#And then I added Close Call 4 so she can back off and still use the other extra movements to retreat out of range
childofaura · 1 year
I am bored and overloaded on fodder from arena tickets and pity breaks, so any suggestions for other projects while I get grails for baby Azura?
I'm probably gonna be super biased towards some units, just because they're my favorites, lol.
Big one I can think of is Python. If you have a spare Summer Elincia lying around, her bow works really well for Python, and since he's a cavalry bow, he has good reach. Mine has a bit of an outdated build, but I run him with Whitecap Bow, Swift Sparrow, Desperation (it has saved my ass and I can't wait for Desperation 4), and Threaten Def (which you can just substitute for some other C-skill). Plus Deadeye.
Luthier is a good green mage unit if you need someone with speed and attack power. Not a whole lot of 4 star green mages are super fast that I know of, but he's a good one. I've considered foddering Tailtiu's Teacake Tower on him, but we'll see if he gets a Refine soon. Holding off until then.
M!Morgan is a big one for me, I have him dual-function as an offensive and supportive unit with Inf. Null Follow 3 (so he can support his mom Robin and dad Priam in the Arena). His weapon with the refine is really good and it makes him a pretty hardcore demote Red Tome.
Benny's a fantastic Far Save unit for me, most people run him near save but that satisfactory Res stat makes him optimal for far save. Only thing is that I run him with Arcane Qiang which is hard to get, so go for it if you have one on hand, but hold off if not. Not a lot of lance weapons that help boost the Res stat. My Benny is run with Distant Stance, Mystic Boost 4, A/R far save, and Def/Res Ideal S seal. I'm considering nabbing an extra Armored Beacon fodder, but the Armored Beacon/Armored Floe fodder I have right now is being saved for if Miklan gets added to the game. So yeah, Benny's a sweetheart of a defender if you run a Far Save on him. I love Henriette but I've never pulled more than one copy of her, and Benny works best.
This one is weird, but Azama is also an interesting staff unit; he's not flawless, but I have him in Aether Raids and he tends to fuck up people who ignore him in favor of taking out other units first. Serpentine Staff deals less damage than Pain does (7 HP as opposed to Pain's 10), but it also has built in Deep Wounds. So I run him with Fort. Def/Res 3, Renewal 3 (which probably should be replaced with Poison Strike, or Poetic Justice if you need him to attack better), and two counts of Savage Blow 3. Problem is you gotta invest a LOT of Dragon Flowers into him. But to me, he's still worth the build. If you have a Holy Panic, slap that on him. His Attack stat is absolutely abysmal, but he's more of the "Death by a Thousand Papercuts" type of unit.
This one is only a suggestion if you have an Arcane Downfall, but Mustafa definitely is a solid axe unit. He virtually has Ganglot's kit (Distant Stance and Quick Riposte 4) plus Def/Res Menace and Fort. Def/Res 2 as an S seal. If you have good support units behind him, he's a monster. The unit showcase video I did of him has him taking down Ninja Camilla, though I'm like... 95% sure it was unmerged (or only had one or two merges), but STILL. He's an enemy phase slaughterhouse.
This one goes without saying, but one of my most utilized units is Silas. The only thing that sucks is the constant influx of sword units that are starting to outclass him (LOOKING AT YOU, B!SELIPH), but if you play to his weapon refine, he's incredibly reliable. Just needs a Far Save unit to cover him, lmao. I run him as an enemy phase unit: Sturdy Stance (prevents cooldown charge in most cases, very useful to prevent him from getting wiped out by a Special), Quick Riposte 4, Atk/Def Menace (which I may replace someday if we get a better Atk/Def C-skill), and Atk/Def Form 3. His refine weapon, Sworn lance, requires a support partner, but it prevents most units from making follow up attacks; which means sometimes he can tank hits from dragon units (but not all the time) because he prevents their follow up attack. So most of the time in combat, he's getting at least 20+ Atk and Def. And his support partner is OG Kinshi Hinoka (since I paired them in my Fates game), so with her Atk/Spd Oath 4, she can usually get around to where he is if she's close enough to him or another unit. He's not as destructive as Geralt or Petrine, but he's my buddy and that's all that counts.
Sorry for the long list, I started going down my barracks and realized I have a lot of units that I just have fun using, lmao. There's a couple I left out but I didn't wanna drag out the list.
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7s3ven · 9 months
PART 1 > PART 2 > PART 3 > PART 4 (last pt)
( master list )
IN WHICH… Y/N L/N, after spending a decade at Camp Half-Blood, still remains unclaimed. Luckily, Luke is there to keep her company as her good friend. And to, perhaps, provide a bit more.
“I’m in the wind, you’re in the water. Nobody’s son, nobody’s daughter.”
( follows the show - kind of just a oneshot bc i’m bored )
Warnings : fighting, violence, a little too much of a description about injuries
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Nobody had been this excited about a new kid since three years ago, when a H/C-haired girl showed up holding a Harpy’s head. The new arrival had slain a Minotaur, which Clarisse wasn’t too happy about. She was convinced he was a liar.
Y/N sat in the Hermes cabin, closely inspecting her empty juice box. She had waken up an hour ago yet her good friend, Luke, still woke up earlier. She always wondered where he went in the early morning. Perhaps to get some sword training in before the day started. He was, after all, the best swordsman in camp.
The rays of sun poured through the window, bathing the wooden floor in light. A few of the Hermes kids groaned, knowing Luke would burst through the doors any second and force them to get up. He always did when the sun rose.
As expected, Luke kicked the door open. “Good morning!” He exclaimed, as energetic as ever. “The new kid’s coming today so get up and start cleaning! I’m mainly talking to you guys.” Luke sent the group in the corner a stern look and added, “Y/N, you’re fine.” He pointed at her with his usual boyish grin.
Lately, Y/N had been sleeping in Luke’s bed while he slept on the floor. They took turns switching. Lying on the ground for more than a decade now wasn’t good for the back.
After all this time, Y/N was still unclaimed. It usually took a week or less. Y/N was a prime example of the Gods above ignoring their children.
“He’s the one who killed the Minotaur, right?” Y/N questioned as Luke collapsed onto his mattress, partly to annoy Y/N who was sitting on it. The H/C-haired girl scoffed and playfully rolled her eyes, yet she couldn’t contain the amused smile on her face.
“Yeah. He can join your little monster slaying group. Let’s hope he gets claimed because I can’t deal with a boy version of you.” Luke teasingly grinned while Y/N scoffed and slapped his shoulder.
“You love my company.” She uttered, rolling her eyes.
Luke’s friends snickered to themselves. “More like he loves you.” One whispered to another.
“What’s his name again?” Y/N asked, tilting her head to the side. “Was it… Tom?” Luke stared at her in disbelief before lightly snorting.
“You’re way off, Y/N. Stop thinking, you’ll hurt that tiny brain of your’s. Just do what you do best; sit still and look cute.” Luke ruffled her tidy hair, turning it into a bird’s nest again.
Y/N flung a pillow at him, and glowered at the Hermes boy. “I’m going to kick your ass in capture the flag.” She threatened, poking his shoulder. Clarisse, out of all people, was her best friend. So naturally, she teamed up with her.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, princess.” Luke lightly shoved her which caused Y/N to gasp in disbelief.
“Don’t push a lady, Luke!”
The other campers, already used to their antics, just chuckled. “Hey, love birds!” One of the unclaimed kids exclaimed. “Get a room!” With her smart she was, Y/N assumed she was Athena’s child.
Y/N and Luke liked to play a silly game where they guessed which camper belonged to which godly parent. It was fun. Luke was never wrong until the day he tried to guess Y/N’s.
A year ago, he guessed Aphrodite. His explanation? Because she was charming and she had a certain aura that followed her. And because she was pretty. That was the only time he was wrong because Y/N never ended up in a cabin.
“So, what do you think of the new kid? Which cabin?” Y/N asked as she and Luke walked outside. He shoved his hands into his pockets, laughing.
“Tough call. I haven’t even met him yet. Apollo, maybe?” Luke shrugged and frowned. “I’ll tell ya my guess when I see him.”
“I’m guessing… Poseidon.” Y/N uttered, earning a light snort from Luke.
“No way. Is that your confirmed guess? Being a child of Poseidon would mean being a forbidden child.”
The game had a few rules.
One. You can only take a single guess and once you confirm it, you can’t change it.
Two. You can’t ask the kid you’re talking about. Luke considers that cheating. You can only observe them.
Three. No asking Annabeth because she’s always right.
“I guess. It’s not like I ever win, right?” Y/N laughed, grinning at Luke. He stared at her for a moment before returning her bright smile.
“I know we don’t usually make bets, but if your guess turns out right, I’ll willingly give up in the next capture the flag game after he’s claimed.” Luke puffed out his chest, certain Y/N wouldn’t win.
“And if you win?” She asked, arching an eyebrow.
“You give me your strawberries.” Luke had an obsession with strawberries that everybody, even the gods above, knew about.
“You’re on, Luke.” Y/N held out her hand with her lips curved up into a teasing smirk.
“Good luck, princess. Looks like I’ll be taking all your strawberries.” Luke ran his tongue over his teeth, already being able to taste the sweet, red fruit in his mouth.
He walked off, playfully winking at Y/N. Clarisse, who saw the whole conversation go down, hurried over to Y/N. “Looks like you and lover boy have a bet going in.” She smirked, raising both her eyebrows. “You two are cute together.”
“Don’t mess with me, Clari. We’re just friends.” Y/N rolled her eyes at what her friend was suggesting. She had been friends with Luke for three years now and she had known him for even longer.
“Are you just friends… or you want to be more?” Clarisse leaned forward with that taunting glint in her beautiful eyes. Y/N groaned, shoving her away. Clarisse simply laughed. “Come on, princess.” She mocked.
“Oh, come on, Risse.” That was a horrid nickname given to Clarisse by an Apollo boy who seemed to be obsessed with her.
“Shut up!” Clarisse exclaimed, eyeing Y/N up and down in disgust as if she was the Apollo boy. “You know how I feel about him!”
“And you know how I feel about Luke.”
“Yeah… but do you?” Clarisse tilted her head to the side before her gaze flickered to something, or rather someone, behind Y/N. “The Minotaur kid is out.” She grumbled and sharply clicked her tongue.
“Great. I can see if my stupid guess was correct.” Y/N glanced over her shoulder, watching the boy walk beside Chiron. His hair was curled, much like Luke’s, and blond. Clarisse had wandered off in the midst of Y/N’s staring, but she didn’t mind.
Suddenly, the boy lifted his head. His eyes clashed with Y/N’s, and he almost jumped at how intensely she was staring at him. Y/N merely smiled before turning away.
“So, what do you think?” She asked Luke as they walked towards the Hermes cabin side by side, their shoulders brushing against each other.
“Hard to say for now.” Luke replied. Y/N looked at him and he stared back before the pair burst into quiet laughter. Just locking eyes could make two friends find anything hilarious.
“I assume you’ll take him under your wing? Good luck.” Y/N nudged him with her elbow, which seemed to be a normal gesture between them.
“Thanks, princess. See ya.”
Y/N turned around, almost crashing into a disoriented Percy Jackson. He seemed jumpy and panicked. Of course, how couldn’t he be? He had just unknowingly killed a monster and his mother had been taken.
“Hi. The first day is always rough. Don’t beat yourself up about it.” Y/N muttered to him before she passed by.
She didn’t stick around to hear Chiron announce him. She sighed, wandering aimlessly around the camp. She saw Clarisse talking to her siblings. Y/N had always wondered what it was like to have siblings you could relate to. What did it feel like to understand each other? To go through the same difficulties?
The Hermes cabin was comfortable and friendly enough but it wasn’t the same. She wanted to feel what a true family felt like, or at least was supposed to.
As Y/N had expected, Luke was the first to talk to Percy.
“I’m Luke.” He introduced himself to the boy after the rocky start to their conversation.
“Percy. Hey, uh, who was that girl before? The H/C-haired one?” He questioned, clearing his throat.
“Y/N. She’s nice most of the time the time but a pain in the ass during capture the flag.” Luke chuckled, shaking his head. “Nah. I’m just kidding. Don’t tell her I said that, though.”
“You guys seem close.” Percy uttered, remembering the way Luke looked at Y/N when they talked.
“Yeah. She’s my best friend. Unfortunately for me, her best friend is an aggressive Ares kid.” He grinned, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “Feel free to lie down anywhere. Just don’t get too close to Y/N. If she’s having a monster dream, she kicks in her sleep.”
One of the campers across the cabin groaned. “I know how that feels. The bruise lasted for weeks!” The others burst into laughter while Percy hurriedly made a mental note.
Avoid the pretty girl when she sleeps.
Percy was lucky that Y/N, who lay on the floor a few feet away from him, wasn’t having one of her infamous nightmares. He couldn’t say the same for himself, though.
Percy sat up, panting and sweating. He looked around, realising where he was. Birds chirped in the distant and he could hear the faint sound of chatter through the wooden walls.
“You okay?” Luke asked.
“Super.” Percy sarcastically responded.
“We all have them here, you know.” Luke clicked his tongue and sighed. “Intense, reoccurring nightmares. That’s normal here. Take Y/N for example. When she first came here, no one wanted to get near her while she slept. Girl’s a bloody good kicker.”
Percy lightly chuckled while Luke smiled. “The daydreams and ADHA and dyslexia are normal too. Demigods just process reality differently than humans do. For the first time in your life, you’re just like everyone else.”
“So, are you also…” Percy trailed off, not wanting to sound rude to his first friend at camp.
Luke found his hesitation amusing. “Am I unclaimed? No. Hermes is my father.”
“And Y/N? Is her father also Hermes?”
Luke scrunched up his face like he had just eaten a sour lemon. “Oh, no. Heck no. Y/N’s unclaimed… still. She has been for a while.” The brunette pressed his lips into a thin line as he gazed at Y/N, who was laughing with Clarisse.
“Why hasn’t Aphrodite claimed her? I mean, she looks the part.”
“That’s what we’re all asking ourselves. We all thought she’d be Aphrodite’s kid.”
Boys and girls flocked towards Y/N like she was a muse. It was no secret that out of all the campers, Y/N stood out the most. There was something unique about her, how she always hung around the aggressive Ares kids like she wanted to be one of them.
She was a tough opponent but a little too soft for Ares’ liking.
Too gentle for Ares but too angry for Aphrodite. She was constantly stuck in the middle. It almost seemed like no god or goddess wanted her in their cabin because she had proved herself over and over again.
“How long has she been unclaimed?” Percy inquired. Kids before him had asked that very same question and every time, they were never ready for the answer.
“A decade.” Luke replied, “She’s been here for a decade. Last year, there was a stupid rumour going around that she was fully mortal but that doesn’t make sense. If she was, she wouldn’t be here in the first place.”
“Why so long?”
“Nobody knows.” Luke shrugged. He had wondered that too. And he could see how it was weighing down on Y/N. The unclaimed kid was what campers referred to her as. They used her as an example of what not to do.
“Will she ever get claimed?”
Luke hoped she would. For her sake. He knew how she felt about not having a related family of her own. For now, she was satisfied laughing over silly tales with the Hermes kids.
“So, where does she go during the day? She disappeared yesterday and today.” Percy tilted his head to the side, not being able to spot Y/N anymore. Luke paused. It was uncommon for him to not have an answer to everything.
“I… don’t know. I assume Clarisse and her go somewhere.”
“Probably swimming in the lake.” Grover said, overhearing the two’s conversation.
It was scorching during Summer at Camp Half-Blood. Most stayed in the shade while an occasional kid or two tended to the plants. So it would make sense that Y/N would go to a lake to cool off.
Luke left Percy in the company of Grover and made his way towards the Lake in the middle of the forest. As Grover guessed, he found Y/N and Clarisse and a few other Ares kids swimming in the water or sitting on the nearby rocks.
“Hey, Y/N, your lover boy is here!” One of them exclaimed. Y/N, from her spot in the middle of the lake, glared at him. She huffed before swimming over to Luke, easily heaving herself onto shore.
“Hey, Luke, ready to make your guess yet?” She asked, grinning up at him. “Or do you wanna swim?”
“My guess is definitely not Hephaestus.” Luke said as he sat down in front of Y/N. His gaze flickered to her new swimsuit. “New bathing suit?”
“Yeah. Miya got it for me.” Miya was a child of Aphrodite and favored Y/N quite a lot.
“Ah. No wonder it’s so…” Luke hesitated, “Revealing.” He tried to act like a gentleman but his cheeks flushed every time he even looked at Y/N.
“One more day until I kick your ass.” Y/N laughed as she sank back into the water, returning a moment later with her hair dripping wet and her face shining in the sunlight. She looked effortlessly angelic.
“Are you sure you’re ready to handle Y/N again, Luke? She almost beat you last time.” Clarisse snickered as she floated on her back.
Luke scoffed. “Keyword. Almost.” It was true that Y/N had almost beaten him in his own game of sword fighting but that was because she was becoming increasingly more distracting.
Gone was the shy and quiet kid who always trailed behind Clarisse. With every passing year, Y/N became more headstrong and, well, beautiful. That’s why it was so hard for Luke to keep his feelings to himself now. Even Clarisse could see through his facade.
“I’m ready to make my guess.” Luke finally announced, catching Y/N’s wavering attention. She arched an eyebrow, intrigued. “My guess… is Demeter. I met the kid and he seems gentle. A soft and kind soul.”
“Nice. I guess we’ll find out soon.” Y/N’s guess was nothing but a joke and she’d end up laughing if she was actually correct.
“Join me for a little swim?” Y/N asked, reaching out to tug on Luke’s shirt. He sighed while Y/N merely smiled. A moment later, he gave in. Luke lifted his shirt over his head while Y/N stared at him a little too shamelessly for her liking. Some of the Ares boys teasingly wolf-whistled which made Luke chuckle.
He jumped into the lake, practically tackling Y/N and taking her under with him. “Luke!” She yelled, hitting his shoulder when they resurfaced.
“Oh no. The married couple is fighting again.” Zyra, Clarisse’s half-sister, said. She and Clarisse shared a knowing grin.
“They’re so whipped.” Clarisse whispered, subtly swimming away to give the two more space.
It was the day Y/N had eagerly been waiting for. Perhaps her favourite day at Camp. Capture the flag day.
Clarisse handed Y/N a spear. “I got it fixed for you.” The brunette said. During the last game, Y/N’s spear had broken. She was forced to fight with half of it after that.
Y/N adjusted Clarisse’s armour, ensuring that it was tight enough before putting on her own helmet.
“You’re gonna love this.” She overhead Luke say to Percy as they passed by. “Camp-wide mock warfare. All glory to the victors. Annabeth’s the head counsellor. She’s led our team to three straight wins.”
Y/N looked away, giving Luke the perfect chance to gaze over at her. “Y/N and Clarisse lead the other team. Clarisse is rather… impulsive, though. Y/N’s come up with some good plans but Ares kids always go off the rails.”
“What’s the deal with you and Y/N anyway?” Percy suddenly switched the topic, much to Luke’s surprise. “I mean, you guys say you’re just friends but you’re always looking at each other. And talking. And you stare at her like she’s your world. Sometimes I wish I could look at someone like that.” Percy sighed while Luke was left speechless.
Luke cleared his throat and shook his head. “Let’s just… focus on the game.”
The conch shell blew. Y/N stood side Clarisse, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. “Heroes, it’s time.” Chiron announced. “The game begins. The first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor. As always, there will be no maiming and no killing. I trust these rules will be respected.”
He subtly glanced over at Clarisse and her cabin.
“Let the games begin.”
There was twenty minutes until the next conch shell, which meant game-on. Normally, Clarisse and Y/N would pair up and hunt through the woods for the first few hours. But Clarisse had a different idea this time.
“Good luck.” Y/N said to her friend, slinging her spear over her shoulder. Y/N split up with the rest of her team, taking with her small portion of campers.
“We follow Clarisse’s plan this time. We’re the last defense meaning that if the blue team manages to get through, we fight like our lives depend on it.” Y/N said as she gripped her spear tightly.
“What are going to do?” Someone else asked.
“I’m going to…. look around.”
Luke grunted as a sword piercing his upper arm. He easily disarmed his opponent and kicked them to the ground.
“We give up.” The red leader grumbled, wincing as their brushed their fingers over his cuts.
“I wanna move quick. Straight through the woods for their flag.” Luke uttered.
“Y/N and Clarisse hunt in those woods for the first few hours, you know that. They’ll cut us down.”
Luke grinned, shaking his head. “Annabeth has a plan for Clarisse. And Y/N, as always, is mine. Don’t worry about her.”
“Last time I didn’t worry about her, she almost chopped my head off. By accident!” Chris loudly exclaimed, shoving Luke. Unbeknownst to the pair, Y/N was watching from above in the trees, hidden by the thick leaves.
She skilfully hopped from branch to branch, sliding down in front of her teammates. “The blue team is coming. They got past the other defences. Get in position.” Y/N hid behind a thick tree branch, panting and listening carefully for the sound of Luke’s voice.
She heard a twig snap and peeked her head out slightly to see Luke, Chris, and the rest of their small team. Y/N looked up, signalling to her friends above that it was almost time.
The moment Luke, who was leading the pack, stepped right where Y/N wanted him, she revealed herself. “Now!” She shouted, raising her spear and striking Luke. He easily blocked her attack.
“Thought you could ambush us, princess? Nice try.” Luke chuckled, pushing Y/N back.
“I’d say that it worked just fine.” Y/N retorted, lunging at Luke again. She pinned him to a nearby tree, holding the blade of her spear to his throat.
Chris grabbed Y/N by her shirt, pulling her back. Luke swung his sword at her but Y/N simply ducked to avoid the blow.
She tried to run off to help her teammates but Luke blocked her path. “Where do you think you’re going?” He uttered, playfully furrowing his eyebrows.
Y/N scoffed, kicking his ankles. She pointed at spear at his chest, poking it ever so slightly. “Ready to give up, Luke?”
“In your dreams.” He rolled over, latching onto Y/N’s arm and pulling her down with him. Y/N yelped, quickly scrambling up before he could grab her again.
She looked around at her surroundings, finally understanding what Luke’s plan was. It was to keep Y/N away from her team so that Luke’s could take them down. That left Y/N solely alone, standing between the flag and the blue team.
She panted, glaring at Luke. “Bring it on, Luke.” She muttered, holding up her spear. Luke was the first to make a move. He jumped at her, swinging his blade. Y/N dodged it and blocked another attack from Chris.
She quickly lowered her head, tackling another Hermes kid. Y/N rolled across the floor, swiftly standing up. “You won’t be getting near that flag on my watch.” She kicked Luke and whacked Chris. One of the Athena girls launched herself at Y/N, gripping onto her leg.
Y/N shook her off but the girl’s weight caused her to topple over. The bits of debris grazed at her skin. Chris swung his sword, slashing at Y/N. The blade cut her lower arm and blood welled up from the slit.
Quietly groaning, Y/N heaved herself up. She lightly swayed, unbalanced and a little weak. “Like I said,” She murmured, “You aren’t getting that flag.”
Y/N blocked every attack and blow aimed her way but she was getting slow. She could barely lift her weapon fast enough to stop Luke from successfully landing a hit.
Everything was becoming too overwhelming as she struggled to keep up. It was all a fast blur filled with weapons violently clashing against each other and shouting.
Up above, thunder crashed and lightning flickered through the darkening sky. Rain poured down, drenching the campers.
The thunder got louder and the lightning brighter as the seconds passed until nobody could ignore it. A harsh flash of lightning hit a tree nearby, setting it alight.
“Y/N, watch out!” Luke shouted, reaching out. Strings of electricity rippled around Y/N as a burning tree branch fell towards her. Luke sprinted towards her, dropping his sword in the process. He tackled Y/N, shielding her from harm’s way.
She groaned as she hit her head, black dots swirling around in her vision. She felt numb and her head lolled to the side as she heard shouts of victory followed by gasps of surprise.
“Y/N L/N has been claimed by Zeus, the king of Gods and the God of thunder and ruler of the sky.”
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jarofstyles · 5 months
Take Me Higher
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Happy 4/20 my lovelies. I just whipped this up quickly so I hope you guys enjoy it 🫣
Check out our Patreon for early access and 160+ exclusive writings!
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WC- 2.5k
Warnings- use of marijuana, high users, switch!H, choking, cum play, etc
Picture is not mine, credits to owner
The smoke had cleared out of the room but it was a bit cold still from the chill of the night. It wasn’t quite warm enough to be spring in her humble opinion, but she’d take what she could get. Plus, Harry had brought her some food stuff for them and she was feeling the effects kicking in as she felt a weight settle on her body. Her eyes were hooded and she was a little giggly as his scent engulfed her, vanilla and tobacco more prominent than the smell she tried to keep from her place.
