#And this is why I never go to the dentist
tgmsunmontue · 3 days
Because I was leaving comments on @jayjay-thejet-plane's work over on AO3 (when it let me stay logged in, JFC) I remembered the horrific experience of getting my tongue pierced back in the 90s and how I passed out afterwards, which I said would make a funny Meet Ugly. Referring to Tattoo artist Bradley because we need ALL the AUs.
TW: Blood.
 “How do you feel about having Mikey do it? He’s new to piercing but he’s one of our experienced tattoo artists.”
 “Got to learn somehow I guess right?” Jake asks.
 “Thanks man, appreciate it,” a guy, obviously Mikey, says, reaching out for a fist bump and Jake obliges, throws a grin over his shoulder to Javy who had bet him good money that he couldn’t and wouldn’t get his tongue pierced. Javy is in fact paying for the privilege of Jake getting his first piercing. He’s walked through the procedure, shown the instruments and he listens intently, tries to ignore the needle and clamp. Then there are the aftercare instructions and what he does and doesn’t need to do to keep it from getting infected. Okay. It’s not rocket science. He can do this.
 He’s never had anything pierced before, isn’t quite sure what it’s meant to feel like and he can’t really ask with his mouth wide open like it is, tongue pinched in the clamp and it reminds him vaguely of the dentist, when they ask you a question and you try and answer while your mouth is stretched open. Then there’s a count of three and blindingly hot pain and a flood of wetness in his mouth and he looks up to see Mikey looking at him wide-eyed. Then the hot pressure in his tongue is gone and he feels a little light headed, reaches up to wipe his chin where he can feel the wetness dribbling out of his mouth and when he sees blood the light-headedness intensifies and he swallows, tasting nothing but the sharp tang of his own blood and then his world fades to black.
 “I got him.”
 “Jesus that’s a lot of blood…”
 “Go! Get Bradley!”
 Jake wonders woozily why they need a barnyard animal, if maybe the blood loss will help in some type of ritual. His grandma was always warning him about shit like that.
 He hears the heavy approach of boots, but his eyes feel heavy, can’t open and focus and at least the chair he’s in is comfortable.
 “Holy shit, it looks like a murder scene in here. What did you do?”
 There’s movement and rustling noises and he can feel hands on his face, then a damp cloth and he presses into the hand cupping his jaw. It’s nice and cool against the heated skin of his face and he hums appreciatively.
 “Slipped and went through the transverse muscle on a diagonal.”
 “So not vertical.”
 “Well fuck…”
 Jake forces his eyes open and looks up, his vision a little blurry, but there’s a guy standing in front of him and the first thing he notices is the moustache, tries to reach up to pat it but the guy pulls away and Jake thinks he’s frowning.
 “Looks fuzzy…”
 “Is he on something?” the guy with the moustache asks.
 “No…” Javy answers for him.
 “It’s a caterpillar… fuzzy.”
 There’s a few snorts or what Jake thinks might be amusement, he’s starting to feel a bit more normal and the hand is still on his face and he looks to it, notices the tattoos. His eyes are now able to focus, and his gaze travels up the arm, it’s nicely muscled and notes the black tank with the bronco logo, the mosquito caught in amber on a chain around the guys neck and oh, the arm is attached to the guy with the moustache.
 “Hi there gorgeous. You back with us?”
 Jake nods, feels the hand flex a little on his face and he nods slowly.
 “Now, you want to try again?”
 Jake nods, and this time he’s sat up first, given some water to rinse out his mouth before settling back again, somehow less nervous. Moustache guy has introduced himself as Bradley, and Mikey hasn’t stopped apologising for the slip, and Jake doesn’t care, can’t really focus on much more than Bradley’s intense gaze on him as he reopens new packets of sanitised equipment.
 It goes much better this time around, not painful, well, not compared to the first time. Then Bradley’s removing his fingers from his mouth and Jake swallows, wonders if intense eye contact is part of the tongue piercing package.
 “Want to get an ice cream? I know a place. Be good for your tongue.”
 “Yeah? That your professional opinion?” Jake asks, and it feels weird, the metal bar knocking around in his mouth, tongue definitely feeling tender and swollen.
