#And this was originally my concept for one of the Metta may days (specifically the game prompt)
achillean-knight · 4 months
So uhhhhhh It's no secret that I really REALLY love the Final Fantasy franchise (it's my favourite video game series of all time), so you KNOW I got the FF6 Reference in Undertale sooooo---- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------- Final Fantasy 6 opera scene Mettaton sprites anyone? UHYGDSHDS I GOT REALLY BORED OK?
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For anyone who doesn't know the opera scene, here's both Final Fantasy 6 and Mettaton's HJGHDGFSDH I am not normal about this LMAO
it's so good, I love them both so dearly aaaa
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pom-conjuring · 4 years
How to Create an Environment For Learning
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There are two forms of learning environment: natural and ready.
Natural Environment: Your loved ones and the immediate environment are the natural environment. Family members communicate and interact with each other on a daily basis. When a relative leaves the house for school or work, she brings home with her the understanding from the exterior environment. A household grow with this understanding which interplay with their particular learning environment.
Prepared Environment: As the elements in the natural environment adopt all information and knowledge from outside, a sort of system develops that should keep or sustain the knowledge from the family. This causes the creation of the prepared environment.
Normally the natural environment is richer in culture and practice, and it's greater influence on personal growth and development.
The prepared environment is something like this. You may use it it works for you, but keep it somewhere on the shelf in your home until it's suitable for use. use it if it works. By way of instance, the family buy and sell furniture, keep and donate used items, throw or store materials on a regular basis.
Knowledge is identical. As an example, as soon as you've learn and tried a new recipe, you allow the family try it. If they like the meal, you maintain it within their family favorite recipe. You experimentation on the knowledge.
Concerning language, you must set aside space in the household living environment to unite the overseas with the native. This space does not need to be physical space. In my case, it's space in time. I decide to read Mandarin books to my daughter, 1 hour day. By physical area, I mean a place in the home where everything is overseas, from books, apparel or even to accessories.
The idea is to keep a balance between the natural and ready environment. An individual can't influence change beyond my natural environment. He also can't force knowledge he's from a prepared environment upon what's already natural. He's got to experiment the choices of materials or components create the learning environment we desire.
Online learning is an instance of prepared environment. For languages, there are classrooms you can enter online to develop one-one learning with the tutor
p.s.. From the Montessori programmer, the prepared environment is a place designed to match the entire child development, from the size of their furniture into the comparison in material characteristics.
Environment and the Unity of Being - Can Focused Energy Heal the Gulf?
The previous article linked environmental security to our ultimate survival. This guide, in contrast, raises the question of whether we ought to consider environment as a living essence and, thus, nourish and protect it carefully from a common sense of"loving-kindness" or empathy. We ought to be clear first of all that empathy on no account denotes"pity." Compassion means just what it suggests: to sense together or combined with another being. The saying, Loving-kindness, is an English approximation of the Hebrew word, hesed, also used for the Buddhist concept, Metta to denote impersonal concern and caring (love) for different beings and for the world around us. 
Why is it important that we go beyond protecting our environment only for the sake of community and finally personal survival? Perhaps it's so that we become completely enriched through co-existence and even exchange with our environment. * During energy market we may fully recognize our human nature as part of the living area of being. We might also recognize that this community of being extending from the amount of energy - electrons and sub atomic energies -- through phases of molecular being, eventually to communities of plant and fellow creature beings. 
In summary, we go beyond seeing the world outside ourselves as basically dead - described in terms of"it" -- to realize we are fully living in a shared energy embracing all things. We commonly see and experience our aliveness concerning the bodies we see, feel, smell, taste, and hear. While we may intellectually know that the origin of life as represented in particle shape extends beyond this perceived body, we may rarely emphasize that knowledge to adopt true comprehension - an understanding involving our whole being. Our bodies start in the joining of polar --"male and female" -- energies expressed in single-cell branch that continues cooperatively until human form grows. 
