#Angel Makers' Heir
fafnir19 · 10 months
The Angel Makers' Heir - Part I
As I step into the vibrant hall of the quaint inn, joy and laughter emanate from every corner. A vivacious spirit fills the space, warming the air with a sense of conviviality. Approaching me is a woman in her nineties, engaged in the meticulous task of arranging the seating. "May I inquire your name?" she asks, her tone tinged with curiosity. "Luci," I respond with a warm smile, "short for Lucius, but everyone calls me Luci." At my name, the elderly woman—whom I later learn is named Ina—wears a look of disbelief. "Luci? That simply can't be right. Luci should be a girl's name," she insists, her uncertainty palpable. I chuckle softly, dismissing her doubt. "It's just a nickname for Lucius, but I've always gone by Luci. And about my parents—" Before I can continue, Ina interjects, her gaze searching for affirmation. "Are you sure they are truly your parents?" she probes, her eyes fixed intently on me. I recount with a casual air, "Well, pretty sure. I was born on a Sunday right in the living room at home. Almost all the women in my family are midwives, you see." Ina falls silent, a thoughtful expression settling upon her features, before guiding me to my designated seat.
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As revelry fills the inn, the tempest outside intensifies, and my gaze is drawn to the towering dike. There, a distinct figure comes into view—a three-legged, white stallion. Concern grips me, and I suggest to a fellow guest, "Shouldn't we bring that animal in from the dike in this weather?" My inquiry is met with skepticism, the other guest attributing it to inebriation, insisting that I am seeing things that are simply not there.
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Ina overhears our exchange and turns visibly pale, her reaction disconcerting. With the evening advancing, the storm rages on, and the overseer of the dike calls upon all men for dike defense. Attempting to restrain me, Ina becomes increasingly distressed, adamantly protesting, "Luci must not go to the dike! He will bring tragedy upon us all!" The dike overseer, perturbed by Ina's outburst, advises me to remain within the inn, expressing concern for her well-being and citing my lack of familiarity with dike defense. Eventually, the dike gives way at the very spot where I had spotted the three-legged stallion. Although swift repairs are made, a man tragically loses his life in the process. The next morning, as the storm's fervor abates, I board the ferry back to the city. My spirits are heavy—I had been in the company of the man who met his untimely end by the relentless sea just a short while ago. As the city grows closer and the island retreats from view, I am overcome with relief at the thought of leaving that eerie isle behind. Yet, the unsettling events of the past night linger with an indelible weight. In the ensuing weeks, the relentless drudgery of everyday life slowly eclipses the unsettling events of the island. Despite this, an uncanny presence continues to lurk in the recesses of my thoughts.
Several months have passed, and I find myself engrossed in my evening duties at the local retirement home. I worked there to earn money to afford my university studies. The quiet hallways whisper with the hushed murmurs of the residents, and a sense of tranquility permeates the air. It is amid this serene setting that I chance upon a peculiar sight—a three-legged stallion, the very same from the island, gazes through the frosted window. I am taken aback, for it seems inconceivable that the creature has traversed the distance to be here. Yet, as I cast a glance around the quiet corridor, I realize that I am the sole witness to its spectral visit.
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The following day, upon my arrival at the retirement home, I am met with the somber news of a resident's passing. It strikes me that the enigmatic stallion had appeared just before their demise, unsettling my thoughts with its inexplicable presence. In the wake of this disquieting revelation, I find myself contemplating the unsettling connection and the enigmatic forces at play. My mind becomes increasingly consumed by questions that remain unanswered, whispering of inexplicable connections and spectral omens. The weeks pass with an unshakeable unease, and I find myself continually drawn back to the island and its inscrutable inhabitants with relentless curiosity. Driven by an unwavering resolve to unravel the mysteries that linger in the island's embrace, I embark on a solitary journey in pursuit of understanding. As the ferry carries me over the swelling waves, I grapple with a blend of trepidation and unyielding determination. The shores of the island draw nearer, and with their arrival, a faint but unmistakable suggestion of ancient secrets etched into the very fabric of the land begins to unfurl.
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legends-expo · 1 year
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Today is the LAST DAY to submit your vendor, artist alley or exhibitor application for Legends Con! Download the form on our website (https://legends-con.com/vendors/) & send the completed form to [email protected]
Need extra time? Send us an email and we'll work something out!
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dreamwritesimagines · 6 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [16] - First Step
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Some meetings cause rumors.
Word Count: 2200
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, stabbing, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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You didn’t say this enough, but your best friend was a goddamn genius.
“Aren’t you the most beautiful princess in the entire world?” you asked, carrying Alpine in your arms while she purred. “Hm? I think you are!”
Bucky was busy with the coffee maker as you walked into the open kitchen but he had heard you talk to Alpine so he grabbed a coffee cup.
“Yes please,” you said, extending your arms to hold Alpine up. Bucky poured coffee into a cup and turned around, but jerked his head back as soon as he came face to face with Alpine.
“Jesus Christ—”
 “Say good morning to my daughter.”
“I thought she was our daughter.”
“I’m a single mom who works two jobs.”
“Not one word of that is true.”
“No, it’s from—” You shook your head slightly. “Whatever. Say good morning!”
Alpine meowed at him as if demanding him to say good morning and Bucky chuckled, then scratched at her head.
“Good morning, little hellspawn.”
“How dare you, she’s an angel!” you said and put Alpine down so that she could go to her food bowl and Bucky handed you your coffee.
“Thanks,” you said and jumped to sit on the kitchen island, crossing your legs and Bucky leaned back to the counter, sipping his coffee.
“So,” he said. “Ready for today?”
You heaved a sigh and nodded your head. “Mm hm.”
“I’m never nervous,” you replied way too fast and Bucky shot you a look.
“It’s just for other people to see,” you said. “It’s not like it’s a real meeting anyway. I’ll see Steve, have a coffee, learn what’s been happening on his territory the last couple of days and come back.”
“Exactly,” he said. “And you know Steve.”
“And I know Steve,” you repeated. “Uh huh.”
“I can go if you don’t feel ready—”
“No, I’m going,” you said. “I’m ready. It’s about time.”
Bucky took a sip of his coffee and cleared his throat.
“Do you think your father will shoot me?”
You huffed out a laugh.
“That’s what’s on your mind?”
“Well I didn’t get much sleep last night thanks to you insisting that our little demon—”
“She’s the most precious princess in the world.”
“Yeah, her,” Bucky nodded in the direction of Alpine who was still happily eating her food. “Sleeping in the bed with us, so I’ve had some time to think.”
You waved a hand in the air. “Both of us have been shot at before, don’t act like it’d be something new for you.”
“That is not comforting at all, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes.
“He won’t shoot you,” you said. “It would fuck up the truce.”
“Not because I’m his son-in-law?”
“That too,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders. “But you know, he cares more about the business than he cares about me, so.”
