#And you're out here working 40+ like it's no biggie
I know I'm supposed to be good and gracious and kind but yaknow what? Sometimes, just sometimes, I wish ableists would develop disabilities-chronic fatigue and pain and migraines and the rest of it- and I wanna give em a lick of what they gave me. How does it feel, to be told your best isn't good enough? That you're not trying hard enough? You can break your back and it'll never be enough to please me. Get a taste of your own fucking medicine
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Heyyy!!! Can you do something where earth42 miles is playing video game and your sitting in his lap or something like that🙏🏾 love your work btw😻
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A/N: Hey bestie! Ty for the compliments :) and ofc I can!!
WARNING: I dont speak spanish so I will be using google translate, lol. However, if anyone is a translator and can help me out please do!
Currently, you were laying down on your boyfriend Miles's bed while he sat in his chair playing his stupid game. Call of booty or whatever it was.
"Gotcho ass bitch, you owe me $40 nigga" Miles yells while laughing.
You sigh rolling your eyes. He invited you over here just to scream over his headset the whole time like I might as well go home then.
He spins around in his chair staring at you and his eyebrows clench together as he sees you frowning. "What's wrong ma?"
You scoff "Oh nothing it's just my dumbass boyfriend invited me over here just to give me no attention but no biggie!" Sarcasm laced in your tone.
He starts laughing again while he takes his headset off and manhandles you until you're in his lap.
You feel those special butterflies flying around in your stomach.
He starts kissing down your neck and you giggle as it starts to tickle
"Sigues enojado bebé?" He hums, your shirt muffling his voice a bit.
"What if I'll teach you how to play to make it up to you and we can play together" He proposes as he makes his finger crawl up your thigh and his lips never leave your neck.
You a blushing mess at this point.
"Ok" you giggle obviously flustered and turned on.
He puts his headset on top of your head as he turns the game back on, when he logged into the game he yells into the mic real quick, "Yall watch how ya talk my girls on here."
He spends the rest of the time holding his hands over yours and helping you kill all the people, you and him know you're not really doing much work, but it's too much of an intimate moment to ruin.
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ateriblewriter · 1 year
can you do 40 on the celly with Trevor Zegras?
thank you friend! im sorry this isn't my best work. but i hope its okay. if you don't like it, let me know. i'll rewrite because i was toying around with another idea. also i added 48 and 47 to this.
40. "Stop freaking out, you're making me freak out! And I'm the level headed one of the house!"
48. "I just need to hear your voice, you're alright?"
47. "Bring a charger next time, you scared the shit out of me."
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trevor wasn't to terribly worried when he didn't notice her at the game. maybe she forgot or she got caught up at work. life happens no biggie. it wasn't the most important game in the world. it's more so she had promised to be there wearing his jersey and go out afterwards.
he figured he would find her at home on the couch snuggled underneath the fluffiest blanket watching.
"honey i'm home!" trevor stepped over the threshold of the apartment calling out for her. fully expecting to be greeted with light and warmth, maybe even the tv blaring, he actually found the place dark, cold and void of any noise.
he was so confused. where were you? this was totally unlike you not to be here. maybe you sent him a text and he missed it. checking his phone there were maybe a could of messages from the guys asking if he found you, but nothing from you. in fact it had been hours since either of you had reached out.
slight panic started setting in and a few terrible what ifs crept in.
"come on. pick up. please."
dialing her number, trevor needed to know what was going on. he had to find out if she was okay. It was of no comfort to him when the phone went straight to voicemail.
hey y/n. its me. i've been missing you all day. i just need to hear your voice, you're alright? please call me. i love you.
she was late. she was so very late.
y/n had every intention to be there but everything happened so fast and she had to make a last minute trip to the emergency room after she was done nannying for the day. that combined with the fact that she missed the entire game made her feel like a pretty shitty girlfriend. 
"i'm late. im so sorry." she watched trevor pacing back and forth nervously biting his already short finger nails. he was freaking out something. probably. she felt bad for breaking her promise. she didn’t like doing that. "trev?"
he must not have heard her since he kept pacing.
"hey stop freaking out, you're making me freak out. and im the level headed one of the house!" she effectively broke his trance by stepping in front of him, and he bumping into her.
"i'm sorry i wasn't there." he engulfed his body around yours, lifting her up.
"where were you? i was so worried." trevor asked putting her back on her feet. he was calming down, now that y/n were here.
“mrs. kearse was late, and the girls were chasing me and i slipped and apparently i broke my wrist. that’s why i have this thing.” she raised her arm to show him the lime green cast.
“oh. and I totally would have called but it didn't charge last night and amelia insisted on watching videos on it. im re-" trevor cut his girlfriend off with a kiss
"don't be sorry, it okay. just please bring a charger next time, you scared the shit out of me."
ateriblewriter's 200 follower celly
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charthanry · 3 years
I saw your last ask and it reminds me of how I’m always confused as to why people think Pat fell in love first because don’t you need to know that it’s love you are feeling to have fallen in love? That’s not saying Pat wasn’t always drawn to Pran but I don’t think he properly fell until episode 5. Then he looked back into his memories and realised that it was romantic love. Had he actually fallen as a teen he wouldn’t have dated people and would’ve noticed Pran writing songs about his feelings for Pat and pursued him. But I’m so confused and probably wrong!
