#And let's not talk about the bees
theminecraftbee · 6 months
Just reread the whole scs tag and now I want to see Three's first meeting with Etho (Iirc the clip of Grian being scared of Etho sneaking around and then seeming to teleport outside the ice shop is Grian's first meeting with Etho? (And it was season 7.) And I think the "two nervous animals stare at each other" vibes could fit.)
Three is nervous.
It has heard of Etho before. Etho is very high on the threat rankings it had memorized; Etho is considered more of a threat than is currently worth taking out; Etho is, apparently, a legend even around Players who do not understand quite how much of a threat he is. There are standing orders and plans still programmed into Three on how to take him out in a way that would not make a martyr of him. Three thinks many of these plans are stupid.
Three is nervous. It has heard of Etho before, and it does not know if Etho would have heard of a Blade before, or if any of that would get in the way of it conversing with Etho. Three is relatively confident it could beat Etho in a fight. For all Etho is a threat, he is merely a Player, and Three is a Blade. That had never been why Etho is a threat. That had...
Mumbo had promised Etho was not mean. Three had asked Mumbo what that had to do with anything. Mumbo had mumbled something about how, well, if Three was worried about Etho yelling at it, then Etho wouldn't. Etho would actually also worry, Mumbo assured Three. Etho seems cool at first, but he's actually kind of awkward, Mumbo assured Three.
Three had commented that 'seeming cool at first but actually being kind of awkward' is, apparently, a common problem. It can understand why.
None of that really solves why Three is nervous, but going over the ways Etho is a threat, and the plans it has to mitigate that threat is... nice. It should not use them, because Mumbo has promised that Hermitcraft is safe. Three finds it does not want to be the reason it is not safe. Three will not mitigate the threat of Etho. Three should not have to mitigate the threat of Etho.
Three is nervous because it wants something from Etho, and doesn't have anything to offer in return.
It stands in the jungle and waits. It sees Etho arrive, because it is watching for him, but Etho seems surprised, backing away nervously on seeing Three.
"Oh. Um. Hello there. You're Mumbo's scary friend. The new one he brought here. That one. That needed help? Um, I'm Etho."
"I know. Does Mumbo describe me as scary?"
"Not usually?" Etho says.
"Oh," Three says. It does not give away its disappointment. Etho is not a handler and not another Watcher, but it is best not to give away emotions like disappointment when it wants something from him anyway.
"Is there a reason you're, uh, lurking in my base?"
Three does not fidget. It is too well-trained to. "I am here to ask a favor."
"Shoot, uh, I guess I can hear it," Etho says.
"You are making your base out of interiors, you said, in the meeting," Three says. "I--I want. I want to do that. I want--I want you to show me how to do that." The words are harder to pull out of its mouth than it thought they would be. "I do not have much to offer you. I could take care of one of your enemies, but Mumbo says Hermitcraft is safe, and I do not know if I want to do that, I just know that I want..."
Three trails off.
"Apologies. I am unclear. Will clarify," Three says.
Asking for things it wants is--hard. It's still hard. It is not good at reporting on what it wants. Etho is staring at it. Three stands perfectly still, because it is well-trained.
"Most builders aren't a big fan of interiors," Etho says slowly, "let alone a base entirely out of them. That's, uh, a big favor you're asking. Can I ask why?"
Beneath the mask, Three opens its mouth. It closes it again. It does not know how to say: because I am the thing that replaced someone who built big empty shells. Because I filled one of those empty shells. Because I could have been one of those empty shells. Because I do not want to leave behind empty shells. Because if I am gone, I want the things to leave to be knit socks and cozy rooms and laughter, not a big empty temple with a farm in the middle. Because I am Three, and I am a person, and I want the world to remember that.
What Three says instead is: "I can pay you back. I am useful."
Etho looks at Three. He rubs the back of his head. "You know, normally no one is dumb enough to give me an IOU this early in the season?" He laughs almost nervously. "Sure, man, I can teach you to make a base out of interiors. Why not."
"Thank you," Three says, and its shoulders do not slump, because it is well-trained.
"No problem. Say, what do you think about pranks?"
"I would like to learn to do those too," Three says promptly.
Etho also wears a mask. This does not stop Three from being able to tell the man is smirking.
"You know what? We're gonna get along just fine," he says. Strangely, Three believes him.
