#Apple Vision Pro features
usanewsnow247 · 8 months
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ahlablog · 8 months
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shamnadt · 9 months
Apple Vision Pro explained: Why this mixed reality headset is ideal for virtual tours
The Apple Vision Pro is a spatial computer that allows users to experience apps and features in an augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) environment. The headset is built not for just consumers, but for developers who can use its many features to design and build AR/VR applications and products. However, there is another use case where it can come in extremely handy – virtual tours.…
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allpleasuer · 1 year
Apple Vision Pro: A Revolution in Spatial Computing
Apple Vision Pro: A Revolution in Spatial Computing ALL PLEASUER Introduction to Apple Vision Pro Apple has stepped into the new era of spatial computing with the introduction of the Apple Vision Pro. This device seamlessly blends digital content with your physical space, navigated simply by using your eyes, hands, and voice. It opens up possibilities for doing things you love in ways never…
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smoshers-comment · 11 months
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▶ Apple Vision Pro SUCKS (Sketches)
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ronelgomes · 1 year
Apple Vision Pro: Features, Uses, Advantages & Disadvantages.
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Apple vision pro is Apple’s first virtual reality headset. The Vision Pro has a completely three-dimensional interface that can be operated with your hands, voice, and eyes. It includes Apple’s first three-dimensional camera. And allowing users to record, relive, and fully immerse themselves in 3D spatial images and films. The headgear includes LiDAR + TrueDepth depth sensors, two high-resolution, one four-megapixel color camera, eye and facial tracking, and other capabilities. The gaming, media consumption, and communication-enabled visionOS software powers the gadget. The headset offers a 96Hz mode for specific usage cases and can refresh up to 90 Hz. Accessibility features for the gadget additionally include eye and hand motion control.
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labrone1475 · 9 days
Is the iPhone 16 Pro the Ultimate Upgrade? 5G, 4K Dolby Vision & Game-Ch...
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techdriveplay · 4 months
What was Announced at WWDC 2024?
Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2024 is in full swing, and the tech world is buzzing with excitement. This annual event is where Apple unveils its latest innovations across its ecosystem, from operating system updates to groundbreaking new products. Here’s a comprehensive look at the major announcements and features that have been revealed so far. Apple Vision Pro Expansion and…
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Apple Vision Pro 引入全面無障礙功能,讓每個人都能更輕鬆地溝通和互動
Apple 最近宣布了一系列令人期待的無障礙功能更新,將在其全新的 visionOS 系統中推出。這些功能主要設計用來幫助聽力障礙者更好地參與到日常對話和應用程序中的音頻內容。Apple Vision Pro,作為公司的旗艦產品,將在無障礙設計方面邁出重要一步。 visionOS 將提供全系統的即時字幕功能,這意味著無論是在實時對話還是應用程序的音頻播放中,聽障或重聽的用戶都能跟隨對話。特別是在 FaceTime 上,即時字幕功能將使更多用戶能夠利用其 Persona 輕鬆享受連接和協作的獨特體驗。此外,Apple Vision Pro 將支持在 Apple Immersive Video 中通過窗口欄移動字幕,並支持更多為 iPhone 設計的助聽設備和人工耳蝸。 對於視力障礙用戶,visionOS…
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stra-tek · 8 months
More Roddenberry Archive musings...
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This is supposedly the launch configuration of the Prime universe U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701's main bridge. It's based on the first piece of concept art for the TOS set, and is one of several weird not-quite-canon things the Roddenberry Archive has decided to consider canonical. 2 command chairs and the whole centre console and chairs spins to face the very minimalist 60's scifi perimeter consoles or viewscreen. Try to imagine Captain April and first officer Chris Pike on this bridge, it's weird.
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Behold! The top of the Jeffries Tube.
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The view from OG Captain Pike's bed, featuring his awesome TV, his laser gun and his Starfleet hat. We wouldn't get hats back in Trek for 50 years.
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This is inside the Ringship Enterprise XCV-330, circa 2100. The Ringship in canon was seen only in picture form or a desktop model, we never saw inside. The ship was actually designed for a non-Trek Roddenberry scifi show called Starship which never came to be, and there was actually concept art made for the interior which the RA people decided to import to Trek too. Predating the transporter, here is the Metafier.
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Discovery Season 2's U.S.S. Enterprise has a cool corridor running around it. Walk around it and... it goes nowhere😂 the Archive tries to balance the reality of everything being a television show with the fantasy of a 100% accurate in-universe museum, it'll give sets ceilings to make them into a believable spaceship but doesn't want to go nuts inventing too much of it's own stuff and that sometimes leads to weird stuff like this dead end
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Speaking of ceilings, here's the ceiling and lights of the classic TOS Enterprise's corridors. I think they did a decent job keeping to the TOS aesthetic. The sets TOS was filmed on didn't have ceilings at all.