Bucky let out a laugh, but raised his brows when he saw the look on your face.
“You don’t actually believe that, do you?” he asked and you scoffed.
“Come on,” you said. “He doesn’t trust me with his beloved business, it’s very obvious he likes Ian more than me—”
“Choosing someone as heir is very different than liking them,” Bucky said with a bitter smile. “Trust me, I would know.”
You tilted your head. “George loves you.”
“Oh, he really doesn’t,” he pointed out. “I assure you, he doesn’t. I had a boss growing up, not a father.”
You blinked a couple of times, your stomach doing an unpleasant flip.
“He adores Becca though,” Bucky said as if you two were just talking about the weather. “He would die for her, same as Arthur with you.”
“That’s not—have you been to therapy?”
He gave you a confused look. “Why would I go to therapy?”
“Maybe because you didn’t have the best childhood?” you asked and he waved a hand in the air.
“Nah, I don’t need therapy,” he said. “I’m fine.”
“See, I don’t think—”
“But my point is,” he cut you off. “your father has worked for that truce for years, deep down he knows Ian is not the right heir, but he is ready to let him take over and start a war if it means you’ll be away from the business.”
“It’s just to honor my mom,” you replied after a beat. “Has nothing to do with me. If anything, he likes her memory more than he likes me.”
“Either way, it doesn’t sound like he cares more about the truce, does he?” he asked. “I’d say he made his choice between you and the truce years ago. It honestly might be the only thing me and Arthur have in common.”
Your eyes snapped up to his. “How so?”
“Well,” he said, giving you a small smile. “I’d happily sit back and let the whole city catch fire if it meant you would be safe. Fuck the truce.”
You stared at him in silence and he winked at you, then put his cup on the counter.
“Good luck for today!” he called out as he made his way to the bedroom and you let out a breath, then turned your head to look at Alpine who jumped on the counter.
“We’re not falling for that,” you told her. “No we’re not.”
Even you had to admit that Bucky was pretty smart; an official meeting with Steve as the first step of you getting involved in the business made perfect sense. Not only would it show that you had allies, but also it would be a very relaxed, casual meeting for you and him both.
Knowing it was different than feeling it though, because nervousness was pounding through your system as you stepped out of the elevator, and followed his assistant to the waiting area just outside Steve’s office but as soon as you stepped in there, Ian’s head shot up.
“What the…” he said and you smiled at Ryan who was at the corner of the room, and took your seat across from Ian.
“Fancy meeting you here,” you said airily and Ian’s frown deepened.
“What are you doing here?”
“I have an appointment.”
“About what?” he asked like a demand and you arched a brow.
“Careful with your fucking tone,” you growled and he scoffed.
“What on earth do you have that would require a meeting with Rogers?”
“I don’t think it’s any of your business,” you stated. “You don’t see me ask you the same question, do you?”
He gritted his teeth, glaring at you but before he could retort, Steve’s door opened and you both turned your heads.
“Hey, sorry for the mix up,” Steve said, leaning against the door frame. “Y/N, come in.”
“Excuse me?” Ian asked as you stood up. “Rogers, I’ve been waiting here for almost half an hour now.”
Steve shrugged his shoulders. “You know how hierarchy works, Ian.”
“Yeah and I’m here representing my uncle.”
“You don’t have a title yet,” Steve deadpanned, making you purse your lips to hold back your grin while Ryan raised his brows, looking between Steve and Ian. “She is a boss’s wife. Arthur will tell you the same thing, that’s just how the rules are. My hands are tied here. Y/N?”
“It was nice to see you, tell my father I said hi,” you told Ian and walked into Steve’s office before he closed the door. You turned to him with a smile, then took your seat across from his desk.
“So,” you said. “Was there really a mix up, or did you do it on purpose? Don’t get me wrong, I’ll buy you coffee if you did it on purpose.”
He let out a chuckle and took his seat behind his desk.
“As much as I love to piss him off, it really wasn’t on purpose,” he said. “I’ve been on this call with Chicago for over an hour now.”
Your head shot up. “Hm?”
“Yeah which is no use as Bucky and Sam keep telling me,” Steve said. “Chicago doesn’t do business with anyone. Especially this new guy Rhett, he recently took over, basically rules the whole city and—oh, you went to college in Chicago, right? Do you know him?”
You tried to control the smile threatening to pull at your lips, then shrugged your shoulders.
“Just slightly,” you lied through your teeth and Steve nodded his head.
“So yeah he’s definitely not interested,” he said. “I guess some things stay the same even when the king changes. I hoped he would be more open to it than his father, but…”
Well well…
Wasn’t this an interesting piece of information?
“Anyway,” Steve said, clearing his throat. “This is a briefing then?”
“Eh, more like catching up.”
“Will your father shoot me?”
“I swear, sometimes you and Bucky share one braincell,” you pointed out, making him laugh.
“Listen, it’s a valid concern,” he said. “I should know if I should double up the security around here.”
“He won’t, it’d fuck up the truce,” you said. “I mean don’t get me wrong, he’s definitely not going to be happy but…”
Steve hummed. “But it’s better than Ian being the heir.”
“I mean, Ian believes that he is the heir already,” you said. “And he’s not alone in that, many people believe that as well.”
That made him think for a moment before he shrugged his shoulders.
“You know how it goes in the business,” he said. “Half of the people who support him do that because they think there’s no alternative.”
“But there is."
You nibbled on your lip, then took a deep breath and leaned back in your seat to shoot him a smile.
“So,” you said. “Shall we?”
Your meeting with Steve went very well, and by the time you left there, you were in a wonderful mood. Not even the sight of Ian when you left Steve’s office, so you decided to meet up with Becca and Leila as planned. Apparently Leila would be a bit late, so you and Becca went to your favorite brunch place while you waited for her and ordered drinks.
“So then things are good between you two?” you asked her as the waitress brought your mimosas and she nodded her head fervently.
“It’s amazing between us,” she said. “I mean I was worried she wouldn’t come to the wedding but once she did and we talked…”
“And the car chase?” you asked and she heaved a sigh.
“I mean, it did scare the hell out of her,” she said. “But it has nothing to do with me or our relationship, she says.”
“She’s a keeper.”
“She really is,” Becca said. “How about you and Buck? Did you two get used to being parents yet?”
You let out a laugh.
“We’re getting there,” you said. “Alpine is my little princess, I love her so much already.”
“See? I was right, as always,” Becca said with her nose up in the air while you sipped your drink.
“Yeah yeah…”
“Speaking of parents,” she said. “How pissed off will your dad be?”
“I mean I’m guessing Ian ran off to tell him all about today,” you said, checking your phone for what felt like the hundredth time. “I expect a phone call at the very least but I doubt it’ll just end there, he will want to talk to me face to face.”
