#Are we going to use this fic to work out some really specific library peeves? Who could say
noodyl-blasstal · 2 years
Characters Out of Context
➥ Include one character quote — of your choosing ⁠— from each chapter of your WIP (or as many chapters as you'd like).
➥ Give absolutely no context, save for what's between two parts of an interrupted sentence, should that occur. You may mention who said it.
Tagged by @liltaz-asatreat (thank you so much!)
There’s currently 20+ chapters in my big WIP and I’m not going to do that to you all, but here’s 8 lines!
Neverwinter Library
Chapter 1: Customer Service Sucks
Kravitz - “Ma’am, you make a wonderful and eloquent point, these books are incredibly valuable, you’re correct. It would be remiss of me to throw them out instead of gifting them to a bibliophile like yourself!” With a vicious smile, he levitated the stack of withdrawn books onto the desk in front of her.
“Would you like a bag?”
Chapter 4: Taking a Leap
“Don’t make me regret this Agnes” Taako’s hand shook slightly as he reached for the bowl in the fridge, but he knew this was going to be okay. He’d been practising. Lup made the mix with him, he’d checked it, everything was fine. “There’s no need to make a fuss, magic boys deserve treats, and my magic boy only gets the best. No shop bought cookies here” Taako pointedly refused to make eye contact, but did curl his waist very slightly towards Angus’ head before hip checking him out of his way.
Chapter 6: Collision
Edward -  “There’s really no need darling, we’re far too busy to look at your little pictures. Maybe we can cut costs by swapping out the other staff for volunteers? I bet some older people would love a nice relaxing job like that - it must be nice to just read all day!”
Chapter 10: Accidental Encounters
Taako - “Yes, Krav. It’s a date. Now it’s a date with me, my sister, and Barry. Welcome to the Tacco-Bluejeans experience!”
Chapter 14: Kitchen Therapy
Angus - “No Mr Kravitz, Sir. We were near the door. I was just very excited because I saw Uncle Barry and Aunt Lup and my Dad so I walked fast to get a hug and giggled because I was happy. I’m just a little boy, Sir. A little boy who was happy to see his family.” Angus looked up at Kravitz, trying hard to summon a few tears.
“Am… am I in trouble, Sir?” He sniffed loudly.
Chapter 17: Double Entendre
“I think this is the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.”
Taako opened his mouth, but Kravitz held up a hand before he could.
“NO! Don’t. I’m at work, Taako.”
Chapter 21: Officially on the Case
Taako - “You’re okay bubbleh, you’re fine.” Taako reached an arm round his shoulders and squeezed him. Then broke the moment.
“But if you ever scare me like that again, you won’t be.” Angus couldn’t help the fear that ran through him, but Taako was already speaking before he could react.
“That sounded awful in my mouth, I was trying to joke. It sounded like him. I’m sorry Angus, forget I said that.” Taako sounded panicked, and Angus just burrowed his way into Taako’s side - worming into his lap for a firm cuddle.
Chapter 23: (TBC)
Taako -  “Bones” Taako sounded exasperated.
“Are you legitimately telling me that you’ve had access to a free lawyer this entire time and have only now thought that maybe it would be helpful to get them involved?”
I think most people have already been tagged, but @faintlyglow @finniestoncrane might not have been yet? (Sorry if I doubled up!)
Anyone else who fancies it then please take part, I always love to see people’s work!
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crazy-walls · 2 years
Back from work, now ask. 5, 11, 20, 29, 20 & 32 for the ask game? ✨
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something? bad formatting/no paragraph breaks, inconsisitent use of time and tons of errors were the first ones that came to mind, but also chracter descriptions/actions/dialogues that don't fit them/feel like them I guess? since I can barely muster up the motivation to read fic at all atm i will head straight out when I come across these
11. How do you come up with your fic titles? with a whole lotta desperation and very often going through my music library. i hate choosing titles, partly because they're so permanent once you start posting (yes, I am a tiny bit sad I didn't name trigger Not A Rescue or maaaaabe 'Til The Grave)
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process? already answered this but also, going past the actual writing: reading comments that talk about specific parts because that's kinda like getting to really read it, a bit like for the first time, just to see it from a reader's perspective, it's so much fun
29. Have you ever written for an exchange or event of some kind? Which one(s)? Did you enjoy it? does the drei ??? calender count? because that's the only one I've written for. they're fun because I like to try slightly different things but combining it with a (however loose) Christmas theme can be annoying (I know we don't have to but I try to anyway)
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words. (I’m just assuming you meant this one ^^)
Mit einem leisen Fluch vergrub Cotta das Gesicht im Kissen, doch auf Dauer konnte er den ganzen Mist so auch nicht ausblenden. Außerdem musste er sich vor seiner Schicht dringend um die Wäsche kümmern, wenn er morgen eine saubere Uniform anziehen wollte.
Erst einen Kaffee, beschloss er, während er sich von der Decke befreite. Der Boden war kalt unter seinen Füßen, als Cotta sein Zimmer verließ und ins Erdgeschoss lief. Erst im Laufe des Vormittags würden die Sonnenstrahlen das alte Holz aufwärmen, während kleine Staubpartikel durch das Licht schwebten. Immer, wenn Bubbles sich in der Sonne wärmte und dem Flimmern mit großen Augen zusah, beneidete Cotta ihn ein wenig um die Zufriedenheit, die das Kätzchen ausstrahlte.
Winzige Tautropfen glitzerten auf dem Rasen, als Cotta durch das Küchenfenster sah. Noch war das Städtchen verschlafen, nur einige Vögel hüpften schon munter im Garten umher. Im Wohnzimmer saß Bubbles vor der Glastür und beobachtete, wie sie auf dem Boden herumpickten.
„Der Kaffee ist noch heiß.“ Caroline stand im Türrahmen, das dunkle Haar zusammengebunden, und zog den Reißverschluss ihres Rucksacks zu.
Überrascht drehte Cotta sich um. „Ich dachte, du wärst schon weg.“ Normalerweise fuhr Caroline montags schon früh mit dem Rad zum Markt, und da die Vorlesungen vorbei waren, half sie anschließend wieder im Tierheim aus.
„Bin ich auch gleich. Bist du heute Abend zuhause?“
Cotta nickte und schenkte sich Kaffee ein.
32. Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from? ugh you KNOW i'm terrible at making decisions, I can’t just choose?? and EVER written???? nah. I’m just gonna pick two from trigger ^^
„Cotta“, entzifferte er das Schildchen an dessen Uniformjacke [...]. „Und dein Vorname?“ - „Officer.“
Allmählich wurde es heller, taucht die Schatten der Sträucher vor ihm in ein gespenstiges Grün und fing sich in den winzigen Nebeltropfen, die durch die Luft schwebten und sich feucht auf Cottas Haut legten. Er bemerkte es ebenso wenig wie das leise Rauschen der Wellen, während er ungläubig in den grün erleuchteten Abgrund vor ihm starrte – dorthin, wo sich die Konturen eines glühenden Segels aus dem Nebel schälten.
fic writer asks
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davetheshady · 5 years
may I politely request ⭐dealer's choice director's commentary⭐for pretty much any part of Love is All You Need to Destroy Your Enemies?
Did you mean: infodump about Chapter 5?
We start off in medias res during Pteranodon Attack-Gate from Episode 4: PTA Meeting. Since most of the fic runs parallel to WTNV’s storyline for the first ~two years, the way I narrowed down which events to feature was to read through the transcripts and take note of which ones had Carlos, which ones featured science/magic/time travel-related elements, which ones had weird discrepancies or unsolved details that could be explained by Carlos/science/magic/time travel/all of the above, and which ones I just liked a lot. 
Incidentally, Cecil issues a correction that the winged reptiles in question were actually pterodactyls, not pteranodons, which was then promptly forgotten by the showrunners lol.
