#Angelica S
atomic-raunch · 6 months
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Angela Jones
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90s-2000s-barbie · 7 months
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3LW (2003)
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90scartoons · 1 year
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madeofbees · 2 years
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I’m a trust fund baby you can trust me~~
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mynahh266 · 6 months
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My sigverse opinion chart (antag is now blue-green, celeste is now green yellow,
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trve-grimdark · 4 months
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Angelica Bridges as Red Sonja (Conan Adventures)
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I’m sick in bed.
I fear I’m dying.
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bhaalposting · 3 months
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Angelica x Ketheric Thorm ₊˚⊹⋆| Follower
just a silly doodle comm I got of my self insert - follower of Myrkul & devotee to Ketheric - alongside her obsession <3
i need more art of them or to make my own but… it's more fun to commission better artists. anyways i love my old man and he deserves more attention but… from me </3
art commissioned from @ zipperqwerty on instagram !!
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hamilton---admin · 8 months
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The Schuyler Sisters - Requested by @enbydykeism and Anonymous
This was the hardest one yet for me, but it's probably my favourite so far! Hope you like it! :)
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misterparadigm · 9 months
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Versatility practice. Angelica Pickles in both the original style and Mallory Bash style.
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atomic-raunch · 11 months
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Angelica Jones
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90s-2000s-barbie · 2 years
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3LW, 2003
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
any good hamdad anecdotes? i've heard of a few and they're always really cute
Absolutely. I'll spare you the sad ones.
The time Hamilton chose crabs over Angelica's pie and teasingly reassured her it wasn't because they moved it (Hamilton was prone to forgetfulness, it's likely Angelica taunted him about this);
Give my love to Angelica & assure [her] that I did not leave her pye out of resentment for her having changed its original destination; but because it was impossible to take it with us without abandonning a basket of Crabs which was sent to my care for Mrs. Rensselaer. It has always been my creed that a lady’s pleasure is of more importance than a Gentleman’s, so the pye gave way to the Crabs. It was a nice question, but after mature reflection I decided in favour of the latter. Perhaps as a Creole I had some sympathy with them.
(source — Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, [1801])
Three days before the duel, Hamilton laid out under a tree with all his kids until it got dark;
The next day, Sunday, before the heat of the day, [Alexander Hamilton] walked with his wife over all the pleasant scenes of his retreat. On his return to the house, his family being assembled, he read the morning service of the Episcopal church. The intervening hours till evening were spent in kind companionship; and at the close of the day, gathering around him his children under a near tree, he laid with them upon the grass until the stars shone down from the heavens.
(source — Life of Alexander Hamilton, by John Church Hamilton)
While preparing for the Grange, camping out in the yard reminded Hamilton of his war days and he told the kids about war stories;
[D]uring the erection of [Hamilton’s] rural dwelling, he caused a tent to be pitched, and camp-stools to be placed under the shading trees. He measured distances, as though measuring the frontage of a camp; and then, as he walked along, his step seemed to fall naturally into the cadenced pace of a practiced drill. It was his delight in his hours of relaxation to return to scenes and incidents of his early life, when fighting for this country, and praying for its protection.
(source — Life of Alexander Hamilton, by John Church Hamilton)
Hamilton often slept besides his kids, and found amusement in playing with Holly;
I am here my beloved Betsy with my two little boys John & William who will be my bed fellows to night. The day I have passed was as agreeable as it could be in your absence; but you need not be told how much difference your presence would have made […] The remainder of the Children were well yesterday. Eliza pouts and plays, and displays more and more her ample stock of Caprice.
(source — Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, [March 20, 1803])
Hamilton used to sing while Angelica played the piano;
Hamilton's gentle nature rendered his house a joyous one to his children and friends. He accompanied His daughter Angelica when she played and sang the piano. His intercourse with his children was always affectionate and confiding, which excited in them a corresponding confidence and devotion.
(source — Reminiscences of James A. Hamilton)
Hamilton used to take James on carriage rides when he had to travel places and gave him advice;
While we were living at the Grange I used to drive out with my father, and often accompanied him when he dined with his friend Gouverneur Morris. During one of these drives, soon after my conversation with my uncle, I told my father what I had learned, and made the suggestion which Mr. Morton had requested. He replied without hesitation, ‘‘No, my son; if I received a part of the profits of that business, I should be responsible for it; as I cannot attend to it, I cannot consent to receive what I do not earn.’’