“I’m meeting Ethan tomorrow, so probably no,” you said, making her raise her brows.
“Oh, has he stopped being so bitter about your marriage?”
You gave her a small smile.
“He was just surprised,” you said. “I get it.”
“You do realize you owe him nothing though?” she asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I know,” you said. “It’s just—things were kind of weird between us and I don’t like it.”
“Right,” she said, doubt laced in her tone. “So we’re both going to pretend he doesn’t have feelings for you then?”
You rolled your eyes.
“Even if he had feelings for me,” you said. “Nothing could happen between us. I don’t have time to waste on romance, I’m trying to take over a goddamn empire here.”
Becca clicked her tongue before sipping her drink and you licked your lips.
“So I’ve been meaning to ask you,” you said. “Before George announced he would retire and Bucky took over, while he was still the heir…What was it like?”
A shadow crossed Becca’s eyes and she huffed out a bitter laugh.
“He wasn’t exactly nice,” she said slowly, making you frown.
“Your dad?”
Becca gave you a sad smile.
“We used to joke about that,” she muttered. “I had a dad. My brother on the other hand had a boss most of the time.”
You blinked a couple of times but before you could ask anything else, Becca’s eyes found someone over your shoulder and a smile lit up her face, making you follow her line of sight.
“Hi there!” Leila said and gave her a kiss, then hugged you as you got up from your seat. “Sorry for being late!”
“No problem at all, we just sat down,” Becca assured her as you all took your seats and Leila turned to you.
“So how’s the honeymoon going?”
You smiled at her, trying to pull yourself together.
“Oh, you know,” you said, clearing your throat and motioning at the waiter. “Madly in love, that sort of thing. Drinks?”
Chapter 17
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Cupid ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Amor, Amoret, Anahera, Anang, Anangee, Anangjeet, Anangpal, Ariadne, Astraea, Atanu, Atara, Belvedere, Cassiel, Celeste, Cordelia, Danae, Elspeth, Eros, Evangeline, Jashank, Juliet, Kalilah, Kamraj, Kandarpa, Kiupita, Laila, Lieke, Luba, Madan, Madanjeet, Madanjit, Madanpal, Madhana, Manasij, Manmatari, Manmath, Manmatha, Manooj, Mathan, Miarskia, Mirabel, Monosij, Mukesh, Nortia, Priya, Pushpaketu, Rateesh, Ratish, Ravinshu, Ravish, Renesh, Romeo, Sena, Ted, Ulanni, Valentine, Yaretzi
arrow/arrows, attach/attachment/attachments, blossom/blossoms, cherub/cherubs, divine/divines, eros/eros’, flutter/flutters, fond/fonds, heart/hearts, heir/heirs, holy/holys, love/loves, luv/luvs, pink/pinks, rose/roses, shoot/shoots, smitten/smittens, soulmate/soulmates, swoon/swoons, white/whites, yearn/yearns, ♥️/♥️s, 🏹/🏹s, 👼/👼s, 💌/💌s, 💐/💐s, 💘/💘s, 🪽/🪽s
An Angel Made of Love, An Angel With a Lovely Shot, Angel as Old as Love, The Lovely Angel, The Matchmaker From Above, The One Who Matchmakes, The Sweetheart Maker, The Winged Archer, [prn] Who Aims With Love, [prn] With A Bow and Arrow, [prn] With a Bow of Love
Angeliclovecoregender, Angelovecoric, Angelrosen, Belladulcic, Cupidate, Lovecoregender, Lovecoriboy/Angelcoriboy, Lovecorimasc/Lovecorifem, Lovecorimultigen, Loverboycupid, Pinkgelovic, Romanlovangelic/Platonilovangelic, Sofgelovic
Other mogai
Angel Omninoun, Angelcoreaestelic, Darling Omninoun, Inviloveletter, Inviworldtipam, Lovecoreaestelic, Loveperspesque, Loversaint, Lovevior, Pinkperspesque, Sanctudernic, Vesicelestial
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banana-sims · 10 months
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The Bennett Legacy - update post!   
Hi! This is where I'm going to update stats for my legacy :) I'll also periodically update the family tree as seen above!
I'm currently on generation three, playing with Romeo as my heir (he's like 25 years old right now). It took me forever to decide who to choose but I've realized I love his little family so much that I can't resist.
I'm going to do a bunch of posts about everyone and everything that's happened to catch you up, plus you'll get a much better look at them :)
Friend of the Animals, Bodybuilder, Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Painter Extraordinaire (G3), Musical Genius, Bestselling Author, Master Actor, Master Maker, Lady of the Knits (G1), Successful Lineage (G2), Big Happy Family (G2), Super Parent (G2), Master Chef, Master Mixologist, Fabulously Wealthy, Mansion Baron, Renaissance Sim, Nerd Brain, Computer Whiz, Archaeology Scholar, Academic (G2), Serial Romantic, Soulmate (G3), City Native, Beach Life, Mt. Komorebi Sightseer, Freelance Botanist, The Curator, Angling Ace, Outdoor Enthusiast, Jungle Explorer, Eco Innovator (G1), Country Caretaker, Joke Star, Party Animal, Friend of the World (G2), World-Famous Celebrity, Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, Zen Guru
Artistic Prodigy (G3), Rambunctious Scamp, Social Butterfly, Whiz Kid, Mind and Body, Playtime Captain, Creative Genius
Drama Llama, Goal Oriented, Live Fast, Admired Icon
actor, astronaut, athlete, business, civil designer (G1), conservationist, critic, culinary, detective, doctor, education (G2), engineer, entertainer (G1), freelance writer, freelance programmer, freelance artist, freelance fashion photographer, gardener, law, painter, politician (G2), scientist, social media, secret agent, style influencer, tech guru, writer, salaryperson, interior decorator, any part time job
own/run a vet clinic, own/run a retail store, own/run a restaurant
Art History, Biology, Communications, Computer Science, Culinary Arts (G3), Drama, Economics, Fine Art (G2), History, Language and Literature, Physics, Psychology (G2), any distinguished degree (G2)
Brindleton Bay (G1), Britechester (G2), Copperdale, Del Sol Valley, Evergreen Harbour (G2), Henford-on-Bagley, Mt. Komorebi, Newcrest, Oasis Springs, San Myshuno, Sulani, Tartosa, Willow Creek (G2), Windenburg
ambitious, cheerful (G1), childish, clumsy, creative (G3), genius, gloomy, goofball, high maintenance, hot-headed, romantic, self-assured (G1), squeamish, unflirty, art lover, bookworm (G2), dance machine, foodie (G3), geek, loves outdoors (G1), maker, music lover (G1), recycle disciple, active, adventurous (G1), child of the islands, child of the ocean, freegan, glutton, green fiend, lazy, materialistic, neat (G2), overachiever, perfectionist, slob, vegetarian (G2), animal enthusiast, bro, cat lover (G3), dog lover, family-oriented (G2), good (G2), hates children, insider, jealous, loner, loyal (G3), noncommittal, outgoing, party animal, proper, self-absorbed, snob, socially awkward
toddler angelic trait (G3), toddler charmer trait, toddler clingy trait (G2), toddler fussy trait, toddler independent trait, toddler inquisitive trait (G3), toddler silly trait (G4), toddler wild trait (G3)
infant cautious trait (G4), infant sensitive trait, infant calm trait, infant intense trait, infant wiggly trait, infant sunny trait
good manners trait (G2), bad manners trait, responsible trait (G2), irresponsible trait, mediator trait (G2), argumentative trait, compassionate trait (G3), insensitive trait, emotional control trait (G3), uncontrolled emotions trait