“Mm… you’re warm.” A cool nose brushed her throat, making her shiver as the man crawled up her body and rested himself on top of her. Harry always got like this when they smoked, but it seemed even more prominent today.
“And you’re a needy little thing.” Fingers carded through his hair, knocking the beanie off his head as he buried his face in her neck. There was no real response except a whine, breath warm on her skin as he tried to warm himself up. The window had to be opened so they’d not get any real complaints from their flat, but luckily they were sure her neighbor wasn’t home today.
Comfortable silence made her melt further into the sofa, the playlist on low as her eyes fluttered shut and she busied herself with playing with his hair. He’d been a good smoking buddy for a while, but she knew why he really came over. It was only a matter of time.
A large hand slipped under her body, wiggling itself under her top to feel the hot expanse of her back. He couldn’t get close enough, needy little thing, and Y/N was fully enjoying being clung to. Physical touch always made the high even better, but that’s just her opinion. Or maybe it was physical touch was better when high? She didn’t know. Her brain didn’t want to analyze that right this second.
“Did you sleep last night? Tired?” Her voice was soft as she didn’t want to disturb the vibe, twirling a curl around her fingertips.
“No.” He shook his head, seeming like he was trying to get into her skin. “Jus’ want to get close to you. You’re warm and you smell fuckin’ incredible.” His voice was a little bit more hoarse, but that was to be expected. “You’re my favorite person... To smoke with.” He added on to the thought hurriedly but she wasn’t going to call him out on it. Fingers trailed down her spine, making her shudder a little.
“Hm, is that because I let you eat my pussy?” She smirked, feeling him pull his head form her neck with a glare. Sex with him was fantastic. Maybe it was because they were usually blazed when they did it and they both felt the sensitivity that went with it along with a more intense orgasm. He was the only one who could match her drive when she was like this, so he’d easily become a favorite person of her. Though she had a feeling that he’d do it just as well without the smoking bit, that would be something to unpack at a later date.
“Hey… don’t make me sound like a lecher.” He pouted, sending her heart to beat a bit harder. One thing she’d give the man was that he was adorable. “Not the only reason. I love doin’ that but… you have the best snacks n’you let me talk about anything. Your cunt is just a bonus… though I really do love it.” Harry wasn’t usually super shy, but sometimes he got a bit bashful when it came to Y/N. There was a slight hesitation as he let their noses brush, ghosting his lips over hers. “Can I?”
“So sweet for asking.” Y/N cooed, smiling n at his request. He wanted to kiss her. She could taste how bad he wanted it when the high had hit him, but now he wasn’t able to hold back much. “Go ahead, pretty boy. Since you seem to like it so much.”
Harry was a little messy with it, smearing their lips together and grazing his teeth over her bottom lip. There wasn’t much to hide his desperation as he adjusted himself on top of her, pulling one of her legs to wrap around his hip. “I do.” He breathed before licking into her mouth. Her lips were so sweet and soft, tasting like the cola she’d drank and mint chapstick. His favorite thing. Pulling apart with a soft clicking sound, he let out a groan as he looked down at her. Her bun was all messed up with some flyaways, lips wet and eyes hazy. His favorite sight. Seeing he undone when usually she was so put together, knowing he’d been the one to get to see her like this… it did things to his “I really fucking do.”
Y/N whimpered as he devoured her. His tongue hot in her mouth and his hand gripping her thigh to keep her close, she couldn’t help but grow hot when she felt him against her. It wasn’t the first, nor would it be the last, but it still surprised her every time. How had she ever fit that inside of her? Tightening her legs around his hips, she heard the hitch in his breathing before he pulled away from her lips to groan. It gave her a chance to pull her shirt off her body, exposing her tits to him.
Harry nearly whimpered at the sight of them, pressing a bruising kiss to her lips before making his way down. “Fuck, the things you do t’me.” He whispered, moving closer to her breasts. “Can I kiss on them a bit, pretty? It’ll feel good.” He pleaded, sighing against the skin as she nodded at the request.
Sponging kisses all over the swells, he gently rocked his hips into hers to relieve a bit of the ache. His cock was thick and throbbing, desperate for some relief. The hear of her cunt could he felt through her panties, making Harry thank whatever higher power that she’d chosen the big shirt no pants combination today. “Gorgeous. You’re so pretty, all over.” He praised, puckering his lips over a nipple for a kiss. She shivered under him, her grip in his hair getting fuller as he brought it into his mouth.
Y/N sighed in pleasure as his hot mouth suckled on her. She’d loved when he did this last time, licking over her tits while he was inside of her. He was still clothed this time but somehow that was just as hot to her. Panties were ruined regardless, but she arched her back slightly as he took more of her breast into his mouth and rolled his tongue around the nipple. “Oh, shit.” The girl whimpered, rocking her hips in return. The stimulation made her head cloudy, or maybe it was the blunt, but she didn’t really care. It all felt so fucking good, it didn’t matter. “Harry… you’re so nice t’me.” She sighed, watching him pull off with a soft ‘pop’.
“I know, sweetheart. It’s what you deserve, yeah? So nice to me too…” he sighed into her chest, placing wet kisses to the skin that glistened in the light, leaving cool spots once he left. “Let me come over and smoke, let me eat your snacks, kiss your pretty mouth… let me taste you, sometimes let me feel that perfect little pussy wrapped around me… have t’be nice to my girl.”
She didn’t have a chance to answer before he repeated the process with her other nipple, making her pant. The grinding was getting harder, her breathing matching it as he rubbed over her clit in the motions. Back and forth, sweet relief as she spread herself out further and clutched his head to her breast as he worshiped them. “Fuck me, keep going like that and M’gonna cum.” She warned him, though she had no real want of him stopping.
“So cum.” He mumbled into her skin. “Won’t be the last time you do it tonight.” And oh- oh. He sounded so self assured and cocky and it did something to her, a zap of electricity to her tummy as she moaned into the air, clinging to him.
His back was firm under her hands, not stopping herself from sliding them unde this tee shirt. His skin was burning under her palms as she dragged her nails lightly down his shoulder blades. “Harder.” He instructed, rutting into her with more force. “Scratch me. S’okay.” He couldn’t help connecting their mouths again, fingers digging into the flesh of her thigh as it clung to him.
She did as asked, surprising her when he let out a deeper groan than she’d heard before. His hips quickened, sure his gray sweats were ruined but uncaring about anything else. “Gonna make me cum in my joggers.” He panted against her lips, unable to keep himself from touching her. His mouth was a magnet to her body, his cock throbbing and balls feeling exceptionally full as he dry fucked her.
“Mm… here.” She momentarily reached between them and tugged them down far enough that he was out of them. “Cum on my panties.” Her voice rang into his ears. “Already ruined them. Can’t you feel how wet you made me?” And fuck, could he.
Without the sweats in the way he could feel her soaked through panties wetting his prick, the heat of her through the barely there fabric making him insane. Though the real thing that got him was her request. “You really want that?” He questioned, buttoning their lips together for a moment because he simply couldn’t help it. “You want t’be sticky with my load all over your panties and your skin? I’ve got so much for you…” he wasn’t joking either. It had been a bit since they’d hung out and his hand didn’t do him as much justice as she could. His dick desperately missed her.
“You know I don’t mind a mess, Harry.” She purred, moving a hand to wrap around his throat. “And you’ll be a good boy and lick it off my skin, won’t you? Then you’ll lick my pretty pussy until you’re ready to fuck me. Because you’re always such a good boy for me…”
Oh, fuck. Harry whimpered at the feeling of her hand around his throat, the drop of his guilty pleasure nickname, immediately feeling the shift. He was determined to please her before, but this tone of voice and her slight overtaking made him a bit pathetic. “Yes- yeah, M’gonna do it.” He promised, adjusting them slightly so he tip could brush right over her clit. “Anything you want. Want t’make you feel so good. M’good for you.” He nodded, messily kissing her again as he quickened the pace of his thrusts.
Y/N hummed in pleasure as he got them to the right position. His hard cock rutting against her like the fabric wasn’t even there, thick and hot. She loved feeling him, knowing she’d done that to him. Her stomach tightened as she felt the perfect thrust from him, gasping into his mouth. “Oh- yes, like that. Keep it light that, baby.” She pleaded, mouth falling open as he repeated it. “Mhm… there. Gonna cum.” She had been worked up for a little bit now but feeling his need to please her helped her get there.
“Please, please do it. Want you to cum, want you to feel so good… you’re so perfect, please cum for me. Give it to me, fuckin’ goddess….” He spoke to her like he needed her orgasm to breathe. Whimpery and needy and unlike how he usually sounded, but with his perfect angle and the friction against her clit combined with that, she was pushed over the edge.
“Yes- yes, fuck me.” Head falling further back into the cushions, she dug her nails into his back with one hand while the other tightened on his throat. Sparks igniting her nerves and her legs held on to him like a lifeline as she came. Harry never knew a prettier sight in his life than how she looked when he made her orgasm.
“Give me it too, H. Make me a sticky mess so you can clean me.” She gasped out. “You’ve been so good, I know you can give me what I want. Please?” Her voice shook slightly. “Give me what I want.” Giving just the slightest bit more pressure to the fingers on the sides of his throat, she knew exactly how much to press to make him lightheaded. Choking was a weakness of his, something that made him cum embarrassingly fast a lot of the time, but this time he was grateful as he let out a sob. His prick was slick with her and aching to release but he tried to hold back for her sake. With the mix of the high being at its height, the sensitivity overwhelming him and how she knew exactly how to touch him- The moment she called him a good boy and gave him the head rush he needed, he was a fucking goner.
“Gonna cum, gonna cum, M’gonna cum-“ he babbled her name as he found his release. Jerking against her, hot ribbons of the pearly cum shot against the covered cunt and over her tummy. His balls pulsed as he unloaded on her, smearing it over himself and her as his hips sloppily worked him through the orgasm. Face slack in rapture, he let out a hoarse groan as the last of it spilled from his tip, hips jerking a few times before he felt her hand fall and his mouth descended on hers again.
“You’re gonna be the end of me, hm?” He slurred, biting her lip with a hum before he lowered his body onto hers. His prick was sensitive but he made no move to pull back, pecking her over and over again as she caressed his cheek with her choking hand. Y/N was by far the best at it regardless, intuition leading her to know exactly what he liked. “Feel like m’fucking floating. Dunno if it’s the high or your cunt.” He snickered, feeling her return the laugh.
“Probably a mix of both.” She smiled, giving him a few kisses of her own. “But we’ve got plenty to keep it going for a while. Are you up for it, pretty boy?” The girl had no plans but to be blazed and fucked for the rest of the night, and she hoped he was on the same page.
“M’up for anything, you fuckin’ goddess.” He mumbled as he sat up on his knees to look at the mess they’d made. It was one of the hottest things he’d ever seen, her cunt and little thatch of hair visible through the now transparent fabric and splattered with cum on the ruined panties and her tummy. It made his mouth water just looking at it. “Jesus… look at this.” He mumbled, spreading her further open with his hand. “Seems like I’ve got a lot of work to do, don’t I?”
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nataliasquote · 4 months
Double the trouble | Yelena’s day | n romanoff
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Double the trouble AU
Summary: it’s finally Yelena’s turn to babysit the twins… a big responsibility for a usually messy Russian.
Age: 4
Warnings: none
wc: 4.3k
note: Double the trouble is back! The twins are back, and so is the cuteness. Sorry for making you wait so long!
“Mama’s got to go, Y/n.”
“Mama go, Y/n go!”
Why was she even arguing with a four year old at this point? Natasha was crouched by the front door, her work purse resting against her calf as she held onto a whiny four year who was pouting hard.
“Aunty Yelena is coming today, you’re going to have so much fun!” Despite how animated her voice was, Y/n was not impressed and she pushed herself further into Natasha’s arms, grabbing the collar of her suit jacket in her little fists. “Come on baby, please.”
“No!” Great. She was still in the ‘no’ phase, much to the moms’ disdain. “No Lena, only you!”
Natasha sighed and stood back up, absentmindedly smoothing over her daughter’s curls as she looked over to the kitchen. Yelena was going to be there any minute and Wanda was packing the last few snack items into her purse whilst Isla showed her a drawing she’d done for her favourite aunt. She was a lot more accepting of extended family members and had been babbling about Yelena’s visit for weeks… until Y/n threw a barbie at her head.
With a sigh, Natasha hauled Y/n up to sit on her hip and wandered into the kitchen with a soft smile at her wife who looked so gracious in her red summer dress.
“Any word from Yelena?” She asked, holding Y/n tight. “This one isn’t too happy we’re leaving.”
Wanda approached the pair and kissed her daughter’s head, laughing a little at her scowl. “Should be any minute now, I hope,” she replied. “Do you girls want a snack?”
“Fruit roll ups?” Y/n was now suddenly interested, her head lifting from the comfort of Natasha’s shoulder. Ever food orientated, she was.
“I want fruit roll ups too!” Isla chimed in, finally putting her markers down as she added the finishing touches to her drawing. “Strawberry one?”
“I’m sure I can manage that,” Wanda said as she turned around from the cupboard, two snacks in hand. Y/n wriggled out of Natasha’s grip and ran over, but not before Wanda instructed her to sit at the table like normal. Snacks were never eaten standing up in their house, it was the paranoid mothers’ number one rule.
Natasha checked her watch anxiously, watching her time slip away as she waited for her sister. Punctuality wasn’t Yelena’s strong suit, but as the clock struck ten, there was a loud knock at the door and Natasha was pulling it open before the twins could even react.
“Where are my munchkins?” The loud blonde announced, tossing her bag by the door and completely ignoring Natasha as she stepped inside. But the redhead was used to people bypassing her and Wanda to get to the twins, she knew how gorgeous her daughters were.
“Hello to you too… again,” Natasha muttered, more to herself than her sister who was too busy trying to call the twins as if they were dogs.
Isla was the first to greet her favourite aunt, her arms and legs flailing as she launched her small body at the blonde Russian, giggling as she was caught and spun around. Y/n was still chewing away at her snack but she watched their interaction from her seat, shaking her head at Wanda’s offer to go and see.
Y/n was bubbly until she was around anyone who wasn't her moms. Then she clammed up, often ducking behind her curls to avoid eye contact or hiding behind Natasha’s legs if she was close by. She didn’t trust anywhere near as easily as Isla did and was always the last one to approach.
“Y/n? Doesn’t Aunty Lena get a hug?”
Y/n’s eyes darted between her Mama and her Aunt, debating hard. With some reluctance, she slid off her chair and wandered over to Yelena, but only for Natasha’s benefit. The last thing she wanted was her Mama getting mad at her over not cooperating… again.
“What are you eating?” Yelena asked, gesturing to the small piece of food still clutched in the young girl’s hand.
“We had fruit roll ups!” Isla exclaimed, grinning widely at Yelena’s animated expression.
“No way!” Even Y/n was smiling now, waving her snack up at Yelena. “I loved them as a kid!”
Natasha smiled fondly at the scene in front of her. She knew how much Isla loved Yelena, she babbled on enough as it is, and she also knew of Y/n’s hesitancy. But seeing her now, almost completely out of her shell, talking over the top of her sister in an attempt to hold Yelena’s attention, Natasha felt pride blooming in her chest and she wished to capture this moment forever.
Wanda appeared at her side, her smile mirroring her wife’s as she took her hand. “Ready to go?”
Natasha nodded and squared her shoulders in her fitted suit jacket. “Yelena, we’re going to be late. Do you have everything you need? We’ll be back at 6, there’s lunch in the fridge, all you need to do is heat it up. And don’t let Y/n run too much because she has her heart check up next week- oh and Isla can’t have raspberries because she’s allergic so don’t-“
“Yes yes,” Yelena waved her off, effectively pushing her sister out of the door. “You worry too much, we’ll be fine, won’t we girls?” Isla cheered and Y/n copied, luckily too engrossed with her sister to notice her moms were leaving.
“If anything happens, I mean anything, call me and we’ll be back as soon as we can.” Natasha was a typical worried mother and she hated leaving her girls alone, even if they were in the questionably capable hands of Yelena.
“Nat, honey, they’re going to be okay,” Wanda tried to reassure, rubbing her hand up and down her wife’s arm. “It’s only a few hours and you need this deal to go through. You deserve it baby.”
Natasha bit her lip, watching the twins who were running around chasing each other in the hallway. She so desperately wanted to stay with them as much as she could before they started kindergarten, but her business in the city was for a deal with a bank that would allow her to open up her very own dance studio, as opposed to the small rented rooms she was currently using. It was her dream and she couldn’t give it up now.
“I know, I know,” the redhead muttered, more to convince herself than anyone else. With a final smile from Wanda, the couple disappeared down the driveway and used the twins’ moment of distraction to make a tear-free getaway.
“Right, rascal 1, rascal 2, who wants to go to the park?” Yelena clapped her hands together as the door shut and the girls halted in their steps.
“Me! I got the wiggles!” They chorused.
“Well we need to get those wiggles out, don’t we!”
Yelena inspected their outfits and quickly concluded that their matching dungarees was an appropriate park choice. She would never admit it to Natasha, but she’d been reading books and online articles ever since Natasha asked her to babysit. Making a good impression was the one thing the blonde wanted so desperately, and she was determined to make sure everything went right.
After tying both pairs of converse to two sets of small feet and retying one of the pigtails in Isla’s hair, Yelena checked her backpack for her supplies and they were ready to go. It was an indescribable feeling to have her nieces clutching her hands as they walked down the street and Yelena finally understood how her sister had such a hard time leaving her daughters.
Isla babbled away for the whole ten minute walk, mainly talking about Fanny and how she wished she was here with them. Y/n listened happily, more than content just fiddling with the rings on her aunt’s fingers as they stopped at a crossing. It had been a month since they’d last spent time with their aunt and almost a year since their first meeting, and Y/n had definitely warmed up to her in that time. Which gave Yelena immense pride and huge bragging rights.
The sun really had chosen the right day to shine and Yelena made sure both girls were lathered in sunscreen before she allowed them to run free, laughing as they both made a beeline for the swing. Isla climbed up on the horse shaped seat just beside the swing set easily, her giggles echoing through the park as it began to move.
Y/n didn’t have quite the same luck. She couldn’t quite reach the swing she wanted and turned back to Yelena with a pout, her hands grabbing at the plastic.
“Hold on malyshka, I’m coming.” The blonde ran over and scooped up her youngest niece, tickling her stomach a little before slotting her legs in the holes of the swing. Y/n’s pout disappeared as quickly as it appeared and she chanted ‘higher’ as Yelena gently pushed her.
Yelena didn’t let her go too high, but she watched as Y/n stretched her legs out in front of her and lifted her arms, almost as if she was flying.
“L’Isla look!” She yelled at her sister. “I’m flying! I’m a birdie!”
Isla looked for a moment but was far too invested in her own activities to care too much, so Y/n just kept shouting for Yelena to push her higher, to which her aunt obeyed.
They were content on the swings for a while until Y/n got distracted by the slide. Yelena was grateful to give her arms a break, even though she’d have pushed her nieces for hours if they’d have asked. Taking a seat on the bench beside the slide, she watched as the energetic four year olds ran around and slid down the slide, wriggling the whole way down.
It was adorable the way they played together, often hand in hand as they circled the giant wooden structure. Isla always climbed up first before helping her sister up the last section, taking her ‘big’ sister duties very seriously.
“Aunty Lena, watch!” Y/n yelled, holding onto the red handle by the little slide as she tapped her feet together. “I’m gonna go fast!”
“I’m watching, little bug, go on.”
Y/n let go and slid down, stopping at the bottom with a grin as Yelena clapped. She raced over, breathing hard, and grabbed her little water bottle to take a sip.
“That was very impressive,” Yelena said, taking the bottle from Y/n when she was done. “Look, let’s watch Isla now.” She put her arms around Y/n’s stomach and held her in place as they watched Isla slide down before she too came running over, asking for her water.
“Have you both been practising your slides?” Isla nodded between sips.
“Mommy takes us to the park after pre-k.”
“And she gets us ice cream.” Y/n flashed a cheesy grin, trying to win over Yelena even more than she already had.
“Well, if we see the ice cream truck, then maybe.” A chorus of ‘yay’s sounded and Yelena felt like the coolest aunt on the planet. It didn’t matter that the girls already loved her to pieces, every time they smiled at her it thawed her heart and she was sure that one day she would be charged with kidnapping for stealing them both. If she barely coped with them now, prom night and graduation would hit her like a truck.
“Can we go play again?” Y/n asked, bouncing on her toes like she was eager to run off. Yelena gave them the all clear and she sprinted away with Isla yelling her name as they approached the climbing frame. Y/n scrambled up the smaller side and whizzed down the slide before Isla could stop her.
“Y/n!” Isla yelled, running back over to her sister who was sat at the bottom of the slide. “You can’t run!” She tapped her sister’s chest where her heart was before taking her hand and dragging her back to the steps. “Slowly. Mommy always says slowly.”
“I just want to play,” she huffed, placing her palm on her chest. “I’m fine.”
“I’ll tell Mommy!” Isla didn’t really understand what she was supposed to tell Wanda, but the threat was enough and Y/n walked away scowling to find the sand pit. It was slightly sludgy from the rain a few days ago so she wandered around the park again before going back to Isla and giving her a hug.
“You play on the bridge with me?”
“Only if I get to be the pirate!”
“I’ll be mermaid.”
Yelena watched from her spot on the bench, her phone resting in her hand as she filmed the girls playing. The park was relatively empty, only three other children were playing. But they looked older than the twins and so kept to themselves, which the blonde was grateful for. She wasn’t all that trusting of other people’s kids.
There was something relaxing about watching them play. It took her mind off everything else and every time the girls flashed her a smile she felt herself soften. Her sister really had won the family lottery and she felt so grateful to be an established part of their lives as they grew up. Swearing off having kids forever, this was the only way Yelena would purposefully interact with children and she was totally okay with that. The best thing about her nieces was that she could spoil them as much as she wanted and then let her sister deal with the inevitable sugar rush that followed.
An hour went by before Y/n and Isla trudged over once more, significantly more dishevelled than they were before. Long gone were the pigtails, their curls now wild about their shoulders, the colour almost matching their rosy cheeks.
“Did you have fun?”
“I think I got a rock in my shoe,” Y/n whined, standing on one leg like a flamingo. Isla went to sit on the bench as Yelena sorted out Y/n’s shoe, shaking the pieces of gravel that were stuck to her sock. “Ice cream?”
“I don’t think the ice cream truck is here, malyshka,” Yelena admitted, her heart breaking at their disappointed faces. “But we can get some at home, how does that sound?”
“I don’t want to go home!” Isla pouted, folding her arms in a little tantrum. Y/n copied her, leaning against Yelena as she stood between her legs. “Want to stay here forever!”
“Are you guys not hungry? All that running around, I’m sure your bellies are grumbling at you.” To prove her point, she tickled Y/n’s stomach, mainly to hear more of the adorable giggles she loved so much.
After some reluctance and agreement that cookies will be provided with lunch, they made the slow walk home. Y/n was dragging her feet, begging to be carried despite Yelena saying no. She couldn’t carry both of them, even if it was evident how tired Y/n was.
To brighten their mood, she started singing an old Russian song, making everyone march in time with her singing as they turned down the final street. The twins had no idea what she was singing about but their spirits were lifted and they marched happily, swinging their arms and nodding their heads as best as they could.
A quick clean up was needed as they got back home to wash away the park germs, but with soap bubbles and a mini water fight, Yelena managed to make even the most mundane activities interesting. She distracted the twins with some colouring pages whilst she located and heated up the pasta dish that Wanda had left in the fridge, instructions written on a bright yellow post it note.
The mothers really had thought of everything, which made the Blonde’s job ten times easier as she sectioned the food onto the twin’s trays. Pink and orange, just the way they preferred it.
With two tired out toddlers seated at the table, hands washed and lunch served, a quietness descended on the house as they tucked in and Yelena allowed herself a moment to breathe. Natasha and Wanda must be superpowered, she thought to herself, because doing this everyday must be exhausting. She couldn’t wait for a nap.
But when was Yelena’s life this idyllic for long? It certainly didn’t last and the blonde had just finished her pasta before she heard the sniffles beginning. Isla looked happy enough, but the same couldn’t be said for the red-eyed and teary girl beside her.
“Y/n what’s wrong?” Yelena asked, her brows furrowing in confusion. “Do you not like it?”
“I want Mama,” she spluttered, her bottom lip trembling as tears rolled down her cheeks. She brought her fists up to wipe her eyes but it didn’t stop them much. “I want Mama!”
“Oh malyshka, she’ll be back soon, I promise.” But Yelena’s words did little to comfort the young girl. “Do you want to eat a little bit more?” Her plate was hardly touched, only a few pieces of cucumber and pasta gone from her portion.
