#Anzu Kinashi KGS
cccotard · 4 months
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teenage shenanigans part ii
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badlydrawnyttd · 8 months
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badly drawn yttd: day 10
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undy1ngumbrage · 10 months
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The ranmar & the anmz.. what will they do
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justayttdsideblog · 1 year
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The long anticipated: yttd memes
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d3spairisart · 10 days
I finished logic route :(
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My thoughts on Chapter 3b logic route,,,,
I feel really bad for feeling relief after realizing Hinako was chosen over Gin,,, and I let out a cry when Hayasaka was the first doll to be picked!!! ToT
When midori picked anzu,,, good god,,, I was so emotionally devastated I couldn't go on
But I had too!!! So when Ranmaru died,,, my partner changed the final dialogue to "Sara, I'm sorry." And I had to do a double take while watching the spinner animation go offfff ToT oh my god I felt DEVASTATEDDDD
I'm glad gin is okay,,, he's my baby boy but,,, at what cost ToT
Midori showing fear,,, it was really nice to see Maple almost get him. And Midori's death,,, it was satisfying,,, I like him as an antagonist, he's really interesting
Now,,, Keiji,,, I've never been so happy to see that stupid fake blonde. At the end of the trial!!!! I was so happyyyy!!! ToT Sara needs a friend to rely on,,, just anybody,,, Sou is a little prick, Gin shouldn't have to be so burdened,,, Q-Taro,,,
I DIDNT EVEN LIKE HIM THAT MUCH!!! He was a nice character ig and I thought of him pretty fondly, I think his final words with Gin was really sweet,,, Even though he's a shitty guy,,, I'm glad his final act was a selfless one
I think after all this,,, I just want Sara to be happy :(
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jademint2581 · 8 months
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yourturntolive · 1 year
Haiii!! What is kurumada and Anzu relationship like?(im trying to push my kurumada Anzu siblings agenda(the siblings ever))
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deep down he cares about her but will NEVER admit it
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justalazytrashpanda · 4 months
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Made an Anzu redesign for funsies!
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selvypilled · 2 years
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hey guys
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jseter · 3 months
Kinashi posting yippeeeeeyayay!!!! spoilrrs under da cut ?!?!!
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glassaiko · 1 year
the be(a)sties
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ranmaru and anzu! like joe and sara at the start of the game
designs and au itself by @maxmoxie ! please go check it out!
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cccotard · 4 months
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its summertime so i had to do my yearly tradition of drawing overcomplicated outfits i made up for anzu 🔥🔥🔥
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vice-v-versa · 4 months
YTTD characters explained with dracula flow
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ct-multifandom · 2 years
Minisodes oh my lawd
I haven’t posted yttd since Kai’s island route came out, but wow that was some shit I just saw. I wanna talk about my thoughts. I’ll go in order of increasing sadness and rambling.
!!! spoiler warning !!!
The least lore-heavy story maybe? It was cute, and I liked to see more of her since she’s one of the most minor characters in the playable cast, but I feel like there wasn’t a lot of deep stuff in this one.
Her school uniform is cute but seeing her de-clown-ified and normal is strange. It’s like when Nankidai draws Gin without the fursuit
I saw other people point this out as well, but it’s weird that Ryuu’s coworker got a full sprite while Anzu’s girlfriend was just a silhouette. Is the woman relevant somehow? mean if she and Samurai Yaiba can get sprites then why not the friend? Maybe it’s comparable to us never having seen Ryoko’s face in outside content or any part of her at all in the game itself, but Ryoko’s situation makes me suspicious. Does this mean something or is it irrelevant?
That bit about Kugie buying all the ice cream was a surprise. I wonder if it will be relevant to Kanna’s story, like she got her a ridiculous supply of ice cream to cheer her up when she was sad or something. Also confirmation that Kanna and Anzu lived in the same town. Did the cast all live near each other or is it just them?
