#Anti-viral drugs Market
sparkgroup11 · 2 years
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sandyron456 · 2 years
7th Nov 2022  Anti-Viral Drugs  Market SWOT Analysis, Future Growth, Major Key Players, Opportunity and Forecast 2030
Anti-viral drugs are used to treat viral infections and are the only agents acting against viruses as either other drugs are ineffective or too toxic.
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screamingfromuz · 11 months
Hi there! I am reaching out because someone sent me a question about how to help Gazan civilians without accidentally helping Hamas or spreading more hate against Israelis. I honestly feel lost on this myself, but as far as I can tell you are someone who has done real activism in Israel. Do you have suggestions for diaspora Jews who want to help fight for peace?
So a small disclaimer to the Gaza problem. We have 2 main problems with getting aid into Gaza, the first is the limited amount of aid that is allowed in, sending more money cannot make it go in faster. Problem number 2 is that much of the physical aid ends in Hamas's hands or in the black market and there is nothing we can do with that. I have heard recommendations to wait and see who opens a field hospital on the Rafah border crossing, and donate to them. Despite that, here are some charities to help Palestinians both in and out of Gaza.
I will admit, most of my activism is focused on deradicalization on the Israeli side and solidarity work, so I had to ask around for some of those charities. Some of the groups I know of do not currently have an international donation link, so if I get more good ones, I'll make another post.
Medical aid for Palestinians-
Doctors without borders-
Palestinians outside of Gaza and Peace movements:
Palestinian red Crescent- they also work in Gaza, but as the main source for Palestinian ambulances in the WB, I put them here.
mistaclim (Looking the occupation the the eye)- this group is helping to protect Palestinians from the illegal settlers
Keshet- this is a big one. they support Bedouin communities in normal times, and now they are working on getting bomb shelters to the unrecognized villages, and providing a mental health first aid line.
standing together- totally biased, as I am a member of this organization.
Women wage peace- a feminist based solidarity group
Haqel- they represents Palestinians in cases related to land ownership and access. there work is still ongoing even during the war
Center for Jewish non Violence - a diaspora org that also does a lot of work in the South Hebron Hills.
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macgyvermedical · 9 months
Magic Bullets: The Antibiotic Story
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The year was 1907 and a Dr. Alfred Bertheim was trying to make arsenic less toxic to humans.
Why? Because in addition to killing humans, arsenic also kills trypanosomes- single-celled protozoa that cause the life-threatening infection trypanosomiasis. By creating a version of arsenic that still killed the protozoa, but not the human they infected, Dr. Bertheim could create a drug to treat the disease*.
This was not a fully new idea. About 50 years earlier, a drug called Atoxyl had been created in France. About 40 times less toxic than pure arsenic, it had been shown to not only successfully treat trypanosomiasis, but also the equally devastating syphilis infection.
But 40 times less toxic than pure arsenic is still not great. About 2% of people treated even one time with the drug ended up blind, among a myriad of other side effects. It was a start, but not ideal.
And Dr. Bertheim (under the direction of better-known Dr. Paul Ehrlich) was setting out to change that.
And it just so happened that the sixth compound from the sixth group he tried did so. Known as "compound 606", the new Arsphenamine could treat trypanosomiasis, relapsing fever, and syphilis very effectively- and it didn't leave its takers dead or blind.
Most of the time, at least. See, arsphenamine, also known by the brand name salvarsan, was a pain in the ass to administer. It had to be dissolved in several hundred mililiters of water under a nitrogen atmosphere to prepare it for administration. If it touched air, it would rapidly react, causing toxic byproducts that could cause liver failure, severe skin rashes, and even death.
But both trypanosomiasis and syphilis were definitely going to kill you, so it was worth the risk.
And the seed had been planted, so to say. The idea of a chemical able to kill infection-causing agents without killing the host was a true possibility for the future of medicine.
And by 1912, Neosalvarsan, a drug somewhat less effective -but far easier to administer and with significantly fewer side effects- was on the market. Over the next decade, Neosalvarsan would be responsible for a massive drop in syphilis cases worldwide.
But neither of the drugs could treat deadly infections from staph or strep or the hundreds of other bacterial or viral infections that still had no cure in the 1910's and 1920's.
Then came the first of the heavy-hitters. Bayer was a dye company when it started, and in 1932, three and a half decades after switching mostly to pharmaceuticals, chemists at Bayer were testing the company's dyes for anti-infective properties. They went through thousands of trials, finally finding a dye that could kill streptococcal bacteria without killing a mouse host.
Pre-1930s, streptococcal disease was a major problem. It caused strep throat, cellulitis, scarlet fever, childbed (purpural) fever, some forms of toxic shock syndrome, impetigo, necrotizing fasciitis, rheumatic fever, and many others. The skin infections may have been at least somewhat treatable with a hot compress, but the rest were prone to cause blindness, deafness, loss of limbs, and for many, loss of life.
In 1936, sulfonamide antibiotics changed that. Protosil, the first of the sulfonamides, became available to treat many of the infections listed above. These would be used for wound infections throughout WWII. Unfortunately, they would also cause the untimely death of nearly 100 people via the Elixer Sulfanilamide tragedy.
Sulfanilamide was a similar drug to Prontosil and was safe and effective for treating strep infections. However, when mixed with diethylene glycol (now used as standard car antifreeze) to make it into a liquid suspension, it was deadly. See this letter from a doctor who had prescribed the liquid form of the medication, not knowing it was poison:
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[to read more about the Elixer Sulfanilamide Disaster, see here]
Despite the sulfanilamide tragedy, the race was on for more antibiotics. Three years before they went on the market, researchers had found evidence of bacterial resistance to sulfonamides. What would happen when these new bacteria, that didn't die when exposed to the new wonder drug, made up so much of the bacterial population?
In 1942, the Cocoanut Grove fire in Boston caused over 492 deaths and 130 injuries. The injured were among the first to receive a remarkable new drug called penicillin. The fire and the fate of the victims were publicized throughout the world, and penicillin became a household name overnight. But once again, even before it went on the market in 1943, just in time for the end of the Second World War, there was evidence of resistance.
But fortunately, the fire had been sparked. Over the next 30 years, many dozens of antibiotics would come into clinical use. If you've taken it, it probably came out between 1940 and 1970. Tetracycline, isoniazid, metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, vancomycin, amoxicillin, and dozens more you've never heard of.
And then? Nothing.
Well, not completely nothing, there were a couple that came out in the 1980s and a few in the early 2000s. But nothing like that 30-year golden age.
But now we're running into problems due to drug resistance. About 1.27 million people die annually directly from antibiotic resistant infection, while antibiotic resistance contributes to about 4.95 million more deaths.
The good news is that the drugs that are being made today are directly targeting those antibiotic resistant infections. In fact, as I'm writing this, a new drug (Zosurabalpin) is being tested for a bacteria called Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, which up until now has had no antibiotic that works against it.
