#Another Stucky AU thank god the world was really needing that
zenaidamacrouras1 · 5 months
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Hot Neighbor and the Sunshine Baby
by ZenaidaMacroura
Five Times Steve and his daughter accidentally terrorized Bucky and his daughter, and then some times they managed to keep it together. A cutesy meet-ugly slowburn slice of life AU kidfic. May include: General childhood mess. Brief references to the less pleasant side effects associated with the proximity of children, including diapers, throwing up, and the indignities of gestating. No graphic childbirth or pregnancy (sorry if you're into that).
Thanks to @booksandabeer and TenMileStilts for beta/emotional counseling.
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princesscas · 4 years
hey again mandy!! i was wondering if you could rec some fluffy destiel fics? just your favorite ones if you’ve got some, either fluffy or angsty! i’d love to add some diversity to my bookmark list ☺️💕
Ooohh yeah! You sent this right as an anon sent the same request :3
Anon: I have seen your answer to an anon and now I want you to do a list of your favorite destiel fics please!! I just need to read fluffy fics but I also want some that have very good plot and also good portray of the characters but with a happy ending i can’t stomach more sadness. Thanks!! By the way for these who haven’t read it I want to recommend a very good fic call I don’t care where you been.
So I’m not too big on angst, like yes I do love angst, it can be good for the plot/character development/etc, but sometimes too much angst is well, too much for me to handle lol. Fluff is my bread and butter when it comes to not only writing, but reading. It can do me no harm, besides making my cheeks hurt from smiling so dang much! 
So here is my list of fluffy, plotty, longfics! These are pretty old, because I haven’t been in the market for any destiel longfic in the recent years, besides oneshots and a few WIPs here and there. (i’m still neck deep into the stucky dumpster lol) 6 canon fics and 6 AU’s :D 
Professional Couple Only by saltyfeathers (Fake/Pretend Relationship) - There's a haunted apartment building in Vermont, and the ad says "Professional couple only". Dean and Cas rise to the occasion.
The Silence Between Heartbeats by yesmsmoran (elliedew) (2x20 AU) -  "Fic that replaces Carmen with Cas. And then, when Dean wakes up and he meets Cas for the first time he freaks out because it's the only man he's ever loved and he's so confused as to how he can be real when he obviously had to be something the djinn created."
i wanna see your animal side by microcomets (Animal Transformation) - Dean gets attached to a dark-haired, blue-eyed kitten. He hates cats, so he can't really say why.
Just To Make You See by youaresunlight (Mutual Pining) - “I’ve been reading,” Cas explains, lifting his coat to reach for something inside. It’s another magazine but not one about nature or economics. It’s a GQ with a suave male celebrity gracing the cover. “There’s an article in here that gives advice to those who are ‘seeking to escape the friend zone.’”
And I Will Walk On Water by tracy_loo_who (Post-S4) - This fic is set after season 4 and totals ~122,600 words. It's a story about friendship and love, recovery and trust, free will, and Dean and Castiel's journey through it all. It's also about chocolate and hugs. If you read it, I really hope you enjoy it. ♥
Broadway Musical by Griftings (HILLARIOUS GO READ IT) - This is the day that marked the Holy and Blessed Union of Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle.The merging of prominent bloodlines is always a grand occurrence, but breeding pedigree hunter families like Winchester and Harvelle is something to be rejoiced. It is also something to be meticulously planned, which thankfully the Host is very good at.Or, the romantic comedy where Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle are destined to get married, Castiel is given the task of playing matchmaker and fails terribly, the entire Heavenly Host becomes a sitcom audience, God warns against male pregnancy, and Jimmy Novak is incredibly unimpressed with angels in general.
a world above water by museaway (Fairy Tale AU) - Castiel’s hope for freedom is threatened by a chance encounter with the Crowned Prince of Lawrence, who is trying to avoid an arranged marriage
To Find a Family by linasane (Kid Fic, Domestic) - When Dean's little brother gets taken away, he's expecting the fight that ensues. He's expecting the stress that comes from separation, expecting to do all he can to get Sammy back from whatever awful foster family he's been placed with. He's not expecting Castiel Novak. (Castiel, in turn, isn't expecting his first foster child - five years old and angry - to be the one that leads him to the family he's always wanted, but life has a funny way of working itself out).
Shorten the Distance by GhostGarrison (Online/Long Distance Relationship) - "Nerdytr3nchcoat" and "Impala67" weren't looking for romance on the dating website called 'dateangels.com'. Castiel was looking for friends and Dean was just looking to get his nagging brother off his back. What they didn't expect to find was each other. [a long distance, online relationship fic]
Cooking with Gas by WinJennster (Food Network/Chef!Cas) - Castiel Novak has it all. He's rich, famous, has a top rated cooking show and restaurant, drives an expensive car and wears Armani. His producer throws a contest to spend a day with Chef Novak, cooking and learning techniques. Castiel wants no part of it, but Balthazar insists and Castiel will do as expected. What Castiel wasn't expecting was to fall head over heels for the winner. Dean Winchester hasn't had a successful relationship in his 34 years on Earth. He's got a past he'd like to keep hidden, and his life rotates around his family and his business. Winning a contest to spend a day with his favorite TV chef is a shock, but a welcome diversion from his day to day life...until he meets the guy, and he turns out to be a big jerk. Dean figures he should have expected that. What he wasn't expecting was that same gorgeous blue-eyed man to sweep in and shake up his entire world.
Life In Pink by youaresunlight (Kid Fic - SO FLUFF) - At just 33 years old, Dean Winchester is one of the most sought-after wedding planners in the city. He’s chased his dream ever since he was a kid and is now on the brink of making partner at his firm. But the wedding that’ll make or break his promotion? Is his best friend Dr. Castiel Novak’s. It’s going to be the event of the season - unlimited budget, no expense spared - and it’s the kind of task that Dean has been waiting for… except he’s hopelessly in love with Cas.
Kiss the Baker by Ltleflrt (Bakery AU) - Jo is pregnant and craving something a little bit unusual. When she sends Dean on a mission to find her some chocolate cake donuts with bacon sprinkles, he's sure that he'll fail. Luckily his partner Benny comes to his rescue and introduces him to a quirky little bakery that sells all kinds of weird (and delicious!) baked goods. And they do special orders!Dean finds excuses to keep going back, and Castiel finds excuses to keep giving him special treats.
And I believe this is the fic Anon was referring to: don't care where you've been by thanks_tacos (A/B/O) Dean's life is finally changing. After years of enduring Alastair's abuse, the alpha dies and Dean's married off to the next alpha the system pairs him with - Castiel. The man is strange and distant, but not exactly bad, and Dean's determined to be on his best behavior and not mess up the chance he was given. Soon enough, though, he fucks up anyway and has to call the alpha for help.Castiel's lived his entire life without an omega by his side, and he was fine with that. He doesn't know how to proceed once he's suddenly married to a beautiful man who's obviously been through a lot. Omegas were always a confusing subject to him, so he tries not to interfere much - neither of them is there by their choice. But when Dean calls for help, he understands he's going to have to set some things straight and engage more.
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floatingpetals · 4 years
Boys in Blue || Pt. 13
Pairings: cop!Stucky x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluffy goodness
Word Count: 3400+
Summary: (Cop AU) There was just one crappy thing after enough that happened to her. It possibly couldn’t get any worse, or so she thought until she saw the dreaded flashes of red and blue behind her. Could things get any worse?
A/N: I did not forget about this story! I swear to you all I didn’t! Things just got crazy back in Nov and I had to take a break. And then March happened, and well... Now I’m here! Thank you all for being so patient! I hope you enjoy this next part and what I have left in the story! Please let me know what you all think and reblog! It helps validate me 😆 Enjoy!! 
The gifs are not mine, credit to the owner.
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Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Series Masterlist
Steve didn’t get a chance to talk to Bucky until nearly three days later. Y/N had spent the night over the last three nights, but now she was back to work and reluctantly had to go back home. Steve and Bucky’s night routine didn’t change much, save for having to dance around a third, but not having Y/N there cuddled between them made the two pause when they climbed into bed.
“This is weird, isn’t it?” Bucky sighed and slid under the covers.
Steve nodded quietly and reached for the cord to plug in his phone. He was right, this was weird. He didn’t like Y/N not being there. It felt like a piece of him was missing, a third of his heart gone. He sighed and stared at the lock screen, a selfie of the three of them at the park a few months back. Bucky turned at the heavy sigh, his brows furrowed in concern.
“What’s wrong baby?” He reached out and gently tugged on Steve’s arm, urging the blonde to lay back against his chest. A soft smile spread on his face, and Steve relaxed into Bucky’s arms nuzzling his nose into Bucky’s neck.
“I want to talk to you about what happened at the party,” Steve said after a brief peaceful moment. Bucky ran his fingers through Steve’s hair, nudging him to continue. “I overheard Y/N talking with Maddie. It’s pretty big, to be honest.”
“Anything dealing with Maddie is always big.” Bucky snorted.
“Yeah well,” Steve sighed and sat up. His nerves twisted in his stomach, worried about how this could go. Not that he’d think it would go wrong, but there could be a chance he was reading this wrong. Bucky whined and curled beside him, throwing an arm over Steve’s lap. “This is big. It made me think too.”
“You, thinking? That can’t be good.” Bucky joked, trying to lighten the mood. Steve rolled his eyes and gently dug a knuckle between a rib in retaliation, relishing the squeak that erupted from his occasionally irritating boyfriend.
“Anyways.” Steve continued on with a playful glare. “She was talking with Maddie about us and what she thinks about our future.”
Bucky lifted his head, breath caught in his throat. That’s why Steve was shifting in his seat nervously. This could go one of two ways “Oh?”
“Yep,” He nodded slowly. “She might have mentioned she can’t see herself having a life without us.”
Bucky’s heart skipped a beat. Sitting up, Bucky leaned against the headboard and gave Steve his full attention. He was right. This was big.
“And I definitely feel the same.” Steve muttered, staring down at his hands. “I love her Buck. I love you both. I thought I was lucky to have you but to have you both? Whatever God’s up there must think I done something really amazing to gift me you two to in my life.”
A warm smile grew on Bucky’s face, and he tipped his cheek against Steve’s shoulder. Steve blew out a shuddering breath and nervously stared at Bucky from the corner of his eyes.
“Do you? Love us both, I mean?”
That question made Bucky scowl; a touch hurt Steve had to ask. Was that even a real question? He always made sure to tell her and Steve both as much as he could. He sat up and narrowed his gaze at Steve.
“Of course I do! You know this. What kind of question is that?” Bucky snarled. Steve was quick to take his hand.
“I know, but… I just had to ask. We’ve not had a great track record with being on the same page and all.” Steve chuckled. “She mentioned a week or so ago she was going to have to start looking for a new apartment since her lease is going up and they're bumping the rent price up.”
“Yeah,” Bucky tried to relax and remembered that evening when she came over in a huff. She was irritated, needed someone to vent to and Maddie was busy with her kids.
“It’s too soon to pop the whole ‘til death do us part’ question. That and we have to figure a few things out and such, but I think I want to ask her to move in with us.” Steve said softly.
Bucky’s heart skipped and pure joy exploded in his chest at the image. Yes, he thought with an elated sigh, that sounded like an amazing idea. To wake up and have her there, in their arms in the same bed and not have to dread falling asleep without her that night? That would be a dream. No, that could be his life. A life he desperately wanted.
“I wanted to ask you first-.”
“Yes.” Bucky interrupted, beaming at Steve. Steve blinked and laughed softly, wrapping an arm around Bucky’s waist.
“Well, then why don’t we ask her tomorrow at dinner?” Steve asked against Bucky’s shoulder, softly peppering kisses along his exposed skin. Bucky made a happy noise in the back of his throat and nodded, melting against Steve. They had already spent so much time with each other, Steve and Bucky made room for her a month back to keep things here when she wanted to stay. To take that next step and ask her to move in with them only made sense.
Overjoyed beyond imagine, Bucky’s eyes fell shut and he snuggled closer. He wasn’t going to worry about the what-ifs right now, he was only going to focus on the positives. Y/N wouldn’t say no. She couldn’t, right?
Steve pressed another kiss against Bucky’s neck and hummed. He nudged Bucky to lay down on the mattress and hovered over Bucky with a blissful grin. Even though he didn’t need to worry about his weight crushing Bucky, Steve was still careful. He didn’t want to hurt either of them, he would do anything for them.
“I love you Bucky,” Steve whispered softly. Bucky smirked and tugged Steve down to kiss him once and then twice.
“Love you too, you big sap,” Bucky mumbled softly. “Now get off me so we can go to sleep and ask our girl to live with us together.”
Steve laughed and flopped to Bucky’s side. He slid an arm under Bucky’s back and tugged him against his chest. Bucky reached over to flip off his bedside light and settled back against Steve. Despite all the butterflies causing his stomach to churn, Bucky couldn’t wait to fall asleep. He was ready for this. They both were.
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Y/N groaned and chunked her keys on the kitchen table. She flipped through her mail, stopping at the envelope with her apartment complex’s return address. She grumbled and chunked that too on the table. She didn’t want to think about finding a new apartment. She was already annoyed they were raising her rent, despite living here for nearly three years with no issue. Stupid management.
A series of knocks brought a smile to her face when she heard the rhythmic beat. She shook her head and kicked her shoes off, sending them flying under in the living room.
“It’s open!” She called out and headed to her open concept kitchen.
The door swung open and both Steve and Bucky stepped in with a bounce to their steps.
“Hey baby girl.” Bucky was down the hall and scooping her up in his arms before she had a chance to blink. Y/N let out a delighted squeal and wrapped her arms around his neck, laughing when he began to shower kisses across her face.
“Bucky. Bucky. Bucky!” She cackled. Bucky beamed at the sound of her laughter and set her down. “Not that I’m not happy for the reception, but what in the world?”
“Am I not allowed to show my girl how much I love her?” Bucky teased, his eyes dancing with delight.
Steve rolled his eyes at the flirty words and nudged Bucky aside with his hip to take his place. Y/N greeted him with a broad smile, Bucky’s good mood infectious.
“Hi baby.” He said with a kiss. “How was your day?”
“Not bad, better now that you’re here.” Y/N hummed and dragged her hand down to rest on his chest. There was an indignant scoff from further inside the kitchen and the two turned to the sound.
“Just him?” Bucky pouted from the fridge. He had a beer in one hand, and the plate with leftover cake in the other. Y/N scowled and marched over to snatch the plate from his hand.
“Eat the last of my cake and you bet your cute ass just him. Get out of here.” She snapped, playfully glaring at him. Bucky didn’t bat an eye, grinning wide at her remark. He looked over to Steve who glanced up from where he was nosing through her mail on the table.
