#Anyway I watched a video about Itaewon and it really got to me
cupcakesmoothie · 2 years
When you're feeling messed up but you're a writer so you go and write something messed up to make yourself feel better
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rvmmm21 · 4 years
. keep it down .
summary : judgemental is the last thing joohyun is, but when seungwan can seem to keep it to herself, you can bet she’ll have something to say about it.
small note : this sat in my head, and then in my drafts, and now it's sitting here, obnoxious as seungwan. and if there’s anything i struggle with more than my inner fight between yandere!violence and yandere!smut, it’s writing two characters doing the consensual nasties. even worse, if it’s a group endeavour. thankfully irene’s not about to let that happen. idk but there’s like a tinge of humiliation somewhere, but not enough for me to want to trigger warn you about.
[irene x wendy]
There are only so many ‘sounds’ her ears can take before she blows her top. Especially when they surface every damned day of the week.
She gets it, she understands. It isn’t like there’s very much else to do what there’s a virus plaguing the nation and quarantine restrictions don’t seem to be lifting anytime soon. Plus, Red Velvet had already been laying low for the past few weeks prior, so everyone was getting a little restless. Even she’s found her own fingers wandering past her waistband more often than she’d care to put a number to… so it’s not like she’s about to judge her for it.
Except, she can, because could she be any louder? Like seriously, it’s damaging. The frequency of those moans could shatter the windows on a fucking rocket if they weren’t contained within the four walls of her room, goddamnit! She’s been out here all morning trying to get in some quality tv time – just some peace and quiet with National Geographic on for Christ’s sake, and Son bloody Seungwan is obnoxiously denying her that right.
Joohyun angrily nibbles on the edge of a biscuit, equally close to stuffing her ears with cotton-wool and breaking that door down and giving her self-serving member an earful. This is… what, the third? Fourth time today? All in what? The span of a few hours? God, she thinks, rolling her eyes as she glances at the clock, she’s really going for the Guinness Book of World Records, isn’t she?
It’s not even noon.
With an exasperated grunt, she pushes herself off the sofa and marches to the door. She had originally planned to just barge in and start yelling, but something stops her right before she has her fingers around the handle, and she finds herself slowly pressing an ear to the cool, thin wood, listening. Yep, she’s going at it again. Joohyun’s breath unconsciously catches in her throat when she hears the heavy sigh from the other side – if she listens really closely, it’s like she’s sighing right into her ear. And if she listens closer still, she can just about hear the sound of fingers against wetness.
Since Seulgi has taken Yerim out to the coffee shop, and Sooyoung’s all huddled up in her own room, headphones on and re-watching that one episode of Itaewon Class (she assumes), this could mean she gets some quality time to talk to Seungwan about her ‘problem’.
For a moment there, Joohyun thinks about Seungwan’s behaviour when they’re all out and promoting. Seungwan is bubbly, lively and full of charisma – she’s about to be full of something else, but she’ll save that image for later. She’s so soft, so even-tempered, so well-adjusted to idol life, Joohyun had often wondered how she managed it despite their constantly hectic schedules and rising levels of stress… and, well, she knows now. Her precious dongsaeng; who hasn’t a single nasty bone in her body – aside from all this self-gratification, but that doesn’t count.
Ahh, anyway, Seungwan’s in trouble. She’s definitely in trouble. And she’s going to hear all about it. Because it isn’t so much the fact that Joohyun’s been interrupted out of sleep days in a row now, or the fact that Yerim has come knocking on her door in the middle of the night because ‘Seungwan unnie’s watching weird goat videos in her room’ and she can’t go back to sleep. Hell, it isn’t even because she can’t watch the nature channel without those animalistic mating noises Seungwan so considerately contributes to, oh no.
It’s because every time Joohyun hears them, it curls that flame in her belly even tighter than the last. And while Seungwan seems to be satisfied, Joohyun absolutely cannot stomach the thought of getting her own panties wet and having the decency to carry on about her day without locking herself in her room and building the muscle in her right bicep.
So she’s done listening, and she doesn’t knock.
She has to swallow a laugh when she hears a shrill yelp and a frantic blur of blankets as Seungwan scrambles to cover herself in her sheets, as if the room isn’t already drenched in that very telling scent.
“Unnie!” she screams, twisting the material flush against her body, “oh my gosh, can’t you knock? I was, you – you can’t just come in like that!”
Joohyun just smiles. “Hi Seungwan.”
Seungwan feels the heat move to her cheeks and she looks down with a mumbled ‘hi unnie’. Joohyun steps through the doorway and shuts it behind her, causing the younger girl to shoot up from where she was staring at the floor.
It can’t be any more obvious, really. She’s doing a terrible job at hiding the breathlessness in her tone, the sheets are a mess, and her clothes are in a heap on the chair in the corner. Can… can Joohyun tell she’s naked under this? She should, from the way she’s pulling the sheet up to her neck. Oh and of course, Joohyun doesn’t clear a space on the chair so she can sit. She just sets herself down… on the edge of the bed, right next to her. That smile she’s wearing makes Seungwan think she’s either being blatantly genuine or that she’s got a million things up her sleeve.
“Are you alright? Have you been having nightmares again?”
