#Andy vtm
artthemasquerade · 1 year
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New Orleans Coterie in Amon Style
So this requires some explanation, so since there are kind of some similarities between Devilmen and how Kindred work, they both have a beast/demon to overcome and to stay human they have to keep their human heart of sorts or they'll lose themselves to the beast/demon, also they have to merge and gain power they have to devour another demon/Kindred and overcome their will. Honestly Akira's journey in the original Devilman manga is a perfect example of someone slowly losing themselves to their inner beast despite their good intentions, and him giving up on saving humanity is also him giving up on his humanity, in vampire the masquerade terms he's no longer on the path of humanity. So in my headcanon au for Devilman/Vampire the Masquerade crossover, Kindred are Devilmen who can make more through the embrace, have to feed on blood and hide from the sun, Devilmen and Demons in Devilman have this eyeliner like markings under their eyes to intricate their demonic nature and that's why I've given it to mine and my friend's vampire the masquerade new orleans by night characters here, and changed around the shape and colour of it to intricate what clan they belong to.
Also I thought it would be fun to draw them in the Amon OVA style and it really was :D
First up is Andy the Ravnos and his famulus Elliot, he's the baby of the group, having only been embraced under a year ago, he belongs to @qwibwib, the storyteller of the New Orleans by Night chronicle :D.
second is Moreen the Volgirre and the eldest and fleshcrafter of the group she belongs to @morbidoptimisim.
third is Iris the Salubri, she's the healer and sniper of the group and also a mother to a five year old child who we are currently working on rescuing this season, she belongs to @cthylla-rlyeh.
forth is Rose the Tremere, she's the blood and water magic user of the group and she belongs to me. :3
fifth is Dolly the Daughter of Cacophony, Moreen's wife and former longtime ghoul now a Kindred herself in order to save what was left of her family after Moreen got kidnapped by the main villains of the chronicle last season (Moreen is back safe and sound now) and she belongs to Morbid.
and finally sixth is Kevin, Rose's longtime ghoul (21 years of service!) and a big brother figure to her, he also belongs to me.
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram, a note on deviantart or artistree https://artistree.io/missn11
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thecupsmith · 8 months
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Things are going well in our VtM campaign
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tabbyclaw · 1 year
Andy said on today’s livestream that there’s going to be another Oxventure Presents series starting soon, and I am getting in my early guess that it’s going to be Kids On Bikes. Less confident guessing who’s gonna GM, but I will tentatively say Andy for reasons of Genre.
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mortifying-macaroni · 11 months
crashes into your inbox HI I’M THAT ONE PERSON WHO COMMENTED ON SOUL-INMATES (Hallowyd) and I have been admiring your Andrei/Gretchen art and your art in general tbh it’s gorgeous!
Hi, babez! First of all, thank you again to the heavens and back for checking out my fic as well as my drawings!!! You've definitely made my day with your lovely words and I hope the future is more than kind to you 🖤☺️ Also, get ready for next week's chapter cause our beloved meat man will be making an appearance
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harperspective · 2 years
Intro post...
Harper - Is my name.  Art - Is my game. She / They - Are my... rhyme...
Want to see some art? Gimmmme one big ol’ follow. Will it be good art? No promises. Will I post frequently? No promises. Will I consume the souls of the unworthy? Now that’s something I can commit to.
I’m working on a comic right now. It’ll be online... eventually. I swear.
Look at my art and see what kinda stuff I do. If you like it, well dang darn gimme a smooch. 
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themarginalthinker · 1 year
@enquiringangel @kentuckycaverats
So, there are a couple of groups that I'm gonna detail! Some will only appear briefly in the main stories of YCCM and its aside Flight Feathers, and others will play a larger role.
Also, @roseate-lagomorph I have considered turning these into vtm ocs! We shall see. :>
Group 1: The Santa Carla Scroungers
This group is based off of the scrapped idea that the kids Lucy tells Sam to give money to in the opening of the movie are vampires too, as well as that one shot of the girl...licking? kissing?? the rat. I've combined the two into the Scroungers.
Andy (Andrea), and Zeke. Andy is the girl with the large army jacket, and Zeke is the rat she's holding. Andy's main ability is the gift of being a daywalker - a very rare boon that allows her to be in direct sunlight (though usually only for an hour or so, before she needs to get out of it.) Zeke's power is animal transformation, and his shape is a rat.
