#Anyone who takes the time to translate it
murderedbyhomework · 2 days
MLC novel extra translation + translator's notes
For anyone who doesn't want to click into the link translation offered below the cut
Main Text:
Two years later. on the shore of the East Sea, in Kecuo Village1.
Kecuo Village was just near Yuncuo Village. Outside the village, fishing nets were hung up to dry in the sun, and with around a hundred residents in the village, it was much smaller than Yuncuo.
There was someone hanging up fishing nets to dry behind a house.
Said man was tall and very slender, with extremely pale skin, as if it hadn’t seen the sun in ages. His right arm hung limp at his side, appearing paralyzed, so he used one left hand to slowly adjust the position of the fishing net, seeming to take immense joy in the action. It was just that his vision appeared to be impaired, sometimes needing to use his fingers to map out objects as he worked, occasionally leaning very close to something to see clearly.
“Damned Lianhua!” Someone snarled, running out from the house.
“Didn’t this respectable one2 tell you to be good and rest in the house? You mostly blind three legged cat, you still have the guts to go out and fish? Do you think it was easy for this respectable one to travel here far from the capital? You’re just going to provoke me like that?”
The person hanging up the nets turned around, revealing a familiar face. He squinted his eyes, putting his face close to Fang Duobing’s as he looked at him for quite a while, before seeming to just barely remember who he was.
“Oh, it’s Young Master Shi3, have you been well these days?” He said happily.
Fang Duobing felt a thunderous surge of fury4!
“Young Master Shi? Who’s your Young Master Shi? Who let you call him that? This respectable one is Fang Duobing! It’s been one fucking month apart and you you only remember Young Master Shi? What did he ‘give’5 to you? This respectable one sent hundreds of people to search for you along rivers and seashores, and was as tired as a dog, and then turns out you’ve become an idiot, so this respectable one gives you food and shelter and clothes like some wet nurse, and I don’t see you calling me Young Master Fang!”
Li Lianhua squinted his eyes again, putting his face near his to scrutinise him for the second time.
“Oh, Sect Leader Xiao.” He said with a bright smile.
Fang Duobing jumped up again in increasing anger, body shaking with fury.
“Sect………Sect Leader Xiao? That bastard—Why should you need to remember that bastard? Forget him for me, forget all of them—“
He grabbed Li Lianhua and shook him violently, and it was not until he felt that he had mostly shaken that “Sect Leader Xiao” out of Li Lianhua’s mind that he stopped.
“Who is this respectable one? This respectable one is Fang Duobing, the prince consort of this period, remember that now?”
At that, Li Lianhua lost any interest to look at him.
“Oh, the prince consort,” He turned away to continue hanging the fishing nets.
“You ungrateful, muddle-headed, shameless dastardly bastard!”
Fang Duobing gestured violently at his back, curses spilling from his mouth. Unfortunately for him, the subject of these curses had his undivided attention on his fishing nets, and was deaf to the world, not that he would understand what Fang Duobing was saying even if he was listening.
Fang Duobing suddenly let out a long breath, fumbling for a chair and sitting down. Damned Lianhua wasn’t dead. He’d been washed out into the sea on that little boat, and had been picked up by fishermen. Still, he was alive, and that was enough.
Even if when he’d been found, he’d lost the use of his right hand, and along with it his vision and his once sharp mind, confused and naive to the world like a common dog. And yet……… he wasn’t dead, and that was enough. Just as he was now, no longer remembering insignificant wrongs or rights, no longer intelligent and full of plans, going fishing if he liked it, growing vegetables if he liked it, raising chickens if he liked it, occasionally sunning himself and talking with the old men and women next door.
What was so bad about it?
What was so bad about it?
His eyes burned with tears. He thinks that having this view on Li Lianhua’s situation shows how much he’s let go, and yet he still remembers the Li Lianhua back then who’d steal rabbits from monasteries with him, would gently smile as him and tease “Your brilliance really is unmatched”, the Li Lianhua who had a slightly stingy temper.
Now, the person sunning the fish nets was humming some unknown little tune as he slowly made his way out of the backyard. Outside the backyard was the beach, and further put was the sea. There was a man in dark clothes standing calmly outside, seemingly looking at the sea.
Li Lianhua sneakily looked back, before gladly making his way towards a sandy piece of land, where a chess board with nineteen rows both vertical and horizontal lay6, many pebbles lying on the board. He sat at one end of the board with a proper air, smiling as he asked,
“The one hundred and thirty sixth move, have you decided yet?”
The man in black continued staring at the sea, and after a while, he calmly replied,
“I lost.”
Li Lianhua held his hand out, a bright smile on his face.
“One unit of silver7.”
The man waved his arm, throwing a unit of silver over. Suddenly, he asked,
“Do you really not remember who I am?”
Li Lianhua immediately nodded.
“I do remember.”
The man8 trembled slightly.
“And I am………”
“You’re the wealthy man.” Li Lianhua said with an utterly serious air.
Translator’s notes:
柯厝村, known as Kecuo Village, is an actual town in Fujian Province, China.
The Chinese term used is 老子, which can either refer to Philosopher Lao Tzu, one’s father, or a self important/joking way to refer to oneself. In Fang Duobing’s case, he’s basically saying “myself” but as the word can also mean father, he’s giving himself a sense of superiority or authority over others, as he considers himself someone of high social standing like his seniors without actually being a father/senior.