Well, that was… unexpected. Since when did Joohyun know about the nightmares? Oh, right… that time. Gosh, she’d be lying if she says half her self-service episodes aren’t spurred on from that memory alone. But, no? She doesn’t take naps during the day… and she’s sure the other girl knows it too.
She cocks her head to the side. “Um, no unnie? I’m okay, really. Th-thanks for checking on me, though. You can, uh…” But she can’t find it in her to tell her to leave.
Unfortunately, Joohyun insists on playing dumb. “Are you sure, Seungwan-ah?” She reaches up to brush a strand of hair from Seungwan’s face. “I thought I heard crying or… or something. Even Yerimie tells me she thinks you must be having bad dreams. You wake her up sometimes, you know? With your crying.”
Okay, so ‘crying’ is definitely a euphemism.
No, no, no. There’s no way.
Has she been that loud? Surely she hasn’t tainted poor, darling Yerimie’s innocent ears with all her immorality, has she? Wait, what has everybody been hearing?
Joohyun cuts through her thoughts, leaning in over her and holding her down with her gaze. Seungwan can’t help the shiver that rattles through her when she sees what’s in those eyes, all too aware of the dryness in her lips and the cool air against her heated skin.
Before she has time to react, Joohyun is bringing Seungwan’s fingers – you know, the ones that had been between her thighs not ten minutes ago, still slightly damp from activities – up under her nose and… that fucking smile stretches all the way to her ears when she confirms something she’s known all along.
“Nightmares, maybe not…” Joohyun sounds far too nonchalant for someone who’s just found out her member has been touching herself non-stop. “… well, not for you, anyway.”
Seungwan suddenly can’t remember how to breathe when cinnamon eyes stare right through hers.
“And not for me, either.”
The instant Joohyun’s words register in her brain, Seungwan is pulling her wrist out of the death grip around it and trying to kick away from her. She would’ve succeeded, too, if it weren’t for the fact that Joohyun had already seen this coming. She doesn’t wait for Seungwan to react, and she doesn’t loosen her grip. She tugs her in by the arm, pins it to the bed, and she’s on top of her before Seungwan can even think to catch her breath.
“Get – get the fuck off me!” The reaction is impulsive, unthinking. Seungwan stills when she realises her mistake and instantly corrects herself (which Joohyun thinks is absolutely adorable). “I mean! I-I mean please get off, u-unnie…”
“You know, Seungwannie,” Joohyun continues, ignoring the uncomfortable shift beneath her, “I wouldn’t have minded… except. I’m sure you’re aware that the walls in here aren’t the thickest. And I can only imagine you think you’re being subtle with all those pretty noises you make. Sometimes I just want to watch tv and not have to turn the subtitles on.”
Joohyun watches in amusement as she tries to flinch away, to hide her deafening embarrassment, but there’s really nowhere to go.
P-pretty noises? Subtitles?! Pretty noises!
“Unnie, I… I don’t – I’m…” she stutters, trying unsuccessfully to kick the sheets so she isn’t trapped under them, too.
There’s a definite switch in Joohyun’s voice, which the younger picks up instantly. No more fake concern, no more pretending not to know. It’s still gentle as ever, but there’s something else… and it’s not good news for her.
“Aw, is Wannie feeling shy now?” She taunts, tightening her grip on her wrist just enough to make her squirm. “You certainly don’t seem shy when you’re making me listen to all your moaning… your whimpering…”
Seungwan bites her lip and shakes her head, wanting nothing more than to perish on sight. She’s given up struggling for the moment, because she can barely move with Joohyun’s knee snugly wedged between her legs, putting an unholy amount of pressure on her still-sore clit.
“It’s – it’s not what you think!”
This time Joohyun pulls her hand up to her lips, and oh so slowly takes them into her mouth, a finger at a time, until Seungwan feels them both coated in her own slick and warm saliva. She gulps, and Joohyun grins, sucking her fingers clean. “Oh really? That tasted like exactly what I think it is.” She chuckles at the sheer horror plastered on her dongsaeng’s red face. “You really think you’re quiet, don’t you? I can hear everything, Wannie.”
“Wha – what?”
Joohyun looks down at her. The girl probably doesn’t realise how vulnerable, how lovely she looks, because if she did, she’d know exactly what it was doing to Joohyun’s waning restraint, and she’d definitely try to stop. God, that deep rose tint in her cheeks, the thin sheets she’s barely wrapped in anymore just falling off her shoulders, beckoning her to uncover more. 
And not to mention the taste of her arousal now sitting on her tongue.
“I wonder what everyone else would say, hm? If I told them. What would manager unnie say if I tell her the real reason you were late for our VLive yesterday? Huh? Do you think she’d like to know that our tiniest, sweetest member spends all her free time fucking herself like this?”
Seungwan can only listen and cringe at the prospect of having her innocent façade shattered in front of everyone she’s ever known. “No, please don’t!” She’s quick to interrupt Joohyun’s sadistic musings, thinking she might actually die if she hears any more. And she doesn’t want to resort to looking even more pathetic than she already does, but – “Please, unnie, please don’t tell! I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’ll be quiet next time, promise!”
It’s so funny how Seungwan thinks she can get out of this with a few ‘sorry unnie’s’ and ‘pleases’. Joohyun responds with a firm upper thrust of her knee between her legs, and Seungwan can’t choke back the whimper fast enough. She smirks when the girl’s eyes go wide and she clamps her hands over her own mouth. 
