#Another Johnny Chapter ups
nelkcats · 1 year
Hood Assistant
Prompt Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Next Ao3
Part 4
Hate is born from fear, and rebellion from curiosity, so what is love born from?
Jonathan Crane wasn't always a clinically insane villain, or that's what he tells himself inside his cell; he was a brilliant scientist, and everything was going perfectly until the conflict of morality entered his practices.
It was just a couple of people, there are millions of them. Crane saw no problem in subjecting his own co-workers to his new invention "fear gas" and it was a success! for a few minutes at least; and then he was accused of so many absurd things that he can't be bothered to try to remember.
The worst part was not that, but the thousands of eyes that always watched him from the window, reddish eyes judging the center of his soul, those damn feathered creatures that mocked him, since he was a child he could remember the flying rats circling around him, he hated them!
Always there, always watching, judging, judging, judging, yelling loudly, laughing at him, Crane had had enough; even when "Scarecrow" was born he tried to drive them away, that was the whole purpose of the damn body protection, the research suit of him, but even during his last fight with batman they were there. The "Robins" themselves caused him dislike because they alluded to those flying monsters.
Finally he could get rid of them, he had decided to share his research to the world by testing it on humans in the past, when he still cared about general opinion; That was apparently disapproved, however if he got rid of the airborne pests it should be better right?
"I am a genius!" Crane exclaimed between laughs as he walked through the desolate streets of Crime Alley, his escape was not difficult at all, there were as many corrupt guards in Arkham as there were in the police, only one of his men got the job and before anyone knew it he was free.
He had made up his mind, if he could combine his research and get rid of those flying beasts it would all be worth it, literally two birds with one stone! a little infection in the legs of one of them and not even Batman could stop him.
"I have to get close to those things, though," Scarecrow muttered in disgust, watching the crows watching him from the telephone wires, "I suppose sacrifices must be made for human progress."
From the top of a telephone tower, a light-eyed crow watched the villain curiously, flapping its wings and following him through the streets. It was normal since he wasn't an adult yet so most things made him curious, a few days ago he had followed a bright red helmet and he fed him, he assumed it would be the same situation.
"Sacrifice, sacrifice," the crow exclaimed, echoing Crane's words, albeit in a slightly broken way.
"That's right, sacrifices" although he was reluctant to agree, Scarecrow nodded "now where was my safe house? I had one around here"
With easy steps, not caring too much about the fact that he was a fugitive at the time, Crane headed toward a mostly abandoned apartment complex, he recalled setting up a safe house on the spot.
"Here it is!"
"Ugh, Cujo turn off the alarm," Danny muttered, tiredly rolling over on his bed, and trying to put a pillow over his ears.
Failing to accomplish his task, he gave up and removed the pillow, getting up and trying to open his eyes to focus on his surroundings. Even though it was mostly dark in his room, ghost powers were quite useful when it came to night vision.
"Johnny what the hell are you doing here?" The half questioned seeing not only Cujo sleeping next to him but also a blond ghost glowing like a radioactive pit in the middle of his room. He wondered if he was watching him sleep but ended up dismissing the thought, Johnny would get bored doing that.
"I came to notify you and this is how you pay me?" the ghost asked, offended, he'd hung up on his late night call with Kitty and all.
"Notify me what?" The doubtful boy questioned as he petted the ghost dog, which instead of waking up just rolled to the side reluctantly "and how did Cujo not wake up with all that noise? Did you set an alarm?"
"No, it's all over the city" Johnny sighed, although he didn't need sleep he liked to "Something about a place called Arc Ham, an escape, I didn't quite understand what they were talking about"
"Uh, I don't know what they mean either" the halfa frowned and checked his phone, it was 4:42 in the morning and he had an unread message.
Early Meeting - Jason
Johnny moved closer to read because privacy in the apartment was apparently optional, or so Danny thought wearily.
"Oh, he wants to see you early? More time for you to fantasize about your life together and your future cat" the blond scoffed.
"Shut up Johnny, I still have to ask Hood about his relationship, I'm not breaking up a couple" Danny said resignedly, he really needed to confirm that.
Deciding that it wasn't really possible for him to go back to sleep he stretched and yawned, maybe it would be a good start to his day early.
"Let's go have breakfast, it's going to be 5 o'clock anyway and I don't think we'll sleep with all that noise" he commented leaving his room and going to the living room of the apartment, to be part of an abandoned building in one of the worst places from the city it was quite spacious; Of course, both Technus and Danny made some improvements, avoiding touching the strange room in the back.
"Sure Hun, I could use some ecto" the ghost followed him, letting the pup sleep for a bit longer.
When they turned on the kitchen lights, something began to knock on the door. It seemed that they were trying to open it, the ghost and the halfa looked at each other doubtfully.
"Sacrifice, sacrifice!" The voice of a crow was heard outside.
"What do you mean Scarecrow escaped from Arkham, Replacement?" Jason questioned with annoyance as he walked through his apartment, a couple of hours ago he had finished his rounds on Crime Alley and it turns out that he couldn't sleep because he had a crazy person on his streets.
"Yes, he is in your territory so we decided not to interfere until we told you first" Tim said, his relationship with his older brother was strained at best.
"Don't you dare invade, I'll take care of him." Jason frowned, he didn't need the whole gang in his house.
"It'd be safer if we could go now, Little Wing-" Dick tried to reason.
"No, I'll take care of him" Jason stated again.
"Fine, but let us know if you need backup" Dick sighed, there was no reasoning with his little brother when he was like that, he was too stubborn.
"It's too early anyway, he's probably hiding, Crane is dramatic enough to wait until dark." Jason sighed reluctantly, waving goodbye and disconnecting the communications.
"It's better if I gather the gang earlier, don't you think, beautiful?" He questioned bending down and stroking Dog's head affectionately, although at first he was going to leave the pitbull at a shelter, he had grown fond of her.
Deciding that this was the best course of action he sent a message to all the "Hoodlins" or whatever they decided to call themselves that week for an earlier meeting. It was better to coordinate a delivery of gas masks in the community, for any mishap. Just in case Crane decided to go even crazier than usual.
"At least they didn't ask about the helmet" he hummed uncertainly, technically there was nothing wrong, but after a confrontation with a gang and some baseball bats it ended up being dented, his communications were pretty affected.
He could quickly repair it in the Batcave but he refused to set foot in the place before the weekly meeting Alfred forced them to attend. He decided to check it out in the afternoon, he was pretending to be just "Jason" and could claim that the Hood was looking for Crane, which wasn't a lie.
In the worst case he would call Babs to alert the bats if he ran into Scarecrow while he was camouflaging himself as a "civilian", he hated being rescued but it was unlikely to happen.
He couldn't be that unlucky, right?
"Uh, I wonder if it's the owners calling," Danny muttered under his breath as the door kept swinging.
Deciding to ignore the strange phenomenon for now (what could happen to them? They were already dead) he passed a container of ecto to Johnny while he poured himself a coffee, with radioactive green foam of course.
"Didn't food used to come alive when you did that?" questioned the ghost looking at the coffee uncertainly, he had fought alive hot dogs before and didn't find it a fun experience.
"Not in such small quantities, my parents had a full fridge; it's like comparing putting a drop of acid in water with putting a drop of water in acid" the halfa commented nonchalantly, all of his ectoplasm was arranged to isolate itself from food and being properly protected, the radiation was basically nil.
"Right." Johnny internally wondered if no one had called child protection or OSHA, but looking at the boy who was literally a foot from the grave he figured it was too late.
The ghost decided that it was better to change the subject before going into an existential crisis about his friend/ex/roommate with little sense of survival and unsafe home, Danny was not a Fenton anymore after all. Luckily he remembered an important question that Kitty had asked him earlier.
"Hey Danny, if you didn't have money to pay for an apartment when you got here, how did you get this place?" Johnny questioned curiously as the thought came to his mind again, he remembered the halfa complaining about it, and Kitty was curious too.
Danny didn't answer and just looked away, which made the blonde suspicious.
"Danny?" he asked again
"Maybe there was an empty apartment in good condition and I just...occupied it" the halfa replied, drinking his coffee and trying to get out of the conversation.
"DID YOU STEAL AN APARTMENT?" The ghost exclaimed in surprise.
"Well, it's not stealing if no one is claiming it" the boy defended himself.
"Weren't you supposed to be the hero?" Johnny questioned in dismay.
 "No, I'm retired," Danny shrugged.
Johnny looked at the boy again, trying to connect the current image with the teenage hero he remembered, guessing he had simply slipped more to the gray side of things.
Was it his fault? He questioned himself for a few seconds before remembering all the boy's influences in his life and denying, no, Danny definitely had worse examples.
"Actually there is a room that we decided not to check for that reason, it felt weird" commented the halfa looking at the end of the corridor "Technus said it was creepy and I left it alone"
"Aren't you curious what can scare even a ghost?" The blond asked, now he wanted to explore the room.
"No Johnny, leave the place alone" Danny dismissed the comment.
"Oh come on, you can't just say there's a secret and unexplored room and forbid it" the ghost frowned, maybe he was getting carried away by the same influence of rebellion that had led him to die but he didn't care.
"I'm literally Schrödinger's cat, I don't want to be the cat that dies of curiosity too, the next thing we know I'll grow cat ears" the halfa denied, what works, works.
"Coward" the blond frowned annoyed.
"Fine, you can search the room but it will be at your own risk, okay? You have to face the consequences if something happens" Danny resigned himself to letting Johnny discover whatever was in there, he didn't care so much but maybe it would be nice to know .
"Cool!" The ghost lit up like a Christmas tree and floated to the mysterious door, opening it.
The room was quite strange, it looked like a study full of chemicals and various things, there were multiple glass bottles bubbling and had formulas on the walls; the final result, if the annotations could be trusted, it looked like some kind of spray, the ghost approached the container with curiosity. It was obvious that the place hadn't been used in a while, but someone had left a job unfinished.
"Uh, it looks like some kind of gas, I think this was a mad scientist's house" Johnny commented uncertainly as he sprayed some gas, it didn't seem to do anything, but to be fair he didn't really need to breathe, and there was no way it would affect his skin if it wasn't meant for ectoplasm.
"A gas?" Danny peeked down the hall, seeing the chem lab Johnny was in, he supposed it was ironic moving from a house with a lab in the basement to an apartment with a lab down the hall.
"Yeah, there's a trap door here, so there must be more, maybe even a basement" the ghost commented curiously, it was obvious what he planned to explore next "the gas doesn't do anything though"
"It's probably meant for humans, you don't breathe so it doesn't affect you" the halfa theorized more than determined to get away from the lab if Johnny was spraying dangerous substances all over the place.
"I guess" The ghost agreed, he was about to open the hatch when he heard the front door give way; he left the laboratory alarmed and closed the door, he could see the place when someone was not invading his temporary haunt.
"Sacrifice, sacrifice!" was heard again.
"Damn, the door is locked" after twenty minutes of pushing the apartment door Scarecrow was starting to get annoyed, he knew the place was old but this was just ridiculous.
To top it off, the number of crows that were watching him had increased, what was the point of the disguise if they were going to follow him like lost ducklings?
"Get out, get out, get out" he tried to push them away, it probably looked ridiculous, considering that the little annoyances flapped their wings and came closer, he could see in their eyes how they were judging him again, it was frustrating.
"Get out, get out, get out" the crows repeated together.
Crane's anger was building, were the damn birds kicking him out? He couldn't believe the nerve of the things, he really needed to get rid of them as soon as possible. If only the bloody door would give way.
"Shut up!" He exclaimed in annoyance, although he knew that wouldn't work.
"Shut up, shut up" repeated the crows with joy, they really were very intelligent.
Deciding to ignore the creatures he turned his attention to the door again; after all his attempts the damn thing had opened and he could access his safe house.
"Finally!" Scarecrow smiled, he just needed a few minutes in his lab and everything would be solved.
Shadow wasn't very forthcoming, unlike most concept-born ghosts who expressed their opinions freely, they preferred hiding; They could understand that most of their acquaintances had thought they were just part of Johnny and honestly they didn't care. Because as stupid as it sounds bad luck marveled at love, and he learned the most important thing: to spend your existence learning by your Soulmate's side, protecting and caring for them was worth it.
And maybe it was true, that nothing and no one was immune to falling in love, platonic or romantic; and as is well known, everyone does stupid things for love.
So, you can understand why as soon as Shadow felt danger near their haunt, they decided to check the surroundings; Johnny would probably wake up soon but it was more important to ensure the safety of his light. Their obsession might not be protection like the halfa's, but they were going to vanish before leaving the blond unprotected against an unknown threat.
They found it curious to see a man in a strange costume on the streets. At first they thought it was a ghost but they couldn't feel any ectoplasm inside him. Curiously, they hid within the nearby shadows. It was probably for that reason that the strange term attracted many crows, it was said that they were the symbol of bad luck and they honestly liked them.
"Sacrifice, sacrifice" sang one of the younger crows approaching, Shadow couldn't help but get out of the shadows and approach the little thing, instead of moving away the crow flew towards them and snuggled into their arms, or what was supposed to be their arms.
The disguised stranger continued to walk away, the crows that had surrounded them at the beginning seemed to take more interest in the disguise and decided to follow him. That was probably better, the human was talking to himself, which could teach the birds more, after all Shadow preferred not to talk at all.
Seeing that there was no more danger, they decided to go back to their haunt companions, the weird guy followed by crows didn't seem like a threat so they could go back to Johnny and make sure the surroundings were safe again. With the goal in mind they walked away with the raven in their arms.
"Shadow?" questioned Johnny curiously seeing his partner at the door, his thoughts about the strange lab almost forgotten, "what do you have there?"
"Sacrifice! Sacrifice!" exclaimed the crow in the ghost's arms, flying around the apartment.
"Oh no, no, no, no, no more pets in this apartment" Danny immediately shook his head upon seeing the little bird singing "much less sadistic pets"
"The only pet we have here is Cujo" Johnny claimed, offended.
Danny decided not to mention that taking care of both Johnny and Shadow was equivalent to taking care of two more pets, because they required almost the same as Cujo: food and attention. Well, more Johnny, Shadow was pretty quiet and didn't demand anything.
"Uhu, we're not adopting a crow." Danny rolled his eyes at the pleading eyes of both ghosts.
“Crow! Crow!” Exclaimed the excited crow.
"But he's so smart, and he's a quick learner" the blonde said "Let's not adopt him, just let him stay around often, please?"
"Please, please!" It seemed that the crow itself was begging, so the halfa sighed.
"Fine, we'll let him go, but he can climb out the window if he chooses and we'll feed him." Danny said, it was obvious he was going to have another pet to take care of.
"Excellent!" Johnny looked at Shadow expectantly, Shadow simply nodded, clapping their hands and hugged the blond before merging back to their original place "Shadow agrees too"
“Gree, Gree" the crow was learning too many words and sounds.
"You're a very smart crow aren't you?" Danny called the bird that had landed on his head "I'll call you Poe."
"Poe! Poe!" The crow moved over his head and flew to his shoulder.
"Fine, but I have to go to work in a few minutes anyway, Johnny don't wake Cujo up, and if anything happens call me okay?" The halfa couldn't help but go to get ready for work, probably a little better than he should.
"The Twinkcito is lost" Johnny laughed as he sat down next to the crow that was now perched on the sofa "I'm sure he dressed up too much to go see Jay"
"Twi!Twi!cito!" Poe tried to get the word out.
"Yes, Twinkcito head over heels in love," Johnny encouraged him.
"Love love!" Poe exclaimed proudly.
When Danny ran out of the apartment, after spending too much time considering what he should wear, Johnny decided not to comment on how his little visitor had followed him.
"Sorry, am I too late?" Danny hurried to meet Jason at the right place, he had come running because it took him too long to decide what to wear, which was a little ridiculous when he ended up wearing the same jacket Johnny gave him in reverse.
"No, you're just in time, I was going to make the announcement" Jason smiled a little relieved, he had been scared that some of his men were missing "Okay, listen up"
He raised his voice to get the attention of most of the people gathered, although it didn't have as much effect as the moment a crow landed on his head, Jason looked at him strangely, but decided to ignore it as Danny waved the crow off.
"Scarecrow escaped last night" Jason continued, grunts were heard from the crowd "yeah, I'm not excited either, but we'll spend today handing out gas masks around Crime Alley, okay?"
After a general agreement he turned to Danny who was looking at the crow in a panic "Are you okay?"
"Ah, yes, perfectly, yes" the halfa replied a little upset.
"Twinkcito! Twinkcito!" Poe exclaimed happily.
"Johnny" Danny growled as he heard the crow.
"I suppose it's yours?" Jason chuckled but tried to cover it up by coughing, which didn't have much of an effect when Danny saw his betrayal.
"It's not mine, my roommate brought it and he's been following us but I thought he'd leave as soon as I got out of the apartment" the boy sighed.
"I guess he's taken a liking to you, what do you think about joining us today buddy?" Jason questioned patting the crow's head, though he wondered if he should look up more about that Johnny.
"Love! Love!" The crow exclaimed excited.
They both stared at the crow's words for a few seconds, Danny was the first to look away embarrassed, he was going to find out how to kill Johnny twice. One word shouldn't cause you to instinctively look at someone damn it.
"Right." Jason cleared his throat and led Danny over to the gas masks he had collected for these occasions, most of the goons were grabbing their own bag but since he was technically still a suspect, and fairly new, he had decided to join the boy for the task.
The morning passed quickly as Danny followed Jason carrying a bag of the masks that they were handing out together through Crime Alley. In general it seemed that Jay was focusing on the children, it was common for them to change places so he was worried that his companions would not reach them in time. The crow had moved away a while ago.
Danny greeted the kids who had arrived last time and they asked when he would be back at the soup kitchen.
"Well, I don't eat much, but if it's for work, probably next week" the halfa admitted.
Both Jason and the children looked at him uncertainly. Jason wondered if he should raise his pay since he hadn't given him any money yet, so maybe he didn't have food; or whether he should prepare refreshments for him. The children were more direct.
"Don't you eat much? Don't you have food at home?" A surprised girl questioned.
"Yes, I have food, although today I only had coffee for breakfast" Danny shrugged "my friend makes sure I eat something during the day, I usually forget about it"
Jason frowned at the answer, so the problem wasn't money.
"You're going to have breakfast with me on the days we work together" the vigilante pointed out, probably more demanding than he intended.
"Huh? Okay" Danny blushed, thinking that Jay had indirectly asked him out "Won't Hood have a problem with that?"
"Why would he?" Jason looked at Danny doubtfully. "I'm pretty sure he'll feed you as soon as I mention it to him."
The children looked at each other and after a quick conversation where Danny assured that he was not starving, they said goodbye. Each one with a mask in hand and a new tidbit about "Jay, the new guy and Hood"
After a while of distributing the masks Danny decided to ask.
"Jay, what's a Scarecrow?"
"Right, you're new to Gotham" Jason reminded "he's a recurring villain, he likes to scare people with fear gas"
"Oh" Danny remembered the lab at home "green gas?"
"Not necessarily, I really don't know what color it will be as he updates the formula." Jason was pretty sure Crane preferred purple for some reason.
"And by any chance he wears a Scarecrow mask and dresses weird?" Danny questioned looking across the street in a bit of a panic.
"Yeah, how did you know?" Jason asked curiously.
"Sacrifice! Sacrifice!" The crow flapping in front of them in a panic, Jason noticed that Danny was reaching into the bag.
It was at that moment that a building exploded behind him and Jason could hear Crane's characteristic laugh from across the street. He was relieved that he hadn't noticed them until Scarecrow fixed his gaze on the crow near them.
"Finally, I will get rid of those monsters and fear will rule all of Gotham!" Crane exclaimed with glee, laughing as the gas began to spread out down the street.
Jason cursed his luck, the only day the mad scientist had preferred to attack in the middle of the damn afternoon and he didn't have his weapons or his helmet with him "Danny you have to get out of here"
"No" Danny continued searching, but at the end of the bag he could only find a mask "you have to get out of here and gather the others"
Jason fixed his gaze on the approaching gas, Crane closing in on them too fast, driven to get rid of the crow next to them.
"Danny, the masks" Jason was cursing, he had to be stuck as a civilian.
"There's only one left" the halfa murmured worriedly.
Before Jason could say anything else, the gas was beginning to spread until almost reaching his face, he turned to Danny in a panic when he felt a weight on his nose.
"What the hell do you think you're doing? You've never faced fear gas before, you have no resistance!" Jason exclaimed in concern, trying to remove Danny's hands from his face where he had put the only gas mask on.
No matter how hard he tried to struggle, the boy had more strength than he appeared. Jason didn't have time for pretty boys with a hero complex, it was too dangerous.
"Love! Love!" The crow exclaimed in panic, rising to where the gas was not reaching.
"Yeah, I'm probably being an idiot, I know." Danny was aware of that, he didn't know how his own unique physiology would react to the gas, but he could handle Frighty's dimension, and if anything happened he would at least know that Jay would be safe. His core couldn't bear to leave someone in danger, much less someone he likes.
"Now is not the time to be a hero!" Jason complained angrily when the boy adjusted the mask on his face, he could see Danny being surrounded by the damn gas.
"I'm not a hero Jay" Danny denied, it had been a long time since he was one, he swallowed looking around, not knowing what to expect "But I know some people are worth going crazy for"
Was he being a hopeless romantic? Yeah; logically he knew he could have gotten rid of the effects another time where he was paying more attention, there were many solutions: not breathing, surrendering to his ghost form, becoming intangible, but as he had mentioned earlier, he was a fool; he could feel his head start to cloud over, he had gasped in reflex panic, he was scared of not finding a mask for Jay and he forgot about himself, it was too late.
"Damn," Jason growled as he pressed the button that called Oracle, he held Danny close to his body as he saw him start to tremble "fuck, fuck."
"Jason? What's wrong?" Barbara's voice sounded shaken, it was early for anyone in the family to call, and Jason calling was rare.
"Crane, I'm engaged, tell the bats to hurry up or I swear I'll shoot him in the head" he said annoyed "he's not paying attention to me but I'm in front of him, I'll hide in a nearby alley, tell them to hurry up fucking immediately"
Oracle hastened to call the bats tracking his current location as Jason walked off into one of the nearby alleys, leading a trembling Danny along with him.
"You're an idiot" he murmured sadly, hugging the boy; he held him when the boy couldn't stand up and began to mutter in panic.
He knew there wasn't much he could do, he had a gun hidden in his thigh but if he killed Crane he would have another argument with B, and he was honestly not in the mood, he didn't want to leave Danny alone either.
"They better hurry up, damn it" even though he knew there was no point getting upset, he couldn't help it, he was aware that it would take a while for the bats to even process an antidote for Scarecrow's new formula.
"No wait, don't leave me alone" Danny stirred where he was still nestled in his arms, Jason stroked his back lovingly.
"Shh, its okay, you're not alone, I'm here" the vigilante knew it was useless, most of the victims of the fear gas were not aware of their surroundings, but he needed to do something to console the stupid man who decided to jump into an unknown danger for him, who did not think twice before deciding that he was worth it.
"You make it very difficult to suspect you, you know?" Jason sighed "I think I grew fond of you too, Doll."
And really, this guy was unfair, how could Jason resist falling for this asshole?
Aaand tag time, sorry for all the wait, honestly it was a bit of a difficult week but I wasn't going to let the week go by without an update so here we are, I hope you liked it (Hi Nixxie), I don't know how I keep accidentally making my chapters bigger but hey, I was really excited to write this scene and here we are, I hope this story doesn't go too fast for you, tell me your theories about the lab or anything else haha
@skulld3mort-1fan @sorryiwonnoob @idfk-man10 @avelnfear @criticaloverthinker @confusedandghostly @lunadoll36 @spidey29phangirl @suppengott @yjfk @apointlessbox @mimilikey @thegatorsgoose @jaggedheart11 @dyinggirldied @pyramaniac @akikkobara @thedragonqueen1998 @lostlightandfoundcrazy @xye-chan @saltyladynightmare @ashleysmshly @thewondersoflebanon @illusionwolfwriter24r8 @littlefeather345 @asphyxia778 @amercurio @leftmiraclechaos @dixiwoods @satoshy12 @lyra689 @meira-3919 @quietlyscared @plotwholls @kyrianclawraith @blacksea21090 @basilf1res @flowers-n-fauna @8-29pm @jaxinkh @luer-mirin @taniaundertaleau @cloriform @readerkayden @oddlydrawnpuppets @basementloser @little-green-asparagus @echoednonny @yummy-yummy-mmmbones @confusionchaos @ectoplasm024 @autumnwulf @666deaddash999 @redhoneysugarorange @blue-avis @sailor-goddess @satanicrutialspecialist
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It's a Match! || 141 x Reader
[Chapter 16] || [Chapter 18]
Pairing: Gaz x Reader x Ghost x Soap || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.7K~ Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: we're getting there.
Gaz's outfit is 100% a rip off of this fanart by the lovely @temeyes.
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Chapter 17: Guard Dogs
You don’t exactly know what you did to deserve this.
You really don’t.
You went on Tinder one time. One night after work.
So why the fuck do you have three men lurking around you like guard dogs?
Ever since the Ethan incident last Friday, they’ve been taking turns going to pick you up at work and walking you home.
Monday - Kyle
Tuesday - Simon
Wednesday - Kyle
Thursday - Simon
It wouldn’t be so bizarre if it weren’t for the fact that people (especially your coworkers) stare when there’s suddenly men waiting for you after work… 
Especially when one of them is a 6ft4 man that’s built like a fridge, giving everyone copious amounts of side-eye as they walk out.
And then you wonder why they ask you get asked questions the next morning.
Today, Friday, you exit work to see not one, not two, but all three of them, standing shoulder-to-shoulder. They look frankly adorable, all beaming at you as you come out of work and preening themselves a bit.
Kyle’s on the far left, wearing a cream-colored hoodie with a blue flannel shirt atop, black cargo pants and white and black Air Jordans. The hoodie is pulled up over his hair and his hands are tucked into the pocket of his hoodie.
Simon’s next to him, in the center, wearing black boots, jeans and a black parka with an inner pollar layer that’s zipped up all the way, so as to cover his mouth, in lieu of his usual mask. His hair is sticking up all over and you just know he put hairgel on it. 
Johnny’s on Simon’s other side, the far right, and wearing a pair of distressed blue jeans, a shaggy burgundy Ramones t-shirt and an unzipped grey hoodie jacket. Just like Kyle, he’s also wearing some Nikes and they’re so pristine and clean you’d swear he’s gotten them from the box a minute ago.