Young Master Shi is Shi Wenjue, who in the show is the scholar who faked his suicide and got ‘resurrected’ by Li Lianhua. He’s extremely tanned, and despite being a scholar he’s failed the imperial exams a few times.
The idiom used here is 暴跳如雷, and the literal translation is “to jump up violently like thunder”. This idiom refers to one being extremely agitated to the point of throwing a tantrum due to great anger.
The character for Shi Wenjue’s surname Shi is 施, which can also mean “to give” or “to execute”. In this context, the meaning used is the former. It’s also kind of wordplay because Shi Wenjue’s surname means “to give” so one can just use it as a verb if needed.
The chess board is actually a weiqi board, aka an ancient chinese version of chess that is still played today.
一兩銀子, which I translated as a unit of silver. In modern terms 一兩 refers to 50 grams, while in ancient times 16 units of silver was around 500 grams. For the sake of simplicity I’m translating 一兩 as one unit.
In case it’s not clear, the man in black robes is Di Feisheng.
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sgiandubh · 4 hours
Considering it wasn't a Covid bubble where people come and go and her blossoming relationship with Tony pre-airing of the show was not soiled by intrusive fans. Considering she already knew Tony and he and his family are Scottish live in the area. Thank you for making another connection between Caitriona and Tony early on, which led them living together in Scotland by 2015.
Dear Considering Anon,
I, too, am considering your very serious problems in reading comprehension and logic, darling. A COVID bubble is, actually, the opposite of people 'coming and going' and I think, in this regard, you lived that period of our lives under a rock, or you are just lamely trying to lie to yourself (and nobody else). I would, therefore, kindly ask you to stop insulting our shipper collective intelligence, or use a better online translator to English than good, old Google.
In the same vein, you just know who the most prominent intrusive fan was, very early on OL's timeline, as you also know perfectly well that she was not a shipper. Again, you must take me for an amnesic fool, who somehow forgot who was frantically phoning the resorts where S was supposedly spending time with non existent paramours? Or who somehow forgot the trolls on your side who systematically go ask anyone (loosely) connected to SC (and even innocent casuals who happened to spot S or C), all sorts of frankly embarrassing questions? But hey, you people have no shame, never did.
You might want to put a brake on waxing lyrically about that 'blossoming romance', considering C denied in the Irish press even by 2015 or 2016 being involved with anyone, which totally excludes McGill from the equation (why hide it, since you just wrote with great confidence there were 'no intrusive fans', at that moment?). And also considering you are perfectly unable to substantiate McGill being remotely present near her, anytime before the EIFF opening night gala in 2015 (you know, the one with that penguin pic that gives you the shingles...). [Later edit: that is right, I forgot about that flute pic and the other guy who called her 'McGill's girl' on Twitter - is that formal proof of a relationship ?].
By the way - evidence of EIFF staff unnecessarily adding a pic of both C and S (and unnecessarily mentioning her, in the process) years after the event, here:
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Considering you cannot prove she already knew McGill before landing in Scotland, in September 2013, and you only rely on meager speculation about her contradictory press statements over time on the topic, I would be more prudent, if I were you. I know they are Scottish and I also know where his family lived and still does, in Glasgow - none of your business and I couldn't care less.
Thank you for understanding that if you want to be treated with basic politeness on this page, you should perhaps think twice before sending this #silly garbage, and also stop calling people you do not know things like 'Dearly Demented', 'stupid' or 'mental ward', as you like to do across the street. In many tones, from the brutal and cheap to the condescending ('giving lessons to someone', when you fail to make the very basic distinction between a budget project and its final implementation - just a not so random example).
Until then, kindly fuck off!
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dclovesdanny · 2 days
Hii! I'm the one who asked about the dead serious soulmate AU prompt and I was talking about your latest posts of it where the ending is that jazz gave Damian a notebook(Danny's) to Damian which was filled with Robin pictures and notes, and yeah. Anyways, I looked through your dead serious prompts and saw this one prompt but it doesn't have a continuation, at least as far as I know.
Really love the concept of it as well as this one!
Anyways! Hope you post more dead serious ship prompts and other ships as well, I really like your posts!!
Thank you so much for the compliments! I’m going to expand more on the second one, even though some other people expanded on it, mostly focusing on time travel and how it would affect it.(I would recommend reading those reblogs, they are amazing!)
This is probably going to be part one of my first connected series. What should I call it?
Damian’s first fact from his soulmate appeared during his first few weeks with his father. Damian had awoken with the words on his arm, and immediately taken stock of what he could deduce from the messy handwriting.
I love the stars
The first thing he learned was that his soulmate was born on February 11th late at night or 12th early in the morning, and was currently ten years old. His soulmate had to have been born early in the morning, and next year he would have to stay awake all night to determine exactly when his soulmate was born.
Secondly, his soulmate’s first language is English. That pointed towards his soulmate being born in the United States, Australia, or England. Of course, his soulmate could be raised by immigrant parents, but that is less likely.
Third, his soulmate had messy but readable handwriting, indicating his soulmate was learned at the least, and further pointing towards the states, as it was required for American children to go to school.
Fourth, his soulmate loves the stars. He would have to have Father fund the Gotham Observatory, and research more about light pollution. Perhaps he could even take his soulmate to Nanda Parbat, where the stars are not affected by light pollution.