charisma (G2), comedy, cooking (G1), fishing, fitness (G2), gardening, gourmet cooking (G1), guitar, handiness (G1), logic (G1), mischief, mixology, painting (G3), piano (G1), photography (G2), programming, rocket science, video gaming, violin, writing, herbalism, baking (G3), wellness, DJ mixing, singing, dancing (G2), bowling, parenting (G2), veterinarian, pet training, archaeology, selvadoradian culture, flower arranging, acting, media production, robotics, research & debate (G2), fabrication, juice fizzing, knitting (G1), rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding, cross-stitch, entrepreneur
male heir (G2), single mom/dad heir, blended family (kids from both previous partners), queer heir (G2), have 1 kid in the generation, have 2 kids in the generation (G1), have 3 kids in the generation, have 4 kids in the generation (G2), have 5 kids in the generation, have twins (G1), have triplets, adopt a child (G2), one night stand pregnancy, broken engagement, marry a childhood friend, marry a coworker, marry someone who was once your enemy/rival, marry someone famous, never get married, have a cat (G1), have a dog (G1), have kittens/puppies
Extra things/collections
live in a tiny home, live off-the-grid for a season, live in an apartment (G2), live in a 3-storey home (G2), live on a farm, sell craftables on plopsy (G1), make/sell candles, have bees/sell honey, craft/sell fizzy juice, reach 5-star reputation for odd jobs
have a child do scouts, have a child do drama club, compete in E-Sports, compete in soccer, join cheer team, join chess team, join computer team, join football team
omiscan treasures and omiscan artifacts collections, city posters collection, snow globes collection, feathers collection, seashells collection, postcards collection, elements collection, mysims trophies collection
GEN 1 FOUNDER - Willa Bennett - Adventurous, Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured / Eco Innovator + Lady of the Knits
SPOUSE - Damon Napier - Music Lover, Self-Assured, Cheerful / Friend of the Animals
Living in: Brindleton Bay
CHILD #1 - Lyra Bennett - Creative, Foodie, Goofball / Musical Genius
CHILD #2 - Dawson Bennett - Cheerful, Neat, Bookworm / Academic
GEN 2 HEIR - Dawson Bennett - Cheerful, Neat, Bookworm / Academic
SPOUSE - Jack Sanders - Good, Family-Oriented, Vegetarian / Friend of the World
Living in: Britechester, Evergreen Harbour, Willow Creek
CHILD #1 - Nora Bennett - Bookworm, Unflirty, Hot-Headed / Renaissance Sim
CHILD #2 - Romeo Bennett - Neat, Loyal, Foodie / Soulmate
CHILD #3 - Bea Bennett - Animal Enthusiast, Cheerful, Dance Machine / Friend of the World
CHILD #4 - Sage Bennett - Goofball, Genius / Musical Genius
GEN 3 HEIR - Romeo Bennett - Neat, Loyal, Foodie / Soulmate
SPOUSE - Makenzie Thompson - Creative, Vegetarian, Cat Lover / Painter Extraordinaire
Living in: Willow Creek
CHILD #1 - Felix Bennett - ?? / ??
If you want to play like this yourself, the template and info is all here!
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lyingsims · 3 months
henry throughout the years
henry is this generation’s heir! he will be the sim i primarily follow, but i will be occasionally playing as his siblings or their children too :]
baby - infant
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infant trait: calm infant quirks: frequently sneezes, gassy, loves wakeup time
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toddler trait: angelic toddler quirks: light sleeper, loves wakeup time
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trait: genius notes: grade A student :] loved science, especially space, i never took a screenshot but his room was full of posters of rockets and planets!
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traits: genius, maker phase(s): loud
henry did so well in school that he graduated very early! he started university as soon as he could and studied physics. while he wasn't studying, henry helped his family out with money by woodworking and selling sculptures. his high handiness skill also meant that whenever there is a leak, the family always knew who to call!
for a while, henry wasn't particularly interested in any romance. however after meeting Ashley Cooper this changed, they almost instantly started dating each other!
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young adult
traits: genius, maker, ambitious
henry got his degree in physics and achieved his life-long dream of becoming an astronaut!
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after his siblings had both moved out, his girlfriend ashley moved into his family home and they soon got engaged as well as ashley becoming pregnant! they now have two infant daughters, rosemary and evelyn (i'd say they're about ten-twelve months apart)
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simshousewindsor · 1 year
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[Buckingsim Palace | Buckingsimshire]
Prince Rainier: Are you ready?
Queen Katherine: As ready as I'll ever be. I still can't believe he’s gone.
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Prince Rainier: Once you go down those stairs, his final farewell begins.
Queen Katherine: Are the children down there?
Prince Rainier: Everyone’s down there.
Queen Katherine: It’s time then.
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Queen Katherine: (walking)
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Queen Katherine: (walking)
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Queen Katherine: (gasps) Granny!
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Queen Zarah: (bows) Your Majesty.
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Queen Zarah: You’re not alone, darling.
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Queen Zarah: Today will go by in the blink of an eye.
Queen Katherine: (somber) I don't know if I can do this, granny.
Queen Zarah: We are the House of Windsor and we are with you. Your mother, sister and I will have your hand every step of the way. Now, let’s lay my son to rest!
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- - - - - LARA LEIGH MEMORIAL / THE MALL - - - - -
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- - - - - THE ABBEY - - - - -
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- - - - - THE FAREWELL - - - - -
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[Westsimster Abbey, Greater Easton]
[ALL]: (sings) “God save our gracious Queen, long live our noble Queen: God save The Queen.”
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[ALL]: (sings) “Send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us: God save The Queen.”
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[ALL]: (sings) “Thy choicest gifts in store on her be pleased to pour, long may she reign.”
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[ALL]: (sings) “May she defend our laws, and ever give us cause to sing with heart and voice:”
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[ALL]: (sings) “God save The Queen!”
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[The Archbishop of Calgary]: Let us commend to the mercy of God, our maker and redeemer, the soul of George, our late King.
Queen Katherine: (whispers) Thank you, Archbishop.