I see people upset that Anzu found a guy hot but like. Her color scheme is the pansexual pride flag
I saw mention that she said she made her costume herself in the game, but the minisode says that it was a gift from Ryuu. Maybe he gave her part of it and she made the rest, or that she modified an old costume herself to be more her style? More likely that Nankidai just forgot tbh
The plaza where she became a clown is the one Midori was in last chapter, but we haven’t had a chance to be there in peace. I guess it’s just another memory location, but it’s interesting that it’s the setting for some very climactic scenes while the others aren’t. Of course, we haven’t seen every character’s room yet.
I feel like there’s something we’ve yet to learn about Anzu because at the moment she just feels like a wholesome, kinda incompetent comic relief character, and this game does not have those. Why is the survival rate of the girl who complains about extracurriculars being too much work so high? Is she such a positive force that people can’t help but keep her around? She dies immediately two separate times in the game and frankly doesn’t help with anything during puzzles. Is she secretly a good manipulator? She’s a self proclaimed good actor and learned slight of hand tricks and such from Ryuu. Does she have another side to her? If not for the logic route, we wouldn’t have known what Ranmaru is capable of, but according to the minisode, the way Anzu acts in the game is the same as how she acted to the people around her normally.
Why can’t we have nice things??? It was so cute and so heartbreaking at the same time. Like, if this was a scene in a linear, chronological story, we’d still have the hope and maybe expectation that Alice will still fix things with Reko, but we know that from this moment on he screws up literally every chance he can get until it’s too late. The good ending we want so bad is pretty much impossible.
The kid sprites are so cute. We already saw them in that one CG but seeing them as sprites makes them feel more alive, y’know
When Alice referred to himself by name and Reko was like I already know your name… this one’s going in my transgender compilation
Them having a secret treehouse fort is so baby
And I love the Samurai Yaiba designs. Looking camp right in the eye. Idc if people think it’s ugly, the girls who get it get it
It was nice to finally meet the other band members. I wasn’t expecting to ever see them have real screen time but hey. Although Stronghold turned out to be a creepy weirdo and Ursheen is nonverbal or mute or something?
I’m excited to see island routes for these two. Idk if their events together will be deep or anticlimactically goofy. I imagine Reko’s “good” ending will involve starting a band or something, but what would Alice’s be? Does he have his own ambitions? Imagine if it was the other way around, if managing a band or teaching music to beginners was his passion
It’s interesting that almost every account of this plot line is from Alice’s perspective, which makes sense because it has a much stronger emotional effect on him than on Reko who thinks she has more important things to worry about and overlooks Alice. I would like to see more of her take, though, because her whole situation seems to be deeply un-relatable to him. Did she prioritize her success with the conscious awareness that she’s hurting his feelings, or is she just so career-focused that she didn’t even think it’d affect him?
Lastly, I’m intrigued by fandom reaction to Reko’s behavior. People rightly find her to be complex and compelling, but they also just like her and seem to forgive or understand her. I often find that when a character, especially a woman, does something like this, people hold it against them pretty harshly. Yet Reko is widely loved and may even have more fans than Alice? Is it because we know she becomes a better person later on and starts to mend their relationship? As a member of the liked-Qtaro-before-it-was-cool-and-everyone-else-hated-him club I’m curious about the standards people hold flawed characters to. Is it because Reko has that badass punk rock pretty privilege, or does her story just resonate with people?
Oooohhhh my god dude. This one. Shitting and crying. Kai was allowed to be happy for five seconds ever.
Seeing Sei was a jumpscare
Seeing young Gashu was an even bigger jumpscare. Y’know how when a guy shaves, all you can see is the real estate where a mustache is supposed to be?
I can’t BELIEVE this shit made him somehow sympathetic. These sideplots have made every villainous character from previous chapters have a sympathetic side what the hell. We haven’t seen the full extent of Miley’s story yet, just little hints, which is exciting to me, obviously Safalin is grey all over, and Ranger was programmed to be the way he was, but Gashu?! Clearly he still sucks, but HRNNGGHR what’s next? Does Midori have a sympathetic side?
Gashu making brief, absolutely pathetic attempts at treating his kids as people with feelings between training sessions. These moments of empathy being seen as a failing on Asunaro’s end that had to be beaten out. Gashu not fully understanding what they were planning and turning himself into a total emotionless monster after he found out to protect himself for what was coming. He probably thought he was doing Ranger a favor by making him the way he did.