(source — Reminiscences of James A. Hamilton)
Hamilton often helped his sons with their speeches, and once gave James a thesis on discretion as a subtle hint he was a bit too talkative;
The first impression as to the words underscored was, that I might need the Thesis as an exercise. Immediate subsequent events of the most painful character induced the belief that it was intended as an admonition that I wanted that ‘homely virtue,’ discretion, of which the thesis treated. How far I have profited by the admonition this relation of the errors of my life may prove. The reader may perhaps say that in attempting to write these reminiscences I have shown that the admonition was thrown away.
(source — Reminiscences of James A. Hamilton)
Hamilton was overjoyed at Philip's performance at his last oration, that he said he was the only one who could have surpassed him;
The eldest child was a son, on whom his hopes rested with a confidence that would not have been disappointed. Distinguished for genius and elevated feeling from his earliest years, this youth had recently graduated at Columbia College. So satisfied was his father with the display of talent in an oration delivered by him at the end of his academic career, that he re-marked: ‘‘I could not have been contented to have been surpassed by any other than my son;’’ and never was he more delighted than with the gratulations which poured in upon him on this occasion.
(source — History of the republic of the United States of America, as traced in the writings of Alexander Hamilton and of his contemporaries, by John Church Hamilton)
He used to play marbles and fly kites with his younger boys;
What a home Hamilton's lovely nature made to all its inmates! By his family he was adored; the humblest member of his household seemed contented with his lot, as he walked forth at early morn to direct their labors with kind greetings and kinder smiles. “Would not this be well?” “Might not this be better?” were the terms of his guidance. [...] Their education now was under his frequent supervision; their course of reading was indicated, and their themes corrected. Every source of usefulness and virtuous pleasure he would cultivate with severer studies—music; (he sang a little)—the graces and the arts; with his younger boys he played marbles and flew kites, making merry pastime.
(source — History of the republic of the United States of America, as traced in the writings of Alexander Hamilton and of his contemporaries, by John Church Hamilton)
Hamilton was too anxious about letting Philip travel on his own, so he barely let him travel for very long and had a friend keep an eye on him;
As my eldest son Philip, who lately graduated, will pass through Providence on his way to Boston, I give him this line barely to introduce him to you; since the time I have prescribed for his return will not permit the stay of more than a day at Providence.
(source — Alexander Hamilton to Jeremiah Olney, [August 12, 1800])
The night before the duel, Hamilton slept besides John C.;
I recall a single incident about it with full clearness. [...] The day before the duel I was sitting in a room, when, at a slight noise, I turned around and saw my father in the doorway, standing silently there and looking at me with a most sweet and beautiful expression of countenance. It was full of tenderness, and without any of the business pre-occupation he sometimes had. “John,” he said, when I had discovered him, “won't you come and sleep with me to-night?” His voice was frank as if he had been my brother instead of my father. That night I went to his bed, and in the morning very early he awakened me, and taking my hands in his palms, all four hands extended, he said and told me to repeat the Lord's Prayer. Seventy-five years have since passed over my head, and I have forgotten many things, but not that tender expression when he stood looking at me in the door nor the prayer we made together the morning before the duel. I do not so well recollect seeing him lie upon his deathbed, though I was there.
(source — Interview with John Church Hamilton, reminiscences about his father)
That's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure there's more.
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trailsofmemes · 2 years
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Transcript since I know some of the text is hard to read:
Sara: Tag what you're majoring in.
Angelica: Respecting Women
Crow: Bat man
Towa: Minecraft
Elliot: Youtube
Fie: Fuckin' weed
Laura: W
Machias: Criminal Justice and psychology
Rean: I'm terrified that I'll lock myself into an interest that I'll no longer be passionate about in a few years like all the other areas of study I've pursued over my life.
Gaius: Minecraft as well.
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roguestorm · 1 year
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[Transcription of Angelica's speech bubbles:
At the gala, when it was clear we'd lost, Jean telepathically inserted memories into Stasis' head about recruiting me and being a double agent so I could help whoever survived in whatever way I could, and before she could tell anyone else, she died -- and now I'm here alone trying to do what I can, and I didn't ask for this, but Jean did it anyway and said I had to volunteer, but I didn't really volunteer, and I didn't even want to be an X-Man, but now that I am, I know I can be important - I can be of service. I am a mutant and I'm proud. I r-resist.]
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Kitty heard a story about Jean a) creating secrets, b) drafting people into roles they didn't want, and c) altering memories, and she was immediately like, "Yeah, I buy that because it sounds exactly like her." Love my girl <3
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lazytownlane · 1 year
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