He could hear his father’s voice downstairs, and his father’s band of strays were starting to wake. He had spent almost an hour focusing on his soulmate without even realizing it. He gets out of bed, and after a moment of hesitation, he covers the fact before going downstairs. While he would never be ashamed of his soulmate and fight anyone who dared to breathe otherwise, he wanted to keep his soulmate to himself, if only for awhile.
Danny woke up in an instant, for once waking without his alarm or his sister doing it. The minute he remembered the date, he yanked his sleeve aside to stare down at his soulmate’s fact. He really hoped he was the younger one. He stared down in confusion
أنا نباتي
After almost 15 minutes of googling frantically, he finally figured out that his soulmate’s fact translated to I’m a vegetarian. He also learned his soulmate’s first language was Arabic. Wait, did his soulmate even know English? Damn, if they didn’t this would suck.
Resolving to try and learn some phrases in Arabic, he looked at the clock and swore. It was almost time for him to leave for school, and he could hear his sister coming towards his room. He quickly changed into a NASA shirt and pants and grabbed his things. He couldn’t wait to tell Tucker!
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thr0wnawayy · 2 days
Rei-Demption: A problem and my solution (ft. Rei's trauma and Hori's bullshit)
Might as well give my shot at it.
My take on Rei's personality has always been based in suppression.
Rei's whole life has been a balancing act of doing enough to protect her family, while still staying within the lines to not get disposed of.
She's everything Enji isn't. An iron will, a golden heart and a strong sense of empathy.
So with that in mind, hopefully it she'd light on it thought process with this post
A theory I have is that Rei was aware of the hospital's corruption
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These panels always felt off too me, it always made me wonder: "does she know?"
The wording is very specific.
"I told him I liked it, around the first time we met. But only once"
It always struck me as odd, We're talking about the man who looked at his eldest death and kept going, man who destroyed multiple lives for a redundant pipedream.
It's not even why would he remember such a small detail, but rather how?
Unless... the doctors are feeding him information.
Think about it, who pays for all this. Surely it's not Fuyumi, on account of this being a massive money sink.
You really expect her to pay for all that on a teachers salary?
It can't be Natsuo because Enji has likely cut him off from everything to his name.
And that's assuming Enji even bothered to save up a college fund for any of them. Plus Natsuo is a full time student of medicine.
If the doctors are watching her every move, looking for any sign of deviation from the narrative then it makes sense for her to disguise her words.
Of course there's still more
Having PTSD isn't something you can keep someone institutionalized for. Especially when Rei's is very proportionate, given what she's gone through. (No, Japan's stigma of mental health wouldn't justify this)
I mean what are Rei's triggers?: Enji and that's about it.
"But we still... haven't met face to face, I'm still too afraid"
That's a standard reaction to have to your abuser (especially when he raped you multiple times)
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('Just stop' gets a whole lot darker when you consider it's context)
Not to mention she's no longer fearful of anything resembling Enji, just Enji himself. So there is no real reason to keep her there unless they are afraid she might speak out.
This whole thing makes me think she's trying to tell Natsuo and Fuyumi what's really going on, in a way.
Subtly and under the calm, complacent mask she's expected to wear, in case anyone else is listening. Anyone who could report back to him.
It might also be she doesn't trust them. Fuyumi or Natsuo could blab or say something within earshot that could set Rei back months.
And she can't have that, not with how close she is to finally breaking free. She loves her children, all of them but the trust just isn't there, how can it be when when they don't have all the pieces.
So here's my theory: The hospital staff are in Enji's pockets. Either taking bribes (as recent as Dabi's Dance) or they were given a large sum of hush money when Rei was first hospitalized, with the goal of keeping her there as long as possible and possibly molding her to either keep her mouth shut or (sickeningly) gaslight her into returning to Enji.
(Note how she was only released when they could no longer keep a lid on things, the moment Dabi frops the bomb. She's out, no struggle)
This paints a picture of grotesque corruption, sloth and apathy (the very same cocktail that created Shigaraki) even by Hori's narrative standards. Shedding light on just how deep MHA's despotic nature goes.
The anime makes this even more apparent. Rei's fake smiles make the whole thing that much more viable. She seems so dead, it's like she smothered her soul or something.
I've seen both the sub and dub of this scene. The sub is the correct translation, the same as the Manga panel above.
The Dub however, while severly off mark, adds it's own flavour of dread. Rei sound so hollow, it was jarring the first time I heard it.
It sounded like she was reading a script (in-universe). Like she'd rehearsed this in her mind a million times, staring at the same 3 white walls + the window and waiting for an opening to finally speak.
That was supposed to be Shoto, until the dorms ruined that. Suddenly Rei's lifeline is gone, reduced to letters that don't even tell half the story.
10 years, 10 fucking years reduced to lines on a page.
Can you imagine the despair, dear reader?
The frustration. The sheer vitriol coursing thorough her veins, far hotter than Touya could ever manage.
Having to do the same thing she's been doing even before she was locked away. As the the skeleton in the closet of a criminal with a license.
Wearing masks for so long you can hardly breath and in the brief moments you can take them off. You can hardly recognize yourself, how you once were.
It must be the truest form of hell.
The Rei-demption Arc
Rei's redemption arc takes the attention of our theoretical arc without overtaking it.
The arc would mostly focus on the more domestic aspects of our trio being: Midoriya, Shoto and Uraraka.
