#Anti Solo
Solo's are not your friends
An advice to any ot7 shippers or heavy biased armys, please for the love of God follow accounts that are not just centred around the two or one member you heavily bias. If you find yourself constantly buying into the idea that your favourite member is being heavily mistreated and is the biggest victim of the evil company then please realise you've found yourself in an echo chamber.
This echo chamber consists of people who are either full solos or halfway into solo territory. Talking with actual ot7 armys and keeping up with what the members are actually saying in good faith will help you see for yourself how manipulative and downright abusive a lot of solo/shipper narratives can be.
This is not me trying to say that Hybe is a perfect company that can do no wrong. It has messed up at multiple occasions for each member, even the ones some people consider here as the company favourites. It is why I don't think any of it is a malicious attempt but simply missteps and over presumptions on their half on armys and their reasons for supporting bangtan.
If the only people who are giving you updates on each member are solos who've already made up their minds that their fav is the true victim and everyone in the group secretly hates their fav and our conspiring against them, then you're setting yourself up for an absolute miserable experience. The victimising narratives are not just harmful to the members and their autonomy but also to the fan who feels like they're in a constant war to rescue their fav member from the 'great evil' that is bangtan. It's all very manipulative and mentally taxing.
So please I beg diversify your timelines with not just ot7 armys but other interests you may have as well. While bangtan are the comfort zones for many people myself included, I'm not going to pretend that the constant intense discourse has not impacted my own mental health multiple times. Take a break from them if you're feeling too overwhelmed, they'll always be there doing their own things.
Loving bangtan for me has been one of my longest experiences in any fandom ever, and one way I've kept that love alive has been through taking well spaced breaks and watching original content outside of what online spaces have been saying.
And repeat with me : Solo's are all antis.
Take care of yourself, and like namjoon said protect yourself now .
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tljisthegoat · 3 months
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Reylo being the heart of Star Wars (much like Anidala before them) is showcased beautifully in TLJ & barely there in TROS.
I'll never understand how incompetent JJ Abrams is at making a fucking Star Wars movie. Like I'm sitting here thinking "How tf is this dude still making movies??? Why is he the definition of boring? Why is he so blind to how Rian Johnson almost saved The Sequel Trilogy by fixing the mess you made"
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polaroid240 · 23 days
STEAL HIS LOOK (literally)
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emblazons · 1 year
Thinking about this post by @pholiabanna and wondering how everyone (including the nebulous “GA”) understood bedroom decor + poster implications for the character’s primary attraction with this for Steve
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And this for Billy
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And even this for Nance—
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—but the implications of this/these (+ the one-way-into-the-closet street sign) for Mike is lost on everyone.
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Just. You know. Wondering why that might be
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sadboyhrs · 1 year
Steve is the best ally-
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Steve supports Nancy-
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Steve is a great big brother figure-
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Steve would always protect the kids-
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Steve is a good fighter-
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Hopper loves Steve like a son-
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dalekofchaos · 5 months
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Honestly, her taking the Skywalker name isn't the part that bothers me… if they had stuck to her being a nobody. If her parents really were just drunks who abandoned her, if it really was just luck of the draw that she was born with the Force, then that moment where she chooses her own destiny could have been really powerful. Where you start doesn't choose who you become, you do.
Instead they ruined it by making her related to Palpatine, so it's just HIS line stealing the Skywalker name after he destroyed all of their lives in his pursuit of power.
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rainbowsky · 1 month
🟡 PSA regarding Weibo comments 🟡
Please be advised that GG's solos have launched a coordinated anti campaign against DD in the comments of any post from official accounts connected to him.
We should all just ignore and not get involved with the intense fan wars that are brewing there (this is never more true than when on C-social media), but I want to warn everyone of one of the tactics they have been using to get their comments ranked higher.
Some of them have been using the 🟡 in their comments so that unwitting turtles will upvote them. If you regularly go into the comments of posts to upvote turtle comments, please pay close attention to what you are upvoting, because you could be upvoting an anti post from a toxic solo.
