#And then the scene from Sonic movie 2 man
Movie!Tails 🤝 Nine
Getting all 😳😊 when Sonic says that he considers them a friend
#sonic the hedgehog#sontails#sonine#unbreakable bond#miles tails prower#tails the fox#sonic prime#sonic wachowski#miles nine prower#nine sonic prime#nine the fox#i just be ramblin#If you know you know#The scene with Nine gets me because Sonic is like 'Only a true friend could pull off a save like that'#and Nine STUTTERS. He's like ''Friend? We're f-friends?'' all airy like and smiling like he's not sure he can believe it#And then later Sonic's like 'Mess with my best bud and you get blasted!'#And it's like the first time Sonic's referred to Nine as a best friend of his so Nine gets this soft heartfelt smile like it was touching😭#And then the scene from Sonic movie 2 man#Tails is like 'Do you really mean that? About me being your pal?'#and he places his hand over his own heart and everything‚ smiling like the implication is just touching#and Sonic's like 'Of course‚ buddy' and Tails smiles even bigger and just hugs him#Gaaaaaaaaaah they just they just get me#I spent a lot of time in the S0riku trenches in my youth waxing poetry about Riku’s feelings and like#Nine and movie Tails' reactions to being considered friends or best friends to Sonic speaks to that part of me#(that part of me who used to wax poetry about Riku not being able to believe that Sora still considers him a best friend‚ much less anythin#else he'd want the two of them to be)#And Nine specifically‚ he wants to be someone special and irreplaceable for Sonic. So especially when Sonic calls him 'best bud'‚ I think i#allows him to believe for a moment that his dream is possible and that Sonic would choose to live in a world of their own making with him
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notanothersonicblog · 19 days
Why I like Sonic and Tails in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.
I was recently discussing AoStH, and one of the things I realised is how good the show is at showing Sonic and Tails as being friends. As opposed to the games where for the most part they feel more like co-workers.
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The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog frequently sets up its plots and scenarios by showing Sonic and Tails hanging out - eating chili dogs, reading comics, playing games etc.; before finding out what Robotnik's scheme of the day is or discovering a problem that they wish to solve, usually via a guest character. They're shown as always on the move from place to place and it gives Mobius a feeling of deeper backstory and people.
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As well as exposition, these scenes also establish Sonic and Tails as adoptive siblings who look after each other, with Sonic as the older brother, even going so far as to show them doing chores. It does a good job of selling these two as friends who like to hang out and travel the world in search of adventure. The little moments also serve as pauses/breathers in the runtime, which is why the idea of this show just being zany antics is somewhat misguided.
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The game's idea of Tails meanwhile is an independent character who happens to be Sonic's superfan/friend, it's a good one but like so many SEGA ideas they half-bake it; past Sonic Adventure 2 Tails more or less only shows up with Sonic because the plot needs it, and serving as the exposition dump/tech guy (the latter role being filled by guest characters like Caninestein in AoStH). Like a lot of the things in the games their friendship feels like something that's told rather than shown. In fact it's one of the things I like about Sonic Unleashed where Sonic and Chip do similar "Let's go to this place and have a snack" moments.
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In the games defence, there is an expectation that you don't take too much time away from the player, and what time you do allocate to cutscenes you want to fill with epic action or exposition dumps to move the plot forward. Certainly I wouldn't want a Metal Gear Solid length cutscene where Sonic and Tails are discussing this season's football transfers.
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However, I don't think it's impossible to show these two doing something like fishing or watching a movie for a brief moment at the start of an adventure or between acts in a game, it would certainly sell them as friends more. As for the independence bit, to be brutally honest Tails fans it's called Sonic the Hedgehog not 'Middle Aged Man is Bothered by Annoying Teenagers', so Sonic is nearly always going to be central to the plot. At least until we get Tails Adventure 2: This Time it's Personal
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smartie-chan · 25 days
Long rambling incoming in 3,2,1...
I know that I'm not really any kind of big celebrity in the Stobotnik world. The only thing I've got going for myself is the fact that I've been there since the very beginning, with my one 'I'm so proud of this community' Meme getting a like or two every full moon or so. It's also been a hot second since I've written a Stobotnik Fic, and yet, I've never really left the fandom. Far from it.
So boooooy, when that trailer dropped, let's just say, I've been going wild! That being said, I have calmed down a tiny bit and woud like to share my two cents with you all.
Especially since, considering how gay the trailer was, I've noticed people kind of leaning into either of two camps.
Team 1: They might actually make it canon y'all. This is not a drill!!!!
Team 2: This is the most intense queerbaiting I've ever seen, but fuck it, take my money!
Now, I will tell you where I'm standing at the end of things, but let's talk facts before I do, shall we?
I know Jim & Lee were having fun on set during Movie 1, but I doubt either of them expected us all to get quite this feral over these two evil man. In fact, I'm not sure what their plans were for Agent Stone in general. I'd love to believe that they saw us freaking the fuck out and decided to make Stone a big part of the sequels because of that. But then I look at the Robotnik Mushroom Planet scene and think: They gave this man an actual stone to hold onto, going so far as to carve Stone's face into said stone, just so he could pretend he wasn't alone and Stone was still with him. Clearly, Robotinik was never willing to admit that he cared, admit that there could be someone who he had allowed to get close, given that there had never been anyone before who had cared enough about HIM, so why should HE make the mistake of caring about someone else either. Cause, you know, it's easier to pretend there's noone than admit that there could be, just to realise that you were wrong actually. And yet. Despite all that he held onto Stone the stone, like his life depended on it. I love that scene because it's hella gay, but I love it even more because it's amazing writing, giving us the payoff for the forshadwed "I won't miss you when you're gone" scene from way back when. They didn't have to do that. And yet they made that choice. Included that moment for a reason. So I'd love to think that even back then, they were very willing to play with the dynamic of them going forward.