The pair end up in Santa Carla due to some pretty unfortunate circumstances. They're missing the third member of their pack, killed by a hunter group in San Jose when another, larger pack rolled into town and were idiots, attracting attention, and their little three-man-band was simply caught in the crossfire.
Group 2: The Band Nomads
This is a pack The Boys will encounter on their trek across the Rockies and back into David's home territory of the northern great plains. While deciding to pick some people off during a music festival, they run into another pack who had the same idea, and in fact, have been following the tour of some of the groups playing like hunters following the herds of prey.
Martin, Delilah, and their sire Maya. I have not decided what their abilities and banes are, mostly because the Boys don't really interact with them enough to see much of them, but an interesting detail I have decided is that Martin is blind. It goes along with the headcanon that becoming a vampire can heal some things, but not congenital issues.
The Boys end up sharing a hunt with them, and exchange information, possibly getting intel on what the situation is like where they're headed, and giving the Band nomads info on what they can expect further west. It's also a chance to expand the worldbuilding of different kinds of vampire lifestyles.
Group 3: The Sarahs
Ironically, I'm not going to say too much about them, as there are things I want to keep for the actual story ;)
The Sarahs are a coven, rather than a pack or clan. Another group of three vamps, all of them named..well. A form of 'Sarah.'
Elder Sarah is over three hundred years old, Mother Sara being about as old as David (150-ish) and Weird or Silent Serra. being the youngest. She also doesn't speak, using her boon of telepathic communication to speak to people (which is. very disconcerting).
There's a lot more too them, but they interact the most with the Boys in the story, so unfortunately, I can't say much more for them.
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Some Lingering Questions, Part 1
I have a number of these kinds of unsolved mysteries; I cleared off several of them with the Barricade post, but here we go. First off: a lingering mystery of Foundry No. 12!
Was the grenade Edvard threatened the Brighteners with at Foundry No. 12 a real grenade?
Here's what we know for sure: Edvard ticked two separate boxes of load for two flashbangs and one fragmentation grenade. At least one of the flashbangs was detonated, blinding Zillah; neither of them were returned to Edvard during the course of the episode.
There's a couple of reasons to think the frag grenade wasn't real. Edvard has access to flashbang grenades; it would also be very easy to build a dummy grenade; it's a batshit thing to do even for Edvard, for two people who are really just his coworkers. There's also the fact that Blades is a retroactive game, and the CRB directly states in its best practices section that it is "not a no takebacks game".
Here are the reasons I suspect that it was in fact a real grenade. First is the fuse length. Grenades used to be less stable, and Edvard does say he built the frag grenade, but I decided to go off modern weapons. A frag grenade can have a fuse of between 3 and 5 seconds, but a flash grenade typically has a fuse of around 1.5 seconds, for reasons I think are obvious.
I counted up all the time Edvard said he had his finger off the lever. If he didn't give a time, I counted it as half a second. By this accounting, Edvard burned at least two seconds off the fuse of the grenade he was holding. It could have been a dummy, but if it were a flash grenade, it would have gone off in his hand.
It was a wild thing to do and over the top even for Edvard. But, if Edvard were going to do it for anyone, the groundwork was already laid for Zillah and Kasimir to be the people he'd do it for. As early as The Gut-Cutter Bargain, Kasimir says outright that he and Edvard have become close, and Edvard spends a whole phase building the electroplasmic cane for him. Edvard has a great admiration for Zillah; he takes a moment just to appreciate how cool she is in the same fight, despite the fact they're about to die. Kasimir and Zillah get a mechanical benefit for going to the fighting pit. Edvard doesn't, but he comes along and makes a little sign just to cheer her on. He doesn't do these things for other people, and coupled with his confidence in his own abilities, it ultimately makes sense that this is a bet he'd take.
Then, maybe the most important part: no takebacks.
Some newer RPGs, like Blades and the It Came From series, take what's called a cinematic perspective (explicitly in some rulesets). D&D, Pathfinder, VtM, and many other popular games are about improvisation and skill efficiency. If you don't have something, you just don't have it. They are no takebacks games. If you step in the trap, if you offend the Prince of New York, that's the ballgame.