*as you may imagine for the time period, this was not necessarily a benevolent act. See, most of the reason Europeans wanted to treat trypanosomiasis in the first place was because they kept dying of it when they went to colonize Africa. And they wanted something that would give them a leg up on the people who were already there.
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mightyflamethrower · 9 months
Do SSRI Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings? A Closer Look at Decades of Evidence
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This article originally appeared on midwesterndoctor.com and was republished with permission.
Guest post by A Midwestern Doctor
Story at a Glance: •SSRI antidepressants have a variety of horrendous side effects. These include sometimes causing the individual to become agitated, feeling they can’t be in their skin, turning psychotic, and occasionally becoming violently psychotic.
•During these psychoses, individuals can have out of body experiences where they commit lethal violence either to themselves or others. •As lawsuits later showed, this violent behavior (and the frequent suicides that followed it) were observed throughout the SSRI clinical trials, but were covered up by the SSRI manufacturers and then the drug regulators (e.g., the FDA). •Once the SSRIs entered the market, there has been a wave of SSRI suicides and unspeakable acts of violence. •Sadly, the idea that SSRIs could cause any of this has always been viewed as a “conspiracy theory” or “mistaking correlation with causation” because very few are aware of the extensive evidence linking SSRIs to violent and psychotic behavior—despite it now being on the warning label of those drugs. Most holistic doctors consider Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) anti-depressants to be one of most harmful mass-prescribed drugs on the market (it typically makes their top 5). However unlike the other drugs, which are just unsafe and ineffective, SSRIs also have a fairly unique problem—they can kill people who are not even taking the drugs. Note: other common contenders for that list are Statins, NSAIDs (e.g., ibuprofen), and acid reflux medications (proton pump inhibitors like prilosec). The harms and irrationality of those drugs are discussed here, here and here.
What follows is a revised and updated article summarizing the extreme dangers of those drugs I was requested by a few readers to write in light of recent tragic events.
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Since SSRIs first entered the market, many have noticed the unusual correlation between their consumption and completely out of character violently psychotic behavior, such as extremely disturbing homicides or suicides being committed by the individual. As the years have gone by, more and more evidence has accumulated (e.g., through lawsuits against the drug companies) that SSRIs cause psychotic violence, and in parallel, as the usage of these drugs has spiked, more and more grisly killings have occurred. Note: a minority of people who take SSRIs greatly benefit from them (particularly those who have deficient methylation), while others (particularly those who have excessive methylation or deficient liver metabolism of SSRIs) tend to have the worst reactions (e.g., violent psychosis). While this is relatively easy to screen for, because there is a general unwillingness to acknowledge that SSRIs could be dangerous, almost no one in the medical field assess for this prior to starting the drugs or changing their dosages. That subject is discussed further here.
As you might imagine, there are many taboo areas in medicine (e.g., suggesting that vaccines can cause neurological damage to children). However, out of all of them, I’ve found by far the most hostility is directed towards anyone who insinuates mass shootings may be linked to SSRIs (e.g., I got in quite a bit of professional trouble for doing this in the past).
One of the first articles I wrote on Substack (on 5-27-22) was about this topic. It went viral and since then I’ve noticed there has gradually been more and more people who have been willing to speak out on it. I attribute this to the current political climate (the Trump presidency and the vaccine mandates has made conservatives much more willing to question both big media and big Pharma) being one where this message wanted to be heard and other conservative commentators seeing a large audience for it existed .
Note: I edited out the political commentary from this segment. The full version of it can be viewed here.
Since that time, other prominent conservatives have spoken out on this issue (e.g., Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene). Conversely, the horror of the “far-right hysteria against SSRIs” has become a talking point of the left (e.g., see this Huffington Post piece and this Slate piece)—something I suspect is due to the high rates of psychiatric medication usage in the modern left and big Pharma buying out the Democratic party during Obama’s presidency.
Fortunately, those attacks did not work, and the violent risks of SSRI’s have gradually become more acceptable to talk about (e.g., RFK Jr. has mentioned them during his presidential campaign and not backed down when challenged on the point). In turn, each time a mass shooting happens, the same script is repeated (we need to ban all guns and have more mental health care [i.e. psyche meds] for everyone). Fortunately, this script is losing its appeal and SSRIs are more and more frequently being mentioned each time a mass shooting happens.
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xtruss · 10 months
EL LOCO! Tantric Sex and Dog Cloning: A Guide to Argentina’s Trash Trumpy New President
Leftist-hating Libertarian Javier Milei won the Nation's Presidency in a Runoff Election Sunday Night. The Former American President, Donald J. Trump, is a Big Fan
— By Nikki McCann Ramirez | Rollingstone | November 20, 2023
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Javier Milei speaks to supporters after winning the Presidential election runoff at his party headquarters in Buenos Aires, Argentina on November 19, 2023. Luis Robayo/AFP/Getty Images
Argentina has elected a self-described anarcho-capitalist libertarian Javier Milei as its next president. The result of Sunday’s runoff election will mean sweeping changes to the second-largest economy in South America, which will now be helmed by one of the most bizarre figures in modern politics.
An economist-turned-legislator, Milei’s abrasive political stylings, unruly mop of hair, anti-communist ravings, and taste for conspiracies have earned him comparisons to Donald Trump, and support from right-wing figures within American media and international politics.
While wielding chainsaws as campaign props and sporting “Make Argentina Great Again” hats, Milei, nicknamed “El Loco,” has promised drastic cuts to government spending and social programs in order to curb skyrocketing inflation. As Argentina braces for what promises to be one of its most consequential presidencies in decades, here’s what you need to know about Javier Milei.
He’s an Anarcho-Capitalist Libertarian … Most of the Time
Basically, Milei wants a much, much, much, smaller government, charged only with the maintenance of justice and state security. In a viral video, Milei was filmed ripping tags with the names of a slew of government agencies off of a whiteboard. The ministries on his chopping block include: Education (“Indoctrination”); Culture; Environment and Sustainable Development; Women, Genders and Diversity; Public Works; Science, Technology and Innovation; Transportation; Health; and Social development.
They are all “out,” as he put it, “Even if [they] resist.”
As a libertarian, Milei supports the legalization of sex work, increased civilian access to guns, and the decriminalization of drugs. He has also stated that he is largely indifferent to same-sex marriage and issues of gender expression. However, his commitment to personal freedoms has been described as inconsistent when compared to his ultra-conservative views on abortion, which he opposes in virtually all circumstances, including instances of rape. Earlier this year, Milei proposed Argentina hold a referendum to overturn the law that established a right to abortion in 2020.
He Says He’s a Tantric Sex Guru
Milei’s journey into politics began largely through appearances on various Argentinian TV channels. In one interview, Milei revealed that he was not only a libertarian in an economic sense but also in his personal life.