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The Enterprise-B actually had a red carpet for special guests Kirk, Scotty and Chekov
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Strange New Worlds has the coolest transporter room of all. Just look at it😍
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The TNG Enterprise battle bridge has it's own ready room! And it's super tiny, ultra cramped and Picard probably never used it because there's no replicator in there and thus no access to tea.
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The 1st version of TNG engineering's big Master Systems Display as seen in "Encounter at Farpoint". Ten Forward wouldn't be a thing until season 2, and you can see here an earlier deck layout and the original concept for the saucer rim, a corridor walkway with windows above and below. You'll also note Ten Forward would actually be on deck 11 had they not changed the diagram by then.
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Kirk's quarters on the TOS Enterprise has dresser drawers full of uniforms for when his gets torn
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Walking around the Roddenberry Archive ships is eerie as hell. You're the only one on board, exploring corridors and poking your head into rooms. These starships are liminal spaces. This for me adds to the atmosphere greatly.
Here's the link (enjoy before it vanishes again!):
Here's my original post about the Roddenberry Archive:
Also a clarification, I was wrong when I said it won't be in VR. There is one VR setup it was designed for - the $3,000 Apple Vision Pro. More details here, although it appears to only show a 2D window rather than be fully immersive 3D, possibly confirming what I was told previously that no current 3D setup is capable of doing a true VR experience:
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aholefilledwithtwigs · 3 months
I have a real life example of digital patina
One of the people i work with uses a Vision Pro (the Apple headset) as a primary work computer, and i have daily Zoom meetings with them
One of the features of the Vision Pro is that it makes a 3d scan of your face to create a virtual avatar, and then eye and motion tracking to puppet the avatar
So for the last year i have been meeting with a 3d avatar. Floating head, billboarded glasses, and cartoon hands when he gestures in frame bi am so used to it that it feels weird to meet with the meat version (even over video)
The patina is a scanning quirks
When he first set it up he took the time to do a really nice, sharp scan for his avatar. Very crisp, each hair of his beard captured
And then he visited his brother and wanted him to try the headset. Apple has no ‘guest’ mode. He had to erase his avatar for his brother to try. Brother tried it. Neat. Returned it, and now he had to rescan his face to set back up his avatar
He wasn’t as careful the second time. He just wanted to used it so scanned and accepted the results. He knew it wasn’t a great scan, and that commented that he should redo it
So now i met with a slightly blurry version of him. This new avatar has softer focus, his beard now washes out into color and texture, not individual hairs. Features slightly out of alignment
He’s not going to rescan. These are just the wrinkles of his avatar
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10 apps that Apple Vision Pro needs right now
Let’s explore 10 future ideas for Apple Vision Pro that will inevitably be created and monetised despite all critisism and fears of the decline of the Apple Vision Pro market
AR-Couturier. The concept is based on a flexible measuring tape that extends from the fingertips of both hands (flexible finger roulette), or alternatively, you can set a starting point with a finger and measure non-linearly, thus measuring hips, chest, shoulders. Developers should consider making the polyline smoother and more accurate for measurements. Glasses would make this tool work better and more precisely than apps that often misjudge planes. This idea of a virtual measuring tape for body measurements is highly innovative and could revolutionize the fashion and custom clothing industry.
AR Fitness. Exercise in a unified AR space styled after different immersive worlds. Individuals or groups from different corners of the world can exercise together, choosing rooms based on interests, goals, and countries. There’s an option to choose trainers (for an additional fee) or exercise with prerecorded workouts (for introverts). Combining physical exercises with AR in various styled worlds is an excellent way to make fitness more exciting and accessible globally.
Virtual Confession App. This app is modeled after Russian Chatroulette, where random people communicate, but with a crucial difference: it offers an immersive space design using AR glasses. Imagine choosing a therapist’s chair, a monastery cell, or something else for your dialogue with another person. Participants not only talk but can also set tasks for each other and complete them. For an additional fee, professional psychologists/therapists can be involved, and various consultation rooms and meditation sessions can be created. This concept of random communication with elements of confession and task completion is unique and can create a highly intriguing and emotional user experience.