Joohyun will compromise later, but for now, she’s intent on hearing more of those sounds Seungwan seems to suddenly not want her to hear.
“What… what are you…” She tries to scoot back, but Joohyun’s hand is already sneaking down to rub her over the paper-thin cotton sheet. Seungwan almost groans out loud at how wet she is. The fabric slides so smoothly over her folds and Joohyun finds her clit without breaking eye contact for a second, pulling a throaty whine from her when she thumbs it gently. Seungwan’s leaking so much she’s soaked through the barrier of cotton.
The older girl somewhat assesses her reaction. Very, very sensitive, but she can take one more.
Seungwan spreads herself open as much as her restrictions will allow, shuddering violently when she feels the heat in her cheeks migrate back down to that spot between her thighs. She can’t help it, though. When Joohyun barged in on her, she’d been so close. Now she just wants her to finish off what she’d disturbed.
Joohyun relents her grip on her wrist to rub a thumb over a nipple, making Seungwan squeak like a baby mouse. God, she really is soft all over.
“Ungh… u-unnie…” Seungwan shields her eyes with an arm, terribly shy. “Please…”
“Mm?” Joohyun dips her head down to flick her tongue over the nipple before lightly biting down. “What was that? Were you close? Did I ruin it?” Although from the moisture on her thumb, she needn’t have asked.
“Don’t worry, unnie will take care of that for you.” Joohyun reassures, bringing her fingers up to tap against Seungwan’s lips, demanding access. “But you need to be quiet, okay? You can use my fingers if it helps.”
The offer is mortifying but at the same time, she doesn’t trust herself to be able to hold back. So she opens, sucking on the fingers filling her mouth and turning anything she was trying to say into a muffled grunt, to which Joohyun smiles encouragingly.
“Does my poor little Wannie need to feel good, hm? She’s just frustrated, isn’t she?”
The only response is a gagged whimper around the digits between her lips. Joohyun slowly increases the pressure against the painful ache at her core, and Seungwan just keens. She can’t vocalise it now, but the way her hips are canting up against the pad of her thumb shows just how desperate she is for more stimulation, and Joohyun almost coos.
Poor Seungwan. Her poor sensitive, edged little Seungwan.
Too bad it’s so much fun to tease her. Especially when she’s so clearly on the brink. But she knows she’s not going to last much longer, not when she’s already twitching like she’s going to cum for the fifth time today. Joohyun is just glad she’s the one making her, this time. She continues to roll her thumb right against Seungwan’s clit, swollen from overstimulation but burning for Joohyun to make it cum again.
Seungwan tries to tell her that she’ll lose it if she keeps this up, but her makeshift gag stops the words from ever leaving her mouth. She doesn’t see Joohyun move, nor does she hear it. All she feels is a slight ruffle in the bedsheets and then the zips of electricity that run down the length of her spine when Joohyun’s lips latch around her nub and suck. Oh gosh, she’s… she’s sucking on her clit. She’s sucking on it through – through the fabric and it feels even better. She tries to shift away a little, wanting to stay like this for as long as possible, but Joohyun’s anchored and she’s helpless to resist it. It quickly becomes too much for her to hold out for a second longer. She’s going to – god, she can’t take anymore, she’s going to cum.
Seungwan falls apart with Joohyun eating her out and four fingers stuffed into her mouth, shivering and whining as best she can while she rides out the most intense orgasm she’s had today, or ever. And Joohyun doesn’t stop, either. She’s still licking – slower, at least, but she isn’t letting up till she feels Seungwan shake at the feeling, oversensitive and exhausted.
Joohyun licks her lips, watching Seungwan struggle to keep her eyes open. So the limit is five, she mentally adds for future reference.
“Did you like that, Wannie? It really sounded like you did. Sooyoung probably heard you from her room.”
Brows furrow in disbelief and Joohyun only shakes her head as she removes her hand, creating a long string of saliva as it leaves her mouth.
She grins as she holds up her spit-coated fingers for Seungwan to blush at. “Really. You have no idea, huh. These definitely aren’t enough to shut you up. I’m going to have to get creative next time.”
Seungwan groans and buries her face in her pillow, mumbling something incoherent about ‘never opening her mouth again’. It’s enough to keep her hands away from her crotch for the rest of her life. That, and the fact that Joohyun is still fully clothed while she’s lying here completely naked, nothing but a soaked bedsheet to preserve any modesty she can scrape together after… whatever’s just happened.
She isn’t sure what she thought was going to happen next, but Joohyun slotting herself comfortably between her and the wall wasn’t on her list of expectations. The next thing that registers in her cloudy mind is that she’s being… cuddled. She didn’t even have to squeeze her bolster like she so often did, thinking about a certain someone after she’d finished ‘fantasising’ or even as she retired for the night. No, this is the real thing! There’s an arm draped around her waist and a warm body snuggled into her side. She wants to pinch herself, half expecting to wake up in another dimension – one where cockroaches run for presidency and everyone’s favourite food is Twinkies (the chocolate kind) – but when she wriggles, the arm tightens around her and she turns to look at the face she wants to wake up to for as long as she lives.