Despite the fact that this mobile and even sub-cellular collaboration may not qualify as aware, it's no less alive. In actuality, our bodies die when it stops. We may therefore be said to be physically alive on the mobile, nuclear or even sub-atomic level, our unique bodies being just material manifestations of the cooperative activity. Once we see our fundamental aliveness as transcending bodily appearance, we then recognize our live kinship with everything. The whole universe, in actuality, draws energy and form from this specific shared process of sub-particle cooperation. 
Once we understand this view, nothing around us could be viewed as"dead" in the sense of lifeless. Though energy collaboration may stop within a manifestation or body, it then reorganizes to present itself through another. As the saying says:"Life goes on," but without the implied notion that something or somebody"dead" was left behind. Perceiving life relationship with all things brings us to recognize everything as one: the border between self and universal being starts to blur. Where is the real life after all? Perhaps the best answer is"here and everywhere," for each part, every body, every manifestation comprises the whole. 
We're truly inseparable from the world around us. Life energy combines and sustains all of us, from the most apparently inanimate rock to the most delicate and ephemeral butterfly. We then recognize good care of our environment as maintenance for life and, in fact, care for the identical life-force that nourishes our own being. We're one with our environment, whether immediatedcfv or universal. The energy that vitalizes our special being vitalizes all things. Thus, to behave uncaringly toward anything perceived as other than ourselves means to behave in such a way as to damage our own being. 
In so doing we deny our true nature and indeed the essence of life itself. The idea of connection between environment and human energy isn't new. Biblical writers describe pestilence as seen on the people due to unfaithfulness and misdeed. Later, in fantasy tradition reflected in superstition, environmental health is viewed as reflecting the ruler's beneficence or wicked. This Tradition is best reflected in Western mythology by tales surrounding the illusive"Fisher King," located in Celtic and Arthurian legend. ** In these diverse stories, the land yields from desolation to bounty once the king's festering groin wound is healed. 
The pure intention of the healer overcomes turbulent emotions and tormented thoughts, letting the king, and by extension the land, to heal and to become once more fertile. Our current realization of how we affect our environment is improved through growing understanding of cause and effect. We now readily understand the need for soil conservation, after the"dust bowl" years of the 1930s. It remains to be seen how we learn lessons posed by the current Gulf of Mexico oil spill and how we adjust our actions accordingly. Biblical mythology and writing both suggest a connection between human intent and environmental health. 
It can barely be far-fetched to find the present environmental disaster threatening the whole Gulf of Mexico as reflective of our collective appetite for cheap and locally generated energy at the expense of all else. Intention, therefore, also has a part in how we affect our environment, at least to the extent that aim drives action. Conversely, intention alone might not offer recovery to any environment, but there can be no doubt that healing energy delivered by numerous concentrated minds can only improve healing action.
As concentrated intention is part of our character in human manifestation, it follows that we may do much to"cure" natural disaster through concentrated thought. Surrounding the Gulf of Mexico and bathing its waters with healing ideas seems only positive in the face of its current crisis. It might be healing both to us and to the Gulf environment to envision a continuous line of human beings surrounding and embracing the Gulf, hand in hand, chanting the universal"Om" of oneness and recovery.
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lorieababin90 · 7 years
Loving Kindness Metta
The Ultimate Introduction to Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving Kindness, also known as Metta Meditation, is an ancient Buddhist practice of compassion, peace, and love. The point of metta is to take time to send high vibration love energy across the world, both to specific individuals as well as humanity as a whole.
In this post we’ll give a comprehensive introduction to the practice of metta and loving kindness.
What Is Metta Meditation? Origin and Meaning
The practice of loving kindness comes from several ancient Buddhist traditions, including Theravada and Tibetan practices. The practice is also known as metta in most traditional Buddhist texts.
Mehta is from the Pali language, and translates to mean the practice of benevolence, kindness, and heart-centered faith in others. A person who practices metta offers good will to all those he encounters.
How To Do A Loving Kindness Meditation: Getting Started
There are many ways to practice metta, but the general concept is to sit quietly and allow yourself to focus on developing a feeling of warmth, heart-centeredness, peace, and love for all of mankind.