For those who missed it, this is in response to a separate ask on who I thought fell first between Pat and Pran. You can read my answer to that ask here.
Hello anon! I think this is a valid question, one that I'm sure you're not the only one confused by. You're not wrong! We've said repeatedly that Pat is an emotionally intelligent person so how is it possible that he completely misses that his feelings for Pran are less than rivalry-fueled and altogether more than friendly? It seems unfathomable, right? He's a smart guy and highly observant with an innate talent for reading people. He's proven this consistently throughout the series. So, what are we missing?
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My simple answer? Pat is that much of an idiot when it comes to his own feelings. He needed his LITTLE SISTER to help him figure out if someone was into him. She literally has to spell it out for him, well, count (ON HER FINGERS because apparently Pat needs the VISUAL??) and list it out for him step-by-step. He's that much of a doofus, sadly, when it comes to relationships. He's been tricked and scammed by girls in the past, so I'd say when it involves himself and a love interest? Pat is Steve Carell's character in the 40-year-old virgin, only WORSE if you can imagine it. 
So, Pat being an idiot, goes through his adolesence alongside Pran, thinking he’s fun, the rilvary is harmless so long as they both report to their parents what they want to hear, they’re left to their own antics. They both know the script by heart and can play their parts automatically – satisfying the parents is easy and routine at this point.
Through the years, Pat learns that if he pokes at Pran, he’ll get a reaction and inexplicably finds pleasure in it. After all, he’s annoying his rival and that's all this is about, right? Pran is amusing and Pat likes seeing him smirk back at him – every once in a while he even gets a bemused head shake that ends in a genuine smile. It sometimes makes his chest do this weird flippy thing, but that’s probably because he slept on it wrong or needs more vitamins or something. He should probably see his pediatrician about it. No biggie. But that can wait, because right now Pran is about to pull out his guitar and show off to the other kids in class and Pat can’t let him get away with it. He eyes the classroom broom and decides that Shakira’s right, hips don’t lie and he’s going to let them do the talkin’.
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Like I said, he’s an idiot. What do you even see in him, Pran? Run before it’s too late for you. Save yourself.
But jokes aside, I do think it's possible for someone like Pat to have feelings and not recognize that it's love. He's never experienced it before, how could he know that's what this is? I don’t think what he’s experienced in the past could even be considered dating. Girls would flatter him and get him to buy things for them and because Pat is generous with EVERYBODY he does, only for the girl to ditch him once she gets what she wants. There’s no way Pat would equate any of that with love. Even Pat has more self-respect for himself than that.
We already know what he feels towards Ink is comradery. Here’s a girl that he enjoys spending time with, who doesn’t want him to buy things for her, she’s nice and easy to talk to, maybe this could lead to something more? It should be that simple right? Shouldn’t you want to be friends first? Only, none of Pa’s love signs work on Ink and if Pat is honest with himself, he’s not feeling it work on him either. Ink, as it turns out is Pat’s female-Korn, only nicer to look at, infinitely smarter, and less likely to get Pat into shitty situations.
So, Pat being oblivious, may not recognize that what he’s felt for Pran all this time is romantic love. We see it in his look of complete bewilderment in the music store. We see it in his agression with Wai. Why does Wai get to be next to you? That's my spot. That’s always been my spot going all the way back to grade school. Who does Wai think he is to slot himself in my place? And why are you letting him?! 
And again on the roof when it finally clicks into place for him. He loves Pran. That's what this is. And if Pat is honest with himself, which he always is, that's what this has always been. He realizes it now. He knew Pran wasn't an option then, so he teased and poked to make sure Pran's eyes never looked anywhere else but at him. Maybe Pat was subconsciously biding his time. And maybe, just maybe, the timing is finally right that Pran can be an option now. Well, he'll just have to kiss him and find out. 
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talesofbirbal · 3 years
Rajiv and the Micro Invasion of Fattr
Rajiv, a young chub enjoying his first 40 pounds, browsed through his feed on Fattr.
"Stop pretending to be micros when you're not micros, you're biggies," typed Carrot Rumplespice. "Micros are being appropriated and objectified by biggies and it's not fair, it's got to stop. If you don't understand this, you are part of the problem!"
"I'm as much of a micro as you are," retorted FatAss29 in reply. "Stop pretending you're a real micro who is 3 inches tall when we all know that's bullshit. If you have a sexual fantasy of being 3 inches tall then that's okay, you can role-play that with consent just like I do, but just stop fucking pretending it's real and going after everyone else who is only DOING THE EXACT SAME THING AS YOU."
"I AM ONLY 3 INCHES TALL YOU BIGGIE BIGOT FUCKWIT!" lashed back Carrot Rumplespice. "Look at my photos, they're real, unlike yours, where everyone can tell you've used PhotoShop to shrink yourself. Don't comment on things you don't understand. You are the bane of this community. Go fuck off!"
