#Apple vr headset
overwritexr · 1 year
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ahlablog · 8 months
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shamnadt · 9 months
Apple Vision Pro explained: Why this mixed reality headset is ideal for virtual tours
The Apple Vision Pro is a spatial computer that allows users to experience apps and features in an augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) environment. The headset is built not for just consumers, but for developers who can use its many features to design and build AR/VR applications and products. However, there is another use case where it can come in extremely handy – virtual tours.…
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蘋果可能運用Vision Pro和Apple Watch結合,於心理健康診斷與療程的創新應用
蘋果可能運用Vision Pro和Apple Watch結合,於心理健康診斷與療程的創新應用 Apple may use Vision Pro and Apple Watch to create innovative applications for mental health diagnosis and treatment
蘋果正積極探索將其Vision Pro技術應用於心理健康管理領域,期望借此打造前所未有的創新健康照護體驗。有內部消息人士透露,蘋果計劃利用Vision Pro的攝像頭和感測器,來捕捉使用者的情緒變化,並透過分析心率變異性(HRV),以偵測出憂鬱、焦慮、壓力以及創傷後壓力症候群等心理健康問題的徵兆。 為了更全面地支援使用者的心理健康,蘋果正在研究將Vision Pro與Apple Watch結合使用。這種結合不僅能夠提供嶄新的治療方法,還能在檢測到心理健康問題時,立即展示圖像和聲音,以改善使用者的情緒。 在 iPhone 上的「健康」中追蹤你的心理安康情況 你可以使用「健康」App 來反思自己的感受,並記錄你的瞬間情緒和每日心情。你也可以瞭解自己的心理狀態與生活方式因素的可能關聯性,例如運動、睡眠、日光照射時間和正念分鐘數。…
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atechearth · 1 year
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cyborgtechsupport · 1 year
Amazing Apple AR VR Headset 2023
As the technology world eagerly awaits the latest Apple AR VR Headset at Worldwide Developer Conference 2023 starting June 5, speculations about the highly anticipated AR VR headset have reached a fever pitch. With the recent advancements in augmented and virtual reality, Apple is poised to redefine the landscape once again with their upcoming release. In this article, we will delve into the exciting features and display. Read more here.
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sistersatan · 2 years
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aurosoulart · 1 year
Hey, sorry if this is bad(?), but I was wondering if you had any advice for getting into the xr world/career. I think I've seen you mention the topic (encouraging others to join the field?) at least once, but I don't know how to even get started. Thank you for your time!
(If you could answer this not publicly I would appreciate it, but it's fine if you do, or like, if you don't answer at all)
not a bad thing to ask at all! I've actually been in the middle of writing a guide about this for some time that I will.... hopefully finish sometime soon ghskgh.
I hope you don't mind me posting this publicly - I ended up writing a short novel and figure it might be useful to others who are curious as well! anyways, the advice I give to people with a background in illustration is to start out with a Quest 2 headset. they retail at $300 new, but you can get them used via eBay, Craigslist, FB Marketplace or someplace like that for around $200 or under. the Quest 2 works without needing to be plugged into a PC, though you will probably want to buy a more ergonomic head-strap to make it more comfortable. (the head strap that Meta sells is overpriced, but this third-party one is really good) if you're interested in working with augmented reality (the type of work I do!) and have the ability to save up some extra money, I'd recommend waiting for the release of the Quest 3, which will launch this fall and cost $500. totally not a requirement at all to start learning, though.
other than that, I'd recommend starting out with free art programs like Open Brush and Gravity Sketch to familiarize yourself with creating in-headset. both of these programs have a large amount of tutorial videos up on YouTube - as well as an active community of other artists who are all generally very friendly and eager to help people learn. VR Art Live and The Spatial Canvas's Discord servers are the communities I'm part of. :)
after that, it all just comes down to posting your new artwork online to as many platforms as you can mentally handle (this is the hardest part for me, ghsghs), and also looking at paid XR artist programs/gigs. Mozilla Hubs, Horizon Worlds, and Figmin XR (that's me!) all have some creator opportunities where they pay people to create things on their platform.
you can also find work doing XR concept art, art performances, and I've even seen grant programs for XR artists from art galleries. these things are harder to find, but if you make a LinkedIn page and a modest portfolio of your XR art, chances are high that you'll get some eyes on it.
it's ridiculously easy to be a big fish in a small pond right now if you have any kind of skills with these programs. I will say that there does seem to be a push towards people who can create things that are interactive and can be shared with others (like AR Snapchat/TikTok/Instagram filters, experiences created and published to platforms like Mozilla Hubs, Figmin XR, etc.), so that's something to keep in mind while learning - but not something that should stop you!
going from 2D illustration to creating things in 3D space is a whirlwind of learning new skills that can often feel overwhelming, but the most important thing is that it should feel fun and enjoyable to you. I started out by just listening to music while painting in Tilt Brush (Tilt Brush was the original version of Open Brush, before Google made it open-source) and creating whatever felt the most fun in the moment. everything else just came from natural curiosity and connecting with other artists in the space.
lastly... I have no technical (coding, traditional 3D modeling) skills. I am a 2x college dropout with chronic mental illness, and prior to my current employment I was never able to hold a job for longer than 3 months. and yet....... this new industry has changed my life completely, and at 29 years old I finally feel like I have a purpose. I'm somehow a software developer now, without needing to know anything about software development. that's wild!!!
this is why I'm so excited for the future. if this brand-new technology (still in its infancy! viewed as frightening by so many!!) was able to help me in such a radical way... what will that mean for even more people discovering it as it becomes more accessible?