“Unnie?” For someone so usually vocal, she’s at a loss for words. “… I… uh, sorry… about… the noise, I…”
Joohyun shushes her with the gentlest kiss to her cheek and laces their fingers together. “Relax, Wan-ah… I understand. I wasn’t angry with you like that, you know.”
A tiny spark of energy races through the younger girl at those words, and she jolts forward, confused. “Huh? You weren’t angry I was so noisy? The subtitles? Your tv time?”
Assuming she’d have her dongsaeng fall asleep in her arms, the sudden curiosity takes Joohyun by surprise too, but she gradually pushes herself up so she’s resting on her elbows. “Well, not really… you weren’t really disturbing me, that much. I didn’t mean it like that, anyway.”
“W-What do you mean, unnie?”
And Joohyun has to laugh at her sincerity.
With their fingers still intertwined, she brings them up to her lips and kisses the back of Seungwan’s hand.
“You really want to know?”
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celestialmystical · 4 years
The Waiting Game
As I sit here in this square room, staring out over the Han river at Incheon, with nothing but my thoughts to keep me company, I ask myself: Why did I really decide to move here to South Korea?
Why am I purposefully putting myself in such an uncomfortable situation?
I mean, leaving my friends and family and living in a country where I can barely speak the language and I don’t really know anyone?
Why would I do that to myself?
I think back to about five years ago, when I was nineteen, I came across a video on Instagram of some girl dancing. I saw there were judges and other girls like her in the back. I don’t how but I assumed from the video it was a show about making a girlband.
Intrigued, I looked up what the show was and found out it was Produce 101.
Produce 101 was a show about 101 South Korean girls auditioning to make a kpop group.
I really enjoyed the show and then became obsessed with South Korea. I listened to lots of different kpop groups as well as kr&b and watched a lot of kdrama, Flower Over Boys being my first one. I watched several videos on youtube about what it was like to live in South Korea and how I could possibly move there.
That’s how I found out that you could live in Korea for a year simply by teaching there.
At the time, it was just an idea that I could do that. I didn’t really have any goal for that to happen.
I was in my second year of college. I was in relationship with someone I thought I’d marry. What I was going to do after college was far away from my mind.
A lot has happened since I came across that video of Chungha.
I’ve experienced a lot of losses in my life in these past 5 years—friends, lovers, family, pets. Literally and figuratively.
I experienced a really dark period of my life. I constantly felt numb and disconnected from everyone and everything.
But I also experienced great growth from that difficult era of my life. I wrote a book as my healing medium.
It was a period of my life where I really learned so many things about life and myself. The biggest one of them all being the importance of loving yourself before and more than anyone else.
After college, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I knew I didn’t want to live back home with my parents but I had no other choice.
I got a job and met some wonderful people there. And while I had many fun, easy times working there and hanging out with my coworkers who eventually became really good friends of mine, I felt like I needed more.
Lots of people make the decision of taking more school after graduating college—like getting a Master’s, for example.
I didn’t feel like that was the right decision for me. At least, not immediately. While I really do dread the thought of going back to school and writing a bunch of essays where I have to cite people because personal opinions can’t be taken into consideration unless it’s been backed up by ‘science’ and ‘numbers’—which aren’t always accurate given the study and don’t really take into consideration the minority outside of the numbers.
Anyway, while I dread going back to school, I also don’t really know what kind of career I want to go into.
While I was with my boyfriend for two years, I thought becoming a therapist was what I wanted. Even though that had never struck any bells within my heart, I felt it was the safest and easiest route for me. I’m a great listener and advice-giver (if you’re okay with it being a little brutal)—and while the idea doesn’t repel me right now, it surely doesn’t attract me either.
At the moment, I’m kind of over being the trash can for people to dump their problems on.
I’m okay with hearing my friends problems and being there for them in whatever way they need—but to have people just blab blab blab about their problems at me all day, especially people who are narcissistic, sounds extremely draining.
I want to live and be with people who also want to live.
And I think part of living is stepping out of your comfort zone.
Initially, my interest for South Korea was because of the kpop and the kdrama and the fashion. I won’t lie.
After a while though, it morphed into wanting to do something completely out of my comfort zone where everything is new and different for me. I know living in a country that doesn’t speak my language and not many people look like me would do this.
Korea became the option not only because of the sweet deal of teaching here for a year while they give you an apartment to live in and really just help you out in general, but also because, it just called to me.
I can’t say it’s because I know this country the most because I don’t. I only know what kpop and kdrama show me which I know is like the rosiest lense possible. I can’t say it’s because it’s the only country that interests me cause that’s not true. Japan, Iceland, and Italy really interest me too.
I do really want to work with kids--but again, I could do that anywhere.
I don’t know. I just feel it in my soul that I need to be here for some reason. That I need to experience whatever it is I’m going to experience here.
It’s hard to see right now what that is or what it will be.
After coming here the first day and experiencing such a distressing time being lost, it became extremely apparent to me how difficult this was going to be.
My body is honestly so overwhelmed, that even though I want to keep studying Korean, I barely have any energy except to watch shows on my laptop, like Itaewon Class. (which is a great show, I highkey recommend.)
As someone who doesn’t really watch shows, that’s all I’ve had the energy to do. I can barely read or write (creatively, it’s different for me than doing something like this)
That and I’ve been craving food, which is really not like me either. Usually, I forget to eat. But lately, I’ve just been like, what can I stuff myself with?