Usually, this is done in stages, with different types of people represented throughout the meditation.
First, be sure to extend compassion and joy towards yourself. Many people overlook this step, but it’s an essential first step because sending yourself positive energy to begin the meditation helps to improve the efficacy of the remainder of the time spent.
Then, you can proceed out to send this same energy of love to others. These can be broken into several categories, including: friends, family, challenging acquaintances (such as someone with whom you’ve recent argued or who always triggers a stressful response from you), and strangers. During this phase of the meditation, center your attention on specific individuals or (in the case of a stranger) the specific idea of a person.
Envision this person in as much detail as possible, and imagine sending that person all of your love. Feel a sense of unity with the individual, and forgive him any transgressions against you. Understand he is human, and his true Self wishes you no harm; see any negative interactions as an expression of pain that you can resolve with love.
When you move into the third phase of the meditation, you expand this love from the specific idea of a person to the general well-being of mankind, or a large subset of mankind. Continue to expand the feeling, and eventually allow it to encompass the entire universe.
Taking It Off The Mat
It’s important to understand that the practice of metta is not limited to your time spent meditating. While focusing a series of meditations on this theme helps to achieve many of the benefits listed above, the real impact of loving kindness comes when you apply it to your day to day life.
This concept would be similar to Christian practice of Christ-consciousness, or “living God’s law.” It means taking every action with conscious intention out of respect for all living beings.
Benefits of Metta
There are many benefits to developing a habit of loving kindness, both from including it in your meditation routine to applying it to your daily life. Some of the top effects include:
Increased Love and Happiness: It’s no surprise that one of the top benefits of a loving-kindness meditation practice is that you can learn to cultivate a higher degree of love and happiness in your life. When you focus on the feeling of love, you trigger your brain to release a number of happy-chemicals, leading to better mental and physical health.
Increased Empathy and Compassion: One of the main concepts behind metta is the focus on sending love to others. Often, this involves practicing forgiveness, and seeking to understand that any negative behaviors you’ve experienced from others resulted from ignorance, and can be solved with love. You’ll find you begin to feel more empathy and compassion on a daily basis.
Self-Acceptance: Many people overlook this benefit of loving kindness, but as you focus on increasing the joy and love in the world, accepting others as they are, you also accept yourself. As we mentioned above, it’s a good idea to start every session with a few moments sending yourself love as well.
Purpose, Fulfillment, and Self-Worth: This last benefit might be a little more subtle, but cultivating a consistent feeling of love imbues a sense of fulfillment and purpose in your life. You begin to value yourself more, and see the importance of your role as a centered, well-intentioned being.
The Best Loving Kindness Scripts
There is no one specific script you need to use in order to practice this style of meditation. Take the following ideas and adjust them as you see fit for your own style and practice.
The key to being successful with this technique is to repeat each phrase multiple times, allowing yourself to feel the energy of it, before moving on to the next.
May I be filled with loving-kindness.
May I be safe from inner and outer dangers.
May I be well in body and mind.
May I be at ease and happy.
May you live with ease, may you be happy, may you be free from pain. 
Just as I wish to, may you be safe, may you be healthy, may you live with ease and happiness.
May your life be filled with happiness, health, and well-being.
PDF Download
Click here if you would like to download a loving kindness pdf with instructions and a guided script: loving kindness pdf download
(Thanks to the VA of Central California for providing this script.)
Guided Loving Kindness Audio Recordings and Videos
MP3 Recordings
The following guided metta meditation is one of the easiest ways to get started with practicing loving kindness.
(credit goes to ggia.berkeley.edu)
Youtube Videos
Below are two of my favorite metta recordings from Youtube.
Chanting Metta:
Guided Meditation Video for Compassion, Peace, and Love
The post Loving Kindness Metta appeared first on The Joy Within.
from TheJoyWithin via The Joy Within on Inoreader http://thejoywithin.org/meditation/techniques/loving-kindness-metta
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