Whilst her sister cried, Isla looked at her own empty plate and back at Y/n’s, the little cogs in her head turning. Having such empathetic mothers had rubbed off on her and she looked at the little chocolate chip cookie sitting on the dessert section of her plate for a second.
“Y/n/n, do you want my cookie?” She grabbed it and pushed it towards her sister who stopped sniffling for a second to nod, taking the treat even if she had her own on her plate.
Yelena had to stop herself aweing out loud and she pulled her phone out as quickly as she videoed as much of the interaction as she could for Natasha and Wanda.
“That was kind of you Isla, well done.”
“She’s just noisy,” Isla answered back, her lips curling up in disgust that looked quite comical. Clearly she hadn’t changed and her sister crying was still just as annoying.
Yelena stifled her laugh and stood up to grab another cookie to replace Isla’s lost one. Her attitude at four years old was a clear indicator that Wanda and Natasha were going to have their work cut out as she grew up, especially combined with her ‘older sister complex’.
Y/n had eaten half of the cookie, the distraction working, before she quickly realised why she was crying in the first place. She locked eyes with Yelena and let the tears fall once more, wanting nothing more than a hug as her active morning caught up with her.
“Y/n it’s okay, it’s okay,” she tried to comfort once more, rounding the table to give the young girl a cuddle. “Why don’t we all go and find a movie to watch, hm?
“Mermaids?” Y/n asked between sobs, holding on tight to Yelena’s t shirt as she was lifted into her arms.
“Isla, do you want to watch The Little Mermaid?” The girl nodded, hopping down off her chair and running into the living room.
“Come on, big girl, let’s go get comfy and you can have all the cuddles you need, yeah?” Y/n sobbed into Yelena’s neck and held on tighter, more like a koala than a child. But Yelena never refused hugs from her nieces, not whilst they were still young and small enough to want to spend hours on her lap.
Isla had dug through the dvd shelf, leaving a mess on the floor, to find the most worn case holding their current favourite film. She passed it to Yelena and jumped onto the couch, sitting beside Y/n who was holding the corner of the soft blanket to her chest with a frown.
“Don’t be sad, we can see Sebastian! And Ariel.” Isla suddenly gasped, turning to her aunt crouched by the dvd player. “Aunty Lena!”
“Yes, lenya?” (Sunshine).
“Ariel has hair like me and Y/n/n! Does that mean we’re princesses?”
Yelena smiled to herself and settled on the couch between the two girls, Y/n immediately crawling onto her lap as Isla snuggled into her side.
“Of course you’re both princesses. What does that make me?”
“The evil queen,” Y/n mumbled, giggling as Yelena gasped dramatically. The opening credits of the Disney movie sounded in the background but no one paid attention as the twins erupted into laughter over Yelena’s expression.
“The evil queen? What!”
“Yes!” Isla squealed. “Evil queen!”
“Your mama didn’t tell me you both are little terrors!” She exclaimed, grabbing Isla by the foot so she couldn’t wriggle away. “I can’t believe you!”
“I didn’t say it!” Isla tried to defend herself, but Yelena was having none of it. “Please, Aunty Lena please!”
Yelena let go of her foot and turned Y/n around so she was facing her on her knee. “Okay then, what about Mama? Is she a princess?”
“Mama always a princess!”
“Okay,” Yelena said, wondering how her sister would take anyone but her daughter calling her a princess. “Is Mommy a princess too?”
Isla nodded frantically. “Yeah! We all princesses!”
“But Aunty Yelena isn’t?” She faked an offended expression, sending Y/n into another giggle fit. Which was a lot better than the tears that had dried on her cheeks.
“No you’re the evil queen!”
“Or S’bastian!”
Yelena paused, tapping her fingers on her chin in thought. “So… a singing crab, or a witch? That’s all I get?” The twins both nodded before Y/n stood on the couch and leaned to Yelena’s ear.
“S’bastian is my favourite,” she murmured before flopping back onto Yelena’s lap, her arms leaning on her chest. Yelena felt her heart clench, why were these kids so goddamn cute?
Only thirty minutes into the film, Isla had stretched herself out along the couch so Yelena wrapped both arms around Y/n whose head was flopping to the side as she tried to fight the sleep. But the combination of hearing Disney songs and feeling Yelena stroking her stomach had her falling asleep in a matter of minutes. Isla was watching, but barely. They really had tired themselves out for today, which made Yelena’s job a lot easier.
The jingle of keys in the door woke Yelena from her accidental nap and her heart shot to her stomach momentarily before she realised both twins were still asleep safe and sound. With Y/n’s dead weight sprawled out across her chest, she could do nothing but wait for Natasha to find her, the overplayed soundtrack of the title page luring the attentive mothers towards the living room.
Natasha had her suit jacket hanging over her arm and her white button up shirt was unbuttoned slightly lower than normal, but she still looked professional in her black slacks. Yelena craned her neck over the back of the couch and pressed a finger to her lips, gesturing to the sleeping redheads surrounding her.
“What did you do to them?” Wanda whispered as both women rounded the front of the couch. “They’re flat out.”
Natasha crouched down by Isla and studied her face momentarily before looking at Yelena with a small laugh. “I’ve never seen them so tired. What happened?”
“I let them run out their wiggles in the park,” she began, careful to not disturb Y/n. “And then we had a little meltdown so Isla picked a movie.”
“She got upset?” Wanda asked, concern lacing her tone. It wasn’t like her to get upset at all, which set alarm bells ringing in the mothers’ heads.
But Yelena quickly clarified that Y/n was the one with the tears, to which both mothers looked less concerned about.
“She just kept asking for her Mama, but that’s probably down to tiredness, right?”
Natasha narrowed her eyes at her sister, slightly unnerved at the calmness that she radiated. Yelena was not a calm or collected person, so this was a weird sight.
“Who are you and what have you done to my sister?”
The blonde rolled her eyes. “Shut up. I just did my research, that’s all.”
Natasha went to tease her about it but Y/n shifted on Yelena’s lap, the voices disturbing her sleep. She rubbed her eyes softly before blinking them open and almost launching herself at Wanda with a squeal.
“Home! You’re home!” She squeezed Wanda tight in a hug, the woman melting into her daughter’s embrace as she held her close. There was something so special about welcome home hugs and Natasha didn’t feel left out as Isla woke up only seconds later and attacked her Mama with cuddles.
“Oh my big girls, we missed you!” Natasha peppered Isla’s face in kisses, having missed the way she squirmed in her arms. “Did you have a good day?”
“The best day! I love Aunty Lena!” Isla jumped back onto the couch and hugged Yelena tight, allowing Y/n a moment to shuffle over to Natasha and completely lean against her. Nothing would ever beat her Mama’s hugs. Ever.
“I missed you, babygirl. Are you okay now?”
“Missed you too Mama.”
Natasha stood up and brought Y/n up with her, holding her tightly on her hip as she stretched her legs. She smiled at the familiar feeling of her daughter fiddling with the necklace that lay on her collarbones - she always gravitated towards jewellery.
“You’re staying the night, right Lena?” Natasha clarified, watching Isla’s face light up as her aunt said yes.
“More Aunty Lena time!”
“I think it’s safe to say you’ve won them over,” Wanda added, shaking her head with a smile. She didn't mind what it was, as long as her girls were happy, she was too.
And no one was injured after Yelena’s first babysitting adventure, so there would be many more to follow.
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leah-lover · 6 months
Closed for maintenance . Leah Williamson × reader
Reader embarks on a new journey with a new club. Part 1.
My day started out like any other in the past 4 weeks. The beeping sound of my alarm wakes me up, I dread the thought of getting up even though I still do, I get my shit together, I leave for training, come back a few hours later and go to bed early.
My days have been blending in ever since that heart shattering break up. However, today had a little twist to it. As I was leaving the gym to go to the physioroom I got called into the Manager's office. Upon getting in, the coach said “hey, so I called you here to let you know that we are going to transfer you. You have been an absolute killer for our team. You will always have a place between us. The thing is your dynamic with the team has been off which has been causing some tension. And the best thing I thought to do was to transfer you this January.” Shock couldn't describe the state I was in. Running on autopilot, I got out of the coach's office, got my things and departed home without talking to anybody, which has been my pattern this past month.
My head was in the clouds for the entire drive, and when I got home I threw myself on the coach and started sobbing. About 20 minutes later I called my best friend the only person I trusted more than anything.
“Hey are you okay? The girls are worried about you, tell me what is going on please”said kristie with a worried tone
“Well tell Sam and the team not to worry anymore. Emma has decided to ruin my life and get rid of me. I won't be at Chelsea anymore. I am basically fired.” I replied, now more angry than sad.
“What the hell are you talking about? Are you transferred where? when? How ? Are you okay? Did you tell her?.” She asked.
“I think it will be announced tomorrow at the meeting. I don't know anything kristie Chelsea is home. Niamh is home. I can't live without them.” I replied, memories of Niamh and I fludding my brain.
“Sure you will. I love you bubs no matter where you go.” She said, “Me too buddy, me too.” I added, sadness creeping into my heart again.
It has been an eventful week. It was announced that I would leave Chelsea for Arsenal. The topic has been the talk of the town. From newspapers, Instagram pages, fans on Twitter, Arsenal fans were excited to have me. However, Chelsea fans were bitter I was let go. Most of the mean comments were directed at Emma and Chelsea which I thought was fair. I was the leading goal scorer in the WSL and we were on a great track record to win the league again.
I got a new apartment, and a new car. I tried to begin again. A clear slate and a focus on winning with my new team, the gunners.
Today was the first day of practice. The girls are really nice. This team, this family, seem really gelled together and they seem to start getting me out of my dark hole.
“Hello you.” Said Beth, “I hope you are well and I well we want to let you know you are very welcome and we hope you have a great time with us here.” she added. “Me too “ I responded.
It has been over 2 months since that last interaction with Beth, who I can call my best friend now. Her, Steph ,Katie and I have been inseparable. Arsenal have been on a winning streak since I got here. I seem to enjoy the way they play and interact with each other.
The player I enjoy hanging out with the most is my second Captain, which I can never fully admit.
Leah has been fun, heart warming, safe and a friend and a good one. I can't let whatever is happening affect my career again. I dated a teammate before it ruined my career, or so I thought.
“Ladies, how are we feeling about a party? We won again thanks to wonderful strickers. Let's have a party, we deserve it.” Said Katie on the bus. Shortly after a plan was made.
We went to a bar, we drank, sang, danced, and it was that time of the night where I got hungry for warmth. Human connection however unmeaningful. So I kissed the first girl I fancied.
That's when I felt a hand separate me from the girl and drag me outside.
“You are drunk, let's go home before you do anything you will regret.” Said Leah with an angry tone. “ Let go of me, I am lonely. I need this, please let go.” I pleaded with the alcohol affecting my judgment.
“ You are a fool if you think I would let you put yourself in danger. You are important to me, you should know that. Now let's go.” She ordered.
“ I am not going anywhere with you, you are not my girlfriend.” I protested.
That's when she pulled me in for a small kiss. That felt reassuring but not abusive of my drunk state.
“ You are not kissing anyone or going anywhere tonight. Home it is. Now stop complaining and get in please.” She said with a pour on her face. I did as she said, my mind still on the feeling of her lips.
This is going to be a lot to unpack in the morning.
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bvidzsoo · 6 months
Love Me Like A Rockstar (8)
ー☆ Chapter 8: Own My Mind
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Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: Song Mingi x female reader
ー☆ Warning: cursing ー☆ Word count: 8.3k ー☆ Genre: university!au, enemies to lovers!au, rockstar!au ー☆ Rating: sfw ー☆ Summary: Love. You wanted none of it. You had already been heartbroken very badly once, you didn't wish to go through that ever again. But the Universe works in intricate ways and, somehow, you found yourself webbed up in a local rockstar's life, Song Mingi. He was everything you expected him to be, yet nothing like you imagined him he would be. What happens when you find mutual understanding and have heartful conversations? Will he be able to break down your walls? Will you be able to chase away his darkness?
A/N: Hello, lovelies! I'm back with a new chapter and let me tell you, ever since I've started writing this there's been little changes to the plot here and there, but...we should all thank Song Mingi for the way he's been acting this weekend for bringing a major change to it (i wanna kms ha-ha *dies in pain*) Anyways, I have a love-hate relationship with that man right now, don't mind my dramatic ass. Please listen to Maneskin's Own My Mind before or while reading this chapter, just the usual! If you want to be added to this story's taglist, just leave a comment on this post and you'll be added! Also, the drawing our girlie is talking about that is on her bed (later in this chp.), is absolutely waterbomb Mingi and it's a call-back to chp. 4 hehet. I have a surprise at the end of this chapter lol. One last question and then I'm going, should I do a Q&A surrounding this story? Like, if you have any curiosities about it, you can send in an ask and I'll gladly answer it! ^^ I hope you'll enjoy this part and, as always, let me know your thoughts about it!
Taglist: @orshii @or5i @lovely-red2 @scarfac3 @juicy-red @sunaswifes-blog @voicesinmyhead-rc @teez-the-time @maru-matt @kyeos4ng @deathbyyeekies @chicksmoothie @mjlbn01 @xhexy @sharksandminhos
⟨Series M.list ↭ Previous Chapter⟩
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            I shivered as I hurriedly shrugged off my jacket, backpack discarded the second I stepped inside my warm home, the loud thunder cut short as Mingi quickly closed the front door behind himself, hissing and groaning. I turned my head to watch him struggle out of his worn-out jacket as I stepped out of my shoes, hardly believing that from just a few minutes out in the rain, even my socks got soaked. Mingi’s head shook as his body trembled, and I couldn’t help but chuckle as I watched him. He looked quite hilarious with his black hair sticking to his forehead, glasses so wet he couldn’t see through them anymore, loose clothing now sticking to his lean body like a second skin.
“What’s so funny?” Mingi playfully furrowed his eyebrows as he took his specks off, shaking the water off the glass, as wiping it against his already wet clothes wouldn’t have helped him in ridding his glasses of water.
“You.” I mumbled with a chuckle as I peeled my cardigan off, skin covered in goosebumps as my damp skin was exposed to the chilly air in the hallway. Mingi rolled his eyes, and placed his glasses back on as I took off towards the wardrobe by the stairs, chewing on my bottom lip. Mingi would have to change out of his wet clothes, unless we wanted him to catch a cold. I couldn’t leave him standing there like that, shivering and sniffing as he already sneezed loudly. His apology was sheepish, but I just flashed him a small smile before opening the heavy door of the wardrobe. There were minimal chances that the box I was looking for was still inside the wardrobe, considering the fact that my mother would go on a cleaning frenzy every month and throw out almost everything inside the house that she deemed unusable anymore. Therefore, there were almost one to zero chances that the box I so vividly remember having placed here ages ago, was still in its spot.
“Uh, do you think I could use the bathroom real fast?” Mingi asked, voice sounding unsure as I kneeled down in front of the wardrobe, eyebrows furrowing when I didn’t spot the box right away.
“One second, let me find something.” I called out, leaning forward as I pushed my mother’s long coats hanging in my face out of the way, and disappeared further into the wardrobe as I pushed and pulled at the thick blankets she kept in there. I thought about giving up for a second, about her having thrown out the contents of the box I was searching for, but I gasped when I felt the sturdy cartoon underneath my fingertips. With a triumphant smile, I pulled on it, a few scarfs and my very old Hello Kitty beanie falling out in the process. The box felt heavier than I remembered it to be, and my heart settled knowing that my mother didn’t throw it out. But that didn’t mean it didn’t start beating wildly once I sat back on my heels, box placed in front of me. A chill ran down my spine, and I knew right now that it wasn’t because of the chilly air and my damp skin. Whatever still remained inside this box…is what I never had the strength to throw out, to fully get rid of every memory lingering of Yunho. I gulped, chewing on my bottom lip as I hesitated opening it up. But there was another loud sneeze, and as I briefly glanced at Mingi, I couldn’t help but notice the light red tinge on his cheeks as he typed away on his phone, completely soaked. I really had no other choice but to open up the box of pandora.
And a lump formed in my throat when I finally opened it, a stale scent hitting my nose. My eyebrows furrowed when a golden butterfly necklace sat on top of everything, a harsh reminder of all the gifts Yunho would buy for me during our relationship. I have thrown out all the gifts, except this one. It was expensive, and frankly, too beautiful to be thrown out or gifted to anyone else. Gulping, I pushed the necklace aside and sighed as I dug around the box, jaw clenching at the three sketchbooks getting in my way. They were filled with drawings of Yunho and myself, of all the places we’ve been to, of all the places I have wished to visit with Yunho. Of all the memories we have once made, and of all the memories I wished we could’ve made. Being an artist was amazing, but at certain times it was a nightmare in disguise, brain able to conjure such vivid images that never happened, that it could fool me into thinking that they have actually happened. I sighed quietly as I felt eyes on me, and finally found what I was searching for. A fuzzy and faded knitted sweater, a plethora of colors mixed together, from beige to a light purple, black and silver in the mix too. I pulled it out of the box, together with the grey sweatpants, and cleared my throat as I stood, hands burning the longer I held the clothing in my hands. I felt guilty, almost disgusting as I neared Mingi again, trying to avoid his eyes as he had an easy look on his face, smiling despite continuously sniffing.
“These are the only male clothing we have in the house,” I said as I reached my hands out, looking at Mingi’s chest rather than eyes, “hopefully they’ll fit you.”
“And if they won’t, you can always give me one of your colorful fuzzy cardigans.” Mingi’s tone was playful and I chuckled, giving him a playful glare. Those cardigans would never fit his broad shoulders. The tightness was gone from my chest as Mingi took the clothes from my grasp, a thankful look on his face. The guilt remained, but it wasn’t so pressing anymore.
“You can change in the bathroom downstairs,” I pointed towards the closed door across from the wardrobe, “towels are in the cabinet above the toilet. Do you need a hairdryer?”
Mingi shook his head with a smile and gave my soaked hair a light tap, “Thank you, Y/N.”
The way he seemed to linger on my name sent my heart into a dumb frenzy, and I found myself flustered beyond, emotion so foreign I forgot how to speak for a second. And Mingi didn’t miss it, fuck, because he walked away with a smug smile towards the bathroom and paused in the doorway for dramatic effect, before disappearing with a damn wink. I huffed, glaring daggers at the closed door as I scurried to shove everything fallen out back inside the wardrobe, closing its door rather harshly. I licked my chapped lips and raced up the stairs, throwing the door to my room open and taking a second to take in its state. My desk was messy, but that’s just how it always was, I couldn’t do much about it right now. I opened the blackout curtains, however, the weather already gloomy enough to cast shadows inside my dark room. I flinched as another thunder rumbled through the sky, and grabbed the first clothes I found in my closet, walking to the bathroom upstairs.
After having changed into wide legged leggings that had cotton on the inside, I quickly threw on a white tank top and a soft pink mock neck sweater, sighing in content as warmth finally enveloped my body after I have dried up the dampness on it with a towel. I skipped down the stairs as I had a towel around my head, messily towel drying my hair, completely missing the tall form standing at the foot of the stairs as I stumbled into him. I yelped, but Mingi quickly steadied me by the elbows. Before I had the chance to pull the towel off my head, two large hands grabbed at it and started softly rubbing the towel against my wet hair. I froze, everything inside me stopping as even my breath stilled, eyes wide open. Mingi said nothing as he continued with his actions, quietly humming to himself. I was afraid he’d be able to hear my loud heartbeat as I breathed through my mouth, lips parting as I struggled to calm down. I was thankful for the towel hiding my face, because I could feel the blush spreading down from my cheeks to my ears, and even neck. I couldn’t remember a time when I have blushed this hard, and it made me feel slightly disoriented. For God’s sake, Mingi was simply towel drying my hair for me, why was I having such a visceral reaction to it?! My mind seemed to be screaming at me, but I was too busy trying to regulate my breathing, doing so quietly, as Mingi’s hands became a little rougher, almost pulling on specific strands of hair. My eyes narrowed as he turned my head left to right to his likes, and I groaned as his fingers dug into my scalp.
“Hey, stop it!” I whined and slapped at his hand, making Mingi chuckle as he ruffled my hair to the point I had strands from the back falling into my eyes.
“Oh, good,” He was still chuckling, “for a second there I thought you had fallen asleep with how quiet you were.”
Despite not being able to see his face, or anything if I looked ahead, I could still peek down and see his feet. I was standing on the last step of the stairs, and with an evil grin, I jumped down, his naked toes falling victims to my attack. Mingi yelped loudly, and I cackled as I pulled the towel off my face, smiling at him smugly.
“Serves you right since my hair is all knotted up thanks to you.” I raised my eyebrows at him as Mingi had his right leg raised, massaging his toes with a pained expression.
“So you break my toes?!” He exclaimed, his deep tone a few octaves higher, making me snicker to myself as I threw the towel at him, making him yelp and look at me with an appalled expression on his face.
“Stop being a baby,” I stuck my tongue out at him as I walked towards the front door to lock it before I went inside the kitchen, “And wear some slippers before you come to the kitchen.”
Mingi was closely following behind me, ignoring my words, “What, one of your dwarf slippers? It’s either my toes or heels will be dangling off.”
The image was funny in my head, but I ignored it in order to throw him a scrutinizing look, “The tiles are cold in here, you’ll catch a cold.”
A wide smile spread on Mingi’s lips as he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed in front of his chest, biceps bulging underneath the tight fabric of the sweater, “You’re so cute when you worry about me, doll.”
There goes the pleasant exchange we’ve been having up until now. My voice became devoid of any expression besides the glare I threw at him, mirroring him as I crossed my arms in front of my chest, “I’m not cute. I’m merely saying you’ll probably catch a cold since we’ve been out in the rain not even fifteen minutes ago. And since you’re a singer you should be taking a lot more care of yourself.”
Mingi remained silent for a few seconds, until I watched a light hue tinge his cheeks. Was he blushing because I was lecturing him? Just what in the hell?!
“You’re right, sorry.” Mingi mumbled, but showed no intentions of actually following through with my words as he walked further inside the room, sitting at the table, feet up on the chair as he hugged his long legs to his chest. For such a tall and broad man, he looked extremely tiny sitting on that chair right now.
“Uh,” A little confused by the turn of events, I looked around the kitchen, trying to remember the initial purpose of me coming here, “Right. You don’t like tea, so we have coffee or hot chocolate to warm us up, which one would you like?”
Mingi’s eyes lingered on me for a second too long, taking in my whole being before his eyes settled on my face again, a smile so genuine settling on his lips that his eyes were sparkling, “Hot chocolate is fine.”
I hummed, a little breathless, then turned to open the cabinet above the microwave to take out two tall mugs for the hot chocolate. For some reason, I didn’t mind Mingi’s eyes following my every move as I tinkered around in my kitchen, taking everything I needed in my hands to prepare them on the counter. The thought of having Mingi inside my home, sitting in my kitchen, wearing my ex’s clothes, acting like we’ve been friends since forever seemed to hit me at once as I froze for a second while pouring water inside the second mug, Mingi’s mug. And what was even more surprising was not finding any thoughts that suggested that this was wrong, that I shouldn’t be doing this, that Mingi didn’t belong inside my kitchen. I didn’t want to dwell more on why it all felt so right, so instead, I watched as the mugs whirled around in the microwave, locking these thoughts away for later…I knew they’d come back late at night to haunt me, it’s just how it always was.
Mingi clearing his throat gained my attention as I glanced back at him, and tried not to look too long. The way Yunho’s clothes perfectly fit Mingi’s form was alarming, albeit the sweatpants seemed to be slightly too long for Mingi. I’ve had Yunho’s clothes since highschool, which was a few good years ago, yet they still fit Mingi. It made me wonder if the two ever exchanged clothes or wore something matching, like best friends would do for fun. I know Yunho had once mentioned having matching rings with Mingi, but back then I was too jealous about their closeness to ask any further questions about any other matching items they had. And it was a little surprising just how well Mingi’s skin tone was complimented by the colors of Yunho’s old sweater, Mingi’s necklaces sitting on top of the knitted fabric. That sweater was one of my favorite’s while Yunho and I were dating, Yunho always seemed to be glowing when he wore it. At some point I had even forgotten that I still had it. Perhaps I should do something about the contents of that box, join my mother next month in her frenzy cleaning marathon and throw out its contents.
The microwave pinged and I took the two mugs out, realizing that Mingi and I had been staring at each other for at least a good minute, my cheeks flushed again. A soft chuckle was heard behind me, but I ignored it for my own sake. The silence didn’t last for longer as I opened the little packages containing the hot chocolate powder to pour into our cups, “This might sound crazy, but I swear I’ve seen this exact sweater on Yunho quite a few times.”
I froze, thankful that I had my back to Mingi as panic flashed over my face. Deep breaths, I had this. Mingi didn’t have to know, I could lie my way out of this. And so, I forced a small smile on my face as I faced him while walking to the fridge, “Really? Well, coincidence, maybe. It’s my cousin’s sweater, he forgot it here once, but as he lives overseas he never came to get it and my mother just placed it away for when he comes to visit us.”