"—And then Kelly pulled her hamstring while they were doing the Fixing of a Nail position. I'm trying to convince her that she and Joe should do yoga together, I think it would really cut back on minor injuries and also they both look great in yoga pants. Anything new with you, Carlos?"
"Nothing that compares to... hamstring injuries," says Carlos, from his position on top of the Sciencemobile.
"All right," says Kate, adjusting an enormous pair of mirrored aviator shades. "Then describe the Barstow formation."
Since literal character doubling was such an important part of the plot, I had a lot of fun with thematic character doubling, too. Carlos and Kate (and the other grad students) are actually pretty close in age, and here we see her willing to put herself into danger to get the job done while casually chatting with her colleagues. Also, there’s a nice dose of karma for the books in Carlos having to deal with someone else oversharing details about their relationships, compounded by the fact that unlike his all of Kate’s are actually true. (In nicer doubling news: Kate is the one who gets her degree in science, has functional romantic relationships, AND continues to work in Night Vale, which are all eventually Carlos’ hashtag life goals.) 
"Maybe it was future you," asks Julie, who does not sound appropriately concerned for the potentially diverted course of the Currents of Time. Or for the potentially diverted course of the already unlinear life of Carlos.
This is the first conversation where she’s ‘Julie’ in his mental narration. I enjoyed having her be hilariously unsympathetic to his concerns here, because her priorities are still very different, but it also sets up a baseline. She doesn’t bother worrying about hypotheticals from the weird shit, but actual hard data (like, Carlos not sleeping and having minor breakdowns in her lab) is what prompts her to share reactions besides SCIENCE! and snark.
His stomach roils at the thought of more time travel. "Some kind of illusion is more likely," he says: some person or creature temporarily assuming his form, probably for sinister purposes. He reluctantly adds those weird doubles from the sandstorm to his list of possible suspects, though his dissolved right in front of him in the middle of next March and there haven't been any sandstorms recently.
oh hey haha what’s that
One of my biggest pet peeves in fiction is when allegedly intelligent characters ignore obvious plot points so the writer can railroad the story in their chosen direction. On the other hand, it is genuinely difficult to avoid spoiling your plot twists if your main character is actively trying to figure them out. I leaned heavily on “the character has all the basic details… along with so much other information they can’t realistically narrow it down”, combined with some red herrings: an obvious one (illusion magic) and hopefully a more convincing one (time travel as the only relevant plot: it's DEFINITELY involved, but its presence is obscuring another facet of the plot altogether).
There's always a risk that astute readers will figure it out, but, like… so? That just means instead of shocking plot twist reveal, they get an “I KNEW IT!” reveal, which is equally satisfying in a different way. As long as the characters have convincing reasons for not figuring it out, it's hopefully still enjoyable to follow along with them as they wander around in the dark. 
(And just for clarification: that was Doppel-Carlos crashing the town hall meeting when he and Dr. Raith were testing out time vortices.) 
Andre hands him a copy of the Night Vale Daily Journal. “’Look your best to face the void. Smooth-chinned souls are most enjoyed’,” reads Carlos. “‘Burma-Shave.’”
"No, below the ads," says Andre.
1) ‘character reads wrong piece of information in paper’ is a classic goof (“There’s a sale at Penney’s!”) and I found it very amusing to repeatedly attribute it to Carlos, since he’s genuinely trying to locate the important information. Unfortunately for him, he lives in Night Vale and no longer has a filter for “useless nonsense”, because even the nonsense has proven relevant and/or kinda murdery before.
2) Burma-Shave! This was passed down to me as part of our Great American Roadtrip Family Lore (I come from a long line of roadtrippers) and it’s definitely the kind of kitschy 50s detail that fits so well in Night Vale.
"Oh!" says Cecil. "What were you studying?"
"Bioremediation for contaminated pit lakes via sulfur-reducing bacteria," says Carlos truthfully.
Why? Because I edited one of my friends’ papers on it, that’s why. (Birds kept landing on it and dying, which is also a very Night Vale detail.)
When he returns, he finds Cecil standing by the record player with his back against the wall, staring fixedly at Carlos’ vinyl copy of Ixnay on the Hombre.
One of the DF books (I think White Night) had a hilariously high number of characters showing up wearing band t-shirts, and Carlos’ was for The Offspring. (The original file name for this fic was Original Prankster, back when I thought it would be three chapters long.)
“It’s about a wizard stranded in a strange, uncharted desert territory,” [Cactus Judy] says serenely.
Cactus Jane! I decided to make her a recurring character because 1) she’s in a time travel episode (Episode 18: The Traveler), 2) both she and TMITJ had the detail where no one can remember their real name, which seemed significant, and 3) WTNV itself did not have very many recurring female characters at that point. She’s into Shakespeare because I personally knew a lot of relevant Shakespeare quotes, but also as a hint that’s she’s a lot older (and thus a lot more supernatural) than she seems: Shakespeare was a HUGE part of pop culture in the 19th century, particularly in the southwest. Theater companies used to make more money going on tour through states with precious metal mines than they did during their whole season in the big coastal cities, probably because jaded city folks never threw gold nuggets on stage to show their appreciation.
If life is a contest between good and evil, Cecil would be one of the people handing out stickers just for participating.
This is one of my favorite lines.
My plan is fool-proof! It's sheer elegance in its simplicity!
Look, if you enjoyed this fic, WTNV, and/or The Dresden Files, you should probably go watch The Middleman. Yes, I know it’s not streaming, do it anyway. Load up on antivenom and go rent it from your local library.
“Could you [create a time vortex]?""Oh, for sure," says Carlos. "All I'd need would be a couple years to do nothing but work on a highly illegal spell and figure out a way to steal an entire ley-line's worth of power and excise my sense of morality and self-preservation.”
And WHAT are the odds of THAT
It's not that Carlos doesn't like him. It just wouldn't be fair to lead him on when Carlos wouldn't actually—
Well, Carlos wouldn’t mind asking but he doesn’t normally go for—
Okay, Carlos could definitely make an exception for Cecil and—
oh NO he accidentally used logic to make himself admit he has FEELINGS
One of the reasons I love this pairing is that you have Cecil, who is incredibly emotionally open (all the time, on public radio) as a distinct contrast to Carlos, who is so used to putting up a very specific facade that he even does it to himself and then struggles when he doesn't have it to rely on. It creates conflict, but it also means they have very different perspective they can share with each other. 
"Did the earth move for you, too?" says Cecil.
"Bwuh?" replies Carlos.
"At the monitoring station," says Cecil, because right, they're talking about science and not about how Carlos may or may not have accidentally developed a tiny, tiny crush on Cecil, who is standing right in front of him and looking extremely interested in what he's saying and will commit his words to memory and lovingly repeat them for all the world, or at least all of Night Vale and anyone else who received the same odd death curse as Carlos, to hear.
"Oh. Hmm – unh," replies Carlos, then shakes his head. Not talking, that's the way to go. That way he won't accidentally say something he doesn't mean, or worse, something he does mean but probably shouldn't say. Cecil can ask him science questions and he can shake his head yes or no, and maybe refer him wordlessly to supplementary materials, and it will all be very professional and—
"Where did you get your shirt?" asks Cecil. "It fits you so well."
"I'll look at my notes and computer models and see if I can figure out what's going on," Carlos blurts out, and practically runs from the room.
One of the reasons I started writing this fic (SEPTEMBER 2013, BABY god I feel old) was because we all knew Carlos was immensely important to Cecil, but had relatively little information about him, and ALL of it was filtered through our unreliable narrator. So… I just kind of ran with that. 
But on top of the obvious unreliability of “didn't notice Carlos was a wizard from a different series”, I wanted to do it on the smaller scale, too, and put a different spin on the touchstones of their growing relationship that everyone was already familiar with. So this interaction is now a crisis for both of them, and for dramatically/hilariously different reasons. 