AR Anti Couch Potato. A humorous motivator for particularly lazy people. Put on the glasses, and a motivator (with a selectable avatar) compels you to do something (through threats or gentle manipulations). The essence of such a motivator is to synchronize with your notes/reminders and any documents, analyze your records and tasks, and make you complete them. Developers need to consider how to protect themselves from user criticism, perhaps by ensuring that each user provides documented consent in advance not to be offended by the motivator to avoid AR abuse. This idea is particularly original and addresses the current issue of motivation. Integrating AR with personalized reminders and documents to stimulate activity could genuinely help people overcome laziness and become more active.
AR Empathy Simulator. The app of the century, capable of training and teaching people empathy. What does it mean to be not like you, but to be someone else? The primary mission of this app is to deeply understand another individuality. Possibly, glasses are the only way to truly dive into another person’s mind. The principle of the app — wearing glasses, you transfer with granted permission into another person’s glasses or an accessible record of that person, to understand how they think and feel through an immersive experience. Potential downsides: criminals and various fraudsters might gain access, so it’s essential to carefully think through the policy and consider security measures twice.
AR Relationship App for Long-distance Couples. The goal is to maintain connections over distance. In the app, participants complete joint tasks, progress through levels, and earn rewards. A key feature of this game must be the ability for participants to see live 3D figures of each other. For instance, they can assemble puzzles, playfully interact, take quizzes, or explore AR stores and dressing rooms (a feature that bored spouses would appreciate). The main thing is that there can be many such applications, all depending on the interactivity embedded within.
AR Cards. Perhaps a less original idea, but it could gain a new twist through an immersive experience. Creating stylized spaces for playing cards in a combined AR session sounds cool, especially when players want to interact with players from different countries.
AR Mythology. Do you want to become a god while learning about myths? 3D mythology is a great way! Studying the 3D mythology of various cultures interactively and having the opportunity to play as one of the gods at the end of the course is designed for better learning material absorption. It’s particularly suitable for teenagers.
AR Chef. Imagine being given a list of dishes and shown how to prepare them in 3D models — boring? But add to this app the ability of glasses to point out mistakes in the cooking process, such as showing how to properly butcher meat or correctly measure the volume of a substance in a container (for which the correct container needs to be scanned and the right recipe selected so the glasses can determine the correct weight). This is hard to implement, but possible in the future.
AR Assistant for Combating Panic Attacks. Using AR to create an immersive experience aimed at aiding during panic attacks, combined with using smartwatches to monitor physiological parameters, represents an innovative approach to treating psychological conditions. This application should work alongside devices like the Apple Watch to track vital parameters and include a set of rules/techniques from licensed psychotherapists for specific panic attacks, as well as a calendar to monitor such states and further prognosis.
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zytes · 6 months
I know that the average person’s opinion of AI is in a very tumultuous spot right now - partly due to misinformation and misrepresentation of how AI systems actually function, and partly because of the genuine risk of abuse that comes with powerful new technologies being thrust into the public sector before we’ve had a chance to understand the effects; and I’m not necessarily talking about generative AI and data-scraping, although I think that conversation is also important to have right now. Additionally, the blanket term of “AI” is really very insufficient and only vaguely serves to ballpark a topic which includes many diverse areas of research - many of these developments are quite beneficial for human life, such as potentially designing new antibodies or determining where cancer cells originated within a patient that presents complications. When you hear about artificial intelligence, don’t let your mind instantly gravitate towards a specific application or interpretation of the tech - you’ll miss the most important and impactful developments.
Notably, NVIDIA is holding a keynote presentation from March 18-21st to talk about their recent developments in the field of AI - a 16 minute video summarizing the “everything-so-far” detailed in that keynote can be found here - or in the full 2 hour format here. It’s very, very jargon-y, but includes information spanning a wide range of topics: healthcare, human-like robotics, “digital-twin” simulations that mirror real-world physics and allow robots to virtually train to interact and navigate particular environments — these simulated environments are built on a system called the Omniverse, and can also be displayed to Apple Vision Pro, allowing designers to interact and navigate the virtual environments as though standing within them. Notably, they’ve also created a digital sim of our entire planet for the purpose of advanced weather forecasting. It almost feels like the plot of a science-fiction novel, and seems like a great way to get more data pertinent to the effects of global warming.
