whereiseefashion · 1 year
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Match #456
The Atelier Couture "Thy Love" collection details | Dew drops on a pale pink rose
This month, June 2023, WISF turned 10 years old! How crazy is that? It's incredible to think how much I have grown since I started this blog and I'm so grateful it's been appreciated by so many people and where it has taken me. I wanted to do something special so I decided to share with you my process in making this match: check out the timelapse video on my Instagram!
As you can see I have two folders in my computer where I archive all kinds of pictures I find inspiring, one is named "left" and it's for fashion, and the "right" one is for everything else. I use Photoshop to edit the pictures together and to adjust the crops / color tones if needed. Today I was obviously inspired by flowers and this is what I ended up with!
I hope you enjoy, thank you for sticking with me ♡
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makeyoumine69 · 1 year
1 year ago, on September 23rd, I posted my very first Patrick Bateman fic, and that day changed my life. I had no followers, no friends, and I didn't expect my fics to get any attention at all. Patrick became my biggest inspiration and the most comforting character I could have ever dreamed of.
Despite the fact that Tumblr can be very cruel and depressing at times, after a year of being here I now have almost 2.5k followers, and I've met so many amazing people.
So I just want to thank everyone who has ever read my stories. Every like, every reblog, every comment makes me happier and motivates me to keep going. I've written over 100k words for Patrick, and I hope this is just the beginning!💗
My special thanks to my mutts who have always been there for me, I love you guys!🥰💓😍 @sleeplessphantom @lissasharp @theesirenteller @moosesquirrelrb @melis-writes @melis-writes @thvshusband @ahsxual @nervousbananacupcake @r04dk1ll-w4nn4b3 @bookwormvoyageuse @whereireid @bunnylouisegrimes @thecitysgraveyard @tres-spades-hotel @bluujaiwrites @jacktorrancekinny @ladyalexandranna @jadeslashes
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punk70 · 4 months
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━═☆ [̲̅J̲̅][̲̅O̲̅][̲̅E̲̅][̲̅Y̲̅] [̲̅R̲̅][̲̅A̲̅][̲̅M̲̅][̲̅O̲̅][̲̅N̲̅][̲̅E̲̅☆═━
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hicapacity · 21 days
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40 évesen Franz Kafka (1883-1924), aki sosem házasodott meg és nem volt gyereke, egy nap Berlinben sétált egy parkban, amikor találkozott egy lánnyal, aki azért sírt, mert elvesztette kedvenc babáját. Kafka segített neki a babát keresni, de nem jártak sikerrel.
Kafka azt mondta neki, hogy másnap ott találkozzanak, és folytatják a keresést.
Másnap sem találták meg a babát, de Kafka odaadta a lánynak a baba által „írott” levelet, hogy „kérlek ne sírj! Elutaztam világot látni. Írni fogok neked a kalandjaimról."
Így kezdődött egy történet, amely Kafka életének végéig folytatódott.
Kafka a találkozóik során gondosan felolvasta a baba leveleit a sok kalandról, amelyeket a lány imádnivalónak talált.
Végül Kafka visszahozta Berlinbe a babát (vett egyet).
"Nem is hasonlít az én babámra" - mondta a lány.
Kafka átadott neki egy újabb levelet, amiben a baba azt írta: "Az utazásaim megváltoztattak engem." A kislány megölelte az új babát, és boldogan haza vitte.
Egy évvel később Kafka meghalt.
Sok évvel később a most felnőtt lány talált egy levelet a babában. A Kafka által aláírt apró levélben ez volt írva:
"Valószínűleg minden, amit szeretsz, elveszik, de a végén a szeretet máshogy tér vissza. "
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green-robber · 6 months
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Happy 13th aniversary to Inanimate Insanity!
And Happy Waluigi Day, Cheaters!
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punk70 · 7 days
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18 de septiembre de 1951. Nace, Douglas Glenn Colvin (Dee Dee Ramone). en Fort Lee, Virginia, Estados Unidos. Fue el co-fundador y bajista del grupo de punk rock Ramones. Aunque casi todas las canciones de los Ramones fueron acreditadas por todos los miembros de la banda, Dee Dee era el letrista y compositor más prolífico de la banda, escribiendo muchas de las canciones más conocidas del grupo, como "53rd & 3rd", "Commando", "Rockaway Beach" y "Poison Heart". Inicialmente fue vocalista de la banda, aunque su incapacidad para cantar y tocar el bajo al mismo tiempo le dio el lugar como vocalista al original baterista Joey Ramone.
Dee Dee serviría como bajista de la banda y compositor desde 1974 hasta 1989, cuando decidió hacer un breve paso en la música hip hop bajo el nombre de "Dee Dee King". Pronto regresó a sus raíces punks lanzado tres álbumes en solitario con canciones totalmente nuevas, muchas de las cuales luego fueron registradas por los Ramones.
