#Anomaly Found- Chase Brody
Escapees Of I.R.I.S.
Chase wakes up with a small groan escaping his lips. He holds his head in the palm of his hands, trying to calm the pounding of his head . His eyes dart around the room that was not his own, nor the familiar room of I.R.I.S. Comics line the wall with decorative action figures sprinkled between them. A map placed on a cork board with little red tacks and pictures of random people and places with red strings connecting them all.
Baggy clothes that aren’t his own drape his frame, black sweatpants, and a soft dark blue hoodie. They were much more comfortable than the disgusting, smelly clothes he remembered being in just a few moments ago. The distinct smell of  fresh crisp snickerdoodle cookies wafted off of them making Chase’s lips curl upwards.  
But the happiness fades away as he remembers that he’s somewhere new. He forces his shaky legs up, while his mind fights itself to figure out what emotion he should be feeling. Anger, gratefulness, and fear all fight in his head. His hands hesitate for a brief second as the pad of his fingertips touches the doorknob, fear taking over his body. What if something awful is out there? What if the ALTR is out there? Should he even take that chance? 
But then he hears laughter. Music. Something warm and kind waited on the other side of the door. He takes in a deep breath, calming the paranoid voice in his head before pushing the door outwards.
Two figures sit on a couch, one with green hair slicked back into a bun, the other with shaggy brown hair like his own. They speak in hushed tones, to the point where Chase could only make out a few words. His heart longs to leave them alone, to just go back into the room and keep his distance.  But his head knows that these people have the answers, that he can’t hide in that room forever, he’d have to talk to them eventually.
He cleares his throat, getting the two men's attention. They both whip around, identical faces looking back at them. Chase takes a step back in shock as he analyzes the people in front of him. These men look exactly like him. Bright blue eyes filled with light and hope that he used to have years ago. A dark brown beard that covers both their faces. One has a slightly crooked nose, most likely from an injury, but that was the only main difference that Chase could see. 
They looked like him. They looked like the demon.
“Hey, you’re up.” The brown haired one says as he rises from the couch. Chase locks eyes with the strangers making sure they stay blue. “How ya feeling?”
Chase backs up until his back hits the wall. His hands scramble trying to find a doorknob, a lock, something, anything to get away from the new threat. His chest rose and fell at an alarming rate, and he could feel his heart beating in his throat. The situation all too familiar to him. He waits in anticipation for the pain and possession that would shortly come. He squeezes his eyes tight as the demon approaches. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. We’re not gonna hurt you. You’re safe. I know that you’ve heard that a lot over the past few days, but it’s true. We’re not with him, and we’re not with Iris, it’s okay. I’m Jackie and that’s Marvin. It’s okay, it won’t hurt you. It’s not here.” Jackie soothes. His hand slowly reaches out to Chase, trying to seem as not threatening as possible. “It isn’t here. It can’t hurt you. I’m not gonna hurt you.” “How-How do you know about him? How do you know he isn’t here?!” Chase shouts. His arms wraping around his trembling body. Everything was too much, he just wants to go back home. To his family, to his wife, to his life. How could everything have gone so wrong?! 
“Hey, Chase. It’s okay. It’s okay. We-We have this place warded to hell and back. It can’t get to you. I know you’re scared so can you do me a small favor? Just follow my breathing, here.”  Chase feels his hand pressed onto the stranger's chest slowly rising up and down. The warmth coming from the man’s chest convinced him to open his eyes once again. He takes in a deep breath steadying his shaking body. His anxious thoughts steadily dissipate as he followed Jackie’s breathing. In and out. In and out. “Hey, good job. Do you want to sit down? I know this is a lot to process and you're probably really freaked out. We have some leftover mac and cheese if you want some. You must be starving! I know that Iris doesn't exactly have the best food.” Chase’s feet guide him towards the couch, each step made with caution and precision, sitting next to Marvin. He glances at the man who seemed to be completely engrossed in his book. Chase’s eyes land back on Jackie, who balances  over a plate full of food in one hand and a mug in the other. He places both on the coffee table and sits down on the floor, making himself comfortable. “Thanks.” Chase mumbles as he reaches for the plate. He can’t remember the last time he had eaten. He knew that I.R.I.S. had given him food, but the memories of his time there were a blur. He pushes the thoughts aside as he continues to eat. 
“I know that this is a lot, and you’re probably feeling pretty scared and freaked out, but I promise, you’re safe. And I know you’ve heard that a lot but, this time, it’s true.”
“How-How do you know that? That they said that to me?” Chase watches as Jackie bites his lip and fiddles with his fingers. The man was clearly hiding something, whether that was out of malice or lack of trust, Chase doesn’t know.
“Marvin and I are very used to Iris’ tactics.”
“That’s putting it lightly.” Marvin pipes up, not taking his eyes off of his book.
“We also hacked into their cameras and watched the footage.” Jackie whisperes. “I’m sorry that you had to go through all that.”
Chase shrugges, not wanting pity from these strangers. It was shitty, but these people couldn’t grasp what he went through. That thing killing everything that moved, but sparing him. Not being in control of his body for hours at a time as Anti constantly reminded him of everything that he did. And that damn doctor asks those provocative questions, again and again. 
“Not your fault.” Chase decides to say after a few moments of silence. 