It was only a few years ago that NVIDIA pivoted from being a “GPU company” to putting a focus on developing AI-forward features and technology. A few very short years; showing accelerating rates of progress. This is whenever we began seeing things like DLSS and ray-tracing/path-tracing make their way onto NVIDIA GPUs; which all use AI-driven features in some form or another. DLSS, or Deep-Learning Super Sampling, is used to generate and interpolate between frames in a game to boost framerate, performance, visual detail, etc - basically, your system only has to actually render a handful of frames and AI generates everything between those traditionally-rendered frames, freeing up resources in your system. Many game developers are making use of DLSS to essentially bypass optimization to an increasing degree; see Remnant II as a great example of this - runs beautifully on a range of machines with DLSS on, but it runs like shit on even the beefiest machines with DLSS off; though there are some wonky cloth physics, clipping issues, and objects or textures “ghosting” whenever you’re not in-motion; all seem to be a side effect of AI-generation as the effect is visible in other games which make use of DLSS or the AMD-equivalent, FSR.
Now, NVIDIA wants to redefine what the average data center consists of internally, showing how Blackwell GPUs can be combined into racks that process information at exascale speeds — which is very, very fucking fast — speeds like that have only ever actually been achieved on some 4 or 5 machines on the planet, and I think they’ve all been quantum-based machines until now; not totally certain. The first exascale computer came into existence in 2022, called Frontier, it was deemed the fastest supercomputer in existence in June 2023 - operating at some 1.19 exaFLOPS. Notably, this computer is around 7,300 sq ft in size; reminding me of the space-race era supercomputers which were entire rooms. NVIDIA’s Blackwell DGX SuperPOD consists of around 576 GPUs and operates at 11.5 exaFLOPS, and is about the size of standard row of server racks - much smaller than an entire room, but still quite large. NVIDIA is also working with AWS to produce Project Ceiba, another supercomputer consisting of some 20,000GPUs, promising 400 exaFLOPS of AI-driven computation - it doesn’t exist yet.
To make my point, things are probably only going to get weirder from here. It may feel somewhat like living in the midst of the Industrial Revolution, only with fewer years in between each new step. Advances in generative-AI are only a very, very small part of that — and many people have already begun to bury their heads in the sand as a response to this emerging technology - citing the death of authenticity and skill among artists who choose to engage with new and emerging means of creation. Interestingly, the Industrial Revolution is what gave birth to modernism, and modern art, as well as photography, and many of the concerns around the quality of art in this coming age-of-AI and in the post-industrial 1800s largely consist of the same talking points — history is a fucking circle, etc — but historians largely agree that the outcome of the Industrial Revolution was remarkably positive for art and culture; even though it took 100 years and a world war for the changes to really become really accepted among the artists of that era. The Industrial Revolution allowed art to become detached from the aristocratic class and indirectly made art accessible for people who weren’t filthy rich or affluent - new technologies and industrialization widened the horizons for new artistic movements and cultural exchanges to occur. It also allowed capitalist exploitation to ingratiate itself into the western model of society and paved the way for destructive levels of globalization, so: win some, lose some.
It isn’t a stretch to think that AI is going to touch upon nearly every existing industry and change it in some significant way, and the events that are happening right now are the basis of those sweeping changes, and it’s all clearly moving very fast - the next level of individual creative freedom is probably only a few years away. I tend to like the idea that it may soon be possible for an individual or small team to create compelling artistic works and experiences without being at the mercy of an idiot investor or a studio or a clump of illiterate shareholders who have no real interest in the development of compelling and engaging art outside of the perceived financial value that it has once it exists.
If you’re of voting age and not paying very much attention to the climate of technology, I really recommend you start keeping an eye on the news for how these advancements are altering existing industries and systems. It’s probably going to affect everyone, and we have the ability to remain uniquely informed about the world through our existing connection with technology; something the last Industrial Revolution did not have the benefit of. If anything, you should be worried about KOSA, a proposed bill you may have heard about which would limit what you can access on the internet under the guise of making the internet more “kid-friendly and safe”, but will more than likely be used to limit what information can be accessed to only pre-approved sources - limiting access to resources for LGBTQ+ and trans youth. It will be hard to stay reliably informed in a world where any system of authority or government gets to spoon-feed you their version of world events.
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chandandas11 · 22 days
iPhone 16 news
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The upcoming iPhone 16 lineup, expected in September 2024, could bring several new features and improvements, both in design and internal specifications. Here’s a comprehensive look at what the rumors suggest for the iPhone 16 series:
 1. New Processor: A18 Pro
The iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max models are expected to be powered by the new A18 Pro processor, which is said to offer modest speed improvements and a significantly enhanced Neural Engine, designed to support Apple's AI efforts under the brand "Apple Intelligence." This new chip will continue to be based on the 3nm process, further optimizing power efficiency and performance. Meanwhile, standard models might receive a variant of the A18 to support some level of Apple Intelligence.