Rajiv had been watching this drama unfold for the last month. There was a craze going on where people were editing their photos to make themselves look tiny, posing next to objects like pens, paperclips and cups in order to emphasise their tininess. Then all these other people, calling themselves "micros", posting similar pictures of themselves, started getting angry, saying they themselves were bone fide tiny people and that the people pretending to be them were guilty of "appropriation" and making people believe they were not real.
"We were here before you, you just jumped on the bandwagon to pursue your bonkers psycho-fantasy" accused FatAss23.
"BULLSHIT!" raged back Carrot Rumplespice. "WE were here before YOU, then you started to copy us and pretend to be like us, you bunch of biggie flaking flakey fake micro wannabes."
BigBearXXX, Fattrceleb with over 9000 follows, thumped his mighty paws into his keyboard, banging out his call to action:
"Fattr, BAN all of these micro idiots NOW! I can't log in without having to watch these stupid, stupid conversations and arguments going on, and I've had it up to here! I don't give a shit whether they are real micros or fake micros or mental cases or whatever it is they are. These dumbwits don't belong on Fattr. Fattr, if you really want to keep these people, go and create another site for them under your franchise and call it Micrr or something. If these Micro retards are not got rid of NOW I'm leaving."
Rajiv watched as over 400 likes swiftly accrued for BigBearXXX's post, along with a stream of comments from people echoing his opinions and threatening to take their profiles off Fattr and move their content to Fwitter instead if something was not done about "the Micro problem".
BigBearXXX thundered on and on, blasting Fattr for "putting commercial interests before community" and threatening not to renew his premium Fattr subscription costing 27 cents a day and to campaign for everyone else to do the same unless "something is done NOW". That was a good few minute's work, he thought gratifyingly to himself, as he switched tabs to peruse his takings on his OnlyFans account, where thanks to the audience Fattr had let him access, he was now making enough money to pay more than half his weekly shopping bills.
The Fattr admins trembled before the rage of BigBearXXX and his legion of acolytes.
A special admin message popped out at the top of Rajiv's screen.
"IMPORTANT NOTICE: Micro profiles are now prohibited on Fattr, and we will be taking enforcement action on this beginning in 3 days time. However, micro RP remains welcome on DogSpace, and self-identified authentic micros remain welcome on Weabie."
Over a month later, Rajiv was chatting on Fattr to Joel.
"I wonder what happened with all that make-believe micro nonsense?" Rajiv asked.
"Oh they're real, all right," typed back Joel.
What followed was the most extraordinary conversation Rajiv had had on the site, up to that point. Joel told him about a micro, Meadow Copperpebbles, who wanted to hook up with him for a feeding session. "I wasn't interested in that, those tiny little people are not my thing," Joel explained, "but we became friendly, and he came round to visit me a couple of times."
"So these little people," typed Rajiv, "only a few inches tall - you're saying they're real?"
Joel affirmed they were, adding "prickly characters, though," and the next day, he came back to Rajiv with another message:
"So I was talking to Meadow earlier, and he agreed I could put you in touch with him, if you're really interested. His profile name is MCop. It's a blank profile. If you notice, there's been a big influx of blank profiles lately. Most of them are micros trying to sneak back into Fattr. Dogspace and Weabie don't interest them. They know this is the best place for all the bellies and gainers, and that's what they're after."
"Hi," Rajiv cautiously messaged MCop. He did not know what to say, and was not sure what his own feelings were about the whole micro thing, except he knew it made him really, really curious.
"Things have been tough for us since the persecutions began," came the reply. "Goddamn I hate those fascist fuckwits! The things I would do to punish them if I was less scrupulous than I am!"
"You mean the ban?" asked Rajiv.
"You'd better not tell anyone who I am."
"You're safe with me, Meadow."
"So... what're you into?"
"I dunno. Curious about the micro fetish, I'm micro-curious I guess."
"Micro fetish? Micro-curious? Pffttt! Mate, you've got to understand, we are not a kink, WE ARE A SPECIES OF OUR OWN! You've made me feel all sexually objectified now."
"I am really sorry, I didn't mean to be disrespectful, please forgive me."
"So...what're you into?"
Rajiv paused, thinking carefully. "I'm not sure how to answer that," he typed.
"What do you fantasise about doing with us?"
"Do you know that scene in Gulliver's Travels, where the miniature Lilliputians tie Gulliver up in his sleep, and when he wakes up he is completely helpless and at their mercy, unable to move a muscle? I've always found that really hot. I've not talked about it to anyone else tbh. I'd love to have that done to me, then for there to be lots of feeding and sex."
Meadow replied with a smiling devil emoji and the question "Which date pls".
"Um?" replied Rajiv.
"Me and my boys are coming over to you in the middle of the night to tie you up, stuff your belly with food and fuck around with you. Pls provide convenient date."
"Errr this is going a bit fast?"
"Oh not another fucking timewaster! You biggies are all like this, flakes and time-wasters the lot of you. You look big and you eat big and you talk big, then you wuss out. Every fucking time! There isn't a single real person amongst you, you're all flakes."