I didn’t have one single male cousin. Let alone cousin’s that lived overseas.
“Oh,” Mingi mumbled as he picked at an undone string on the sleeve of Yunho’s sweater, “Yeah, that could be it, a coincidence, I mean. Besides, my memory is a little fuzzy, I might be wrong.”
I gulped away the guilt that suddenly bloomed in my chest and grabbed the whipped cream, raising it up, “Whipped cream for your hot chocolate?”
I grinned at Mingi as he slowly shook his head, “I drink it simple.”
“Really?” I asked surprised as I walked back to the mugs, “Not even with marshmallows?”
Mingi shook his head with a small smile and so I mixed his powder with the warm water, handing it to him. Mingi had a fond smile on his lips when he took it, his cold fingers lightly brushing against mine, making me blush like a stupid schoolgirl who has a crush. And I do not have a crush on anyone, let alone on Song Mingi. I swiftly turned around, hoping that Mingi didn’t notice me blushing as I quickly put whipped cream in my hot chocolate and stuck two marshmallows in it, putting everything away quickly. I turned to face him as I took a sip, leaning against the counter. Mingi sat in a cross-legged position on the chair as he had the mug in his hands, ring clad fingers wrapped around the warm ceramic. I couldn’t help myself as my eyes lingered on his painted nails, slowly trailing up to Mingi’s face. His black fluffy hair fell in his eyes, obscuring his sharp eyes slightly as they were devoid of the black eyeliner now, a few blemishes tainting his otherwise glowing skin around his jaw, glasses slipping low on his tall nose, and plump lips red and slightly wet from how much Mingi always licks his lips. The simplicity of his whole being has never looked more attractive than right now, and as Mingi opened his mouth to say something, I was startled by such alarming thoughts, and so I hurried out of the kitchen.
“Let’s go up to my room!” I called out, on the brink of crying from all these stupid emotions I was suddenly feeling, trying to calm my crazily beating heart. Who allowed my brain to think in such way of Song Mingi? When did I even start considering him attractive? He was annoying, obnoxiously loud, arrogant and irritating, there was absolutely nothing to like about him or find in him attractive. I had to get a grip of myself right now! Mingi’s footsteps were dull as he followed after me, probably surprised that I had waited for him at the top of the stairs, unknowing of the storm inside my head, matching the raging storm outside. Lightning flashed every two seconds, skies rumbling with thunder, shaking even the ground at times. I hated storms, but suddenly it wasn’t as unbearable as before. When Mingi stood next to me, I lead us towards my room and pushed the door open, leaving it like that as Mingi walked in once I stepped aside for him, allowing him inside my safe space.
I have never been consciously proud or embarrassed of what my room looked like, the thought of what others thought of it absent up until right now. As Mingi walked further inside, head turning each and every way, taking everything in, suddenly I realized I was scared of what he would think. My walls were painted a light grey, on purpose, and there was little to no space left bare except for the wall on which the window was. My bed was pushed up against the wall to your left just as you walked inside, sketches that I have done throughout the years plastered up and put on display, my very first drawing even making it up on my wall. It was my little personal museum, a way of reminding myself of where I started out and how much I have evolved ever since, and even how much I was still changing as I was experimenting with my styles, learning a new technique in the class of Mr. Yoon. The desk across from my bed was messy, like I have said, it was littered with everything I needed to have at hand. Pencil holders filled to the brim, at least five of them, then there were brushes and little paint tubes littered all over it, notebooks and discarded sketches sitting underneath it, with my laptop hanging just a little dangerously off, not having paid much attention where I have put it this morning. A plain canvas was spread out on the little free space I still had, a project I had planned on starting today, now postponed for tomorrow. The wall above my desk had three modest shelves filled to the brim with books and some vinyl’s I have started collecting not long ago, pots and plants hanging off from the sides. The wall around the shelves was decorated by posters and pictures of my favorite bands, a few of my favorite paintings mixing in with them. The little stand next to my desk had my vinyl player, plants underneath it and around it, little ones. And then in the corner there was an old guitar that once had belonged to my mother, who has had a phase back in highschool and dreams of becoming a band member, famous and rich. She didn’t have the heart to gift the guitar to anyone, so she’s always kept it and passed it on to me once I was old enough. I never had an affinity for playing any instruments, but I do enjoy good music. A mix of old and new artists making it in that mix, actually—perhaps Noir Zenith slowly becoming one of them too, but Mingi didn’t have to know that. My closet was to the right just as you walked in, and it was of dark and sturdy wood, expanding from the ceiling to the floor. I had a little mirror right on its right side, the wall above and behind it, going right behind the door even, littered with my favorite painter’s paintings. Of course, they were only prints made at the local copy shop, but that didn’t matter. Fairy lights hung above my bed and from the lamp on the ceiling. The two nightstands on either side of my bed were more organized than one would expect from me, little makeup buckets placed on the one closest to the window, charger cable and some headphones sitting on the dark wood. The one nearest to the door had pictures of myself and my mom, and of Seulgi and I on display with a little clock, its drawer so filled with notebooks that I couldn’t quite close it. Thankfully the drawers of my desk weren’t so filled, I had just rearranged them last week, one evening when I was too restless to sleep.
Mingi was quiet as his mouth was slightly open, eyes wide as he took everything in, eyes falling onto my bed. I followed his sight and was mortified to find my biggest sketchbook open and displaying a quite realistic sketch of Mingi performing on stage. It was from the night I had a breakdown and Mingi found me in that diner. Seulgi had sent me some pictures she had taken of Wooyoung and accidentally slipped in one with Mingi too, and because the image just wouldn’t leave my mind, I knew I had no choice but to draw it. I dived for the sketchbook as if my life depended on it, all of it happening so fast I hoped Mingi didn’t actually catch what the drawing—or better said, who—the drawing was of. I shut it closed and pushed it off the bed, the light thud loud in the silent room. When I turned to look at Mingi, ready to face his smug face and taunting words, I was surprised to find his attention on something completely different. Of course, I should’ve expected from a man who plays in a band to be enamored by the vintage guitar in my possession. Its body was a light blue and had cherry blossoms painted over it, something my mother admitted to doing so, which lead to an argument with her father back in the days when he had seen the “damage” my mother had done to the pricey guitar.
“Is that a Martin D-19?” Mingi gushed as he walked toward the guitar, mouth hanging open. My eyebrows raised at his knowledge about it upon one glance. To me, it looked like a regular acoustic guitar. But then again, I should’ve expected it from a music major and a guy who has a literal band and plays the bass.
“Yeah, it was my mother’s.” I answered as I set my mug on the nightstand and sat at the edge of my bed, watching the awed expression on Mingi’s face. He had placed his mug by the foot of my desk as he crouched down, admiring the guitar from up-close.
“It’s absolutely beautiful.” Mingi whispered, fingers carefully tracing its body. Not even at gun point would I have admitted my next thought, which was of just how beautiful Mingi looked in this exact moment. Lightning flashed and the ground shook with the intense thunder, making Mingi tense for a second before he turned back to face me with the prettiest smile I have ever seen on someone.
“Your mother knows how to play it?” He asked, sounding enthusiastic. I was breathless, but after a big gulp, I forced my brain to function.
“Yeah,” I answered with a small smile, “she was a big rock lover back in the days, even wanted to start her own band. But due to her parents negative reactions to it, she unfortunately had to give up on that dream and do something more ‘real’.”
I rolled my eyes at the end of my sentence, not very fond of my grandparents. They weren’t bad people, but they also treated my mother harshly, and even myself, always asking about my future plans and straight up crying when I told them I wanted to become a painter. I saw the way Mingi’s face hardened for a second, but I knew he didn’t want to talk about it as he became expressionless quickly after. I was curious what made his mood become sour so quickly, if he perhaps related to what I have said in some way, but I wouldn’t prod. If he wants to tell me, he will sometime. So, instead, as a distraction, I scooched up further on my bed and patted the mattress next to me with a lazy smile, watching Mingi’s eyes slightly widen. He looked a little shy as he grabbed his mug and rose up to his full height, steps almost hesitant as he approached the bed, making me snort. It made Mingi narrow his eyes as I crossed my legs underneath myself as he kneeled on the bed and then settled beside me, long legs extended as he playfully wiggled his feet left and right. I chuckled as I clasped my hands together, letting them rest in my lap as Mingi took a sip of his hot chocolate. The silence was comfortable between us, the harsh rain hitting the windows loudly, wind rocking trees harshly, and the lightning and rumble a constant background noise.
“Last time when we performed at Outlaw, when you didn’t come,” Mingi paused and turned his head to look at me, “you know, when we met at the diner—”
“Let’s not talk about that.” I muttered with a grimace and Mingi hummed, licking his lips.
“Right, so, that night,” His voice was quiet, lips pulling into an abashed smile, “the crowd was bigger than usual, at first I blamed it on being a rowdier night, but it turned out those people were there to see us, Noir Zenith, to see me.”
I felt a small smile appear on my own lips, Mingi looking pleased with himself despite the light pink tinge of his cheeks, “And now Hongjoong might help us sign with a record deal, I feel like everything is finally coming together. Like my hard work is finally being rewarded.”
I bit my lower lip to stop myself from smiling too wide, subconsciously reaching out to hold Mingi’s arm as he looked me in the eyes, “That’s so good, Mingi! You deserve all the praise and attention your band gets, you’re really good.”
“You really think so?” Mingi sounded small, eyes wide in wonder as he flushed more. I knew I have said some things that weren’t the nicest, and now it made me realize that Mingi never deserved hearing those things from me. Yeah, I didn’t like the guy much at the beginning—not that now I like him more—but I still shouldn’t have shit on his music, on something he pours his whole soul and heart into.
“I really do, Mingi.” I slightly squeezed his arm, hoping that he could hear the sincerity in my voice as a wide and bright smile spread onto Mingi’s plush lips, so contagious that I found myself with a matching smile on my own lips. I chuckled, for some reason not wanting to release his arm just yet, the knitted sweater soft and warm under my touch.
“Lovely seeing you slowly turn into my number one fan, doll.” Of course, trust Mingi to ruin the moment. My eyes narrowed as I sighed loudly, slowly shaking my head. Mingi chuckled before taking a large gulp of his not so hot anymore chocolate, eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Now, don’t get cocky.” I rolled my eyes, pulling my hand off his arm, watching as his eyes lingered where I have touched him, “I can recognize good work without becoming your fan.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Mingi mused playfully and I scoffed, bumping my shoulder into his before I went to retrieve my laptop from my desk, “Seonghwa and Wooyoung want us to try out new genres.”
“Really?” I asked surprised as I settled back in my previous spot, knee brushing against Mingi’s thigh, “Like what?”
“Well, nothing specific, just something little softer.” Mingi pursed his lips, fiddling with the mug in his hands, “Maybe something more indie rock.”
“I love indie rock,” I muttered absentmindedly as I powered on my laptop, “and why are you reluctant?”
Mingi seemed surprised that I had caught on, but it was quite obvious in his tone that he didn’t sound very enthusiastic about it, “Because my voice is rough and raw, unlike Seonghwa’s who’s smooth and almost angelic, and Wooyoung’s who’s can reach pitches I can only dream of and has a roughness that is absolutely soft at the same time, alluring.”
“Your voice is deep and powerful, it conveys every single emotion you’re feeling when you sing, Mingi. Your raspy tone alone tells a story, even without speaking the same language I would understand what you’re singing about. But just because it’s rougher and more powerful compared to Seonghwa and Wooyoung’s doesn’t mean it’s not beautiful and enchanting, Mingi.” Occupied with typing in the password to my laptop, I failed to notice the way Mingi’s breaths became shallow, the way his eyes bore into the side of my skull, “I think your voice is unique and desirable, you should be proud of it and not look down on yourself because of it. Many wish to have what you have, so really, don’t think any less of yourself because you think Seonghwa and Wooyoung are somehow better and more alluring. It’s not true, each one of you has their charm and well…I think you’re the most charming out of the three of you.”
I didn’t expect the expression on Mingi’s face when I turned my head to look at him. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were glazed over as his sharp eyes watched me intently, his breaths loud as his cheeks were red. My eyebrows furrowed, and for a second I worried I have made him angry, but the longer I looked, I realized the look in his eyes had nothing to do with anger. I gulped and averted my eyes, suddenly feeling my heart race again, biting my lower lip and trying to ignore the overbearing proximity between us. It was only our knee and thigh touching, yet it felt like Mingi was all over me, his scent still strong despite having changed out of his clothes and getting soaked by the rain. He always had a sharp scent surround him; it reminded me of pine trees.
“Thank you.” At last, Mingi found his voice and it was lower than before, goosebumps covered my skin as the low baritone of it traveled through my body. I nodded once in acknowledgement, not trusting my voice as I went on the internet to search for some movies to watch and pass the time while we wait for the storm to pass. If it passes, “Do you think rapping would fit my tone?”
It was an unexpected question, but as I mulled over it, I concluded that Mingi had the perfect timbre to both sing and rap, “Yeah, I think it would.”
I dared to take a peek at Mingi from the corner of my eyes, and was relieved to find the intensity gone from his face, instead, a soft smile grazed his lips as he finished his hot chocolate. He leaned back and placed his empty mug next to mine on the nightstand and fished his phone out of his pocket, “I found some old videos of me at school plays, let’s see what my music genius bestie thinks of them.”
I rolled my eyes, but nevertheless peered over Mingi’s shoulder in curiosity, “Don’t make fun of me, I’m merely stating something that someone with not musically trained ears hear. You should be more thankful.”
“I’m more than thankful, Y/N.” Mingi suddenly turned his head, our faces too close for comfort, so I quickly leaned back as he placed his arm on my thigh and pressed play on a video he pulled up from his gallery.
『Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind?
Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind?
Do you wanna know what the good, good, bad things all feel like?
Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind?』
            The movie of my choice was simple, The Quiet Ones. Nothing better than something a little spooky while there’s a wild storm raging outside, but to my utter surprise, Mingi looked terrified after only ten minutes of watching it. We were both leaning against the headboard of my bed, pillows behind our backs, and laptop placed between our lower bodies as our legs were stretched out. And despite the laptop being between us, Mingi’s shoulder pressed against mine not even five minutes after settling in our current spots. Trying to watch the horror movie, which was one of my favorite movie’s, turned out to be a fail, and I had no choice but to give in to Mingi as he only stopped whining when he got what he wanted. And that was watching a rom-com from the nineties, called 10 Things I Hate About You. I’ve seen it numerous times already, but it never gets old. There is something about the way the actors play their parts, and the plot too, that have me coming back to it with the same enthusiasm I had for it when watching it for the first time. At first, I thought Mingi hadn’t seen it and had only went along with my suggestion because he didn’t know what else to watch, but when he started quoting Patrick’s lines as if he were the character himself, I narrowed my eyes at him and poked his arm. After some painful jabs, he admitted that it was his favorite movie and he regularly rewatched it, especially if he was in a bad mood. That was a piece of information I wasn’t expecting from someone like Mingi. He looked like a guy who enjoyed tough and brutal movies, with the occasional romance movies if a pretty girl begged him to watch it together. Turns out, Mingi’s favorite genre is romance, and he hates horror, and depends on the type of thriller whether he likes it or not.
We found ourselves joking and laughing throughout the movie, making our own commentary about it after our first disagreement. Which was about whether Patrick accepting the money to charm Kat was right or wrong. Of course, it was very wrong to play with someone’s feelings and get paid for it too, but Mingi argued that if he never accepted it, then him and Kat would’ve never gotten together. And for that, I threw in the hypothetical scenario of him accepting money from Wooyoung so that he could take me out on a date and make me fall in love with him if that meant Wooyoung could have Seulgi date him. Mingi’s eyebrows furrowed and he declined such scenario, exactly proving my point why this was so wrong then, but he remained believing that for Kat and Patrick it totally worked out. And then he had the audacity to compare my stubbornness to Kat’s, making me call him just as stupid as Patrick was.
Time flew by as our laughter got louder, completely missing the way the rain had started to quiet down as we were immersed in the movie we were watching. It felt like a bubble was wrapped around us, isolating us from the cold world, and letting us enjoy ourselves without being so cautious of what we were saying. It felt nice. I couldn’t remember a time when I was able to let loose with someone other than Seulgi. It was a nice feeling, it made me excited in some way, completely making me forget that I was doing this with Mingi. He made it too easy to forget my worries and made me feel really comfortable all of a sudden, never stepping out of line—if we ignore his stupid flirting—and always keeping everything lighthearted. It was a nice change for once.
I groaned as I let my head fall back, lips pursed as my ass had gone numb from sitting so much in one place. Mingi snickered as Kat reversed into Joey’s car, clearly amused by the snarky remarks exchanged between the two characters. He was clearly into the witty exchanges, especially between Patrick and Kat, even having said that it makes Kat attractive how quickly and well she can shut Patrick down. I had told him that she wouldn’t have to do that if Patrick wasn’t so stupid most of the time, making Mingi roll his eyes at me, and say that I simply didn’t appreciate some good banter. Which wasn’t even true, I liked bantering if it had a smart purpose, not just to rile each other up, what was the point of that?
I licked my lips as my head lulled to the right, eyes falling on Mingi’s profile as he had his legs up, leaning forward as he hugged them around his knees with one arm. He was smiling and chuckling, pretty red lips pulled to the side, showing off his white teeth. His brows were dark, and his browbone being more prominent really sharpened his face in a very aesthetically pleasing way. Mingi’s face was very beautiful, and as an artist, I couldn’t help but admire it, and recognize it. So many pretty portraits of his face could be made, pity he doesn’t model. My lips pulled into a tiny smile at the thought of him modelling for me when we had to sketch human forms for our next class. I’m sure my professor would appreciate my drawings even more. Mingi’s glasses were discarded, and my eyes paused on his long nose, biting my lower lip just as Mingi chuckled again, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palm. He sniffed before rubbing two fingers against his plump lips, wetting them not even a second later. I gulped as I suddenly wondered what they would taste like. It was such a startling thought that I jumped, but Mingi suddenly looking at me certainly scared me more. I gulped, instantly blushing as a friendly smile painted Mingi’s lips as he leaned back, placing his head on the pillow, and letting it roll to the left. Our gazes connected, and I wasn’t surprised to find my heart beating so quickly once again, my lips pulling into a straight line as I struggled to keep my breathing even. Mingi’s easy smile didn’t disappear as his eyes racked over my face, it only became wider.
There was a whole galaxy behind those beautiful deep brown eyes of his, they sparkled with life and an excitement I haven’t seen in anyone before. I wished that I could recreate that in my drawings, but I wasn’t good enough to give simple eyes such deep emotions yet. And I really wished I was able to do so, because the longer I stared into Mingi’s eyes, the more lost I got in them, thoughts and worries disappearing into nothingness. Mingi’s hand twitched for a second and I tensed when I felt a finger gently poking my cold hand. I gulped, but I wasn’t able to look away as ever so softly more fingers brushed against my skin like feather, Mingi’s bottom lip between his teeth. His actions were slow and cautious, probably afraid that I would pull away, but I was too captured by his alluring gaze to even think to move away from him. Slowly, his longer fingers intertwined with mine and his rings cut into my skin when I squeezed his hand, uncaring that it hurt a bit. I knew my cheeks were now surely very red, but I couldn’t actually be bothered to feel embarrassed, not when Mingi’s cheeks were dusted pink as well. His high cheekbones were flushed the pretties color they could have been, and I smiled as Mingi blinked, looking abashed. Somehow no words had to be exchanged between us, everything felt comfortable, scarily familiar. I haven’t felt like this…since my ex. And not even with him have I felt so safe and understood, it always seemed like there was some invisible barrier between us, and I never understood why. With Mingi, if I allowed myself to feel and be unafraid, no barrier lay between the two of us.
I gulped, eyes suddenly falling on Mingi’s lips as his tongue poked out just slightly to wet them, his plump lips red and full. I’ve never seen a person have such full lips, and it made me wonder if they were as soft as one would imagine them be. Aware that my eyes were glued to Mingi’s lips, I looked back up in his eyes, trying to ignore how insanely attractive his mole right underneath it made him look. There was something about Mingi’s bareface that was so charming and beautiful that it almost made me feel jealous of it. Mingi sniffed quietly, and his bottom lip was between his teeth again as his eyes fell to my lips, my rapid heartbeat halting for a second. Could he be having similar thoughts to mine? I wouldn’t know, but when Mingi’s eyes found mine again, they were just slightly more intense and sharper. Like he was determined and nothing could stop him. I gulped loudly as he moved his head, just lightly, but it was closer than before. My heart was beating like crazy, but almost as if I was under a spell, I found myself shifting my head just a little bit closer. Mingi’s eyes no longer were on mine, and as my lips parted when I licked them, I felt Mingi’s hand squeeze mine just a little bit more. I gulped as I proceeded to lean even closer, my eyes fixated on Mingi’s lips now too, just wondering and wondering infinitely if they were warm, soft, wet, and what they would taste like. I didn’t startle nor flinch when Mingi angled his body so that he could lean dangerously close, the bridge of his nose brushing against mine. His hot breath mingled with mine as our lips were parted, a pull so magnetic I couldn’t untangle myself from it even if I tried to. My eyes threatened to flutter closed as I pressed my nose against his, the side of our lips rubbing just a little together as I couldn’t breathe regularly anymore. Mingi’s lips pressed ever so slightly against the corner of mine, feather like, and it suddenly wasn’t enough. The distance, it was too big—even if it didn’t even exist between us anymore—and I squeezed his hand as I angled my head to finally press our lips together, Mingi’s breaths audible due to our proximity.
But suddenly, a door was slammed shut loudly, “Sweetheart, I made it home finally! I saw a car parked in front of our house, all’s good?!”
The curious and shrill voice of my mother sent Mingi and I flying away from each other, both of our eyes wide as I was panting, my whole body burning. I couldn’t look at Mingi as I scrambled to press pause on the movie and Mingi was off the bed in a flash, sprinting towards my window. I could still feel his hot puffs against my face, and I gulped as I forced myself to forget everything I felt just seconds ago.
“The rain stopped,” Mingi’s voice was hoarse, so gravely that I had to clench my fists to stop myself from doing something I would regret, “I will be going.”
“I’ll go downstairs, let my mom know you’re here.” My voice wasn’t better off, I sounded breathless. I felt lightheaded as I got off the bed, standing and pausing for a second.
“Right, I’ll change back into my clothes and then—”
“No,” I didn’t mean to sound desperate as Mingi’s eyes fell on me, I had to look away in embarrassment, “keep them, they are of no use to me.”
“Right.” Mingi cleared his throat and I quickly walked past him, thankful that he stepped aside, and hurried out of my room and down the stairs. I took a deep breath to compose myself as I heard my mother placing down plastic bags in the kitchen. I needed to behave like everything was fine, when nothing was fine anymore.
“Hi!” My greeting was high pitched and way too cheery, my mother’s eyes narrowed when she saw me standing in the doorway, “Glad you made it home, the storm was awful.”
“It really was.” My mom grimaced as she continued unpacking the groceries, “You got home alright?”
“Yeah, uhm, actually,” I gulped and bit my lower lip as I heard Mingi coming down the stairs, “a friend from university drove me home as it was already raining, and he, uhm, stayed over. Because the rain was so bad he wouldn’t have been able to drive home. You know, safety measures and all.”
My mother paused and looked up at me with both of her eyebrows raised, “He?”
And on cue, Mingi appeared next to me, glasses pushed up on his nose adequately for once and hair not as messy as before, “Hello, my name is Song Mingi.”
“Nice to meet you, dear.” My mother’s eyes were glinting, looking way too happy for someone who was just introducing themselves. I was afraid of what would come, so, I grabbed Mingi’s arm and guided him towards the coat hanger.
“Mingi’s leaving, mom.” I said as I let go of his arm, averting my eyes as he wore his shoes and pulled on his jacket.
“Already?” My mom asked with a pout, coming to stand in the doorway, “Don’t you want to stay for dinner, dear?”
Mingi froze, eyes first finding mine before he looked at my mother with a polite smile, “Don’t worry, Mrs—”
“Oh, don’t be all formal with me, I hate that shit.” My mother chuckled and winked at him, “Call me Boyoung.”
Mingi gulped, seemingly taken aback by my mother’s behavior. I couldn’t help but chuckle quietly, knowing how surprising the contrast between my mother’s personality and mine was. Sadly, I haven’t taken after her when it comes to my attitude, but that’s fine.
“Well, Boyoung, thank you for your offer, but my friends and I actually agreed on dining out tonight.” Mingi’s excuse sounded real, so I knew he wasn’t lying. I gulped when my mother threw me a very slick glare, almost saying that this was my fault. I rolled my eyes, offended by her assumption.
