#And there's actually zero indication of Jenn having any sort of job but once again she barely has roots
armeniuslaurant · 2 years
The thing with Jennnnn is that she was clearly (from the perspective of how the show depicts her Amherstness and parents) slumming it with Sam and everybody knew.
Sam's a Worcestor boy, and we don't know what his own house was like but one his his uncles owned a pawn shop, so I assume we're talking like, Chuck and D finances. He mentions he never would have gotten financial help from his dad, but I assume that's more of a relationship hurdle than a financial one. Though, did Sam burn that bridge when he wasn't sober, or was his dad *why* he drank?
So Rich Jenn who definitely went to all the popular parties and had all the queen bee types be nice to her (the plot of Heathers was happening in Amherst, I assume, and also, side note, the "most popular girl in school but nice about it" description Allison got in the original pilot works better for Jenn and im glad the actual show didnt stick to that) was dating Sam from Worcester who worked at a skeezy Mexican restaurant (I assume it was the Group Hang restaurant CEG).... why?
And that's a whole story there, how the hell they met and who pursued who, but putting that aside dating Sam from Worcester was not The Script Jenn's parents had for her.
And I don't think it was the script Jenn's Amherst friends expected her to follow, either!
Wouldnt it be crazy if when teenage Allison had her definitely-for-appearances church friends and her swim team that didn't really like her (and yeah, I buy the "too competitive" stuff as a result of Allison's homelife, but also she was a disaster baby bi who would have wanted to make a connection but made a terrible first impression + rumors), and at the same time Jenn was in Amherst, and she *seemed* to have genuine female friendships in a way Allison never did, but then she started seeing Sam and her friend group distanced themselves from her (or Jenn realized how shitty they were being and distanced herself)
Wouldnt it be crazy if in Worcester everyone in Allison's life seemed to love Kevin and praise him for every single thing he said and did even when it made no fucking sense to her, and at around the same time everyone in Jenn's life would snidely criticize Sam and her decision to be with him, whether he was being shitty or not?
Hey, some headcanons have Sam be the one to do the final breakup, but I'm still convinced after the scene cut with Jenn saying "do we have to?" she just completely shut down and didn't even consider trying to work it out. Jenn put the majority of her life into a loser from Worcester that everyone in her life would have judged her for. It's worse than having her trust shattered. It would have been *embarrassing*.
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