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apnourry · 5 days
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it was hot at work, i was hot at work, i forget the rest
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bl0ssomized · 4 months
and what if I wrote about my little AU where voldy never existed and everyone lives and Harry Potter is the son of James Potter and Regulus Black and wolfstar are teachers at Hogwarts and adopted a little werewolf girl and marylily and dorlene are happily married and rosekiller are dating (because Barty is honestly too scared of the idea of marriage) and Pandora is married to Xenophilius simply for the sake of Luna's existence and what if I talked about the kids' life at Hogwarts and marauders and co living their best adult lives and and what if
I have so much to say
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queenbeebumblebee · 5 months
You put that rule for ONE REASON.
BC i know some minors DNI accounts literally interact with me, IM 14 DANMIT A DAMN MINOR.
If You don't want minors INTERACTING WITH YOU,
Thank You for listening. Have a Nice day.
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frenchfry99 · 7 months
Little post with my girls in @evillillad 's metal au
Had the motivation to finally finish Poison Garden refs 🎸🥀
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Also doodle of Iris and her girl-best-friend teehee :3c
Iris is very protective over her bandmates,, kinda obvious if you look at them all together. Sometimes I think oh, Annie and Bee are so tiny and then I remember they're almost average, Iris is just HUGE (T o T)-
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justinegreenpie · 2 months
does anybody else feel like a lot of sso's features aren't fully implemented lately? for example the championship season pass thing, I think that was so hidden. for no reason. i've had multiple people tell me they didn't even know it existed until somebody told them about it. and that seems like such a big flaw for a timed event and brand new feature?? i also felt very thrown into the deep end with the collections lately. both gm bee's bees and erissa's dolls didn't tell you anything about what you had to do! i loved the stars, i adored the spiders, this would be right up my alley. but all the confusion ruins it for me! why doesnt sso tell us how many things we have to collect? what's the diary even for if they don't add the new collection quests to it? i loved it as a way to keep track of your progress and get hints of the areas of the collectables you're still missing. the way it is right now it just incentivizes looking up guides instead of trying :(
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Jesper: Have you seen Wylan?
Kaz: Last I saw he was fleeing into the fields from a bee
Jesper: Kaz! Did you not think to help??
Kaz: I did… I told him to run faster
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mysticalsoot · 1 year
my life motto is WWWW
What Would Wilbur Want?
i see childish pillows I really want for my bed (glorified nest at this point)- he'd want me to embrace my inner child so I should get them.
i don't wanna eat? well Wilbur would want me to do I better go eat.
it's a great method to function ngl, I literally only get things done bc of this.
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murdleandmarot · 5 months
hi uh..so you got an oc?
Yes indeed I do!!
Her name is Bluebelle, she’s Victoria’s best friend, and she’s a ballerina :))
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Here she is!!! She’s the love of my life!!!
In the third picture she’s holding a music box :) I’m almost done with the lore for that!!
If you want to know more about her, I think just looking up her name on my account should show you the original post?? I’m not sure how to link things on here but I think that would work :)))
(While we’re here….do you have a reference picture for your oc that’s colored, or maybe some infos about hobbies, or relationships with other jellicles? I must know for….non nefarious reasons)
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cosmic-ships · 2 months
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Kaden handed their phone to Paul, who hesitated before taking it. "Check this out," they said, swiping through the photos. The screen was filled with images of flowers, close-ups of leaves, bugs, other various plant life, and then, dozens of bumble bees. Paul chuckled softly, his brow furrowing in curiosity.
"You really like bumble bees, huh?" Paul remarked, glancing up at Kaden. "There are so many of them here. Is there a story behind it?"
Kaden's eyes lit up, a smile spreading across their face. "I just think they're the cutest little things. Their fuzzy butts are adorable! They work so hard, but they always look so happy and chubby. I can't help but take a picture every time I see one."
Paul's smile widened at Kaden's enthusiasm, He found their affection for the little creatures endearing and honestly, quite adorable.
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aczi25 · 1 year
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this acully came out quaite good for somthing that was painted while i was on a verge of a panic attack that had nothing to do with the painting itself just the horibly organised school trip to italy during witch this was made
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ohandcounting · 8 months
Theme for the secret boss fight with Floor, Baby! at the bottom of Bee's Stinky-Meat Hole in Void Stranger. Bandcamp OST link
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nbmudkip · 10 months
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bubbled-clouds · 28 days
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there is truly nothing greater than love to me. what is more impermeable, long lasting, soft, and joyous??? yet still holds melancholy, anguish, pain, and grief???? (many things but that’s not the point-)
i am very grateful to love and be loved :) i hope whoever sees this comes across pure love as well, it’s very nice.
image desc: a ladybug on top of one of the leaves of a curry leaf stem
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dont-offend-the-bees · 7 months
Fucks sake.
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slasherscream · 7 months
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