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Queen Katherine: In loving and devoted memory.
[The Archbishop of Calgary]: God grant to the living grace; to the departed rest; to the Church, The Queen, the Commonwealth, and all sims people, peace and concord, and to us sinners, life everlasting; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. Amen.
(the dean of Windsor breaks King George’s wand and lays it back on the coffin)
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- - - - - THE COMMITTAL - - - - -
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[The Archbishop of Calgary]: Go forth upon thy journey from this world, O Christian Sims: In the name of God the Father Almighty who created thee; In the name of Jesus Christ who suffered for thee: In the name of the Holy Spirit who strengthens thee. In communion with the blessed saints, and aided by Angels and Archangels, and all the armies of the heavenly host, may thy portion this day be in peace, and thy dwelling in the heavenly Jerulasim. Amen
(the coffin is lowered into the royal vault at Westsimster Abbey)
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fafnir19 · 10 months
The Angel Makers' Heir - Part III
Some days later, as I pushed open the heavy iron gates of the retirement home, an overwhelming sense of unease settled in my stomach. The responsibility of being able to decide life and death hung over me like a dark cloud. I didn't even know if it was real or just a nightmarish illusion. My student job here at the retirement home mainly involved assisting the staff with various tasks, including caring for the residents.
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Mrs. Jessen, a 97-year-old lady, had always captured my attention. Despite her good health, she seemed to have lost all joy in living. On countless occasions, she confided in me, expressing her desire for the end, insisting that the higher power had forsaken her. After attending to Mrs. Jessen, I began my walk back home as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the peaceful streets. Suddenly, the tranquility shattered as screeching tires filled the air. With a jolt, I ran toward the source of the commotion. A horrific car accident had unfolded before my eyes. In one vehicle, a child remained relatively unharmed, but the mother's condition looked dire. As panic tightened its grip on my chest, a surreal sight met my eyes. The three-legged stallion stood near the injured mother. The air hummed with a strange energy, and without thinking, I appealed to the equine figure. "Bring Mrs. Jessen and spare this woman," I pleaded, my voice trembling with uncertainty. The ache in my chest didn't leave, even as the paramedics arrived and swiftly whisked the injured mother away. I couldn't shake the feeling that the stallion's presence had significance beyond my understanding. The following day at the retirement home, the news spread like wildfire. Mrs. Jessen had peacefully passed in her sleep.
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Despite the melancholy that gripped me, a flicker of hope ignited within my heart as I heard the miraculous recovery of the mother from the car accident. The doctors deemed it an unexplainable phenomenon. Weeks passed, and as I walked through the bustling university campus, I couldn't shake the sense that the events at the retirement home and the accident had irrevocably altered my perception of life and death. The sun illuminated the path ahead, casting an amber glow over the vibrant foliage. My thoughts were interrupted by a commotion in the dining hall, drawing my attention to a student attempting to cheat off my paper during an exam. Professor Drather, the strict invigilator, caught him in the act, resulting in the student's failure. Outrageously, the student then accused me of collusion, hoping to drag me down with him. Fueled by indignation, I confronted the professor the next day, only to learn that he was at home nursing a mild cold. Exasperated, I vented my frustrations to my peers in the cafeteria, lamenting the injustice. A fellow student remarked, "If the professor is sick now, it's probably karma." I laughed hollowly, "Yes, may Hel drag him from his sickbed." The next day brought shocking news. Professor Drather had passed away, choking on a piece of ham. The realization struck me forcefully, sending a shiver down my spine. Dread coiled in the pit of my stomach, but beneath the fear, a newfound awareness burgeoned—a stark realization of the potential in the mysterious forces at play. And I thought:" Maybe I could make good use of my newfound super power...."
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My dear Readers, what do you think? Who should Luci send to the realm of Hel and who should he protect from being taken by the three-legged stallion?
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legends-expo · 1 year
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Interested in vending or exhibiting at LegendsCon? Apply before August 1st at https://legends-con.com/vendors
We're looking for vendors selling Star Wars books, comics, toys, art, collectibles and more to fill the exhibit hall September 9th & 10th in Burbank, CA! While we may be a smaller convention, the audience is very specifically Star Wars fans who are HUNGRY to buy your products from the pre-Disney era of Star Wars!
For book & comic sellers: Literature is the lifeblood of the Expanded Universe, and we are looking for vendors selling new and used Star Wars comics and books, as well as other books and comics by popular Star Wars authors — and anything else you would recommend to fans of Star Wars! We have a fantastic guest list of Matthew Stover, Randy Stradley, Barbara Hambly, Sean Stewart and Corinna Bechko who will all be signing at our event!
For toy and collectible sellers; This is THE place to sell your older Star Wars products! Our attendees love the obscure, and many are avid collectors. Everyone walking by your booth on the con floor will be an avid Star Wars fan eager to buy!
For artists & crafters: Even if you only have one specific Expanded Universe piece and the rest of your work pertains to the wider SW galaxy it will be worth your time to exhibit here! It is SO rare to find art and craftworks of Legends characters these days, our attendees will be very eager to buy!
Mara: @writergamernerd Luke: @brickmacklin Photo: @bekah.marie.photo
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kramphyx · 2 years
The Nyraid logs:
“You. You, who hears me, eons after my time. I have set these words down, even as my mind fractures under the weight of what I have done. Find my words, and remember their truths in my place. For I am the one who put the Destroyer in its chains. I am the one who murdered the Eridians. I am Nyraid”
“I am a Siren. Like the Destroyer, my kind has been called by many names. Oracle. Angel. Witch. Rarely are the names used kindly. I used to hate the ones that feared us, believing them ignorant. I think now, after what I have done, I better understand”
“Sirens have been hunted for as long as they have existed. Hunted out of fear, out of jealousy, out of misguided greed. The sisterhood was our way of passing down the craft of staying hidden, and staying alive when hiding was no longer an option”
“As the Siren sisterhood, we were the keepers of many answers, but our own nature remained elusive. We never knew our origins, nor our purpose. In this way, we are still undeniably mortal”
“I have never known a time without my sisters. Even when one passes and a new Siren receives her markings, she always finds her way to the sisterhood. It seemed the will of the universe that Sirens be together, our lives entwined like an unseen braid”
“No thread is ever truly cut. It can be tied to another, whether knotted by careful fingers or tangled by chance. Every Siren must decide what will happen when their thread reaches its end”
“To inherit a Siren’s gift is also to inherit her curse. This is the choice of a Siren presented with death — pass on the gift and burden someone worthy, or release it, and burden an unknown soul who has no idea that the entire universe is about to want them dead”
“When the Eridians found me, my sisters tried to fight them off. But I stopped them. I saw what lay behind their open hands. I knew that anyone who would ask for my help was already lost”
“The Eridians left their mark on countless worlds, but few are as uncanny as the Guardians. They are quasi-life, a half-truth, driven by instructions they only partially understand. They are hardly the ideal custodians one would chose to guard the leashed terrors of the universe. But in their resolute imperfection, they at least mirror their creators”
“The soul of a Guardian is a little more than data to be transferred from one shell to another. I have never seen where they reside if not in their physical bodies, and I suspect I never will. A soldier who cannot be killed and n their sleep is a dangerous one”
“Since the Guardians are not bound to individual bodies, it is nearly impossible to know how many the Eridians might have made. An uncountable army, hidden below the surfaces of hundreds of words. We are fortunate that they rarely stray from their wards”
“The Vaults operate as a self-contained prisons. The Guardians have no need to serve as jail-keepers, only as sentinels at the walls. Why, then, bring them so close to consciousness? What purpose has a thinking spear?”