“If you’re worried about going native, I’ve got bad news for you, buddy, because you do more chanting than anyone I’ve met.”
Another one of my favorite lines.
“I’ve had to hunt down people I know before, and trust me, it’s not a fun date night!”
Between Molly and fanon interpretations of Cecil, Carlos’ type is apparently 1) weird tattoos, 2) unusually-colored hair, and 3) can kill him
There's a brief hiss from the TV's speakers, and then Cecil says, in a small, forlorn voice, “I don't know if he listens to me, sometimes.”
Carlos puts his head down and laughs bitterly.
But even though I wanted to subvert the surface meaning, Cecil DOES still have a point. He got a good look at Carlos’ soul when they first met and still fell in love instantly, but Carlos has a difficult time hearing that because at this point he fundamentally does not believe he’s worthy of that kind of love. In order to truly believe Cecil, he also has to start learning to love and accept himself. (It’s very much a work in progress, but nobody’s perfect.) The title isn’t just meant to refer to romantic love – self-love, friendship, familial love, and unconditional love for the humanity of his trash fire town are equally important, because they all support each other.
hmu for more dvd commentary!
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raendown · 5 years
Writer Asks
Got tagged in this whole ass meme by @a-kid-named-hiro so I did the whole ass meme for ya bud. Enjoy. 
ink: what do you do to “set the mood” when writing?
lol I don’t, I just open the Word document and start writing
pen and paper: do you prefer writing by hand or on a device? why?
Typing always. I type a lot faster than I write by hand and since I’ll have to type it up eventually I might as well do it the first time.
diary: how many pieces have you written that are just for you or will never see the light of day?
The only things that never see the light of day are the abandoned pieces.
journal: do you ever write just so you can enjoy something to read?
No, I write because I have stories to tell. If I just needed something to read I would go open up my AO3 bookmarks or grab a book from my library.
novella: do you prefer to write short stories, one-shots, or entire novels?
Depends? I find my strength is in the mid-length stories. Longer ones tend to lose their quality as I go along, at least in my eyes, and I can pump out short stories quicker to feel more productive. But lately I have been more proud of my longer stories as I get more practice with them. 
pulitzer: tell about/link a piece where you felt your writing was the best.
Some things I think I did particularly well on would be In Memory Of, Crowns of Blood and Bone, Protostellar, and Wounded lips and Salted Cheeks.
genre: what genre do you prefer to write in?
Romance and humor.
narrator: what pov do you like writing in best?
Third person past tense. Present tense can be fun too but it’s much harder.
backstory: how did you come to love writing?
In seventh grade we had a ‘writing café’ every Friday during class time where anyone who had written a poem or something could stand up and read it to the class. I was hooked the first time someone said they enjoyed something of mine and I realized that the stories and images in my head could be shared with other people.
time-lapse: how long have you been writing (as a hobby or for work)?
Poetry since seventh grade. Song lyrics since about ninth grade. Stories and fanfiction since ninth grade as well but only publishing them since around eleventh grade I think.
characterization: describe your favorite character(s) you’ve written.
Tobirama, Madara, and Kakashi are always my favorites to make the main character. Their emotions are always so fun to play with. Izuna is amazing to have as a side character because his personality is just super fun. I only have two OCs, both of whom really only appear in one piece each, but I love both Uchiha Susumu and Senju Rei.
carnegie: what authors and/or books/stories have inspired you to write or influenced your work?
David Eddings, favorite author.
faulkner: what tropes do you LOVE writing? which ones are your guilty pleasure?
Soulmates, OBVIOUSLY. Also characters who end up somehow being forced to sleep in the same bed as the person they are secretly in love with, I haven’t written tons of that but I have 85 ideas per day that revolve around it. Same situation for one person getting injured for another person and accidentally letting it slip that they’re in love as they fade to black (to of course wake up in a hospital very embarrassed). MUTUAL PINING. A/B/O is a fave, I need to write more for that. I legitimately have an entire list of tropes somewhere on here…
o’connor: what tropes/genres do you dislike writing?
I’m not great with mystery or anything political. I don’t particularly go wild for the whole “I saved you from a bad relationship and now you’re suddenly in love with me” thing. Cheating is not something I want to write about. Unhappy endings or just straight angst with no light at the end of the tunnel. Off the top of my head I can’t think of many tropes I don’t like but I know there are some.
dickinson: what insecurities do you have about your own writing? what do you think you should improve on?
Oh lots of things. I need to work on fleshing out more than just the relationship between the main love interests, to build the world around more than just them. I need to work on remembering the little subplots I hint at then never follow through with. Pacing. Foreshadowing, I always make things super obvious and I very rarely manage to surprise people with what happens next. Personally I see my story ideas as predictable so I’d like to come up with more daring plots or aus.
playlist: what kind of music/songs help you write? do you have a writing playlist?
I don’t listen to anything while I write, complete silence. If music helps me ever then it would be me hearing a song somewhere and thinking “this line or song would make a great fic”.
record: have you written things based off of songs? do you like to?
Dirty Work and Let’s Hurt Tonight were both written for specific songs and I wrote several songfics back when they were popular like a decade ago. Honestly I kind of miss them. They were super cheesy and often poorly executed but I’ve always been a fan of accidental confessions and using music to do that was always hilarious.
nobel: have you published anything you’ve written? online or irl?
Other than on fanfiction websites no.
notepad: can you write anywhere or do you have to be in a specific place and mood to write?
Anywhere there is enough quiet for me to concentrate, so long as I have something to type or write on.
parchment: how often do you or your personal life influence your writing?
Not particularly often.
dedication: if you were to publish a book or multiple, who would you dedicate the book(s) to?
My fiancé, the people who believed in me here first in fanfiction, and anyone who was a particular help while writing it.
trope: what’s a pet peeve you have about writing?
When I know exactly what I want to happen but the words just won’t come to me.
input: what’s something you hate that people say to you about writing/your writing?
I actually don’t like being compared to other writers. When someone tells me “this reminds me of a fic by so-and-so” it always makes me think “Okay but I’m not them. I’m me. So did you like this on its own merits or did you only like it because it made you think or someone else?” Also not a fan of when someone tells me that the characters would not have reacted a certain way or done a certain thing. Fanfiction is about each person’s interpretation of the characters. None of us are the actual author so none of us have the authority to be up in other people’s comments making them feel bad.
critic: what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received about writing?
Stop worrying about whether people will like it. Make sure YOU like it. It will always flow more easily that way and there will always be a few people to enjoy the things you do.
mifflin: what do you feel is your strong suit in writing?
Writing emotions. I’m an emotional person, what can I say?
houghton: what’s something you love that people compliment your pieces on?
I love when they point out a specific turn of phrase they enjoyed or they pick out a specific small detail so I know the little things don’t go unnoticed. Really any compliment is incredible and very appreciated. Did you like the pacing? The characterization? The dialogue? Amazing, you have my whole heart for even mentioning one of those things.
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fortysevenswrites · 5 years
11/11 Writing Tag
Tagged by one of my fav Rogue One writers, @theputterer, and I’m glad I came across it on my dash because I didn’t get the email about the @, so…thanks Tumblr…
I was also tagged a couple weeks ago by @incognitajones, so I’m going to answer their all 22 questions in one long post, so—be aware of that.
Rules: Answer the 11 questions of the person who tagged you; make up 11 questions; tag 11 people to answer them.
@theputterer’s questions:
What is your favorite fandom to write for?
I think my favorite fandom to write for would have to be whatever fandom is in the forefront of my mind. I’m not exactly one to hop from fandom to fandom. It’s more - here’s the current fixation, watch how it takes over my life. It’s how it’s been since…as far as I can remember.
So, I guess for an actual answer, it would mean The Punisher, which—I’m not going to lie—I started about thinking about writing for before I watched anything from either Daredevil or The Punisher. And I thought to myself, I have to be good and start from the beginning, but I didn’t feel like slogging through DDS1 (still don’t), so I said fuck it and started season two. Best. Decision. ever.