I know this overwhelmed feeling comes with the fact that I’m having so much new information coming into my brain at once.
Part of it though, I think comes from the fact that I have extremely high expectations of myself.
The fact that I don’t know Korean fluently, makes me think I need to do everything in my power right now to make it so. The pressure adds to the overwhelmingness.
I think I have to be great at everything immediately.
I paradoxically feel like I need to have it all done right now but also feel that have no motivation to do it.
It’s just kind of funny to me. 
The Universe always, always reminds me to stay patient and humble.
My mom always says to me, “Rome was not built in a day.”
And she’s so right. I’m not going to be fluent in Korean right this moment.
I’ve literally only been here for two days.
I have to take it a step at a time. Like with everything. 
I constantly come back to this concept. It’s equally frustrating as it is hilarious to me.
Though there’s so many things I want to do and see, though I want to be able to speak Korean well, I know that will come, eventually.
But right now, right now I need to be just be here with this little step.
It’s not about the destination, but the journey. It is about those little victories.
This mentality has helped me gain some energy back and has made me realize my purpose for being here will present itself when I’m ready.
As my father has said to me: “Tough times ahead but they will be important life lessons you can carry with you for the rest of your life! There’s a reason you were meant to be there at this stage of your life!! Go find it.”
And that I will. Eventually.
But for now.
For now, I’m going to watch Itaewon Class and eat some chips :)
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seoulfulcity · 6 years
July 7, 2018: A Humidity and Noraebang Cocktail
This week started off really wet with 100% rain and thunderstorm and a humidity that never went below 95%.
Sunday, July 1, 2018: I had to shower multiple times in the day because I could not even walk down Anam-dong without being drenched in both rain and sweat. Although, all my pores opened up and I had good skin for a few days.
The day was pretty slow - I met up with Anthony, Bonnie, Valentino, Sophie, Matt, Jason, Joyce, and Thai and was introduced to Bonnie's roommate Deedee and her friend who showed us that you eat raw spam in China. We ate at a barbeque place next to Chicken Bus called Seorae (서래 갈매기).
Later that night, Valentino, Matt and I met up at Valentino's room to watch Train to Busan (Busanhaeng/부산행) on Netflix; but since we're in South Korea, it did not give us the option of English subtitles so we watched Taegukgi: Brotherhood of War (Taegukgi Hwinallimyeo/태극기 휘날리며) on YouTube instead.
Monday, July 2, 2018: It was a regular night that started with Minki-hyung (민기형) taking me, Matt, Florence, Wendelyn, Sophie, Thai, and Joyce to have chicken galbi in a place called Chuncheon Dakgalbi (춘천닭갈비) where the owner called me "greedy" for setting up two side dishes (banchan/반찬) for each table and claimed that it was too excessive and we wouldn't be able to finish it. Culture shock, I guess? Since, Korean barbeque places in Los Angeles give us a set of banchan (반찬) per person, rather than per table, most of the time. Hyunjic-oppa (현진오빠) joined us towards the end of our dinner.
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We went to a karaoke (noraebang/노래방) place nearby ending our night at one in the morning. There were nine of us for a total of ₩14,000, so we decided to have two people not pay and have the other seven of us pitch in ₩2,000 each. Hyunjic-oppa (현직오빠) had a bright idea and asked the worker at the noraebang (노래방) to draw two of our school IDs from a hat to decide. Minki-hyung (민기형) and I did not end up paying for noraebang (노래방) that night.
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Tuesday, July 3, 2018: The sun started shining and puffy white clouds filled the sky. Everybody decided to go outside to enjoy Seoul without the rain for the first time. I walked the entire Anam-dong with no idea where to go or what to do just because I only wanted to be outside. The humidity was still unbearable though. It stayed within 90% throughout the day, so I gave in to the Asian mini fan culture and bought myself one from the nearby Daiso store.
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Walking back from Daiso, I saw a really attractive worker in Baskin Robbins, so I bought a Puss in Boots milkshake and stayed in to study for my Korean class enjoying my view.
I was getting over budget very fast so I did nothing special that night besides another soju night with Valentino, Matt, and Cara in a place called 88. Valentino finally got around and visited Myeongdong to buy his sim card and his Korean starter pack that included a black face mask, a hat with the South Korean flag (Taegukgi/태국기), and a white pair of Adidas shoes.
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Wednesday, July 4, 2018: My actual ISC buddy never had the time to meet with us until this week, so he scheduled a lunch with each of us individually to get to know each other. His name is Hyungki-hyung (형기형) and it was his first time being a buddy for the summer program. He had a part-time job for the summer, so it was difficult for him to find the time to meet with us as a group. He asked me what I have not tried in Seoul yet and suggested bossam (보쌈), spiced belly pork in a restaurant that specializes in it called Ssago (싸고). I enjoyed it so much I later dragged Matt and Valentino to the same location later in the week.
After my lunch with my actual buddy, I decided to skip my only summer class to tour around Seoul and visited SMTown Museum in COEX mall with Sophie. Luckily, my Korean professor did not give out any paperwork or homework that day so I didn't miss much. Sophie and I walked around COEX mall before going into SMTown Museum and just missed the 3 PM EXO show in the theater. The next show was going to be at 7:30 PM with SHINee, and I was not willing to wait four hours and pay an extra ₩10,000 to watch a live concert.