“She thinks my butts cute!” Bucky snagged another beer and floated over to Steve. His boyfriend chuckled and shook his head. He took the offered drink and pressed a kiss to Bucky’s temple.
“Course she does.” He murmured and turned back to the mail. He spotted the address on the top envelope, and he couldn’t stop being nosey. He plucked the envelope up from the table and flipped it over. “What’s this?”
Y/N groaned and rolled her eyes, pulling out the food she was going to start getting ready for their dinner.
“That’s my I have 60 days to tell them if I want to live here or not letter.” She grunted. Steve and Bucky both shared a look, their excitement barely contained on their faces. Steve ripped open the letter and read over the top letter. Just a basic formal letter telling her to let them know by the end of the week.
“Have you decided if you wanted to stay here or pick someplace else?” Steve tried to keep his voice calm. Bucky was practically vibrating next to him, and it was taking everything not to blurt out the question. Instead, he bit his tongue and let Steve speak. Y/N was none the wiser of the two behind her and dug for a pan under the counter.
“I’m not staying here. Not for the extra two hundred a month.” She huffed. “I should probably start looking for a place now that I don’t have to worry about Maddie’s party anymore.”
Bucky nudged Steve’s side, his eyes wide and jerked a chin to Y/N. It was now or never.
“Or,” Steve let out with a shaky breath. He set the letter aside and slowly stepped around the table. Y/N glanced over her shoulder and stopped short. Steve had a nervous look in his eyes, and she couldn’t tell if Bucky was ready to fly out of his skin or jump across the room to hold her again. “We had another idea.”
Setting the pots down, Y/N turned her full attention to the two. Steve took hold of one her hand and brought her to the table. Nervously, Y/N sank into a seat.
“You do?” She asked as the two sat in empty seats. Steve nodded and bit his lip, glancing at Bucky.
“First, I know we’ve not been together very long,” Steve started cautiously. Which wasn’t untrue. They’ve only been dating for a few months, 9 at the most. Another reason why they were both nervous to ask, she might think this would be too fast. “And we understand if you think this is too fast. But we’ve been talking. Bucky and I-I mean. The timing’s right- You don’t have a place yet. We just-We were wondering-. Would you-.”
“Steve.” Y/N giggled when the man started to stammer. It was cute but she wanted to help him along. She took his hand and squeeze his hand. “You can ask me anything.”
Bucky’s leg shook under the table and her nervous leaned against Steve. His earlier excitement started to fizzle out and now he was just as nervous if not more than Steve. Steve took in a deep breath and slowly raised his gaze to lock eyes with Y/N.
“We wanted to ask if you to move with us.”
Y/N blinked. Did she hear him right? From the anxious expression in his eyes, Y/N realized she had. She peered over to Bucky and he had a similar look of apprehension. Stunned, Y/N didn’t know what to say. She never thought about it. However, as the silence stretched, the spark of hope slowly started to fall from the two’s eyes. Maybe it was too soon.
“You-,” Y/N had to double-check. “You want me to move in with you? Together?”
Bucky breathed slowly and nodded.
“That is the hope. We kind of both are a package deal.” Bucky reached across the table and took her other hand in his.
Y/N didn’t reply. She stared at their hands silently, a thousand thoughts running through her head. Was this too soon? Is this what she wanted? What if things didn’t work out, then what? That made her stop short. She didn’t want things to fall apart. She wanted it to work out with them. Hell, she loved them for Christ's sake. But was this what she wanted right now?
“Y/N.” Steve whispered softly, drawing her back to the presents. “Don’t feel pressured into this. We know that this is soon. Trust me we get it. But we would love for you to live with us.”
“I-I don’t know…” Y/N said uncertainly.
Bucky deflated, his shoulders dropping at her quiet answer. It wasn’t a no, he knew, but it still was upsetting to hear. He reluctantly pulled his hand away and stood, needing to do something other than sitting there and wallow in self-pity. Y/N’s heart skipped when he pulled away. Her eyes snapped up at him, sucking a sharp breath at the dejected expression on his face. He walked over to the stove where she set the pots to busy himself with starting their dinner.
“Why don’t we eat, and you can take some time to think about it,” Steve said, sitting back against the chair. His usually open expression was locked down, his jaw tense.
Y/N swallowed thickly and nodded, her eyes starting to mist. Trying to tamp down the tears she felt growing, Y/N sniffed softly and grabbed her purse she threw on the table earlier.
“I’m gonna go change.” She muttered and darted to her room. Neither of the two men tried to stop her, they simply watched her dejectedly as she slammed the door behind her.
Y/N dug out her phone and frantically dialed Maddie’s number. It rang twice before her friend answered.
“What’s up, babe?” Maddie greeted.
“They asked me to move in with them.”  Y/N blurted, trying to keep her voice down.
“What? Who?” Maddie asked taken off guard.
“Steve and Bucky.” Y/N walked to her closet and squatted down beside the clothes. She tried to keep her breathing steady and to stop her hands from shaking. “My lease is almost up, and they asked me to move in with them.”
Maddie was quiet for a beat, but the disbelief was palpable.
“And what’s the problem?”
“It’s just so fast!” Y/N whined. Maddie let out an irritated sigh.
“Did you completely forget what we talk about at the party?” Maddie grumbled. “How is them asking you, the woman who has admitted to wanting to spend the rest of her life with them, to move in with you ‘too fast’? If anything it’s not fast enough.”
“Yeah but-,” Y/N stopped short. Wait. What the heck was she freaking out about? Maddie was right. This wasn’t that fast if she thought about it. She already at the ‘I love them so damn much I can’t picture my life out them’ stage. Why not take a step in that direction by living with them?
“Quit freaking out.” Maddie waved off her concern. “Go tell ‘em you’ll move in with them for Christ's sake.”
Y/N opened her mouth to reply, but Maddie hung up before she could, effectively cutting off any argument she might have thought of. Maddie was, once again hit the nail on the head. She needed to quit freaking out.
Slowly standing, Y/N decided it was bet to change and give herself a little more time to relax. She was freaking out for nothing. Now she had to go back and fix what she did. Poor Bucky probably thought she was going to break up with them now.
She walked out of her room and stood at the end of the hall to watch Steve and Bucky, their backs stiff. Steve had gone to help Bucky, the two standing side by side in her small kitchen. That made her frown. They were so big, the two were giants made of pure muscle. She remembers how hard it is to move around their closed-in kitchen with them, throw in herself, and it would be near impossible to even turn. Their living room was large enough, but what about their bedroom? Or even their bathroom? It was a tiny little thing. How would all three of them fit in their little apartment comfortably?
Shaking her head, Y/N stepped into the room and walked over into the kitchen. Steve glanced up when she walked in and watched her wrap her arms around Bucky waist. Bucky froze, his muscles tensing.
“I’m sorry I ran.” Y/N whispered softly.
Bucky sighed, set the spatula down and moved the pan off the heat. He twisted in her arms and hugged her back. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and breathed in deeply.
“Nothin’ to be sorry about.” His voice rumbled in his chest. “We didn’t mean to freak you out by asking. We shouldn’t have asked.”
“What?” Y/N gasped and pulled back. “No! That’s not- I’m not upset about you asking me! Of course, I want to live with you! I just- It took me off guard is all. I shouldn’t have run the way I did though. That was dumb.”
Steve and Bucky’s hearts both jumped at her saying yes, only hearing that. She wanted to move in with them. The crushing weight of her rejection was lifted in an instant. Bucky tightened his grip around her waist and made eye contact with Steve, beaming.
“You want to move in with us?” Steve asked breathlessly, needing to hear her say it again. Y/N giggled and nodded.
“I do.”
Bucky let out a shout and lifted Y/N up, spinning her around in the kitchen as he enthusiastically planted kisses all over her face. Y/N squealed and held fast, laughing at the joy from Bucky. He passed her over to Steve, was quick to do the same to her. He set her down, keeping his hands firmly on her hips. The smile he wore only grew wider at her breathless dazed expression.
“Guess we better start packing.” Bucky bounced up next to them, wrapping his arms around them both.
Y/N blinked rapidly and took in a deep breath. Yes, she’d have to start packing, but she needed to bring something else to their attention.
“As much as I want to, how is it going to work?”
“What do you mean?” Bucky cocked his head to the side, confused.
“Your apartment isn’t that big.” She started. “Whenever I stay over it’s always a dance to not step on each other’s toes. Not to mention I have a good amount of stuff, even if I sell most of my furniture. How could we make it work with the three of us?”
Steve and Bucky frowned. They hadn’t thought about that. It worked for them but adding her to the mix could be a little difficult. However, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
“How about we try this out for a little bit and if it doesn’t work out, we can go from there.” Steve answered. Y/N chewed on her lip and considered it. Steve reached up and tugged her lip free with his thumb, a giddy smile on his face. “It’ll work out. Let's finish dinner and we can worry about that later.”
Nodding in agreement, Y/N stepped out their arms and went to see how far they got in making dinner. Steve went back to cutting the vegetables while Bucky stayed plastered to Y/N’s back. He was quite content to stay as close to her as possible. Without batting an eye, Y/N took over and leaned against him. If she could get this every night without having to leave, then she would gladly deal with a smaller space. Steve was right. They’ll figure something out. It always worked out in the end.
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captainjanegay · 4 years
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Where I’m Meant to Be | Stucky | Meet-Cute, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Kid Fic, No powers AU | Chapters 7/? | total 29k words | Ao3
Summary: Bucky is a single dad coming back from a work trip with a very bored, very whiney 7-year-old girl. A mysterious stranger with a kind heart and a notebook full of doodles comes to the rescue.
A/N: It's been... so long since I've updated this fic. I'm sorry but life got in the way and I couldn't bring myself to write anything. Here I come with apologies and hopes that you haven't forgotten about the adventures of Bucky, Alex and Steve. I'm gonna treat you with the longest chapter I've ever written (it's like 5.3k). I hope you'll like it, I got a bit carried away and my space-nerdiness is showing every now and then.
The chapters will probably come very irregularly from now on but I'll try my best not to have too long gaps between each update. I love you all and — as always — thank you so, so much for your continuous support. I cherish every single reader, every single like and every single comment you leave here :')
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Chapter 7
When Monday rolls around, Bucky faces New York’s chilly morning as he makes his way to work. It’s been only a few days since he got sick, but he feels significantly better now. His nose might still be stuffed and his throat might feel a bit scratchy, but he is mostly fine. No more coughing fits, no more fever. And it’s not like he could say no when his boss called him to check how he was doing and ask if he’d be able to come by before Christmas to do some required maintenance work.
But it’s fine, since the work at the Institute has slowed down, many people have already taken their days off for the Christmas break. It’s calmer than usual and Bucky can do whatever he’s supposed to do in peace.
It's a bit past noon and Bucky's mindlessly staring at the progress bar on his screen and enjoys his coffee. The peace and quiet — excluding his Christmas playlist playing in the background — is disturbed by the ringing of his phone. Slightly startled, Bucky looks around, searching for the device. After a quick glance at the screen, he answers the call.
"Hi, Buck!" Steve says, his voice soft and warm. "I hope I didn't wake you up or anything. Just wanted to check up on you, see how you're feeling."
"That's very sweet of you," Bucky says, his lips spreading in a smile. "And I'm fine, thank you. Currently waiting for the data backup to finish so you've disrupted my staring contest with the progress bar."
Steve doesn't appreciate the joke. Instead, he asks, "You're at work?" After receiving an affirmative hum, he lets out a slightly annoyed huff. "Why? You should still be in bed! Three days ago you've been barely able to get up for longer than 10 minutes. You should still rest, Buck."
"It's been six days ago, thank you very much," Bucky answers. "And I'm fine, Steve. I promise. I wouldn't come if I was still feeling sick, but the fever's been gone for a few days," two but Steve doesn't have to know that, "and I'm not coughing anymore. I'm as fit as a fiddle."
"I can hear you sniffle."
"It's the allergies," Bucky lies and that makes Steve laugh, although a bit exasperated.
"You're horrible," he says. "Bet you haven't even eaten breakfast or drink enough water or like... didn’t even wear a hat even though you’re sick."
"I did have a toast while I ran to catch the train. And now I'm having coffee for lunch. And it’s not even that cold."
An honest-to-God gasp escapes Steve's mouth after he hears that. Of course he's a Mr. Healthy Lifestyle, Bucky shouldn't even be surprised.
"How are you even functioning? You gotta take care of yourself, Buck."
Bucky's heart skips a bit. It's nice to have someone worry about him. Even if he's being dragged in the meantime. And it was nice when Steve took care of him and Alex back when Bucky was too sick to do this. Of course, he has people who do that. Clint, Tasha, Scott -- he can always count on them. But somehow it feels different with Steve. Steve hasn't been around for years like the others, he's known Bucky for just a few months and he still decided to offer his kindness and care. This thought made Bucky's heart do somersaults in his chest.
So did the fact that Steve had a nickname to Bucky's nickname. And he's been using it a lot. Bucky really likes it.
"I'm functioning very well, thank you. And so is Alex, because I'm not as hopeless in taking care of her, luckily," Bucky chuckles. Before Steve can't say anything, Bucky adds, "Besides, I've been able to survive 28 years like this so don't be overdramatic. No need to go all mother hen on me."
"Oh, you think this is overdramatic?" Steve asks, amused. "You clearly don't know what me being overdramatic is, pal. This is just some simple, friendly check-in."
"Okay, now I'm kinda curious," Bucky says. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much. "Hypothetically, what would one have to do to see what is Steve Rogers's definition of overdramatic?"
It makes Steve let out another laugh. "Careful what you wish for, Buck." It sounds like Steve wants to say something else but there's some noise in the background and his voice becomes distant and inaudible for a moment. When he comes back, he says with a sigh, "Sorry 'bout that. I need to go back to work. I'm glad you're feeling better but eat a proper meal or I'll hunt you down."
"Oh, so no mother hen anymore, were going straight to threats, okay." Bucky nods to himself and Steve huffs out a laugh. "Thanks for the call, Steve. It's very sweet of you. Have a nice day."
"You, too. Say hi to Alex from me."
"I will. Bye, Steve."
A small smile is still present on Bucky's face when a few hours later he's picking Alex up from school. It grows bigger when she runs towards him down the stairs, her haphazardly wrapped scarf fluttering behind her. He takes a moment to tuck it properly and then takes Alex's backpack from her.
“How was school today?” Bucky asks as they head home.
“Fine. We played soccer and I scored once!” Alex answers proudly. “Even Adrian didn’t and he’s very good. Maya didn’t want to play ‘cause she says girls shouldn’t play soccer.”
“Jokes on her, because we have a women’s national soccer team and they’re the best. They’re the world champions.”
A gasps escapes Alex’s mouth. “Really? That’s so cool! I want to be a soccer player when I grow up!”