Remember - do whatever the hell you want.
What is your most “hot take” of a headcanon?
Hmmmmmm. That’s a good question.
For Star Wars, I’d say that Padme is definitely force sensitive as fuck (which also probably explains why I bring her in as a Force Ghost in all my Sequel Trilogy fic. Also, Leia Fucking Badass Organa is more force sensitive than Luke.
For Daredevil/The Punisher, I head canon that Karen doesn’t actually think of Matt as her ex-boyfriend. I really don’t. They went on a date and a half, and made out once. (I will give them credit for having a nice make-out scene, even though I definitely do not ship them and Matt’s not high in my hierarchy of favorite Netflix-MCU characters).
Is there a trope you just can’t stand?
I’d have to say a tie between ABO and Poly, but now that I’m typing it, ABO definitely comes out ahead. I just can’t. For poly ships, it has to be written REALLY well for me to be about it.
But mostly just, no.
In what writing area or style would you most like to improve?
I’d love to get better at action scenes. I’m great at exposition and dialogue, and dropping epic plot-twist bombs, but fight scenes are hard, yo.
What’s an AU you’d like to write but haven’t, and why haven’t you written it?
Since binging Star Trek Discovery this year, I really want to do a Kastle/Star Trek Disco AU, and that’s if I have to pick an AU. I’m really best served in the canon-divergence side of fandom, but if there’s one I’d like to try to tackle eventually (like after The Big Indulgence), it would be that one. Especially after how ST:D pulled off the season 2 finale, because holy shit.
Describe an OC you created for a fic in five sentences or less.
From my stilllllll unfinished MCU AU, Just Fake It (And No One Will Know You’re In Over Your Head) Charlotte Lewis:
1. Darcy Lewis’ younger sister.
2. Adorable genius.
3. Insomniac.
4. Badgers Bucky until he agrees to teach her Russian.
5. Is very, very, very (SPOILERS).
I promise, I’ll finish it someday.
What is your best writing tip?
Just write. Inspiration isn’t going to hit every single day, but if you want to be a consistent writer and churn out fic at whatever pace you want (or even your own original fiction work), then you have to just write. It doesn’t matter if it’s shit, as long as you get words on the page, you can go back and make them suck less.
Name a writer who has influenced your writing style, and how.
That woman who wrote Harry Potter (whose name I do not like using anymore, because reasons) inspired me to be interested in fantasy, and open the door to my love of reading and creating stories (including stories that are, you know, better).
Which character do you wish you wrote more about, and why don’t you?
I want to write more Mitchell Ellison, specifically Ellison interacting with Frank. The stories I read where they meet are some of my favorites. The only thing stopping me is that I haven’t had the chance to fit him into any of my current plots…yet.
How do you deal with writer’s block?
I have 2 favorite things to do. One is to just talk out the overall plot of the fic or story with a friend (that usually helps me fill and plot holes and get around blocks), or I go on a walk and run through the story in my head. That’s a great way to go about it.
If you wrote a story that was a fusion of two separate fandoms, which would they be?
Well, I’d also like to write a Kastle/Veronica Mars fusion, and damnit now I have another potential plot bunny to throw into my ALREADY FULL HUTCH DAMMIT.
@incognitajones’ questions:
What was the last book you read, and what did you think of it?
Fiction-wise, I recently re-read my one of my favorite easy reads, The Givenchy Code by Julie Kenner. It’s The DaVinci Code, but with fashion.
Are you a multishipper or an OTP type of fan?
It really depends on the fandom, but I tend to lean more toward OTP.
What’s a song you always sing along to?
Throwing it back to 2006: Call Me When You’re Sober by Evanescence since
If you could be adopted by a Star Wars character, who would it be?
None of the men.
But probably Padme or Sabe (#HandmaidensForLife)
A movie you can’t help but stop and watch when it’s on TV
Battleship. It has its problem, but it also has Taylor Kitsch.
What city/country would you really like to visit?
Japan and Australia. I’ve committed myself to traveling more now that I’ve left my job and started my own online business that lets me work from wherever I want.
If you had to live in a historical era (i.e. more than 50 years in the past), which would you choose?
Oh god, I don’t know if I could live without my laptop.
Would you rather be rich or have amazing talent in your chosen field?
You can have both.
That one little pet peeve you know is irrational but still bugs you
We don’t have time to list them all, but probably people who are bad at reading aloud. That’s been a big one since I was in school.
What’s a favourite small indulgence when you want to treat yourself?
Since cookie dough shops (like, places that are just like ice cream shops, but they sell edible cookie dough instead) are super in right now, there’s a shop around the corner from my place, and it’s super dangerous. I try to go only when I have something big to celebrate.
As a child, did you have a favourite toy or stuffed animal?
I had (and still have) a yellow blanket that’s super worn and threadbare and soft. It still lives with me in my bed. I’ve also had a stuffed cow since. Was 17 that’s traveled with me wherever I’ve lived. Including 10 months in Alabama.
And now, I’m going to tag for my 11 questions: @ck90, @the-restless-brook, @nxbodygoesafterher, @arms-and-arrows, @tuntematonkorppi, @heidiamalia, @ninzied, @thevampirecat, @ejunkiet, @kteague, and @jynirso (and anyone else who wants to answer.
Are you more of a Crowley or more Aziraphale?
What is your favorite fic you’ve ever read? (Give me recs, people!)
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve ever written?
If you had 8 million dollars to spend on your dream home, where would it be?
What is your Oh-Hell-No-est of NoTPs?
If money was no object, what would your career be?
What is a fandom you’ve never written for, but would like to?
One shots or series?
If you walked into a library and could not find a new book to read that tickles your fancy, what would your default be?
Are you afraid of clowns?
Do you prefer writing short-fic or long-fic?
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for the writer's ask, every question please! ^^
Nkcjnikanidnwienf what the- anon, you’re really sweet, but i wish you’d reveal yourself so that i can answer this privately lol. No one else wants to know this stuff omg. Okay well, here we go! The answers are under the cut.
ink: what do you do to “set the mood” when writing?
If it’s a piece I’m continuing, I’ll reread it from the start and make some changes her and there, and that way I can kind of segue from editing to writing some more. If it’s a piece i’m just starting out, i need to stay really quiet for a while and map it out clearly in my head so i’ll know the general direction of where the story is going.
pen and paper: do you prefer writing by hand or on a device? why?
It really depends for me. I use both my ipad and my notebook interchangeably. I’ve realised that after I’ve used one of them for too long, I’ll tend to write better and longer on the other. 
diary: how many pieces have you written that are just for you or will never see the light of day?
So many. So, so many, ya’ll. 
journal: do you ever write just so you can enjoy something to read?
I enjoy the process of writing but I never enjoy my end product. Idk, it’s a really weird thing. But in the end, my stories are for other people to read.
novella: do you prefer to write short stories, one-shots, or entire novels?
Short stories for sure. 
pulitzer: tell about/link a piece where you felt your writing was the best.
It isn’t posted yet, and I’m still in the process of writing it. It’s a library fixit with thirteen and river, and I think it’s really some of my best writing. I love it, and I’m really proud of it, and I can’t wait to share it once it’s done.
genre: what genre do you prefer to write in?
Uhh I guess romance? Or angst?
narrator: what pov do you like writing in best?
Third person for sure.
backstory: how did you come to love writing?
When i was a kid i read the harry potter books and i remember being absolutely obsessed with them. I would carry those books around with me everywhere, and that fandom was the one that introduced me to fanfiction as a reader. With reading came writing and i discovered that i was a natural talent (my teacher’s words), and it just grew from there. My love of English and language grew even more and i kept reading and writing until I just couldn’t imagine my life without it. 
time-lapse: how long have you been writing (as a hobby or for work)?