“Yes, yes, yes,” Milei responded when asked if he supported open relationships and non-monogamy, adding that in his view, relationships should operate under the same principles of competition as the free market. “I don’t like monopolies,” he said.
In another interview, Milei spoke openly about having had threesomes and previously working as a tantric sex coach. At one point Milei revealed that through his tantra practice, he was able to hold off ejaculation for up to three months.
Interestingly enough, Milei considered comprehensive sex education to be a form of socialist indoctrination by the left.
He Cloned his Dead Dog and Consults the Clones for Political Advice
Milei considered his now-deceased English Mastiff Conan (named after Conan the Barbarian) his child, so much so that he had him cloned. Milei now owns four of those cloned mastiffs, one named after the original Conan and the others after famous conservative economists. He considers the clones his grandchildren. In his view, cloning is a way to “approach eternity.”
The president-elect dedicated his victory on Sunday to his fur babies, but it’s not the first time Conan and his progeny have been referenced as an integral part of his campaign. Milei revealed earlier this year that he communicates with his four-legged children via a mystic and that each dog serves a distinct advisory role.
Milei has also indicated that through his medium, he has been able to communicate with famous economists like Murray Rothbard and Ayn Rand. He’s even claimed to have communicated with God, who convinced him to launch a career in politics.
He Supports the Sale of Human Organs, and Maybe Kids
Free-market-loving Milei has indicated his support for private sale of human organs.
In June of last year, Milei stated that he would legalize the sale of organs, which is currently illegal in Argentina: “If you have your daughter about to die, and you need to pay for a [medical] intervention. If someone wants to buy your kidney and you could sell it to them. The solution is very painful, you are giving up an organ and, if you also add state regulations, it is worse. I’m talking about social cooperation and voluntary exchanges. It’s the decision of individuals.”
“If liberalism is the unrestricted respect for the life of others, based on the principle of non-aggression and in defense of the right to life, freedom and property; and my first property is my body, then why shouldn’t I be able to do what I want with my body?” he said in another interview.
The comments generated controversy as Milei was essentially suggesting that an individual sell a kidney and undergo invasive surgery in order to afford a separate life-saving medical procedure for a loved one. Additionally, the black market trade of organs has frequently been associated with organized crime in many South American countries, and often results in the exploitation of poor individuals.
What Milei was willing to see on the free market once again generated controversy when he suggested that he might be open to the sale of children. In 2022, when asked if he would support the right to sell one’s kids, Milei responded “it depends.”
He clarified that while he personally wouldn’t sell a child, it’s all a matter of context. “It is not what Argentine society is discussing, perhaps 200 years from now,” he added.
Milei later claimed that his comments had been misrepresented, and that he was “obviously not in favor of the sale of children.”
He’s an Anarcho-Capitalist Libertarian … Most of the Time
Basically, Milei wants a much, much, much, smaller government, charged only with the maintenance of justice and state security. In a viral video, Milei was filmed ripping tags with the names of a slew of government agencies off of a whiteboard. The ministries on his chopping block include: Education (“Indoctrination”); Culture; Environment and Sustainable Development; Women, Genders and Diversity; Public Works; Science, Technology and Innovation; Transportation; Health; and Social development.
They are all “out,” as he put it, “Even if [they] resist.”
As a libertarian, Milei supports the legalization of sex work, increased civilian access to guns, and the decriminalization of drugs. He has also stated that he is largely indifferent to same-sex marriage and issues of gender expression. However, his commitment to personal freedoms has been described as inconsistent when compared to his ultra-conservative views on abortion, which he opposes in virtually all circumstances, including instances of rape. Earlier this year, Milei proposed Argentina hold a referendum to overturn the law that established a right to abortion in 2020.
He Says He’s a Tantric Sex Guru
The president-elect dedicated his victory on Sunday to his fur babies, but it’s not the first time Conan and his progeny have been referenced as an integral part of his campaign. Milei revealed earlier this year that he communicates with his four-legged children via a mystic and that each dog serves a distinct advisory role.
Milei has also indicated that through his medium, he has been able to communicate with famous economists like Murray Rothbard and Ayn Rand. He’s even claimed to have communicated with God, who convinced him to launch a career in politics.
He Supports the Sale of Human Organs, and Maybe Kids
Free-market-loving Milei has indicated his support for private sale of human organs.
In June of last year, Milei stated that he would legalize the sale of organs, which is currently illegal in Argentina: “If you have your daughter about to die, and you need to pay for a [medical] intervention. If someone wants to buy your kidney and you could sell it to them. The solution is very painful, you are giving up an organ and, if you also add state regulations, it is worse. I’m talking about social cooperation and voluntary exchanges. It’s the decision of individuals.”
“If liberalism is the unrestricted respect for the life of others, based on the principle of non-aggression and in defense of the right to life, freedom and property; and my first property is my body, then why shouldn’t I be able to do what I want with my body?” he said in another interview.
The comments generated controversy as Milei was essentially suggesting that an individual sell a kidney and undergo invasive surgery in order to afford a separate life-saving medical procedure for a loved one. Additionally, the black market trade of organs has frequently been associated with organized crime in many South American countries, and often results in the exploitation of poor individuals.
What Milei was willing to see on the free market once again generated controversy when he suggested that he might be open to the sale of children. In 2022, when asked if he would support the right to sell one’s kids, Milei responded “it depends.”
He clarified that while he personally wouldn’t sell a child, it’s all a matter of context. “It is not what Argentine society is discussing, perhaps 200 years from now,” he added.
Milei later claimed that his comments had been misrepresented, and that he was “obviously not in favor of the sale of children.”
He’s a Fan of Fascist Trump, and Fascist Trump is a Fan of Him
Following Milei’s victory on Sunday, Trump congratulated him on Truth Social. “Congratulations to Javier Milei on a great race for President of Argentina. The whole world was watching! I am very proud of you,” the former president wrote. “You will turn your Country around and truly Make Argentina Great Again!”
It’s true that Milei has embraced his own version of MAGA politics, and even sported his own “Make Argentina Great Again” hats.
A staunch populist who pulled off a dark horse bid for the presidency amidst a wave of public ire at the establishment, the comparisons between Trump and Milei are plain to see, with uniquely bizarre hairstyles to boot. Milei followed one of Trump’s most infamous tactics in his own rise to the presidency: preemptively claiming election interference to guard against a potential loss.
Milei has expressed his desire to improve the relationship between the United States, and with Trump remaining the clear frontrunner in the Republican primaries, a future relationship with Milei could mirror Trump’s past relationship with other right-wing leaders in the Americas like Brazil’s former president, Jair Bolsonaro.
He REALLY Hates the Left
Milei is, at heart, a culture warrior. A soldier in the batalla cultural unfolding in Latin America and South America, Milei, like many of the American right’s most staunch culture warlords, is bitterly antagonistic to leftist politics.