A few minor changes would occur. The dorms never happen, allowing the characters to exist outside of UA.
There is solid confirmation that Fujiya is corrupt and is keeping Rei institutionalized on illegal grounds (ie: not meeting the criteria set up to ensure her silence)
The dinner scene would still happen only it would bd framed for what it really was. A pathetic attempt at creating a moment that never existed.
There's no family with Enji.
Just a family held hostage and a tyrant. I have my own grievances with Fuyumi, but I'll leave that for the future.
The only difference besides Natsuo being properly portrayed as a victim acting well within his right, the reasons for our trio going would be for Shoto's emotional wellbeing, because he asked them to.
Uraraka could have a moment where she realizes that money is as much as good as it is bad. An actually decent shift into her change of goals.
Here Enji motivates her to "watch the watchmen". Her need for money is still a crucial part of her reasons for becoming a hero, but she also has a more front and center goal.
I'd imagine she has a moment parallel to Midoriya's during the Sports Festival.
Where (alone in front of the Dojo after the failed dinner) she rightfully calls out Enji for being a self pitying piece of shit and that "sorry" doesn't cut it.
"You've hurt them in ways you can't imagine." Would probably be the last thing she says before walking away.
She may not know the whole story but she knows it hurt them and that's enough.
Rei's ascent
Rei's biggest hurdle is accepting that she was also an abuse victim. She's furious but she's only furious on her children's behalf and what they lost.
Her unintentionally harmful actions weigh on her, be it her neglect or the night she scalded Shoto, these events have impacted her deeply.
She learns to reconcile with her past, improve her relationship with Shoto and even meets Shoto's friends at one point.
Eventually she finds closure but that's later on.
She also acts as an advisor at times, having given Shoto the idea of using Ice projectiles (as seen in the Licensing Exam)
The second half comes from the Hospitals corruption, as Rei learns that she is long overdue for release (by about 8 years) among other horrific practices. This would play out as the arc's B plot, building up to what I call "The Summit"
The Summit
Eventually Rei fights Hood.
After gathering the evidence, she escapes the hospital. Planning to go to Natsuo for protection. As she's walking across a crosswalk however, she hears what sounds like an explosion.
Eventually she hears screaming and is forced to use her quirk as a bus is suddenly sent hurdling in her general direction.
As of her body moved on its own, she envelops it in her ice. Stopping the bus and saving those behind her in the process.
Only to see Hood land on top. They lock eyes and Rei can't help but see Touya in Hoods ambition.
In response to Rei holding her ground, Hood dashes. Rei counters this by manipulating her ice to send him crashing into an empty building, impaling him on the glaciers end.
Hood is impressed by Rei's proficiency and chooses to fight her.
Rei having no experience, fights for her life. Where as Rei avoids Civilians, Hood has no care for them which forces Rei to play the role of hero.
Rei uses every weapon in her arsenal in order to stave off Hood, who only gets more relentless as the battle stretches on. The upside is Hood's regeneration struggles in the cold, which Rei is constantly producing.
Each side gets blows in, with Rei taking them surprisingly well but still being worse for wear. Hood notes this saying "as if y-you've done t-t-this before" (close, Hood very close)
Eventually Hood gets the upper hand, towering over Rei in a manner that triggers her PTSD and leaves her stunned.
One of the civilians (Horoshi Tameda) emboldened by Rei's efforts, picks up a loose chunk of pavement and chucks it at Hood's back. It hits, causing Hood to look back.
Civilians begin making loud noise, others begin picking up anything they can find and throw it at Hood. Further catching him off guard long enough for Rei to snap out of her episode and strike back.
From here the fight kicks into high gear, with Rescue heroes & paramedics arriving on the scene and a camera crew recording the fight from above. Overall I imagine the scene to be very uplifting, with the Orchestra swelling as Rei prepares a final attack.
The move rivals that of Shoto's, arguably even surpassing it. Hoof is incased in a prison of Ice, covering an entire city block worth of destroyed buildings. And the fight finishes with Rei collapsing to her knees.
From here on out things change. Rei's newfound fame leads to the hospital being forced to do their job. Because of this Rei gets out early (around the time the Internship arc would started had I not scrapped it)
As for what this could lead to I'll let you decide. I'd love to read some suggestions.
The reason they kicked Fuyumi from her job is because she covered an abuser's ass for years. While Fuyumi is a victim, it doesn't excuse her complacency in regards to Enji's treatment of Shoto before and after his "self pity" arc.
Natsuo didnt go to someone because he wouldn't likely be believed, being seen as bitter and untrustworthy (his time away from home wouldn't help with pinning evidence).
Hood survived the fight, Rei opted to capture him as opposed to kill him. That doesn't mean he didn't get frost bite. Police found out it is very difficult to question a Nomu.
Out of all her trauma. Rei accepting she was never given a choice will be the hardest to accept.
Rei's family is not inbred, rather her parents ran away so her father wouldn't be forced into a marriage with his cousin. Only to ironically do the very same to their daughter.
Hiroshi still becomes a meme, his 'Can't you see speech' leads to him becoming a motivational speaker.
The reason Hood appeared is because Dabi lost track of him. He nearly had a heart attack when he discovered his mom was holding the Nomu off.
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glisten-inthedark · 6 hours
The Experiment | Part 2
In case y'all missed it, I asked one of my best friends to watch Stranger Things and here's what she had to say about season 1 and 2 .