I’ve been writing for maybe five to six years? Rough estimate.
characterization: describe your favorite character(s) you’ve written.
I only really write two characters - neither of them are mine, so hehe. 
carnegie: what authors and/or books/stories have inspired you to write or influenced your work?
Harry potter, as mentioned. And i had the lovely pleasure of reading amazing works from my other fandom, NCIS. And then this current fandom i’m in is just blessed with gifted writers everywhere and every single one of their works have influenced my writing in some way, shape or form, even if they don’t know it. I honestly just,,, read really really great fic from really really great writers until i decided i wanted to become one of them, too.
faulkner: what tropes do you LOVE writing? which ones are your guilty pleasure?
Omg. I have wayyy to many guilty pleasures. I love when like, things are going perfectly and it’s all sunshine and balloons until something majorly bad happens and everything starts to fall apart. And there’s angst and hurting and fights and screaming. I love that. I write that a lot. But i love it even more when it comes with a happy ending, just cuz i need that energy in my life. Some other tropes i really really like are: fake dating, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, they’re both in love with each other but are too afraid to say anything so they pine with doe eyes, and so many more i can’t think of right now but the list is never ending, i assure you. 
o’connor: what tropes/genres do you dislike writing?
dickinson: what insecurities do you have about your own writing? what do you think you should improve on?
playlist: what kind of music/songs help you write? do you have a writing playlist?
I do not. Though when i’m writing doctor/river, i do listen to ‘The Wedding of River Song’, ‘Melody Pond’, ‘The Woman He Loves’ and ‘The Singing Towers’. Just to remind myself how in love they are. 
record: have you written things based off of songs? do you like to?
Omg. I just did a whole thing on discord about ‘How Deep Is Your Love’ by the Bee Gees and how i associated it with doctor/river. I was crying to cassie and bernie all night about it lol. I love write things based off songs, but it’s more likely to be meta than fic. 
nobel: have you published anything you’ve written? online or irl?
If i ever get the chance to publish original works in real life i’ll never shut up about it, trust me. Many moons ago, i used to publish original stuff on wordpress, but then i deleted my account so. Nah. Only on ao3 for now, lads. 
notepad: can you write anywhere or do you have to be in a specific place and mood to write?
I have to be alone. I cannot work with anyone else in the room. I need it to be quiet, so i can hear myself think. 
parchment: how often do you or your personal life influence your writing?
Not that often. My life is boring and all the action seems to come from my stories so.
dedication: if you were to publish a book or multiple, who would you dedicate the book(s) to?
Everyone who has supported me in my writing. So mostly my friends online. 
trope: what’s a pet peeve you have about writing?
When i do this damn annoying thing where i’m so ready, i have my notebook and pen or my ipad or whatever, and then i sit there and i…. dont…. write
input: what’s something you hate that people say to you about writing/your writing?
When they tell me something about my writing that is blatantly false
critic: what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received about writing?
“you do you, boo.”
mifflin: what do you feel is your strong suit in writing?
A lot of people say i’m good at writing emotions. So i guess that??? 
houghton: what’s something you love that people compliment your pieces on?
When they’ve given thought to my story and they notice something that was actually unintentional and it just feels like they really love my story to give it that much attention, ya know? But i do love every single comment you guys give me, i swear. :)
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hydrospanners · 5 years
A-Z on the writing meme because I need to know absolutely everything immediately.
WELP okay but just remember you asked for what’s about to happen. meme is here. most of this is under a cut cause i’m longwinded as hell.
A. If you could rec a piece of music to accompany one of your fics, what would you pick? Why?
Um I absolutely was vibing to Lips by The xx when I wrote a wish your heart makes and you should too.
B. Who’s your favorite side-character from something you wrote?
I feel like the answer here is supposed to be Doc because he is not The Main Character in the game but also I have written about him and from his POV so much it feels unfair to call him a side character at this point. So instead I’m going to say this random woman named Cherita who was just trying to make a midnight snack for her pregnant wife from a little eggstra. I thought she had a lot of character for someone I pulled out of my ass for the sake of an outside perspective.
C. Get any good comments on your stuff this year?
I am thirsty for praise and I feel every single comment is a good comment but I think the one that sticks out to me is when I wrote a wish your heart makes someone said something like “if you like doc at all you have to read this” and I don’t remember who it was or where they said it but it really stuck with me!!! If that was you, thank you!!!!
D. Any drawings or pictures that had a big influence on your writing?
No!!! I feel guilty about this answer somehow but it’s true. I think it would be a fun challenge to try to write a piece of fic inspired by someone’s art so I may play with that idea next year (Editor’s Note: it was still 2k18 when I wrote the answer for this one) but for 2k18 the answer is no. :(
E.  Who’s your favorite main character you’ve written?
I feel like this answer is obvious but it’s my girl Rea. I’ve reincarnated her as an Inquisitor and a Pathfinder but the OG Jedi Knight is still my fave.
F. What stories are you planning for the future?
I won’t pretend that a lot of planning goes in to my fic. I normally only write short bits so it kind of goes like this: I have a concept, I write the bit I fixate on, and then it sits in my WIPs for five years until I get motivated during some Fictober or something to finally finish it.
I will say I do have serious designs to finally finish the second chapter of the things you do for love are gonna come back to you one by one as that one is a little more complex than stuff I usually write. I have plans to do some kinda flashback-y thing that finally lays out The Velaran Backstory in clear and obvious terms after years of hints and tidbits I’ve been peppering through my fic. I also have a thing planned and kinda partly written about the first instance of horrific violence in the lives of all the Knight’s companions. Also I have a long series of AU vignettes that glimpses into universes where Rea is a Sith or Kira never made it off Korriban or Rusk remained a pacifist or where Rea never joined the Jedi after losing her family the second time. Stuff like that.
G. Where do you think you grew the most this year?
Structure? I’ve been really working on trusting my reader to bridge some gaps and not letting myself get caught up in details that are important for me to know to write the next part but that don’t necessarily need to be in the story. I think I’ve really tightened up my game where trimming the fat and staying focused are concerned.
H.  How do you write? Paper, pen, computer? Music, no music?
My fic writing process is very different from when I am trying to write original stuff and is even kind of different depending on the mood I’m going for? I always write fic in Google Drive cause I write fic from a lot of different machines and need the easy cloud saving.
My ideal condition for fic writing is listening to instrumental music or ambient sounds playing through headphones either in a coffeehouse or the library or when I am at home completely alone. Angst and smut are best written at night with the lights low and warm. Comedy and fluff are best written in the late afternoon/early evening after one single alcoholic beverage (any more than and one I am drunk and no longer capable of writing).
Realistically though, I usually write in whatever time I have. Mostly at work. My job requires me to sit at a desk and wait for things to happen. Since I start work at 5am, things usually aren’t happening. Even with me going out of my way to create new work for myself and excel at what work I do have, I have a lot of downtime. I spend it writing fic. I get interrupted too much to have the focus I need for original writing, but fic writing is much easier so mostly I write my fic at this bland little desk under the terrible fluorescent lights with lots of noise and interruptions, occasionally playing a thematic playlist very quietly in the background.
I.  What’s your favorite work you did this year? Why?
This is a very tough question. Surprisingly, I published a lot of things that I really liked? ([not pictured: me high fiving me for finally allowing myself to state that I like my own writing]) I think I’ll go with when the wicked play if I have to pick just one. Relative to my other work I think it’s very structurally sound and thematically focused and pretty efficient with its characterization and imagery without ever getting too sparse. Also I’m a slut for examining the commonplace nature of violence and brutality in the Star Wars universe.
J.  What are the best jokes you told this year? Any jokes you thought were funny that people didn’t catch? Vice-versa?
I’m gonna say the pun I used as the title for bars and stripes. Honestly the whole fic is a joke and I like it and I don’t care if anyone catches it or not because I know that I am hilarious and no one will ever convince me otherwise.