“Leftist sons of whores,” “shit leftists,” and “filthy leftists” are just some of the descriptors Milei uses to describe his political opposition, and much of his rhetoric regarding progressive values is practically a word-for-word translation of the kind of language used by the American right.
Milei accuses “cultural Marxists” of promoting feminism, environmental sustainability, gender ideology, diversity initiatives, and social welfare that (in his opinion) will inevitably turn Argentina into a socialist hellscape. Sound familiar?
“You can’t give leftist pieces of shit even a millimeter because if you give them a millimeter they will use it to destroy you,” he exclaimed in a now-viral interview earlier this year. In his own political platform, Milei has promised to take the metaphorical chainsaw to Argentinian government bodies and organizations who he sees as the most prominent promoters of leftist ideology.
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pandemic-info · 1 year
Vaccines currently in development
(I did not create this list and I'm sorry I don't know the original OP who compiled it.)
These are all currently in development to come to market in the next 2 years. If just one really works it will be a game changer
MT-001 a novel protein component vaccine candidate, MT-001, based on a fragment of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that encompasses the receptor binding domain (RBD) | A SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Designed for Manufacturability Results in Unexpected Potency and Non-Waning Humoral Response - https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/11/4/832 Mice and hamsters immunized with a prime-boost regimen of MT-001 demonstrated extremely high anti-spike IgG titers, and remarkably this humoral response did not appreciably wane for up to 12 months following vaccination. Further, virus neutralization titers, including titers against variants such as Delta and Omicron BA.1, remained high without the requirement for subsequent boosting.
DCFHP a ferritin-based, protein-nanoparticle vaccine candidate that, when formulated with aluminum hydroxide as the sole adjuvant (DCFHP-alum), elicits potent and durable neutralizing antisera in non-human primates against known VOCs, including Omicron BQ.1, as well as against SARS-CoV-1. | A ferritin-based COVID-19 nanoparticle vaccine that elicits robust, durable, broad-spectrum neutralizing antisera in non-human primates https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10110616/#MOESM3
ISM3312 a COVID-19 drug entirely designed by generative AI works by inhibiting a protein called 3CL protease — a critical factor in viral replication and a popular target for anti-COVID drugs. Unlike similar therapeutics, it works on a very broad spectrum — showing efficacy not only against all current COVID variants, but also coronaviruses other than SARS-CoV-2. As such, it may possess the ability to resist future mutations, providing a solution to drug-resistant strains. | ‘It’s perfect’: World’s first generative AI-designed COVID drug to start clinical trials https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2023/02/23/its-perfect-worlds-first-generative-ai-designed-covid-drug-to-start-clinical-trials.html
BNT162b4, composed of a T cell antigen mRNA encoding for SARS-CoV-2 non-spike proteins that are highly conserved across a broad range of SARS-CoV-2 variants and will be evaluated in combination with the Omicron BA.4/BA.5-adapted bivalent COVID-19 vaccine | Pfizer and BioNTech Advance Next-Generation COVID-19 Vaccine Strategy with Study Start of Candidate Aimed at Enhancing Breadth of T cell Responses and Duration of Protection https://investors.biontech.de/news-releases/news-release-details/pfizer-and-biontech-advance-next-generation-covid-19-vaccine
25F9 and 20A7 identified as two highly potent broadly neutralizing antibodies, making them promising prophylactic candidates against sarbecovirus infection |Broadly neutralizing antibodies against sarbecoviruses generated by immunization of macaques with an AS03-adjuvanted COVID-19 vaccine – Science Translational Medicine – https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scitranslmed.adg7404
ChAd-SARS-CoV-2-BA.5-S, which encodes for a pre- fusion and surface-stabilized S protein of the BA.5 strain. | A bivalent ChAd nasal vaccine protects against SARS-CoV-2 BQ.1.1 and XBB.1.5 infection and disease in mice and hamsters https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.05.04.539332v1
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medicineforcare · 4 days
Levoquin 500mg
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Levoquin 500 MG is an antibacterial medicine containing 500MG of Levofloxacin as the main ingredient. Levoquin 500MG can help in the treatment of different types of bacterial infections and stop the growth of bacteria in the body.
Levoquin 500 MG is a higher dosage version of Levoquin 250 MG which means that it contains more amount of Levofloxacin ingredients so it’s recommended for severe infections or the age of the patient. Use it with the prescription of the doctor.
Levoquin 500MG is a specialist in the treatment of infections like respiratory issues, urinary tract infections, bone and joint infections, and more.
Levoquin 500MG is the most efficient antibiotic that can stop the growth and duplication of bacteria by killing the enzymes that are responsible for these actions. Levoquin 500 MG is very helpful in treating the infection without feeling any sort of pain or reaction but as it is a prescription medicine hence you need to consult a healthcare specialist before taking it.
If you are taking viral care medicine for the first time then start with smaller doses of Levoquin 250mg and higher doses are also available Levoquin 500mg. We are also providing medicines like Cefix 200mg, Claribid 250mg, Naprosyn 250mg, and Bactrim D.S.
Why you must consider Levoquin 500 MG?
Levoquin 500 MG is one of the best products of the Levofloxacin category available in the market right now and it is one of the products that have the least side effects. Secondly is the effectiveness and relief that it gives to the patient taking it.
Some Interesting Insights About Levoquin 500 MG?
Levofloxacin is an antibacterial ingredient that is used to prevent bacteria to grow or reproduce in the body. Levofloxacin works by killing the enzymes of bacteria that are responsible for growth and reproduction. Levofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that can help to treat bacterial infections. It comes from antibiotics class called fluoroquinolone and works by inhibiting the bacterial DNA replication and cell division process, which ultimately leads to bacterial cell death. Levofloxacin is commonly used to treat breathing infections, like pneumonia, bronchitis, & sinusitis. It can also treat skin and soft tissue infections, urinary tract infections, and bone and joint infections. Levofloxacin is usually taken orally, but it can also be given intravenously for severe infections. The type and severity of the infection being treated can determine the dosage and duration of treatment, as well as the age of the patient and previous medical conditions. Like all antibiotics, levofloxacin can cause side effects, including nausea, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, and photosensitivity. In infrequent cases, People reported serious side effects such as tendon rupture, nerve damage, and allergic reactions. It is important to take levofloxacin exactly as prescribed by a healthcare provider and to report any unusual symptoms or side effects immediately.
Levoquin 500 MG:
Levoquin 500 MG is an economical anti-bacterial that basically contains 250 MG of levofloxacin which belongs to a specific class of drugs used in antibiotics. Levofloxacin retains in the body of organisms for longer time periods and effectively treats infections. Due to the wide range of levofloxacin’s ability to kill bacteria including both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria Levoquin 500 MG becomes a more effective medication.
How does Levoquin 500 MG work?