Clearly things and plans changed After Movie 1 , after we saw these two and made Stobotnik as big as it is. I'll talk about movie 2 in a hot second, but let's return to the way they promoted 2 first. Cause THAT was CLEARLY queerbaiting ... or was it... ? For you see, they knew what they were doing, they knew how to get us all excited , posting this on Valentine, letting Sonic make a heart, drawing the whole thing in a romantic light, going so far as to include bi-lighting in the trailer. On top of the latte art that was designed to get us queers to show up. I saw that art, freaked out and showed it to all of my friends. One friend, let's call her Barbara, smiled at me, like you smile at somone who still believes in the Easter Bunny and told me she hoped I knew they were playing with me. In fact, she was kind of dissapointed I allowed them to get to me so much. And I KNEW. I knew they were trying to bait me. I'm not stupid. This isn't the first time I've been queerbaited after all. And it won't be the last time, that's for sure. And yet, I didn't care because I loved that they acknowledged us. Loved that they were willing to give us something, even if it wasn't actually real and they were clearly NEVER going to include actual ship latte art of Stone & Robotnik together. Cause that would be gay. Haha. And those two totally weren't gay. Ain't I right? :)) Queer rep has gotten more common and yet, so has queerbaiting. Cause nowadays the chance that something could be actually made canon is way more likely than it was, let's say, 15 years ago. So companies love to use that, love playing into that even more. Like, do I have to remind you all what they were doing for the Deadpool & Wolverine movie marketing ??? Just saying.
As much as I love Lee and as much as we're loosing our marbels every time he as much as winks in our direction, I'll not be using any of his posts as evidence for the points I'm about to make further down. Cause, you know, at the end of the day, he's just one of us as well. Another shipper. A hella supportive shipper who may or may not have had a hand in the way he portrayed Stone, but still. Love you Lee. Thank you for having our back!
So now. Movie 2. And the godforsaken Maid Dress Scene. I hope we are all proud of ourselves. Cause that scene was our doing. I promise you, promise you!!! they didn't have that planned before the fandom happend. They saw us and were like "You can have this. As a treat :3". Personally I didn't freak out as much as the rest of you all, but I'm glad you guys had fun. It was a gift to us after all, so I guess it's fine if we enjoyed it. Jokes aside though, let's get back to what movie 2 did, even though they may or may not have realised it at the time. As in: They made Stobotnik canon. What do you mean by canon, Smartie?????, you might ask. And I'll answer, cause it's simple: I mean canon, as in canon. Yes, that's right. Stobotnik has been canon for a while... or... at least 50% of it. Let's get back to the Latte, shall we? Back then I thought they were making fun of us. Queerbaiting at it's finest. And then the movie happend and Stone confessed his love right then and there for the world to see, basically drawing fanart into Robotnik's caffe for who knows how long and Robotnik? That stupid -3000 IQ genius knew. He fucking knew!! Has always known and was either unwilling to read between the lines or mistook the affection for simple loyalty. Not-Spoiler: It's the later by the way, because we have that deleted scene. That beautiful deleted scene. But let's get back to the art for a second. Because I was basically dying in my seat. And I didn't think people were talking about it enough, cause it was the proof, not that stupid maid outfit that was simply put in as a joke that audiences were supposed to laugh at. But this. This! The whole scene were Stone was lovesick and heartbroken, drawing art of his lost non-lover, the way the life returned to his eyes the second said man returned, on top of literally all of him for the rest of the movie prooved one thing to me: Agent Stone was in love with Dr. Robotnik. It's clear he's never said so out loud, and for a good reason, but he didn't have to. It was so obvious anyone with an IQ lower than 299 could have seen. Just a shame that that one 300 IQ guy couldn't. So now, deleted scene time. Woopwoop. :P Recall how they had planned to make Stone even more in love and heart-eyed - JESUS CHRIST MY GUY - but went for an alternative scene instead? In case you aren't familiar with the scene, it's basically Stone telling Robotnik how he's followed his guide-lines, making the Stone Comic Canon, how he's made sure noone touched his babies, how he's known he'd return, how he's waited for him all this time cause he knew KNEW he'd come back and for a second there Robotnik doesn't know what to say. He looks that man in the eyes and for a split second he wonders, questions, and then... then he's scared. Scared of what that could mean. Scared that he could actually mean something to someone and he panics and decides to use violence to laugh it off, to refelect, to pretend that in that moment, he didn't actually feel something. That Stone didn't make him feel ... vulnerable. Because at that point, he cares too. He's not ready to admit it, at least not without having to joke about it. But he does. He does!! And the thought of it being mutual scares him. Probably more than anything ever has. Because if he allows this, this feeling to settle and bloom, he's got to admit that this, whatever it is, has the power to destroy and hurt him. And he can't do that. Maybe not again. Maybe not ever. Not now. Not now that he's what... 40? and has found peace with the fact that he'll die alone.
I know they were leaning into Stobotnik a lot, but they also... kind of didn't, following the natural consequences of the stuff they had set up in the prior movie, allowing Robotnik to go through an actual character arc. It's subtle, and he's still and asshole - always wil be - but that doesn't change the fact that his arc still exists and is actually very well done. Stone doesn't really have that obvious of an arc. Because it's not really much of an arc, we're just learning more about him, fleshing out his character. The only thing we know for certain is, that he adores and loves Robotnik and that he's willing to betray everyone and everything for him. Even if Robotnik never loves him back. He's accepted that, as long as he's alowed a place at his side.