“I suspect that some Guardians are keener than others. I have seen them acting of their own accord and even heard them speak. What spark do they have that the others’ lack? Was it freely given, or stolen like the fire of the gods’?”
“I have seen the Guardians change their own bodies, lengthening their blades or strengthening their armour as they require. I wonder how far they might change themselves now, in the absence of their makers”
“I do not believe that Eridians intended the Guardians to be their heirs. Though they are technological marvels, they were held back from true emergence, kept in the dark to be of greater use. I wonder if they resent their creators for it. Even the sharpest knife is still a simple tool”
“What will happen, I wonder, when all the Vaults are empty, and all the terrors are dead? Will the Guardians still stand by their vigil? Will they find a greater purpose? And what is stopping them from finding it now?”
“We once lived side-by-side with the Eridians, though already the forgetting has begun. There was no fear of one another. Only awe on one side, and a kind of sadness on the other. They never said if they knew their fate before it fell. But they also never said any of us had a choice”
“I may be the last to ever learn the Eridian language from one of their own. I have so many questions I should have asked them while I had the chance. Like why the Eridian term for ‘home world’ also means ‘first landing’”
“The Eridians were neither gods nor demons. They were simply a people whose abilities outpaced their needs, so in their curiosity broke down walls that should have stayed up. They were, perhaps, fated to be erased at their own behest, like the forest that grows so that it may burn”
“The Destroyer. A practical name for an incomprehensible evil. Surely it has has millions of names more poetic or subtle. But none of the civilisations who coined them survived to pass them on, or anything else for that matter. Only the Destroyer itself knows for sure how long it has been tearing through the universe… eating it’s own name”
“The Destroyer is ever hungry. Perhaps that is obvious when regarding a horror that gnaws on the edges of galaxies. But its appetite only grew as it ate the stars, never stopping even to swallow”
“I do not know how the Eridians became aware of the Destroyer. They never spoke of a time before it. But I suspect that they went searching for it, or something like it, and for their curiosity they were rewarded with doom”
“What is the Destroyer? It is a mouth with endless appetite. It is hate that never cools. It is the long shadow cast by our universe against the mouldering sun of time. It will never truly be contained. Merely made to wait until it’s chains slip — or are slipped for it.”
“The prison known as Pandora is the most incredible cage ever constructed. An unbreakable lock meant to hold an unceasing evil for all eternity. Even for the Eridians, whose reach could pluck stars from across the void, it was the work of centuries”
“The creation of Pandora took the minds of generations to assemble. It was an impossible task, the scope unthinkable, the cost of failure too great. Still, they worked diligently, even as stars in the sky above them began to wink out”
“Pandora’s upper mantle is made of solid Eridium. It is this shell that now holds the Destroyer tightly in its bonds. The pressures and energies at work beneath the surface of the planet are titanic in scale. If the cycle is disrupted in any way, it is entirely possible that the Eridium will force its way to the surface. I fear such a thing might attract the wrong kind of attention”
“Not all shared the desperate optimism of the Eridians. There were some who hoped to appease the Destroyer and save their own souls by attacking the yet-unfinished Pandora. They were met by another of the Eridians’ creations — the Warrior. Though their coup was obliterated, the Warrior now sleeps in its own Vault, ready to defend it from any who would further trespass against Pandora”
“The momentous task of caging the Destroyer was made all the more difficult by its intelligence. It understands the beings it consumes and the cultures it dissolves. To trick such a being required a great sacrifice — a lure. Millions of lives that entered Pandora ahead of its captive, temping it further inward. I can only hope they were already dead when I closed the gate behind it”
“All prisoners must be fed, even the Destroyer. The Eridians devised of a feeding slot that calls wayward souls to open it every two hundred years. A cruel surprise for those that open this false Vault, but in exchange the small morsel will keep the Destroyer sedate over the eons. In any case, the victims will not be in pain for long”
“It was here that I killed them. A billion lives to power a machine. Should it comfort me that they will thrum in its heart forever? Perhaps oblivion would have been kinder. It would have been for me, at least”
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Ramble About: 2k12 Karai! Specifically, her dealing with her new siblings [Foot!Casey AU basically] xD
| ramble about your muse
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I will be keeping this mostly to the foot!Casey Au cause im living for this whole concept now uwu
At first karai like many kids when new kids are brought into the family hated them. Well more the idea of her father having more kids.
it didn't take long for the three to become close however
Angel is just pure baby and Karai took to being a big sister pretty easy
I like to think Karai helps with doing Angel's hair
that the two have little slumber parties that Casey either is allowed to join or just sort of joins in on
The first time Angel refered to Karai as her big sister she almost cried. She has some family issue all things consider so it was nice.
She tots uses Angel to gag up on Casey cause Angel can get him to agree to anything.
She has "bought" a lot of gifts for Angel over the years
Casey took a bit more to warm up to cause of them having similar tempers and Casey being pretty brash
Karai now feeling she had competition for Shredders approval as well considering she and Casey are the same age (some sexist bullshit too since Casey's a boy I sure she felt her place could be taken at any moment as the heir to Shredders clan.)
With all this pressure one day Shredder snapped at her and she handle it fine in front of everyone but once she could she took off and hid to cry.
Casey came to check on her and manged to cheer her up cause well hes a lovable idiot.
Soon Casey wasn't just a sort of rival but also a source of comfort.
She wasn't alone anymore she had siblings and that kind of changed everything for her.
Casey and Her fight all the time often butting heads ofc but anytime someone wanted to call out Casey as merely being adopted in the clan? they were dealing with Karai.
Casey lives for the fact hes a month older than her and during that month where he is she has to deal with him being the biggest bitch. Since Casey likes to say he's the oldest meanwhile Karai all well im the heir but age matter more apparently XD
Despite all this because Karai is known as a trouble maker rebel as they got older she used to sneak him and her out so they could sneak into hockey games. Especially for his brithday.
Karai, Casey and Angel often would do this as well just sneak out into the town for a bit
If Shredder got mad Karai always took the fall for them all. So to protect the other two and because Shredder would hold back a bit with Karai.
