#And omg‚ the way you drew the height difference between them is so cool to see.
saltymongoose · 2 years
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Hey Salty, here’s a new follower💕
I send you a drawing I made, I hope you like it. I’m still practicing to draw so it’s not very good yet.
However, let me know if the drawing arrives/uploads to you. And tell me what do you think.
(Take care and have a nice day)
(Sorry if my english is horrible btw)
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jisungshotfirst · 5 years
Okay, so here is the promised concert experience report lol
I'm not gonna talk about organisation and pre-concert stuff because it was a whole mess and I wish to forget that...
So, when we were inside, we had a really good spot close to the middle of the stage and second row. But some people were fainting before it even began and had to be pulled out by security. Fortunately they all recovered before it started and could take their spots again. But that also caused the whole crowd to shift and I was pushed back a few rows, but still had a really good view. It started with a commercial film about JYP entertainment and everyone went absolutely crazy for every single group they showed it was awesome!
And then Stray Kids took the stage. They opened with Hellevator and everyone was singing along and doing the fanchants and I had goosebumps! Then they played Grrr and Awaken and District 9. After that I left my spot to go to the back because people were pushing and I was getting mad. But when I had some space around me and could breathe again, I could enjoy it again. And Stays were so nice, they all asked if I was okay or needed water or anything.
They had their first ment and I was so surprised because Changbin was only talking in English and he sounded really good and confident and just wow! The way he expressed himself and the choice of his words was so beautiful, I'm still in awe! And he talked in English for almost the whole concert!
Then they performed Mirror and WHO? and they had a whole choreography for it where two members would be dancing on opposite sides of a frame and it looked like they were mirroring each other and it was just so beautiful!
When they played Voices I almost cried but I could hold it in. And I sang so loudly, that I felt my throat getting hoarse.
They had another ment and Changbin got us hyped for My Pace. He also got Jisung doing the Nanana and we got blessed with his body rolls and right after Chan did a cute version of it. We were all still singing the Nanana and they blended the beginning of the song right into our singing and it was so cool!
When they played My Side we did a rainbow ocean with our phone flashlights. Some stays had handed out some coloured paper slips to cover the flashlights before the concert and it was really pretty! They even mentioned it in their insta post about the Berlin concert. During the next ment they all showed their aegyo and Jeongin did his silly Dididi-dance (idk if you know what I'm talking about lmao I'm gonna send you the video for it later) and Hyunjin did a sexy dance so Chan and Jisung covered Jeongin's eyes to protect his pure soul lmao
They said the concert would be over after their next song and everyone was getting really sad and I had tears in my eyes again. Their "last song" was I am YOU and I wanted to sing along and do fanchants but my voice was gone by then...
When they had left the stage, they played a video on the big screen that showed their journey from their predebut days and survival show through the eras. They were practicing and teasing each other and making jokes and they just had to play Mixtape#2 for this. So why I was able to hold my tears in before, I couldn't then. I legit cried my eyes out...
But they came back out right after and performed Victory song and let me tell you I was not prepared for this whiplash they gave me. I wasn't even over my emotional crying and they just had to punch me in the face... Then they performed Miroh and had their ending ment.
They all had learned one German phrase they said and everyone went absolute nuts! Their pronunciation was so good and they sounded so sweet I melted! Changbin mentioned that his aunt and uncle were there and his voice almost cracked and he was getting so emotional because he was so happy that he could perform for them with all of us cheering them on so loudly.
After that they performed a short medley of Get Cool and Awkward Silence and then as their real last song they performed YAYAYA and had confetti cannons and fireworks and all! It was so full of energy and everyone was jumping and dancing it was amazing! When it was over we had to wait for the hi-touch.
We tried to go as one of the last ones but staff was starting to rush the people to line up and get ready because it was already late, so we were somewhere in the middle I guess.
The first I saw was Woojin. So I didn't mention it before but during the whole concert my eyes were on him. His performances drew me in and I really couldn't look away. He was magnetic to my eyes and I had fallen in love with him all over again. And when I saw him face to face in all his glowing beauty, I knew I was lost. He is my new bias. I'm so sorry to let Jisung go, but Woojin has this magic that captured me and I couldn't escape.
The next one was Changbin. He looks so different in real life and I don't even know why or how. It's just his whole aura is so different from what I expected. And he's not tiny! I didn't even notice a height difference between us.
Hyunjin was really intimidating for me. I almost couldn't look him in the eyes. It's not that he looked unfriendly or anything, he was an absolute sweetheart but he has such a strong presence it feels like he's towering over you...
Seungmin was surprised by what I told him. He wanted to say thank you when I said "I love you..." but when I continued with "...as much as you love Day6" he was so surprised and his eyes got so big and he just started laughing.