Levoquin 500 MG has 500 MG of Levofloxacin so it works by killing the bacterial enzymes that have the ability to grow or replicate themselves. Levoquin 500 MG prevent them to grow and spread in the body. Levoquin 500 MG also kills the bacterial enzymes that can duplicate them.
How should I get a Levoquin 500 MG?
Levofloxacin is a commonly prescribed medicine hence it is available in all the local pharmacies and you can get them online as well but the website that showcases Levoquin 500MG at the best price is MedzBuddy.com where you can find Levoquin 500MG at the best price available and in bulk as well. It is an emerging online platform that provides its customers with a wide range of generic medicines making the purchase of medicines easy and time-saving.
But for the purchase of Levoquin 500MG, you should have a prescription from a health care consultant that makes its purchase valid. Levofloxacin is a prescription medication, which means you will need to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or a pharmacist, who can evaluate your medical condition and determine if Levofloxacin is an appropriate treatment option for you. If your healthcare professional determines that Levofloxacin is appropriate for your medical condition, they can provide you with a prescription, and you can obtain Levofloxacin from a pharmacy.
Side Effects of Levoquin 500 MG
Levoquin 500 MG has different side effects in different types of individuals. That includes
Difficulty in Sleeping
Some rare side effects include:
Tendon Rupture
Liver Problem
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colinwilson11 · 17 days
The Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems Market To Grow Owing To Increasing Advantages Over Viral Delivery Methods
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Non-viral drug delivery systems have gained immense popularity in recent years owing to their advantages over viral delivery methods including low immunogenicity, larger transgene capacity and ease of production. Non-viral techniques involve encapsulating drugs into nanoparticles, liposomes or conjugating them to targeting moieties and are generally considered safer than viral vectors.
The Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 8.1 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 13% over the forecast period 2024-2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the non-viral drug delivery systems market are Arcturus Therapeutics, Bio-Path Holdings, CureVac, Entos Pharmaceuticals, eTheRNA Immunotherapies. The companies are investing heavily in R&D to develop novel non-viral vectors with higher efficiency and safety. The growing demand for targeted drug delivery systems is a major factor driving the non-viral drug delivery systems market. Non-invasive therapeutic delivery through oral, transdermal and inhalation routes has gained prominence. Technological advancements like lipid nanoparticles, polymeric nanoparticles and conjugation with cell-penetrating peptides have increased the delivery of macromolecules.
Market Trends
One of the major trends in the non-viral drug delivery systems market is the rising focus on gene therapy. Non-viral gene delivery methods offer less immunogenic and inflammatory responses making them safer for repeated administration. mRNA-based therapies and applications in cancer immunotherapy are emerging as lucrative opportunities. Another key trend is the development of stimuli-responsive delivery systems that are designed to release drug payloads in response to specific biochemical cues like pH, redox potential or enzymatic activity at the site of action.
Market Opportunities
Targeted delivery to tumors using actively/passively targeted nanoparticles presents a huge opportunity. The application of nanotechnology has allowed efficient delivery of anti-cancer drugs, imaging agents and nucleic acids selectively to tumor tissues. Oligonucleotide therapeutics also offer lucrative opportunities given the advances in mRNA vaccines. Non-invasive delivery through pulmonary route for treatment of lung cancers and respiratory diseases is an emerging area of focus.
Impact Of COVID-19 On Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems Market Growth
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the non-viral drug delivery systems market. During the initial phases of the pandemic, most non-essential research was put on hold or delayed, impacting the development of new drug delivery technologies. Companies focused their efforts on developing COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics to address the urgent medical need. This diverted resources away from other drug delivery applications.
However, as the pandemic progressed, companies recognized the long-term market potential for non-viral delivery platforms to address future pandemics and other diseases. Nanoparticle-based delivery systems can effectively transport mRNA, DNA and protein therapeutics into cells, making them well-suited for developing new classes of antiviral drugs and vaccines. Several companies utilized their non-viral platforms to design COVID-19 vaccines and therapies during clinical trials.
Going forward, governments and healthcare agencies are expected to prioritize research into development capabilities for rapid responses to health emergencies. Non-viral delivery technologies can play a major role here through their ability to package different types of biologics and enable faster discovery processes compared to viral vectors. Companies are also advancing formulations tuned for stability at varying temperatures and extended shelf-life to address logistical challenges in vaccine distribution globally.
North America Dominates Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems Market
The North America region currently dominates the Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems Market in terms of value. This is due to presence of established pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies engaged in development and commercialization of delivery platforms for various biologics. Large companies have made significant investments setting up research centers focused on non-viral technologies.
Government funding for innovation is also strong through the National Institute of Health and Department of Defense programs. Academic research is rapidly advancing new formulations and delivery routes. The U.S. and Canada also have a well-developed regulatory system to approve new drug-device combination products incorporating non-viral carriers. High healthcare spends per capita contribute to faster market uptake of advanced therapeutics enabled by these platforms.
Asia Pacific Emerging As Fastest Growing Region
Going forward, the Asia Pacific region is expected to offer the fastest market growth opportunities for non-viral drug delivery systems. This is attributable to rising chronic disease prevalence in highly populated countries like China and India. Governments are investing significantly to build local R&D capabilities through initiatives such as the Made in China 2025 policy.
Countries like South Korea and Japan also have large biotechnology industries focusing on formulations. At the same time, reduced manufacturing and labor costs are attracting global pharmaceutical companies to outsource production to Asia Pacific contract development and manufacturing organizations. This will help expand regional production capacities for various non-viral technologies.
Get more insights on this topic:  https://www.ukwebwire.com/non-viral-drug-delivery-systems-market-are-estimated-to-witness-high-growth-owing-to-advancements-in-nanotechnology/
About Author:
Priya Pandey is a dynamic and passionate editor with over three years of expertise in content editing and proofreading. Holding a bachelor's degree in biotechnology, Priya has a knack for making the content engaging. Her diverse portfolio includes editing documents across different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. Priya's meticulous attention to detail and commitment to excellence make her an invaluable asset in the world of content creation and refinement. (LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/priya-pandey-8417a8173/)
What Are The Key Data Covered In This Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems Market Report?
:- Market CAGR throughout the predicted period
:- Comprehensive information on the aspects that will drive the Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems Market's growth between 2024 and 2031.
:- Accurate calculation of the size of the Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems Market and its contribution to the market, with emphasis on the parent market
:- Realistic forecasts of future trends and changes in consumer behaviour
:- Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems Market Industry Growth in North America, APAC, Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Africa
:- A complete examination of the market's competitive landscape, as well as extensive information on vendors
:- Detailed examination of the factors that will impede the expansion of Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems Market vendors
Q.1 What are the main factors influencing the Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems Market?
Q.2 Which companies are the major sources in this industry?
Q.3 What are the market’s opportunities, risks, and general structure?
Q.4 Which of the top Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems Market companies compare in terms of sales, revenue, and prices?