And now, my fellow shippers, movie 3. Or rather, pre-movie 3. And the much discussed question: Are we getting queerbaited? Well, that depends how you define queerbaiting, doesn't it? Is it queerbaiting if it's unrequited love? Cause that's our current standpoint. Stone has found his doctor, nursed him back to health, lived with him, been by his side for months (years) and the only thing that is standing in their way now is: Robotnik's feelings. They have great build-up, put this man on a path, shown us how he's grown and now all that's left is to see, how they'll decide to finish his story. If I look at all that's happend up to this point, from a writing/writer stand-point, I'd say, that it would make sense for Robotnik to admit, that he cares. Cause that has been his arc, his journey. To admit that yes: He doesn't care about humanity, but he does care about Stone. Has for a very long while in fact. Be that platonic, or romantic. Doing literally anything else would not make sense at that point and would actually be an insult to their own work. And their writing has been pretty solid, so I'm confident we will get something. Especially since... I HAVE seen the leaks. Now, storyboards are just that. Something from early development, something that could change. Which is why I'd normally ignore them.... iiiiiiiif it weren't for that one line from the trailer. That one. fucking. line. That made me realise: Holy shit, those mad lads are doing it. They are finishing Robotnik's arc. That's when I understood why Team 1 was loosing their marbels. Because,
SPOILER!!!!! he is going to admi it. He is going to admit it to himself, and he's gonna do something so wild and crazy it scares me more than you understand. The only question is. Will he surive to tell the tale? And if he does, will he be brave enough to share that admission with Stone?
I don't have links to the storyboard. In retrospect, I should have saved them. But what's done is done. Not that I cod delete the knowledge of what I've seen even if I tried. People seem hesitant to tell people all they have seen, cause those of us who have, and know the Sonic 2 story seem to have a good understanding of what and when that spoiler is taking place. And especially what outcome it seems to be leading into. But, if anyone asks, I am willing to share what it was I saw. If you really wanna know. If you are truly sure.
That being said. How do I feel about Stobotnik? I don't think we're getting a kiss. But I think (and hope) we're gonna get a moment. A moment of Robotnik being open, of him sharing that Stone means somethig to him. They even have the potential to include a joke here, of Stone perhaps attempting to hug Robotnik, for him to allow it for 3 seconds or so, only for him to punch Stone and say something along the lines of: "Okay, that's enough." You know, something close to the High Five moment, just THIS TIME they actually do the high five (or hug). You can have the feels and the joke. It's still Robotnik after all. It's what I'm hoping for, actually, cause I don't think Robotnik is ready for THAT admission quite yet. A hug though? That I could see.
I know we still have to fight against being exploited and played with, but that being said, I don't think love confessions have to always be that huge thing, that clashing of tongues and body parts. They can also be soft and quite. A moment of vulnerability and trust. Of openness. In fact, if Robotnik were to allow Stone a hug, it would be even more impactful than a kiss could ever be. He's hugging Gerald in the trailer, so they have shown me that they are not afraid to make this man hug.
It gives me hope. And it - and the leaks - are the reason why I'm Team 1. I think we could actually get canon Stobotnik you all. And I'm so hyped you don't understand. Let's see what Stobotnik marketing they are going to feed us over the next few months. I, for one, am looking forward to it. ^-^
Live long and prosper 🥚🖤🪨
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annymation · 26 days
Sonic Movie 3 Predictions and Angst
The hyper fixation is slowly creeping in and I must let it out, so here’s a compilation of scenes I can imagine happening in Sonic 3. Let’s see how many I’ll get right!
1. Shadow has parallels with all 3 of the boys, not just Sonic
We all know already Shadow and Sonic have similar backstories with how Sonic experienced the loss of Long Claw, the same way Shadow lost Maria. But while Sonic chooses to move on, Shadow wants revenge. Sonic can relate to Shadow in a way, and that very obviously will be brought up in the movie.
But what can also be brought up is how Knuckles also experienced grief and dealt with it by seeking revenge for YEARS of his life, he more than anyone can understand Shadow.
And finally Tails, which is a bit of a stretch from my part, but considering Shadow is so different from everyone else, not only for his appearance but also his powers, he might feel as if he doesn’t belong anywhere else, Tails can relate to that, since he too felt like he was two different because of his two tails.
I can see they all trying to reach out to Shadow in their own ways, obviously at first it doesn’t work but with each interaction they start to slowly break more and more of his defenses and he starts to reflect on their words, maybe their words remind him of Maria and by the end he’ll realize he’s not doing what she’d want.
2. Stone is the one who frees Shadow and the one who tells the team Robotnik is alive
Double prediction I guess, but pretty much what I’m saying is that Stone is the catalyst for this whole movie, and he did all that for one simple reason… Robotnik was bored.
We’ve seen in the after credits scene of Sonic 2 that he disguised himself as a G.U.N agent and he overheard about Project Shadow, I think, after that he’d do a little research, and figure out the password to release Shadow from the pod is M A R I A. Hence why the commander says in the trailer there has been a security breach. Now don’t ask me how Stone got away with opening the pod without the government arresting him, boy is sneaky I guess.
As for how the team figured out Robotnik is alive, my guess is that Stone sent them a message through one of Robotnik’s robots, inviting them to get assistance from the doctor.
Did you catch that? He’s offering to help them solve a problem HE caused, my man is pulling the strings.
And for what? To get Robotnik back into action of course, out of his depression, and maybe find out more about his past in the process, considering Shadow was created by his grandfather.
So in team Sonic’s lowest moment, they agree to get help, and ya know what, I’m 90% certain Robotnik will betray they after their truce, because of course he will, and Stone will love it because that’s the doctor he knows and loves.
3. Maddie will help heal Knuckles
Maddie is a vet, as we’ve seen in the first movie when she helps Sonic after he’s passed out. Now that hasn’t been brought up in a while and I think it would be a huge missed opportunity if she doesn’t help out with Knuckles broken arm or whatever Shadow did with his arm in the trailer.
Additionally, I feel like after that first encounter Tom and Maddie would be worried sick and conflicted if they should let the boys go on this mission or not, to which Tom decides he’s coming too, hence why we see a shot of him wearing a G.U.N uniform, albeit, stolen because he’s just in disguise.
Bonus round of small predictions:
- Knuckles calls Tails by his name and not just “Fox”
- Sonic finds tapes that Shadow and Maria recorded together
- More Tails screen time (please I beg)
- Amy and/or Metal Sonic in the post credit scene
And that’s it for now! Might add more later and reblog it,
Thanks for reading!
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I started a list of Sonic 3 movie predictions/bingo stuff imma just leave them here and update it until the movie comes out.