Chan was so humble and quiet it surprised me a bit. Not the humbleness, but the quietness. It felt like he would be so shy and introverted if it were not for his passion for music and performing. He's so different on and off stage.
Felix is probably the clearest in my memory. He was smiling so brightly and his freckles were glowing. Also his hands are freaking tiny! It felt like a small child's hand and I wanted to keep holding it forever!
Jeongin is taller than I expected. He looks so mature and he will definitely grow into a very, very handsome man. Also his eye smile game is strong. He's a literal sunshine and I would very much love to adopt him (but let's be honest, who wouldn't?)
I'm still sad about how I had to rush by Jisung and Minho. I only got a glimpse of them and their faces are so blurry in my memory. It sounds dumb because I have hundreds of pictures to look at them, but it's something completely different when you're in front of them.
Anyways, to conclude this novel now, it was beyond amazing! I laughed and cried and sang my heartb out and jumped and danced and everyone was so full of energy. Stray Kids are amazing performers, amazing singers and rappers, the sweetest boys around, and just so, so great in all they do. I'm really glad I went to see them again and got the opportunity to meet them and tell them how much they mean to me.
I'm gonna go through my camera roll tomorrow and find some good pictures that are not too blurry and then I'm gonna send them to you. But I'm too tired to do that now. This was one hell of a weekend but I'd do it all over again!
PS: You asked about South Club. They are the band of Nam Taehyun. He was a member of Winner but left in 2016. I saw them live last year in Cologne and they were amazing! They also shot their MV for Dirty House in Berlin.
I’m crying reading this I love them so much and I can get your experience through reading this (your writing is stunning) and jsut OMG I’m tearing up I love these boys. And dw I can love Jisung enough for the both of us, woojin deserves some love hahah. I’m so happy you can share this with me and I hope I can have this experience one day :) also I hope in years and years to come that they still end every concert with yayaya because what a BOP. Like what a hype song OMG I can imagine it still keeps you hype for days to come. I have one day of travel today then hopefully I’ll be in hotels with working WiFi haha so I’ll be on more x send me anything you want to share I will be so grateful!! Love you x
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thelionshoarde · 6 years
sneak peek; just words - side story
honestly this stupid thing is gonna wind up stupid long this is the break up fic, okay, and it starts off right before the end of ch2 and then carries us into ch3 tho it’s not necessary to read but ANYWAY here are a couple of richard/shiro heavy scenes to apologize for the really stupid long wait??
Of course, it wasn’t that easy. Nothing was, not when it was important and worthwhile, and maybe that was another point against the concept of soulmates. There had to be a reason why the whole world made such a big deal out of it -- couldn’t leave well enough alone; had to make it complicated, and messy -- because that was the real world, real love.
With spring coming in fast basketball practice become longer and even more grueling, and what time Shiro had left was taken up by his advanced classes -- papers and problem sets and readings and oral examinations and extra time in the flight simulators whenever he could squeeze it in -- and the end result was that nothing changed. Richard and Shiro met up here and there throughout the week; an afternoon on Saturdays, sometimes, or a quick hello in the library, strained smiles and stilted conversation and a hesitant holding of hands before it was back to the grind, back to life and its impossible, sweeping current, carrying them along.
But when February hit without pause and all Shiro got for Valentine’s Day was a headache and a B- on his pop quiz in Physics 202, Shiro decided he had to figure out a way to stand firm.
Fight for it, Isaac had said.
Shiro had thought that he was -- that all this time he had fought for it; refusing to give up, to listen to the dark and frightened thoughts that told him he wasn’t good enough to have this; stubbornly holding on to Richard and hope and a possible future that wasn’t preordained. But he hadn’t been. It wasn’t enough just to choose. He had to put in more effort than that.
He had to push. He had to try, even if the possibility of failure was terrifying.
| this isn’t doll anymore, Richard | he sent, and then cursed violently and hunched around his phone and added, | cool* i hate autocorrect so much omg |
| you are actually adorable | he got back a moment later, his phone pinging with Richard’s special text alert.
| i’m serious! i didn’t even get to see you on valentine’s day |
He didn’t get a reply to that for four minutes, and after staring between the waiting screen and the slowly changing clock at the top of it, Shiro bit back an unhappy growl. | i’m getting lunch | he finally sent, heart pounding. | and if you don’t want to SERIOUSLY piss me off then you’d better come join me | Then he fumbled the phone, hands shaking; shoved it into his pocket and hurried across the courtyard, heading for the commissary.
He listened for the text alert, but it didn’t come. He went blindly to the shortest lunch line, waiting, but told himself he couldn’t hear the alert over the chatter of the other cadets in the dining hall. He bought his food without registering what he selected, and sat at a table off by the floor-to-ceiling windows looking out onto the courtyard and ate without tasting anything, his phone quiet in his pocket. Shiro was afraid to look.