“Hi…?” You said in surprise as you adjusted the sling of your laptop bag on your shoulder.
“Hey!” Johnny greeted you.
“Hi, lovie.” Kyle said with a beaming smile.
“Hi, sweetheart.” Simon said simply and nodded upwards at you.
“What are you… doing?” You trailed off as you came to stand in front of them, your eyes going back and forth between them.
“Couldn’t decide who should come get you. So we decided to both come” Simon told you sincerely. “And since the two of us were coming, Johnny wanted to tag along.” He added.
“Why are ye talking like I’m a puppy that couldn’t be left at home by myself?” Johnny said with raised brows.
“Because you were begging for us to take you with.” Kyle retorted from Simon’s other side.
“Go fuck yourselves.” Johnny added. “You look nice.” He complimented you with a boyish grin.
“In my work uniform?” You retorted as you looked at him with a playful look of disbelief.
“Aye.” He replied. “Always love seein’ someone all knackered and sweaty after work.” He admitted.
“Johnny are you flirting?” Simon asked and he gave Johnny a look that could kill someone.
“Aye.” Johnny replied with a mischievous look in his eyes and pursed his lips together. “Is that forbidden now?”
“Mate…” Kyle quipped, his tone a soft warning.
“What? They already got two blokes after them, can have another one.” Johnny remarked with the same casualty of someone saying they ‘might as well have another biscuit from the box’.
You blinked away the surprise at the flirting. It was still bizarre to have one man like Simon interested… And you felt overwhelmed to have Kyle on top of it… And now Johnny too?
“Okay, erm… So… let’s go?” You announced and turned to start marching up the street to work before anyone could say anything else.
The guys followed behind you wordlessly, in a formation lead by Simon… like you were a mother duck and they were your ducklings… Or, rather, like they were your pack of guar dogs.
You’re standing by the door of your kitchen feeling like a guest in your own flat. 
Kyle and Simon are cooking… without even being asked. You stopped by the shop and they immediately announced they’d cook for you and… now they are.
Johnny’s sitting at the dining table behind you, sprawled open and sipping a can of Monster he got himself at the shop when you were all there.
“Okay, what’s up with you?” You announced as you watched the two men move about your kitchen as they made your meal. Simon’s was first in charge of chopping and dicing things… and now he’s in charge of frying… something, while Kyle takes care of basically everything else.
“What do you mean, lovie?” Kyle asks as he turns to glance at you while stirring something.
“You all came to pick me up together… And now you’re cooking for me…” You trail off as your nails clink a bit against the glass of wine they poured you. “What’s going on?”
“You’re adorably annoying with how perceptive you are, you know that?” Simon asks as he glances back at you as well before plucking something out of the frying pan and to a dish on the side. The oil sizzles loudly when he puts something else down to fry.
“Thank you.” You say with a playfully smug tone as you shift around. “But you didn’t answer the question.” You remark.
“After dinner, alright?” He answers and Kyle makes some sounds of agreement.
“They want to be yer boyfriends, officially.” Johnny says behind you and it causes you to whip around to look at him… Which also made Kyle drop whatever he was holding, in shock.
“SOAP!” Both Simon and Kyle shout, scolding the Scot who’s sitting at the table with a broad grin on his lips.
“You… You do?” You ask as you turn to look at them, mouth parted in surprise.
“Yeah...” Kyle replies as he looks at you. 
Simon simply nods and turns away to focus on the food he’s frying.
“I… I’m honored…” You admit and feel your cheeks warming up so bright you fear you’ll start sweating. “I…”
“I’d like a shot at it too, if ye don’t mind.” Johnny adds. Once again, all eyes turn to Johnny with another ‘JOHNNY?!’ which causes him to laugh.
“I’m serious.” He replies. “I’ll gladly date ye too.” He adds.
Your eyes widen. “You-”
“Mhm.” He adds.
“No.” Simon replies as he turns around once more.
“What do you mean ‘no’, L.T.?” Johnny asks in exaggerated offense.
“I mean, I don’t wanna date you.” Simon adds.
“I- Wait.” Now it’s Johnny’s time to get flustered. “Date me?” Poor lad, his whole face warms up bright red.
“Y-Yeah… Kyle and Simon kiss each other sometimes.” You announce and out of the corner of your eye you catch both of the other men stiffening up.
“I KNEW IT. I FOOKIN’ KNEW IT!” Johnny jumps up to his feet, spilling his Monster can on the table. “Ah, shite!” He says as he scrambles to pick it up again before it spills too much.
“What do you mean you knew it?!” Simon asks in shock.
“I KEN YE LIKE EACH OTHER! SAW THE WAY YOU SHARE THOSE COY LOOKS BETWEEN YE!!” Johnny shouts as he points a finger at the two men.
You’re pretty sure they’re all blushing now, you included.
“We didn’t share any looks!” Simon says defensively.
Your eyes widen and you move your head side to side trying to keep up with the banter between them as Johnny marches his way into the kitchen so him and Simon can keep bickering.
“Are they always like this?” You find yourself asking Kyle, your eyes widened as they shout your house down.
“Yeah… This is a tame day for them actually. Should hear how they are on comms during missions.” He leans over to whisper in your ear.
“Ah…” You say softly. “I don’t know if I can handle dating this all the time.” You quip playfully, making Kyle laugh.
“You’ll get used to it.” He adds.
As you two continue watching the two men arguing, during which Simon is still, somehow, still tending to the food… You find yourself sneaking little pieces of carrot from the salad Kyle’s making.
Only to stop chewing halfway and let your piece of carrot fall right out of your hands when Johnny suddenly grabs Simon by his face and plants a big kiss right on the taller man’s lips. No warning.
At that moment, Simon looks every bit like Kyle did when they kissed for the first time. Perfectly statue-like still, eyes widened, both hands hanging in the air as if he was frozen…
Johnny’s hands are wrapped around Simon’s face, his palms over his ears, and fingers in his blonde hair, their mouths pressed together…
And then Simon comes back from the trance he’s in and his hands wrap around Johnny’s head too, his fingers digging into the back of his mohawk as their tongues battle together.
“Jesus Christ…” Kyle replies next to you, voicing your exact thoughts.
Once they pull apart, both the men are blushing red and out of breath, eyes widened.
“Ye’ll date me now?” Johnny replies.
Simon doesn’t reply, he simply turns around to finish cooking.
“I think that’s a yes.” You finally announce, finding your voice softly.
Johnny turns to look at you and smirks. “From him or from you?” He asks with a cocked brow.
“Both.” Simon quips with his back turned.
“I think that was the hottest kiss I ever witnessed.” Kyle says softly.
“I’ll give ye a smooch too, don’t get jealous, Gary.” Johnny quips and winks at Kyle.
Then, the Scot grabs a paper towel from the roll and walks toward the door to go mop up the spilled Monster from the table.
But not before he cups Kyle’s face and stealing a peck off his lips…
Then, he does the same to you… before licking his lips at the end. 
“Your wine’s tasty.” He adds, before slinking back out of the room.
You’re left blinking away the shock with an equally stunned Kyle next to you… And you’re pretty sure Simon’s stunned too…
Meanwhile, Johnny’s giggling to himself in the living room.
taglist (CLOSED! not adding anyone else, sorry!):
@daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @infpt-zylith , @xxshadowbabexx , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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eilidh-eternal · 4 months
You go to dinner
Merry Christmas if that’s your thing! @luminousbeings-crudematter My gift to you and all the rest of the SingleDad!Johnny lovers today is fluff and a lil’ something extra I was originally gonna wait to include, but it just felt right in this chapter. Happy Holidays and Enjoy 🥰🎄🎁
SingleDad!Johnny x f!reader | 18+ MDNI | Part 1 | Masterlist
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Today is Friday and you’re having dinner with Johnny.
Johnny and Isobel, you remind yourself. Not a date. Even if the man next door seems hellbent on seeing you squirm in his presence, stunned into silence while fire creeps in licking tendrils up your spine and sucks the breath out of you.
It’s not a date. But you still pull that one pretty dress out of your closet anyway, the one you told yourself you’re saving for a special occasion. Still don a few simple pieces of jewelry and go to the extent of styling your hair, swipe mascara onto your lashes and put something other than lip balm on for once. A few strategic spritzes of perfume at the base of your throat and wrists and you decide that anything more is too much. Trying too hard.
Trying too hard to impress someone who’s got it all. Someone who once had it all. Beautiful wife, adorable daughter. Did they live somewhere with a white picket fence? Did Isobel spend her days as a toddler going to parks and tromping through rain puddles, mum and dad at her side? Did Johnny smile at her the way he smiles at Isobel–like she hung the stars in the sky just for him? Could he ever smile at you like that? Could he ever love you–love anyone–the way he loved her again?
It’s hard not to compare yourself to the woman who’s had it all. The woman who had him. Hard not to feel doubt slithering in amongst the hope, to be reminded of everything you aren't even when he gives you no reason to. No, those feelings, that reservation, lies somewhere between yourself and the photo of the woman on his living room wall. Is there room in his heart for another woman when she’s still there to remind him of what he had? You’ll never find out if you don’t find your shoes and coat and get going.
It snowed again last night, and the pavement is dusted in a fine layer of glittering ice that swirls and scatters in the wind, trailing in lazy eddies behind you like the tail of a comet as you make the short walk next door, stepping carefully up onto their front stoop. Light from inside makes the windows glow a warm hue, and the sound of a children's show filters through along with Isobels excited voice when she hears your knock at the door.
“I’ll get it!” Isobel is darting towards the door before Johnny can dissuade her or scoop her up into his arms and task her with keeping an eye on the oven while he gets the door. He hates how tall she’s getting. Wishes her mother was here to see her stretching up on her tip-toes to peer out the window. “She’s here, she’s here!” The front door swings open, nearly taking out a vase on the entry table with it, short little arms just long enough to reach the doorknob and throw it open haphazardly. “Hi miss neighbor!”
“Hello Isobel. May I come in?” Johnny nearly drops the serving dish in his hands when he hears your voice, has to remind himself to breathe when Isobel clears the way for you and he catches a glimpse of you from the kitchen. This is just dinner, he reminds himself. Dinner with the gorgeous fucking neighbor that bakes and dotes on Isobel like she’s your daughter.
And Christ that dress… He’s glad he wore more than jeans and a t-shirt, found a dress shirt shoved in the back of his closet that isn't part of his parade dress or uniform. Isobel insisted that they ‘dress up’ for dinner, and Johnny was happy to go along with it if it meant she would take a bath and let him help with detangling her hair after. But standing here now, seeing you… he’s doing everything in his power to keep his hammering pulse in check and keep all his blood from rushing south. What a fucking sight that would be.
“Hi, Johnny.” Yeah, that’s certainly not helping. You look fucking adorable looking up at him like that, hands clasped together in front of you, toying with a delicate ring, tentative smile pulling your features into a face he wants to burn into his memory, tattoo on the back of his eyelids so he never forgets it. Soft and sweet and fucking perfect. His hands twitch at his sides, body reacting to your presence with the need to touch, to have his hand pressed to your back, curled around your waist, wrapped around your shoulder. He shoves them in his pockets instead and braces his shoulder against the wall beside him, crossing one ankle over the other and swallows down the desire to pull you into him.
“Look at ye, Bonnie. Give us a whirl, eh?” Isobel, at some point while he was too busy making moon eyes at you to notice, had taken up her usual spot beside him, arm wrapped around his leg to lean into him.
“Twirl! Twirl!” She bounces on her feet, jostling Johnny, and he feels like he could do the same. Might just join her if it would convince you. It seems he doesn’t have to though, and he watches with rapt attention as you give them a little spin, hands held out to your sides, and when you face them again you look a little less reserved, timid smile blooming into something easy and comfortable as Isobel surges forward. “Ye’re like the girls on the telly!”
Your eyes flick from Isobel’s gaze of wonderment to Johnny, and when he catches the question behind the subtle uptick of a brow, the way your eyes widen a fraction, he explains. “Wean’s been watchin’ those princess movies all week. The one with the, um… what’s ‘er friends name, Bell?”
Isobel scoffs, offended that he doesn’t remember the name of the comical sidekick. “It’s Mushu, and he’s not her friend. He’s her spirit guide. Like the wisps,” she corrects, little hands on her hips and scowling up at him. Johnny puts his hands up in front of him in surrender.
“I’ll get it right one of these days, leannan. How about ye go pause yer movie and we’ll get cleaned up for dinner?” She gives him an enthusiastic nod, all offense forgotten, and trots off to the living room to do just that. With Isobel momentarily occupied his attention returns to you, lingering on all the places your dress clings to your body, to the delicious figure he’s sure you’re hiding beneath it. “She’s right.” Your head tilts to the side, that same brow inching upwards in confusion.
“About what?”
“About ye lookin’ like royalty.” He revels in the way you stall in front of him, body seemingly frozen as your mind works to process his words, and then your eyes are looking anywhere but his face, fingers twisting your ring between them and searching for a response.
“It’s just a dress, nothing special,” you try to dismiss, and he openly appraises you now. Lets his eyes rake down your form before they meet yours again.
“‘S a dress I’d get on muh knees for, bonnie. If royalty isnae the right word for that, then maybe I should-” He doesn’t get to finish, interrupted by Isobel darting out of the living room and tugging on his arm, pulling him backwards towards the kitchen.
“Come on, bubby. Ye said we’d wash up,” she whines and continues pulling on his arm, throwing all of her weight into her efforts to move him.
“Aye, that I did,” he finally relents and lets her pull him back a step. “Go on and have a seat.” He gestures to the table, dinner and place settings all laid out already. “We’ll be right behind ye.”
In the washroom Johnny helps Isobel clamber up onto her step stool to wash her hands. “She’s pretty,” she remarks as she takes the soap from him.
“Aye, she is,” he agrees, helping her to lather her hands.
“D’ye think she’ll bake for us?”
“I dunno leannan. Ye’ll have to ask ‘er after dinner.”
She does, and she’s ecstatic when you agree with a little encouragement from Johnny. He doesn’t know much about baking but he knows you need flour and sugar and eggs and all that, and he’d made sure they have all those things from the shops when they’d gone yesterday to prepare for dinner. Wasn’t at all joking several days earlier when he said he couldn’t stop thinking about you and Isobel bopping about the kitchen together, though he can think of several things other than your spoon that he’d like to lick right now. Watching you bend over to retrieve the pan from the oven has him shifting in his seat and readjusting himself while you and Isobel have your backs turned.
“Bubby, look!” Isobel is nearly jumping with joy as you set the pan down on top of the stove. “We made cookies!” The smile you give her, the adoration pouring off of you in waves, is something he wishes he could bottle and keep all to himself. Something he never dreamed he could have. Someone who loves Isobel just as much as he does. He thinks if Isobel can win you over, make you fall in love with her, then maybe he stands a chance. Maybe you can love him too.
He just wishes she could be here to see it. That was all she’d ever wanted for him—to see him in love, settle down and start a family. Now a piece of her will always be a part of whatever family he chooses to make.
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©️Eilidh-Eternal.2024 ~ The intellectual property of Eilidh-Eternal is not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 10 months
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Main Masterlist || Navigation || All works are F!Reader || All images sourced from Pinterest ||
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SONGS THAT SOUND LIKE SEA-FOAM || Mini-Series || Completed
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PAIRING: Fisherman!John Price x F!Mermaid!Reader
SYNOPSIS: In which a lone mermaid finds good company with a handsome fisherman who trespasses in her cove. But the word isn't what it used to be...hunting ships patrol the waters.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
FANART: “You’re somethin’ beautiful, y’know that?” & "Mermaid Interpretation" by @thedevillovesflowers
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2. RUN AWAY TO ME || Mini-Series || Completed
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PAIRING: Blacksmith!Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish x F!Runaway Bride!Reader
SYNOPSIS: The night started with wine and ended with blood. Racing through the woods after having escaped your wedding, you find a lone homestead in the middle of a rainstorm. Alone, wounded, and bordering on unconsciousness, you have no option but to knock.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
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3. BLOOD-STAINED WOOL SPUN AT MIDNIGHT || 18 + Mini-Series || Completed
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PAIRING: Werewolf!Ghost x F!Tailor!Reader (Set in Van Helsing Era/Aesthetic)
SYNOPSIS: When you left the town in the year of our Lord, 1897, to buy more wool from the local farmer, the cobblestone streets had come up to meet the hooves of your neighbor's horse.
Along this trip of false hope, the open fields at your sides had led to the backdrop of a brimstone forest; an old shadow seems to loom there. A black thing. A devil with eyes like a burial mound. You were told to fear the Ghost of the Forest, but never had you known you'd be caught in his blackened claws.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
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4. BLACK METAL AND BOURBON || 18+ Mini-Series || Completed
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PAIRING: Biker/Mechanic!Ghost x F!Bartender!Reader
SYNOPSIS: You've been in this small town for your entire existence, giving up dreams and aspirations to carry on life as a simple bartender despite your hatred of two things: the smell of cigarette smoke and the disrespect from regulars, namely, your ex and his buddies. But on a still-air Sunday, almost overnight, a mechanics shop pops up right across the street - giving sight to new faces and a fresh group of men with a love of motorcycles. One, in particular, seems to only like Bourbon.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
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5. TO HUNT A SILVER STAG || Mini-Series || Completed
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PAIRING: Knight!Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x Fae!Princess!Reader
SYNOPSIS: Promised to a greedy king to try and preserve the magic of the land, a princess instead finds herself drawn to a chivalrous knight and his gentle words. But everyone knows magic has a mind of its own.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
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6. HOW TO ADAPT TO FIRE || Mini-Series || Completed
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PAIRING: Fireman!John 'Soap' MacTavish x F!Journalist!Reader
SYNOPSIS: There is an arsonist in your city, and you're going to catch him. As one of the most prolific investigative journalists in the city, you make a lot of enemies the second your papers are released to the public. Your informant - and perhaps something more - in the local fire department makes a point to tell you to be careful.
But everyone knows he's right beside you when the fires start sparking.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
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7. MOSS, BONE, AND A FALLING STAR || Mini-Series || Not Started
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PAIRING: Witch Hunter!Price x F!Witch!Reader
SYNOPSIS: Humans have not been kind to you, but they usually are to things that they don't understand. You're offered a deal when a rugged-looking Witch Hunter shows up at your secluded hut. Make him see you for what you truly are in three stories or less. You oblige and give him the limit - a story of moss, of bone, and of a falling star.
CHAPTERS: Part I, Part II, Part III
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8. VIVAMUS, MORIENDUM EST || Undetermined || Not Started
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PAIRING: Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x F!Reader (Reincarnation AU)
SYNOPSIS: In every lifetime you made a promise to one another: even if you must die, you will find a way to live together for all of eternity, be that five or a hundred years from now. You'd not broken your promise yet.
CHAPTERS: Undetermined
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peachesofteal · 3 months
Dead Disco / Chapter 12
Dead Disco masterlist
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Ghost/Soap/female reader 2.5k words - AO3 Warnings-tags: 18+ MDNI. Explicit sex. Creampie. oral sex - fem receiving. Angst. Crying. So many feelings. Relationship issues. Eating/food issues. Brief suicidal ideation. Toxic behavior. Complicated dynamics. We're getting close to the end. You make a decision
“Knock, knock.” Your coworker hangs on the door frame, fingers clutching a brown paper bag and soda cup. “There’s a truck out front, for lunch. I guess they’re buying every Friday for the rest of the year?”
“Oh, yeah.” You vaguely remember seeing that email. You think.
“Anyway, they’re just wrapping up now and I didn’t see you go down, just wanted to make sure you knew.” She means well, you know she does. She’s always very kind to you, so you smile warmly and nod.
“I did, thanks.” She makes herself scarce after that, vacating your office with another pleasantry, leaving you to stew behind your desk, trying very hard not to look at what you packed yourself this morning, a lackluster sandwich, a cluster of green grapes. The idea of eating turns your stomach, the feeling piling onto the depths of your uneasiness, pushing you to seek comfort.
You can't bring yourself to eat, but you know you have to. You know you should be, aware you cannot survive on the same three half bites of things alone. 
If they were here... 
You glance at your phone.
Stop this. 
You flip it facedown, turning your attention back to your laptop. Focus, you have actual work to do. 
The bath has gone from scalding your skin off hot, to lukewarm too quickly. It urges you to get out, tells you it’s well past time, that if you headed to bed right now, you’d still be able to manage five hours before your alarm went off.
Fat chance. 
Instead, you drain the tub. The porcelain turns to ice within a matter of moments, and you linger in the shiver, languishing in the discomfort, muscles tense, stomach sour. You nearly let yourself rot in it, knees tucked up close, goosebumps long erupted over every square inch of your skin. 
You close your eyes as the tub refills, steaming water rushing out from the tap, slowly covering your feet, then your shins, until it’s deep enough for you to lean back in again, submerging yourself as deep as possible. 
What are they doing right now? Are they working? Are they at home? Do they miss you? Is there someone- 
You’re not supposed to be… fixating on this. You’re supposed to be taking some time, thinking about what you want, what you think is best for you. This is what you wanted. You decided this. 
You asked for this. 
Why can’t you detangle yourself from them? 
Everything twists and turns inside your brain, spinning together into a murky morass that you can’t make sense of, but it’s nothing compared to the agony in your heart. An infected, weeping, organ that sits heavy inside your chest cavity, now with a giant hole in the middle. 
You don’t even notice when the first drops of water spill over the side, eyes fixed on the ceiling. You picked this rental for the tub. It’s massive, the biggest you’ve ever seen, and the cost to secure it for the entire month was probably more than you could afford on your own, but… it’s not like you haven’t made bad decisions in the past. 
The water sloshes. 
“Fuck.” You flip off the spigot in a hurry and sink back beneath the water, letting it flow over your mouth, your nose. 
You could- 
You could take a deep breath, fill your lungs with water.
You could turn it off. 
You could make everything stop. You could just close your eyes and… rest. 
“Johnny.” You breathe, surprised. Your heart bellows, begs you to fling yourself into his arms, but warning bells go off in the back of your mind, and you chew on your lip. He shouldn’t be here. They agreed. They promised. “What-“
“Ah had to see ye.” What if something has happened? You look him over, but he seems fine. What if something is wrong with Simon?
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing’s wrong-“
“Then why are you here?” It’s harsh. You cringe at the tone, at how it's so caustic, so careless, and he rubs the back of his neck, shifting unsteadily on his feet. Your resolve starts to melt, turning reticent, falling away into a slick puddle of weak opposition. He’s here. He still loves you. He’s here. 
“I know ‘m not supposed to be doing this.” He mutters, and you nod. “But… we- I miss ye darling, miss ye so much.” His cheeks are red, turning his normally tan skin a deep rogue, and he swallows between breaths. “Are ye alright? Ye look… ye look tired, love.”
“I am tired, Johnny… I’m…”
He steps forward.
You step back.  
It’s like you’re looking in a mirror.
His eyes are rimmed in stress, skin beneath them sallow, and he sags in a way that tells you he hasn’t been sleeping, bones and muscles not doing much except keeping him upright. Tears build behind your eyes, and they burn through the tip of your nose until you can’t hold them back anymore, raw agony in the form of a serrated blade cutting through your sense.
“This isn’t fair.” You cry. “Why are you here? You’re not- you’re not supposed to be here, Johnny.” His face changes, spirals through one hundred different things in the span of a second, half of them you can name. He’s still your Johnny, still the same, and you’ve never felt so homesick in your entire life, eyes stuck on the exposed skin just above his collar.
Your Johnny.
Simon’s Johnny. 
“Please… dinnae cry, darling. I’m sorry, I-“
“You’re so selfish.” You don’t know why you say it. It just comes out, flying from your mouth on its own. His head snaps backwards like you’ve struck him, features shifting into panic.
“No, no I’m sorry-“ A spiral swirls, sucking you in, dragging you under, and you shake your head. 
“Just… just… shut up. Please.” You whisper, fingers stretching out into the space between your bodies, tugging on the edge of his shirt. “Shut up.” The demand has more backbone now, and he blinks, confused. You can feel his heat, warm skin and breath vibrating away from his body into yours, tugging you closer and closer as you’re tipping your head back, heart overflowing with an insane, chaotic mix of emotions. You feel like you could fling yourself off the top of the tallest building in this city, and he’d still find a way to catch you.
He'd always find a way.
They both would.
“Darling-“ He's worried, rife with it, imbued with the sense of a logical man, but you don't care. You can't. You're already on a path, already made a decision, anticipated an outcome. And now... you want it. 
Rules be damned. 
“Kiss me.”
“I understand how you feel.” 
“No you don’t!” You turn your back on him, shaking your head. “You don’t, Simon. You don’t know how it felt to sit there and listen to that doctor call Johnny your HUSBAND! How it was to realize you two are married! It was like… it was like I don’t even exist! Like I’m a footnote, in your story.”" 
"We're not, I told-"
"I know what you said. It doesn't change anything. Married in the eyes of your fucking boss and your entire life is as good as being married." 
“You are not some footnote in our story. You are a part of us, love.” You haul one of the blankets off the back of the couch and try to cram it into the duffel. 
“Darling, we dinnae want ye to leave.” 
“Johnny.” Simon hisses, turning to where the other part of your heart lurks inside the bedroom doorframe. “Don’t talk right now. You’ve done enough.” 
“I’m sorry, I said I was sorry, I wouldnae-“ 
“Stop.” Simon snaps, and Johnny breaks, eyes filling with tears, frustrated fingers tearing into his hair before he stomps off, bathroom door slamming so loud it could rattle the entire flat.
Your head hurts. It throbs, pulse banging around under your skin, and the walls are too close, or too tall, everything is too much. You want to sleep. You want to disappear under a heap of blankets and close your eyes. You don’t want to face this, face either of them. 
You should have just kept walking. Should have stayed outside, shouldn’t have come back. Then you wouldn’t have had to do any of this. 
“Don’t cry.” Simon whispers. “Don’t cry, darling, please. It’s alright.” You hadn’t realized you were crying, but when he steps close, tapping his forehead to yours, strong arms holding you tight to his chest, you feel the wet stain on your cheeks, the heaviness of your lashes. 
“It hurts too much, sometimes.” You whisper, and he nods. 
“I know.” 
“Fuck.” Your mug from breakfast tips over, rolling towards the sink, and you vaguely register the brown trickle of coffee that spills over the side.