“Not a ballerina, anymore?” Bucky asks, with a small smile.
“No, I’m gonna be a ballerina but I’m gonna play soccer sometimes, too. But that’s after I’ll fly to the moon!”
Bucky only nods and grins at her. He wouldn’t be surprised in the least if she actually pulled that off in the future. There weren’t many things that could stop her since she decided upon something.
“How’s space?” Alex asks, swinging their hands back and forth.
Bucky chuckles. It’s a bit of a tradition at this point. He doesn’t really remember how it started but now she never asks him “how’s work” but it’s always “how’s space?”. Personally, Bucky loves it. It makes him feel like he’s doing much cooler things that he really does.
“Pretty boring, sadly,” he admits. “Didn’t have much to do today and many people are on their breaks so no fun space facts to share today. I chatted on the phone with Steve and he wanted me to say hi to you.”
“Oh, is he coming over today?”
Slightly confused with the question, Bucky shakes his head. “No, he’s not. We just talked on the phone. Why?”
“I don’t know, I thought you liked Steve.”
“Well, I do. I like uncle Scott too but we don’t hang out with him every day, either. Steve has his own life and stuff to do, so we shouldn’t bother him all the time.”
Alex makes a small hum and Bucky’s not sure if it’s a dismissive or an agreeing one. After a moment, she adds, “I bet he wouldn’t mind though. He told me he really likes you.”
“What? When?” The revelation almost makes Bucky stop in the middle of the pavement. The biggest surprise is not that Steve likes him, Bucky has figured out this much after all those times they’ve hung out together. What really takes him aback is that apparently his daughter and Steve are having conversations about him when he’s not there.
“When you were sick and Steve went to ballet class with me. I told him he’s cool and I’m happy you have him so you’re not so lonely. And he said he thinks we’re really cool too and that he likes us a lot.”
This time Bucky slows down and eventually stops. There’s a furrow between his brows when he looks at Alex.
“Why would you think I’m lonely, munchkin? I’m not, I have you and mama, uncle Clint and Scott. And now Steve. I’m more than fine.”
“Well… Okay, maybe I didn’t mean lonely. But sometimes when you have a lot to do and you worry and mama or uncle Clint are busy you do this—” Alex furrows her brows and pouts, apparently imitating a worried Bucky “and you’re quiet and worried. And now you smile even more than you did. You smile all the time when you text Steve.”
For a moment, Bucky only gapes at her, not sure how to react. That’s a lot of information coming at once from his 7-year-old daughter.
“I’m— Well, I’m okay, even if I worry sometimes. And I couldn’t be lonely, having such a sweet little munchkin by my side,” he smiles, bopping her on the nose and getting a smile in return. “But thank you for caring about me, sweetheart. I love you to the moon and back.”
“And I love you to Jupiter!” she answers.
“But not back?” Bucky raises an eyebrow.
“Nah, it’s already so far away, it’s enough.”
The conversation with Alex stays in Bucky’s head for the rest of the day. It’s gnawing at him enough that before he goes to bed, he takes out his phone and calls Natasha.
“How’s my favourite co-parent doing?” she greets.
“Do you have any more co-parents?” Bucky asks instead of answering.
“Nope. That’s what makes you my favourite.” Bucky only sighs so she continues. “Did something happen? You’re usually in the mood for late night conversation when something’s on your mind.”
There’s no point in denying it since Natasha would see right through him. “It’s nothing bad. Apparently Alex thinks I’m lonely.”
“Well, she’s not wrong.”
“What? Tasha, no. I’m not lonely, where did you two get that idea?”
“James, it’s not my fault that you’re an idiot. I know that you have people who love you around. You know that, too. But I know and you also should know — but here’s the ‘idiot’ part — that it might not be enough sometimes. And I’m pretty sure we’ve had a similar conversation like a month ago, so I don’t know why you act all surprised now.”
“Remind me, why did I even call you?”
“Because I am incredible and you value my opinion like no one else’s and also you love me deeply,” Natasha explains dutifully. 
Bucky huffs out a laugh as he sits heavily on the side of his bed. His eyes land on the comic from Steve, still laying on Bucky’s bedside table, propped against the lamp. “Sounds fake, but okay.”
“Did our daughter have any more revelations for you?” Natasha asks.
“Well…,” Bucky hesitates for a moment. “She and Steve gossip about me when I’m not around. And apparently I’ve been smiling more lately. But that’s about it.” 
Natasha hums but even through the phone Bucky can hear that she’s rather amused. 
"What?" Bucky asks.
"I didn't say anything!"
"I can hear you laughing, just say whatever mean thing you're going to say and let's get this over with."
"I'm not gonna say anything mean! I was just wondering when we'd mention Steve in this conversation," she chuckles. "But really. Even your daughter can see that a relationship would be good for you. And that you like Steve a lot. Why not kill two birds with one Steve?"
Bucky sighs. "Because one Steve is also enough to kill this friendship we have."
"Why do you always just automatically assume that things will get fucked? It doesn't have to be the case. I'm serious, you'd better take a grip on yourself and ask him out or I'm back in three days and I'll do this for you. And I'll be as obnoxious and embarrassing for you as I can."
That's actually a pretty horrible threat. She would do that. And it would be both mortifying and horrible to experience for all the involved parties — maybe except Natasha. Bucky laughs, trying to imagine it, but the laugh is short-lived.
"Come on, Nat," Bucky starts after a moment, getting serious. "Steve is great and it's great having him around. But what if I make a move and he's not interested? I don't want to freak him out. Or remember that message I accidentally saw on his computer? He might be seeing someone already or be interested in someone else," Bucky pinches the bridge of his nose. "Plus, I know from experience that no matter how much he might seem to like me, a guy with a kid can turn out to be a bit much for people. I don't want to get hurt. I don't want Alex to get hurt. She adores Steve and I don't know if I can risk it."
"But I'm telling you, nobody's getting hurt anytime soon," Natasha chimes in. "You're overthinking, Yasha. Those are all valid concerns but you know what the counterargument is?" She takes a small break but she's not expecting Bucky to respond. "Steve's a good guy. He likes you. He likes Alex. He came to a primary school dance recital after knowing you for like a week just because you and Alex asked him to. Even if he doesn't want a relationship, it doesn’t mean that your friendship has to end. From all you've told me, he doesn't seem like the kind to trample on your hearts like this. Give yourself some time, but promise me you're gonna think about it, okay? And call me if you work yourself up into an anxious mess again, okay?”
“I will try not to be an anxious mess, but I’ll let you know. And I’ll think about it. Thanks, Tasha.” Bucky says.
“I love you no matter what, you dumbfuck. Bye.”
Bucky barely manages to say it back before she hangs up. He shakes his head with a small smile and retrieves his charger cable from behind the bedside table. As he plugs his phone, he accidentally knocks down the drawing from Steve. He picks it up, staring at the soft lines for who-knows-which time. His thumb gently traces the “Get well soon, Buck! x” scribbled at the bottom.
Looking at it, Bucky imagines the moment when Steve was writing it down. In his mind, he sees both Steve and Alexandra at the kitchen table, both leaning over their respective pieces of paper, focused on whatever they’re drawing. They are smiling, chatting about whatever common interest they’ve currently discovered. It’s a very nice picture. Enough to make Bucky’s heart ache.
Because Natasha is right. This is exactly what Bucky craves and what he’s been ignoring for years. That domesticity, that warm feeling one gets when looking at someone they care about. That happiness. He can almost imagine himself joining the picture he’s created in his head, walking over to that table and dropping a kiss first on Alex’s head and then on Steve’s, before he starts preparing the dinner. It feels right. 
Maybe it’s not usual to imagine this calm, family life with someone he’s not even in a relationship with. Most people probably think of tons of other things, things that are not so… settled. Not as serious. Sometimes they never reach this part. But Bucky has figured a while ago that it doesn’t really work for him. He already has a family. And this family means everything and more to him. If he ever was to date, he has to make sure that the person would fit into his and Alexandra’s life. He has to skip ahead to make sure it’s worth going through the dates and the passion and all the work a relationship requires, without it all ending in a heartbreak. But Steve… 
Steve fits so well into this picture, it scares Bucky a bit. Because this would be even harder to let go, if things didn't work out.
It's pretty clear, now that he allows himself to think about it, that he has some feelings for Steve. Besides the friendliness and sympathy, that is. They're the romantic kind and they're still fresh and shy but they're here. And Bucky has absolutely no clue how to deal with them. It's not even that surprising, he realises. Because how could he not catch feelings for Steve? For the kindest, most thoughtful and most selfless person in the world? For someone with his heart made of gold, who always knows how to make Bucky laugh? Someone who gets so passionate about the things he loves and just as much about the ones he despises? Who cares deeply, laughs with his whole body and who next to all this softness and kindness, is also a stubborn little asshole? Who — and this is the most important of all — adores Alex and whom she adores just as much?
Bucky's heart was a lost cause from the start.
Steve has a lot of qualities that Bucky would fall for if he looked for a partner. And that he accidentally might have fallen for anyway. And that's all without even mentioning that Steve is so ridiculously attractive that it might've skewed Bucky's view on beauty forever. 
The point is — Natasha is right. That this could be a good thing. They could be a good thing. But what they have now is already good and Bucky really values this friendship. He isn't sure if pursuing a hypothetical picture in his head is worth putting it at risk. Because he still can't be sure if Steve's interested. For what Bucky knows, he's kind and caring towards all of his friends. It doesn't mean that Bucky and Alex are special. 
He can almost hear Natasha's voice in his head, calling him an idiot and yelling that he won't know until he tries. Which is right, since Natasha always is. It doesn't help him stop the — partially excited but mostly terrified — somersaults his insides make. With a small sigh, he puts the drawing on its place by the lamp, flicks off the lights and burrows himself under the covers. He doesn't have to have everything figured out straight away. Letting himself even consider it is a big enough step for now, he decides as he drifts off to sleep.
The next day is Bucky's last day at work before the Christmas break. He doesn't really have much to do, just finishing some last updates and dealing with whatever paperwork he was putting off earlier. Most of the time, he chats with Scott, who has been wandering aimlessly around the institute for the lack of work and eventually landed in Bucky's tiny office. They've been chatting about their Christmas plans — nothing too elaborate for both of them, just simple time at home with their families — and now they started discussing where they should go to grab some lunch. Just as Bucky almost convinced Scott that they should go to this sushi place down the block instead of the Italian place, there's a knock on the door.
Bucky sends his friend a confused look.
"It wasn't me," Scott raises his hands in defence.
"Come in," Bucky calls after another second passes. It's probably someone having a last-minute computer problem or one of his co-workers wanting to drop by with Christmas wishes.
Except, when the door cracks open, Steve's head pokes in. Its hair is messy, its cheeks reddened from the cold and its lips spread in a smile.
"Hi, Buck. And hi Scott, it's nice to see you again," he says. "I'm not interrupting?"
And because Bucky's brain is still processing the fact that for some reason Steve's come to visit him at work, Scott's the one who says, "Not at all, come in."
Steve hesitates for another second. Bucky's brain finally kicks in and he smiles which is apparently the invitation Steve needed, because he finally fully walks into the office.
"Hi, Steve. I didn't expect you here," Bucky says, his smile growing bigger.
"Well, you should. Because after our talk yesterday, I decided to bring you lunch," Steve says, proudly showing a big paper bag in his hand. "I told you you haven't seen shit, and especially not overdramatic me."
This makes Bucky laugh out loud as he shakes his head in disbelief. How is Steve even real?
Scott is watching them with a slightly confused but endeared smile on his face. Before anyone can say anything, he gets up from the chair, slapping his thighs as he does.
"Okay then, I'll leave you to it," he says, walking towards the door.
"There's plenty to share, if you want to join us," Steve offers, because of course he does. His gold-heartedness wouldn't have it any other way.
But Scott only shakes his head at that. "Nah, I'm in the mood for some sushi today. Thanks, though."
"Asshole," Bucky narrows his eyes at Scott. "I hope you'd choke on it."
His friend only laughs at that, "Enjoy your lunch date! It's been great to see you, Steve. Merry Christmas."
"You too, Scott. Say hi to Hope and Cassie from me."
With one last grin aimed at Bucky — and a very pointed look behind Steve's back — Scott leaves them alone. Bucky tries not to dwell on the fact that Steve didn't even bat an eye when Scott called it a lunch date.
"Why should he choke?" Steve asks with a chuckle.
"I've been trying to talk him into going to that sushi place for almost twenty minutes before you came," Bucky sighs and then notices that Steve is still hovering by the door. "Come on, take your coat off and sit down. I can't believe you've brought me lunch."
Steve shrugs off his coat and leaves it on the hanger by the door, next to Bucky's. Today he's wearing a maroon sweater that really suits him and a pair of dark jeans. He pushes his sleeves up before he digs into the bag and Bucky tries not to stare too obviously.
"Someone's got to make sure you eat, since after yesterday I've gotten an idea you're not good at it yourself," Steve says. "Guess it wasn't necessary. Sadly, I don't have sushi but maybe you're in the mood for Thai?"
"Depends on whether you've brought me the dumplings or not," Bucky answers.
Steve laughs in response and takes out one of the boxes and hands it to Bucky. "I did. I also have green curry for you? I hope I remembered correctly that you like it? If not, I'm sorry, we can switch—"
"Steve." Bucky says solemnly, placing his hand on Steve's forearm, to stop him from fumbling with the food. "You not only brought me food but you remembered my favourite after I mentioned it one time. You are an angel. You should hide it better, because you make us mortals look bad."
He's only half joking. Steve does seem like a higher being of some sorts and it's unfair that Bucky's poor heart is supposed to handle it. It doesn't do a great job. Especially not when Steve laughs, his eyes crinkle so much they turn into thin slits.
"And I am the overdramatic one?" Steve asks, unpacking the last things and finally sitting on the chair across from Bucky. He's still smiling but there's a blush colouring his cheeks and creeping down his neck.
Bucky bites the inside of his cheek to contain a grin but the truth is, he's immensely proud of himself for pulling this reaction out of Steve. To stop himself from saying something stupid, he digs into his food.
"By the way, how did you find me here?" Bucky asks, his tongue sticking out a bit in concentration as he fishes for a dumpling with his chopsticks. 
"Clara let me know where your office is, she was very helpful."
Bucky furrows his brows. The surprise makes him drop his dumpling back into the container. "Clara, as in Clara Oswald, our receptionist? How do you know her?"
"I don't. We've chatted for a few minutes and I explained why I'm here and she told me how to get to you."
"Ah, of course it took you about five minutes to charm her and get into a government building just like that," Bucky chuckles.
"I didn't charm anyone! I just politely asked and she helped!"
