it didn’t really require the FBI- came to your dorm to ask you about it. 
They were both tall and imposing, one a bit taller than the other, and they were both quite handsome, you’d admit, but your eyes lingered on the shorter of the two. He had short dirty blonde hair and, once they sat down across from you and you could see him closer, you noticed the freckles sprinkled across his face. And the way the light hit his cheekbones- God he was pretty. You had to stop yourself from staring at his eyes- they were so beautifully green- while he questioned you.
And boy, this man sure didn't seem to care if there was a difference between questioning and flirting. Because you got a decent amount of both, leaving you flustered and fucking aching for him before you even knew his name.
They asked strange questions, but questions that struck a familiar chord in you. “Did you smell anything strange when you found them?” You knew why they were asking, and it reminded you of the information your parents told you to keep you safe. Sulfur equals demons. Were these guys hunters too? So, in the midst of their interrogation, you broke out your own questions. “Do you believe in demons?” They froze- surprised when they learned you came from a hunting family and asked for your help on the hunt. They introduced themselves- Sam and Dean Winchester. “The Winchesters?” Your parents told you about John Winchester- their father- and here you were, meeting his sons. 
Well, their parents sure make pretty babies.
After you helped them on the hunt, you knew there was no way you could continue living normally, but Sam and Dean helped. They introduced you to a friend of theirs- Bobby Singer- and persuaded you to stay with them to ensure your safety. Sam told you later that Dean was the one who suggested having you stay at Bobby’s and who wanted to keep in touch with you.
You stood in the doorway of the bathroom, brushing your teeth and watching Dean dig through your dresser and looking up every now and then to have you confirm the outfits he chose. You answered in small sentences, still lost in memories of when you first met. 
You weren’t going to lie- the first things you noticed about Dean was how handsome he was. Not only in appearance, even though he was goddamn pretty- but in the way he held himself. He was confident, but not egotistical- just enough to be attractive and flirtatious without the whole douchebag vibe. He knew how to make you (and basically every hetero girl he ever interacted with) flustered with just a look and damn, he knew he was good at it. You eventually learned he wasn't just a pretty face. He had the best sense of humor- some of the funniest lines you'd ever heard belonged to him- and was always super selfless, even to the point of self-sacrifice. And, when he wanted to be, he was sweet. He went out of his way to keep you safe and comfortable, no matter the situation. Need a bodyguard while in a bar? 'Got you, sweetheart'. You're scared about walking into this next hunt? 'Just stay behind me. Nothin' will hurt you long as I'm here'. You just plain need a hug? 'Aw. C'mere, kid'.
You could still remember the conversation you had with Dean before they left you with Bobby after that first hunt together. “Remember, you’re only staying here so you don’t get hurt. Don’t just throw your life away for hunting, kiddo.” 
“I’m not a kid, Dean. I’m twenty-two. I’m only six years younger than you.” He gave you a stern look. 
“Don’t change the subject, (Y/N).” You sighed, but couldn’t help but smile. He cares about you. He doesn’t want you to get hurt.
“Alright. I won’t go looking for hunts, but If you’re in trouble, I’m not just gonna sit by and watch. I'm gonna help.” After they had loaded their stuff into the Impala and were ready to drive off, Dean looked at you again, making you promise to stay safe. “Only if you do too.” You could still remember- vividly- how Dean gave you a quick wink and a smirk right before they drove off. 
Little did they know, that was the beginning of your long friendship with them.
Smiling at the fond memories of him, you left your spot in the doorway to wrap your arms around Dean’s waist from behind, earning a soft grunt from him. “Well, hey there.” He turned around in your arms and kissed the top of your head, taking a moment to breathe in your scent. 
“I love you, Dee.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.” You continued to pack your stuff up and get ready, seeing that Dean had already laid out most of your toiletries and your favorite outfits- consisting of mostly Dean’s shirts. When you finish, you grabbed a big, warm flannel out of Dean’s duffel bag and pulled it on, surrounding yourself with Dean’s scent and warmth. He gazed at you with an attentive grin; he always loved when you wore his clothes. After shrugging on his jacket and grabbing his duffel bag, Dean turned to you and looked you over one last time, a big, toothy grin taking its place on his face. “You ready?” 
“One hundred percent.” you grabbed one of his hands in yours as you made your way out to the garage, where your black beauty awaits you. Dean smirked and twirled the keys to the Impala around his finger.
“Then let’s get out of here, baby.” 