Now, here's the updated version of season 3 that she finished so fucking fast and I felt guilty because she told me didn't sleep because she was desperate for answers, my sweet summer child.
This time around she'd update me as she watched the episodes and needless to say I woke up today with way too many messages
She's 100% convinced that Mike is gay because she said and I quote: "What teenage boy takes off the hands of his girlfriend like he did?".She also said that Mike should remember that friendships are important too, she doesn't understand why he's avoiding his friends and focusing too much on El.
She loves Max Mayfield BTW (again, sweet summer child). She 100% agrees that El needs to learn how to be herself without the influence of others.
She said that the biggest problem she has with Mike and El is that El didn't even know what a friend was the first season, how can se be in a relationship? However, she does think that if Mike learns how to listen to her they might work it out but she's not sure they should. "Ok I guess they're not going to work it after all" says her after their break up. Also, she was like: "shouldn't he be more upset about this?
In comes the rain fight scene and I think the conversation deserves to be in a mural somewhere. This is what she said and I apologize for the language and for how she talks about Mike but this deserves to be translated in it's entirety because her rant was epic.
"Why. The. Fuck. Was Mike being such an ass?! He used to be so sweet to Will and now he's treating him like this? Hell nah! Like, I get that he wants to spend time with his girlfriend and that's fine, but that doesn't mean he gets to treat Will like this!
And who the fuck said anything about Will not liking girls? Will didn't! So why the fuck would Mike say this completely unprovoked? Like, this is the kind of shit Will's bullies would say! I don't know who the fuck this Mike is, but it's definitely not the kid from last season.
"Oh se he goes to apologize to Will but doesn't apologize to El?" She asked me after she calmed down from her seething rage. "Inch teresting"
"Oh boy, Billy is gonna die. Am I supposed to want him not to?".
"How the fuck did Soviet Union manage to build this entire lab underground without anyone noticing? And this is I'm thr hight of cold war too, makes no sense but what do I know?"
She absolutely adores Robin, she thinks she and Steve will get together.
"Am I supposed to feel bad for Billy?" Needless to say, she doesn't like Billy.
"What. The. Fuck. Am. I. Watching?" She asked during the people turning into slush scene.
"Oh. So I guess Robin and Steve won't get together after all" lmao I laughed.
"Oh they do want me to feel sorry for Billy, huh"
She had a mental breakdown over Hop's "death". She sent an invoice crying and cursing me for bribing her into watching the show.
She also noticed how unresponsive Mike acted after El told him she loved him and was like: "is this boy ok? Like, I'm sorry Bia (my nickname) but you're telling me he just stood there with his eyes opened while she declared her love and kissed him? Am I watching this right? Answer me dammit!" (She was angry when I refused to tell her anything lmao).
Now, bare in mind that I haven't told her about Byler at all, didn't even tell her I ship it because I wanted her to be as unbiased as possible. She told me she had thoughts/theories and I told them to share them even after she claimed she didn't think she was right.
This bellow are her thoughts and hers alone, translated from Brazilian Portuguese to English.
"I just feel like Hop's letter is telling us something about Mike, maybe? Like, how he's afraid of change, of confronting his feelings, maybe? Like, I know you won't tell me, but I don't think this scene is about El leaving at all, I think it's about Will leaving.
"But I have a theory? I don't know, but the scene parallels the scene from when they find Will's body, right? But he comes home and holds his mom and I think this when he realized he has feelings for Will? Maybe? Or at the very least he realized he isn't straight.
" I didn't think Will was gay until I saw his reaction to what Mike said, and I think Will felt that he was stupid for believing that Mike cared for him at all. He destroyed the castle because he lost his childhood, he lost everything when he wasn't even looking, and I also think he called himself stupid because he thinks it was stupid of him to hope Mike could ever think of Will that way.
"I don't think Mike truly loves El, and he's coming to terms with the reason why he doesn't"
She then begged me for information which I refused to give her, obviously. But this is part 2. Now onto the last season *laughs maniacally *
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lightofraye · 1 day
jared's relationship (or lack thereof) with the cast frankly weirds me out. is he ever supportive of their new projects? if he couldn't attend this event, he could have at the very least helped promote it if he believes in the cause. he has time to check twitter and get upset over what some teenagers are tweeting about him but not about his own nasty longstanding stans. neither does he have time to engage positively in good causes
i thought he so badly wanted to get on The Boys but he can't make the time to fly out and meet the show's faves and chill with them. does he really believe he's above it all?
i'm starting to believe fans truly do reflect their favorites and he's coming off petty and entitled. unfortunately, his attitude towards the cast translates into his fans calling everyone else "extras" and treating jensen as an accessory
look at jensen and misha surrounded by all the lovely people they've been friends with for years, and then look at jared in the corner all by himself
i'm not saying he owes anyone anything but for someone so chronically online to be ignoring the awesome things happening and focusing on his personal online bullies leaves a bad taste in my mouth
and using him not being in California as an excuse for not being there last night.
Rob and Ruth were in Scotland and they attended via Zoom. Not sure where Mark S or Curtis were, but they also attended via Zoom and weren't at the house with the others. Laz Alonso and Valorie Curry also attended via Zoom. There were other ways to be there.
