#Anti Netflix
manikas-whims · 3 days
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Me looking at the alternate universe where none of my favourite shows got cancelled by greedy OTT platforms..
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fitrahgolden · 4 months
(I've been trying to resist for 9 whole hours, but I cannot. Please allow me this one short whiny post.)
- Kate and Anthony got no on-screen courtship or wedding.
- We didn't get to see them on either of their honeymoons or see them find out they are pregnant or have the baby.
- Their pregnancy announcement was cut off.
- They left for India off screen with zero fanfare. (And this constant abdication of their responsibilities goes against the very core of who these characters are.)
I could go on, but I'm trying to keep this short. Netflix knew exactly what they were doing with all the Kate and Anthony promos leading up to this season. Purposeful false advertising. They had approximately 16 minutes of screen time after being the second most promoted characters after this season's stars.
I'll still love Kate and Anthony forever and will come back for any cameos in the future, and Simone and Jonny somehow managed to still be perfect despite the shittiest of shitty writing 👏🏾👏🏾
But Netflix and Shondaland can fuck off for the blatantly dishonest marketing.
(OK, that's all.)
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stupidcowboykid · 1 year
yeah yeah. i hear ya.
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awakefor48hours · 2 years
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This is going to work so well. This totally won’t end poorly.
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mingus-archives · 25 days
Also incredibly homophobic of netflix to cancel the one (fictional) show that both Trixie and Katya have genuinely adored in like the past few years
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shifuaang · 7 months
Netflix Aang doesn't save Kyoshi Island because Kyoshi herself does that, doesn't save the Senlin Village from Hei Bai, doesn't save Makapu from the volcano because 'The Fortuneteller' was cut, doesn't get his friends out of Bumi's trap because they were busy incesting it up in the Cave of Two Lovers, doesn't resolve any differences between warring tribes, doesn't help the refugees at the Northern Air Temple liberate themselves because they live in Omashu now for some reason, doesn't stand up to Pakku and teach Katara waterbending in secret, and doesn't even attempt to waterbend at all.
What an insult to Aang as a character and what an insult to Book 1 to say they needed to "make his narrative drive clearer" and then have him do absolutely nothing in the live action. Aang wasn't just running around "looking for adventures" - he was forming meaningful connections with characters who all came back to help him in some way or another because he inspired them, he supported them, he freed them, etc. He was learning how to navigate the landscape of a world that was hugely politically and socially different than the one that he grew up in, and he did so by interacting with people from all across the globe.
It's also such a disservice to the other characters to give Aang so little influence and agency. Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors left their home because they were inspired by the Gaang's tenacity and bravery. People who had formally isolated themselves for a century came out of hiding and joined the war efforts because of Aang. Having Kyoshi herself be the one to save the island takes away the meaningfulness of Suki seeing kids her age doing something to combat the war. And this is just one example of Aang's leadership and impact as the Avatar, an air nomad honoring his culture, and an all around charming and likable kid. How pathetic is it that Netflix doesn't understand their main character at all?
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avatarfandompolice · 6 days
Oh, you wanted more bad news out of NATLA that shows that they have no idea what they’re doing?
Well, look no further!
Here’s them acting like they care about representation for blind/low vision actors and then just casting someone who isn’t anyway:
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Here’s their very detailed analysis of the purpose of the show going into the second season:
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Wow that’s crazy that the live action show is going to have live action versions of the story in the animation! Very insightful! What else is there to say?
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Wait, there were brilliant plans from Sokka in Book 1 of NATLA? Katara was actually in Book 1 too? I thought that was just a cardboard cutout of her in the background of some shots!
In all seriousness, what the actual fuck is going on here? “Aang will learn a new form of bending or two” yeah only because you literally had more screen time than the original did and spent all that time shoving in random references to prove you saw the old show while completely butchering the characters and story to the point where you couldn’t fit Aang learning waterbending in. What a fucking joke.
And the slide of “there’s no war in Ba Sing Se” in here just to do the same thing? Are we really just using out of context quotes from the original show to prove credibility in adaptation here? Is that really the extent they can go to say they honor the original? Are they so incapable of coming up with new, interesting details to add that they’re just resorting to putting memorable quotes in places where they make no sense? Guess we know these new showrunners will stay consistent with the original one.
Why in God’s name is anyone looking forward to this. Please please please let this nightmare end.