I can see the three of them getting all done up like doing make up get dressed up in street clothes and such to hit the city or just something to do at home.
They likely had a sort of movie night thing to least when younger when they got older not as easy since karai often is busy with foot clan stuff to learn from Shredder.
I feel Shredder dose plan on each kid doing something in the clan when they get older. Karai is still heir but maybe plans Casey being like right hand so the one in charge of missions which is why he gets the mission to play double agent later.
Even if they fight often they do have nice moments here and there so when Casey was given his mission to be double agent so to speak? She was very worried
Casey is a bitch and such but Karai knows he has a good heart as well so she keep tabs on his progress
When she noticed he seemed to be getting closer to Raphael though? She worried not ever thinking he betray them no because eventually Casey was going to have to betray Raph and that may lead to Casey's heart being broken
Often would tease him over this obvious development but it was her way of checking in on him.
Look she knows hes a freak and monster fucker but she can tell Casey clearly caught feelings here.
Karai is known to throw some wins at the turtles in this AU it was away to let Casey have more time because she could tell her brother was actually enjoying his time, buying him a bit more of that before things had to be put to an end
In other words despite all their head butting Karai would do anything for her brother to be happy and her sister of course.
Once Casey's cover is blown and his mission is considered a success? Karai poses Shredder should maybe keep the turtles? Since he hasn't fully decided what to do. Her motive? maybe Casey can still be with Raph somehow.
I never liked this jacket as part of her wardrobe so I have decided it's Casey's and she fucking stole it uwu
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feathersofstarlight · 2 years
🌠Can We Pretend That Airplanes In The Night Sky Are Like Shooting Stars? 🌠
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Name: Stolas Ars Goetia
Nicknames: Princey, Orion, Feathers, Birdy, Birdy boy, Bird boy, Tweety, Tweety Bird
Before he got with Blitz, he had no experience with sex aside from Stella but he doesn't think that really counts seeing as it was only to have a precautionary heir to the Goetia throne. It was an obligation in his eyes.
Despite what many may think, Stolas isn't stupid. He's very naive and a bit ditzy but it's because his parents weren't exactly present in his life. Paimon only paid attention to him when he had to and his mother wasn't really in the picture. And he had no social life outside of the imps that were responsible for taking care of him bc his parents "had other obligations"
Blitz was his first and only friend. The attraction was instant on his part and really wishes Blitz would see him as more than just a ticket to the living world or a bed buddy.
He has so many regrets when it comes to Octavia. He regrets not being there for her enough because of his constant fighting with Stella and is always trying to do better. Though it seems to fall flat most of the time.
He goes to see the stars when he needs time to himself. Occasionally he brings Blitz or Via with him for some quality time but he uses it mostly as an escape.
He has a MASSIVE praise kink. Blitz started it.
Even though he has access to hookers to blow off steam with, he won't. Occasionally, he has Angel over to talk or hang out just to get Valentino to leave him alone.
Stolas briefly had a thing with Valentino a long time ago but he realized his mistake and now wants nothing to do with him.
He makes bird noises when he's angry, excited or very happy. He also makes them when he laughs or when he's aroused.
His beak is sharper than it looks and he's scared he'll accidentally hurt Blitz with it at some point.
He's kinkier than one would expect. He's deeply into BDSM and identifies as a Switch.
He can't cook to save his life. He's never had to but finds it fascinating and is willing to learn.
He doesn't get along with many of the Overlords but tolerates them. Some more than others.
He is terrifying when he's pissed off. Especially in his full demon form.
He can possess people but only when he has to or just feels like scaring the shit out of them.
He loves rom-coms but can't stand horror movies. He's a scaredy cat.
He can petrify anyone, similar to a gorgon. And he can decide if it's a full petrification or only a partial one. It's temporary and he can free them at any time
He can shift between having male, female or both genitals.
He does go into heat because he's a bird and has a cloaca.
He molts every Summer. During this time, he becomes itchy, kind of irritable and super self-conscious about how he looks but it all goes away when his new feathers grow back.
He has quite a few siblings but he's never met them. Paimon had a lot of children.
Stolas is surprisingly jealous. Specifically when it comes to Blitz.
One of the main ways he shows affection is grooming/preening. This might occasionally cause problems 😂
He's into Witchcraft. Stolas is a master potion maker and knows a lot about plants, crystals and the stars.
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bills-bible-basics · 1 month
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NEW JERUSALEM THE HEAVENLY CITY -- KJV (King James Version) Bible Verse List Visit https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/ to see more. "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." John 14:2-3, KJV "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all." Galatians 4:26, KJV "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God . . . These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city." Hebrews 11:8-10, 13-16, KJV "But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel." Hebrews 12:22-24, KJV "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come." Hebrews 13:13-14, KJV "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name." Revelation 3:12, KJV "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God . . . And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel. And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done . . . I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." Revelation 21:2-3, 9-27, 22:1-6, 13-14, KJV If you would like more info regarding the origin of these KJV Bible verse lists, go to https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/. Thank-you! https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/new-jerusalem-the-heavenly-city-kjv-king-james-version-bible-verse-list/?feed_id=192724&NEW%20JERUSALEM%20THE%20HEAVENLY%20CITY%20--%20KJV%20%28King%20James%20Version%29%20Bible%20Verse%20List
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bornangelauthor · 2 months
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🎃First of 14 Teaser's the new book!🎃
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🎃An Angel Ensnared🎃
This book features some exciting revelations, old enemies that may not be enemies after all, and Kalista isn't willing to let anyone remain bound to the Monster that imprisoned her for 17 years. I'll be dropping one Teaser every Tuesday!
🎃Blurb 💀
Life is settling down for Kalista, the Heir of Lucifer, or so it seems.
After defying expectation by declining the invitation to join the Preternatural and Mythical Creatures Agency, Kalista has started a research project documenting Created Angels. Why? So she can learn more about her soul’s enemy, Vretil the Corrupted Angel of Light, Knowledge, and Truth. Then it happens, the Maker, the creator of everything, sends her another vision: A call to action!
Someone Kalista thought was an enemy is a victim caught in the Triumvirate of Evil’s web. Is this a trick, or have her powers been telling her the truth all along? Kalista must decide to use the Book of Divination to free the ensnared Born Angel of Light, Love, and Prophecy, or she will be imprisoned forever.
Quote from my Editor, and emotional support Australian, M. Sluis:
"Stuff happens, some folks die, others live, including ones you don't expect and probably wanted to die!"
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Want to know more? Click here to go to the page on my website or on this to sign up to arc read!
Thank you for Reading!
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xtruss · 2 months
Who Are Kamala Harris' Apparent Puppeteers?
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A Proven Incompetent and the Worst VPOTUS, Randian Kamala Harris! © AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta
Alex Soros, the son and heir of the Democratic Party's longtime donor George Soros, was quick to endorse Harris for president after Joe Biden dropped out.