 “Sure is. And I should stay with you. Just in case you pass out again.”
 “Well, I wouldn’t want to stop you from doing your due diligence.”
 Bradley gives him a slow smirk and yeah, Jake thinks he’s going to like him.
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lightofraye · 1 day
you know, I come from a family of health professionals, my grandfather was a doctor, both my parents are doctors, my sister is a doctor and has her own clinic. aunts and uncles are doctors, nurses and dentists, some of my young cousins are on their way to become health professionals too. but not me, I chose a different path in life. but as you can see, I don't go around claiming to be an expert on medicine and capable of diagnosing illness and give treatments, just because my family is made of doctors. because I'm not a doctor and having a family of doctors, doesn't equal to having credentials. you are not a body language expert because you can speak sign language, you are just a bilingual person. and even if you were deaf, deaf people are not exempt of being biased and just seeing what they want to see. because they are just regular people with their own opinions and beliefs.
I never said I was an expert. Please. I even went back and reviewed what I wrote. Nope. No “expert” anywhere. Just said I have experience, layman’s experience. As deaf people do use and read body language better than hearing people. More, I’m a trauma survivor—which means we learn real fast how to read people so we aren’t in danger.
But hey! How about we go by what Jensen’s done and said? That one hug at con? He hugged Misha and then shoved him away. Joked about personal space and then immediately scooted away. Does Jensen touch Misha as much as he touches Jared? Are there fans witnessing Jensen being physically affectionate with Misha that we hear often of Jensen with Jared? Or with Danneel? Hell, on the red carpet, at Wales, we rarely see Jensen being physically affectionate with Danneel. And we never see or hear Misha on social media bragging about meeting up with Jensen or photographs… and you know Misha would brag. He can’t shut up half the time, which is why he’s in a hot spot now with his ex-wife over the kids, why he doesn’t have a job, and is desperately trying to get people to give him their data so he can sell it and make money.
Sure… I know nothing. 🙄
Keep trying, hellers. The only reason you’re darkening my anon ask box is because you don’t like the evidence I have. Because you know I’m right. But if you think I’m not, why are you here? I’m an anti Misha and I make no apologies over it. Go hang out with your fellow hellers and leave us alone.
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katy-l-wood · 9 months
Discovered today that nitrous doesn't do shit for me so that's. Great.
Now if I want to get any dental work done, I'll have to drive 4-5 hours to Denver because no one where I live (that takes my insurance) offers other options. But, obviously, if I go to Denver and get more intense pain management, it means I can't really drive BACK until it's fully out of my system and I no longer feel like shit. Blerg.
It's a loose plan, but what I think I'll try to do is take the bus to Denver, get a dentist who will just knock me the fuck out and do everything all in one go, then take the train back. I'm thinking bus then train primarily because the trains going east are NEVER on time. At all. But the ones headed west are always on time, and they have a lot more room than the bus, plus full bathrooms, so I think I'd be a lot more comfortable coming home that way. If I did it this way, it'd probably mean two nights in a hotel as well, but my insurance SHOULD cover that, and hopefully the bus and train, but I'm not 100% sure.
Either way, I've decided this is an after Christmas problem now. I'm gonna go take some ibuprophen and try to ignore the fact that I can still feel where my teeth were touched for not even a whole minute well over four hours ago. 🙃
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ribcageteeth · 5 months
How does literally anyone afford to get their teeth fixed? At this point I’ve just accepted that I’m gonna die young of extremely preventable heart failure because dental health is locked behind an impossible paywall.