Sei’s whole thing re-contextualized Rio Ranger so grossly. People are upset that Kai didn’t live to meet him, but I’m kinda glad he didn’t have to see how his father desecrated his brother’s personality and image post-mortem.
Hated seeing the light leave their eyes after the visit from Asunaro lady
Speaking of her, huh? She looks way too unique to be a silhouette character? All the other ones were generic looking normal people but she looks like Miss dori. My theory is that the hair was the only part that mattered, that that hairstyle is a symbol of the figure the organization sees as “god” and its higher members perhaps try to emulate it, Midori included.
We got some more explicit information on the religious cult side of Asunaro. We already knew Gashu had these beliefs, but the other floormasters didn’t. We have hints that Miley and Safalin are actually exceptions, caring more about their scientific research and personal agendas than whatever the organization’s true beliefs and agendas might be.
Kai trauma-dumping on Mr Chidouin made me uncomfortable. It feels like Kai will trust anyone who’s nice to him, and is surprisingly optimistic or even naïve considering everything he went through. We don’t know what Mr C’s goals are, but man. He has the same poses as Meister. Come on. I hate the way he had that fake ass smile plastered on while Kai spilled his heart out. It seems like Kai never learned how to trust or distrust people, and both those things played a part in his downfall.
That Euphoria Rue Happy Moments compilation on YouTube that’s only one minute long except it’s Kai
I like how Sei really did have that bitchy, unserious personality Ranger ended up with, except he also had ~feelings~. I would have liked to see how his brash sense of humor plays of Kai’s bizarre one.
Does involvement with Asunaro immediately require you to upload your consciousness to their central computer or something? Where else would Gashu get the AI of a long dead kid for Ranger? I doubt he understood him well enough to have him replicated from scratch, fucked up liberties and all.
Sei being older than Kai surprised me. How old do you guys think they were? Like 12 and 15 maybe? I have seen many fans in the past interpret Ranger as being an adult, but I always saw him as a kid/teenager. I guess a big part of it is his trauma-induced immaturity (and probably literally having the mind of a child), but he looks young to me too. He doesn’t look too much older than Sei, and his body appears strangely un-athletic looking for someone who underwent rigorous assassin training, thought he does look taller. Maybe 18-ish?
The whole murder island thing felt so impractical and unnecessarily sadistic but then again everything the organization does is like that. Also can’t believe Kai won the hunger games by doing nothing what a legend
I know Sei’s death wouldn’t have had nearly the same effect without CGs, but this minisode being the only one with extra art like that made it feel way bigger than the other two
The way Sei was capable of breaking down in tears and loving and being terrified but still had it in him to kill others, and be casual about it too
Kai growing up still wearing that same type of uniform every day symbolizing how he could never escape Asunaro’s grasp even when he tried running, ignoring it, covering it up with his apron which represents his individuality. Ranger wearing that black t-shirt and little yellow scarf representing him being freed from Asunaro’s expectations, not in a way that granted him autonomy, but rather that it gave them the OK to empty out everything that made him him and using him as a brief, disposable tool, represented by him stealing pieces of all the other humans who were similarly used and killed by Asunaro for himself.
What would Kai dress like if he could pick out his own clothes?
I would love an afterlife scene with these two like the one Nao and Mishima got
Or the normal version of a Sei AI in YTTS
Man getting to know Sei really changed my whole perspective of Ranger and I’m glad he and Kai not only knew each other in life but also formed a close bond. That for a brief period they both had somebody they could trust
Edit addition: omg how both of them became completely aware that they were going to die with no way out of it, and didn’t accept it per se, quite the opposite actually, but their final wishes were to at least not die at the hands of the enemy who doomed them
Can you tell this one was my fav? Yeah uh. Fuck. Anyway I love how Nankidai manages to keep everyone relevant as have us learn more about them so long and so consistently after their deaths. Nobody is just there for a plot device or shock value, they all have their own stories that don’t end when they’re gone. Can’t wait for more
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justayttdsideblog · 2 years
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I made these in like an hour at work so technically I got $10 for these
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hermionesgfirl · 2 years
saranzu and ryokugie double date + bonus sketch
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