Some of these have came from set leaks/story board leaks (kinda) just a warning!!
• Shadow voiced by Keanu Reaves
• Voiced by Christian Bale
• Voiced by Robert Pattinson
• Voiced by Hayden Christiansen
• Shadow riding a motorcycle?
• Shadow/Sonic air skating???
• Somebody does the floss (…)
• “he’s right behind me isn’t he?” Or along those lines
• Stone has a main villain moment (🙏)
• Badass Agent Stone
• Stone getting handcuffed again (a girl could hope)
• Stone getting a change of wardrobe (fancy villain suit like the fanarts)
• Robotnik using Gen z slang
• Rototnik making a pop culture reference
• Robotnik says Slay
• Maidnik…
• More dancing scenes🙏
• Another random but popular actor makes an appearance.
• More metal music from Robotnik (still clutching to that hc he listens to metal)
• A girl could imagine he listens to Depeche Mode
• Stone dies??!!
• Robotnik dies part 2
• Stone gets a hand in his mouth again…
• Pin urself to the wall part 2!!!???
• Snapcube reference? (One could hope)
• I Am…All Of Me - Crush 40 in the soundtrack.
• We got coffee shop au in the last movie can we get another troupe :3 (watch it be major character death or like angst…)
• If Stobotnik gets a kiss scene (most unlikely) throw a party. Make a Stobotnik cake, treat urself to a restaurant candle lit dinner. (Not counting on it as much as I want it)
• ORRRR if they do get a gay scene they’re gonna do the media curse for gay ppl and kill one of them off. 😣
• Stobotnik hug scene (pls pls pls pls pls)
• They share a lair. (Like them damn bank accounts)
• Take a shot everytime Stone stares lovingly at the doctor
• Matching outfits???☹️
• Sonic and Robotnik have to work together at some point???
• Stone in action (lemme see this man toss somebody pretty pls)
• Can these guys be as touchy as they were in the bts and deleted scenes pls😭😭 jfc
• LMAO Agent Stone name reveal?
• Face grab part ???
• Kid Cudi gives us another banger?
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lm-tomatito · 7 months
I would love to know more about the plot idea that inspired your art with Metal Overlord and Sage!
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Oh man, I kinda forgot most of it but I'll say what I remember ;u; I don't actually have this one very planned since it was a random idea I had, so if anyone would like to add stuff to it or just draw this Sage, feel free to do so. Also, I have other story ideas that are relatively more well planned I guess, so I can talk about those too if anyone is interested. Might add a small sketch for them like I did here too
This idea is actually more about an evil Sage who was overtaken by a virus, the government's fault for learning about her and wanting to control her probably. I kinda wanted something that was against her own programming or ideals, confusing her so much to the point of breaking or being corrupted.
Not sure what her goal would be. Maybe destroying the world, destroying only the humans or just take control of everything and everyone. Maybe a corrupted way of love that would make her want to shape the world however she thinks it should be.
She's able to take control and overwrite any robot/machine's purpose, all except for Metal (because unconscious sibling bonding or something).
I didn't actually plan on adding Overlord (or Neo) to this, I only wanted to draw him and OvertakenSage because of the cool factor (lol).
As to why he joined her, not sure either. Could be him wanting to stop her, fear of her taking control over him too, or just doing it because of his own goal like waiting for the perfect moment to strike and him being the one with control over everything. Maybe he doesn't even join her and actually joins whoever tries to stop her, idk
I'm also not sure what would happen to Eggman, or what he would do, all I know is Sage would be against him too. If he would be temporary ally to Sonic and friends or just hide on his own, depends on how it sounds more interesting.
The biggest inspirations for this are actually 3 different things: 1, me wanting to make a virus/apocalypse thing because I have fun with that type of stories, kinda like the whole metal virus stuff (I actually have a different story idea with something more similar to that I guess). 2, stories about computer viruses, specially the "I love you" one. And 3, a song that might be based on that, is called "INFeCTIoN" by VocaCircus, really good song, I like it a lot. I guess there's a bit of inspiration from robot apocalypse movies too? I haven't actually watched that many so...
But yeah, that's my "Overtaken AI" au. Again, it's not very well planned because I'm not even sure if I'll actually use this for anything other than drawings and maybe some small scenes about it, I really just wanted to make my own evil Sage design yay
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sage-nebula · 2 years
When someone tries to downplay how important Sonic and Tails* are to each other I just . . . on the one hand, I can understand it depending on what Sonic media they grew up on. Shows like Sonic Underground or SatAM (and likely the comics that spawned from SatAM), or even more game-accurate ones like Sonic X, were shows where Tails' importance was greatly watered down, or Tails wasn't present at all. Even in the "dark era" 3D games, the cast was often too robust to focus on Sonic and Tails' relationship. If these shows, games, and comics were someone's first exposure to the series, I can kind of understand thinking that Sonic and Tails don't really have THAT close of a relationship.
But just because it can be understandable . . . doesn't really make it right lol, especially if you look at other things surrounding the "dark era" and the current iteration of the characters.
SatAM shoved Tails to the side, but AoStH had him as a main character Sonic would let the world burn for, and the OVA had him as an important character, too. 8bit Sonic 2 is all about Sonic collecting the Chaos Emeralds as ransom for Tails's safety, and the second scene in Sonic's story in SA1 has him bolting to Tails's side after a plane crash. In both Colors and Lost World, Tails was used against Sonic by their enemies; in the second movie, Sonic panics when Tails is injured and switches rapidly between begging Tails to wake up and yelling at the G.U.N. soldiers to get medical attention. In the IDW comics, Sonic yells at Silver to release him so he can make sure Tails is okay after a crash, and Tails protects Sonic from Kit and Surge more than the other way around. Oh, and lest we forget, the Chaos Emeralds gave Sonic a vision of West Side Island to make him go there in Origins (and the Sonic CD ending implies Amy also predicted this meeting with her fortune cards), and Ian Flynn has said, "Sonic needs Tails, and that's just a cosmic truth."