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leantailean · 8 days
I almost WANT zutara to become a canon in NATLA. in a show that completely destroyed Katara's character, and turned Zuko, a complex and tragic character, into a pale and boring version of a poor, offended boy. Kataang really has nothing to lose if it is not going to be a canon in this dull school play with bad costumes and makeup, Katara with her real character chose Aang, and nothing will change that (just like the canon well-written Zuko chose Mai). if zutara will happen in NATLA, and the zutarians accept it, it would really finally demonstrate to everyone how they treat the real Zuko and the real Katara and how they actually "respect" their characters
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artemisravencourtney · 3 months
My heart jumped in joy about Inside Job trending rn only to find out it's all like minded people who are still upset about it being cancelled. Y'all gave me so much hope for a second 😭😭
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The way Netflix has us so paranoid that good shows are going to get cancelled after their first season so we don't watch them at all to the point Neil Gaiman's stuff is on the line. Netflix done messed up.
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squirrelstone · 2 years
“Omg Jenna Ortega is so dedicated and talented she learned German, the cello, stayed up for two nights in a row to choreograph a dance, and filmed all while she had Covid!”
No. All of that doesn’t make her dedicated and talented, it makes her a victim of abuse and poor working conditions. Is she talented and dedicated? Yes. But it’s not because she pushed her body beyond what it was meant to do while also suffering from a potentially deadly virus.
It’s Millie Bobby Brown passing out mid-scene all over again, and it’s continuing to be praised instead of looking at Netflix and holding them accountable for abusing their employees. Not to mention, if this is happening to the stars of their respective shows, what do you think is happening to the rest of the cast and crew who don’t have the star power to address what’s happening to them?
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starlight-bread-blog · 7 months
As a Zutarian I actually don't ship Zutara in the live action. I don't ship anything. They're not Zuko and Katara. No one is who they're supposed to be. The only thing I'm rooting for is this atrocity getting cancelled and buried in the hall of nothing called Netflix.
So when I see this:
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I'm just confused as to why is this here. They're not gonna be endgame, obviously. So why does Zuko just casually gently trace his hand on Katara's scarf? It doesn't serve any purpose and it's weird.
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awakefor48hours · 2 years
I hate you streaming services. I hate you anti password methods. I hate you sudden cancellation of good shows to mass produce low quality shows.
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evies20dollars · 2 years
I'm so angry that Willow has been canceled and we're just barely getting scraps for ALOTO, but even more than angry, I'm just so tired-- i know streaming is awful in general for art, but the specific targeted cancellations of sapphic shows again and again is just so fucking exhausting
Fans deserve better, creators deserve better, wlw deserve better-- our stories matter regardless of what any network has to say about it
Edit: We've since that the reporting about Willow was clickbaity and in reality the show is going on a hiatus, not being canceled altogether. I'm really glad about that, but even so, I think given the overall trend of canceling sapphic shows, my point still stands
Edit again: Disney's removing Willow from Disney+ entirely because it's not enough to be cancelling our representation, the trend now is to erase us entirely so they can screw over writers by not paying them residuals, so, in summation: fuck Disney and every other streaming service
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shifuaang · 7 months
Just give it a chance! Don't be so harsh! Lower your expectations! You all are being toxic!
The gall, the audacity, the nerve, and the gumption to ask people to give the live action a free pass to be mediocre (and even downright atrocious at times) is laughable. The vast majority of you have ripped into the original show with the same stale arguments over and over and then expect the same fans you've patronized and ridiculed for almost two decades to extend grace to the remake because? it'll hurt your feelings if we don't?
It always, always comes down to the argument that the original is bad!actually because it was created by two white men, which completely disregards all of the show's consultants, animators, writers, producers, etc, many of whom were people of color and women. It has become the easy way out to pull a Bryke card when dealing with any aspect of ATLA that people don't personally enjoy, largely because of shipping reasons. It's so disingenuous and hypocritical, as I have seen the same 'fans' who lambast the original try to get actual POC and Buddhists fired from their jobs, doxxed, or run out of the fandom just for enjoying the canon or certain ships. You don't actually care about anything you're arguing for or against.
Meanwhile, you are willing to make an exception for and be open towards a show produced by Netflix - a streaming service that:
a) is destroying the film industry through homogenization and capitalism b) notoriously cancels its original shows created by marginalized peoples/featuring diverse characters to make room in the budget for mainstream garbage c) treated its writers so poorly that they had to go on strike for nearly half a year d) hired an actor from a fraudulent tribe to play Sokka (even if he has native ancestry, they still perpetuated colorism by giving the role of a dark-skinned character to a light-skinned actor)
So forgive me if I'm unwilling to 'lower my expectations' just because you decided you can't enjoy a show that is basically "what if every horrible fanon take was made canon?" unless the whole fandom is enjoying it with you. I am not going to stop criticizing something that very much deserves the scrutiny it is receiving.
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the-oddest-inkling · 8 months
It's hating Netflix for cancelling Lockwood & Co and Shadow and Bone hour
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