Rajiv rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. Was this conversation even worth continuing? Anyone else and I would block them right now, he thought, but I'm just so curious about this I've got to go forward with it.
"So... you are really like 3 inches?"
"3.1987 inches."
"What do you think, cock size?"
"I mean...you are really, truly, a micro?"
"Why are you biggies all so dumb???"
"I'm not dumb, I'm asking. Like, if people like you are real, why aren't you on television or anything?"
"Typical biggie! Obsessed with television, watches television every spare hour of the day. If it's not on television it's not real. Television and online is your whole reality."
"I'm sorry, I'm just asking, I didn't mean to offend."
There was then a long pause.
"So when do you guys wanna do this?" Rajiv asked.
"That's the question I asked you, Mr Flakey McFlakeybiggieperson."
Rajiv felt confused, not sure what to say. This all seemed so crazy but he did not want all of this to drop, he had to see what all of this was.
"I go to bed at 11 and am usually asleep by midnight. I'm off work tomorrow."
"When you wake up tomorrow morning, we'll be there."
"Hold on, how will you get here, and how will you get in?"
"We have ways."
"Don't you need my address."
"I already know. We've been working for the Russians for decades."
Fuck, thought Rajiv, this is weird.
"Umm, should we chat about all of this a bit more first?" he typed.
"You biggies are always playing the back-and-forth dm'ing game and it's so tiresome."
Rajiv felt his blood boiling, but still did not want to give up on this.
"Well, y'know, you know my address without me having told you and you're planning to break into my home while I'm asleep and tie me up and do what-not to me...so...err...maybe we could discuss the details first, the consent issues & all."
There was a long pause.
Suddenly, Rajiv's inbox was being flooded with dozens of dms from blank profiles, all of whom seemed to be Meadow's micro friends. They were asking all sorts of bizarre and lewd questions, such as whether he would agree to shove them up his ass, or sit on them or squash them, or fart on them, or swallow them up and even shit them out the other end. There were so many messages coming in like this, frequently repeating the same questions others had already asked and he had already answered, that he began to feel overwhelmed and pissed off.
"I can't talk to you all one at a time like this, there are too many of you, I can't keep up with all this convo," he messaged Meadow.
They agreed Meadow would act as the group's general spokesperson, to keep things simpler. No swallowing, going up my ass, fart play or squashing, Rajiv insisted, explaining these things, along with various other requests he received, were probably either too dangerous or simply not to his taste. But bondage, feeding and sexual petting is okay. Meadow agreed to make these rules clear to the group. They also agreed on a "safe word" which Rajiv could utter if it ever got too much: "BigBearXXXSucksMicroCock".
"You'd better be ready cos we'll be there when you wake up tomorrow!" Meadow warned.
As the day wore on, Rajiv found himself becoming more excited, but more nervous also. This was so surreal. Could it all be real or is it a massive wind-up? What if this is a hoax someone is playing to make fun out of me? Or what if this is real, and it turns out to be something really dangerous? He could not stop the thoughts swirling around his mind. As it got later into the evening, though, his mind began to calm. None of this can all be real, he thought. I will wake up tomorrow and everything will be normal. He ate some chocolate and some eccles cake, brushed the crumbs off his bed then sank into a slumber.
Languidly re-emerging into consciousness, Rajiv's first sensations were of an almost imperceptible itching or tickling all across his body, but his sleep was so heavy his eyes did not open, or his mind gear into action, for a good hour or so. Then he suddenly jolted, meaning to turn himself over in bed, only to realise, in terror, that he was tied down fast to the bed by thousands of minute but strong, tightly-wound little threads, completely naked, and there were a swarm of little people - dozens of them, he estimated - crawling all over him, caressing his great curves and trampolining delightedly on his soft bouncy flesh, sprawling themselves out all over him, stimulating him with their hands, feets, mouths, everything.
One tiny chap marched up Rajiv's chest and gazed triumphantly into his eyes.
"Didn't think we'd come, did you?" he said jovially. "This is the same thing we did to Jonathan Swift. He was an interesting one. Put his bondage experience with us into one of his stories. Risky stuff, you know. We could have been found out and stuff."
"But we're not so worried about all that now," said a second little person, "we're fed up with being repressed into silence about our biggies kink. It's time to come out into the open. Who cares what all the other micros think? Who cares what the biggies say? Us lot love biggies, the bigger and fatter the better!"
Rajiv stared at the first little man in astonishment. "You're...Meadow?"
"Meadow Copperpebbles at your service, sir," said Meadow Copperpebbles, as he took a dignified bow.
"And now what?" asked Rajiv.
"Breakfast!" said Meadow Copperpebbles, who drew a bell out of his coat pocket and rang it loudly. Rajiv saw a line of micros, carrying morsels of bacon, eggs and toast on small spoons, emerging from the horizon of his round belly in front of him, marching up his chest and towards his mouth.
"Open wide, fatty!" ordered Meadow. Rajiv gulped down small spoonful after small spoonful. The morsels came slowly at first, then faster.