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bunnihearted · 6 months
#it went!!! idk lately my pain treshhold has been so low bc im in pain all the time#so i just dont wnna be in pain anymore... he said that now it'll still hurt for a few days T-T#but he wasnt exactly sure what it was but i had.. a cavity??#im not rlly sure abt the english terms for all of this but the tooth is dying lol#but instead of immediately killing it nd getting a root fill he said that we should give the tooth a chance#so he fixed what he could fix#i hate dentist treatments bc of all the air nd water nd my anxiety i need to swallow constantly#but this time i actually told them abt it nd he was very helpful sksks#he even said 'ok now take a break nd swallow' so i didnt need to be so anxious#nd it was a relief bc he wasnt bad at all. he was actually rlly nice nd easy to talk to phewww#it cost abt $80 so i can manage to be without that until next week!!!!#so yeah it went much better than i had anticipated so im happy abt that#but yeah the problem still isnt 100% fixed yet so im still not relieved#he said i had a cavity in my other tooth as well but that we needed to check that at another time#im so frustrated bc i brush my teeth 2/day i use mouthwash i floss....#and for the last 7 months i havent even had any sugar!!!!! like why did this still happen.. o.o#oh nd he also said that i probably clench my teeth nd yeah i do that a lot more than i've realized#your teeth arent supposed to be touching!! never!! only when u eat#my teeth.... are touching pretty much all day omg. bc im so tense nd anxious#he said that he couldnt be sure bc he didnt have enough info to go on but that could have contributed to this#well well... i did it nd went even if i didnt want to#hopefully my tooth will be better now. nd i have another appt in may to see what i could get done further#if financial aid for it gets approved tho it might not#but yeah.. god dental pain nd issues is my no. 1 fear bc im poor nd i cant afford it
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running-in-the-dark · 8 months
annnnd now it's 3 am and I'm drawing and I don't wanna stop. but I have to drive to my uni in like. 6 hours. to collect some stupid signatures so I can get my diploma or whatever. 🙄
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voidpunker · 1 month
grrrghhh i hate how idk "required" phone calls are but also theyre not
like. almost everything can be done through email or often website forms or text- phone calls are only needed when its urgent imo
but also wauuughh i hate how mom thinks im like. scared to make calls? and then gets really annoying about that when like. no. i dont have anxiety about talking on the phone, i have hearing damage and audio processing issues which makes it difficult for me to understand people
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derpinette · 10 months
too many males getting veneers when really they should be investing in hair transplants if anything
#you can clearly afford it & you are going to turkey for it anyway#& do NOT cheap out replace that whole scalp you never know how ruthless norwood is going to be on you else you get The Hair Band#just do it in one surgery#i advocate for teeth crookedness anyway i wish i could just yank out my braces to push my canines into yaeba i especially like#that thing people have where they teeth grow atop of others my cousin had that but the dentist just REMOVED them instead of realigning...#really makes me wish death on aesthetic dentistry STOP that madness.#i sincerely believe that teeth hold so much character & it genuinely pains me to see people get them replaced with chiclet piano keys#all straight & uniform uber white colored YUCK#honestly having thin hair as a male is a sign of genetic failure whereas misaligned teeth is not#at least you can fix that with braces that you will later take off ( when will it be my turn to... ) nothing added All You#it really sickens me to see just goes to show poor decision making skills. thin hair is infinitely more humiliating than “ugly” teeth#but there are situations where better teeth aremore of an improvement TBH if a man wants to self harm for looks go ahead IDC but ♯JustSayin#i wish you could have seen it but one time a classmate came to class to let our teacher know that he was leaving in the seventh grade#& she was like Erm why what excuse could you possibly have & he uncovered his mouth to reveal several of his teeth broken & missing#turns out he had them knocked out by an upperclassman who pushed him onto a pole while playing a game#i still laugh out loud whenever i remember it was so absurd literally the last thing i expected it was like a tom & jerry gag IRL#he was crazy rich so thankfully he got them all replaced like immediately but imagine being anyone in that situation. even the mom#i mean i felt bad for him that must have been so painful but i cannot help but burst into laughter whenever i remember
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seraphonfire · 10 months
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i should probably get that checked
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littletrumpetcat · 2 months
i got my wisdom teeth out (abridged version, i was not put under, i babysat a half hour later. long story) and i am in PAIN. also taking out the bloody mess of a gauze every hour fucking sucks. i almost yakked every time i pulled it out of my mouth. the worst part? every time i burp i taste remnants of paper towel. i need to know if anyone else can relate. this is so gross. im tired