“I’ll clean it up,” Johnny’s mouth sucks a mark into your belly, shoving the rest of items that sit next to you away, either to the floor or across the countertop, hiking your knee up in their place. “later. Promise.” He’s still working himself lower, biting and kiss and snarling against your skin, strong, scorching hands spreading your thighs so he can bury his face in your underwear.
“Darling.” He groans, and you scramble, trying to pull them free, trying to push him closer to where you ache, already wet, desperate and out of your mind. You want him to crawl inside you, stitch himself to your skin and devour you whole.
“Johnny, Johnny.” The world vibrates in a million different colors, and you fist his hair, pushing yourself up to his face.
“I’ve got ye. Gon’ make ye feel good, love.” He does. He does every time, and this is no different, the way his hands cup you, the stroke of his tongue against your clit, the way he buries himself as far as he can, eating your twitching cunt as you lay flat on your back atop your own kitchen counter, begging him to make you come.
Is this wrong? Is it? Are you betraying yourself? Are you betraying him? 
Are you betraying Simon? 
It’s too much. It hurts too much.
You need it turned off. You need your entire brain powered down, need to not think or feel or cry about anything for just a second, for a single second of this almost thirty days.
Johnny moves, teeth nipping at your neck, and you meet his lips with your own, panting against him, holding him in your arms just like you’ve been dreaming about.
“I need you.” You whimper, and he nods, a thumb against your cheek. “Please, I- I want… I want you inside me,” your voice hitches higher, delirious, and insane. “Please, Johnny. Please.” Turn it off, turn it off, turn it-
“C’mere, c’mon, love.” He brings you to the edge of the counter, touching you so sweetly, so gently, like you’re a fragile treasure sort of thing, something to be revered, to be cared for.
You’re none of those things. Not now. Not ever. 
It’s a mess, a tangled, fumbled mess of your mouth and his, your hands and his, clothes, teeth, hair. You claw at his back as he frees his cock, one foot on the corner, spread wide for him, and it takes nearly no time until he’s breaching you, heavy hardness pushing into you halfway, his eyes fluttering shut with a groan.
“Bleedin’ christ.” He takes his time, takes it slow, reintroducing you to a feeling that you could never forget, the pressure of his cock notching against your cervix, the fullness and weight of having him seated inside you. It’s so good, like home, like something you could spend the rest of your life with, or the rest of your life chasing, and you barely register the words he is whispering into the side of your face, spit and sweat and tears all running together.
Something's missing. Something's off. Something is missing, it's missing, it's-
“Move… p-please-“
“F-fuck.” He hisses. “Feel so fuckin’ good, darling. So perfect… missed ye, missed ye so much.” He babbles, pinning your hips in place, tendons in his forearms flexing as he thrusts harder and faster, moving your bodies together. “I love ye, cannae live w’out ye, darling. We cannae do it.” His fingers trace around his cock and then to your clit, where he starts to circle and rub the swollen bud exactly as you like it, muscle memory guiding his touch in just the right way, allowing him to drag you to another impending orgasm, cunt clenching down around him. “Ah fuck, that’s it. Squeezin’ me, ye-“
“Johnny.” You cry, and he kisses you, insistently, deeply, sealing you off from any air that isn’t his own, covering you entirely with his body, grinding his hips.
Your orgasm explodes between the two of you, and he shouts when he feels it, clutching you too tightly, chasing his own with a vigor that makes you stutter. Your legs jolt, closing around him, anchoring him, tying him to you, his body going rigid when he fills you with his cum.
Your kitchen is dead silent except for the echo of ragged breathing, sweat dotted skin and shaky hands still languishing together, aftershocks sizzling through your belly.
"Are ye.. are ye alright?" He kisses you, kisses your cheek, your temple, still holding onto your hand, cock still lodged deep inside of you, his cum leaking out between your legs. 
Are you alright? Are you? 
Your chest feels tight, brain desperately trying to catch up, heart bleeding inside your chest.
"Darling? Hey, look at me." He shifts, cupping your jaw and you blink at him, mouth moving without words. 
You wallow there, in the silence, in the little space that exists in this moment, in the in-between. 
Neither of you speak. He pulls back to cradle your face, and you see the tears again, fat ones that roll down his cheeks, illuminating the brilliant blue blaze of his eyes.
What have you done? 
You stare at each other. Realization starts to form, panic fluttering in the ache between your ribs.
Oh no. 
Oh god, oh what did you do, what did you-
The shrill shriek of his cellphone interrupts, forcing both of you to turn to look at the screen that proudly displays the name of the caller.
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lialacleaf · 8 months
A Touch Too Personal
Chapter 1
Simon Riley x Reader
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Summary: You had a crush on Ghost since you started working for Price in communications, but the gruff, reserved Lieutenant only acknowledged your existence on the job. That starts to change with a simple, thoughtful gift.
Warnings: Fluff, Simon is bad at processing emotions, past trauma
Chapter 2
You cared deeply about every single one of your teammates. It didn’t matter that you were sitting in an office talking to them over the radio, you were still providing them with intel and directions that kept them alive.
They were like a second family, and so Task Force 141 slowly began to feel like having a lot of older brothers.
Johnny was your go to partner in crime when it came to making mischief, and you knew he was always down for a good prank.
Kyle on the other hand was good for having deep conversations and was the one you always went to for advice.
Ghost…well ghost was a bit different. Your feelings towards him weren’t exactly that of a sibling. Maybe it was because he was more reserved than the others, a mystery or puzzle that you couldn’t quite figure out, but you couldn’t help but feel warm inside on the rare occasion that his intense gaze did linger on you.
Which lead to your current dilemma.
Every time you went home, you made sure to bring one of the boys a gift when you returned to base.
Being that Price was like a father figure, you brought him a handcrafted mug from your hometown’s local pottery festival. Soap had gotten a pocket knife with his call sign engraved on it, and Gaz had received a baseball cap with a hand stitched 141 on the side in his favorite color.
However, now it was Ghost’s turn, and you were at a loss. What would he even like to have? You knew he had an array of tactical gear, you’d seen him knit pick through it on occasion, but you didn’t know enough about working in the field to know kind of tools he’d like. He had so many knives already, that it felt redundant to get him another.
What on earth were you supposed to give this man?
“Maybe you could make this Ghost fella something yourself?” Your mother suggested as you sat in your parents living room to ponder the issue.
Your mother liked Ghost’s nickname, and laughed whenever you brought it up. You could only assume she was picturing a little boy in a Scream costume, and you had to admit that was a little funny. Ghost was the only one to not have shared his real name with you, and thus always ended up being teased by your family, not that he was aware of that.
“Like what?” You asked.
“I don’t know, but I’m stopping by the craft store, how about you come with me instead of sulking in the living room?”
You watched your mother peruse through the holiday decorations and shook your head. That woman was amassing quite the Christmas village collection.
You wandered through the store with dwindling hope until you saw it. It was in the fabric section that you found the most perfect pattern for your Lieutenant.
The fabric had a black background, with white Ghosts all over it. You picked up the roll with a brilliant smile on your face, and ran over to one of the fabric department employees.
“I need some of this,” you said, giddy and bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“How much do you want?” The woman asked, preparing her scissors.
Ghost was a pretty large man, and you took a moment to think about just how much fabric you were going to need.
“Uhhh, a lot.”
“Lass! How was the family?” Johnny asked, pulling you in for a tight hug as you pulled your luggage into your room on base.
“It was good, ate a lot, took my cousins shooting, family stuff,” you said with a grin. “I gotta show you something,” you insisted, pulling him inside your room.
“Oh? What’s that?” He asked curiously.
“You know how I always bring back a surprise?” You began, a grin on your face.
“Who’s the lucky winner?” He chucked.
“You tell me.” You beamed at him as you pulled out the larger than life knot-tie blanket you’d made, and Johnny’s jaw dropped.
“You did not!” He gasped, chuckling at he inspected it. One side was the Ghost fabric you’d found, and the other was made from the softest army green material you could find. In the top corner. You’d stitched in a small British Flag patch, and each corner has a sandbag sewn in.“You made him a bloody weighted blanket? What gave you that idea?” He asked.
“We’ll I couldn’t find anything I thought he’d like at first, but then I saw the fabric and it just fell together so perfectly!”
“Oh man, I would kill to see his reaction to this,” Johnny said, giving you a pat on the shoulder.
“You say that like we ever get to see his reaction to anything,” you stated. You’d never actually seen him without some sort of face covering.
Johnny tisked softly and shrugged. “Alright, you got me there,” he admitted. “He’s in his room now, probably as good a time as any.”
You couldn’t help but grin broadly. “Perfect.”
You felt a lump form in your throat as you approached Ghost’s door. You knew it was just the nerves that came along with your little crush on the Lieutenant, but it still made the task at hand a little daunting.
You took a deep breath, knocking softly on the door. Maybe you should have wrapped it for him. What if he didn’t like it? How were you supposed to react if he just brushed you off.
The door opened before you could rethink your decision. It always came as a shock how large Ghost was, no matter how many times you stood mask to face.
“You’re back.”
You felt your heart rate spike. He had noticed you were gone? Had noticed you? Of course he had noticed, it was his job to notice, it didn’t mean anything.
“Yeah,” you said, waiting for him to ask how your trip was, or if you were glad to be back. He didn’t.
“I got you something!” You said suddenly, holding the folded blanket out to him, and his entire body seemed to freeze. He stared at it for a moment or two, as if he were slowly processing the object.
“What is it?”
Your smile faltered. “It’s a weighted blanket,” you said as he inspected it as if it were some kind of trick. “It’s a weighted blanket,” you said as he took it carefully from your hands.
“Where’d you get it?”
Shit, he hates it.
“I- Uhm. I made it,” you admitted, your cheeks blazing. This was stupid. You were stupid.
He looked between you and the blanket in his hands, and nodded. “Thanks,” he said before stepping back into his room and closing the door.
You pressed your lips together firmly in an attempt to not start bawling. You walked off on shaky legs, taking deep breaths. At least he hadn’t told you he didn’t want it.
Simon sat on his bed, his thumb brushed over the small flag patched into the corner of the blanket. The fact that you had made him a gift by hand had his stomach in knots. He knew about your little gift tradition with the rest of 141, but he hadn’t expected to be included, nor did he expected you’d go to such trouble. The two of you weren’t even very close.
He swallowed thickly as tears pricked his eyes. This was the nicest thing any teammate had ever given him.
He brought the fabric to his face and gave it a deep whiff. It smelled fresh, like laundry detergent. You must have washed it before you gave it to him.
Simon spread the blanket carefully over his cot, admiring how the fabric felt against his hands. It didn’t catch on his calloused fingers, and wasn’t too fluffy.
It was large too, as if you’d taken his massive size into account. He was certain he could easily caving himself in it. His bottom lip wobbled slightly, and it was an effort to hold his tears at bay.
That night, Simon slept soundly, wrapped in your carefully crafted gift, and you were the only thing on his mind.
AN: Let me know if you'd like to be tagged!
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soapybutt17 · 20 days
The Next of Kin
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Summary: Simon needed to update his contact information, as dodgy as he was for giving everyone even a glimpse of his private life, he did so. Who would have ever thought that it would become handy after an injury left him high on painkillers and needy for his girls back home. Character: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Wife!Reader. OC Daughter (Cassandra "Cassie" Riley). John Price. Word Count: 1,615 Chapter Warnings: Mentions of Injuries. Drug Consumption. Slight Angst. Mostly fluff.
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It was the annual checkup in the base, something that Simon had dreaded the most knowing what it entails. Not only was his current and past injuries being monitored but he was all too certain about the wacky doctor would also make an appearance to check on his mental state. It wasn’t a fun time as any of his other team mates point it out to be.
“Should we update your emergency contact, Lieutenant Riley?” The nurse had inquired dealing with his medical records.
A part of him wanted to say no, but remembering what was waiting for him home, he could not allow himself to break his wife’s heart as well as his own daughter if the time ever comes that he dies in the middle of battle. He would want to ensure if ever that was to happen, you would know and hope that you would move on.
“Yes,” He agreed accepting the clipboard and pen handed to him.
Without an ounce of hesitation, he wrote your name and your number under his emergency contacts.
His handwriting was decent and readable at best, chicken scratch at worst as Johnny had eloquently pointed out during reports. But there was this special care with the way he wrote your first name and his last name that you were more than happy to take as soon as you married all those years ago. Your number was ingrained to his brain as he wrote it, having forced himself to memorize in the event he didn’t have his personal phone with him and simply a burner phone for missions.
What truly took him a second to write was the blank space dedicated to his relationship with you. No one knew he was in a relationship, nor did anyone know about his marriage. It took him a full two minutes before he found himself slowly opening the flood gates of his personal life that he had tried his best to hide from the world.
“Never knew you were married, Lieutenant.”
“Never planned on letting anyone know about it.” He spoke honestly, the cold demeanor and tone enough to stop the conversation from going further about his personal life.
Little did Simon know that the upcoming mission would lead to him having to make use of the emergency contact.
When you had begun your relationship with one Simon Riley, you had always accepted that he would always be gone for uncertain amounts of months in a year, you had accepted that part of him. How mission would always mean the world was a little safer from the dangers of man. You accepted all the big and small flaws that came with Simon and even in your eventual marriage and the birth of your daughter, you had come to accept the danger that would come in missions that would place him badly bruised or beaten beyond repair. You would always be there to tend to each and every single wounds and be the shoulder for him to cry on when he was good and ready.
But nothing could have ever prepared you for another unknown call coming from your phone. You’ve always expected it to be your husband, checking up on you before the mission begins like he always does. But the voice of an unknown man was the last thing you would have expected.
He called himself John Price and you know the man from your husband’s few conversations when he talks about the people he works with. You had feared for the worst as soon as he had explained that your husband has just gotten out of surgery after a mission. A few broken bones and a superficial gunshot wound. But it was enough to worry you as Simon himself has been asking for you as soon as he was out of surgery and in lucid consciousness.
On most days you were calm and collected, but it was the panic of seeing the worse of your husband that had you carrying your two year old and a baby bag towards your car with a mission. The Captain had asked if you could possibly have someone come get him but you know no one else better to check up on him but yourself and your daughter that was all the more excited about being in the car.
The travel was rather long and rather tedious knowing you and your husband had agreed to live away from the city and away from any dangers that may come to you and the baby while he was gone. You had appreciated the distance, the peaceful tranquility that came with being away from the bustle and noise of the city but not this time. It had meant a longer journey and a more hectic one since the base was all the way across the other side.
Once you had arrived to the base, all eyes were on you. Many eyes had lingered on you when they heard your last name. You know for a fact that your husband’s name and reputation beholds him, but you never knew nor did you ever try to question to what extent. It unnerved you more was how avoidant everyone had been of you aside from one of the soldiers tasked with bringing you and your daughter to your husband.
Outside the infirmary room was a rugged man. The man exudes an air or control and intensity and rugged strength, but not as much as your husband did. His posture was upright, suggesting discipline and years of military training. Dressed in an all too familiar tactical gear, he gives off a no-nonsense vibe that immediately commands attention.
“Ma’am, my name is John Price.” The man introduced the moment he caught sight of you.
You spoke your name and your daughter that was surprisingly all too mum in the whole situation, you were surprised that she wasn’t crying at being in an unfamiliar environment like she usually was.
“It is best to assume that you two are Simon’s wife and daughter, I presume?” He inquired.
You took a moment to think if it was alright to agree with his statement. Knowing your husband and the array of precaution he had come to give you, you were uncertain if you could trust the man with such a fact.
“Yes.” You spoke, dealing with the consequence later as there was something more important that needed your attention. “How’s he doing?” You inquired wanting to change the subject now.
“Stable. A little loopy from the drugs, but he’ll make a fast recovery.”
You nodded, hesitation of asking if you would be allowed to see him now in his state.
“He was looking for you.” He opened the door for you and you were welcomed with your husband in bed with his mask still on.
“Dada!” Your daughter squealed upon the sight of your husband groggy still.
You watched as his head turned to look at you and your daughter.
“Love…” He grunted wincing at the pain that you were certain that was coming in full force now.
“I’m here, Baby.” You whispered approaching him, cupping his cheeks gently. “Me and Cassie are here.” You assured trying your best to hide the tears that were fighting to fall at the sight of him.
When Simon Riley had opened his eyes, the first thing that he had come to notice was the pain that surrounded his entire body. The next thing that he noticed was the warmth that wrapped around his calloused hand.
Turning his head he saw the most beautiful sight that he had the fortune of seeing in his life. His wife and daughter. The more pressing matter was the fact that you were asleep in an all too familiar uncomfortable plastic chair with one hand on him, and your other arm held onto your baby sleeping on your chest.
“Baby…” He grunted harsher than he intended.
Slowly blinking away, your eyes immediately turned down towards your daughter before your eyes met his own.
“How are you holding up?” You inquired immediately, trying your best not to wake your sleeping daughter still cradled snuggly on your chest.
“Like a bitch.” He muttered appreciating being able to swear with his daughter still asleep. “But I’ll live.”
“I’m glad.” You sighed, rubbing his hand tenderly. “I was so worried about you when your boss called me. I thought something worse has happened.” You whispered.
“I didn’t really want to worry you—or have you see me like this.” He muttered.
“I know.” You nodded gently letting go of his hand to cup his cheeks that still was covered with his mask. “But I’m still as glad to be here right now knowing you’re alright. Me and Cassie get to see you’re alright.”
At the mention of your daughter, Simon noticed his daughter begin to get fussy from your chest. Gently pushing himself up until he sat on his bed much to your protest, he took your now crying daughter into his arms, gently laying her onto his chest and how quick she was sated in his warmth.
“Daddy’s here, Angel. I’m here.” He began to whisper, pulling off his balaclava to kiss his daughter onto top of her head. “I’m not going soon for a while. I promise.”
He has yet to tell you about the doctor’s insistence that he takes a few months off. It would be something he would tell when you get home. Once he finishes up with the paper works, he’ll let you know of the good news. For now, all that’s important was he had you and his daughter here with him, even in his most vulnerable state.
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lovifie · 23 days
Lift Me Off My Feet
Chapter 11: Gaz’s Date
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12
W: Gaz x Reader, jealous Gaz, the tiniest bit of toxic Gaz, degradation, spanking, rough sex.
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A ruckus at the door brings you out of the book you were reading, a mischievous laugh on the other side of the door and when it finally opens you can't help but mimic Gaz's wide smile as he runs to you. He holds your face kissing you before asking: “Do you wanna go on a date with me tomorrow?”
There is an urge to the way he asks, making you want to say no just to tease him; but it's been days since you left the house so you quickly nod. He kisses you again, pulling the book off your hands and laying it down on the table (open, so you don't lose the page).
He softly pushes you back with the kiss, making you lie down on the sofa with him on top of you. You still wonder why he was in such a rush, and it gets answered when Soap enters the house panting and calling your name. 
“I'm here, Johnny.” You say, waving your hand so he can see you from the door. His face lights up for the second it takes him to see Gaz is already lying on top of you, looking up at him with a shit-eating grin. 
“Too slow, Johnny.” Gaz teases. “My date and I are already set.”
“Oh, away n' bile yer heid!” The scotsman complains, but still lays down on top of the two of you making you groan. You can tell Gaz is using his strength to take some of Soap's weight off of you, because you know damn well that if you had to lie under the two brick houses you would pop a lung. 
You chuckle at Soap's dramatism, looking at Gaz. “What are you not telling me, you little shit?” He looks at you with a boyish smile on his face, mischief clear on his eyes, not even bothering to play it as innocent. 
“There is this military gala that Price is making all of us attend.” He explains. “And now you are attending too.”
“Wait.” You say, reality is settling in. You slip from under him, sitting up and Gaz pushes Soap off of him making him fall on the floor; both of them sitting up on their new locations. “A military gala? Like… meeting your bosses and all of that? And like… what I'm supposed to do there? I don't-”
“Well technically…” Gaz cuts you off. “Price is our boss. And those that are over him usually leave really early, we go mostly to see old colleagues and get drunk. And you are attending… as my girl.”
“Our girl.” Soap quickly chimes in, correcting Gaz.
“Uh uhh” Gaz answers, shaking his finger. “My date, my girl. You already got yours.”
Gaz pulls you, sitting you on his lap as a petulant child who has been asked to share a toy. 
“Oi, Garrick, don't make me beat yer arse.” Soap argues, but quiets down when you move his head to rest on your lap.
“But then… you are introducing me to your… friends?” You ask, anxiousness setting on your stomach. “Are you sure about it?”
Gaz furrows his eyebrow at your question. “Are you asking if I'm sure about letting my friends know about you?”
You look from Gaz to Soap, both with the same confused expression. “Bonnie, if I could I'll keep ye in my pocket just so I could show ye to every single person I come across.”
“Exactly, like…” Gaz looks at you confused. “I think you keep forgetting that we are obsessed with you, birdie.” He chuckles.
He hugs you, kissing your cheekbone. “I want to introduce you to everyone I know, birdie. You are somebody to drag about.”
His words help to ease the thoughts inside your brain, finally letting your anxiety travel to other important matters.
You gasp. “The dress John bought me is still at base…”
“Ye aren't wearing the same dress again.” Soap chimes in. “Ghost and Price are buying ye another one.”
“They are shopping together?” You ask, confused.
“Laswell is probably with them too, so don't worry, I'll be pretty.” Gaz explains, as if you know who the fuck Laswell is. 
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It is already nighttime when you leave the house, hand on hand with Gaz. Feeling the prettiest girl at the world with the constant compliments for the four men. 
Once inside the venue, Gaz’s hand doesn't lift from your back. Always guiding you, introducing you to people and pulling you away from others that, according to him: “is not worth even knowing their names.”
Making sure to enunciate the “She's my partner” to anyone who asks, it was spoken before, that this was not the place to explain to everyone how the poly relationship worked to the old military men who were struggling to look up to your face and not stare at your chest. 
It doesn't make the other three men complain any less, Price going “Garrick” whenever the sergeant becomes a little too enthusiastic about you and him. There are a couple of people that Ghost tells you, know about their arrangements. Not the tiny details, but enough to know that there is something between the four of them and that if you are involved with Gaz, you are involved with the rest.
One of those people, is Alex Keller. Whom Gaz is really excited to introduce you to, and who ends up sitting at the same table as you. 
It is a round table, wide enough not to be able to reach Ghost's feet that is sitting right in front of you as you sit between Soap and Gaz. Gaz is also sitting next to Alex, and as the night goes on he slowly turns more and more towards him, giving you his back. 
You turn to Soap, pout on your face. “I think my date is on a date with somebody else.” You know it is unfair, they haven't seen each other in years and are just catching up; still, you are glad Soap is next to you or else you'll feel quite alone. 
“Ye can always make out with me.” Soap proposes, making you chuckle. “But I think I have an even better idea.”
Now, you know both sergeants are little mischievous shits; but the smile on Soap's face still makes you rethink on how much trouble you are going to get yourself into.
“Have any of us told ye that Gaz is a really jealous man?” Soap asks, leaning into your chair and resting his arm on the backrest of it. “Like, really jealous.”
“Gaz?” You ask, quite shocked that the so-sure-of-himself man is the jealous man out of the four. 
Soap nods, smiling still. “When we started, Gaz and I were the ones that mixed the pairs, to say it simply. And Gaz knew Ghost and I were already messing with each other, still, at the beginning whenever I'd kiss Ghost, Gaz would turn his head. I promised ye, if I hadn't seen him suck my dick I'd guess he was homophobic.”
His choice of words as you cover your mouth so Gaz can't hear you laugh, leaning more onto Soap's side. “That's why he pulled me away from you on the sofa?” You ask and Soap quickly nods, a smile on his face. 
“Especially ye, since you are the last addition. The three of us have been reassuring him that we love him to bits for years now, but ye still have a long road to go, bonnie.” He says, starting to look around looking for somebody. “And I think I have an idea of how to show ye.” 
He waves at somebody behind you after a second, urging them to come closer. You look behind, seeing a tan man approach with a smirk on his face. 
“Soap, hermano, long time no see” He says, clapping hands with Soap. “What have you been up to?”
“Alejandro, let me introduce ye to Birdie.” He says, before saying your actual name and repeating Alejandro's name to you. He shakes your hand, making you smile at the formalities and he winks at you, satisfied with making you smile. “And actually, I think she can use some of yer help.” He signals the man to bend down to whisper to him. “How do ye feel about messing with Gaz a bit?”
“Let me guess, if I say yes I get to flirt with the pretty lady?” He asks, whispering as well and laughing when Soap nods. “A huevo, hermano. I'm in.”
He pulls an empty chair from a close by table, Soap pulls your chair and Alejandro sits between you and Gaz. Who has yet to notice the treachery taking place behind him. 
It is easy to forget that you are doing this to get a raise out of Gaz, especially with how funny the conversation gets between Alejandro and Soap. Telling you about Soap's absolute lack of ability to learn Spanish, and how it almost got him into problems when he accidentally asked for a male prostitute instead of a cigar, when he kept getting the words puro and puto mixed up. 
You are laughing out loud, almost crying for it, not just you, the three of you. Alejandro is rocking back and forth on his chair, and his hand lands on your thigh, innocent enough that it doesn't even make you uncomfortable. But not innocent enough for Gaz, who has been side-eyeing the three of you for a bit now, Alex chuckling when he noticed he had stopped listening to him. 
The moment Alejandro's hand lands on you, he springs into action, standing up and walking behind you. “Birdie. Can I talk to you for a minute? In private.”
You stand up, knees weak at the look on Gaz's face. He easily pulls your chair back so you can walk. He grabs your hand once you take the first step and pulls you towards the bathroom stalls. You look back to Soap, and see him, Alejandro and Alex who have just taken your place smiling at you with a thumbs up. 
He pushes you inside the stall, locking the door behind you and then presses you against the wall, his hips pressed plush against yours. His hand grabs your jaw, making you look at him to his face. “What the fuck do you think you were doing, birdie?”
“What?” You ask, playing dumb.
“What?” He asks back, high pitched voice mimicking yours, his other hand raising to pinch your nipple through the thin fabric of the dress making you hiss. “Do you think I'm blind? Deaf? Or just plain old stupid? Hm?”
“I don't know what- AH!” He pinches hard, making you whine, cutting you off.
“Don't lie to me, birdie.” He says, face getting close to yours where you can feel his breath on yours. “Has Alejandro left you stupid or something?”
“You were ignoring me!” You complain, trying to act tough as if his degrading tone wasn't making you grow wet by the minute. 