This feels so good, thought Rajiv, as the taste of the food warmed his tongue, his belly swelled, and he felt his body, his belly and tits especially, being titillated and worshipped in every way possible.
"Mmmmmm!" Rajiv moaned, as delicious, erotic sensations went coarsing through his dick and balls. These little guys sure knew what they were doing.
Soon, the micros were getting aroused as well, dropping off their clothes and grinding their dicks into Rajiv's warm, blubbery flesh.
"Nimbus, where are you?" came Meadow's voice.
"Here," said Nimbus.
"Do his guturis".
The smallest micro of them all, Nimbus, less than a fifth of an inch tall, climbed out of Rajiv's ear lobe, which he had been frolicking with, crawled across Rajiv's face then shot right into his mouth and down his throat.
That was weird and I didn't consent to that, thought Rajiv, an uncomfortable expression appearing on his face.
"Nimbus will go into your belly and find your guturis, a sexual organ in your belly which is very much like a female's clitoris," explained Meadow. "He's a pro. Once he gets started you'll be begging him not to stop."
Moments later, Rajiv felt an erotic, sensual feeling in his belly, better than anything he had felt before. It was driving him wild. His big, bulging belly was being tantalised from the outside and from the inside by these randy sexy little men, becoming a massive erogenous zone, and he could not get enough of it. On and on and on and on it went.
"This feels so good!" he groaned as he felt his tits, belly, thighs, dick, balls, buttocks and asshole being ingeniously manipulated all at once by more than a hundred tiny hands, feet, lips, tongues and dicks. "Oh god, I think I'm going to cum!"
"You cum when I say so, fatboy," leered Meadow, standing on Rajiv's chin and jerking off his dick over Rajiv's mouth, so Rajiv could smell and almost taste it.
"Oh yes, oh yes!" wailed Rajiv, more aroused than he had ever been in his life. He felt at least one of the little people burrowing deep up his ass. "Oh yes, yes, yes!" he shrieked, hardly able to believe how good it felt. I didn't give consent to them going up my ass, he thought to himself, but fuck it feels so good.
A series of other little people joined Meadow on Rajiv's chin, wanking furiously over his mouth.
"Take that, you fat fuck!" said Meadow, bursting forth an impressive stream of thick hot white cum into Rajiv's mouth. Moments later, the others blew their loads in unison, almost drowning Rajiv's throat in spunk.
"Unnggghhhh!" cried Rajiv, as it gurgled down his gullet.
Meadow looked into Rajiv's eyes wickedly. "Wait for it," he rasped.
Rajiv felt a curious rumbling in his tummy, and then, before he knew it, his body, and especially his belly, was expanding, getting thicker, curvier, fatter, softer. 
"Mirror!" called Meadow.
Some micros further down the bed raised a mirror in front of Rajiv, and he sat there, watching himself all tied up, with these horny miniature guys lusting all over him, as his body blew up and up and up.
A vigorous thrust up his backside and tingling, tickling under his balls pushed him over the edge, and his cock erupted with white foam, giving him the best orgasm of his life, as the randy little guys rushed into the shower of hot thick liquid, rolling and splashing themselves around in it, lapping it up like the greediest, most insatiable nymphomaniacs on the planet. A massive fart erupted out of his ass, and as Nimbus shot out of it like a projectile missile, at least three or four micros rushed in, frenziedly thrusting themselves as far up there as they could, their little noses sniffing, inhaling, consuming as much as they possibly could. I did not consent to fartplay, Rajiv thought indignantly, but by God that was good.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Rajiv roared and moaned, his newly-fattened body trembling and shaking with gushing orgasmic pleasure, tearing asunder the cords that bound him.
"Now for a photo," said Meadow, standing at the far side of the bed holding the smallest camera Rajiv had ever seen.
Rajiv gazed at himself in the mirror. He looked fatter, rounder, hotter, sexier than he had ever been.
"You won't stay like this forever, you know," said Rajiv, "your size will go back to normal after a little while, so if you want to capture how you look now, now is the moment to take a snap."
All of the micros, with the exception of Meadow, who held the camera at the end of the bed, positioned themselves triumphantly on Rajiv's massive fat bloated belly and fatpad.
"You can put this on Fattr," said Meadow, "even if you have to crop out your crotch for the public photo."
"But you know what they're like there, you know the rules banning micros," said Rajiv. "Can you take a shot of me without you guys in it? I'll get away with that, although everyone will put it down to amazing photo-editing techniques."
"Are you ashamed of us, then, is that it?" accused Meadow. "Had your fun with us and now you're chucking us away and are too proud to be associated with us? Is that it? Typical! This is what biggies are like. Every single time! Use us then let us down!"
"No, no, no," protested Rajiv, "it's not that at all, I really respect, really value you, all of you."
"If that's true," said Meadow, "then post the photo on Fattr. I'll send it to you later. Tell your story about what happened between you and us. Show them we're real. Show them they can't just keep denying us and banning us."
At that moment, a haze of blissful orgasm-induced lethargy came over Rajiv. "Come on, hurry up, we've got to get to the next one," he heard someone say, and then he fell asleep, not awakening until 6pm that evening.