So I don't know, man. I can understand if you grew up on media that downplayed their bond that you don't care about it as much, or maybe you don't like Tails very much so you have trouble seeing how important he is to Sonic's story. But it always kind of just boggles my mind a little bit, when people downplay it. And saddens me, too, because it's one of the few actual examples of a platonic love story in media, and I love that. We don't have nearly enough platonic love stories in media.
But those are just my midnight musings. It's sleep time now 😴
(*I seriously mean how important they BOTH are to EACH OTHER. Sonic needs Tails every bit as much as Tails needs Sonic. They each have their own hobbies and their own individual relationships with others in the cast, but they're each other's family and best friend and they mutually benefit from their relationship the same amount. "Tails idolizes Sonic while Sonic just sees Tails as another friend" just isn't true on either side. Tails hasn't idolized Sonic for years and years; the only characters who still mistakenly think he does are the villains, and Tails HIMSELF says in Frontiers that he KNOWS Sonic isn't perfect. In that same game, Sonic expresses how weird it feels not having Tails with him and shows hesitation over letting Tails go solo that he quickly tries to cover so he can support Tails instead, because he knows this is important. Additionally, in the IDW comics, when Sonic's feeling antsy before the showdown at Angel Island, he flat out says that the one person he wants to be with when feeling that way is his wingman: Tails. Theirs is a mutually beneficial partnership. Tails deserves to have that recognized. He's earned it.)
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shc2c · 1 month
The Mysterious Case of Sonic Movie 3 Marketing
An Op-Ed by Malzilla
Let me say this right off the bat, I am not an expert in marketing. I took Marketing classes in college for my business minor but most of it was pretty entry level but it gave me a solid foundation to understand most companies' marketing plans. Or at least try to see the method or goal behind the madness to get a scope of what they’re trying to do. But Paramount’s treatment of Sonic 3 is bizarre. We got toys, plushies etc out in stores before the first trailer. 
Sonic Movie 3 has me utterly baffled. Because here we are exactly four months/120 days (122 days at the time of this writing) and do far zip zilch nada. 
The last OFFICIAL news we got for the movie was back on Feb 2nd when the twitter released a little teaser showing the logo as well as some of the additional human cast members. Sure Jon Campea on his Podcast YT show announced that Keanu would play Shadow and was pretty much confirmed by official Hollywood outlets in April but no official word from Paramount has been given. They’ve been radio silent for months know, save for a few weeks in April to promote the Knuckles TV show
So why the wait? Some folks I have talked to may think there may be some internal stuff going on, but I doubt it. Yes Paramount is getting ready to merge with Skydance and some layoffs have happened but I don’t think that would affect much of the Sonic movie day to day. 
So here we are at four months till release and we’re all wondering “It’s go time right? RIGHT?” 
I would think so. And so has the rest of the Sonic Fandom. But alas we’re still waiting for the green light to go. So when is that green light coming? 
I hope.
Honestly, I don’t know. But looking at two other films marketing that run some parallels to S3 as well as some key dates in the next  four months. I'm going to throw some ideas out there. 
First off let's look at the marketing on Sonic 2. Movie was released April 8th 2022, and its first official trailer was released on Dec 9th at the 2021 VGAs (it also had a poster released the day prior on the 8th). So right at the four month mark. They followed up with some TV spots and a special Pre Super Bowl TV spot in February AND then the final Trailer March 14th. So a fairly dense four month marketing campaign. 
The other film to look at is Spider-man No Way Home, which like Sonic 3 had a December release date. NWH after months of rumors and lack of promotion (sound familiar) debuted its first teaser trailer on August 23rd 2021; roughly four months prior to its Dec 17th release date. It also had another final trailer on Nov 16th; roughly one month prior. 
So if we look at both of them we see a very similar four month marketing campaign. So what does that mean for Sonic 3? Let's work backward from the release date till now. The following are dates of significance, IMO to both Paramount, Pop/Nerd/Game culture etc: 
Dec 20th - Release Date 
The Long Wait will be over and we all bask in the Living and Learning of it all 
Nov 28th - Thanksgiving - Possible 2nd Trailer.
Given that Paramount has put Sonic TV spots before Football games before, I would not be surprised if we got the 2nd Trailer during Half Time of the CBS game that airs in the morning of Thanksgiving. This also aligns with the roughly 1 month prior benchmark as seen with both S2 and NWH. 
NYCC Oct 17th-20th - TV Spots/Behind the Scenes/Movie Clip
While this date kinda is little too soon for a second trailer, it would be a great time to bring out the whole cast and do some promotion with the masses and maybe some TV spots or a small clip. 
Transformers One Release Sep 20th - PONR for First Trailer 
I think I can safely say that the absolute LATEST we can expect a trailer for Sonic 3 would nex month with the release of Transformers One. Paramount would have to be utterly brainless NOT to have a trailer for Sonic playing in front of their other Family Nerd Oriented IP.
Gamescom 2024 Oct 20h - 25th - Trailer Release 
Kinda funny how the Opening Night Ceremony for Gamescom just so happens to fall on both the four month till release mark AND a Tuesday (Paramount usually releases trailers on Tues/Thurs)? We KNOW SEGA will be there with more SonicXShadow Generations, but really the movies are more Paramount’s game than SEGAs so there is no guarantee it will be released. BUT Paramount has passed on both Summer Game Fest AND San Diego Comic Con. Everything seems aligned for a reveal on Tuesday. I guess we’ll know if we get a poster revealed  tomorrow. 
Now personally I would have started ramping up the marketing with SDCC. Because right now the two biggest competitors that Sonic 3 is going to have in Dec are Kraven and Mufassa. And both of these movies have had TWO trailers released for it.  With Kraven it makes sense since it was originally supposed to be released back in 2023 but then got pushed back 3 times. So I guess Sony thinks it can rack up a solid week one before the family holiday push. Mufassa on the other hand is going to be the big one to beat as family’s will no doubt flock to the much anticipated origin of Mufasa! That last part was sarcasm but this part is not: they need to get the word out to the casuals. I’ve talked to a lot of Non Sonic who are genuinely excited to see Keanu play Shadow. And the time is right to get them hooked. 