If it wasn't Steve, Bucky would take it as fake modesty. But the truth is that Steve really seems to be completely oblivious to the effect he has on people. It’s endearing to see him do this.
"So here's when you do your cool space stuff?" Steve asks, changing the subject.
"Here's when the real scientists come searching for help when there's some IT-related issue," Bucky corrects him. "I don't do anything cool. I make sure all the data is where it's supposed to be and that whatever equipment they need is ready and working properly. Or part of it, Scott's an engineer and he takes care of the rest. I do get to read some space facts first hand, though."
"That's still cool space stuff for me," Steve shrugs with a small smile. "What kinds of things are you researching here? Like some particular aspects of outer space, or—?"
Normally Bucky would just give the shortest answer possible. People usually get bored quickly when he starts talking about it. But something in the genuine interest on Steve's face, the way he is looking around the office — which is nothing special, the only nice things are the sky maps and some spaced themed art  — makes Bucky think that maybe Steve wouldn't mind getting the longer answer.
"Well, we mostly study the weather. Both the Earth's and the one in the solar system, like the solar winds and magnetic storms, stuff like that. We study exoplanets and try to discover or guess as much as we can about them," Bucky says. "I helped to create simulations that predicted how they could look like and develop, to see if there's a possibility to inhabit them. We did it by basically dumping all the data we have into an elaborate computer programme and waiting to see what comes out." Bucky laughs and Steve does too, but he has the look of utter fascination on his face as he listens. "And all this helps with some more down-to-earth stuff — pun not intended. Like, we've done tons of studies in climate change."
"That's—," Steve starts when he makes sure that Bucky's done. "All of this sounds incredible. And you're a part of all those amazing things, how great is that?"
Bucky feels that his cheeks start to burn. There's another reason he usually sticks with the short answer. As much as he's proud to be working here and as much as he loves it, the impostor in him always makes sure that he understands the difference between his work and the actual research, analysis and all the heavy lifting that the astronomers do. He helps, of course he does. He does a great job at it, but there's still a difference. And such praise usually makes him squirm uncomfortably.
"And don't even try to get all modest with me again," Steve warns as if he's been reading Bucky's mind. "You've said that you don't do cool space stuff and then admitted that you've helped to create a program to imagine how exoplanets can look and change. So I know you're full of bullshit."
Steve raises an eyebrow in what's supposed to be an unimpressed look but it's not even close. The smile and the curious, bright eyes that are stating right at Bucky are destroying the effect. The blush on Bucky's cheeks only deepens, especially as Steve adds. "I've been impressed before but— Wow. Really, you guys are doing such incredible things here, I can’t wrap my head around it."
"We really do," Bucky agrees, eventually.
The beaming smile Steve sends him feels like a reward Bucky didn't know he deserves.
"So you've always liked space? Or was it an accident that brought you here?" Steve asks.
"No, I've always loved it. It's just so fascinating and there's always so much more to learn about it," Bucky doesn't even try to hide his excitement. "I've never fully understood all the science behind it but I loved staring at the sky, trying to find all those constellations and planets and galaxies. I've figured a way to somehow connect it to what I was good at and make it my job. Which is amazing. But now I mostly stare at the computer screen instead of the stars. "
He doesn't want to sound ungrateful but he must admit that it does kill some of the fun. But not even the astronomers simply state up at the sky to admire the view.
Steve only nods in response. "Alex mentioned that you guys went on a trip out of town to watch the stars. It must've been great."
"We did! It was like… almost 2 years ago, I think? I borrowed one of those fancy telescopes they have here. I needed to pick Alex up every time, cause she was too small to reach it," Bucky laughs as he brings out the memories. "It was fun, we should do that again, sometime. But I don't have much time now, so it’ll have to wait."
"It does sound great," Steve smiles that soft smile again. "I hope you'd find some time as it gets warm enough for such trips. I bet Alex would be delighted."
"Yeah. I'll let you know if that happens, in case you'd like to join," Bucky says before he can think better of it.
There's more of the childlike excitement on Steve's face as Bucky mentions it so maybe it wasn't that bad of an idea.
An actual bad idea comes out of Bucky's mouth a bit later, just as Steve is getting ready to head out. Bucky's lunch break is long gone and forgotten, because it's been two hours that Steve spent here. He apologises for staying so long and the assurances that Bucky didn't have any more work to do doesn't help.
"I'm sorry for taking your mind away from your responsibilities, but it was great spending time with you," Steve says.
So of course, because Bucky's heart doesn't get any chance to regroup, he doesn't have time to think before he blurts out. "We should have dinner together."
It's certainly not something Steve was expecting to hear. He just stares at Bucky. Before he has a chance to say anything, Bucky continues, "I mean. You should come for dinner. Clint and Nat are always around for a dinner, sometime between Christmas and New Year's. If you don't have any plans, it would be great if you came. But it's okay if you can't or don't want to."
Another moment passes and Bucky tries not to squirm under Steve's gaze. Luckily, Steve finally blinks and smiles as he says, "No, Buck, of course I'd love to come! I don't have any particular plans, will probably hang out with Sam for most of the break but I'll have plenty of time."
"You could take Sam with you," Bucky adds. He desperately tries to regain the control of his own mouth. "It'd be great to finally meet him."
"I'll let him know, I bet he’d be happy to come, too. Thanks again for the invite," Steve smiles as he cracks open the door. With a little wave, he walks out of the office. "Bye, Buck. Have a nice day."
"You too, Steve," Bucky says to the already closing door.
When Steve's gone, Bucky exhales heavily through his mouth as he leans back in his chair. Both of his hands go up to thread through his hair, tugging at it lightly.
Apparently, he has a dinner to prepare.
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taglist: @steverrogers​ @till-the-end-of-the-line-punk​ @buckyshappyending
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marvelship-oneshots · 3 years
AU where, during his recover, Bucky gets passionate about baking and decides top open a bakery. [1.7k words]
Bucky had to find something to entertain himself with. His days were extremely monotone, everyday was exactly the same as the one before. He woke up, trained, met his shrink and that was pretty much it. That morning he woke up to a cold bed. He usually was the first one to wake up and the rare times Steve woke up before him, he always made sure to stay in bed until Bucky himself woke up. Bucky checked the time. It was 5:30, just as any other morning. Bucky got dressed, ready for his training, hoping to find Steve already at the gym. He silently walked down the corridor, if something good came out of his Hydra training, was walking very silently, as a cat. He arrived at the gym, but it was empty. He shook his shoulders and started his training, confident that Steve would be back. But Steve didn't come back, not for his training, nor for breakfast. Bucky walked to his therapist's office, but during the whole session, he kept thinking about Steve, slightly worried for his safety. He knew that Steve was not that sickly, fragile boy that picked fights in the dark alleys of Brooklyn. Unfortunately, Steve didn't change much, not only he wouldn't back off, but h would start fights with guys twice his size. And Bucky was not kidding, as weird as it sounded, yes, there were people bigger than Steve. Bucky walked back to the Avengers tower, where he lived with the rest of the team. Somehow, Steve had convinced Tony to let Bucky stay with them, on the condition that Bucky was not going to join them in battle. Bucky didn't want to fight, but he was scared for Steve, knowing he didn't change much from when they were just kids. He sat on the stool in the kitchen, leaning on the counter with his head on his arm. "Mister Jarvis?" he shyly called. "Do you know where Steve is?" He was still a little bit skeptic about Jarvis and all of the technology Tony had installed in the Tower. "Mr Rogers' location is classified" Bucky rolled his eyes. He knew the meaning of that. Steve was out on a mission with the Avengers, meaning,he would come back pretty much beaten up. "Do you know when they will be back?" "No Mr Barnes" Bucky laid on the counter for a while longer, until he decided to pick up his leather jacket and his cap and walk out. He didn't know where he was going, he just walked until he ended up in front of a bookshop. He walked in, looking at the book covers. He smiled when he saw that they were still selling some of the same books he read when he was in his teen years. A colourful cover caught his eye. It was a beautiful, appetizing cake. He picked it up, looking through the pages. Suddenly, all he wanted to do was baking. He took the book to the cashier, paid for it and walked to the closest grocery store. He bought everything he night have needed, not sure of what he really wanted to make. When he arrived home, he emptied the bag on the kitchen counter, took a mixing bowl and whatever else he might need and chose a recipe. It was hard, doing everything with one hand, he couldn't even count how many times something fell. The kitchen was a mess, there was flour sprinkled all over the counter and the floor, eggshells were broken everywhere, he had flour and dough all over his hair and clothes. Eventually, he made it thought the first recipe and several more. He kept baking for hours, lightly whistling and singing songs from the 40s. He didn't even realize it was already dark outside. The kitchen table was covered in plates full of cookies of at kind. He made normal chocolate chips, double chocolate chips, peanut butter and much much more. He put the last baking trail in the oven, setting the timer and looked around, realising that the whole kitchen was a mess. He scoffed and walked out to take some cleaning supplies. "Don't let them burn, Jarvis" When Bucky came back to the kitchen, he found the Avengers standing in the kitchen. Peter was stuffing his mouth with different cookies. "Mr Barnes there are GREAT!" he said spitting crumbles everywhere. Each of the other took one cookie and walked to their room while Steve popped on the
chair, exhausted. Bucky sat on Steve's lap,caressing his bruised face. "You really haven't change one bit huh?" Bucky asked, wiping some dirt from Steve's cheek. "You bake now?" Bucky looked at all of the cookies on the table and nodded. "It's actually nice" he said, choosing a cookie and spitting it in half, sharing it with Steve. Steve was extremely tired and didn't have the strength to get up e hop in the shower. The two stayed snuggles on the chair, munching on cookie after cookie until Tony ran into the room and grabbed another cookie. "Barnes! These...are...AMAZING!" he said stuffing his mouth. "Uhm, thanks" Bucky replied, looking at Steve. Tony never liked having Bucky around and, if he could avoid it, he would avoid him altogether. "Barnes, come with me" Steve looked at Bucky and ten at Steve. "I won't kill your boyfriend, don't worry Capsicle"
A few hours passed since Tony had taken Bucky away from Steve. Steve was waiting for him in their bedroom, throwing a ball in the air. Bucky finally came back and laid next to Steve, snuggling against his chest. "Tony really loved those cookies huh?" Bucky caught the hunch of sarcasm in Steve voice and rolled his eyes. "He wants to make me a new arm" Steve looked at Bucky ad rolled over. Bucky laid on the bed, waiting for Steve to snuggle against his chest. "Why? He barely looks at you" "Well, he loved my cookies and given the mess I made, he thought that i could make more cookies with an additional arm" Steve giggled.  "Sounds like him"
Steve was out on a mission with Sam and Natasha, the rest of the Avengers were at the Tower and Bucky, like any other day, was mixing batter in the kitchen, whistling songs from the 40s. He had tried every recipe in the first book he had bought, as well as the ones in many other books Tony had bought for him. And working with a new arm, an arm that was actually functional and not designed to kill, was amazing. Bucky baked all day long, every day, and, much to his surprise, he started making a smaller mess every time. He would wake up in the middle of the night in a puddle of sweat, his mind going back to every horrible thing he did, and he would start baking and he wouldn't stop until the whole kitchen was full of cakes and cookies. The good thing about living with a bunch of superheroes was that, no matter how much Bucky baked, there was never going to be anything left by the end of the day. One day a crazy idea jumped into Bucky's mind. He decided that he wanted to open a bakery. When he told Steve, he was ecstatic that Bucky had finally found a way to channel the anger and guilt for his past actions.  Everybody was happy that Bucky wanted to open a bakery and everybody did everything they could to help him. Even Tony. He basically sponsored he whole thing, mending, piece by piece, his friendship with Steve. Weeks later, Bucky's Bakery was open for business. Everything was good, everybody did what they loved, for Steve it was saving the world, for Bucky it was baking. But Bucky spent so much time at the bakery and Steve on missions that they barely saw each other.  Steve missed his boyfriend, sure, he had him to himself for the night but only until Bucky got up either because of a nightmare or because he had to start baking for the day.
"Buck" Steve growled feeling Bucky getting up. "You seriously have to go now?" "Baby you know it, I have to open up". Steve rolled over. "Can I come with you?" Steve looked at him with puppy eyes "Please?" Bucky rolled his eyes. "Yes, just move that pretty ass" When they arrived at the bakery, Bucky started the machinery and prepared all of the ingredients while Steve sat on the counter, observing every single movement. "Are you just going to sit there or are you going to help me?" Steve jumped off the counter and walked over to Bucky, who was frosting hi cupcakes, and trapped him between his body and the countertop. He kissed his neck. "What type of help do you need?" Bucky moaned, letting the pastry bag fall on the counter and turning toward Steve. Steve picked him up and walked towards a counter on the other side of the room, kissing his neck. He put Bucky down, untied his apron and took his shirt off. Bucky locked his arms around Steve's neck. "Oh God, oh God, oh God" Tony screamed as soon as he opened the door. Steve and Bucky parted and Bucky crossed his arms on his chest. Tony was followed by Peter, who turned around straight away. "Get it together guys" said Tony, grabbing a donut for him and one for Peter, before walking out, trying to forget the scene they just walked into. Bucky and Steve looked at each other and burst out laughing. Steve walked one more closer to Bucky, putting his hands by his hips and placed himself between Bucky's, trying to get back in for a kiss. Bucky smiled looking at Steve's lips, getting closer to him. They were millimetres away, breathing each other's air, wanting to taste their lips. And then...the oven timer rang. Steve growled, rolled his eyes and stepped aside, laughing. Bucky jumped down the counter and ran to take the cooking trail from the oven. "I'll make it up to you tonight, babe"
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martelldoran · 4 years
Thanks to the lovely @musette22, @hawkeyeandthewintersoldier, and @its-tortle for the tags! 
What is your name?
Ali and on some parts of the internet I still go by Angel so I will happily answer to both.
What are your fandoms?
Primarily marvel/stucky I guess at the moment but i dabble here and there. I still like hp/marauders content, marauders more so than lightning gen tho i’d say. honestly, my blog is a mishmash of whatever shiny thing i happen to have picked up that day.
Where do you post your fanfiction?
fanfic goes to ao3 under the name NoStringsOnMe. but if it’s shorter then you might find some stuff on tumblr. all my writing goes under #my writing tag so you’ll see everything there.
Going by kudos, what is your most popular one-shot?
the surprise hit, the ink slinger with 328 kudos
Going by kudos, what is your most popular multi-chapter?
That goes to i don’t want to set the world on fire with 368 kudos
What is your personal favourite story, out of your current content?