“Oh! So that's it!” He asks, dry laughing. “I speak with a person for one minute!” He says, raising a finger to accentuate his words. “And you are already looking for another dick to choke on, right?”
“That's not true!” You argue, trying to avoid his gaze.
“Then show me, birdie. Show me mine is the only dick you want to choke on.” He says, rubbing his crotch against your abdomen. 
The moment he pulls back, you drop to your knees helping him get his belt undone. He lowers his briefs, shaft springing free and pulsing right in front of your face. He is already hard and it makes you wonder whether he was already when he stood up from the table. 
He grabs your wrist, and when his tip is inside your warm mouth he thrusts forward hitting the back of your throat hard making you gag but pulling your hands behind his back to prevent you from moving back. 
It’s ironic how similar it is to the first night you met him, when Price cuffed you around his waist. 
He thrust forward hard, your eyes watering as you fight your gag reflex. You wonder for a second if he is actually getting any kind of pleasure other than the feeling of humiliation you. 
One of his hands moves to the back of your head, pushing you closer until your nose reaches his happy trail. You look up to him, vision blurry with tears. 
He groans, pulling your hair to push you back and then up to have you standing. He turns you around, pushing your head against the wall. “I guess I have no other option but to fuck your ungrateful pussy, hm? Fuck you stupid so you can stop whoring yourself to every man? How many more dicks do you need, birdie? How much of a slut are you that four dicks the size of your bloody forearms are not enough?”
It shouldn't be turning you on as it is, every single feminist cell on your body getting ignored by all your blood flowing to your cunt pulsing with anticipation. 
He pulls your dress up, pushing your panties to the side before probing your entrance with his tip. He knows it's gonna sting, but in his jealousy-driven mind, that's what he wants. For your body to remember him tomorrow. 
He pushes forward, slowly, covering your mouth when you cry at the sting; waiting stills once he bottoms out to let go of your mouth. 
He grabs both your wrists on his hand behind your back, still keeping your head pushed against the wall. There is a loud sound of his hips slapping against yours, accompanied by the moans and pants of both of you. 
You could as well have the door open with the way you are fucking, everyone that walks by would know perfectly fine what's going on. 
He bends forward, close to your face, talking to you through gritted teeth. “This is what you wanted, right? To get fucked like a whore? While everyone outside knows that you are getting fuck? Filthy, filthy slut.” 
He moves back, letting go of your head only to slap your ass hard enough to leave an imprint. It makes you jump, making him grunt when you clench around him. 
“Fucking. Take it. Whore.” He says, snapping his hips at every word, knocking the breath out of you. His heavy balls keep slapping against your clit, sending shockwaves up your column making your toes curl. 
He slaps your ass again, hard, always on the same spot. And he doesn't relent until he starts to see the little purple dots of a bruise forming on your asscheek. It has tears threatening to fall from your eyes, still pulsing around him so close for release. 
“I bet you are scared I'm gonna leave you hanging, right, whore?” He asks, reading your mind. The thought of the man finishing before you and leaving you wanting your release was on your mind since he made you stand from the table. “You don't even care about anything else, do you? As long as you get to cum, you don't care that I talk to you like you are trash, do you? Such a fucking whore, only thinking with your cunt.”
He chuckles behind you, not sparing you a second to breathe as your orgasm comes closer and closer. “Then cum, you fucking whore. I don't have all night.” 
And you do, whaling his name as your whole body shakes when the orgasm rains over you. Your head hits the tiling with a loud TONK as you do, making Gaz laugh meanly behind you at your lack of control. 
He lets go of your hands, letting you support yourself on your hands instead of your face. He holds your hips instead, thrusting in and out fast and shallow, going after his own release. 
You clench around him, the overstimulation getting to you and that is enough for Gaz to spill thick ropes of his spent inside of you. Pulling out to see it spill out, just for him to shove his dick back inside making you moan when fucks his cum back inside of you. 
“Kyle!” You whine, needing a moment to breathe. He chuckles behind you, getting his dick out and moving to grab toilet paper to dry himself off you. You look under you, between your legs seeing the thin strip of his seed spilling out of you onto the floor. 
“Aw, birdie, you're letting it go to waste.” He comments behind you, while he puts his pants back up. 
You give him a look making him chuckle and you stand up, leaning back on the sink with wobbly legs. He walks between them, pushes one of your legs apart with his and gets two of his fingers back inside of your saturated cunt. 
You groan, slapping his arm. “I'm just making sure that you can feel my cum slipping out of you for the rest of the night so you can stop acting like a whore.” He says, beaming with a smile. 
He takes his fingers out, helping you clean up and throw the paper away. He holds you in his arms, the jealousy flushed out of his system turning him back onto his clingy self. 
You look up to him, his eyes shiny with love on them. Smiling widely at you. You don't know what pushes you to say it, but once it leaves your lips you are not sure who is more flabbergasted out of the two. 
“I think I love you, Kyle”
“Wh- Bird- I- You can't…” he sighs, resting his head on yours. “You can't say such a thing right after I called you a whore, Birdie!” He complains, trying to hide the smile on his voice. 
“Hm, don't call me a whore then!” You argue, the same smile on your face. “Are you not going to say it bac-”
Before you can finish the question, his lips are on yours. Plush soft lips kissing you lovingly, he is almost hugging your head with how tightly he is hugging your shoulders. “I think I love you too, Birdie. You little minx”
You chuckle against his lips, butterflies on your stomach as if mere minutes ago it wasn't his dick you were feeling inside of you. It's a silly feeling, but a warm one indeed. 
He kisses you again, a soft peck on your lips before softly patting your butt (the side he didn't assault before) and saying. “Wash your face and get out before they think I murdered you.”
You chuckle, getting spooked at your reflection on the mirror. You grab paper again, working on taking most of the mascara running down your face and the smudged lipstick. 
You do a decent job at it, cleaning Gaz's lips as well and walking out of the bathroom, still feeling your knees ready to give up. It is clear that whichever high rank that was at the party must have left, because the quiet dinner from before is slowly turning into a party. 
On your table, only Ghost, Soap and Price are still sitting down. Most likely waiting to leave altogether, but it makes the walk easier and as you try to sit down, Price pulls you into his lap, Gaz groaning behind you. 
Price kisses your temple. “Are you ready to leave?” He asks softly, and you shake your head grabbing the champagne bottle for the middle of the table. “I'm finally out of the house, I want a party.”
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It's late at night when the five of you finally make it home. Everyone's a little bit tipsy, enough to make everyone clumsy and to have an easy laugh at everything. That's how you go to sleep, helping everyone get naked too tired to bother with any sleepwear. Between giggles, kisses and smacks to everyone's butts with the corresponding “EH!”
It is a comedic image, the bed not big enough but everyone still stubborn enough to sleep altogether. Too clingy to sleep apart from each other.
Price wishes he could sleep like this every night, knowing the five of you are safe and within reach. 
If only he knew he wasn't going to be able to do it again.
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Hi lovelies!! 💗
We are now on the last stretch, only one more chapter left. And it has me on my feelings to see the series end 😭
But anyway, hope you like it 💗
Also, debating whether to upload the last chapter later today or tomorrow, so we will see.
Make sure to leave a comment or a reblog if you did 💗💗
TagList: @whos-fran @thevoidwriting @sklt987659 @kayden666 @dumb12bvtch1212 @thatonepupkai @darkangel4121 @cassiecasluciluce @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tired-writer04 @evolutionarry @prettykinkysoul @pagesfalling @skyler-loves-rick-grimes @readerofallthingss @onewattson6529 @mynameismothra  @renabear88 @lolliepopsicle @reap3erslov3 @tooloudarts @sodavrrr @anirok2 @lilliumrorum @ladyxtiger @multy-fandom-lover @thriving-n-jiving @lotionlamp @spicyspicyliving @xxeiraxx @vampirekilmerfic @keiraslayz @risingofjupiter @witchthewriter @soupinasock @phantomly27 @arbesa-mind  @multifandomheathenannie  @spadekip @cmbghost @herefor-tojis-tits @tooloudarts @panikk-attackkk @reap3erslov3 @mothsdrabbles @ghosts-hoe @cassiecasluciluce
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chamomiletealeaf · 2 months
Sweet as Pie
Chapter 1
When Simon retires from the military, he buys a little cabin in Georgia to live the quiet life he's always wanted. It's rural, hidden, and exactly what he was looking for. However, it's not as rural as he thought it to be, when one day he finds out he has a cute lil next door neighbor who is sweet as pie.
pairing: fem!afab!southern! reader x mommykink! simon riley
a/n: Thank you to @thatonepupkai for inspiring me with this because I am now obsessed with mommy kink Simon and Southern reader.
warnings: mentions of trauma
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Simon placed the last box of his belongings (which there weren't very many of) down in his new home.
He had just retired from the military, deciding to maybe try and experience some joy in his life.
Simon had never really experienced true joy. Not since his family. When he joined the Task Force he thought he could help save lives so that no one would have to live the way he did. He had nothing to live for, so why not try to save the lives of those who did have something?
But killing was hard. Something he didn't want to do. Was it really worth the risk? After Johnny nearly died by a shot to the head by Makarov, Simon felt an emotion that he hasn't felt since his family was alive.
For the first time in years, Simon Riley realized he had something to live for.
But he wasn't living, only surviving, which is why he decided to start a new chapter in his life and try and bring out that feeling he had gone so long without that he only got a taste of after Johnny was shot.
Which is where his rural cabin in Georgia comes in.
It was a beautiful wooden cabin; surrounded by nature and hidden by trees. It was alone, just the way he was. It was only one story and on a beautiful black lake that sparkled with the reflections of the sunny sky and warped images of the branches of the trees lingering over it. Maybe he would buy himself a kayak one day and go out on the lake. He was still learning how to take care of himself.
He didn't see any houses for a while. The closest house he saw being quite far down the lake, but close enough that he wasn't too secluded.
Simon wanted to start slow, inch his way back into civilization, and this cabin was the perfect start.
He placed the last box of his belongings down on the wooden floor in the living room. He sighed and placed his hands on his hips, then looked around as if he was trying to find something to do.
It felt awkward not having to watch his back 24/7.
He sat down on the little couch that came with the house, and opened up the box, deciding to occupy himself with putting away his things.
The first thing he took out the box was his only coffee mug that had the Task Force logo on it that Price had given to him so he wouldn't have to steal his mug to make his tea.
Tea, that sounded good.
Simon took the mug into the kitchen and put a kettle onto the stove.
As he waited for the water to heat up, he leaned back against the counter, crossed his arms over his chest, and looked outside his window in the kitchen, admiring the view of the lake.
Then something caught his eye.
From the window in the kitchen, Simon could see to the right of the cabin, which was most of the lake, and a lot of the wooded area beside it. He could see more from that window than the window in the living room, which showed the left part of his house, and that distant house that looked to be his only neighbor.
But in the distance, to the right, not too far from his cabin and definitely much closer than the other house, he saw a cute little pastel yellow house, also wooden, with a big white door.
"What the f-" Simon whispered under his breath, squinting his eyes to see if that was really another house he was seeing or maybe just a storage shed.
That's when he saw you.
Simon could see the door of your house that appeared to be the kitchen door. It was a single door with a little stoop to allow people to walk up and down it.
He watched as you opened the door, bringing a basket along with you, and walked over to the peach trees you had in your backyard.
You were beautiful. So much so that Simon unsquinted his eyes and his anger towards the realtor who sold him the house who failed to inform him of a closer-by neighbor faded.
He watched as you picked the peaches off the trees and pulled a white cardigan around your figure that slipped open every time you reached up to the branches of the tree.
Then, when the basket was full, he watched you disappear back into the coziness of your little yellow house, that was almost as cute as you were.
Simon stared at your kitchen door for a bit, awestruck by the woman he just saw.
Then the screeching whistle of the kettle is what snapped him out of his trance.
He rushed to turn the stove off and ran a hand through his messy blonde hair. Then with a sigh, he leaned against the counter on his palms, repressing a small grin creeping onto his face and thought:
Maybe having a neighbor wouldn't be so bad.
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This is the masterlist for The Californicationist's Tumblr & AO3 texts.
All works should be considered 18+ only. MDNI - no exceptions.
Novel-Length Works
Gunslinger Price/Reader - AO3 - 100k - Complete You open your home as a safehouse for the 141, and your relationship with John Price unfolds into an epic love story.
Guardian Konig/FemaleOC - AO3 - 45k - Complete Konig, inexplicably working with SpecGru, clears out a Konni base and finds a hostage with amnesia, only to fall hopelessly in love with her.
Guile & Guilt Soap/Reader - AO3/Tumblr - Complete Your best friend has warned you to stay far, far away from her younger brother — infamous party boy, Sergeant Johnny MacTavish. However, when she asks you to be her maid of honor in her wedding, you and Johnny end up closer than you ever expected.
The Sin-Eater Price/Reader - Co-Author: @vampirekilmer - AO3 - WIP Captain John Price is a loving husband, a dedicated soldier, and a good man. But, that’s not all he is. Underneath his controlled exterior lurks something dark, something hungry, and something wholly inhuman. You’re his only solace during his wrath, and only you can consume the sin from his shifts.
One-Shot Works
Gauntlet (Kinktober 2023) [External Post] Price/Reader - AO3/Tumblr - 58k - Complete TW: too many to list here 😈 A collection of 30 kink-focused one-shots
Budapest Price/Reader - AO3 - 1.2k - Complete TW: major character death, explicit sex Captain John Price comes home to you a changed man.
Going Home Gaz/Nova - AO3 - 4.3k - Complete TW: explicit sex, voyeurism Gaz and Nova spend their leave together at his childhood home. This is set in the Gunslinger universe.
Gravitational Shift Price/FemaleOC - AO3 - 2k - Complete TW: Space AU, includes the Force from the Star Wars fandom, force-bond sex Captain Price senses a disturbance in the force, and when he bonds with her, he decides he's never letting go.
Ground & Pound Konig/FemaleOC - AO3 - 5.8k - Complete TW: NC/CNC, bondage, violence Konig's ex-girlfriend shows up to the base, and Konig loses his absolute mind over her...and takes things too far.
Growl Price/Reader - AO3/Tumblr - 2.5k - Complete TW: pegging, femdom When you agreed to come over to John Price’s house for drinks, you had no idea it would escalate so damn swiftly.
The Orchard Price/Reader - AO3/Tumbr - 3.8k - Complete TW: CNC, primal play, bondage John Price chases you through the woods to make sure you learn your lesson.
The Fisherman's Knot Price/FemaleOC - AO3 - 2.9k - Complete ABO AU - Captain John Price rescues a pretty Alpha from a kayaking accident in his fishing cove, his body betrays his gentle nature.
The Honest Man Mace/Reader - AO3/Tumblr - 2.5k - Complete TW: Breeding kink Mace tries to convince you to build a life with him again, especially if it means adding another baby into the mix.
The Missed Deadline Gaz/Reader - AO3/Tumblr - 2.7k - Complete TW: Virginity loss You and Kyle had a virginity pact.
The Fourth of July Alex Keller/Reader - AO3/Tumblr - 3.5k - Complete TW: Blow job You and Alex get a little carried away in the pool house.
The Fox & the Hound Soap/Reader - AO3/Tumblr - 4.5k - WIP(?) TW: Literal porn, exhibition Your first porno shoot doesn't go exactly to plan. Your co-star, Johnny "Dangerous" MacTavish, sets his sights on you and makes you his personal project. (Labeled WIP because I'm considering a Chapter 02 moment).
The Green Light Price/Reader - AO3/Tumblr - 1.8k - Complete TW: Dubcon/CNC John Price comes home with only one thing on his mind: you and those bright green panties. Even though you're sound asleep, he just can't stop himself.
The Dealer’s Choice 141/Reader - AO3/Tumblr - 4.4k - Complete TW: Gangbang The 141 are stranded and you’re the safe house manager. You have fun playing strip poker.
The Simple Mistake Ghost/Soap - AO3 - 1.4k - Complete Soap and Ghost have to hide together, injured and desperate in a shelter until their rescue party arrives.
The Devil's Summer Konig/Named Reader - AO3/Tumblr - 3k - Complete TW: Rape, non-consent, assault, corpses, violence, named reader A tall, foreign stranger comes to town with his masked crew of bandits. They rob the train station and the bank, but the big one… he has his sights set on a different sort of prize: you.
The Advent Calendar Ghost/Soap - AO3/Tumblr - 1.9k - Complete Soap gave Ghost an advent calendar this year. It's a little more romantic than he realized.
The False Alarm 141/Reader - AO3/Tumblr - 1.9k - Complete TW: Gangbang Cleaning the pole in the firehouse was hard work, but someone had to do it. But, when your harness broke and you were left dangling there, free to use for a firehouse full of men… you were in charge of cleaning a lot more poles than you bargained for.
There’s more, but I ran out of room! I’m trying to figure out how to fix it. Sorry 😣
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 5 months
Northern Attitude
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Next chapter
a/n guilty... guilty... guilty... I caved in. I own up to my weaknesses. Promised myself to never write for this man and here I am now. This is my first time so be gentle. 🗡️🫧
summery: mission gone bad, feels a little like enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort sort of goodness.
warnings: injuries, blood, bleeding out, alcohol, needles, death, trauma fun stuff.
You two hated each other. That was a fact, and there was no way around it. It was scowling glares, sharp jabs during training if you two were paired together, and bitter remarks thrown here and there. And the joy of it all was that Price had granted you a shared room on the base. First, the excuse was that there was simply not enough room; the team had grown. Then he said he wasn't having a team that was up on biting each other's necks out. So in conclusion, he had set it up on purpose.
Did it help? No. It was a disaster. The man was insufferable. And, in all honesty, you had no idea what you had done. You had thrown a sexist card at him multiple times because you simply couldn't find another reason for his unmeasured dissatisfaction as to why you shouldn't be here. Never had he said anything nice your way. You got it; the guy was secretive. You didn't need to look far. The fact that he never took his mask off was proof enough. But to be so against someone you didn't even spend time with?
"Clean your mess", Ghost huffed, dropping his wet towel on the bed. You lifted your head away from your book. At least you two had separate beds on the opposite sides of the room. "It's on my side", you said, pointing to the white line that Ghost had drawn on the floor like a kid the first night you dragged your stuff here. The rule was simple: you stayed on your side, he on his. The bathroom was the only exception. "Yeah, I have to look at it, don't I", he grumbled, tossing the towel into the laundry basket. You paid him no mind, your eyes turning back to the pages. "Poor you, does it mess with your posh tea time?", you chuckled under your breath, earning a growl from the other side of the room.
And that's how it went. More than not, you considered any word coming out of Ghost's mouth a win. Because a new tactic the asshole had adopted was pretending that you weren't even a thing. You were an actual ghost, and Simon didn't believe in the paranormal clearly. You fastened your vest, double-checking that your on-hand weapons were right where you wanted them. "Do you need me to do a touch-down for you?", your head darted up, only to be met with a smug-looking scot. Soap. You couldn't help but let out a breathy chuckle. "Do you think that if you keep asking, the answer will eventually change?", you snickered back, shaking your head. Soap shrugged. "You tell me, bonnie?", the man teased back. Leave it to Johnny to joke around right before a mission. You hummed, "Maybe I'm more into you undoing it", Gaz snickered somewhere in the back. Soap's smirk grew even bigger. You knew that it was all good fun. Neither of them would make a move. They respected you. To most, you were like a sister. They had become your family. One you never had. Before Soap could say anything in return, the back door swung open, and in strolled Ghost. God, he looked good. Six feet of pure muscle. And when this man was in his full gear... You allowed yourself a moment to appreciate the way he looked before dropping your gaze. Suddenly, you were way more interested in the guns on the table than anything else.
Johnny came to stand next to you as the team gathered around the table. Price loved to gather everyone around before it all went off. John was like a father to most. You were no exception. You liked to tease the boys that you were his number one. His girl. And well, by law, you were. Considering that he pulled you out of the foster home, you owned this man a lot, even if he said that it was all in the past.
"You know the drill; go in, grab what you need, and get out. Try to keep it clean", Price said, pulling three sheets of paper and scattering them around on the table. "Soap and Ghost, you're together. I'll go with Gaz. Sugar, you're alone on this; we will clean the path for you, though". It was supposed to be a joke that name. You wanted something cool. Something as cool as Ghost, but Johnny was quick to remind you that his nickname was soap "And sugar", He had said, "That's quite literally white death". So it stuck.
You nodded your head, only to find Ghost shaking his. "Got something against it, LT?", you snarled. His eyes met yours over the table. With the war paint, his eyes were even more radiant. "She can't go alone. She doesn't know how to hold herself back and will do something stupid", now it was your turn to growl. Scratch the fact that you found this man attractive. You will suffocate him with a pillow in his sleep when you return to base. "Want to go with her, Ghost?", Price said calmly, knowing full well the answer would be a hard no. "We meet in the safe house afterward", Price continued without acknowledging the death glare Ghost was wearing, "Come back in one piece, you bunch". Everyone nodded quietly, reaching for the masks, double-checking the cartridges and radios. You were all climbing into the motorcar when Soap nudged your shoulder. "I'll hold you to the undressing part", he winked, hurrying to sit down. Your anger simmered down as you flipped him off in return, his laughter booming. It was Ghost, whose unimpressed eyes followed you two, gripping the gun in his hands tightly as he chose to stare ahead.
It was nothing—the mission. The base that needed to be checked out was pretty much abandoned. A couple of kills. A smoke bomb here and there. It was easy. Simple. They laid a clear path for you to do your thing. Your small frame was what they needed here. Air vents weren't the best of friends with hulky soldiers. "Do your worst, Sugar", Price had muttered into the radio some time ago. Your response was a cold, "Copy". The four of them were left to watch over the main entry points. Yet sending you into the belly of the beast felt wrong. At this point, Simon had lost count of the number of times he had reached for his radio, ready to call out to you. But he talked himself out every time.
"Got it", your voice pierced the silence. Ghost's shoulders drooped. "Good girl, bring it home", Price called back. Soap looked out of the window, "We should go meet them at the-", but his voice was cut by the cracking that came from the radio. Then it all died down. Silence. Soap locked eyes with Ghost. "Price, you copy?", Soap called out. Silence struck again. "All good here, you copy?", the captain called out. "Positive", Ghost muttered into the radio. Gunshots echoed deep within the base. It was you. The noise had to come from you. Ghost felt his heartbeat picking up. He had to find a way to get to you. To cover you. Yet the rational side of his brain screamed at him, saying that there was no way for him to do so.
The crackling filled the air around him once more as they rushed toward the spot where the team had agreed to meet. "Abort", your breathless voice came through the radio. "Get your asses out", you were panting. Ghost could hear you reloading your gun. "Sugar, what's the situation?", even Price's voice sounded more panicked. And the old man kept his cool. They all did. This whole shit could have been a setup for all they knew. Even outside, the sound of bullets pierced the silence didn't ease. Simon wasn't sure what he was waiting for, but your labored voice still twisted at his heart, "Get. Out."
The safe house had never felt so quiet. Usually, at least Soap was a never-ending chatterbox. Now the male stood in front of the window. Not moving. His eyes were glued to the forest in front of him. Price was half a bottle down on the bourbon. Gaz's leg hadn't stopped bouncing. They all had minor bruises, but that was expected.
"We need to go back", Soap said, rubbing his palms together. "You know that we can't, Johnny", Price puffed out a cloud of smoke. He was no doubt thinking of ways he was going to break the news to his wife. "She wouldn't fucking leave us", Soap snarled back. You would expect a handful of army men to be able to hold their composure in situations like this, but... You had dragged them all out of a dark pit. You were undoubtedly good at what you did, yes. But you offered much more. The safety blanket. A proper homemade meal when there was time, and that was a lot for a man who had been stuck in the base for months, missing home. There had been so much more laughter and smiles since you joined the force. As if you had breathed back humanity and a sense of life into their ice-cold bones. And now they all had to go back to...
The handle of the back door creaked. All four of them reached for their guns in unison. But no one besides them was supposed to know where the keys had been stashed. A lucky coincidence? The odds were too slim. But the door jerked open, and they all lost the breath they were holding.
"What a fucking greeting", you muttered, dropping your helmet to the side. Soap moved toward you first. Simon would have loved to beat him to it, but he found himself sitting back down, his legs suddenly feeling wobbly. "Here", you yanked the chip from your vest, pushing it into Soap's hand. "Mission complete, captain", you eyed Price. Before moving to undo your gear. "How many?", John asked, taking a drag from his cigarette. The blood on your forehead was crusted. But the sound of drops hitting the wooden floor was constant. "Six", you breathed, moving to undo your vest, and that's when the first growl left your lips.
"You're bleeding", Johnny breathed, reaching for your shoulder, but you pulled away. "I'll lick my own wounds", your tone was cold. It was colder than it usually was. Ghost watched you slowly walk towards the stairs, but not before you had reached for the Bourbon. "I'll come to stitch you,", Price had called out, only to be harshly cut off with a harsh, "No".
You locked the doors behind yourself. Your vision was going hazy. You had managed to get away. You had no idea how because there had been a moment when you were sure that death was standing right behind your back, breathing at your neck. You had killed before, had blood sprayed all over you. Yet something about this felt different. Maybe it was the fact that there was a moment where you weren't the one in control. When they had managed to yank you across the floor by your ankle. You shivered at the image of a knife being jabbed on either side of you as you dodged blow after blow.
Your hands gripped the sink. You will do this. You will patch yourself up. Swallow a couple of pills and go to sleep. You knew there was no way you were getting your shirt off, so you wasted no time as you sliced the fabric with your pocket knife, wincing. Slowly peeling the damp material from your shoulder. Would this be easier if someone else did it for you? Yes. But you didn't want anyone's hands on you. Not now. Not when your brain was still fuzzy. The trickle of blood ran down your chest and through the sports bra you had on. You knew what followed next. You've done it multiple times. Drink bourbon. Splash some on the wound. Dig the fingers in to fish for the bullet. More bourbon. Stitch it up. You ran yourself through the steps one more time. One more look in the mirror before you force yourself to do just that.
Simon's hands were gripping the chair he was sitting on. Every little whimper from upstairs ripped at his composure. Stubborn girl, never knowing how to accept help. And a whimper, a whimper he could handle, but when a loud cry filled the quiet space, Simon was up and going. Every other step was skipped, and he was right in front of the second-floor bathroom. Hand on the handle as his shoulder hit the locked door. "Open up", Ghost banged his fist into the surface. "Go away", your voice was barely audible. Too long. He had sat downstairs for too long. He should have come barging in the moment you tried to play a big girl. Should have carried you back downstairs. "Don't make it bloody difficult", Simon's voice was husky. His own body ached, but he wasn't about to sit back and watch you bleed out.