So in the end, I will say that I’m like Jon Snow and I “know nothing” but I do know we're getting to the point where it’s time for paramount to lace up its sneakers and get going. Whether it's this week or the next or maybe till the opening of Transformers One. But I would recommend Paramount not dilly dally. Sonic Fans are easily frustrated and can turn rabid quickly. 
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shadow-von-vamp · 7 months
things i’ve seen people on sonic twitter hate/complain about part 2
sonic’s eyelids being blue
the knuckles lego set has him in a mech suit
movie sonic making pop culture references
sonic has been shown to play the guitar
people drawing tails with blue shoes
lanolin “overreacted” to whisper trying to attack duo
ian flynn says dream team takes place after frontiers
ariem wasn’t the villain of sonic dream team
people like modern amy instead of X amy
people like X amy instead of modern amy
all versions of tails are nerds
sonic prime pixelated scenes
the pixelated scenes used sounds from sonic 06
the pixelated scenes used the wrong sprites
someone was happy that sonic prime is popular
sonic prime has a reference to Police Story 2 and kids won’t get it
ian flynn writes classic & modern sonic differently in IDW
someone said they like sonic being relatable
someone said everyone should stop arguing about how sonic should/shouldn’t act
people voted for sonic man to appear with silver
sonic channel art shows sonic eating a chili dog
they gave sonic a favorite food
the official sonic account posting memes
shipping rouge with someone other than knuckles
the knuckles trailer reuses the “you think i need your power?” line for a joke
someone preferring team sss to team sonic
classic characters don’t talk
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 5 months
Spoilers obviously!
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Episode 1 thoughts: writing is kind of annoying, and I don't think I like this version of Knuckles that much - his proper arc in the movie was good but divorced from that context this is basically just idiot meathead Knuckles pushed in another direction entirely. Wade isn't funny or entertaining. Sonic's model looks worse than it did before, the forehead wrinkles are so offputting. I feel like they fucked their own lore weirdly - the second movie showed the literal founding of G.U.N. in this continuity and yet their headquarters are based in London and they're apparently already big enough to have double-agents within them working to support criminals. G.U.N. just didn't feel like such a big thing in the second movie is all, but now they are with no fanfare. Also they've acquired both warp rings and Knuckles' quills from ???? so hmmm. I'm definitely approaching this too much as an adult out to nitpick rather than remembering that this is for kids and it doesn't matter when G.U.N. became so prominent or how and when they got their hands on X macguffin, but idk I feel like the first 2 movies were paying some degree of attention to stuff like that so this just sticks out to me.
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Episode 2 thoughts: actually not just Wade but I think nobody is funny or really all that entertaining to watch. I don't think the Sonic movies are great or anything but this feels aggressively like we're just going through the motions. I need a hero scene was kind of torture. I appreciate Knuckles gliding anyway since that's one of those things that's acknowledged surprisingly little despite being a core part of his gameplay in every playable appearance he's had.
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Episode 3 thoughts: my favourite so far on the sheer absurdity of a lonely Jewish mother whose husband left the family and whose kids hate each other finding solace and comfort in Knuckles the Echidna and teaching him about Judaism
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Episode 4 thoughts: absolutely indescribable experience. felt like a high budget fan parody. I was juggling so many feelings through my head while watching, reaching each end of the quality spectrum - this is both incredibly kino and also one of the worst things to ever grace the Sonic franchise. one must actively sever any interest in pretending this is something that should be taken seriously in order to enjoy it, although in doing so one must also acknowledge that the Knuckles show on paramount plus is now but a joke. the same Sonic movie franchise that rejuvenated public interest in the franchise has also birthed unto us a mockery of everything the series has ever stood for. Wade Whipple stole a kid's bicycle and chopped off a man's ponytail with a katana before then forcing that man to undress.
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Episode 5 thoughts: this is straight up more enjoyable when consumed as a bizarre and surreal anthology but with a continual plot wherein the anthology part of it is just what is gonna be the directorial fetish of the episode. in this case it's several instances of shots being split across comic-style panelling or the same frame repeated in grid-patterns across the screen, things like that. that type of shot for bowling for 10 minutes and then a heartwarming emotional reunion with an estranged father turned heartwrenching as Jewish mother recounts the fact that he hurt us before and he's going to do it again. I almost forgot I was watching a Sonic the Hedgehog show until the bad guys showed up and reminded us that Knuckles the Echidna does actually exist in the show named after him. I'm starting to think this show is seriously worth watching entirely because it's so ludicrously detached from its source material and absurd in everything else it chooses to depict. The dialogue is so unnatural it's hilarious. Everybody has a certain voice they're doing for the camera and it's all super exaggerated. Wade actually betrays Knuckles in the end and I'm about to watch the last episode to see what happens.
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Episode 6 thoughts: I think this show is incredible
Overall thoughts!
I don't even know how to succintly put into words how much fun I was having with this by the end. And I do mean by the end - you can see the progression of my enjoyment after each episode in this post itself - but it really is kind of slow and annoying to start until it eventually reaches such a level of absurdity that I turned off Sonic fan brain and turned on "I want to laugh at batshit insane media" brain. Once it got to that point though I was so fucking invested that I was feeling everything. I wanted Wade to start throwing bowling balls at the buyer so fucking bad and he did. The electric guitar kicking in when Knuckles powered back up and became the flames of disaster or whatever was the most excited I've been watching anything in a while. The juxtaposition between a serious emotional tale about broken families and standing up against those who have hurt you versus Wade Whipple in a Knuckles costume having a musical performed at him about the strength of the heart or whatever is immaculate.