Blades and It Came From are meant to be collaborative storytelling where tropes are welcome. If you don't want to do something in Blades, you can just not do it. If you step in a trap, flashback: you cased the place earlier and wedged a shim into it. If you offend the director of your spy agency in They Came From [CLASSIFIED], you buy a do-over with your points pool. They are meant to produce a world where the PCs are the heroes of their own stories, and feeling like a badass is the whole point.
Why do I go off on this? Because I think the choice of whether the grenade was real was made by both Luke and Andy, and by not making the grenade fake, they wrote it into canon as real. If something had gone wrong, if Edvard had fumbled it, if a Red Sash had tackled him, by the rules, it could have been fake at any time. The chance remained; the chance was never taken. If he walked in with a dummy grenade, he walked out leaving a real one.
In summary, I have a lot of feelings about Edvard Lumière.
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koekjesdeeg · 2 years
can I get uhhh... 🌼 for all three of your original blorbos?
Hell yeah! I'm gonna add pictures of each to give a better idea of them. And a read more cause it's long as shit and I know most people don't care.
🌼- What's your favorite thing about this oc?
Amanita: So some backstory she's basically an alien princess that fled to earth when her planet was destroyed. But I really love the way her story is all about her knowing what she wants and going for it. She's defying her very strict societal rules and working to set up another kingdom p much where things can be better. She's learning a lot from people that would be considered "below" her and working to dismantle the bullshit. But Ama's just a v soft girl who wants the people she cares about to be happy and well.
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Mary: Love letting my little gremlin out with her!!!! She's a vampire med student (yes her cup is actually hiding a blood bag) but in Vampire the Masquerade v5 her clan has a feature where they're a little nuts. Like something mentally snapped with her embrace so she's really unpredictable and it's just a lot of fun. She also just lost her adoptive mother (and sire) to vampire fighting and her adoptive sister was turned into another vamp. The drama there is just amazing!!
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Andi: So Andi Dawn is another vtm character. She's an old school punk anarchist from the 70s. I absolutely LOVED exploring that side of my own personality with her. Was a lot of impulsive decisions and attack first ask later. She was the heart of her team and kept the others on a moral standard that they may not have liked but really needed and appreciated. She was my self insert in a very idealized way and it made me look forward to every single friday for 3 years. I loved absolutely everything about her and she still holds a special place in my heart after not playing her for a year. I think she always will.
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angrelysimpping · 3 months
Out of the Boat and into the Boats
Written June 9, 2024
Shout out to the talented, sweet, n hampsom 💜@inkyquince 💜 for the amazing vtm game and who made Luka
Lori belongs to a friend
Caz belongs to Merman
Matt belongs to Necro
Contents: slight suicidal ideation; slight mention of disassociation; google translation Polish
Words: 698
“The suicide mission is off, so I guess you’re stuck with me for a bit longer?”
The sun is just starting to rise, pale golds and pinks staining the air. Wine dark sea turning gradually lighter. Heady scent of sea salt, even if it is marred by the sinking boat behind them. Andrzej can’t help his heart stuttering as Luka is framed by it all. Beauty and chaos suit him. Everything does. Luka could make anything better, beautiful, Andrzej can feel it in his bones, his soul. 
Luka, who was well within his right to leave Andrzej after all the shit that’s gone down on this fucked up boat.
That’s why he nearly chokes when Luka lurches forward, laughing, wrapping his arms around Andrzej. “Andi, that's wonderful!” His stomach flips, and he’s not sure if it’s from Luka embracing him or from the water that threatens to slosh into the boat due to the Italian’s erratic movement. 
“I-I still want to find Tekli though, so, if you want, you can still come with me?”
But why would he? All Andrzej has done so far was put Luka in danger. If Luka wanted, he could set him up somewhere. Anywhere, really. It might be tricky to figure out how to get blood to him but-
“Of course!” Luka presses a quick kiss to Andrzej’s cheek before leaning back and calling to the boat with Matt and Caz. “Hey, Cazamir, which way to Russia?”
Andrzej doesn’t hear the response, too stunned. Luka…wanted to stay with him. Andrzej had taken him on what was a suicide mission, on a boat that might as well have been cursed. He’d left Luka. He’d left Luka twice. Once hiding under a bed, another time while he was just coming down from Salubri blood. 