“That’s a pity, dear,” My mother pouted, but soon a bright smile appeared on her lips, “But you are invited for whenever you feel like having dinner with us, right, my starlight?”
I tried not to glare at my mother for the outrageous nickname, especially when I saw Mingi’s lips twitch in amusement. I told her not to call me that in front of others so many times, “Right, mom.”
My mother chuckled, all too aware of my dislike for the nickname, before her eyes landed on Mingi again. There was a brief pause, one too awkward for my liking, and then Mingi was clearing his throat and opening the front door.
“Uh,” He made eye contact with me briefly, “talk to you later.”
“Wait,” My mother’s eyebrows furrowed as Mingi stepped outside, trying to adjust the strap of his backpack, “Aren’t those Yun—”
“Talk to you later!” I loudly said, making sure to send my mother a very alarmed look as Mingi froze for a second before he hummed quietly and took off towards his car.
The air was chilly and humid due to the harsh rain, and as I closed the front door, I knew I had a lot of questions to answer when my eyes fell on my mother’s amused face.
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❱❱ Next chapter
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lol, this is the surprise I mentioned...I saw this post and it would just not leave my mind, besides, I think it's very fitting for our plot, no?
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247 notes · View notes
tip-top-cloud-surfer · 11 months
The Danger Zone (Part 4) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 3.5k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Secret Relationship; Angst; Undefined Relationships; Overprotective Family; Background Relationships; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: Jake tries to talk to you, if only your family would stop getting in the way.
Series Master List
Master List
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One Hour Earlier
Jake closed the door to his truck and walked up to Coyote and Phoenix’s house. They bought it during the preparations for the wedding, which definitely added to their stress level at the time, but it was nice to come home to a house that was all theirs after their honeymoon. And now Jake was reporting for painting duty. He let himself in through the side door and spotted Javy in the kitchen, putting away some random things.
“Where’s Phoenix?” Jake asked, setting his keys and wallet on the countertop.
“She went to her parent’s house for the weekend to grab some stuff and help out a bit.”
“And you promised to get a whole bunch of shit done while she was gone?” Jake guessed, gesturing to the empty boxes and random tools and materials all over the place.
“And you’re going to help me with all of that shit,” Javy replied, patting Jake on the arm. “Come on, let’s start painting.”
They walked into the spare bedroom and started cleaning out all of the shit that was shoved in there. Setting up the sheets on the ground, Javy glanced over at where Jake was pouring the paint into the tray.
“So, what’s new with you?”
“Nothing much,” Jake replied, turning back to the wall. “Just the same old shit.”
Javy nodded and stood up, fixing Jake with a knowing gaze. Javy and Jake had been best friends since the Academy and Javy liked to think that he knew Jake more than well enough to know when something was up with him. Good or bad. And Javy was very much aware that Jake wasn’t himself.
“How’s everything going with your relationship?”
“It’s over,” Jake replied simply. “And it wasn’t even a relationship.”
“What happened?”
Jake shot Javy a look, but Javy shot him one right back. Jake could play the whole nonchalant bullshit with everyone else, but Javy would call him out on it when he felt it was needed. And after seeing the change in Jake’s demeanor after whatever he wanted to call your relationship ended, Javy knew that he needed to call him out.
Jake picked up a roller and started to paint the wall in straight, even lines. Javy did the same, though he was still feeling out Jake at that moment. He usually just had to give Jake a little bit of time to think over it on his own before following up.
“And you’re okay?”
“No, but nothing I can do about it now,” Jake replied, a bit tensely.
“Did she block you?”
“No, I don’t think so,” Jake mumbled, running the roller through the paint again. “She’s been reaching out to me, but I haven’t responded.”
“Because?” Javy stressed, earning a sigh from Jake in return.
“Because what’s the point? It was never going to go public. She’d never stand up to her family about it. And we just didn’t work anymore.”
“Didn’t work with what?”
“We weren’t on the same page.”
“For fuck‘s sake, Javy.” Jake set down the paint roller and turned to Javy, who remained calm and eyed Jake with a knowing expression. “She was acting weird before the wedding and at the reception she just blew me off, so what was even the point of all of it? It was just a waste of time for both of us.”
“Or did she hurt your feelings and you wanted to push her away to protect yourself?” Javy asked, setting down his own paint roller.
“You’re not my therapist, Javy,” Jake muttered, looking away from his best friend.
“I know I’m not. But I’m not going to sit here and tell you that you made the right choice when you look as miserable as you do.” Jake sighed and rubbed his face with his hand, causing Javy to soften a bit. “Jake, you were really happy when you were with her. And maybe you two grew apart and maybe you want different things in life and maybe I should just mind my own business. But just talk to her. At least figure out why she was avoiding you in the first place.”
“It was probably something with her brother or Mav,” Jake huffed, picking his head up more. “Or, hey, maybe she found a new fuckbuddy.”
“You don’t know any of that. And she’s not the type to play shit like that and you know it, Jake.” Coyote paused for a moment before adding, “Hell, maybe it was something with work or she’s dealing with some other issue and she wanted to figure it out first before telling you about it.”
“I just don’t know what would cause such a sudden change in her. I mean one minute she was fine and the next she just shut down.”
“You know how you’re going to find out?”
“Talk to her,” Javy emphasized.
“I liked you better before you got together with Phoenix,” Jake scoffed, shaking his head. “You’re acting all wise now.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Javy muttered, waving Jake off. “Now, be an adult and go talk to her. And, hey, maybe in a year, I’ll be your best man at your wedding.”
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Jake sighed, getting to his feet. “And I’m holding you to it, Javy. If it’s a shitshow, you told me to start shit.”
“Get out already.”
“I’m going, I’m going.”
Jake grabbed his keys and wallet and headed down to his truck. Sliding in, Jake thought about how to proceed before just deciding to drive over to your apartment. If the two of you were actually going to have the conversation, he wanted it to be in person. And well she was also a little worried he would lose his confidence if he gave it too long to linger.
Parking in the lot, Jake spotted your car and made his way up the stairs to your apartment. He, however, didn’t recognize Emma’s car parked in the lot too. Stopping in front of your door, Jake knocked lightly and took a step back. He knew that you had a viewport and could see that it was him. Whether or not you opened the door was your choice.
The door opened a few moments later and Jake was rather quietly surprised at how shocked you looked when you spotted him. Why hadn’t you looked through the viewport before answering the door like you always did?
“Jake,” you breathed out nervously.
“Hey,” he replied softly, unable to prevent himself from frowning a bit at your reaction.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to talk about . . . everything.” Jake paused, mulling over his words before asking, “Is this a bad time?”
“Um. . . yeah, kind of,” you responded, wincing. “My brother’s here. And Mav is on his way over here right now.”
Jake’s eyes widened a fraction but before the curse could slip from between his lips, Rooster walked around the corner.
“What’s taking so long, old—Hangman?” Bradley corrected himself, very openly frowning when he spotted his teammate in the hall. “What are you doing here?”
“Uh, he’s just here to pick something up,” you lied, turning to face your brother.
“Pick up what?”
“Uh, his . . . sweatshirt,” you decided, gesturing for Jake to come inside. “He let me borrow it at the beach when Coyote and Phoenix had their thing and it got cold.”
“And he just dropped by?” Bradley asked, staring after you as you hurried to your bedroom to grab it before shooting Jake a look. “Without your permission?”
“I told him that I was going to be here,” you snapped back defensively. “It’ll be two seconds. Calm your tits.”
Hurrying into your room, you started to dig around your closet for Jake’s sweatshirt that he gave you several months ago right before he went on deployment. You wore it on multiple occasions and by now Jake’s scent had long ago disappeared from the fabric. Meanwhile, out in your living room, Jake and Bradley were in the middle of a staring contest.
“So, you were just in the neighborhood?” Rooster asked suspiciously.
“I do live in this town too, Rooster,” Jake reminded him, causing Rooster to narrow his eyes a bit.
“So,” Emma cut in, trying to control the tension, “how have you been, Hangman?”
“Here you go, Jake,” you called, hurrying over and shoving the sweatshirt into his hands before urging him towards the door. “Well, thanks for giving it to me. For that day.”
When you were only two steps away from the door, there was a sharp knock. Cursing under your breath, you glanced at Jake to see that he looked like he was readily planning to climb out the window, before turning to the door. Letting out a breath, you opened the door to reveal Maverick and Penny standing there.
“Hey, Mav, Penny,” you greeted them, trying to act normally.
“Hangman?” Maverick asked, confused.
“Maverick,” Jake returned, his face impassive though he was sweating nervously.
“He was just grabbing something,” you cut in, talking just a little too fast. Maverick looked over at you, raising his eyebrow just a bit. “And he’s leaving right now. So, uh, bye Hangman.”
“Yeah, uh, see you around.”
Jake moved past you and he was about to walk past Maverick when the older aviator stopped him from his escape.
“Where are you going, Hangman?”
“Just heading home, that’s all,” Jake stated, turning to Maverick. Scrunching up the sweatshirt you gave him, he held it up. “I’ve got some laundry to do.”
“You’re more than welcome to stay for dinner,” Maverick offered, causing you to shake your head slightly. “And cake too, if you want. You saved my life, so it’s the least I can offer you.”
“I think he said he already has plans, Mav,” you tried to butt in.
“I’m sure the laundry can wait,” Maverick insisted kindly, though with an edge of force.
Jake shot you a slightly nervous look, to which you tried to discreetly shake your head. Penny seemed to be eyeing the exchange curiously, though you knew she sensed Maverick’s tone. You sent Jake a look to get out while he could. But then bigmouth Bradley came around the corner and decided to butt in.
“Yeah, I’m sure we can find something to talk about,” Bradley stated, leaning on the wall with his arms folded in front of him.
And Jake, sensing his rapidly approaching defeat, started to surrender.
“I don’t want to intrude—”
“—You're not,” Maverick interjected before gesturing inside your apartment. “Come on, I’m sure the food’s getting cold.”
You stood stone faced by the door as Bradley, Maverick, and Penny walked further into your apartment. Sharing a defeated look with Jake, who pulled up the rear, you shut the door and tried to calm yourself down before you turned on your heel and headed towards the table.
You found yourself sitting with Maverick on your right at the head of the table, Jake to your left looking uncomfortable as hell, and Bradley across from you with a sharp glare directed at Jake. You shared a look with Emma, who returned an apologetic grimace. Staring at the glass of wine in front of you, you simply ducked your head and stared at your plate.
“So, what caused the sudden change in location?” Maverick asked curiously.
“There was a minor problem at your place,” you replied, staring down at your plate.
“We set the oven on fire,” Bradley filled in, causing you to kick him under the table. Bradley shot you a look before turning to Maverick. “And then she threw up again and we just decided to get out of there.”
Jake glanced over at you from the corner of his eye, concern clear in his gaze. You didn’t look severely ill. Maybe a bit flushed, but not ill. So what caused you to throw up so often? And how did you just seem to bounce back if you were so sick and throwing up?
“How did the fire happen?” Maverick asked calmly, used to the back and forth between you and Bradley.
“I accidentally set the timer for too long,” Emma cut in, trying to take some heat off of you. “I walked off and it boiled over and burned.”
“Not a problem. That oven was ancient anyways,” Maverick dismissed with a wave of his hand. “I barely used it as it was.”
The family conversation continued on with an occasional pointed comment directed at Jake from Bradley, but it wasn’t too much. You seemed to be well-versed in how to deflect your brother’s questions and comments. It almost made Jake wonder why you were so cautious about him being anywhere near Rooster or Maverick with him.
“Anyone want a refill?” Penny offered, getting up from her seat.
There were a few mumbles around the table, but when Jake glanced over at your wine glass, he was a bit more than just surprised that it looked like you hadn’t touched it. Not that you had to drink the wine. But why didn’t you?
“So, Hangman,” Rooster cut in, causing Jake to turn away from you, “did you spend a lot of time together? Planning Coyote and Phoenix’s wedding and all, I mean?”
“Yeah, so what?” you snapped in Jake’s defense. “I spent a lot of time with Emma’s brother for your wedding, Bradley.”
“It was just a question,” Bradley scoffed in return.
“This is a great meal, Emma,” Penny announced louder than she needed to speak. “What restaurant did you get it from?”
“Ferrucci's down the road from here,” Emma answered, talking loud as well. “It’s really good. We should go there more often.”
“How was the wedding in your end, Hangman?” Maverick continued, getting the conversation back on track despite Emma and Penny’s attempt. “I feel like you were quite busy.”
“Yeah, I was,” Jake replied honestly.
“We didn’t see you at the after party,” Bradley added, earning a nudge from his wife.
“I was feeling under the weather. Just tired from everything,” Jake stated, staring down Bradley, not at all afraid of him.
He was slightly terrified of Maverick. But Bradley? Not even a little bit.
“Funny. That’s exactly what someone else said that night,” Bradley replied, turning to look at you. To which, you narrowed your eyes and shot your brother a warning look back. “What a weird coincidence.”
“Bradley,” you hissed, placing your hands on the table, “if you want to ask a question, just ask it. Stop being weird about it.”
“Should we cut the cake?” Emma interjected, trying to prevent a fight.
“I think we should,” Penny agreed, getting up from her seat. She called your name, causing you to look away from Bradley. “You made the cake, so you get to set up the candles and everything. Come on.”
With one last look over at your brother, you got up from your seat and walked into the kitchen with Penny and Emma. And that left Jake at the mercy of both Bradley and Maverick. Once the three of you were out of earshot, Bradley turned to Jake with a dark look.
“Are you messing around with my sister, Bagman? Because I swear to—”
“—I’m not,” Jake muttered, glaring over at Rooster. Anymore, at least. “Is that good enough of an answer for you?”
Rooster glared right back at Jake, practically screaming that no, it wasn’t good enough for him. Even though they had come a long way since the mission, it was near impossible to just get rid of years of resentment and tension in a moment. And anyone who knew Rooster well enough knew that messing around with his little sister was a sure fire way to be at high risk for getting a fist to the face.
“Bradley,” Maverick cut in, causing Jake and Bradley to turn to him, “drop it. Your sister is old enough to take care of herself.”
Maverick and Bradley had their own staring contest for a moment until Jake excused himself from the table, needing to cool down for a second. Walking down the hall and into the bathroom, Jake shut the door and let out a breath. Running a hand down his face, he sat on the toilet cover and stared at his hands.
“What the fuck did you get yourself into, Jake?” he muttered, shaking his head. “You’re a real big fucking idiot, you know that?”
Sighing again, Jake got to his feet and turned to walk out of the bathroom when he accidentally kicked the small trash can over. Cursing under his breath, Jake kneeled down and hurried to clean up the mess. Picking up a plastic wrapper, Jake was about to toss it back into the trash when he caught some of the text on it. Frowning, Jake smoothed out the wrapper to read it.
And he nearly passed out when he read the plastic cover.
Prenatal Vitamins
Well, that sealed the deal. Especially when he thought about Rooster’s comment about how you were throwing up all the time lately. And then he remembered the full wine glass in front of you at dinner. And well, three coincidences didn’t seem that likely. And he couldn’t exactly say that the two of you were extremely careful every time with any sort of conviction.
Jake sat there and just stared at the plastic wrap, his whole world just exploding in front of him.
Meanwhile, out in the kitchen and slightly hidden behind a half wall, you were holding your hands to your face, trying to remain calm while Emma placed the candles on the cake and Penny gave you a supportive squeeze.
“Hey, it’s going to be fine,” Penny whispered to you, urging Emma to hurry up with the candles. “We’re just going to eat cake and Jake will leave and it’ll all be fine.”
“Why the fuck is he here? Of all fucking days,” you cursed, letting out a breath. “And I’m going to fucking kill my brother if he keeps asking stupid questions.”
“Just hold onto those thoughts for now. Focus on getting through this dinner, okay?” Penny coached you, giving you another squeeze. “You’ll be fine. You will get through this. But it is a good reminder about some conversations that you need to have, okay?”
“I know, it’s just,” you sighed, feeling a wave of nausea hit you, “they’re all going to freak out. I know it.”
“You can’t control them. Only you. And you are holding way too much on your shoulders right now. You need to tell them. Or at least one of them,” Penny whispered, causing you to nod in return.
“I know. I’m already starting to show,” you mumbled, resting a hand on your abdomen. Letting out another breath, you turned back to Penny, “Let’s just get this party over with.”
You, Emma, and Penny walked out of the kitchen with the cake and candles all set up. Singing the birthday tune for Maverick, you sat back down in your seat. You were a bit surprised that Jake wasn’t there but he seemed to slowly make his way out of the bathroom and back to the table as the song wrapped up. You laughed and clapped with everyone else as Maverick blew out the candles, though you felt Jake’s gaze burn into your back.
“Thank you, thank you,” Maverick chuckled, waving the smoke away. “We’ll, what are we waiting for? Let’s eat cake.”
“I should go,” Jake suddenly spoke, causing everyone to turn to him. He seemed to stumble over his words for a moment before adding, “Coyote texted me. I guess there’s some problem at the house.”
“Well, we don’t want to keep you if you need to go,” Penny stated, knowing that it was best to reduce the tension in the air.
Jake bid his awkward goodbyes, almost acting like he was a puppet being controlled by some higher power before he left. He didn’t or couldn’t look you in the eye about it. Feeling a bit taken aback by his sudden change, you whipped around to shoot Bradley a death glare.
“What the hell did you say to him?” you demanded, causing Bradley to scoff.
“Nothing. Why do you even care anyways?”
“It’s my apartment. If you want to pick fights with people, do it at your place, not mine,” you deflected, causing Bradley to roll his eyes.
“Don’t mess around with him. I’m serious,” your brother warned you.
“And we’re cutting the cake!” Emma interjected, walking over with small plates.
The conversation was effectively over for now, but you still couldn’t help but let your mind wander. What the hell did Bradley say to Jake to freak him out like that?
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blackelysian · 9 months
Date Night.
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Joey Bada$$ as Jordan x Black! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 2,518
Warnings: 18+ Car sex (unprotected), dirty talk, minor breeding kink, nasty stuff
Summary: You and your husband, Jordan have needed some quality time together without the kids. You guys have a cute little date night and take a little adventure.
AN: I hope you guys enjoy! Im still a baby writer so please be kind. Im still new to this and I don't have a taglist yet. If you like and want to be added lmk! Ok ok Enjoy!
It was Friday night and I was getting ready to go on a date with my husband of 4 years, Jordan. Between the kids and his 80 hour a week job this was some much needed alone time. He took the next two days off and the kids are at his mom's so we basically had the whole weekend to ourselves. I was definitely looking forward to our long weekend together.
After applying the finishing touches to my makeup, I let down my pin curls. I begin fluffing my hair out in the mirror and just looking myself over to see how I looked. I heard a low growl come from the bathroom entrance," Damn sexy". I turn to see my boyfriend standing in the doorway entrance gently biting his bottom lip. I giggled girlishly as he walked over and wrapped his arms around me. He puts his head on my shoulder as I lean back into his chest, my heart begins to flutter. I close my eyes as I take in the scent of his cologne as he gently kisses me on the side of my head.
We stayed that way for a while just gently swaying back and forth. " We gotta' go baby, I really don't want us to miss our reservation". I whined wanting to stay in his arms a little bit longer. I stood up fully and fixed my hair . His hands were on my waist as he watched me through the mirror as I was pouting. He turns me around to face him. With him being a muscular 6'2 he towered over my small, petite frame. He grabs my chin and gently kisses my lips a few times telling me to fix my face. He gives my bottom a gentle pat as I pout. We separated and I quickly put away everything I used for my hair and makeup. I spritzed myself with my favorite Jo Malone perfume and exited the bathroom. I go to the closet strap on my heels, grab my purse and head downstairs.
Jordan was sitting on the couch aimlessly scrolling through his phone. He stops to look at me and smiles. "Ready to go?". I quickly nod my head as he grabs his keys and we head towards the door. I walk out the door and hop into the passenger side of his 2021 Range Rover as he locks up the house. He walks to the car and hops in beside me starting the car. As he backs out of the driveway an incoming facetime call comes through on my phone. I looked down at my phone seeing it was from Jordan’s mom. Probably the kids. I answer with a smile waiting for the call to connect. Once it does my smile brightens seeing their little faces in the camera. Ayla, 6 and JJ, 4. " Hi mommy!" they say in unison.
"Hi babies, what are you guys doing?"
" We made cookies with mimi", JJ says in his little soft voice. Mimi was a name they gave Jordan’s mom, instead of calling her grandma.
"Aww did you make mommy and daddy some?" I say as I fake pout into the camera.
"Yes!" Jayla shouts from behind JJ and holds up the little container with cookies in it.
"Where's daddy? '' she asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.
"I'm right here, im driving right now baby I can't hold the phone." I turned the phone towards Jordan so Ayla could see him. She's such a daddy's girl. A wide smile immediately came across her face.
Jordan glances over and smiles back at her. " Hey babygirl."
JJ pushes his little head back in the camera. " I'm ready to come home!"
I chuckle at him," Come home? You haven't been there that long. You're not having fun at Mimi's house?"
"But I miss you and daddy." The kids are so used to being with us 24/7 they can barely stand to be away from us for a day.
" We aren't coming to get you guys til after the weekend baby. Mommy and daddy are having some alone time." I pout seeing his little sad face.
"It's gonna be okay, when we come and get you guys we can spend all the time you want, okay?" I ask him, giving him a small smile.
"Okay" he says lowly, rubbing his eyes.
"Mommy is gonna call you guys tomorrow, okay I love you two" I blow kisses into the phone.
Jordan says his goodbyes and I hang up the call. " I love our little family baby" Jordan says with a smile as he drapes his arm over the back of my seat, coming to a red light. I look over at him and smile brightly " Me too, thank you for making me a mommy" I lean into the middle console to meet him halfway for what was supposed to be a quick peck but quickly turned into a passionate makeout session. A car beeps the horn from behind us, snapping us away from our moment. Jordan pulls away biting his lip as he pulls off. " Keep kissing me like that and imma give you two more..." he states, lust clear in his tone. I bite my lip and turn to look out the window as we finish making our way to the restaurant.
Once we arrived at the restaurant Jordan helped me out of the car and grabbed my hand as we walked into the restaurant. We were at 'Shoto' which was a brand new Japanese steakhouse by where we lived. I love sushi. Jordan had been trying to get us reservations here for months due to this place being so popular. Finally, he was able to snag one and he surprised me.When we walked in the restaurant was dimly lit with light music playing in the background. We walked up to the hostess stand and were greeted by the host. "Hello, Welcome to Shoto! Can I have a name?" she asks.
“Jordan," He tells the host, gently squeezing my hand.
"Jordan, table for 2 at 8:00pm. Alright, Please follow me" She says with a smile as she grabs two menus and begins to lead us towards our seats.
Once we got to the table a bouquet of roses laid beautifully next to a small tealight candle. “Aw babe, are these for me?” I say, my eyes lighting up. 
“Yea gorgeous” He says deeply, looking at me in the most loving and adoring way. He places a tender kiss on my cheek and we both scoot in the booth on the same side, him first. Once we are seated she sets down our menus "Enjoy your meal", she says with a smile before returning to the hostess stand. I looked around at the dimly lit restaurant and smiled.
" You know what you want?" Jordan asks.
"I don’t know” I drag out. 
“There's so many options. What about you?" 
“I might try these Wagyu tacos.” He turns to look at me. “Or I can just eat you” He says in a deep but hushed tone. My jaw drops as I smack his shoulder.
“Baaabe” I giggle and he winks at me.
Soon after the waiter walks up to take our orders.
"Hello, My name is Austin, I'll be taking care of you two tonight. Can I start you two off with some drinks?"
"Hmmm, I want to try the passionfruit martini please?", I say, dragging out the E.
"I'll take the old fashioned", Jordan says, as I instantly scrunched my face at his drink selection. "Eww babe whiskey, gross"
"I'm a man baby, I don't like that fruity shit", He says, looking at me as he strokes his beard.
“And… you love it when I drink brown” He winks at me again, this time sending a chill down my spine. God why was this man so fine! I look him up and down with a slight smirk.
Just as I was about to respond, the waiter came back with our drinks. "Here you are." he says, setting down our drinks. "Ready to order?" We both nod our heads. I ordered the spicy tuna rolls and Jordan settled for the Wagyu tacos.
"Alrighty, it should be out soon." The waiter says and walks away.
"That's all you want? Don't be asking for any of my food when it comes" He says with a playful mug on his face, sipping his drink.
"Boy, you know you goin feed me some anyways" I chuckle. He smacks his lips and smiles "You don't know me girl"
I playfully scoff " Please I know you better than you know yourself" I say with a smirk, now looking at him.
