#And stop asking if its okay to tell people to kys on this app the answer is no and if your asking that question in the first place
Bro the way its so fucking obvious which users came from Twitter and which ones have been here for a while
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kyaevus · 7 years
Pride Month Questionare
Not sure if you guys want to know, but here!! What is your sexuality? - Demi-Sexual, Pan-Romantic, Poly-Amorous what gender do you identify as? - Genderfluid (Demigirl to Demiboy) how long have you been aware of your sexuality/gender? - Looking back, I've know since I was little, but I only really came out to myself in the 8th grade. So about 4 ish years ago. do you have any preferences? - I do, actually! On a scale of 1-10 (one being the girliest girl and 10 being the most macho of men) I find I like a solid 5, but I'm fine with a 4 or a 6. I like people similar to myself, those who kind of fluctuate. share a positive memory about coming out! - when I came out as not-cis to my friends, they loved me and supported me through 3-4 different names! (Heather, my birth name, then Joey, Haelyn, and Finally Kylen) how do you feel about pride month? - I wish more people supported it and knew about it : ( I also wish I could celebrate it with my family do you participate in pride related events? any other events? - I try to participate in Glesn's day of silence when I can, and I would like to go the a pride parade at some point. how do you feel about lgbtq roles in media? - I feel like they can get repetitive, but have gotten much better lately! I mostly watch anime, and I'm seeing more and more of the bigger animes getting good, non-judged LGBTQ roles! do you feel pride in who you are? - I do. Every once in a while, I wish I was straight, wish I was Cis Gendered, just so that I would be /that/ family member, but I've made a new family out of people I don't have blood relation to, and they have helped me immensely. who has been your supportive idols in your self discovery? - hmm... I'm not 100% sure what this question is asking, but I think I would have to say my group of friends. tell us about your first crush? - my first crush was on my elementary school best friend, and I developed it in second grade. She was my ride to church ✌︎('ω'✌︎ ) At the time it just felt wrong and I passed it off as a friend love. (I was a baptist Christian at the time, and I knew girls couldn't love girls) what sort of advice to have you lgbtq teens? - "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" and "curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back". Your blood family may not be your real family (in a sense if who supports you) and thats okay. It hurts, it sucks, but its better to find people who love you for you than to struggle to get the love of those who want you to change. As for the second quote, don't be afraid to change you're labeling if you feel it needs to be changed. I've gone through several changes and so have my friends. Also, never let anyone tell you what you are, or that you have to have a label/can't or shouldn't use labels. Do whats most comfortable for you. have you come out to friends and family? - yes. My friends graced me with smiles, patience, and open arms, and my family continues to outcast me, disrespect my identity, and call my queerness a choice. They did not kick me out, but they silently hope this is just a phase I'll grow out of. how do you feel about the term “coming out” ? - I wish it didn't need to exist. Love is love is love is love and who you love shouldn't have to be some grand fiasco of "oh yeah, btw I'm not 'normal'" do you believe there is a “closet” to come out of? - yes, Its created by ignorance and hatred and sometimes its safer to remain inside. any tips on coming out? - please, PLEASE, don't be pressured into it. And if you're going to be in danger, please stay safe. My biggest tip is come out to your self fully, or find a trusted friend to come out to and talk through it until you can come out to your self. Once you've done that, and you've accepted yourself, then its easier when others don't accept you. It doesn't hurt less, but you don't doubt yourself so much. what’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to lgbtq characterization in media? - LACK OF IT. Or when it does appear, they feel like they have to hide/they get weird looks/ they need to come out/ their the gayist more rainbow mofo's you've ever seen. Like, stop with the stereotypes for petes sake! what’s your favorite parts of lgbtq characterization in media? - when its not stereotypical what did your teachers say about the lgbtqa community in school? - they didn't, really. I was never taught about LGBTQ until I educated myself. do you practice safe sex with the same gender? Yes! Always! Safe sex is applicable to any type of couple! what’s an absolute turn off for you in the opposite/same gender? - Over masculinity/masculinity problems. Or being controlling. My Ex had serious Masculinity issues, and it led to him copying men he saw on TV and our relationship going to places it should have. If a potential partner is demanding of me, its a huge red flag in my brain. what’s an absolute turn on for you in the opposite/same gender? - Taller than me. And being gently protective. I'm kind of finicky and panic when I don't have control of a situation, so when someone else can have patience with me and help me calm down or male decisions its a huge thumbs up. how do you feel about lgbtq clubs/apps/websites? - Yes? Good? I've only been on one and my experience wasn't great, but i'm sure that there is lots of good ones? how do you feel about the term “queer” ? - I love it. I use it to describe myself when I don't want to explain my chosen labels to people. how does you country view the lgbtq community? - I live in the US so It varies. i feel like people are generally acceptive. favorite lgbtq actor/actress? - hooooo boi, I'm not good at this. Neil Patrick O'Harris? Yes? I like him, he is good? any tips for heterosexual and/or cisgender people on how to handle lgbtq events/news? - participate! Be an ally! If you're understanding and you take the time to learn, then you'll be fine! I 100% believe that straight is a totally valid sexuality as well as being cis gendered is 100% valid!!! And don't forget, allies have their own flag, Its a black and white striped flag with a rainbow triangle in the middle! what’s the most annoying question you have ever gotten? - theres several: - if you're pansexual does that mean you're attracted to pans? - isn't demi-sexual just like.... everyone? (Or replace "everyone" with "normal people") - are you into threesomes? (In regaurds to Pan and Poly) - isn't that just Bi?/Soooo.... you're bi./Ah, Bisexual, right? - why are you gay? - Comments: - i'm going to keep calling you (x) cause thats what I know. - *messes up pronouns* oh, sorry, i've just known you as this for so long that its really hard to change but I'm trying my best but its hard and you should really understand that ... - teacher: *sees new name written on a random piece of paper* whats this? Me: oh, ah, nothing Teach: should i call you this? Me: oh, ah, sure. *later, I raise my hand to answer a question* Teach: *pointing to me* *infront of the whole class* heather- I mean, Haelyn- Ah, Hal! Oh wait, Joey, thats it! Whats the answer? (Yes that actually happened.) how do you feel about receiving questions about your sexuality/gender? I love answering questions, but only when the person asking is willing to learn and willing to have an open mind! Thank you all so so much for reading! I love you and if you have any questions, feel free to PM me! <3 stay fabulous -Ky
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