The SMTown Museum ticket was only ₩18,000 and it had areas for each SM artists. At the main lounge were bookshelves of all the albums and an entire timeline for each SM group, such as EXO, Super Junior, TVXQ!, NCT, SHINee, Red Velvet, Girls' Generation, and f(x). Then they have an entire section dedicated to each SM group which includes the outfits they wore in their music videos and concerts.
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We returned back to Anam later in the afternoon and met up with our friend group to spend the night together again. Florence showed me a machine in Daiso that dispensed customized stickers with your name on it. So, I got one with my name (크리스) and Korea University (고여대학교) in Korean. I also introduced Florence and Valentino to my favorite restaurant in Anam-dong that specializes in chicken steaks (Dakgup Neunshin/닭굽는신), which is near the KU entrance by Anam Station (안암역) on the second floor of Namu Playstation Console Game Room. If you ever get to visit Anam-dong, make sure to visit this place. It's a regular and casual hangout for the KU students, if you want to be surrounded by local Koreans and not by foreigners and tourists.
In South Korea, you decide if the restaurant is good or not by their kimchi - so my kimchi tasting skills have been really improving.
The kimchi at the chicken steak restaurant was still my favorite one though. I ate at that place the second day I arrived in Seoul after orienting myself to the campus with Tommy, and met two girls from Venezuela and Romania who have studied in Korea University for four years, and told me the fun fact about kimchi being the deciding factor on how good the restaurants are. They both agreed that the kimchi at my favorite chicken steak restaurant was one of the better ones.
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Since it was Fourth of July, the Americans in our group (Valentino, and Matt, and me) dragged the group to a coin noraebang (코인노래방) to sing American songs, especially "Party in the USA". It was ₩500 for two songs, so we did not pay by hour and worry about wasting time finding songs. We stayed in the coin noraebang (코인노래방) for five hours and only spent close to ₩9,000 the entire night.
We tried looking for fireworks or sparklers to light up by our dorm or even the Han River, but to no avail. Our friends back in America were posting fireworks snaps and celebrating Fourth of July with American and Mexican foods, and it made me feel a little homesick; I still did not want to go home though.
We ended the night at McDonald's, since what was more American than McDonald's anyway?
Thursday, July 5, 2018: Another regular day. My Korean professor still taught the class in full Korean, cafeteria food was still filling, and my wallet was still trying to take a break from all the spending.
After class, I went to the CU convenience store next to Frontier House to grab a quick snack and bumped into Simi! We haven't seen each other since orientation day, so it took us a while to catch up with each other. I invited her to the Seoul Summer School Festival in a club in Itaewon called B-One Lounge Club Friday night, which was a huge club party for all the international students from the big universities in Seoul - Yonsei, Hanyang, Ewha, Seoul National, Korea, Hankuk, Sungkyunkwan, Hogang, Chung-Ang, Ajou, and many more.
After the conversation, I met for dinner with Davy, Sophie, Thai, Matt, and Joyce for some budae-jjigae (부대찌개), which is a sausage stew with gochujang (고추장), red chili paste in a place called Biya, which was basically next to the Frontier House stairs. Thai and Sophie could not stand eating spicy food, so they both settled in for the unlimited tater tot side dish. Thai also drowned the jjigae (찌개) with water and ramen to hide the spicy taste. Thai and Davy were disappointed since they asked Minki-hyung (민기형) for a hotpot location, and Minki-hyung (민기형) suggested to eat at Biya (비야). I guess he had a different idea of what hotpot is because jjigae (찌개) did not end up satisfying Thai and Davy's hotpot cravings.
After the dinner, we went around Anam-dong and settled in a restaurant, which specializes in seafood, called Shingshing Oring Eobada (싱싱 오링어바다), just under O-Bar Whiskey and Beer, to drink some apple-flavored sojus since the previous bars we checked out did not offer it (apple-flavored soju is our favorite drink).
Matt bought a 1.5L Milkis bottle from a nearby GS25 store and brought it in the the restaurant to mix with the apple-flavored sojus, since he wanted us to taste this easy-to-make cocktail.
Matt ordered shrimp tempura in horrifyingly-embarrassing Korean that our cute Korean waiter was laughing the entire time Matt was talking. It's funnier since Matt is Korean but does not speak a word of the language, so everybody he interacts with here in Seoul expects him to be fluent with the language. They start laughing or let out a sigh of disappointment whenever he says a Korean word in a heavy American accent. He had an experience with an Uzbek worker in a 7/11 store nearby where he asked for a cigarette in terrible Korean and the Uzbek worker laughed at him and spoke to him in fluent English to stop Matt from further embarrassing himself.
After mixing our first round of apple-flavored soju and Milkis, the cute waiter came over with his translator app and told Matt to not bring in outside drinks to the restaurant "from now on" so he mixed the Milkis with our sojus under the table throughout the rest of the night.
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We went to the same coin noraebang (코인노래방) right after.
Friday, June 6, 2018: I was running on a few hours of sleep since we got home very late from the noraebang (노래방) and I had to wake up at 7:30 AM for the K-Pop flash mob hosted by the school. After getting home, Sophie asked me to help a drunk student she ran into back to his room in Frontier House since only guys can enter the building. The guy was very stubborn and I was very exhausted and needed to rest. I dropped him off after a good hour of him drunkenly eating his ramen and told his roommate, who was surprisingly still awake at that time, to knock on my room if he needed any help.