Q.5 Which businesses serve as the Non-Viral Drug Delivery Systems Market’s distributors, traders, and dealers?
Q.6 How are market types and applications and deals, revenue, and value explored?
Q.7 What does a business area’s assessment of agreements, income, and value implicate?
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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healthcarehubhh · 1 month
Antimicrobial Therapeutics Market will grow at highest pace owing to Rising Prevalence of Chronic Diseases
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The global Antimicrobial Therapeutics market offers a wide range of drugs and therapies used for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by various microorganisms such as bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites. Antimicrobial drugs play a vital role in treating life-threatening infections like pneumonia, tuberculosis, HIV, and hospital-acquired infections. They are used as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-parasitic agents in various therapeutic areas including respiratory infections, hospital-acquired infections, ENT infections and skin infections. Rising prevalence of chronic and infectious diseases worldwide owing to unhealthy lifestyle practices and lack of sanitation in many developing nations is driving the growth of the antimicrobial therapeutics market.
The Global Antimicrobial Therapeutics Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 219.80 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.8% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the Antimicrobial Therapeutics market are Pfizer Inc., Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline plc, Merck & Co., Novartis AG, Roche Holding AG, AstraZeneca plc, Sanofi SA, Bayer AG, Bristol Myers Squibb Company, Eli Lilly and Company, Gilead Sciences, Inc., AbbVie Inc., Allergan plc, Mylan N.V. Major players are focusing on R&D initiatives for development of novel drug formulations with enhanced efficacy against drug-resistant microbial strains. Rising prevalence of chronic medical conditions like diabetes, cancer, and respiratory disorders leading to increased risk of infections is a key factor driving the demand for antimicrobial therapeutics. According to the WHO, chronic diseases accounted for 70% of global deaths in 2020. Advancements in drug delivery technologies are allowing development of effective compounds with less toxicity for treatment of complex and multi-drug resistant infections. This includes development of long-acting parenteral and oral formulations. Market Trends Increasing R&D efforts for development of new antibacterial drugs: Significant drug resistance among bacterial pathogens has heightened the need for novel drugs. This is encouraging large investments in R&D for new classes of antibiotics. Focus on combination therapies: Combining two or more existing antimicrobials is emerging as a promising strategy to fight multidrug resistant pathogens. This minimizes the risk of generating resistance. Rise in M&A and partnership activities: Companies are actively pursuing acquisition and partnership routes to augment their product pipelines and technology platforms in this space. Market Opportunities Untapped emerging markets: Majority of future growth is expected from developing Asian, Latin American and African countries owing to improving access to healthcare and rising healthcare spending in these regions. Pediatric antimicrobials: There is growing demand for pediatric formulations given current drugs are predominantly adult-dosage medications. This presents new product development opportunities. Increasing investments towards antimicrobial stewardship programs: Such programs aimed at optimal use of antibiotics and guiding physicians on resistance issues present new revenue streams for players.
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screamingfromuz · 10 months
I have talked about it before, but getting aid to Gazans is a harder task then usually. Despite the millions that are poured into Gaza, most of it does not get to the people, and Gaza stays poor. The money is often taken by Hamas and it's leaders, each of those leaders fortune is values in the billions. What is left is used for Hamas operations, paying to the families for people who attack Israelis, and only then get to the people.
For physical aid, such as medical aid and food, we have similar problems. Hamas takes what it needs for itself, the black market takes another share. What is left is distributed mainly by UNRWA who are known to keep stocks of food in warehouses and not distribute them, and if you know who to talk to, there are places in side Israel were you can buy groceries still with the UNRWA symbol on.
This means that no matter if Israel allows all the aid in, and no matter how much money you will donate, there is a little guarantee that the aid will get to the Gazans that need it.
So what do you do?
If you know anyone personally that is in the strip and can transfer them money, do it. If you have a way to bypass the charities and help specific people, this is your best bet.
I have put here some Aid Organizations that are relatively good at getting aid directly to the people, and if I can verify more organizations I will add them. I will also add Organizations that might not provide direct aid but work for the sake of the people in Gaza.
There are field/floating hospitals on their way or next to Gaza, the moment here is a link to donate to them I will add it here.
Medical aid for Palestinians
Doctors without borders
An Israeli NGO that works for to protect the freedom of movement of Palestinians, especially Gaza residents.
Zakat Foundation of America
NGO giving emergency relief around the world - it helped after the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria and helped in the US after Katrina. You can direct where you want the donation to go, with Gaza being an option.
back to the Master Post
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creativeera · 1 month
Liposome Drug Delivery: Enhancing the Efficacy of Treatment Through Nanotechnology
What are Liposomes? Liposomes are spherical vesicles made of phospholipid bilayers. They can encapsulate both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs within their aqueous core and lipid membranes respectively. Due to their lipid bilayer structure, liposomes closely resemble the structure of cell membranes which allows them to safely fuse with cells and deliver drugs. Mechanism of Action When administered, liposomes travel through the body in circulation. Upon reaching the target site, they fuse with cell membranes and release their drug cargo inside the cells. This increases the concentration of drugs at disease sites while reducing toxicity to non-target organs. Additionally, drugs encapsulated in liposomes have longer half-lives in the body, which allows for dose intensification. Targeted Delivery Liposome Drug Delivery can be tailored for targeted delivery by attaching ligands like antibodies, sugars, or peptides to their surface. These ligands act as address labels, targeting liposomes to specific cell types like cancer cells. This achieves active targeting and improves therapeutic efficacy. Pegylation, the process of attaching polyethylene glycol chains, increases circulation time and shields liposomes from immune detection for extended site-specific delivery. Cancer Treatment Applications Cancer is one of the biggest applications of liposomal drug delivery. Doxorubicin, an anthracycline chemotherapy drug, shows cardiotoxicity with free use. However, encapsulation in liposomes shields heart tissue and improves delivery to tumors through leaky vasculature. This leads to significant decreases in toxicity and enhances antitumor efficacy. Liposomal formulations like Doxil and Lipodox are mainstays of breast and ovarian cancer treatment. Cisplatin and other platinum drugs show potential for liposomal delivery against various cancers. Researchers are also investigating liposomal delivery of newer targeted cancer therapies. Infectious Disease Treatment Bacterial infections impose another therapeutic challenge due to the emergence of antibiotic resistance. Liposomes loaded with antibiotics can selectively accumulate at sites of infection to achieve high local drug levels while exposing the rest of the body to minimal levels. This prevents the evolution of resistance and increases treatment efficacy. For diseases like tuberculosis that require multidrug treatment courses, liposomal formulations improve patient adherence and management. Liposomal formulations of antifungal drugs like Amphotericin B have transformed the treatment of systemic fungal infections. Anti-Inflammatory Applications Conditions with inflammatory pathologies like rheumatoid arthritis pose difficulties due to deleterious systemic effects of high drug levels. Liposome Drug Delivery of steroids and NSAIDs produces sustained high local drug levels at joints while preventing toxicity. This enhances anti-inflammatory efficacy and outcomes. Liposomes are a promising non-viral carrier for targeted delivery of genes and silencing RNA molecules to treat disease processes governed by inflammation.