This is such a hard question. I love i don’t want to set the world on fire as anyone who has talked to me for more than 5 minutes knows but now, I think tis the damn season is also up there as one of my faves. I’m so proud of them both and the stories I was able to tell with them
What work were you most nervous to post?
you’d think i didn’t have any other fics but again, this goes to i don’t want to set the world on fire. The nerves came for a number of different reasons: i’d spent so long writing it, i wasn’t really in the fandom at the time, i didn’t know anyone, and, honestly, i figured that noone would (want to) read it. 😂 i don’t know, i think because it’d been mine for so long as well, the thought of actually posting it was so terrifying. and another thing, i didn’t actually feel in anyway qualified to write it in the first place given i had written one (1) coffeeshop au in 2014 and that was about it. so yeah. take from that what you will. 😂😂😂
Is there a method to how you title your work?
i am a simple girl, i find a song lyric that fits and call it a day. i wish i was kidding. i’m not very good with titles. they stress me out so much. i’m hoping that for the history pistol 🔫 fic there might be some apt poetry. but i’ll need to get to reading some walt whitman or hart crane for that first 😂😂😂 
Do you outline your works or just wing it?
oh god. ask me another question. i try to outline. or at least i’m getting better at trying to do it but i’m awful for just starting to write and hoping for the best. And quite often I think that shows in the writing tbh. Usually, I’ll have a handful of scenes in my head I want to happen and then it’s a matter of getting the characters to those points. this coat hook/bridging/frankensteining method has worked for me pretty well so far but I do need some kind of better plan in place. i definitely think the way i actually end fics is really weak more often than not so i think outlining more would help with that problem. 
Are you excited about any of your up-coming works?
yes! i’m really excited for the history pistol 🔫 fic i’m writing for marvel trumps hate fulfilment. i’ve been doing a fair bit of research since it’s set in 1899, and the research is definitely helping to inform ideas for the plot and such but i do need to nail down the more specific plot points and timeline i think before i try and write too much more. at the moment i have 1 chapter written and a few hundred words of chapter 2. but if anyone wants to come ask me questions about it, as part of the community effort to get it written, well that’d be swell. help me develop my headcanons lmao 😂😂😂
phew. okay. all done now! i think at this point most folks will have been tagged so these may be doubles but i’ll go ahead and tag, with zero pressure, @darkalinas, @godfreysroman, @kalee60, and @darter-blue
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wordywarriorwrites · 5 years
Chapter 19: On the Line
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Masterlist: The Boss of Brooklyn  A03 Story Link Author: @wordywarriorwrites​ Summary: When it comes to being The Boss, James Buchanan “JB” Barnes rules with an iron fist. For him, there’s no room for sentiment, and certainly no time for distraction, even if it is in the form of an old flame. Steve Rogers had bowed out of the life a long time ago, but a twist of fate brings him right back into the fold, and face-to-face with a man he once loved. When a game of cat and mouse turns into a matter of life and death, both will be forced to decide whether they’ll be loyal to the business, or faithful to each other. A/N: Bucky Barnes Mob Boss AU. Stucky. For: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan Star’s Multi-Fandom Follower Celebration with the prompt, “Why did you do it?” & @sherrybaby14 Sherry’s Fall Into You Challenge with the prompt, “Show me. Prove that you can handle me.” Warnings: Language, violence, drug use, alcohol, smoking, explicit sexual content, illegal activities. *Re-blogs are welcome. Plagiarism isn’t. *
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Bucky had traveled 3,575 miles on nothing more than a combustive cocktail of desperation, adrenaline, and frayed nerves.
He hadn’t eaten, showered, or slept in almost two days, but that hadn’t mattered, and even with nothing but a city name to go by, he still managed to track Steve down. He’d waited anxiously and expectantly; practiced what he wanted to say; braced himself for what he anticipated would be, at most, a very soul-crushing, heart-breaking, go-on-a-bender-right-afterward rejection…  
However, instead of a rebuff, Bucky received a bullet to the chest, and he didn’t even know the prick who capped him, let alone the reason for it.
A subsequent ride in a dilapidated mini-van with a rank interior, and a dipshit behind the wheel who drove like they were playing a fucking pinball machine instead of operating a motorized vehicle. The shocks – if they’d ever existed at all – had done nothing to absorb the impact of the chaotic ride, and Bucky tried not to howl like a wounded animal as everything quaked, rattled, and rolled around him.
The jacket used to help plug the leak was his own, but Steve was the one who kept continued pressure on the wound. Bucky was in the trunk, with all two-hundred-forty-pounds and six-feet-two-inches of Steve’s body straddled over him, and when Steve wiped the back of his hand across his sweat-drenched forehead, a streak of Bucky’s blood was left behind.
“Drive faster!” Steve yelled toward the front.
“I’m going as fast as this putain de boîte de conserve will allow!” came a harried reply.  
As they careened around a sharp corner, Steve redoubled his efforts, and pushed down harder. The goal was to keep Bucky from being jostled, but all it did was exacerbate the pain. In a matter of minutes, he wasn’t able to take a full breath, or comply with Steve’s repeated commands for him to keep his eyes open.
“Hey, hey, look at me!” he bellowed. “God-fucking-damn-it, Buck, don’t you fuckin’ dare do this to me!”
Everything eventually came to a grinding halt, and then, things started to move way too fast again. Someone dragged him out of the van and he would’ve screamed if he’d had the oxygen to spare. He was transferred onto something soft, and then, prodded, poked, and asked questions he couldn’t answer because he was too busy wheezing and spitting up blood.
Another individual shined a light in his eyes and flatly remarked, “pupils responsive.” Another person said, “possible perforation of the right lung,” and he thought to himself, “Again?” Then, it was all barked orders and issued statements – remove the bullet; control the bleeding; repair the damage.
Bucky was going under – knew he was being dangled over the fucking grave – but he somehow managed to force his eyes open. When he blindly and wildly batted his hand around, someone grabbed it, and then, a pair of watery, baby-blues appeared in his line of sight. A voice insisted he needed to be taken into surgery immediately, and ordered Steve to let him go, but Bucky couldn’t allow that, because the darkness was closing in fast, and he needed to get it out before it was too late.
He tried to make his heavy tongue and blood-caked lips form the words. He tried to say it once – just one, fucking time – but his body was broken and uncooperative. The only thing Bucky could do was hold on, and he held on as tight as he could for as long as he was able, but all too soon he was forced under, and down into the darkness.
If Bucky had been asked to wager his chances of survival, he wouldn’t have bet on it. Given the deadly accuracy of the shooter and the massive blood loss, he figured the odds just weren’t in his favor, and when he woke up a few days later, he was both extremely shocked and very, very confused.
“M’alive?” he croaked to nobody in particular.
Natasha gasped and all but jumped out of her chair, “You’re awake?”
He tried to ask where he was and what happened, but she suddenly dashed for the door; a few seconds later, Natasha was back by his side, and accompanied by an attending physician who explained what had occurred while he’d been unconscious.
Apparently, Bucky was a lucky man; if the bullet had entered just an inch to the left, he would’ve been dead, but swift action and proximity to the best hospital in France had kept him out of the morgue. From there, he’d spent six hours with a surgeon; he’d flatlined a time or two, but the woman who’d been in charge of putting his sorry ass back together had stubbornly refused to let him die on her table.
Whatever else Bucky was told went in one ear and out the other; it wasn’t his first rodeo, and he knew he could anticipate at least two weeks of disgusting food and awkward bedside manner before he was released. The nurse who arrived a few minutes later gave him some water, went over the rules of the morphine pump, and showed him how to call for aid. After being told he would make a full recovery, Natasha shook hands with the medical staff, and thanked them for everything they’d done. Bucky was exhausted from just listening, but he also nodded in thanks, and as soon as they departed, he depressed the button to release the pain medication.
As soon as he woke and was somewhat coherent again, Natasha explained what happened. Apparently, Mason Dubois’s security detail had viewed Bucky’s unexpected presence in Paris as a threat, and since Steve was considered to be Mason’s boyfriend, that concern extended to him as well. The guard had just been doing his job, but nevertheless, Natasha assured him the matter had been dealt with, and that Dubois would see Bucky was well-compensated for the egregious mistake.
Bucky was in and out of it for about a week, not only because he was exhausted, but because the meds made him drowsy and unable to focus. He barely remembered when Tony, Thor, Wanda, Clint, and Bruce arrived, and save for consistently disappointing meals and lukewarm sponge baths, he really didn’t have the energy or patience for much else.
Over the next few days, they took turns visiting and keeping an eye on him, but the one person Bucky wanted to see had yet to make an appearance. He wasn’t sure of the time when he next opened his eyes, but he knew it was late because the lights had been dimmed, the door was shut, and his newest sentry was snoring and mumbling in his sleep.
Instead of using the cot one of the nurses had brought in, Steve was hunched forward in a chair at Bucky’s bedside. His torso was propped up on the edge of the mattress, and he had his face tucked in the crook of one arm, while the other rested heavily across Bucky’s waist. Though he was desperate for another hit of the mind-numbing, pain-relieving drugs, Bucky didn’t dose himself; instead, he reached out an unsteady hand, and gently stroked Steve’s hair.
The twitching and frantic murmurings stopped on a dime, and the contented sigh he let out made Bucky’s chest constrict even tighter. His vision was blurred and the room was dim, but he could still see Steve so clearly, and even after everything that had happened, he knew – Bucky knew Steve was the one.
Steve was the man he’d set everything aside for and put it all on the line for. It was Steve who he thought of and dreamed about; who he missed, desired, and needed every second of the fucking day; who he wanted to call when he was happy; who he wished to talk to when he was at the end of his rope; who he wanted to laugh with, take on the world with, and be with until he well and truly kicked the bucket.
Bucky stared down at Steve -- the man who’d literally saved his life twice -- and finally knew what he wanted to say.
The shaky hand he’d been carding through Steve’s hair became rock steady, but before he could act, the handle of the room’s door was turned, and the sound startled Steve out of his slumber. The speed at which he got to his feet and took a fighting stance meant he was being hypervigilant, but then, he seemed to come to his senses, muttered something about the nurse being right on time, and lowered his fists.
Every hour, on the hour – that was the schedule for rounds, and the staff was diligent. They checked his vital sheets, and if Bucky was awake, asked about his pain level, inquired after his comfort, and wondered if he needed assistance getting to the bathroom. The checkup was thorough and efficient, and Steve didn’t take his eyes off the nurse until the examination was complete and they were left alone again.
Steve rubbed his eyes and smothered a yawn, “Natasha will be here to take over and--”
“I was wrong,” Bucky interjected soberly. “And I should’ve never let you go five years ago.”
If Steve had just turned around and left, it wouldn’t have surprised him. If he’d told him to fuck off and never speak to him again, he would’ve deserved it. If Steve had threatened to re-open his chest wound; if he’d said it was too late; that what Bucky had put him through was unforgivable; that he’d already moved on -- that, too, would’ve been warranted.
When Steve didn’t say or do anything, Bucky knew he had his answer. He had to accept it, but that didn’t mean he had to face both the pain of his loss and his injury; he reached for the little baton connected to the morphine pump, but Steve was quick, and snatched it right out of his hand.
“You don’t get to say that to me and just check out afterward,” he snapped. “Tell me the real reason you’re in France – and don’t insult me by lying to me.”
Given the lengths Bucky had gone to in order to shore up power and neutralize threats in the past, it was more than fair for Steve to assume he’d flown all the way to Paris on business. The enraged look in his eyes suggested he believed Bucky had found out about Mason Dubois, and that the only reason he’d traveled cross-country was to put a stop to whatever was going on between them. It would’ve been easier had that been the case, but it wasn’t.
The real reason had nothing to do with business, but had everything to do with what Bucky knew to be true and what he felt deep down in his marrow: without Steve, he would never know peace, happiness, or rest, and Bucky’s love for him was more important than his so-called pride.
“You asked me what I wanted,” he choked out raggedly. “And what I want is you. That’s why I’m here.”
A myriad of expressions flitted across Steve’s face; at first, he appeared to be dumbfounded. Then, he bounced between frustration and sorrow, before he resolutely settled on incredulity and disbelief.
“You know, you had me for a minute there,” Steve asserted as he dropped the morphine switch back down on the bedspread. “But then, I remember who you are, and realize I can’t believe a single word that comes out of your deceitful fucking mouth.”
Bucky was trying to breathe through his torment and think of what to say when Steve suddenly turned, grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair, and left without a backward glance. His abrupt departure prompted Bucky to toss back the blanket and yank the IV from his arm. He was in no condition to be up and about just yet, but he got to his feet anyway, and shuffled out to the hall.
As soon as his toes passed the threshold, it was all, “Monsieur Barnes,” this and, “Tu dois retourner au lit,” that, but Bucky ignored the fuss. A quick glance to the right showed nothing but a long hallway of rooms, but when he looked left, he spotted the exit, and watched as Steve headed brusquely for it.
Foregoing his meds wasn’t the wisest decision Bucky had ever made. Being upright, let alone walking around without assistance, was also rather stupid. Using the wall for balance instead of parking his ass safely in a wheelchair? Definitely not a good idea, either. And shouting Steve’s name at the top of his scarred lungs in the middle of an otherwise respectfully quiet hospital hallway – yeah, that was bad, too.
But on a scale of, “Meh, screw it,” to, “What the actual fuck am I doing?” yelling out a declaration of love to a man who clearly wanted nothing more to do with him was really off the charts.
Steve halted mid-stride and the moment he chose to turn around was the exact second Bucky’s legs decided to give out on him. He folded like a cheap-ass lawn chair, went down hard on his knees, and felt one of his many stitches pop in the process.
The automatic door hissed open and swooshed shut. A doctor was paged over the intercom and an ambulance wailed in the distance. Some teenage girl in the lobby gasped and the woman seated next to her sniffled. A muffled, drawn-out scream, and then, the cries of a newborn. The phone at the front desk rang, but nobody moved or picked it up. When one of the staff eventually tried to aid him, he refused the assistance, and hung his head.
Bucky remained kneeling on the linoleum like a wretched supplicant, but soon, he wasn’t alone in his prostration. Dark-washed denim against bare skin, followed by a pair of sturdy hands that lifted him up and off the cold floor. Bucky was torn open; all raw, vulnerable, and exposed; and nothing more than a complicated, dead weight that bled and wept in Steve’s strong arms.
As he was carried back to his room, he had to bite down on his own fist to stop himself from sobbing. As soon as Steve set him down on the bed, the nurses swarmed, and proceeded to admonish him in both English and French while they cleaned, stitched, bandaged, and doped him back up. Bucky was back beneath the sheets and on the fringes of passing out again when Steve abruptly shook him awake.
“Did you mean it?” he asked gruffly. “Did you really mean what you said?”
He opened his eyes, fixed Steve with a level stare, and allowed both the tears and irrevocable words to tumble and fall. This time, there was no chance of misunderstanding; no room for subterfuge; and no backing out. When he repeated it again for good measure, Steve sighed, leaned over the bed, and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his mouth.