He wasn't there either because he didn't want to be or he wasn't wanted. Pick your poison.
also stop being so hypocritical, you complain about Danneel cutting of Jensen when Jared does it as well and alot more. You complain when anyone makes a jokes a to Jensen about jensen but is comletely ok when Jared does the same.
You are such a fucking asshole that noone likes
I was wondering when the anti Jared folks would come out.
Given how Rob and Rich are banking on Destiel for their podcast, small wonder Jared does anything with them. Jensen is a far patient man than I would be. And Jared seemed to get along well with Ruth during duos recently.
And Jared didn’t beg Kripke at all. Kripke begged him! And he doesn’t engage with many folks on social media anymore. He’s grown as a person, has owned up to his issues.
Not everyone has to stay friends after their work has ended.
You can keep trying to paint him a bad person, but who’s the one getting pissy on social media about politics and his role? (Misha.) Who is trying to take fans’ data and sell it? (Misha.) Who tries to post thirst traps for money? (Misha.) Who tried to leverage Destiel for politics? (Misha.) Who exaggerates and lies about stories that netted death threats against Jared? (Misha.)
Y’all know you can’t win this argument. So again: why are you trying? Go write your Destiel fantasies on your blogs and leave me and other Jared fans be.
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not-the-loch · 1 year
OK so on Discord I recently changed my status. It is now in morse code.
I go into another server I am in, and see someone I know has also put her status into morse code, so of course, I translate it.
And like,
Hers says 'lonely'
Mine says 'Fucking Nerd'
This woman is clearly going through some stuff rn (trust me besties, it's a cry for help) and it now looks like I'm just mocking her for her choices Holy Shit
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awkward-teabag · 6 months
I have to wonder how many people celebrating AI translation also complain about "broken English" and how obvious it is something was Google translated from another language without a fluent English speaker involved to properly clean up the translation/grammar.
Because I bet it's a lot.
I know why execs are all for it—AI is the new buzzword and it lets them cut jobs thus "save" money and not have to worry about pesky labour laws when one employs humans—but everyone else?
There was some outcry when Crunchyroll fired many of their translators in favour of AI translation (with some people to "clean up the AI's work") but I can't help but think that was in part because it was Japanese-to-English and personally affected them. Same when Duolingo fired many of their translators in favour of LLM translation. Meanwhile companies are firing staff when it's English to another language and there's this idea that that's fine or not as big a deal because English is "easy" to translate and/or because people don't think of how it will impact people in non-English countries.
Also it doesn't affect native English speakers so it doesn't get much headway in the news cycle or online anyway because so much of the dominant media is from English-speaking countries and English-speakers dominate social media.
But different languages have different grammar structures that LLMs don't do, and I grew up on "jokes" about people speaking in "broken English" and mocking people who use the wrong word when it was clearly a literal translation but the meaning was obvious long before LLMs were a thing, too. In fact, the specific way a character spoke broken English has been a way to denote their native tongue for decades, usually in a racist way.
Then Google translate came out and "Google-translated English" became an insult for people and criticism of companies because it was clearly wonky to native speakers. Even now, LLMs—which are heavily trained on English compared to other languages—don't have a natural output so native English speakers can clock LLM-generated text if it's longer than a sentence or two.
But, for whatever reason, it's not seen as a problem when it goes the other way because fuck non-English readers or people who want to read in their native tongue I guess.
#and it's not like no people were doing translations so wonky translations were better than nothing#it's actual translators being fired for a subpar replacement#and anyone who keeps their job suddenly being responsible for cleaning up llm output rather than what they trained in#(which can take just as much time or longer than doing the translation by hand from scratch)#(if you want it done right anyway)#hell to this day i hear people complain about written translations of indigenous words and how they 'aren't english enough'#even though they're using the ipa and use a system white english people came up with in the first place#and you can easily look up the proper pronunciation and hear it spoken#but there's such a double-standard where it's expected that other languages cater to english/english speakers#but that grace and accommodation doesn't go the other way#and it's the failing of non-english speakers when an english translation is broken#you see it whenever monolingual english speakers travel to other countries and utterly refuse to learn the language#but if someone doesn't speak in unaccented (to them) english fluently in their home country the person 'isn't trying hard enough'#this is just the new version of that where non-english speakers are supposed to do more work and put up with subpar translations#even as a native english speaker/writer i get a (much) lesser version of this because i write with canadian spelling#and some people get pissed if their internet experience is disrupted by 'ou' instead of 'o' or '-re' instead of '-er'#because dialects and regional phrasing/spelling is a thing#human translators can (or should) be able to account for it but llms are not smart enough to do so#and that's not even getting into slang and how llms don't account for it#or how llms can put slurs into translations because it doesn't do nuance or context and doesn't know the language#if you ever complained about buying something from another country that came with machine-translated instructions#you should be pissed at companies cutting english-to-[language] staff in favour of glorified google translate#because the companies are effectively saying they're fine with non-native speakers getting a wonky/broken version
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mostlyghostlyy · 1 month
Can only imagine the stress of getting as many asks as you do… you’re a true pioneer in Longloving and your effort doesn’t go unnoticed. Please take all the time you need answering everyone we appreciate you!!🤍
Oh, don't worry, I don't answer anything that I dont want too. It just happens that I'm a fucking 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 and I love writing bizarre shit.