We learned the choreography to Red Velvet's "Red Flavor" in the Tiger Dome (Hwajung Cheyukgwan/화정체육관) from 9:30 to noon to perform the flashmob three times on camera at the main plaza in Korea University. The school gave away BT21 goods, signed CDs from Blackpink, SHINee, BTOB, and ONF, and four tickets to see KBS “Music Bank” live that afternoon to those who participated in the flash mob.
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After the flash mob, I napped until it was time for us to go to Seoul Summer School Festival. I met with Matt and Valentino for a quick dinner at the bossam (보쌈) place I had lunch in with Hyungki-hyung (형기형) earlier in the week.
Valentino had both his phone and wallet stolen from the night before when he went out with his fraternity friends in Made bar in Itaewon. He fell asleep and woke up early in the morning with only his phone case left. So, both Matt and I have been helping him out paying for things and offering our phones so he kept up with our group Kakao Talk conversations, etc.
We met with Minki-hyung (민기형), Thai, and Sophie at Anam Station (안암역) after the dinner and headed to Itaewon just in time for the event to start at 11 PM. Bonnie, Joyce, Florence, Wendelyn, Lina, Simi and her roommate Edan, Salli, and Carolina were going to catch up with us later in the night. Hyunjic-oppa (현직오빠) and Hyungki-hyung (형기형) couldn't join us because they needed to study and do homework.
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Valentino was initially denied entrance to the club because he was wearing his Adidas jogging pants, so he had to take the subway back with Sophie to change to a more acceptable pants. We left the club to drink some soju by the GS25 store next to the bar and met up with Bonnie, Wendelyn, Florence, and Joyce who were in line. Just behind them were Lina, Bruno, and Davonte, who I was meeting for the first time.
Lina actually messaged the group chat saying she wanted to get to know and hang out with us more, so that was why I was familiar with her - although, we didn’t see each other for the rest of the night after that. Not long after that at midnight, Simi and Edan came, while Salli and Carolina arrived around 2 AM.
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Every time I went outside, I always took the chance to get some chicken skewer (dakkochi/닭꼬치) from the ahjumma just next to the entrance of the club - so much that she knew which sauce I wanted spread on my skewer. Hint: it’s teriyaki sauce.
I introduced the non-Americans to the cocktail called Adios Motherfucker (AMF), which is known in the US to black people out. Minki-hyung (민기형) finished the drink in one sip and Florence had to take him home at midnight - an hour after entering the club.
We left B-One a little past 5:30 AM in broad daylight. We had more skewered teriyaki chicken outside the club and headed back to our dorms.
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It's currently 6:32 PM and I woke up just four hours ago, basically sleeping through breakfast and lunch; so I'm writing this blog waiting for the cafeteria to open for my first meal of the day at 7:30 PM. Luckily, I did not wake up with a headache, although my legs and feet are currently sore from seven hours of standing up and dancing.
Recently, I've been wanting to take a break from Korean foods, especially chicken and every form of soup. Every single restaurant around here serve mainly those two and I just wanted to eat something different - perhaps Japanese or Mexican food? I aimlessly walked around Anam-dong to look for a non-Korean restaurant to eat at and came across a tonkatsu place where they served a Japanese-Hawaiian fusion plate in Eunhwasu Sikdang (은화수 식당). After the filling meal, I bought a pack of banana milk and sweet bread from a convenience store and sat down to eat at the Central Plaza overlooking the Main Hall of Korea University that was beautifully lit up at night.
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Michael (Inseok/인석) messaged me to meet Valentino at the Frontier House stairs since Valentino lost his phone and had no way to contact any of us since Kakao Talk wanted verification from his phone number attached to his account. Jordan and Matt joined us a while after and had banana milk and bread together.
It is Nay's birthday and they're all planning on going out to a bar in Hongdae tonight. Jordan was headed to Itaewon in a bit to visit some gay clubs also.
I think I might sit these down to take some time to recuperate. The night life here in Seoul doesn't stop, apparently. Until then!
고마워요, Chris 「크리스」
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Update: I just met up with Thai, Davy, Hyunjic-oppa (현직오빠), Hyungki-hyung (형기형), Wendelyn, Matt, Valentino, and Florence for chicken and soju in Chicken Bus (치킨버스) and to watch the World Cup match between Sweden and England. I left earlier in the night to sleep, while Thai, Davy, Hyunjic-oppa (현직오빠), and Hyungki-hyung (형기형) stayed in the place to finish the game. Wendelyn, Matt, Valentino, and Florence headed to Hongdae for to continue drinking for Nay's birthday.
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kpopviralblog · 7 years
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K-Netizens disappointed at Pristin Eunwoo and Kyulkyung for going to a night club, fans clarify picture + Netizen comments
K-Netizens have become disappointed with a picture of Eunwoo and Kyulkyung seemingly in a night club, and expressed their opinions on the matter.
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When Kyulkyung said she wouldn’t go to clubs:
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[Trans] “I watched a behind the scene video of Mcountdown and the staff asked Jieqiong, 'Jieqiong, shouldn't you go to night-clubs with the older members once you turn 20?' and Jieqiong cut her right away and answered, 'I won't go to that kind of place~' and I was kind of surprised.. I thought she was very sure of what she said and yet.. She did the opposite of what she said”
-It's normal to think that way before you turn into an adult..