I feel like this show was greenlit and allocated a budget before they actually decided anything they wanted to do with it so they just wrote some vague story outline and handed each episode off to a different director to see what they could come up with. The few who played it a little more safe, kid's action show type thing, didn't really offer much. But the ones who decided to have fun with it and just not even care about the source material, those are the ones that turned out really fun.
I will acknowledge right now obviously that none of that is exactly praise from the lens of a Sonic fan. This isn't good at being Sonic in any way, it's not even good at being part of the separate and standalone Sonic movie continuity either. Calling it disrespectful to the source material is an understatement and even the times where it decides to pull from what it's adapting you get absolutely bizarre errors like the Flames of Disaster being singularly attributed to Knuckles just for the hell of it. This should not be thought of as a serious attempt at telling a story within any Sonic the Hedgehog setting. This is a high budget parody that, through circumstances we'll never quite know, is also an officially licensed and endorsed Sonic the Hedgehog product. It's the worst Sonic adaptation ever. It's also so fucking entertaining and I would honestly recommend it to just about anyone. I'm literally already lining up a rewatch with some friends. It's so fucking fun. Like there's an element of irony and there's an element of so bad it's good and perhaps all of this is birthed by that and me being in a state of "I just finished something absurd and need to process it so I'm just yelling" but as a lifelong diehard Sonic fan who yearns for nothing more than good quality Sonic content I had more actual fun with this than almost any other Sonic adaptation period. This shit, my friends, is kino. And Wade Whipple is my new favourite Sonic character.
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roninkairi · 2 years
Why Should You Go See "Violent Night"?
The writers of this movie also wrote "Sonic The Hedgehog"
It's not QUITE Die Hard...it borrows a little from Die Hard 1 and Die Hard 2, with a dash of "Home Alone" in one scene.
Speaking of Home Alone, if you ever wondered what would happen if you tried to do some of the things in Home Alone in a 'serious' action movie this film will answer it for you..and it is BRUTAL.
David Harbour is one kick-ass son of a bitch!
Deadpool would call this "The Perfect Christmas Family Movie" and, for all intents and purposes it kinda is.
"Santa Claus wasn't exactly the Krampus. He was the one you sent to kill the FUCKING Krampus!"
The Cabin Scene
Christmas Magic is not something you want to fuck with.
"Santa Claus is a man of focus, commitment, sheer FUCKING will...I once saw him kill three men in a bar with a candy cane. A FUCKING. CANDY. CANE."
While we still argue whether or not "Die Hard" is a Christmas movie, there is no doubt to anyone who has seen it that this is indeed a honest to goodness REAL FUCKING CHRISTMAS MOVIE
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I just can't get over how Tails spied on Sonic in the bath via satellite in the movies (and enjoyed the view. He knew what he was doing). They (probably unintentionally) giving us shippers fuel ❤️👀
Listen listen, anon
I think about some of those tidbits from Sonic Movie 2 all the time
I mean it's not as if this is out of character for Tails (given that he more explicitly just kind of straight up stalked Sonic in the backstory in Japan's version of the Sonic 2 manual) but man
This really is not to mention the way Sonic feigns uncomfortability/disgust when he's like "You even watch me in the shower??", and then when Tails doesn't even skip a beat explaining that he knows Sonic takes bubble baths Sonic full 180s into "Wow!😊". Just full on impressed with how extensively Tails has been watching him
Like they just dropped on us "Tails watches Sonic constantly like it's the Sonic show, no matter how private or intimate the moment" and "by all rights Sonic is perfectly okay with the knowledge of this behavior" and expected us to be normal about it?😂
I could probably make an entire post logging Sonic movie 2's sontails shipping fuel honestly
Honarable mention of a scene is when Maddie starts looking through Tails' backpack of inventions and comments "This fox is into some freaky stuff!"
Interesting connotations there
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songue85 · 4 months
Ok, everyone, come closer.
Up there is the most amazing work of fanart I've seen in a long time.
Pedro Araujo is a Brazilian artist who makes a whole lot of animation, and one of his main works, besides Sonic, is Pokémon.
This man has posted so many amazing videos of his animation, evolutions, fight scenes, but, by far, IMO, his magna opus is this:
Honestly, go watch it, or, if you don't have the time, start with his playlist, the whole movie in series format, 2-8 min episodes chockfull of easter eggs (the ending is in the movie video, though)!
Pedro has improved his art through the years, so it's worth a watch from the humble beginning to his amazing current self.
His writing is SUPERB! I mean it, you may end up shedding tears watching this series, trust me.
He is currently producing the follow up, GOLD SERIES, the sister show through the Rival's perspective, BLUE SERIES and also EMERALD!
The sad part is, Pedro has been struggling, trying to get more views and Patrons, so if you can, drop by and give it a watch, maybe you'll want to support him as well?
I don't know what else to say, so, TL;DR?
It's Pokémon Red and Blue, only with much more action, drama, deaths, triumphs, love, loss, beefcakes, cheesecakes, plot twists, and an amazing soundtrack!
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DreamWorks Dog Man Movie is Possibly Rated PG
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Now that there's even more info about Sonic 3 Movie's Viewing Rating on Pearl & Dean, I also looked up at their website and it says the DreamWorks Dog Man Movie is gonna be Rated PG, meaning it's family friendly but might have unsuitable scenes for younger viewers. Remember, this is tentative and might change.
Source: https://www.pearlanddean.com/films/dog-man-2/
Follow me on Instagram and X for more updates from the Pilkeyverse and the DreamWorks Dog Man movie!
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petalsonmoon · 2 years
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i’ll love you in silence, from a distance, just like i love the moon.