@music-lockscreen, @bella-ca, @yetanotherreader
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chubbyooo · 5 years
Blurred Lines Chapter 24 - Shadow Town
I’m really in a writing groove right now so here we go with another Gacen chapter
Gacen and Ash try to escape Nar Shaddaa after their encounter with the Dubrillion nobles
Smoke billowed from the front of the taxi rising high into the sky as Ash and Gacen stumbled out
“god damn it are you sure this things busted” Gacen asked the Rodian who responded with a string of Rodese curse words “ok I’m sorry for falling onto your taxi I’ll pay for the damage” Gacen enjoyed having money, it certainly made these types of conversations easier. He passed over the credit chip and turned to Ash, she was surveying the area or at least trying to she was still pretty delirious from the fall
“that smokes gonna be seen for miles we gotta split and fast” Ash had a good point, this plan certainly hadn’t been the smoothest he’d ever come up with “where are we I don’t think I’ve ever been to this part of Nar Shaddaa” Gacen didn’t recognise this place either and he’d been on Nar Shaddaa an awful lot.
He tried to check his holopad but there was no data on this area “I can’t say I know I’ve never been here before and there’s no data for this place” he paused looking around “we should probably keep a low profile” Ash nodded and they made their way out to the rest of the slum. It all seemed pretty normal to Gacen, streets with gazebos and tents littering the edge of the streets, tall buildings overlooking the street and broken down speeders. Gacen had always thought Nar Shaddaa was a marvel of sentient interference, the place probably didn’t resemble the actual moon at all, he hoped his planet never ended up like that. As he looked around he noticed the people seemed off, not in a dangerous way but usually gangs would congregate in different parts of the slums and patrol, but here... well here anyone he could see seemed alone and like they were avoiding others.
“does something seem off to you Gacen” Ash seemed to have picked up on it too, how could you not it’s everywhere
“yeah it’s kinda um quiet” quiet was defiantly not synonymous with Nar Shaddaa, Gacen didn’t like this
“my thoughts exactly we should move quick” Gacen nodded in agreement and began to walk a bit faster as they tried to find the exit
“first chance I get I’m stealing a speeder” Ash surprisingly nodded in agreement. They walked in silence until they came to a crossroads 
“well what now” Ash said clearly frustrated 
“uhhh right I guess” Gacen thought the smaller passage could mean a way out 
“ok but this better not bite me in the ass” Gacen nodded and they headed down the corridor “so what next?”
seems like a silly question “huh what do you mean we head this way” Gacen said frowning
“I mean with the whole finding Risha thing” oh that made more sense 
Gacen hesitated before he spoke up “well we have a small lead so I say follow that up” he paused looking at Ash “I mean if you’re fine with that” 
Ash smiled “of course I am but what lead it went south before we got any good information” Ash was right if they could’ve gotten a lot more information that would’ve been helpful, but they’d have to make do
“the Champion of the Great Hunt is an old friend of mine” Ash didn’t look surprised and Gacen didn’t know if that was a good or a bad thing “we did a couple jobs together years ago hopefully she’ll help us out” Gacen thought she would she’d never been the grudge type.
Ash shrugged “I guess that’s as good a plan as any” before striding ahead. As they turned the corner they were met with an odd site; forcefields on each side of the wall like a prison in fact the whole place reminded him of a... oh oh dear
“hey um Ash I think we stumbled into a prison camp” Gacen tensed up, as the realisation hit him all the memories of his own incarceration started flooding back 
“yeaah ok um let’s uh just get through here and uh you know run” that seemed like a good plan, as long as it didn't involve them dying right now it was considered a good plan in his eyes though. They slowly crept forwards trying to avoid looking into the cells each side of them, they made their way about halfway through the chamber before they heard a raspy voice 
“well well well someone is out of their cell when they shouldn’t beeeee” his words were barely audible but yet conveyed a strange presence Gacen couldn’t quite place. Gacen turned to see a huge human male up against the forcefield, all his veins could be seen pulsating as the hulking form stared right at him
Gacen responded flusteredly “oh um no not us we um are just passing through we uh aren’t inmates” the man just stood their laughing to himself with a raspy croak
Ash grabbed his arm “don’t interact with them it’ll only cause trouble” she was right Gacen recollected himself and they began moving to the end of the chamber
As they did they could here the voice speak up “hahaha it doesn’t matter if they find you you’ll be in here like the rest of us” what the fuck was that guy on, probably what got him in prison. They hurriedly exited the chamber and arrived into another large slum area
“shit there’s more” Ash cursed as she looked around for another exit. Gacen began looking around for an exit too but just saw more long streets. 
Before they had a chance to find out however they heard “THERE THEY ARE THE TWO FUGITIVES, GET THEM” over some form of megaphone. As Gacen turned he saw a bunch of guards ready to give chase. 