Soon after waking and drinking a cup of hot coffee, Rajiv logged onto Fattr. A pop-up message from the admins opened up, dominating the screen.
"IMPORTANT NOTICE: Over the last 24 hours there has been a persistent effort to flood the global feed with claims about micro persons being real and artificially edited photos of members alongside alleged micro persons. These actions are against our site guidelines, and henceforth, any infringements of this nature will result in the user being permanently banned from our site."
Rajiv looked for his messages from MCop and the other micros. They were all gone, and so were all their profiles.
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wolvesloveyou · 2 years
This is another rant post cause life decided to shit on me this week, so ignore me.
I had my advising meeting yesterday to plan out my schedule for next semester. Scheduling wise, I went fine, and I can register for classes. Great. But then she asked about my assistant design thing.
For context, I'm a theatre major who specializes in costume design. This semester, I'm assistant designing for Taming of The Shrew. It's great. I also and a student worker for the costume shop, so I get paid as well. Awesome.
My advisor asked how it was going, I said it was going good, all the stuff I've been assigned are almost done (hopefully since we open next week) and she asked how much of that was I working on outside of work. I was confused, but I had done plenty of research outside of it so I said that. She said that as an assistant designer, that's not enough hours that can be counted since I'm being paid by the school. Meaning there's a difference between work and design. Which makes sense. I knew that. But, because of that, technically I can't be counted as assistant designer, but because she's nice (-_-) she'll let it slide and just make me assistant design again before I can be a ful designer. Fine. It's a little frustrating, but whatever. No biggie.
She then proceeded to ask how much I've been in the costume shop this past week. Well, outside of the 8 hours I work a week, none. I have other organizations that I'm a part of and hw that I need to be working on. She told me, verbatim, "you need to be spending every waking moment you can in the costume shop. You can go to class, eat, and sleep. Otherwise, you're in the costume shop. The Designer is here super late at night working on this, you should be here too."
1) No. I shouldn't have to sell my soul to work on this. I have OTHER THINGS that I've committed myself to doing that are not negotiable, and this is what happens when you encourage students to join organizations. We get conflicts. And guess what. I'M WORKING WHEN I HAVE FREE TIME. I literally took a day off my available schedule to allow myself 4 HOURS to do homework. Weekends are a whole other deal, but I'm not gonna entertain that for now.
2) the costume designer for this show is a professor. He is in his late 40s I think? I'm a 20F. I don't feel comfortable staying on campus late at night working on costumes alone with him. I'm sorry, but to me, my social anxiety and the slight fear I have of being left alone with a man significantly older than me late at night disagree with that statement. Granted, I might be overreacting here. He's gay and I'm straight, he's not going to actually pull something like that. But he's already proven himself to be extremely petty and passive aggressive. I don't want to be put in that position, and frankly, the fact that you think it's a good idea to put me in that position is worrying. Also, he works here. He chooses to be here for super long hours. That's his job. I'm a student. I'm here to learn, to take classes so I can get a degree and do something with my life. I have more things spread of a wide variety of categories to think about and manage where as he only has his job as a professor and costume shop manager. Our priorities are very different here, and staying late working on costumes isn't one of mine, especially when I have homework to do and a pet to take care of.
My advisor also said that "I should be aware that things get more demanding the week before a show, so any homework you have you should do ahead of time."
To be fair, yes, I know that. For most people who work in theatre, the week before a show opens is the most stressful and demanding. However, as a student I can't always plan around it. Non-theatre professor won't care. Even if they have a calendar out that has big projects and their due dates, they can still assign homework the week of with warning. They can make it due the next class, which gives me 2 days. I'm already nearly fully booked throughout the week, so I need the time to do it. You telling me I should have planned around it is irresponsible. Have you ever tried asking a professor who doesn't like working with students to give you homework early so you didn't have to do it the week of? It doesn't work most of the time, and some don't even see theatre as a reasonable excuse to work around it.
Now. Some of these points are valid to some degree, and I realize that. If I was working full time somewhere, and not taking classes, then yeah, I can see that and would agree. But I'm not working somewhere else. I'm a student. I'm paying to take classes and get a degree. You pushing me to spend EVERY AMOUNT OF FREE TIME I HAVE WITH YOU is just as irresponsible and annoying as those professors who think their class is the most important thing in the world. I'm sorry to break it to you, but its not. Even if it's important to my career, it's not important enough to push me to a breaking point.
I already struggle with time management and taking care of myself. I have a hard time making myself eat and drink water and do laundry and take showers and literally any other self care thing you can think of. It's hard. I can barely make myself do it without that kind of stress. I've already had instances where I've gotten sick after a show because I was dehydrated, because I FORGOT TO DRINK WATER FOR A FULL 2 WEEKS. That's not healthy. I recognize that. It's a work in progress. It's harder for me to take care of myself when I can't go home and make food, and rest properly. And you basically saying I shouldn't be leaving to do so, but staying here is astonishing.
On the bright side, instead of having 2 years left, I have a year and a half. 3 semesters. I'll be graduation in December instead of May. Hopefully I won't snap before then.