Yet, Luka still wanted to be with him.
He didn’t deserve Luka. He really didn’t. He was too old, too tainted, too damaged. A foggy memory and curse from a ghost. More trouble than he was worth. 
Andrzej hadn’t even managed to keep the one promise he’d made to Luka, that he’d stay by the thinblood’s side after the he’d been abducted the first time.
He’d have to ask about that later, beg for Luka’s forgiveness. Not only running off again, but for Loretta as well.
She was the reason he’d even managed to slip Luka from the brothel, and she probably died on that ship. Could he have saved her? Maybe, but when he’d found Luka missing again, that numbness had come back. That same numbness from a century ago, when he’d found himself abandoned, his family long gone. 
When they reunited? When Luka nearly collided with him in the halls of the damned ship as Andrzej searched for him? Panic prickling under his skin and throat burning in pure fear of losing the one person he still had? He’d only hesitated for a second.
And he heard her, Loretta, what she’d said to him when he first ran off with Luka in Italy.
Go. Run. Don’t look back. Be happy. Run.
So, Andrzej had done just that. He’d scooped the small Italian up, dashing to the upper decks.
He didn’t look back. 
And now…now.
The rising sun illuminates Luka’s silhouette, halo of light shining through dark hair that Andrzej knew to be heavenly soft. He laughs again, eyes bright and warm, their depths illuminated as the sun steadily creeped further into the sky. A small crinkle in the bridge of his nose, lines forming around the corners of his eyes. 
“Mój anioł Lukasha.” The words slip from him without thought, on a ghost of a sigh, as he gazes at the man. 
Luka hears him all the same, eyes snapping to him and frowning. Pouting, really, with his head tilting to the side like a confused puppy. “What was that, Andrzej?”
He smiles for the first time in what feels like ages as he leans forward, cupping the back of Luka’s head as he pulls him in for a quick kiss. “Nothing to worry about, Lukalini. I’m just happy we’re safe now.”
Andrzej swears his whole body feels lighter as Luka giggles again, smiling right at him in response. 
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Andy got a little redesign (okay big time redesign) 
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iravaid · 3 years
Hey I was curious. What are some of your favorite headcanons about Lacroix?
Aw man i have too many thoughts and hcs about that little man akdhdkks
i don't know if i can pick definitive Favourites, so here are some short and fun headcanons I have, the longer ones are below the cut.
Also disclaimer these aren't set in stone lmao, I have a very scattered train of thought, and also i am Not declaring these canon nor the only interpretation of his character, I’d love to hear other people’s headcanons for that ratman
He's 5'5" 😌
He had brown eyes before his Embrace
His blood preference is amputee veterans
Bisexual with a preference for men
Has comorbid BPD and PTSD from his experiences in the Napoleonic Wars. The symptoms seemed to have been 'numbed' over time by lowered humanity and growing older, but they can flare up during times of high stress (the sarcophagus etc)
Was an unwilling Embrace, unusual for his clan. Sire was a piece of shit and sowed the seeds for about half his issues, exacerbating previously mentioned mental illnesses 
When he was alive, he was one of those people whose hair changes colour with age and the season (and are insufferable because of it) - it was a bright, ruddy blond as a kid and darkened to that dirty blond/strawberry colour we see in the game, becoming lighter and more blond in the summer and then darker and closer to red/brown in the winter
Learned to swim in the English Channel and is a very good swimmer. Misses it; the Pacific isn’t the Atlantic, and his corpse isn’t very buoyant.
Hands are calloused and he has a couple scars from his time as a soldier - people who shake his hand for the first time often note that his hands are rougher that they thought they'd be.
Took up clay-pigeon shooting in New York as a hobby and a way to socialise. I've found there are regional variants, so he's most familiar the one with shotguns and clay disks (because that's the clay pigeon i used to use lmao).
Was Infanterie Légère - light infantry. Has some extra points in stealth, survival, brawl, and marksmanship because of it.
Was born in 1791. Went to Saint-Cyr from ages 18-21. Served in the Patriotic War of 1812, War of the Sixth Coalition, 1813-1814, and the Hundred Days War of 1815. He's a little bit older than what the wiki says in my hc, 24 instead of 21. I read that the academy admits students around the age of 21, so we'll say both money and LaCroix ability got him in early. And there isn't much on the ages of admission in the 1800s, so who knows.