Bucky knew Steve’s caress and murmured, “I love you, too,” didn’t mean all was forgiven.
But it was a pretty good fucking start.
Translations: Putain de boîte de conserve – Fucking tin-can. Tu dois retourner au lit – You must return to bed.
Chapter 20: Evermore
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Everything: @jennmurawski13​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​
Steve Rogers: @patzammit @hearttoearth​ The Boss of Brooklyn: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​ @captain-rogers-beard​ @lilliannaansalla
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The Masterlist of Masterlists
Just a collection of all my works :D
All For A Buck        -  Dean and Cas must work together to raise the newest addition to the Winchester family, and it might just end up brining them together in the end.
A Magic Kingdom Love       - “An AU where Dean and Cas are both working for Disney and have been cast as the very first gay princes. And at first they hate each other but it’s hard to pretend you’re in love all day for sweet, shy kids, and then not make out under the bridge of the magic kingdom castle.”
Mountain High        -  Suddenly taken from his own home and flown god knows where in the dark, Dean Winchester finds himself thrown into something he could never have imagined in his wildest dreams.
Pas De Deux        -  Dean is a closeted ballet dancer, and Cas is playing the Nutcracker Prince in the Kansas State Ballet. When the ballet loses their Clara and Cas confronts Dean about taking the part along side him, will he be able to put aside his fears and let everyone know who he really is? All to help the man of his dreams?
Screw It, I Love You        -  This is based of this post I saw the other day, find it HERE. It’s about Cas being newly human and Dean leaving him reminder notes all over the bunker.
Slash Fiction (part 1 of series)        -  Following the boys as they continue their journey, saving people, hunting things, the family business. This trip finds them in Kalamazoo, Michigan, at the famous Henderson Castle. With the help of on old friend and the return of a beloved character, the boys find themselves facing something they have never faced before, and have to find a way to stop it once and for all, with a little improvisation.
So Much for Movie Night        -  The boys finally get a night off from hunting, and Sam's planned solo movie night unfortunately does not go at all how he had hoped it would.
Sounds of Someday (part 1 of series)        -   Sam was dead, Cas was lost forever, and Dean’s entire world had been turned upside down in less than an instant. He was alone, again, a typical Winchester ending, but god damn if that was how he was going to leave it. He was going to get Sam back, he was going to get Cas back, and he was going to fix everything that had fallen apart, and now he was going to do it all with twin babies and the king of hell back on his side. Season sixteen… here we go.
That We Do         -  Dean and Cas meet at a civil war reenactment when Dean is forced to go for his father's birthday. Despite Dean's original sour attitude about the idea, he finds something there that was definitely worth going for.
The Ever Handsome and Always Charming Dean Winchester        -   A perfectly simple Dean and Cas wedding!
The Nual’ Family Onion        -  Dean had lived in Lawrence, Kansas his entire life. Born and raised. In his twenty-six years in the beautiful city, he lived a wonderful life surrounded by the amazing people who lived there, many of them becoming family over the years. After high school, he started working for his uncle Bobby at his mechanics shop and fell into a comfortable routine. He still lived at home with his parents, John and Mary Winchester, and for the foreseeable future, Dean had no intentions of changing that. Until he saw him.
The Thing About Blind Dates        - Dean Winchester was perfectly happy with his life. He lived alone, though most days his house was filled with the accompaniment of his little brother and his brother’s new boyfriend, and that suited Dean just fine.But even now, as Dean sat back against the couch, watching the newest season of Animal Kingdom, cold beer in hand while Sam and Gabe cuddled next to him, he couldn’t really say he was anything but satisfied. That is… until Sam and Gabe decided he wasn’t.
Wish You Were Here        -  Sam’s got a date, Cas is fixing Heaven, and Dean Winchester is sitting miserably in his motel room, alone. So he decides to see if Cas wants to have a little fun over the phone.
Lost in a Dream        -   Jack Shephard was never one to believe in psychics, or fortune telling, or visions of the future. But when he starts dreaming of flight 815 crash landing on an unknown island, and all the events that follow, he cant help but start to wonder if maybe he should start believing. Especially when his flight home turns into just the nightmare he had worried it would. Though, this time around, a few things are very different, or rather a few people.
Star Trek:
Clans        -  Jim goes on his usual hunt and everything's going fine, or so he thinks. Until things take an unexpected turn and he finds himself the house guest of a group of people he thought to be extinct. Now, Jim has to decide what his next move will be, doing what he knows is right by his family, or only thinking of himself and possibly putting his entire family in danger.
Lost in Translation        -  “Attention citizens. This is the crew of the Enterprise asking for your aid. On Stardate 2264.78 a shuttle manned by our captain and fourteen cadets was ambushed by an unknown source and chased out of sight of our ship and into open space. Those cadets as well as our captain, James Tiberius Kirk, are still missing. We are asking anyone with any information on their whereabouts, or regarding the attack, to please contact the Enterprise immediately. Our family would appreciate any assistance you can give.”
Maiden Voyage (part 1 of series)        -  "Jim's past was just that, his past, or so he thought. He had made it through to graduation and only had six months of placement standing between him and his captains chair, but he never thought he would see her again. He thought he was past this, past her, now what was he supposed to do? Could they really just go back to the way things were, will placement with her even be bearable, will the crew be able to stand together and face their newest foe and live to tell the tale? Jim could only hope, because right now that's about all he’s got."
Second Chances        - This is sort of an endgame fix, with a dash of Stucky. The story takes place after Thanos has been defeated, the war won, and the world returned back to its natural order. Standing on the battlefield, relieved and thankful that it was all finally over and they could rest. But in their moment of peace, Steve and Bucky suddenly find themselves in a very tricky situation, one they definitely have not been trained to handle.
The Way We Were Suppose To Be        -  Two years after defeating Thanos, Steve finds himself faced with a harsh reality. Because of his decision to stay in the past with Peggy and finally give himself the life he thought he had always wanted, Nick Fury returns to face him with a daunting truth. With the world’s timeline in disarray, it’s up to Steve to return to the past and restore the world to its natural order. Unfortunately it means that the all American hero has to sacrifice his heart and soul to save the world once again. And although Steve thinks that his one chance at a happy life had passed, who knows what the new future holds, perhaps… everything he had been searching for was right there all along.
Steve Rogers X OFC
Storm (part 1 of series)        - The avengers have just defeated Ultron, a much needed victory for the weary team, but another storm is coming their way. A new member joins the team and has some very unexpected effects on everyone, especially the Captain himself, Steve Rogers.Secrets are revealed, scars revisited, and new wounds formed as they battle one of their toughest and most personal battles yet. All they can do is hope this wont be their breaking point…
Final Fantasy:
Noctis x OFC:
At Lucis End (part 1 of series)        - A treaty. A light at the end of the tunnel that King Regis had been staring down for years. A proposal. A wedding that stands to save the lands. A betrayal. That could tear it all down. And a love. So strong yet so torn.The war between Lucis and Niflheim could come to an end, but much will have to be sacrificed along the way. And in the end, would it even be enough? Would the loss of life, love, and family be enough to save the people of Lucis? Or will it all come crumbling down in the end?
Greg x Nick:
Love Undercover        -  In part one of this series, Nick and Greg get sent on a special undercover mission by Grissom and Brass, an undercover mission as a couple at an all exclusive couples resort. Their mission is to find their targets and keep them safe while maintaining the illusion that they are a happily married couple, but they may end up finding more then they bargained for while at Lovers Lane Resort.
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid x Aaron Hotchner:
I Loved Him... Once        -   A series following the team as they solve crimes and take down the bad guys.    In Part one of this series, we follow the team as they take down a serial killer that has taken a piece of one of their own. And through it all, Spencer and Hotch come to a few conclusions and realizations of their own.
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 144
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
Hey! I’m trying to find a fic where Bucky calls Steve accidentally and they end up having phone sex? I’ve tried looking everywhere for it and can’t seem to find it anywhere, would you perhaps know which one this is? :) thanks!
Anon sent in  I'm with you on the end of the line by lets_get_messi (oneshot | 3,473 | E)
Anon 2 said: (rape/noncon)
Hi I think I’ve sent this in before but I was wondering if you know the fix where Bucky finds Steve years after they were separated but it’s set during ww2 and Steve is forced to work as a sex worker/slave for Schmidt? At the end Bucky assassinates hitler? And they run away together? Sorry it’s vague
Anon sent in Like Rahab* by moonythejedi394 (complete | 131,789 | E) *rape/noncon
Anon 3 said:
hi, can you help me find a fic where (i think) bucky is part of avengers and steve isn’t captain america (sam is if i remember correctly) and they don’t know who steve is. bucky gets hurt (poison?) and doesn’t let avengers touch him (he never does), and steve shows up, all big and protective, and the team is confused how he got in and astonished when he calls the deadliest assassin a pet name and lets steve touch him. thank you very much!
harratus sent in but you only get half of the story by Hazloveshisboo (oneshot | 2,008 | G)
whyaretheycalledpancakes and Anon sent in A Matter of Pride(?) by Quarra (complete | 5,918 | M)
Anon 4 said:
Hey i am looking for a fic during the war where steve made prayers or promises to god about Bucky and his last one is not to be in this world without Bucky and he thinks about that when putting the valkyrie in the water
100percentlenny said:
ok so I’ve been trying to find this one fic for the past hour. I used to be able to find it so easily but now I can’t. it’s a long fic, where steve and bucky attend an art school and meet a guy who is open to gayness. then steve gets sick after trying to make it home during the snow. they go to that guy from school’s apartment. a doctor’s there at one point. bucky confesses feelings to steve when he thinks he can’t hear because steve is sick. I forgot what happened after that though :/ thanks:)
harratus sent in Gravitation by Odsbodkins (oneshot | 18,158 | E)
Anon 5 said:
I read a fic a while ago where Bucky lived alone and had OCD and PTSD maybe? I think he was a veteran. He always went to this diner late at night when he had nightmares, had a whole schedule, always getting the same thing, knew the waitress. And then he moves in with Steve for some reason, I don't remember, and it gets him off his schedule. Living farther from the diner, trying to hide his OCD. And he knew Steve from earlier in life, I think.
dolphinqueen10 sent in G.I. Joes and 2AM Diners by OhCaptainMyCaptain (complete | 100,481 | E)
captainsso18 said:
Hi! Love the work you do! I’m looking for a post civil war fic, and I tried checking the tags but didn’t see it. Basically Steve decides to stay in Wakanda when Bucky is in cryo and lives in a village where he starts to learn the language and fit in. He fishes (which doesn’t go well) and gets sick from the water at the start of the story. Bucky comes out of cryo later on in the story and moves into Steve’s hut and gets to know everyone and is impressed by Steve’s fluency. Anyone know the fic?
Anon 6 said:
Ok I'm losing my mind trying to remember a fic I read a while back, hoping you can help: Its a Modern AU, steve is older than bucky, pretty sure it was Sugar Daddy AU (but im not finding it in those tags). Basically Bucky is a student, super broke, steve becomes his Sugar Daddy and then Angst (argue about state of relationship, bucky leaves). The big reunion is Steve showing up at Bucks slummy apartment all 'never shouldve let you leave' and romance ensues (vague ik). Thanks for all you guys do!
Anon 7 said:
I have literally been searching for this fic for AGES, and I really need your help! So, in this fic, Tony and Natasha watch live security feed of Stucky having sex, and they both get turned on. Natasha leaves after a bit, and Tony continues watching, and when Steve and Bucky are finished, they say, to the camera, something along the lines “We know you’re there, Tony” Please please help me find this fic!
Anon sent in Hands-Free by OhCaptainMyCaptain (oneshot | 13,961 | E)
Anon 8 said:
sorry for asking again (i dont even know if my first one went through) but i seem to have exhausted the search functions and i just can't find these two fics. the first one is a funny where steve thinks bucky and peter is a thing and hes really jealous/lonely even though its not true. the second one i cant remember much of the plot except that bucky goes on a mission and will be without communication for a while; when he leaves he tells steve that he'll work him over real good when he gets back
Anon 9 said:
Hi! There was this amazing fic I read that I can’t find! It something about Steve and Bucky being each others missing pieces and I remember there was something about how they slept like another was supposed to be there and the team is trying to figure it out. Please help!
Anon 10 said:
I read a fic in like 2016 where Steve painted flowers on Buckys arm and it was when I first joined the fandom and was wondering if you could find it for me? Thanks!
time-lord-no-more sent in Always Towards the Sunshine by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen) (oneshot | 1,958 | G)
Anon 11 said: (dubcon, alcohol)
I read this doc a while ago, and I cannot remember what the name of it was. It was about pre-serum Steve. Bucky went out with a girl and cane home drunk. He ended up having sex with Steve, and he didn’t remember in the morning and Steve didn’t tell him.
Anon 12 said:
Hi, I'm looking for a fic, and I remember that Bucky tried every meal they gave Steve for poisoning or something like that and I don’t remember the name
Anon 13 said:
I'm looking for a fic where I think Steve was like a famous artist and one of his most popular paintings was of Bucky like right after he came home from war, sitting in a chair? And the painting is titled "the winter soldier". Later in the fic after some recovery is done, Steve's like can I paint you again and so there's a second painting but of Bucky looking happier and healthier and the whole time they kept Bucky anonymous but i think at the end they do like an interview?? Thanks
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swirlingstucky-blog · 6 years
December Stucky Day 2: Party (Modern Bucky/Cap Steve AU)
Steve hated Christmas parties, especially ones thrown by Tony Stark. They were loud, and there were always way too many people. At the moment, Steve was in a horribly boring conversation with some balding guy who he was sure was rich enough to end world hunger three times over. Steve endured the conversation, nodding or laughing when appropriate, but really he was bidding his time until it was an acceptable hour to leave without Tony giving him shit. Once the guy got to the point where Steve couldn't even pretend to be interested anymore, he silently excused himself and chose to hide out by the food table for the remaining time he was required to stay.  
Steve passed the time by sneaking mini cupcakes and appetizers when no one was looking and luckily no one saw him, or if they did, they knew better than to approach him. If Steve were lucky, no one would even notice him, and he’d be able to leave soon. Just as Steve was checking his watch for the thousandth time that night, debating if he could finally go, he saw a shadow move in on his left.
“What are you hiding from? One person or just people in general?” the man said.
“Uhh, I guess people in general, these parties aren't really my scene,” As Steve turned to look at the man standing next to him, he realized what a big mistake he had just made. The man standing next to him was one of the most attractive men Steve had ever seen. He had beautifully styled dark brown hair, blue eyes that captured the depths of the ocean in them and a jawline that could cut glass.
“I don't know about that,” The man said. “You seem to blend in seamlessly, what with that riveting conversation you were engaging in with the senator….” the man chuckled as he bumped his shoulder jovially onto Steve’s.