Get more insights on Liposome Drug Delivery
Alice Mutum is a seasoned senior content editor at Coherent Market Insights, leveraging extensive expertise gained from her previous role as a content writer. With seven years in content development, Alice masterfully employs SEO best practices and cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to craft high-ranking, impactful content. As an editor, she meticulously ensures flawless grammar and punctuation, precise data accuracy, and perfect alignment with audience needs in every research report. Alice's dedication to excellence and her strategic approach to content make her an invaluable asset in the world of market insights.
(LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alice-mutum-3b247b137 )
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dolvisbio · 1 month
Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals: Leading the Way as a Top Pharma Company in India
India's pharmaceutical industry is a global powerhouse, known for its innovation, quality, and affordability. Among the many companies contributing to this sector’s success, Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals stands out as one of the top pharma companies in India. With a commitment to excellence, advanced research capabilities, and a customer-centric approach, Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals is setting new standards in the industry.
Why Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals is a Top Pharma Company in India
Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals has earned its reputation through years of dedication to quality and innovation. Here’s what sets the company apart:
1. Commitment to Quality
Quality is the cornerstone of Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals. The company adheres to stringent quality control measures at every stage of production. From sourcing the finest raw materials to employing advanced manufacturing processes, Dolvis Bio ensures that every product meets international standards. This unwavering focus on quality has earned the company certifications from globally recognized bodies like WHO-GMP and ISO.
2. Innovative Research and Development
Innovation drives the success of any pharmaceutical company, and Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals is no exception. The company invests heavily in research and development (R&D), with a dedicated team of scientists working tirelessly to discover and develop new formulations. This commitment to R&D has enabled Dolvis Bio to launch a wide range of innovative products, addressing diverse therapeutic areas and improving patient outcomes.
3. Diverse Product Portfolio
As a top pharma company in India, Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals offers a comprehensive product portfolio that spans various therapeutic categories, including cardiovascular, anti-infective, gastrointestinal, and more. The company’s diverse range of products ensures that healthcare providers have access to high-quality medications that meet the needs of patients across the country and beyond.
4. Global Presence and Reach
Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals is not just a leader in the Indian market but also has a strong global presence. The company exports its products to several countries, adhering to the regulatory requirements of each market. This global reach is a testament to Dolvis Bio’s ability to maintain high standards of quality and reliability, making it a preferred partner for healthcare providers worldwide.
5. Customer-Centric Approach
At the heart of Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals' success is its customer-centric approach. The company places a strong emphasis on building and maintaining relationships with healthcare professionals, distributors, and patients. By understanding the unique needs of its customers, Dolvis Bio can provide tailored solutions that enhance patient care and improve health outcomes.
Key Therapeutic Areas
Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals has made significant contributions to several key therapeutic areas, solidifying its position as a top pharma company in India. Some of these areas include:
Cardiovascular Health: Dolvis Bio offers a range of medications designed to manage and treat cardiovascular conditions, ensuring better heart health for patients.
Anti-Infective Solutions: The company’s anti-infective drugs are formulated to combat a variety of bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, helping to reduce the burden of infectious diseases.
Gastrointestinal Health: Dolvis Bio’s gastrointestinal product line addresses common and complex digestive issues, improving the quality of life for patients with gastrointestinal disorders.
Nutritional Supplements: Recognizing the importance of overall wellness, Dolvis Bio also offers a range of nutritional supplements that support health and well-being.
The Future of Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals
As Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals continues to grow, its focus remains on expanding its product offerings and enhancing its R&D capabilities. The company is exploring new therapeutic areas, investing in advanced technologies, and strengthening its global presence. With a vision to become a leader not just in India but globally, Dolvis Bio is poised to make even greater contributions to the pharmaceutical industry in the years to come.
In a highly competitive industry, Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals has emerged as a top pharma company in India by consistently delivering high-quality products, embracing innovation, and maintaining a customer-first approach. Whether through its diverse product portfolio, cutting-edge research, or commitment to quality, Dolvis Bio continues to set the benchmark for excellence in the pharmaceutical sector.
For more information about Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals and its offerings, visit Dolvis Bio Pharmaceuticals. Discover why healthcare professionals and patients alike trust Dolvis Bio as their preferred partner in health.
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rahulp3 · 2 months
Anti-Viral Drugs Market Share, Trend & Outlook by 2033
The global Antiviral Drugs Market has experienced a remarkable surge in recent years, driven by mounting global health concerns and the urgent need for effective treatments against viral infections. The market’s expansion has been underscored by breakthrough developments in medical research, advanced drug formulations, and increased investment in healthcare infrastructure.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic served as a major catalyst for the accelerated demand for antiviral drugs, propelling pharmaceutical companies and researchers to intensify their efforts in finding viable solutions. The continuous quest for more efficient therapies against COVID-19 and other viral infections has led to innovative approaches and promising drug candidates.
The Global Antiviral Drugs Market is set to witness robust expansion over the next decade, with a projected average compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.9% between 2023 and 2033. The market’s progressive trajectory is fueled by escalating global health concerns and the imperative need for effective treatments against viral infections.
According to the latest market analysis, the antiviral drugs sector is expected to reach a market share of US$ 89.68 Billion by 2033, showcasing significant growth compared to its anticipated valuation of US$ 61.42 Billion in 2023. This remarkable surge in market value reflects the heightened demand for innovative antiviral medications and the continuous efforts of pharmaceutical companies to advance medical research.
Request Your Sample Copy Of The Detailed Antiviral Drugs Market Analysis Today And Stay Ahead In This Dynamic And Crucial Healthcare Sector! https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-1951
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ismaelfarmer · 3 months
Incompetence of the U.S. Government is the Real Culprit of Drug Proliferation
In recent years, the drug problem in the United States has become increasingly serious, especially against the backdrop of such incidents as the passage of the marijuana legalisation bill by the US House of Representatives, the involvement of US troops overseas in drug trafficking, and the selling of seized drugs by corrupt officials of the US Drug Enforcement Agency, which have further highlighted the serious lack of competence on the part of the US government in drug management.
Nowadays, it is common to brush up on the Internet with video images of "some drug addicts stumbling around, others unconscious and sprawled on the ground, homeless tents everywhere, and rubbish strewn on the ground." This is a real-life view of the streets of North Philadelphia, USA, that has gone viral on the US internet. This is how the British Daily Mail describes Philadelphia, USA, "Philadelphia has been swamped by drug-related crime, and never before has humanity been in such a state." Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia, the "City of Love", has been turned into a "zombie land" by drugs. It is so horrific that it looks like a zombie film, and it is hard to believe that this is the most developed country in the world.