He starts stroking his beard again causing me to bite my lip at him. " Is that right?" His deep, raspy voice caused a slight trickle in my panties. "Mhmm" I hummed, taking a sip of my drink. I playfully rolled my eyes at him, trying to be serious to hold back the sexual tension that was slowly rising.
"You know ima always share with my baby" He leans over and kisses the side of my head and I smile.
After about 20 minutes we finished our drinks and the waiter started bringing out our food. He also brought us another round of drinks. " These are on the house", He states with a wink. "Enjoy, let me know if you need anything." He smiles and leaves us to eat our meal. A comfortable silence fell over us as we ate and finished our drinks. Him gripping my thigh from time to time and little whispers in my ear just heightened the sexual tension even more. I ended up getting another order of sushi and we got cheesecake for dessert.  After the bill came we were good and full and feeling our drinks. I could tell Jordan was just eager to get me back to the car at this point.
As he pulled out his cash to pay the bill I reapplied my lipgloss, quickly checking myself in my mini compact mirror he got me for my birthday before putting everything back in my purse. He looks over at me "Ready to go, pretty girl?". My heart flutters at the given nickname.
I drunkenly nod my head, slinging my purse over my shoulder and sliding out of the booth. He follows suit as he throws his arm around me and we walk towards the door. Once we get back into his car, he starts it up and slouches back in the seat looking at me. He reaches for the pre-rolled blunt he had sitting in the ashtray. He lights it before cracking the sunroof and pulling off. As we are riding I casually scroll through his phone looking for the next song to play. The warm night time breeze from outside coming in through the sunroof felt good on my melanated skin. Just as I made my song selection, his hand found my leg, his fingertips drawing small circles on my inner thigh, inching closer and closer to my womanhood. I look out the window and see that we weren’t on our usual route home.
“Where are we going?” I questioned, a look of confusion on my face.
“We goin make a stop real quick” He says, finishing the blunt and tossing the roach out the window.
A few minutes go by and I see we are pulling onto a back road that leads us to a cliff with an amazing view of the city. He puts the car in park, reclining his seat a little.
“Wow this is so pretty baby, I didn’t even know we had anything like this here.” I say in awe. 
“I thought it would be a perfect way to end the night.” He shifts to look at me, biting his lip.
“You goin 'come get in my lap?” He slurs in a lustful tone.
I smirk and slide my panties off and toss them in the backseat.
I crawl over the middle console and straddle his lap. His hands instantly found my ass of course. By me wearing a short skirt, it sat slightly above my ass, giving him easier access to slide his hands under there. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pokes out his lips, asking for a kiss which I gladly gave him. It didn't take long for the kiss to start to turn steamy. I moaned into his mouth as our tongues fought for dominance.
I pulled away slowly, taking his bottom lip with me. " Mm" he groans as I feel him grow underneath me. He takes a hand grabbing my neck bringing me back into his lips. He uses his free hand to hook my panties to the side, slowly rubbing up and down my slit. I lightly moan against his lips as he continued to get me worked up.
He removes his lips from mine and starts trailing open-mouthed kisses down my neck, stopping and slowly sucking on my spot.
"Damn baby" he groans, slowly sliding two fingers inside of me.
"Mm.. Jordannn" I cry throwing my head back, the squishing sounds becoming louder.
"You've been lookin good all night, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on your pretty ass" He smirks, curving his fingers up and grazing my spot causing me to lean forward into him.
"Oh fuck" My eyes closed tightly as I grind into his fingers.
"Yeah?" he asks in his low, raspy voice. "Sss..shit baby" I whine. " Im gonna cum" I pant.
“Not yet baby, I want you to cum on my dick while I make love to your beautiful ass in front of this beautiful ass view” he says, sliding his fingers out as he unbuckles his belt. His eyes never leaving mine. He slides his pants and boxers down, revealing his already rock hard member. I kiss him sloppily as I slide down on him. We both groan, instantly getting into our own little rhythm.
“Ohh shit” he stuttered, throwing his head back. I grab onto his shoulders and grind down on him. He grabs my waist and drives straight to my spot. The sounds of our love making over powering the music playing. 
“Talk to me baby” he pants, slapping my ass.
“Fuckk you feel soo good papa” I moan out girlishly.
“Yeah? You like the way im fucking you baby?” 
“Oh shitt YES!” I scream, feeling an orgasm brewing. My walls contract around his member in my attempt to hold back my orgasm. I spin around on him reverse cowgirl and start to bounce up and down on him.
“Shit, I'm about to give you another baby” He says lowly, placing kisses down my spine and wrapping one hand around my neck. I look back at him in a seductive gaze “Give it to me papa”. 
I could see all the love in his eyes as we released in sync. Quiet I love yous leave our lips as we both come down from our high. 
“I hope you know i'm not done with you yet”....
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the-record · 11 months
kissing lessons: 2
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synopsis: ellie was your first kiss, but she moved away and you never spoke again. what happens when she moves back to town ten years later?
song: kissing lessons - lucy dacus
pairing: college!ellie x reader
warnings: mean moms, implied homophobia
a/n: uhm wow thank you so much for all the love the first part 🫶 yall are angels and i love u all! thinking this is a series!!!!!!
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
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“damn. you grew up.”
you laughed, coming over and pulling ellie into a hug. “so did you, jesus.” you let go of her and joel pulled you into a hug of his own. “hi mr. miller.”
“jesus kid, how many times do i have to say not to call me that! its joel.”
the air was awkward as you pulled away from them both, memories of your childhood floating through your mind. “so, uhm, what are y’all doing back here? thought you wanted to be close to tommy?”
joel sighed and leaned on the cart he had been pushing. “yea, well, ellie wanted to go to school here.”
“they’ve got a great art program.” ellie interrupted. “didn’t think id get in, but i did on a scholarship, so we decided to come back.”
you smiled at her. “wow that’s amazing, you’ll have to show me your stuff some time!”
“absolutely, shes amazing.” joel said, throwing an arm around her shoulder. “what about you, are you still in school?”
you sighed and switched your basket to the other hand. “unfortunately, last year though!” you smiled.
“thats the spirit.” joel pat you on the shoulder. “we better get going, but it’s good to see you angel. hope we get to see more of you.” he turned back to the cart, looking at the list as he headed down the cereal aisle.
ellie cleared her throat before speaking again. “hey, can i get your number? y’know so we can catch up?”
“yeah, of course!” she slipped her phone into your hands, watching as you added your number to a new contact. “it’s really good to see you.” you said as you put your free arm around her neck in a hug.
“yea it is.” her arm squeezed your middle for a moment before you both let go, heading opposite ways. “see you around angel.”
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“what’s got you so smiley?” your mom wondered as she chopped vegetables beside you.
you set down the knife your were holding, turning around to lean on the counter. “you remember ellie? the girl i was, like, best friends with in elementary school?” she nodded, her eyes flashing between you and the onion. “saw her and mr. miller at the grocery store. i guess they’re moving back so ellie can go to school here.”
she hummed, no reaction on her face. “will you get the chicken out the fridge for me?” she looked up when you didn’t move, just staring at her. “what?”
“you tell me.”
she sighed and set down her knife, getting the chicken herself. “i just… i never liked that girl.” she closed the fridge door and cut open the chicken, putting it in a bowl with some seasoning. “mr. miller is very kind, and his sarah is a sweetie.” she clicked her tounge. “but ellie seemed to be a bad influence on you. something off about that girl.”
you knew exactly what she meant.
ellie was a trouble maker. back-talking teachers, and pranking neighbors. and she was never the girly-girl the moms wanted her to be. too tomboy-ish for their daughters.
too queer for them.
“whatever.” you left the kitchen, grabbing your keys and walking out the front door like you used to all those years ago. you heard your mom call out for you as you left, but you ignored her, getting in your car and pulling away.
ellie had texted you earlier to give you her number, claiming she was always free.
e: hey angel its ellie 3:48
a: hey. glad i saw you today. 3:52
a: when are you free? 3:52
e: always 3:54
a: u free now??? 5:36
e: yea come over 5:36
e: sent a pin 📍 5:37
ellie raced down the stairs as you knocked on the door, yelling at joel “i got it” before he could get up.
he laughed and turned back to the tv. she’d done that as a kid too, never more excited than when you came over. she composed herself before unlocking and opening the door, a shy smile on her face.
“hey, come in.” she stepped back, watching you come inside and slide off your shoes along side hers. she took your hand, a habit she never dropped, and led you upstairs to her room.
“hey angel!”
you smiled softly, peeking around a corner and seeing joel watching the news. “hi mr. miller.”
“it’s joel!”
ellie rolled her eyes, pulling at your arm. you scoffed, letting her guide you. “now, my room is just bones right now. im only here temporarily so…”
she wasn’t joking.
her bed frame sat against a wall not put together, all her stuff in boxes. a suitcase sat by the closet with clothes and essentials. her mattress tucked in a corner with sheets and a pillow. walls bare and books hidden.
“this is boring.” you teased as you flopped onto her mattress face first. when you looked over to ellie she was standing awkwardly at the door, hands at her sides and eyes on the floor. “what the hell are you doing?”
she shrugged, shuffling forward. “ ‘don’t know. feels weird.”
you laughed, staring at her incredulously. “you just yanked me up your stairs to your room, and now it’s weird?”
“you’re right.” she stood at the foot of the mattress before falling on top of you.
ellie gasped and rolled off you. “do not say the lord’s name in vain missy! can you imagine what your mother would do if she heard?”
she felt the energy sour at the mention of your mom. “you okay?”
she watched as you sat up and followed suit, sitting criss cross in front of you. “i hate living with her. she finds a way to ruin everything.” you picked at the hole on your jeans, pulling at the white threads.
“let me guess,” ellie said, leaning onto her hands behind her. “not so happy to hear im back in town.” you looked at her with a guilty expression. “she never liked me. none of the moms did.”
“yea, well, theyre all idiots.” you huffed and picked at her jeans instead. “she just… any time im excited she has to find a way to ruin it. i just wanna move out.”
you were both silent for a minute. ellie watched as you picked and twisted the the strings on her pants, separating them just to pinch them back together. “move in with me.”
your head shot up to look at her.
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cottonlemonade · 5 months
That Time I Made My Brother Hide In The Bathroom To Talk To A Girl
word count: 876 || avg. reading time: 4 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Atsumu x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: spoilers
a/n: this is a continuation of How You Met but can be read as a standalone
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Atsumu was pouting.
Not only had he played one of the best games of his life when he spotted that cute chubby girl from the bus stop in the ranks but during a timeout he had snuck over to your stand and called over the cheering crowd if you‘d wanna grab dinner with him. And you got all bushy again and told him you‘d love to! (Actually, you had only nodded and mouthed “Okay“ but that was a technicality.)
And now this! During the fifth set Bokuto had stumbled when he landed after a spike and crashed into him. Long story short, Atsumu‘s arm was now in a sling and he was stuck in a stupid hospital on this stupid Saturday when he was supposed to wow you with his infinite charm tonight.
Wallowing in self-pity, he threw his head back on the pillow and groaned loudly.
A nurse opened the door, professional concern in her tone.
“Are you in pain, sir?“
“Physically or mentally?“, he asked, eyes still closed.
“Uhm… I see. Well, call if you need anything.“
And she left again.
He wanted to grab his phone to reread your (rather short) chat for the 6th time that day but was interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Well, ya look like crap.“
“Samu! What‘re ya doin‘ here?“
“I saw yer incredibly subtle Instagram story. How yer feelin‘?“
“Fine.“, Atsumu mumbled but pointed at his right arm, “Just sucks, ya know.“
Then he sniffed the air and his face brightened a little.
“Did ya bring me food?“
Osamu grinned and took off his backpack to produce mountains of Atsumu‘s favorites.
“Yer the best, thanks.“
But just as Osamu was setting up the little food tray next to his bed, Atsumu perked up.
Through the window of the door he spotted a cute chubby figure currently talking with the head nurse at the reception desk, a bundle in her hands that looked suspiciously like food.
“Ya gotta hide.“
Osamu frowned.
“Quick, quick! Come on, hide!“
“Why, what‘s goin’ on?“
“Come on, I‘ll explain later. Hide in the bathroom or somethin’.“, Atsumu urged.
Osamu was way too used to his twin‘s antics to question it much further and so headed towards the ensuite but Atsumu hissed, “Take the food with ya, quickly!“
“Ya gotta be kiddin‘…“
But he picked up the tray and as instructed made his way to the bathroom. Not a second too soon.
Atsumu had just put on his best “beaten hero“ face, filled with sorrow and pain, when the door opened a third time and you stepped in. In the reflection of the window he saw how flushed your cheeks were and how awkwardly you held the bundle. You were just too cute. But he closed his eyes and took a deep theatrical breath before turning to face you.
“Oh, y/n. What are ya doing here?“
“I thought you must be disappointed that you couldn‘t finish the game yesterday and… yeah. Plus, we were supposed to see each other today. I‘m sorry if this is too forward, but I brought some food to help you recover.“
Beaten heroes didn‘t squeak. They didn‘t giggle, nor kick their feet.
Atsumu took a deep breath to compose himself. “No no, yer cute. - I mean, this is very sweet of ya, thanks. Have a seat.“
He nodded to the side of his bed.
“Do you have a tray somewhere?“, you asked, looking around.
“Uhm, no, I think the nurses took it after breakfast. A-and“, he added quickly because it looked like you were about to get up to ask for a new one, “I‘m sure I‘ll be fine without one.“
“Alright then.“, you opened the bundle to produce a large square lunch box. When you opened it, steam rose from the fluffy rice, packed neatly next to the eggroll with sausage, grilled meats, pickled vegetables and fruit.
“Looks delicious.“, he said excitedly and tried to pick up the chopsticks with his left hand. When that didn‘t quite work out he swapped to the spoon but even that he could tell must have looked very awkward.
“Could… ya help me out?“, he asked with a small smile and you nodded, taking the spoon from him and scooping up some rice, then adding some meat on top.
When you lifted it to his lips, your hand was shaking so much that it was difficult for him to catch, so he brought up his left and closed it around yours, to keep it steady. Making eye contact for absolutely no reason but his own personal entertainment of seeing you blush, he held your gaze as he closed his mouth around the bite.
“Oh wow.“, he said while chewing, cheeks puffed and eyes widened in surprise, “This is really good!“
You smiled brightly and relaxed, loading up the next spoon.
Osamu sat on the bathroom floor, working his way through the lavish meal he had prepared for his brother, trying not to gag when he heard Atsumu flirting up a storm in the next room.
At some point he got so bored that he swapped the contents of his brother‘s shampoo and shower gel, making a mental list of all the ways Atsumu owed him for this.
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✨ @coffeesncats ✨
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pitchsidestories · 9 months
New Year's Eve Party (4) II Leïla Ouahabi x Reader
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New Year's Eve Party Masterlist (all previous parts can be found here) I Word count: 1640
“Leila, you look great. Come on, we got to go, we’re already late to the party.”, Ona was impatiently standing in her bathroom door who was done with her close friend looking at herself critical in the mirror for at least fifteen minutes.
Nervously Leila ran a hand through her long dark hair:” Yes, but she’ll be there too.” “And she’ll be happy seeing you either way. So come on.”, the younger Spanish woman reminded her. With a sigh the Manchester City player turned her back to the mirror: “Alright, I’m ready, we can leave.” “Perfect.”, happily Ona led her friend out of her appartement.
The party already arrived when the two defenders arrived. Stunned Leila stopped at the entrance of Fridolina’s home, taking a moment to take in the atmosphere of the celebrations:” Wow.” “Wow as in look at her she’s still as beautiful as I remember her or wow as in Patri is the worst DJ ever.”, the Barcelona player joked light-heartedly. Her question made the Manchester City defender laugh out loud:” Both actually.”  
A wide grin appeared on Patri’s face who heard everything her friends had said: “You know when you two think you’re whispering you’re basically shouting?” “Maybe it would help if you’d turn the music down!”, Ona shouted back giggling. Smiling Leila added: “Yes, because some of us need to catch up with each other!” “But we’re not here to catch up. We’re here to party.”, the midfielder and hobby DJ pointed out.
With a sigh the Manchester City player looked around, in hope to see your familiar face in the sea of former teammates and lifelong friends: “So according to you, we should be dancing instead of talking?” “That’s exactly what I meant.”, Patri replied content.  
That was the moment Ona realized that her friend needed a little help, so she pushed her into your direction:” Come on no more foreplay Leila. Go and dance with her!”
The defender almost stumbled into you when you turned around, the surprise was shown all over your face: “Leila? I almost thought you wouldn’t come.” “No, I.. I said I would come.”, she licked nervously her lips. Your heart skipped a beat when you realized that she was finally here, next to you in flesh and bone: “I’m glad you did.” “I’m a glad you came too.”, Leila replied truthfully.
Innocently you asked her: “Nothing beats a New Year’s Eve Party in Barcelona with the girls, right?”  “No, that’s true. And I can’t miss out on the chance to see all my friends again.”, she admitted fondly. You echoed more surprised than you should; “Friends. Yes, of course.“
You were trying to let the fact that Leila considered you a friend not hurt too much when she quickly added; “And you.“ You looked up in shock, meeting Leilas intense brown eyes for a moment. You gathered all your courage to explain to her; “Leila, I need to tell you something…“
But before you could finish or get a reaction from Leila, you were pulled away by one of your teammates towards a different group of people. “Wait, what?“, Leila was calling after you, but Alexia was holding on to you tight, a suspiciously big smile on her face that made you wonder if she had too much champagne already.
“Ale, I was just talking to Leila…“, you protested. Your team mate nonchalantly waved you off; “You can talk to her later.“ “So, what’s the matter?“, you now asked while Alexia pressed a glass of champagne into your hand. “We have to celebrate.“, she stated happily. You frowned in confusion; “Celebrate what?“
“Hey.“, Leilas voice said close to your ear. Immediately, you turned around facing the defender; “Yes?“ “You wanted to say something…“, Leila prompted you to continue your conversation. You hesitated for a moment, then shook your head. Looking at Alexia with her wife and the other girls celebrating together, your heart filled with adoration for your team mates; “Yeah, I love them all so much.“
“You do?“, Leila asked. Sipping from your champagne, you nodded; “Yes.“ The defenders face scrunched in mistrust as she eyed your glass; “I think you had enough for that.“ “Leila, this is my first glass.“, you assured her but she still took it out of your hand. She raised her eyebrow slightly; “Are you sure? That didn’t sound like it was.“
With a deep breath, you revealed what you have been trying to tell her the whole time; “It’s my way to say goodbye to them.“ “Why would you say goodbye to them? You’ll still see them next year.“, Leila retorted quickly. “Yes, but it will be differently.“, you sighed. The defender shook her head; “I don’t think I understand.“ Another deep breath before you finally laid everything bare; “I’m leaving Barcelona.“
There was nothing but shock. You didn’t remember ever feeling so numb before. You both were standing in your apartment in Barcelona when Leila broke the news to you. “You’re leaving?“ That voice didn’t sound like you at all. Leila took a step towards you, you took one step back; “You could come with me…“ It sounded stickily sweet. “How? I still have a contract here.“, you replied. “But I thought…“, she started.
Her shoulders slumped; “Oh, forget it.“ You’d love to forget her right now. “I can’t come with you.“ There was emphasis on every word, in hopes that Leila would finally understand the situation. She frowned at you; “So you don’t love me.“
There was bitter laugh stuck in your throat when you answered; “You’re being unfair. Of course I do.“ “Then why wouldn’t you come with me?“ “I told you, it’s because of my contract.“, you repeated impatiently. Leila shook her head with an incredulous look; “Sure.“ For a split second, you wished she would just leave and never come back.
End of the Throwback
“Where would you go? Barcelona is the best club in Europe.”, Leila pressed on, her voice full of disbelief. A frustrated sigh escaped your lips:“I know.”  “Then why do you want to leave?”, the defender asked you puzzled. You took a deep breath before replying to her question:” Because of you. But also, the WSL title race seems very exciting.” “Wait, what?”, she interrupted you shocked.
It took all your courage to continue:” What I’m trying to tell you all evening is that I’m coming to-“ “Guys the firework is about to start, we’ll all go to the balcony to see it!”, Patri cut through your attempt of an explanation. The Manchester City player glanced annoyed at the midfielder: “Patri!”  “Don’t worry, I can tell you on there.”, you promised her as you followed your teammates on to the balcony awaiting the soon upcoming fireworks.
When you reached your destination, you finally let the defender know what you were trying to say all evening:” I’m joining Manchester City.” “You’re?”, surprise was written all over Leila’s face. Nervously you nodded: “I do, yes.”  “But.. why?”, the Manchester City player sounded confused.  A sudden confidence got into you as you took her hand in yours:” Isn’t it obvious.”
In that moment the firework begun, illuminating the dark midnight sky. “I can’t believe you would do that without telling me.”, the news got under Leilas skin as she was trying to translate her emotions into adequate sentences.  Quietly you confessed to her:“I wanted to tell you this in person.”
“You’re coming to Manchester.”, the joy in her voice was undeniable as she just realized what you said. Suddenly a bit of hesitation made you stammer:”Sorry, that it took so long. If you found someone in Manchester I’d understand.”  “I didn’t. There was no one.”, Leila replied serious. “Same for me.”  
Excited the Manchester City player wanted to know: “When are you signing?” “At the start of January.”, you replied swiftly. “Do you have a place to stay yet?” “Actually, I don’t.”, you blushed as you felt her gaze on you.  A shy smile crept on Leilas lips as she offered: “If you want, you could stay with me.”
“I’d like that.” It was Mapis hurt voice which made you both shriek:”You’ll leave us?” The disappointed look in your friend’s eye made you reach out to her, trying to console the injured player: “Mapi.” “Really?”, she shook her head.
You nodded shyly; “Yes, I’ll join Manchester City in January.“ Alexia appeared on Mapis side with a proud smile; “About time.“ Aitana and her sister joined the conversation, holding each other by their hand. “Agreed“, the younger Bonmati sister beamed.
Aitana gave you an empathetic look; “We’ll miss you. But you and Leila need to be together again.“ Even Patri has left her position as the DJ and appeared next to you; “Yes, your happiness matters more. Plus, you two can always come back to visit us.“ “Yes.“
A gentle squeeze on your arm made you look up, Ona flashed you an encouraging smile. All those kind words from your team-mates have made your eyes well up with tears.
You carefully dabbed at your watering eyes while Mapi announced; “I think that calls for a group hug right at the start of the new year!“ “Oh yes. And Manchester will be happy to have you both.“, Lucy added with a wink.
Before you could say anything, you found yourself in a tight huddle with your teammates and friends. Alexias voice came from somewhere to your right; “Careful with my wife!“ “Ale, she’s fine!“, Mapi replied. You could basically hear her role her eyes at the midfielder.
“The girls will never change, huh?“, Leila asked, her lips close to your ear. You laughed happily; “Never!“ “Good that you’re coming to Manchester then.“, she replied amused. With all your friends around you, you turned to Leila and kissed her passionately. The new year couldn’t start fast enough.
Happy New Year! We hope you've/ had a great NYE. As always comments and likes are appreciated. ❤️
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atzjieun · 3 months
best jieun moments from wanteez
[text in bold brackets denotes editor’s comments]
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jieun is committed to the bit
Everyone conversed amongst themselves as they waited patiently for the next member to appear at the door. After about a minute, the sound of the door being slid open caused them all to look over. 
Jieun pushed the door out of her way, carrying her bookbag in one hand and a black designer purse in the other. Black sunglasses were perched upon her nose with a silver necklace dangling from her neck.
[Who is this new transfer student?]
“Woah, is she a celebrity?” Someone asked. With a slight smirk, Jieun closed the door behind her and made her way to the front of the class.
“Hello everybody, my name is Sophie Song and I’m from Seongnam, South Korea,” she announced confidently in English, eliciting some surprised noises from the rest of the class. “But you can call me Jieun.” 
“She seems to be really rich,” Jongho commented. “Hey, Jieun. What do your parents do for work?” 
Jieun sighed as she took off her sunglasses, inspecting them.  
“My father is the CEO of a huge company,” she said as she put them on her head. 
“And what is the name of the company?” Wooyoung asked.
[What will be this heiress’ answer..?]
With a straight face, Jieun turned to the boy and answered. 
“KQ Entertainment.” 
“Oh? Isn’t that company poor?” One of the other classmates asked, causing them all to burst into laughter, including Jieun. She quickly composed herself and shook her head. 
“No, he built it from the ground up,” Jieun said. “Now the company is worth millions.” 
“Of cents.” 
Sighing, Jieun just nodded, muttering a “Yeah, sure,” as she made her way to her seat. 
[Heiress has given up] 
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jieun proving she holds ateez’s single braincell 
“I think that the human zombie might not know whether they’re the zombie or not,” Jongho said sincerely, his forehead wrinkled as he tried to think about who it could be.