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saviourkingslut · 6 months
not to be about opera again but to be about opera again. as an art form it has the reputation of being super stuffy and something for snobs who don't know how to have fun only but honestly this was one of, perhaps even THE main theatrical entertainment for centuries. i wish people knew how hard these things can go and how engaging they can be. like characters kill and die and fight wars and (almost) commit human sacrifice left and right. characters fall in love they mourn they're ecstatic they cry they're furious it's an extremely dramatic and emotional art form! and i understand that opera does not appear approachable bc of the general conventions of the art form but i promise old works can be fun and engaging if you go watch them with some preparation beforehand (reading the libretto helps) - not to mention not all operas are old bc there are so many modern operas which engage with topical events! also the music slaps.
#le triomphe de trajan (1807) out here calling for a man's execution with this banger:#point de grace pour ce perfide; que tout sons sang coule sur un autel#(no grace for this treacherous man; let all his blood flow on an altar)#this is also annoying to me when people write historical fic and the characters treat the opera as this elitist thing#that they don't know anything about.#you know when they go to the opera reluctantly and then they have no idea what's going on on stage or who the composer is.#which is. very unlikely for anyone with the money to attend an opera in certain opera houses in the 19th c. tbqh#like im more of an expert on paris and vienna idk what it was like in london#but if you were decently (upper) middle class or nobility (esp in paris) you went regularly. this was like a whole social space too#i recently read a fanfic and one of the characters was like 'oh it's in italian. i don't know that' and the other character went like#'it's by a man called donizetti what did you expect'#(this was situated in 19th century london)#like first of all. donizetti was NOT a librettist he was a composer he did not write the text#and second of all. he worked on french operas ?? so did rossini. and spontini.#opera was an incredibly international art form. also bc productions would be performed in different countries all the time#(sometimes changed and/or translated but not necessarily)#and again like i said. this was one of THE main forms of entertainment. people were familiar with its conventions! it was well-liked!#ofc bc of the seating prices it was not very accessible to lower classes most of the time#but lbr most characters that get written into an opera scene in fiction are at the very least decently bourgeois lol#i wish people knew how to properly historicise forms of entertainment whose reputation has changed in the modern era#from what it was a century or more ago#very adjacent to people 'cancelling' old lit bc of 'bad takes' like idk how to tell you this but people thought different back then#completely different world view from what we have today. that does not make lit from that era irredeemable it is just from a diff. time#acknowledging that and reading the text critically but also still enjoying it are things that go tgt here#ok rant over (it is never over)#curry rambles
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matoitech · 8 hours
my favorite thing is watching youtube videos talking abt stuff that requires sources and then going into the comments and seeing ppl give actual sourced information on what the youtube video got wrong
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hippo-pot · 4 months
Btw, re: my opinion that computers are not gonna be able to translate sign languages in our lifetime, it's not that sign languages are necessarily More complicated than spoken/written languages (I truly don't know how you'd measure that but I'd assume they're equally complicated). But video is, in terms of sheer data, much bigger and presumably harder to process than audio. I cannot imagine this happening without *astounding* computational resources which would take far more energy, water, and money than a human interpreter (and, more importantly, wouldn't work as well, at least for the foreseeable future). I assume the computation would happen off site in most cases if it did work, meaning the Internet connection is gonna need to be phenomenal (there is already widespread dissatisfaction with VRS human interpreters used in medical settings because half the time the connection drops). Speech to text, with all the issues it still has, seems like a breeze in comparison to 'understanding' a video.
I also cannot wrap my mind around how a machine would handle depictions. Like, with some practice behind me, my human mind is now able to understand (some) depictions I've never seen before (thank goodness, because there will ALWAYS be new depictions I haven't seen before, bc Deaf people are resourceful and creative), but I don't see how a machine would. That's pure sci fi to me. I also wouldn't expect a machine to do a good job translating stuff it's never heard before in a spoken language (e.g. wordplay, or the way you can sometimes tell the meaning of a new slang word from context, or an uncommon name even), but the thing is I think depiction is a much bigger part of daily life than wordplay is?
#Just wanted to clarify I wasn't like being weird and elevating signed languages above spoken#or i mean. if i still am let me know. it's true that ASL seems more complicated to me than English#but i try to recognize and work around that bias#like of course my native language doesn't seem complicated *to me*. i get that#anyway. I also don't know anything about the tech involved so by all means take me with a grain of salt#But this truly feels like common sense to me#If you time traveled me to the year 2080 and I saw a machine accurately translating ASL into English#My first thought would be 'which ocean is being drained for this right now'#And then 'wtf is the sheer size of this program + the database it's working off of'#I think it's cool to study this stuff. Don't get me wrong. But I don't think we should kid ourselves#It's not gonna be practical anytime soon#All that's without even considering the reverse of translating a spoken language back into a signed language#i think because human interpreters aren't perfect (because the job is hard!!) there could certainly be a temptation#to think that machines could be better than humans one day#but man. do you know what would be a better use of resources for the time being?#supporting hearing and especially Deaf interpreters in their studies and jobs#turns out a great way to improve a human's performance is to give them a teammate#we don't have to jump straight to replacing them with a machine#for anyone who doesn't know: if a particular job requires deep understanding of Deaf culture & deafness & the Deaf community#a hearing interpreter can team up with a Deaf interpreter for much better results#like the Deaf interpreter can interpret the hearing interpreter's signing into signing the Deaf client can understand better#and vice versa#anyway. it makes sense people are excited about machines. but can we stop going around saying 'hey AI is gonna take your job'#for jobs that we don't even understand 🙃#this is where y'all find out that this whole wall of text is directed at a guy who said that to my husband
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evagora · 1 year
ive spent almost five hours now translating an eight-minutes clip. my eyes are dry my jaw is clenched my back hurts my laptop is too bright and slow my dogs are barking on my kitchen i didn't have dinner i dont have fucking headphones so the volume is at max bc i wouldn't understand shit either way for some reason i cannot play videos in my phone this is me rn
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outeremissary · 2 years
Fandom reputation: Number one Tristian fan, kingmaker enthusiast with highly interesting thoughts, creator of beautiful little artworks and always so much fun to talk to.