Realizó una gira por el mundo tocando en clubes pequeños presentando sus canciones además de algunas de sus favoritas de los Ramones, continuó escribiendo para los Ramones hasta 1996, cuando la banda se retiró oficialmente. Dee Dee luchó con la adicción a las drogas durante gran parte de su vida, en particular con la heroína. Comenzó a usar drogas cuando era adolescente, y continuó durante su vida adulta. Parecía que en la década de 1990 se había limpiado, pero volvió a consumir un tiempo después. Murió de una sobredosis de heroína el 5 de junio de 2002.
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doodlebob54 · 19 days
Yoooooo, one day left before my birthday and Sasha's 11 year anniversary, im very excited for that
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omniaimy · 11 months
Aniversary date
Wilbur x reader (obvi)
No TW I think... correct me if i am wrong
It's just a cute lil oneshot :)
(This is actually draft number 7, picked by @quinty207:) If you would wanna pick a draft between 1 and 14 it'd be great! Or leave some ideas in the comments)
Summary: You two were planning to go to a chic restaurant for your aniversary, but it didn't go as planned... Wilbur comes to the resque though!
Enjoy reading and lmk what you think!
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The chilly autumn air wrapped around Y/n and Wilbur as they strolled along the cobblestone streets. It was their third anniversary, a special day to remember. They had a plan for a fancy dinner at a posh restaurant where they had their first date – a place filled with beautiful memories.
But right when they were almost at the restaurant, they saw a sign hanging on the door that said, "CLOSED FOR RENOVATION."
Y/n's face showed a mix of disappointment and surprise. "Oh no, what do we do now?"
Wilbur scratched his head, grinning a bit nervously. "Well, we might have to go with a plan B. How about we head to McDonald's?" he suggested.
Y/n looked at him, her eyes filled with curiosity. "McDonald's for our special dinner?"
Wilbur chuckled, his blue eyes crinkling in the corners. "I know it's not as fancy as the other place, but it's about us, right? As long as we have fun and enjoy the evening, does it really matter where we are?"
Y/n's heart swelled with affection for Wilbur. "You're absolutely right," she said, giving his hand a loving squeeze. "Let's go to McDonald's."
They walked over to the nearby McDonald's, giggling and talking along the way. Inside, they ordered their favorite meals and found a cozy spot to sit. The restaurant's bright lights and the busy atmosphere didn't bother them.
As they shared fries and stories, Y/n felt her love for Wilbur grow stronger. It didn't matter where they were; what mattered was the person sitting across from her, the one who had been with her through thick and thin, the one who made every moment special.
Wilbur couldn't stop looking at Y/n, his heart overflowing with love. He reached over and held her face gently, gazing into her eyes. "I love you, Y/n," he whispered, his voice full of sincerity.
Tears of happiness welled up in Y/n's eyes as she replied, "I love you too, Wilbur. This is the best anniversary ever, just because I'm with you."
They sealed their words with a sweet, lingering kiss, unaware of the world bustling around them. It might not have been the dinner they had planned, but it was a celebration of their love and the wonderful years they had spent together.
As they left McDonald's, hand in hand, the moonlight bathed the streets in a romantic glow. They discovered that it wasn't the fancy place that made their anniversary special; it was the love and connection they shared.
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September 18th marks te release of “Higher Truth” in 2015. When asked by Rolling Stone what the title meant to him, Chris Cornell replied:
“The Higher Truth is really just the simple version of what we’re like and how we feel about life when we come into the world. Instead of complicating it and corrupting it and getting swept away in all the bullshit of mysticism and religion and philosophy and vanity and all that crap. It’s who we were before any of that happens.”
(Source Instagram)
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aracelighda · 6 months
TMoSTH: Knuxouge Moment XD Happy Anniversary! English:
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version sin fondo
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and well the day of jokes is over, for me it was the day of the steam sonic game that was no joke so in celebration of its first anniversary I drew my own scene with Knuxouge, It is in two languages ​​and I would appreciate it as always if you also support it in the aforementioned link, like here too thanks
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dread-red-queen · 4 months
Soft Prompts
Prompts Here
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14- Write about your ship celebrating their anniversary.
Raven wiped her brow with a tea towel and looked over her work, she had come a long way since they first met, her dishes almost looked as good as his did, a soft smile played on her lips as her eyes fell on Whiskers her cat, who was watching her with curiosity her green eyes glistening in the low light of the kitchen.
She took off her apron and busied herself with setting the table laying out the cutlery and arranging the dishes she had prepared, once she had it all set up she glanced at the clock, he would be home in about an hour. She quickly headed to the bedroom to get ready and took a quick shower in the en suite bathroom.
After her shower she walked to the bed, quickly towelled off, and got changed into the dress she had laid out on the bed, it was a silky deep red material and clung to her curves. She slipped on some heels and fussed with her hair.
Whiskers was now sitting on the end of the bed cleaning herself, occasionally looking up at her as she sat at the dresser to put on a little makeup. once happy with her appearance she glanced at the clock again and grinned.