When he only had an apple left, Shiro forced himself to pull his phone out, thumb it on, and see --
| study group until 1300 hours, starkid. what are you wearing? |
Shiro choked on his bite of apple.
| excuse you |
| babe | sent Richard | i hate study groups you gotta give me something or i’m just gonna expire of boredom and misery | and then, quickly, | i wish i was with you. i’m sorry about vday you know why i couldn’t make it |
| because iverson’s an ass | Shiro agreed, and then he realized that he was relaxed -- the painful tension in his shoulders releasing, his spine curving, his elbows on the table while he bit into his apple and half-smiled at his phone. This felt nice. Even with everything going on they’d at least always been able to do this -- banter back and forth via text like nothing was wrong, for as long as they had the time to spare before their attention was inevitably pulled away.
| soooo what are you wearing |
Shiro grinned, and ducked his head to hide it from any passerby. |  what do you want me to be wearing? |
Then he finished his apple slowly. But there was no response by the time he finished, and he sighed before tucking his phone back into his pocket, gathering up his book bag. Slinging it across his shoulder, Shiro tossed his trash and put away the tray, trying not to be disappointed at the long silence he was receiving but unable to stop himself from moving slowly, taking his time, lingering, like that might make some kind of difference.
Study group, Shiro reminded himself. People surrounding his boyfriend, demanding his attention. Work to be done, lessons to be memorized. There was a time and a place for everything, and sometimes even sexting had to be put on hold, surely, even when it had been nearly two weeks since the last time Shiro had gotten more than a half-distracted make out session and --
A breeze brushed against him; it wasn’t cold, but it wasn’t warm, and Shiro shivered to feel it. The trees groaned, mostly bare this early in the year, and Shiro looked up at them and the way they cut across the pale blue sky beyond, making constantly shifting shapes, never quite willing to settle.
(-- fight for it --)
Shiro pulled out his phone, checked the time, and sent | my room at 1330 or there will be dire consequences Montgomery |
Forty minutes later his phone finally dinged with the alert that made his heart skip a beat, every time.
| sir, yes, sir! |
“Hello, Commander,” Richard grinned, leaning against the wall outside of Shiro’s door. He looked tired; shadows beneath his eyes, skin thin and paler than usual; even his hair seemed limp. But still, he waggled his eyebrows suggestively even as Shiro rolled his eyes and stepped aside, letting him in. “Reporting as ordered. What do you -- whoa!”
Shiro had him up against the door, nearly nose to nose.
He knew what he wanted to say -- what he had to say, maybe. He had practiced in front of the mirror on the back of the door, the very same one that Richard was leaning back against that very moment, shifting so that the frame didn’t dig quite so annoyingly into his shoulder. We need to talk, Shiro would say, because I deserve better than this and I refuse to let you give up on us.
“Don’t leave me,” he blurted out, uselessly.
Richard blinked, eyes wide. And then his whole face softened. Shiro had jerked back a few inches in embarrassment at his outburst, face flaming, so he could see the transformation. It looked kind of painful, or maybe that was just the way Shiro’s heart felt, twisting at the sight of such open tenderness.
“Hey,” Richard murmured, and his fingers slipped over Shiro’s hips. “I -- Shiro, you don’t -- you don’t have to worry about that, you know? I love you.”
Shiro breathed unsteadily, watching him.
“Don’t -- God, Shirogane, your eyes should be illegal. Do you have any idea how weak I am to you? C’mere.”
Hands drew him closer, tugging. Shiro let them, not understanding why he was hesitating except for maybe because of how much he wanted this. Was desperate to fix it, to make it work and succeed, to have what he wanted and be certain of it. Richard tipped his forehead against his; they were of a height, now, and Shiro just breathed for a moment, feeling Richard breathe with him.
“I do love you,” Richard whispered, eyes closing. “I think that -- I think I get scared of that, sometimes. How much I love you and how much it’s going to hurt when you leave me.”
“What --”
Richard shook his head; a minute shake that Shiro felt as a pressure against his forehead. His own hands were tight on Richard’s shoulders, now, and Richard was distracted and tense enough that he was holding Shiro’s hips hard enough to bruise; painful, but grounding. A mark on Shiro’s skin that he would actually welcome, for once.
“I’m allowed my fears,” Richard said. “Don’t -- Don’t worry about it, all right? C’mon, just let me love you, okay?”
“You haven’t been doing a very good job of it, lately.”
That was all he said -- no actual apology -- but the thing was that Richard sounded like he regretted it, and -- that’s enough, thought Shiro, heart fluttering. You’re forgiven, you were always forgiven, it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine. A tentative happiness -- an even more tentative feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction -- began to wind through him, dizzying.