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bagog · 3 years
An ask for #trilogyappreciationweek! (If you're up for it, no pressure!) Of the Mass Effect fics that you've written, what are some of your favorites? What about them are you proud of? Are there any "behind the scenes" things you'd like to share about them?
Oh god thank you so much! Okay, so I flipped through a bunch of my old stuff to see if I still liked the stuff I remembered liking. I’m just gonna be indulgent and talk about them a little. ++ The Difference between the Sea and the Sky Loooooooooong Okay so this is the biggie, this is the 300k one. I’m still really proud of this and know lots of things I’d tweak around at this point in time, but I still feel pretty good about a lot of my writing in that one. I wrote the first... 40 chapters before I knew there was a Mass Effect fandom to show it to. The story was written so that each of the earlier chapters covers the between-mission development of Shepard and Kaidan’s relationship, and the tools are there to essentially play Mass Effect 3 after Kaidan/Shepard’s Apollo’s conversation along with this story. *shrug* I poured a lot of myself into this fic, and every year that passes, I realize I put more of myself in it than I even knew at the time. Heh. N7 Month 2015, Day 5: Alternate Universe Where Kaidan Makes it to the Citadel with Shepard Angst I originally saw a post about the idea of Kaidan and Shepard both reaching the transport beam to the Citadel at the end of ME3, and I immediately had this very angsty idea. I don’t have much to say about it, I guess. Sleeper Pods Fluff, short Wrote these as a series, but the link here is all of them compiled in order. I really like telling stories in tiny chunks: usually, I have like one or two crystal clear ideas and writing all the other stuff around those is tough. So in this case, I just wrote out all the bright bits in my head and wrote... nothing else. Heh. I’ve also got a thing for stories/series you can join into or leave at almost any point, and I sorta tried that here. N7 Month 2016, Day 1: Destroy Ending from Catalyst POV Angst? I’ve written different permutations of the ending of Mass Effect many many times (I already put one on this list :/). This one was part of a broader series where each of the endings was viewed from a Reaper perspective and their conclusions about big, sapient emotions like ‘Fear’ and ‘Love’. It’s convoluted, I know, but I’m always bad at elevator-pitching my conceptual stuff. I was writing during a period of great tragedy in my life, so to write about a tragedy from the perspective of a being who cannot feel pain like I do, and who has the power to DO something about the tragedy--that was kind of nice. Vigil Every N7 month, for ‘Day 7′ (the free-space day) I write about Vigil, the Prothean hologram from ME1. The stories are connected, each year, but each one takes place progressively further in the future, so I’m not exactly sure ho wI could continue it anymore. It still makes me very emotional to read these, the Mass Effect games really mean a lot to me, and this is sorta my yearly distillation of that. His Voice 60k words
Yeah, so I like Vigil a lot. This was written for a Big Bang, and is the story of the Protheans on Illos who programmed Vigil and built the mini-Mass Relay. It’s intercut with a kind of ruminating character piece about Shepard recovering from the Trauma of the war. Funnily enough, the Prothean part of the story is based off a shorter treatment I wrote as a choose-your-own-adventure type thing, as an application to write for Bioware. There’s a significant Leviathan encounter in my real long fic, The Difference between the Sea and the Sky, was the same thing, originally. It’s the closest thing to a stand-alone, long-form work with original characters that I’ve written for Mass Effect. While originally writing, I used the names of the Apostles to denote each of the Protheans so I could keep them straight. Then, before publishing, I did a find/replace using Prothean names some of my friends and followers on here had recommended. N7 Month, 2015 - Day 6: Shepard’s First Name Fluff My Shepard, Ben Shepard, is my template for Shepard in... maybe three shorts I’ve written where he’s only ever called ‘Shepard’, but other than The Difference between the Sea and the Sky, this is the only other story I’ve written where its blatantly Ben. Furthermore, DbtSS is entirely written in the most stand-offish third person, whereas this short is written in first person in Ben’s voice, so it was a weird experience after writing 300k words about him through binoculars.
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gayroleplayads · 6 years
Looking for Long Term Roleplay Partners For The Winter
Hello! KingOjisan here and man has school really started only to make me super sad. I’m in need of a great distraction and that would be all of you guys! I wanna roleplay in order to relax from a stressful day filled with people yelling down my throat. So lets start this thing off already. 
about me: 
Tumblr media
> Name: King 
> Age: 22+
> Pronouns: (she/her/ he/ him/ ect)
> Likes: Having a bit of fun, sleeping, video games, chit chat
> Time: PST
> RP Likes: m/m, action, romance, Mafias, Yakuza, sadness, complex characters, Older dude characters, having fun!
What I’m looking for within a rp partner: 
> Doesn’t mind older characters. 
    I’m not the type to want to rp character below the age of 24. Sorry but I feel nothing towards characters that young. If you really want to get me smiling then throw me characters that are in their thirties or even older. Thats where the party goes! I can rp and rp with characters 24- 60, but the cool place is 30-50. 
> Actually wants to build a world.