She left the bedroom returned to the dining room and began lighting some candles, she smiled remembering the last time they had had a romantic meal like this, it had been the night he had proposed. he had prepared all her favourite dishes and even ran her a hot bath with rose petals, surprising her with just how thoughtful and romantic he could be.
She chuckled to herself, tonight was there one year anniversary yet she still felt butterflies in her stomach when she thought of him. hearing a car pull up outside she headed to the hallway, she heard keys in the door just before it opened.
Goro let out a long sigh, he hoped Raven was not too angry at him that he had to work late on their anniversary, he had planned to take her out for a romantic dinner but work had been so hectic he had not had the time to make the arrangements.
He glanced up hearing the sound of high heels, a smile spreading on his lips when his eyes fell upon her, she was wearing a deep red dress it fell just past her knee's showing off her long legs, his eyes trailed over her form before meeting her eyes.
"You look beautiful," He said taking off his coat, she smiled. "Long day?" She asked walking up to him and leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss him. "Very." He sighed, pulling her into his arms and resting his chin on the top of her head.
"I made us dinner." She grinned stepping back from him, he raised an eyebrow as she took his hand and led him into the dining room. A smile spread on his lips when he noticed all the food she had prepared and the candles.
"Happy anniversary." She grinned turning to face him, he stood there for a moment just taking it all in, it still felt like a dream, to have a woman like her in his life. "You ok?" She asked a look of concern on her face. "I am fine." He reassured her stepping up to the table and pulling out her chair for her.
She smiled taking her seat, he joined her offering her a smile. "You prepared all of this?" He asked with a raised brow, she nodded. "I think I did rather well." He nodded in agreement. She watched him as he tried one of the dishes, leaning forward in her seat, watching his reaction.
He glanced up at her and chuckled. "You have become an excellent chef." He said, his eyes closing for a moment to savour the flavour, she smiled softly and they ate in Companiable silence, occasionally talking about their day. after dinner, he helped her clean up the dishes.
"I have a surprise for you as well." He said, she looked at him with curiosity. "Oh?" She said tilting her head. "Let me go fetch it." He grinned heading back down the hall to get his keys and heading outside to his car. Raven moved to the lounge and sat down on the sofa to wait for him.
He appeared in the doorway with a wrapped box in hand, she raised an eyebrow as he walked into the lounge and placed it on the coffee table in front of her. He watched her, gesturing for her to open it. Her eyes fell on the box it was black with silver stripes with a red ribbon tied in a delicate bow. She began to pull at it the ribbon came undone easily falling open. She folded open the paper delicately much to his amusement, she never tore into gifts, she always opened them with care.
A grin spread on her lips realizing it was a small weapon case, her eyes glanced up at him in amusement. "You bought me a weapon?" she teased, and he grinned. "Open it." He chuckled. She popped it open and her eyes widened, nestled inside the protective foam was a combat knife, it was completely black, and the handle was ergonomic. etched on the blade was their family crest, she traced over the etching with a smile before pulling it from the case to test its weight.
It was perfectly balanced suitable for throwing, her speciality, she placed it back in the case and smiled. "It's perfect." She said. before getting up from her seat and wrapping her arms around his middle, resting her cheek on his chest and breathing him in. She loved how he smelt, cedarwood, pine, and some exotic scent she had never been able to place, it was just uniquely him.
"Happy anniversary," He said softly stroking her hair. "May we have many more," She replied leaning back to look up at him. he smiled his eyes closing as he leaned down, pressing his lips against hers in a soft kiss.
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sweetpenguincloud · 8 months
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Here my "late" anniversary art for pizza tower... Man... How time flies... Am i right?
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walkingtortoise · 2 days
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It's my 8 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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j3nj3na · 9 months
yeah.......I made a tumblr account just for this...so......
I  recently found the comic but I'm really in love with it, @somerandomdudelmao is really incredible, the drawings and the story are so great, many times I've even cried because of the things the turtles and casey had to go through in that future (my poor little  guys :"C) there are parts where you really get to connect with them, it's simply incredible, I don't know how Cass manages to do something so amazing but I hope she keeps doing it :D and I'm super excited about the series project!!! I'm not sure how many times I saw the trailer but more than 100 thousand I'm sure I did.
Anyway, thank you Cass for your amazing work!! You have a special place in all the hearts of turtle fans, we will gladly follow your projects and give you all the good vibes in the world♡♡
we love youuuu.
(Aaand i leave some colored one of  my favorite panels of the comic, although if it were up to me I would make the entire comic complete but I have a series of illnesses called: procrastination syndrome :"3)
P.D:Sorry if there is something  that was not understood well in the writing, it's just that English is not my first language. Bye bye☆
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almaprincess66 · 25 days
Okay so I'm getting a monthly history magazine and it has an "Annyversaries" section.
According to it there are only two things that happened in the month of september.
The start of WWII and the birt of a controversial author.
I'm really sorry but it feels a bit weak? Like surely more notable things happened in the month of September
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punk70 · 3 months
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