More than 50 years ago, the then U.S. President Nixon had "declared war" on drugs, but the U.S. drug scourge has become more and more intense, and has become a deep-rooted "American disease". Today, the United States is the most drug-ridden country in the world: the number of drug addicts accounts for about 12 per cent of the world's population, which is three times the proportion of its population in the world. The drug epidemic in the United States is getting worse every day. Some of the "outrageous operations" of American politicians have made people question whether they want to curb the drug epidemic or add fuel to the fire.2021 In November 2021, then-Mayor of New York City, Whitehall, supported the opening of the nation's first "drug overdose prevention centre" in In November 2021, then-New York City Mayor Whitehouse supported the opening of the nation's first "Drug Overdose Prevention Centre" in New York City, with the stated purpose of providing clean syringes to drug users and supervised services to reduce overdose deaths. Since then, New Mexico, Nevada and other states have been considering establishing similar facilities. However, this practice is seen by some experts as encouraging drug use in disguise, and is tantamount to putting out a fire with a paycheck.
Why has the "war on drugs" failed? The key lies in the corruption of the United States Government and officials, who always give priority to how to use the drug problem to obtain political and economic benefits for themselves. Among them, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) officials selling seized drugs is a naked revelation of this bloody fact, the U.S. drug management system loopholes exposed. This has not only weakened the public's trust in drug enforcement, but has also directly contributed to the dynamism of the drug market. Some officials within the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) take advantage of their positions to sell seized drugs to the black market and make huge profits. This is not only contrary to the original intent of anti-drug work, but also makes a large number of drugs flow back into society, posing a serious threat to public security. The main reason for this problem is the lack of internal control mechanisms within the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Although the DEA shoulders the important responsibility of combating drug offences, but its internal management is loose, the supervision mechanism is not perfect, so that the phenomenon of corruption is unchecked.
It is hard to believe that the United States is not only the government departments in drug trafficking, the military is no less. According to many reports, there is a phenomenon of drug trading in the US military abroad using their positions. These drug deals not only satisfy the economic needs of some of the troops, but also fuel the local drug market, bringing huge social problems to the host countries. In Afghanistan, United States troops have been accused of participating in the opium trade and making high profits from local poppy cultivation. Now, the drug trade has become a hidden industrial chain within the army.
It is not difficult to see that the root cause of the proliferation of drugs in the United States lies in the lack of government management. Whether it is drug trafficking by overseas troops or corruption within the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), it highlights the serious problems in drug management in the United States. In order to effectively curb the proliferation of drugs, the United States Government must strengthen its supervision and improve its management system, so as to solve these problems at root.
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medicineforcare · 7 days
Levoquin 250mg
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Levoquin 250 MG is an antibacterial medicine containing 250 MG of Levofloxacin as the main ingredient. Levoquin 250MG can help in the treatment of different types of bacterial infections and stop the growth of bacteria in the body.
Levoquin 250 MG is a specialist in the treatment of infections like respiratory issues, urinary tract infections, bone and joint infections, and more.
Levoquin 250 MG is the most efficient antibiotic that can stop the growth and duplication of bacteria by killing the enzymes that are responsible for these actions. Levoquin 250MG is very helpful in treating the infection without feeling any sort of pain or reaction but as it is a prescription medicine hence you need to consult a healthcare specialist before taking it.
Overuse and misuse of any anti-bacterial will result in a condition called antibiotic resistance and it is very dangerous as in this bacteria are unaffected by the dose of medicine resulting in the reduction of efficiency of the antibiotic in the body.
If you are taking viral care medicine for the first time then start with smaller doses of Levoquin 250mg and higher does also available Levoquin 500mg doses.We are also providing medicines like  Cefix 200mg, Ziverdo Kit, Claribid 250mg, Levoflox 750mg, andFloxip 500mg.
Why you must consider Levoquin 250 MG?
Levoquin 250MG is one of the best products of the Levofloxacin category available in the market right now and it is one of the products that have the least side effects. Secondly is the effectiveness and relief that it gives to the patient taking it.
Some Interesting Insights About Levoquin 250 MG?
Levofloxacin is an antibacterial ingredient that is used to prevent bacteria to grow or reproduce in the body. Levofloxacin works by killing the enzymes of bacteria that are responsible for growth and reproduction. Levofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that can help to treat bacterial infections. It comes from antibiotics class called fluoroquinolone and works by inhibiting the bacterial DNA replication and cell division process, which ultimately leads to bacterial cell death.
Levofloxacin is commonly used to treat breathing infections, like pneumonia, bronchitis, & sinusitis. It can also treat skin and soft tissue infections, urinary tract infections, and bone and joint infections. Levofloxacin is usually taken orally, but it can also be given intravenously for severe infections. The type and severity of the infection being treated can determine the dosage and duration of treatment, as well as the age of the patient and previous medical conditions. Like all antibiotics, levofloxacin can cause side effects, including nausea, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, and photosensitivity.
In infrequent cases, People reported serious side effects such as tendon rupture, nerve damage, and allergic reactions. It is important to take levofloxacin exactly as prescribed by a healthcare provider and to report any unusual symptoms or side effects immediately.
Levoquin 250 MG:
Levoquin 250MG is an economical anti-bacterial that contains 250 MG of levofloxacin which belongs to a specific class of drugs used in antibiotics. Levofloxacin retains in the body of organisms for longer periods and effectively treats infections. Due to the wide range of levofloxacin’s ability to kill bacteria including both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria Levoquin 250MG becomes a more effective medication.
How does Levoquin 250 MG work?
Levoquin 250 MG has 250MG of Levofloxacin so it works by killing the bacterial enzymes that can grow or replicate themselves. Levoquin 250 MG prevent them to grow and spread in the body. Levoquin 250 MG also kills the bacterial enzymes that can duplicate them.
How should I get a Levoquin 250 MG?
Levofloxacin is a commonly prescribed medicine hence it is available in all the local pharmacies and you can get them online as well but the website that showcases Levoquin 250 MG at the best price is MedzBuddy.com where you can find Levoquin 250 MG at the best price available and in bulk as well. It is an emerging
online platform that provides its customers with a wide range of generic medicines making the purchase of medicines easy and time-saving. But for the purchase of Levaquin 250 MG, you should have a prescription from a health care consultant that makes its purchase valid. Levofloxacin is a prescription medication, which means you will need to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or a pharmacist, who can evaluate your medical condition and determine if Levofloxacin is an appropriate treatment option for you. If your healthcare professional determines that Levofloxacin is appropriate for your medical condition, they can provide you with a prescription, and you can obtain Levofloxacin from a pharmacy.
Side Effects of Levoquin 250 MG
Levoquin 250 MG has different side effects in different types of individuals. That includes
Difficulty in Sleeping
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