You didn't answer him. "Sugar", he called out, "Open the fucking door, or I will break it", he wasn't even sure why he was bargaining with you now. But he respected your privacy. He always did. Even in the room you shared. His face was always facing the wall when he knew you were taking a shower. Just in case you had forgotten your clothes and would need to quickly get to your side of the room, this was different; his stalling could cost you your life. So he doesn't say anything else. Backing a couple of steps back, Simon braced himself for the impact. The hinges were old, so one shove from him was enough to break them; the rest he could handle with his two hands.
Ghost's breath hitched once more. "Stubborn, bloody woman", he hissed. The floor was covered in your blood; there was not a single clean towel. Your figure was slumped by the bath. "Price", his voice was more of a roar that made even you jerk your head up. "Get out", you breathed, trying to put distance between you two. "Like fuck, I will", Simon grunted, reaching towards you, his palm pressing into your shoulder. You cried out, your nails digging into his wrists, but the pressure didn't ease. "Fucking hell", the captain called from behind, "Get her downstairs".
"No", you hissed as Ghost lifted you, "Get away". But you knew that it was over now that they'd seen you. Simon tried to lower you down, but you whizzed in pain. "From the back", you say through gritted teeth. "What?", His eyes searched yours; you knew he was struggling to understand you. "The bullet", your breath, "from the back". Simon's eyes darted up to John, who slowly nodded his head, "Keep her up, then", and you could feel him pulling the rest of your shirt off.
"Liquid courage", a bottle was dangled right in front of you, and you could just about make out Soap's shaky hands. "I don't need it", you muttered, feeling the way Simon's chest rumbled with a disapproving growl. "Don't fight it, kid", Price called out from behind you, "You know how it's done". He was looking through the medical bag, no doubt making sure that he had everything he needed on hand. You open your mouth, and Soap quickly takes the hint, tilting the bottle upwards.
"Bite this and hold onto Simon's shoulders for me", the captain delivered his words like an order, but you still shook your head. "Jesus women, do you have a death wish or something?", Ghost muttered, hands moving from your legs that were still wrapped around his torso to your hands, pulling one of them over his shoulder and the other, the injured one, across his torso, so Price could work on it easier. But your palms stay pushed away from his skin. So does your chest. He was too close. You couldn't. Simon doesn't like his personal space being occupied by anyone.
"Deep breath for me", was the only last warning John gives you before you feel a pain like no other ripping through your back. And that was all it took. All it too, for your hands to clamp around Simon. Nails were in his skin as you yelled out, trying to pull away from whatever Price was doing. Simon's big palm cupped the back of your head, guiding you down onto his shoulder. "You got this, love", he muttered against your ear. The grip he had on you did not falter, not even for a second. "Almost there, Sug, just a bit more", Price said through gritted teeth. You could feel him digging through your back. The burning icy cold now.
Your body was working on its own accord. Hand reaching for the side of Ghost's face as another wave of pain ripped through you, making you holler out. Simon didn't pull away. And maybe you were high on pain, but you could swear you felt his lips against your palm. Kissing your skin through the material of his mask. Your breathing got shallow. You wanted to pull back to look up at him. Into his eyes. At least one more time. But your body felt heavy. Your fingers gently caressed the side of his face. The smell of him calmed you. You pressed a weak kiss against his neck, feeling a shiver running down his back.
"Keep her talking, Simon,", Price grumbled in frustration. Something probably wasn't going how it was supposed to. But it was okay. You had made your peace with it. "Come on, look at me", Simon pulled your limp head away from his shoulder, tapping your cheek a couple of times. "Keep your eyes open, eh? Or I'll leave my wet towels all over our room for the rest of the month", there was a tinge of something new in his voice. Some kind of light worry. Frustration. You blinked a couple of times, the corners of your lips turning upwards. "You wouldn't dare", you rasped out, your mouth feeling way too dry all of a sudden. "Why is that?", Simon asked straight away, his eyes not leaving yours. You let yourself breathe for a bit; you didn't have enough strength to answer right away. "I'll get you pink sheets and...", a cough made your body seize, and Ghost's grip on you tightened instantly. And there. There it was. A flash of worry caught his eye. "A fuzzy rug", you finished finally. Simon's palm ran over your sweaty forehead. "I'd like to see you try, darling", he breathed out, but there was no amusement in his voice.
"She's too fucking pale, Price", you heard Soap's voice from the side, or at least it sounded like it. "Shut up, Johnny,", the captain grumbled. "Don't close your eyes, Sugar", you felt another nudge from Ghost, making you blink up at him once more. "It's cold", you muttered, feeling your hand slip down his torso, falling limp by your leg. "John", Ghost said in a warning tone. He was trying to make you hold back on him, but your hand slipped away every time.
It was the way your hand limped against Simon's face that sent the last wave of panic through him. Your clammy skin pressed against him. And he was back there, back in the house where his family was killed. No, he couldn't lose you. Not now that he had found you. Not without you knowing that he also cared, just like everyone else. "Y/N", he called out softly. He had never called you by your real name. Never had a chance to see if your eyes would shimmer when he did. "Don't do this", he breathed again your not injured shoulder, "Don't you dare fucking die on me". But he was met with nothing. Only then did he realize that he would have to live with nothing but regret and your blood on his hands. All because he couldn't find a way to let your light shine through his cold demeanor. All because he was afraid of the fact that he had found himself caring again.
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It's a Match! || 141 x Reader
[ Chapter 14 ] || [ Chapter 16 ]
Pairing: 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.9K~ Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: white-knighting johnny.
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Chapter 15: Mo leannan
Johnny isn’t stupid. 
Or blind, for that matter.
Since the first time that Ghost went on that ‘date’, he’s noticed how different he’s been acting.
And weeks ago, he caught him and Gaz leaving base together in civvies. Civvies that neither of them would wear to go out for just a pint.
And either way, if they were going out for a pint, they’d have invited him and Price to go with.
No, this was different.
And when they came back, and for the days after, he caught them sneaking glances at one another.
They’d exchange this sort of… look, that he couldn’t quite decipher.
But he could swear Ghost was smirking behind that balaclava of his…
And Gaz would bite his tongue before looking away.
It kept happening… The two of them disappearing for the night over the course of a few weeks, and coming back just in time for morning training.
Both of them way too glued to their phones…
His brain filled in the blanks as best as it could… 
And it decided that they were in love, Ghost and Gaz. 
That they were sneaking off base to get together in secret…
That they would text each other sweet nothings…
That they would exchanges glances to signify ‘I love you’s they couldn’t say aloud.
And, well, it was none of his business…
But it kind of stung a bit that he wasn’t trusted with it.
So, he tried probing.
Just a little.
Going up to Gaz during training and sort of nudging at him, poking him to see if he could get a reaction.
He made up some lie about having a date and asking Gaz if he needed help finding one too. The other lad said no with a decisive head shake.
Then, another day, he told him a story he heard of some sergeant, their age, who was caught in a relationship with a superior in their direct chain of command. And he didn’t miss the way Gaz’s eyes darted away before he muttered how stupid those soldiers were.
But Gaz didn’t fess up to anything…
And Soap wasn’t about to go up to Ghost and try the same… 
So he froze his investigation for a moment.
And he picked it up right. now.
As he stands on the next aisle at the corner shop, getting a few snacks to stock up on, he hears Simon’s distinct voice… it seems to be coming from a phone.
Peeking over what does he see if not you, listening to a voice memo with the butt of your phone against your ear, thinking the volume is low enough not to bother anyone else.
And it is low, but Johnny has good hearing, and could recognize his L.T.’s voice anywhere.
The audio is long and you’ve been listening to it for a while and giggling at it occasionally as you put things into your basket that hung from the crook of your elbow.
He’s sure you’ve been listening to the audio for like 4 minutes now, just a constant flow of Simon’s voice into your ear, probably telling you some sort of story.
Now there was something Soap hadn’t considered.
An extra piece of the puzzle…
He recognizes your face from a couple months ago on Tinder, when all four of them matched with you and, jokingly, Johnny said to Price, Gaz and Ghost that he did all the work in getting you with Price…
There was no way Ghost and Gaz were meeting up with you, was there?
Could they just have a new friend? Or… could you be more?
Thinking of approaching you and asking you directly, Johnny only catches on too late that someone is beelining right for you.
A tall, lanky bloke, maybe 6ft1 or 6ft2, with a look like he’s ready to kill someone stops grabs you by the shoulder and spins you around.
Your eyes double in size and recognition. “Who do you think you are?” He asks you.
“What the fuck do you want, Ethan?” You complain as you tap around on your phone, probably pausing the voice memo and sticking your phone in your pocket.
“What do I want?” He asks you with a humorless laugh. “I want to find out why the fuck you’re suddenly having multiple other blokes over at the flat for the whole night.” He replies.
Johnny’s eyebrows raise as he watches the scene from around the corner into the aisle.
“Since when is that any of your business? And how do you even know? Have you been spying on me?” You ask him, taking a step back.
“Spying? No. But multiple times now I’ve gone to your flat to get the rest of my things and when I was in the elevator got surprised by seeing a bloke going in or out of there.” Ethan reveals.
“Oh, piss off, Ethan!” You retort.
“You’re not denying it.” He replies. “That’s it, innit? You decide to break up with me, saying how you “deserve better” and you’re “not happy” and now you’re going around with a bunch of other blokes?” He says and chuckles dryly again.
“Oh, you’re such a knobhead!” You insult him, your feelings slightly bruised. “How dare you, honestly?! I’m not-” You add.
“You selling yourself now, ‘s that it?” He asks mockingly. “There was an old one leaving in the morning a couple months ago… now there’s black one too… And I’m pretty sure I saw one with a mask the other day. Your clients’ too embarrassed to show their faces around you, huh?” He taunts you.
“I’m sure if I went back tomorrow I’d find another bloke slipping out the door, wouldn’t I?” He continues, his words venomous. “I saw three so far, but I’m sure there’s been more. How many, hm?”
“Oh, my, God… You’re disgusting!” You tell him as you take a step back again, your fingers tightening around the handle of your basket. “I’m not selling myself, not that I need to justify anything to you! Now get away from me!”
“What’s wrong, lovie? You’re embarrassed to say that the break-up was all just an excuse for you to go around and be a whore?” He continues taunting you.
Johnny ses the panic in your eyes and before he can think about it, he’s standing behind this ‘Ethan’, who seems to be your ex. 
“They said ‘Get away from me’, I think that’s your cue, mate.” Johnny remarks with disdain dripping from his voice. Ethan turns and looks down to find Johnny. 
Johnny’s a palm shorter than him, at only 5ft10, but he’s built like a brick shithouse. Big, beefy arms, broad shoulders, strong pecs… Not to mention he’s in full military garb, minus the vest and pistols. 
His appearance is more than enough to strike a bit of fear in men taller than him… And Ethan is definitely intimidated.
“This doesn’t concern you. I’m talking to my partner.” Ethan tries defending himself.
“I don’t think so.” Johnny replies and stalks around him to your side. “Way I see it, they’re my partner.” He bluffs easily while snaking his arm around the small of your back.
He prays that you play along, silently hoping that you remember him, if nothing else, from Tinder.
“Yours?” Ethan sputters and glares at the two of you. You look up at Johnny like he’s your saving grace and lean closer to him, as a sign you recognize him and appreciate the help.
“Aye, mine.” Johnny replies with a curt nod. “This is that Ethan you’ve been telling me about, mo leannan?” [my love] Johnny asks you as his hand gently rubs your back.
Looking up at Johnny, you end up nodding in agreement. “Yeah…” You say softly, knowing that you can’t quite lie, because Ethan knows you well enough to pick up on it.
“I figured.” Johnny says as he looks at Ethan again, playing the part of the overprotective boyfriend pretty well.
“All these blokes ye’ve been ‘seeing’ out of their flat are my mates.” He explains and forces a crooked, not-quite-nice smile on his lips. “They were making sure they were alright, safe and sound, while I was overseas.” Johnny gestures to his outfit.
The realization that you are ‘dating’ a serviceman seems to extinguish whatever revolt was inside Ethan’s body immediately, like a candle that has been blown out.
Johnny lies like it’s second nature to him. His pulse and his breath are not wavering… And you can tell, because the way he has you pressed against him, you can hear both.
You finally realize what Simon told you months ago about “lying enough” while on the job and striving for honesty when he’s out of it… These soldiers are trained to lie like it’s nothing.
“And frankly, now that I saw ye accostin’em like this in a public place, I’m glad I didn’t skimp out on asking my mates to keep an eye on m’eudail.” [my darling] Johnny continues. 
“Now, if you don’t mind. We have shopping to do before we go home. So how about ye piss off?” He concludes and smiles politely. “Or else this is gon’ get very ugly.” He adds and his eyebrows shoot up in a silent lunge of a challenge.
Ethan doesn’t seem to quite believe the lies, but at the same time he’s intimidated enough to not try and argue. So he grumbles under his breath, throws his hands up in an exasperated groan and turns on his heel to walk back out of the store.
Only when he’s fully out of sight and Johnny’s sure the coast is clear, does he unwrap his arm from around you. “Ye alright?” He asks you. “Sorry for the sudden manhandling, could tell ye needed a hand… and had to get ‘im away from ye somehow.” He adds, apologetically.
You nod and look away a bit sheepishly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.” You say softly as you fix your grip on your shopping basket.  “Just never thought something like this would happen.”
Johnny nods as he looks at you, noticing your face seems extremely stressed, set into a grimace that he does not like. You’re clearly shaken up.
“Hey, it’s alright. He’s gone.” He tells you calmly and taps you lightly on the shoulder. “Do ye need me to walk ye home?” He suggests.
Nodding softly, you force yourself to smile. “I think… I think that’s a good idea.” You end up saying.
Johnny nods as well. “Want me to call Simon and Kyle to meet ye there?” He asks.
Your head snaps up to look at him and your eyes widen. “You… you know?” You ask him in surprise, your breath catching in his throat.
“They’re not as discreet as they wish they were.” Johnny says, once more lying through his teeth. 
He would never admit it took him the better part of two months to realize Simon and Kyle were ‘together’, and that it only clicked they’re together with you right now… the confirmation having come from your stalker-y ex.
“Oh…” You say sheepishly and clear your throat awkwardly.
“It’s alright, I promise.” He assures you. “I’m not judgin in any way. They’re my mates, ye ken?” He adds in a surprisingly gentle tone. “Just tryin’ to help.”
From the stories you’ve heard out of Kyle and Simon, and even Johnny’s own bio on Tinder, you’d never have guessed he was so tender… They always described him as an anger-prone, grown-up class clown… And yet here he is.
Gulping down a breath, you nod. “Yeah… Please.. And I can… I can tell them what happened when we’re home.”
“Alright.” Johnny replies. “Ye wanna finish yer shopping first or d’ye wanna just go?” He asks you carefully.
“I… I’ll just get what I’ve already got in the basket… I want to get out of here…” You add as you shuffle toward the one register counter of the small corner shop.
“Right behind ye.” Johnny remarks as he follows after you.
taglist (CLOSED! not adding anyone else, sorry!): @daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @infpt-zylith , @xxshadowbabexx , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark , @zombie-freak
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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ohbo-ohno · 8 months
don't leave me locked in your heart (chap 2) - ghost x soap x reader
summary: Soap sees you dancing at a bar and decides you'd make the perfect anniversary present for Ghost, so he tempts you into going home with him one night and simply… doesn't let you leave in the morning.
word count: 8.2k
cw: NONCON!!!! dark!!! light petplay (ghost calls soap mutt/dog/puppy), dom!ghost, switch!soap, sub!reader, restraints, gags, ghoap are a little deranged
chapter 1/2 here, read on ao3, see the pinterest board
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He could’ve fucking warned you. 
“Simon” is terrifying. His eyes are locked on yours over Johnny’s head, and they’re terrifying.
He’s nearly a full head taller than Johnny, who was already the biggest man you’d ever gone home with. And on top of that, Simon looks like he’s twice as muscular. His arms bulge in his sleeves and you can literally trace his abs. He’s wearing a sweatshirt and you can trace his abs.
You’ll die if this man tries to fuck you. There’s simply no way his dick isn’t monstrous, and if it’s even proportional to the rest of him you’ll surely split in half. And considering the fucking bulge in his sweatpants? It’s a hell of a lot more than just proportional.
The skeleton mask and eye paint certainly don’t make him look any less intimidating. They clash with the short bit of dirty blonde hair he’s got, but it hardly matters when half of the face he’s revealing is literally painted black. 
After a moment of eye contact you couldn’t break if you tried, he lets go of Johnny, taking the few steps to the bed in long strides and standing at the edge without brushing it. You’re frozen in fear, some ancient animal instinct in your head begging you to lay still and submissive in the face of a predator.
His head tilts a bit to the side, gaze sliding over your body in a way that would offend you, were you in any other position with any other man. He’s silent as one hand reaches out to trace the trembling muscles in your thigh and you can’t hold the small noise of fear back with your mouth held open. His hand doesn’t stop, just continues tracing up and down, up and down.
Johnny slides behind Simon, wrapping his arms around the other’s waist and leaning around to look at you. “Yknow,” he starts, nuzzling into the side of Simon’s arm. “She squirts when you fuck her right.”
“That so?”
“And you managed that?” 
Johnny makes an offended little noise but there’s a smirk playing on his lips, and you cannot believe the nonchalance. 
Johnny moves from behind Simon to kneel between your legs again. Your eyes follow him and his eager smirk as he bends his head towards your core, and you can’t help but up.
Then there’s a hand in his mohawk, yanking his head straight back so he’s staring at up the ceiling. No, not the ceiling - Simon, where he’s bent over the smaller man.
“Now, who said you could do that?” Simon rumbles, his hand continuing its slow stroke up the inside of your thigh. “Hm?” He asks again when Johnny doesn’t reply, jostling the man’s head in his grip. 
“S-sorry, L.t.,” he pants, pupils blown wide and mouth dropped open just enough for him to poke his tongue out.
Simon only makes another low noise in his chest, neither approving or disapproving, and tugs Johnny back off the bed. The man follows easily and your eyebrows furrow a bit - the Johnny you were with last night was dominant through every round, but this Johnny? He’s falling to his knees at a man’s feet with just a nudge. 
Simon pets his hand over Johnny’s head where he now rests, then brings his eyes back to yours. “Better. Now stay.”
Then he leans forward.
You make a high noise in your throat, irrationally trying to wiggle away as the man becomes all you can see. But he doesn’t go for any of your very available vulnerable places, instead reaching up to… untie you?
To your shock, that’s exactly what he’s doing. His fingers make quick work of pulling the rope from the slats of the headboard, but when you go to yank your hand away from him, you realize it’s still tied securely to your ankle. He lowers your limbs surprisingly gently to the bed, then frees your other bound wrist.
When he’s done he scoops you under the armpits, lifting you entirely off the bed for a moment and dropping you on your knees. You crumble as much as you can, back bending and head dropped low so you don’t have to look at him, don’t have to think about what you know he’s about to do to you.
“Head up, doll,” Simon grunts, but you can’t bring yourself to listen, watching little drops of spit drip from your mouth. You can see Johnny’s naked knees on the floor. There’s a sigh above you, then Simon’s hand reaching down and grasping firmly under your chin, forcing your head up and holding your eyes again.
His thumb strokes softly over your bottom lips while he considers you. You glare up at him, but he’s unfazed. He leans a little closer, then sighs again.
“Pouting won’t get either of us to let you go,” he says simply. A statement of fact - not cruel, or mocking, just… the truth. Your eyes squeeze shut as understanding finally, truly, sinks in and you feel the warm track of a tear down your cheek. Simon doesn’t give you time to dwell. “Was Johnny good to you last night?”
“Of courseI -!”
“Not asking you, puppy,” Simon growls, tone going from soft-ish to stern like whiplash, though his thumb remains soft where it wipes the tear off your cheek. “I’m asking your little stray. So?” His hand nudges your chin up, a little jerk, and you open your eyes on instinct. 
Johnny was good to you last night. You came five times, there isn’t much else you could’ve expected from a one night stand. Except for the fact that he tied you up and gagged you, he would’ve been the perfect candidate for a FWB situation.
Still, you can’t really get past the kidnapping thing. So you glare down at the kneeling man as best you can with your chin held high as it is and shake your head with the little room Simon gives.
“What?” Johnny barks, raising up on his knees and shooting you a glare. “That’s not true, L.t., I was fuckin’ great to her!”
Simon hums a little, thumb still stroking. “I don’t know, Johnny. She looks right pissed with you.”
Johnny huffs, but settles back on his ankles when Simon’s free hand moves to the nape of his neck. “She’s just pissy she can’t leave. Brat.”
“You’re the only one being a brat right now, MacTavish.”
There’s a little grumble of disagreement from the floor.
“Alright,” Simon starts, standing to his full height and taking both of his hands back. “You can’t fuck her today.”
Your eyes go wide at such an explicit command, accompanied by a sharp “What the fuck?!” from Johnny.
“Don’t start fuckin’ barkin’ at me, Johnny. Shoulda been better if you wanted to fuck her again.”
“But I was good to her, she’s just pitchin’ a fit!”
Simon looks down at you, tense and glaring, about as far from “pitchin’ a fit” as one could probably be in your situation and snorts. "Bit of a reach, Johnny. And it don't matter anyway, cause you'll do as you're told."
Another unhappy noise, followed by a petulant, “Yes, sir.” 
It’s good enough for Simon, who finally moves to get on the bed. He settles against the headboard, then reaches and lifts you beneath your armpits again. You can’t help the helpless noise of fear in your throat as you’re left just floating for a moment, before Simon settles you over his thighs.
He spreads his legs, spreading yours along with them. You’re forced into an arch as your wrists move with your ankles, and you anxiously shift back and forth on your knees.
“Settle, doll,” Simon rumbles, hands stroking rope to hip up your legs. “Johnny - on the bed, behind her.”
Johnny quickly obeys, and while he does Simon tugs his sweatpants down. He only pulls them far enough to hook beneath his balls, and you can’t help the panicked noises as his cock flops up against his stomach, fully erect.
You were right. He’s gonna tear you apart. Your heart beats faster at just the thought.
Simon huffs at your wide eyed reaction, shifting his legs up. The movement forces you down to sit on his dick, and his knees pull up behind your body, shimmying his sweats lower on his legs. “Panicky little thing, aren’t ya?”
You keen lowly in response, eyes still glued to the massive length this man is about to force into your body, unable to still your shaking hands. Johnny makes a low noise behind you, and you feel his hands begin to trace up and down your sides. “‘S ok, lovie,” he murmurs, head ducked into your throat. “I told you you’d like Simon, yeah? He’ll be good to you.”
It shouldn’t bring you any comfort to hear those words from the man who put you in this position in the first place, but the warm sets of hands combined with Johnny’s newly familiar weight at your back has your muscles relaxing against your will. Your eyes squeeze shut at the realization that your brain and your body are completely split when it comes to these men.
“There ya go,” Johnny rumbles, and you hate the little smirk you can feel against your skin as his teeth start to gnaw at your neck.
“Johnny, back down,” Simon says suddenly, leaning forward and pushing the other man back with a palm on his forehead. He goes easily, albeit with a little whine. “Good boy.”
Then, with no warning, Simon stuffs two fingers into your cunt. 
You jolt forward with a little shriek, losing your balance since your hands are still attached to your ankles. Simon’s free hand steadies you by the shoulder and you can’t keep the moan of pleasure trapped in your chest as he crooks his fingers.
You lose track of time as he stretches you, thrusting slowly but with an almost punishing strength before eventually adding a third finger. You whine at the stretch, arching your tits high in the air as your hips try to move away from the intrusion.
“Down, girl,” Simon rumbles, hand reaching out to press solidly on the center of your chest. “Gonna fuck those wrists up ‘f you keep jerkin’ away like that.”
You can’t keep yourself from glaring at him for that, and his painted eyes crinkle above the skull mask. 
You can feel Johnny getting antsy behind you, the mattress shifting back and forth and his breathing becoming heavier and heavier. But Simon ignores him, so you do too.
Eventually, he deems you stretched enough for him. His fingers slip out of you and his hand raises to your face, soaked fingers pushing past the ring gag and to rest heavily on your tongue. You realize why when he reaches down to grip his cock, angling the tip to your hole. Your noise of surprise is muffled by the digits. 
You can’t help but clench up tight, staring wide eyed at Simon. He glances up from where he had been staring at your core, eyes boring into yours with an intensity that shocks you. “Gotta relax if this’ll work, doll.”
He must see the lack of appeal to that in your face, because a moment later he adds, “It’s happening either way, but relaxing will make it better for you. I’ll fuck you either way.”
His fingers block the mournful little noise you make. Then, when you relax as much as you can and he pushes into you, they block the sharp yelp. “There you go, atta girl,” he hums.
“Johnny, guide her down,” Simon commands, moving his hand from his dick to your nipple, plucking and twisting lazily as he fucks his fingers in and out of your mouth at the same lazy pace. Johnny’s hands are immediately on your hips, stilling the drop you hadn’t been able to slow before you can fully impale yourself on Simon.
He lowers you slowly, but without pause, and hooks his chin over your shoulder to stare down at where you sink on Simon’s cock. “Doin’ so good, lass,” he murmurs in your ear. The three of you moan in sync when your hips meet Simon’s.
You feel like he’s splitting you down the middle, like you’re being cleaved in half. His size, the position, and being held down so no matter how much you squirm there’s no escape from the intrusion, it all makes you drip like a faucet. As much as you hate your body’s betrayal, you can’t help but be thankful for the natural lubrication to ease the way. You can’t imagine the stretch had you been anything less than soaked.
They let you sit there for a second, Johnny’s hands squeezed tight on your hips and his own hard cock pressed against your back, Simon panting beneath you with eyes half lidded as he watches his hands work on you. You can’t help the way your torso squirms at Simon’s merciless pinches.
The moment of stillness passes, and Simon’s hands move to replace Johnny’s.
“Johnny,” Simon rumbles, lifting and dropping you just the smallest bit, ignoring your moan.
“Yeah, L.t.?” the smaller replies, hips beginning to hump against your back as he buries his face in your hair.
“Want your mouth on my balls. Get on your back.”