“Oh….that’s who that was? I had no idea…” Steve smiled down at the man “Just between you and me pal...I was really only pretending to care.” The man threw his head back in a genuine laugh and Steve thought it was the best thing he’d ever seen.
“Oh man...don't worry, I do the exact same thing, your secret is safe with me.” Steve laughed at the confession, for once actually enjoying the conversation.
“I’m Steve, by the way, I don't think I introduced myself.” Steve offered his hand out to the man.
“James, but everyone calls me Bucky.” the man-Bucky took Steves hand and shook it firmly “It’s very nice to meet you, Steve,”
“Yea, uhm..what brings you here in the first place anyway? I’m sure you know who I am- thank you for being so calm about it though, I appreciate it.” Steve winces at his mistake, what if Bucky didn’t actually know who he was and Steve just made an idiot of himself? Oh god, that was so presumptuous. Just as he’s about to open his mouth and apologize Bucky Laughs again and waves his hands around in dismissal.
“Don’t strain yourself, Steve, yes I do know who you are, and there's no need to thank me for treating you like a human and not some government property.” Steve laughs at the statement and nods his thanks. Bucky continues, “Now, for your question about why I’m here, Tony knows my dad, who’s some big investment banker. He wants me to take over the business when he retires, so he's showing me around to all his big league friends, which includes Tony Stark.”
“Oh, well, that’s nice! Shouldn't you be out schmoozing then? I don't want to keep you..” Steve says, avoiding eye contact while trying to mask his disappointment at Bucky possibly leaving. Bucky lightly hip checks steve to get him to look at him and cups his hand under steves chin, making Steve swallow compulsively.
“Oh, hell no Steve! I’d much rather stay here and talk to you, or better yet, get the hell outta here before my dad finds me. I said my dad wants me to take over, I never said I wanted to do it. And I think we're both enjoying each others company, am I right?” Steve, completely losing the ability to speak,  just nods as his answer and continues to stare at Bucky. Bucky smiles at Steve and leans in close, whispering in Steve’s ear. “Whattaya say, Captain? Wanna get outta here and get to know each other better?” Steve tries to stop the whimper trying to escape but fails spectacularly when bucky bites his earlobe. Steve pulls back and grabs Bucky’s hand, pulling him through the crowd towards the exit as his answer. Bucky lets himself be pulled along, laughing the whole time. Steve gets lucky and is able to pull Bucky all the way to the parking lot before Bucky slows. “W-Bucky what's wrong? C’mon my car is just over there--” Steve gets cut off as bucky pushes him up against the side of the building and practically sticks his tongue down Steve’s throat. Steve reciprocates eagerly but has to pull back when he just can't stop smiling. “Sorry, I’ve just wanted to do that all night,” Bucky says with an equally big smile adorning his flushed face. “You don't see me complaining do you?” Steve replies. Bucky throws his head back into another genuine laugh, and Steve grabs his hand again, pulling him once again towards his car. “Think you can make it back to my place now Bucky?”
“Absolutely Steve, now that I've gotten that outta my system.” Steve laughs and shakes his head, thinking to himself that maybe Tony Stark’s extravagant Christmas parties aren't so bad after all.
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itsmajel · 6 years
Majel Reads - April 2018
Captain America / Marvel CMU - Stucky
[What is this?]
With you, (I'm not broken anymore) by Squeaky
Just like his mother, Bucky used to be able to read soulstrings: The coloured threads the Universe puts on the left wrist to help soulmates find each other. Until the Sokovian Uprising happened and he lost his Talent along with his arm. He's been broken, both inside and out, ever since.
But those weren't the only things lost in Sokovia. His aunt, Magda, also died in The Uprising, leaving his twin cousins, Wanda and Pietro, orphans and him their guardian. They never talk about how Magda died, or that her death was Bucky's fault.
Bucky is just living day-to-day, running his family's bookstore and caring for the twins as best he can, trying to hide how broken he is from his cousins and the world. Until Steve Rogers comes into his life, beautiful and sad and asking for a soulstring reading Bucky can't give. Bucky agrees even though he shouldn't, and very quickly he and Steve develop feelings for each other. But Bucky knows their relationship is doomed before it starts, because it's only a matter of time before Steve learns the truth: he has no Talent, he's utterly broken, and worse of all -- what really happened that night in Sokovia...
Part 4 of The Soulmate Series (no one asked for)        
[Teen And Up Audiences] [21,333 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
I'm not where I'm supposed to be, (I hope that you're missing me) by Squeaky
Eleven-year-old Steve Rogers couldn't have been happier when his Timer buzzed when he met James 'Bucky' Barnes the night before his heart surgery. He knows he'll love Bucky forever. But he never gets the chance. Bucky never tries to find him and Steve doesn't know why.
Twelve-year-old Bucky is thrilled to meet Steve. He just knows that his soulmate will love him better than anyone else in his whole life. But he loses Steve before their lives together can even start. His Timer resets, which means that Steve has died, and even worse, the Universe has paired him with someone else. Someone he never wants to meet. He joins the army with his beloved cousin, Clint, to do something good with his life like Steve would've wanted. Its not perfect, but it's good. Until he finds himself bleeding out in the sand...
Years pass, and Steve is still waiting for Bucky to reappear. He doesn't know where Bucky is, but as long as his Timer is set to zero, he knows Bucky is alive and where there's life, there's hope. Things aren't perfect, but they're good. Until he finds himself staring at a Timer that's started counting down again and is no longer resting at zero...
Part 5 of The Soulmate Series (no one asked for)        
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 17,801 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Demonique by BetteNoire (WeAreWolves)
“Oh come on, Steve. You look at me like you want to put me on a pedestal and worship me. You look at Barnes like you want to tear his clothes off with your teeth. Tell me why you two aren’t...?” Peggy smirks at him, because of course this amuses her greatly.
Steve fidgets, trying not to blush. “Peggy, I can’t—“
Peggy steps closer. “Steve. Is this an American peculiarity? Because in the British army, as long as you’re discreet, that sort of thing between two men is fine. I mean, some of our greatest war heroes, and so on.”
“It’s not... that...” Steve cringes.
It’s Bucky’s tentacles.
And how badly he wants them inside him.
[Explicit] [ 39,030 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
to forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace by obsessivereader
The only thing he remembers from wipe to wipe is that he must wait next to the bodies. He must wait for the one who comes to collect their souls.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 1,497 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
say you'll bee mine by deceptivesoldier, obsessivereader, talkplaylove ( @deceptivesoldier​, @yetanotherobsessivereader, @talkplaylove​)
When Steve glances over at Hot Guy again, Hot Guy catches his eye and gives him a tentative smile. Steve’s brain shuts down and he looks away. But the serum gave him great vision, so out of the corner of his eye, he sees Hot Guy stand up, take two steps, get his foot caught in a backpack strap, trip, and fall down.
Steve’s out of his chair and next to Hot Guy before he even has time to think. "Oh my God, Hot Guy! Are you okay?"
His hearing is sensitive enough to pick out Sam’s whispered “Did you just call Hot Guy ‘Hot Guy’?” at the same time as he realizes what he just said.
Hot Guy blinks up at him from the floor, probably too confused to stand up. "Did you just call me ‘Hot Guy’?"
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 8,026 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Our Souls (they were made to last) by Mellaithwen ( @mellaithwen)
Dr. James Barnes is too busy saving lives to actually have one of his own. When he finally agrees to go on a blind date, he gets into an accident that will change his life forever.
Retired Army Captain Steve Rogers is depressed, and when he moves into his new apartment he finds it already occupied....with the ghost of its last tenant. To make matters worse, the ghost is adamant that he's not dead.
As they navigate their way through their new living arrangements, can they save each other, before it’s too late? Or have they missed their one shot at a happy ending?
Just Like Heaven Movie AU
[Mature] [ 53,825 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
M is for Murder by rohkeutta ( @rohkeutta​ )
I’m pretty low on funds and need to make ends meet this month, Barnes types slowly into a new post three days later. I’m taking commissions for hits in the New York City area.
 Will Not Kill: Captain America or other Avengers.    Will partially refund payment if target turns out to be HYDRA.    Will not go to Jersey. No dismemberment or killing children.    Message for negotiations and payment details.
[Mature] [ 4,196 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Your Best American G-- by rohkeutta ( @rohkeutta​ )
Steve fucking loves American Gladiators.
It’s not really a surprise, because he’s got the show to thank for his whole career in competitive wrestling, inspired by the original series he saw when he was a kid. It was cheesy and overdramatic, but Steve was a frail kid for whom the fitness and health of both the gladiators and the contestants was like a dream.
And seriously, fit people in spandex did wonders for figuring out his sexual orientation.
[Mature] [ 2,174 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Jimmy Choo Choo by rohkeutta ( @rohkeutta​ )
When they pull up in Newark, Buff Jeff wakes up with a jolt and Bucky is knee-deep in C++ and desperately in need of breakfast. Buff Jeff turns to look at him, a little bewildered, and Bucky looks back. It’s starting to get light outside, and Bucky is suddenly very aware of his crazy insomnia eyes and haphazard ponytail.
“Um,” Buff Jeff says. He’s almost adorable with his sleepy eyes and awkward expression. “Oh. You’re-- um. Real.”
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 958 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
ready, able by rohkeutta ( @rohkeutta​ )
Steve snorts, helplessly charmed. “Harold like your gang boss uncle Harold?”
“A gentleman does not name his goats and tell,” Bucky says solemnly, but he leans a little more firmly against Steve’s side, and there are crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes when he smiles.
He’s the best thing Steve has ever seen.    
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 1,370 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Captain America / Marvel CMU - Thomas "T. J." Hammond/Steve Rogers 
Anyone Ever Tell You That You Look Just Like... by Brenda ( @brendaonao3)
Steve gives those endless legs another quick, appreciative glance, then relaxes his shoulders and leans in.  "Unless you've got lasers for eyes," he murmurs, "I'm not sure scowling like that's gonna help you bust out of here."
The guy looks over, startled.  "Who says I don't?" he asks mildly, then slides the hoodie off his head, and huh.
It looks like Steve's evening just got a lot more interesting.
[General Audiences] [ 1,409 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
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( All summaries are the official summaries of the author. Stats and infos as according to hosting site or information given by the author. If any of the authors that have been tagged don’t want to be tagged, or if any of you know the tumblr names of the ones I haven’t tagged please let me know!)
Looking for more reading inspiration? Check out my fic rec tag here on tumblr, this month reading list masterpost for what I’ve read in other fandoms this month,  my all-time reading list masterpost for more of this fandom or just check out my AO3 bookmarks.
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ninczeniks · 8 years
stucky fic recs
so i decided to compile some of my bookmarked fics all in one post for claire so she can suffer along w me 
key: ★ = favorite 
listen to your heart (but don't say goodbye to me) by CinnamonCake 
summary: There is a Hades, and there is a Persephone. They’re just not the ones you’d expect.
Trains by misslucyjane
summary: Bucky Barnes is the lead singer of Winter Soldier. Steve Rogers is their biggest fan. ★
 At Ease by derekstilinski ★
summary: Steve frequently sends out care packages for the troops, and when he learns about the penpal program, he's quick to fill out an application. He's assigned Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. Everything grows from then.
Deep as a secret nobody knows by  This Girl Is (non_sequential)
summary: To be fair, Steve is moderately drunk the first time. Not smashed, but drunk enough to make Tony and Clint’s ideas sound brilliant and hilarious.
Or: “the story where steve gets dared to call a phone sex line and of course bucky is on the other end. and then feelings happen.”
you were standing there by thebrotherswinchester
summary: Bucky accidentally breaks into the wrong house while drunk. The wrong house happens to belong to Steve Rogers.
Possibilities by alenie 
summary: It's Bucky's junior year of high school and he's struggling to balance a difficult home life with his growing friendship with Steve, the transfer student from New York.
I'm Not Sick (But I'm Not Well) by loonietuna ★
summary: Steve Rogers doesn’t meet Bucky Barnes in the 1930’s. Instead, Steve meets him April 17th, 2012.Well…sort of meets him.In actuality, Bucky had almost hit him with his truck.
Or: The fic where millennial Bucky Barnes nearly runs over a freshly thawed national treasure, and what Steve Rogers did to adjust to modern NYC during those two weeks before the events of The Avengers.
The start of something good by  Mellaithwen
summary: AU - Bucky meets Steve for the first time when Steve accidentally spills his drink on him at an NFL game, and things go downhill from there. Meanwhile Sam thinks he's the ultimate wingman, even if he is a bit drunk.
“Holy shit, Steve.” Sam whistles under his breath. “I think you broke his nose!”
Signature for Delivery by chaya
summary: For a prompt: Bucky is a delivery man, and a sickly housebound Steve starts online shopping beyond his wallet to see him. Written as a one-shot.
Black and Blue Will Lead to You by butterflyslinky 
summary: When your soulmate gets a bruise, you get one in a different color. Bucky's soulmate is either the clumsiest person ever or gets into too many fights.
perfectly right wrong number by melonbutterfly 
summary: It all starts because Steve is too dumb to handle his smartphone. 
A wrong number AU in which Bucky Barnes doesn't enter Steve's life (meaning: Bucky wasn't born until the eighties, but Steve is still Captain America) until Steve accidentally dials the wrong number. Wherein there is a lot of texting, some advice via Natasha and Darcy, a bit of pining, and a first date in an amusement park. Oh, and on top of being a disabled veteran, Bucky is a professional catwalker. Literally.
if all my mistakes (led me to you) by bitelikefire (theoleo) ★
summary: Sam’s plans are always the worst plans and now a newly single Steve has to scramble to find a plus one for Peggy’s big day after being spontaneously dumped. Luckily, he doesn’t have to look very far.
What A Wonderful World This Would Be by mambo 
summary: Steve Rogers isn't about to let some frat boy jerk like Bucky Barnes show him up, even if it means having to kick Brock Rumlow in the balls.
i've been searching for something by orphan_account 
summary: The one where Steve is scrawny, asthmatic, and prone to illness and Bucky is basically Judd Nelson and nothing sad happens.
The Ties That Bind by Odsbodkins
summary: In the eyes of God, Steve Rogers was dead. He was still breathing, still walking around, but he was dead.
night light  by thebrotherswinchester ★
summary: Bucky's a beat-up rentboy in need of a place to stay.
Can We Pretend To Leave? And Then We'll Meet Again by misspunkrock
summary: The thing is Bucky hadn’t the slightest clue when it first began.
Maybe it was when he was old enough to understand what the meaning of the word desire was. Maybe it was when he saw that crooked smile for the first time and really noticed the brightness that was barely contained behind blue eyes. Maybe it was when they had to start sharing a bed together in the winter because their too small apartment got far too drafty.