“Yeah, well you're safe now. That’s what matters.” “So am I in a safe house or something?” Chase asks between bites of macaroni. “Uh not exactly. You’re in our apartment. We just needed a place where that thing couldn’t find you. Like I said, we have this place warded to hell and back.” “Warded? I don’t understand.” Marvin extendes his hand  letting a small ball of fire sit in his palm. It’s so small but Chase feels the power radiating off of Marvin as he fiddles with the small flame. It feels familiar, like the ALTR’s presence but much…softer. The ALTR’s power felt sharp and powerful. Like a thousand knives cutting and slicing into him. Marvin’s power feels like a fireplace on a cold day, warm and inviting but still dangerous if you get too close. “Jackie and I have powers. He has strength, speed, enhanced healing and bioelectricity, I got some elemental magic and other stuff.” Marvin explaines as the ball of fire weaves between his fingers.
Chase sits in silence trying to absorb all the information being thrown his way. He presses the heels of his palms into his head, as he attempts to wrap his head around everything. Magic was real. That thing is real. He was in danger. He was safe. These people are magic and somehow know everything about him. “Chase? You okay man?” Jackie askes, placing a hand on Chase’s shoulder. “I know that we’re throwing a lot of stuff at you. Do you wanna…take a break or something? Lay down?” 
“No, no. I’m fine.” Chase mumbles waving, Jackie off. “Just…It’s a lot.”
A heavy blanket appeares on his shoulders and a warm cup in his hand. He feels Marvin’s warm hands rub circles on his back. Chase swallows as a sob as they continue to sooth him. These two strangers, they showed him more compassion in the ten minutes he was here than anyone had shown him in the last 3 years. Clothed, fed, and now comforting him. He doesn’t deserve this kindness. He doesn’t deserve any of this. 
“Chase, listen to me.” Marvin’s voice cuts through all of Chase’s thoughts. “You are gonna stay here with us, until we figure out this whole situation. Jackie and I are gonna keep you safe and you’re gonna tell us everything you can about that thing. Sounds good?” 
 Chase nods, not making eye contact with either of them. He takes a small sip from the cup, pleasantly surprised when the familiar taste of black tea hits his lips. He lets out a small sigh and placed the mug on the coffee table. 
“Okay, what do you want to know?”
“Everything.” Jackie says. “Tell us everything.”
Revised on 11/08/2023
[Part 2]
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0crooked-arcade0 · 5 months
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This is a byproduct of me using the 'Chase is Anti' theory in my current WIP, goodnight everybody. ✨️
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dawnstar13 · 1 year
When a funny youtuber guy pulls out the most heartwrenching A+ teir acting imaginable reblog if you agree
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damsellete-koko · 4 months
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Look me in my eyes
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chvse-brody · 14 days
I've convinced myself that JJ is echo based on their similar movements, similar light flashes when echo shows up and then jj gets possessed, and the similar glitching that happens.
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So I made this :)
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by-skilet-zayki · 2 years
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H̷̬͖̠̄̓͗̎͊̎̍͑̓e̸͈͎̮̰̺̖͊͋̇̀̈́̆́̓͜ͅĺ̶̪͋̋͠l̸̹̮̥̑́̎͌͋̓̏́̕ọ̴͓̯́̀̓̆́̔͑͐́͠,̶̡̯͈̉ ̸̤̪̝̱̙̊͂͠ͅC̷̤̋̀͑͐͋̓̕h̸̼̪̦̪͖̟̳̮̠̖͂̋̐̾̒͌̄̕͝a̵̧̱̰̬̯̯̫̣͑̋́̆͒̈́s̵̜͖̩͙̩̃̉̑̓̾͊̀̓ḙ̸̡͖̻͆͐̎̈̃͋͠͝.̴̨̜̭͘
I didn't even know I could draw THAT fast, but I started right away, as soon as my hands stopped shaking enough to finally get a sane grip on the stylus.
No kidding, but I got such a chill from all the lore pieces that I almost bit my lip piercing, ha ha :'D Goosebumps ran nonstop!
It was a extravaganza, the triumphant return of Jacksepticeye Egos!
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dontyoufeelcalmer · 2 years
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glitchyartist · 2 years
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We protecc Chase in this house
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dmnfox · 2 years
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~Blood Bound~
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kalcifers-blog · 2 months
GET THE PLAGUE OUT OF MY HEAD (another piece of horror media with watching/eye motif hyperfixation)
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cheetosinthefridge · 2 years
not like anyones seeing this but i just realised what the anti floating down from the ceiling thing in project iris reminded me of!!
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its like how lucifer shows up at the end of constantine (2005) !! i love it its so disturbing
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vampire-superstar · 9 months
Broke: Chase Brody is Martin Blackwood
Woke: -Writes an essay on why Chase Brody is Jane Prentiss and why I've been thinking about it for the past 3 days-
I don't have ego memes that aren't cringe so I gathered some bts photos of ANOMALY FOUND for this post and the next few ego posts I'll be making ‼️‼️‼️ Because I just finished Altrverse #0 😋😋
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drakenaa · 1 year
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Decided to finish that one sketch I did of Chase
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damsellete-koko · 9 months
Anomaly FOUND
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eliazconzeta · 2 years
I haven't posted here in a while! But take this "Anomaly found - Actors au" <3
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chvse-brody · 10 days
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Long hair boys :D
Feel free to use these :)
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