K. Who have you killed this year? Why did they have to die?
No one, I think? I don’t think I even mentioned any specific off-screen deaths except for shit from the decades old Tragic Backstories. Not even Valkoriate. I’m not an especially murderful writer, maybe because I haven’t had to deal with a lot of that kind of loss in my own life. Mostly I write about things that are somehow adjacent to my own emotional state/journey. That’s why I fixate a lot on the weight of duty and moral philosophy and the nuances and complications of relationships, of how you can hurt someone and be hurt by them and still love them and how messy yet fulfilling the whole thing is. Thankfully--for me--not a lot of grieving the dead in there yet.
L.  Which character did you most write about this year, and why do you like ‘em?
Pretty sure it’s Rea. Maybe Doc because of the Docember thing I squeezed in at the last second but I’m still pretty sure it’s Rea. Pretty sure it always is.
There’s a particular kind of release I get from writing her because her whole sloppy person is a part of me that doesn’t often see the light of day. I won’t say she’s aspirational because I like who I am and I don’t have any special destiny or Force powers or anything to save me when the consequences of living like she does catch up. But there are pieces of her that I admire, pieces that are still part of me that I have a hard time expressing, and spending time with her gives me a little more strength to unlock those dark musty corners of who I am, I guess? Writing Rea makes me a little more bold, a little less apologetic, a little less prone to overthinking and anxious fretting and a little more prone to doing. She makes me feel strong enough to ask for the things I want and confident enough to feel like I deserve them.
Also she is a damn good time, even when she’s falling apart.
M. Meta! Have any meta about a story you’re dying to throw out there?
Of course I do. I could ramble for hours about the story behind any single one of my stories. Aren’t all of us creative types like that??? Don’t we all love to talk about what we were going for and why we made the choices we did??? What we liked and what we think needs improvement??? Why we wanted to make the thing we made in the first place???
I could ramble about this for hours and honestly the possibilities are overwhelming so I am not going to go into any detail and just say yes. Obviously I am willing to ramble about the story behind every single story I’ve published but there’s 63 of them so if there’s something specific you want to hear about you’ll have to ask about the specific one!!!
N. Anything you were planning to write that never got written?
Nothing will ever be “never got written” until I am dead and unable to write. I am still going back to WIPs from 2014. I am rewriting garbage exercises I wrote in 2013. I like to think everything in my WIP folder will eventually be moved to my Published folder and I am going to keep thinking that until I am physically incapable of writing.
O. Do you believe in outlines? Show us one!
I believe in them very much and yet I do not practice them usually. I rely on them more with my original work which is longer and more involved and doesn’t already have a convenient structure to follow in the form of 300000 hours of video game. Most of my fic is really short, just a single scene or so. I usually start out by writing the moment that inspired me to write the fic and fill in the before and after. I do have an outline for the second half of the things you do for love are gonna come back to you one by one but I don’t really want to share it for something that isn’t written yet!
P. What are your pet peeves in other people’s work?
This question makes me kinda uncomfortable so here we go with some disclaimers: I write the stories that I want to read or that I really need to tell to satisfy something inside of me and I assume other authors do the same. I don’t want to say anything here that might have a chilling effect on someone exploring some idea they really need to explore, even if it’s tired or cliche or offends my own tastes. Writing is very personal and I think everyone should tell the stories they want to, whether anyone else likes them or not.
That being said, I am always desperately wishing for more media about close, intimate friendships and familial bonds. As someone who isn’t interested in sexual or romantic relationships, it makes me weep basically every time I read a story about characters who are friends or family that give that kind of relationship all of the value and weight and nuance that you see romantic relationships getting. It is a very special kind of feeling to see that it is possible for people to value what I have to offer them as much they might value someone who will romance them and sleep with them. It is very validating to see the possibility of emotional intimacy with people outside of romantic/sexual partners.
But I would never want anyone to feel bad about or stop writing their romances and their smut. That stuff speaks to people and that’s what fic is about. Telling the story that speaks to you. I want everyone to write what they want to write and if that leaves gaps, well that’s why I started writing fic in the first place. There was a story I needed to read and no one had written it yet, so I did it myself.
TL;DR Genfic & friendfic & familyfic is the greatest gift anyone could ever give me, but no one should write to satisfy other people. Always write for yourself first and foremost.
Q. Quote three bits of writing you read his year. Can be your writing, or not.
I keep little quotes everywhere--index cards and sticky notes scattered among all my belongings, snippets on my phone, untitled documents on every cloud service there is, random word docs hidden amongst my many hard drives--but the only ones I can find right now are from @meonlyred‘s Dark Horse so please enjoy three bits from that fic that I loved:
They remained sitting on the floor, Rossa leaned against him, eyes staring into the distance. Her silence might as well have been weeping.
I just love how I can feel the vacant, numb quality of her despair in this line. How it feels more poignant for its lack of drama.
“You're an idiot and I hate your hair,” Jonas said over the rim of his glass.
I mean.... Do I need to explain this?
He had never believed in happily ever afters. Not for him, at least. But the cruelest thing about being with Rossa was that he had begun to believe that maybe, just maybe, it was possible.
Closing his eyes, Theron didn’t expect to open them again.
This little snippet still punches me in the gut no matter how many times I read it. It’s so relateable and so Theron and so painful.
R. If you had to rewrite one of your stories from scratch, which one would it be? What would you do to it?
I don’t think I’d rewrite any of them? At least half of my fic has been completely rewritten once or twice before it ever gets published so I mostly have it out of my system before anyone else sees it.
S. What’s the sexiest thing you wrote this year?
a wish your heart makes. It may also be the saddest thing I wrote this year which I consider an achievement. (I was asked for smut but I literally do not know how to write just smut without anything else going on in the story.)
T. Themes, motherfucker, do you have them? What are they?
The importance and nature of family (it is what you make it and not what you were born with! but sometimes you get lucky and get to choose the one you were born with!)! The cost/impact of violence and war! Failure and coming back from failure! The nature of what is right and what is wrong and how much responsibility any one individual bears for the moral direction of their society!!!!
I don’t think I’ve ever written anything that didn’t include at least one of these concepts and most of my stuff deals heavily in at least two of them.
U. Any stories that took a abrupt u-turn from where you thought they were going?
Yep! I was trying to make a stupid joke about a haircut when I started making take back what the kingdom stole but in working my way backward from the joke I ended up with a heartfelt exploration of my character’s past emotional trauma, her character growth, and the nature of friendship and forgiveness.
V. Which story was the most viscerally pleasing to write? Tell us your narrative kinks.
I don’t know that I would necessarily call the sensation pleasing but, once again, the things you do for love are gonna come back to you one by one was probably the story that made me feel the most, that I was the most connected to. It hit on every single one of the themes I find compelling and I really got to play with telling the story in the white spaces, which is something I really love. I’ve been working a lot on trusting my readers and not over-explaining and I think this story really saw the impact of that work, stylistically. It’s peak self-indulgence honestly.
W.  Who are your favorite writers?
Does this mean like authors of original published works or fic writers????? How am I supposed to choose???!!!! Either way my reading habits this year have been abominable. I have really been going through some shit, lifewise, (not bad shit but emotionally consuming and time consuming nonetheless) and I had to let the reading go a little bit.
I have been really into NK Jemisin though. Her stories are complex and challenging and there is so much poetry and power in the straightforward way she tells them. I also was obsessed with the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik. The characters were so textured and real with such clear voices and the relationships and ideas were so complex and compelling, yet the story never got weighed down by the heft of the subjects. She has a very light touch as a storyteller that makes her work so easily digestible without making her tale any less impactful or profound.
As for fic…. I’ve got about forty million fics bookmarked, waiting for me to get around to reading them and I am the worst kind of person because I have not yet read any of them. I’m behind on reading one of my very favorite fics right now. I think I’ve read a total of like ten fics this year and straight up probably only read that many because I was doing a bit of beta’ing.