2. Capture Button for Pro Models
One of the standout features rumored for the iPhone 16 Pro models is the addition of a new "Capture button," which is expected to be located below the sleep/wake button. This button could function similarly to a shutter button on a digital camera, offering multiple functionalities like half-press to focus, press to capture, and swipe for zoom control. It could be capacitive or mechanical, with haptic feedback provided by two Taptic Engine motors.
3. Camera Upgrades: 48MP Ultra-Wide and Vertical Alignment
The iPhone 16 Pro models are rumored to feature a 48MP Ultra-Wide camera, enhancing the capabilities of the 0.5x and macro modes. This sensor upgrade could also improve spatial video capture and Portrait mode. Additionally, the base models may return to a vertical camera alignment, which was last seen in the iPhone 12, to enable 3D video recording for Apple Vision Pro.
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justapillowpetpanda · 2 months
CASETiFY x Deadpool and Wolverine Collection
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Today, global tech accessories brand CASETiFY announced a new collaboration with Marvel. Marvel fans can now sign up for priority access to shop the new Deadpool and Wolverine collection ahead of its launch on July 30th at casetify.com. This collaboration features unique Deadpool and Wolverine-inspired comic designs on CASETiFY’s range of best-selling Impact, Ultra Impact, Mirror, Clear, Impact Ring Stand, Bounce, and Ultra Bounce Cases are available for iPhone, Samsung, and Google devices.
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Deadpool and Wolverine Have Arrived at CASETiFY
CASETiFY’s newest collection includes both the Deadpool Pattern Case and the Wolverine Pattern Case. The Deadpool Mask Case allows fans to suit up their phone so they can rep the Merc with a Mouth. The Comic Collage Case brings the frenemies’ joint scenes to life in a comic strip-inspired design.
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The Deadpool and Wolverine collection encompasses compatible accessories for AirPods, AirPods Pro, Apple Watch bands, wireless chargers, grip stands, cardholder stands, leather wallets, power banks, phone straps, MacBook and iPad. This collection also highlights the Deadpool or Wolverine Metal Chain Wrist Strap adorned with specialty charms of the individual characters. The Marvel and CASETiFY collection launches worldwide on casetify.com/co-lab on July 30th. It will be available for purchase online, via the CASETiFY Co-Lab app (available now in the App Store), and at CASETiFY Studio locations. CASETiFY is a global lifestyle brand and home to the first and largest platform for customized tech accessories. Created with the highest-quality materials and most cutting-edge designs, CASETiFY's products empower self-expression by turning your personal electronics into highly designed, stylishly slim, drop-proof accessories. Known for tapping top artists, big celebrities, and creatives for its Co-Lab program, CASETiFY gives brands and individuals the opportunity to share their unique visions with the world. With 18 retail shops and growing, CASETiFY Studio provides a one-stop, visual retail experience where customers can customize their accessories on the spot.
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saleonplugins · 6 months
Download Ableton Live 11.3.21 Suite
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Are you ready to elevate your music production to the next level? Look no further than Ableton Live 11.3.21 Suite, the industry-leading software trusted by professionals worldwide. With its cutting-edge features and intuitive interface, this latest version is a game-changer for musicians, producers, and DJs alike.
Unparalleled Performance and Compatibility
Powered by Apple Silicon and Intel processors, Ableton Live 11.3.21 Suite offers seamless performance on both Mac and PC platforms. Whether you're using the latest macOS or Windows 10/11, rest assured that this software will deliver optimal results. Say goodbye to compatibility issues and experience smooth operation with every session.
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When you invest in Ableton Live 11.3.21 Suite, you're not just getting a piece of software – you're gaining access to a world of endless possibilities. Enjoy lifetime activation and unrestricted downloading privileges, ensuring that you can always access the latest updates and features. With Ableton's commitment to innovation, you'll never be left behind.
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Discover a wealth of tools and capabilities designed to fuel your creativity. From powerful MIDI sequencing to flexible audio recording and editing, Ableton Live 11.3.21 Suite has everything you need to bring your musical ideas to life. Experiment with virtual instruments, effects, and sound libraries to craft your signature sound with ease.
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Mac: Compatible with macOS 11 and all new versions.
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Processor: Apple Silicon or Intel processor.
Storage: 5GB hard disk or external drive.
Plugin Formats: VST2, VST3, AU, and standalone host.
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Ready to take your music production to new heights? Don't miss out on the opportunity to download Ableton Live 11.3.21 Suite from saleonplugins.com. With its unmatched performance, lifetime activation, and feature-rich functionality, this software is a must-have for any serious musician or producer. Transform your musical vision into reality and experience the power of Ableton Live today!
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