Johnny’s obedience is instantaneous. He drops to his back and you can feel his breath against your ass as he gets settled.
“Hands on my knees,” Simon commands. “This isn’t about you right now. No touching. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Then get to work.”
Simon obeys his own order as much as Johnny does, setting his feet more comfortably and lifting you high off his dick. You whine at the anticipation, clenching tightly on just the tip as you hear Johnny’s mouth get to work.
Simon drops you on his dick, thrusting up at the same time and forcing a grunt from you. His pace begins in earnest, hips slapping against you ass as he fucks you like you’re nothing more than a fleshlight he’d use to masturbate.
You lose yourself in the pleasure, moans and whimpers slipping from your lips without your notice as the pleasure continues relentlessly. Occasionally Johnny’s tongue slips to your ass when Simon bottoms out in you, and every time it draws a yip from you that makes Simon fuck into you all the harder.
An eternity later he slows his pace, his own hips no longer thrusting and instead lifting and dropping you by the hips for long, slow jabs up into you. The slower pace gives Johnny a chance to move his work to you, and as the slow pace continues his tongue lingers on your back hole longer and longer on each thrust. 
When Simon realizes what’s happening he lets out an angry snarl, one that nearly scares you out of the pleasure-drunk haze you’ve fallen into. 
“Bad dog!” He nearly shouts, hand leaving your hip to grab Johnny by the hair and yank him up to his knees, ignoring the shocked and pained whine. “What did I say?” He grunts, hips working much faster now, pounding up into you. You hear a loud smack, and jolt at the knowledge that Simon had just slapped Johnny, and the ensuing moan that Johnny lets out. “Told you to suck my fuckin’ balls. Didn't say a damn word about eatin’ the toy’s ass out - her pleasure ain’t your concern, puppy. Get your tongue back on my balls ‘fore I lock you in the fuckin’ closet til I’m done.”
“Yes, sir,” Johnny moans, breath heavy and tone almost reproachful. When he slides back down to his back his sucking noises are far lounder, and you no longer feel his tongue sneak up to you.
“Much better,” Simon growls, still not sounding satisfied. Both of his hands lock back onto your hips and he gives you a few more harsh thrusts before dropping you completely, pushing your weight down onto Johnny’s face. He holds you there for a few moments, seemingly unconcerned with the man buried in his balls’ ability to breathe.
After a bit he hums in satisfaction, one hand dragging up to your back and between your shoulder blades, giving you a solid shove into his chest. You yelp at the change in position, now much more vulnerable. His cock is still deep in your cunt, but your chest leaning against his forces your ankles and wrists high into the air, knees dug in beside Simon’s ribs. You feel off-kilter, only balanced by the thick cock deep in your cunt and your knees, which only stay in the same spot because you squeeze them tight to Simon’s ribs.
“There ya go, doll,” he rumbles, voice rumbling in his throat where your face rests. “Just lay still and let me fuck you, hm? Good girl.”
You’re not entirely sure why he’s praising you when you couldn’t have less control of the situation, but you don’t care when he starts thrusting up into you again.
It’s infuriatingly pleasurable. His tip drills into your g-spot on nearly every spot in this position, drawing whines and squeals from you, but you still can’t come without a touch on your clit. Tears well up in your eyes as you linger just at the precipice, hips humping as much as they can to try and push over that edge.
You’re stilled by a sharp smack on your ass. “I said lay still,” Simon growls, slapping your ass for another time without pausing his hips. “You’re a fuckin’ toy right now, toys don’t wiggle around like girls do.”
The filthy words draw a long moan from your throat and you hear a muffled laugh beneath your ass. 
Simon doesn’t like that any more than you do. He lifts his hips high in the air before slamming what must be his sac on Johnny’s face. “What do you think you’re laughing at, mutt? You can’t do more than suck at my balls, you gonna laugh when you don’t even get to get fucked?” Johnny whines beneath the two of you. “That’s what I thought.”
Time becomes a blur as Simon fucks you. You’re just what he said, a toy. You can’t move where he holds you down, can’t do anything other than moan at the deep thrusts he gives you. You stare through tear-filled eyes at the walls, unable to do anything but focus on the pleasure.
So you’re shocked when Simon grunts from above you, hooking his hands beneath your thighs and holding tight as he flips the two of you around. The switch leaves you flat on your back, Simon’s massive frame the only thing you can see. Johnny’s head rests between your thighs, Simon essentially sitting on his head.
Simon sits up straight, weight leaned back on his heels and pulling you with him so he doesn’t have to  pull out. He reaches a hand down to adjust his balls, and now you can see the way Johnny sucks at them enthusiastically, switching between both of them with fervor. “Good boy,” Simon murmurs once he’s seemingly satisfied with Johnny’s work. His attention shifts back to you and he moves his hands up to where you’re bound, grabbing both your ankles and forcing them back to rest by your head.
You let out a sharp noise at the stretch, but Simon just shushes you and continues to push. When your hands touch the bed he shifts his hold to just one hand, holding your legs together and forcing them just to the right of your head so he can stare down at your face.
You thank God you’re as flexible as you are.
Simon makes a pleased noise in his throat as he keeps you in his preferred position. He settles more comfortably on his knees and begins his fucking again, thrusts hard and deep with his free hand gripped tight on your ribs.
You moan at the pleasure, but can’t keep your brows from furrowing as you know you still won’t be able to come like this.
After only a few thrusts, Johnny sucking noises still loud in the room, Simon drops his head closer to yours and hunches further over you. “Needy girl, aren’t you?” He asks, breaths puffing through the mask and onto your face where he hovers only inches away. “Need a lot of attention to get off, huh?” You think he might be smiling a little under the mask, able to see what you think might be his mouth this close. 
The hand on your hip slips down to your clit, rough fingers rubbing roughly where you’re slippery. You can’t help the long, drawn out moan at the relief, eyes rolling back in your head as he continues to nail your g-spot with every powerful thrust.
“There she is,” Simon moans from above you, head rolling back on his neck as his fingers move more insistently on your clit.
It takes you mere seconds to come, hips shifting to try and work through the wave that overtakes you. The sound that comes from you would be humiliating if you were anywhere near conscious enough to register it, but you’re so lost in the feeling that you can’t feel anything but pleasure. 
Until you come down a bit, and Simon’s pace hasn’t slowed at all. His hips continue hammering into yours, and his fingers continue on your bud. 
You make a high sound, wide eyes darting to Simon’s with a panic that feels purely animal in your veins. Everything is too much, you don’t know how to cope with it.
“C’mon, pretty girl,” Simon grunts, oblivious to your turmoil. “Gimme another, yeah? Dontcha wanna soak Johnny’s face, huh? Drown him a little?” You whine in response, an almost injured noise as the pain starts turning to pleasure again. Simon only laughs, leaning down to rest his forehead against your temple. His hand shifts to collar your throat, the breadth of his shoulder holding your legs in place where he wants them. “Yeah, you’re gonna give him a little treat, doll. C’mon, cum again f’r me.”
And your body obeys. You nearly howl at the feeling, clenching down so hard on Simon that he grunts and jerks to a sudden stop buried deep in you. Distantly, in some part of your mind that exists in the here and now, you register the warmth spreading inside of you. But the part of your mind in control only feels the pleasure, only feels the insanity creeping into your head at the inescapable force of it.
It must be minutes later when you finally float back into your own head. Blinking eyes open, you register that you’re empty now, that your feet have been placed on the bed and your arms rest limp by your sides. 
Johnny’s hair is soaked with your cum, and despite all the circumstances you can’t help but blush at the realization. His head is still between your legs, but now he licks at the length of Simon’s soft cock while the large man pets his head. It takes you a second to realize he’s cleaning him.
A moment later Simon pulls Johnny off, dragging himself up and flopping with a sigh onto the pillows next to you. His eyes stay shut for a moment before he opens them and flicks a glance to you.
“Johnny,” he says, looking down at the other man.
“Aye?” Johnny replies, looking fucked out despite his rockhard cock as he shifts and rests his head on one of your spread thighs.
“Eat my cum out of her, make sure she comes again. Don’t finger her, just use that tongue of yours.”
You make a disagreeing noise, hardly able to imagine even more pleasure at this point. Surely you must be dehydrated?
“Don’t complain, girl,” Simon rumbles from next to you, one hand grabbing your thigh and forcing it flat to the mattress as Johnny eagerly worms his way higher on the bed. “You’re gettin’ all the pleasure, poor Johnny’s sittin’ there with blue balls. Ain’tcha lucky we’re bein’ so generous?”
You can’t even force yourself to glare as Johnny dives enthusiastically into your worn cunt, can only whine at the sensitivity and jerk your free thigh shut on Johnny’s head. He only moans, hands burrowing beneath you as he shoves himself as deep into you as he can.
Simon’s free hand comes over to shove the back of Johnny’s head further into you, the force causing both of you to moan. “Attaboy, Johnny. Clean her out for me.”
You come quickly. Once Johnny’s tongued all of Simon’s come from your hole he focuses his attention onto your clit, and he hardly has to do any work for you to jerk and moan in place. Simon hums as he lightens up on Johnny’s head, but the smaller man continues to lick and suck at you until your noises shift fully from pleasure to pain.
You think - you hope - they’re done now. But then Johnny kneels up and you see his fully hard cock, and you can’t help but let out a mournful sound knowing you can’t just curl up and pretend it was all a dream.
“Simon,” Johnny moans, face flushed nearly the same shade of his cock, dragging himself close to the other man and flopping over his legs. “Lemme cum, please, please lemme cum?”
“Hmm,” Simon rumbles, hand moving to grip at the nape of Johnny’s neck and knead. “Alright. How about this, puppy - I’ll fuck you and you fuck the toy’s mouth.”
You voice your rejection as much as you can, exhausted as you are, but are nearly drowned out by Johnny’s loud moan and chanting of “yes, yes, yes, thank you so much, sir, thank you”.
“Yeah, yeah. You’ve been good.” He lands a sharp smack on Johnny’s flank urging him up onto his knees. 
Simon moves the two of you to his pleasure. You end up half propped up against the headboard, Johnny hunched over you and staring wide-eyed down at you as his cock slowly sinks down your throat. You can’t help but grunt and wiggle as much as possible when Johnny’s knees nearly squeeze either side of your head. 
“Stay still. You don’t start fucking her mouth ‘til I’m fucking you, understood?”
“Yes, sir,” Johnny pants. “Please.”
“Calm down, Johnny. I’m gonna take care of you.”
You can’t see what’s happening from your position, can only hear the click of what you assume is a bottle of lube and Johnny’s moans as Simon presumably stretches him out. You shut your eyes, breathing deeply through your nose and doing your best not to panic at the inescapable choking sensation.
When Johnny lets out a long moan, Simon grunting over him, you can only assume he’s slid inside. Just seconds later Simon’s head appears over Johnny’s shoulder, glancing down at you as he places his own grip onto the headboard for leverage. His free hand comes around Johnny and down to your head., stroking your hair in a move so tender it surprises you into opening your eyes. 
“Alright, Johnny. I fuck your ass, you fuck her mouth. Cum whenever you need to, but I’m not stopping ‘til ‘m good and drained.”
And with that, the cock inside your mouth goes from being an almost - and you hate to admit - comforting weight to pounding so harshly you’re sure your voice will be gone. Your eyes go wide, staring up at where Johnny’s near delirious as his hips rut harshly into your face.
His balls slap your chin, moans slipping out of his mouth loud enough to make you feel pity for his neighbors. You gag repeatedly, so much so you worry you might actually start retching, but you don’t, and the fucking continues.
You can see both of their faces where they’re hunched over you, can see the way their eyes squeeze shut in almost the same way.
Johnny cums quickly, hips stuttering against your face before he buries his entire length down your throat, moan guttural. You can feel little jerks where Simon must still be fucking him as ropes and ropes of cum launch straight down your throat. You moan at the sensation, wiggling from the sensation beneath the two men, and Johnny whines at the overstimulation.
His head drops lower as Simon continues to fuck him, mouth hung open and eye glazed over. A moment later, a drop of spit falls onto your face. Johnny groans loudly at the sight, hips instinctively fucking into your throat even though he’s gone soft.
It’s not long before Simon finishes, letting out a shout of pleasure as he stills and the bed (and Johnny) stop rocking.
The silence is heavy in the aftermath.
Eventually Simon drops away from your eye line, but his hands appear at Johnny’s hips. There’s sounds of licking, sucking, and Johnny’s high pitched moans as he writhes at the overstimulation. A few moments later he slips out of your mouth, his hand moving to desperately tap at the wood of the headboard.
Simon pulls back, moving back where you can see him, and for a moment you’re offended that Johnny gets to tap out but you don’t. You shut your eyes, confident that it’s over now. You can rest, and when you open your eyes you’ll be safely in your apartment, and it’ll turn out that this whole experience was nothing but the best wet dream of your life.
A moment later large fingers - you don’t look to see who’s - brush over your face and to the back of your head, unbuckling the gag and pulling the ring from your mouth slowly. The hand softly cups your jaw, closing it when you don’t move to, and you can’t help but whine at the spike of soreness.
“Oh, baby,” Johnny coos, somehow sounding genuinely sad about your pain. Someone makes quick work of the ropes, and your joints scream in relief as they drop limply to the bed. Johnny, you assume, shifts you onto your side then slips both his arms around your stomach and tucks himself right up to your back. “I’m sorry. We won’t use that one next time, yeah?”
You don’t say anything, can’t say anything - Simon is still holding your mouth shut, and even as gently as he is you can’t open it enough to talk. You drag your eyes open to look at him. He’s just… he’s just staring, you can’t even begin to imagine what he must be thinking. He cocks his head a bit at you, then lets go of your jaw.
As he moves away from the bed you’re left stunned at your newfound freedom. Tentatively, voice quiet and hoarse, you whisper, “J-Johnny…”
The man only hums in response, nuzzling into the back of your head. His side of the mattress dips and you feel Johnny wiggle around a bit, dragging you with him, and then a new pair of hands rest on your stomach around his.
You’re fucking triple spooning. Triple spooning with the man who kidnapped you.
“Johnny,” you try again. “Please, please, I don’t…please let me go…”
“No,” he says immediately, quick and unabashed. A low, mournful noise rips from your battered throat and his arms tighten around you, legs curling up into you more. “It’ll be okay, lovie. Me and Simon are gonna take real good care of you. Right, L.t.?”
There’s a rumble in response.
You can’t help the tears, limbs beginning to struggle against your control. Johnny’s grip only gets more and more restrictive, his hands reaching to grab your sore wrists and hold them still, his thighs squeezing your knees between them until your legs stop kicking.
“Hush, lassie. Panicin’ll do you no good. Deep breaths for me now.”
You can’t. And you don’t feel particularly inclined to do anything he asks of you.
“Johnny,” you gasp. “Wanna go home. Please, please let me go. I won’t tell anyone, not a soul, I promise, please - ”
“You’re already home,” Simon interrupts, reminding you of his presence and making you jerk in their holds. “Johnny brought you here and here you’ll stay. Now sleep.”
You make a high noise of protest, trying again to struggle away from Johnny. You’re stopped by a large sigh and the feeling of Simon’s massive hands suddenly pulling you back in Johnny, holding you there securely by lacing his hands together.
Johnny makes a sound you think is supposed to be comforting above you. “It’ll be okay, lass. You don’t need to worry about anythin’ anymore. We’ve got ya now.”
“I said sleep. The both of you.”
There’s a snort of amusement from Johnny as he pulls his face away, resting his chin on top of your head and going still.
You can only tuck your head into the pillow and try to muffle your sobs.
When you wake next, the room is dark. Not dim, like it was before, but dark. You’re immediately put off by the knowledge that one of them got up at some point and you were too deeply asleep to notice.
The next thing you notice is that the bed isn’t empty. You can feel the dip in the mattress at your back, but there aren’t any arms wrapped around you. You can feel the heat of someone’s body, but no skin.
You stare into the blackness as the thought sinks into your half-asleep mind.
You could escape.
You have to try, right? You need to leave. You need to go back to your apartment and call the cops on these psychos.
But that means getting out of bed. Getting out of the warm bed and venturing into the pitch black and unfamiliar room, and that’s if you don’t wake up either of the men behind you. 
You have to try.
Your breath hitches in your chest as you start to move, inching slowly across smooth sheets and stilling periodically. Your hands are shaking from fear and adrenaline. 
You try to move as slowly as possible as you sit up, legs swinging over the side of the bed and praying to any god that’ll listen that neither of the men will notice the shift in weight.
There’s no sound as you drop to the floor. You’ve never been more thankful for carpet. 
You move as slowly as you can around the bed, eyes still unadjusted to the dark and unable to see anything that might be in your way. You take small shuffling steps, hands held out in front of you.
Then you trip. You don’t know over what, but it’s solid and decently small and it sends you tumbling to the ground, elbows and knees landing with a solid thud.
Oh god. There’s no way one of them didn’t wake up.
You’re not an idiot, you picked up on the military rank Johnny used. Simon, at least, is military, and if the stereotypes about military men are anywhere near true the noise of your fall woke him.
Sure enough, you hear someone shift on the bed.
You muffle a sob in your palm, biting down on the meat of it and curling up on the carpet. There’s a noise on the other side of the bed, and you know one of them just got out of bed. You try to stumble to crawl somewhere, anywhere, desperate to not ruin what might be your only chance at escape.
Then, without warning, you’re lifted in the air. You can’t help the yelp as you’re tucked into a pair of arms, one beneath your back and the other under your knees keeping you held close to his chest.
“Hush,” Simon says down at you, and you pinch your lips shut in an attempt to stifle your sobs, tears pouring down your face and soaking your neck. He sighs, shifting you until you’re more secure and moving.
It takes you a moment to realize he hasn’t taken you back to the bed. Instead, he’s taken you into another room and nudged the door shut. He places you down on something cold and when he flicks the light on you realize you’re in a bathroom.
You can’t stop your flinch at the bright light, then your second flinch at the sight of Simon in just a pair of boxers and the same mask he wore earlier. How is it possible that he looks bigger shirtless than he did with a sweatshirt on?
He’s covered in scars, to the point that he’s almost got more scars than he does bare skin. And he still wears the mask over the bottom half of his face and neck, though the makeup has been washed away at some point.
The two of you only stare at each other for a second - you, hunched over and scared with distrusting eyes and him, stood tall and proud with an assessing gaze.
Finally, he sighs, moving towards the counter where you sit. You curl into yourself a bit, watching wearily as he stops when your knees brush his stomach. He lifts a hand to your face, cupping your cheek and tilting your head up to his.
“What’s your name, love?”
You almost snort. This man has fucked you, watched his partner - or whatever Johnny is to him - eat you out and fuck your mouth. And he doesn’t even know your name. You whisper it after a moment of silence, followed by a cough when you register that your throat feels like sandpaper.
Simon hums a bit, repeating your name back to you as he reaches around you, filling a small plastic cup with water from the faucet. You track his movements, unsure of what he could do to the water but unwilling to risk anything at this point.
He hands the cup to you a moment later, saying, “Drink. We worked you hard. You need to rehydrate.”
You can’t help the heat that blooms in your cheeks, and your eyes dart away from his as you take quick sips from the cup. His hand moves back to your face, nudging it up. “Don’t try to hide anything from me now, love. I’ve already seen you at your most vulnerable, nothin’ left for you to hide.”
You shudder a bit at the direct way he says it, so plainly laying out what you had thought a moment before.
“I…” you try again, once you’ve finished the cup. “I want to go home. Please.”
His hand only continues to stroke at your cheek, eyes unflinching where they bore into yours. “No. Johnny brought you here for a reason, I won’t have you leavin’ ‘im now.”
You try to resist the tears, but you have less control over your emotions than you do of the man in front of you. “Please,” you try again, reaching to grip his wrist and feeling him go still at the contact. “I-I’m scared. Please, I won’t tell anyone, I swear, but - “
He cuts you off with a deep rumble, hand shifting beneath your jaw and holding it shut. “You’re not leaving. I don’t want to hear you ask again.” His tone is uncompromising and your sore eyes squeeze shut. “But you’ll be taken care of. Johnny and me, we’ll be good to you.”
Your sobs come out against your will, and Simon sighs. A moment later you hear the water running again, then feel something run across your face. You jerk back, eyes opening on instinct and see that he’s holding a damp cloth to your face.
“Hold still a second,” he murmurs, hand holding the back of your head as he wipes beneath your eyes and down your neck. His hand is so large that his thumb rests on the side of your neck while his other fingers rest on the other. You’re tense, but do what he says, eyes squeezing shut when the washcloth gets a little close for your comfort. He’s especially tender as he swipes the rag over your eyelids, and without even noticing, you relax just the tiniest bit in his grip.
It only takes a few moments, but in the silent bathroom it feels like an eternity. 
He steps away after apparently deeming you cleaned up enough, moving just a few steps away and bending over the tub.
You stand on shaky legs as soon as his back is turned, stumbling toward the door as the sound of flowing water fills the room.
As your hand wraps around the doorknob, arms wrap around your waist, gently but securely dragging you and placing you back on the counter and completely ignoring your dismayed cry.
“Wobblin’ around like a fawn,” Simon scolds, placing warm hands on your thighs and holding you still when you move to shove at him instinctively. “Where would you even go, huh? Gonna wander the streets naked ‘til some good samaritan spots you?”
You flush at his condescending tone and spit back angrily, “Better than here.”
“Really?” If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was offended. “In this neighborhood? Johnny and I are the best you’re gonna get, girl. We’re offering to take care of you and you wanna run off to any scum waiting in the alleys?” He grunts, disgusted. “No. You’ll stay here, and you’ll learn how much better it is. You got that?”
“No!” You burst, legs kicking out at his own before he grabs your knees and shoves into the counter. “You can’t just keep me! I’m not some… some pet for you!’
He surprises you by barking out a harsh laugh, leaning so close to your face that your noses nearly brush and wrapping a hand around your throat. “That’s exactly what you are. A little pet to wait for us at the door, to keep our bed and our cocks warm. A pretty little pet for us to spoil and take care of. The quicker you get it into your thick fuckin’ skull, the easier your life’ll be.”
You bare your teeth up at him, face flushed red from anger and from the steam slowly filling the air. When you don’t respond he grunts and nods once, leaning away from you and moving to turn the flowing water off.
You don’t move from where he put you this time, and when he turns back around he rumbles, “Good girl.”
You don’t know what it says about you that your heart beats a little faster. 
He steps back up to you, considers you for a second, then pulls the mask over his head and drops it on the counter.
Simon’s hot. Because of fucking course he’s hot. He’s got scars decorating his face, little nicks that look like they were just deep enough to scar but aren’t more than an inch or so in length. His nose is curved the wrong direction, two bumps in it that make you wonder just how many times it’s been broken. He’s got a broad jaw, high cheekbones, and full lips. His eyebrows hang heavy over his eyes, giving his entire face a severe look. 
You deeply resent the blush that grows on your face, forcing a scowl and glancing away. He makes a little hmph sound, and when he steps closer again you can see a little smirk playing on his lips. Ass.
He grabs your elbow, giving you a soft tug to pull you off the counter and leading you to the tub as you stumble behind him. You cross your arms over your chest and hunch your back, suddenly much more aware of your nakedness.
“You get in first,” he grunts, staring at you expectantly over his shoulder. You blink blankly at him for a moment, not moving, until he gives you a little tug closer to the edge of the tub. “Well? While the water’s hot.”
You get in the tub. A moment after you settle in the middle, stiff and mostly confused, he steps in behind you. The tub is big - surprising for an apartment in this neighborhood - and leaves him enough room to put his legs on either side of you. His arms wrap around your chest next, just below your breasts, and he takes you with him as he leans back on the edge and lets out a low moan of satisfaction.
You remain stiff, unable to relax when you still can’t see this man as anything but your captor. 
He sighs another moment later at your rigidness. “Relax,” he grumbles, grumpy.
You make a high noise in your throat. “Easier said than done.”
He sighs again, like your discomfort is putting him out. “Relax, or I’ll make you.”
You scowl. “You’ll make me relax? How exactly do you plan on -” You cut yourself off with a choking noise as his left hand grips one tit and the right slides down your stomach to cup your cunt, the weight of it almost a threat.
“Relax,” he says again. When you remain stiff, maybe even stiffer than you were before, he begins to work your clit and brush over your nipple. Softly, and slowly. “Can’t play rough with you right now,” he mumbles, tucking his face into your shoulder and pressing his lips to your neck. “Stop pushing me.”
“I-I’m not,” you stutter, legs shifting and spine going a bit looser as you finally start to settle back into him. He makes a little noise in his throat, one you have no idea how to translate, and softens his movements even further, just… petting your most sensitive parts.
The silence is thick, weighted with the dynamic between the two of you, but not suffocating somehow. The warm water and calming motions of his fingers forces your body into a relaxed state without your intent.
You hardly notice when the door creaks open minutes later, Johnny’s figure shadowed by the dark bedroom. He steps into the bathroom, and you watch as a smile grows on his face at the sight before him. His clear pleasure makes you stiffen a bit, but Simon hums a soothing note that - annoyingly - leaves you boneless.
“Room for another?” Johnny asks, voice rough from sleep.
“Always,” Simon replies, face still mostly hidden in your neck. You watch with half lidded eyes and Johnny, already naked, steps into the tub opposite the two of you. He scoots in close, and leans his chest against yours, giving both you and Simon his weight. You grunt a little under it, but he wraps an arm around your back and floats somewhat, so he feels more like a weighted blanket than anything. He hooks his chin over your free shoulder and gives a great, big sigh of relief. You’re glad for Simon holding you above the water, sure that you’d sink under Johnny’s weight. 
You don’t and work up the nerve to speak, a bit afraid that if you provoke them too much they’ll use sex as a distraction.
Still, their equally loose-limbed bodies and the bath has lulled you into an almost dream-like state, and you can’t resist pushing a little bit more. 
“There are people who will look for me,” you mumble, staring at the steam fogging up the tiles on the wall.
“Then you’ll tell them where you are,” Johnny grumbles against you, the vibrations of his chest moving to yours.
“I’ll tell them to call the police.”
“Then you won’t get access to a phone until we can trust you,” Simon, this time, says. His fingers are hardly moving now, just the occasional twitch when you shift one way or another. 
“What do you want from me?” You whisper, unable to help the crack in your voice or the tinge of desperation. 
Johnny rumbles soothingly, shifting his hand to stroke up and down your back. “You just need to be like this, lovie. Soft. Sweet. Something to spoil and treat nice.”
