#Another full month of jilymicros xD
abihastastybeans · 1 year
@jilymicrofics - June 2023
Prompt no.30: Map (ao3)
“I don’t like this at all,” Lily whined.
“Why is it such a big deal?” James asked, amusedly, throwing an arm around Lily.
“It’s embarrassing!” She burped loudly again before hiding her face in her hands and groaning. “It’s our first date and I’ve been belching all afternoon. It’s not a good impression at all.”
Lily adjusted her cloak around her and looked at the pathway lit by James’ wand. They had sneaked out through the secret passageway to the Honeydukes’ cellar to the Three Broomsticks for a quiet Sunday lunch. The village was comparatively empty than on official Hogsmeade weekends and they had spent a considerable amount of time in one of Madam Rosmerta’s booths, eating delicious steak and big tankards of ginger ale – which had inevitably bloated Lily up. They were now on their way back to the castle and Lily was infuriated that James found her mortification funny.
“It’s hardly our first date, Lily,” James replied, coolly.
“Snogging in empty rooms doesn't count as ‘dates’, James.”
James shrugged, smirking down at her. “More than snogging…”
She elbowed him in his side, hiding her own smile. “Still,” she said, fighting her blush, “You usually hide things like burping and sneezing-”
“-but why?!”
“-when on a date with a guy. Now that I’ve done it in front of you, your perfect image of me is going to be tainted.”
“Because you have gas?” James asked incredulously. “That’s a load of tosh.”
“No, it’s not, you don’t understand.”
“Lily, I’ve seen you closer than you yourself have,” James stated plainly. “You burping loudly really doesn’t matter.”
“Oh God, stop being so crass!” Lily laughed.
“I’m just saying,” he shrugged, shooting her a grin before he turned a sharp corner and continued walking.
“I should’ve just had the soup instead of eating so much.”
“No, you shouldn’t have,” he said, fishing his secret map out of his pocket. “You are not even sick to even have soup. Besides, you obviously loved the steak and chips.” After looking through the map carefully he smiled at her. “We’re clear,” he said. “Now, let’s go to the kitchen and get you some chamomile tea.”
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