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ursie · 7 months
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darklinaforever · 1 month
It kills me that the nostalgia that makes part of the Star Wars fandom idealize the Jedi and refuse to see them as flawed and corrupt in their system is so powerful. Just look at the critical receptions from some viewers to The Last Jedi, and now The Acolyte. It's amazing that these idiots didn't learn from their mistakes and reproduced the same pattern of criticism on the show. Idealization of past figures due to nostalgia, therefore refusing a more nuanced or even negative treatment which is objectively true (with Luke, therefore the Jedi and again the Jedi in The Acolyte), misogyny (against any female characters present / with It matters even more if the main protagonist is therefore a woman) racist (against any character who is not white, and even worse when it comes this time to the two main protagonists of the story) and anti romance (against Reylo and Oshamir, while Wtf Anakin and Padme, Han & Leia, Hera & Kanan, Jyn & Cassian or even Revan & Bastilla from the Legend extended universe ?) on the program !
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
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Some of yall are really going mask off with how easily you're throwing shade on other members for totally normal interactions. Like if the only way you can believe jikook are together is by undermining their relationships with the rest of the members then you truly don't understand their bond. It's just a competition to you, all about winning the ship war.
Like yes, I still think jikook are together and I don't need to constantly prove that they're the only two members 'genuinely close' to one another or that they're the only ones who 'know each other well' to support it. That's a very unhealthy way to look at human relationships, like jeez .
Really sad how much solo rhetoric has infiltrated this space especially through some big accounts I used to genuinely like, but i guess it was only a matter of time.
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swiftieinbrazil · 11 months
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Taylor Swift and her nominations record at the 66th Annual Grammy Awards
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mulaplateada · 8 months
toda la cuestion milei, zionismo, hamas, me deja muy en claro como muchos bien intencionados en la izquierda y en el peronismo no tienen mucha idea de estos temas y terminan reproduciendo la paranoia con el terrorismo sirio colombiano comando mapuche irani de hezbollah de los macristas/mileistas
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vee-nyx · 2 months
ben solo is really such a masterpiece of a character…the only child of the skywalker lineage, raised by the greatest heroes in the galaxy, but still so lonely in his childhood because of his parents’ fame and their disapproval of his strong emotions. he feels isolated from his family because they’re all so good and he can’t live up to them. he’s so angry and passionate and human in the face of his larger-than-life role models.
then he finds out from a newsreel that the most angry, passionate, powerful Force-user in history is his grandfather, and it all makes sense. his parents were afraid he’d realize where those traits came from and justify them via connection to his grandfather, and he does. he clings to every bit of information he can find because he does have a family member like him, he’s not a lone hurricane in an ocean of peaceful warriors, but his family made him feel that way for years. so palpatine seizes his opportunity: he speaks as “vader”, playing into ben’s perception of his grandfather’s darkness and manipulating him into following the same path, and it works (for a while).
but goddamn if anakin skywalker is going to let his only grandchild’s life be destroyed like his was. he saved his son for a reason, dammit! so he fights right back against palpatine’s “vader” and relentlessly pulls his stubborn idiot of a grandson who is so much like him back towards the light. but he can’t do it alone and the Force knows this, so it does a favor for the Chosen One and creates the first dyad in generations between ben and rey. between a boy whose family ostracized him and a girl whose family abandoned her.
ben feels it the first time he meets her: the power, the connection, and he thinks he’s finally found his own apprentice. so he tries and fights and kills his own master to protect her, but he’s skywalker stubborn and can’t just let go of everything he’s done as kylo ren. can’t go back to being ben, the unwanted nuisance who felt too much and knew too little. but then she rejects his hand as kylo and says she wants ben. she wants the lonely, angry, passionate boy who laughed and cried, smiled and scowled, loved and hated, and that boy wants her too. but that boy is still guilty and haunted and has spent so much of his life (as kylo and ben) being told he’s not good enough, but she makes him want to believe that he is.
but then she dies, and the Force goes so quiet that ben wonders if he’s lost his connection to it altogether. he holds her and spirals because she was good enough and he couldn’t save her but then he realizes she’s not gone yet and he can save her, he can finish what his grandfather truly started and save the woman he loves, but it can’t be for himself. he saves her selflessly and smiles even as he feels the Force leave him because he did it. ben solo’s first and last act without palpatine swaying his mind is to sacrifice himself for rey because he knows she’s better than him, that she’ll do more good in the galaxy to undo all the bad he did as kylo.
just. something about a boy who didn’t even know the full skywalker lineage fulfilling the wish that started it all. something about a boy who never lived up to expectations independently performing the greatest act of powerful selflessness in generations.
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evermore-crow · 2 years
“It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti hero…”
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Hmm, actually not that hard.
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Hello Rainbowsky,
I know, hiking CPN can be washed by saying WYB went to Inner Mongolia to see the shooting location for his upcoming movie and may be went on hiking when he had free time.