“Alright, it’s Jongho,” Wooyoung concluded suddenly, clearly fighting off a smirk. “It’s definitely him.”
As the other members agreed, Jieun remained still, her gaze locked on seemingly nothing. 
[Song Ice lost in thought] 
After about a minute of silence from the girl, Jieun suddenly looked up. Her eyebrows were raised as she brought herself to her feet. 
“It’s San.” The others turned to her in confusion, while the accused boy widened his eyes.
“What- me?” 
Jieun nodded and turned to him. 
“They said that the human zombie doesn’t get bitten, but when the Fever Time happened for the first time, all the zombies went towards me except for one who went to San. Wouldn’t more of them have gone to him because he was closer?” Her gaze cut into him like a knife, eyes narrowed. “And he didn’t have a big reaction when one of the zombies hugged him, but he usually would.”
[Good point…]
“I was so scared, honestly— I felt like I was frozen,” San explained earnestly, putting a hand over his heart. 
“But also,” Jieun said, still staring at him. “When all three of us were in the classroom, you were again closer to the zombie but instead he attacked Yunho.” 
At this, Yunho spoke up. “Although, San was kind of off to the side and the zombie was already walking towards me, so I think that’s why.” 
“And we all know that San is really a scaredy cat,” Yeosang added. “So I’m not surprised he froze.” 
Wooyoung just shook his head. “I still think we should vote Jongho out.”
“Me too,” agreed Hongjoong. 
“Yeah, same.”
Jieun looked around at her members for some confirmation, but it looked like everyone had already made up their minds. Her mouth straightened into a flat line as she looked directly at the camera with a tired look on her face. 
[…but it falls on deaf ears]
She let out a sigh, shrugging as she sat back down, “Alright, if that’s what the majority decides.”  
[Jieun-ah… fighting?] 
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a (not so) rare moment of ateez adoring their youngest member turns into a jieun exposee 
“Now for our youngest, lovely Jieun!” Hongjoong announced. The girl smiled as she walked to the center, waiting for her song. 
[Patiently waiting…] 
“Ah-“ Jieun said, smiling when the pre-chorus Seventeen’s “Snap Shoot” started playing. She mouthed the lyrics for the rap section before starting the choreo. The other members cheered as she danced, even more so during the post-chorus where, on every “chal-kak”, Jieun struck a pose. First was a big heart, then she turned and blew a kiss towards the members, who all clutched their hearts. San even fell to the ground. 
[Jieun receiving lots of love from her brothers] 
When the music stopped, Jieun bowed to the camera before quickly retreating to her spot, using her hands to cover her face in embarrassment. 
“Our Jieunie is so cute,” Wooyoung said as he tried pinching her cheeks, but Jieun just pushed him away. Witnessing this, Jongho spoke up.
“You know, Jieun always acts like she hates aegyo but I think she secretly enjoys doing it.” The others nodded in agreement. 
“She’s so good at it too,” Mingi agreed. 
“Sometimes I see her practicing her aegyo at home,” Yeosang added. Everyone began laughing as Jieun’s eyebrows raised. She turned to the boy accusingly.
“I have never practiced aegyo before,” Jieun said, waving her hand at the camera crew, all of  whom looked amused. “That’s just a lie.” Seonghwa nodded in agreement. 
“I believe Jieunie,” he said. Jieun was relieved that someone was on her side, but the relief quickly dissipated as the oldest went on. “She wouldn’t need to practice aegyo because she’s naturally cute.” 
At that, the others started giggling, while Jieun simply stared at Seonghwa with her ice-cold gaze. 
[Song Ice is back]
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jieun’s state after waking up while being high on anesthesia
“Oh, Jieunie’s awake?” Seonghwa asked, raising his eyebrows. 
Yunho immediately stood up, grinning. “Let’s go visit her.” 
A few of the members made their way to the recovery room, careful as they filed inside so as to not make any noise. Jieun was laid on one of the beds, the blanket wrapped over her body and around her head so that you could only see her face. 
“Cute,” Seonghwa said with a soft smile when he saw her.
“Who’s there?” Jieun muttered. She raised her head slightly and opened one eye, smiling when she saw the others standing there. “Oh, hi oppas.” 
[Too cute to handle] 
The members that had walked into the room immediately started smiling, some even turning away to hide their reddening faces. Jieun let out a small yawn as she curled into a tighter ball. 
“I’m glad you’re all here,” she said, closing her eyes again. “Thank you for taking care of me. Let’s all be happy and healthy in the new year, ok?” 
[The real Song Ice, everybody] 
“Yes, Jieunie,” Yunho said as he patted her head. “Take care of yourself too, ok?” Jieun hummed in response, giving a small nod before resting her head down again. 
“Jieun-ah, good night.” Wooyoung bent down, giving the girl a small peck on the head. He grinned as he stood up straight, causing Yeosang to laugh. 
“If Jieun wasn’t high right now, she would’ve stared at you like she was going to attack.”  
A clip of Jieun’s death glare from a previous episode plays
[A look that will curse the next 10 Jung generations]
“Let’s let her rest,” Seonghwa suggested. He turned, using his arms to quietly usher everyone out of the room. 
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jieun being the only sober (kinda) member + scaring Wooyoung into sobriety 
Jieun watched in amusement as the other members yelled at each other, the chain not having yet gotten to her. As she waited, she reached over and grabbed a water bottle from the edge of the table, taking a quick drink for herself before grabbing an empty glass and pouring some out. She turned and handed the glass to San beside her, whose face had gotten significantly redder in the last three minutes since the yelling game had started. 
At first he refused, thinking it was more alcohol, but Jieun shook her head. 
“Don’t worry, it’s water,” she said. “Now drink.” San nodded, gratefully taking the glass from her hand and drinking it all in one gulp. She took the glass back from him, using her other hand to rub circles on his back. 
[Thoughtful Jieunie]
Unfortunately for her, Wooyoung saw the kind gesture and started complaining. 
“Hey, why are you only taking care of him?” 
[Burning with jealousy]
Jieun snapped her gaze towards him, staring at Wooyoung so intensely that he began shrinking into his seat. 
“Ah… I’m sorry.” 
The other members started laughing as Wooyoung looked down in embarrassment, quickly grabbing a glass and downing another shot. Jieun chuckled, shaking her head as she grabbed the water bottle and handed it to him. 
“I don’t think Wooyoung’s drunk anymore,” Mingi said, laughing. 
The shoot continued, Jieun occasionally pouring more glasses of water and forcing the other members to drink them in between shots. She took a few shots here and there, but mainly focused on making sure the members with low alcohol tolerance (re: San) didn’t drink anymore. 
“Hey, Jieun,” Wooyoung said when she refilled his glass of water. “Did you even drink anything tonight?” 
“Of courth I did,” she replied, eyes wide.
Jongho laughed, raising his eyebrows. “What’s with that pronunciation?” 
She looked over at him, bringing her pointer finger up to her lips to shush him. At that moment, San let out a loud yawn. He swayed side to side before eventually falling onto Jieun’s shoulder. She moved slightly, adjusting herself so that he could fully lay down and rest his head on her lap.  
“That’s how you know she’s drunk,” Yunho said, observing the whole interaction. “She’s not fighting him off.” 
Jieun just blinked at him before letting out a sigh. She turned her head to the front and stared straight at the camera with a tired expression. 
[Jieun-ah… fighting?] 
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melbatron5000 · 7 months
My murder board
Updated 4/22/24
I'll add links as I can, but here's what I've got so far on the Good Omens season 2 puzzle/game. I feel it's important to note that I think we've been given all the puzzle pieces and a bunch of helpful hints besides.
The continuity errors:
Crowley's hair (POV thing)
Crowley's sideburns (POV)
The Bentley, "our car" but then it is Our Car in 1941 also -- WTF (There is a line in the book about someone being powerful enough to make something change and then make it so the change always was that way, but damned if I can recall the line or context now. Need to re-read AND re-watch! Found it! It's when Crowley first meets Adam after he's come into his powers -- he reads Crowley's mind and history like it's a book and this is the impression it leaves Crowley with. Adam's power is very similar to how the Book of Life is described in the show. Curiouser and curiouser!) (POV!)
Eccles cakes when Crowley leaves the shop, it's still morning, the continuity of time is messing with me. When they get the eccles cakes, it's light out. When Crowley leaves, it's dark out. He throws a lightning temper tantrum. He comes back after 9 by the clock in the shop. I still think it's not unreasonable to assume Aziraphale simply tidied away the eccles cakes in that time. Nina would have liked her plate back, after all. But all of this begs another question: 4a. Why is it around 11:30 when Aziraphale leaves Maggie's shop with the record and says he knows what he'll be doing for 21 minutes, but after 4 pm when Gabriel shows up? What happened for those 4+ hours? See 6. Clocks are wrong. Time is wrong!! (4.b the eccles cakes are prominent in at least one promo poster. Even if they don't disappear, do they mean something else??)
Portal rug it's a faded rug right up until the ball, when it becomes a thick red rug, then it's back to faded once the ball is tidied away. It just got made pretty for the ball, then changed back. The change is a nothingburger.
Clocks are wrong -- all over the damn place!!
Cross on Gabriel's statue -- appears to disappear. (POV)
Honolulu roast sign -- appears out of nowhere. (POV)
Title/location cards -- but there are some spots where the S1 title cards are used, what's going on there? (POV clues? -- this needs a closer look)
Drawing of Gabriel -- the one Aziraphale draws in the shop is NOT the one he shows the pub owner in Edinburgh. Why? (POV)
Wet roads/series poster -- what is up with all the rain??
Lights at Marguerites -- on again, off again. (POV? Or is it just when she's closed and open? It's a cafe, after all, they won't be open in the morning.)
Aziraphale's chair position in the Final Fifteen
1941 photo, Crowely's hand
Repeating extras -- not just repeating, but acting oddly -- walking back and forth, touching things, not eating, dressed the same every single day, etc. Do the people on the street in Edinburgh behave the same way?? (POV?)
Resurrectionist sign at the pub -- one with a scalpel, one with a butcher's knife. And it makes me think -- was Mr. Dalrymple a surgeon and a scientist with a scalpel, or a butcher with a cleaver? (POV. Wait, Aziraphale is the only MC there -- whose POVs would we be seeing?? Crowley's. He calls to tell Crowley what he found, what we're seeing is Crowley's idea of what happened.)
Store front signs -- appear and disappear. (POV)
Whickber street as seen from Heaven vs. on location -- the one Saraqael looks at in Heaven is the Google Maps picture of SoHo from 2019 with the book shop added in. It's not even from 2023! There is a building being torn down in it. In person on the show, it's different -- and the building is long gone in actual Google Maps 2023. (I think Saraqael is trying to hide the big miracle. She's showing the arc angels the book shop when it got reset by Adam in 2019.)
When Shax talks to Crowley and he takes off driving. When she appears, he is parked further up the street than when he leaves. Noticeably so. (POV? Or scenes out of order and this is a different time than it looks like?)
Edinburgh castle -- when Aziraphale arrives in Edinburgh, the castle is behind him. When the camera switches angles to behind him, Edinburgh castle is in front of him. The street he is on (streets, actually) are real streets. The castle was put in the first shot deliberately, but exists for real in the second shot. (POV)
Edinburgh streets -- when Aziraphale arrives in Edinburgh, the street he parks on is cobblestone. When the camera switches to behind him, the street is paved. (POV)
Weird sounds of all kinds?? (POV? Some of them yes.)
Crowley's sunglasses. Could this be explained by POV switches? If so, why do they change halfway through and then stay that way?
Questions about things the characters do:
Where did Crowley go during the Job flashback? And why was he wearing his spy turtleneck? (To meet up with Saraqael, perhaps? Seeing as Shax interrupted their meeting earlier that day?)
Where else did Aziraphale go in Edinburgh? And why did he go to the graveyard?
What did Gabriel need to bring to Aziraphale? What happened to it? (God's voice? A message from god? The Book of Life?)
Why does Micheal do the magician's "nothing in the box" display with the matchbox? It's a very specific action. Something's in that up with that damn matchbox. We're being asked to look at it, while something else happens that we're missing. And someone noticed that her nails are in terrible shape when she does it, but our eyes are on the matchbox.
What else did the Metatron say to Aziraphale? (Anything? Are we getting the whole, accurate story? Most of it? Any of it?)
How long was Crowley in Heaven, and what happened while he was there? (Did he sneak around and steal something? Did they harm him? He's acting a bit weird when he comes back.)
What happened to Aziraphale's briefcase? The one he took to Edinburgh. Where he did who knows what. (Is that a POV thing??)
What, if anything, is wrong with Crowley's memory? (Or is he just dissing Furfur and Saraqael?) (OR! Given the Gabriel removed HIS OWN MEMORY AND PUT IT IN THE FLY, so apparently angels ((AND demons??)) can affect their own memories, did Crowley deliberately do something to himself to get rid of unwanted memories??? He seems pretty untroubled by not remembering Furfur or Saraqael or why they made gravity -- almost as if he doesn't care the memories are gone. Okay, maybe he's gotten rid of some memories himself, but then WHY??) This could be a big old nothingburger. Or is he dissing Furfur and offering plausible deniability that he's met with Saraqael before -- like, when he was wearing his spy turtle neck??
What is Shax's mission? She says she's Crowley's replacement, but then she asks for "what she needs" from Crowley on the bench. Huh? What does she need?
How does Crowley know about hand washing in the Resurrectionists minisode? (This strikes different than the "lead ballon" remark on the wall. It's hard to say if Crowley knows about lead balloons, or if they're speaking an angelic language and it's being translated for us and the translator has a sense of humor or is trying to convey Crowley's sense of humor. The hand washing is actual, concrete, specific knowledge of the future.) Ah, I just re-read the book, where he mentions helicopters to DaVinci, and also Neil said this. It's something Crowley can do. He's a demon, he knows things.
What is going on with Maggie? I don't think she's a demon, but there is something up with her. (Also, one of the men in the graveyard in Edinburgh has a tattoo that says "no regerts." That's a real tattoo that circulates around the internet every once in a while -- I think it's a subtle reminder that humans aren't necessarily great at spelling, either.) But she has a Mason symbol on her necklace, and I still think the Masons are significant somehow; Aziraphale can't miracle-influence her; Aziraphale expects her to feel the arc angels arriving.
Why does Gabriel speak with god's voice? (Was that what he needed to bring? That message? But he says he needs to give Aziraphale something, and both times he speaks in god's voice, it's to Crowley. Hmm. IS that God's voice? It's a woman, but who is it?)
How did the pub owner recognize Gabriel's picture so fast? He says himself, "Look pal, I see a lot of people -- oh, yeah, I remember him!" ?? Was it just because Gabriel was weird at him?
Why is Crowley throwing books? It gives us a laugh, but is there a reason for it? He even seems confused as to why he's carrying them right before he does. (This is a POV thing -- the lens is "Aziraphale's" lens, so I think we're seeing Crowley tell Aziraphale what happened while Aziraphale was gone, and how Aziraphale imagines it would go.)
Why is Saraqael the only angel to react with fear before anyone else recognizes the Metatron? (Is it because she's been working WITH Gabriel, Beelzebub, AND Crowley and Aziraphale to thwart the second attempt at ending the world? Neil says he had some secret things for Sandalphon to do, but the actor wasn't available, so Saraqael does some of those things instead . . .)
Aziraphale gently laughs at Muriel's Inspector Constable persona, but then IMMEDIATELY adopts a just as over-the-top reporter persona. Is he doing it deliberately, or is he that un-self-aware? If he's doing it deliberately, why? Who's he trying to convince he's not that savvy? The pub owner? Anyone who might be spying? US?? Is that a POV thing? And if so, whose?? (AHA! I think this is Aziraphale telling Crowley what happened, and Crowley picturing Aziraphale being adorable in his disguise. Aziraphale is not that silly actually, but probably not as slick as he wants to think.)
Why the heck did Maggie and Nina go talk to Crowley while the Metatron was talking to Aziraphale? What they had to say wasn't important enough to leave Nina's shop during a rush, and I definitely don't think they derailed Crowley from what he needed to say to Aziraphale, though it might look at first as if they did. So what was that about?
When Shax stops Aziraphale for a ride, he says, "Oh, I really need to get to --" and then is cut off. He really needs to get to where? It's an easy assumption to think he means the book shop, or London. But is that all he means? Or was he on his way somewhere else? And if it was just the book shop, what does he mean he's late? Late for what? And that lens is still Crowley's lens -- Aziraphale is relating the story to Crowley. Crowley also knows where Aziraphale was going besides Edinburgh.
Crowley can tell something is wrong. Something. What?
Good God, this questions list just keeps getting longer. Why would the Metatron allow Beelzebub and Gabriel to leave, after trying to stop Armageddon 2.0, but come after Crowley and Aziraphale like that? Just because of the big miracle? (Which I'm not sure they did.)
Why does Crowley say "Oh, God," right before his confession in the final fifteen? To let Aziraphale know that he understands what Aziraphale is saying? That God (or the Voice) is there? Seems possible.
Why didn't Gabriel come down the lift in the Dirty Donkey? He also says he had to carry that box for sooo long. Where was he wandering around?
When Crowley leaves Heaven, he tells Saraqael and Muriel to come, too. But in the elevator, Michael and Uriel are there! When the fuck did they show up??
The whole time Aziraphale is in Maggie's shop asking about Every Day, he is looking out the windows and is VERY nervous. Is he just concerned about leaving Gabriel on his own, or is he nervous about something specific? He does react to the car horn outside as others have noted, but he is already jumpy and checking the windows repeatedly, the car horn isn't anything particular, he's just already fixated on the windows.
Why does Beelzebub tell Shax to attack the bookstore? Aren't they worried about Gabriel being harmed? And they know Hell is understaffed. Maybe that's why they command it? Because they know Shax won't be able to get the demons?
Questions about the world:
What about the Masons? It's such a specific thing for the pub owner to bring up, what is the meaning of it? And Maggie has a Mason symbol on her necklace. Did the Masons carve the statue of Gabriel? When did they see him?
The only narration we hear in the entire season is Aziraphale in the Resurrectionist flashback. Why? (Maybe to throw us off? I think we have multiple POV characters in season 2, not just Aziraphale, but we only hear Aziraphale so we assume he's the POV for the entire season. But still, why do we only hear him narrate 1 flashback? Argh, is he reading the diary to himself in the present day? That would explain the end, "And that was the last I was to see of Crowley for some time." If he is reading it in the present day, why? What made him think to go back to THAT entry?? Oh, duh! He JUST heard the story of the jukebox from Maggie. And Gabriel appearing -- same city that statue is in. Of course he thought of something important from that diary entry! Now, what did he notice?)
Is the Book of Life a real threat? We hear two stories about it, that it's real and that its ability to erase beings was something to scare the cherubs with, this is inconclusive. Crowley gets nervous after Beelzebub talks to him, but he could just be upset that their little break is interrupted, and now Heaven and Hell have taken an interest in them again.
Is reality fucked up? How? Whickber street bubble, Aziraphale's power turned up (how?), etc.? A LOT of it is POV shifts!
Job 41:19 on the matchbox: 1941?? YES. Bullet catch/kiss scene!
Where TF is God? "There was nothing for Her to do" my ass. She narrates. That's it. So there was nothing for her to narrate? Hm. (Because there was a host of other narrators? Are the Crowley/Aziraphale through the ages flashbacks in S1 narrated by God? I don't think they are, but I need to rewatch. They are not! And they aren't narrated by God because Crowely and Aziraphale are the POV characters in them.)
So many promo posters show Aziraphale, Crowley, and Jimbriel together, or symbols of them. Three feathers: two white, one black. Tea cup, cocoa mug, wine glass. The three of them. Not with Beelzebub, not with Muriel, the three of them. And all three of them have been Jesus-coded in some small way. No one else. Those three. What. Why. Are they the sacrifice required to bring about the new world? Why not Beez, then?
Wait. Two Crowleys?? WTF. There are two Crowley puppets in the magic shop, and Crowley doesn't remember Saraqael or Furfur. Is he dissing them, or is that the second Crowley that never did meet either of them? Am I insane? I have no theory here, just some wild speculation that needs a lot more time to simmer. Two actual Crowleys, or two ideas of Crowley? Or something to hurt my head?
Why are they in a cave in the opening sequence? The guy who made the opening sequence says they are in the fly that Gabriel stores his memory in. Okay, why? And Crowley lights a match to see. Hm. What else was in that fly that Gabriel didn't take when he got his memory out?
An album on the wall in Maggie's shop says "Rat Keith." This seems to me to be an allusion to The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, by Terry Pratchett. In the book, some men have tied several rats' tails together to create a rat king that keeps the wild rats under control -- except that the rat king has too much power and is doing way more than just that. People die. So who's been given too much power and is now running the show instead of being a puppet? The Metatron, perhaps? Hm . . . Also, Keith is the young boy who plays the part of the Pied Piper for Maurice's scam. He leads all the rats out of town, never mind that the rats can talk and are in on the scam.
Things I think I know:
NEIL GAIMAN IS A LYING LIAR WHO LIES. Except when he's dropping hints or answering straight out. All of his answers to anything anyone asks about GO are suspect at best. (I cannot blame him or anyone else on the cast or crew -- they spent A LOT of time and energy building this very meticulous puzzle game for us -- why would ANY of them give ANY of it away? That would ruin all the fun!)
God has been removed/has vacated. Where did she go? I wonder if anyone knows. Is She just standing back and watching? In the book, Crowley says that anyone who can create a whole universe in six days doesn't let a war of rebellion happen unless they want it to. But that he and Aziraphale wouldn't understand, because if they understood, they wouldn't be them. It's INEFFABLE. He also then FORGETS what he was talking about a minute later.
God doesn't narrate because She's busy being Maggie. Aha!
The Metatron is working for himself. The dice on his tie seem to imply that while God does not play dice with the universe, this jerk surely does. Also, see the rat king observation above, #10.
Gabriel was bringing Aziraphale a message, the box is a red herring. But that brings me to another thing I suspect -- there was something else in the box, and the box is deeply important. Ah, damn -- is that what Crowley gave to Aziraphale in the kiss? Whatever was in the box? Was that what he found out while he was in Heaven? What Gabriel took? Did Gabriel put it in the fly with his memory?
Heaven did something bad to Crowley while he was there. That coffee is a red herring to draw our eye away from him. But that brings me to something else I suspect -- Crowley's knackered and a bit off when he returns from his TEN HOUR JAUNT in Heaven not because they did anything bad to him, but because he stole something very important. Maybe the thing he gives to Aziraphale during the break up?
Crowley and Aziraphale did NOT perform a huge miracle. I don't know what happened, but it wasn't them working together. (Or did they? Are angels and demons more powerful together? Did the Fall create a schism between them that weakened them all? Or are they and Saraqael hiding who did do the big miracle?)
This is a 2 man con. Of course it's a 2 man con. I read American Gods. Crowely and Aziraphale have a plan. This might be version B or C, they might be springing it sooner than they hoped, but that break up was a ruse. A hard, painful ruse, but a ruse. They knew their respite would be short-lived, they've been putting something together for years now.
Crowley put something in Aziraphale's mouth during the kiss. I don't know what, but something he had to swallow. obligateweirdo pointed out that he seems to palm something out of his mouth when he touches his lips the second time, and that Houdini's wife used to slip him the keys to his cuffs with a kiss before his shows. Whatever Crowley gave Aziraphale, it's physical. And Michael Sheen has said he doesn't want to share what's in Aziraphale's pockets -- because Aziraphale put whatever Crowley gave him into a pocket?? Was it the fly? (But didn't that go into Gabriel's eye and stay there?) And if it was the fly, what was inside it?
Gabriel went somewhere else before he went to the book shop. He didn't come down the elevator at the Dirty Donkey. Did he go to Edinburgh? Is that why the pub owner recognized that picture so fast? "Oi! That's that naked bloke was in here last week!" (Or was him walking down the street because we first see him from Nina or Maggie's perspective?? POV muckery?)
SECRET SONGS??? Why are the songs secret?? I'm losing my mind, what is happening??
Several narrators. I'm not even sure how many, but we're seeing the world through the eyes of characters, not God or a faceless narrator. This is part of why things are weird. I don't think that's the full explanation for the whole season, but I think it's a big part of the weirdness. A book that comes up often in the show is The Crow Road by Ian Banks. A brief description of the book says that it is written from the point of view of several characters and the story is told out of order and in no particular fashion, with changes from character to character POV coming at no particular interval and with no warning. AHA! (I did come up with the idea before I saw this post, but @highlandwhackamole beat me to writing it. Well done!) NOW I'm wondering if we aren't also seeing the story as told by the characters we see, but as heard but an as-yet unknown character . . .
The scenes are out of order. The DAMN SCENES ARE OUT OF ORDER! I don't know their correct order, but they are out of order. The Crow Road, again, is told out of order, forcing the reader to piece the scenes together (from a brief description, I'm thinking more and more I need to read this book rather than try to skim it). Is it as simple as watching the scenes in chronological order??