“A pet,” you whisper, unwanted tears burning at the back of your eyes that you close your eyes tight against, tired of all the crying.
“A pet,” Simon agrees behind you, limbs tightening around you. “Is that such a bad thing?”
“We’ll be so good to you,” Johnny says, voice right in your ear. “We’ll get you whatever you want. Once we know you won’t leave, we’ll take you wherever you want to go. All you have to do is let us take care of you. It’ll be good, lassie. I promise.”
You sniffle, and get a coo from both men in response.
None of you speak again. The water cools slowly, and when you shiver for the first time Simon shifts to unplug the tub and pulls all three of you out. 
You’re in a daze as Johnny tugs you to stand on a bathmat in front of him, a smile playing on his lips as he cups your cheeks and gives you a soft kiss. You don’t respond, but he doesn’t seem to mind.
They dry you methodically - Johnny toweling the parts of your hair that got wet, Simon patting down the rest of you.
It’s Johnny that carries you to bed, gripping the backs of your thighs and urging you to curl your legs around his waist.
“Did a number on her back, Johnny.”
“Lost control, L.t. You felt how tight she is - fuckin’ heaven.”
“Hm. Paradise.”
“So I take it you like your gift?
“Don’t play coy, MacTavish. It doesn’t suit you.”
“On the contrary, sir - everythin’ suits me.”
“Shut up.”
You tune out their voices, aware only tangentially of a hand stroking across your hair as you’re laid in bed. Johnny keeps you at his front, mimicking the position the two of you had taken before… everything. Your legs tangled together, his arm under your head, his head on yours, your face in his throat. The only difference is that Simon slides in behind you, wrapping his big arms around both of you and tugging you tight to his body. His leg slips over yours, and their combined weight holds you deep in the mattress.
“Go to sleep, love,” one of them mutters. “Tomorrow will be better. You’ll see.”
You close your dry eyes and fall asleep with warm, sated limbs.
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thisisnotthenerd · 4 months
and now the best battles of the intrepid heroes go head to head
feel free to give reasoning/propaganda as you like!
the sidequest poll
quick episode descriptions:
arcade ambush: fighting biz in the arcade. the failed perception checks. getting sucked in and out of the games. riz in the palimpsest. beating a nat 20 in the box of doom. shooting off biz's fingers on the count of three.
broadway brawl: the show must go on. misty having the performance of a lifetime. queen titania. i may be little but i am fierce. esther in the rafters. don confetti. ricky, naked, bodyrolling on misty. stephen sondheim riding a bear. subduing titania with a waist trainer.
blast from the passed: after the trial for gorthalax. completely indecipherable battle. bill seacaster kills gilear. johnny spells can't get a word in edgewise. statistically i have just a good a chance at rolling good as any of you. toxic masculinity is dead, i dance now! riz is blasted off the ship into the iron city of dis.
boys' night (Roll20Con): just the lads, going to a party, where they are supremely uncool. extorting gilear for alcohol [uncle pappy's dag nasty rocket hooch] emergency poem for ragh and corey. stealth mode down the highway. chungledown bim is back. fabian falling under the car with the liquor. warping space time and going to the lan party.
deep bleu sea: peppermint batman is invisible in the darkness. primsy is attacked. jet sends stilton to the bottom of the ocean. shenanigan time. the boats sinking and shifting. cumulous appears. throwing the cheese marauders to induce a dexterity check. can i use swirlwarden to get back into the boat. annabelle in the yogurt
treachery at gramercy: fighting around the umbral engine. ricky's bat counterspell. pete surges twice. cody is a mounted combatant who read dante's inferno. tony simos is a crazy level 20 open hand monk. pete has subtle spell. ricky says tony get fucked and does 90 damage. kingston's spirits of the city. sofia stunning everyone. cody meets lucifer and makes a new contract. sofia pulls dale out of the past and into the present.
battle of the brands: the gang buys truly so much stuff. you are required to do a certain amount of drugs. barry is the angel of mercy. the sisters of the cosmic veil having a bikini party. taking kublacaine. we are the ball. barry taking brutus to the finals on a nat 20. nat 20 death save from aurora nebbins. margaret speaks to the plinth and then is down to 1 hit point. skip crits on the plinth. free teleportation shenanigans are not allowed. gunnie casts explosion. barry rapid shots the plinth and does product placement. operation slippery puppet. am i getting ocean's'd 11'd on my own fucking show? what the fuck is happening? a real son of a bitch is no more. sundry sidney has saved the dog!
terror on toy island: a soft little touch. mer-king's insect plague. no daddy. pib getting the little guys. i'm so fucking scared! the water surges around the mer-king. the terrible dogfish is here. daddy-meter is spinning. pinocchio crits to figure it out. pinocchio screaming to wake the dead. it has asthma! and another thing, with the eyes! you were about to instantly die. gerard is wearing full chain mail in the ocean.. rosamund & ylfa are swallowed. the sea witch shows up. murph causes a nat 20. call of destiny. rosamund gets the eye with a seven. i'm a lion in the water. pib's acrobatic crit. one v. one.
335 notes · View notes
peachesofteal · 4 months
Dead Disco / Chapter 11
Dead Disco masterlist
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Ghost/Soap/female reader 2k words - AO3 Warnings-tags: no smut but this fic contains mature themes. Relationship issues, arguments. Angst. Toxic behavior. Johnny is struggling. Everyone is going through it. Johnny struggles.
"No contact?!" Johnny chokes, and you hesitate on the other end of the line, sharp breath rattling through the speaker phone. 
“My… my therapist thinks it would be good, to try it. For thirty days. Just to see how I feel.” Johnny’s fingers stretch across the front pocket of his pants. 
Thirty days? 
You’ve already been gone five, and it feels like five years.
He balks. No. No, this. This can't be. You have to be home, with them. Where you belong. Where they can fix it. 
“Ye… no, I thought… I thought this was just a break?” He doesn’t recognize his voice. It’s ragged and torn to shreds, and now fear makes it tremble. 
What does this mean? 
“It is, it is. I just… I have to try this.” You sound as sad, as fucked up as he does, and he wants to scream, throw the phone against the wall, say screw it all to hell and go over to your rental, bang on the door until you let them inside. 
“Of course, darling.” Simon soothes, and Johnny stares at him like he's lost his grasp on reality. Of course? Of course?! “We understand, we… we can do that. We’ll do whatever you want.” 
“No.” Johnny cuts in, he can’t stop himself, can’t control his mouth. He can’t agree to this, to not talking to you, or seeing you for thirty days. He can’t do it. “I-“
“ Johnny.” 
“Johnny-“ You both say his name at the same time. Yours is a plea. Simon’s is cautionary, finger seeking the mute button, cutting you out of the conversation for a split second, long enough for him to utter a warning. 
“Do not push her on this. We need to let her decide right now. She’s in control.” 
“We’re here.” Simon assures you, unmuting the phone. “We understand. No contact, thirty days. Will you reach out, afterwards?” 
“I… I will, I promise.” 
“And you’ll take care of yourself?” There’s a pause on the other end of the line, a gulp. Simon’s façade cracks, enough that Johnny can see the fear that lurks there, the worry. 
“Ye-yeah. I am. I will.” 
“Will you come to bed?”
Johnny’s thumbs press together, overlapping where his fingers stay knitted tight, grasping onto one another like he’s holding onto himself for dear life.
He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath in and then releases it slowly through his nose. It’s a self-soothing technique, one he’s seen you do a million times. But once he’s done, his response is no less acidic. “I cannae sleep.”
Silence is his answer, until-
“Johnny.” Simon’s forearm wraps across his shoulders, pulling him backwards from the stool and into the cushiony warmth of his chest, heat burning into his back. Simon’s always been a furnace, a giant, weighted, heated blanket, his touch one of safety, security. Care.
But right now, all it feels like is anguish.  
“Si.” He croaks, tears welling up behind his eyes. “I cannae do this any longer. I cannae… I need her back.”
“We need to be patient, and respect-“
“Respect?” Johnny blurts, incredulous. “No, No, I… We should be there, right now. We should be standing outside her door, we should be fightin’ for her, nae sitting ‘ere, waiting. Showin’ her how much she means; how sorry we are.” The warmth pulls away, an exasperated sigh blowing across the back of his neck.
“I’m not having this conversation again.” Simon is curt, growing cold, and it fuels the burning rage building inside Johnny’s stomach.
“Of course, because why would ye? It’s already settled in yer mind, isn’t it? That we just sit here, and wait, and let her slip away because ye coudnae keep yer mouth shut!” He’s said the same thing a thousand different ways over these last three weeks. Dressed Simon up and down six ways to Sunday over it, different verbiage each time.
The conversation always ends the same.
“Can you forgive me?” 
“Of course I can but I’m still mad at ye.” 
The anger foils away, ebbing into sadness, despair, and Johnny’s sight goes black when he buries his face in his hands.
“I miss her.” He whispers to the floor. The warmth returns and wraps him in a snug embrace, soft words hummed against the shell of his ear, each one punctuated with a kiss.
“I know, I know you do. I do too.”
“You nearly got yourself blown up!” Simon roars, and Johnny nearly flinches, steeling himself against his partner’s anger. “You can’t be makin’ stupid decisions like that. You jeopardized-“ 
“I knew what I was doin’. Dinnae question me, ye dinnae know anything about the tech behind those explosives, and ye know it.” He stands a little straighter, indignant, insulted, and Simon’s eyes narrow, before squinting, tension shoving his shoulders down in a slump. 
This isn’t like them. They’re always in lock step. One unit. One person, two hearts.  
The cot creaks beneath Simon’s weight, elbows against his knees. 
“Johnny, what’s going on?” 
“What do ye mean?” Dirty, cheap laminate flooring stares up at him, patterns in the grit swirling together like sand. 
“You’re not yourself. Price mentioned-“ 
“Ye and Price talkin’ ‘bout me?” Unsettled anger rattles him, immediate demand rising through his blood. Simon holds his hand up. 
“No. He was concerned, said you were a little rash the other day, on the recon. Asked if everything was alright.” He blinks. Blinks over and over, tries to quash the surging agony, the upheaval of his stomach. He fights it, tries to breathe through it, tries to stop it in his tracks, but a big grip wraps around his wrist, and tugs. 
He’s settled into Simon’s lap without another word, his nose to his neck, fingers stroking through his mohawk. 
“It’s going to be alright. You’re alright. We’re going to get her back, love.” 
“I cannae do this. Ye dinnae know-“ 
“I know.” He squeezes him, calming him, and Johnny melts a little, sharp blade of the pain turning dull. “I know that the best thing we can do right now is be patient, and respect what she’s asked us to do. When she’s ready, she’ll let us know, and we’ll do everything we can, to try to fix it. To make it better.” 
“I feel like there’s a hole-“ His hand rubs his chest, over and over, until the skin burns. “Like there’s a piece missing. I dinnae think I can do it, without her.” His voice breaks, and Simon’s attempt to calm him comes out like a strangled cry. “It hurts, Si.” 
“We won’t. We just have to be patient, Johnny. We have to. We have to show her we can do it.” Simon murmurs, and then they both slip into a sad silence, Johnny huffing through his tears against Simon’s chest until he’s dragging them both down into the little cot, escaping into the comfort of uneasy sleep. 
The flat is too quiet.
Lately, he’s been putting your favorite movies on in the small hours of the morning. Simon sleeps in now, restless until the sun starts to come up, and then he finally sinks beneath pull of dreams, or nightmares, whichever comes first.
So, Johnny curls up on the couch by himself, with your favorite tea, flip flopping between the rotation of movies that you always had rolling in the background, when you were painting, when you were cooking, or even reading.
But today, he paces. Back and forth from the bedroom, the kitchen, to the art room, the one you left half barren, the one that still holds nearly finished paintings, dried tubes of paint, stiff bristled brushes, long discarded for new ones, but not thrown away.
“I’m going to the gym, want to come?” Simon is hovering just outside the door, brows fixed together. He hasn’t stepped foot in here, Johnny has noticed, not since you left nearly a month ago. In fact, he avoids this room like the plague.
“No, ye go on.”
“You sure?” His head cocks in consideration, and then he nods.
“Yeah. Love ye.”
“Love you too. Be good.”
“Where the bloody hell have ye been?” Johnny seethes, arms crossed. Their half-eaten plates still sit cold on the table, mocking him since Simon left in the middle of the meal an hour ago. 
“Out. For a walk.” The hoodie comes up and over his shoulders, and Johnny catches a whiff of it.
Cigarette smoke.
“A walk, eh? Ye out walkin’, and smoking?”
“Dinnae Johnny me, ye’ve been smoking, I can smell it.”
“I don’t want to do this right now.” He snaps, turning his back, heading into the bedroom, the bathroom.
“Ye dinnae want to do what?”
“This. Fight. Argue.” The shower clicks on, steam slowly building from the floor as Simon shucks his joggers, his boxers, Johnny’s eyes struggling to stay fixed on his partner’s face.
“I’m not arguing, I… I dinnae understand how ye can be so casual about this, it’s-“ 
“What am I supposed to do?” Simon turns on him, still angry, still hurt from their conversation earlier. It brews beneath the surface like a finely veiled stormed, just barely held back. “Lose my head? Fall apart?” 
“I dinnae, talk to me?” Simon’s jaw clenches. Every scar on Simon’s back speaks to him, tells him stories, corroborates his witness accounts. Johnny wishes he could take them away; wishes he could kiss them. 
But Simon feels so far away now. He’s felt miles away since you left, since the bed slept three, table slept three, couch held three. 
“I’m right here, Si. I’m here.”
Johnny knows what he’s doing is wrong. He’s fully self-aware, but completely out of control. His legs carry him down the street on autopilot, barrage of requests and demands from his rational self trying to break through the encasement where he’s locked them away.
He shouldn’t be doing this. He shouldn’t. 
He can’t help it. He can’t do this… anymore. It’s killing him. It’s killing Si.
He worries it’s killing you.
He tells himself he’s just going to check on you, make sure you’re okay. He’s not going to bother you, just make you’re alive. He’s not going to stay, he’s just going to say hi, ensure you’re safe, healthy, and then leave.
If you even open the door.
Guilt, anxiety, fear all turns over in his stomach, freezing through his blood as he climbs the stairs to your long term rental. He just needs to see you, needs lay eyes on you, just once, and it will all be okay. He’ll be okay, once he knows you’ll be okay.
Simon is going to be so bloody pissed. He grimaces. He knows there will be hell to pay. That Simon will be enraged, disappointed. That he’ll be upset.
They made a promise. He made a promise. 
And now he’s going to break it, just like that.
He stands outside your door for too long, contemplating. Trying to sift through every decision he’s ever made, that led him to this point. He could still turn around, still go home, even though his finger is itching to ring the bell, a burning desire searing through his mind, urging him forward until his forehead is thunking softly against the wood, eyes closing.
He can still see your face, your smile. The ways your eyes light up, the way your voice sounds when you say his name.
“I need ye, we need ye.” He whispers to no one, and then his finger presses the button, breath holding in his chest.
A few seconds pass. He strains to listen, latching onto the sound of footsteps inside, the click of a lock, the creak of the hinges, and then the door opens wide, revealing you on the other side.
“Darling.” You’re haunted, a flicker of a memory, a sharpened shadow sawing into the soft matter of his brain. You blink like you're trying to clear your vision, like you're struggling to see him, and he offers you an uneasy smile, something nervous and unsettled. You shake your head, mouth open in surprise, confusion, eyes wide.
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smileysuh · 1 year
NiceGuyJohnny : nct
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🌙 staring. Johnny x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. “You know,” he sighs as his fingers pump into you, “I was a little worried that- since it’s been so long since I fucked you properly, maybe it would be harder to make you cum, but-” he applies more pressure to your gspot and you’re crying out, pussy clenching ridiculously tight around his digits, “you’re squirting just as easily as I remember.”
cw/ tw. 69ing, oral, unprotected sex, size kink, manhandling, dirty talk, fingering, squirting, multiple orgasms, dumbification, praise, slight cum play/kink, etc... I petnames. (hers) sweetheart, baby, etc... (his) daddy.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 7.5k
🍭 aus. cam girl reader, poly idols, idols sharing a fuck buddy, dirty boy idols, etc...
☀️ mlist + an. camroom directory here - final chapter! when I started this series, I always knew John would be the endgame and I know some of my foreshadowings have tipped people off- thank you to everyone who's been here throughout this long endeavor- happy easter and happy John day!
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“You keep checking the time.”
“Am I?” Johnny sighs, tearing his eyes from his phone to look at Mark.
“You know…” the Canadian averts his gaze, “no one would blame you if you want to skip the party tonight.”
“Skip our ‘tour ended and we’re back in Seoul’ party?” Johnny scoffs. “Why would I do that?” 
“Well, I mean… you haven’t seen y/n in a while-”
Johnny cuts his friend off, “She’s invited tonight.”
“I know but- you just keep checking your phone, so I sort of assumed-”
“Don’t do that.” Johnny hates how curt he’s being with Mark, but he can’t help himself. “Assume things, I mean.”
He hates how his deepest secrets are so painfully obvious to his best friend, hates how Mark can be much more observant than anyone gives him credit for. 
“Fine, I won’t,” Mark sighs. “But seriously- if you wanted to skip tonight… no one would blame you.”
Johnny only wishes this was true. As observant as Mark is, he hasn’t seemed to pick up on the fact that both Jaehyun and Haechan have a thing for you- something that goes beyond what anyone sees on cam. 
People will - in fact - blame Johnny if he skips tonight, especially if it means him going to your apartment, knocking on your door, and saying whats been on his mind for over two years now. 
As time ticks by and Johnny gets increasingly uncharacteristically anxious, so does his need to rip the bandaid off. It’s not like his thoughts can go unsaid any longer- even if he was to wait to the party to see you. If Mark can read the emotions on his face, Johnny has no doubt you’ll see right through him, and is a party really the best place to have the conversation he needs to have with you?
Johnny sighs and checks his phone again.
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He loves it when you answer your phone like this. His name sounds right coming from you- as right as anything Johnny has ever known.
“Hey you,” he can’t help the smile that appears on his face, and he looks down, twiddling with the sleeves of his sweater. “Still coming to the party tonight?”
“You know I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
He loves that he can hear your own grin- and he endevours to be the source of your smiles for as long as humanly possible.
“Do you need a ride?”
“I was gonna call a cab-”
“Don’t,” he tells you, “let me drive you.”
“Are you sure? Don’t you need to be getting ready for the party?”
“Nah, Doyoung and Taeyong are dealing with that- I just get in the way, like always.”
“Very naughty of you, John.”
There’s that smile again, and he can almost visualize it in his mind’s eye.
It’s been much too long since he’s seen you in person, and if he has to wait any longer, he might just combust.
“So you’ll let me pick you up?”
“Something tells me even if I said no, you’d show up anyways.”
“You’re right about that,” he grins to himself.
“So I guess I’ll see you at eight?” 
“Maybe before,” Johnny says under his breath.
Another laugh that sounds like music to his ears, then, “Just text me when you’re in front of my building.”
“You got it, baby.”
“Bye, John.”
“See you soon.”
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At ten to eight there’s a knock on your door, and you pull yourself away from your vanity to go see who’s arrived at your apartment. There’s not text from John, so you’re prepared to see a neighbour or even your land lord-
Your breath catches as you open your door to reveal the windswept idol, his hands resting on either side of the frame. He’s so big- you’ve almost forgotten how big he is, how tall-
“John-” you watch his eyes dip to your lips, and the next moment he’s cupping your face, stepping into your apartment and pressing his mouth to yours. 
You grab at the front of his jacket, pulling him closer. With a quick motion of his foot, he’s closing the door behind himself, and one hand leaves your face to click the lock into place-
“Wait- John,” you say again, biting gently at his lip-
“Just let me kiss you-” he pleads, words breathy as his mouth ghosts over your own.
You want to let him just kiss you- but this is definitely not something you’d exprected on your agenda tonight- especially without warning, and the shock at suddenly seeing Johnny again causes you to be as firm as you’ve ever been with him. You press your hands flat to his abdomen, giving a small push- and your favorite idol pulls away from you without another word of protest.
There are a million questions on your mind, but the first one that comes out is; “How did you even get into the building?”
“Someone was leaving and when I approached they just held the door open-”
“They’re not supposed to do that-” you sigh, “the land lord posted a whole invoice about letting people in without keys- and hey! You’re not supposed to do that either! Walking into my apartment- you’re an idol, what if someone recognized you-”
“Are you that disappointed to see me?” Johnny is smiling down at you with all the ease in the world. 
You’re amusing him, and he’s at his most handsome when amused like this. 
“Why didn’t you just text me?”
“I don’t know…” for the first time, he looks thoughtful, “maybe I wanted to surprise you.”
“How long were you waiting?”
His gaze has shifted to your lips again, and there’s something of a dreamy glint in his eye when he sighs and says, “Longer than you can imagine-” 
“John-” you groan.
“I’m serious-” He catches your jaw between two fingers, and you find yourself looking up into eyes that have suddenly turned sincere. “I’ve got something to tell you.”
“You do?” Your voice comes out a squeak, and your heart is thundering in your ribcage like never before. 
“Uh huh.” His tongue swipes over his lower lip. “But aren’t you going to invite me in first?”
The energy shift gives you something like whiplash, and you blink up at - arguably - your most stable lover. “Invite you in?” You take a small breath. “Aren’t we going out?”  
“I think I need some water actually.” Johnny’s hand drops, your chin released, and the large man shifts past you to head to your kitchen.
“John-” you give your head a little shake, moving to follow him. “Are you okay? You’re acting a little…”
“Acting a little what?” He fills a glass with water, cocking an eye brow at you.
“Off?” you suggest, doing the best to make sense of his erratic behaviour. He takes a sip of his drink, and you sigh. “Look… if you’re here to do a cam show before the party-”
“I’m not.” Johnny puts his water down, studying your face. 
You’re not convinced, and he knows it. 
“Really-” he insists, “I’m not here for a cam show- fuck- even if you had suggested one…” he looks like he’s considering it but ends up shaking his head, “no, even then- no cam show.”
“No cam show,” you repeat his words, still not fully satisfied. 
“Why do you sound like you still don’t believe me?” He grins at you. 
“I just- I don’t think we’ve ever been in a situation where you don’t want to fuck me-”
“Who said I don’t want to fuck you?” 
Your brows furrow in confusion. “You did- you just said no cam show-”
“True- no cam show, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to tear your clothes off- why do you think I had to get water? Needed something to distract myself-” His eyes move up and down your form, and he takes another sip of his drink. 
“John-” you feel a rush of wet between your legs- it’s funny how easily this man can make a mess of your panties. 
“So what do you want to do, princess?” Johnny asks. “Do you still want to go to the party? I know I’d prefer having some time alone here with you first… I still have something I need to talk to you about but-”
“Can it wait?” 
He pauses for a moment, studying you. From the way he breaks out in a grin, you can tell he’s read you as easily as ever- read the horny warning signs- 
“It can wait,” he confirms. “No camshow, just us?”
“Please, just get over here-” you reach your hands out for him and all it takes is two strides for Johnny to press his lips to yours again. 
You melt into the kiss this time. You’re still not a hundred percent sure what’s going on with him- but enough of your questions have been answered. And you suppose you can only stand in the same room with Johnny Suh for so long before jumping his bones-
You’re shocked you’ve lasted this long.
It feels amazing to have his large hands on you again- and his lips are as familiar as your soft pillow, or your favourite blanket. It feels like home to be wrapped in his arms- to be the main focus of an idol adored by countless fans all over the world-
But more than that- it feels like nothing else because this is Johnny- and there’s no one else like him.
Your heart aches in your chest when Johnny simply reaches down and lifts you up, forcing your legs around his hips while he carries you off in the direction of your room. 
You can tell by the way he’s kissing you that he’s missed you more than he can say- and you’ve missed him just the same, wordlessly communicated through the way you kiss him back, tongue swiping against his bottom lip as a groan works its way out of your mouth.
 Before you know it, the two of you are falling onto your bed, and it’s another familiar feeling. 
How many times has he fucked you here? How many times has he made you cum-
It’s been much too long since you last saw Johnny, but your bodies are moving in sync as if he’d never even been gone.
Everything has always just been easy with Johnny- and it’s fun too. 
When mid lip lock his exploritive hands discover your dress has a zipper up the back and it won’t be easily tugged off, Johnny pulls away from you just long enough to flip you onto your stomach, and you find yourself giggling at the manhandling.
“Sorry baby, give me one second to get this dress off of you-” he says, breath hot against your exposed back as he tugs the zipper down. 
Johnny’s straddling your thighs, and it’s an easy enough position for you to tease him with. You push your ass back and up, rubbing it against his crotch while releasing a sigh. “I can’t believe I dressed up all pretty and we’re not even going to the party-” 
“We can still go to the party,” he assures you, warm fingers gliding against your spine to undo your bra clasp.
“No, daddy,” you smile, “we can’t.”
“No? And why’s that, baby?” His lips ghost over your shoulder. 
“Because we have an entire tour’s worth of time to make up for- and I’d like you to fuck me till I can’t walk.” 
You feel him smile against your skin and his mouth moves to your neck. “I think that can be arranged,” he says, teeth dragging by your ear lobe and making you twitch. He pulls away much too fast. “And actually- now that you mention it, how about you stand up and let me see your dress one last time before you take it off- you know, to appreciate it.” 
“Really?” you groan. “Can’t you just tear it off me?”
“Daddy wants to see his princess, now be a good girl for me and let me appreciate you.” 
How could you resist a request like this? 
When Johnny moves to sit on the bed, you’re free to stand up, and you turn to face him. 
He’s breathtaking- leaning against the pillows, his eyes warm and his smile affectionate. “It’s a pretty dress baby, I should have told you that when I got here but- well,” he shrugs, “I was distracted by your lips.”
“You and your sweet talking,” you smile, shaking your head. “Should I strip for you, daddy? The way you stripped for all your fans on tour?”
Johnny laughs, and the sound is music to your ears. “Jealous, baby?”
“Not any more than you watching my cam shows, I bet,” you say, meaning for it to be a dismissive comment- because you know Johnny doesn’t get jealous seeing you with others…
“You’re funny, a funny baby” he chuckles, but there’s less joy in this sound than the one previous. “Take that dress off, funny baby, daddy’s getting impatient.”