But, WYB who never posts more than 1 personal picture in an entire year, decided to post his hiking pictures even when the picture location matches with the shooting location of XZ and there were heavy rumours of him visiting XZ.
Also, he went to Japan and other places for seeing shooting location but he did not post pictures from there. People are also saying that if it was for movie he will not spoil the location before movie releases.
Rainbowsky, what do you think?
Hi Anon,
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It's true that there are people trying to wash this whole Inner Mongolia thing. It just goes with the territory. In fact, the bigger and stronger the CPN, the harder people work to wash it.
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
It's not really washable. In part because there's not enough information available to independently verify or debunk anything, sure, but also for all the reasons everyone's been discussing lately.
The location
DD's filming locations are not known at this point. Somehow (and I can't possibly express how thoroughly impressed I am by this) the film set has been so totally locked down that nothing has leaked from it, to the degree that no one even knows for sure that the project is currently filming, or where. So people claiming he was there for filming... that's speculation.
The film synopsis solos are relying on to wash this CPN talks about the character we'd presume to be DD's (it's the only young man mentioned) being from "the heart of" the Great Khinogan Mountains.
The Wulanhada volcano park that DD was photographed by is not anywhere near that area.
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We don't know exactly where GG is filming so we can't get too carried away about it, but it's pretty disingenuous for people to claim DD was there for filming when it's not anywhere near where his character is supposed to be from, and the terrain around the volcano park is totally different from the terrain where DD's character is from (would probably not make a good stand-in location for that region).
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Wulanhada volcano park, left - Great Khinogan Mountains, right
Of course it's not impossible that he was there for filming, but given what little we know (the same information solos are trying to use to wash this), it seems unlikely.
It's also possible he went there directly from Beijing, but that's a 5 hour drive at minimum, so wouldn't likely have been a day trip. And DD isn't going to post a photo of himself at GG's filming location, he's going to post one that says what he wants to say while still maintaining plausible deniability. This volcano park is perfectly situated to provide all of that.
Aside from that - as turtles have already pointed out - why would DD share photos from the area where he's filming, when this film has been so very locked down until now? It doesn't make any sense at all. Keeping locations secret is what's been protecting this film from leaks and stalkers.
The content
It's pretty interesting that we've seen enormously popular photos from GG (his birthday post has over 33.7 million likes, while the Xiao Zhan Studio birthday photos post is at 4 million likes), featuring him hiking in the wilds and hanging out in campground areas, and then we get something similar from DD who, as you said, rarely shares personal photos anymore.
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They both seem to be very outdoorsy lately!
For two people who - according to solos - are 'trying desperately to get out from under the tyranny of this delusional CP', they sure are making some big mistakes about how to appear to be very different people living very different lives...
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His and his B&W Leicas
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His and his credit card iPhone cases
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His and his Gucci lion head necklaces
Yeah, they're really putting in every effort to shake this 'reputation destroying', 'horribly toxic' ship! 🙄
More on that here.
The timing
This is the biggest thing, and in my opinion what we should be focusing on the most. Because as far as I'm concerned, this post is a statement - a very loud and clear one.
DD is being (yet again) attacked with these horrible, laughably false (like, seriously - the photos are clearly of a woman who is much shorter and smaller than DD) rumors about him attending a concert with a particular actress, and suddenly the supertopic for that 'CP' is shut down and we get photos from DD that point to a totally different CP. One that he's supposedly trying to 'shake off'.
Then we see him partying it up openly, publicly, at a concert for his dear friend Da Zhangwei. Not even wearing a mask, so everyone is free to fully identify and photograph him.
It seems to me that DD is sending a pretty clear message:
I'm not dating an actress, I'm with GG
I don't need to disguise myself as a woman to go see a concert
And this is exactly what happened last time these kinds of inflammatory rumors were circulating about him with that same actress. People were claiming that the actress was wearing the same bone necklace as him (with a blurry photo where the necklace couldn't even be seen), so GG released footage wearing a Gucci lion head necklace that DD had previously worn for a race.
GG and DD don't fuck around.
So while I'll tag this with my regular "the mysteries of yizhan" tag that I use for all candy/CPN, there really is no mystery here at all. DD is fed up with this bullshit and won't stand for it.
In fact I was just saying to a friend the other day that the biggest mystery I have about GGDD these days is, how do solos manage to remain solos? They have access to the same information we do. 😅
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