I don't know the answer to that yet... but I do know how wonderful it is to see people learning about all of this for the first time. helping with that alone is more than enough for me 💖
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Marques Brownlee (@mkbhd on tiktok)
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ronelgomes · 1 year
Apple Vision Pro: Features, Uses, Advantages & Disadvantages.
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Apple vision pro is Apple’s first virtual reality headset. The Vision Pro has a completely three-dimensional interface that can be operated with your hands, voice, and eyes. It includes Apple’s first three-dimensional camera. And allowing users to record, relive, and fully immerse themselves in 3D spatial images and films. The headgear includes LiDAR + TrueDepth depth sensors, two high-resolution, one four-megapixel color camera, eye and facial tracking, and other capabilities. The gaming, media consumption, and communication-enabled visionOS software powers the gadget. The headset offers a 96Hz mode for specific usage cases and can refresh up to 90 Hz. Accessibility features for the gadget additionally include eye and hand motion control.
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datasculptor · 1 year
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overwritexr · 1 year
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memenewsdotcom · 1 year
#Apple announces #visionpro
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蘋果為降低Vision Pro成本計劃調整硬體配置
蘋果為降低Vision Pro成本計劃調整硬體配置 Apple adjusts hardware configuration to reduce Vision Pro cost plan
蘋果公司近期推出了其最新的虛擬實境設備,名為 Vision Pro,擁有更高解析度的通透相機、強大的 M2 芯片和更銳利的 VR 顯示器。然而,該設備目前的售價高達 $3,500,使得外界對消費者是否真的需要這樣的設備產生懷疑。 Mark Zuckerberg 被廣大批評的互聯網世界視野,現在被定位為遊戲和生產力應用的工具。蘋果公司也將同樣的策略應用於 Vision Pro。 Quest 3 在多方面有著比 Quest 2 更出色的表現,只是其價格稍高,但仍只是 Vision Pro 的七分之一。 在企業內部,多年擔任蘋果硬體高層的 Yannick Bertolus 已經退休。即使新的執行者不斷崛起,蘋果仍有一些人事流動。Bertolus 曾長時間負責產品質量和測試,但去年被調整到公司的頂級硬體產品經理的位置。曾擔任該職位的 Laura Legros…
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informationatlas · 7 months
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Surgeons Use Apple VR Headset During Spinal Operation
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enterprisewired · 7 months
Mark Zuckerberg Praises Meta’s Quest 3 Over Apple’s Vision Pro in Growing Mixed-Reality Headset Competition
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CEO’s Instagram Video Highlights Differences in Approach and Value
In a notable move, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg took to Instagram to share his perspective on Apple’s recently launched mixed-reality headset, the Vision Pro, emphasizing the superiority of Meta’s Quest 3. While acknowledging the inherent bias in promoting his company’s product, Zuckerberg’s video underscores the intensifying competition between Apple and Meta in the mixed-reality headset market.
Divergent Approaches: Value vs. Premium Features
Both Meta and Apple are vying to capture consumers’ attention with mixed-reality headsets that seamlessly blend digital content with the real world or offer immersive virtual reality experiences. Meta has opted for a cost-effective strategy, emphasizing a lower price point, while Apple focuses on delivering sharper screens, robust processors, and premium materials in its Vision Pro.
Zuckerberg’s Comparative Analysis: Meta’s Quest 3 vs. Vision Pro
In the video posted on Tuesday, Zuckerberg provided a detailed comparison between Meta’s Quest 3 and Apple’s Vision Pro. He asserted that the Quest 3 offers better value and is simply a superior product. According to Zuckerberg, the Quest headset boasts greater comfort, a more extensive library of immersive content, a wider field of view, and more accurate hand tracking. However, he acknowledged that Apple’s screen resolution is higher, and its eye-tracking feature is notably impressive.
Zuckerberg expressed surprise that the Meta’s Quest 3 outperformed the Vision Pro across various aspects, given the significant $3,000 price difference. He challenged the assumption that Apple’s offering, being more expensive, automatically equates to higher quality.
Competitive Landscape and Market Dynamics
Apple officially launched the Vision Pro in the U.S. on February 2, marking the company’s foray into a new product category since the Apple Watch in 2015. Priced at $3,500, the Vision Pro positions itself as a premium offering in the mixed-reality space. On the other hand, Meta introduced the Quest 3 in September, with shipments commencing the following month. The Quest 3 starts at $500, representing a $200 increase from Meta’s previous headset.
The competition between these tech giants centers on not only the hardware specifications but also the overall user experience and perceived value. Zuckerberg, in the video, acknowledged the anticipation surrounding Apple’s entry but asserted that Meta’s open model for its headsets will prevail in the evolving landscape.
As the mixed-reality headset market gains momentum, the contrasting approaches of Meta and Apple are shaping the future trajectory of this emerging technology. Apple has yet to respond to the commentary made by Zuckerberg in the Instagram video.
Curious to learn more? Explore our articles on Enterprise Wired
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