Haha, thank you. Though I think I have been too late on the scene and too antisocial to be number one anything, truly... There are a lot of people out there who have been creating in the fandom much longer than I and have brought really impressive things into being. For reasons that elude me, some even follow me- a great and terrible honor indeed.
I am always happy to hear that the art and the company are fun :) As much as I grow, I know I'm still unskilled in both creative and social spheres, haha. It's high praise from someone as skilled as you. I'm amazed by what you can create and how rapidly you've grown.
#I am the Kingmaker philosopher with this reputation for thinking.#though I hope one day it translates into more than vaguely discussed thoughts...#I suppose at risk of being too sincere there is something truly frightening about putting things out there#when I started the Kingmaker blog I really didn't think there could be anyone on Tumblr who cared about the game#I'm very anxious and have a bad habit of comparing myself to others#I never really participated in online fandom before because the incredible abilities of others scared me- I had little to offer#the idea of quietly running a blog that no one saw appealed from me even if there was a fantasy of being famous and praised#like no competition would mean no stress.#but the truth is that there were a lot of people there already who created things I couldn't dream of coming close to#mature and skilled art. long and carefully crafted pieces of writing.#when I became aware of that I got scared.#it made it hard to be proud of what I was doing#so I went to Twitter where I had no audience and I thought no way of being discovered#and then there were people there too.#there have been times I've been so intimidated by others I've really thought about giving up completely#I can't grow or create fast enough to feel like I'm keeping pace#but I guess I want to take a cue from Balthazar and live more selfishly.#I don't really want to be the best anymore and I don't want to worry about what I ought to be doing#or to have a purpose for things or follow some process to a conventional goal#I just want to do what I enjoy without worrying about other people#or thinking I take up too much space#it's hard though right#anyway. no real concluding thought here#sorry to throw down such atrocious tags here on a post already fishing for compliments haha#turns out I actually don't know what to do with compliments when I get them.#ask me emithing#long post#dmagedgoods
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paranormal-potatoes · 2 years
I have spent the last 4 hours trying to figure out how to say three (3) sentences in Welsh for a fic.
will the majority of this fic (including these specific scenes) ever get posted or seen by anyone but me? absolutely not.
would it be easier to just put it in brackets or italics or whatever? yes, it absolutely would.
will i? no, because my brain decided "if you're going to use other languages in fics, it has to be accurate" which is true, it should be as accurate as possible.
but this isn't ever getting posted! just put it in brackets!! but it feels wrong to do that!! and so. i am putting too much work into 3 sentences that are 17 words total in english. at least i don't need a different keyboard though?
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butchlifeguard · 2 months
primrose's ch3 is GOOD btw
#fucking simeon bro.......#i cant yap too hard without doing spoilers so heres another tag to fill space lalalala#ot1 spoilers#octopath spoilers#ANYWAYYY it starts with primrose coming back to her hometown which is already pretty strong#seeing a guy Fucking dying which is a great way to establish the harm done by the obsidian people and establish their power#.because if they didnt have a great amount of political power simeons entire motivation would fall through#but in the flashbacks he was sooo fucking good the writing (+ eng translation) did a good job of creating a gray area#between 'nice guy who is also courteous because primrose is a noble' and 'creep who might have a slightly overbearing crush on this kid'#bc shes like. 8 right ? and hes old enough to work as a gardener w/o his parents also being in service of the azelharts#so probably 17 at least?#ok um. i just looked up his age on the wiki and i dont know what the fuck is going on there#i didnt spoil myself but why is he 126.#anyway i actually feel like thats worse 💀#and then his breakdown calling himself primroses one true love..#shes so good i love the contrast between everyonee calling her beautiful + whatever the fuck helgenish and simeon were doing#and her showing no romantic interest in anyone. romance repulsed icon tbh#3 people this chapter were like 'lady primrose you have grown so beautiful since we last saw you' and shes like 😐#coming back around to simeons twist villain shit they went OFF reinforcing primroses performer theme#'the crowd gasps' etc etc. DAMN BRO#a lot of her story is theatrical drama coded ime. like with the ending narration saying 'tragic or happy ending'#she does seem like a dark take on a princess archetype which is cool#anyway the actual use of the game is good here too#the dark screen after she gets knocked out with the perfectly timed music??#and the flashbacks and the use of the titles on peoples speech bubbles#because the shift from 'simeon' to 'simeon the puppet master' kind kf made me lose it a little bit#RIGHT BEFORE the flashback where hes just 'gardener' ? yeah thats a banger#overall this is fairly simple good storytelling but it all comes together along w the actual game mechanics to make one of my...#... favorite chapters so far. plus im really excited for her ch4 now.
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