“Yes sir-” you tease, slipping your staps down so your dress and bra can fall to the floor. You step out of the fabric, toying with the waistband of your underwear. “What about these, daddy?”
“Take them off now or risk them getting torn, your choice.” Johnny’s working on the buttons of his own shirt, jacket already discarded by the door- 
You lose focus for a moment, too distracted by each strip of the beutiful idol’s newly exposed skin- 
“Tick tock, darling,” your soft dom reminds you, grinning at the way you’re standing there frozen. 
“Right- sorry,” you slip your panties off and the coolness of the room rushes over your wet, hot, pussy. 
God, you need to be filled- you need to be filled so bad it hurts.
You hop onto the bed, reaching for the waistband of Johnny’s pants. “I missed your cock so bad, daddy-”
“Missed it in my mouth, and in my pussy-” 
“Mmm-” Johnny groans when you squeeze him through his pants, tracing the outline of his hard cock. “If you missed my dick so much- and I’ve missed that pretty fucking pussy of yours- maybe the only way to make sure we both get what we want is to start with you sitting on my face while you take me in your mouth- or at least, as much of me as you can fit.” 
69-ing is not a position you generally do with Johnny- but you suppose it’s been a long time since you’ve fucked. Maybe he’s picked up some new tricks? Maybe this just shows that you’re both absolutely insatiable- neither of you had the patience to wait much longer and Johnny definitely knows it. 
“Have you really missed me that much?” you ask as Johnny lifts his hips to pull his pants down.
“More than you can imagine,” he admits, shuffling down the bed, “now be a good girl and come sit on Daddy’s face.” 
His hands help you get into position, and before you can even lower yourself down, he’s applying pressure to help you sit onto his mouth, his tongue pushing into your pussy-
Johnny groans loudly against your core, and you think it must be from discovering how wet you already are. Or maybe he’s missed the taste of you- either way, the sound makes you even more turned on, the hands on your hips urge you to grind down-
“Fuck, Johnny-” you moan, wrapping your hand around the base of his cock, ready to guide him to your lips-
A gentle smack on your ass is a reminder that Johnny expects the title of Daddy- at least, he does right now, and it brings a smile to your face. You like that he doesn’t stop eating your pussy- he has his priorities straight, and you think you should too, as you wrap your mouth around the pretty head of his cock-
Another groan from Johnny has your pussy throbbing, clit needing his attention- in a 69 position, you can’t just grind yourself against his nose, and it frustrates you as you take more and more of him into your mouth. 
When he’d suggested this- you’d thought it would be just a little foreplay- you’ve never cum in a 69 before- but when Johnny applies more pressure to your hips, forcing you down against his mouth- you realize you’re in very real danger of cumming sooner than you’d expected.
There’s something about the duality of being stuffed with his cock in your mouth, and his tongue in your pussy- 
You’re not quite sure where to focus, but you’re turned on enough that you’re drooling all over his dick, and your pussy is throbbing with wetness that Johnny eagerly laps up-
You moan around his cock and Johnny’s hips twitch, forcing more of him into your mouth. 
He’s the one who moans next, wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking-
Your toes curl as pleasure courses through you, and you begin to pump the base of Johnny’s cock, using your drool as lube. 
Part of you wants to make him cum from your mouth if he’s going to do the same to you, but another part of you knows that’s unrealistic- Johnny’s got a big cock, he cums big loads, and it always takes a big little while to get him there, but damn, you enjoy the ride. 
It’s becoming harder and harder for you to breathe while focusing on everything- and you take your mouth off Johnny, groaning loudly while you continue pumping his cock with your hand. “Fuck- Daddy- feels so good-”
He growls against your pussy, switching between lapping at you and sucking on your clit. 
“Just like that- please- fuck- daddy- I think I’m gonna cum-” You close your eyes, allowing yourself to get lost in the feeling of your stomach muscles tightening- “Yeah- I’m gonna cum from your tongue- don’t stop, please-” 
Not only does Johnny not stop, he eats you out with even more vigour, groaning against your pussy and sending you into a frenzy.
“Fuck- daddy-” you hardly have time to say much else before you’re cumming on his tongue, core muscles clenching as pleasure consumes you. 
The orgasm feels kind of like a firecracker, an eruption of jittery ecstasy that fizzles over your form, making your hair raise from your skin before heat is left in it’s wake. Sparkly waves of fire crackling energy erupt through your from with each suck and lick of Johnny’s tongue against your pussy, working you through your high like the diligent man he is.
“Fuck- please- need to be full-” even in your orgasmic haze, you have your priorities, and right now, the only thing on your mind is Johnny’s delicious cock being inside your pussy, the one hole that can truly take him the way he deserves- “Need your cock so bad-”
Johnny’s hands shift to your ass, and he squeezes you gently, giving one last harsh suck on your clit that has you crying out before he pushes you off his mouth. “If you need my dick so bad, you should sit on it next.” 
“What?” You’d been expecting him to fuck you- not the other way around. 
“Oh so you can ride Mingyu and Yunho but not me?” Johnny laughs, his breath teasing your wet pussy and making you twitch as you clamor off of him. 
“I-” you swallow thickly, adjusting so you can straddle Johnny, who sits up against the pillows, grinning while you stumble over your words. “I just-”
“You want Daddy to do all the work, huh?” he teases.
“Maybe-” you admit, feeling almost bashful as you reach between your bodies to grab his cock, lining it up with your pussy-
“Well, baby-” Johnny’s hands find your hips, and he steadies you as you begin to sink down on him, pussy swallowing him up inch by inch- “I guess you’re just going to have to wait.”
It’s as if a handful of your fuck buddies came to an agreement to make you wait for things, and you’re not happy about it. 
But honestly- as you take more and more of Johnny- you start to not care so much. It’s not like you’re going to be able to ride him for very long- you’re already gasping and you’ve hardly even moved yet.
This position hits deep- you suppose that’s one reason a few idols have liked having you on top recently. When you lean back, swiveling your hips, you can see the slight outline of his cock in your lower abdomen and it has you going feral-
“Fuck- look at you, baby,” Johnny groans, watching your every movement. “How’d you ever get so perfect?” 
“Shit, daddy, you’re so deep-” you whine, leaning forward again to grab at his shoulders, an anchor for when you begin to bounce-
“And you’re taking me so well-” the man under you breathes, hands settling on your hips to help you with your movements. “So well, baby- so perfect-” 
“Fuck, John-”
A gentle smack to your ass has you crying out and he smiles up at you. “Am I really John again?”
“Uh huh-” you nod, heart and pussy clenching tight, “missed you.”
Johnny sits up better against the pillows, and then he’s grabbing at you, cupping your face with one hand to draw your lips to his own. 
“I missed you too,” he says, kissing you deeply and making your mind go blank as you roll your hips.
It’s as easy as anything to get lost in John- but you suppose it’s always been this way.
There’s just something about the two of you that works, you can’t really explain it. 
Maybe it has to do with his brilliant non verbal communication - large hands guiding you to fuck him faster and harder - or maybe it’s just his perfect, gorgeous lips, the lips you could kiss for hours and not get bored- 
“Fuck, you feel so good, princess-” Johnny groans, digging his fingers into your hips. “Missed this.” 
“John?” you whimper when he shifts his hips, thrusting up to meet you.
“Yes, darling?” he asks, leaning in to press his lips against your throat while you bounce on his cock.
“My thighs-” 
His hands find the body part in question, and he massages the sore muscles. “Your thighs?” He grins against your neck.
“Please-” You know he’s just playing with you- it must be clear to him by now that you’re starting to get tired, and it’s harder to focus on his massive cock splitting you open when your thighs are burning from effort.
“You ready to be fucked properly now?” Johnny smiles up at you, as coy and confident as ever. 
“Yes, please-”
“Ready to be fucked the way only I can fuck you?” 
You’re suddenly reminded of what he’d said to you all those months ago when you first started your cam girl journey; “Fuck whoever you want,” he’d told you, “but no one is ever going to fuck you the way I can.”
“Yes, daddy” is the only answer that truly suffices as your body tingles with intense energy- Johnny has always been your rock, and he always will be. 
You love how easy it is for him to wrap an arm against the small of your back and flip you, pinning you to the bed and pressing his hips flush to your own. A moan is torn out of you as you grab at his shoulders, eager for his lips.
Each kiss is like magic, and he takes a test thrust that has your toes curling.
“Mmm-” you whimper against his mouth, and Johnny breaks the kiss to press his hot lips against your throat, sucking on your sweet spot and making another rush of wet flood to your core. “Johnny- feels so good-”
“You feel so good,” he retorts, pressing his hips against yours so you can feel him feeper, the head of his cock hitting the spot that makes you want to scream.
“Shit- right there,” you tell him, digging your nails into his strong shoulders, your eyes closing as you allow the feeling to engulf your whole being.
“Here?” He thrusts into you harder, hitting the spot again and making you cry out. “How could I forget this spot?” Johnny grins, pulling away from your throat to look down at your pleasure controrted face. “It’s going to make you cum, right? You’ll be a good girl for me and cum again?”
“Fuck, yes John- shit, I want you to cum too-”
“Not yet baby, not yet,” he assures you in a voice that’s much too controlled. “I’ve been thinking about you for months- I don’t want to cum until I’m sure you’re satisfied-”
“I’m satisfied-” you try to tell him, but Johnny simply laughs at you.
“Haven’t even made you squirt yet, baby- just give in to the feeling right now, and let me do the rest, yeah?”
“Fuck-” you’re clawing at his skin, his cock repeatedly teasing the spot deep in your core- “John-”
“Come on baby, I want you to cum for me,” he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, his nose brushing by your own in the most domestic way- “I can feel you squeezing- you feel like heaven, princess- just let go, I know you want to, let me take care of you.” 
“I’m so close-” you can feel your stomach muscles twisting in tighter and tighter knots, and you’re teetering on the edge-
“Here,” Johnny licks two of his fingers before slipping his hand between your bodies, and you cry out when he makes contact with your clit. “Those are the sounds I like-”
“Fuck, daddy-” you’re gasping now, body alight with electric energy-
The chord in your abdomen snaps, your orgasm slamming into you full force, and Johnny presses his lips to your own, muffling the noises of pleasure that threaten to fill the room and bug your neigbours- 
“That’s it, baby, that’s my good girl-” Johnny coos, fucking you through your high, his fingers unrelenting on your clit even as you wiggle bellow him, helplessly pinned by his weight.
“Johnny-” you whimper his name loudly than you’d intended, and he grins down at you.
“There you go, princess, let your whole apartment building know who’s fucking you-”
At this point, you can hardly bring yourself to care about noise complaints, and you allow your sounds of pleasure to fill the room while Johnny takes care of you, working you through your high as expertly as ever.
As your sounds slowly come to an end, Johnny’s thrusts slow down, and you cling to him, wrapping your legs tighter around his waist. “John-”
“Can I flip you onto your stomach baby?” he asks, lips ghosting over your cheekbone. “I’ve been missing your ass like you wouldn’t believe.”
“Really?” Your stomach flutters with pleasure from the praise.
“Uh huh,” Johnny nods, removing his fingers from your clit. “No doggy, just going to have you laying flat-”
“Fuck-” you groan. Images of all the times he’s done the ‘on your stomach legs closed position’ flash through your mind’s eye, and your pussy twitches at the memories- 
“Yeah- it’s nice and deep, that’s what you want, right?” Johnny asks. “Want Daddy nice and deep when he cums and fills you up-”
You’re nearly crying already- you want it so badly. “Yes, daddy-” 
“Come on angel, let’s flip you over-” He’s so caring, so calm and precise with you. You’ve missed his large hands, missed the way they so easily move you from one position to the next-
The next moment he’s pulled out of you and you’re on your stomach, resting your face against the pillows as Johnny shifts on the bed behind you. 
You press your thighs together, arching your back and lifting your hips ever so slightly to expose your pussy to him-
“Fuck, you have no idea how pretty you look-” he groans, large hands grabbing at your ass to pull your cheeks apart, revealing more of you to his eager eyes. “How could I have you in this perfect position without-” two fingers slip into your wet heat and you cry out from the unexpected intrusion, “making you squirt a little first?”
His digits begin to move against your wet walls, curling down to find your gspot- a squelching noise makes your skin tingle, and you realize how wet you really are-
But he intends to have you wetter, and you know Johnny’s preference for ‘slip and slide pussy’- it’s one of the way’s he makes sure you’re having a good time even when preparing to take his massive cock deep inside of you-
“You know,” he sighs as his fingers pump into you, “I was a little worried that- since it’s been so long since I fucked you properly, maybe it would be harder to make you cum, but-” he applies more pressure to your gspot and you’re crying out, pussy clenching ridiculously tight around his digits, “you’re squirting just as easily as I remember.” 
“Fuck, daddy!” you cry out at the unrelenting speed and force of his fingers, and you can feel a rush of new wetness between your thighs with each pump-
Your bed is going to be ruined after this, and you should have remembered to put a towel down - this is Johnny after all - but it’s another worry that soon slips from your mind as you give yourself in to the pleasure he’s providing.
“It’s cute that you can hardly speak,” Johnny says, and you can hear him smiling. “I think you’re just about ready for me.”
The pleasure he gives feels amazing, but there’s only so much you body can take, and while his fingers are large- you’re already starting to miss his cock-
“Please-” you whimper, feeling a hot, wet, tear slip down your cheek-
“I said, please!” you repeat, pushing your hips back and wiggling your bum at him even as his digits continue in your core- 
“That’s my girl.” He removes his hand from between your legs and you let out a sound of relief, only to brace yourself for the intrusion that will come next. “Just relax,” he tells you, voice soft as he presses his palm to your lower back, anchoring himself while he guides his cock to your wet hole.
“Johnny-” you whine his name as he pushes into you. Despite having taken him already, your core is still recovering from being made to squirt, so now, his cock feels even bigger, and you’re not sure what to make of it. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight, baby,” he leans over your back, pressing soft kisses to your shoulder blades, “I told you to relax.” 
You let out a groan as he pushes in deeper, shaking your head, “Can’t- you’re too big-” 
“Too big?” Johnny laughs. “You know, I thought with the recent cam shows that you’d been taken care of, but if you’re already clawing at me over this- maybe I misjudged the situation.”
He’s using big words, and you can hardly think coherently right now. The most you can do is moan, pussy twitching around his long cock as he sheiths himself into you, hips now flush with your ass.
“You can take it, right, baby?” he asks, lips returning to your shoulder and then the nape of your neck-
“Yeah- please-” one thrust has you stuttering, grabbing at the pillows in an effort to anchor yourself-
You’ve missed this position- missed it more than you’d ever realized.
You’re not sure if it’s the angle, or if it’s simply because it’s Johnny fucking you like this, but either way, it feels delicious. 
You can feel the beautiful vein that runs along the underside of his massive cock with each thrust, and it has you going feral.
A large portion of his weight is pressed to your lower back, keeping you pinned to the bed- it’s almost a little suffocating, but that only adds to your pleasure.
“Shit, I could do this forever-” Johnny groans behind you. “Could fuck this pussy till I die-” 
“You’d let me right?” Hot lips graze by the junction between your neck and shoulder, and a tingle of pleasure skitters from the spot he’d kissed. “You’ll let me keep fucking you- let me keep making you cum, over and over-”
“God, yes-” you push your ass back to meet his thrusts, “Please-” 
“Please what? Use your words, pretty girl, if you have any left.” 
“Need your cum-” you whimper, “need you to cum with me-” 
“Yeah? Is my good little cock whore already close?”
You nod desperately against the pillows.
“Is this position that good for you?” he taunts, fucking into you harder. 
“Yes, shit- please, John, I can feel you everywhere-” 
“So deep-” you confirm, biting into your bottom lip to muffle some of the moans that threaten to be torn out of you with each rough motion of Johnny’s hips smacking against your ass- “Please, John-”
“I like it when you say my name like that-” he groans, fingers digging into your hips, breath hot against your shoulders.
“John-” you moan louder, “John, John, John!” 
“I’m almost there- almost there, sweetheart-” 
You’ve missed the sounds he makes when he’s close, and your pussy flutters around his cock, so near to the edge that you think you might die if he doesn’t let you cum-
“Please, John,” you beg, “please cum with me- fill me up till I’m your stupid little cock drunk baby-”
“You’re already my stupid little cock drunk baby, angel,” Johnny chuckles, but the laughter turns into another sound of pleasure. “Fuck- okay, let go- let go for me angel, I wanna feel you-” 
That’s all you need to let yourself release the tension in your core, and your pussy clamps down on his cock while you squeal into the pillow, muffling the loud sound that matches the pleasure coursing through you. 
Johnny lets out an equally noisy groan, and his rhythm falters slightly-
You can feel him coating your inner core with his cum, can feel yourself becoming incredibly full as he struggles to keep rutting into your tight pussy, your walls milking him for all he’s worth-
You gasp at the feeling of being completely satisfied, burying your face in the pillow as Johnny rides you through your highs. 
“You feel so good-” he groans, rhythm slowing as the both of you begin to come down from the pleasure. 
“No, you.”
Johnny laughs at your fucked out, easy submissive retort, and a moment later his hips are stilling all together, his cock burried deep inside of you as he presses his chest down against your back.
He’s hot, both of you are, but there’s comfort in the pressure of his large body covering your own- he’s something like a safety blanket, and you could truly doze off at any second-
“Hey, don’t go falling asleep on me, baby.” His lips brush by your throat and a shiver of stimulation runs through you, making you grin.
“I’m tired,” you insist.
 He continues pressing soft kisses to your skin. “Don’t you want to hear what I was going to tell you when I got here?”
“Oh right-”
“Can you flip over for me though? I want to see your face.” 
“Please?” He nuzzles your ear with his nose, and it tickles you, forcing you to laugh and shrink away.
“Fine- but as soon as you pull out of me, and I flip over, your cum is going to start dripping out of me-” 
“Should we do this in the shower then?” Johnny chuckles.
It is something of a post sex ritual for you. You’ve found that showering with a sexual partner can be the perfect aftercare, and it doubles as clean up.
“A shower sounds good,” you agree.
With one last kiss to the nape of your neck, Johnny pulls out of you, and you stifle a whimper at the loss. 
The next moment, you feel his cum begin to dribble out of you, and you groan at the way Johnny always fills you up to the brim. Without even thinking twice, you slip your hand between your legs, plugging your pussy with two fingers.
You roll onto  your back, and Johnny is quick to scoop you up in his arms. He’s chuckling, and it makes your skin heat with embarrassment. “Hey,” you reprimand him, “don’t laugh at me!” 
“I’m not laughing at you,” he promises.
“Yes you are!”
“I’m not,” he says again, still grinning. “I’m just thinking- that I could get used to this.”
He sets you down in your shower and you look up at him with a cocked brow. “Wow Suh, I didn’t realize how much you missed me while on tour-”
“Hey-” now it’s his turn to reprimand you, but most scolding that comes from Johnny includes a note of playfulness. “I’m being serious.”
Instead of answering, you watch him quickly reach past you, turning on the shower. The spray hits by your feet, and you shiver from the cold temperature, skittering further away from it. 
“Johnny-” you groan, seeing right through his feeble attempt to derail the conversation.
“What?” He grins at you. 
“You’re being weird today- something’s off with you and I know it. Wish you’d just say what you want to say.” If he keeps tiptoeing around the thing that’s on his mind, you might just put your dress back on and go to the party where his members will actually talk to you. 
“Right-” Johnny tests the water, stepping into the shower to join you. His hands find your hips and he pulls you close. “I guess- I’m just nervous.”
“You? Nervous? Okay mister stripper-” 
He grabs  your chin, forcing you to look up at him. “Sometimes you make it hard to be serious with you, do you know that?”
“Me? How?!” You insist, feeling personally attacked.
“Don’t call me Mister Stripper when less than ten minutes ago you were calling me Daddy, okay?” 
“Okay, daddy.” 
His gaze shifts down to your lips, and he releases your chin. “Now give me a kiss for goodluck.” 
“Okay, daddy,” you say again, grinning as you lean up to press your mouth to his. 
His arms wrap around your body, pulling you to join him under the spray of warm water. 
It feels good to be doing this with him, but the heated kiss only lasts a few moments before he’s pulling away from you. He shifts so his back is blocking the water from you again, and you cling tighter to his warm body, pouting up at him-
“Maybe the shower isn’t the best place for what I’m about to say if you’re pouting at me over water hogging.” 
“Oh my god,” you groan, “just tell me what the issue is or I might start to think you’re in love with me or something.” 
His eyes search your own, and when he doesn’t immediately open his mouth to contradict you, something tells you that you’ve hit the nail on the head. 
“Wait, Johnny-” 
You can’t finish your sentence because a second later his hands cup your face and his lips press to yours. You can taste something like desperation on his tongue- 
“John-” you whisper again.
“Just let me kiss you,” he insists, and you almost want to laugh. This is what he’d said when he came into your apartment too-
Is he really this afraid of your reaction? 
You’ve never known Johnny as the kind of guy to lack confidence- and it’s almost cute that he’s worried about this.
“John-” You press your hands to his stomach, and he moves away like he always does the moment you give any push back. 
His eyes hold the same desperation that his kiss had, and they’re sad, as sad as you’ve ever seen them-
“God,” you can’t help but laugh a little, “stop looking so worried!” you take a breath and feel your expression soften, “I love you too, you big dummy-” 
“You do?” His lips part in shock.
“Of course- I mean- how could I not?!” 
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?!” you fire back. 
“Well- I mean-” he rubs the back of his neck, “when you said you were picking up cam girling again after a hiatus-”
“I needed to be fucked and you were on tour! For ages! Besides, why did I get into cam girling in the first place, you big buffoon?” Part of you wants to laugh, and part of you wants to cry- “How long- how long have you-”
“A while,” he admits, swallowing thickly. “Sometimes I think about what would have happened if I’d never suggested the cam stuff- if I’d just manned up and offered to be your sugar daddy or something-”
“John-” you groan, hiding your face in your hands at all this new information. You’re in shock- and after a breath, you look up at him again. “How does a guy that loves a girl suggest for her to camgirl and fuck all his friends?”
“Well you see…” he licks his lips, “I’m not the jealous type?”
“You’re not the jealous type, oh my god-” 
“I mean, to be fair-” Johnny reaches for your hand, “you have so many idols wrapped around your finger that- maybe I thought it would be presumptuous to think I might stand a chance-”
“Johnny, that’s where you have it all wrong,” you say firmly, looking up at him with a stubborn set to your mouth, “no one ever stood a chance to you.”
“Not one person,” you confirm.
“I mean, you and Jinyoung were pretty close-”
“But he could see we were closer- he must have seen it- and he’s not the only one, John. Jaehyun’s asked me about us before, and Seungcheol seemed to know something about us last week-” you shake your head, still in disbelief. “I always thought maybe this was one sided-”
“Because of the whole thing about me suggesting you become a cam girl?”
“Well- I’m sorry.” When you look at him you can see that he’s being genuine. “I’m sorry that I gave you mixed signals.” 
“And that now I’ve fucked a few of your friends and things are way more complicated-” you add.
“They don’t have to be that complicated,” Johnny insists.
You narrow your eyes at him. “Are you sure about that?”
“Okay, John Cena-” your lover jokes. “I guess maybe things are a little messy-”
“A little?”
Johnny just looks at you for a moment, and then he smiles. “I love you.”
“And I love you, but-”
He kisses you before you can speak more, and for the third time today, you find yourself wanting to melt into the kiss even while your mind rages with unanswered questions. 
However, unlike the last two times, this time, you allow yourself to give up control. You give in to his tongue as it swipes across your lower lip, and when his hands slip down to your ass, you let him lift you up, legs wrapping around his waist-
“I love you,” Johnny says against your lips, harder this time. 
“I love you too-”
“Do we really have to talk about all this-” he asks, showing you that he’s aware he’d cut you off with a kiss, “or can I just fuck you now?” 
You laugh, shaking your head a little. “You can ‘just fuck me now’- but you better keep telling me you love me-”
“I was planning on it.”
“Good,” he echos, mouth moving to your neck while he adjusts his hand to slip it between your bodies, grasping his cock to line it up with your entrance-
“Fuck, Suh, I love you so much that some days it’s made me want to scream-”
“Well, you can scream now if you want,” he smiles against your throat, “in fact-” he begins to push into you, “I’d really like to hear you scream for me tonight.”
“You’re-” you whimper as he fills your core in the most perfect way, “you’re insatiable-”
“I’ve got time to make up for,” he says simply.
There’s no way to fully describe the surge of emotion that runs through your body, it’s something like shock, awe, wonder, elatedness-
You can’t believe you’re here- can’t believe that the forbidden feeling you’ve been trying to ignore for over a year has been reciprocated- 
“Yes, my love?”
You shiver at the new petname, heart warming in your chest. “I just wanted to say I love you.”
“I love you too, my perfect little cam baby, I love you too.” 
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! This series has meant so much to me- a number of people wanted to give Jaehyun an ending, as he was very angsty for cam baby, so I've given an optional bonus below that ties up Jae's storyline and gives a little more cam baby closure :)
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview. “It would be a one-time thing,” Johnny says, with a dismissive wave of his hand, “but- I know you were missing her while we were on tour too, and you guys have always been long-term friends-” By ‘long term friends’ Jaehyun knows Johnny means ‘fuck buddies,’ and he reaches down to pinch his own arm, making sure he’s not dreaming.
cw/ tw. threesome, dry humping, spitroasting, oral, protected sex, quickie, praise, dumbification, overstim, etc...
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 4k I teaser wc. 200
🌙 staring. Jaehyun & Johnny x afab!Reader  
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It’s been over a month since you and Johnny made your relationship official, and Jaehyun still can’t get used to seeing you two be so overtly loving with each other. Sure, he’d always had suspicions that you and Johnny’s affections ran deeper than you’d let on, but suspecting it and seeing it are different things.
He hadn’t realized seeing it would hurt this much. Hadn’t realized how deep his own feelings for you had grown- how used to you he’d become. 
And he’s not the only one. Haechan had thrown a royal fit when you’d skipped their ‘back from tour’ party, and Jaehyun is glad neither you nor Johnny had been around to see it.
“Maybe she’ll still want to fuck though-” Haechan had insisted, 4 bottles deep into his Soju, “Johnny’s not a jealous guy-”
At the time, Jaehyun had scoffed, rolling his eyes as Mark rubbed his best friend’s back and tried to be sympathetic, but now, as Jaehyun watches you and Johnny putter around the dorm, he starts to have the same hopes that Hyuck had. 
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