    Now I don’t mean going into super super detail that doesn’t really matter at the start of it. I understand if you want to talk about how their religion goes or whatever, but I would like to talk more about the big things first and then move onto the smaller things as well. 
> Characters are not simple. 
   I like complex character to play as and as well to go against. Please for the love of god do not give me a cookie cutter character. I will not be so happy to rp with you and bounds are ignore you. If you give me something that isn’t perfect in any type of way then you have a more high chance of me replying back and stuff. (Non perfect characters: has drug problems, gets into fights everywhere, doesn’t care about himself, disgusting, Ect) (rapist isn’t what I’m looking for so don’t bring those to me.)
> Is 18+ 
    I don’t really want to write with someone who isn’t 18+ I just don’t. I enjoy writing smut like the other guy, but you must know my characters and I hope yours as well are all switchers (sekes). I’m not into Doms and Subs though if it’s needed sometimes then that’s fine. If you just want SWP then you can come talk to me and we can work something out, but that isn’t mainly on my list so please come with a nice idea in mind. Also if you’re not into smut we can do fade to black. No biggie.
> Can write more than two sentences.
   I’m fine with people who write a novel and those that can only write a paragraph. As long as it’s not one or two sentences then it’s okay with me. 
> Can do multiple plots.
   I will be truthful, most of the time I get bored with just doing the same plot over and over again, I enjoy adding in more plots when I think of a new character I want to rp as. If you’re fine with this then please don’t be afraid to bring it up because I might come to you with a character in mind and you can create one as well so we can rp even more!
Plots and Characters 
I’m only going to talk about a few characters and plots for I have a lot in mind and wouldn’t want this to get too big. 
Characters: (I would love to pair up my characters with yours if you want that and we can make a plot with them as well!)
>Creepy “Mess” Cleaner 
    Within large mafias there is always a certain person you call to clean up your...”Messes” and that one person happens to be a bit off yet does his job well. He comes off rather strange since he likes to pretend to be dead and lay on the floor waiting for someone to pay attention to him so he can scare them. All the screws might not all be there, but he’s one of the number one cleaners out there. 
(I wouldn’t mind pairing him up with a Don, a criminal, ect)
> Dead Celebrity 
   He’s been trying his best to get back into the spotlight, but nothing is working at all. Ever since his hit movies he’s never been able to do anything else. He hates being referenced by the one character he played and wants more! Though working at a bowling alley every night hasn’t been helping him at all. 
(Pairing: Movie Agent, New director, fellow actor, ect)
> Hero with an Addiction 
   It’s been eight years that this male has been doing the same job and that is being a superhero. Though his powers are all artificial due to a drug he takes, he isn’t in the best of health once the high starts to crash. But he does this to himself because of all the support and love that is given to him, yet he just might die soon enough. 
(Pairing: Best Friend, New Hero, ect) 
>A Debt Collector
  One never wants to be in a situation of owing money. Though When it happens one collector makes sure you pay right then and there. He's cold and ruthless doesn't care if you're broke or not, he'll get money or an ear it doesn't matter but he will leave with something.
(Pairing: person who owes money, rival debt collector, ect)
>Monster Master: 
  Always on the look out for more misunderstood monsters living in an upside down world he collects these creatures and forms bonds in order to use them for the greater good. He's smart, brave but…A bit goofy.
(Pairing: Monster/human, a demon, another Monster Master, ect)
So these descriptions are very vague which is how I want to keep everything, but don’t worry I can explain the characters even more when you come to chit chat with me. :) 
> Infamous Information: Within the world of Dons, leaders and much more, there goes a few individuals that have the information you’re looking for and they are willing to share if you are willing to spend. One in particular happens to know the hideouts of a certain scum Don and is willing to exploit them to the highest bidder. Though once they come in contact with this individual...Everything seems to change. 
> Scientific Changes for the Better: Take a best friend that happens to be alone and nearly dying and put him with an old best friend that only sees him as a science project. What do you get? A new hero...? 
> OLD Magic: The world they live in has been at peace for 30 years but once a giant dark magic monster pops up its up to a cop and a....Late 40 year old Magical (Old man) girl? It isn’t what anyone thought of but...It’s the worlds only hope! 
> A modern family of a Vampire and a Hunter: It's the mid 2010's and the thought of chasing vampire and such should be outdated, but not in this world. Thus comes in a Hunter and his new "wife" a Vampire. What more could go wrong with this picture?
> Jinkies!: Bad ghost and monsters rule some parts of the land but who's gonna wipe them out? Two friends and a camera?…Sure why not!
Again these are really vague and I don’t mind if we add more to them once we start chit chatting. Also you can tell me about your own plots if you think we can do one!
Fandom stuff: 
I can do a few fandoms as well for rps which includes: 
Overwatch : McCree X 76, 76 X Reaper, Junkrat X Lucio, McCree X Hanzo, Genji X OC, Genji X Zen
JJBA: Jotaro X OC, Caesar X Joseph, Josuke X OC, 
Kik: 7milim
Skype: [email protected] (KingOjisan)
Please tell me more about yourself and a little bit of your rp skills as well when you come contact me. :) Thankies. 
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