Took up smoking during the French invasion of Russia, for the nicotine and the distraction. Keeps it up through his unlife as it’s still a pretty social thing inthe 1900s etc; smoked from a pipe and then moved on to rolled cigarettes as the years progressed. Smokes clove cigarettes in 2003 with the fancy black paper annol, like a TWAT. 
Slowly became dependant on Dominate to get what he wanted done, because so few people respect him for one reason or another. So he’ll force compliance from them because he Deserves their respect and he Needs things to be done the way he wants them done, of course. 
Has a 4 or a 5 in Dominate, a 3 in Presence, and a 2 in Fortitude. The reliance on forcing people to do what he wants them to do has caused the other two to decay and his own combat abilities to get rusty. He is Devolving As A Person <3
The last time he himself was probably actively involving in combat was the Battle of New York, and even then I imagine the Sheriff did most of the heavy lifting.
But I do feel that if push came to shove, he’d be pretty fucking dangerous with a knife. The guy is small and fast, and those kinds of fighters are NASTY. Has already stabbed you between the ribs, he is also probably screaming because this is the sexy sexy fun mental breakdown where he finally Snaps 😔
ngl would love to see/read a redemption arc for him where he’s given some modicum of respect and help from the Anarchs or an independent group, and eventually manages to grow as a person while processing his hashtag-trauma. Of course there is a lot of Suffering that goes between, as well as a lot of back tracking, but it takes a long time to unlearn ideas and beliefs drilled into you for hundreds of years. 
Okay here's a couple involving him and the Sheriff. Because it’s not really stated in canon what their relationship is, I can run wild with it.
Their relationship is fairly ambiguous and while it could be implied that the reason the Sheriff is the only person in Los Angeles who stands by LaCroix is because a blood bond has made him a thrall. I'm not a fan of that interpretation; I don't really want to headcanon my favourite character as a slave master, esp with the Sheriff being Laibon, traditionally from Africa, and LaCroix being European. (It's still obviously a very valid interpretation of the source material, it's just not something I think i can explore in a nuanced way). 
It's probably a bit silly and away from WoD's usual grittiness, but I like to think their dynamic is like Han and Chewbacca's; where that weird little man somehow saved the Sheriff's life and the Sheriff has nothing better to do, so may as well make sure this guy he owes a life debt to doesn't manage to get himself killed. And the Sheriff just enjoys the drama that that wretched twink accrues, it's very fun.
The Sheriff doesn't like to speak, so if he wants to communicate, it's usually through ASL, or he uses Auspex to communicate telepathically when sign doesn't really cut it for him. So LaCroix may sound like he's talking to himself, when in fact it's the Big Guy that's conversing with him on the finer points of human anatomy.
Also the Sheriff listens to audiobooks and is better read than LaCroix.
Hell yeah, that’s what I’ve got so far. Thank you for the ask, anon! this was v fun, love talking about lacroix and other vtmb characters
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Witness this mod.  So this is what LaCroix gets up to when he thinks your not around. XD
(Yes, that is LaCroix’s actual voice actor.)
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qblester · 2 years
// if i did play vtm again (very scary so scary thought) i think i might do a fish out of water quinton. or frankly just make a similar guy. it would be fun to have a guy who has no fucking clue what a vampire is he’s just like. getting a chemical sciences degree and then hes like hm. this blood is really fucked up. wierd. and then hes like getting murdered about it. andy was that but andy is his own special little guy. :)
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alexcsofrp · 7 years
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ezombieart · 4 years
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new character for a VtM campaign that starts next friday! sneaky nosferatu boi, Andy "The Rat"
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curiousstrawberry · 3 years
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I was tagged by @starrypawz to do this picrew . thank you <333
Desideria Becker (currently vtm what a shocker), Andy (also vampire baby), Elle (you’ll be shook but hey another vampire) and Echo Newman (they are just an a hole) 
gonna tag @moon-sugar @dep-yo-tee @rainbowtroutlesbian @warlock-enthusiast @zarneki (of course no obligation) and anyone else who wants to do this 
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