-Same.. I seriously thought I wouldn't drink alcohol when I turn into an adult, I was wrong..
-Seems like you have never changed your mind in your entire life..
-You guys are seriously hating on her for this?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-Being a celebrity must be a really tiring job... They get hate for everything they doㅠㅠ
-Ugh.. You guys must be kidding me, going to a night-club is not a big deal..
-So what..??
-F*ck..ㅋㅋㅋ Then what is she supposed to do? Scream, 'I'm going to a night-club!!!' 'Yes, I'm going to a night-club once I turn into an adult!!!', like that?ㅋㅋㅋ
-The three girls next to her look exactly the same..
-She's an adult, it's okay for her to go to night-clubs..ㅋㅋㅋ What kind of bullshit is this..ㅋㅋㅋ
-When I was in high school, I promised myself to never drink coffee because I heard it makes you become stupider and yet I broke that promise..
-It's not like she went to a forbidden area or something like that..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ And it's normal to change your mind..
-What's so wrong with going to a night-club..
-I feel sorry for Zhou Jieqiong.. She gets hate for every little thing she does..
-You can quit the fandom if you don't like the idea of her going to a night-clubㅋㅋㅋ I mean, idols don't always have to grant their fans' wishes..
-You're turning this into a problem?ㅋㅋㅋ Seriously?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-Ugh.. It must be really tiring to be a celebrity...
Fans got disappointed with them going to a club:
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[Trans] “It has almost been 2 years since I first became a fan of Zhou Jieqiong.. Honestly, rather than feeling disappointed, I feel like.. Okay, f*ck it, they're adults and it's normal for them to go to night-clubs. But it hasn't even been a year since they debuted. Right now is the time for them to make up their images on public and yet they went to a night-club and took a selfie as if they wanted to brag it off to the public. When fans meet them on the street and ask for pictures, they'd reject it saying that their company doesn't allow them and yet they're bravely taking selfies in a night-club. Ah.. I'm having a mental breakdown right now. The fact that their company doesn't control them, a girl group that's barely one year into their debut, just doesn't make any sense at all to me. Both their company and also the girls themselves are problematic. I'm freaking disappointed in Zhou Jieqiong, seems like her desperateness has faded away since she originally comes from a wealthy family. They should've just kept it (going to a night-club) as a secret and didn't take any selfies.”
-I don't get this fan.. It's not like the girls took selfies with men or anything like thatㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-I can totally understand the fan..
-What.. What's so wrong about this..?
-I can relate to that one fan.. They're still a rookie and they need to make up a good images for the public..
-It's normal for that fan to feel disappointed.. If I was them, I would've felt the same way..
-I'm not saying that the girls going to a night-club is a wrong thing, but I can totally understand the fan.. I would've felt the same way if it happened to my biases..ㅠㅠ
-I can totally relate to that one fan.. They shouldn't have taken any selfies..
-I know right..ㅋㅋㅋ They reject fans when they ask pictures on streets and yet they're taking selfies in a night-club..
-There are things that they should give up when they become idols.. I mean, they have every right to go to night-clubs. But fans have every right to quit their fandoms as well..
-I can understand that one fan.. Anyway, it's my first time seeing female idols going to a night-club and bravely take selfies there..
-They're just barely 8 months into their debut..
-I can understand the girls too.. They're free to go to night-clubs and stuffs, but at least, don't be so obvious about it.. It's not like going to night-clubs is something that you should be proud of..
-To all those people who comment like 'They're adults, what's so wrong about them going to a night-club?'.. I wonder if they still could be that cool when the same thing goes to their idolsㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-You guys are saying you can relate and understand that fan..?? Wow, I'm shocked..
-The same thing did happen to my idol and honestly, I feel nothing..
-They're taking a selfie with their friends.. Fans and friends are obviously different..
-I seriously don't know what's the problem here..
However, a fan of Kyulkyung has come forward to clarify the picture, and stated that it was taken at a halloween parade in Itaewon.
The fan tweeted photos as proof as well.
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-So it was taken during Halloween but they just posted it now?
-Who's that?
-First of all, I don't get why adults going to a night-club is a big deal that they have to get a lot of hate for it..
-Seems like the fans asked for some clarification to the girls who are in that selfie..
-One thing that I'm really curious, do female idols not go to night clubs? I'm just curious, I don't know what's the problem with female idols going to night-clubs..
-Yeah, seems like the picture was taken during the Halloween Parade but how did that fan know?
-So what if they go to night-clubs or not, it's none of your business..
-They're adults anyway, they're free to go to night-clubs..
-I'm sure that some of their fans must've been disappointed with the picture they took, but they shouldn't have closed their eyes and ears and not listen to any explanations behind it..
-It's normal for female idols to go to night-clubs and have relationships with men, they're human too..
-Hmm.. I have nothing to say since I'm not a Pristin's fan but I don't get it why their fans are disappointed and decide to leave the fandom just because of this..ㅋㅋㅋ
-There are a lot of male idols who go to night-clubs, after all..
TL;DR: They just went to a halloween parade.
Source: pannative, kyulkyungs
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