Or in which Bucky writes Steve notes and Steve finds them years later.
Eight-Pager by triedunture
summary: Steve gets a job drawing dirty comics. Bucky thinks he needs help coming up with sketches. Not that Bucky minds posing in ladies' underthings.
this city bleeds its aching heart by Renne ★
summary: The one where Steve and Bucky pose as a happily married couple while on a mission for SHIELD, to catch an international arms dealer hiding in a suburban neighbourhood.
ain't nothing punk about that by idekman
summary: Bucky tries not to get involved with high school drama shit. Steve Rogers is just another kid who gets beaten up in corridors.Until he's not.-In which Steve Rogers gets punched a lot and Bucky Barnes is getting a little sick of it.
the poem which I do not write by viverella
summary: See, here’s the thing: Steve has a problem.His problem is embodied in almost six feet of cocky smiles and toned muscles and tattoos and it starts three weeks into the school year when his life drawing professor announces that they’re finally moving onto studying the human form and says, “This is James. He’s going to be our first model.”And the guy steps up onto the platform in the middle of the room and undresses without a lick of self-consciousness, smirking all the while, and Steve thinks, Oh, hell.
Or: Steve is an art student and Bucky is a figure model and a lot of pining happens.
but hey you’re all right by beardsley ★
summary: 'This is not my fault,' Tony lies. 'It was supposed to be a joke! Christ.''Thanks to your joke,' says Coulson, 'we now have a code three-four-delta, with the variable being a Russian immigrant. We're checking his background right now, but it might take a while. Meanwhile, I suggest you civilian-proof the Tower. If any SHIELD intelligence is compromised, I will hurt you.
'Yes, this is the story where the Winter Soldier is a Russian mail-order bride. Everything goes about as well as you'd expect.
All this time we've been acting like strangers by skullage
summary: Bucky hasn't stopped running in years.
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bluetriangels · 5 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like mckirk, stucky, cherik, sparrington, and sterek.
Stranger: [Sparrington!]
Stranger: [There's more of you out there and I'm so happy. Do you want to write something?]
You: [there is someone alive! Wow. Thought this place was dead. Sure!]
Stranger: [I'm alive! Yes. Do you prefer canon or AU?]
You: [No preference. Though setting it in canon might need great timing.]
Stranger: [We could always branch out more with AU. The only thing is I may only be able to see Jack in certain situations because of how great he fits in his time era, whilst James is a bit more versatile.]
Stranger: [But I do love canon too, like so much.]
You: [That's true. we could make in an AU within their time period?]
Stranger: [Yes! Did you have any ideas? It's okay if you don't, we could outline stuff and reach a conclusion, I have a few ideas.]
You: [James doesn't have to be the Commodore/Admiral?]
Stranger: [He definitely doesn't! Did you have something else in mind for him? Would he maybe just be an aristocrat? Artist? Writer?]
You: [I didn't consider a writer before but now I love it.]
Stranger: [Maybe he's writing poetry, or novels. Oh, that makes me wonder! Who would you prefer to write for?]
You: [I love them both so no preference there. Maybe he could write plays?]
Stranger: [Oh my gosh, yes! Like a budding Shakespeare. Oh my god I have the perfect idea.]
Stranger: [What if he hires actors, like poor men that fit the bill for what he had in mind and he gets them to perform. Maybe he pays them a small fee - like the host of the show was like, okay I can't pay you much for this so you can't hire well-known actors.]
You: [yes! Starting actors as he's the starting screen writer!]
Stranger: [Well not the host of the show, whoever has ownership of the stage or land.. I'd have to do more research on the proper terminology.]
Stranger: [Yes! Technically Jack's father is a pirate aristocrat. So we could either have him as a delinquent and rebel who's going to see the show or a beggar.]
Stranger: [There was a HUGE divide in London in the 1800s, because of the plague and everything.]
Stranger: [The rich got richer, the poor got poorer.]
You: [Oh that sounds like an amazing idea!]
Stranger: [I don't think it was the plague, actually. It was some other disease that broke out. Sorry, I have SO many events in my mind, they're a bit scrambled atm.]
Stranger: [Would you prefer Jack to be a rebellious aristocrat or a beggar?]
Stranger: [It all comes down to in the long run which would be better for us to expand on.]
You: [Both have their charm really. He could be both]
You: [Too rebelious and ended up like that]
Stranger: [Oh my gosh that's a marvellous idea. Cause then we could have his father looking for him maybe because of the current divide and everythingggg.]
Stranger: [Okay! Who do you want to take? I know you said you had no preference but I like to give a choice anyway.]
You: [I really really really love them both too much to choose :D ]
Stranger: [Can you tell I hate making choices? LOL]
You: [We could throw a dice ]
Stranger: [Ooh, yes!]
You: [if you can't pick either lol
Stranger: [Okay let's do heads or tails. Best out of three. Heads is, I get Jack. Tails is you get Jack.]
Stranger: [You get Jack!]
Stranger: [I've never done Norrington before, this is gonna be exciting.]
You: [I only did Jack once, but I do hope to work on my writing so I'm fine with that hah.]
Stranger: [Same here. I'm always trying to improve.]
Stranger: [What if we start from when Norrington approaches him?]
You: [oh that sounds good!]
Stranger: [Lemmie get us started then!]
Stranger: Writing had always been a passion of his, becoming a playwright was in his cards it seemed. Mother had died during childbirth, whilst his father had formed these ideas about nurturing your son being toxic. Already, as a boy, Norrington had seemed soft, when he'd turned to books, his father had grown disappointed as he'd not loved the cutlass nearly enough as his father would have wished him to. His heart grew fond of the feathered fountain pain, where he'd detailed all his thoughts in ink. The format made itself known, tackling world issues. While he was hoping it would make it onto stage, perhaps the Globe Theatre where the gracious Shakespeare had performed, he mostly wanted to deliver a message in the form of action. While his work wasn't amateur, he was new to the scene and therefore had no reputation to back him up. The owner of the area had said he wouldn't pay him much, therefore to be wise on who he picked. Besides, a name meant everything and his didn't ring with the finer actors, but this would only make his message all that more prominent. Many had joked and said that if he went to the diseased parts of town he would only find illiterates and billigerents. James did not find humour in that. On his horse, he rode through the richer parts of town down to the poor neighbourhoods, their homes falling apart, some of them at the hooves of his steed with their palms outstretched, hoping coin would fall out of his pouch with the heavy trot. When he reached the gate that sectioned them off, he found a few people under the bridge, huddled up in front of a manmade fire. A face stuck out to him, he was told to fear them but what was there to fear? "Excuse me, Sir? May I speak to you?"
You: It was a day like any other. No food unless one managed to steal it, or make enough begging to actually have someone to take pity of them and sell it to them cheaper. Both would still require Jack to move to the outskirts of the richer parts of the town, sooner or later, getting the looks of the rich people. The one that made it obvious just how disgusted they were, how afraid, downright scared they were of getting any and all illnesses. The greed they had was worse than anything people here could have though. Jack was about to get up and start going through the plan, when someone stopped by and Jack opened his mouth slightly, staring up with one eye closed. Huh? "Speak to me?" Jack asked, pointing to himself and looking around for the good measure. People whispered and hissed behind his back - people dressed like this guy, but they didn't usually stop to TALK to him. Huh. "Whatever you're missing, mate, I didn't steal it." Not yet at least.
Stranger: It wasn't an every day thing, hooves on cobblestone, but when they rode through they didn't stop. They had the gatekeeper at the ready to open the heavy metal doors, in hopes that any pestilence will be kicked off by the wind brushing through their coats. They had to ride to the port at times, or other neighbouring lands where they would trade silk or food. It's what kept the town running, at least a part of it. That's why when the man was confused, James wasn't surprised. His father had influenced him far more than he would have liked, regarding the way the poor were viewed. The only thing he feared was disease, it was prominent because of their lack of medical care, anything they touched would have to somehow be sterilised. That's something he paid close attention to. A matter of fact, when one woman began her coughing fit, he stepped aside, praying to God above to help him make it out alive. Illness was a very serious thing, even something minor could kill someone and he had to think about his friends and family, he didn't want to spread it onto them. "I'm aware. I have a proposal for you." Minimum wage was two shillings an hour, and he decided he would up the pay to twice that or more. "I am willing to pay you five shillings an hour for a favour."
You: Jack opened his mouth, then blinked when he woman started coughing. Oh great. Another one. It wasn't good if people here were sick. And if he remembered correctly, this woman had those two small sons running around - whom he didn't see running around for a while now, actually. He sighed, before pulling off his coat, offering it to the woman as she passed, before lightly making the shooing motions at her. He didn't plan to get sick, thank you very much. He sighed and turned back to the guy, looking him up and down slowly. He wasn't bad looking. And it wouldn't be the first time people from the inner city came to the corners to see if there was someone mostly clean for a quick satisfaction for them... but Five shillings wasn't that much for a 'favor' like that. Someone else might just be tempted though. Wait. "Five an hour?" He asked, his eyes narrowing. Either this man trusted himself too much or it was something else entirely. "What favor are we talking about here?"
Stranger: If he could count the times a Navy soldier came bragging about the lass he... did things to, he wouldn't have any room left, not even on his toes. It was a despicable thing, really. Among their superiors, they never said a word as it was viewed as a rather dastardly thing to do but every one of them knew the other did it, even if it was an unspoken crime. What bothered him more was the way they spoke about the women, how they dehumanized them, it was always some fellow bragging in a piggish way about how he'd done her and she did this and that, never mentioning their silent cries for help. That was their only way of making money. "I've written a play, I would like for you to perform it along with a few other people I'm going to pick. I'll be providing you with some training, the script and help if you require it. And er, it's policy that you're checked with a fine bill of health," he's saying, "I'll be referring you to my personal doctor." The kindness this man had, offering her his coat like that.. they watched out for one another down here, you'd not see that among richer men. They'd laugh at someone's misery, they would let them wallow in it. What had they become? It was never a wonderful time, with what went on with pirates, wars, but now.. it was getting increasingly worse, he could see the desperation on their faces, their hollowed out cheeks, the dirt on their face... No wonder they never stopped, they'd.. they'd feel exactly like he was feeling now and it was better to ignore that.
You: Jack rolled his eyes at the man. Of course. Too scared to bring sickness to wherever he was from. It made sense, because no one would want to get sick - no one would want to bring the threat to their own lives to their own home, obviously, but it was still irritating. THough still... five shillings for something as playing pretend and to have him checked to make sure he was healthy? Jack would be stupid if he didn't take it. "I'm not paying for the doctor." He said and his eyes narrowed. "Also no knives on the guy." He did not trust doctors that were too happy with seeing blood of their patients. "How long would it last then? How long would you need us there per day?" He asked, his mind already counting the money. It wouldn't make more than stealing a heavy money bag, but Jack won't have to rush to hide at least.
Stranger: Per day. Of course, he was counting his money. "I would not expect a poor man to pay for a doctor. That's absurd." That's why he was limiting the crew, they would each play two characters they fit the criteria of, it would lessen the medical bills that were going to rack up. Besides, the owner wanted a large percentage of the final pay. About twenty-five, he said, which was a lot considering the turn out might not be good and he'd be losing money. It was playing the devil's hand, really, with his actors coming from poor neighbourhoods but he'd already sent his assistant to distribute the hand drawn flyers all across town. Another man by the name of Swann had promised to put in a great word for him, he was more of a father to him than his own but he'd never say so. "Eight hours every day. We are to work hard as the play is only in a couple of weeks. Two, actually. I am hoping it won't be a complete disaster. If any of you fail to meet the requirements, I'll have to terminate our contract and you'll leave empty-handed. I'm not, by any means, tolerating impertinence towards my hard work or others that are doing their best to make their wage. Agreed?" There was no hesitance in his voice, it was stern, boisterous, with his brows knitted together tightly. There was a contract he had written up that had been wrung into a scroll and put in the saddlebag.
You: That would make forty a day. Forty. That would make sure that there was enough food, for him and Gibbs. That would make sure he could get some of the warm blankets he wanted to, and maybe even get rid of some of the holes in the house. He grinned, wide and happy, before leaning closer to the man, nodding. "Of course, sir." He said, snatching the scroll from the man's hands, opening it and not even reading it through. "Got anything for me to sign it with? Not my blood I'm guessing, since you're not sure if it's not icky yet." He beamed, nodding. "How many people are you even looking for?"
Stranger: Forty shillings was no joke to a beggar. That would be around two hundred and four pounds, whereas the working man made about sixteen pounds every week. That would definitely cover the costs of many things, it would feed a town, really. It would repair holes, provide shelter, who knows what these people bought? They certainly had to prioritise one thing over the other. They couldn't go around buying paintings or fabulous ink. When he was about to open his mouth again, he heard protesting begin at the back of the crowd, "Fancy that? One of us gets plucked off when they need us. They don't seem to care otherwise," he's snapping. That seemed to create an uproar, with a woman rising, making James cower but not because he was a coward, but because he saw the boils on her face. "We've got little ones out here! Dyin' in 'ar arms, they are!" Clearing his throat, James is attempting to ignore the protesting, blinking his eyes but it only got louder. To which he responded, then, "I'm terribly sorry... I.. wish things were different but I'm working on it," he's saying, handing Jack the pen and waiting. "A few more, my play isn't very long."
You: Jack huffed, quickly signing down his name without thinking, before pushing the parchment at the guy and turning around to face the crowd. "Now, now, let's calm down, shall we?" He asked, before motioning to the guy. "We're talking to the rising star here, a future maestro." He said, grinning. Sometimes these people needed things explained. Not that Jack minded. They were still much more truthful than the rich lot, much more feeling and caring and knew how to share. "Which means if his plays are good, he'll need more people to work for him. Which means he'll be looking for more people." He pointed out shrugging. "He could've picked anyone really, could've gotten to the tavern and picked whomever there, but mates, he came /here/." He grinned. "You know what that means? It means that if we won't try to hunt him down with this yelling and stop being annoying, he'll come here again, for other people. That's a good situation. Now stop gawking around being annoying and at least pretend you're doing something so he won't think we're not hard working. Shoo, Shooo." He said, shaking his head, before turning to the man again. "Sorry, mate. People here get touchy about the likes of you."
Stranger: [Think we can continue elsewhere? My bunny is being a nutter at the moment and my mum's over.]
Stranger: [It's fine if you don't do it outside omegle but just thought I'd ask since this ship is so rare and I'm enjoying it.]
You: [Bunny.]
You: [beanXD]
Stranger: [OH MY GOD]
Stranger: [Gem?]
You: [aye XDXD]
Stranger: [This is amazing. I'll talk to you on Discord. I'm saving this log. <3]
Stranger: [See you in a bit.]
Stranger has disconnected.
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