Our angel and demon have hidden something in the book shop. Something important. I have no current guesses as to what. Crowley still has his crank from starting up the nebula. What else might he have taken with him? Is that it? Or something else? HOLY SHIT ARE THEY HIDING JESUS??? Is THAT who did the miracle??
When Aziraphale tells Crowley that their Gabriel miracle set off alarms in Heaven, he sort of raises his eyebrows and says it in the same way he says other things he doesn't mean -- the same tone he says "I forgive you" after the Kiss, or how he says "He says he's Bildad the Shuite," in the Job minisode. It wasn't the Gabriel miracle that set off alarms in Heaven, it was whatever Saraqael was doing, or whoever Saraqael is hiding, and Crowley is well aware of it and whatever Saraqael is up to. Aziraphale just told Crowley that they have to take responsibility for whatever Saraqael did to allay Heaven's suspicions. They are talking in code through more of this season than we first think.
The rainbow lens flairs sure look like eyes. Like a pupil and iris. Is this a subtle hint that we are seeing through someone else's eyes?
When Crowley and Aziraphale argue about what to do with Jimbriel, behind Aziraphale is a privacy screen, and behind Crowley is an open door. Does this reflect how each of them feels, that Aziraphale believes they are speaking in private and Crowley believes they are being listened in on?
Repeating themes:
Beverages of all kinds -- tea for Aziraphale, wine or whiskey for Crowley, cocoa for Jim.
Time -- lots of clocks/mentions of time
Love/partnership/togetherness being stronger than separateness
Queer couples -- is literally everyone in season 2 in a non-cis-het relationship?? Even the guy in the graveyard says he uses his phone for Grindr -- a gay men's dating hook-up app. Nothing wrong with it, but it's an interesting writing choice. Why? Equality and representation -- or a Clue? (I think it's a POV Clue!)
Payment -- money comes up in both the Resurrectionists minisode and the Flesh Eating Nazi Zombies minisode, but no one pays for anything in present. There is bartering, but no money.
Rising from the dead -- Job's kids (even though they weren't actually dead), bodies used for science, Nazi zombies, the Second Coming.
Unreliable narrators
Death in general -- but 9a., I'm a dirty pagan, why didn't I make this connection sooner, death always leads to REBIRTH, change, something totally new and 9b. there are tarot cards in the magic shop, and even if you're not a dirty pagan, the Death tarot card means transition, something must die before a new thing can be born. Hmmmm.
Morality and what is "good" and what is right
Recognition and identity
Repeating words and phrases OMG the list goes on:
Isn't it just?
Too late
Funny old world
Not as such
Made for each other
Powell and Pressburg films
The Crow Road
Catch 22
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, Terry Pratchett in general
Jane Austin
Book Good Omens
The titles of episodes, minisodes, places, etc. 7a. The Arrival: a book and a movie, though the book seems far more relevant. And lovely. The Clue: a movie. Companion to Owls: a line from a Bible story. I Know Where I'm Going: a movie. The Resurrectionists: two novels, each called The Resurrectionist, singular. Both look unhinged. The Hitchhiker: a Twilight Zone episode. Nazi Zombie Flesheaters: Literally no other reference. ?? Nazi Zombies do appear in a LOT of movies, comics, and video games, usually as a dark joke. The Ball: a video game. Irrelevant? It's a puzzle-based game, so maybe not. Every Day: a song AND a movie. Some themes repeat here: Puzzle games, being re-directed from one's path to find true love, death and being brought back to life in a gruesome and unpleasant way.
That's what I have so far. I'll try to update with new ideas and information, as well as links to things that support my theories as I find them.
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months
"I dream of this life, with you" ❤️
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It’s on a lazy Sunday morning in bed that Omar realises he wants to take the next step in your relationship. You’re cuddled up into his side, your thumb lightly tracing circles across his abdomen. His lips brush over your forehead and you make that sweet little noise, the one he knows means you’re happy, content.
“Do you ever think you’d wanna make this permanent?” He says softly, his fingertips tracing languid patterns across your shoulders. “Getting a bigger place together somewhere in Queens or Brooklyn.”
“Queens is closer to your mom.” You murmur, your lips brushing over the hollow of his throat.
“That’s why I was thinking Brooklyn.” He says half seriously.
He hasn’t spoken to her since the last time the two of you went over there, you’d tried to broker the peace, it’s your way but he still can’t forgive her for what she’d done, what she’d tried to do.
He’d gone to the bathroom to wash his hands and come back to find you excusing yourself due to a ‘work emergency’. He had known you weren’t on call that night, and if that wasn’t a sign that his mother had done something, the watery eyes and your tense shoulders would have been a giveaway. He’d offered to give you a ride, but you already had an Uber pulling up outside.
It hadn’t taken long to get the story out of his mother. She wasn’t ashamed of what she did, in her eyes she’s simply looking out for her son.
“I told her the truth.” She says as she sets the table. “If she can’t bare your children she needs to let you go. She’s a lovely girl Habibi, but she’s not for you, she’s not someone you can build a future with.”
He’d walked out then because what his mother had done, it was beyond cruel. He had told her your history in confidence as a way to circumvent the inevitable grandchildren conversation and she had thrown it in your face.
It was the next day you had tried to end things with him.
“She’s right.” You say quietly as you play with the sleeves of your white sweater. “You deserve someone who can give you a family and I… I can’t do that.”
“Hanna, I don’t need that.” He had told you, his hands reaching out across the table for yours. “If it’s something we decide we want in the future we can explore our options, fostering, adoption, surrogacy, a family doesn’t have to look the way my mother thinks it should.”
“Omar…” You begin but the look in his eyes makes you trail off because there’s such earnestness in them. He means what he says, starting a family doesn’t have to mean getting pregnant, so long as he’s with you he doesn’t care how it happens.
“You are enough for me.” He tells you, his thumb chasing over your ring finger. “What we have right now, that’s enough for me.”
Your voice draws him out of the memory, you’ve propped your head up on the pillow so that you can read the expression on his face.
“How about I go make us some coffee?” You suggest, your lips brushing over his bare shoulder. “And you can start looking up listings on your laptop.”
His entire face lights up as it dawns on him that you’ve just answered his question.
“Are you saying that you want to move in together?” He murmurs, his hands threading through your hair as he draws you close.
“Were you serious?” You ask him as his forehead comes to rest upon yours. “About what the future looks like for us?”
“You know I am.” He tells you, his thumb tracing over the apple of your cheek. “Any future I have, I want it to be with you.”
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vicsnook · 3 months
Good Luck, Babe! Pt. 3 | Jake Seresin x Reader
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word count: 2407
warnings: arguing, accident, surprises, etc.
notes: Hello hello! I am reporting 🫡 with the latest part to my Good Luck, Babe! series and guess what!? It will be 4 parts instead! I’m sorry in advance for the ending besties but I promise I’ll make it worth your while. Hope you enjoy and thank you for all the love on my other fics 🫶🏼 Please don’t forget to like and reblog and comment if you want to be added to my tag list. Now without further ado…
** 3 months later **
I roll out of bed to the smell of bacon and a smile creeps onto my face. No one prepares you for how difficult pregnancy is, thankfully Jake manages to make it almost bearable. Making my way to the kitchen, I hear him humming a song and I can’t help the butterflies in my stomach that I still get everytime I see him.
“Good morning, babe!” he says, chipper as ever. I never could understand how someone could have so much energy so early in the morning.
“Morning,” I croak out, my voice raspy. I make my way to the breakfast bar and sit down as he’s placing the plate down in front of me then kisses my forehead and sits down across from me to read the newspaper.
I clear my throat. “Are you excited about today?” Jake looks up and folds his newspaper, placing it back down on the table. “Of course! Everyone is finally back and we will finally know what our little angel is going to be. Are you?”
I nod. “Yeah, just nervous to meet everyone. I only know Mickey and that didn’t end the greatest, remember?” He shrugs, “Baby that’s water under the bridge. The only thing we need to be worried about is making it to the Hard Deck on time.”
“I still can’t believe Penny is opening later and letting us use it for the gender reveal.” I reply, shaking my head. “She adores you and so does Maverick. Now go on and start getting ready.”
I brush the crumbs onto my plate and hand it to Jake then make the way back to my bedroom or technically our bedroom since he practically moved in 2 weeks after finding out about the baby. The boxes in the corner loom over me as I head to the bathroom. A part of me still wasn’t ready to leave the apartment behind but Jake wants to move us into a house with more room.
“I’m going to get the cake! Be back in a jiffy!” He shouts from the kitchen and I smile, excitement creeping up on me about what our baby will be.
We pull into the Hard Deck parking lot 10 minutes later than we were supposed to be here and anxiety is taking me over. I fidget with the hem of my dress as Jake rounds the car and opens my door while taking the cake from me and setting it on top of the car.
He stares down at me and pulls me in for a kiss. The nerves dissipating as I feel his tender lips on mine. “There’s nothing to worry about, honey, they’ll love you.” He whispers against my lips, pulling me into a hug. His scent calming me down even more.
He grabs the cake on one hand and my hand on the other and we make our way in. The place is decked out in pink and blue decorations and there’s 2 tables overflowing with presents. I can’t help my eyes watering as I look around at everything these people have done for me and the baby without even knowing me.
“Bagman! You didn’t tell me your girl was way out of your league.” Said the short female aviator who I assumed was Phoenix as she pulled me for a hug. “Thank you, I’m Y/N. You must be Phoenix.” I say.
“Yes ma’am but you can call me Nat.” I smile. “Will do.” The rest of the group made their way over to us and introductions went smoothly. Mickey was a little awkward but I shrugged it off not wanting to let anything ruin today.
The afternoon went smoothly as we played games and I got to know the rest of the group better. Nat and Bob being my favorites with Rooster not close behind.
“Y’all mind if I steal my girl for this dance?” Jake asks Nat and Bob, his hand sneaking around my shoulders. “Not at all.” Replies Nat as he whisks me to the dance floor.
“Everything going okay?” Jake asks, twirling me around. “Better than okay. Thank you for this.” I reply, setting my head on his chest as the song comes to an end.
He pulls me to the table with the cake and I feel the nerves start up again. “Let’s cut this cake, I can’t wait any longer, baby.”
Everyone gathers around the table as Jake hands me the knife. My hand shakes as I grab it but Jake steadies it with his as we cut the cake and pulled out the slice. Pink filles the inside and I can feel the happiness filling the room around us.
Jake picks me up as soon as we set the piece of cake down and pulls me into a hug. Tears streaming down my face as everyone cheers around us. It’s a girl! It’s a girl!
But the cheers are quickly interrupted by Rooster at the piano.“This one’s for y’all, thank you for making Bagman almost tolerable.” He says, eliciting a few chuckles from the people around us and beginning to play “You’re gonna miss this”.
The rest of the evening flies by as we dance, eat, and open what feels like a thousand presents. Talking with Penny I feel a twinge of melancholy for my sister, who no doubt would’ve been ecstatic about having a niece but I smile through it.
Mickey comes up and asks to talk to me and I agree, following him to one of the booths in the back like on our first date. Jake’s eyes burning on my back as I take a seat.
“Look, I’m really happy for you and Jake but I just need to get this off my chest okay.” His cheeks red as he waits for me to acknowledge that I’m okay with him telling me. I nod. “I didn’t want to ghost you, Y/N. Truth of the matter is I really liked you, hell I still do. But Hangman came up to me the day after our date and asked me to. I owed him a favor and he called it in. I should’ve just said no but I didn’t want to get on his bad side. I’m sorry.”
I feel nauseous as the words sink in. My head spins as I get up, heading for the bathroom. I stumble to it but Jake is on my side before I can walk in. “What is it, honey?” He asks, following me in.
A part of me feels flattered that Jake asked Mickey to ghost me because he wanted me for himself but the other reminds me that Jake ghosted me once he got me and I’m angry again. I wet my face, drying it with the paper towel Jake hands me.
His face is filled with concern but I’m so angry that I try to push past him to head back out to the bar. But of course he stands in front of the door blocking me in. “Move!” I growl, trying to push him off the door.
“Honey, stop! What happened?” He asks, holding my arms to his chest to stop me from trying to push him. “What happened? Mickey told me. You made him ghost me, for what Jake? So you could have me all for yourself then leave me high and dry?” I spat, hot tears spilling down my cheeks as I look into his stupid green eyes.
“Okay, I know I messed up but I couldn’t just let him have you. I knew you were meant to be mine from the moment that you put me in my place, baby. I should’ve told you sooner, I know but with the baby and all I just couldn’t find the right time.” He replies, his eyes pleading with mine to forgive him.
“That was for me to decide Jake! I’m not your property. You can’t just go around cashing in favors because you want something someone else has!” I yell back at him, my face hot with anger. He sighs and lets go of my arms.
“I know Y/N and I’m sorry. I should’ve gone about it differently but I’m not going to lie and say I wouldn’t do it all over again to get to where we are now. I have tried making up for everything the past few months and I have changed for the better and you can’t deny that. If you want to walk out the door and end things for something that happened months ago then be my guest.” He finished off, moving to the side and allowing me to reach for the door if I wanted.
My legs felt shaky as I took a step forward. Conflicted on what I should do. On one hand I wanted to forgive and forget so we could move on and continue with our lives but on the other I was so upset that he kept this from me and I couldn’t help but wonder what else he wasn’t telling me.
“Is that the only thing you were keeping from me?” I ask, ready to reach for the door if I don’t like his answer. He runs his hands through his hair and I can see frustration fill his features. “Yes, Y/N. You know that everytime you ask anything, I tell you. Not to mention you have access to my phone and computer as well.”
I sigh, knowing he’s right about that. My brain is telling me to run for the hills like I always do but my heart is yelling at me to forgive him for the sake of our daughter. I take a step backward and look him in the eye and my resolve to be upset dissolves and I know I forgive him before I even say it.
“I forgive you, Jake but if I find out you are keeping anything else from me, we’re done. You know that I have trust issues and I will not raise my daughter in a household with parents who cannot get along. Understood?” I say, hardly recognizing my own voice that sounds almost vicious.
He takes one step towards me and whispers “yes ma’am” before crashing his lips into mine. His hands running up my back while mine find purchase in his hair and he groans as I tug it. But before we can take things further we’re interrupted by a knock on the door.
“One sec!” I yell, turning to the mirror and fixing my hair while Jake does the same. The reality of where we were setting back in.
We leave shortly after, thanking everyone for everything. My phone dings as I get in the car and I see I’ve been added to a group chat called “Dagger Squad + the girls” and I smile as we head home.
A loud knock on the door awakens me and I look at my phone to see that it’s only 4AM. Jake is snoring soundly so I grab the gun in the night stand and slide on some shorts then make my way to the door.
Looking out the side window I see a car I could recognize anywhere, Mom’s. Taking a deep breath, I set the gun down on the coffee table and unlock the door.
She pulls me in for a hug before I can utter anything and I let myself melt in my arms. God, I had missed her so much. Pulling away she pats my belly and I know she knows and that she’s not here by accident.
Wordlessly she follows me in and I start the teapot. I’m terrified that she’s going to be upset at me for not telling her about her grandbaby. But when I head back to the couch I notice she’s holding a box labeled Mer’s baby clothes and I know she’s not upset.
“She would have wanted you to have this, darling,” Mom says, handing me the box and I let the tears fall as I grab it. “I miss her so much Mom, I wish she was here.” I choke out, while she holds me in her arms and rubs my back.
“I know baby, me too. I know you hadn’t told me yet because you were scared of my reaction but I want you to know that nothing has made me happier. I think your sister picked her just for you.” She whispered, as she rocked me the way she did when I was younger.
“How did you know I was pregnant and that it’s a girl?” I ask, pulling back and wiping my tears.
She smiled, “That handsome man standing at the end of the hallway called me yesterday and told me. As soon as we hung up, I grabbed Mer’s stuff and drove straight here.”
I turned to see Jake smiling at us then turning to the kitchen to grab the tea I forgot I was making. My heart felt like it could explode with happiness in this moment.
** 4 months later **
Jake had been on a mission the past 2 weeks and we were getting closer and closer to the due date. Worry started to fill me up when I didn’t hear from him
last night which was when he was due to start heading back to port. I waddled out of Nat’s apartment as she followed closely behind me and helped me into the car.
Maverick and Penny both lived a short drive from Nat’s thankfully and when we pulled into the driveway he was already out the door before the car was in Park. The somber look on his face immediately sending shivers down my spine as he made his way to my side of the car.
“Y/N, I was just headed over to your place. There’s no way to sugar coat this so I won’t even try. Jake’s jet was in an accident and he’s in a coma. I found out a few minutes ago. I’m so sorry.” His hands held mine as I felt my world come crashing down. The words accident and coma reverberating inside my head.
Nat and Mav’s voices were muffled as I tried to soak in my new reality. Jake was in a coma. My Jake was in a coma. Unfortunately, I was then snapped harshly back to reality by the one thing I wasn’t prepared yet for, my water breaking.
click here for the next part!
taglist: @rosiahills22 , @harperdoodle , @weirdothatwritess , @mrsevans90 , @smoothdogsgirl
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smolwritingchick · 4 months
You Left Jennie Too!!
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Ok, this was requested to write the scenario where J-Hope was left at the store by the members for a prank during Bon Voyage 4 and came to realize Jennie (OC) wasn't with them. She can always take a joke but I wanted to put a little spin on her reaction to being left behind with Hobi. Like always, the finished product when I get to this chapter may vary!! :) Hope you like the silliness!
"Okay, thank you. Bye," J-Hope told the cashier and stepped outside, only to realize none of the vehicles were there. "What? Did they run off?"
He looked around and walked, confused before turning to the staff. "They really just left? They really left us, here? They actually left? They left?"
'He can't believe it.'
"Seriously? Are they crazy?" he laughed.
Back to the guys, Jin continued to drive while Taehyung sat in the passenger's seat and Suga sat in the back.
"Should we really keep going?" Jin asked.
'It was your idea, Jin.'
"You guys are awful," Suga said as he looked out the window.
"How far should we go?" Jin wondered as he laughed with Taehyung.
With Jungkook who was driving the camper van, Jimin started cracking up about the situation while RM sat in the passenger seat.
"I can't believe we actually left," he said in a fit of giggles.
"Poor J-Hope," RM added over his laughter. "I feel bad. He must be really worried,"
'A True Friend.'
"We're sorry, J-Hope!" Jungkook said.
Back with J-Hope, he continued to walk around, upset that he and Jennie got left. The camera periodically showed Jennie still in the store, oblivious to what was going on as she was happily talking to an employee about Nike when she noticed their sneakers were a part of her Nike collaboration.
"Do you like them?" she grinned happily.
"Love them! They're so comfortable! That's awesome that you made these. The design is pretty," the lady beamed.
Back with J-Hope, he continued to wander, still staying close to where the store was so he wouldn't abandon Jennie. 
'He still can't believe they actually left them,'
"I can't believe this. Did they forget about us or did they just leave?" he asked the staff.
'They left to get you on candid camera.'
Suddenly, he took out his phone to dial Jimin's number.
"Hang on, J-Hope is calling. Should I answer it?" RM asked on a walkie once Jungkook parked somewhere.
However, Jimin answered the call before RM could get an answer from Jin. 
"Hello?" Jimin asked.
"Hey! Why did you leave me!?" Hobi exclaimed.
"Hey! Why did you leave me?"
"What? We didn't know you weren't in the car!" he tried to play the part of being confused.
"What do you mean!?" he shouted while Jimin laughed.
'His rage can be heard over the phone!'
"You left Jennie, too!" J-Hope announced, making the car go silent.
It took 2.5 seconds for the news to register with the boys as they all froze.
"Oh shi—shoot!" RM quickly dialed Taehyung's number in alarm.
"Yeah, Hyung?" Taehyung answered.
"J-Hope is upset and he wasn't the only person we left. We also left Jennie," he announced with fear.
Taehyung almost dropped his phone at the news. "We left Jennie?!"
"Smartie wasn't with them?!" Yoongi sat up straight, feeling uneasy as he and Jin froze.
"You left my precious Jennie!?" Jin exclaimed.
"Us!? I thought she was with you! YOU left her! This was your idea!" RM cried.
"We thought she was with you! Why didn't you confirm!?" 
"Why didn't YOU confirm!? Ah...I feel even more bad. I bet she's freaking out, too,"
Back with Jimin, he was still shooked that Jennie was left behind while J-Hope continued to go off on the phone.
"How could you do this to us, Jimin?!"
While the boys were freaking out, the shot transitioned back to Jennie who was still shopping around the store. At the register, she paid for her items and walked out with a bag, noticing J-Hope who looked distressed.
"Hey, you good?" she asked.
"They left us," he frowned.
"Huh? Left us? You mean they're gone!?"
"Yeah, I'm on the phone with Jimin. They literally left us without warning,"
"They did what?!" she immediately frowned. "Yeah no. Uh! Uh! Not on my watch,"
He watched as she took her phone out and began to dial a number.
'Miss Bangtan is upset!'
"Oh, man. They are in for it now," He glanced at the camera with an amused smile, knowing she was about to handle things.
He decided to sit back and watch the chaos unfold, happy he wasn't on the receiving end of this.
Jungkook's phone began to ring, catching the attention of him and RM. The caller ID showed that Jennie was calling and he looked at it with horror.
"H-Hyung, I'm driving. You answer it!" Jungkook quickly blurted out, beginning to drive again as an excuse.
"Hell no!" RM immediately refused.
"Jimin! Answer the call, please!" Jungkook called out.
"No way, I'm answering that!" he quickly refused. 
"Are you two serious!?" Jungkook complained.
"She's calling YOU! Answer your girlfriend's phone call!" RM reminded.
"Yeah, it's not even our phone she's calling!" Jimin added.
"Th-that doesn't mean I have to answer it! I'm driving!"
"You want to make her angrier? You're on your own," RM replied.
After a few rings, Jungkook let out a curse and anxiously answered the call, putting it on speaker.
He gulped. "Hey, babe! You're on speaker,"
"Jeon Jungkook," she called out his full name, making his stomach drop.
His face turned into fear as he stuttered. "Y—yes, honey?"
"Why are you answering on the fourth ring?" she demanded in a stern voice.
"I-I-I was looking for my phone—"
"I-I-I-Bull-fucking-shit. Why are you stuttering?" she asked as the show bleeped out her cussing.
He cringed while RM and Jimin silently laughed in the background.
"Yeah, that's what I thought. Stay on the line. I'm calling Jin so we can all be on the phone," she said and went to dial him up.
With Jin and the others, his phone began to ring and he widened his eyes. 
"Oh no, Jennie is calling," he laughed nervously.
"Good luck!" Taehyung laughed.
He hesitantly answered after a few rings, putting her on speaker and now they were all on a three way call so she could speak to all of them.
"I am going to ask this one time and I better get a direct answer. Whose idea was this?" she demanded. 
"Jin Hyung—"
"ME!?" Jin shouted at Jungkook putting him on the spot. 
"He thought of the prank!" The Golden Maknae put him on blast. "It was all him!"
"Yet you agreed," she reminded. "And so did everybody else,"
That caused the rest of the members to shift uncomfortably. She then called them all out for being just as responsible as the drivers.
"We didn't know you weren't with us!" Taehyung tried to reason.
"You left J-Hope! How could you do that to him?!" she shouted, making them flinch at her tone.
"L-listen I felt bad about it!" RM tried to explain.
"Kim Namjoon," she called out sternly, making him cringe and answer her. "Kim Seokjin. Min Yoongi. Park Jimin. Kim Taehyung. Jeon Jungkook,"
As she called their names in a serious tone, scaring them, they each nervously answered her.
"You have approximately 180 seconds to pick us back up or I will give you all something to cry about when we stop filming for today," she announced, causing them all to scramble and freak out.
'3 minutes to return!?'
The members began overlapping over one another to apologize as both drivers turned their vehicles around to head in their direction.
"180 seconds!? Smartie, be reasonable—" Yoongi exclaimed.
"Did I stutter?!" she snapped angrily, cutting him off.
'Jennie is enraged!'
"No, ma'am," he gulped and remained quiet.
"Th-that's not enough time! Please, we're sorry!" Jimin pleaded.
"180 seconds! Do you hear me? 180," she announced with no room for objection.
"Wait! Wait! There's some upcoming traffic—"
"170...169...168..." she began counting down, terrifying them even more.
After she hung up, the camera showed her laughing with Hobi, revealing she wasn't as angry as she sounded.
'Prank within a prank! Great acting skills by Jennie!'
"Now that's how you switch around a prank," she giggled and high fived him. "Let's see how long I keep this up for,"
Hobi giggled as he turned to the camera. "You guys are in trouble~!" 
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