“I love you, too. But Valentine’s Day still sucked, even if it wasn’t your fault.” This whole semester has sucked, he thought, privately, and even if Valentine’s Day hadn’t actually been Richard’s fault, a lot of the rest of it had been -- but he was happy to let it go. To release that frustration and move on, past it; to cling tight to this moment, instead. Shiro dared to ask, voice a low tease, “Are you going to make it up to me?”
Richard grinned, and now his fingers were rubbing little circles against Shiro’s hips, edging down toward his butt, the touch light and teasing. “Thoroughly,” he promised. “And repeatedly. You gonna let me eat you out?”
Shiro blinked rapidly and wanted -- desperately -- to say something more coherent, like Oh, well, if you insist, or even, fuck yes!, but was entirely too turned on to manage. By the time the blood stopped rushing quite so loudly in his ears and he might have been able to articulate his enthusiastic consent, Richard already had the door locked behind him and was tumbling Shiro onto the bed with bright, warm laughter.
Spring break that year was in March, which Shiro knew, but hadn’t actually managed to factor into the scheme of things. “Sorry, babe,” Richard said, mouth pressed right up against Shiro’s hairline so that the words came out soft and moist. “We’ll miss you at the lake house.”
“Okay,” said Shiro, narrowing his eyes at the ceiling even though he felt loose-limbed and incredible. “Now you’re just being mean. Watch it, or I’m going to have to come up with a proper punishment.” He wondered if this was what make-up sex felt like -- intense and barely controlled; the deep relief of not only getting off, but feeling closer and more intimate with his significant other than he had in months.
It was a good feeling. He was maybe reveling in it.
That it wasn’t, exactly, make-up sex had more to do with neither Shiro nor Richard actually acknowledging a specific fight.
Fight wasn’t even the right word for what it had been -- months of increased tension, snappishness, frustration building and building without anywhere to go. But Shiro was still pretty happy about the resolution, regardless. Somehow, he had managed not to fuck this up just yet. He thought maybe there was nowhere else to go, now, than back to what they had been -- happy together.
“Oh, no,” Richard grinned, stretching showily against Shiro’s side. “That sounds terrifying. Consider me appropriately threatened. I shall now be on my absolute best behavior, scout’s honor.”
“What do scouts have to do with anything?”
Richard snorted and then flopped onto his back, one leg falling off the side of the bed. Immediately, Shiro felt the loss of his warmth and tried not to tense. Their clothes were only half-removed, rumpled wildly and sticking in places. Regretfully, Shiro began to put himself in order. Pants pulled back up, zipped and buttoned, shirt tugged down to hide his skin. Conditioned reflex, and no matter how he hated it he did it anyway; breathed relief when Richard, as always, let him have his boundaries without pressing, or prying.
He thought briefly of Josie, and felt both sorry and overjoyed that he had a partner who did not push, who respected him and his limits.
“I would have liked to see you in a swimsuit,” Richard said instead of answering, a little wistful.
Well, mostly he didn’t push.
Richard scratched at the dark blonde hair that grew in an unfortunately tempting line down from his navel, leaving that sentence up in the air for Shiro to do with what he liked. Shiro stared helplessly at the flat planes of Richard’s stomach, at his hips and his big, bony hand now languidly drawing meaningless patterns on his honey-pale skin, pressing his tongue to the back of his teeth and trying to remind himself that they had literally just achieved orgasm five minutes ago.
Shiro said, “You could send me pictures of your swimsuit,” because he didn’t want to sour the afterglow with guilt about his lack of nudity. Thankfully, Richard only hummed thoughtfully, and then grabbed the waistband of his opened trousers with both hands and slipped them down his hips, toward his knees.
“I think I might,” Richard grinned, kicking his pants off and then twisting up, straddling Shiro. “Now grab the lube. We have two more hours before Sasha gets back and I really want your fingers in my ass, Shirogane.”
“Mission accepted,” Shiro gasped against Richard’s mouth, heat blooming anew within him.
Apparently, unofficial make-up sex for the kind of not-fight the two of them had been having for the last half a year required multiple rounds. Shiro was absolutely not complaining.
Rather than March 1st they celebrated his birthday on February 28th. It was more or less everything Shiro wanted -- not perfect, but perfect enough. Richard had gone to him late, near lights out, and kissed him so sweet and slow that Shiro had felt overwhelmed just from that. From a warm mouth and slick tongue and Richard’s hands greedy at the base of his neck, curled around his jaw. “Happy birthday, starkid,” Richard murmured, sliding cheek to cheek for a moment, nuzzling at the base of his ear and the heat between them was slow and dangerous for being so tender.
“Thanks,” Shiro had gasped, ragged, falling. It was dizzying, and he’d said a little stupidly, “Guess I’m legal, now, huh? We can finally have sex.” but it wasn’t too stupid, apparently, or maybe Richard was just stupid for him, because his boyfriend had just laughed, helpless, and kissed him again.
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