After Alex Soros endorsed Kamala Harris for the presidency on X, Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted: "I’d just like to thank Alexander Soros for not keeping everyone in suspense about who the next puppet would be."
Harris has been repeatedly called a part of "cabal", a "deep state" creature who allegedly advanced her career through nepotism. Influence Watch, a project launched by DC-based think tank Capital Research Center, refers to media criticism of Harris' affair with then-Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown, who reportedly promoted her to top positions in the 1990s.
The watchdog particularly quoted the San Francisco Chronicle that claimed that Harris had long been beholden to Brown, who used to be one of the most powerful politicians in California for almost three decades.
"[Harris] Is Part of A Home State Democratic Cabal, An Insiders' Machine," The Los Angeles Times Remarked In December 2019.
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Deep State Could Take ‘Another Shot’ at Trump - Two Former US Officials! Former CIA Analyst and Co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity Ray McGovern and Former US Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts speculated
Despite her rapid rise to power, Kamala's ambitions often exceeded her abilities, the newspaper noted, adding that she didn't excel in her job as an attorney general, failed to establish herself as a US senator, and had a botched presidential campaign in 2020 which ended quickly due to lack of funds and popularity.
This time, however, a number of liberal donors and political heavyweights have signaled their support to her. Besides Alex Soros, Wall Street executive Marc Lasry and venture capitalist Reid Hoffman have endorsed Harris for president. Hoffmann might donate over $10 million to her campaign, as per CNBC. Harris has already raised over $60 million and is due to get access to Biden's $95+ million "war chest."
Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also rushed to throw their weight behind Harris. In February 2023, Hillary was quoted as saying in private that Harris lacked the "political instincts" to win a Democratic primary. Still, the Clinton entourage claims that Hillary and Kamala have a strong bond. The New York Times reported in December 2021 that Harris regularly sought Clinton's counsel after becoming Biden's veep.
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“War Criminal, Witch and Crooked: Hillary Clinton” Doubts Kamala Harris Can Make It to the White House in 2024
It appears that the Clintons and the Soroses are seeking to become "queen-makers" by pushing ahead with Kamala's candidacy. Former Democratic lawmaker Tulsi Gabbard recently slammed Harris for being the "maidservant of queen of warmongers" Hillary Clinton and a "new figurehead for the deep state".
Meanwhile, a number of top Democrats and wealthy liberal donors, including Stewart Bainum Jr., remain skeptical about Harris' chances of winning the 2024 presidential election. Former President Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are yet to endorse her, while some Democrats propose holding a mini-primary before the August 19 convention or are calling for an open nomination process.
— Ekaterina Blinova | Monday July 22, 2024
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nijjhar · 8 months
Punjabi - Jew, Hindu, Sikh, etc. are spiritual selves that are never bor... Punjabi - Jew, Hindu, Sikh, etc. are the spiritual selves that are never born or die but the tribal people. https://youtu.be/6WIJaiVyU7E Jew, Hindu, Sikh, etc. are the spiritual selves that are never born or die but the tribal people. https://youtu.be/4CN9GCNgzQs Truth is bitter whilst the Gospel Truth is very bitter to the hypocrites. Now, Moses put Christ in his heart and gained the knowledge of the Oral Torah, which is His Word that Christ Jesus came to deliver but they hated him the most and in the end, killed him too for no fault but for exposing the hypocrite by the power of His Word, the double-edged sword. So, Light came among his own people of the Juda tribe but they loved darkness to keep carrying on fleecing the people. The Temple Priests knew that Jesus is the Christ, the Heir of the Complex (Parable of the Winepress, the Jerusalem school of theology) and they planned to kill him to occupy the Temple, which they did by crucifying him. This they did to show the characteristics of the eleven patriarchs who wanted to kill Joseph for telling the truth to Father Jacob. John, the Baptist was an Angel called Prophet Elijah (my god is the demiurge Potter Yahweh), a witness to the Light, a true Rabbi in whose name Christ Jesus had 70 outer circle labourers, witnesses, to the True Light = His Word = Oral Torah and they went in pairs to baptise the Jewish men in water in the name of Abraham, making them faithful sons of Abraham and Yahweh as the Samaritans were who with the knowledge of His Word picked up the wounded person in Agape and looked after him with the divine love “Agape ”, which is far greater than the tribal love Eros that Moses created in the wilderness and no more fighting among them called lifting up the Satan snake that caused a rift among them. So, under Agape, we should be international peacemakers lifting the cobras among the nations. but most of the churches employ HIRELING priests as the councils employ the policemen in uniform. these hireling dog-collared priests work for Mammon and not God. They are thieves of the order of Judas Iscariot who was stealing money from the church purse and not working as a tent maker as St. Paul demonstrated and working for God devoted to delivering the bitter life-giving Gospel Truth sermons that set people free of Mammon devoted to Mammon-free God rather than delivering the sugar-coated sermons of falsehoods to please their masters in Mammon and attract more customers into their Anti-Christ business of prayer and fasting as the Disciples of the Blind Jewish Rabbis were promoting and creating spiritually blind people hating Christ Jesus. It is the Gospel Truth that creates Philia Love and peace in society whereas the falsehoods create sectarian riots such as Catholics and Protestants. Jesus had clearly stressed that in God, we have one Fold, the Church of God headed by one Mammon-Free Shepherd Christ Jesus and his Twin Apostle Friends, the Saints. thus, the churches asking for donations employ the hireling dog-collared priests spiritually dead in the letters, the old wine as the university professors are today and they create the sectarian riots. so, please think twice before you donate money to the churches whose priests live lavishly on widow's mites. calling Jesus a lord that has spiritually slave disciples is a sign of the anti-Christ. in Christ Jesus, we have one father and we are all brethren in spirit and not physically. thus, in the church of god headed by Christ Jesus, we are all brethren representing and glorifying our Father in honour of Christ Jesus. That is what Christ Jesus said, "there is neither male nor female, Jew or Gentile, etc. of the physical secular world but Brethren in our spiritual Celestial world of Sadhu Melchizedek". We are the predestined Royal Priests of our Mammon-free Royal King whose regime in Agape has no end. The secular kings have commandments whilst our Royal King has none to bind you. The Philia love in which you preach the Gospel from the roof-tops pleases our Father and He will take you into his Fold where we enjoy Storge Love in which there is neither giving nor taking, the seventh husband of the woman whose six husbands died without binding her to the secular world of families as the Sadhus do not have the secular ties. Mary Magdalene was a typical example who was free of the seven demons, the rituals represented by the seven candles of Menorah. Much more in my other videos if you are interested; channel One God One Faith. Any help:- YouTube removes my Bitter Videos. My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Private Bitter Gospel Truth videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JAntisem.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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