#long story short i was going to go to the consultation then babysit#and it turns out the dentist was like 'wanna just get it done now? it'll only take a half hour'#'umm no thank u i have to babysit :) what about tomorrow?' 'really? tomorrow? you're already here!'#your tooth is already infected. you don't want to risk having to go to the emergency dentist' or something#'you don't want to have to drive back out tomorrow. our clinic prefers to do same day procedures'#like sure ok !#this was all said assuming i'd be able to handle babysitting after and the family that i work with was so sweet (albeit so confused about#it all haha)#i don't understand why my wisdom teeth removal had less recovery time and i didnt need to be put under#especially because i essentially needed a bone graft as well because of my sinuses being right next to my teeth#this isn't like a scammy dental clinic though i think there's so many stories of regular dentists trying to upsell#i did get a several hundred dollar discount on the procedure because they didn't take my insurance#only place that'd take my insurance is 2 hours away lol#my mom has a health insurance card she has to put money on every paycheck and in this instance it really worked out#bc if not itd never be taken care of#the gauze part was so hard#also the mom didnt come home til 45 minutes after i was supposed to go home and i was lowkey in agony#because the numbness wore off#and the gauze was so disgusting#i was like. so fed up i lowkey wanted to cry while building blocks with the little kid lol#ibuprofen fully kicked in as im typing this actually we r okay
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tamagotchikgs · 4 months
last night i was poking around in my mouth as u do and i reached back where i had always felt this hard thing w my tongue for awhile now but was like ah maybe it's just like. my gums being inflamed in the back or smthn BUT,, no i poked that thing with my fingernail n it is a tooth that is a whole ass wisdom tooth
#NO WONDER... MY JAW IS IN PAIN ALMOST ALL THE TIME.... HUH..#i wonder if that period where i literally couldnt move my jaw from the pain for like a week was when it was emerging#otherwise the pain is like not awful. not bad enough it's noticeable u know im used to it i have so many aches n pains in my body naturally#like my entire head has a constant ache. if u touch my cheekbones ill drop my head like a cat into ur hand dude it is .#it's like the most relieving ache . like u have just lifted a massive weight off my shoulders. and it's been that way since i was a kid#i think i googled if thats what it was before n they were like no if it were your wisdom tooth youd know :) it would hurt u so bad#which i despise btw because this means nothing to me BHJAH.... like they said the same thing when i broke my foot the nurse that did intake#i was a kid & she was like dont worry if it were broken youd know and you wouldnt have walked in here on it ... fellas . it was broken#& i could never see anything when i looked in the mirror#but it's just because it's slightly covered by like swollen gums back there which i always thought was just because i chewed too hard#but.#no i guess it;s because something was erupting like an alien#i used my lil pokey tool to squish em out of the way and i can see it#it's so weird just having a tooth u know u shouldnt#like i . i want to just grab it i want to just hold it in my hand#why does it have to be so securely in place whihc is something i wouldnt never say for my other teeth HJBA#i am not going 2 have it removed any time soon im .#i have wanted to go to the dentist my whole life but i am too scared#esp w the damage from my ed and depression im so embarrassed#i honestly want to though#there is nothing that would make me feel more like an actual person then to just. get a cleaning#get my maintenance done LMAO#i do my best at home but u kno#i use an electric spinning toothbrush i floss i use mouthwash i do it all 2 try n handle what damage there already is#but it still would do wonders for my mental health and oral health#apparently partial impactions which is what i have can be really bad n get infected so . aha...h. 👍:).. ..h.
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femmeidiot · 2 years
love sleeping wish I was still doing it.
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yknow i really like my electric tooth brush and it really does make my mouth feel more clean than a normal toothbrush but as someone who can’t keep their toothbrush in the bathroom to be plugged in it sure is annoying to remember to plug it in in my room
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tocourtdisaster · 2 years
I have a dentist appointment in two hours and my stomach has been tying itself in knots ever since I woke up this morning. It’s just a cleaning! But I had a lot of traumatic visits to the dentist when I was a kid that now my brain just equates dentist with evil.
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vegancas · 2 years
i have to get 4 fillings 😫😫😫
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stinkbeck · 2 years
ok honestly i am SOOOOO glad for that whole workshop. i never would’ve guessed what tripped people up lol! everything should be worked out now LOL!
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