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(a certain scene of never let me go inspired me. once again english is not my first language so my sincere apologies. anyone can read! it doesn’t contain any pronouns.)
you get out of bed hesitantly.
your steps to the door are slow, your anxiety makes you be careful even if the man in the other room is concentrated watching TV.
peter was too kind and too unbelievably beautiful you sometimes felt he wasn't real. he had those eyes that told people staight away how big his heart is and how he would never judge anyone and yet you couldn't help but look at them and want to change all of you to be everything he ever wanted.
and you've known each other for so long, there's no reason for this nervousness. who are you trying to fool here y/n, you know damn right why you’re bitting your nails.
his sofa faces the bedroom door so you took a deep breath before opening it.
you open the door and leave the room, closing the door you keep looking at your hand on the doorknob. enough seconds have passed to understand that your intention isn’t going to the bathroom.
when you finally look at him, his eyes were on you with a small smile next to it to accelerate your already accelerated heart.
he lifts the blanket in the empty space next to him and you nod almost imperceptibly. it wasn't that close like cuddle close. but it was pretty close.
okay. this is okay.
and now looking at the tv you frown. he was watching sonic the hedgehog.
"it's a nice movie." you say.
he turns to you. "what?"
"what what?"
"it is a nice movie." he answers agressivily.
"that's what i just said"
"it was implied in your tone what you meant." you really try to hide a smile. there was a split second of silence. "the second movie is coming out. that's why i wanted to watch."
even though a smile was trying to escape he looked like a child who's been told he couldn't have ice cream for dinner.
and for a moment you rest your head on his shoulder in way to show him you are kidding, it was supposed to be for a second but he suprises you wrapping his arm around your shoulders and hugging you.
you end up watching the rest of the movie like this. the world and paranoias completely forgotten.
"i mean... i get it. it was because of james marsden, wasn't it?"
you say when the credits start to roll and turn to him. "i see your smirk. you were so planning to watch enchanted after this-"
a low scream escapes from your throat when he hugs you and the two of you fall lying on the couch.
it can be said that you are close but this is not a common situation. in 6 years that you are neighbors you have created an incredible bond. not of best friends but you were, in the literal sense of the word there for each other.
when you just mentioned that you would need to make a major reform in your apartment, the next day he rang your doorbell and appeared with a big bag of tea boxes saying that he knew you couldn't go on with your day without drinking it for breakfast.
“because you know, you’ll be living with me for a while.”
and stupid romcom shit like that is what makes you fall in love with somebody.
you don't have enough courage to turn your face to him but you felt his chin gently touching your forehead.
“will you watch sonic 2 in the theaters with me?”
“you didn’t watch top gun with me.”
he’s definitely pouting.
“i’ll watch barbie in the 12 dancing princess with you.”
you look up at him for a second with a large smile on your face. “will you really?”
“just say when.”
you’re certain the world stoped for you two tonight.
he’s a child.
“are you okay?” and it’s implied on his tone what he meant.
“i am.”
“i really am.”
his hug tightens slightly and you feel his finger affectionately draw a circle on your back. suddenly you feel like crying.
“you’re going to stay on this hug for while.” he just let’s you know.
your forehead meet his neck.
“i don’t mind.” it comes out of you low like a breath.
in these 6 years you’ve been sure you were down bad for him for at least 4 of them. and never once you truly learned how to read him. sure you knew when he was lying about silly things or trying to hide the fact he was exhausted from his work. or even when a bad mood was coming.
but not once he even blinked differently at you. so being head over heals for the boy became a familiar feeling accommodated in a little room in your heart. it didn’t hurt it was just there.
that being said, it was your first night sleeping at peter’s apartment.
and he didn’t know you can’t sleep in total darkness.
“i can’t… i have a hard time sleeping without some light on.” just keep going “i have this moon shaped lamp in my room that helps me…”
he nods. maybe thinking about an answer.
“may i ask why?”
“i don’t know. something about the light makes me feel less alone? …it feels like it’s illuminating the dark paranoias out of my head.” you say the last part in a joking way but you’re not sure that’s how he interprets it.
silence involves both of you.
“did you know that a 20-second hug is good for the heart?”
“yeah.” he’s very calm “i’m not gonna say you should’ve told me but i’m gonna say you could have.”
“i feel like a 14 years old when i talk about this.”
“hey, no.” you just know he’s frowning “not at all. someone’s discomfort or fear is never silly. don’t think like that.”
you nod.
“you know how absolutely terrified i am of small insects.” he says.
“me and the whole building.”
“so you better come when i shout or i’ll have to knock on mrs mulligan.”
“she’ll kill the bug then you. and right next to it on purpose.”
“with no hesitation. and we don’t want that.”
he adjusts his body so you can be face to face.
your mind is at ease but you’re afraid he can feel your heart race increasing.
“you’re not alone, y/n. not as long i live and breathe quite literally next to you.”
he gently rubs his nose on yours. oh.
you’re not sure what is happening but it’s very natural. you’re not nervous. it’s a great feeling. it kinda feels like he likes you the way you like him.
so you just go for it.
“did you know that a kiss is like a reduces blood pressure? it prevents cardiovascular problems.”
“probably. i don’t know”
he smiles. he’s really really cute when he smiles.
“what if i told you that i can test this theory?” he whispers so close to you that for a second you think he's not real.
he bites his lower lip like he's fighting a smile. and that's the last thing you see before he kisses you.
a slow kiss. your hands traces his chest to his neck and gently caresses his brown hair. peter's arm pulls you impossibly closer to him while the other hand draws such gentle shapes on your neck that at the same time it makes you shiver, you melt on him.
he tasted like snickers. his tongue was warm and calm while danced with yours. you’re going to deduce and say that it was a very passionate kiss with a hint of longing from both parts.
when he pulls back from you after you don’t even know how long he kisses your cheek.
“should i buy a saturn shaped lamp for my bedroom?” he whispers and you smile.
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thefinalbracket · 2 years
Hey there! Tired of seeing no one you care about win long winding brackets? Sick to death of polls not catered to you? Do you just like answering questions and being right?
I have a list of the sixty-four (64) most powerful bitches on the planet, and I’m going to have YOU ALL vote on who the hell would win it all! This isn’t about popularity, it isn’t about glory! It’s just the unapologetic motherfuckers killing each other!
The bracket will be up shortly! If you want a full list of every single participant, I’ll be putting it under the readmore! LET’S KILL SOME HOES!
Introducing our cast:
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