I’m gonna do better in 2019 and I’ll get back to you on all the good shit I’ve read then.
X.  What’s your least favorite work of this year?
crapshoot. It was a really old concept that probably would have been better as visual art than a fic but my artistic talents were too limited so I wrote it instead. It could probably stand a little more meat and a lot more polish, but I don’t have the time to try and turn every goofy image in my head into a fictional masterpiece.
Y. Why did you write? For fun, for a friend, for acclaim?
For fame and fortune obviously. It’s why most of my fic is about a super popular ship in an enormous fandom.
Or, y’know… not. I write for fun and because I have to. Because there are stories inside of me I want to tell, ideas I feel compelled to explore, things I need to say. It doesn’t matter if anyone else hears them or likes them; I need to get them out of me. Also it’s a really great way to work through my own emotional turmoil at a safe distance, so I can engage with what vexes me without being consumed by it.
Z. If you could choose one work and immediately finish it, what would it be? How would you end it?
the things you do for love are gonna come back to you one by one. It’s the most self-indulgent thing I’ve written probably but it means a lot to me and if I knew how it ended I would have finished it months ago. D:
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himluv · 5 years
This is a post I’ve been planning and stewing on for the better part of six months. It came about as most things do for me, I experienced something that made me ask a question. I was at the West Salem Branch Library, my usual workplace, and I was in the stacks shelving fiction. As I went down the aisle, placing books in their respective places, I noticed that I shelved multiple Science Fiction classics in the general fiction section. Greats like Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, Huxley’s Brave New World, Daniel Keyes’ Flowers for Algernon, and Orwell’s 1984 were all cataloged G-FIC. And not just in my library, but in almost every other library in our consortium of 19 public libraries!
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Ooooh. Shiny….
Initially, I was a bit miffed. Why were some of the most celebrated books in Science Fiction history having their genre erased? Both Fahrenheit 451 and Flowers for Algernon have won Hugo awards (the oldest Science Fiction and Fantasy award in the country), and Keyes’ novel also won a Nebula (the most prestigious of SFF awards, depending on who you ask), but if you visits the Salem Public Library, you won’t find them with their Speculative peers.
I had to know why, so I emailed the Collection Development Librarian at Salem Public Library to learn more. Now, I work with Emily Byers on a number of projects at the library and knew she would answer my question with the care and thoroughness she exhibited in her daily work. I didn’t expect a two page email that detailed all the possible factors that Selectors and Catalogers must consider before deciding where to place a book in the library.
And while she admits that cataloging is both an art and science that is “ultimately subjective”, she outlined some of the criteria she used to decide on genre placement versus general fiction.
Factors range from the librarian specific, Bib Records and BISAC subjects from the vendor, to the discretionary, such as Reader’s Advisory considerations (who would want the book, and how can we make it easier for them to find it?) and how closely a text adheres to genre specific tropes. “In more ambiguous cases I would consider the work as a whole — for example, it may have a science fiction element (i.e. technology that’s not currently available), but without separate world building or other SF elements beyond a future setting, I might put that book in general fiction where it might be found by more readers.”
Hard to be riled up about books being more generally accessible. I mean, that’s the whole point of libraries; to provide services and access to materials. Emily even offered up some reference titles for further research on the topic if I was interested, which I totally am, so she even offered ease of access to me! She really opened my eyes to the work and consideration that goes into selecting and cataloging materials, especially in a library as big as ours, with over 500,000 circulating materials!
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Salem Public Library is a big place, with three levels!
But what really stuck with me from this conversation was an even larger question: what purpose does genre really serve?
In the sense of the library, having collections divided into genres helps facilitate patron searches. For instance, I know that I like to read Science Fiction and Fantasy, but I also know that I’m not as well-versed in the genre as I’d like to be. I can go to the library, find the section I want, and then browse with relative confidence that I will find something that will pique my interest. And I have, on multiple occasions.
But as a writer, why do we write in genres? And how do the two functions of genre, from a writing and reading perspective, gel together?
These are, of course, completely subjective questions. My answer will be wildly different from yours. I read SFF because I love the awe and sense of wonder I get from reading something born from someone else’s imagination. Something I could have never come up with myself. Like pretty much every aspect of N.K. Jemisin’s novels, the setting of Sam J. Miller’s Blackfish City, and pretty much all of Sanderson’s magic systems. I read SFF because it helps me expand my own creativity and strive to write beyond my own perceived limitations.
But, I write SFF for different reasons. I don’t think there’s just one, and I think the reasons will grow and change as I do over the years. Right now, I’m experimenting with analyzing emotions and human motivations, and seem to be most comfortable doing so through a more removed lens, like that of an AI or non-human being. I think I write SFF because I tend to feel a bit separate from my peers, and have found an angle into expressing that isolation within the tropes of Science Fiction and Fantasy.
And thanks to all my reading, I’m learning to build imaginative worlds, invent complex magic systems, and tell stories from perspectives I may not have personally experienced along the way.
I also think that, by writing genre fiction, my stories and their themes are more likely to find readers with similar interests and concerns as myself. By writing genre fiction I may very well limit my audience, but I think I also increase my chances of proving successful with my readership, because we all know, at least a tiny bit, what the heck we’re getting into when we crack open those pages.
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I giggled at this.
Does genre fiction have an advantage over general or literary fiction when it comes to discussing and exploring themes of humanity? I don’t necessarily think so. I think genre fiction has an advantage to me, because it’s the content I’m drawn to, and only the content we ingest actually has the opportunity work its magic on us.
So yes, I was initially peeved to see so many of Science Fiction’s giants shelved in General Fiction, as if the genre had been shorn from their spines because they had ascended from the hive of scum and villainy that so many people think is genre fiction. But, ultimately, placing them in with general fiction makes those titles easier to find for people who might not otherwise think to read them. And that’s a really good thing. Any time a book finds itself in a patron’s hands, that’s a good thing.
Can confirm: this is RA in a nutshell. 
A great thing is when the patron comes back, excited and enthralled, asking, “Do you have anything else like this?”
Nothing feels better than knowing a book suggestion was a hit with the patron and then launching into a discussion of what they liked about it and what they’d like to get out of their next read. That’s what I really love about my job; I get to talk about books with members of my community and help them find their new favorite authors.
And the day I get to show someone that there’s an entire section of the library they might like, the day I can introduce them to Genre Fiction, and they’re world broadens just that little bit more? That’s the best day.
When Genre Might Not Matter Blogland, This is a post I've been planning and stewing on for the better part of six months.
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valamerys · 7 years
Out of Feathers, Out of Bones [an elucien epistolary fic] part 2
Elain travels Prythian learning to accept her new life and powers, but better than any glittering court is her tentative correspondence with her mate. (rated g, set post-acowar)
part 1 on tumblr
on ao3
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Dear Elain,
Please forgive me the time it took me to respond to you. I wanted to be thorough and sure of my answer, and, frankly, I’m still not. But I am immeasurably glad you feel you can talk to me about the mate bond. We should talk about the   I want you to talk to me about the  I promise, I would never think you ignorant for any question you have about it— it’s strange to me too. I wish I had more answers to give you, though. No one knows why mates are paired. They’re not soulmates; most don’t live in romantic harmony— Although some do, and now that I’m back in Velaris, I’m rather aggressively exposed to that fact. I wish I didn’t live in a house that I assume Rhysand and Feyre have had sex in every inch of. But I’m getting off topic. There is also a theory that mates are paired based on maximizing the power of potential biological offspring, but there are same-sex mate bonds, and incidences of mated fae unable to reproduce, so that idea doesn’t hold much water. Rhys has a pet theory about mates being “equals,” which sounds lovely but doesn’t really mean anything concrete, so far as I can tell, beyond sending Rhys into a half-hour long soliloquy about how much he loves Feyre and how their love has transcended and etc etc.