“shit” Gacen grabbed Ash’s hand and immediately they ran into a nearby alley
“what’s the plan” Ash exclaimed as they ran down the alley
“well so far run and I’m working on the next part” Gacen skidded round at the end of the alley and dived into another hoping Ash would follow.
“oh perfect” Ash shouted sarcastically. Well at least she was following, Gacen could here the sounds of the guards gaining on them and knew he would have to be creative to lose them. Diversions? what’s a good diversion? he realised as he went to drop a smoke grenade but when he went to get one none were left damn it shit that was his go to. He looked around and saw a stack of large pipes on a precarious girder perfect, he drew his pistol shooting them loose and then dropping into a slide. The pipes began to fall as he slid along the ground, boy he was cutting this close as he saw the pipes falling above his head he closed his eyes expecting pain but surprisingly when he opened his eyes he was fine. He stood up quickly looking to see he had made a small barricade hopefully enough to stop their cars, suddenly he saw a flash of blue land next to him. How on earth did Ash jump over? not important, he sprinted ahead as they found their way out back into the streets. Ash moved a dumpster in front of the alley as Gacen looked for an exit. He could see across the way the taxi area, perfect he could steal a speeder, he began to run towards it but as he reached the other side of the road guards swarmed from around the corner blocking the way. Crap Fuck Shit he turned and saw guards still on his tail, the only option was the door in front of him, he bolted towards it luckily it opened as he did. As he entered he was met with the strong smell of body odour, he could see conveyer belts, casting buckets and vats all around, must be a smelting factory perfect. He quickly ran up one of the cat walks before jumping onto a conveyer belt leading up; he could escape the factory from the top. He looked back to see Ash had taken her own route choosing to swing up and over onto a catwalk, she grabbed onto a light sticking out of the wall used the momentum to jump and grab onto the nearby catwalk, then used her swinging momentum to shift herself to the top of it in one fluid motion. How on earth did she do that Gacen thought as he reached the top of the conveyer, he suddenly felt himself lose his balance as he was teetering on the edge of something. He turned around to see a giant bright burning reddish brown vat in front of him
“shit shit shit” he let out as he tried to balance himself, he felt himself lose his footing as he began to fall, but then he felt his scarf catch against his neck making him gasp for air. He felt himself hoisted up and saw Ash on the walkway next to him, did he even weigh anything?
“ok that’s why we don’t get on conveyer belts you doofus” Ash said condescendingly Gacen nodded no time to argue his point. They ran along the walkway he could see the roof exit on the ladder ahead, as they ran he could see bolts of energy fly past, looks like the guards had caught up. He reached the ladder and quickly scrambled up helping Ash up after him, he then shot out the ladder supports causing it to fall off it’s hinges. They made their way to the edge of the building where Gacen could see guards swarming the ground buuuut there was a very clear path to the taxis in the air he only needed a glider. “GACEN YOU BETTER HAVE A PLAN” Ash shouted as Gacen looked around for something to use before he saw a pylon hanging from the ceiling of the sector roof. 
“yeah yeah I do I just need some rope” he scanned the roof for suitable tools YES on next to the ladder there was a fire hose. He scrambled over to it collecting a long enough section and cut it off, as he did he could hear guards at the broken ladder and it wouldn’t be long before they figured out a way up. He scurried back over to Ash with the length of hose trailing behind him
Ash looked wide eyed at the hose “you have GOT to be kidding me” fair criticism but not the time.
Gacen sighed “just trust me” he swung the hose out and threw the hose end up to the pylon, please wrap around please wrap around, the hose went flying over and then wrapped itself round the horizontal section of the pylon. YES perfect, he made sure the hose had little slack and then gestured to Ash to grab hold. She hesitated looking around for another option but as she hesitated a Guard mad his way on to the roof
Ash looked around awkwardly “ugggh fine” she grabbed hold of the hose and they ran towards the edge of the building
Gacen grinned as they jumped “wheeeeeeeee” they fell for a couple seconds before the hose caught then and they began swinging towards the taxi area. At the middle of the swing they came pretty close to the floor hearing blaster shots trying to shoot at them and some coming very close. But as they reached the apex they were out of the sectors borders and jumped off landing on the taxi pad with a bumpy roll. Gacen quickly got up and pushed the droid out of the taxi turning on the ignition
“but this is an unauthorised departure, you can’t” the droid pleaded as Gacen shoved him out
Ash stepped over it’s head and got it “yeah that’s totally the worst of our crimes today” as she got in Gacen pumped the accelerator and they sped out of the district. 
“we gotta get back to the ship like right now!!” Gacen said pushing the taxi to it’s limit, hopefully they had outrun whatever all that was. 
Ash slinked down in her chair and quietly said “I hate when you’re right”...
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