I’m sorry. I’m sure Feyre and Viviane have told you all this; you asked me something more specific.
Yes, I feel you through the bond. All the time  It was strange getting used to, though I’m sure it was not a fraction so strange for me as it was for you. Meeting you and feeling the… source, so to speak, helped. At the risk of overstepping my boundaries, I would tell you that I find it comforting, sometimes— especially at night. I have trouble with bad dreams; being able to feel you, safe, calm, helps. I wish I could repay that to you somehow.
I hate the idea that it frightens you instead. What can I do? There are ways of… blocking the bond, or minimizing it, if that would help you. They’re painful and difficult but if that’s what you want, I would gladly   Alright, the ‘gladly’ is a lie, but ,   cauldron boil me i have got to stop doing this
I don’t know how to end this. You’re not the only one who finds it difficult to talk about these things, believe me, but we should and I want to. Please, please tell me if there’s anything I can do, or if there’s any questions you have. Ever.
Dear Elain,
I completely forgot that you also asked me how Velaris is now that I’ve returned, so I’m sending a second consecutive letter. Very stupid of me, but I’d be remiss not to tell you.
The Night Court is doing quite well, for everyone but me. In a double dose of insult, Cassian has decided my combat training is not up to Illyrian standards and has taken it upon himself to frequently kick my ass, and Rhys has decided my political skills are best put to use cleaning up his subterranean library, the lower levels of which were apparently wrecked in some fight. It’s either a ploy to get Nesta to kill me, or attempt to make us friends, as the library is where she spends much of her time too. Either way, your defense would be welcome, should you return to the night court any time soon. Don’t hurry, of course— your lessons with the Winter Court Seer sound like they’re doing you a world of good, and I’m glad of it.
P.S. I was in the bowels of the library, and had just put down the pen from writing this letter, when a mysterious voice asked what I was writing. I admit I about jumped out of my skin. After some investigation, it would seem that this is a library-dwelling monster of Feyre’s, named Bryaxis, which she did not deign to warn me about. After FURTHER investigation and some indignation on my part, it would appear that Feyre is using me to fulfil her bargain with this creature, who wants, of all things, someone to spend time with. When I asked her why SHE couldn’t do it, Rhysand very conveniently appeared with a half a dozen “high lady” tasks for her to complete. Here’s another fact about the mate bond: mated pairs who are also partners in crime are insufferable.
Anyway, If I stop writing, please assume this monster has eaten me and yell at Feyre on my behalf.
Oh dear, I’m very sorry to hear about your library situation! I’ve written to Nesta and asked her to be nice to you, and to maybe spend time with Bryaxis so you’re not the only one. I’d write to Feyre and scold her for treating you like that but… you’re not wrong, peacetime has made her and Rhys into a couple of hooligans. (I mean that affectionately. Mostly.)
I don’t mean to dismiss your long thoughts on the mate bond by not writing any of my own in response. I am still thinking about things, and need time to decide what I feel before I’m comfortable writing it down. But I appreciate your words very much. In regards to my use of the word “frightened” that distressed you, you have helped alleviate that somewhat; whatever the cauldron’s reasoning for pairing us, it surely must intend to make our lives better, not worse, and if it is doing that for at least one of us by making your nightmares easier to stand, then the bond can’t be a truly bad thing. (I am very sorry, by the way, about your nightmare trouble.)
For the time being, I have no wish to do any of the things you mentioned about weakening the bond, or anything like that. I assume such a procedure would be magical, and I’ve had enough of strange, ancient magics to last me a very long time. But it was very decent of you to offer when I know that’s not really what you want.
I’m sorry, that sounds dour. Really, I’m quite happy! No need to worry about me!
P.S. I almost forgot—Orianna wants to take me to the Summer Court to continue my training. Apparently they have a crystal cave there that can magnify Seer powers, and Feyre has arranged for us to spend some time with High Lord Tarquin while we’re there too. (I think she thinks I can soften him up where the Night Court is concerned— he’s still a little peeved at Rhys for what happened with that book, even if he’s taken the blood rubies back.) Winter is lovely, but I’m excited to go somewhere warm! I’ve noted the places we’ll be staying on the back of this letter, so you know where to send things as we travel. We leave next week!
Dear Elain,
Regarding the bond, I want whatever you want. You’ve been hurt by this far more than me, had far more taken from you. It’s the least I can do to do everything in my power to accommodate your wishes. But if I may ask for one thing, please be honest with me about how you’re doing. It would take a miracle to truly be happy or well-adjusted in your situation, given all that’s happened, and I hate to think that you might be lying about your own feelings to spare mine. If you can’t talk about it, I completely understand— just, please don’t tell me anything untrue.
It turns out that Bryaxis isn’t so bad. In some ways, he’s a better conversationalist than Rhys. He likes to hear stories of my life in other courts, and fortunately, three hundred odd years of political experience has given me plenty to tell. I've told him all about y You would like him. And I appreciate your attempted defense of me from Nesta, although it’s possible it had the opposite effect; she is, as ever, hostile. Perhaps if you told her that you dislike me and have no interest in speaking to me ever again, she might relent? Though that might backfire. Nevermind.
The Illyrians, at least, have warmed up to me. Cassian entertains himself by coming up with vaguely insulting fox-themed nicknames for me during training, and Azriel wordlessly accepts my presence, which seems to be the best anyone achieves with him. I have started naming some of his more distinctive shadows. He initially objected to “Fluffy” and “Lord Shadowkins” but I’m working on it.
It’s clever of Feyre to send you to Tarquin on Night’s behalf—no one could possibly stay angry with you plying them. Tell me how you like the Summer Court; I look forward to hearing more about your training and future likely sunburn.
At first, I was a little angry about your request to be honest with you— I hadn’t thought of myself as lying, per say, so you pointing out that I was made me defensive. But you’re right. I’ve always tried to be the chipper one in my family, the one who was fine and happy and hopeful no matter how hungry we were, I suppose it’s no wonder I’ve begun to do it again. So, the truth: yes, I’m still unhappy. And very sad about Graysen. I suppose it’s getting better, but it’s hard to tell when you do so, so well for three days and then think about him on the fourth and suddenly feel so sad you’ve made no progress at all. Does that make sense? I don’t know. Since the war, everyone has been so kind to me that it seems ungrateful to have any complaints. But I’ve told you in the past that I am beginning to appreciate my powers, and that is true, even though they are sometimes disorienting. I'm glad to be going on this trip; I hope it will give me clarity in addition to increased control over my magic. (Perhaps that is a bit much to ask of what amounts to a beach vacation, but so be it.)
In any case, Orianna and I are in Summer now. We’re staying with an old friend of hers at their estate; we leave for the cave tomorrow and hope to spend a few days there. Kallias was kind enough to send an escort/ guard along, so the three of us are a little band of travellers. I suppose this is obvious, but it’s very hot here. I don’t think I will ever get used to wearing trousers, as Feyre has, but I’ve had to adapt to lighter, shorter skirts. (Goodness, everyone in this court shows so much skin. They must think me a terrible prude.) Speaking of skin, your comment about sunburn has made me very vigilant about protecting mine just to prove you wrong; the Summer Court is no match for large hats and spelled sun lotions!
Above all else, I am happy to be in a place where things grow again. The thing I miss most from my human life—Graysen not withstanding—is my garden; as lovely as the Winter Court is, nowhere so unforgiving could ever be my home. Of course, I have no idea what "home" really means anymore; the Night Court is Feyre's home, not mine. I assume I'll eventually return to live their in some kind of permanence, but this trip is reminding me that I don't have to... the world is so big, now. I hardly know what to do with it.
I'm sure you of all people understand.
We have so many serious things to talk about, but your letters always make me laugh. Thank you for that. Please tell Azriel I strongly support the names “Fluffy” and “Lord Shadowkins” and would also submit for consideration “Boots,” “Snowball,” and “Midnight.”
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